Fallout doesnt feel immersive

>in a harsh environment (live fast, die young) like the post-apocalypse most people should be young adults, not middle-aged and old people like modern western society
>no one has any scars, diseases, visible mutations or lost teeth
>people should be more ignorant about history and interpret some things wrong, even if they are meant to be intelligent (especially then, because they think about these things)
>it feels like 90% of the population in Fallout are drug-addicted raiders and they always kill on sight; they should be aggressive and territorial, but why always kill? Why not rob you, sell you as a slave or just demand a fee, if you look too tough? And there should be designated places where you can approach them semi-safely and trade
>there should be more poor people living in destitute slave-like conditions, especially if agriculture is viable and a human being can produce more food than they cost
>people should be more distrustful of outsider and more tribalistic

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  1. 7 months ago

    Who are you quoting?

  2. 7 months ago

    I am mega zord property

  3. 7 months ago

    another new vegastrannie mindbroken

    • 7 months ago

      New Vegas is worse than Fallout 3, because Fallout 3 at least gets the vibes of the post-apocalypse right. Like who cares that it has been how many years since the bombs dropped? It‘s about the setting. Might as well go for a different universe entirely, if you want to abandon he post-apocalypse.

      • 7 months ago

        very true

      • 7 months ago

        brainlet moron troony

        another new vegastrannie mindbroken

        given up on starfield so fast?

        • 7 months ago

          >New Vegas troon tries to save the reputation of NV by calling people who like Fallout 3 troons

          • 7 months ago

            >troonout troon defends troonouts

            at least vegas is ana actual fallout

            • 7 months ago

              >Fallout 3 at least gets the vibes of the post-apocalypse right
              The opposite.
              >Like who cares that it has been how many years since the bombs dropped?
              People who like Fallout.
              >Might as well go for a different universe entirely
              Or, you know, YOU can do that.
              >abandon the post-apocalypse
              It's still the post-apocalypse, just not 4 seconds after.

              ok troon

              • 7 months ago

                you are playing troonouts, not me

      • 7 months ago

        most of the content in fallout 3 is exploring the vast map. nv focuses on a smaller map and gives multiple endings instead. 3 > nv

      • 7 months ago

        >Fallout 3 at least gets the vibes of the post-apocalypse right
        The opposite.
        >Like who cares that it has been how many years since the bombs dropped?
        People who like Fallout.
        >Might as well go for a different universe entirely
        Or, you know, YOU can do that.
        >abandon the post-apocalypse
        It's still the post-apocalypse, just not 4 seconds after.

      • 7 months ago

        >fallout 3 is better because setting
        >the setting that has well established mercenary groups
        >the setting that has well established old-world tech hunters
        >the setting that has a purification project already built as you emerge from you vault
        >the setting where the main enemy is the government
        >the setting that has aliens
        >the setting that said aliens actually started the war for some fricking reason
        >the setting that uses bottlecaps for trade without the actual barter system and whole fricking point behind it as they had in Fallout
        >the setting that has you firing mini-nukes

      • 7 months ago

        Todd please you could have just not made the game take place 200+ after the apocalypse

  4. 7 months ago


  5. 7 months ago

    I’m actually a realtor in hentai mugen frito and manga zoomie

  6. 7 months ago

    >only plays Bethesda fallout
    >complains about things not present in canon Fallout

  7. 7 months ago

    I actually disagree with the environmental and cultural aspects of what you're saying

    People should have a mindset more like premodern people but should not be "ignorant" as such. Maybe they know what the United States was but only know the NCR's myth of what the US was, or they know there was a nuclear war (because it's obvious) but they don't believe that the prewar great powers could travel to other worlds. There should be exotic religious movements and new superstitions. People should be curious and suspicious of anyone who isn't from their village, let alone someone from their state, and should want to talk to them literally for entertainment value because they've probably read every book in town already. Traveling should be dangerous not because of bandits as such but because normal "law-abiding" people can kill you and get away with it.

    At the same time, old people will exist because if you survive to adolescence in a premodern society you're likely to survive for longer. If serfs have value as you suggest then they'll have numbers and an awareness of bargaining power, and they'll be aware of it, so things will suck but not as much as people tend to think about premodern society. The vestiges of old world technology will still exist too, not in the way that Fallout has where it's just hoarded by weird techno-cults like the Enclave, but where states hold a lot of it and use it to develop themselves and control their subjects

    Canticle for Leibowitz, which Fallout rips off/takes inspiration from, does a lot of this, and in that I think the world was back at the space age five hundred years after the first cataclysm

    • 7 months ago

      Oh specifically: There should be folk remedies for radiation poisoning that emphatically do not work, or that ameliorate surface-level symptoms like pain but don't actually remove radiation
      That clashes with gameplay because if something calls itself medicine it should be medicine, but in setting people should be doing shit like making prickly pear smoothies for radiation immunity

  8. 7 months ago

    fallout does
    bethesda fallout just isnt a fallout, its a troonout

  9. 7 months ago

    Why do I feel old? It hasn't been that long since that image went around Ganker. Hasn't it?

  10. 7 months ago

    Can only speak for Fallout 3.
    >The only old people you see are in settlements, most people you see are raiders who are young.
    >It's pretty full of people misinterpreting history. The refer to Ceaser as "kaizer" which is mixing up latin and the subsequent germanic term for it. The kings think elvis was a literal king, and they call planes "skybuses".
    -Raiders likely recognize you as a threat they can't easily subdue, you're young, healthy, and loaded with weapons.
    -The lack of poor and starving people is a valid complaint. In general there should be far more agriculture and rebuilt factories, it's been 200 years people would have figured things out by now.
    -Agreed on the last point as well.

    • 7 months ago

      >The refer to Ceaser as "kaizer" which is mixing up latin and the subsequent germanic term for it
      ackthually they're being pedantic revivalist homosexuals
      when latin was a living language that was actually how caesar was pronounced, it's the same reason they say ah-way, because latin u/v had the value we assign to w in english

    • 7 months ago

      Pronouncing Caesar with a hard K sound is the correct Latin Pronunciation
      the soft C version is an anglicization

      • 7 months ago

        Yes, but the legion are a bunch of anglicans in an english speaking country in which everybody (including other people in NV) pronounce it with a soft C, because for english speakers that's the correct way.
        Nobody in the english speaking world calls Germany "Deutschland" in the middle of a conversation spoken in english.

  11. 7 months ago

    >in a harsh environment like the post-apocalypse
    That's really only F1 taking place 80 something years after the war, with people having just started rebuilding some 20 years prior. F2 takes place 160 years after the bombs, F3 two hundred and New Vegas 204. Most Fallout games are post-postapocalypse, the only people living like the nukes fell 15 years back are raiders and those do look like young adults.

  12. 7 months ago

    Because they keep pushing a GAMER atmosphere with sweet LOOT and Legendary encounters!!!!!!!!!!

  13. 7 months ago

    >it feels like 90% of the population in Fallout are drug-addicted raiders and they always kill on sight; they should be aggressive and territorial, but why always kill? Why not rob you, sell you as a slave or just demand a fee, if you look too tough?
    I would really like more slavery content. Bethesda games love to start the player in prison, so why not have a start, where you are a slave and escape a huge raiding complex when Alduin attacks them?

    And it would be cool to see raiders actually enslaving you. You would get semi-permanent debuffs from being enslaved and being tortured or humiliated by the raiders. I want fade-to-black scenes where it‘s implied the raiders make you do horrible shit. Maybe literally. And getting a bomb collar should soft-lock you and be extremely difficult to get out off.
    Sadly we missed the opportunity for a game like this to be created, because of political correctness. Maybe at most we get an extremely scuffed indie game or a porn game that overdoes it and makes ir weird fetish content. I don’t want slavery to be enjoyable. It should frick the PC up. It should be horrible and degrading and not consensual BDSM roleplay.

    • 7 months ago

      >anon's barely disguised fetish

      • 7 months ago

        It‘s not a fetish. I would never want to do this in real-life. People, who consensually become slaves are pathetic and brain-damaged. I just have a creative personality, so I imagine what it would be like to be actually enslaved and that scenario is interesting from a third-person view, because it would be a horrible experience. No one knows what‘s it like to have slavery anymore. To have complete ownership of a person and being able to make them do anything. From licking your ass to putting cigarettes out on them. That‘s a social relationship which was very common in the Bronze and Iron Age and is completely foreign to us now. Egyptian slaves used to be facefricked hard until they puked or choked. Romans even thought they kinda overdid it and because fellatios are associated with impotent men, who can’t frick.

        I won't make fun of you for posting with dick in hand if you provide a source for the image.

        Just type into rule 34:
        Female only, facesitting, fallout

        mods already do exactly that


        Yeah, no major studio of anything is doing this. Not a game. Not a movie. You're a freak and most people don't want to feel horrific shit for entertainment. Use your fricking imagination, it isn't hard, there is plenty of terrible stuff to find in fallout games. Read shit, listen to tapes, do some quests, lol. Everything you want is mostly in there, you just need a smidge of fricking imagination.

        You could do it with fade-to-black scenes. I don’t need it visualized.

        • 7 months ago

          Then its already there! Lol. Just imagine whats happened. Do you need jizz on the floor after the fade back?

          • 7 months ago

            Shup up, third worlder.

      • 7 months ago

        Subtlety is a dying artform

    • 7 months ago

      I won't make fun of you for posting with dick in hand if you provide a source for the image.

    • 7 months ago

      mods already do exactly that

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, no major studio of anything is doing this. Not a game. Not a movie. You're a freak and most people don't want to feel horrific shit for entertainment. Use your fricking imagination, it isn't hard, there is plenty of terrible stuff to find in fallout games. Read shit, listen to tapes, do some quests, lol. Everything you want is mostly in there, you just need a smidge of fricking imagination.

    • 7 months ago

      >drop down too hard
      >ass explodes
      gg gayet

      • 7 months ago

        Bomb collars are more about the psychology than the bomb itself.

        • 7 months ago

          Psychology will be the last thing on your mind when your ass is flying east and west.desu.

    • 7 months ago

      play Kenshi

      • 7 months ago

        I did.
        >started out as a slave to the Holy Nation
        >for some reason I control a random second character too
        >click around, try to learn the game
        >get beat up
        >intentionally get my secondary killed by escaping before healing too full
        >quickly discover that you aren’t really a slave, but in a massive playground and if anything goes wrong your caretakers heal you up
        >become a lockpicking expert by just unlocking my shackles
        >train strength by keeping the game running, while my inventory is full of shackles
        >train athletics, assassination
        >training combat is hard, but I build up a lot of toughness and dodge by getting my ass beat constantly
        >trading caravan visits, take all their gear and put them in cages and have their comrades enslave them
        This isn’t what I expected, but it was good for learning the game,

  14. 7 months ago

    You put more thought into the setting than the writers, now go and make that game anon.

  15. 7 months ago

    They have amazing doctors and tech, despite shit looking old timey. There are plenty of young people and a whole city of kids. Plenty of people are non hostile raider types, plenty of people get slaved, shook down, etc. Most people don't quote history and those who do, have wrong ideas, plenty. Most shit survived and literature, computers, monuments, are still around, not like they lost all of civilization. Did you even play the game..?

  16. 7 months ago

    gayout threads are on the same level as Dragon Ball threads now. Everyone is a mindbroken troony that should be shot on sight.

  17. 7 months ago

    Play the actual good Fallout games instead of complaining.

  18. 7 months ago

    Did atomic beauty 2 ever come out?

  19. 7 months ago

    >zero way of comunicating over long distance except for the radio
    >people somehow knows everything and who you are and any events and factions

  20. 7 months ago

    Is she for sale?

  21. 7 months ago

    >Bethessda's wastelands are always irradiated shitholes where civilization outside of organized religions are stagnant to serve as a shooting gallery
    >Black Isle and Obsidian made attempts to tell a story of various people building themselves up again with mixed results. NCR repeating the mistakes of the oldworld, Legion being the LARP of one man and the Khans clinging to a glorious past in all but name
    Bethesda does attempt to tell the story of these various groups holding territory and thriving but with no real way to interact with them outside of blasting they might as well be set dressing. TES is the same take Skyrim for example. The sheer amount of bandits that dot the countryside there would be enough of them to carve out portions of the land in their own right. Having them settle down and eventually petition the holds themselves to serve as vassal states or continue to persist regardless. Whiterun alone can have anywhere between 3 - 6 organized bands at any one time and they operate well outside of the law and Skyrim is meant to be a settled nation with said laws, industry and a standing army. With a bit of work some of these scattered groups could have their history expanded to add more to the world building itself.

    Bandit group holds up in a derelict supermarket due to being thrown out. Overtime they learn how to survive and fortify eventually leading to a demand for more resources to aid in expansion. Causing them to either raid nearby settlements or potentially establish some form of trade. The player can either facilitate these meetings or simply blast both and leave the slots open for another group to repeat the cycle.

  22. 7 months ago

    >shoot raider legs to make her surrender
    >make dogmeat cum inside her
    >decapitate her after he's done
    Yep, I love Fallout 4.

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