Fighting games are way too fricking hard

I'm tired it just losing all the time, I'll never be as good as someone who has been playing them for decades...

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  1. 11 months ago

    who cares

    • 11 months ago

      Do you enjoy get your ass beat all the time?

      • 11 months ago

        I only enjoy getting my ass fricked irl

        • 11 months ago

          If you let the Leah Lipps phenotype s ur d u will become aware. Michael Doukas 7 get a g and download citizen and police scanner follow spotnews and legal help firm little village Edgewater Lakeview Evanston DownersG Kensington Philadelphia lincolnwood Skokie Hollywood LA XYY syndrome watch Jay's let's live u got beat up now u wanna talk.clown moron.ETERNAL VICTIM vr chat would be a good place to start if it looking for a fat desperate house wife pay attention to the news pass this info on.

      • 11 months ago

        No, that's why I mostly play with people around my skill level

      • 11 months ago

        I mostly play people around people my level but I don't mind loosing 20 games straight against a much better player if I can learn things from it.
        On the other hand, as a chaser I miss playing against obvious tgirls with kitsune masks and names like morgana, lilith or hrt puns on floor 7

        • 11 months ago

          god i wish a chaser would play fighting games with me

    • 11 months ago

      that's a boy

    • 11 months ago

      Kys troony

    • 11 months ago

      dizzy sexo

      bridget sexo also

  2. 11 months ago

    Stop being a homosexual. Are you really so self deprecating you're gonna let another man out do you? Lose hundreds of times until you start winning. Don't be a doomer put some faith in yourself and go for small goals. "This game I'm going to land a super" "I'm aiming to land this string this game" "I'll go for this oki setup this game". Those are your win conditions not going 2-0 in the set.

    • 11 months ago

      I have around 500 hours in fighting games and I'm still trash, don't spew that "never give up" crap on me because I tried, I tried a lot and I tried really hard to become good, but it's not enough.

      • 11 months ago

        500h is nothing

      • 11 months ago

        It takes 10000 hours to get good at anything, you're only 5% of the way there.

        • 11 months ago

          you realize how moronic that shit sounds. it takes more time to git gud with ryu than it does a medical student to become a doctor

          • 11 months ago

            I totally agree, but at the same time I see youtube guys in their mid 20s pulling off the most insane combos that I could never hope to achieve despite playing for decades. I’m always pretty solid but theres this small fraction that seem to pick them up and just do inhuman fricking shit with some games.

          • 11 months ago

            there are lots of shity doctors out there

            • 11 months ago

              I wish more people understood this. Just because you are a doctor or a lawyer or something like that doesn’t mean you aren’t a moron.

      • 11 months ago

        You're right it's not enough so play another 500 and another and another.

      • 11 months ago

        Because you’re focusing on time in the game rather than focusing on fixing your problems. There’s no fricking way 500h in any FG isn’t conducive to some improvement unless you’re not actively engaging with what’s going on the screen. Ask for help with things when you understand what the problem is, because right now it sounds like you’re moaning on here while mindless mashing in game with 0 awareness to anything that’s actually taking place

        • 11 months ago

          This was my biggest problems with fighting games for the longest time until one day I realized how moronic I am and focused on not being moronic anymore. Slowing down and analyzing what you're doing wrong and being conscious about doing better in that situation next time is the key to learning fighting games, and if you can get that down you can make massive improvements really quickly.

          Once you learn how to learn it's a lot easier and not nearly as salt inducing.

      • 11 months ago

        What games do you play. I wish I could mentor someone in Xrd or +R.

        • 11 months ago

          Vsav, 3S, KOF02UM/XV, CF and +R are the ones I like the most.

        • 11 months ago

          I tried to mentor someone in Xrd once but he was so fricking bad I just gave up. Someone offered to pay me for training once too, but I think he was vastly overestimating how good I am so I refused.

          • 11 months ago

            How good are you?

            • 11 months ago

              In Xrd I go between Light Green and Orange, so I'd say I'm just intermediate.

              • 11 months ago

                Can you be my sensei?

              • 11 months ago

                I don't even play Xrd at the moment, so no.

              • 11 months ago

                Then go frick yourself, moron.

              • 11 months ago

                Sorry, that was my little bro on my account, of course I will be your Sensei dude.

              • 11 months ago

                Add me on Steam: 1257142998

              • 11 months ago

                I was lying that was not my little bro, it was me and I will not be your sensei

              • 11 months ago

                I can try. What level are you at? I'm usually orange.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm dark green.

          • 11 months ago

            Sucks. I like teaching people.

            • 11 months ago

              I don't mind teaching people, but in this case I gave up because the guy played like he had never even played a videogame, nevermind a fighting game before, it just seemed like way more trouble than it was worth.

        • 11 months ago

          Not that anon, but I play both XRD and +R
          but unfortunately, I am not able to play them for this month because I'm far away from my peecee 🙁

      • 11 months ago

        You don't need to get good to have fun, you need to find people at your same skill level. I'm also bad at FGs, I play to get better and enjoy playing since I learn new things thanks to my opponents. I know that I'll never will become the best but why should I care?
        Also in 500h you probably learned a lot, but you don't notice it.

      • 11 months ago

        anyone who says 500 hours is nothing is a fricking moron.
        500 hours is a lot, even for fighting games, but the fact that you're still trash means you've only been pushing buttons for 500 hours and not actually paying attention to what's happening.
        Start paying attention, put some real intention behind your button presses, learn neutral game, and you'll start to see patterns in how people play. you'll start to see repeated weaknesses, then it's a matter of learning how best to capitalize on those weaknesses
        Not every single match is about landing your most optimal combo(s) until your opponent is dead

        • 11 months ago

          you can disregard 90% of what happens in neutral as a bunch of nonsense

          • 11 months ago

            yeah maybe until you hit whatever your game's intermediate/median skill group
            there comes a point where a lack of solid neutral game will be the death of you. Sure, you can play rushdown characters and try to never give your opponent time to breathe. But at that point you're banking your opponent either not knowing the matchup or being too slow to adapt, both of which are out of your control and shouldn't be relied on.

      • 11 months ago

        Be ok with being trash and just enjoy the game.
        Also try SF6

      • 11 months ago

        it's okay people spend 500 hours at their jobs and still get paid minimum wage

        games dont owe you mastery lmao

        • 11 months ago

          I owe myself mastery, I don't conform to mediocrity.

    • 11 months ago

      What’s “oki” mean? One term I don’t know.

      • 11 months ago

        Okizeme. Basically the actions you take when youre opponent is waking up. The most common action is using a meaty to force them to block on wakeup and take free pressure, which loses to invincible reversals

      • 11 months ago

        whenever a player gets knocked down, they can't do anything until they "wake up" or "recover" however you decide to phrase it. So oki is what the player who isn't knocked down is doing, setting up a high low mixup or hitting buttons during their wakeup to make them block or get hit.

        • 11 months ago

          What is setplay?

          • 11 months ago

            setplay generally refers to the idea of mixing up your opponent with overheads/lows/left right mixups that are harder to escape than a regular mixup, but most people use it to refer to a specific archetype of character. one that has tools to create wacky mixup scenarios, usually more so than other characters in the game, and try to loop those mixups into themselves again and again

          • 11 months ago


            I would bookmark this website. It's very useful.

          • 11 months ago

            Someone using a streamlined plan to play okizeme, using some sort of setup to achieve consistent result. Can sometimes be looping and therefore be an important character trait, but not required.

      • 11 months ago

        fightinggay shorthand term for the already fightinggay shorthand term "okizeme", which is just playing the wakeup game with people to keep knocking them on their ass or denying them the chance to act

        Okizeme. Basically the actions you take when youre opponent is waking up. The most common action is using a meaty to force them to block on wakeup and take free pressure, which loses to invincible reversals

        what this guy said
        t. i dont play fightan geimu

    • 11 months ago

      Not that anon, but this doesn't work either.
      >Enemy is psychic and knows I can't do shit regardless so mixes me and shoots me in the face
      >ONE HIT?
      >Double perfected.
      I take up space in rooms and just spectate 100% of the time. It's more fun than being massacred beyond my skill level.

    • 11 months ago

      No thanks, I have a real job and just use vidya as entertainment. I'd rather enjoy stuff from the getgo.

      • 11 months ago

        You are always free to leave. Games are more than accommodating for newcomers these days, to the fault, i'd say. Please leave if you don't enjoy it, stop ruining good things.

  3. 11 months ago

    DSP has been playing for years and he's still shit at fighting games you fricking whiny c**t. Learn the game

  4. 11 months ago

    dude seriously frick these games

  5. 11 months ago

    you will also not be as good as them when they're getting made easier. honestly i am glad that they're getting made super easy. gets funnier seeing people complain about them

    • 11 months ago

      >implying Undine won't be joining.

  6. 11 months ago

    I want to play some fricking uni

  7. 11 months ago

    I have 3000 hours in Under Night and there are still a handful of people that absolutely wipe the floor with me. Granted it's a much smaller percentage than when I started, but it's hard to willingly fight these killers sometimes when I'm so used to either stomping or having very back-n-forth matches.

  8. 11 months ago

    It took me 4 years to not be complete trash, now I'm almost master rank with Zangief. I think it's worth the time investment if you plan to keep playing fighting games for a long time.

    • 11 months ago

      >4 years
      you could've learned an instrument. maybe even two

      • 11 months ago

        I already play the piano and the violin.

        • 11 months ago

          i think the point of a video game is being able to pick up and play the video game

          you got any vocaroos?

          • 11 months ago

            >i think the point of a video game is being able to pick up and play the video game
            Sure but if you pick up a multiplayer game then you can't be surprised when someone who likes the game more than you and has played more than you is superior

            • 11 months ago

              at least you can move and shoot with ease

              • 11 months ago

                And I'm bad at FPS so I'll get fricking fragged for each 5 seconds I'm alive while my team gets wrecked by someone who is really good. It feels less bad but I accept it.

              • 11 months ago

                40yo boomers can play fps dude. its probably easier to be a local ufc fighter than attempt to "play" a fightan game

              • 11 months ago

                I fricking suck at FPS, just how it is.
                Some people can't play fighting games and that's fine. The genre isn't for everyone, and there's nothing wrong with that.

              • 11 months ago

                It should be.

              • 11 months ago

                Are you good at every genre of videogames?

              • 11 months ago

                That's not the point. A good game should allow you to become good in it if you want, if a game "requires" genetical talent to become good then it's a trash game.

              • 11 months ago

                >you need genetical talent to play fighting games
                My fricking sides
                A blind dude and a guy who plays Street Fighter with his mouth are empirically more disabled than you are but are still good at fighting games. Get this fricking victim-complex out of your head, anon. A fricking dog can perform a hadouken, fricking SMASH KIDS can do inputs, nothing says you can't unless you have early onset rheumatoid arthritis or some shit.

              • 11 months ago

                >unless you have early onset rheumatoid arthritis

              • 11 months ago

                you are a pathetic materialist fighting games are all about tapping into your manly fighting spirit

              • 11 months ago

                >a good sport should allow you to become good in it if you want, if the sport "requires" genetical talent to become good then it's a trash sport

              • 11 months ago

                >if a game "requires" genetical talent
                Nothing "requires" talent to succeed but being innately talented will help you with anything. That's why we have a distinction between talent and skill, and that's just life. If you don't have the talent, you have to put in the work. Even then, the talented people are still putting in the work. 500 hours is fricking nothing if you've never played a fighting game before. I've put in thousands of hours into this genre and I still don't feel like I'm even close to good.

              • 11 months ago

                driving a race car takes thousands of hours of practice. you know what doesn't? forza

              • 11 months ago

                Playing a fighting game doesn't take any practice. You don't just want to play a fighting game though, you want to be good at a fighting game and you're upset because your drop in the bucket of playtime compared to people with decades of experience isn't getting you all the wins in the world.

                Your argument is also just dumb. Uh yeah, a fighting game, one of the most competitive genres on the planet is going to have more depth than a casual racing game. No shit.

              • 11 months ago

                what about that racing sim game that many race car drivers use to practice and was the starting point of a bunch of race car drivers careers?
                forza is an arcade racer in comparison

              • 11 months ago

                gran turismo? drivers used it to practice. they even endorsed a racing team. its still intuitive enough for anybody to pick up and win races too

              • 11 months ago

                >gran turismo
                no lmao
                they practice on racing sims like iracing and stuff
                fricking gran turismo isn't even close at all to racing, compared to racing sims its an arcade racer, there is only the most surface level of knowledge required, and it still filters most people

                fricking gran turismo, I can't believe this motherfricker comparing gran turismo to a racing sim

              • 11 months ago

                so wheres the fighting sim do boxers and UFC play street fighter to practice for their championship match

              • 11 months ago

                its not expensive or risky to practice fighting, its expensive and risky to practice racing
                even spars which are far more risky are still not expensive and are basically perfect practice with minimal realistic risk as long as its done well out from a match
                if you crash you crash, just because you are pushing it really hard to make a good time you still fricking crashed and might die, not to mention total the vehicle, even if everything goes fine its not cheap to run these vehicles for hours a day, they need constant new tires and fuel

                there is no fighting sim because its not expensive or dangerous to practice fighting, u can literally do a lot of your practice in an empty room or with at most some basic cheap equipment that lasts basically forever, at most you need another person, which for professional is an absolutely trivial requirement, but this isn't the case for driving, normal people don't even have access to the requisite facilities of a professional racer, but any joe with $50 can join a fighting gym and have world class facilities for fighting training

              • 11 months ago

                Horizon is the arcade racer spinoff of Forza. Regular Forza is in line with simulation racing.

              • 11 months ago

                >there's nothing wrong with that
                yes there is. not as much shit talking. more in-game buttholes. people frickin with the noob and flexin. like god fricking damn i can't hit the cum eater and he's dancing on my ass. pisses me off and now we're here

              • 11 months ago

                Use that rage as fuel to become better.
                Nothing really feels better than putting someone in their place if they shittalk you
                Getting hatemail is fricking hilarious too

              • 11 months ago

                dude imagine not being able to shoot a gun in a fps game. that's what this is. i'm not playing these anymore. i'm full of homosexual troony rage and i don't really care. frick this genre i'll shit on it every chance i get

                and frick the homosexual that says if you lose a match the opponent was a black dude. typical fightan gay

              • 11 months ago

                u can press the punch button and thus throw a punch, which is the equivalent to shooting
                what you are probably complaining about has the same analogues to fps games
                I can't consistently do my spray control in cs, I can't do spray transfers, I don't land huge flick headshots, just like there are combos I can't do either
                you are acting as if doing a sick nasty confirm into a full combo for half of someones HP off a random poke is the same as basic shooting when its more equivalent to popping around the corner spraying a guy down, doing a spray transfer to the guy who just flew out of boxes to try to trade his teammate, killing him, then doing a 1 tap flick to the guy who just ran onto site from jungle or something
                its absolutely not equivalent at all, you are expecting that you need to do all the crazy shit when u are struggling with fundamentals when you don't expect to do that in an fps, the only difference is you know what the crazy shit is in a fighting game because you can plainly see it while in an fps you toil for hundreds of hours without understanding how ur getting killed until someone explains it to you

              • 11 months ago

                I can't play FPS. I dunno, something about this genre filters me. Because the main thing is, you die a lot to shit you can't see, like snipers instantly killing you across the screen with a bullet you can't see. And that honestly feels worse than a fighting game where I can at least see what's fricking me up most of the time.

              • 11 months ago

                I feel like FPS are so fricking hard to improve at, nothing seems like an obvious issue in my play outside of being slow. But it feels extremely hard for me to see my shitty plays, and that is not considering the natural randomness from team games

              • 11 months ago

                Literally me but in fighting games. I picked up fgs 2 years ago and i barely improved. I played FPS games since I was 6 years old now im 27 and I can pick up any FPS game and my core mechanics like aim,muscle memory and general game sense will almost instantly carry me to above average level but in fgs im a turbo scrub.

          • 11 months ago

            I sent one to my trans gf a few months ago of me playing, I'll try to find it

      • 11 months ago

        >you could've learned an instrument. maybe even two
        This argument is always silly to me because people think you need 4 hours a day to pick up a hobby in 2 years. I remember when I first picked up piano it was a college class that met twice a week 2 hours each day. 1 hour for warm-ups and 1 hour for learning new piece. Then maybe 1 hour or so practicing in the lab outside of class per week too. In 2 years of this same schedule I was able to get up to intermediate level play and play multiple pieces that were more than 3 minutes in length.

        You don't need to spend an exorbitant amount of hours to learn fighting games. Just find good instructors and practice what you need to learn in order to build your kit.

        • 11 months ago

          an instructor? you gotta be sharting me.

          • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            You don't have to pay for one, just look for the better players that are willing to give you advice and play with you on the regular. I know I wouldn't have grown without some guidance of other players giving me the rundown on why my approaches were too repetitive and figuring out how to adapt to my opponent's repetitive choices on wake-up and the like.

          • 11 months ago

            i.e. a ft10 against a friend while being on a call (or better, playing offline)

          • 11 months ago

            Those are tools that are available to you if you genuinely care about improving. There are professional coaches out there that train professional players.
            >BUT COACHING IS A MEME!
            No it isn't. Maybe you don't want to pay for one and that is completely fair, but having someone else help you spot bad habits that you are not aware of can do nothing but help you.
            Most people who are against coaching are usually coping homosexuals who desperately want to be some hidden genius who need no help, but even the best players in the world get coaching. You are not more gifted than the best players out there. Curb stomp your ego and optimize your ressources.
            That is, IF...and only IF, you ACTUALLY care about improving in order to be able to face better players and not just winning against shitters online.

      • 11 months ago

        So what have you done in the last 4 years?

        • 11 months ago

          I played fighting games and also graduated at the top of my class.
          Also learned how to ballroom dance

      • 11 months ago

        But, hold on.
        What if...
        What if...
        But hold on Black person.
        What if...
        I don't want to?
        Have you EVER thought about the possibility that...
        people do what they want and invest time in things they like and these people don't owe you the courtesy of letting turbo homosexuals like you let them tell them how to spend their time?
        Show me your sick guitar skills, hypocrite.

  9. 11 months ago

    You need irl friends to play with. Fighting games suck if you just play others mute online. You need friends, or at least, a dedicated sparring partner you can joke around with while you play, hopefully near your skill level.

    • 11 months ago

      >Friend circle is unbalanced in genres
      >Fighting games in PARTICULAR piss people off when one or two of us exceed the rest
      >We'd rather just find something co-op.
      So hyped for Helldivers 2.

  10. 11 months ago

    The second i landed this burst i knew i had already won

  11. 11 months ago

    Acquire Ability
    Become Better
    Construct Combos
    Delegate Danger
    Expand Expectations
    Find Freedom
    [Spoiler]Git Gud[/spoiler]

    • 11 months ago

      >capital S in [Spoiler]
      Just hit ctrl+s, scro. No need to type it out.

      • 11 months ago

        He's on a phone, there is no ctrl-S

      • 11 months ago

        >Just hit ctrl+s,
        Holy shit, my mind is blown

    • 11 months ago

      hey it worked! thanks for the short cut
      I'm new and trans and maga btw

  12. 11 months ago

    I'm surprised Sin doesn't have any siblings. Ky and Dizzy are both so prim and proper you just know when the doors close and they're alone shit gets crazy.

    • 11 months ago

      Not much opportunity to be alone i'm afraid, Dizzy was frozen for most of Overture, then after the Xrd shit finally calmed down they had two extra freeloaders in their house

    • 11 months ago

      pretty easy to explain. Sin grew up to be an adult in two years. Shortly after he was born Ky asked Sol to raise him. Because if people knew that Sin was a gear they would try to kill Dizzy.
      After that Dizzy was frozen for a while since she was dissolving.
      She has been unfrozen for 3 months at the current point in the story and people are accepting of gears now.

  13. 11 months ago

    >I'll never be as good as someone who has been playing them for decades..
    Good, the person with more knowledge and experience is supposed to win.

  14. 11 months ago

    If you don't know what a term means, just plug it in here. Basically your FG dictionary.

  15. 11 months ago

    if you want to have fun with fighting games you gotta learn how to appreciate the small victories and don't forget the real fight is the fight with yourself

  16. 11 months ago

    how old is she again?

    • 11 months ago


  17. 11 months ago

    i am the fightan hater i fricking hate these games i wasted so much money on this shit this is my refund

  18. 11 months ago

    OP, ask yourself this one simple question: WHY am I losing?
    If you can answer this objectively, and without blaming anything but yourself then the rest will slowly follow

    • 11 months ago

      Not the op, but it does get tiresome, especially if it's defense problem.
      1. Lose the match
      2. Watch the replay to identify the issue
      3. Set up dummy
      4. Run that shit down to your muscle memory

      • 11 months ago

        a defense problem is a discipline and knowledge problem. Matchup knowledge is huge in fighting games and there's no better example than Tekken 7. A weak character like Eliza can get away with spamming tons of unsafe moves if her opponent doesn't know that most of her moves are unsafe, but the moment someone is actually aware then the match becomes one-sided

    • 11 months ago

      >look up this set
      >in the full set he fricks her and cums inside
      wasn't expecting that. quite based.

      • 11 months ago

        you can never go wrong with oneeshota

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago


  19. 11 months ago

    no control. feels like mashed potatos. dead genre for a reason

  20. 11 months ago

    >enable cheats
    morons. morons, everywhere.

  21. 11 months ago

    Play the only solved comp mp game

    • 11 months ago

      You don't have to play fighting games competitively though. Unlike rocket leage where it's basically forced on you

      • 11 months ago

        I assume OP meant not just playing against AI

  22. 11 months ago

    whenever i lose i just imagine my opponent is a troony and let hate guide me to victory

  23. 11 months ago

    >I'll never be as good as someone who was born with a lot more talent at it than me

  24. 11 months ago

    Should I pick up some new fighting game that will be dead in a year
    OR should I try to get good at my favorite old fighting game that is already dead?

    • 11 months ago

      Whichever one you find more people to play with conveniently

    • 11 months ago

      all my friends on steam play old fighting games and they got me to buy some of them and i swear to god i'll shoot these mfs if i get a chance. this shit is not okay dude

    • 11 months ago

      SF6 won't be dead in a year, too big to die.
      Though there's nothing wrong with honing your skills in what's supposed to be a favorite.
      I mean, how can you say it's your favorite fighter if you aren't at least decent at it, right?

  25. 11 months ago

    wanna post your match footage we can help you with any mistakes

    • 11 months ago

      See the replays section. That was the last time I played on fightcade, I got washed by a D rank...

      • 11 months ago

        I can't view it I don't use fightcade

  26. 11 months ago

    >shit at fighting games
    >own and play a dozen different ones anyways
    >put in time to learn but too much of a casual to care, even if I get my ass whooped
    >still going to learn more and develop my own fighting game

    • 11 months ago

      thats the way, fun comes first

  27. 11 months ago

    just play strive

    • 11 months ago

      oh yeah lets talk about that shit now. juggling air moronation

  28. 11 months ago

    Its time to play real fightin games

    • 11 months ago

      In my experience, a lot of it comes down to finding a fighting game that "works" for you. You gotta find one where the mechanics, game rules, movement, attacks, and general feel of the game make sense. I put about 50+ hours into quite a few fighting games:
      >Super Street Fighter 4
      >Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
      >Persona 4: Arena (not Ultimax)
      >Tekken Tag Tournament 2
      >Soul Calibur 5
      >Street Fighter 5
      >Dragonball FighterZ
      >Fantasy Strike
      And I ranged from bad to awful at all of them. When I played the first open beta for Guilty Gear: Strive, I immediately fell in love. I'm pretty happy with how I've done in tournaments, and I just got 49th out 2,474 at EVO. I'm not the best, but I've reached a point where Strive is very fun to me and it's encouraged me to try out other fighting games too.

      I really liked Granblue Versus, but I disagree so heavily with the changes made to Rising that I don't think I'm going to bother with it at all.

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          Strivebabby or not he got a decent placement at least. That's more than most people here can say.

    • 11 months ago

      this game cannot come out fast enough. hopefully Mortal Kombat 1 will keep me entertained through October until i can finally get to some good ass Granblue Risean.

  29. 11 months ago

    >first ranked match
    >9% clear rate
    jesus fricking christ

    • 11 months ago

      To be fair, 99% of people just play on "casual"/"normal" and/or make lobbies

    • 11 months ago

      >Win first ranked match
      Never ever going to happen
      >Play first ranked match
      I do it for the cheevos, then frick off back to the padded asylum nothing burger of training mode.

  30. 11 months ago

    >getting tired of losing
    How do you expect to get better without losing, homosexual? You losers expect to get handed wins by playing a lot. You earn them just like anything else in life. That's why they call people like you losers. There is no unearned win. You earn your losses by being a loser. Stop acting like one.

  31. 11 months ago

    Just stop playing online. I refuse to play competitive (or most games) online unless I know the person IRL. Cause it's just a time sink.
    I say this and I love fighting games. I play the shit out of the arcade roms I have, cause they're just boss rush games, like Furi. But I wont' play them in multiplayer cause lol, I know I'm gonna suck, and I rather not practice. I'm not even gonna knock it on people who do practice, cause if they have fun that way, more power to them. This is just a casual fightinggay's perspective on the genre, whose weirdly decent in smash. I've at least, held my ground a bit, against people who know how to wave dash, and I don't

    • 11 months ago

      the only fighting games that are even entertaining to watch are flashy combomad games like UMVC3 where you get to watch someone execute some freak level sequence of button presses to claim 85% of a character's health bar. watching people "play" Street Fighter or Strive at a high level is slow and boring as frick. you're just watching dudes shimmy back and forth trying to land their epic meta game'd optimal footsie-into-5 hit combo they can cancel into Super or (in the case of SF) cancel into a Slime Rush and then into Super. woah, so kool :^)
      refusing to play fighting games online with people who aren't your friends is extremely based and reasonable.

      fighting games are probably the closet video game genre to a real sport because only 3% of the population are freaks in such a way that they can excel in Mahvel or FighterZ at a professional level, and the rest of us just play pick up games with our buddies and watch the pros or play vs CPU on some Madden/2K shit.

      • 11 months ago

        Just because you need flashy supers and touch-of-death combos to be engaged in WATCHING a fighting game doesn't mean the rest of the population are as brain-rotted as you

        • 11 months ago

          friendly reminder Dragon Ball FighterZ still holds the record for highest concurrent viewer count at EVO, homosexual.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah, it's fricking DRAGON BALL you Black person. Dragon Ball is all SPECTACLE now
            and it's got autocombos and easy supers so every tom dick and harry can pretend they're doing something impressive

            • 11 months ago

              cope and seethe, consider your concession formally accepted lmaoo

              • 11 months ago

                okay, twitchhomosexual

          • 11 months ago

            FighterZ and Marvel 3 are definitely the best games for spectators, but there's a reason why Street Fighter 6 and Strive each broke records for entrants at EVO. There's a difference between games that are fun to watch and fun to play.

            • 11 months ago

              >There's a difference between games that are fun to watch and fun to play.
              No, there isn't.

            • 11 months ago

              Don't take the bait. He knows he's moronic and is just shitposting.

            • 11 months ago

              >Street Fighter 6 and Strive
              a big part of those games seeing high entrant counts at EVO comes from recency bias and the overall growth of the FGC in the last decade. you'd need to adjust the entrant counts of past games to adjust for inflation if you want a genuine comparison.

              i also think this comes less from the games being fun to play, and more from them being *easy* to play. SF6 and Strive have both been extremely dumbed down compared to previous entries in the same series for the sake of accessibility. they effectively fooled a buncha new players into thinking they had a shot at Top 6. lol
              as much as

              Yeah, it's fricking DRAGON BALL you Black person. Dragon Ball is all SPECTACLE now
              and it's got autocombos and easy supers so every tom dick and harry can pretend they're doing something impressive

              this dude wants to pretend FighterZ is designed to make "every Tom Dick and Harry" feel like they're doing something impressive, i think SF6 and Strive are way worse about that. especially with shit like the camera effects, slowdown, and Slimer attacks in SF6 or Wall Breaks and the dynamically scaling Combo Counter that takes up 3/4 of the screen in Strive.

              • 11 months ago

                I dunno about wall break, considering that the best characters thrive by avoiding breaking the wall.

          • 11 months ago

            >hurr viewer count
            Are you a canadian, Hispanic, favela monkey or just particularly moronic

      • 11 months ago

        I'm not seething
        I'm not seething
        I'm not seething
        I'm not seething

  32. 11 months ago

    SF6 marketing team in fricking shambles, this is some truly desperate and low brow shit.
    >s-sorry the only female DLC character you'll be getting for a fricking YEAR is a horsefaced hag, h-how about some cosplay photos? haha

    • 11 months ago

      Does gaming journalism hate or love sexy girls? I just don't get it. I've seen them flip flop like a pixel on the issue

      • 11 months ago

        Love sexy girls, hate you liking them

      • 11 months ago

        Eventhubs is pretty consistent that sexy girls = good.

  33. 11 months ago

    Fighting games are enjoyable roughly one month after release, after which all the casuals are gone and the only players left are the sweatiest tryhards

    • 11 months ago

      This literally isn't true, I still find new people playing blazblue central fiction and that games like 7 years old

      • 11 months ago

        Poof.They're gone. Some butthole with literally 7,000 matches as Kokonoe, Nine or Izanami just smoked them to the point of pulling their controller and throwing it, and they're never coming back. As someone who thought about learning it since it got improved netcode, it's pointless. Combos too hard, enemies way the frick too good lmao.

        • 11 months ago

          Practice, practice, practice anon. It's never too late to git gud so long as you still have the flames of resolution in your body.

          • 11 months ago

            I don't. The usual fighting game problem happened with every game short of two Battle for the Grid, and KI2013. They're just fun but I'll never get good at those either, but between IP and soundtrack - I'm a bit more at ease..
            >Git Game
            >Finally land on a character. Hibiki
            >Do combo trials
            >Filtered. Rapid cancels and combos too difficult. If I hop online, I get destroyed.
            >Pick a dude on the cover as desperation measure for one last go at it
            >Turns out Ragna is hard to play in actuality
            >Filtered again
            >Friend of mine who could play in tourneys and has - is the only one I know
            >Won't hold back and just serves me my ass on a platter
            >Learn nothing.
            >Bail out.
            Buying XrdRev2 for like 5 bucks and getting my ass blasted for 10 hours straight had to be the straw that broke me from ever paying for a fighting game again.

            • 11 months ago

              I can give you advice when it comes to Xrd

              • 11 months ago

                Nah, then I might improve and not have a reason to dodge playing, sorry.

            • 11 months ago

              At that point the only one gatekeeping you is you yourself.

            • 11 months ago

              >Buying XrdRev2 for like 5 bucks and getting my ass blasted for 10 hours straight
              If you want to learn fighting games, never buy old games. Buy whatever the newest thing is that has the largest player base. People that have been playing for decades and have good fundies will struggle at first when they try to pick up older games and discord fighters because the only people left playing are good.

              • 11 months ago

                tbf Xrd has a lot of blue square players in it

    • 11 months ago

      >Fighting games are only fun when they're the most mechanically barebones/unupdated and have the smallest, most pathetic roster any version of the game will ever have
      moron take. Strive in charge of literally doing this right now by adding a bunch of new mechanics to their game this Season. thanks for beta testing, Vanilla purchasers. lol

  34. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Why did you cut me off from seeing the e-girl get KILLED

      • 11 months ago

        because she was already 100% dead and i always worry about size limits

    • 11 months ago

      What do you think about Under Night in comparison to Melty Blood? I tried out Type Lumina during the Steam free weekend and I'm surprised by how much I liked it. I'll definitely buy it soon. Is Under Night similar, is it more / less wild, or is it just really different overall?

      • 11 months ago

        Less wild, the game rewards defense a lot more than most fighters. As you might see in the second webm, it's a lot more grounded most of the time than other anime fighters, and fighting for the GRD cycle can lead to brief staredowns, which you may or may not like.
        The game is very system-mechanic focused, so you can usually pick anyone and do decently enough. Wald is usually considered pretty low tier but I grinded enough to get strong.

        • 11 months ago

          I prefer Strive over the previous GG games for how much more grounded and slower it is, so I'd imagine that I would prefer Under Night more so in comparison to Melty Blood as well. That said, games like Street Fighter and Samurai Showdown are way too fricking slow for me. Hopefully the new Under Night game that was just announced gets a beta or demo so I can try it for myself. It really bothers me that Under Night won't have crossplay, which might partially be because they don't want to bother integrating Switch into the network, but hopefully things change up down the line.

          • 11 months ago

            >I prefer Strive over the previous GG games for how much more grounded and slower it is
            I want to kill you

            • 11 months ago

              Keep hating, I'll keep enjoying the game.

              • 11 months ago

                Preach it, king!

          • 11 months ago

            blame sony, they charge devs a ton because sony views them as lost sales lol
            UNI isn't slow, so yeah you'll probably fit right in. There is a character for everyone, both mechanically and thematically so you shouldn't have trouble finding someone you like.

          • 11 months ago

            >beta or demo
            I highly doubt it since not even Typemoon money allowed that to happen for MBTL.
            But hey, we're getting info on one of the new characters at TGS in September and they might even be playable.

            • 11 months ago

              Dang, that's unfortunate, but it makes sense. We'll just have to wait and see then.

              • 11 months ago

                Technically speaking UNI2 will be very similar to UNICLR with changes to the universal mechanics but you can still get a good feel of its gameplay with CLR

              • 11 months ago

                Why not get UNICLR from a key site? Surely you can find it dirt cheap on one of those

  35. 11 months ago
  36. 11 months ago

    I just choose the cutest characters and then proceed to smash my face against my keyboard while online, it's pretty fun

    • 11 months ago

      There is truly nothing better than getting a game on someone way better than you

  37. 11 months ago

    Stop thinking like a tryhard then. I doubt you run into evo tier players at low rank kek. Just play with the mindset of having fun. Or try arena fighters instead.

  38. 11 months ago

    >fighting game
    >posting guilty gear
    How about playing a real fighting game like Street fighter?
    There's a reason why anime games have low population.

    • 11 months ago

      Because double digit midgets like you can't handle them and have to crawl back to street shitter lmao

      • 11 months ago

        >t. animeshitter
        enjoy your discord game roflmao

        • 11 months ago

          enjoy your $100 TMNT DLC and no more DLC characters this year after AKI

          • 11 months ago

            Go back to vg

          • 11 months ago

            dont care my game is not dead omegalul

          • 11 months ago

            Imagine bragging about fighting game characters being locked behind a shorter time gate (and still paying for them). French Bread did it right and it's a shame more developers don't do free DLC.

            • 11 months ago

              FB didn't do shit. The only reason the DLC is free in MBTL is because of TYPE-MOON. Londrekia isn't even free with UNICLR.

              • 11 months ago

                >this same person putting French Bread DLC under a microscope looking for reasons to shit on free characters will avert their eyes and shout doomposter if you level several valid criticisms against SF6's DLC implementation compared to even Capcom's last SF game
                what a frickin' joke
                Capdrones really are the CoD kiddies of fighting games
                Homelander and Black Noirs skins for the Battle Hub soon lmao

  39. 11 months ago

    my stats on street fighter is 3-127

  40. 11 months ago

    Unironically play easier fighting games like strive or melty aacc

  41. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      >single player game disguised as a multiplayer game

      • 11 months ago


  42. 11 months ago

    They should let you pick the skill range you want to play in. lets you set the ELO range of your opponent.

    • 11 months ago

      They literally do. That's what the ranking system is. You in Bronze won't get matched up with someone in Platinum for example

      • 11 months ago

        That's still not letting you pick the range.
        It shouldn't be Bronze or Platinum or whatever.
        Go with straight numbers.
        There can be a lot of different range between bronze and silver level players.
        Someone with a 400 ELO (absolute beginner) who wants to play other 400s should be able to do so.

        • 11 months ago

          street fighter gays make alt accounts and bash rookies all the time. bronze is filled with plats

        • 11 months ago

          >Strive tower placement is against a fricking useless bot
          >Get floor 6 on entry
          >Get mogged down to floor 4
          >Can win on 5, but lose on 6 100% of the time
          >Quit the game since practicing isn't doing anything and everyone spams Happy Chaos and Nago and I hate fighting them both.
          To its credit, I guess it placed me not where I belong (2), but where I deserve. Not fun though.

          DSP has been playing for years and he's still shit at fighting games you fricking whiny c**t. Learn the game

          >Still shit at fighting games
          >Got Master Blanka
          He's one of the top SF6 players in the world.

          • 11 months ago

            Master is SFV Gold unironically.

          • 11 months ago

            >He's one of the top SF6 players in the world.


          • 11 months ago

            >thinking high rank this early in the game means anything
            >thinking online rank means anything at all anyway.

            There are lots of max ranked players in every game thats would job to people at their local because they skate by on netplay tactics and winquitting. I was D3 in soul calibur and would take games off of S1 rank players semi-frequently because they would underestimate me and try to use specific scrub filter knowledge checks that they didn’t think I’d be ready for rather than go all out. I’ve seen players who were also low-mid rank online place well in large tournaments. Rank means a lot less than people think, it usually just means you netplay cheese, win quit and just play more often.

  43. 11 months ago

    I get it. There are the times where you go up against the guys with a literal 19000 matches played and that can be discouraging, or when it feels like you just lose because of a bad match-up despite all the research and labbing you've done on it.
    But I keep coming back despite the frustrations because I genuinely enjoy the game at a base level and the small improvements feel satisfying.
    Feels like the video game equivalent of a Youtuber who continues to upload despite getting only 100s of views.

  44. 11 months ago

    I only like 3D fighting games

    Unfortunately, there is only one left, and it was always my least favorite

    • 11 months ago

      when's the next Virtua Fighter

  45. 11 months ago

    Could a first person fighting game ever work?

  46. 11 months ago

    I only play fighting games that have playable cute girls with glasses in.

    • 11 months ago

      Thank god Koko exists because Litch is a c**t

  47. 11 months ago

    Seeing what they did to my boy Sin from Xrd to Strive made me understand what the +r boomers felt back in the day with Xrd

    • 11 months ago

      Is Sin still the least played character?

      • 11 months ago

        Sin was never the least played character that's Leo, Axl, Anji and I-no

        • 11 months ago

          Even in Strive?

          • 11 months ago

            I was specifically talking about in strive. Sin was one of the more played characters in xrd for the same reason Nago replaced him as one of the more played characters in Strive

  48. 11 months ago

    post players that came out of nowhere and immediately started smoking people

    • 11 months ago

      do you mean gobou in general or his lewis? because he was stomping on zato from basically release on

      • 11 months ago

        yea well goldlewis made him super popular

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        would he have won evo?

        • 11 months ago

          Probably not unless he improved drastically since his set with Hotashi which was a closely fought set.

    • 11 months ago

      Jimmy J Tran with Melty Blood after only playing SF and Tekken

  49. 11 months ago

    just play them until you're the guy that's been playing them for decades.

  50. 11 months ago

    xrd seriously is not that hard

    • 11 months ago

      what about elphelt and raven an

      • 11 months ago

        >what about elphelt and raven an
        excuses, but if you are facing against millia im sorry.

      • 11 months ago

        god bless kusoru

  51. 11 months ago

    Skill issue.

  52. 11 months ago

    i got news for you, i've been playing them for decades and i'm still bad.

  53. 11 months ago

    haven't played fightan in over a month
    someone motivate me NOW

    • 11 months ago

      If you're not feeling drawn to it right now you don't need anyone to push you into it. Just wait until you're in the mood for it again, maybe wait for UNI2 or something.

    • 11 months ago

      what do you play, who do you play and why did ou not play for over a month?

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Why do they have six toes?

    • 11 months ago

      Watch Bafael

  54. 11 months ago

    Just keep playing them for decades and destroy the future anon that make this exact thread

  55. 11 months ago

    >pick a game that is alive
    >play ranked
    >get matched with people equally as shit as you
    >learn and have fun learning
    that simple
    if you're fortunate enough to have a friend who's interested you can even fight each other and learn together
    these games are easy, there's no excuse.
    the only issue is playing a dead game where no new players exist. in that case you ignore that game and learn with an alive one, then come back to it once you have fundamentals. unless you don't mind getting stomped endlessly

    • 11 months ago

      Except is more like
      >not enough people since fightans are dead
      >get matched with people waaay below you or way above you

      • 11 months ago

        that's not true unless you live in australia maybe. i can only speak for EU but i know NA and Asia are even better, there will be plenty of new people as long as you pick the right game. the game doesn't even need to be new, you can play something like T7 today as a total beginner and run into other morons just fine. you just need to play ranked and not casual. i assume most people make that mistake

  56. 11 months ago

    why is this particular picture of xrd the one people use to complain so often?

  57. 11 months ago
  58. 11 months ago

    They all started somewhere, homosexual

  59. 11 months ago

    Just dump a few thousand hours into it bro. The audacity of these mfs. Dead genre

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      You don't need to play at a fricking pro level to have fun playing fighting games. Gay morons like you just can't accept that there are people better than you.

      • 11 months ago

        you definitely need to invest a lot of time before fighting games become fun. It's fun to lose due to getting outplayed, but losing due to being bad at pressing buttons means you have hours upon hours of monotonous practice ahead of you.

      • 11 months ago

        Oh yeah just take nothing but Ls all day it's fun dude. We have fun losing. losers are losers it's fun bro

        • 11 months ago

          Ranked puts you against players at your skill level. You can be a rookie and buttom mash against other rookies. Everyone has to start somewhere, but expecting to just instantly win against other people that are better than you is delusional thinking. You just want instant gratification, and that's fine. Go play a party game. A competitive genre isn't for you.

          you definitely need to invest a lot of time before fighting games become fun. It's fun to lose due to getting outplayed, but losing due to being bad at pressing buttons means you have hours upon hours of monotonous practice ahead of you.

          >but losing due to being bad at pressing buttons
          You don't have to practice to learn what buttons are safe and unsafe. That can come just from experience and playing the game.

        • 11 months ago

          Doesn't help that fighting is a masculine sport and getting beat every match is probably emasculating. It'll be alright.

        • 11 months ago

          Change your mentality. Games being only fun when you win is for small children who get coddled. Learn to take yourself, the game and it’s outcomes less seriously. The game is not one big chaotic state where the read master just wins, it’s built on nuanced understanding of the various game states and what you’re options are and playing them successfully. To win a match you must win a bunch of small mini-games essentially. Find the joy in small victories and slow progress and they will be fun. Not to be cringe but it’s about the journey and not the destination. Some of the most fun I’ve had in FGs is when I was bad because it was so satisfying to finally understand what I was missing and correct it. Made me feel like a badass that I could learn from my mistakes and grow to defeat stronger opponents.

    • 11 months ago

      It's unbelievable how far detached from reality those mfs are

  60. 11 months ago

    >Why purchase things that are made for me (casual platformers, rpgs, adventure games, mmorpgs, fortnite) when I can b***h for a specific, stupidly popular niche to be forcibly made into something that I can play with 4 fingers?
    Same shit with trannies. Notice how they don't just mod sims or go for Nitenyearold products. No they have to absolutely infest the tabletop rpg community and mold it into something that doesn't even resemble the fricking thing people were drawn too because they don't want to have to pretend to be something that they're fricking not.
    You know, role playing.

    • 11 months ago

      What the frick are you talking about

  61. 11 months ago

    Anyone wanna play Garou?

    • 11 months ago

      It's due 2024

      • 11 months ago

        It came out in 1999 bro

        • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      How active is it online?
      Is it best to go with fightcade, steam, or psn?

      • 11 months ago

        Not him but it's fairly active on FC2, not as active as ST or 3S but I've never had issues finding games while idling in the lobby for a bit. If people play old shit it's basically always going to be on FC2, beside just being free companies seem to not give a frick about their compilation releases since FC2's netcode is somehow better then them every time.

      • 11 months ago

        Steam has rollback but FC2 is more active by virtue of being free. I own it on Steam just to support the game but FC2 is a nicer experience overall since I don't care about matchmaking at all

  62. 11 months ago

    >play fightan
    >avoid high rank players
    >avoid low rank players
    >play someone on my skill level
    >add them
    >50/50 they add me or not
    >regardless have a decent amount of people to hit up when im playing fightan

    Its that easy just don't be a sperg.

  63. 11 months ago

    I personally can't play fightan gaems for 2 reasons
    1) they're all side scrollers and 2.5D at best, just don't like em
    Wish there were more fully 3D fightan gaems
    2) I'm a maniac and a hothead, I can't keep my cool and react. My mortido gets the best of me, I need to MAIMKILLBURN. I usually circumvent that by playing high mixup characters that can string things fluidly and say "go go gadget random bullshit" while animation cancelling (if that's a thing) which really is just an advanced form of button mashing. Or just stick to some brickhead characters that get shitton of hyper/superarmor. I am still pretty inadequate and I won't ever get better because of that

  64. 11 months ago

    So does anyone actually want to play or are you all busy pretending to be moronic

    • 11 months ago

      I like RB2 more and I'm busy hosting a netplay bracket, sorry

    • 11 months ago

      great game

      I like RB2 more and I'm busy hosting a netplay bracket, sorry

      great game

  65. 11 months ago

    Where are all these sweaty tryhards? Every time I play xrd or +r it's just some scrubby sol player failing to uppercut that I go 20-0 against.

    • 11 months ago

      I went into east coast and sat down and a Sol, a Ky, a Raven, and a Elphelt all shit on me. Pressing a button
      and unlike Strive, I just get to suck my own dick in the corner while dying.

      • 11 months ago

        FD or Dead Angle Attack

  66. 11 months ago

    love fightings

    hate FGC chimps

    simple as

  67. 11 months ago

    I have to apologize to kof15 and snk. I never thought that day will come i've seriously opened up to kof15 even if its the worst kof through entire snk history (ok, excluding kof12) since art of fighting and fatal fury days, but at least its not the worst fighting game in general. In the end, its the best alternative in modern fighting games. I've been playing sf6 and boy I wish i hadn't, criminal disaster, like its just absolute trash, they didn't expand the depth and complexity of the game from sf5 at all (in fact, sf5 is far deeper when you're on v-trigger), the game is outrageously repetitive, boring, flat and shallow and its easyness and overall oversimplification made me throw up. Even constant winning gives you 0 joy because satisfaction factor is completely gone. I've never felt this empty and lacking any joy and satisfaction even when you win, there is 0 challenge 6, linking moves and combo craft is semi auto and repetitive until you puke all the bile from the bottom of your stomach. seriously a worse game than SF5. im literally amazed how can you not improve such a rock bottom gameplay at all. That leaves us with kof15, the only one and best alternative to play since the genre is basically dead and reduced to atoms. GG

  68. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      both shitters btw

    • 11 months ago

      yeah its true that aggression with no fear will beat someone with no technique trying to develop technique
      but one of those strategies continues to work at 10 hrs, 100 hrs, 1000 hrs, and beyond while the other never develops no matter how much you play

  69. 11 months ago

    Then stop. Nobody's holding a gun to your head.
    More people need to learn to just bow out if they don't want to put up with the grind.

  70. 11 months ago

    • 11 months ago

      kino stage and kino costume
      why can't 6 do this?

      • 11 months ago

        sf6 just launched

      • 11 months ago

        we've unironically reached the point where people are praising sf5

        • 11 months ago

          It's a "I liked the guy that liked X type of situation". Praise is functionally addressed to Alpha 2 and Monster Hunter.

  71. 11 months ago

    where my soul calibur homies at

    • 11 months ago

      Kilik chad here

    • 11 months ago

      I used to play but I do not anymore. Played nightmare and raph through most of the games.

  72. 11 months ago

    Shut up and discuss Bridget's gender.

    • 11 months ago

      it's a boy but GG is a troony franchise now so it sells better to cater to western mental illness

    • 11 months ago

      Frick off, you guys have entire threads on fricking Repeat for this stupid topic.

      • 11 months ago

        You will never escape from it.

        • 11 months ago

          Thankfully I can just avoid GG threads

    • 11 months ago

      everyone will always be gay for Bridget

      it is always gay

      it doesn't matter

    • 11 months ago

      There's nothing to discuss, why would some anon's view matter more then what is said in game?

  73. 11 months ago
  74. 11 months ago

    Try playing a game where the EVO finalists were (almost)all people who had been playing the game for longer than I've been alive.

  75. 11 months ago

    Don’t play them instead of crying on Ganker homosexual.

  76. 11 months ago

    anyone up for mbaacc

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        • 11 months ago

          Haven't played this game in months but somehow had cleaner conversion than before

          • 11 months ago

            ye those conversions were really solid. makes wara pretty scary.
            That 214A anti air at the end was also godlike

            • 11 months ago

              I knew that 214A hit people's domes but didn't realize it hit that vertically.

              • 11 months ago

                doesn't seem to reach that high, so I guess it's more on ries extending her fat ass hurtboxes

  77. 11 months ago

    How hard is it to get A rank in 3S or ST on fightcade? Compared to SFV and 6 platinum.

    • 11 months ago

      Way harder. A rank fightcade players are killers. I only had a C rank

      • 11 months ago

        For me it feels like

        S - Best in the World tier, real life Grand Master
        A - Online super player, able to win local tournies with ease
        B - Extremely formidable player, regarded by most persons they know as an absolute master of fighting games
        C - Person who is quite experienced with fighting games and knows the ins and outs of their character but has probably not studied a lot of frame data
        D - Aspiring tourney player who will still easily defeat any casual player, knows every move and has good execution

        Wish there were a few more ranks tbqh.

    • 11 months ago

      A rank in Third Strike, Super Turbo, KOF 98, KOF 2002, and Marvel are equivalent to being a Warlord in SFV.

  78. 11 months ago

    for most of my life I would keep trying new fighting games, play for a couple hours, and give up. even ones that I liked I was never able to get past "hold forward and randomly push buttons" level. eventually one year after watching evo I finally realized that fighting games were something you had to actually learn and I was never just going to magically be able to play one. I bought sf4, looked up the character I wanted to play on srk, and sat in training mode for a couple hours. first I tried landing a single attack with the right spacing. when I thought I had a good handle on that I tried what looked like the easiest combo that followed that one attack, but I couldn't get it to work. I asked on Ganker and was told that it was a 6 frame link or something and I wasn't pushing the button with the right timing. I went back into training mode and set the dummy to block on hit and spent another hour trying to get the timing right, but I still couldn't do it. after a while I thought to myself "wait this is just a rhythm game. I fricking hate rhythm games." I uninstalled the game and haven't tried playing a fighting game since.

    I don't understand why fighting games all focus on simple inputs to make things easier for beginners. even as a 7 year old I could manage to do a dp motion. if they actually wanted to make games easier to pick up they should get rid of links. what would even be the problem with having the input buffer automatically delay a mashed button until it could actually come out, like how chains already work?

    tl;dr frick links, if I wanted to spend hours practicing pushing buttons in order with precise timing I wouldn't have quit piano lessons

    • 11 months ago

      NRS games are literally designed for you. It's all phone number sequences into juggles. Yes, juggle is technically still a link, but with windows this generous it doesn't matter.

      • 11 months ago

        I remember playing one mk game and I picked the mall cop and spammed his grenade move but the series is ugly and doesn't appeal to me.

        homie just play any anime game with magic series.

        I tried playing melty but I couldn't do any of the combos there either

        • 11 months ago

          >I tried playing melty but I couldn't do any of the combos there either
          Not even the basic A > B > C > jump AB > jump AB > air throw?

          • 11 months ago

            it's been a while so I don't really remember. I went on mizuumi or whatever the melty fan site is called and tried to do the combo that was the shortest.

            • 11 months ago

              Mizuumi is a good resource to have but if you're just starting out I would just open training mode and press buttons to figure out the launcher. Magic series is pretty easy to pick up on its own.

    • 11 months ago

      homie just play any anime game with magic series.

    • 11 months ago

      I remember playing one mk game and I picked the mall cop and spammed his grenade move but the series is ugly and doesn't appeal to me.

      I tried playing melty but I couldn't do any of the combos there either

      Links are really just a SF thing. Tekken is a easier game to get into. You can mash and still wins games unlike a 2d fighting game

  79. 11 months ago

    someone make another mbacc lobby

    • 11 months ago

      • 11 months ago

        still up

      • 11 months ago

        ggs was super fun, im omega rusty lmao

        • 11 months ago

          ggs. don't autopilot 2B>2C, save those buttons for calling fuzzy jumps. chain into 5B off 2A instead

  80. 11 months ago

    I hit master today bros!

    • 11 months ago

      grats anon

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Congrats anon. I hit Diamond as Ryu last week, taking a break from ranked before trying to climb again.

    • 11 months ago

      i have 900 hours and can't get above bronze. frick this cuckold shit. frick all you guys. cum eaters

  81. 11 months ago

    this is why i exclusively play fighting games with my friends
    i have never touched public lobbies, ranked, or casual matchmaking

    • 11 months ago

      This is the smart way to do it. Playing with randoms is a good way to ruin all fun.

  82. 11 months ago

    Anyone want to play random shit on fightcade?

    • 11 months ago

      like what

  83. 11 months ago

    i bought strive since i had fun in the free weekend and was scared of xrd
    i also bought asuka he is fricking fun
    shame i preffer faust

  84. 11 months ago

    Any cuties up for games?

    • 11 months ago

      I don't play with trans.

  85. 11 months ago

    Don't listen to these losers OP. Take that 9500 hours they want you to spend getting good at fighting games and use it for something productive. Don't fall into the same trap as me.

  86. 11 months ago

    I love fighting games but I never find nice people to play with

    • 11 months ago

      And what fighting games do you play?

      • 11 months ago

        Having Sex With Your Mom 2 EX: Versus
        hehe, gottem

      • 11 months ago

        I would play anything with someone who is nice and can teach me, but I'll be better than them in less than 2 weeks, so they need to accept that and not get angry

  87. 11 months ago

    Macros killed fighting games, it's no longer about skill but about knowing the best way to do macros. This is why smash was so successful and why players from other fighting games coped and seethed so much.

    • 11 months ago

      you fricking what
      you can't accept that people can do fricking combos? or anti air dp?

    • 11 months ago

      >Macros killed fighting games
      No, that would be people like you who don't actually play fighting games and think you understand the genre

    • 11 months ago

      imagine saying this when some smash modders released some code that lets you use macros with inputs and it's online safe lol

  88. 11 months ago

    Project L looks cools, but I wish they had snappier hitstun, everyone kinda floats a bit too much after getting hit. UI and some effects need more polish, and when chars leave after an assist, could use more flair. Also, because its western, the way they made the faces bother me, they look almost good but has that tumblr thing where everyone has to be a little off to be diverse

    • 11 months ago

      i cannot trust riot with making a good game
      it did look cool from a casual's perspective but riot is an awful company

  89. 11 months ago

    >tips on how to get out of bronze
    >video is over 3 hours long

    • 11 months ago

      yeah and it's still quicker to watch that than to trial-and-error your way out

    • 11 months ago

      >learn how to deal with obvious scrub killer gimmicks
      >press less buttons
      >be reactive instead of betting on hard reads

      I simply can't get the hang of this game at all - it never seems to be "my turn" in a match and i just get absolutely stomped by everyone with no idea as to why. I can block stuff all day but then i get backed into the corner and thrown / mauled to death. The typical thing about rookies jump constantly, so you just need to anti-air doesn't apply at all in my experience... I'm having more luck just mashing the controller with my face than trying to actually play right now. Would cutting off my dick and balls help?

      imo what really helps a lot is just to go through characters in training mode and just get a sense for how their pressure actually works

    • 11 months ago

      Here's a shorter video that's effective too.

      It's SFV but the general logic sitll applies.

  90. 11 months ago

    I simply can't get the hang of this game at all - it never seems to be "my turn" in a match and i just get absolutely stomped by everyone with no idea as to why. I can block stuff all day but then i get backed into the corner and thrown / mauled to death. The typical thing about rookies jump constantly, so you just need to anti-air doesn't apply at all in my experience... I'm having more luck just mashing the controller with my face than trying to actually play right now. Would cutting off my dick and balls help?

    • 11 months ago

      it's your turn when the opponent is minus
      do you not know when he is minus?
      learn what frame data is

    • 11 months ago

      Xrd you mean? Have you tried using dead angle / blitz shield / blitz attack / faultless defense / invincible reversal if your character has one?

      • 11 months ago

        I love how moronic fighting game developers are
        >we have 6 defensive options for new players to do to get out of pressure with, surely it's enough
        Talk about bloating your game lmao

        • 11 months ago

          You also have burst. I think that anon could get away with just using invincible reversal and faultless defense to create space / potentially able to mount a counter attack. He can also do just defends when he gets better at reading the knowledge checks. Dead angle is also handy when you really feel overpressured and have meter to burn.

          At the end of the day learning how to utilize at least 2 or these properly will take him a long way and he doesn't have to learn them all at beginner level.

          • 11 months ago

            >tfw play Axl
            >tfw his Dead Angle fricking blows

        • 11 months ago

          I simply can't get the hang of this game at all - it never seems to be "my turn" in a match and i just get absolutely stomped by everyone with no idea as to why. I can block stuff all day but then i get backed into the corner and thrown / mauled to death. The typical thing about rookies jump constantly, so you just need to anti-air doesn't apply at all in my experience... I'm having more luck just mashing the controller with my face than trying to actually play right now. Would cutting off my dick and balls help?

          'turns' in pushblock games are a little ambiguous because moves have variable frame data but the basic thing to understand is that if you fd you get more blockstun and if you ib you get less.
          if you ib an air button you can throw them right as they land so it's your 'turn' in the sense that they have to eat a strike/throw mixup. all you really need to learn is which moves to try and ib and which ones are the big plus frame moves that are worth instant blocking.
          watch some fab & consume matches if you want to get a sense for what this looks like in practice and see how often they can swing an entire match just with a simple read like backdash into generic throw

    • 11 months ago

      Just be yourself

      • 11 months ago

        the threat here is if she pressed p in stance right? and baiken couldn't jump out cause elphelt can just shotgun blast

        • 11 months ago

          and i guess baiken can instant block also

        • 11 months ago

          you have to instant block

          • 11 months ago

            the threat here is if she pressed p in stance right? and baiken couldn't jump out cause elphelt can just shotgun blast

            Instant Block and throw is the "correct" option but shotgun S>shotgun S doesn't actually beat anything anyway so basically anything would have worked. It's 0 on block and 11f startup so even baiken mashing f.S would beat it. Baiken was scared, which is understandable, but FD is almost never the right choice there and she had no meter anyway so all she did was waste what she got from blocking.

            but yeah generally if you don't IB shotgun S it resets her pressure because she's back in shotgun P range, can have shotgun H charged, and her options come out faster than yours and are way, way higher reward

    • 11 months ago

      any time you get thrown you could have mashed 2P or thrown them instead, almost 100% guaranteed by the system mechanics
      Use FD to push your opponent out a bit and then when they're out of range of their fast buttons superjump and airdash to escape the corner.
      Sometimes you just need to learn the answer to your opponent's thing, like Elphelt shotgun pressure is beaten by instant blocking the uppercut and throwing her, any ambiguous crossup loses to Blitz, Leo's unblockable loses to backdash etc, but if you don't have a real answer just picking one of your options and seeing if they know how to deal with it works pretty often.

      Anti airs are very, very good in Xrd, but so is air movement and a lot of air attacks are strong as frick, so it's not like Street Fighter where you can just wait for them to jump and then get a guaranteed DP, you need to know which of your anti air options to use against the kind of thing they're doing, and sometimes the best answer is just accept you were off guard and block. If they're doing a lot of IADs in 6P probably works very well, if they're jumping over your head airthrow will shut them down, if they're doing early air buttons to mess up your air throw timing you can IB and throw them when they land, if they're doing late/deep air buttons that you can't low profile with 6P or airthrow you can still Blitz which only loses to empty jumps as long as you time it right

      What I don't like about fighting games it's that half of it is pressing the exact same buttons in a exact same sequence.
      Playing neutral and methodically finding holes in your opponent's defenses and attacks is awesome, but after finally hitting them for a punish and repeating the same optimal combo with no variation gets stale extremely quick. I don't think there is a game that mixes good neutral with open-ended combos yet and I'm not sure why.

      in most anime games you usually have a lot of options for what combo you want to do if you know your character well. Off the same hit depending on what resources you have and whether you want damage or corner carry or a setup etc you can have half a dozen "optimal" combos, and once you get the hang of the basic combo routing you get really rewarded for being able to improv combos off weird hits

  91. 11 months ago

    how can you be bad at videogames just copy high lvl players, their match videos are always on youtube lol

  92. 11 months ago
  93. 11 months ago

    >specifically state im looking for NA players in lobby title
    >brazilians join anyway

  94. 11 months ago


  95. 11 months ago

    Still nobody to play? I only have this open to find players

    • 11 months ago

      Which game?

      • 11 months ago

        I'm up for literally anything that's playable

        • 11 months ago

          I can play some CF or Rev2

          • 11 months ago

            Let's go Rev2, do you mind making the lobby

            • 11 months ago

              Room up, the keyword is p52w

              • 11 months ago

                Where do you put the keyword? Just pasting the link in browser tries to get me in but no prompt for a keyword.

              • 11 months ago

                Tried both the link + lobby code, can't join

              • 11 months ago

                Can someone else make the lobby then?

              • 11 months ago

                steam://joinlobby/520440/109775244586195005/76561198041519145 I made one. Try this.

              • 11 months ago

                What's the 4 letter pass? Steam overlays frick with my invite link copypastes

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                Where the frick do I even paste this steam invite now? I copy paste the link onto the steam browser from the game overlay and nothing happens

              • 11 months ago

                Try a web browser.

              • 11 months ago

                I just paste it into firefox while the game is open and it prompts me in-game to join the lobby. This particular lobby didn't let me join but that's all you have to do.

              • 11 months ago

                Okay I closed mine


                Rev2 lobby, anyone should be able to join

                , I'm joining this one

              • 11 months ago


                Rev2 lobby, anyone should be able to join

            • 11 months ago

              rev 2 lobby
              LET ME IN THERE

  96. 11 months ago

    FIGHTING GAMES are simple. you either sacrifice ur life to it or u dont u fricking moron.

  97. 11 months ago

    why's he so fun to play

  98. 11 months ago

    What I don't like about fighting games it's that half of it is pressing the exact same buttons in a exact same sequence.
    Playing neutral and methodically finding holes in your opponent's defenses and attacks is awesome, but after finally hitting them for a punish and repeating the same optimal combo with no variation gets stale extremely quick. I don't think there is a game that mixes good neutral with open-ended combos yet and I'm not sure why.

    • 11 months ago

      Honestly I just make up shit on the fly for combos and only have a few very specific ones I 'remember' and even then they're just very simple and short 3-4 hits. The most you need is a basic bread n butter and hope the game has a system lenient with putting shit together like gatlings.

    • 11 months ago

      Because why would you go for any other combo than the optimal ones?
      Devs can do whatever to stop repeat combos but players will still stick to effective ones.

    • 11 months ago

      Nobody forces you to do the optimal combo every time, learn stylish combos if that's what you want

    • 11 months ago

      It might have been true for fighting games in the 90's and early 00's, and even that is arguable, but it's absolutely not true for games nowadays.
      The difference between optimal combos and open ended ones is tiny and is usually more about ease of execution than actual damage and leading to advantageous setups, take +R for instance and you can absolutely freestyle and do different combo routes as long as you know combo theory, and end up with pretty optimal damage+advantage.
      Sure, if you want to look it from a certain point of view you're just mixing up the same core moves in slightly different orders most of the time, but that's just fighting games in general, most of them don't have big movesets, and the few who do barely utilize most of it, see Tekken where 90% of the movesets are useless legacy bloat.

  99. 11 months ago

    I see names leaving the room so I guess we have connection problems, you wanna try making it instead?

  100. 11 months ago

    >favourite characters in the series ended up being upvote and downvote, robo-ky and potemkin

  101. 11 months ago

    how the frick do i git gud at mbon
    i'm fine with getting bodied all day in fightan games but i'm terrified of being a shitter in a team game

    • 11 months ago

      just like anything else. you have to grind it out and if you're trying to main a melee suit, it's going to be much harder since the meta is ranged suits. also, randoms will b***h alot more so that also doesn't help. I played it alot and ended up getting pretty decent but ultimately dropped it because playing cat/mouse while maining Burning gundam got old quick. good luck

      • 11 months ago

        gigabased. i'd like to learn spiegel & master but playing high cost just exposes me as a moron and is stressful. but also i think the low costs i play all kind of ignore boost which maybe is too gimmicky for actually learning the game well

        I don't like fighting games.

        that didn't stop leffen

  102. 11 months ago

    Why are my meaty cS's always mistimed? Like a GOOD 8/10s times I try to cS, some goober always throws me out of it. Idk what I'm doing wrong because I play against people with perfect meaties all the time.

    I'm trying to pick up Asuka but this happens to me on every single char I play. So I acknowledge there might be some mistiming when I'm playing cards, but this issue has plagued me the entire time I've played Strive

    • 11 months ago

      you're likely doing it too late
      go to training and set up the AI to grab for their recovery to test out timings

  103. 11 months ago

    God, I fricking wish I had a good 6P

  104. 11 months ago

    good rounds jack-o feller, just need to step out for a sec so im gonna spectate others

    • 11 months ago

      I hate your command grabs mid pressure, good games friend

      • 11 months ago

        you were mopping my bed so i had to pull out big c**t but yeah lots of close ones lmao

  105. 11 months ago
  106. 11 months ago

    Man I'm literally zero for like 20 on BDC bites today

  107. 11 months ago

    >I'm tired it just losing all the time
    Fighting games are exactly like martial arts. When you first step into the gym you will get your ass kicked, you will get your ass kicked badly and often. Then, step by step you'll get a little better at getting your ass kicked less after some training. Then, after even more time you'll notice that not only you're getting your ass kicked, but you too can kick some ass.

    Losing fights is fun if you're playing fightings with a martial artist's mentality. Martial arts are all about distance, timing and figuring out what works against this particular opponent (IRL if you're the same weight, weight categories exist for a reason). That's a huge part of having fun in fighting games too.

    "It is like a finger, pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory" You're not having a good time because you're concentrating on the finger instead of the moon.

  108. 11 months ago

    Doesn’t that apply to like anything?

  109. 11 months ago

    thx for the lobby anons
    i gotta rest now
    hope we start hosting more lobbies id give me a reason to come back to Ganker

    • 11 months ago

      playing with anons is some of the best times i’ve had in fightan. i still miss the jojo weeklies on cakechan

      • 11 months ago

        wish guilty gear Fridays were still a thing
        its on one you to make it happen now tho
        also any vods from any of those jojo weeklies
        those sound fun to watch

    • 11 months ago

      Thanks for kicking my ass
      Didn't expect 6 whole people in a lobby this late.

      • 11 months ago

        take care, i wouldn't mind hosting this again sometime

  110. 11 months ago

    Have you tried winning?

  111. 11 months ago

    that double ko was fricking sweet

    • 11 months ago

      entertaining scrambles
      if you use 2S in neutral I can't 6P it

  112. 11 months ago

    they need to encrypt the files in fighting games
    i paid good money for these colors and some dumbass mods his character to look like guy fieri

  113. 11 months ago

    You´ve played 500 hours of league/dota/csgo/fortnite/apex/starcraft and still suck, but when it´s fighting games it somehow becomes too much?

    • 11 months ago

      >but when it´s fighting games it somehow becomes too much?
      no teammates to blame in fighting games lol

  114. 11 months ago

    i just hate a homosexual that goes and labs a long combo he learned from youtube and then ur staggered while getting hit during that whole long ass combo.its boring and kills the oacing of the match.a lot of these homosexuals would be awfull without youtube and streamers

    • 11 months ago

      Anon you are fully capable of researching and learning yourself

  115. 11 months ago

    need friends on my skill level to play with and also occasionally have sex on venue bathrooms during fighting game events

  116. 11 months ago

    sunk cost fallacy: the genre

  117. 11 months ago

    I don't like fighting games.

  118. 11 months ago

    The bigger issue that there's no reward.
    Back in the 90s and early 00s it meant you could beat people up in a cool trash talking community.
    Now the community is always the worst part of it. Everyone's a money-grubbing homosexual looking to cut you out over assorted twitter and discordshit.

    • 11 months ago

      >the issue is [shit outside the game that doesn't matter]

      • 11 months ago

        >game that is all about multiplayer
        >uhm acshually the people you're playing against don't matter

        • 11 months ago

          it sounds like you want to use fighting games as a vehicle to do something else not fighting game related so idc honestly. I mean arcade culture was cool back in the day and it may be shittier now, but either way, playing the actual fricking game comes first and foremost, the rest is bullshit that doesn't deserve my attention

          • 11 months ago

            He can still get arcade culture simulated online in fightcade. It's unfiltered too.

          • 11 months ago

            >playing the actual fricking game comes first and foremost
            Right up until you're banned from most tourneys because some californian cliques get jealous you're making top 8 regularly without their involvement.

    • 11 months ago

      Why don't you play here? Not into anime fighters?

      • 11 months ago

        It's no different with anime fighters. I've seen people get blasted out of those over shit started by people who didn't even play the game.
        The FGC is easily the worst most cloutchasing and moneywhoring online community in games, and it's never the people who are actually any good at the games who're doing it.

        • 11 months ago

          Just play here anon. Ganker tends to be pretty reliable with players. Just be careful with /vg/ as they have a large amount of schizos who will potentially stalk you just to have something to so in their mundane lives. /melty/ is okay though.

  119. 11 months ago

    fighting games(and all competitive games for that matter) are childish

    • 11 months ago

      How so?

  120. 11 months ago

    They're not hard, they're just not worth it. The reason you're making slow progress is because your training method is garbage, you just play thinking you'll get good naturally just playing. It works I mean, it worked for the best players out there, but it's the moronic lazy way of doing they got away with because barely anyone plays fighting games and barely anyone is smart/disciplined enough to implement something this rigurous, they just play as much as possible and naturally get good because no shit you'll get good at something with 20k hours in it even if you're mindless about the process. 500 hours of deliberate practice focusing on matchups, combos, confirms, what to do in x, y or z situations, footsies, adaptations, analyzing pros, reviewing your own vods, etc... That's worth more than 5000 hours of mindlessly hoping on ranked and playing. But that's beside the point, you shouldn't do any of this because it's not worth it. This shit is worthless. Shitty community full of nerds, trannies and Black folk. No money in it. You're a slave to moronic devs who can frick up the game with any bullshit mechanic they feel like implementing. You can't translate any of the specific skills to any other hobby. You'll feel the need to waste even more time since you'll have something you're truly good at. Don't fricking bother.

    • 11 months ago

      Sounds like alot of projection from someone who tried to be the best. Sometimes (most of the time) the journey is more enjoyable than the destination and that applies to more than just fighting games

  121. 11 months ago

    We need more fighting games with lower skill ceilings and casual modes like Smash instead of pumping out le hecking esports games all the time.

    • 11 months ago

      You've got Strive, MBTL, GBVS and SF6 casualized to the utter limits. Any further and they cease to be fighting games.
      Buncha smash clones too - brawlhalla, multiversus, nickelodeon.
      If you don't play now - you won't play ever.

      • 11 months ago

        Strive, MBTL and GBVS are too generic and SF6 isn't really casualized at all.
        The smash clones are all made by terrible developers and the only one that isn't dead is Brawlhalla.
        I've been down these roads, it's time for something new.

        • 11 months ago

          Define "generic" as i found them too unique for my taste.
          6 with modern controls frees players from special and super inputs, drive rush streamlines neutral into turn based combat i really don't get what else SF can do to appeal to casuals.
          Your last hope are vs style games then, try out DBFZ or wait for project L. If nothing catches your attention, feel free to bail out, door is always open.
          Or just pick up Blazblue or AC+R and play good game with unique characters (and horrendous balance).

          • 11 months ago

            When I say generic I'm referring to the format of the games, they remind me too much of the arcade fighting games of old. My definition of fighting games is probably a bit broader than yours and I'd like something new that breaks the mold like Smash did back in the day.
            >i really don't get what else SF can do to appeal to casuals.
            They can't appeal to casuals using SF as a foundation, casuals need games that are build from the ground up to be causal. Adding a few easy to use features into an already complex and very competitive game doesn't cut it.

        • 11 months ago

          >something new
          hellish quart but it doesn't have online yet
          blade symphony but it's dead as frick

      • 11 months ago

        MK1 should be right up anons alley considering how dirt easy nrs games are. or maybe he will make more excuses lol idc it's up to you if you really want to play

    • 11 months ago

      Tenkaichi 4 coming soon

  122. 11 months ago

    >playing unga bunga guilty gear when who trow more shit on screen win
    >omg fighting games so hard
    Kek, just play kof, sf, garou.

    • 11 months ago

      I find GG more fun.

    • 11 months ago

      gg is just hyper kof

  123. 11 months ago

    They're pretty shit. I would love to program a fighter where the cpu just fricking obliterates everyone. So pvp would play as normal, with all the normal shit that goes with it but there is an unattainable ceiling - no matter how good you are you will never be as good as the cpu. Just a little subconcious frickery. I also want to make a game that runs specifically for a fixed amount of time to frick with speedrunners. I know they will still put moron arbitrary rules and make a competition out of it but frick them. You dont get 100% completion unless you play for x amount of time. Frick speedrunners. I hate those c**ts so very much.

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      older fighting games already did this by having bosses be unfair and also read your inputs, etc

  124. 11 months ago

    oh hey, the morons woke up, what discord raid do you come from?

    • 11 months ago

      Who are you asking?

  125. 11 months ago

    It took me about a year of near non stop attention to get good (able to contest with the very top players) at my 1st 3d fighting game, granted it's niche but it was still comprised of like 90% oldheads who've been with the series for something like a decade or so. It's possible, just a total timesink and a lot of effort. I had a good time overall and the games super fun, but I don't think I'd really recommend it either, so if you're not hooked on it don't bother.

  126. 11 months ago

    You've got to want it to get good at fightan games, it's a series of uphill battles to learn and absorb each new concept and technique. However, that 20+ years people have on you may seem intimidating, but the returns on experience are diminishing and the biggest leaps and bounds in performance are made at the beginner and intermediate levels. Personally I'm thrilled with my growth from "not being able to do a DP motion" to doing stuff like webm related. Truth be told I wouldn't have had the motivation to stick with it if I didn't have really good friends I've been trying to keep up with.

    • 11 months ago


      special, 360 awakening super
      Jubei is goated with the sauce fr fr.

      • 11 months ago

        love this lil homie like you wouldn't believe even though I'm trash

  127. 11 months ago

    league is way too fricking hard
    competitive shooters are way too fricking hard
    yet people learn and play them
    fighting games are a huge blow to the ego and some people are not willing to take it

    • 11 months ago

      >no 1v1 RTS is popular
      >no 1v1 shooter is popular
      Only way Project L will make waves if they really make 2v2 with 4 people good. It would probably be better if they went 3v3 and had those DBFZ raid bosses and a CvS2 ratio system to let the good player carry the team.

  128. 11 months ago

    Fighting games are for morons and ghetto black people

  129. 11 months ago

    >literally, SF6
    >"still too hard"

    • 11 months ago

      Tekken 3 is probably the best balance for a casual and hardcore audience, but people want more more more - more systems, mechanics, combo routes, characters, etc. it will never stop

  130. 11 months ago

    Why is Ganker so bad at video games?

    • 11 months ago

      >Why is Ganker so bad at video games?

      We're bad at everything that's why we're here in the first place. We're fricking losers.

  131. 11 months ago

    Since this is the dedicated shitter thread, it doesn't hurt to ask
    What's a nice and comfy, possibly 2D, free fightan game I can play casually against a fren ? We used to play on Fightcade some time ago but eventually dropped it because there were way too many games and we couldn't decide which one to focus on, plus it felt bad having to rely on ROMs and not having an actual "main menu" (if that makes sense)
    I don't want any excessive particle vomit like some of the anime games I see posted from time to time, I just want something that's easy to read

    • 11 months ago

      granpoo rising will have a free version plus you could get the previous version for like 2 bucks during the evo sale earlier this month, so you can probably find cheap keys

      • 11 months ago

        Is it actually easy to read tho, that's the main thing
        I guess I got spoiled by some of the SF/KoF games in fightcade with their simple movesets, but I feel like most modern 2D games are all over the place with their aesthetics

        • 11 months ago

          it´s a pretty simple game, closer to sf than anime games

          • 11 months ago

            Thanks anon, dunno how I'll convince my moronic fren to shell out 2 bucks but I doubt we'll find anything better

    • 11 months ago

      ...the vtuber fighting game is free so i guess that could work

  132. 11 months ago

    when is the next good anime fighter coming? No, i'm not playing strive, it's boring compared to xrd and rev

    • 11 months ago

      UNI 2 is early next year, other than that there's nothing. Crazy anime fighters are kind of dead, companies are all about simplifying and slowing games down these days.

      • 11 months ago

        uni2?? is yuzu going to be in it??

        >Crazy anime fighters are kind of dead, companies are all about simplifying and slowing games down these days.

        holy cancer, you guys are getting the same thing that we got in RTS back in 2010 huh. I was watching some evo 2018 gg sets and it was so hype even though I didn't know a single player. I miss blazblue and gg

        • 11 months ago

          The good news is that those games are still around and have had netplay updates so they're not going anywhere. I still play AC+R a couple times a week. But yea, with UNI 2 and Melty Blood Type Lumina, French Bread are the only company making games like this right now.

        • 11 months ago

          don't worry they're live executing blazblue as a franchise a bit later today with a garbage roguelike

  133. 11 months ago

    >I'm tired it just losing all the time, I'll never be as good as someone who has been playing them for decades...
    Well play them for decades, then, you fricking dumbass moron. Gitting fud is a slow process and it is made slower if your head is filled with bullshit and an incapacity to learn from your losses.

    In the long term, your losses are going to be more important than your wins. If you win all the time, you never have a need to learn anything new, then you stagnate. When you lose, you are forced to progress, you are forced to rethink ypur strategies. That is how, decades down the line, you become great.

  134. 11 months ago

    Focus on one game
    Learn the meta
    Learn a character

    That's it.

    Based on your wording I'm assuming that you play lots of different games and you like to try lots of styles, and while that's fine for single player and casual gaming, you really need to focus and exploit the game on multiplayer, specifically if competitive. It becomes a job.

  135. 11 months ago

    >wanting it to be easy
    >wanting to only win
    >treating losses as punishment and not as learning opportunities
    weak mindset, weak attitude, weak personality
    get gatekept pussy, fightan are NOT for you

    I know you're baiting, but there surely are people here who unironically think this, imagine being so mentally weak that you can't stand not winning all the time

    • 11 months ago

      >Wanting to only win
      Even in this very thread, there's talk about rightfully being a loser if you only lose. What's wrong with only wanting to win? If you literally can't win, you're literally (theory) grinding for nothing and missing a part of the game. If you get your rocks off from losing, just shit up R6Siege matches and blow your loads. MUCH more salt.

  136. 11 months ago

    I literally just picked up GBF Versus last week a after my fighting game addict friends have been badgering me about joining them for a year. It's not hard Black person. I've just been beating my head against the wall going 0-40 against someone whose been playing for 3-4 years and I'm already starting to catch up. Simply stop being shit at video games.
    Also Charlotta love

    • 11 months ago

      I picked the game up when it was 90%off.
      It's weird but I'm having fun.
      Yeah, I agree, that was one of the reasons I got it

    • 11 months ago

      gbvs is literally easiest fighter on the market so its not suprising you are catching up. even dnf duel or soive are harder to play.

  137. 11 months ago

    Getting late into a fighting game is like getting late into a gacha, aka, don't bother, you can't catch up.
    You either play it from the first week or not at all.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      >Getting late into a fighting game
      fundamentals carry over between fighting games so you're already behind on release day.

  138. 11 months ago


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