
Now that BG3 is getting all the attention can we have a good discussion about this game? What did you like? What could they have made better ?

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  1. 11 months ago

    more rpg mechanics, harder base difficulty and about a 20% cutscene reduction

    hope ff17 iterates on the combat system but uses jobs instead

    • 11 months ago

      They should also include status ailments too

    • 11 months ago

      They should also include status ailments too

      Basic QoL changes without too much changing of the system
      >a sprint button outside of combat
      >a wider camera angle
      >eikon load outs we can switch between since some skills are better for bosses and some are better for mobs and it’s tiresome to switch between them constantly
      >6 accessories slot in NG+ since 3 doesn’t really do shit
      >a place to store your accessories so you don’t have to browse through 30 something items you will never use just to find the one you need
      >toggle lock on with the right stick instead of pressing to toggle since it always cycles through enemies you don’t want to target before landing on the one mage far away you need to kill

      Agree with all of these except saying it should be implemented for ff17, they could do it right now for FF16 in an Ultimate edition like DMCV did.
      Having recently played DMCV I found the difficulty to be on par with that of FF16 but the difference being, you can't pop potion after potion, high potions, normal potions, strength elixirs and increase the potency as well, which makes DMCV far more unforgiving and I really think they didn't balance this correctly until the Ultimanius mode where you're only allowed 1 healing pot, but on NG+ you're still with all your pots from the normal mode.
      It's makes the game far easier than it mechanically is as you can brute force any fight.

      I watched some two people play the game doing no pot runs on normal mode and it was ball bustlingly difficult, compared to braindead when people are using pots brute forcing fights.
      This really needs to be looked at again for a remix version/ dlc in the future.
      There is no point in making the combat action focused if they're not going to give appropriate difficult modes this was my complaint.

      Apart from that, the game was great and I enjoyed it immensely, I hated FFXV with a passion for it being a complete clusterfrick of a story, FF16 I got a complete story at launch and didn't have to wait 5 years for the entire story to be released through dlc chapters and anime episodes like FF15 was. So they at least have improved that aspect.

      • 11 months ago

        On hard mode, it’s pretty much a defensive game.

        • 11 months ago

          Do you think they will actually do an ultimate edition anon?

          I have no idea what they're going to do going forward, I think Yoshida's focus has gone back to FFXIV, and is setting up for Dawntrail expansion.
          Having said that, Hiroshi Takai is the Director and he should really be the guy coming out and hyping it up, the problem is none of those guys speak English so they rely on Koji fox, their localisation guy who has gone back to ff14.
          I doubt we'll hear much in the West about it going forward, that's not to say there won't be DLC or anything extra, I just don't think we're going to hear about it until it's released due to the corporate structure of SE and CBU3.

      • 11 months ago

        Do you think they will actually do an ultimate edition anon?

      • 11 months ago

        Don’t let Barry hear you say that

  2. 11 months ago

    >What did you like?
    Honestly, nothing. The eikon fights were boring by titan.
    >made better

  3. 11 months ago

    Basic QoL changes without too much changing of the system
    >a sprint button outside of combat
    >a wider camera angle
    >eikon load outs we can switch between since some skills are better for bosses and some are better for mobs and it’s tiresome to switch between them constantly
    >6 accessories slot in NG+ since 3 doesn’t really do shit
    >a place to store your accessories so you don’t have to browse through 30 something items you will never use just to find the one you need
    >toggle lock on with the right stick instead of pressing to toggle since it always cycles through enemies you don’t want to target before landing on the one mage far away you need to kill

  4. 11 months ago

    The more I think about it, the worse it gets. It started at 9/10 and ended at 5/10. The RPG aspect was a joke.

  5. 11 months ago

    They could've not used their FF14 habits of game padding with empty, boring environments and shitty sidequests. Hell, in my opinion the game would've probably served better without the pseudo-RPG lite crap and just gone all in as an action game with a linear presentation. Would've probably let them refine the combat and fill out the story a bit more instead of making these large places that only exist for enemies and materials.

    Though they'd probably have also been better off coining it a series spinoff instead of fricking XVI.

  6. 11 months ago

    Story/main content is 10/10 and what makes the game a legit GOTY contender.
    Side/optional content is what will likely hold it back from ultimately being GOTY.

  7. 11 months ago

    >What did you like
    Characters are mostly good, carried by strong voice acting

    >What could they have made better
    Pretty much everything; pacing and level design, enemy variety, combat, fewer recycled music tracks, visual clarity. It's got a few standout set pieces, but otherwise it fails as both a compelling movie game and a compelling action game. I have no desire to replay to see how different it is on the new mode

  8. 11 months ago

    >Only 9 people on Ganker have dog shit taste
    Quite surprising honestly

  9. 11 months ago


  10. 11 months ago

    Why the frick did they make it linear ?

  11. 11 months ago

    Should it have been open worlds ?

  12. 11 months ago

    Aside of the demo, there's nothing I like about the game.

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        No, I don't like the gay part

  13. 11 months ago

    Frick off back to r*ddit, shill. No one cares about your forgotten flop. Stop spamming FFXIV & FFXVI threads homosexual.

    • 11 months ago

      Hi Barry.

      Salty that XVI didn't flop like you claimed?
      and how Forspoken bombed so hard it killed Luminous?

  14. 11 months ago

    I just hope those morons will iterate on this game instead of trying to reinvent the wheel or some other dumb bullshit.
    it's also very likely that CBU3 will make other FF game since Ishikawa is nowhere to be seen, and people are theorising that she will be writing 17, which would be great since 16's story isn't anything to write book about.

    • 11 months ago

      Isn't Ishikawa now supervising FFX14 writing? I know she isn't lead writer anymore, but she didn't disappear. She was at the NA fanfest and asking YoshiP for a re-write/ update on the Coils storyline at the dev writers panel.

  15. 11 months ago

    Best FF since 2006. Hope that they listen to the feedback that they are receiving and increase the difficulty from the beginning in the next games. Best pacing as well. I don't get why they made this game so much like 14 in this regard

  16. 11 months ago

    Give me idle stance macros.

  17. 11 months ago

    How many copies 16 sold by now? Close to 5m maybe?

  18. 11 months ago

    This game isn't anything like game of thrones

  19. 11 months ago

    Why is the game so linear ???

  20. 11 months ago

    I got my first platinum trophy. Ended up doing the Chronolith Trial on FF mode for the last trophy and it was probably the only challenge in the game. It was a bad decision on their part literally hiding the one thing that will get you good at using all the different mechanics in the game.

    I'd say the biggest problem is the game is built well but being an MMO dev must have affected the difficulty level so there's 100 safety layers keeping the stakes low.

  21. 11 months ago

    >What did you like?
    Demo parts, the eilkon powers, Clive's uncle's character, Cid's character, the summon fights, liked Torgal(he good boy) and Barnabas' armor, killing aliens(cause frick aliens), the mean quest, the hunts, jump canceling/stomp(feels gud), the punish animations, Clive's slave armor.
    >What could they have made better ?
    Clive being stuck with only long swords(being able to equip great swords, dual swords, dragoon spears/lance, etc), Clive's standard outfit(I don't like his tunic), not enough Barnabas, only being able to order around the dog(let me at least order around Jill(and pet Jill), Joshua, Clive's uncle, or Dion), world bland(add some more crystals and crazy plants to liven or frick up the world), Clive being Ifrit and not Diabolos or CHAOS, magic users being a slave class in all of the kingdoms(literally at least have one kingdom of harden magical buttholes who aren't dominants willing to frick up people shit), the stagger/will system(let me knock human size bosses/mini bosses a bit frick them just kneeling and taking super move after super move like G), only having the 4 hit combo and the melee magic shot weave combo(I want a few more button combo types for the swords), all magic shots feeling the same(at least have them be like the spells from the previous games), no elemental bonus(not saying fire ifrit/phoenix shouldn't damage fire types but a elemental damage bonus would be neat), no optional dungeons(I want to frick around in a dungeon), and the fact the easy mode rings are in the game.

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