>"fix" a nothingburger. >scorch shot and short circuit are still broken

>"fix" a nothingburger
>scorch shot and short circuit are still broken
what is their problem?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Oh yes nerf pyro even more

    • 2 years ago

      pyro has got nothing but buffs from launch

      • 2 years ago

        Yet he's still a weak motherfricker that gets decimated by anyone with a shotgun and 2 braincells

      • 2 years ago

        And it's still the worst class in the game that loses to every class but the Sniper in close range

        • 2 years ago

          Nah it loses to Sniper too
          >get close enough to light him on fire
          >jarate himself and you
          >kills you with melee

        • 2 years ago

          Nah I'm going to say spy is worse. Pyro would be fine if it wasnt for the fact sniper, soldier, medic, have all gotten so much better with unlocks and scout unlocked so many items that just straight up counter him.
          Seriously though who at valve thought it was a good idea to give sniper 2 passives that shut down 2 classes specifically with 0 effort?

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah thanks for buffing away my 195 damage axtinguisher, my minicrit shotgun, and the size of my dragon's fury fireballs.

        • 2 years ago

          THIS, imagine the absolute seethe from two-axing an overhealed heavy that cant aim. i wished i mained pyro before all his shit got nerfed. it really is the funnest class when everything is going his way

      • 2 years ago

        I wish. I miss the old axtinguisher
        >slow close range class isn't allowed a reward for closing the gap

        • 2 years ago

          I want the old axtinguisher back too but come on

    • 2 years ago

      >Oh yes nerf pyro even more
      Yes please

  2. 2 years ago

    unnerf the ullapool you cowards

  3. 2 years ago

    I exclusively play mge and I do not care about balancing classes that aren't soldier, scout, sniper or demo.

    • 2 years ago

      Should've said "I'm a homosexual". More concise.

    • 2 years ago

      >i exclusively ay MGE
      Your opinion is fricking worthless then, frick off.

  4. 2 years ago

    >scorch shot
    No, scorch shot is good.
    If anything, Pyro's other secondaries should be brought up to the level of scorch shot, maybe then Pyro would have a real niche apart from "burning people is cool".

    • 2 years ago

      Detonator should auto-detonate if it hits a target
      Stock flare should have a reload speed boost if it nails someone
      The other flare should fire in a straight line and at a faster pace

    • 2 years ago

      >Pyro would have a real niche apart from "burning people is cool"
      do you listen to yourself?

      • 2 years ago

        Do you know what maybe means?

  5. 2 years ago

    >what is their problem?
    The fact TF2 hasn't been good for years, is technically and mechanically outmoded, has been visually downgraded to add hat effects and is honestly about as much fun as chewing glass.
    Unironically it needs taking out the back and shooting, and in an ideal world replacing with a new game, but Valve are content to keep the rotten corpse online so people spend more money buying particle effects and weapon skins.

    • 2 years ago

      works on my machine

    • 2 years ago

      >kill TF2 for the sake of TF3
      thank fricking god you aren't a developer

      • 2 years ago

        Why? The game is like 15 years old and is borderline unplayable at this point, even aside from the bots it's just crusty and boring. It's time to move on already.

        Even if TF2 was never good, it's always been better than its competitors.

        But then, I guess we should just all be grateful we don't get TF2 'Reforged'... Lmao.

        Overwatch was an unironically better game than TF2 and the only reason I stopped playing it was Blizzard pandering to Red China.

    • 2 years ago

      Even if TF2 was never good, it's always been better than its competitors.

      But then, I guess we should just all be grateful we don't get TF2 'Reforged'... Lmao.

  6. 2 years ago

    shot and short circuit are still broken
    lmao even

  7. 2 years ago

    unnerf the sandman and cleaver combo

  8. 2 years ago


    >2 pills
    >Change 20% damage vs buildings to 20% damage (in general)
    Fixed it.
    The 20% damage only working versus buildings was only a thing because TF2 used to have random damage spread. With random damage spread removed 20% increased damage should be just fine.

    • 2 years ago

      this but also give it the ability to reload two pills at once like the force a nature and soda popper

      • 2 years ago

        Do you have any idea how big pills are? Demo can't hold both of them in his hands.

        • 2 years ago

          I think he could.

          • 2 years ago

            he could but he'd drop one because he missed

            • 2 years ago

              He's been missing the barrels on the stock gl since 2007

        • 2 years ago

          It could be loadable with a clip that has a handle.

  9. 2 years ago

    They keep nerfing every fun weapon and just making sure nobody uses anything other than stock.

    • 2 years ago

      Yea man, totally.

      • 2 years ago

        decent point, but the crossbow might as well be stock now, before its release, no one used syringe guns, there was zero point to doing anything other than healing or slapping shit with uber saw. after release there's zero point to using a single other syringe gun.

        • 2 years ago

          The Overdose IS viable.

          I particularly prefer it over the crossbow with the vaccinator, there are a number of reasons why.

          It sucks that the most important and powerful class also has the smallest viable loadout variety.
          If you aren't using the crossbow and ubersaw you might as well be griefing.
          All the medi-guns are good though. But that's literally it. That's the only thing.

          Solemn vow and amputator are both viable, and good in different situations and different loadouts.

          • 2 years ago

            >Solemn vow
            Absolute meme unless you're a competitive gay and you're communicating with your team.
            I guess that one is ok, but still inferior to the ubersaw.

            • 2 years ago

              >Absolute meme unless you're a competitive gay and you're communicating with your team.

              Or you're trying to pick an enemy with your crossbow.... I think you just are not very imaginative.

              • 2 years ago

                >looking at someone's health BEFORE shooting them
                >Playing medic so you can be a worse huntsman sniper which is already a worse sniper
                Medictards sasuga

              • 2 years ago

                >No, you can't use your crossbow to kill people from across the map because... You just can't ok?

                The most satisfying thing about medic is when I kill a heavy with a crit crossbow bolt.

              • 2 years ago

                Medic's job is to heal people
                If you want to kill people across the map maybe you should pick the class with the instant 150 damage infinite range hitscan gun, moron

              • 2 years ago

                is that a yassified keith stack lesbian

              • 2 years ago

                Yes but she's from koth_brazil

              • 2 years ago

                he did just put out a comic about her having massive breasts so i'll let it slide.......... this time

              • 2 years ago

                Yes but she's from koth_brazil

                You repost troony art, why should anyone listen yo you?

              • 2 years ago

                But I can heal people AND kill people from across the map as medic.

                I think you're the type of person I would refuse to heal, because you feel entitled to other peoples' support rather than grateful.

              • 2 years ago

                >I think you're the type of person I would refuse to heal,
                gaytown alert. no medic shouldn't heal out of grudge. this is evil and a losing mindset. adapt the mindset of not healing spies instead.

              • 2 years ago

                >rather than grateful.
                Oh, great. Another "don't forget to thank me for doing my job" gay

                Called it. You guys are just petty tyrants, "PLAY THE WAY I TELL YOU TO"



                You guys are massive gays and I would rather you play overwatch.

              • 2 years ago
                post ur hours :)

                medic should heal. even if the heavy is a homosexual, a living tank with 450 is worth having on your team....... even if the solider is a homosexual, 300 hp wins fights..... please heal.......
                t.syringe gun truther

              • 2 years ago

                These homosexuals don't realize I have no incentive to go medic in a 12v12, as they certainly refuse to.

                >even if the heavy is a homosexual, a living tank with 450 is worth having on your team....... even if the solider is a homosexual, 300 hp wins fights

                If the heavy doesn't know what disguises are, and if the soldier likes to rocket jump away from me and leave me alone at 85% ubercharge, then I'm a fool for playing medic.

                Just as the players that think me healing them is my job, when I would much rather switch to spy and backstab enemies while my teammates suffer their own hubris.

              • 2 years ago

                you can't handle the burden of medic. you focus on the self and not the whole. go on, and play 3 kills 15 deaths demoknight. it's more your speed. (kick bait)

              • 2 years ago

                >you can't handle the burden of medic.

                Let me guess, you are not a medic main.

                >you focus on the self and not the whole

                Projection from someone who is actively trying to deny his team mates from having fun. Triage demands a medic prioritize his own life and the life of other medics over anyone else. You cannot heal if you are dead. Moreover, you clearly don't care about protecting your medic (and the 'wholistic' game changing ubercharges), as you only care about your own fun.

                When I play medic I am making a sacrifice. I don't even care if my team mates are new, as long as they are willing to play as a team. What point is there to playing medic if my team mates despise teamwork, as you clearly do?

              • 2 years ago

                post your hours. i'll take you seriously once i see them

              • 2 years ago

                You first. You're the one demanding someone else sacrifice all and any fun to feed your ego.

              • 2 years ago

                no matter what you post after this.... you will be the man who didn't post.... ( we hang those)

              • 2 years ago

                This is already from a few weeks ago.

                I would post class breakdown, but it's not entirely accurate. The class breakdown only accounts for about half of my playtime. (Steam stats shows it for 1400 hrs of my total).

              • 2 years ago

                no one cares about total hours..... noob,,,,,,

              • 2 years ago

                >medic should heal (me and only me, constantly all of the time)
                There are other people on the team to heal and times where not as much healing is needed. Not every medic is going to spend 100% of the game with the medigun rammed up your butthole and sometimes in the process of trying to keep as many people on the team alive as possible you find yourself needing to shoot someone and not having a teammate ready to do it for you. If you can't see the benefit of being able to take a long range pot shot or needle down someone the heavy is too tunnel visioned to notice you've either never played much medic or spent all of the playtime in the pocket of your discord boyfriend.

              • 2 years ago

                medic should heal the people killing people. and MAYBE the people low health. also don't forget to heal the people in combat and not out of it if you can help it.
                nothing wrong with pocketing the clear no life solider, anything to WIN.

              • 2 years ago

                >L-look guys I can DM too as a med
                Lol. Lmao, even.

              • 2 years ago

                The fact I know you seethe every time a medic kills you fills me with joy.

                I hope you anticipate dying to my bolts.

              • 2 years ago

                >rather than grateful.
                Oh, great. Another "don't forget to thank me for doing my job" gay

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >Play what you enjoy
                >But if you're playing medic and ever switch off your medigun I will insult you

                You cannot remain coherent, because you are ruled by your demons.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not even the same person you are whining about you moronic homosexual. I am personally mocking your need for gratitude, and acting like if you play a support class you are above reproach. You act like playing medic is a fricking favor, like its a fricking penance. Go frick yourself.

              • 2 years ago

                Bottomscoring homosexual detected
                Just pick sniper and be like the other four morons on the team sitting in the spawn door as sniper getting farmed by the 27 killstreak sniper on the other team

              • 2 years ago

                Massive loser that always blames his team detected.

                You would rather someone be a fifth sniper than play medic and occasionally shoot at the enemy. The reasoning of a piece of subhuman garbage.

              • 2 years ago

                >Just pick sniper
                >proceed to explain precisely why that's a bad idea
                Where were you going with this?

              • 2 years ago

                You know what? That's a fair point. You're probably still better off equipping ubersaw like fricking everyone else does (fricking thing has always been OP), but that actually does seem like a good use for solemn vow regardless.

                Other anons are giving you crap about not being a full-time healer or whatever, but the fact is when you have the means to know when an enemy is low on health and a weapon that does decent long-range damage which can be quickly fired off between heals you will gain some value being able to secure those kills.

              • 2 years ago

                It's a meaningless upside. Like I said in the post above yours. If you're the kind of medic to want to make picks with the crossbow you're probably the kind of medic that will shoot enemies with the crossbow anyways. The solemn vow doesn't actually change anything in that situation unless you start getting very specific. Just equipping the ubersaw is better.

              • 2 years ago

                i kill more people as medic than you on demo. perchance.

              • 2 years ago

                >If you're the kind of medic to want to make picks with the crossbow you're probably the kind of medic that will shoot enemies with the crossbow anyways.
                That's an assumption though. What stops a medic from using solemn vow to prioritise crossbow shots on enemies who he knows is low on health? It minimises time spent dealing damage to the times when it really matters allowing you to focus on heals better.

              • 2 years ago

                >allowing you to focus on heals better.
                If you ever take shots at enemies using the bow you're either A: Giving up healing/overhealing time or B: You're playing too far from your team, cutting your worth to the team. There are 0 situations where using the crossbow to deal damage is more efficient than just doing your primary role of healing.

              • 2 years ago

                >There are 0 situations where using the crossbow to deal damage is more efficient than just doing your primary role of healing.

                Show us your time spent playing each class.

              • 2 years ago

                no he's right. no reason to arrow the enemy when you can heal. hell no reason to arrow teammates unless out of range. (maybe arrow tanking heavy?)
                it means less uber build and i NEED my ubers to come out all the time super time

              • 2 years ago

                >There are 0 situations where using the crossbow to deal damage is more efficient than just doing your primary role of healing.

                Show us your time spent playing each class.

                These aren't 100% accurate but whatever.
                I've spent more time sitting in comp pre-games than you've played period, gay.

              • 2 years ago

                kneeling rn. powerful.

              • 2 years ago

                >top played class is soldier
                yawn, play a real class

              • 2 years ago

                >that ui

              • 2 years ago

                Well thank you for posting. This confirms exactly what I thought, though.

                You're a soldier main that has no respect for the medic helping you.

              • 2 years ago

                >still not posting
                the hangman knocketh,,,,, post.

              • 2 years ago

                I posted total here

                This is already from a few weeks ago.

                I would post class breakdown, but it's not entirely accurate. The class breakdown only accounts for about half of my playtime. (Steam stats shows it for 1400 hrs of my total).

                As I said, this is only 1432 hrs that steam has on record out of my 2700+

              • 2 years ago

                no one cares about total hours..... noob,,,,,,

              • 2 years ago

                FUUUU, forgot image.

              • 2 years ago

                sniper/spy getting mad the solider wants heals.
                we figured out why the thread is shit. pack up.

              • 2 years ago

                Soldier who doesn't understand I have no incentive to heal him when acts like he has lead poisoning and a personality disorder.

                I've gotten compliments on my medic play. I've saved soldier's lives by landing a clutch bolt on them while they were rocket jumping into sentry fire.

                But for you, I'll go cloak and dagger spy and sit invisible the whole match. Maybe feed the enemy medic some ubersaw hits, who knows?

              • 2 years ago

                don't let the haters get you down. i aspire to be the solider/spy main of the future. puke at the UI though

              • 2 years ago

                Respect for having heavy as your least played though.

              • 2 years ago

                >You're playing too far from your team,
                Not the case at all, crossbow can be fired at range, in fact it's ideally fired from range, given last I checked it has an inverse falloff.

                >Giving up healing/overhealing time
                Yes but it's a very minimum break in heals for doing something that can have value that exceeds that drawback.

                Let's put it like this, would it not be extremely useful to take out the enemy medic for example? Especially since:

                no he's right. no reason to arrow the enemy when you can heal. hell no reason to arrow teammates unless out of range. (maybe arrow tanking heavy?)
                it means less uber build and i NEED my ubers to come out all the time super time

                >less uber build and i NEED my ubers
                Denying the enemy team an uber is just as useful and having one yourself. You're basically trading away a couple of % of uber to fire the bolt in return of potentially depleting the entire enemies uber bar.

              • 2 years ago

                >ideally fired from range
                Not the point I was making, the point was that if you're in a situation where firing the crossbow won't cost decent healing time then you're out of position.
                >minimum break
                Doesn't matter, nerfing yourself for no reason is not good.
                >take out the enemy medic
                If the enemy med is low enough that a 60~ damage bolt kills them then your team should've taken care of him already

                >that ui

                don't let the haters get you down. i aspire to be the solider/spy main of the future. puke at the UI though

                Yeah the HUD came like that and I am too lazy to frick with it, I mainly got the HUD because it's got flat numbers close to the crosshair. Compgay efficiency ya know.

              • 2 years ago

                >If the enemy med is low enough that a 60~ damage bolt kills them then your team should've taken care of him already
                What if they don't manage to? Especially if it's a pub-environment so players aren't necessarily focusing on who they should be.

              • 2 years ago

                >What if they don't manage to?
                Then either the med's already around a corner from you/your team or you're playing with fresh installs. In the second case try communicating with the teammates.

                >If the enemy med is low enough that a 60~ damage bolt kills them then your team should've taken care of him already

                This is just more proof of your moronic reasoning to never be wrong.

                Somehow you've never escaped with 60hp as a medic, but you think you're good. Lmao.

                If you're low on med and you're still in sightlines you deserve everything that comes to you. Please go watch some vids on how meds actually play.

              • 2 years ago

                >If the enemy med is low enough that a 60~ damage bolt kills them then your team should've taken care of him already

                This is just more proof of your moronic reasoning to never be wrong.

                Somehow you've never escaped with 60hp as a medic, but you think you're good. Lmao.

              • 2 years ago

                >your team should've taken care of him already
                Your entire argument is just "if everyone plays 100% perfectly you'll never need to do anything but heal constantly". Not everyone rolls around with a full competitive team that's basing their entire game plan around protecting the medic and diving on the enemy medic. Occasionally shit gets chaotic and sometimes it can be far more beneficial to the team or necessary for survival to just fricking shoot someone yourself.

              • 2 years ago

                >Your entire argument is just

                Confirmation bias. That's what it is. He'll dismiss realistic scenarios (like medics getting baited by ubersaw) then invent and believe in fantasy scenarios (Like medics getting baited by the solemn vow?)

                The thing to learn from this is much of humanity is that moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not the solemn vow anon, look elsewhere. Also if you're actively chasing ubersaw hits you're moronic, cmon.

                >your team should've taken care of him already
                Your entire argument is just "if everyone plays 100% perfectly you'll never need to do anything but heal constantly". Not everyone rolls around with a full competitive team that's basing their entire game plan around protecting the medic and diving on the enemy medic. Occasionally shit gets chaotic and sometimes it can be far more beneficial to the team or necessary for survival to just fricking shoot someone yourself.

                You are playing the support class, with weapons designed to be less effective than other classes because you have access to healing/overhealing. No matter the situation you are more useful to the team by doing your primary job and allowing them to do theirs better, even if they are beyond moronic. And even when they ARE that moronic you ought to be communicating/helping them learn how to play well with a med. If you don't want to do that don't play med then.

              • 2 years ago

                >Also if you're actively chasing ubersaw hits you're moronic, cmon.

                Yes, just like if having better information leads to you making worse decisions, you must be moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                Did you not read what I posted anon? I'm not the guy advocating for the solemn vow.

              • 2 years ago

                >Did you not read what I posted anon?

                Anon, you are so deep into confirmation bias you are now unable to understand people are disagreeing with you.

                >I'm not the guy advocating for the solemn vow.

                Are you in elementary school? That's the only way having such poor reading comprehension is possible. We're insulting you because of your criticisms of the solemn vow. You are the one confused, not us.

              • 2 years ago

                >weapons designed to be less effective than other classes
                The fact that they're less effective doesn't imply that you're never meant to use them. If I can whip out the crossbow and finish off a retreating enemy why the frick would I not? In an unthinkable situation where my team of randos are not all covering me as I retreat to a healthpack, why would I not try to needle the frick out of some scout/pryo that's running at me? I'm not disagreeing that I wouldn't need to do that in an ideal situation, I'm saying that the ideal situations where my team kills everyone else effortlessly and never fail to cover for me are exceedingly rare.

              • 2 years ago

                >If I can whip out the crossbow and finish off a retreating enemy why the frick would I not?
                This is the entire arguement's point, the reason you shouldn't is because your time is better spent healing. And if you run into situations where your time wouldn't be better spent healing, you're not positioned well.
                > I not try to needle the frick out of some scout/pryo that's running at me?
                We've only been talking about the crossbow, the syringe gun excels at this and is the reason you'd even consider using it. If you have the crossbow here your better off just meleeing, actually.

              • 2 years ago

                >Even if that enemy is about to get away, I'd rather let him live than let my medic get a kill

                Lead poisoning at its finest.

              • 2 years ago

                >the reason you shouldn't is because your time is better spent healing
                How long do you think it takes to pop off a crossbow shot? If I see an enemy retreating, then just the chance that I can send him to the respawn queue instead of the nearest health pack is worth the emotional damage that not being completely overhealed for a second will cause to the soldier main I'm following. You're acting like people are advocating for medics acting like second rate snipers when they're just saying that the crossbow is handy for picking off stragglers.

              • 2 years ago

                It's not just the time to pop the shot off. It's your position, your look direction, your awareness, your enemies knowledge of where you are. You sacrifice way more than you think to take a quick shot off rather than focusing on helping the team.

              • 2 years ago

                >It's your position, your look direction, your awareness, your enemies knowledge of where you are.
                All of that can be done before you even switch off the medigun to take your shot. Fricking moron.

            • 2 years ago

              >Absolute meme unless you're a competitive gay and you're communicating with your team.
              you really underestimate the power of knowing HP

            • 2 years ago

              Compgayging is actually precisely where solemn vow is at its most useless, everyone is already keeping tabs on how much damage has been done to the enemy team.

        • 2 years ago

          >no one used syringe guns, there was zero point to doing anything other than healing or slapping shit with uber saw
          I feel like I'm the only person who appreciates the little bit of closer range bite the syringe guns give you. Probably mostly because I play medic like an aggressive moron. Sure, the crossbow is better in just about every way that matters, but everyone sleeps on the syringe guns so hard that you can get a hilarious amount of kills just by holding S+M1.

          • 2 years ago

            One of the most fun moments I've had in TF2 happened when I had a 1v1 with a scout that was just T-posing around gravelpit and I was at like full vaccinator charges with the overdose trying to catch him for one of my medic achievements I still have (kill 50 scouts with syringe guns...)

            It was actually pretty funny. The speedboost combined with the damage penalty, and the fact he was a scout fully focused on dodging around gave us both a good giggle.

        • 2 years ago

          i wonder how horrible would making it so syringe guns other than the blutsauger heal a small ammount on hit be?

          • 2 years ago

            They would just be worse blut or better blut. Trait sharing with weapons is a bad idea.

        • 2 years ago

          Blutsauger was great way back in the day before it's lifesteal got nerfed hard.

      • 2 years ago

        decent point, but the crossbow might as well be stock now, before its release, no one used syringe guns, there was zero point to doing anything other than healing or slapping shit with uber saw. after release there's zero point to using a single other syringe gun.

        It sucks that the most important and powerful class also has the smallest viable loadout variety.
        If you aren't using the crossbow and ubersaw you might as well be griefing.
        All the medi-guns are good though. But that's literally it. That's the only thing.

        • 2 years ago

          >It sucks that the most important and powerful class also has the smallest viable loadout variety.
          heavy isn't the most important and powerful class

    • 2 years ago

      >getting stunned is fun

      • 2 years ago

        how about it gets back its crit combo with the cleaver? or even fixe the broken slow effect? Or just give knock-back so we can do that acheevo without going to a special server

        • 2 years ago

          How about you get nothing
          git gud or cry about it

  10. 2 years ago

    I played with this last night and the change is honestly barely noticeable.

    Did I miss a few lazy shots that I deserved to miss but would have connected before? Absolutely. But there is no doubt the big projectile size was just allowing me to really play without any effort at all.

  11. 2 years ago

    Iron bomber had the original, un-nerfed hitbox. Every other weapon was broken except for iron bomber.

  12. 2 years ago

    Loose Cannon should get the larger hitbox that Iron Bomber had seeing as how large the actual cannon balls are.

    • 2 years ago

      that'd be stupid and lower the skill floor

  13. 2 years ago

    >Loud brapping echoes throughout the map
    >Camera cuts to RED base
    >Heavy is sitting on Scout's face
    >Scout is visibly erect
    >Heavy pulls out a hot pepper and eats it
    >Eyes go wide
    >"Uh oh"
    >Lets out an atomic brap
    >Scout gets up
    >His face is on fire
    >Sniper runs in and throws a mason jar at the Scout
    >"I upgraded mates!"
    >Heavy looks at the Scout
    >The jar was full of chunky half liquid shit
    >Scout pops a boner again
    >Demo walks in and begins fricking the Scout while smothering as much of the poo on him as possible
    >Scout braps hard enough to inflate the demo and separate them
    >"I've got two dickets to the cum show, and I'm not giving 'em to ya. I'm going with YOUR dickets"
    >Demo begins to float away
    >Spy runs up and grabs the demo's legs
    >"Well, off to visit your mothers!"
    >Spy slips due to the poop and lands anus first on the scope of a BLU sniper who was looking up and spinning (He's a bot)
    >Sniper begins shooting
    >Spy begins pissing and sharting from the experience
    >Medic and Engineer gaze upon the whole scene with a concerned look on their faces

    • 2 years ago
  14. 2 years ago

    Just half the required damage for Gas Passer outside of MvM. Phlog only needs like what, 350 so you and your medic butt buddy can dominate the entire server? I think a slightly spammable gas can isn't going to annoy anyone too bad.

    • 2 years ago

      Give pyro two secondary slots. Have it so flare gun and shotgun are the stock for them.

      Now both gas passer and jetpack can be justified because you can pick one and not be removed of any kind of range capability.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah, all they need to do with the jetpack is give you a slightly faster holster timer so switching to your weapon mid flight isn't such a hassle. What you're giving up in range you make up for in mobility and ambush potential but switching to your flamethrower after using it so slow anything other than getting the maximum flight distance just isn't viable.

        • 2 years ago

          >What you're giving up in range you make up for in mobility and ambush potential
          But there are already classes who get to have both those things at the same time. Hell they even have the option to have mobility without inflicting self-damage.

    • 2 years ago

      Have the gas passer work like other throwables, be ready on spawn and regen over time.

  15. 2 years ago

    instead of wanting to nerf everything good why don't you try buffing everything bad

    • 2 years ago

      Because the game only gets more and more obnoxious as everything needs to fricking outdo everything else. Nerfs are infinitely more sensible:
      >overdo nerf, people just not use thing
      >overdo buff, game fricking ruined because people only use thing

  16. 2 years ago

    >scorch shot and short circuit are still broken
    Keep crying Demoshitter

  17. 2 years ago

    Tell me about the Shortstop. Is it any good? And what's the point of the shove?

    • 2 years ago

      >Tell me about the Shortstop. Is it any good?
      It's decent, you get a lot of mid range potential outta it. Pair it with the crit a cola and everyone will hate you. It's probably my favorite of scout's primaries so I'm biased.

      >And what's the point of the shove?
      I'm guessing the idea behind it is that it's supposed to be used to keep distance between you and the enemy, in practice it doesn't work out so much because of how clunky it is.

      • 2 years ago

        i have both of those. i'm a soda popper player but i'll try shortstop. ive only ever used shortstops as trade junk kind of because the game dropped me a lot of them lol

        • 2 years ago

          I personally like using the cleaver with the shortstop, smack 'em with a good cleaver and you can pepper them down with a few good shots makes for a nice playstyle.


          The shove is a situational crowd control tool. Particularly viable on certain maps and locations. But it is very powerful in the right situations.

          I'd honestly love to use the shove more but I just wish it wasn't so jank to use. I wonder if the melee fixes in the recent patch help with this too.

          • 2 years ago

            >I'd honestly love to use the shove more but I just wish it wasn't so jank to use.
            >I honestly love to use backstabs, but I just wish they weren't so jank to use.

            Good thing that's just one small facet of one of your primaries and not your entire class.

          • 2 years ago

            gotcha, will tell you how it goes 😉

    • 2 years ago

      MVM shove

    • 2 years ago

      >Tell me about the Shortstop. Is it any good?
      It's decent, you get a lot of mid range potential outta it. Pair it with the crit a cola and everyone will hate you. It's probably my favorite of scout's primaries so I'm biased.

      >And what's the point of the shove?
      I'm guessing the idea behind it is that it's supposed to be used to keep distance between you and the enemy, in practice it doesn't work out so much because of how clunky it is.

      The shove is a situational crowd control tool. Particularly viable on certain maps and locations. But it is very powerful in the right situations.

    • 2 years ago

      it's alright. it's obviously not as good as the scattergun at close range, but it has a lil more viable range than the scattergun. i mostly like that it reloads all 4 shots as i hate having to constantly reload 1 shot at a time when i just want to fight.
      for fun. even if theyre next to a cliff, youll most likely die before getting close enough to shove unless its an unaware sniper.

    • 2 years ago

      The shove is a meme in 99% of cases unless you can push some Black person off a cliff or something. Even them shooting them is probably more reliable.
      Basically there is no point in shoving since it's better to just shoot the enemy.
      It's better to swap weapons or finish your reload animation instead.

      >Absolute meme unless you're a competitive gay and you're communicating with your team.

      Or you're trying to pick an enemy with your crossbow.... I think you just are not very imaginative.

      Yes. Let's do that as a medic. Picking someone is totally a good idea on medic. It's not like that is what a sniper or the teammate you're healing should be doing. Especially with a weapon that has hard to guess damage output like the crossbow due to the inverse damage fall-off.
      Being realistic, having the solemn vow just wouldn't matter in this case. You would probably already know if the enemy has low enough HP to be killed by your crossbow just through situational context. The very rare case where you actually gain any information you didn't know and it's actually to stop healing your target and attempt a pick is not worth sacrificing the much more common uber gain off of enemy spies which can be way more game changing.

      >Absolute meme unless you're a competitive gay and you're communicating with your team.
      you really underestimate the power of knowing HP

      You will often already know HP through game knowledge and situational context.

      • 2 years ago

        >You will often already know HP through game knowledge and situational context.
        in 12v12? lol no. and your not a COMPgay???? are you?

        • 2 years ago

          You're not constantly in massive 12v12 battles in casual you know. Often you'll be in smaller skirmishes.

          And honestly. What the frick are you doing taking your medigun off of your teammates in big battles? That's absolutely a wrong choice. That is exactly the moment when you should be healing.

          Compgayging is actually precisely where solemn vow is at its most useless, everyone is already keeping tabs on how much damage has been done to the enemy team.

          Which is made a lot easier with a teammate that can call it out.

          Solem vow is only good when you can communicate enemy HP totals to teammates that are good enough to do something with the information.

          • 2 years ago
            post ur hours :)

            >You're not constantly in massive 12v12 battles in casual you know. Often you'll be in smaller skirmishes.
            what a strange way to take that statement....
            alien almost. your just not going to know the health of the entire (or any) of the enemy team at all times. you undervalue the power of knowing hATCHp. my diagnoses? meta slave (terminal)

            • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago
                post ur hours :)

                i cc trans. up 12.

            • 2 years ago

              >Absolute schizo babble
              I genuinely didn't understand a single word of what you wrote down.

              Point is. There is no point in knowing the exact enemy HP as medic if you're not going to communicate it to your teammates. If it's just for yourself you can figure out if an enemy is low just by reading the situation.
              The solemn vow might actually bait you into making worse decisions distracting you from your primary role.

              Sure, finishing off a low soldier is pretty nice. But if you are the kind of medic who equips the solemn vow as an excuse to make picks then you are the kind of medic that would shoot that soldier with your crossbow even if you didn't know his HP. You don't need to change your playstyle at all.

              And all of this is ignoring the opportunity cost of ditching the ubersaw. Getting 25% uber of some random spy or scout can be game-changing in a way making a pick on a random target just isn't.

              • 2 years ago

                not dropping is game changing. cope?

              • 2 years ago

                >not dropping is game changing. cope?
                You'll drop less often if you have more uber.
                And how does the vow even change how often you drop? Were you not going to shoot the guy trying to kill you if you didn't know his HP? That's a bad idea. You should shoot him regardless.

                >The solemn vow might actually bait you into making worse decisions distracting you from your primary role.

                The lack of awareness that the ubersaw can do the same thing demonstrates your cognitive biases.

                >Getting 25% uber of some random spy or scout can be game-changing in a way making a pick on a random target just isn't.

                Picking an enemy medic is totally not as good, you're right.

                >The lack of awareness that the ubersaw can do the same thing demonstrates your cognitive biases.
                No, you would remain in your status quo instead which is preferable to making a mistake.

                >Picking an enemy medic is totally not as good
                You do not kill more medics with the crossbow than you hit spies with the ubersaw. Simple as. I doubt you pick more than 1 medic as medic every 10 games and the subsection of cases where having the Solemn vow would have mattered is even smaller.

                i kill more people as medic than you on demo. perchance.


                >If you're the kind of medic to want to make picks with the crossbow you're probably the kind of medic that will shoot enemies with the crossbow anyways.
                That's an assumption though. What stops a medic from using solemn vow to prioritise crossbow shots on enemies who he knows is low on health? It minimises time spent dealing damage to the times when it really matters allowing you to focus on heals better.

                >on enemies who he knows is low on health?
                Chances are you already know this through situational context
                >It minimises time spent dealing damage to the times when it really matters allowing you to focus on heals better.
                In situations like this I doubt swapping off your healing for even a moment is worth it. It'd be a case of the solemn vow tricking you into making a bad choice.
                If it's a self defense situation you should be shooting the enemy regardless of whether or not you know his health.

              • 2 years ago

                >You'll drop less often if you have more uber.
                how often do you saw people REALLY?
                it's not uncommon, but it's not so often like it happens every uber,

              • 2 years ago

                Certainly (100% certainly) absolutely without a doubt more often than you make a critical pick with the crossbow specifically because you had the solemn vow equipped. And that's all that matters here.

                >No, you would remain in your status quo instead which is preferable to making a mistake.

                Lmao, just lmao. You've never seen a medic be reckless with the ubersaw. I'm arguing with someone who is unable to learn.

                >You do not kill more medics with the crossbow than you hit spies with the ubersaw. Simple as.

                Actually, I'm pretty sure I do, at least if we account for the fact that hitting a spy that is disguised or cloaked does not build uber.

                >The lack of awareness that the ubersaw can do the same thing demonstrates your cognitive biases.
                implying people don't suicide when getting thristy for that extra 25% is so disingenuous

                I guess I personally never get baited by the ubersaw in this case.
                The situation I'm sketching is different though. A smart player probably won't kill himself with the ubersaw to get his strawberry juice. But I can definitely see them tricking themselves into trying to make picks when they really should be healing instead.

                >Actually, I'm pretty sure I do, at least if we account for the fact that hitting a spy that is disguised or cloaked does not build uber.
                Doubt. Especially specifically enemy medics. Like, all classes. Sure. But medics specifically? Absolutely not.

                Eitherway I'm done with this.

                My core points remain:

                >Ubersaw is more impactful more often
                >Solemn vow doesn't tell you anything new in most cases
                >The information given by the solemn vow rarely changes what you will do anyways
                >Doing anything with the info from the solemn vow is often the incorrect choice
                >The main power the solemn vow lies in communicating information with your teammates.

                >It sucks that the most important and powerful class also has the smallest viable loadout variety.
                heavy isn't the most important and powerful class

                There is a difference between playstyles and loadout variety.
                All the miniguns are actually good and none of them utterly outshine any others like the crossbow does.
                Sandvich is OP. But Bannana is also pretty good.
                Heavy has 2 meta melees and the rest a pretty good too.

                Heavy is fricking boring though and they should add an official heavy subclass.

              • 2 years ago

                >But I can definitely see them tricking themselves into trying to make picks when they really should be healing instead.

                That's because you have already convinced yourself that a medic should only ever heal you, and your confirmation bias takes over your reasoning centers.

                anything with the info from the solemn vow is often the incorrect choice

                >Better information usually leads to incorrect choices

                That's exactly what someone incredibly stupid would say.

              • 2 years ago

                >No, you would remain in your status quo instead which is preferable to making a mistake.

                Lmao, just lmao. You've never seen a medic be reckless with the ubersaw. I'm arguing with someone who is unable to learn.

                >You do not kill more medics with the crossbow than you hit spies with the ubersaw. Simple as.

                Actually, I'm pretty sure I do, at least if we account for the fact that hitting a spy that is disguised or cloaked does not build uber.

              • 2 years ago

                >The lack of awareness that the ubersaw can do the same thing demonstrates your cognitive biases.
                implying people don't suicide when getting thristy for that extra 25% is so disingenuous

              • 2 years ago

                >The solemn vow might actually bait you into making worse decisions distracting you from your primary role.

                The lack of awareness that the ubersaw can do the same thing demonstrates your cognitive biases.

                >Getting 25% uber of some random spy or scout can be game-changing in a way making a pick on a random target just isn't.

                Picking an enemy medic is totally not as good, you're right.

  18. 2 years ago

    Put dispenser here.

  19. 2 years ago

    scorch shot whining has to be one of the biggest crocks ever. It's not that good, it's not even the best spammable flare gun. The ONLY thing you can say about is that it's too simple to use

  20. 2 years ago

    >Iron Bomber gets touched
    >Actual fricking Hitboxes where BS wide and for that reason that made homies use it 24/7 are making a fuss.
    >Use my Stock and learn to hit pipes. Get sick airshots and shit.
    Feels good man. Look, if it were up to me, I would revert everything back Meet the Pyro and just add in the new weapons but since that won't happen it's fine to get that shit toned down. It was OD, and you know it.

  21. 2 years ago

    >short circuit

    • 2 years ago

      >Stand next to payload cart
      >Spam right click
      >Soldiers and Demos completely invalidated
      Also being able to make the main spawn exit in Dustbowl 1 completely safe is lame as shit.

      • 2 years ago

        >Playing shitbowl unironically

      • 2 years ago

        >Engineer spamming short circuit
        >Rocket jump above his head and rain down rocket
        Nothing personal laborer.

      • 2 years ago

        Soldier has a shotgun. He can just shoot the engineer. Also demoknight isn't affected by short circuit.
        The only thing that would really be stopped by short circuit spam is if that soldier and demo just spam rockets and stickies at range. So its spam canceling spam.

  22. 2 years ago

    honestly, a complete rework of the entire game is needed, every class should have a defined role, and there should only be little overlap. no more spies stabbing from 210 degrees from your back, or scoring headshots. (stay in your lane, you gayguete.) no more desync between models and player's viewpoints. no bullets from spread weapons hitting you through walls. melee should no longer be about hitbox and lag compensation mojo. no more (non-backstab) instagib hits no matter how light your class is, and all crits should be downgraded to mini crits.

  23. 2 years ago

    The crossbow shouldn't deal damage.

    • 2 years ago

      >kill someone with the syringe gun
      >they seethe in chat
      every time

      • 2 years ago

        Never has someone complained at me from killing them with my syringe gun. I have had Medics complain to the Soldier they were healing for letting a Medic walk past him and gun them down.

        That would make it better since enemies couldn't bodyblock it.

        Let enemies still block the shots, just not take damage from them. Also, heals disguised Spies.

        • 2 years ago

          >I have had Medics complain to the Soldier they were healing for letting a Medic walk past him and gun them down.

          Hmm, I wonder if they would have been better off pulling out another weapon in that situation....

          Also what were you doing not healing?

          • 2 years ago

            One time I was healing a Soldier, and we encountered another Med+Soldier combo. I gunned down the Medic and finished off the Soldier that my teammate didn't take out. I think there was a Scout and a Demo behind the Medic, that I killed too, might have been another time though.

      • 2 years ago

        >Crit a fellow medic with the Syringe gun
        >I am become death, destroyer of worlds

    • 2 years ago

      That would make it better since enemies couldn't bodyblock it.

  24. 2 years ago

    There is people who still play this piece of shit? It's visually a total clusterfrick, kids and turd worlders because its f2p and they killed off community servers. You'd go to the same servers, speak to the same people, no more.

    • 2 years ago

      it's been how many years of begging for TF2 to be dead so we could move onto "real" shooters

    • 2 years ago

      >You'd go to the same servers, speak to the same people, no more.
      Yes anon, that's what I want out of TF2 and what the Meet Your Match update robbed me of.

  25. 2 years ago

    What's the deal with MvM players? It's like they don't even enjoy the gameplay anymore and just want to rush through tours to get their slot machine.
    I only complain because this attitude seems to have also affected Boot camp for some reason.

  26. 2 years ago

    Degreaser (decreases weapon swap speed)
    Vanilla Shotgun

    Burn for the damage over time, switch to shotgun, and blast away. Axtinguisher for the sneak attacks.

    I can't believe people didn't know about this. It's the Pyro's strongest loadout by far.

    • 2 years ago

      Unless if you are the autism prime pyro who knows how to det jump to random geometry, then you can be an even worse menace.

  27. 2 years ago

    Holy shit guys your balance ideas suck ass, like how do you think any of ehat you've said is good?

    • 2 years ago

      I genuinely do not trust the balance suggestions of any community member.

    • 2 years ago

      I genuinely do not trust the balance suggestions of any community member.

      Honestly, you just need to look at the community servers with "balance" changes and see how stupid most of them are.

      • 2 years ago

        TF2 Classic's custom weapons servers are a good showcase too.

    • 2 years ago

      The crossbow shouldn't deal damage, that's a fact.

  28. 2 years ago

    Didn't they update the melee hit-reg a bit? Are spy mains seething?

  29. 2 years ago

    >vegetative game has balancing issues
    wow who woulda thought?!

  30. 2 years ago

    Reminder: Some of the blame for Meet Your Match should be given to the comp players of TF2 for suggesting it in the first place
    What Valve implemented isn't anywhere near what they wanted for the game, nor did they want Quick play removed for casual players.

  31. 2 years ago

    TF2 is dead, it's time to move on to the superior multiplayer Valve shooter AKA Left 4 Dead 2
    >Fully mod supported with a large amount to choose from
    >Consistent playerbase that isn't filled with bots
    >No israelite cosmetics, if you want to change the appearance of someone you download a mod, no transactions required
    >A well programmed game director ensures that almost every game you play is different than the last, promoting replayability
    >even if you get bored of playing the same campaign maps all the time, there are plenty of great custom maps to choose from
    >has one of the most advanced gore systems in a vidya
    >Versus still makes homosexuals and shitters seethe to this day

  32. 2 years ago

    Short circuit isn't broken

  33. 2 years ago

    I hate that the every sever has to be CTF or payload. They are objectively the worst gamemodes to play solo.

    • 2 years ago

      Gayload is the worst gamemode, period.

  34. 2 years ago

    it's literally only good for shooting prime ministers

    • 2 years ago

      ah yes the prime minister was assassinated with a grenade launcher

  35. 2 years ago

    Is there a party van tonight?

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