>First ever Autism representation in a video game. >Is a literal Chris-chan 1:1 caricature

>First ever Autism representation in a video game
>Is a literal Chris-chan 1:1 caricature
Epic is having a fricking laugh at us man

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

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Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Yes, us
      If you're not autistic you DO NOT belong here and you should frick off to reddit.

      • 3 months ago

        What are you talking about? Ganker has been laughing for years. Chris is one of the first.

  2. 3 months ago

    The only thing similar is the necklace you moron

    • 3 months ago

      Don't be too harsh on OP. He's autistic.

  3. 3 months ago

    Isn't it a weird they depicted an autist like that? I thought the whole movement was to make them seem normal. Teehee I'm so infantile and moronic. That being said
    >tfw no autist gf who hates socks

    • 3 months ago

      >tfw autistic gf who loves long socks

    • 3 months ago

      no one gets autism nor cares to understand people with it. autists are one of the few people safe to make offensive jokes about.
      that's just how it is.

      • 3 months ago

        This, every time I've seen one of those autist movies and shows, I can only think that after having seen so many autists in real life, those subhumans aren't autists but with a severe mental moronation, which I've only seen like 2 or 3, and some were low functioning autists.

      • 3 months ago

        Most people's main exposure to a diagnosed autistic is that kid in class who had a wrangler and drooled

    • 3 months ago

      >women with autism
      good, unique and quirky teehee! Oops look at my little jazz hands! we are soo represented and oppressed!
      >men with autism
      ewwww, ugly incel icky and bad, death to all loveless manchildren

      • 3 months ago

        An autistic gf who isn't some reddit man hating where but an actual autistic girl who is sweet and loving sounds hot as frick tbh. Especially if they have a petite but cute body

        • 3 months ago

          i had a gf who ate her own boogers, she was chubby though

          • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            I'd rather not ask how you got the gf...

            • 3 months ago

              she's also a university graduate so it's not like that

  4. 3 months ago

    the indian chick form overwatch has autism so not first ever

  5. 3 months ago

    All autists must die.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        They are the most impressionable and exploitable population.

        • 3 months ago

          but why does that mean they must die

          • 3 months ago

            His oneitis like an aspie he because he was goofy

          • 3 months ago

            The evil people will inevitably use them. There's no way to fix this otherwise.

            • 3 months ago

              just kill the evil people then

              • 3 months ago

                I don't have that kind of power unfortunately.

              • 3 months ago

                so you would rather kill innocent people

              • 3 months ago

                there are no innocent people

              • 3 months ago

                the inquisition really stepping up its recruitment drive
                i for one am sold

              • 3 months ago

                Killing innocents is evil. You don’t even know what you are saying

        • 3 months ago

          autists are not impressionable and exploitable- in fact, normies are more impressionable and exploitable than autists are.
          while the autistic mind is deeply interested in ideas, analysis, and things in themselves, the normie mind is deeply interested in connotations, connections, and consensus. in this sense, the autistic mind is more masculine than the healthy male mind.

          • 3 months ago

            >autists are not impressionable and exploitable
            Yes, they are. Stop coping.

          • 3 months ago

            90% of trannies are autists who ended up in a wrong crowd

            • 3 months ago

              morons here are quick to speak in absolutes. it isn't that autists are more or less likely to be affected by propaganda, but rather that they are more polar, in that a larger share of them can fall for propaganda but a larger share are also less susceptible to it

          • 3 months ago

            Scroll down the list of highest grossing media franchises and see how many of them have borderline religious followings made of mostly the Autistic.

          • 3 months ago

            This is pure autist and autist family cope. Autism is not a fricking super power.

            t. Family members with autism who everyone tries to convince each other are really mega smart and talented in their own way and not just obsessive defectives that will be a life long drag on everyone.

            • 3 months ago

              Autism isn’t a superpower, but it tends to correlate with higher intelligence due to autists being less susceptible to peer pressure.

              It means they have to develop their mental skills more to survive being socially ostracised.

              • 3 months ago

                lots of autists are actual, literal morons bro

              • 3 months ago

                Exactly, being socialized helps the Aspie mind figure out the dos and don'ts of socialization. This means that they get to figure out cues, and what is and isn't acceptable in a social environment or being around others. Small talk, and even throwing themselves head first into a new, unfamiliar setting where there's no choice but to socialize and talk to others. This helps the growth, and improvement, and usually come out better people but still having problems because they still have a disability.

              • 3 months ago

                >autists being less susceptible to peer pressure.
                I'm going to add this as another thing people must have noticed to keep asking me if I'm an autist since I was never one to care about peer pressure. It didn't matter what people wanted me to do or how much they tried to goad me into do it, if I didn't want to do something I just won't do it.

            • 3 months ago

              This, you can be smart and talented independent of your autism but your autism itself is just a disability. The pros are absolutely minimal compared to the mountains of cons you get.

              There's nothing wrong with just admitting that shit sucks. Doing otherwise just confuses the normies anyway

          • 3 months ago

            >autists are not impressionable and exploitable
            Yes they are. It's why they're trooning out in droves.

            • 3 months ago

              I feel like most of those aren't real autists but people who think they are because of other issues they have

              • 3 months ago

                >majority are speedrunners and programmers
                >not autistic
                I don't know about that one.

              • 3 months ago

                This is fricking cope and you know it, it pains me to admit it but there is absolutely an abnormal amount of overlap.
                T. Aspie

                >self reports
                I want actual data

              • 3 months ago

                Me too but we both know that trying to get said data would be the death of whoever does its career, so it's not gonna happen.

                I have Aspergers, shit sucks. You're normal, but not normal enough and people can tell that somethings wrong. You're almost there but not.

                And for the love of frick don't use Chris-chan as a representation of people with Autism.

                Not normal enough to fit in with the normies, not moronic enough to fit in with the morons. It's a special hellish experience for the likes of us.

                This, shit sucks.

              • 3 months ago

                >Me too but we both know that trying to get said data would be the death of whoever does its career, so it's not gonna happen.
                A shame because it would be interesting to know. I like some good data.

              • 3 months ago

                This is fricking cope and you know it, it pains me to admit it but there is absolutely an abnormal amount of overlap.
                T. Aspie

        • 3 months ago

          no, that would be women

        • 3 months ago

          normalgays are literal drones

  6. 3 months ago

    >first ever
    it's probably not even in the first 50

    • 3 months ago

      Name first 5

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        >Dr. Brigid Tenenbaum
        Unconfirmed but pretty damn likely
        >Henry Townshend

      • 3 months ago

        Your Turn To Die

  7. 3 months ago

    I have Aspergers, shit sucks. You're normal, but not normal enough and people can tell that somethings wrong. You're almost there but not.

    And for the love of frick don't use Chris-chan as a representation of people with Autism.

    • 3 months ago

      Same. People will wax lyrical about "awareness" and pretend like they care but at the end of the day normalBlack folk will still revile and shun us because they get the "ick" around us spergs.

    • 3 months ago

      Not normal enough to fit in with the normies, not moronic enough to fit in with the morons. It's a special hellish experience for the likes of us.

      • 3 months ago

        >not moronic enough to fit in with the morons
        The shitty part about autism is that your autism and another person's autism can mesh very poorly and you'll probably wanna kill each other. Hell you could end up wanting to kill each other for having the same opinions. I'd be fricking pissed if I found someone else who wants to claim my waifu.

        • 3 months ago

          Who's your waifu, Sperg-kun?

    • 3 months ago

      Had two friends who were twins with Aspergers, they were great. Have hope, Berger-sama

    • 3 months ago

      I have mild autism too with ADHD, but my ADHD is really subtle so people never guess I have it. It is still quite severe and it seriously impacts my functioning but it's just not noticeable on the outside so people think I'm lazy or really stupid, or just batshit insane. I come across as very calm until suddenly the hyperactivity comes out of nowhere and I'm pretty sure it makes me look like a serial killer from a horror movie.

    • 3 months ago

      HIYA Aspie-kun! Did you pewpew your goonjuice for Mommy today?

  8. 3 months ago

    >autists matter! They're normal people like any single one of us! 😀
    >now excuse us while we make this autistic character look like a clown

  9. 3 months ago

    >autism awareness month
    but why

  10. 3 months ago

    "Autistic people" is an oxymoron because autists aren't people.

    • 3 months ago

      yes they are

      • 3 months ago

        No. They're subhuman beasts that don't deserve to exist. Also they're creepy and weird and they don't conform to societal norms and that's wrong.

        • 3 months ago

          I don't agree

        • 3 months ago

          How does wanting to be left alone make me some Kinda beast that doesn't conform to society's norms?
          I've got a job and hobbies I just want to be alone 99% of the time unless it's being around my friends

          • 3 months ago


  11. 3 months ago

    >infinity homosexual symbol
    what did they mean by this?

    • 3 months ago

      don't you get it?

  12. 3 months ago

    we should raid them after after all with our autism combined we (Ganker) would become the most dangerous hacker in the internet

  13. 3 months ago

    I have autism and it just resulted in me getting bullied and socially ostracized in schools to the point where I'm probably going to live with it for the rest of my life lol. There is one dude I know who bullied me who also bullies other autistic guys in school and he's proud of it ( btw all the people who told me to kill myself have great lives compared to mine lol). Really great thing to live with.

    • 3 months ago

      I just stabbed my bully in the face with a pencil . Frickers left me alone after that and I got away with it. I just had to do some gay counseling lmao
      > verification not required

      • 3 months ago

        I was too scared to stand up for myself, I was always worried about losing time in class because at that time I wanted to be someone and get somewhere.

        I was even ripped on by students and teachers for that, I have no idea why.

        • 3 months ago

          Mammy told me to stand up for myself No matter what because bullies don't like people who fight back. I took that to heart.
          She acted mad when she found out infront on the teacher but when I got home she laughed and said I bet that little homosexual won't try that again.
          Thank you slightly crazy single mother I love you.
          Now I don't let people talk over me and I have a good job even despite my autism.

          • 3 months ago

            K? I know it myself that kids with disabilities get shit, but Aspergers is Autism-lite. Imagine being fricking laughed at and mocked in class by students and teachers because you wanted to do something with your life. Imagine being fricked with that bad because of some slight social issues.

            • 3 months ago

              Autism is being a moron while being too fricking dumb to understand that's something wrong with you
              Aspergers is being aware that you're fricked up and you can't really do anything about it
              Aspergers is pure hell compared to autism, really

              • 3 months ago

                autists can be aware too

            • 3 months ago

              Bro the disability your only issue
              You gotta stop feeling sorry for yourself that shit ain't gonna get you anything in life

            • 3 months ago

              The things I've been through since my childhood and teenage years will forever stick with me. I will probably need years of healing from the pain others have caused me, and they all got away with it and will live better lives than I ever will. This is why I'm so hateful and resentful

            • 3 months ago

              Autists have every right to hate normalgays and women tbh. I'm not saying that if you are a man with aspergers you shouldn't atheist try to have a somewhat decent life, but autism really is a death sentence for men. This is why incels are a thing

              • 3 months ago

                I don't hate normalgays or women. I just hate Normal gays that frick with people with disabilities, severe, or not.

              • 3 months ago

                This one kid named Christian loves to bully mentally ill people to make himself look cool. Pic related is one of the Chad's who ostracized me growing up (censored for obvious reasons). He's in Uni and obviously has no problem getting women and is seen as a pillar of the community where I live, meanwhile I'm a social recluse and am rotting lol. He's called me moronic and told me to kms countless times. I wish these people were dead. Him and his homosexual buddies too.

              • 3 months ago

                based chad, you should have listened to him amd killed yourself homosexual moron

              • 3 months ago

                Thanks, man. I'll probably commit suicide in a few years lmao you don't gotta worry.

              • 3 months ago

                Standing up for yourself, and moving on with yourself and life. I went through the same thing with someone that led to a whole bunch of crazy shit like complete social isolation and outcasting, fake rumors, a lot of stuff. I ended up literally missing out on a lot of development that I should have been going through but here has to be a point where you pick yourself back up. And as much as it sucks to admit, you have to realize because of your problems you're going to get shit for it and it's sadly unavoidable.

              • 3 months ago

                Yup. I'm sorry to hear about your experience anon and I'm glad that you came out of it stronger. The world is an ugly harsh place, but you still gotta play with the cards you're dealt with. I'm already getting my first job soon and I've been copong with music nothing playing my guitar and bass and listening to artists I've like. Music might as well been my only friend lol. I'm happy to hear that you pushed forward my friend.




              • 3 months ago

                All bands I like, rad.

                >be a diagnosed aspie
                >am socially competent, know how to read the room, and am not afraid of talking to people
                >still lonely because I can’t relate to normies and I hate the whole ritual of socialising

                How do I escape this hell? All I want is just to not die alone. The only reason I still even entertain socialising at times is because I want to start a family.

                Welcome to hell.

              • 3 months ago

                >Welcome to hell

                I’ve been here for as long as I can remember, so there’s no need for a welcome. I just became more cognisant of how rough it can be in adulthood. All things considered, childhood seems to be easier if you’re this way because school forces you into proximity with people and human relationships amongst children are simpler and easier to understand. It’s when you hit your teen years that things become hellish because all the normies become hormonal and petty. It then calms down in adulthood, but by then everyone is too busy with jobs and commitments to give you enough practice at socialising. I’m not one of those doomers who thinks it’s over if you don’t network as a teen, but I do acknowledge that you’re left playing catch-up due to missing out on some crucial social development if you don’t network in your teen years.

                what about autistic women? would they hate them too?

                Autistic women are more tomboyish and masculine in my experience and often have a hard time fitting in with other girls. However, autistic girls tend to do a much better job of masking their quirks than male autists, because being completely socially incompetent is a literal death sentence for a woman due to how clique oriented women can be.

                Source: Currently talking to an autistic girl I’m trying to get with.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, missing out on development because I was bullied so bad I was completely isolated and outcasted fricked me up a lot.

              • 3 months ago

                Sorry if I'm blog posting about shit no one cares about, I just wanted to vent about my personal experience growing up with aspergers. I will probably never truly find love or even people who don't immediately scoff at me in my life. It's a sad feeling, and I'm sorry to all other anons who feel the way I do to. The world is unfair, and I've accepted that. I just use the music I got shit on for liking to cope nowadays. I really do feel for anyone who feels the same way I do.






                God bless everyone who's been mistreated by this world who feels alone.

              • 3 months ago

                God bless, fellow sperg. I hope you can find your own happiness.

              • 3 months ago

                Likewise, anon 🙂

              • 3 months ago

                sounds like your disability is being a b***h homosexual

              • 3 months ago

                Why would I hate normalgays
                Those frickers are the easiest shit to game as a used car salesman and certified high functioning autist I make bank off of commission because of them.
                They're not complex make shitty pointless small talk find their likes appear soft and friendly and bam you can predict them ezpz.
                Women are vain creatures but can be gamed just by appealing to their sense of self image and emotions

              • 3 months ago

                Do you just slide in that you're on the spectrum? Seems like people would buy out of pity like "Omg, honey, the autistic guy, we should buy this car..I don't want to hurt his feelings".

                If so, that's fricking brilliant.

              • 3 months ago

                Depends on the person. It works really well on those types that like to fake empathy for social points ,but I try to avoid revealing my power level

              • 3 months ago

                what about autistic women? would they hate them too?

      • 3 months ago

        I should've done that but I was a pussy when I was younger and didn't want to get suspended. Lmao homies used to call me moronic in front of school staff and they didn't do shit, but I got suspended because I posted an edgy meme on Instagram and some homosexual reported to get me suspended for laughs ( I was 13 I'm 19 now and yes I'm zoomer trash). Zoomers might actually be the most ruthless generation, the shit people did to me was fricked, all because I'm socially undesirable. The homosexuals I grew up around are all zoomer wigger broccoli haired trash who think listening to bigger music and acting like a thug and menace to society is cool ( they are white with rich parents btw). This is why I think some people shouldn't be allowed to live. I hate them all

        I was too scared to stand up for myself, I was always worried about losing time in class because at that time I wanted to be someone and get somewhere.

        I was even ripped on by students and teachers for that, I have no idea why.

        homie in grade 6 my teacher would always single me out and shit talk me in front of class with everyone looking at me because I had trouble doing assignments lol. One time in grade 6, I said some stupid ass shit to a "friend" ( btw now I know this kid is a scumbag, like the rest of the so called "friends" I had as a kid who just had me in their groups for laughs) about some South park episode where Hartman sticks burger up his ass or some shit, and since I swore in class, this teacher called me out in front of everyone and made me run outside in the rain because I said the word "ass" in class lol. She never did this to anyone else. This is kinda why I've always hated school, why the frick should I be content with the fact that I'm forced to go to a place full of people who ridicule me and to be bossed around by some underpaid stupid old b***h?

      • 3 months ago

        Oh hey it's my chimpout brothers! My bully spat a monster loogie on my face in shop class, and I turned and looked at him and his buddies laughing, then threw my saw at him. Luckily the handle bounced off his face, so no trouble for me, but nobody shit on me after that.
        Anybody who says just ignore shit people is wrong. They only understand violence, so you simply speak their language until they learn

      • 3 months ago

        >be dumb thirdworld kid
        >moved to high school in states
        >didnt know a single english then (barely know any now)
        >actually get picked by some Hispanic gangs cause I was in the ESL english classes and was the only one who doesnt know their languages
        >just rear naked arm choke the frick out of the one dude cause I watched a lot of pro wrestling around that time
        >nobody ever picked on me ever since

        • 3 months ago

          I just stabbed my bully in the face with a pencil . Frickers left me alone after that and I got away with it. I just had to do some gay counseling lmao
          > verification not required

          violence is usually the answer

          • 3 months ago

            But we're all terribly awkward and uncoordinated goobers.

          • 3 months ago

            This but unironically, solving everything by yourself is much better than relying on the corrupt institutions.
            For me I had so much problems they literally wanted to drug myself so I was literally like a walking corpse because I got into so many fights.
            I bet my ass all the bullies knew that if they abused me they would abuse me twice since I got punched by them and then I got all the backlash from school with them not facing any consequences.
            One time I got so extremely fed up that I went through an open door on the direction area and just went straight to the police to sue the high school, obviously, if it wasn't obvious by my first paragraph, they did absolutely nothing.
            One other time I had learned the lesson and wrote a letter to the school supervisor which actually made things improve ten fold because she put them in their place, and they were really scared.

            • 3 months ago

              I can relate to this. The way it works in my head is "Why should I stand shit like this? it's not how it shouldn't work". But I fail to acknowledge it works different for me than everybody else.
              That's why I'm taking a medication to not be so irritable, and it was a pain in the ass as a kid but now I've fricked up so many times I know it helps.

            • 3 months ago

              I had to go to the school too for my issues, like you, they did nothing. Happening in and outside of the school and fricked up a lot for me. They did nothing but blame me and coddle the ones that were doing wrong. There should have been some intervention, like "This guy's getting his development fricked up because someone wants to be an butthole for no reason", but nothing was done. I was in meetings all the time, with teachers, principles, everything. Nothing happened, and even to the teachers themselves that were giving me problems and making fun of me along with others in class. So I didn't have a safe heaven, in and out of school. The social repercussions fricked me up for life because I didn't get to develop normally, I was literally isolated and outcasted in my hometown for reasons that I didn't understand. But know that it was a lot of shit talking and spreading rumors about me.

    • 3 months ago

      One kid who told me I should be put down is in Uni and gets b***hes like crazy meanwhile I'm rotting lmao. Truly one of the most brutal things a man could be born with. The people I grew up around are straight demons in human flesh who love to make socially undesirable people suffer for laughs. This one kid named Christian especially loved shitting on socially awkward guys to look cool in front of his friends and I feel bad for one of the kids he verbally abused because he is a really nice kid ( he has autism too) but he's also very sensitive and is socially gulliabe even compared to me, so I don't even want to know what this normal homosexual trash did to him to make his Chadlite friends laugh. This is why I hate normalgays for the rest of my life unironically. And don't get me started on how girls treat artists, or what happens if you accidentally reveal your special interest to normies ( I got verbally brutalized because I like metal music and not rap lmao). Be careful who you associate with out there anons, the world really does hate certain types of people

      • 3 months ago

        >(I got verbally brutalized because I like metal music and not rap lmao).
        You considered not hanging out with Black folk?

        • 3 months ago

          These kids were white kek. Glad I'm at least free from shitty ass school dealing with these people now

        • 3 months ago

          this guy is probably so spergy he's beyond help, although i go to a fair amount of metal shows and there are pretty much no 18 or early 20s' crowd there. it might be the bands i listen to, idk

    • 3 months ago

      Eh I've found a lot of the people who were scumbags in highschool turn out to be pretty cool in their mid 20s. That said there's a bunch I never met again so who knows if they're still dickheads. Highschool boys seem to be unconsciously jockeying for social status all the time

      • 3 months ago

        Same anon you replied to. I get that, but still I think shitting on mentally ill people is still beyond scummy. Both male AND especially female peers have mistreated me btw. But unfortunately, shitting on people lower on the social totem pole DOES work, and it's a harsh reality.

        • 3 months ago

          Not that anon but as a former bully, I want to repent and tell you you deserved none of that and it's literally not fair

          • 3 months ago

            Anon, you seemed to grow as a person, and that should be appreciated. Thanks for acknowledging what you did was wrong, and it shows you truly have a good heart deep down. I wish good things for you moving forward. I'm the guy who posted

            This one kid named Christian loves to bully mentally ill people to make himself look cool. Pic related is one of the Chad's who ostracized me growing up (censored for obvious reasons). He's in Uni and obviously has no problem getting women and is seen as a pillar of the community where I live, meanwhile I'm a social recluse and am rotting lol. He's called me moronic and told me to kms countless times. I wish these people were dead. Him and his homosexual buddies too.

            I should've done that but I was a pussy when I was younger and didn't want to get suspended. Lmao homies used to call me moronic in front of school staff and they didn't do shit, but I got suspended because I posted an edgy meme on Instagram and some homosexual reported to get me suspended for laughs ( I was 13 I'm 19 now and yes I'm zoomer trash). Zoomers might actually be the most ruthless generation, the shit people did to me was fricked, all because I'm socially undesirable. The homosexuals I grew up around are all zoomer wigger broccoli haired trash who think listening to bigger music and acting like a thug and menace to society is cool ( they are white with rich parents btw). This is why I think some people shouldn't be allowed to live. I hate them all
            homie in grade 6 my teacher would always single me out and shit talk me in front of class with everyone looking at me because I had trouble doing assignments lol. One time in grade 6, I said some stupid ass shit to a "friend" ( btw now I know this kid is a scumbag, like the rest of the so called "friends" I had as a kid who just had me in their groups for laughs) about some South park episode where Hartman sticks burger up his ass or some shit, and since I swore in class, this teacher called me out in front of everyone and made me run outside in the rain because I said the word "ass" in class lol. She never did this to anyone else. This is kinda why I've always hated school, why the frick should I be content with the fact that I'm forced to go to a place full of people who ridicule me and to be bossed around by some underpaid stupid old b***h?

            I have autism and it just resulted in me getting bullied and socially ostracized in schools to the point where I'm probably going to live with it for the rest of my life lol. There is one dude I know who bullied me who also bullies other autistic guys in school and he's proud of it ( btw all the people who told me to kill myself have great lives compared to mine lol). Really great thing to live with.

            Btw. I know it's not fair, but that's how life is. The world itself literally isn't built on fairness. I just wish other people who feel the way I do can heal and find happiness too. I've had violent literally school shooter like thoughts from my shitty school years, but I want to learn to finally move past it and start a new leaf. Your words mean a lot, and I wish you and your loved ones good things 🙂

            • 3 months ago

              Thanks man, hope you keep doing even better and better.
              We are all gonna make it

      • 3 months ago

        Yep, funnily enough some of the bullied turned into bullies when I saw them, acting all tough when I remember my friends would spit on them and smack them.

    • 3 months ago

      One kid who told me I should be put down is in Uni and gets b***hes like crazy meanwhile I'm rotting lmao. Truly one of the most brutal things a man could be born with. The people I grew up around are straight demons in human flesh who love to make socially undesirable people suffer for laughs. This one kid named Christian especially loved shitting on socially awkward guys to look cool in front of his friends and I feel bad for one of the kids he verbally abused because he is a really nice kid ( he has autism too) but he's also very sensitive and is socially gulliabe even compared to me, so I don't even want to know what this normal homosexual trash did to him to make his Chadlite friends laugh. This is why I hate normalgays for the rest of my life unironically. And don't get me started on how girls treat artists, or what happens if you accidentally reveal your special interest to normies ( I got verbally brutalized because I like metal music and not rap lmao). Be careful who you associate with out there anons, the world really does hate certain types of people

      I just started bullying the other autists as a defense mechanism in high school. I wasn't very nice and I was still a massive loser, and I got bullied myself eventually too and I felt like I deserved it at that point (I still kept being a dick tho). I really hate everything about younger me and my youth and I do my best to never think about any of it.

      I'm doing absolutely terrible now btw, I'm a NEET and the state pays everything for me.

      • 3 months ago

        Sorry to hear that, anon. Ive done things in my past I regret to, and knowing that you cant go back in a time machine to undo those things is a soul crushing feeling. Do you at least feel remorse for the other autists you've wronged?

        • 3 months ago

          Yes. One of them even killed himself some years later. Tbf he had far worse things in his life than me, so I know for sure I didn't push him over the edge, but he was still a kid who I bullied who then killed himself. He was a massive fricking weirdo but he was actually pretty fricking based in his own way too, I wish I could have seen that back then. He didn't deserve all the shit that happened to him and he didn't deserve me.

  14. 3 months ago

    The hat gives me Mike and Melissa vibes too.

  15. 3 months ago

    >autism awareness
    >this is how we imagine you man children slobs present yourself
    >here's the butt fricker flag too

    • 3 months ago

      Thanks man, it's totally not humiliating and down playing our issues so neurotypicals can act like they give a frick for a month. Shit, now I know how the gays feel on pride month.

      • 3 months ago

        Who cares about gays? Total gay genocide

  16. 3 months ago

    >finally got tested for autism at some point
    >all the social problems checked out
    >didn't get diagnosed because i lacked symptoms such as stereotypy, repetitive behaviour, rigid routines etc
    i'm just a total loser

  17. 3 months ago

    >Chris Chan amulet
    >Mike and Melissa hat
    >Fanny pack
    >moron goggles
    How the frick
    The lack of self-awareness is so fricking funny man.

    • 3 months ago

      Most people that I've seen and met that have been on the spectrum just dress normally to blend in with others. Only the fake ones, that have adopted autism as a personality trait for some fricking reason, dress like that and try-hard to be quirky and goofy when having these issues is nothing like that. I wish I could be goofy, funny, etc, like normies, but I can't and seeing that shit is like being mocked straight to my face. Am I OFFENDED? Am I TRIGGERED? Meh, a bit.

    • 3 months ago

      W-wait, fanny packs are autistic?

  18. 3 months ago

    any other diagnosed spergs here who are 25+ and still never kissed a girl?

    • 3 months ago

      me but I don't really care

    • 3 months ago

      Every single male I've ever known with spergism with the exception of 1 who was good looking and barely qualified.

    • 3 months ago

      I kissed a girl very young but no sex

    • 3 months ago

      Autism is 75% self imposed social moronation, 25% normie rejection.
      Chris Chan for example. He did the whole "sign" thing because to him it made perfect sense.
      Not understanding that isn't how it works and perhaps unknowingly trying to avoid simply talking to people.

      I have a sperg friend who keeps going to fricking singles dating things not understanding demographically those things are dogshit and he'll only meet other men like him.

      • 3 months ago

        >Chris Chan for example. He did the whole "sign" thing because to him it made perfect sense.
        Amazing how the autistic brain works. I wonder what the true cause of autism will be revealed as (probably a variety of factors). I've heard something about autism being connected to something in the gut idk

        • 3 months ago

          It's subtle. it isn't moronation, it's like a different formula of thought.
          There is a cause and effect, literal, static, tried and true to everything. Precise.
          But humans aren't like that. A conversation is happening in behavior.. So many nuances, implications within implications. There isn't a formula to comedy even.

          They simply can't read it correctly. It's all so literal.

          Yes, Chris Chan was right, that courting a woman is basically an offer. But he was wrong in execution. People don't court like robots, there is emotional latent sequences of behavior and none of it can really be "planned"

          That's the bane of the autist, a blindness to underling language of human behavior and a stone hard adherence to cold logic.

          The thing is that I’m an autist, and even I 100% understand why that wouldn’t work.

          Personally, I hate this stereotype that autists are completely socially moronic. Cases like CWC are extreme cases.

          Chris is just an EXTREME example. Remember their are autistic kids that do nothing but screetch and bang their hands against shit. Chris is HFA, can at least convey to others he's sapient. But he's extremely delusional and social blind.

          The reason all these autists on Ganker and in general are virgins is because they're socially clueless and, not wanting to be embarrassed or deal with failure, never try.

          • 3 months ago

            >fear of failure
            Partially due to the pedestal adults put us on as children, like putting us in the gifted programs at school and telling us we’re gigs smart, as autistic depictions in media are either savants or dribblers. So if you can string a sentence together and behave reasonably, adults think you’re the rain man. When you fail you question your existence even more so because of that and naturally give up.

            • 3 months ago

              This hits uncomfortably close to home.

              I was basically treated as a child prodigy because my reading comprehension, articulation and writing skills were highly advanced for my age.

              It’s created a problem where I set massively high expectations for myself and I genuinely spiral into a deep depression if I feel I fail to live up to my expectations. It’s basically like a soft narcissism where I view myself as a god and deserving better than everyone else.

              I feel my parents had the best of intentions raising me, but their coddling, overprotectiveness abd endless affirmations did damage to my psyche.

              • 3 months ago

                I was treated that way for those things too but instead of setting high expectations for myself, it lead to me having an outlook on the world that mostly everyone is dumb and I hate them for being dumb. Basically it made me misanthropic.

              • 3 months ago

                You'd be correct to assume your average person is moronic . you just came to that conclusion earlier then most

              • 3 months ago

                Yea. I kinda wish I didn't though, I might have been more outgoing socially than just getting like 2 or 3 close friends.
                The only reason I even got them is because I was having a good time alone on the playground until one asked if I wanted to pretend to be pokemon and I was really into pokemon then (it was 1999, I was in 4th grade, at this point I was already in gifted programs).

              • 3 months ago

                I'd take 2 or 3 close friends that are like family over having some big friend group that barely gives a shit about each other

              • 3 months ago

                I agree, it's just some times I wonder how things would have been. As much as I don't care, it's one of those "intrusive thoughts" I get.

              • 3 months ago

                Your not really missing out on much

          • 3 months ago

            I wish I never tried, now I am stuck with a bunch of memories that keep popping up in my head reminding me how moronic I am

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah everyone has those you idiot. Perfectionism and idealism of events is an autism trait.

              • 3 months ago

                I would have been better off if I didnt try

      • 3 months ago

        The thing is that I’m an autist, and even I 100% understand why that wouldn’t work.

        Personally, I hate this stereotype that autists are completely socially moronic. Cases like CWC are extreme cases.

        • 3 months ago

          How is it a stereotype when it's the case 80% of the time?

          • 3 months ago

            like every stereotype?

      • 3 months ago

        It's subtle. it isn't moronation, it's like a different formula of thought.
        There is a cause and effect, literal, static, tried and true to everything. Precise.
        But humans aren't like that. A conversation is happening in behavior.. So many nuances, implications within implications. There isn't a formula to comedy even.

        They simply can't read it correctly. It's all so literal.

        Yes, Chris Chan was right, that courting a woman is basically an offer. But he was wrong in execution. People don't court like robots, there is emotional latent sequences of behavior and none of it can really be "planned"

        That's the bane of the autist, a blindness to underling language of human behavior and a stone hard adherence to cold logic.

        Chris is just an EXTREME example. Remember their are autistic kids that do nothing but screetch and bang their hands against shit. Chris is HFA, can at least convey to others he's sapient. But he's extremely delusional and social blind.

        The reason all these autists on Ganker and in general are virgins is because they're socially clueless and, not wanting to be embarrassed or deal with failure, never try.

        Speaking of autists trying to attract women, Elliot Rodger getting drunk at a party hoping to magically get laid only to try and pick fights with the couples having fun there was funny as shit.

        • 3 months ago

          This happened to me, I got drunk at a village festival (never was invited to a party) thinking I could seduce a girl I had been semi-stalking all day (I found out she was like 14, and me 17, but she was taller than me so eh) and I ended up rolling down a slope and unto a road with incoming traffic.

        • 3 months ago

          Didn't he also yell at couples too?

          I wasn't attached to the guy I heard about for the first time either, but yeah, I gave a kind of bad example. Tbh a lot of my "almost crying" associated with music, I listen to song, it's kind of nice, oh it's about love, gets me to feel something when I walk on the street, or at funeral of some grandpa/aunt/whatever instrumental music starts and I feel like crying.

          I kind of get it, but not really. I've got teary eyed at trailers, weddings, normal stuff.

          • 3 months ago

            >Didn't he also yell at couples too?
            Even better, he purposely dumped coffee over them if he saw them walking past while he was was at his favorite cafe.

            • 3 months ago

              Lmao, how many times did this dude get his ass kicked?

              >been through so fricking much and know how it feels
              This backfired for me and while I can be outwardly very sympathetic and even honestly empathetic, inside I am very cold and not much phases or resonates with me anymore.
              I am just living to live

              I get it.

              >information dumping
              Not him but, that's a thing?
              I do this. A lot. I can't help but do it, I'll end up rambling on and on because one thing I'm talking about will lead to another thing related to something I'm talking about that I feel is needed for context and then before I know it I'm like 6 things away from what I was talking about at the start. I try to stop it when I notice I'm doing it but it's hard.

              Yeah, I have that problem. Talking too much about something, or talking about weird subjects in public. I've got better.

              Nah. I have friend with autism and they have lots of empathy. Over empathetic one could say

              It's actually pretty typical with people on the spectrum, but having no empathy is a problem.

              Is there a correlation between autism and being horny all the time / chronic masturbation? I can't stop thinking about how much I love its and assess all the time ( though I don't get any lmao) though I wanna start no fap because I know cooming all the time is bad for you always. I read somewhere that autistic men report more frequent masturbation and thinking about sex but lack access to it.

              You're bored.

  19. 3 months ago

    I already have an Autistic character representing me.

  20. 3 months ago

    >be a diagnosed aspie
    >am socially competent, know how to read the room, and am not afraid of talking to people
    >still lonely because I can’t relate to normies and I hate the whole ritual of socialising

    How do I escape this hell? All I want is just to not die alone. The only reason I still even entertain socialising at times is because I want to start a family.

    • 3 months ago

      Get a cat

    • 3 months ago

      You were born defective. It's your destiny to die alone. That's what you deserve for not conforming with the tribe.

      • 3 months ago

        Aspies can have familes, etc. You can function, you just have to have a really solid support group and people involved in your life. Families, jobs, careers, homes, etc, it all takes work, and working with and/or against your disabilities. Is it impossible? No, is it a lot more difficult for someone on the spectrum? Yup.

        • 3 months ago

          No. You don't deserve to exist. Remove yourself from the gene pool. Die. DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE.

          • 3 months ago

            Maybe think about this as you sit there, is there a reason for you to fricking exist? There's no reason for anyone to die.

            • 3 months ago

              >is there a reason for you to fricking exist?

              Killing autists slowly and painfully to punish them for being born!

              • 3 months ago

                What about someone punishes you for being born?

          • 3 months ago

            I’m a sperg and have 2 children, what does your legacy look like?

    • 3 months ago

      There is bound to be at least one girl out there who is also like this, but the first hard part of finding that unicorn is the social aspect. The other hard part is that she may be repulsed by sex so you'd have to turkey baste it.

    • 3 months ago

      I was like you in many ways except I never felt the pressure to start a family. The only people who do not "die alone" are people who die in multiple-fatality incidents like plane crashes and mass suicides. There's a romanticism to that, but I think what you actually mean is that you don't want to miss your chance to get married before you get old- which is essentially FOMO- and I am unconcerned. There is more romanticism for me even in the mass suicide angle.

      • 3 months ago

        All autists should commit mass suicide as slowly and painfully as possible. They need to be punished for existing. Make them suffer.

        • 3 months ago

          yes, yes, complain more about how badly you lost at Starcraft! hahahaha
          owned noob

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah this existence really sucks but I can't be assed to kill myself over it.

        • 3 months ago

          I'm very autistic and I'm going to have like sixteen kids with my very autistic wife just to spite you.

    • 3 months ago

      >I hate socialising
      >but actually I love socialising! I can't stand being alone! I want a family!
      I fricking hate you homosexuals. have a nice day and stop faking it.
      >Um Dr. Goldberg said I'm an aspie even though I don't act like it? Don't you know that you should trust the science, chud?

      • 3 months ago

        You can not want to be lonely while also fricking despising how shallow and soulless most human interactions are.

        At the end of the day, humans are social creatures. Introverted people just value quality over quantity in their relationships.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm 95% sure I have the tism but I am good at blending in with normal people, but during social interactions especially with strangers my mind is working constantly to think of what to say and read their reaction and adjust if "necessary", it can be exhausting. I'm sort of trying to depropgram myself and act more natural because it's not worth going to all that effort to seem normal to people you'll probably never see again

    • 3 months ago

      You can't. I have it too and even the few relationships I was lucky to have I let stagnate and die because I just couldn't keep up with socialising and showing affection.

      • 3 months ago

        >I have it too and even the few relationships I was lucky to have I let stagnate and die because I just couldn't keep up with socialising and showing affection.
        Same, and I always feel like I'm bothering people. That's why I barely talk to anyone on social media.

  21. 3 months ago

    I literally bought this skin just because of this very reason. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't re-release it because people will figure out it's an obvious homage to chris chan the mommy fiddler.

  22. 3 months ago

    Crash Bandicoot was the first autistic character

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Actually the first was whichever game let you create a character, because you would create yourself (a sperg).

  23. 3 months ago

    autistic girls are cute

  24. 3 months ago

    I hate autistic homosexuals. They are always in man baby mode trying to seem normal by copying what they think is cool but only look cringe worthy and will sperg out if you don't buy their act.

  25. 3 months ago

    why are there rainbow flags?
    why are they associating autism with gays?

    • 3 months ago

      Because autistic people are homosexuals. If you want to become a real man quit acting like Chris Chan.

  26. 3 months ago

    80% of the people here who think they have autism don't. In reality they're just outcast weirdos who think pinning their troubles on some condition absolves them of their personality defects.

    • 3 months ago

      A lot of them probably do, but they just have the light form that used to be called the Asperger syndrome. That got lumped together with low-functioning autism into "autism spectrum disorder" that muddles everything and helps nobody.

  27. 3 months ago

    I'm not autistic but how do you define autism? Because lots of times it just sounds like lack of social skills due to a shit childhood/parents, which is not a genetic disease, just bad luck.

    • 3 months ago

      For me it's that I can't walk properly (my hands are very fricking stiff when walking)
      My voice is very robotic and too silent no matter what
      I can't do face expressions well
      Certain loud noises make me go insane

      • 3 months ago

        Those are just quirks, or you're a mild mannered person, thank God those still exist.

    • 3 months ago

      Not only that difficulty at learning one teacher almost sent me at moron school for my issues to learn to read until i got another better teacher that taught me in record time

      • 3 months ago

        I could read fluently by the time I was 5
        Thank god for the early exposure to the internet

      • 3 months ago

        Sounds like you had a shit teacher that didn't even try the first time. See this is what I mean, it's all so environmental. Like if an autist had a big family and female cousins his own age, he could socialize with them at age 4-5 and thus not be afraid of women or shit like that, same if you have a brother.

        But if parents isolate a kid, tell him he has problems and bring him to a doc on a regular basis, imo that's gonna frick up the kid view of himself.

    • 3 months ago

      No idea. I always got asked if I was autistic when I was younger by a lot of different people and I had no clue what they were asking about because I didn't know what it was (this was in the early 00s)
      At the same time I was never non-social, I just didn't care to fit in with others (and still don't). Like, I had friends I hung out with and we all got along and enjoyed shit together but I never cared to go to parties and meet people. It helped that the friends I had were into what I was into so I cared about that because doing things you enjoy with others is fun but.
      I assume that on some level I am if so many people were bringing it up to me but I don't know what made them bring it up.

      • 3 months ago

        >fun but
        Huh, don't know where I was going with that but.

        >fear of failure
        Partially due to the pedestal adults put us on as children, like putting us in the gifted programs at school and telling us we’re gigs smart, as autistic depictions in media are either savants or dribblers. So if you can string a sentence together and behave reasonably, adults think you’re the rain man. When you fail you question your existence even more so because of that and naturally give up.

        >like putting us in the gifted programs at school and telling us we’re gigs smart
        I was in gifted and talented stuff when I was growing up, maybe that's something that made people question me.

    • 3 months ago

      It's hard to define in easy words, but it goes much deeper than simple bad social skills and does have a heavy genetic basis. A better way to think about it is an amalgamation of pervasive habits/traits that impedes someone from developing in a functional and healthy manner mentally and/or soically.

  28. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      i used to like pretending i was a dinosaur when i was young but it seems weird to see an adult do it

      • 3 months ago

        I was liking to walk like General Grievous.

      • 3 months ago

        >i used to like pretending i was a dinosaur when i was young

  29. 3 months ago

    Autistic people feel no empathy therefore make shitty people to be friends with.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Not completely true, they eventually reverse-engineer empathy by trying to comprehend it.

      • 3 months ago

        Im was too stupidly overemotional until becoming cold like now

      • 3 months ago

        Never seen an autistic person who successfully manages to do that for long. Their attempts at "emulating" empathy can last so long before it collapses on itself.

    • 3 months ago

      I can feel empathy a lot actually

    • 3 months ago

      There's parts of the spectrum where they over empathize and parts of the spectrum where it's entirely baseline with the anyman. Hence it's a spectrum.

    • 3 months ago

      The lack of empathy part is what does it for me, it's bumfrick comical from a distance but boy when the autist comes to you with the lack of understanding, it's exasperating as frick.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, I find that autists with extreme empathy in general are some of the most righteous people I’ve met and the thinking, unfeeling apes so exasperating

    • 3 months ago

      The issue is that a lot of them have the emotion process of a child and things always have to revolve around them. Which leads to them being dicks without them intentionally wanting to come off as such.

      • 3 months ago

        Sounds like the average person.

      • 3 months ago

        >Which leads to them being dicks without them intentionally wanting to come off as such.
        Every time I try to be funny.

    • 3 months ago

      Nah. I have friend with autism and they have lots of empathy. Over empathetic one could say

    • 3 months ago

      The often made mistake in this context is that autists lack empathy but do not necessarily lack sympathy. Autist can feel very sympathetic to other people or other things, but they often have a hard time exactly understanding the nuanced feelings of said other person. So it is not a problem for them feeling sympathy for another person,the problem is the difficulty of understanding what exactly the other person is feeling. At the same time because of this, autists also tend to be good at sympathizing with more abstract things like caring for the environment, animals, politics etc. Those things require less empathy

    • 3 months ago

      nah theyre usually over empathetic, they just cant show it well
      hence why so many are obsessed with animals (for me, its birds of prey)

  30. 3 months ago

    The Black person bullies now work shitty wallmart jobs last time I checked their facebook profiles (and saw them IRL)
    Meanwhile I sit on my ass when government basically pays for my living with disability bux
    I won in the end, b***hes

    • 3 months ago

      is that really winning?

  31. 3 months ago

    >That time when my friend's grandma died and I just spammed him for hours to come help me beat portal 1 while not giving a frick what happened

    • 3 months ago

      >"Ey Happy funeral help me im stuck with this puzzle"

  32. 3 months ago

    Stim queen

    • 3 months ago

      Did they not animate her face? we don't have facial paralysis lol.

  33. 3 months ago

    >be me
    >be aspie
    >I consider myself a good person but most of the time I simply don't care about others (ignorant normies call it lack of empathy, but just because I genuinely don't care about your daily life doesn't make me a phychopath)
    >Mostly only care about my autistic stuff and hobbies
    >still have friends and gf (psychologist btw) because normies are really easy to get went you are good looking and try to be social
    I admit things wouldn't be that easy if I was an ugly as sin

    • 3 months ago

      You don't care about your gf?

      • 3 months ago

        I do care about people who are very close to me (gf, my best friend, family) but other people's lives bore me

        • 3 months ago

          Empathy doesn't mean caring about the entire world out there, it literally means just understanding how others feel without having to ask 20 frickin times at a week to get a fricking clue.

      • 3 months ago

        it's possible to both care about someone and not have a feeling they are the most important person in the world

  34. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      she just looks like an ironic autist without the glasses

    • 3 months ago

      Stim queen


      there's no way sweeny isnt a sperg himself, so why didnt he step in and say "yeah people arent going to like this, fellas"

  35. 3 months ago


    Just gonna post this right here without comment.

  36. 3 months ago

    You gays are not autistic

    • 3 months ago

      how would you know

    • 3 months ago

      I have literal papers stating that I am

  37. 3 months ago

    Normies like to talk about empathy but never provide a convincing argument why should i feel it for them. What makes your moron ape ass so important that I'm supposed to feel anything about it?

    • 3 months ago

      That's not what empathy means.
      Don't think you'll ever get it.

      • 3 months ago

        trying to make an autist feel empathy is pretty much like trying to make a blind person see colors.

        Anybody who explicitly says theyre empathetic is 100% not empathetic
        t. Nonautist with life experience

        • 3 months ago

          Empathy is selective and only happens when it's relatively close or relateable. Work in retail to find out how little empathy people have, your average hunched over autist is a figurative breath of fresh air at that point.

    • 3 months ago

      Empathy means that you ask them about the weather and what their hobbies are. Normgroids are really that fricking stupid!

      • 3 months ago

        trying to make an autist feel empathy is pretty much like trying to make a blind person see colors.

    • 3 months ago

      It's not about caring for other people, it's about putting yourself in their shoes when something happens to them. You know, the so called "golden rule", Do not treat others in ways that you would not like to be treated etc.

      • 3 months ago

        The irony here is that normalgays will toss empathy out the window when they don't like someone for the smallest of reasons

      • 3 months ago

        but what if they deserve to be treated in this particular way?

      • 3 months ago

        Just because I don't care about your favorite series or show my emotions doesn't mean I don't feel joy or outrage when someone else has good news or suffers an injustice. Normies are simply shallow.

    • 3 months ago

      You ever watch a horror movie where someone gets stabbed slowly in the eye and your balls rise into your body?

    • 3 months ago

      In theory it creates a more stable and fluid society in that it puts a cap on, for lack of a better term, societal cruelty. For example, if you can put yourself in the shoes of an autistic kid getting shit on, you probably would feel like shit and choose not to participate in the shit flinging, “treat others how you want to be treated.” The problem however is that, especially with the dawn of the internet in terms of access and depth, and anonymity online resulting in few to no consequences for people’s actions, we’ve become a much more sociopathic and psychopathic society. This is doubly so for when someone has online anonymity as they can get away with societal taboos that would otherwise get you ostracized.
      If you are asking Ganker on why you should be empathetic, your parents and society have failed you, and you have failed yourself.

      • 3 months ago

        My psych used to give me "empathy tests", one was talking about how his wife died and everything. Bummed me out hearing him telling the story and I didn't realize what he was doing until half way home.

        • 3 months ago

          Guys sounds like a psychopath to me

        • 3 months ago

          This is stupid.
          Most non-low-IQ autists will just mimick sadness.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah, it is kind of stupid. It's like just because I have assburgers doesn't mean I don't have empathy. Shit, I'm probably one of the most empathetic people you can meet because I've been through so fricking much and know how it feels.

            • 3 months ago

              I don't really understand my own empathy.
              Sometimes I'll feel nothing from children dying, people telling me about their horrible issues etc etc.
              And sometimes I'll cry from seeing an old person in the street.

              • 3 months ago

                You just have anakin authism

              • 3 months ago

                People don't go into mourning for any of these events unless it affects them closely enough. Some people are more emotional than others and might actually cry at an example or the thought, but generally speaking those people are emotionally disturbed in a different direction. People feel sad when its a close and direct confrontation with those kinds of situations or reminds them of this having happened to them before which might re-open old wounds. I'd say that's what autistic people don't innately understand, they think it should always be the case.

                It's why most starving African children ads are now specific on how they'll help, rather than show mass amount of images of emaciated children starving to death, people couldn't really empathize anymore because they saw it so often and the funds dried up even for the ones that demonstrably had success.

                The "lack of empathy" shit comes from information dumping which makes autists seem egotistical in their social interactions when it's just a moron that finally found someone to talk to. Once they learn to control that, they are just "weird" rather than annoying which is a massive step in the right direction for social interactions for both parties. I genuinely think teaching them this in a proper way rather than them finding out the hard way is massively beneficial and will lead to less reclusive behavior.

              • 3 months ago

                >information dumping
                Not him but, that's a thing?
                I do this. A lot. I can't help but do it, I'll end up rambling on and on because one thing I'm talking about will lead to another thing related to something I'm talking about that I feel is needed for context and then before I know it I'm like 6 things away from what I was talking about at the start. I try to stop it when I notice I'm doing it but it's hard.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes. Humans are egotistical, for the most part they value THEIR time over yours unless they are some kind of saint or paid to listen to your ramblings of course. They want to talk about their stuff too. It's essentially a quid-pro-quo interaction which most of the time results in people sharing events or small talk that might not always interest the other party, but you are expected to listen and react appropriately and do the song and dance again until the conversation is done. People might drop a hint that you are oversharing or they are done with the conversation. Speaking to someone is as much observing them as it is getting your own thoughts out, don't actually intently stare at them though.

              • 3 months ago

                Exactly, a lot of aspies sometimes forget that conversations go both ways, and relationships take work and time.

              • 3 months ago

                >don't actually intently stare at them though.
                Too bad! I do it anyway.
                I mean really though, I get that and that's why I do tend to shut up when people want me to but it's has to be clear that they do. I'm lucky in that most of the people I actually info dump on are close to me so they don't mind listening to what I'm saying and usually even find it informative or join in and it becomes more of a conversation than just me one sided talking at someone.
                When I'm talking to people I'm not familiar with I usually tend to be more curt and keep things surface level simply because I don't know what they are like and if they would even care about what I'd go on and on about.

              • 3 months ago

                Sure, but still keep a mental note of it all. Being aware is one step, but being in control another. It's fun being able to share about what interests you, but a conversation isn't a message board. You switch roles occasionally and condense things a bit when talking so as to not monopolize time. Become more adept at that and you'll be able to say what you would in an info dump in a few sentences without losing too much information. Compression if you will.

              • 3 months ago

                That's good to keep in mind. I do really need to work on trying to keep things more as a back and forth and trying to use less time as to not take up others time. I do like when it happens and people start asking me questions and wanting to know more, so maybe I can try to keep it reserved for those times instead.

                >anon I'm pretty sure that's just using your imagination
                It's weird because some people say they have no internal monolouge and they don't hear "that" voice in their head often, but my internal monolouge never shuts the frick up, so my inner mind is basically my reality sometimes.

                >some people say they have no internal monolouge and they don't hear "that" voice in their head often
                I don't really get how people don't do this. I'm basically conversing with myself in my mind all the time.

              • 3 months ago

                I hate that shit, and I'm aware of it. There's been times where I've told myself "Stop staring, it's weird and might cause shit", but you still do it and have to fight it. It's not ill intentioned, but it is a thing. I've seen it more with people I like, and or admire, I stare.

              • 3 months ago

                You can look at people when talking, that's preferred, it's just that staring into their eyes is only done to either be very intimate or threaten someone. A helpful tip is to occasionally just look away if you catch yourself doing that, look around at what could be a possible distraction, this obviously is easier to do in public situations rather than someone's home until you get used to "normally" looking at someone.

            • 3 months ago

              >been through so fricking much and know how it feels
              This backfired for me and while I can be outwardly very sympathetic and even honestly empathetic, inside I am very cold and not much phases or resonates with me anymore.
              I am just living to live

  38. 3 months ago

    >that helmet
    no fricking way

    • 3 months ago

      Its a furry thing?

  39. 3 months ago

    normies move on too quick from one piece of media to the next.
    once it's over, they move on.
    when i find something i like, i obsess over it for years

    • 3 months ago

      me with my 2b folder, shes so perfect

    • 3 months ago

      >one piece

      • 3 months ago

        one piece isn't ending until oda dies.
        and probably never actually. they'll get someone else to make it.
        but seriously, it seems like normies can move on from things quickly. they might like something for a month and then move onto something else while i'm still obseesing over a game i played years ago

        • 3 months ago

          Or not give a frick of flaws

        • 3 months ago

          same, when I really like a game I think about for a long time

      • 3 months ago

        Thats why Its stupid long until tje chink dies or retires

  40. 3 months ago

    ever Autism representation in a video game

    • 3 months ago

      I think og was more autist he is just a guy with bad luck

  41. 3 months ago

    At least the rainbow has 7 colours. I half expected them to call me gay too

  42. 3 months ago

    >First ever Autism representation in a video game

    Gin from Your Turn To Die did it first.

    • 3 months ago

      Son, I've had a few shots of Henny today.

      • 3 months ago

        Stay away

  43. 3 months ago

    Having autism sucks

    • 3 months ago

      Kobeni Kobeni Kobeni! Awkward autistic sex with Kobeni! The condom breaks due to side effects of her contract with the Luck devil and she gets pregnant and you have to marry and provide for her and she divorces you and takes half your shit! And your child has Aspergers! Kobeni!

      • 3 months ago
  44. 3 months ago

    God, i hate autistic people so much..

  45. 3 months ago

    Seriously though, I have aspergers and I couldn't give one single frick about "awareness" or "representation"
    I don't want to be "seen" and I don't want to be recognised as a special moron. I don't want to have autism, it ruined my life. I don't want to create an identity around it and I don't want games portraying autism like that either, or at all. My parents tell everyone I have autism and then they treat me in a condescending manner, like i am a child or a downey and it's really annoying. If this is how I am going to be perceived, as a tard helmet wearing moron then how the frick will anyone ever take me seriously? God damn it I just want to be noramal

  46. 3 months ago

    These homies really be glorifying congenital vaccine aluminum fluorate heavy metal poisoning

  47. 3 months ago

    Can this representation bullshit give me a job just because I'm autistic?
    homosexuals and Black folks already have that
    I want that too for fricks sake

  48. 3 months ago

    As someone that grew up around actual autists and observed internet autists low functioning autists are legitimately less of an issue than high functioning autists. Low functioning autists you can immediately tell there's something wrong with them in public. They also live in their own world secluded from normal society. High functioning autists are self aware enough that there's something wrong with them but not self aware enough to act right. And they have to participate with everybody else. It's why you never hear about low functioning autists as lol cows. It's always high functioning autists like Chris Chan and chuggaaconroy and Chibi that become headlines. A lot of ch's apparently.

    • 3 months ago

      So what's the solution for high functioning autists?

    • 3 months ago

      I'm high functioning and how the frick is Chris chan considered on a similar level as me.
      I'm mostly normal and keep my autistic obsessions to my self

      • 3 months ago

        I feel like Chris Chan is what we’re all inclined to become if we don’t have a good upbringing. Unchecked autism is a genuinely terrifying thing and can make people into psychopaths.

        I remember as a kid I used to have some pretty extreme temper tantrums and I once threatened to stab a guy with a pair of scissors.

        I socialised myself better with age, but when I suffered from PTSD, I ended up regressing. It scares me because I know I can turn into a savage if enough mental pressure is applied to me.

        • 3 months ago

          Autism really is form of psychopathy and I'm tired of pretenting otherwise.

          • 3 months ago

            At high levels yes but you have weird variables like either no empathy or overempathy and sensitive

        • 3 months ago

          I agree.
          I really think upbringing is everything when it comes to developing as an autist (unless very severe, in which case it's over anyway).
          I had a very good upbringing for the first half of my life and managed to develop ok (very few friends, weird etc etc, but still, mostly normal-ish).
          Then I isolated myself and now my symptoms have become much worse and intertwined with other mental illnesses.

          Autism really is form of psychopathy and I'm tired of pretenting otherwise.

          Not really, they're two different things, and it's fairly easy to tell one apart from another.
          But I agree that when interacting with other autists, as compared to normal individuals, there can be this feeling of the person not caring about you at all and being very cold.
          But that depends from one individual to another.
          I am over-emotive in many ways.
          I feel extreme empathy, or not at all, seemingly randomly.
          Honestly I just don't really get my own emotions.

    • 3 months ago

      Low functioning people screech and bash their heads and can barely comprehend communication, would starve themselves to death without being taken care of.

    • 3 months ago

      how the frick is chris chan high functioning when he would be near immediately put in asylum if israelites didn't close them all?

    • 3 months ago

      >he cant immediately spot when someone has autism no matter the flavor in public

      I'm high functioning and how the frick is Chris chan considered on a similar level as me.
      I'm mostly normal and keep my autistic obsessions to my self

      how the frick is chris chan high functioning when he would be near immediately put in asylum if israelites didn't close them all?

      Symptom of two different but related diagnosis being combined under one name. All the Classic autists got the low functioning tag, all the assburgers got high functioning and then theres a middle group which is a mixed bag. Its a DSM classification so you can try to pin chris as a level 2 but don't be surprised if you pin yourself there too after years of thinking youre high functioning.

    • 3 months ago

      >Chris Chan
      >high functioning
      maybe back in the 90s. The internet has genuinely caused Chris to devolve into a whole new SCP class.

  49. 3 months ago

    they took an autistic liberty

  50. 3 months ago

    bros I just want to be normal and have a gf and love life

    • 3 months ago

      I'm 27 now and I have to reconcile with the fact that I will never be normal and have a normal life. No point dwelling on things you cannot change. The sooner you come to terms with it the better

    • 3 months ago

      Being “normal” isn’t my concern. My concern is just wanting a wife and family. I’d sell my soul for it because it’s the only thing in my life that’s missing.

      • 3 months ago

        >Being “normal” isn’t my concern. My concern is just being normal.

        • 3 months ago

          Plenty of non-normie people end up in relationships, but the relationships are often unconventional in nature (in terms of how they raise their children or what their routine looks like).

        • 3 months ago

          Pretty sure like 60% of men die alone these days

          • 3 months ago

            Everyone dies alone.

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah but these men live alone and then die alone. The world keeps spinning

      • 3 months ago

        You can get those things, whining about it isn't going to help you. With this air of immaturity, it's kind of off putting. But at the same time, you have a goal, now go for it.

  51. 3 months ago

    Thank god I have schizophrenia instead of autism. It’s charming to chicks somehow because I’ve been in a normal amount of relationships lmao

    • 3 months ago

      How do you know they re real?

      • 3 months ago

        Well I think photos and family recognising them would be a start… but I don’t have visual hallucinations

    • 3 months ago

      Take your pills homie
      Those 2D chicks aren't real

      • 3 months ago

        Well I think photos and family recognising them would be a start… but I don’t have visual hallucinations

        Tbh anti-ableist movement has really sort of opened up the dating pool for me because mental goth chicks (my type) love a good-natured schizo these days

  52. 3 months ago

    what does autism got to do with gaye rainbow

    • 3 months ago

      nowadays rainbow is just anything that's not a straight white man

      • 3 months ago

        a straight cis neurotypical white man*

  53. 3 months ago

    I never got this incessant need to be normal shit you frickers are going on about.
    I've been perfectly happy being me and I'm perfectly fine faking it at work . Why should I give a shit about what people who I interact with for maybe 30 mins a day think of me. If you can't be yourself around your friends then they aren't your Fricking friends

    • 3 months ago

      Because they are a symptom of aluminum poisoning from the environment and vaccine. And the only way to make aluminum bioavaliable is to make it soluble, and you do that with fluoride. But be a good goy and stop noticing things.

  54. 3 months ago

    i want to be normal

  55. 3 months ago

    The funniest thing is how 2 digits neurotypicals (the vast majority of the population) confuse autism (people who has emotions and empathy but don't show them or tries to avoid them as much as posible) with psychopathy (people without emotions or empathy that can easily fake them to get what they want)
    No wonder why psychos rule the world.

  56. 3 months ago

    i think i would have turned out ok if my dad didn't kill himself just before i was born. being raised by a shitty single mother is worse than death

    • 3 months ago

      I got to experience both since my parents divorced when I was young. Being with the single mother was the superior experience (mostly because my parents were at eachother’s throats often).

      My biggest problem is that my mother is extremely overprotective of me due to me having autism. She insists I take baby steps in doing things because she’s scared I’ll be overwhelmed and react badly. The worst part is that she isn’t 100% wrong, but it’s infantilising nevertheless.

  57. 3 months ago

    I'd say I'm sorry for autists, but so many b***hes here, that I'm not really sorry, stop being a b***h, yeah you got bullied in school, yeah you are lonely, so am I, so what?

  58. 3 months ago

    I still think "Assburgers" is hilarious, even though I have it.

    • 3 months ago

      What were they THINKING?

  59. 3 months ago

    Pl-please my autistic friend, stop hanging with the moron in your circle who gets his opinions from Low Tier God of all people, you don't want this. Oh God you're becoming salty over the dumbest shit now too. GOD DAMN IT. NO YOU'RE NOT ALPHA STOP MIMICKING HIM TO "FIT IN". IT'S JUST A FRICKING PARTY GAME SESSION STOP SEETHING.

  60. 3 months ago

    >vidya or other piece of media has an autistic/spergy protagonist
    >the message of the story is “touch grass and make friends”
    >the most compatible people for the MC just conveniently fall into the MC’s lap

    You can tell such stories are written by normies. If it was actually accurate, then the MC would have to endure awkward interactions with several people and go through an unreasonable amount of effort just to find 1 person who really clicks with them.

    FFVIII is a textbook example of this kind of thing I’m talking about.

    • 3 months ago

      I'd say it's just how your brain interprets that, I'm kinda of same when I see some African kid getting fricked up "oh shit" is the most you'll get, but then for example my co-worker tells a story of his acquaintance's wife getting stolen by lesbo fitness trainer, because he thought female fitness trainer is safe, and shit like that makes my blood boil.

      • 3 months ago

        meant for

        I don't really understand my own empathy.
        Sometimes I'll feel nothing from children dying, people telling me about their horrible issues etc etc.
        And sometimes I'll cry from seeing an old person in the street.

      • 3 months ago

        its easier to be disconnected when you're not attached to whatever it is happening. i could watch cartel beheading videos and feel nothing yet see a two legged man walking his dog and almost cry. the beheading is just on a screen, so even though it happened, it is easy to disassociate from it

        • 3 months ago

          I wasn't attached to the guy I heard about for the first time either, but yeah, I gave a kind of bad example. Tbh a lot of my "almost crying" associated with music, I listen to song, it's kind of nice, oh it's about love, gets me to feel something when I walk on the street, or at funeral of some grandpa/aunt/whatever instrumental music starts and I feel like crying.

    • 3 months ago

      >>the most compatible people for the MC just conveniently fall into the MC’s lap
      Same reason why movies don't show characters pissing and shitting. It's irrelevant to the story and to how the author wants you to feel.

    • 3 months ago

      You're probably projecting ideas that were never taken into consideration in these stories.

    • 3 months ago

      Socializing does help, but it's not a cure all.

  61. 3 months ago

    >autism means le colorful clothes and overweight
    Frick these Black folk

  62. 3 months ago

    I can do empathy and I can feel emotions (though when I was around 10 I tried to not feel them) but my issue is that I don't know how people want me to feel when they tell me things.

    • 3 months ago

      >not feel them for a few years)

  63. 3 months ago

    >tfw diagnosed with autism as far back as I can remember
    >ended up becoming a Pokemon autist because of course I did
    >got bullied a lot in school, even when it stopped I'm not sure if anyone genuinely liked me as a person and not just some weirdo who's occasionally funny
    >didn't develop any real self awareness or any good life skills until years later
    >friends all moved away or don't talk with me anymore
    >feel like killing myself every so often, but push away the thoughts by thinking about how I'd frick up the suicide attempt
    >Mom told me as once she hits 60, she's moving to a retirement home and kicking me out (she's 56)
    >sister doesn't want anything to do with me because I punched her in the back of the head repeatedly once while having a mental breakdown because she kept harassing and yelling at me for no reason
    >don't know how to connect with people
    >don't like opening up to people unless I fully trust them (which is something I almost never do)
    >feel like the lowest of the low, but I end up hating on low functioning autists and the worst parts of every race (white trash, indians, immigrants, morons, etc.)
    It feels like I don't know what I am half the time, yet I can't bring myself to care about anything anymore.

    • 3 months ago

      >>feel like the lowest of the low, but I end up hating on low functioning autists and the worst parts of every race (white trash, indians, immigrants, morons, etc.)
      i had sympathy until i read this part. you are the moron, have a nice day. or develop kindness and love. the choice is yours. homosexual.

      • 3 months ago

        U the same anon as

        based chad, you should have listened to him amd killed yourself homosexual moron

        sounds like your disability is being a b***h homosexual


        • 3 months ago

          No, I was scrolling by and felt bad for you until I learned you are no better than those who treat you poorly. reflect on this.

          • 3 months ago

            Why is it wrong to hate on those who wronged you though? I'm interested in hearing this and I get your point tbh, being resentful and hateful all the time, even to those who have objectively hurt me, has done nothing good for me but worsen my mental health. But its still hard to not hate humanity after all I've seen

            • 3 months ago

              There is nothing wrong with hating those who have wronged you. However, as you said,
              >I end up hating on low functioning autists and the worst parts of every race (white trash, indians, immigrants, morons, etc.)
              This is wrong. There is no reason for your hatred. You feel (rightfully) upset at your own life, so you punch down. Therefore, you deserve no sympathy. Hate those who do not treat you as you deserve to be treated, but to neurotypical people, you're simply the moron. You aren't hating people who wrong you, you're hating people who have NOT wronged you, and as a result are a negative force in this universe, because you spend too much time on Ganker. When your mother dies, you will most likely be poor and white trash, and also a moron to others. So why would you act like this?

              • 3 months ago

                That wasn't me who said that, my bad for the confusion. The guy who said that shit about immigrants is another anon. Though it's true that holding grudges against buttholes who've wronged me has only worsened my mental state. You're right though, and I see what you mean. I'm the guy who posted

                I should've done that but I was a pussy when I was younger and didn't want to get suspended. Lmao homies used to call me moronic in front of school staff and they didn't do shit, but I got suspended because I posted an edgy meme on Instagram and some homosexual reported to get me suspended for laughs ( I was 13 I'm 19 now and yes I'm zoomer trash). Zoomers might actually be the most ruthless generation, the shit people did to me was fricked, all because I'm socially undesirable. The homosexuals I grew up around are all zoomer wigger broccoli haired trash who think listening to bigger music and acting like a thug and menace to society is cool ( they are white with rich parents btw). This is why I think some people shouldn't be allowed to live. I hate them all
                homie in grade 6 my teacher would always single me out and shit talk me in front of class with everyone looking at me because I had trouble doing assignments lol. One time in grade 6, I said some stupid ass shit to a "friend" ( btw now I know this kid is a scumbag, like the rest of the so called "friends" I had as a kid who just had me in their groups for laughs) about some South park episode where Hartman sticks burger up his ass or some shit, and since I swore in class, this teacher called me out in front of everyone and made me run outside in the rain because I said the word "ass" in class lol. She never did this to anyone else. This is kinda why I've always hated school, why the frick should I be content with the fact that I'm forced to go to a place full of people who ridicule me and to be bossed around by some underpaid stupid old b***h?

                This one kid named Christian loves to bully mentally ill people to make himself look cool. Pic related is one of the Chad's who ostracized me growing up (censored for obvious reasons). He's in Uni and obviously has no problem getting women and is seen as a pillar of the community where I live, meanwhile I'm a social recluse and am rotting lol. He's called me moronic and told me to kms countless times. I wish these people were dead. Him and his homosexual buddies too.

                Not him, but if you aren't gonna do anything like find them and murder them, then don't fricking think about them, you literally hurt yourself. I got my ass beaten few times, I've been bullied in middle school for quite some time, I got destroyed mentally by my first crush for months which made me disconnect from my friends which she hanged out with, I got embarrassed in front of girls, sometimes I remember that stuff when showering and stuff and think "man that was embarrassing lol, who cares", because if I'm gonna think all the time about all the people that wronged me I won't have a good time, but you already know that.

                I see what you're saying and I'm sorry these things happened to you. I understand that letting these thoughts fester in your mind is letting these people win, but its a very hard process to let go of it and to finally accept what happened to you has happened. I've been looking into Buddhist philosophy and it shares a lot of good advice regarding letting go of personal grievances and accepting reality for what it is, even if it's not to your liking

              • 3 months ago

                >hard process to let go of it
                It is what it is, anon, literally. You won't change anything, so who cares, live now, sure things fricked me up and I'd probably would come out slightly differently if certain things didn't happen, but I'm living now, cards have been dealt and right now it's no one fault that my life is into pieces, it's up to me and only me to fix it.

              • 3 months ago

                I get it, anon. Thanks for sharing your story of getting stronger. Keep it up

                Yes. One of them even killed himself some years later. Tbf he had far worse things in his life than me, so I know for sure I didn't push him over the edge, but he was still a kid who I bullied who then killed himself. He was a massive fricking weirdo but he was actually pretty fricking based in his own way too, I wish I could have seen that back then. He didn't deserve all the shit that happened to him and he didn't deserve me.

                Shits that's fricked man idk what to say. Honestly I get that some people can act eccentric or weird but I still don't think going out of your way to make them feel like less of a human (especially if they clearly have mental issues) is going to "fix" them at all. Not throwing shade at you anon personally, since I know you recognize the extent of what you did ( which is very commendable), but I'm just sharing my two cents on this sort of thing in general

              • 3 months ago

                Do you have a job anon? Like, you know with coworkers, I recommend it to everyone here who is very conscious about themselves, but get a fricking job and pray that your coworkers will be alright, you will stop thinking that everyone looks at you like trash if you get good coworkers, or even just some people to talk to normally, I guess I'm not really autistic, so its not my place to talk, I'm just very bad at the aspect of acquainting with people.
                Before spending most of my time with normal people, I'd get a lot of nasty thoughts and constant schizo moments when going out somewhere(did I close the door? Did I turn off the light? etc)

              • 3 months ago

                I'm planning on getting my first job soon. I'm only 19. Just wanna make money to support my hobbies tbh

              • 3 months ago

                my 19-21 was one of the worst years in my life, anon, I got a job at 21 after neeting for 2 years. It's a shit pay, but comfy enough, although I should find a new one soon, unless I wanna live with my parents for the rest of my life. also anime helped, because it was new to me after westernslop, only watched parts of FMA, Shaman King, Grenadier girl and Death Note when I was a kid.

              • 3 months ago

                I wanna get a job so I can start collecting underground metal / punk records I like and also to buy games and such. A lot of autists are heavily into anime but tbh ive never really been heavily into it ( I only really watched kill la kill lmao but ryukos hot so I like it). Been wanting to get into it though, I feel like I would like things like bleach or berserk. A lot of the music I'm into is shit only spergs like, shit like brutal death metal, tech death, goregrind, sludge, trash, crust punk, black metal, war metal etc, and I tend to like things with lyrical content that would disgust most people tbh( not trying to say I'm le quirky or special tbh, just that I tend to like alternative media).

              • 3 months ago

                >Honestly I get that some people can act eccentric or weird but I still don't think going out of your way to make them feel like less of a human (especially if they clearly have mental issues) is going to "fix" them at all.
                People don't punch down to help the ones they're punching down on anon, they do it to lift themselves up. To look good in comparison, to at least not be that guy. I'd know, because that's why I did it.

              • 3 months ago

                >People don't punch down to help the ones they're punching down on anon, they do it to lift themselves up. To look good in comparison, to at least not be that guy
                Pretty much. Human nature is still at its core very animalistic. There is a reason why the higher up in the business world you go, the more psychopaths are apparent. I'm glad you grew as a person though anon.

                Literature, vidya, anime and film for me. The consumption of media is a good 60% of my personality.

                Tbf, a lot of autists are social outcasts and the LGBT community often attracts outcasts because being queer is also something people can be prejudiced against you for just like with autism.

                No shit there’s a massive correlation.

                I’m a bisexual autist, so it’s not even like I’m an exception.

                Nice hobbies 🙂 I've always wanted to read more books tbh

            • 3 months ago

              Not him, but if you aren't gonna do anything like find them and murder them, then don't fricking think about them, you literally hurt yourself. I got my ass beaten few times, I've been bullied in middle school for quite some time, I got destroyed mentally by my first crush for months which made me disconnect from my friends which she hanged out with, I got embarrassed in front of girls, sometimes I remember that stuff when showering and stuff and think "man that was embarrassing lol, who cares", because if I'm gonna think all the time about all the people that wronged me I won't have a good time, but you already know that.

              • 3 months ago

                Also too add to

                That wasn't me who said that, my bad for the confusion. The guy who said that shit about immigrants is another anon. Though it's true that holding grudges against buttholes who've wronged me has only worsened my mental state. You're right though, and I see what you mean. I'm the guy who posted[...]

                I see what you're saying and I'm sorry these things happened to you. I understand that letting these thoughts fester in your mind is letting these people win, but its a very hard process to let go of it and to finally accept what happened to you has happened. I've been looking into Buddhist philosophy and it shares a lot of good advice regarding letting go of personal grievances and accepting reality for what it is, even if it's not to your liking

                , I can't even listen to music I like anymore because I get intrusive thoughts of what people used to say to me (" your music is dogshit and for homosexuals have a nice day etc") and it ruins the enjoyment for me.

      • 3 months ago

        I can't help it. I just hate interacting with white fat ugly white women, white trash homeless bums, immigrants who can barely form a coherent sentence, old, fragile boomers who either can't take the hint that I'm not trying to start a dialogue with them, or homosexual boomers who are always b***hing to me about prices and how "it's the wrong price, it used to be 25 cents cheaper" and I hate dealing with influencers or grifters, regardless of what side of the political spectrum they're on. I don't enjoy talking to them, I don't enjoy looking at them, and I would rather not be near them.

        • 3 months ago

          You can absolutely help it. You need to seriously look at yourself. You are no different than white fat ugly white women, white trash homeless bums (in fact, statistically, given that you are neurodivergent, THIS IS EXTREMELY LIKELY TO HAPPEN TO YOU, and if it did, you would never want someone to despise you for your suffering, you would want kindness), immigrants who can barely form a coherent sentence, old, fragile boomers and so on. You are no different than them. What have you contributed to the world to feel so superior? To other hateful individuals, you are no different than some moron. You can help it, anon. You are simply warped by the internet. Life is beautiful, and I even feel pity for those who wrong me. I am human too, and sometimes I feel the way you do, but we can fight these anti-social, evil feelings, and we should.

          • 3 months ago

            >Life is beautiful, and I even feel pity for those who wrong me. I am human too, and sometimes I feel the way you do, but we can fight these anti-social, evil feelings, and we should.
            IS Life Beautiful?
            Is watching your Dad struggle with Dialysis while waiting for a kidney transplant for years beautiful?
            Is watching your Mom grow old, fat and miserable because her husband died and the man responsible for it is a free man beautiful?
            Is watching your Dog slowly die from multiple health problems hitting him all at once, to the point where you're haunted by the thought of if putting him down was the right thing or not, compared to getting him (expensive) treatment? Is that Beautiful?
            Is being surrounded by creeps, weirdos and trash people Beautiful?
            Is only being able to remember the bad times from childhood Beautiful?

            • 3 months ago

              >Is only being able to remember the bad times from childhood Beautiful?
              This shit hurts. There were good times in my childhood, but there's always this massive dark cloud hanging over them. If I think back on my childhood it always becomes miserable, I can't appreciate the good times.

              • 3 months ago

                sometimes I miss my Dad but then I'll remember times where he beat me or yelled at me, like one time where he hit me in the back of the head because I poorly explained some Banjo-Tooie minigame to him. It was remembering times like that made me wonder "did I like my Dad?"

                what's your experience with autists
                mine was in middle school. his bag smelled like garbage and one time I made a joke and he laughed for an uncomfortably long time and it distracted the class

                Literally every autist I have ever met was miserable to be around, either because they smelled bad, were low functioning tards who just caused more problems for everyone, or had no sense of self-control.

    • 3 months ago

      Oh man your fricked buddy unless you can Get IT together

  64. 3 months ago

    I hate socialzing, I love being alone. I still wouldn't mind having a wife and kid.

  65. 3 months ago

    Autistic troony here. When am I gonna find an anon to love me?

    • 3 months ago

      post ur budding hrt breasts

      • 3 months ago

        They're still really small anon 🙁

        • 3 months ago

          even better!

    • 3 months ago

      would you be interested in wearing a 2b costume while i worship your soles and ass? ill make you food as well

      • 3 months ago

        Make it a maid outfit and you've got a deal.

        • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            Sweet. Do you have a Discord anon?

            • 3 months ago


  66. 3 months ago

    Is that a Behelith on top pic?

  67. 3 months ago

    Autist here, idk what I'm doing with my life. I just got fired from my first ever job, which is retail for not being empathic enough. Whatever that means. I feel like a failure and a burden on my parents.

    • 3 months ago

      Pls respond

    • 3 months ago

      In retail, it's not about actually being empathetic in the way people try to discuss it here as much as it is about being able to put up with people's shit without clearly getting upset. You're not strange for not caring or hating the customer, but you're supposed to hide it and remain friendly and helpful despite all that.

      • 3 months ago

        That's impossible. How do non autistic people do it? It would always drive me bonkers when people started trying to have a chit chat with me too.

        • 3 months ago

          Most of them don't, which is why it's definitely not a good type of job for the socially stunted when even the average breaks down at the mere idea. If anything retail is probably more of a sociopath job.

  68. 3 months ago

    Happy autism history month guys

  69. 3 months ago

    Tfw I get drunk I just spot strangely coherent Shizcobabble according to my friend's
    They've started sicking me on random people in vrchat now if I get drunk and recording their reactions
    No clue why I'm so social drunk but it's funny

  70. 3 months ago

    The world needs autism.
    Who do you think wrote the bible?

    • 3 months ago

      mohamed was an autist and no one will convince me otherwise

    • 3 months ago

      pretty much anyone involved in creating religions are autistic

  71. 3 months ago

    Can't wait for people to make porn of her.
    Something like gooning stuff, or NTR/Blacked things. That will be fun

  72. 3 months ago

    Is there a correlation between autism and being horny all the time / chronic masturbation? I can't stop thinking about how much I love its and assess all the time ( though I don't get any lmao) though I wanna start no fap because I know cooming all the time is bad for you always. I read somewhere that autistic men report more frequent masturbation and thinking about sex but lack access to it.

  73. 3 months ago

    REMINDER THAT AUTISM IS IMPORTANT TO THE SURVIVAL OF THE HUMAN SPECIES. Autistic people are simply more sensitive and aligned with the natural world. When we were hunter-gatherers, the autistic tribe members had their own, important roles. Autists are more wild and ancient, unchained by modern society. We should remember this..

    • 3 months ago

      This is like when homosexuals say that they're an evolutionary advantage because they can focus on tasks over than raising kids like eusocial insects.

  74. 3 months ago

    Is here maybe a indie , game dev present?

  75. 3 months ago
  76. 3 months ago

    These things are just money laundry

  77. 3 months ago

    A lot of Fortnite cosmetics are made by randoms that are green light and who totally unpredictable, which is also part of the charm. Miss Bunny Penny is a 6 year old old blender model made to be more sfw.

  78. 3 months ago

    This entire thread is bullshit btw, there’s nothing in the game that implies this character has autism, no announcements made, nothing, you have all been trolled

    • 3 months ago

      There are like 20 posts total talking about the game.
      We are using it as a soap box to talk about our tism.

  79. 3 months ago

    highly functional weirdo here

    I like being weird, my weird way of thinking is great for my work (Business Analyst)
    should I try to get diagnosed? In my country there's benefits for companies for hiring people with a %discapacity, no idea if autism counts like that, I should arrange a meeting with a psicologist or psiquiatrist, some day... I'm lazy and don't wanna drive to them, I like staying at home as much as I can, my food is delivered, my work is WFH, my friends come to my house

    • 3 months ago

      Sounds interesting, what exactly have you studied? In what business are you working for big tech companys like Nvidia?

      • 3 months ago

        computer science, not even university, vocational training

        it's just a market research company, I handle some of their internal programs

  80. 3 months ago

    I just hate the depression side of it, the drinking, the depression, the lonlieness, the boredom, the isolation. That's what gets me, I love being around people, and I do try to socialize the best I can but I always come up short or weird people out. Of course I've had genuine people, but I wish they could all be like that. I know I have problems, but I mean no harm, I just want to be loved, wanted, cared about, included. It just seems like there's always someone after me, or wants me to frick up so it can solidify their opinions. Sometimes, even going against that, and proving people wrong has worked, but bring problems also. I hate the fact that people can be so mean, holding everything against you, every social hiccup, and everything and you're being pushed away from them and others when all you're doing is trying to mean well and show it through your actions no matter how awkward they are.

  81. 3 months ago


  82. 3 months ago

    What's your special hobby or interest? Mines music ( mainly extreme metal, punk, and other spergy shit, but I genuinely can enjoy anything from any genre as long as it sounds good to me). I also can see guitar tones, notes, and songs as pictures or colors in my head ( I tend to make up my own music videos mentally while listening to a track), is that an autism thing?

    • 3 months ago

      but with a spreadsheet to calculate the most efficient way to play

      I only see flashes when I heard loud noises, but I feel like I can taste some textures with my hands

      • 3 months ago

        Cool 🙂 and I don't suffer from the same sort of sensory things tbh I do hate it though when people don't give me personal space or leave me alone at a certain time

        • 3 months ago

          >I do hate it though when people don't give me personal space or leave me alone at a certain time
          but I think that's just an introverted thing, not sure if introverted = autism

    • 3 months ago

      Music, vidya, mopeds, bikes, RC.

      • 3 months ago


        >I tend to make up my own music videos mentally while listening to a track
        anon I'm pretty sure that's just using your imagination.
        On the flip side, my autism isn't very strong so I can't talk about sensory overload. I've never experienced it.
        And yes, my hobby is vidya for the most part.

        >anon I'm pretty sure that's just using your imagination
        It's weird because some people say they have no internal monolouge and they don't hear "that" voice in their head often, but my internal monolouge never shuts the frick up, so my inner mind is basically my reality sometimes.

        • 3 months ago

          huh, that's weird. That would make 2 of us. I always assumed internal monologue is the rule, not the exception.

          • 3 months ago

            That's good to keep in mind. I do really need to work on trying to keep things more as a back and forth and trying to use less time as to not take up others time. I do like when it happens and people start asking me questions and wanting to know more, so maybe I can try to keep it reserved for those times instead.
            >some people say they have no internal monolouge and they don't hear "that" voice in their head often
            I don't really get how people don't do this. I'm basically conversing with myself in my mind all the time.

            Yeah my internal monolouge is insane lmao. But regarding the apple test thing, are you supposed to actually see the apple as if you're hallucinating it, or do you just mentally picture it in your head ( I can do that just fine, in fact my mental images can be so vivid its like I can almost see them

            • 3 months ago

              Mentally picture. You don't 3D image an apple in front of you, this is generally the issue most people have with trying to understand that image.

              • 3 months ago

                Damn, I can imagine anything mentally anytime I want. So you're telling me that some people minds are literally blank states where they can only really interpret what their eyes are seeing? I can't imagine having clear conscious

              • 3 months ago

                i've got a friend who can't image anything in his head, he mentioned how reading books is awful because all he sees are the words on the page

              • 3 months ago

                In a sense, yes. Some are pretty blank, but others are in states inbetween. Others think entirely in language which is an interesting concept itself as to how mutable that could be. Then you have Neanderthals which were though to think in exceptionally vivid colour patterns and noise. Maybe autists have a bit of extra neanderthal left in them?

                I hate how bad it sounds to say "Autism spectrum", because people aren't going to think about the spectrum side. They're only going to think about the Autism side and judge you over that. Aspergers isn't great either, but it's easier to make people understand that you're not fully autistic.

                PDD-NOSers probably suffer the most in that regard, all they get is an "outdated" acronym soup with a bonus acronym which makes people just blank out or the feared "I'm autistic".

              • 3 months ago

                >Then you have Neanderthals which were though to think in exceptionally vivid colour patterns and noise. Maybe autists have a bit of extra neanderthal left in them?
                Shit thats what I do. But would having Neanderthal DNA mean anything bad, like you are a subhuman or something?

              • 3 months ago

                In a way it is described as a more "childlike" method of thought, but it's not like we can truly know or comprehend how that worked. We assume they vividly dream events, but didn't really comprehend the difference between the dreams and reality, that's how vivid it was. The though in noise and colours was likely more adapted for their ways of life where that in and of itself was more important.

                As for neanderthal, I wouldn't worry about it. Most humans have a bit as we outbred them so some small % is common. I think it's more coincedental that it is described similarly as humans look for patterns even when they aren't there. It's how we differed from them.

              • 3 months ago

                Thanks for the info, anon. I want to look more into this in the near future myself. Is autism also correlated with high t or more aggressive behavior, and overt cooming

                Is there a correlation between autism and being horny all the time / chronic masturbation? I can't stop thinking about how much I love its and assess all the time ( though I don't get any lmao) though I wanna start no fap because I know cooming all the time is bad for you always. I read somewhere that autistic men report more frequent masturbation and thinking about sex but lack access to it.

                >I can't imagine having clear conscious
                I can't either. If my mind goes quiet I get worried.

                It's kinda nice though I can listen to songs and visual the guitar notes and chords they're playing in my head, same with drums lol. I can separate each instrument in the mix so maybe there is a benefit to always thinking, but it also drives me crazy a lot and is probably why I have bad social anxiety

              • 3 months ago

                No, not by itself. But I assume a general lack of inhibition regarding what they like/feels good and social confusion can manifest in that way.

              • 3 months ago

                >but it also drives me crazy a lot and is probably why I have bad social anxiety
                I'm sorry to hear that.

              • 3 months ago

                Thanks, anon.

              • 3 months ago

                >I can't imagine having clear conscious
                I can't either. If my mind goes quiet I get worried.

    • 3 months ago

      >I tend to make up my own music videos mentally while listening to a track
      anon I'm pretty sure that's just using your imagination.
      On the flip side, my autism isn't very strong so I can't talk about sensory overload. I've never experienced it.
      And yes, my hobby is vidya for the most part.

    • 3 months ago

      Literature, vidya, anime and film for me. The consumption of media is a good 60% of my personality.

      >Autism symbol is now rainbow colored
      Not really helping the allegation that the queen community is full of autists, huh?

      Tbf, a lot of autists are social outcasts and the LGBT community often attracts outcasts because being queer is also something people can be prejudiced against you for just like with autism.

      No shit there’s a massive correlation.

      I’m a bisexual autist, so it’s not even like I’m an exception.

    • 3 months ago

      Other than my intense attachment to video games (I can recall music and SFX for games I play decades ago) I'm really into making stuff with my hands. Like, I enjoy carving sticks into walking sticks. One of my close friends even got me a wood burner so I could burn designs into them. This all grew from me using sticks as swords as a kid. I still do even now at 34

      • 3 months ago

        That's sounds sick as frick not gonna lie. Have you ever considered doing something with your ability to burn designs, like putting them out for others to see or something like that?

        • 3 months ago

          >Have you ever considered doing something with your ability to burn designs, like putting them out for others to see or something like that?
          I've actually thought about trying to sell some of them. I have one I use as a cane now that I tried to mimic the design of the Daora Grande from Monster Hunter on, like how it has that scaled look.
          Another one I've done but need to stain has a nice spiral along the "base".

          • 3 months ago

            Forgot the image.

          • 3 months ago

            Forgot the image.

            Holy shit you actually seem pretty talented. I think you should try to pursue a career or something at least with your talent. I'm not even meatriding to be nice or anything, that looks way fricking cooler than anything I could ever dream up lol

            • 3 months ago

              Here's what one end of it looks like. This was the first time I tried staining and wood burning so it's a bit sloppy but I like it.

              • 3 months ago

                And here's the handle end.

              • 3 months ago

                And here's the handle end.


    • 3 months ago

      I just like video games
      as a kid I kinda obsessively tried to find something gamedev related that I could be good at because I wanted to make games so bad
      I was suprisingly good at map making and writing stories according to other people
      But it was only good as "impressive that a kid can do it"
      I'm still trying gamedev, but now I only try my best at programming, which ironically I hated as a kid, lol
      also sometimes I do maps for gmod/TF2 and even succeeded to have my map used by a semi popular youtuber

    • 3 months ago

      >I also can see guitar tones, notes, and songs as pictures or colors in my head

      • 3 months ago

        I've heard about that. It's probably common in people with autism

    • 3 months ago

      You probably have synesthesia.

      • 3 months ago

        I can also picture the "theme" or atmosphere of a song in my head depending on out it sounds idk. For example if I listen to a pantera song I fully understand the souther groove sound they were going for, or I can listen to a Type O negative song and fully understand the Gothic doom theme of their music in my head like I visualize the songs atmosphere and "attitude"

  83. 3 months ago

    >First ever Autism representation

  84. 3 months ago

    >Autism symbol is now rainbow colored
    Not really helping the allegation that the queen community is full of autists, huh?

    • 3 months ago

      There's a cooler gold version.

  85. 3 months ago

    >First ever Autism representation in a video game
    Meanwhile weeks ago Rebirth came out with an MC who struggles with figurative language, misses social cues, avoids eye contact, and does not have typical emotional reactions

    • 3 months ago

      Re-who now?
      This game didn't sell therefore it doesn't count

    • 3 months ago

      Cloud doesn't have autism he's to much of a Chad. Lmao at thinking an autist can pull a babe like tifa

      • 3 months ago

        I know autists with 9 or 10 girlfriends.

        • 3 months ago

          They're probably good looking though at least or learned to mask really well. Btw do you mean autists who've had 9 or 10 gfs, or autists with 9/10 or 10/10 gfs? Because if it's the latter then damn that's especially impressive for him

          • 3 months ago

            The latter. The thing is, if you're marginally attractive, women gravitate towards you. These guys state bluntly from the start that they're autistic and will say boneheaded things, and the women will stick with them because they're attractive and usually nice.

  86. 3 months ago

    Autism ruins families

  87. 3 months ago

    all me btw

  88. 3 months ago

    Can anyone explain the correlation between autism and transgender?

    • 3 months ago

      It’s basically this , plus they have less impulse control, so they’re more likely to go through with extreme decisions like that to pursue happiness.

    • 3 months ago

      easily manipulated, not even necessarily autists, but if you can convince someone to wear a dress and try to act as a woman, you can convince them that they are autistic.

      I wanna get a job so I can start collecting underground metal / punk records I like and also to buy games and such. A lot of autists are heavily into anime but tbh ive never really been heavily into it ( I only really watched kill la kill lmao but ryukos hot so I like it). Been wanting to get into it though, I feel like I would like things like bleach or berserk. A lot of the music I'm into is shit only spergs like, shit like brutal death metal, tech death, goregrind, sludge, trash, crust punk, black metal, war metal etc, and I tend to like things with lyrical content that would disgust most people tbh( not trying to say I'm le quirky or special tbh, just that I tend to like alternative media).

      Honestly, I've been rejecting anime my whole life because it's le cringe, but this anime forum slowly turned me into weeb by dripfeeding me cute and hot girls and kino webms like something from Hellsing.
      You can bond with someone over "quirky" music I guess, my tastes kind of fluctuate, I have lots of rock, weeb songs, pop, some metal, but in school I was all about Black person rap, even got few chicks into it, they are still listening to it, while I dropped it

      • 3 months ago

        I kinda been hesitant to get into anime though since it's mainstream now and normalgays seemed to have taken over. But I really like the art styles and over the topness from what I've seen from the few ones I've watched which you can't really get in the west. I also enjoyed fmab a few years ago. This is the kind of music I like





        A lot of it is gross and disgusting lmao but once you learn what each instrument ( guitar, bass, drums) are playing, then you start to see it isn't just noise but how musically intricate a lot of it is. I also like grunge, hardcore, edm, alt rock, grindcore, noise music, and some rap

        • 3 months ago

          So what that it's mainstream? I don't get it, I just like what I like, whether 1000 people watch it or 100000 people.
          As for music, I thought I'd say it sounds like shit, but I'm neutral to the instrumentals as for "growling"(I don't think that's the proper term here) I rarely like it and if I do only in small amounts.

          • 3 months ago

            I've been listening to extreme music for a long time lmao I don't blame you if it sounds like shit, it isn't for everyone. With metal music like that you're supposed to focus on the guitar riff first and foremost and just treat the vocals as another instrument ( most popular or "normal" music is almost purely vocal based, whereas extreme metal is driven by the instruments similar to how classical music is composed). Shit like death metal used to sound ass to me too lol until I learned how to listen to it. I want to become a guitarist to play my own riffs too because of my interest in music

          • 3 months ago

            Same anon as

            I've been listening to extreme music for a long time lmao I don't blame you if it sounds like shit, it isn't for everyone. With metal music like that you're supposed to focus on the guitar riff first and foremost and just treat the vocals as another instrument ( most popular or "normal" music is almost purely vocal based, whereas extreme metal is driven by the instruments similar to how classical music is composed). Shit like death metal used to sound ass to me too lol until I learned how to listen to it. I want to become a guitarist to play my own riffs too because of my interest in music

            I'm going to start watching entry level anime like bleach or berserk to get into it. I really love how Mangakas draw their characters

            • 3 months ago

              Then you should read manga instead, Berserk 1997 is good, but it's not very accurate to manga, everything else Is shit, Bleach is like 500 episodes I can't be bothered despite wanting to watch.

              • 3 months ago

                Thanks for the rec my homie I've heard a lot of good things about berserk. I'm a metalhead so I think it would be a good fit for me judging by the art style and how supposedly fricked it is. I wish there was a anime or Manga that had the fricked up gore and themes of death metal or something like berserk but alongside campines and over the top breasts and humor like something trigger would make. Basically a horror or gore themed shounen with fricked up shit but also with fanservice and funny humor. Like if timesplitters or something like those shitty slasher movies were a shounen lmao just an idea I had.

              • 3 months ago

                Basically like a death metal or gore themed but campy shounen similar to what western comics used to be like in the 90s

              • 3 months ago

                Tbh a part of the reason why I wanna watch bleach is because of rangikus breasts and the whole hell and soul society thing sounds like a cool concept to me. I also like the art.

    • 3 months ago

      from what i noticed, autistic men tend to be socially ostracized. as a result they seek a community. usually regarding a neiche interest. they also lack regarding finding a partner. as a result alot of them get sold the idea that they can become a cute girl in order to attract a cute girl, given that alot of autistic males know very little about woman or how woman behave or what they want. they fall for it and the cycle continues. they continue to groom in order to not face the reality that they are infact just an autistic failure of a man playing dress up. it's sad. it really is. i'm autistic but not really as impacted as many others. i have a career, a wife and a house. and other young men can make it. but their dispair is met with lies of a quick fix. i just want to shake them and tell them everything will be ok if they fight for it and there is no overnight solution for these things. autistic people can be very logical, so set a long term logical path on how to achieve happiness in a way that is fulfilling instead of being dependant on a pharmacist to feed them on a lie. this problem has only gotten worse with the depression that social media brings

      • 3 months ago

        I actually found a community, and I liked being a part of it. Then one person fricked up, blamed me, and kept on until I was pushed out of it and ostrisesd out of something that I was a part of. Had common ground, people who understood, everything, and I lost it all because of one butthole. Being in an environment with people who have like interests helped out a lot, it made being around others and talking to others a lot better. I had community, I had socialization, I had things to look forward to, something to be a part of, all of that.

        • 3 months ago

          A lot of people stood up for me too, no one let anyone frick with me. I never felt like I was left out, unwanted, anything. I had something so good, and something that gave me friends, and a community to be a part of, confide in, and even grow in. There was no reason I had to lose that because of someone, I miss it all and my life hasn't been the same since everything happened. I just miss my fun, the people, the comradery, everything even the many, many, social chances and chances to be around others that like the same things and feel at home, and not like a fish out of water. I finally had something, and it gave me everything I wanted, needed, and missed out on, on a silver platter and I have no idea why that had to be taken from me, and why no one wanted to help. I guess by that time, all the slander and everything else had just started to do its damage, and I lost friends, and everything.

        • 3 months ago

          So what happened exactly? What did you get accused of? I gotta know now

          • 3 months ago

            Some guy walked into a complete strangers home at a moped rally, tried fricking his gf on the homeowners bed he shared with his wife. Got his ass kicked for it, and for some reason went after me. I guess it was because I was liked, wanted, part of the community, and an easy target. He went all out, having people slander me, watch me, paid off my roommate to watch me and also falsely accuse me of rape to destroy me in that community and a city. Shit like that.

            • 3 months ago

              Wtf? That's ridiculous.

              How false was the rape accusation though?

              • 3 months ago

                Completely false. My roommate was downstairs saying "frick me" while she was on the couch, I just had a bad feeling and got out of there and going up the stairs I saw something move on the other end of the couch under a cover. Someone was under there and I was being set up, but my Sperg-senses told me that the situation wasn't right, but there's something not right with a woman flat out saying "Frick me" as your in the kitchen. A couple days before I heard on on the phone downstairs saying "I'll make sure he never comes back here". Caught her going through my room, taking pics of me at work, etc.

              • 3 months ago

                There was a whole fricking conspiracy that even involves your roommate? Why would she go along with it? Some guy was gonna film you having sex or something? Anon your story sounds fishy, I'm sorry but something ain't right.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, if I had sex with her, she'd call rape and who ever was under the cover would come out and "save" her. I didn't figure the intentions out until after the fact. She was for sure paid off, but it was all done to push me out of the community, and spy on me for him and relay information back. Sounds insane, but the guys mentally ill as frick.

              • 3 months ago

                >Yeah, if I had sex with her, she'd call rape and who ever was under the cover would come out and "save" her.
                So if it never happened, how did you know that was the plan?

                Why were they even setting up this whole plan if there were no other witnesses? They could have just both lied, there is literally no reason at all to stage a rape.

              • 3 months ago

                Because she was trying to set me up, but still accused me of rape. It's not hard to figure out, so the damage was done no matter what.

                stimming like that isnt a fricking thing, why did normalshits pick up on this of all things

                Because they don't see it as a debilitating disability, they see it as being "quirky" and "goofy" with bright hats, weird fashion choices, and think that is what autism is, or being on the spectrum.

              • 3 months ago

                >Because she was trying to set me up, but still accused me of rape. It's not hard to figure out, so the damage was done no matter what.
                I'm telling you that the way they did the setup makes no sense at all, and you don't even need to stage a fake rape if you want to falsely accuse someone of rape. And there's also no way for you to know why she did it and that it was that one guy.

                This whole thing sounds like a schizo story, or there are some things you aren't telling.

              • 3 months ago

                I had someone try and set me up for rape, how hard is that to understand? The first try didn't work out(and would have caused a LOT more damage), so she just accused me of it. Sucks, I liked what I had, and I liked that city.

              • 3 months ago

                >The first try didn't work out(and would have caused a LOT more damage)
                Why? Was anyone else even around to witness it?

                And I'm sorry it just makes no sense that some guy dedicated his life to ruining you because he got caught having sex at a moped rally, going as far as paying people off to spread lies about you.

                Sorry anon, I just get suspicious whenever I hear "everybody just turned against me for no reason" stories because usually there actually is a reason that people aren't mentioning or aren't aware of themselves. And your story is fricking weird too and has too many logic gaps in it. I just don't buy it.

              • 3 months ago

                It happened, that's it. I hate that it did and I got wrapped up in shit that I had nothing to do with. But I've been standing by my innocence and always will be. Some people just suck, and this guy sucks hard because not only was his face hurt that night, but also his ego. He made that choice, not me, and he did everything he could to hide from it. People can be shitty.

              • 3 months ago

                The guys a sterotypical bully, the kind of guy that looks for the weaker ones to frick with because he won't get his ass beat. I've seen him tuck his tail and run off to make catty remarks when someone got pissed he kept talking shit for no reason. That showed me all about his character, not counting the threats, death threats, etc. The guy's FRICKED.

              • 3 months ago

                okay, but what about the roommate who accused you of rape?

              • 3 months ago

                I haven't seen her in 5 years and I don't want to see her again. She was actually cool when I first moved in, then she just got weird and was really focused on fricking with me. I saw her taking pics of me at work, going through my room, stealing money, throwing/giving away my food, having "parties" with my beer,etc. She was just as fricked, and something didn't seem right about it. I just remember that "I'll make sure he never comes back here" quote from her, and her trying to frame me for rape literally the next night. I have no idea why someone got that pissed that they deservingly got their ass kicked at a moped rally, and refused to take responsibility. The guy would also harass my parents and text them about stupid shit and me talking shit about him when it was well deserved. To the point where both had to block him on social media and phones to keep him from messaging them. Always threatened I'd get into "accidents" at rallies, brag about taking my friends and community away. Shit like that.

              • 3 months ago

                I'd still like to interview your roommate and that guy.

                Sorry anon I'm a deeply nosy person.

              • 3 months ago

                They'll ust talk shit, I did everything I could to get on her good side, but she was sketchy. Had someone I knew come over to b***h me out about not paying her rent when the rent went to the landlord. Shit like that, ripped off my mom telling her I didn't pay bills and shit to get money off her. She was a piece of work.

            • 3 months ago

              >and for some reason went after me
              People that transmogrify into petty c**ts out of the blue and target people in such a manner need to be shot. He sounds mentally ill, narcissistic and jealous.

              • 3 months ago

                >He sounds mentally ill, narcissistic and jealous.
                Yup, did everything he could to get me away from that community and rubbed it in my face. I didn't deserve it, and I have no idea how people looked at it and thought that it was normal behavior from someone. I even think he's a sociopath, and a bit of a psychopath too. He intentionally got one of my friends pissed at me, saying I was fricking with her motorcycle when I was just feet away looking at it. While she was b***hing me out he was in the window fricking laughing at me.

    • 3 months ago

      Autism tends to give you a lot of identity issues. If you're autistic you don't get people, which means you don't get yourself either which is an often overlooked part of autism.

      • 3 months ago

        this is very true, when men feel like they don't belong they latch onto anything. shits sad.

      • 3 months ago

        tbh I can't even describe my personality or who I am exactly
        I'm sometimes not even sure about my hobbies or the things I hate or like

        • 3 months ago

          You think normalgays can describe themselves? I can't describe myself, but I do sometimes get compliments over the way I can act.

      • 3 months ago

        Oof that was cold
        But I think you're right

  89. 3 months ago

    Genuine question: what the frick even is autism? I grew up with a buddy who had a brother who was diagnosed as autistic, but he was literally a nonverbal moron. That's what I always thought autism was but when I got older I learned it had a "spectrum" -- which sounds like a whole lot of bullshit. I honestly think the majority of autism diagnosis aren't real, and that doctors use it as a blanket diagnosis when they don't know how the frick to explain various forms of mental deficiencies. It also feels like EVERYONE has a bit of the tism these days, which is weird. Where were all these autistic morons like fifty years ago? Getting lobotomies?

    • 3 months ago

      Neurodivergency. People will say that higher functioning autistis are just spoiled brats or that they just have poor social skills, but its a very real thing. It has to do with the neurological wiring in one's brain ( hence "neurodivergency"). This is why autists see the world so much differently than others and can't social with neurotypicals properly, they literally have brains that are wired different

    • 3 months ago

      It's literally a modern grift/humiliation ritual for whiteoids

      captcha: ssad

    • 3 months ago

      The spectrum thing is new actually. Shit like aspergers or PDD-NOS used to be different diagnoses, now they're all just autistic. It's a moronic system, evidenced by how it confuses the frick out of normies like you. People should be able to at least somewhat accurately guess what a diagnosis means for someone.
      >doctors use it as a blanket diagnosis when they don't know how the frick to explain various forms of mental deficiencies
      So yeah it's unironically just this. It's stupid and we're gonna look back on this in shame in some years.
      >It also feels like EVERYONE has a bit of the tism these days, which is weird.
      What do you nean exactly?

    • 3 months ago

      About the spectrum being bullshit, while it is in fact a spectrum, I understand why you say it because people who consider the term Asperger is offensive will use that as a cop out for "inclusivity". I disagree with them because having Asperger as a possible diagnosis helps to identify autism and provide guidance or treatment, actually helping instead of fulfilling an agenda.

    • 3 months ago

      Autism is a spectrum, not a single mental health condition. It has widened considerably over the years. There were other terms used for lighter cases like PDD-NOS which tends to be more mixed with other mental issues that could run contrary to "regular" autism (McDD for one tends to lead to over-emotional behaviour and tendency to avoid proper logical courses of action). Someone who is non-verbal and "only" autistic would be classical. One of the earlier diagnosis due to it being far easier to spot.

      This spectrum has been researched more and more over the years which leads to the subtler varieties being discovered. Instead of the weirdos of old, you now have weirdo autists. People figured out what their deal was. They didn't increase anymore than anything else has, we just figured out it was a thing like with any other condition.

      To put autism itself in a simple way, think of it as the brain being wired differently. A common theme is that people all over the spectrum are more focused on singular points. They have a lower limit of objects they can pay attention to by default, but on the other hand they can get very into specifics and learn much from it. It's why they are very useful in data analysis. Far more pattern-minded and with a heavy leaning towards logical thought, but very stubborn in their worldview.

      Honestly it's better to keep it seperated more rather than put more under the same umbrella. It muddies any recognition you might get from any term.

      • 3 months ago

        I hate how bad it sounds to say "Autism spectrum", because people aren't going to think about the spectrum side. They're only going to think about the Autism side and judge you over that. Aspergers isn't great either, but it's easier to make people understand that you're not fully autistic.

    • 3 months ago

      Autism's a spectrum but there's been a lot of people starting to differentiate and suggest that nonverbal moron autism is not even the same as high functioning spergism

      IIRC, asperger's syndrome and high-functioning autism was coined by the nazis back in the 30s or 40s because some doctor realized that there were people classified with autism who weren't actually moronic and should be given a chance.

      • 3 months ago

        Hans Asperger, which Aspergers' Syndrome was named after, pioneered the whole "high functioning autism"/"autism is a spectrum" thing. He euthanized low-functioning autists who couldn't function in Nazi Germany but fought for the protection for high-functioning autistic people.

        • 3 months ago

          my ancestor 🙂

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, I read up a bit on him. Not a lot, I think it's crucial to understand why he had those diagnoses and about him as a person also. I just wish it wasn't "Assburgers".

  90. 3 months ago

    remind me of that one anon
    whos dad was so far on autism meter that his grandma adopt some girl and groom her to be his wife, just cause she wanted grandchildren
    then after grandma kick the buckets his mom packed shit up and frick off
    now he has to take care of his autism dad and sister, while having a mild autism himself

  91. 3 months ago

    >First ever Autism representation in a video game
    Meanwhile 20 years ago

    • 3 months ago

      >Spit drinking

    • 3 months ago

      >visual novel
      A powerpoint show is not a video game

  92. 3 months ago

    Why do so many autists use Ganker?

    • 3 months ago

      I can call random people Black folk and homosexuals and you can't say it was me
      If I say something moronic I can just close the thread and pretend it never happened, nobody knows I wrote that anyway

    • 3 months ago

      its anonymous

  93. 3 months ago

    >autist thread
    >everyone saying that their neets and what not
    >mfw my autism made me join the air force
    You Sicken me, all of you

    • 3 months ago

      hows it feel being a pawn of the military industrial complex?

      • 3 months ago

        was that an epic dogma reference?

        • 3 months ago

          Yes, everybody knows that word "Pawn" was invented by the Dragon's Dogma devs

          • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Unirocally good
        >t.a400m pilot

    • 3 months ago

      Being a loyal goy isn't real autism

      • 3 months ago

        not a burger, désolé :3

        • 3 months ago

          >dying in ukraine/africa for a homosexual rothschild puppet that brings africans to replace you
          Can't think of anything more pathetic that being french or anglo

          • 3 months ago

            >he thinks im going to the front
            moron, eitherway ill get transferred to the nuclear div.

  94. 3 months ago

    Bazinga my fellow autists xD!

  95. 3 months ago

    And this isn't even the first time autism was represented in video games. (Even though it really shouldn't have to begin with.)

  96. 3 months ago

    any other spergs feel like parts of their brains are missing?

    • 3 months ago

      Pretty sure the thing that produces serotonin in mine is busted.

      • 3 months ago

        homie I feel some weird funky shit in the right side of my head, and ever since I started smoking heavy weed I literally feel this bone like sensation in my head like there is this shit cotton ball like fluid stuck in my brain, and I even feel this disgusting shit moving around in my head when I suck my cheeks in. And I can't think straight anymore or look at something without picturing something else, like I've just left reality and am stuck in my mind.

        • 3 months ago

          Probably should try not smoking weed for a while and see if the feeling persists.

          • 3 months ago

            Damn but still how fricked is my brain I've never heard of even the worst stoner experiencing this. It feels like the right side of my head has some shit stuck inside that blocks my thinking, and even when I smoke now I can't even get that high because it feels like the th c can't enter the right side of my head. I need a t break for sure lol but still wtf is this feeling. It's like the right side of my brain is clogged with cotton balls, and when I smoked last time I literally felt bones crackling in my head like parts of my skull which were previously closed were opening up lol like wtf. I've probably been smoking some reggie

            • 3 months ago

              If it's really that bad you should consider seeing a doctor.

              • 3 months ago

                I've been considering. I just don't know how this happens by smoking a shit ton of weed, I've literally never heard of this happening to anyone else. I looked up a thing called "occupital neuralgia", where the nerves going from your neck to your scalp are damaged and it describes exactly how I feel. But idk how smoking pot damaged my fricking nerves if that's the case lmao but if anything it feels better now and I feel less pain now

              • 3 months ago

                It could be your supply, do you trust were you're getting it from? If they're dodgy they may be tampering with it, I have heard of weed that can induce schizophrenia like symptoms into people.

              • 3 months ago

                No one tampers with weed, other shit easily.

              • 3 months ago

                It's some weed from my local pot shop ( I live in Leafland so it's legal here), but its cheap as frick and in pretty sure its some low quality shit ( hence the cheap price you can get a pre roll for fricking $3.50 lmao) but I'm broke so that's what I bought, but I'm gonna stop going there now for sure lmao

  97. 3 months ago

    Why'd they make the skin a woman when women can't be autistic?

    • 3 months ago

      There are authistic women but due to woman are good fakers they hide it

  98. 3 months ago

    I’m still amazed that Chris unironically won and got all the charges dismissed. He’s going to outlast us all, somehow.

    • 3 months ago

      he didn't win, it just got thrown out because of an autism law in virginia

      • 3 months ago

        Honestly, seeing how incredibly deranged and autistic he is, that's justified.

        • 3 months ago

          I honestly don't think Chris is high functioning. A lot of people with aspergers aren't even close to being as moronic and socially unaware as he is. He is a literal child in a grown man's body, there is no way he is "high functioning"

          • 3 months ago

            The bar for "high-functioning" isn't as high as you think. He isn't nonverbal or any of that shit. Chris also had parents who were pretty much insane too and they refused to get him help.

            You gotta realise that "high-functioning" doesn't mean high-functioning compared to a normal person, it means high-functioning for an autist. Chris's autism is fricking bad, but there's more than enough "people" who are twice as bad. And he's a schizophrenic too, which contributes to his total disconnect from reality.

            • 3 months ago

              I hate that he's from VA, I thought he was from Minnesota or some shit.

              • 3 months ago

                He's from Charlottesville or some nearby bumfrick town called ruckersville. He is probably ruckersville and Charlottesville most notable person

            • 3 months ago

              Overall, Chris is fricked. He's literally a child in a 40 year old man's body, it sounds like a terrifying fricking existence. He should be put somewhere

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, and that’s victory in that scenario

  99. 3 months ago

    what's your experience with autists
    mine was in middle school. his bag smelled like garbage and one time I made a joke and he laughed for an uncomfortably long time and it distracted the class

    • 3 months ago

      I had a level 2 autist in my class, he would play music loudly from his phone when no one else wanted to hear it

    • 3 months ago

      I was the autist. It sucked.

    • 3 months ago

      This one kid in my high school would just say random gibberish like in the cafeteria like yelling "European ps2" lol. He also called black kids Black folk but he got away with it because no one could do anything. He is severely autistic but is tall as frick like 6'5 probably and is white

    • 3 months ago

      Had some kid who kept on quoting lines from the CDI Zelda games randomly in class. Kind of annoying just hearing him say mah boi after a while.

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      There were two autists in my class in middle school.

      One was this really tall, chubby guy. Tallest kid in the class, fattest kid in the class. Guy was like a gentle giant. He could barely speak, always referred to himself in third person, his voice/accent was weird as if he learned how to talk from watching cartoons or something, and he had the vocabulariy of a 4-5 year old. Sometimes out of completely no where, when all was calm in the class, the guy would fricking SCREAM angrily at the top of his lungs and then throw a fricking autistic temper tantrum in which the teacher and aid would have to pile over him, restrain him and haul him to the time out room. There was even a time where for whatever reason he stripped buck naked in the washroom and ran around the school halls naked and it took like 5-10 teachers to corner and stop him. It was only a decade later when I was catching up with one of my teachers when I asked about the autist and the teacher revealed to me that despite everything, the guy was extremely intelligent and all the time in middle-school, he had a custom, tailor made curriculum where he was like 3-4 years ahead of everyone else when it came to math and history.

      The other autist, back in middle school, didn't even seem autistic. Wasn't low functioning but wasn't high functioning either. Somewhere in the middle. He spoke with a heavy lisp and he was a huge, unironic wigger obsessed with Eminem and other rap musicians, dressed like a stereotypical gangster. Would joke around about shooting up the school and constantly was suspended and thrown into time-out. He'd even call his teachers Black folk and would walk around with a toy gun from the dollar store. For some reason he was incredibly independent and would walk to and form school and his parents were drugged out of their mind trailer trash. I didn't even know he was autistic until I caught up with my teacher a decade later.

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago


        And regarding the wigger autist, I have one fond memory where on a field trip to a science center or something and the wigger autist kind of went out of control and separated from the group to do his own thing, when we finally found him the staff of the science place were trying to apprehend him and didn't know what to fricking do with the guy, turns out that the guy was running around calling random people Black folk (including a black family who happened to be there), and I was right close by when the teacher eventually tackled him to the ground and said something along the lines "You can't say that word to THOSE people, they'll KILL YOU. THEY'RE NOT LIKE US" in a hushed/whispered, but angry voice

        I can't tell if my teacher was redpilled or not but it always stuck in my memory as simultaneously hilarious and "lolwat"

        • 3 months ago

          The idea of a wigger chris-chan is one of the funniest things I've ever heard.

    • 3 months ago

      I had this one classmate that was just rude to everyone and kind of a loner. You could set him off by just talking to him, but looking back, I don't think he was conscious of how rude he was. Or maybe he was and just couldn't help it, idk
      Essentially think Dan from Dan vs. If you look up any clip from that show you'd see exactly how he was

  100. 3 months ago

    It even has his fricking MLP sunglasses

  101. 3 months ago

    I genuinely feel offended that they're turning my disability into a quirk chungus personality quirk about wearing silly hats and shit.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah, and people claiming they're "autistic" as a substitute for a boring personality and gives them the excuse to be "quirky" and "weird", when we've all fricking suffered.

  102. 3 months ago

    Remember that even Chris-chan has driving license
    Do YOU?

    • 3 months ago

      currently doing mine to liaise with trannies

  103. 3 months ago

    stimming like that isnt a fricking thing, why did normalshits pick up on this of all things

  104. 3 months ago

    Why is autism so more common nowadays? Feels like people self diagnose it just to say they have something. I don't know why anyone would want to be an autist, shit sux.

    • 3 months ago

      its quirky and trendy
      idk why doctors push it as there are no meds for the tism

    • 3 months ago

      A lot of self diagnosis.

    • 3 months ago

      The character isn't supposed to be autistic it's just a funny coincidence, theres no mention of it anywhere, not even by epics PR.

      A lot of dickheads think its quirky and fun so they self diagnose, and this is accepted because calling people out for it is mean or whatever.

  105. 3 months ago

    >mfw im barely fricking autistic
    >diagnosticed with autistic troubles
    what the FRICK am i

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