Final Fantasy VI

Played this one on SNES and didn't like it at all. Try that Gameboy Advance release with added new content and still disliked the game.

Now, last chance here comes the Pixel Remaster version. Start doing everything, stuff that's mostly for completionists. Finally getting into it and nothing changes.

Guess, I'll never understand what made this Final Fantasy so popular than the others.

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  1. 5 months ago

    ff6 is mid and only upheld as a masterpiece by the same sort of people who still call it ff3 in 2024. should've played 7

    • 5 months ago

      almost took the b8

    • 5 months ago

      This moron is a homosexual and an idiot.

      Played this one on SNES and didn't like it at all. Try that Gameboy Advance release with added new content and still disliked the game.

      Now, last chance here comes the Pixel Remaster version. Start doing everything, stuff that's mostly for completionists. Finally getting into it and nothing changes.

      Guess, I'll never understand what made this Final Fantasy so popular than the others.

      It's the end of an era for the franchise, as FFVII would be a jump to 3D models and new combat/magic systems in each new installation. FFVI is the final entry in the 2D final fantasy games and pulled off being the peak of that era.

      Is it the greatest 2D rpg of its time? I don't think so, but it's undoubtedly in the top 10. There are a lot of older games that newer audiences don't understand, but they're still good games. I see zoomers complaining about LiveALive or Seiken Densetsu 3 remakes, but I honestly think that their brains are fried from modern AAA dopamine drips made for people with ADHD. Without an ounce of irony, the "modern gamer" doesn't want to explore and learn a game, they want a dopamine ride with lots of lights and colors to keep them awake at 3am.

      • 5 months ago

        FF6 was the first one in the trend of new combat/magic systems every entry though. It is more like 7 than 5.

  2. 5 months ago

    >Played this one on SNES and didn't like it at all. Try that Gameboy Advance release with added new content and still disliked the game.
    That's plain obvious. If you disliked the base game, how added optional content would change that?
    Fricking zoomers.
    And yes, FF6 is overrated. The first half is just astonishingly average, but it does get progressively better though.

    • 5 months ago

      FF6 is not overrated.
      This statement has always been, and still is, wrong.

    • 5 months ago

      >That's plain obvious. If you disliked the base game, how added optional content would change that?
      This is correct. If you tried the SNES version and didn't like it, there's effectively no chance you'll like any other version. You'd most likely need to have some kind of legit brain damage and not perceive the world in a normal way.
      >Fricking zoomers.
      >The first half is just astonishingly average,
      No, fricking Millenials and your emotive adverbs on adjectives. God damn I hate reading this garbage. How weak is your psyche that you are "astonished" by FF6? It's not a clever juxtaposition it's just pathetic.

      • 5 months ago

        homie you sound autistic af

        • 5 months ago

          Your language is pathetic and you know I'm right. Cry at me and don't improve yourself though, that's the response I expect from the manchild generation.

  3. 5 months ago

    So you played a game you didn't like three times, am I reading it correctly?

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, but I've played each one at a different time of my life, to check if my opinion has changed and while I don't think it's a bad game, I see it as disappointing when comparing it to others from this series.

      • 5 months ago

        That's all right tbh. Not everyone can like everything. You don't HAVE to like FF6. Good on you for giving it a fair shake.

    • 5 months ago

      he really liked, uhhh, not liking it.

  4. 5 months ago

    it's a great rpg
    has great music, scenes, gameplay

    don't really understand this post
    it has one of the best stories as well, besides ff4, the other ones may as well have been made in RPG maker or something

    completely disagree with this post, so many other rpg games that are a waste of time to play and you complain about this one

  5. 5 months ago

    Not every game is going to appeal to everyone, just move on there's tons of other games. Maybe try in another 5 - 10 years. I tried DQ4 a bunch of times and then one day it clicked.

  6. 5 months ago

    >keeps playing a game he dislikes to feel part of the monoculture
    what compels people to do this?

  7. 5 months ago

    Mate, there are games I consider absolute 10/10 masterpieces that I've only played once and will probably never get to play again.
    Where in the goddamn frick are you getting the time to play a game you dislike 3 whole times?

    • 5 months ago

      A 40 hour game no less

    • 5 months ago

      A 40 hour game no less

      You've never tried to get into something multiple times and failed? FF6 is hailed as something better than it actually is

      • 5 months ago

        you're on a retro gaming board, it was great.

  8. 5 months ago

    I'm the same with FF10 but FF6 is excellent

  9. 5 months ago

    Im gonna try the ff3 remaster, ive only ever played the ds version so im curious what this will be as im gping in blind.

  10. 5 months ago

    FF6 is interesting. It was the first FF game I played, so it is kind of "the" Final Fantasy game in many ways. But honestly, most of the other ones are better. FF6 is super dark and ugly, very brown. The tilesets are very generic for a game in this series. The scenarios feel very strung together in an unnatural way. Some of them, such as the Phantom Train are just bizarre, going back to it.
    On the other hand, the setting is very unique. The characters are all memorable, even the ones who get very little actual characterization. The World of Ruin is very atmospheric. Some very challenging boss fights. Atma Weapon, the fricking tentacles in Figaro, Dullahan.
    And I guess in its own category goes Sabin. The coolest Final Fantasy protagonist, who is fun to play and completely broken to the point where the majority of the game is best spent with your whole party in the backrow defending while Sabin just kills everything with Aura Beam and Fire Dance.

    • 5 months ago

      >The characters are all memorable, even the ones who get very little actual characterization.
      No, this is your nostalgia talking. What you're saying is literally oxymoronic

      • 5 months ago

        It isn't at all. They all have distinctive portraits that look like no one else and have unique game mechanics. Take Gau. I fricking hate Gau. I've never even used him in my main party. His story can be summarized in a sentence. He is extremely memorable. No oxymoron at all.
        I also don't really have nostalgia for the game because while I don't replay it all the fricking time, rarely too many years go by between me at least playing through some of it. It isn't some distant memory.

        • 5 months ago

          Well frick, if they have their own portraits... I yield

  11. 5 months ago

    I'm emulating the GBA version.
    It's fun.
    Issues aside, I can see why it's held in high regard.

  12. 5 months ago

    FPBP, as much of a tough pill as it may be to swallow. Final Fantasy's breakthrough was 7, the artificial hype for the previous games came from jealous SNES fans as a direct response. The fact is, nobody cared for Final Fantasy before 7, and for good reason, they're really unremarkable.

    • 5 months ago

      2/10 the first b8 was subtler and more effective

  13. 5 months ago

    It's the Final Fantasy for salty Nintendo fans.
    The game is too all over the place. It has like 10 different characters and respective plot threads (and that's not counting the joke characters like Umaro and Mog). It's simply too much and a "good" FF6 would have just 6 party members and that's it. Also Kefka is terrible, I don't know how anyone meme'd that clown so hard. Dissidia made him more funny and interesting, but Dissidia is not FF6

  14. 5 months ago

    FF6 was the last of the 'old style' 2D FF games. It incorporated elements of several previous titles and improved on them. It was more complex than any of them (except for the jobs system in FF5). You had equipment, relics, AND magicite- giving every character the ability to do powerful summons, even if they weren't really magic users otherwise.

    The main things that stand out about it in my head are the quality of the female character. Celes was hands down my favorite character in that one. Also, the art style was revolutionary for the time and the guy who did the concept art was very talented. The story was complicated with many threads and character arcs, this was a departure from the basically linear nature of previous games. You got to choose your path through more parts of the game. This was new and interesting at the time.

    I didn't like the changes to the series after FF6. I only play the old ones and I agree with some of the criticisms people have about this one but it's still one of my favorites.

    • 5 months ago

      Me not liking FF6 as much as most of the other classic FF games doesn't mean I don't like it. I still like it more than 99% of other jrpgs..

  15. 5 months ago

    OP is stupid

  16. 5 months ago

    I've been playing this after playing FFV and I don't like it as much. There's too little player freedom, feels like scripted event after scripted event.

    • 5 months ago

      Youve got party choices, gau and shadow and such as optional members. But no, you follow the story more than change the story. Id rather not see kefka poison people but im just too late i guess

  17. 5 months ago

    >I'll never understand what made this Final Fantasy so popular than the others.
    you were supposed to be 10 years old

  18. 5 months ago

    It's a culmination of all the FF games that came before it. It refined and defined fully what FF would be going forward. It looks great, sounds great, the presentation is leagues above the rest, the gameplay is great, the story is great. It's just a perfect game. It's also only the third game we got in America so if you played 1 and "2" this would have been a mind-blowing third game.

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