Explain to me why Fallout 1's simple macguffin plot is better than Fallout 2

Fallout 1
>Find water chip macguffin to save people -> big bad Super Mutant army shows up out of the blue -> infiltrate their headquarters -> confront The Master who turns out to be a moron > kills himself after exposing a basic flaw in his plan -> escape base as it self-destructs

Fallout 2
>Find G.E.C.K macguffin to save people -> big bad Enclave shows up out of the blue -> infiltrate their headquarters -> confront genocidal former president of the United States -> defeat lunatic secret service agent Frank Horrigan in a climatic final boss fight -> escape base as it self-destructs

Pseuds need to explain to me again why they consider Fallout 1's plot to be so much better

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  1. 3 years ago

    I mean, bait aside, neither game has a particularly engaging main plot. The whole attraction of the (original) series rests on the incidental bits of writing you encounter along the way rather than on an overall narrative arc that was cliché even then.

    • 3 years ago

      I agree that neither has a particularly engaging plot, which is why it's funny when gays pull the 'muh story' card to argue that 1 is better than 2.
      It's even more laughable when they pretend Fallout 1 doesn't have a silly tone, but that's a topic for another thread.

      • 3 years ago

        it isn't particularly difficult to be less silly than fallout 2

        • 3 years ago

          Yet Fallout 1 has sillier shit than anything in 2. The illusion that 1 is more serious than 2 comes solely from the fact that it's more barren in terms of content.

          Fallout 2 is also darker than 1. Corruption, drug use, gang violence, rape, and slavery are a lot more prevalent in 2. The intro shows a bunch of vault dwellers being massacred, and there's also the scene where Horrigan executes a child along with his parents. .

          • 3 years ago

            >dude you can have SEX in fallout 2, so it's dark

            • 3 years ago

              >I can be raped and rape others in Fallout 2, so it's dark

              • 3 years ago

                the mind of a child

              • 3 years ago

                So rape isn't dark? That's some fine mental gymnastics, kid.

              • 3 years ago

                "Rape" in fiction by default isn't dark. Things like "comedic rape" are often used to lighten the mood in narratives (things like an elf and a dwarf waking up in the same bed naked after the night of partying with both being completely devastated can easily be played for laughs). Outside of comedy, regular people perceive it as yet another crime, no different in perception than arson and murder.

                What makes Rape (and any crime, for that matter) dark is tastefully conveying consequences of the act - a shaken victim that has panic attacks each time the person with the same gender as a criminal appears, gut-retching screams at night, the rapist stalking its victim and extorting money, family cutting ties with the victim, et c.

              • 3 years ago

                Not gonna lie but getting your female character drugged by a kid and raped because she has a 1 int but 10 charisma was way more comedic than it probably should've been.

          • 3 years ago

            Imagine being this full of shit.
            Fallout 1 has a dumb npc or two.
            Fallout 2 has entire areas that are built up around dumb bullshit like actual scientologists complete with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, talking deathclaws, "boohoo why do people hate us muties" human x mutie society, tribals 160 years after society has re-established, a pseudo Las Vegas, more technological than the BoS american-stereotype magical chinese to name just a few moronic things.

            • 3 years ago

              >tribals 160 years after society has re-established
              You must be genuinely moronic or an american if you think this isn't unrealistic

              • 3 years ago

                To be fair, F2 really doesn't bother to explain how technically inclined vault people that followed the Vault Dweller degraded back into tribalistic culture with shamanism. All they had to do was to mention that original tribesmen lived much shorter lives due to weaker immune system and failed to pass their knowledge onto the next generation.

              • 3 years ago

                Between the manual's backstory and the intro, yes it does. People bailed on the Vault, they didn't get to raid it for tech. They started from scratch, and they had hard times between the end of 1 and the start of 2.

              • 3 years ago

                Yeah just look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

              • 3 years ago


              • 3 years ago

                It is unrealistic. There’s no reasonable explanation for why people would regress to primitive conditions.
                Even Bethesda’s Fallouts didn’t bother with this moronic trope.

              • 3 years ago

                New Vegas did a great job at rijigging the idea of tribes in Fallout IMO, barring Honest Hearts and even there they gave a more reasonable explanation than 2 did.

              • 3 years ago

                >There’s no reasonable explanation for why people would regress to primitive conditions
                There's no reasonable explanation for why they wouldn't either.

            • 3 years ago

              >tribals 160 years after society has re-established
              Society is far from re-established in 2, and anthropologists predict that it would only take a few decades for tribal societies to form.

              To be fair, F2 really doesn't bother to explain how technically inclined vault people that followed the Vault Dweller degraded back into tribalistic culture with shamanism. All they had to do was to mention that original tribesmen lived much shorter lives due to weaker immune system and failed to pass their knowledge onto the next generation.

              Why do you assume people living in a vault are tech savvy? Having access to a computer doesn't make you tech literate.

              • 3 years ago

                ... but it makes you value comfortable solutions to life problems - water delivery through pumping over manual water hauling, reliable housing over nomadic tents, recreational areas over literally nothing, et c. If anything, Arroyo should've at least been shaped like F1 Shady Sands with Hub's water merchant region considering the living standards of the founders.

                Also, I do not buy the...
                >Why do you assume people living in a vault are tech savvy?
                ... at all. Confined living conditions create limited vacancies in the labor force of the vault, growing population leads to more extensive use of the vault's faculties, thus creating a high demand for vault's maintenance. Relying on a select few specialists becomes a progressively worse option as the use of life-support faculties becomes more strained and diverting the attention to minor malfunctions becomes less of a possibility, so regular people are forced to adopt some minimal technical aptitude -things like tightening pipes and monitoring pressure, basic wiring and fundamental knowledge of electricity, primitive chemistry like water purification process and so on. Since library is a publicly accessible facility in vaults, everyone can get a solution without the need for signing up for training programs.

            • 3 years ago

              >Fallout 1 has a dumb npc or two.

              Dr. Who (TARDIS)
              Godzilla footprint
              Loxley, (Errol Flynn)
              Loxley, Robin Hood reference
              Area 51
              BoS being a militarised monk of St. Leibowitz, from "Canticle for Leibowitz"
              BoS being a Warhammer reference
              Bruce Campbell reference (prefab)
              .223 pistol, Blade Runner
              Red Ryder BB gun, A Christmas Story
              Red Ryder LE gun, Wasteland reference
              Red Ryder BB gun, Wasteland reference
              Red Ryder LE gun, A Christmas Story
              Lieutenant, many ReBoot references
              All Quiet on the Western Front reference
              Batman reference
              Pipboy Christianity reference
              Conan the Barbarian reference
              Doctor Who reference
              Dune (mentats)
              Dune dialog reference
              Fallout developer reference 1, Chris Avellone
              Fallout developer reference 2, Jess Heinig
              Fallout developer reference 3, Jason Anderson
              Fallout developer reference 4, Bill Dugan
              Fallout developer reference 5, Leonard Boyarsky
              Fallout developer reference 6, Brian Fargo
              Good night, Gracie show reference
              Hulk reference 1 (bonus hth damage)
              Hulk reference 2 (mutate)
              Mad Max 1 (leather jacket)
              Mad max 2 (dog)
              Mad max 3 (setting overall)
              Npc singing nine inch nails song
              Pulp fiction reference in vault 13 (corpse)
              The Simpsons reference (intro, radiation king)
              South Park reference, "they killed kenny"
              Simpsons reference
              Onions Green reference (iguana bob)
              Terminator reference, Arnold black prefab + catchphrase (Arnie, a.k.a. "Dutch" -Survival Guide)
              Tool reference, random posters in world
              They Live reference 1, BoS in mariposa
              They Live reference 2 (Cathedral monitors Unity, Pray, Follow)
              Vampire: The Masquerade reference 1, Camarillo
              Vampire: The Masquerade reference 2, Gehenna
              WarGames reference, Hub "Let's go play Global-Thermal Nuclear War"
              Wonderful Wizard of Oz reference, Lucy
              Monty Python reference, Hub (mrs stapleton)
              Wasteland reference, Alien Blaster (supposed to be Firelance)

              Basically everything you mentioned exists in Fallout 1, cope and SNEED parroting homosexual

              • 3 years ago

                what morons like you cannot seem to understand (or don't want to understand) is that fallout 2's problem is not the fact that it has pop culture references (because virtually every rpg has them), it's that there's just too fricking many of them, and most of the references that you listed aren't silly/dumb
                even avellone and tim cain admitted that they went overboard with the silliness in fallout 2 so it's humorous to see people like you trying to rewrite history for the sake of shitposting and (You)'s

              • 3 years ago

                yes, I also know how to inflate a list to make a disingenuous comparison

              • 3 years ago

                Disingeneous homosexual detected.

              • 3 years ago

                Scroll down each of these pages

              • 3 years ago

                Fallout 2 has four times as much content, so you're the one making disingenuous comparisons. The game with the most pop culture references is actually New Vegas.

        • 3 years ago

          The amount of difference between the silliness of 1 and 2 is minute. It's trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

      • 3 years ago

        >which is why it's funny when gays pull the 'muh story' card to argue that 1 is better than 2
        They are confusing story with overall tone. Or just use the wrong term.

    • 3 years ago

      So not that different from Fallout 3 after all?

      • 3 years ago

        Pretty much, hating Fallout 3 is a sure way to identify an NPC

        • 3 years ago

          What a disingenuous framing in the pic.

          On one hand, Inserting an unnoficial mod as part of canon and completely ignoring the fact that the game forces you to address potential allies and decide their fate prior to final confrontation and establishing your power through giving you control over the most effective army in Mojave.

          On the other, providing the ideal narrative without mentioning how poorly conveyed it is in the actual game and how easy it is to collapse with the whole "self-sacrifice" thing being both avoidable applying consistent world-building rules and meaningless in later established canon.

        • 3 years ago

          >You have to have a nice day because... just because, okay?

          • 3 years ago

            the wanderer didn't die, the DLC is canon

            • 3 years ago

              That dosn't change anything. That just makes the whole sacrifice thing even more worthless. But with or without DLC, it was incredibly stupid and hadn't been thought out at all

              • 3 years ago

                cope harder obsidrone

              • 3 years ago

                I'm not a very big NV fan either. Even if I were, it wouldn't mean Fallout 3's ending was planned out past "the player does an epic sacrifice"

            • 3 years ago

              cope harder obsidrone

              >Hiding the canon ending behind paid DLC is okay...because it just is, okay?! And if you disagree you're a seething NPC obsidrone troonyhomosexualBlack personjew!!!!!!!
              The absolute goddamn state of these wiener-garglers.

              • 3 years ago

                Not like the DLC story was any better. The only redeeming thing is the option to nuke the BoS.

      • 3 years ago

        Well, yeah. That's why F3, warts and all, is still much better than the full nihilistic roller-coaster ride experience of F4.

      • 3 years ago

        Well one is 2D, turn based and brown, the other is 3D, real time and green
        Sculpted and animated mannequin heads versus deadpan stares and bad dialogue
        Few locations of interested and random encounters versus an open map too big to fill with interesting content because there aren't enough hours in the day

        It'd be like saying 4 is not that different from 3 when a talented artist died, all the voice actors were told to be abrasive including the main character, someone who hated dialogue was in charge of character interactions in a talking RPG, and RPG mechanics were removed to make it a survival crafting FPS with RPG elements and base creation

        the wanderer didn't die, the DLC is canon

        That just further invalidates the bait image of


        Pretty much, hating Fallout 3 is a sure way to identify an NPC

        • 3 years ago

          >Sculpted and animated mannequin heads versus deadpan stares and bad dialogue
          Fallout 1 animations look like human nutcrackers. I'm not even going to talk about your dumb analogy

  2. 3 years ago

    See, it is so easy to make plot which is better and more engaging than Bethesda's Fallout.

  3. 3 years ago

    >Super Mutant army shows up out of the blue
    They're not out of the blue, they're foreshadowed by the Super Mutants taking over the Water Pump in Necropolis and the Super Mutants attacking the Hub's caravans. On top of that, you can find them at their base or the Cathedral if you go out of your way to explore.

  4. 3 years ago

    >confront The Master who turns out to be a moron
    A literal pile of gore that not only molded itself into sapience, but established a highly effective military power with coherent power structure and access to weaponry somewhat superior to the brotherhood of steel - is a moron according to OP. But an all talk president that was handed power and has literally no relevance to the narrative is superior, clearly.

    >kills himself after exposing a basic flaw in his plan
    ... you do know that it takes a lot of investment into a particular playstyle to make that work, right? You can't pull this off with a luddite that has no concept of negotioations and doesn't bother talking.

    >defeat lunatic secret service agent Frank Horrigan in a climatic final boss fight
    Oh yeah, that poorly though-out mess of a fight that makes either using energy weaponry or acquiring a master card mandatory. Because getting repeatedly raped to death by investing into the wrong skill is so climactic.

    Also, it ain't the plot that makes F1 better but a more coherent narrative and atmosphere. Not hearing culture references every step and bumping into ghosts does a lot to improve the experience, you see.

    • 3 years ago

      >Oh yeah, that poorly though-out mess of a fight that makes either using energy weaponry or acquiring a master card mandatory. Because getting repeatedly raped to death by investing into the wrong skill is so climactic.
      Horrigan doesn't require a specialized combat build to defeat. You are just garbage at the game, which is no surprise given you are a F1 gay. Fallout 1 is literally baby's first crpg.

      • 3 years ago

        >Horrigan doesn't require a specialized combat build to defeat.
        I'm not taking about a build, but a skill. Endgame small arms weapon is Gauss, endgame energy weapon is Pulse. Pulse is guaranteed to peirce 90% damage resistance Frank has, Gauss has no pierce. This is an incredibly annoying design flaw that WILL screw you if you didn't bother to invest into speech or Leeroy your way in a supposed infiltration mission to get that card.

        >Fallout 1 is literally baby's first crpg.
        This is a majestic. "Reality can be whatever I want" indeed.

    • 3 years ago

      >Oh yeah, that poorly though-out mess of a fight that makes either using energy weaponry or acquiring a master card mandatory.
      Drugs are very common and you can stack the effect of the same drug. You can also find Advanced Power Armor mk2 near the exit. He can't OTK you even with crits so you can safely outheal his damage with superstims. Heavy Weapons is the fastest way to kill him and it is not hard to defeat him with Unarmed/Melee since his gun pretty quickly runs out of ammo and he has to waddle up to you.

    • 3 years ago

      >Not hearing culture references every step
      This is a lie. There's not really that main more references in Fallout 2. There's more, but not that many more.

  5. 3 years ago
    • 3 years ago
  6. 3 years ago

    Fallout 2 had an incredibly irritating tone for much of the game, but it had a great main story. It also bears the distinction of being Fallout game to have a good main story.

    • 3 years ago

      Not really

  7. 3 years ago

    Because I like it more.

  8. 3 years ago

    Fallout 1's story whilst also being strong also has great thematic pacing. The transition of Vault 13 -> Shady Sands -> Vault 15 -> Junktown -> The Hub is probably the best the series gets at presenting its worldbuilding and doing it's own version of the "Hero's journey". The style, theme and people of each place in that order build its setting really strongly without it hitting you over the head with exposition or terminology. New Vegas does this pretty well too but it is far less subtle and more heavy handed than 1 is at introducing its setting. A product of the setting having way more baggage in terms of lore but still.

    Unlike many I enjoy Fallout 2's opening hours but it simply isn't as effective design wise.

  9. 3 years ago


    Frick you, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

  10. 3 years ago

    You ignored the fact that you can just have a boss fight with the master, or nuke his base.
    The fight with Horrigan is scripted. Even if you did the rest of the game like a badass sneaking around and solving problems with words rather than your dumbass weapons, you have to fight Horrigan instead of just running past him and hitting an escape vehicle.

    • 3 years ago

      I appreciate that there is no easy speech win button for Horrigan. The game tells you at the very beginning that some people can't be reasoned with.

      • 3 years ago

        You shouldn't appreciate that there's no way to circumvent him, go around him, or anything else. The place is going to explode. He's too big to fit on a rescue launch. You just gotta get off.
        Even the master can just be deleted by his own self destruct system.

        • 3 years ago

          You can make Horrigan completely trivial by hacking his turrets and turning his men against him.
          Any videogame can be pulled apart because it doesn't account for every possibility that would be available in real life. Why is there no non-violent solution to the Gizmo-Killian conflict in Fallout 1? Simply because the developers wanted players to fight Gizmo and show off his cool animations. The developers wanted to end Fallout 2 in a tense final boss fight, so you just accept it.

          • 3 years ago

            You don't have to join Killian etc in killing Gizmo, though. Once you've got the tape or bug you can just leave, the shootout is an optional other part of the quest

            • 3 years ago

              That's correct. Technically you can just not finish the questline.

  11. 3 years ago

    4 is better than 2.

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