Field of Glory II is free on steam right now.

Just letting /vst/ to know, personally i never played it so no idea if its good.

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  1. 1 year ago

    I'll pirate it anyway.

  2. 1 year ago

    pirated already, didn't liked

  3. 1 year ago

    Are the campaigns fun?

    • 1 year ago

      you posted a pic of medieval which is not free

      they're just a few decisions here and there that can impact the set piece battles you fight in different ways, I usually have more fun just doing random battles or playing historical battle scenarios

    • 1 year ago

      The historical battles are way, way more fun.
      They have scripting, renamed units, hand-crafted maps.
      But the campaigns are good to teach you mechanics and counters (you can continue even if you lose a battle).

  4. 1 year ago

    Oh shit, they made total war for APMlets like me? Just downloaded and will probably be nabbing that campaign map dlc as well.

  5. 1 year ago

    Is Steam really struggling compared to the Epic Games Store that much to where they're having to give games away so frequently now? Last week they were giving away Gladius, and I'm guessing there was some deal the week before that that I missed out on. In all of my time on Steam, I have seen as many games get a 100% discount in the past year as in the 10 years before that, what's going on?

    • 1 year ago

      >Last week they were giving away Gladius
      And you didn't tell us about it!?!

      • 1 year ago

        Gladius is being given away for free every time they release one of the fifty DLC that should have been free updates. Don't worry, you'll get it eventually but either way I suggest pirating it so you have the full experience instead of having to pay hundreds of dollars for shit that should be in the game for free.

    • 1 year ago

      Its not Steam giving games but devs. And they give free games to make you buy DLC
      I got fee paradox games like that including stelaris

      >Last week they were giving away Gladius
      And you didn't tell us about it!?!

      there were thread about it

  6. 1 year ago

    this shit is addicting, but whats the end game? I can't just perfect dismantling roman legions with cool formations and tactics forever. should i pirate and d/l the dlc's?

    • 1 year ago

      That is the end game. It's 100% about the battles only.

      It is another case of HURRY UP WE ARE SO COOL THAT WE LITERALLY GIVE OUR GAME AWAY FOR FREE (don't forget to buy all the DLCs that turn it from a glorified demo to the actual game, that'll be 79.99), isn't it?
      Bullshit Steam giveaways have turned that into a single player F2P by now.

      The DLCs add nothing more than different time periods to the game, with different armies/ units. No features are locked behind a paywall or anything like that.
      The base game already has a few dozen hours worth of content.
      Overall it's a good game, but it does get stale eventually and you do need to set aside a few hours for the bigger battles. I also dislike the low variety of visually distinct units.

      • 1 year ago

        is their a multiplayer scene?

        • 1 year ago

          The game uses PBEM or whatever it's called. So essentially you can have a really stretched out game that takes a few days with no issues as far as I understand.
          People seem to think it works well and there are a couple of people that play MP exclusively.
          I wouldn't know how active the MP scene is, because frankly I'm not big on turn-based MP.
          What makes this game satisfying is that it's AI is reasonably decent (still exploitable, but it can totally kick your ass and probably will kick your ass unless you play on the lower 2 difficulty skills - out of 7 in total).
          I won Yarmouk as the Byzantines on skill 4 and by the end most of my army was scraps and right until I won it was still a 50/50 sort of thing, despite me outnumbering the muslims and having a terrain advantage. The AI can get absolutely ruthless with cavalry and most MP players are probably even worse.

  7. 1 year ago

    It is another case of HURRY UP WE ARE SO COOL THAT WE LITERALLY GIVE OUR GAME AWAY FOR FREE (don't forget to buy all the DLCs that turn it from a glorified demo to the actual game, that'll be 79.99), isn't it?
    Bullshit Steam giveaways have turned that into a single player F2P by now.

  8. 1 year ago

    Is it just me or does cavalry suck in FoG2: Ancients?
    Had a quick random game as Huns (cav only) vs late Romans and it was pretty one-sided in Roman favor. In Medieval however cav-only Lithuanians are pretty good.

    • 1 year ago

      is ancients just FOG2?

      anyway it depends on how you use cavalry, it takes a lot of careful maneuvering, maybe not the easiest units to use effectively.

      Never engage infantry head on. If one side has superiority in cavalry it gives you a huge advantage/tool at your disposal. Use superior mobility to stretch and poke at the weak spots in their formation at will. If they ignore you, great you can get massive flanks and hit them in the rear. If they move to protect their flank you can distract some of their line away from the main fighting and even pull units out of position and isolate them. Even elite legendary legionaires will get eaten alive if they are isolated in the open even against shitty cavalry like chariots. Not to mention cavalry is the best units to deal with skirmishers.

  9. 1 year ago

    FoG 2 is absolutely kino and mogs TW battles hard because they actually rely on tactics that are more advanced than hammer & anvil.
    Every battle can play out completely differently because of the terrain and random factor. You can win battles early on if you manage to kill enemy general which causes a mass rout (the same can happen to you as well).
    Or they can turn into horrible meatgrinders which are decided by who wins the cavalry battle on the flanks. Terrain is very important and you're literally fighting for every hill and square to gain the minimal advantage.
    Also, if you own all the DLCs for FoG2 and Medieval, you can play from 2000 BC right up until the 15th century, giving you infinite replay value through 3500 years of history.
    No other game lets you do that in that detail.

    • 1 year ago

      >Also, if you own all the DLCs for FoG2 and Medieval, you can play from 2000 BC right up until the 15th century, giving you infinite replay value through 3500 years of history.
      Would you also need field of glory: empires for this? Also, how is the diplomacy/marriages in this game?

      • 1 year ago

        its just for battles

  10. 1 year ago

    added it. I was surprised to see it for free. I can use the vanilla version for FoG Empire, without having to have the DLC, right?

    • 1 year ago

      yeah you don't need any DLC for FoG Empire exported battles

      • 1 year ago


  11. 1 year ago

    Why does the Carthage faction suck so much ass? Fighting anything better than raw legionaries is a death sentence

    • 1 year ago

      you better tell me why legions are so busted

      • 1 year ago

        Romaboo devs. Even the late period Romans that should suck are pretty strong.

      • 1 year ago

        Romaboo devs. Even the late period Romans that should suck are pretty strong.

        if you think legions are busted in FOG 2 just wait till you convert a battle from FOG Empires, they're straight up space marines

      • 1 year ago

        If you base your strategy around winning an infantry brawl against the Romans on an open field you can and will lose as very many ancient commanders discovered. Only the Macedonian factions have heavy infantry capable of standing up in a prolonged fight with the legionaries and even then it can go badly for you. What you’re supposed to do is use other factors like the terrain and your cavalry/missile infantry to wear them down before engaging in melee.

        • 1 year ago

          that is BS tho, romans get wasted many times, what they had it was amazing mobilization system and unlimited manpower

          • 1 year ago


            Roman infantry was unremarkable in it's training and discipline compared to their contemporaries. The idea of the Roman legionary being an elite warrior comes from Vegetius and his romanticized image of the legions. The true strength of the Roman legions was their ability to throw bodies at their enemies and grind them down through sheer attrition, no matter how many men the Romans lost.

            Just looked it up, how would that apply in this game? Putting your strongest troops on the deep flank and letting them kind of get enveloped while your weak forces envelope the enemy on the other flank?

            >Just looked it up, how would that apply in this game?

            It doesn't. The oblique formation not only relies on the elites being concentrated on one flank, it relies on the pushing power of the rear units to win the pushing match and break the enemy flank. There is no mechanic in the game that replicates this. In fact, this is better replicated in TW and I use it in that system all the time.

            • 1 year ago

              Although what you say about the roman system is true, they beat the majority of their contemporaries decisively with minimal losses, such as beating the Macedonians while only losing a few hundred men for example. It was rare that an opponent would push the roman system to it's limit. Carthage was an outlier.

              >It doesn't. The oblique formation not only relies on the elites being concentrated on one flank, it relies on the pushing power of the rear units to win the pushing match and break the enemy flank. There is no mechanic in the game that replicates this.

              it does, units can penetrate diagonally after a unit pushes. 2 ranks is always stronger than 1.

              • 1 year ago

                >they beat the majority of their contemporaries decisively with minimal losses, such as beating the Macedonians while only losing a few hundred men for example

                The Macedonian Wars was the exception not the rule. The Romans regularly took as many casualties as they gave. This was largely due to the highly aggressive fighting style of the Romans; in fact one of the main reasons why the maniple was adopted is because it maximized the opportunity for individual soldiers to engage the enemy lines.

                >it does, units can penetrate diagonally after a unit pushes. 2 ranks is always stronger than 1.

                This is not a good tactic with the game mechanics. There's no guarantee the weaker reserve units will win the engagement and when they fail your elite units at the spearhead are left with an exposed rear. And if your opponent has reserves your elites are in big trouble. I've experimented with multiple different armies attempting to replicate the oblique formation in the FOG system and it's just too much of a gamble to be effective.

            • 1 year ago

              >this is better replicated in TW
              Nah in total war you can throw as many units as you want at an enemy’s front and they won’t break faster unless you flank them.

              • 1 year ago

                Speak for yourself. I did this regularly in TW and overwhelming a flank led to guaranteed victory to the point that I stopped doing it because it made battles too easy.

    • 1 year ago

      brainlet general

  12. 1 year ago

    apparently the israelites are the best faction in the game, they have the highest MP winrate.

  13. 1 year ago

    >just got the game as it was free
    >haven't lost a game vs romans
    >haven't won a game as romans
    why are they supposed to be good again? being outnumbered sucks ballz

  14. 1 year ago

    I'm playing FOG 2: Medieval at the moment, great game. The DLC seems a bit steep at 9 quid each on sale, I think I'll wait.

    • 1 year ago

      >Playing Medieval
      >Cavalry is only good unit

      • 1 year ago

        >Cavalry is only good unit
        uhhh based?

        is there somewhere where you can lookup a bunch a military tactics?

        in the manual there are examples from an ancient roman treatise on battle formations, simple stuff but the advice is actually pretty applicable esp with regards to beefing up one flank, see:

        no, you concentrate your strongest troops on one side, multiple ranks deep (usually just two) instead of spreading them all the way on the flank (hence the name declined flank). you want to smash right through on your strong side like a hammer while the weak part of your line stays back and waits for their opposite to engage/tries to buy time or hold out as long as possible. The idea is your elite units will break through (win rolls and push units back), opening up holes that your second rank can exploit, then you "defeat them in detail" ie roll up their line.

        • 1 year ago

          in the sixth formation in the treatise does he mean 1 or 2 as in pic rel???

          • 1 year ago

            2, it says later on in the treatise that the javelin shaped line is formed perpendicular to the front. meme formation for sure

            • 1 year ago

              that might actually work, what you are essentially doing is shifting the front from horizontal to vertical. They have to take the time for remaneuver their right which gives you till to break through on the their left. Your right needs to be much better quality then their left tho to work i think

              • 1 year ago

                2, it says later on in the treatise that the javelin shaped line is formed perpendicular to the front. meme formation for sure

                in the sixth formation in the treatise does he mean 1 or 2 as in pic rel???

                update, I started a campaign on diety difficulty and got destroyed first try because i didn't realize it would massively outnumber you with better quality troops. So i tried this and it actually worked.

                Not sure if it would work against a good human player tho because with the diety handicaps it should be impossible to win unless theres a big gap in player skill level.

              • 1 year ago

                nice, +1 for vegetius I guess

    • 1 year ago

      Why is it called Field of Glory 2: Medieval when it's an entirely separate game? Anyway I've been playing the free game all weekend and I'm addicted.

      • 1 year ago

        Same engine and ruleset

  15. 1 year ago

    is there somewhere where you can lookup a bunch a military tactics?

  16. 1 year ago

    Looks like a shitty game

    • 1 year ago

      t. Total War brainlet

  17. 1 year ago

    should i pirate this to unlock more armies?

    • 1 year ago

      >should i pirate
      of course mate

  18. 1 year ago

    favorite formation?

    for me its the oblique

    • 1 year ago

      Just looked it up, how would that apply in this game? Putting your strongest troops on the deep flank and letting them kind of get enveloped while your weak forces envelope the enemy on the other flank?

      • 1 year ago

        no, you concentrate your strongest troops on one side, multiple ranks deep (usually just two) instead of spreading them all the way on the flank (hence the name declined flank). you want to smash right through on your strong side like a hammer while the weak part of your line stays back and waits for their opposite to engage/tries to buy time or hold out as long as possible. The idea is your elite units will break through (win rolls and push units back), opening up holes that your second rank can exploit, then you "defeat them in detail" ie roll up their line.

  19. 1 year ago

    >multiplayer is 1v1 only
    There go my hopes of setting up a comfy pbem game with thread diplomacy like dominions 5

  20. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Wrong board

      • 1 year ago

        Why did you take what I said and rephrase it? You added nothing to my complaint.

    • 1 year ago

      pirate it, then you have the added benefit of getting the dlc for free as well

  21. 1 year ago

    am I the only one still playing?

  22. 1 year ago

    It really grinds my gears when the men leave their defensive position to chase routers.

  23. 1 year ago

    im at the point where i win pretty much all my battles against the ai on diety, when am i ready for multiplayer?

    • 1 year ago

      Any tips?

      • 1 year ago

        Have a plan basically. Recognize what your strength is and analyze the terrain carefully. Attack quickly with your best troops (hammer) and take control of favorable terrain. beware camping defensive positions because the enemy can just maneuver around your strong point and ignore it while attacking your weak spots. Only do that if you have a plan.

        usually a battle comes down to whether your hammer does more damage than his hammer faster so try to distract and delay his attack while supporting your own.

  24. 1 year ago

    Why are ranged units so goddamn awful in this game? I mean you could justify it if they could at least shoot over friendly units but they can't even do that, the only thing they can do is disrupt light units if you focus them all and once the melee really gets going they become completely useless as they can only target other skirmishers.

    • 1 year ago

      Also, what does flanking actually do if the unit being flanked is not in melee. The AI loves doing it and it doesn't seem very effective. I believe it's only a guaranteed cohesion drop if the unit being flanked is engaged in melee and you're charging it with a unit of equal or better quality.

      • 1 year ago

        the flanked unit doesn't get any POA on impact

    • 1 year ago

      play against a good player with lights supremacy and you will quickly learn why they are good.

      If you have less then the enemy, then yes their only purpose is to engage and keep the lights off you, if you have lights supremacy it opens up tactical options and you can almost guarantee that you can maneuver the fight on YOUR terms.

      >can't do anything to medium/heavy troops once they are in melee
      and medium/heavy troops can't do anything to lights outside of melee

  25. 1 year ago

    What does zone of control look like if a unit is oriented diagonally?

  26. 1 year ago

    How is FoG: Empires?

    • 1 year ago

      its fine
      not really polished tho

  27. 1 year ago

    can you play multiplayer if you pirate? i want to get all the dlc's. If not should i wait for a bundle sale or what is the steam strat here?

    • 1 year ago

      Wait for a sale, support the devs

  28. 1 year ago

    I just want CK2 with FoG: Medieval combat. Why can’t devs just work together to make a perfect game instead of worrying about all this “proprietary” “free market” bullshit?

    • 1 year ago

      >CK2 with FoG: Medieval combat.

  29. 1 year ago

    >Enemy Turn (10)
    >Enemy Turn (10)

    • 1 year ago

      Sorry anon I wasn't home, just made my move.

  30. 1 year ago

    If you have two units positioned to charge into an enemy flank, would you charge them both in one turn or space the charges out over multiple turns to guarantee cohesion drops? I keep running into situations where I’ve got heavy infantry surrounded but they keep fighting until auto break. Does flanking even do anything during melee phase or does it only confer a bonus on impact?

    • 1 year ago

      its spending too much time and resources on a single unit to try space flank drops over multiple turns, its better to keep repositioning the second unit to flank another unit, or just send it in if you need to break fast unless theres nothing better for the unit to be doing anyway. It only gives a bonus on impact i think, other than that you just have the usual multiple units bonus in melee

  31. 1 year ago

    >tfw 5-0 in multiplayer games

    • 12 months ago

      1v1 me, macedonia only final destination

      • 12 months ago

        make a game and post it in here

  32. 12 months ago

    >steam sale
    I'm thinking of picking up FoG Empires just so that I can export the battles to FoG2. Are any of the DLCs also compatible with this relationship or does the Empires time period only correspond to base FoG2?

    • 12 months ago

      DLCs for FoG2 aren’t needed if you’re only interested in importing battles from Empires.

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