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  1. 7 months ago

    The sequel improved upon it in every way

    • 7 months ago

      >cover shooter

      • 7 months ago

        thats a cover shooter too except cover mechanics are ass

      • 7 months ago

        thats a cover shooter too except cover mechanics are ass

        >play Mafia 2 at my friend's place
        >he's showing me that part in the beginning where you come back from the war
        >it is wonderful and beautiful
        >absolutely perfect atmosphere
        >gorgeous city
        >he loads some combat mission
        >fighting some thugs in a back alley
        >he sits behind a trashcan
        >thug runs and hides behind some other piece of cover
        >thug's AI is now forever stuck in that cover, no flanking allowed
        >it just sits there and occasionally peaks and shoots even if you're hidden
        >it looks exactly like the shootout in Naked Gun
        At least in Gears of War Locusts will flank and rush you. M2 cover shooting is as barebones as they come.

        • 7 months ago

          Mafia 2 should have taken place entirely in December with the kino snowfall and Christmas songs/decorations everywhere. As soon as Vito goes to jail is when I stopped caring as much

          • 7 months ago

            It's a Mafia game, not Max Payne game. It should span multiple historic periods showing protag's rise in fall in the world of organized crime.

  2. 7 months ago

    Has a shitty de-souled remake

  3. 7 months ago

    Don't like the story, just a personal taste. They went the realism/plausibility route but then I'm supposed to suspend my disbelief when Tommy refuses to shoot some worthless prostitute? Frick that. Up until this point I liked the game.

    • 7 months ago

      Tommy didn't want mafia life, he was just kinda forced into it by circumstances. Morello crew wanted him dead and only Salieri crew could give him protection. And the money was good, since it was depression and all. There's a pretty big leap between fighting armed men who want your dead and shooting an unarmed human in cold blood.

  4. 7 months ago

    shitty driving.
    i get that it was supposed to be realistic but there is only so far you should really go with that in a game. its not a simulation. probably my only beef with the game, otherwise its great.

    • 7 months ago

      >its not a simulation
      Driving wise it kinda is, they even had manual gearbox (optionally) and steering wheel support.

      I don't think the driving is even bad once you get past the first time period where every car is a piece of shit.

      • 7 months ago

        yeah but it shouldnt have been. really a game should choose one or the other, having mostly action gameplay with simulation driving just isnt a good mix, but that's just me. playing it on release with mouse and keyboard was a nightmare, especially when you have lots of mandatory driving sections. sure it was probably fine with a wheel but not everyone had one of those to just plug in for driving sections.

        • 7 months ago

          I can't relate. I'm typically bad at driving games (I was filtered by GTA3, lmao) and I had no trouble with Mafia driving except for the famous racing mission - and even then, all it took was carefulness, patience and a lot of attempts.

  5. 7 months ago

    The new free ride is dogshit compared to the original. The most 'crazy' thing you do is fight UFOs and 'aliens' (but they're the same models as regular enemies just with rubber alien masks) while in original free-ride. You have to follow an invisible man or save a girl from a SEA-MONSTER, king kong style.

  6. 7 months ago

    Literally everything except the story until the very ending
    >Tommy Angelo
    Remake thankfully improved everything while optionally keps realism for morons who want aggressive cops

    • 7 months ago

      People who think this is a legitimate complaint are fricking moronic.
      >a pair of mafia killers traveled across the country to a small suburb
      >ask Tommy if he is Tommy
      >he says "No"
      What do you think would happen? They'd just pack their guns, fly back and tell whatever boss send them that the old guy said "No"? What the frick.

    • 7 months ago

      I never understood this complaint. He spends at least a decade in protective custody and just when he thinks his past is behind him and just starting to get comfortable, he is caught completely flatfooted and in his shock, he stammers. It's a sudden moment of violence that undoes him, just like everyone else he's killed. The new one completely loses the nuance and makes him a martyr even though he's not a heroic character in the slightest.

  7. 7 months ago

    zoomers will never understand how good that game looked at day of release, it made gta3 which was a open world milestone back then look like shit

    • 7 months ago

      >buildings that are just a flat cube with a png texture of windows and doors pasted on it
      Shit reminds me of the Windows 95/98 screensaver with the maze that you can customize and I mean that in the best way.

  8. 7 months ago

    The racing mission. But not because of difficulty, rather because I don't care for racing games and I just wanted to do traditional mafia stuff at that point. Thankfully it is decently short and the game takes off quickly after that.

  9. 7 months ago

    so is that alleged prequel sequel set in Sicily happening or was it just a big rumor

  10. 7 months ago

    >OG Mafia has no flaws

    Said no one that actually PLAYED the game.

    >TPS is ass because it's 2002
    >You and your allies are basically wet paper that goes down in one sneaky italian shotgun blast
    >Health is sparse and you have to comb the map to find it
    >If you give up and just use the cheat to get full health, it's ONE USE per level, so make it count
    >Voice acting compared to the Hanger 13 acting comes off as somewhat stilted.
    >The ORIGINAL Racing mission holy frick frick that fricking garbage
    >Cars feel like shopping carts with drifting
    >That shitty sex scene that people will call "soul" because of blind nostalgia and a need to hate the newer one just because. There was nothing sexy or titillating, it was embarrassing and sad as fapping to porn at 360p.

    • 7 months ago

      All of this is wrong you should be embarrassed

      • 7 months ago

        Of course you cannot refute. Because it would mean admitting you NEVER played the original.

        There's no shame in playing it via the Remake. The gameplay isn't amazing but it's more playable than the OG was.

  11. 7 months ago

    It has a shitty third game in the series.

    • 7 months ago

      It's not that bad. Gameplay's repetitive but the plot and acting is VERY good. It's gaining a small cult following in recent years.

      Only real reason it got flak was either because it veered from the whole Mafia identity somewhat, or because it came out during the Trump era and every jackass just when "WE" at trailers and never touched the game itself.

  12. 7 months ago

    this game with the realistic gunshot damage mod is peak mafia game. never had a better experience

    • 7 months ago

      Freeride doesnt have enough stuff to do

      what mod is that?

      >OG Mafia has no flaws

      Said no one that actually PLAYED the game.

      >TPS is ass because it's 2002
      >You and your allies are basically wet paper that goes down in one sneaky italian shotgun blast
      >Health is sparse and you have to comb the map to find it
      >If you give up and just use the cheat to get full health, it's ONE USE per level, so make it count
      >Voice acting compared to the Hanger 13 acting comes off as somewhat stilted.
      >The ORIGINAL Racing mission holy frick frick that fricking garbage
      >Cars feel like shopping carts with drifting
      >That shitty sex scene that people will call "soul" because of blind nostalgia and a need to hate the newer one just because. There was nothing sexy or titillating, it was embarrassing and sad as fapping to porn at 360p.

      i like the way this sucks

      • 7 months ago

        >i like the way this sucks

        Hey that's fine. I just don't care for people trying to say there were NO PROBLEMS at all. It's a classic, but I'd prefer the remake if I just wanted the story again, and spare myself the pain.

  13. 7 months ago

    Is the remake any good?

    • 7 months ago

      there are qol improvements but no its not entirely better.

    • 7 months ago

      Yes. The story is more streamlined (Sarah has a more visible role in the plot than one mission, a sex scene, and lip service for the rest of the plot (we even get to see Tommy's daughter).


      Seriously, kudos to Hanger 13, they know how to tell and direct a story.

      • 7 months ago

        I hate the gunplay and the way the characters have been aged down and de-uglified.
        Also the fact Tommy runs around with long guns in one hand and fires them like an ex-military because they just wanted to recycle Mafia 3's animations despite the build and backstory of the two characters being extremely different.

  14. 7 months ago

    i just want to try the race mission people say is so hard. how long would it take to get to it, b-lining the story, skipping cutscenes, etc?

    • 7 months ago

      It's very early on, like maybe 3 hours in playing normally

      • 7 months ago

        It's basically two parts.

        Part 1: Sabotaging a racer's car soo that Saleri's racer can win instead, in which you have to speed a very slippery race car through the city, while avoiding the cops, ON A TIME LIMIT. Lot of restarts from crashes.

        Part 2: The Race. Remember how I said the race car was slippery? Now you have to win a race...with 5 laps. Have fun.

        The Remake race is still just as tough, just not as punishing, but I still had plenty of restarts.

        I like challenging this infamously hard mission in various games. The original version is the hardest technically? Does it lose any of that difficulty for any reason by just emulating the PS2 version (better framerate, controls, etc)?

        • 7 months ago

          >The original version is the hardest technically? Does it lose any of that difficulty for any reason by just emulating the PS2 version (better framerate, controls, etc)?

          I wouldn't know, it was very long since I played it on PC, longer when I had a copy on my PS2. I wanna say maybe? and yes the OG is the hardest. So hard they lampshade it in the Remake with a line from a character mentioning how "back in early racing days, it was a miracle to even make it to the finish line"

    • 7 months ago

      It's basically two parts.

      Part 1: Sabotaging a racer's car soo that Saleri's racer can win instead, in which you have to speed a very slippery race car through the city, while avoiding the cops, ON A TIME LIMIT. Lot of restarts from crashes.

      Part 2: The Race. Remember how I said the race car was slippery? Now you have to win a race...with 5 laps. Have fun.

      The Remake race is still just as tough, just not as punishing, but I still had plenty of restarts.

      • 7 months ago

        Race was easy as long as you knew the exploit that trivialized it

    • 7 months ago

      the race mission has long since been patched, you'd have to play the unpatched version from launch to get the true experience. it was actually almost impossible on launch unless you drove perfectly, or you cheated and drove in reverse at the start line until the game decided you had done a lap, and then drove over the line, rinse and repeat until the race was over

  15. 7 months ago

    I loved this game back in the day, but those photo-textures on those models are hard to look at now

    • 7 months ago

      Nah that's what soul looks like. Here is Paulie in the original.

      And here...

      • 7 months ago

        is Paulie in the remake (in the middle). Literally turned him into some has-been pajeet actor.

  16. 7 months ago

    It's one of my favorite games of all time and yet somehow I keep forgetting it exists.

    Yeah, great game, but I wouldn't play the remake. Not that I know it's bad or anything, but remakes tend to frick everything up.

  17. 7 months ago

    Its sucked ass
    Mafia 1: 4/10
    Mafia 2: 9/10 (too short)
    Mafia 3: cum guzzling Black folklurp

  18. 7 months ago

    Having a shit tommy gun was pretty slack for a game about the Mafia

    Had to squeeze off single shots at a time to stunlock enemies to death because the recoil was way too insane to fire it on full auto

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