Favourite and least favourite courses?

Favourite and least favourite courses? I was thinking about it the other day and realised most of my favourites are either on the first floor or in the basement.

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  1. 5 months ago

    I like Lava Land and Whomp's Fortress most and Hazy Maze least.
    Wet-Dry World is alright - but opening the upstairs area and seeing THAT painting made me drop the game once.

    • 5 months ago

      which painting are you talking about

      • 5 months ago

        The Wet-Dry World painting.
        Even the spider looks sad he has to play this level.

        • 5 months ago

          I still remember the first time I played this game I got so confused and disappointed you couldn't enter all paintings in the second and third floor, weird how some memories just stick with you forever for whatever reason. Still one of my top 10 favorite games of all time though

  2. 5 months ago

    Big Boo’s Haunt is underrated.

    • 5 months ago

      I like it, there's a lot to explore and it has a cozy Halloween feel.

  3. 5 months ago

    Wet Dry World is the weakest course for me, I just dont like the water level gimmick. Lethal Lava Land is my favorite, I love how horizontal it is.

    • 5 months ago

      I didn't like Wet Dry World either. It's a fun idea on paper but not as fun to navigate as other levels

  4. 5 months ago

    Castle Grounds
    Bob-Omb Battlefield
    Bowser in the Dark World
    Shifting Sand Land
    Bowser in the Sky

    I would've liked more Bowser stages honestly. Rainbow Ride is also nice

    • 5 months ago

      A full game of linear platforming in abstract voids in the vein of the Bowser levels are Sunshine’s Fluddless levels would be alright by me.

      • 5 months ago

        Play 3D Land

  5. 5 months ago

    worst flying mechanics in a game ever

    • 5 months ago

      Nah, way better than superman 64.
      >Inb4 "where'd you learn to fly"
      I learned to fly using a precision pro and msfs98.

  6. 5 months ago

    My favorites are the ones in the basement. Hazy Mazy cave is awesome, Lethal Lava Land feels like a legit playground and Shifting Sands is like a classic athletic stage where you have to be precise with jumps and flying. Inside the pyramid is a whole other level practically.

    But the first snow level is probably my favorite. I love the slides and different ways you can reach things jumping off the mountain.

    • 5 months ago

      Least favorite is Jolly Roger bay. It’s awesome how it starts out. Looks like a real place but it’s so short small and the treasure chest thing is boring and the wall frustrating.

    • 5 months ago

      Wet Dry World is the weakest course for me, I just dont like the water level gimmick. Lethal Lava Land is my favorite, I love how horizontal it is.

      I like Lava Land and Whomp's Fortress most and Hazy Maze least.
      Wet-Dry World is alright - but opening the upstairs area and seeing THAT painting made me drop the game once.

      Lethal Lava Land is not a real level, it's a collection of random developer assets strewn lazily over a giant flat texture of lava. It's a goddamn tech demo

      • 5 months ago

        And that’s why we like it.

      • 5 months ago

        That's not giving it enough credit. Yeah, it's not the most cohesive level design, and it'd suck if the other levels like that, but it's refreshing to have an area that's just more "game-y" and not as conceptualized as the other levels. A big lava sea with a bunch of very unique hazards - the spinning and sinking platforms, the crazy sliding puzzle, the eyeballs, the rolling log, the bullies.

        And they made the really wise choice of making the laza itself a really fun hazard. Instead of just being instadeath, you get to do the funny fire butt jump way high into the air. Plus, it gives you a *huge* wide open area to enjoy both skating on a koopa shell, or using the wing cap.

        To say nothing of the volcano itself, which is both a great set piece on the overworld, but also a great, thematic, linear platforming challenge on the inside. The scattered design of the exterior world is made up for by the concentrated design in the interior.

        It's overall just such a fun concept and execution for a world. Jolly Roger Bay had a huge degree of effort put into assets like *two* variations of the pirate ship, and the giant eel, and it still came out being unfun ass to play.

      • 5 months ago

        Other anon already mentioned it, but you could make a case for the volcano being a cool sort of level within a level, like what they did with the pyramid in Shifting Sand Land. I get what you mean though lol

      • 5 months ago

        I think tiny/huge island is my favorite, and dire dire docks is my least favorite, maybe rainbow ride.

        Other than that, whomps fortress, lethal lava land, shifting sand land, wet dry world, and tall tall mountain are the ones I always look forward to.

        "tech demo" is always used as an insult to describe some of my favorite things

  7. 5 months ago

    Wet Dry World
    >least favorite
    Sand Land

  8. 5 months ago

    favorite is probably whomp's fortress or shifting sand land. least favorite is dire dire docks by far. swimming is boring, poles are boring, the submarine is laggy as frick. very tedious 100 coin

  9. 5 months ago

    Dire Dire Docks is the worst.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, I honestly don't think there's any room for debate here. Swimming in 64 is so clunky and simplistic, any objective that involves swimming is just a total slog. And of the three "water levels" (Jolly Roger Bay, Wet-Dry World and Dire Dire Docks), DDD is easily the worst. Spawning you in a giant pool of water every time, having a ton of swimming to do to even reach the land area, and then the land area itself also being (imo) irritating and non-fun.

      The only other contender can really be JRB, but I at least find the atmosphere there to be much more soothing.

  10. 5 months ago

    tall tall mountain and tiny huge island ez

  11. 5 months ago

    I had an affinity for Wet Dry World because the "secret" area was a cool little town. Same with the end of Rainbow Ride where you get to hang out in someones big house.

    • 5 months ago

      Same. Love that type of stuff.

  12. 5 months ago

    I dont remember the names anymore save a few ones, but my favs are 1st level (a bit underrated), lethal lava land, shifting sand land and the snow one with the penguin. Honestly i could easily pick a few more, lot of good levels.
    Least one... maybe jolly roger bay, water levels are the weakest ones but wet-dry world at least got some nice gimmicks. And the hidden city is cool.

  13. 5 months ago

    >Tik tok clock
    Frick the haters. I love the creative theme and challenge
    >Bob Omb Battlefield
    I love how they didn't just go with generic green grass level 500 and instead put a fun spin on it. Classic.
    >Tall tall mountain
    Fun to scale.
    >Tiny huge island
    There's just so much packed in this level. Plus seeing the gimmick from Super Mario Bros 3 return is awesome.
    >Whomp's fortress
    >Big Boos Haunt.
    >Lethal lava land.

    Least favorite levels:
    >All water levels
    I hate how slow swimming is.
    >Wet dry world
    Boring ugly and empty.
    >The first snow level
    I can't remember what it's called but I have a strong dislike for it.
    >Rainbow road
    Self explanatory

    • 5 months ago

      Tik-Tok-Clock is very novel and interesting and I like it, but I get why people b***h about it because the platforming can be pretty obnoxious. Stopping the clock can help, but also makes some parts more difficult (which I think is a great gimmick, even if I've sworn a lot over it).

    • 5 months ago

      How can you not like racing a penguin down a slide?

    • 5 months ago

      Jolly Roger Bay was chock full of memorable moments. And it had a green shell if you wanted to speed up swimming. But yeah, the other two water levels: The one with Bowser's ship and the one with the water spiders are kinda meh.

  14. 5 months ago

    I think my favorite level of Lethal Lava Land. It's plain, simple, and straightforward. There's a lot of fun stars to it and bullshit like using the shell to surf around on the lava. The volcano's a good secondary area, as well. No bottomless pits and instead just lava means you can do some fun skips and movement, and the bullies make for interesting enemies that respond well to Mario's 3D moves like punching/kicking and diving.

    My second favorite is probably Whomp's Fortress or Bob-omb Battlefield. They're nice all-rounder stages that give you a lot of what the game offers, and a LOT of nostalgia is tied to them since they're so early in the game, thus I've played them countless times across different eras of my life. Tick Tock Clock is a fricking classic, but I'll admit that it can get kind of annoying running through multiple times due to how the star system works and it being the most linear stage (even moreso than TTM)

    Shifting Sand Land might be my least favorite level. It has a lot of weird instant death triggers and some convoluted stars. The pyramid is cool, the camera inside of it is not. I used to not like Rainbow Ride, but after figuring out that you can skip the opening carpet ride I realized that level secretly kicks ass and has a lot of unique platforming challenges in it. I never minded the water levels like everyone else seems to, but I'm a sucker for the atmospheres they went for there.

    I also don't like Wing Mario Over the Rainbow because I suck at using the Wing Cap, though that's not a primary course.

    But in the end it's Mario 64 all the way through, so it's not like any part of the game is THAT bad. A huge boon is that if you focus on 70 star runs of the game like I do, you never have to focus on parts of the game you don't like, and stages you avoided on one run can feel totally fresh on another, even if you avoided them for a reason. What a fun fricking game.

  15. 5 months ago

    Wet Dry World has the neat thing where you could set the water level by how high you jumped in the painting. Plus, it has a cannon....it's fun.

  16. 5 months ago

    Jolly Roger Bay because of the great music and atmopshere and Big Boos Haunt because you get to explore a spooky haunted house. Never liked Shifting Sand Land becuase of how many death traps there are and I always fricked up and fell inside the pyramid trying to get the star where you had to land on the platforms and the quicksand.

  17. 5 months ago

    >Whomp's Fortress
    I always have a lot of fun with it since it's small but still has a lot of ways to go about traversing it and collecting the stars.
    >Cool, Cool Mountain
    I love snow levels and the slide mechanics in this level.
    >Tiny-Huge Island
    Lots in this level and I like the big gimmick.
    >Tall, Tall Mountain
    I like climbing up the mountain and it has the best slide in the game.
    >Dire Dire Docks
    The atmosphere and music are nice but it's just boring.
    >Shifting Sand Land
    The instant-death pits everywhere annoys me, but the inside of the pyramid is pretty cool at least.

  18. 5 months ago

    Dislike for Shifting Sand Land really surprises me. Although, Secret of the Pyramid was the last star I found.

  19. 5 months ago

    >Hazy Maze Cave, Big Boo's Haunt
    I like the amount of exploration and the slight obtuseness of the stars, plus the aesthetics are great.
    >Least Favorite
    >Snowman's Land
    It's not bad, but I don't find anything about it fun. The igloo was cool to navigate.

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