>FFXVI gets overwhelmingly outsold by remnant 2 in july, a game that only sold 1 million copies

>FFXVI gets overwhelmingly outsold by remnant 2 in july, a game that only sold 1 million copies
>Pikmin 4 outsells FFXVI by double the amount in japan when pikmin 4 released a month later
>FFXVIs shit sales made square suffer its largest stock drop in the companies history
yoshit piss sisters…

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Barry broken

      >not even a minute and instant seethe

      • 10 months ago

        >barry coping with the failure of Forspoken still

        • 10 months ago

          ff16 literally tanked SE stocks

          • 10 months ago

            And Forspoken tanked its entire studio into oblivion lmao

            • 10 months ago

              nope, bd2/lp literally just became a AAA team in cbu2 working on aaa development and new luminous engine stuff so nope

              • 10 months ago

                They got dissolved for being so shite and their surviving bits spread out to be underlings to other studios lmao

          • 10 months ago

            uh huh

            • 10 months ago


              >ff16 undid 3 years worth of stock growth

              • 10 months ago

                About one, actually, and that growth happened all at once

        • 10 months ago

          >seethe so hard at the truth you deflect to FLOPspoken

    • 10 months ago


      uh huh



      You okay? you seem to be losing it

  2. 10 months ago

    Barry broken

  3. 10 months ago


  4. 10 months ago

    uh huh

    • 10 months ago

      >ff16 undid 3 years worth of stock growth

      • 10 months ago

        About one, actually, and that growth happened all at once

    • 10 months ago


      i see a massive dropoff at the end of the graph where FFXVI tanked square. What does this pic have to prove moron kun?

      can you read a graph?

      • 10 months ago

        I can't believe square tanked to the point they were at one(1) year ago, truly this is the end

    • 10 months ago

      seems like literal moron bait financially
      if something is holding this consistant, and it suddenly dropped like this, you'd think you'd suddenly long the stock at its low price since its so probable to bounce back

      • 10 months ago

        Be my guest, but I wouldn't buy that shit even at a 50% sale. The company is clearly in disarray, they have no idea what they're actually doing, and it's doubtful if they can get back on track.

  5. 10 months ago

    why was the latest FF game a turbo sausage fest

    • 10 months ago

      there was tons of yaoi gays posting gay pictures of clive on the catalogue the first few weeks during release while deepthroating dion

      Guess why

    • 10 months ago

      Because men get shit done while women don't do shit

    • 10 months ago

      It was a turbo game of thrones hen discount medieval xenogears when ultima spawns

  6. 10 months ago


  7. 10 months ago


  8. 10 months ago

    hi barry

  9. 10 months ago

    >28. [PS5]Final Fantasy XVI(Square Enix, 06/22/23) – 1,856 (412,895)

    its fricking over, 5ch is laughing at ff16 so hard

  10. 10 months ago


  11. 10 months ago


  12. 10 months ago

    Squeenix hasn't made a good game since Final Fantasy X. It's about time they go bankrupt

  13. 10 months ago


  14. 10 months ago

    shit sales made square suffer its largest stock drop in the companies history
    nevermind the fact their mobile revenue is down 18% and MMO down 22% for this quarter, which is the reason their stock dropped

    • 10 months ago

      those 2 AND FFXVIs mediocre sales

      you gotta cope hard to deny otherwise

      • 10 months ago

        FF XVI is profitable since Q2 2024 and is the reason their stock didn't drop ever harder, moron

        • 10 months ago

          >and is the reason their stock didn't drop ever harder, moron
          If you actually didnt make up shit, youd know that FFXVI dropped as well because square admitted it didnt meet “high expectations” meaning that it didnt sell as well as it did

          It meabs final fantasy as a franchise is declining. You can see that since the game shipped less than FF7R and FFXV. You can see that through the famitsu and UK sales

          FFXVI has been a failure for the franchise and is one of if not the lowest selling FF with no legs (outsold by remnant 2, 90% drop off in UK sales)

          • 10 months ago

            >90% drop off in UK sales)

            same as FF15 and FF7R then, or most JRPGS for that matter.

            • 10 months ago

              difference is that FFXV shipped 2 million more on release and charts like famitsu shows that FFXV is double FFXVI

              • 10 months ago

                ff15 was way overshipped

              • 10 months ago

                >difference is that FFXV shipped 2 million more on release

                It also shipped on more console you mong.

    • 10 months ago

      I can't believe square tanked to the point they were at one(1) year ago, truly this is the end

    • 10 months ago

      >FFXVI totally didn't shit the bed
      >MMO down 22%
      One-two punch to YoshitP, lol.

      • 10 months ago

        How many mmos are alive and how many numbers do they make? And how long have those be alive

        • 10 months ago

          NTA, but only like a handful are alive and we have no idea about numbers, since nobody reports on sub account anymore. This is a sad attempt at gotcha though, since those players are doing exactly what Yoshi-P told them to do

          • 10 months ago

            Ok so then where is the problem

            • 10 months ago

              Well for me personally, I want to play FFXIV more, but they refuse to make interesting or fun content. Which is why the revenue is down 22%, only raid autists, ERPers, clubbers and second lifers are playing the game these days

    • 10 months ago

      >and MMO down 22% for this quarter
      We haven't even gotten to that yet. Better be ready when we do lmfao

      • 10 months ago

        it's expected with how slow patches are for endwalker, yoshida keeps telling people to frick off and play other games

        • 10 months ago

          you conveniently left out how they cannibalized their dev team to make XVI, extended time between major patches and bet their moronic fanbase would buy PS5's to play it. XIV also failing is the funniest part obout XVI failing, and no one even mentions it yet because they're all riding the high of simply shitting on people who are still defending XVI.

          • 10 months ago

            Just play another MMO if you are this addicted moron

            • 10 months ago

              I don't play it homosexual. I'm laughing at how they had a successful game and killed it to released a terrible game.

          • 10 months ago

            not gonna be an issue once FFXVI's dlc is out, they'll get back into normal schedule with dawntrail. The game will still be successful, and you will still be seething for whatever reason

            • 10 months ago

              All those players who left are not coming back homosexual. lmao

            • 10 months ago

              And they are going to make the cash shop even more egregious to cover their lost subs. It is OVER

            • 10 months ago

              >FFXVI's dlc
              two more weeks

    • 10 months ago

      Ganker doesn't understand how finance reporting works anon

      You're hurting their little brains.

  15. 10 months ago

    >Replying to barry threads
    I thought I taught you homiez well.

    • 10 months ago

      Sorry, it's just fun making fun of the little twerp. All his favorite games crashed and burned yet he still hasn't unalived himself.

  16. 10 months ago

    >ffxiv trannies still coping that their game flopped with the barry meme
    only team ninja and nomura can save ff now bros

    • 10 months ago

      Oh, so now it not being turn based has nothing to do with it. lmao, fake ass fans

    • 10 months ago

      > team ninja
      >3 AAA flops in a row
      >Squares biggest AAA FF flop being SoP
      These gays are on the bring of bankruptcy and their plan to avoid that is to release shovelware yearly. These Black folk went bankrupt once before and got saved by snoy..

      • 10 months ago

        >Squares biggest AAA FF flop being
        >these Black folk went bankrupt once before
        They actually didn't. They were just in the red for a year but bounced back before the merger.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      I can'g believe a spinoff feels more like a real final fantasy game than an actual mainline ff game
      Holy frick did they shit the bed with 16

      • 10 months ago

        MMO devs = MMO quality

        • 10 months ago

          I can'g believe a spinoff feels more like a real final fantasy game than an actual mainline ff game
          Holy frick did they shit the bed with 16

          >ffxiv trannies still coping that their game flopped with the barry meme
          only team ninja and nomura can save ff now bros

          How much did sop sell again?
          Yeah cant wait for you doomposters to seethe about Nomura

          • 10 months ago

            (You) are the only seething about Nomura. You MMOtroons have been doing it for a decade lmao

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah anon, don't think I don't remember NOMURA IS LE BAD when Nomura was the one on charge
              Frick off ff14gay

              • 10 months ago

                I have never seen anyone more deranged. You MMOgays are beyond Barry at this point KEK

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah anon, I can't wait for you to cry over ff7 rebirth since all you do is cry about FF no matter what

  17. 10 months ago

    it's over

  18. 10 months ago

    Why is Barry lying about remnant 2 outselling FF16?
    I know he typically lies in all his posts but hes usually half-lies.
    Is it quite literally that he seethes about the 3 million number so much that now hes outright denying it?

    • 10 months ago

      Anon...he does it for free.

    • 10 months ago

      didnt reply because id think FFXVI cultists could use their brain and google but the fact that

      Anon...he does it for free.

      is too stupid to google

      here you go

      imagine being this fricking dumb

      • 10 months ago

        Pikmin sisters... Our response? XVI's flop month outsells our game?!

        • 10 months ago

          >game that was out more less than a month is still right behind FFXVI in the american charts

          But pikmin also overwhelmingly beats it in july for the european one here

          >FFXVI in european markets got outsold by It takes two in july

          >pikmin 4 in japan
          >remnant 2 in america
          >it takes two in europoor

          AND it sold double than FFXVI in the famitsu charts and is still hitting number 1 late august

          pikmin 4 is outselling it even a month later

          • 10 months ago

            Hi Zelinkgay

            How are you

            Always writing like this

            Don't you need to spam your zelink fanarts?

          • 10 months ago

            what's the deal with your use of line breaks anyway
            since I noticed it the other day I can't un-see it

            • 10 months ago

              Old reddit formatting, common among homosexuals

          • 10 months ago

            >AND it sold double than FFXVI in the famitsu charts
            Who cares? XVI is a flop and sold more than Pikmin which is a massive success LOL!

          • 10 months ago

            pikmin is outselling any PS5 game in japan. so whats the matter?

            you guys somehow moronic morons?

          • 10 months ago

            Hey Zelink anon, still seething at FF16? Is it because of the menopause?

            • 10 months ago

              nah maybe he couldnt create a big penis ingame.

          • 10 months ago

            Too bad it flopped in America, then, and America is the most important market.

          • 10 months ago

            I dont care about Pikmin. I thought you tendies said comparing different games was le bad when GTA was around kek

      • 10 months ago

        Um, tendiesisters? Why is Pikmin flopping?

      • 10 months ago

        >FF16 above pikmin4 and tears of the kingdom as well as being in the top 5
        >this the chart Barry uses to drum up a conspiracy that it somehow disproves that it sold 3 million
        I honestly dont even know what is going on in your head anymore.

        • 10 months ago

          Whoever posted the image amusingly posted the Eric crop.

        • 10 months ago

          there's no conspiracy, they shipped 3m but there's no word of more copies being sold and the hot period is over
          people just don't want Nioh+GoT and gays, no matter how much you scapegoat Barry or chuds or whatever
          the stock dip is pretty hard evidence, that should not be happening after such a big release

          • 10 months ago

            literally the only sane on ITT


            FRICKING RUN


            • 10 months ago

              >Agreeing with anyone no matter how dumb their opinion is just for taking your side

              • 10 months ago

                The stock dropped do to not hitting high demand and other square frick ups

                Remnant 2 outsold it in america

                pikmin 4 sold twice XVIs copies in japan

                it takes two outsold it in europe

                yes. Its a failure. A final fantasy selling less than the previous two entries is a sign of decline and failure but i guess he is just an idiot, not you

              • 10 months ago

                Stop obsessing over sales and go find a man, Zelink femanon

              • 10 months ago

                You keep getting your goalposts pushed back every time I see one of these threads. Last night it was "actually you don't understand stocks, this is the normal ebb and flow, it was not a failure" and now it's "it's a financial failure but why should anyone care about sales?!" LMFAOo

              • 10 months ago

                Ok post your bg3 game, zelinksister. You sure bought that turn based game, right?

              • 10 months ago

                Nope homosexual, try again 😀 Realllllly grasping at straws now

              • 10 months ago

                >i don't support turn based games and I'm just hiding behind bg3
                I accept your concession then.

              • 10 months ago

                >I accept your concession then.
                >I am bleeding, leaving me the victor

              • 10 months ago

                >gets absolutely BTFO
                >resorts to an immediate ad hominem attack in response
                You are getting raped in public right now anon. Holy shit.

              • 10 months ago

                Oh you still here? Post your BG3 game then
                Though I don't expect much from a hag

              • 10 months ago

                FFXVI gays have nothing left

                Remember…just remember how wienery they were from the months leading up to the game to admitting the games a failire but still sperging out when anyone calls it one

              • 10 months ago

                Stop it you fricking monster! He's already dead!

          • 10 months ago

            >people just don't want Nioh+GoT and gays
            lmao, the projection is incredible

            • 10 months ago

              the game sold like shit so he is right but clearly this entire thread is deflection and seething about barry/zelink being in their walls

              • 10 months ago

                >the game sold like shit
                false, it just didn't sell the numbers it would've on a real platform with proper marketing and interest

              • 10 months ago

                >with proper marketing
                it's been at every gaming event since the announcement and it was shilled everywhere
                >and interest
                freudian slip there

          • 10 months ago

            >no matter how much you scapegoat Barry or chuds or whatever the stock dip is pretty hard evidence
            OOF XVI shills in fricking shambles.

      • 10 months ago

        Pikmin sisters... Our response? XVI's flop month outsells our game?!

        Um, tendiesisters? Why is Pikmin flopping?

        >FF16 above pikmin4 and tears of the kingdom as well as being in the top 5
        >this the chart Barry uses to drum up a conspiracy that it somehow disproves that it sold 3 million
        I honestly dont even know what is going on in your head anymore.

        >xviBlack folk are seething so hard they have to post the crop out version and still can only cope over beating Pikmin without digital sales in the US

        you troons are mentally ill

        • 10 months ago

          Pikmin flopped.
          Barry discord cultist seething

          • 10 months ago

            >XVI is now competing with games like pikmin and remnant 2

            • 10 months ago

              >Mexican esl poster projecting and seething.
              Cope barry

              • 10 months ago

                >Mexican esl poster projecting and seething.
                >can't beat remnant 2
                >can only beat pikmin without digital sales
                Black person it's fine, xvi flopped

              • 10 months ago

                >Mexican brown skin seething about being correctly called a wetback spic-kun
                Many such cases

              • 10 months ago

                newbie tourist from /xivg/ needs to leave

          • 10 months ago

            >*new* pikmin flops to floptasy floppy foopsteen
            tendies on suicide watch

            xvi-kun won

  19. 10 months ago

    >40 posts
    >13 IPs
    troony abbo moron

  20. 10 months ago




  21. 10 months ago

    Besides Barry, the only people who hate FF16 are tendies who would praise FF16 if it were released on their precious underpowered console.

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >Besides Barry, the only people who hate FF16 are tendies
      That is cope.

    • 10 months ago

      This is true. Saw some of them portbegging, besides when they thought ff16 could sell they were saying they were idorts just in case
      You are already seeing them dropping their alliance with AC6 too kek, such drones

    • 10 months ago

      >if you have an overall negative view of XVI you hate it
      Calm down with the proportion. XVI is just a very mediocre game in most respects.
      It doesn't do anything particularly well except maybe the setup for geopolitics - which ends up being completely irrelevant to the story.

      On top of that the game was released exclusively on the PS5 and isn't even that impressive graphicaly, so it cannot justify itself as a state of the art technological achievement of a console like exclusive games used to do (like The Last of Us 1, The Order 1886, etc; games from a time were console games had the best graphics of their generation)

  22. 10 months ago

    >FFXVI in european markets got outsold by It takes two in july

    >pikmin 4 in japan
    >remnant 2 in america
    >it takes two in europoor

    • 10 months ago

      What a coincidence, none of those are PS5 exclusives

      • 10 months ago

        maybe because PS5 has no games?

        • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        doesnt matter

        But seriously, why can't XVI outsell remnant 2 PS5 sales in 30 days? Are the trannies poor?

  23. 10 months ago


  24. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Women can't meme

  25. 10 months ago

    Why are pikmingays so obsessed with this game and this guy

  26. 10 months ago

    barry are you ok?
    still spreading nonsense?

  27. 10 months ago

    Stop jacking it to trannies, Barry.

    • 10 months ago

      Wait, why would Barry think that linking to troony Porn that he's been jacking to would be some sort of "win" in his mind?

      • 10 months ago

        It's sort of a pattern. He obviously jacks it to troony porn imagining that it's YoshiP, and he hates himself for it.

  28. 10 months ago

    >zelink out of nowhere
    is it a youtuber?

  29. 10 months ago

    I don't get why mods simply don't auto-ban the images he uses.

    • 10 months ago

      they gave up, he's been at it for a decade

      • 10 months ago

        Nah frick that shit. Its the same pic over and over, and we saw other threads like SV threads being INSTANT banned

    • 10 months ago

      This. They ban threads like Falcom, Stardew Valley and others but this shit is allowed?
      Well seeing how it could be the zelinkgay it doesn't surprise me, since her spam is allowed

    • 10 months ago


      If someone spammed a sad miyamoto everyday, tendies would not care and the thread would archive after a few posts

      The fact that posting this image with any text makes these threads hit bump limit because a few console waring gays and yoshit pissers need to endlessly seethe about barry and muh tendie boogeyman proves that you two fanbases are both mindbroken. The failure of XVI got to you gays

      if you just stopped replying to the yoshit piss pictures, barry and other people like myself making fun of yoshit piss would stop. Its so easy to trigger final fantasy gays and snoys

      • 10 months ago

        Jesus he didn't even mention yoshida. Maybe he looks like a man who dumped you and that's why this zelink roastie is always talking about him

      • 10 months ago

        Not that anon and i don't even care about that guy (I didn't even know who he was until you spammed him in EVERY ff thread) but you really need to control your autism a little girl
        Make a zelink thread and relax a little okay?

        • 10 months ago

          i thought TOTK was trash. Keep calling me that schizo. It makes me laugh

      • 10 months ago

        >If someone spammed a sad miyamoto everyday, tendies would not care and the thread would archive after a few posts
        I'm very sure that would not in fact happen.
        Especially when its accompanied by Barry also samegayging his threads ,sometimes to bump limit ,as well as going into any thread related to the game.
        Not only that but Ganker users ESPECIALLY have a habit of replying to bait

        • 10 months ago

          >Especially when its accompanied by Barry also samegayging his threads

          newbie ALERT

          Barry doesnt samegay his threads. The only thing he does is respond autistic to anyone challenging his viewpoint

          If nobody replied to barrys threads theyd die off but there are actually unironic FF and sony schizos that refuse to not take barrys bait. Even tendies know when to tell ACgay to frick off and stop replying. People cant stop replying to barry and they actually think they are triggering barry when barry lives in a reality of his own with a very easy copypasta he has saved away for any argument so he puts very little effort in posting

          until yoshit pissers and snoys stop endlessly seething, they will continue to get mad at pointing out XVIs failure

          • 10 months ago

            >Barry doesnt samegay his threads
            Black person ive seen his threads for years and when hes in some one his deep manic states he WILL samegay.

            • 10 months ago

              you are absolutely a fricking moron. He is so obvious to point out and ive seen threads where everyone was calling everyone else barry to bump limit when he wasnt even there

              u are probably one of those morons. Barry makes a post, people reply to his post because 99% people disagree with him and he spends the rest of the thread replying to every single one that disagrees with him or goes against his viewpoint

              There are wowg people who unironically think barry exists there. Thats how fricking mindbroken people are over this sperg. He is the easiest man to detect cause he copies and pastes everything he says like an automatic machine with very specific wordings and the morons here are so dumb they think that he invades wowg to trigger XIV gays lingering there

              • 10 months ago

                The real Barry always defends FFXV and can be easily baited out by insulting it. Yoshida fanboys often call you Barry even if you say FFXV was also shit.
                The /wowg/ shit is insane too.

              • 10 months ago

                The /wowg/ shit's hilarious because the people who ended up being mindbroken over Barry, was /xivg/ Asmongold fans who came into /wowg/ around 2021, before /mmog/ spunoff to brag about how much better XIV was and picked up on Barry's name by one of the original ff schizos in there.
                Barry's like a curse to these people. Inevitable in any thread. Barry Is.

              • 10 months ago

                /mmog/ collapsed and got jannied because
                >almost nobody posted there
                >xivgays constantly lost arguments with wowgays, so they derailed the thread into 24/7 screeching about secret "zodiark trancer" discords and their alleged responsibility for 100% of all criticism directed against FFXIV.
                It's incredible how rabid XIVgays became simply because asmonshit gave their game a bit of attention

              • 10 months ago

                The /wowg/ shit's hilarious because the people who ended up being mindbroken over Barry, was /xivg/ Asmongold fans who came into /wowg/ around 2021, before /mmog/ spunoff to brag about how much better XIV was and picked up on Barry's name by one of the original ff schizos in there.
                Barry's like a curse to these people. Inevitable in any thread. Barry Is.

                Why can't you schizos take your MMO drama elsewhere? I literally don't give a shit about your nolife gamea

              • 10 months ago

                You gave enough shit to respond :^)

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah not my fault since you spam this shit everytime, get a life and stop being this addicted to MMO and discord drama
                Even more if you are a woman, probably eggless already

              • 10 months ago

                NTA but what happenes with ff14? Are mmos constantly being updated or what

              • 10 months ago

                Yes, why the frick anyone be playing game for years if it wasn't being updated?

              • 10 months ago

                It's sort of a pattern. He obviously jacks it to troony porn imagining that it's YoshiP, and he hates himself for it.

                That's the problem with online games, communities are cancer, they are always divided in 2:
                First ones are the ones who just want to play casually, see DBD
                Second ones are the ones LIVING in those games, joining a discord, and make a drama.
                Obviously the second ones will never be happy while the first ones will come back to next FF14 expansion to meme about le cat, le villain, etc.
                I dunno how the second ones found Ganker, but you can tell they are just bitter gays pointing fingers at anyone just because one producer doesn't shit their precious expansion every minutes
                I hate discordfreaks like these because they basically murder every thread.

              • 10 months ago

                >XIVgay writing schizo fanfiction to cope with Shitwalker having bad patches

              • 10 months ago

                I don't know, since I never played ff14
                Did you?

              • 10 months ago

                >He says while posting in a thread about a shitty offline FFXIV expansion

              • 10 months ago

                This. Holy shit just hire some hitman to kill Yoshida and shut the frick up

      • 10 months ago

        Kek, you women are so fricking dramatic. Yoshida is a moron who he AND the directors wanted the nuGOW money. Their goal was not dmc, since dmc plays per levels, they wanted the hub nuGOW. They literally said they would go back to turn based or similar. That's it, a fricking experiment just like yakuza 7, or RE6 (capcom said they went after cod and uncharted audience)
        It failed? Oh well, they'll try another style. And sadly you will still shit on a turn based FF game, since your kind only lives through doomposting, specially FF. And you latching onto BG3 success now is hilarious, since you said that game was degenerate and that people should support le hecking zelda and Link, but once BG3 became a rich man you jumped onto his wiener. Typical prostitute

        I get your menopause is close but you are going to be premenopausic if you keep being such a dramab***h
        You want more turn based games? Then shill those games and buy those games, but no, only pokemongays and westerngays commit.

        Also the sad part is that you will give square enix money with super mario rpg and you tendies will buy ff16 for the next switch, maybe even praise Yoshida
        And I can see you, if a ff16-2 sold well, shill your game and call us allies again like before ff16 sales results

        • 10 months ago

          >the absolute STATE of mmo-troons

          >Especially when its accompanied by Barry also samegayging his threads

          newbie ALERT

          Barry doesnt samegay his threads. The only thing he does is respond autistic to anyone challenging his viewpoint

          If nobody replied to barrys threads theyd die off but there are actually unironic FF and sony schizos that refuse to not take barrys bait. Even tendies know when to tell ACgay to frick off and stop replying. People cant stop replying to barry and they actually think they are triggering barry when barry lives in a reality of his own with a very easy copypasta he has saved away for any argument so he puts very little effort in posting

          until yoshit pissers and snoys stop endlessly seething, they will continue to get mad at pointing out XVIs failure

          they are simply projecting since they samegay endlessly.

          • 10 months ago

            >they samegay endessly
            Funny coming from the Zelinkgay, who was caught using the same filename answer herself kek
            There were times we had like 3 anti FF16 threads that suddenly slowed down while zelink thread was spammed with fanarts

        • 10 months ago

          Finally some smart post. I legit don't get where this autism came when the writers pretty much said the same.
          Also disappointed at the Zelinkgay. Just live and let live

        • 10 months ago


          >the absolute STATE of mmo-troons
          they are simply projecting since they samegay endlessly.

          Typical pre-menopause woman answer. Your inferior brain can't see people don't have to like the same games

        • 10 months ago

          Chad answer

          >the absolute STATE of mmo-troons
          they are simply projecting since they samegay endlessly.

          Roastie answer

        • 10 months ago

          im just a guy who likes old FF and dislikes what yoshit piss did to singleplayer FF
          >they will go back to turn based

          if it was a one and done experiment i wouldnt give a shit but this franchise hasnt been an RPG since XIII and a good turn based game since X

          We waited the entire 2010s for garbage unfinished open world trash like XV

          We waited the rest of the 2010s and early 2020s for XVI to be some shitty MMO action slop with no RPG mechanics, party members, MP, mini games, elemental weaknesses etc

          15 years and this series still isnt an RPG

          at this point frick yoshit piss. This is the last straw and i wont let yoshit piss troons let this failure down after supporting this. Im sick of these business men like yoshida be so oblivious while BG3 proved him wrong

          FF is dead

          • 10 months ago

            See you seething at FF17, childless hag

            • 10 months ago

              if FF17 is a proper RPG that looks good ill be the opposite. I will actually praise it

              Likely will happen too after XVIs failure and BG3s success

              • 10 months ago

                And then you'll never get one again once they find out why BG3 actually got popular

              • 10 months ago

                >And then you'll never get one again once they find out why BG3 actually got popular

                This makes literally zero sense but im talking to a XVI gay so you probably have no brain

              • 10 months ago

                Wow calm down girl. Ok show us your BG3 game and let's see if you are not just riding onto the masses validation.

              • 10 months ago

                Such a tsundere, always talking about ff16gays

                the game sold like shit so he is right but clearly this entire thread is deflection and seething about barry/zelink being in their walls

                Yeah poor victim, because you dont ruin threads and insult other people all the time

              • 10 months ago

                You are genuinely fricking delusional if you're actually convinced that mass markets actually just really loved CRPGs this entire time and nobody noticed
                Like you should actually have a nice day if you're that stupid

              • 10 months ago

                That b***h is moronic. Been playing CRPGs since forever and baldurs gate 3 became popular because of the dating sims elements and cutscenes, normies love that shit

              • 10 months ago

                >People only liked BG3 cause of the dating thats 1% of the game and not cause its a good RPG

                Jesus…FFXVI gays are some of the most delusional gays alive

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah sure moron, BG3 is really just the first good CRPG that's ever been made and nobody ever liked anything else because the average person is just that much of a connoiseur
                have a nice day

              • 10 months ago

                >What is DOS2
                >What is Disco Elysium

                jesus you are fricking stupid

              • 10 months ago

                You should answer those questions yourself if you think there's valid comparison to make here

              • 10 months ago

                Those games i listed were praised BECAUSE they were good CRPGs

                Now that a bug budget CRPG with AAAA style development is developed and praised, it doesnt count now cause theres dating in it that takes 1% of the game

                You keep proving my point on how XVI gays do nothing but deflect, move the goalpost, lie and endlessly seethe whenever something comes up to BTFO their game. They will never admit yoshi p made something that doesnt appeal to people cause its mediocre

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah anon only your boyfriend Yoshida made the game.

              • 10 months ago

                DE was praised for good writing, and didn't sell anywhere near BG3
                DOS2 isn't even theoretically on the same playing field

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah sure you will, Zelinkgay. You only praise things if your fave journos like it

          • 10 months ago

            >Admitting you have a personal grudge
            oh no no no

            • 10 months ago

              Maybe her character was banned in ff14

        • 10 months ago

          >every sentence is him making some kind of assumption to pigeonhole the opposition
          Absolutely mindbroken Square Enix jizz-slop slurper.

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah yeah, but I enjoy thise games while you spend all day seething. Bet you look 15 years older your age
            You sure rather spend all day talking over square enix over all those turn based games.

            • 10 months ago

              Can't put on a poker face when you're seething about every post on Ganker that is even remotely negative about the 'games' you had a hard time convincing yourself are good.

              • 10 months ago

                Sorry your games are that boring anon you care more about Square enix
                Did you reserve the super mario rpg remake already?

              • 10 months ago

                Watching pre-suicidal shart enix cultists mald online is better entertainment than most video games, honestly.

              • 10 months ago

                Poor anon, imagine seething all these years and FF still alive

              • 10 months ago

                Not anymore it isn't lmao. I loved these games as a kid. The ps1 era was so great, but I have enjoyed the demise of the franchise this year almost as much as those games.

              • 10 months ago

                If you really enjoyed the games, you would not believe 'the demise of the franchise' was this year, unless you're a zoomer

              • 10 months ago

                It's been dying since X. But it is now officially and rightfully fricking dead homosexual.

              • 10 months ago

                And you're basing that on?

              • 10 months ago

                You will seethe about FF9R
                You will seethe about a turn based ff17
                You just need to look at ANY FF thread to see this
                Wanna prove me wrong? Go on, since I played all the ffs but xi and xiv, let's see how much it lasts without drama

              • 10 months ago

                >demake muh childhood nostalgia muh memberberries slop
                ok golem

  30. 10 months ago

    >square insists ff has to become more like an action game cuz that's the future
    >gets outsold by a turn based game

    I don't think square will learn tbh. They've had TR reboot games selling 10M+ units but they've decided naw, that's not enough while nothing else in their portfolio matched it, ended up selling it so cheap embracer just bought it to sell it for normal price month later. What is this with Japanese gaming companies being completely fricking incompetent?

    • 10 months ago

      they'll just make the next turn-based FF a vapid sexfest like BG3

      • 10 months ago

        extremely likely
        nuSquare is very susceptible to western astroturfing, they really have no filter to understand what's real and what isn't and they jack off to gaijin too much

  31. 10 months ago

    >samegayging intensifies
    Imagine blowing your decade long marketing campaign like this LMAO

  32. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Glad you don't deny it anymore. Though you can't be a chad if you are always seething and even bootlick other games when those sell better

  33. 10 months ago

    I've been following these deflection scapegoat Barry Schizo threads since release and they just keep getting raped with hard facts. Your game fricking sucks and even reddit hates it. It is over lmfao

  34. 10 months ago

    >it was predicted

  35. 10 months ago

    Lastly, I would like to discuss our outlook for 4Q FY2023/3 and for the upcoming fiscal year (“FY2024/3”). Reviews of “FORSPOKEN,” which we released on January 24, 2023, have been challenging. However, the game has also received positive feedback on its action features, including its parkour and combat capabilities, so it has yielded results that will lead to improvement of our development capabilities of other games in the future. That said, its sales have been lackluster, and while the performance of new titles with February and March release dates will be the ultimate determinant, we see considerable downside risk to our FY2023/3 earnings.

  36. 10 months ago

    It's because they dont actually make final fantasy games anymore.
    People want TURN BASED strategic combat and a competent story and BEAUTIFUL MUSIC.

    Literally that is it. 12s combat was the turning point. It was FINE but somehow they feel like continue to chase this streamline blockbuster combat is what the fan base wanted which no one asked for.

    Kingdom Hearts got it right, but the series built with that style in mind.

    • 10 months ago

      >People want TURN BASED strategic combat and a competent story and BEAUTIFUL MUSIC.
      If they wanted half of those things they would've bought a ps5
      >Kingdom Hearts got it right
      Holy shit an actual KH3 defender

      • 10 months ago

        >If they wanted half of those things they would've bought a ps5
        is there even one game like that exclusive to ps5?

      • 10 months ago

        >bought PS5
        Are you a literal moron? FF hasnt made a game like that since 13, why would anyone buy a PS5 expecting square to make a game they haven't actually made, even turning ff7 THE most hyped remake into a boring action game no one asked for.

        >KH3 defender
        I never played KH3. SE dropped the ball by making the story overly complex and I just didn't care.
        1 and 2 ARE goat tier ARPGs. FF15 is trash.

        • 10 months ago

          >FF hasnt made a game

        • 10 months ago

          >1 and 2 ARE goat tier ARPGs
          >SE dropped the ball by making the story overly complex and I just didn't care.

          • 10 months ago

            What are you even trying to say?
            2 wasn't a complex mess. The story was fairly straightforward. It wasn't till after that SE took a giant stinker on the plot to pad out the time for KH 3. Not to mention I really thought the series was over at 2 anyways.

            • 10 months ago

              >2 wasn't a complex mess. The story was fairly straightforward

      • 10 months ago

        KH3 was pretty successful on release and all the complaints got addressed in the ReMind version
        it certainly didn't fall off at 3m copies shipped
        XVI releasing on PS5 only certainly hit it hard, but you can see that the interest is just not there. There's barely even porn of the characters, or discussions about anything that isn't whether or not it was a failure.
        At the end of the day, it's explicitly and unabashedly not a Final Fantasy, but it insisted on taking up the name and the 16th main entry.
        You don't alienate your main audience if your series is successful. People bought XIII and XV just because they desperately want to love FF again.
        after XV's failure, the only viable course of action would've been returning to the roots, like IX did after VIII, but they decided to blindly trust Yoship, whose ego is immense after ARR, and this is the result.

        For the record, I've been writing "Vagrant Story 2 when?" in the chat of every live letter since heavensward, and XVI looked to be a spiritual successor to it (ex. Joshua) so I was really looking forward to the game , but it's just not good.
        20h og cutscenes and telltale hallways? No RPG elements ? Game of Thrones ?
        why even pretend to be like VS if that's what you're planning?
        If VII:R hadn't turned me jaded already XVI would've broken my heart

        you can proceed with your scapegoating now

        • 10 months ago

          Jesus why are Mmogays such drama queens.

        • 10 months ago

          I literally see no one talking about yoshida in ff14 threads, just memes , jobs and waifus
          Sounds to me you just decided to obsess over some homosexual and link any person to him

          • 10 months ago

            yoship is a rockstar director trying to emulate Chris Metzen
            the fact that he shows his face and reassures people about the future of the game is the only reasons FFXIV, an MMORPG with no overworld content and very little content in general, has survived this long ona shoelace budget.
            When it comes to mmos, the promise of tomorrow's content is more important for player retention than the actually available content.
            That's not factoring in that he's been basically lying for 6 years and instead of delivering more after "paying off the technical debt of 1.0" he actually scaled DOWN content production in the last 2 expacs
            but cultists don't care, that's why they defend XVI, it's all parasocial

            • 10 months ago

              >the schizo antiff16gay was just a ff14gay mad that his 10 years hours game with 8000 hours of content doesn't receive 1000 hours of content anymore
              Jesus fricking christ. And then you call us yoshigays even though a lot of us didn't touch ff11 and ff14

              • 10 months ago

                what are you trying to say?
                try getting it out

            • 10 months ago

              Sounds to me you are the cultist here living too much inside FFXIV

              • 10 months ago

                because I have an informed opinion on it?
                bit of an overreaction, I haven't touched XIV since 5.4 cause it just gets no content and refuses to even use the content it already has

              • 10 months ago

                How many hours do you have in that game?

              • 10 months ago

                Still waiting for the answer. Too embarrassed to admit you are the I HATE THIS GAME BUT I PLAYED 2000 HOURS type?

              • 10 months ago

                Seems like i was right

              • 10 months ago

                Legit question, is Yoshida a superman who is making these games by himself?

              • 10 months ago

                He's the producer and director
                he has the final word and bears the responsibility for the final product
                who else would?

              • 10 months ago

                >He's the producer and director

            • 10 months ago

              KH3 was pretty successful on release and all the complaints got addressed in the ReMind version
              it certainly didn't fall off at 3m copies shipped
              XVI releasing on PS5 only certainly hit it hard, but you can see that the interest is just not there. There's barely even porn of the characters, or discussions about anything that isn't whether or not it was a failure.
              At the end of the day, it's explicitly and unabashedly not a Final Fantasy, but it insisted on taking up the name and the 16th main entry.
              You don't alienate your main audience if your series is successful. People bought XIII and XV just because they desperately want to love FF again.
              after XV's failure, the only viable course of action would've been returning to the roots, like IX did after VIII, but they decided to blindly trust Yoship, whose ego is immense after ARR, and this is the result.

              For the record, I've been writing "Vagrant Story 2 when?" in the chat of every live letter since heavensward, and XVI looked to be a spiritual successor to it (ex. Joshua) so I was really looking forward to the game , but it's just not good.
              20h og cutscenes and telltale hallways? No RPG elements ? Game of Thrones ?
              why even pretend to be like VS if that's what you're planning?
              If VII:R hadn't turned me jaded already XVI would've broken my heart

              you can proceed with your scapegoating now

              How many hours did you okay ff14, sisters?

            • 10 months ago

              You pissed off a few cultists with the truth

        • 10 months ago

          >I've been writing "Vagrant Story 2 when?" in the chat of every live letter since heavensward
          >If VII:R hadn't turned me jaded already XVI would've broken my heart
          A mmowoman, the saddest combination. How many cats do you have

          • 10 months ago

            >I've been writing "Vagrant Story 2 when?" in the chat of every live letter since heavensward
            I saw one live letter where Yoshi P was asking for feedback about housing and I just spammed the eye of providence and "NAY" over and over again. It really stood out in the chat too. We are not the same.

        • 10 months ago

          So basically you only like a game if it gets praised and sell, but you dislike that same game if it doesn't sell? Because kh3 was shit
          I guess if ff16 sold 10m you would have reversed back to proff16 like you were before

        • 10 months ago

          >didnt fall off due to horrible word of mouth
          >didnt kill the franchise

          • 10 months ago

            >didnt kill the franchise

            • 10 months ago

              nice to be delusional i guess lol

              • 10 months ago

                >its dead
                >why? because I say it is
                lmao even.

          • 10 months ago

            what are you on about?

        • 10 months ago

          >all the complaints got addressed in the ReMind version
          Wow, shills are really this delusional huh

    • 10 months ago




      • 10 months ago

        too late. A cultist got him

        >People want TURN BASED strategic combat and a competent story and BEAUTIFUL MUSIC.
        If they wanted half of those things they would've bought a ps5
        >Kingdom Hearts got it right
        Holy shit an actual KH3 defender

      • 10 months ago

        You're severely autistic

      • 10 months ago

        too late. A cultist got him [...]

        It's sad enough samegayging, but having no argument is wild

        • 10 months ago

          i dont care about you, you pathetic lowlife. Was jut trying to protect the sane anon who joined this thread who doesnt autistically bump a thread cause people dislike a bad game

          • 10 months ago

            You've been posting psychotic shit on cooldown for what looks like hours at this point while pretending everyone but you is crazy

      • 10 months ago


  37. 10 months ago

    >Genshin Impact runs a homosexual banner and users from basically every country protest it
    >One of the lowest selling banners of all time despite having Yelan, an extremely powerful unit who was used to "insulate" the homosexual character
    >This still made more money than FFXVI this month

    • 10 months ago

      Genshin also makes more money than Zelda

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Ironic coming from a Zeldagay being terrified to compare their games to Genshin

          • 10 months ago

            >I must talk about zelda somehow
            You are mindbroken lmao

            • 10 months ago

              I'm not the one constantly sperging about ff16, Zeldagay
              Must suck being called out right?

        • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        things to consider:
        >genshin never arrived on switch
        >botw2.0 was delayed because of genshin's success
        >added crappy gacha mechanic to botw2.0 when you can just simply skip everything with a flat panel and fan anyway
        >botw1 and 2 have made less revenue then genshin altogether anyway

  38. 10 months ago

    FFXI was the better MMO

  39. 10 months ago

    I would have bought this game if it wasn't on PS5. I still have many games to play on my PS4 and I use my PC for more demanding games. This game feels like it was made for me and yet I am not gonna buy it until it comes out on pc. Maybe they don't understand that the people buying the consoles nowadays are not the same type of people that enjoyed playing a wide variety of games 15 years ago.

    • 10 months ago

      Don't even bother buying it when it does. It will be cracked within a month and likely an egs exclusive

      • 10 months ago

        One singular person says they'd want to buy the game and gives a legitimate reason why they haven't already that isn't "the game sucks"
        Anon who bases his personality on the game failing immediately descends into flop sweat and begins pleading with him to just pirate it

        • 10 months ago

          Just trying to save this anon from the inevitable buyer's remorse that would come from actually spending money on this game. It's solid advice, I understand it pisses shills off but don't care. I know I KNOW I'm sorry, it's just that I don't care is all HAHAHAHAHAHA

          • 10 months ago

            You sound mad

          • 10 months ago

            I have heard that this game has issues but I still liked playing through XV despite being sad that it wasn't what it could have been

            One singular person says they'd want to buy the game and gives a legitimate reason why they haven't already that isn't "the game sucks"
            Anon who bases his personality on the game failing immediately descends into flop sweat and begins pleading with him to just pirate it

            I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't buy a game that was made to cater to me even if it's not the greatest.

        • 10 months ago

          There are a lot of pcgays waiting for the game. Sounds like another case of people being overdramatic like with death stranding

  40. 10 months ago

    The truth is Final Fantasy is a stagnant IP, where the only thing seemingly brimming with soul these days are the spinoff titles.
    Almost every other IP coming out of Square Enix these days has clearly more passion than what ever they're pumping into the main line series.
    And that's something normies notice too.
    Now mainline Final Fantasy is just rose-tinted millennial-core trying to ride off the hype of it's ageing millennial audience for stuff they enjoyed as kids.

    • 10 months ago

      Shut the frick up zelinn femanon, you don't care about final fantasy! Die!!

      • 10 months ago

        Nah, I'm not that roastie, I just love Jack

  41. 10 months ago

    3 MILLION ˢʰiᵖᵖᵉᵈ AND SOLD!!!!!!!!

  42. 10 months ago

    dead genre kek

    • 10 months ago

      why do you keep posting this?
      everyone played VII, we all know this is a scripted sequence in the introductory segment of the game

  43. 10 months ago

    Why are ff troons such a fragile fanbase?

    • 10 months ago

      >Fanbase made up of mostly millennials and 90's kids turns out to be fragile.

    • 10 months ago

      The series is nowhere as big as it was back then (since fricking Pikmin of all things can outsell FF16 in Japan), so seeing signs of FF waning even more ticks them off.

      • 10 months ago

        FFbros just want to talk about ff games but you just keep crying about the same guy over and over and over
        >muh Pikmin, muh sales
        You sure were avoiding ff threads and avoided talking about sales when ff was big so you were always dishonests

    • 10 months ago

      MMO trannies have overcome actual final fantasy fans

  44. 10 months ago

    >Yoshida mindbroke the schizos so bad that they still are obssesed to this day
    Feels fricking good, can't wait for FF7 Rebirth and play more of Nomura's kino and see more melties

    • 10 months ago

      >can't wait for FF7 Rebirth
      1.2 MILLION shipped AND SOLD!!!!!

  45. 10 months ago

    FFXVI is proof that modern Square is lazy as shit and prefers implementing the "Pokemon" mentality on their more popular franchises as long as they can get away with it from ballesses critics and mindless fans.
    That's why this trash has no challenge and becomes boring 2h in.

  46. 10 months ago

    >36 IPs.
    >176 Posts.

    You guys are talking to the same people every day. Doesn't it bother you? You are not impressing or "convincing" anyone. Nobody from the population of the internet much less the ones who visit Ganker are even opening XVI threads. You could literally be doing anything else. I don't even think Yoshida cares or wants to talk about XVI every fricking day to the same fricking people.

  47. 10 months ago

    The game was destined to fail. It's such a shitshow. 75% of the game is just boring ass cutscenes and pandering to lore nerds. The remaining 25% gameplay is littered with QTE kaiju snoozefests or DMC slop. I'm so happy this shit game failed, YoshiPiss is being exposed for the fraud he is. ff14 is also just a dogshit WoW clone and not innovative at all

  48. 10 months ago

    It all makes sense now. Why they made the VII Remake DLC exclusive to PS5 but a free upgrade if you bought the ps4 version. They were desperately trying to get people to buy PS5's for XVI. Didn't work then. Didn't work when XVI released "just buy a ps5 gays" It's so telling how out of touch they are in that they still expect Final Fantasy to be a system selling franchise. They're so fricking dumb it's almost unbelievable.

  49. 10 months ago

    Is there a franchise that's created a bigger amount of namegays on Ganker than Final Fantasy?

  50. 10 months ago

    The absolute state of ff threads
    No gameplay talk, only obsessing over boogeymen and waifu porn cuck spam

  51. 10 months ago

    I'm sure Rebirth will sell well given that it is a sequel to a game that underperformed. THANKFULLY it won't be a ps5 exclusive also because SE has learned their lesson.

    • 10 months ago

      Also there won't be any DLCs as it is not needed

    • 10 months ago

      >The Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth release date is set for early 2024 on PS5, and will feature two discs. The game won't be launching on PC at the same time and a PS4 version is not in development

      • 10 months ago

        OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

      • 10 months ago

        But the attach rate! No0o0o0oOo!!!!!!

    • 10 months ago

      FF7Rebirth is literally ps5 exclusive moron, no ps4 version and pc wont probably come out for a year
      And yeah, THIS affect sales, since many ps4gays and pcgays won't buy a fricking ps5 which is my case, and i 100%'d FF7Remake and I won't be able to olay it until it comes to pc shadowdropped one day, so frick off, roastie

      • 10 months ago

        Are zoomers seriously incapable of perceiving sarcasm?

        • 10 months ago

          When it comes to Final Fantasy? Yes.

  52. 10 months ago

    Not Final Fantasy. Definitely not a JRPG it feels like more of a mix between a hack n slash and adventure game. If you're a huge Final Fantasy fan like me, you probably won't like this. Had it been named something else, I'd have probably rated it a 6 or 7, the fact that it doesn't play like a final fantasy or feel very much like one causes it to lose points. Other than that it's just an OK game. The story and music are good, but besides that the side quests are boring, the PS5 performance is terrible and constant stutters and fps drops are distracting in frame rate mode while in graphics mode the ghosting is almost unbearable, it's very linear, fighting system is OK but requires very little strategy or talent, there is very little character customization, no party system, I could go on, but thats the important stuff. Basically it's hard to even call this an RPG. I'm probably about halfway through and I'm not really enjoying i

    • 10 months ago

      >The story and music are good

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >The story and music are good
        >slavery is le bad!!!!
        >(uninspired orchestrial sounds)

        • 10 months ago

          Both of those are wrong

          • 10 months ago

            Because... Because it just is okay?

            • 10 months ago

              Though you would have to have actually played the game to know that

        • 10 months ago

          >greentext buzzwords
          those will never make you intelligent, witty or work as an argument zoomer

    • 10 months ago

      >Soken shit.

  53. 10 months ago

    Don't make games exclusive to a 5-700 dollar (depending on where you live) brick.

  54. 10 months ago

    I saw a leak last night that said they are condering dropping the Rebirth ps5 exclusivity in response to poor XVI sales. So, no need to buy a ps5 to be disappointed by that game either.

    • 10 months ago

      They'll port it to Xbox, but still take the Epic 12 month exclusivity deal do to Epic's new deal rework

    • 10 months ago

      Black person, sony is the reason the remake trilogy is happening, it's all paid for already

      • 10 months ago

        Sony also paid for 2 years of forspoken console exclusivity.
        And then it flopped.

    • 10 months ago

      That won't save it. Sequels typically make half of the sales of the first game and it already performed badly. They didn't announce it was a trilogy until after the sales came in for the first one. It probably would've gone on for 10 fricking games, but thank god it flopped.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm just not going to buy it either way, just to watch some pseudoWestoid fanfiction rape the characters I love
      VIIR genuinely fricked me up. Never thought a videogame could make me feels such an intense feel of betrayal.
      90% of the shit was offloaded to a Malaysian sweatshop. For THE FFVII remake.
      I still can't believe it.

      • 10 months ago

        I would've been you but I had already lost all hope when it was announced as episodic. I played it once and never bothered playing it again but it didn't hurt me. I had already been hurt and accepted it.

  55. 10 months ago

    I thought FF was big on playstation, what happened guys? do you hate it because it's not anime / jrpg or PS5 demographics is completely different than previous gens and FF is dead on playstation going forward?

    • 10 months ago

      Final Fantasy isn't really appearing to it's core audience anymore. That being the fujos. They unironically need to get Nomura back to make more bishies and other sorts of men, women can fawn over.

    • 10 months ago

      Anon, the PS5 is a console for black people who need something to play CoD and charge their phones with

      • 10 months ago

        this is not helpful anon, I want to hear opinions from people who bought a PS5 and will not buy this game. it's probably too much to expect someone like that will even open the thread though.

        • 10 months ago

          >I want to hear opinions from people who bought a PS5 and will not buy this game
          So from basically everyone who bought a ps5?

        • 10 months ago

          I don't even think there are many people who have ps5's that visit the board
          Like, nobody here talks about vidya, but they at least theoretically care about it

    • 10 months ago

      Nobody wants to olay ps5 and this is coming from someone who has a ps4pro

  56. 10 months ago

    Based Takai and Maehiro taking inspiration from FF Type 0

  57. 10 months ago

    This likely will sever SE and SONY's relationship. Sony has reason to not bother shelling out for exclusivity because it doesn't fricking move systems, and XVI has reason to not take the money if they did because it doesn't fricking move games. It is O0ver

    • 10 months ago

      Turns out that shitting a terrible game leads to terrible consequences *gasp*

  58. 10 months ago

    >mods become active on 5ch
    >esl spergs move their eternal argument to Ganker
    google translate was a mistake

  59. 10 months ago

    All they had to do was make a good game and every moronic decision they made with it could have been justified. That's literally all they had to do.

  60. 10 months ago

    FFXVI morons are completely mindbroken.

  61. 10 months ago

    Must suck to be a FFgay these days

  62. 10 months ago

    Final Darktasy

    • 10 months ago

      type 0 was so fricking gay

    • 10 months ago

      I suppose 1/3 isn't that bad in having soul.

  63. 10 months ago

    Feels good to be enjoying games and not sperg about sales. Can't wait for the DLC and FF7 Rebirth

    • 10 months ago

      >Can't wait for the DLC and FF7 Rebirth

    • 10 months ago

      Loved SoP
      Loved Remake
      Loved FF16
      Will love FF9R
      Simple as

      • 10 months ago

        more like Same.gay

  64. 10 months ago

    God FF bros it feels so good to enjoy any slop daddy squeenix shoves out of its ass haha!

  65. 10 months ago

    >copies GoT shit
    >Tries to be mature, yet is full of melodramatic anime cringe
    >Is full of MMO fetchquests
    >Battlesystem relies way too much on cooldown spamming and has barely any actual combos like DMC
    >Story went from political to the literal "ancient evil" meme
    >Is WAY too easy and you need to drag yourself through the first playthrough until you at least get some way of a challenge

    This game was all over the place. I cant even like it as the contrarian I am, it all feels like Yoshi P didnt even know where he wants to go with the game himself.

  66. 10 months ago

    I miss the build that ran on Ebony

  67. 10 months ago

    I miss the build that was shown in early 2011

    • 10 months ago

      It still hurts, my heart won't let go

  68. 10 months ago

    Can't forget about Episode Duscae

  69. 10 months ago

    >in development for 8 years
    >only 3 million copies shipped
    >hasn't made enough money to recoup even basic expenses ignoring inflation

  70. 10 months ago
  71. 10 months ago

    How can one Aussie be so mindbroken to be this obsessed with some overseas game producer to post about them daily, well after relevance of the game they're obsessing over?

    Much less pause in the middle of jacking to troony porn to link to said troony porn they think has a dude that resembles said game producer they're obsessed over?

    • 10 months ago

      She is a hag obsessed with FF14, she plays ff14:

      yoship is a rockstar director trying to emulate Chris Metzen
      the fact that he shows his face and reassures people about the future of the game is the only reasons FFXIV, an MMORPG with no overworld content and very little content in general, has survived this long ona shoelace budget.
      When it comes to mmos, the promise of tomorrow's content is more important for player retention than the actually available content.
      That's not factoring in that he's been basically lying for 6 years and instead of delivering more after "paying off the technical debt of 1.0" he actually scaled DOWN content production in the last 2 expacs
      but cultists don't care, that's why they defend XVI, it's all parasocial

      KH3 was pretty successful on release and all the complaints got addressed in the ReMind version
      it certainly didn't fall off at 3m copies shipped
      XVI releasing on PS5 only certainly hit it hard, but you can see that the interest is just not there. There's barely even porn of the characters, or discussions about anything that isn't whether or not it was a failure.
      At the end of the day, it's explicitly and unabashedly not a Final Fantasy, but it insisted on taking up the name and the 16th main entry.
      You don't alienate your main audience if your series is successful. People bought XIII and XV just because they desperately want to love FF again.
      after XV's failure, the only viable course of action would've been returning to the roots, like IX did after VIII, but they decided to blindly trust Yoship, whose ego is immense after ARR, and this is the result.

      For the record, I've been writing "Vagrant Story 2 when?" in the chat of every live letter since heavensward, and XVI looked to be a spiritual successor to it (ex. Joshua) so I was really looking forward to the game , but it's just not good.
      20h og cutscenes and telltale hallways? No RPG elements ? Game of Thrones ?
      why even pretend to be like VS if that's what you're planning?
      If VII:R hadn't turned me jaded already XVI would've broken my heart

      you can proceed with your scapegoating now

      • 10 months ago

        what's the relevance of linking a bunch of random dribble in response?
        or is this said Aussie that's obsessed over that game producer and troony porn?

    • 10 months ago

      There is literally nothing wrong with being obsessed with a videogame and talking about it every day

  72. 10 months ago

    for me it's the 3rd birthday

  73. 10 months ago


    brain damaged.

  74. 10 months ago

    Pikmin 4 is a major first party Nintendo game. Those always sell like hotcakes and outsell basically every exclusive on other systems.

  75. 10 months ago
  76. 10 months ago

    You mean to tell me Asmon "XVI is GOTY" Gold was wrong? D':
    First he murders his mother in cold blood for a chance at success and then dresses up as a woman on stream in a humiliation ritual and now he LIES to ME?!?!?!?!?!

    • 10 months ago

      Why are you seething this hard
      It's okay, anon

      • 10 months ago

        mocking homosexual. mocking
        intransitive verb
        To treat with ridicule or contempt; deride: synonym: ridicule.
        To imitate in fun or derision.

        • 10 months ago

          Nobody who isn't mad posts anything like this

  77. 10 months ago

    These threads are shit without Barry. Wish he would stop sperging about Netflix's One Piece and come show you homosexuals how to autism.

  78. 10 months ago

    >Yoshitpissers got mindbroken so hard that they just disown Yoshida in XVI threads now.
    The cult of personality is fricking collapsing kek

    • 10 months ago

      >I stumbled across it

    • 10 months ago

      XVI made me realize that he just got lucky with XIV and is a one trick pony. XIV might be a decent game, but thats it. Also as an MMO it mostly lives off of its community and addiction, so even that isnt saying a lot.

      • 10 months ago

        XVI is literally XIV but offline and with action combat, so how can dislike XVI whilst still calling XIV a decent game?

        • 10 months ago

          Because XIV is an MMO and MMOs are supposed to be dogshit, so the game is decent by MMO standards

          • 10 months ago

            No it isn't, it failed at being massive and being RPG. Which just makes it a MOG

            • 10 months ago

              and it MOGGED the competition

              • 10 months ago

                What competition, MMORPGs are a dead fricking genre and it's fricking sad that WoW is still #1 for nearly two decades

        • 10 months ago

          A lot of XIV's faults are compensated by the MMO elements. XVI took all of the bad and none of the good.

          • 10 months ago

            Not even the lack of mmo can save xiv shit in shitwalker

            • 10 months ago

              I liked Endwalker., until the patches started. Some of the trials were fun, but that's it. I just want this shitty plot to be over so we can move on to Dawntrail stuff. Criterion dungeons were such a disappointment, as is the lack of a exploratory zone.

              What new caster job do you want them to add, anon?

              • 10 months ago

                Just make blue mage a fricking functional caster job

              • 10 months ago

                Why would you want that? Blue mage is fun precisely because it's outside of the regular game balance.

              • 10 months ago

                Nope it isnt fun and they didnt bother to make a meme breaking its limits against wol trial just abuse the resurrect invincibility

          • 10 months ago

            Genuine question, what MMO-elements? Levelling to the cap is mainly a single-player experience, doing anything outside of savage is done via the duty finder i.e matchmaking. The closet the game ever got to being an MMO is in Eureka/Bozja.

            • 10 months ago

              I play the game with friends so I do most things with them. Even if you play with the duty finder, playing with other people is usually more fun (unless you are progging a hard fight and you get matched with morons).

              • 10 months ago

                I mean, what isn't fun with friends? Socialisation, which used to be a core aspect of MMOs is entirely optional in FFXIV because you don't need people for anything but dungeons/raids and the game find people for you when you do need them. I think the game is much more similar to Guild Wars 1 than a traditional MMO.

              • 10 months ago

                >what isn't fun with friends?
                That's the point. I can't play XVI with friends.
                I agree that XIV is barely an MMO most of the time though. It's a multiplayer game, but it's not "massive". I hope Dawntrail adds a zone like Eureka, I want to play one of those on release.

            • 10 months ago

              > Story segments play like a FFXIV dungeon: trash mobs -> trash mobs -> boss repeat
              > sidequests are MMO style (kill the bandits) located in hubs rather than out in the world.
              > used the same "rollercoaster" design that brought them success in FFXIV MSQ

              Players liked the FFXIV team and asked if they would make a single player FF game because they felt like they had the talent to make a good one, but all they ended up doing and just designing it like a FFXIV MSQ and assuming that's what people wanted.

              • 10 months ago

                I just don't get why'd they make the game so MMO-like, whilst excluding the variety of activities you can do in FFXIV to break up the monotony.

                >what isn't fun with friends?
                That's the point. I can't play XVI with friends.
                I agree that XIV is barely an MMO most of the time though. It's a multiplayer game, but it's not "massive". I hope Dawntrail adds a zone like Eureka, I want to play one of those on release.

                I hope they add an exploratory zone as well. Criterion was garbage, even though it was the perfect opportunity to expert with the stale dungeon design the game has had for years.

              • 10 months ago

                They worked on an MMO for ten years. What do you expect?

              • 10 months ago

                They could play other games or take queues from previous FF games that had a variety of mini-games and shit to break up the constant running back and forth questing. Frick, they could take a look at their own game, why wasn't their a triple triad clone in FFXVI, especially when people loved Gwent in The Witcher 3

                >with the stale dungeon design the game has had for years.
                This, and it was the place to create a sort of "midcore" content to give people the gear and confidence to attempt savage. What a wasted opportunity.

                Not to mention the rewards for Criterion can be bought off of the MB, such a useless fricking piece of content man.

              • 10 months ago

                >their a triple triad clone in FFXVI
                It was such a simple thing, but they didn't do it.
                "You want to do something different, go do a hunt, it's the same combat against a stronger version of the same enemies you fight constantly, but it's fun right?"

              • 10 months ago

                >with the stale dungeon design the game has had for years.
                This, and it was the place to create a sort of "midcore" content to give people the gear and confidence to attempt savage. What a wasted opportunity.

              • 10 months ago

                They watched Games of Thrones instead of playing single-player games, please understand.

  79. 10 months ago

    Final Fantasy fans deserve all the bullying they get tbh

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Just like feminists wanting to bully stacies
      As expected from tendies

  80. 10 months ago
  81. 10 months ago

    I really like FF games, and I'm a XIV player , so I went into XVI with high expectations. I even stopped coming here because I didn't want to get spoiled.
    I haven't been this disappointed in a very long time.
    There's a lot wrong with it, but one of the worst things about it is how you spend 80% of the time without a party, just you and a dog who doesn't even speak. And the combat is barely passable, which is specially bad considering it's the only thing you can do. Was it really THAT hard to add triple triad, Yoshi?
    Nothing to do but run through sterile and empty hallways, fighting always the same enemies, all while the party members are silent, if they are there at all.
    I remember one of the Mid quests had a riddle and I thought "Hey, I might have to do something other than walk to quest marker, talk, kill basic enemies and pick up stuff" but no, the game solves the riddle for you.
    Also, frick Ultima, what a shitty villain. Every time he spoke I had a hard time staying awake.
    I need a palate cleanser after this game.

    • 10 months ago

      Template post

      • 10 months ago

        Is it that inconceivable to you that someone didn't enjoy FF16?

        >I need a palate cleanser after this game.
        you should play holocure and speed up the timeline of your transition.

        It's so tiresome

        >another sad cat avatar doomposting
        Post your game.

        What game? Do you mean the game I purchased? Do you want proof that I bought it?
        Also, would you prefer a raccoon?
        Pic related is me after I get Gotterdammerung and it has the same boring model as the previous sword.

        • 10 months ago

          Post it.

          • 10 months ago

            Here you go buddy. Not only did I buy the game, I bought the Deluxe edition AND a PS5 to play it, because I didn't want to wait until the eventual PC release.
            Is my opinion acceptable in your eyes now?

            • 10 months ago

              I kneel.

            • 10 months ago

              Yes. Too bad you are the only one and the rest are doomposters who never bought the game

            • 10 months ago

              >Here you go buddy. Not only did I buy the game, I bought the Deluxe edition AND a PS5 to play it
              LMFAO what a homosexual

            • 10 months ago

              >Proof that he bought the game
              >Deluxe edition
              Based moron

              • 10 months ago

                I had high hopes for it, and the steelbook looked great. Nice quads btw.

                Why go through the effort? SEgays
                and monkeys will just call you Barry, tendie, a boomer, etc if you criticize XVI in some fashion. Cyber bullying is the only way to respond to them because they are rabid fanatics.

                >Why go through the effort?
                I've been busy these past few months so I couldn't complete the game until very recently, this is my first time posting in a while so I haven't grown tired of the shitposting yet. I can't even imagine how bad the shitposting was on release.

            • 10 months ago

              Why go through the effort? SEgays
              and monkeys will just call you Barry, tendie, a boomer, etc if you criticize XVI in some fashion. Cyber bullying is the only way to respond to them because they are rabid fanatics.

              • 10 months ago

                At least I bought the game anon. Now post yours to prove them wrong.

              • 10 months ago

                >At least I bought the game anon.
                Why? It's already been ported to youtube.

              • 10 months ago

                Fine. FFXVI sucks ass. Here's my screenshot from the PS App showing the trophy that you get from beating the game. Waste of my time, and I hate the shills who pretend that it's some perfect game. In my eyes, they are scammers.

            • 10 months ago

              Now post hand.

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                I knew it.

    • 10 months ago

      >I need a palate cleanser after this game.
      you should play holocure and speed up the timeline of your transition.

    • 10 months ago

      >another sad cat avatar doomposting
      Post your game.

    • 10 months ago

      you are completely right and im glad you are a sane FFXIV fan that has stantards

      oh but here comes the cultist discord gays seething at your post with zero argument or normal reply

      Template post

      >I need a palate cleanser after this game.
      you should play holocure and speed up the timeline of your transition.

      >another sad cat avatar doomposting
      Post your game.

      Shit like this is why you can never have a normal discussion about the game

      • 10 months ago

        You keep calling people cultists yet you refuse to post your games
        Maybe you are the one projecting after all

        • 10 months ago

          im not the cat poster moron

    • 10 months ago

      I share this sentiment. Even XIII made me feel harder emotions, for better or worse.

      At least it was exceptional eye candy for the time. XVI does not has even that, it isn't particularly impressive in any regard

  82. 10 months ago

    ff16 didn't sell bad because of its combat system
    bg3 didn't sell great because of ita combat system

    final fantasy is a dead brand and bg3 got the muh bear sexscenes crowd

    • 10 months ago

      BG3 didn't sell because of bearsexscene, that's a meme.
      Romance/sex games are wildly popular with gamers. Frick, even Ganker was obsessed with a Romance sim about disabled girls years and years ago, and would NOT shut the frick up about it for the longest time.
      Bioware games famously had a shit ton of women gamers who were obsessed with the romance options in Bioware games.

      Even in modern Ganker, where people will pretend they're above it, you'll get hourly threads about "is this character hotter or that character hotter" or "For Me? It's X character" threads.

      Games with romance options sell or shipping-bait sells.

      • 10 months ago

        >a Romance sim about disabled girls years and years ago,

        • 10 months ago

          I couldn't remember the name it's been so long, had to look it up to remember.
          Katawa Shoujo

          • 10 months ago

            Thanks. Downloaded. 🙂

      • 10 months ago

        I remember when XVI was coming out, all the FF shills were pushing the game as the first Final Fantasy where characters fricked.
        Then it turns out the romance was pretty fricking mid, even by FF standards.
        BG3 as you say, selling people on the idea they can romance characters in an RPG and most of those characters actually being fleshed out and arcs helped it immensely.

    • 10 months ago

      I mean, the game is stuck on the PS5 for the time being.

      Is it known, they are just playing dumb to doompost

  83. 10 months ago

    I mean, the game is stuck on the PS5 for the time being.

  84. 10 months ago

    FF15 is meant to be played at night

  85. 10 months ago

    Remember when the game disrespected its players by forcing them to watch disgusting ugly homosexuals, who look like child rapists, making out on screen?

    Glad that pozzed homosexualtroony game flopped

    • 10 months ago

      They're going to think it's because it wasn't pozzed enough after BG3

  86. 10 months ago

    Threadly reminder that if you don't like XIV or XVI, you don't like Final Fantasy.

    • 10 months ago

      >you don't like Final Fantasy.

    • 10 months ago

      Honest question, do you find gays and trannies disgusting like most of us and also want to kill those disgusting freaks in real life?

      • 10 months ago

        >Random bloodthirsty psycho /misc/shit out of nowhere.
        XVI threads are hilarious.

        • 10 months ago

          >muh pol boogeyman
          Just answer the question man, you're not a troon or homosexual are you?

          • 10 months ago

            The majority of people don't fantasize about committing genocide like you do, schizo. Are the majority of people trannies now?

            • 10 months ago

              So you're saying you encourage homosexualry and troonysm?

              • 10 months ago

                >So y[headcanon]

              • 10 months ago

                Yep, confirmed tumblr troony

              • 10 months ago

                >mindbroken about website that died 100 years ago
                >doesn't even know Ganker memes
                >gets mad that civilized people don't share his school shooter fantasies
                Holy mental illness.

              • 10 months ago


                Just answer the question and stop deflecting man, do you find gays and trannies disgusting or not?

                Just answer the question and stop deflecting man, do you find gays and trannies disgusting or not?

              • 10 months ago

                Headcanon is as much of a Ganker meme as calling people shitlord is
                Go back

              • 10 months ago

                >headcanon is [inane dog babble]
                You? Lost. BOOM.

              • 10 months ago

                You should be ashamed of yourself for bring your homosexualry agenda here. Trying to corrupt the youth with your homosexual ways, expecting us to respect your posts when you just came back from molesting children.

              • 10 months ago

                >You should [headcanon] [cope] [citation needed]
                18+ website moron.

              • 10 months ago

                Just answer the question and stop deflecting man, do you find gays and trannies disgusting or not?

              • 10 months ago

                >Federal agent desperately trying to entrap people into his mass shooter grooming discord.
                Not today CIA.

              • 10 months ago

                I understand you're a tad moronic but the majority of people are disgusted by gays, I have never met someone who wasn't.
                Gays are disgusting and it will make the average person sick. That is why gays aren't accepted.

              • 10 months ago

                Not really. Most normal people aren't thinking about random people around them having sex.

                But maybe that's a "some countries do" kind of thing, but that'd be super weird over here.

              • 10 months ago

                Right wing candidates can't even run on repealing gay marriage because it's not popular and yet you unironically believe most people share your bloodthirsty mental illness. Very funny.

              • 10 months ago

                Stop falseflagging moron

              • 10 months ago

                >majority of people want to genocide gays you stupid troony
                >source: my bros from boko haram and al-nusra

              • 10 months ago

                At this point, I agree with /misc/, their open admission of wanting to molest children should find all of these people at the end of a noose.
                We should accelerate it, let's chemically castrate those homosexuals, so now, they have higher change of getting cancer, suicide, incontinence, going to prison fo molesting children, all good positive stuff to make you smile

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >we should commit mass murder of civilians to save the world from pedophilia am I right fellow anons? [bioluminescence intensifies]
                holy fed

              • 10 months ago

                Gays and troons are not people.
                Have you ever considered that this place would be better for everyone, yes, including you, if they didn't exist?

    • 10 months ago

      >Yoshida cultist making le ebin memes of the most forgettable female character in the entire franchise
      >You have to like wowclone slop you HAVE to!!!!

      • 10 months ago

        >the most forgettable female character in the entire franchise
        Wow, there were really no women in XV huh
        No wonder gay schizos like it so much

  87. 10 months ago

    A sweet, a schizo thread.
    All the replies are me btw, I've been talking to myself for hours now, don't forget that.

    • 10 months ago

      Howard lost.

      • 10 months ago

        Jimmy I'm sorry you're in pain.

  88. 10 months ago

    FF7 Rebirth will save S-E's stocks

    • 10 months ago

      Next game that will mindbreak the Zelinkgay

  89. 10 months ago

    The least ambitious Final Fantasy...

    • 10 months ago

      >least ambitious
      No, that's specifically Final Fantasy 5.
      (absolutely nothing new compared to the four FFs before it, all borrowed from 4 and 3).

  90. 10 months ago

    Based Barry
    He told the truth and they crucified him for it

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Barry also insisted that KH3 and FF7 Remake flopped

    • 10 months ago

      He also said hi fi rush sucked and is worse than forspoken though

    • 10 months ago

      barry is the jesus of the FF fandom

      He was the first to say “frick yoshit piss” at the beginning before some people started disliking the guy

      Then the yoshit piss cult crucified him for years until FFXVIs release where he had one final effort to revive and BTFO them after the FLOPspoken fiasco before fading into the sunset

      barry really is a tale that all FF autists will remember

      • 10 months ago

        Barry... I don't even like FF16, but this fanfiction about yourself will never stick.

      • 10 months ago

        Ok Zelinkgay.

      • 10 months ago

        >Oh heavenly Barry
        >Hallowed be thy name
        >You spoke truthfully about yoshitpiss and his cultists
        >And they crucified you...

      • 10 months ago

        >He was the first to say
        He shits on everything not related to FF15. Out of 900 shitposts, one was bound to be right.

    • 10 months ago

      barry is the jesus of the FF fandom

      He was the first to say “frick yoshit piss” at the beginning before some people started disliking the guy

      Then the yoshit piss cult crucified him for years until FFXVIs release where he had one final effort to revive and BTFO them after the FLOPspoken fiasco before fading into the sunset

      barry really is a tale that all FF autists will remember

      Isn't Barry also the guy who endlessly praised XV and obcessively defended it?
      Yeah Barry was right about Yoship but he's far from being reasonable when it comes to his passions.
      I also like XV because I'm a sucker for aesthetics and tragic romances (even when they are incomplete), but it is no denial that XV is, at best, an incomplete and deeply flawed game.

  91. 10 months ago

    Zelda is for Ganondorf

  92. 10 months ago

    I like Dion and Astarion

    • 10 months ago

      Please dont rape children

  93. 10 months ago

    We were robbed

  94. 10 months ago

    Anyone who actually played XIV for more than 5 hours knows that CBU3 loves making games extremely soulless and leave as little player choice as possible.

  95. 10 months ago

    >FF16 didn't outsell a brand new co-op sequel 1 month after release!
    Not sure where you're going with this OP, a little over a month after release FF15 (2016) lost to Monopoly (2014) and Knack (2013)

  96. 10 months ago

    >released on a no games machine no one owns

  97. 10 months ago

    Dion and Astarion are fujobait
    Druid is barabait
    =/= LGBT

  98. 10 months ago

    Waiting to play it on my Deck

  99. 10 months ago

    My name is Barry

  100. 10 months ago

    >Had high hopes for FF16
    >It turned out to be a game that lacks its own soul because it just stole stuff from popular western tv shows and games

    Cant wait for the next FF game that will be a collab game between Yoshi P and Kojima. Both seem to be huge westaboos.

    • 10 months ago

      Next game gonna be fujoshit ( YES MORE FUJO)

  101. 10 months ago

    Seeing how people really love to pay attention to FF16 I wonder how much would it sell in the other platforms

    • 10 months ago

      Should have come to pc day one tbh
      All the DOOM Death Stranding got a
      showed me to not trust Ganker morons

    • 10 months ago

      I rove Jirr-san

    • 10 months ago

      I rove Jirr-san

      Her adult version has a weird mouth. Young Jill is way better.

    • 10 months ago

      I've watched all cutscenes in YT so I have no reason to play it.
      Maybe i will buy it regardless just to support the fact that they attempted to make a wholesome romance - although I think they fell short.

  102. 10 months ago

    The shills have gotten a lot less loud and obnoxious that's for sure.

    • 10 months ago

      Now the shilling is baldur gay 3

  103. 10 months ago

    >game is getting events this autumn
    You need to worry about your own financial stability because that mental illness won't check itself.

  104. 10 months ago

    I patiently waited for FF7 Intergrade on PC and I loved it.

    I am now patiently waiting for FF16 windows edition and FF7 rebirth. No, I will not purchase a PS5.

    • 10 months ago


  105. 10 months ago

    why did the game make him look like a pretty boy

    • 10 months ago

      they all got the babyface in-game

  106. 10 months ago

    more art

  107. 10 months ago

    The premise of XVI was really cool to be honest. It's impressive they made such a shit game out of it.

    • 10 months ago

      reminds me of FF12

      • 10 months ago

        Cool city, can't wait to walk through it

  108. 10 months ago

    Anyone else notice Barry keeps changing the md5 of the OP image

    • 10 months ago

      I'm not autistic enough to care

  109. 10 months ago

    But seriously, why can't XVI outsell remnant 2 ps5 sales in 30 days? Are the trannies poor?

    • 10 months ago

      >4 days later
      >yoshitp cultists still have no answer for this
      Im happy we can all agree that xvi flopped.

      • 10 months ago

        >its about downloads


        • 10 months ago

          right? like that list also count xvi's demo and still can't fricking beat remnant 2? how hard did xvi flop? it's embarassing

          • 10 months ago

            >he thinks the demo is counted
            buddy you're beyond moronic

            • 10 months ago

              >TOP DOWNLOADS
              Are you ok moronic Black person? You fricked yourself you stupid clown.
              Still XVI can't outsell a game that sold 100k copies on ps5.
              It's really sad.

              • 10 months ago

                >Still XVI can't outsell a game that sold 100k copies on ps5.
                Ya sold your self out right there buddy

              • 10 months ago

                >sold 3 million copies in june
                >still can't beat diablo 4 that sold 2 million copies in june
                Black person learn to read
                XVI sales in july can't beat Remnant 2 in july

              • 10 months ago

                Sorry I can't hear your over your REACHHHH

              • 10 months ago

                >3 millions sales
                >can't beat a game with 2 million sales
                Really makes you think, guess this is another mistery xviBlack folk will never answer

              • 10 months ago

                >xvitroons literally have to ignore reality and numbers just to cope about final flop xvi sales
                This shit is so funny but keep crying about barry

                poster count doesn't rise.

            • 10 months ago

              Holy cope, you troons are just desperate at this point.
              This is a top download chart, released by sony.
              And you still can't explain how Remnant 2, multiplat game with 80% sales on pc, is beating final flop xvi first month of sales?

              You Black folk truly hate reality.

              • 10 months ago

                >Still XVI can't outsell a game that sold 100k copies on ps5.
                Ya sold your self out right there buddy

                >he ignored getting fricking DUNKED on.

    • 10 months ago

      >still no answer
      see you in the next thread troons

  110. 10 months ago

    I'm honestly sick and tired of FF.

  111. 10 months ago

    >FFXVIs shit sales made square suffer its largest stock drop in the companies history
    The Mar>Apr 2000 drop which was 3x whatever bullshit you're talking about.
    When the game released on 1 of the 3 consoles it will be releasing on (PS5 / PC / Xbox probably) and thus has only sold 1/3rd of the lifetime expected units

    be accurate in your mental illness at the bare minimum please, facts and opinions only not blatant lies

    • 10 months ago

      >thus has only sold 1/3rd of the lifetime expected units
      lol no

      • 10 months ago

        You're right it'll probably have a decent tail so it's closer to 1/4

        • 10 months ago

          >probably have a decent tail
          lol no. Its already proven it doesn't have any legs on the ps5.

          • 10 months ago

            >Its already proven it doesn't have any legs on the ps5
            >doesn't prove it

  112. 10 months ago

    Sales are destroying the mental of the troons, they should regroup and try something new

  113. 10 months ago

    Reminder that OP, Barry (a Forspoken shill), is spamming this image 24/7 but modifies it so you can't all him out on the archives

  114. 10 months ago

    >bump limit
    Shit, sorry I missed all the fun. AC6 doesn't have a turnbased option so I had no time to shitpost. Anyways...

  115. 10 months ago

    friendly reminder Resident Evil 4 Remake sold 3 million copies on its launch week and it took capcom 4 months to update the numbers, and the series is far more popular than FF at this point

    • 10 months ago

      RE4 was on every platform exept switch too, people are delusional

  116. 10 months ago

    >xvitroons literally have to ignore reality and numbers just to cope about final flop xvi sales
    This shit is so funny but keep crying about barry

    • 10 months ago

      >eternally seething about being called Barry
      Kek. Very Barry like behavior you're exhibiting there, little Barry.

      • 10 months ago

        you just look like a troony that can't cope with the bad sales, it's sad

  117. 10 months ago

    The troon killed

  118. 10 months ago

    MMO devs = MMO quality = Do not Play
    Is simply the truth. Even MMO players confirm it in this very thread.

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