>Forgotten Realms. >Star Wars. >ASoIaF. >STAR TREK

>Forgotten Realms
>Star Wars

It's true, isn't it?

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  1. 5 months ago

    >Elder Scrolls

    • 5 months ago

      What's the Elder Scrolls kink?

      • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Lusty lizard maids.

      • 5 months ago

        I don't really know how ro start with this one, so instead I'm going to just going to bring up a few:
        >What happened between Vivec and Molag Bal in the Lessons of Vivec
        >The Royal Septim Cum Helmet
        >The king who fricked the ground and got a mountain pregnant
        >Orc mating rights
        >Bosmer existing
        >Khajiit existing
        > Lusty Argonians

        • 5 months ago

          >The Royal Septim Cum Helmet
          Do I even want to know?

          • 5 months ago

            It's connected to this:

            You forgot Reman's snake wives jerking him off and baking his cum into bread.

            Basically Reman Cyrodiil's wives all jerked him off and one of them used a helmet to catch the (excessive) loads and then made bread with it.

            This is official Elder Scrolls Lore

        • 5 months ago

          You forgot Reman's snake wives jerking him off and baking his cum into bread.

        • 5 months ago

          >giant robot wearing elf skin to be a god
          >Alessia and Morihaus
          >flesh gardening
          >Molag Bal
          >Boethia eating Trinimac and shitting him out as Malacath so some elves could smear him all over themselves and become Orsimer

          • 5 months ago

            Oh right, I forgot almost entirely about the Trinimac Boethia Vore.

        • 5 months ago

          >The Royal Septim Cum Helmet
          Is this something like the falcon copulation hats?

      • 5 months ago

        Apparently HR Giger legitimately got off from his own art. I say this to suggest that some of the more esoteric stuff in TES may actually be a well-disguised magical realm.
        Mantling is suspect under this lens. At its most basic level, it could serve as a sort of absorption/fusion kink.
        Molag Bal literally raped vampires into existence, that's for sure a magical realm, and I guarantee he's not the only Daedra rapist.

        Even without lore things like that, furries AND scalies both exist, and both have human-like breasts for contrived reasons. High elf women are practically begging to be made into man's sex slaves.

        • 5 months ago

          >Masked/Faceless, Classic style Monsterfolk(Minotaurs not Anime Holstaurs), free space where applicable really
          >Anarchic patchwork of citystates, petty kingdoms and roving groups, Ideally a !NOTEasternMed mixed with !NOTSouthEastAsia, early fireams are a must
          >Psychicpower and Mathemagics remodedlling the laws of reality, basically the Lovecraft system
          >Archetypes with a modification
          >>Life Priestess, but she'a a devotee (possibly secretly) of Shubniggurath
          Prince Warlord, but his ambition is a great blood sacrifice of his own to achive Apotheosis

          >An in setting predjudice bretons have about dunmer is that "everything reminds them of sex"
          >Racial Phylogeny is about trying to breed the different species like pokemon
          >Confirmed cannon spiked Khajit wieners
          >Said spikes hurt one of the most important women in Dunmer history
          >Reman Cyrodill's existence
          >Reman Cyrodill's cum vault on the moon
          >Molag Bal, King of Rape
          >Boethia vore
          >Even ESO has mention of random kinky knicknaks in the thievery loot
          >Furry species(varying levels of anthro-feral), Scalie species, Harpies, Minotaurs, another extinct Furry species
          >Numerous in game worldbuilding examples of implied kinkyness
          >Divayth Fyr's r63, clone, daughter-wives

          I’ve been staring at this for 5 minutes. What the hell?

          The Numidium was the Dwemmer's misothiestic-pseudo gnostic attempt to unmake reality by denial, a giant walking robot that denied exsitence, powered by the heart of the half dead god that made (a lower level of) reality, when it was used in a war against the ancestors of the Dunmer a radical Theocracy that quite likes reality, it was used wrongly and erased the Dwemmer from existence, becoming the "skin" of Anumidium, transforming it into, ironically, an essential pillar of reality that the player destroys unwittingly in Morrowind, in the pseudo-cannonical C0da
          >INB4 whining about C0da, it's a thing take it or leave it
          The protagonist fights Anumidium and it uses his own speech bubbles

      • 5 months ago

        bruh one god ate another (vore, presumably soft), and then shit him out (scat, specifically elimination), and that's how orcs became orcs
        that's literally ONE thing

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        >deny me, won’t you Numidium-kun

      • 5 months ago

        I’ve been staring at this for 5 minutes. What the hell?

        • 5 months ago

          You know how the Dwemer Disappeared in Elder Scrolls? Every Dwarf (or Deep Elf in that setting) vanished without a trace? Well they built their own god, the Numidium, and when activated, every Dwarf vanished.
          A few lines in lore seem to imply that every last Dwarven soul was absorbed by, and became the "Skin of" the Numidium, defending it and powering it up into the god-like form.

          • 5 months ago

            Oh… that makes the times it died kinda…

  2. 5 months ago

    it's convinced my friends I'm good at it

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        my homemade setting is shoddy at best, the vast majority of the areas are just a gray blob of "I'll figure it out later" described as "uncharted territory" despite the fact that several areas around it are settled cities or port towns.
        a lot of shit doesn't make sense if you put a second of thought into it. an example being the town the players started in was a major port but was one of the last cities to have a "gate" placed in it cause it was deemed essential enough for trade, despite the fact that other cities inland already had gates

        • 5 months ago

          Huh. Fair enough. I more thought you implied you followed the steps in the meme to make your setting.

        • 5 months ago

          >develop new travel technology
          >leaders think about expanding their reach instead of improving what already kinda works
          Sounds pretty realistic to me

        • 5 months ago

          >he has fast travel in his game
          >fast travel
          >via portal
          >his party is missing out on all the fun of overland & sea travel with random encounters
          >his players take portals for granted

          In fairness, it's fine -- after all, your gameworld has plenty of magic in it -- but you should frick with your players a little bit. Or a lot.

          One day, the portals... stop working. Maybe they simply stop working, and the party decides to try to figure it out. Eventually, they do, and things are restored to "normalcy" ...(although the players are now painfully aware of a terrible secret involving the portals).

          One day (or for a period of weeks, because people see others pass through the portals and assumes they safely made it to wherever they were going, because it would take about a week for general suspicions to fully form), while using the portals, everyone who crosses through the portals instead winds up in an entirely different world (including the party). It turns out that they (and others from other worlds -- describe several otherworldly people unlike any race in your setting) have been summoned to this castle from across the multiverse... for some reason. Maybe a champion is sought? Perhaps they must search the surrounding wilderness and the dungeons beneath for something? Maybe they must all man the bastians to defend the castle from a terrible siege? Is there an interdimensional gladiatorial arena in which they'll be pitted against the others? Are they set to some other task? Eventually, maybe they even return to their home... or you move the campaign entirely to this (or another) new gameworld (perhaps even a published campaign setting)?

          One day, the portals don't so much stop working, as start working too well, opening unclosable gateways to "hell" through which demons & devils pour into your world? This is a fun way to end or change your setting: fight the endless horde, but ultimately retreat far away from the cities & portals, ala pre-Earthdawn.

        • 5 months ago

          You've learned the great secret of world building
          Your players don't actually care all that much about the details, if the big picture is decent

    • 5 months ago

      it's really more of a matter of gastlighting them out of any contradictions I've made previously
      >the kingdom has a great magician that will know where to find the Runesword
      >wasn't he dead?
      >what? no, he's very much alive and well, why do you say so?
      >rest of players agree with me, despite mentioning his death in passing by mistake three sessions ago


      • 5 months ago

        I usually handle that by rolling with it.
        For instance:
        >Wasn't he dead?
        >...Ah you remembered. Indeed he was.
        >Wait, how did he return?!
        >What an excellent question! No one knows for sure... yet... they know only that he has returned...

        Free plot point and players instantly think you planned it.

        • 5 months ago

          Ah the SW:RoS method.

          • 5 months ago

            For a second, I thought you were bashing Revenge of the Sith, but then I realized you were rightully bashing the Disney Star Wars.

            Carry on.

            • 5 months ago

              >bashing Revenge of the Sith
              >rightully bashing the Disney Star Wars
              Safe edgy cringe.

              • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              The prequel trilogy is only palatable when compared to Mouse Wars. But it is only in the same way you'd rather eat dirt than steaming shit.

      • 5 months ago

        lmao, I've tried that a few times but a few of my players are a bit too autistic to be tricked so I usually have to resort to

        I usually handle that by rolling with it.
        For instance:
        >Wasn't he dead?
        >...Ah you remembered. Indeed he was.
        >Wait, how did he return?!
        >What an excellent question! No one knows for sure... yet... they know only that he has returned...

        Free plot point and players instantly think you planned it.

        I remember once a player saw a couple give up their son for drugs, but when they saved him and confronted the parents the next session I had forgot that detail and they insisted that he was kidnapped, ended up with some kind of mind control/brainwashing subplot

      • 5 months ago

        My players are very beer and pretzels in their approach to things and there's a lot of joking around, which is great because it means if I need to change something I can just gaslight them into thinking an established fact was actually something they invented and not me being a fricking moron who can't read his own notes.

      • 5 months ago

        My single proudest moment as a GM was successfully gaslighting my players into thinking a villainous character had reformed and then died when he had faked both his change of heart and his death.
        >Hey GM, what happened to that formerly evil guy?
        >>His stuff was found on the battlefield. You can look for his body, but there are thousands of corpses here.
        >Damn, so he died a hero after all, huh.
        >I always thought that guy was a sniveling piece of shit but maybe he really did change.
        I held onto that guy for months OOC and years in game, casting him as a completely new villain when he was the same scumbag all along, now more experienced and careful.

  3. 5 months ago

    The entirety of Bowser's Inside Story was amazing, and was also DEFINITELY someone's series of fetishes.

  4. 5 months ago

    >It's true, isn't it?
    For those IPs it's probably true, but that isn't the only way to world build, if that's what you're implying.
    Anyway, you might want to focus more on how to GAME build on the board for GAMES.

    • 5 months ago

      Oh, no, I wasn't implying it was the ONLY way, just that a lot of big and relatively successful worlds could be grossly oversimplified in these steps.

      • 5 months ago

        Yup, they certainly could be.

  5. 5 months ago

    To me the best world-building is more smoke and mirrors than anything substantial. Unless the players play a group of historians, anthropologists and natural philosophers 99% of what people call worldbuilding is equivalent to the 30 pages of backstory tha/tg/uy wrote. Every time I want to world-build I ask my-self what are the chances the players are going to interact with the new information I am adding? If its less than 80% then I don't bother unless I really feel like l need a good wank.

    • 5 months ago

      I’ll agree with this up to a point, but when you start running multiple campaigns in the same setting over the span of a few years, it’s worth making sure things line up and square with each other, and sometimes the best way to do that is to start defining things the players aren’t going to interact with. Over time, this can lead to parts of the setting you never anticipated, which can result in player actions leading them to interact with those things.
      But, yes, the first three or four campaigns in a given world should really only pre-define what’s going to be placed on the table.

    • 5 months ago

      >tfw my playgroup are actually historians, anthropologists and natual philosophers irl

      two weeks ago I endured a 30-min long conversation between players on brick-making technology in early ancient times.
      spoiler] I work at university, I play with other PhDs [/spoiler]

      • 5 months ago

        use a mold to make clay bricks. fry them in an oven and let them cool. use accordingly.
        what is there to discuss for 30 minutes?

        • 5 months ago

          types of clay and potential sources for them, the development of brick industry in early societies, how bricks were used by such societies compared to other building materials, bricklaying techniques and styles
          it's not hard to talk for half an hour on something if you're autistic enough

      • 5 months ago

        If I could use my real anthro training at the table I would jizz. Also academic hospitals are infested with DND campaigns.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah but my players are historians and archaeologists.

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          Same situation as this guy

          >tfw my playgroup are actually historians, anthropologists and natual philosophers irl

          two weeks ago I endured a 30-min long conversation between players on brick-making technology in early ancient times.
          spoiler] I work at university, I play with other PhDs [/spoiler]

          . I'm a master's student and my players are a historian, archaeologist, and cultural studies person. I mean even in my normal games most of my players are amateaur something. I once had a player stop the game because I got the set-up of the engines on the Yamato wrong.

    • 5 months ago

      I think its important to think about as a method of you personally understanding how your universe works.
      a foundation so if there is the question of what where or why you know how to proceed.

  6. 5 months ago

    Terry Goodkind won

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        A man who really liked Ayn Rand's objectivism, unironically praised CIA Black folk "fighting evil", and had vivid ideas about women being tortured until they are brainwashed into elite sado-masochist warriors and torture experts who dress in skin-tight red leather. Also they prolong torture they inflict on men by giving them reviving magic kisses.
        He sold over 26 million books, and did it all as a dysclexic man who didn't write before his 40s and had no education after high school.

        • 5 months ago

          >elite sado-masochist warriors and torture experts who dress in skin-tight red leather. Also they prolong torture they inflict on men by giving them reviving magic kisses.
          I'm pretty sure they're how I got my femdom fetish tbqh

          As far as the Sword of Truth books the objectivism shit is kind of silly but I think it gets blown out of proportion by overly political homosexuals on the authoritarian left, for the most part it's just an ok generic fantasy series (plus femdom).

          • 5 months ago

            I'm guessing you only read the early books. The early books are mostly just a fantasy romp for sure, but after like book 5 or so he goes HARD.

            There's an entire sequence where he sits down to have a conversation with a bunch of pacifists and after like three paragraphs they're trying to kill him because he invalidated their entire belief system with some incredibly childish arguments. While his wife sits there and thinks about how dreamy and smart and incredible he is.

            Or the part where he infiltrates into the terrible empire and then manages to carve a statue so beautiful that it inspires everyone to rise up against the evil empire.

            • 5 months ago

              >There's an entire sequence where he sits down to have a conversation with a bunch of pacifists and after like three paragraphs they're trying to kill him because he invalidated their entire belief system with some incredibly childish arguments. While his wife sits there and thinks about how dreamy and smart and incredible he is.
              >Or the part where he infiltrates into the terrible empire and then manages to carve a statue so beautiful that it inspires everyone to rise up against the evil empire.

        • 5 months ago

          Also their was a busy Witch named "Shota". The man is a legend

          • 5 months ago

            he is the definition of "Only in America"

          • 5 months ago


  7. 5 months ago

    >Reverse ryona, firearms
    >Techno (music) Stalinism
    >Captain Planet ass magic system
    >Cat-boys, She-Orcs, and anthropomorphic crystal meth.

    Rate my chad world.

    • 5 months ago

      Reverse ryona isn't as fun as ryona (homosexual) but it does pass the test. Write it up, kid.

    • 5 months ago

      That's just shadowrun with a female dragon.

    • 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago

    What is true?

  9. 5 months ago

    >what is there to discuss for 30 minutes?

    Summerian vs Egyptian technology, and their relation to the climate and culture.

    Trust me, they can go on things for hours. Why? Because the party saw a structure built with dried mud bricks.

    • 5 months ago

      sounds like my armor/weapons autist friend, that keeps trying to make the dm pick up song of swords (that i unfortunately introduced to him as something cool he would be interested in)

      i think Agon, Babylon in which fame and jubilation are bestowed and Red gods of Babylon are small games they should check out

  10. 5 months ago

    Force of will
    Elves with huge breasts and asses

    • 5 months ago

      I will now play your setting

      • 5 months ago

        Glad to find another chad here

    • 5 months ago

      Republican city-states
      homebrew wizardy equivalent to SWRPG force powers
      [numerous yet unintrusive veteran warriors to explain why major threats exist but the party is only dealing with weak foes for now]

  11. 5 months ago

    >Smol girls, harems
    >Fairies, creepy insane elves

    I dunno, would anyone actually want to play it?

    • 5 months ago

      i would, but i'm a homosexual

    • 5 months ago

      Unfathomably based, would play.

  12. 5 months ago

    For me, it is
    >damsels in distress
    >agrarian romanticism
    >magic fueled by relics and lore of ancient civilization
    >lots of women who alternate between being hypercompetent femme fatales and damsels in distress

    • 5 months ago

      So didnapper?

      • 5 months ago

        Based on my quick googling of it, kinda, except my setting would have dominant male characters.

  13. 5 months ago

    >man wins local election and slowly worms his way into being a NatSoc dictator, strong-arming the rest of the world
    >magic is based on allowing spirits (natural, demons, ghosts, etc.) to partially possess you

    Biggest hurdle is that my fetish is difficult to disguise while it's also a major part of the world.

    • 5 months ago

      Congrats, you've almost literally recreated 5e/Forgotten Realms Giants

      >Their higherarchy is based on Size
      >Clever positioning/multiple plots with Giants going back to AD&D involve political subterfuge (usually by the Drow)
      >Giant Magic is a lot more Nature-dependent/elementally possessive within themselves than arcane magics of Humanoids.

      • 5 months ago

        I don't play DnD or Forgotten Realms so that's pretty neat.

  14. 5 months ago

    Monstergirl Femdom
    Chaos Magic
    Succubi with white hair and large milkers

  15. 5 months ago

    World-building only matters insofar as you can use it to improve/expand the plot or the general atmosphere of the story or game. Otherwise, it's pointless, unless you're the kind of person who takes pleasure from world-building itself ala Tolkien.

  16. 5 months ago

    >No politics. Only fights.
    >Can't decide between chi or psionics

    • 5 months ago


      You know, if there was a service to to pay and just see dudes fight on demand, it'd be pretty popular.


      ...wait isn't that just Pay Per View?

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >Demigoddesses, Monster girls, Furries strictly as non-sapients.
      >Ruthless realpolitik, human supremacy taken as fact
      >All magic has a cost. Blood/flesh/souls/sanity, so on.
      >IRL historical figures inserted to big tiddy anime girls

      Monstergirl Femdom
      Chaos Magic
      Succubi with white hair and large milkers

      Monstergirl chads, I kneel

  17. 5 months ago

    >Demigoddesses, Monster girls, Furries strictly as non-sapients.
    >Ruthless realpolitik, human supremacy taken as fact
    >All magic has a cost. Blood/flesh/souls/sanity, so on.
    >IRL historical figures inserted to big tiddy anime girls

    • 5 months ago

      >>IRL historical figures inserted to big tiddy anime girls

    • 5 months ago

      Force of will
      Elves with huge breasts and asses

      >Reverse ryona, firearms
      >Techno (music) Stalinism
      >Captain Planet ass magic system
      >Cat-boys, She-Orcs, and anthropomorphic crystal meth.

      Rate my chad world.

      I think the idea is that you take the fundamental concept of the kink and treat it 100% seriously, not focusing on what makes it hot.
      So the characters and plot wouldn't be kinky.
      Basically, the kink is an avenue for introducing an unconventional worldbuilding aspect to make the setting unique. Because it's a source of ideas that's not in the pre-existing bucket of tropes.

      • 5 months ago


        I was once asked by my players to run a very particular kind of plot, a session type involving a trope that is sometimes seen in fiction. None of the players knew it was my fetish. But, as they were so insistant, I just took the concept and played it completely straight, focusing on what would make it cool and fun for them, and downplaying anything I thought would he "hot" or comfy.

        It turned into a session all of them thought was incredibly memorable and fun.

      • 5 months ago

        Oh absolutely. Lewdness would probably be almost absent in tge campaign itself.

        The lamias in !Austria-Hungary may all be shapely and some of their fashion might be skimpy, but that doesn't mean you don't get thrown in prison for copulation out of wedlock.

        On the other hand having a nation of cold-blooded, venomous creatures with infrared vision would have massive influence of both national culture, npc motivations and character abilities.

      • 5 months ago

        100% agree with this. Done this many times. I've kinda made it a thing by now with my players. Give me a fetish and I'll see what I can do with world building. Some are pretty easy. As of right now petrification was the most difficult one, but I managed by stealing from Birthright. If this is still up after I wake up I'd give it a shot here for a handful of people. Then again, this may only sound like a good idea because I'm tipsy after a party.

        • 5 months ago

          Alright, I'll take that bet, any of these get a good vibe for ya?

          Step 1: impreg, ahegao, pheromone scenting, interracial/monstergirl, teasing, edging, height difference,tomboys, milfs, affection, bad ends, competition, fighting, nonconsensual, consensual, psuedo-rape, role reversal, romance, dirty talk, corruption, gender transformation, body part transformation, breeding, heat/rut, risk of pregnancy
          Step 2; Not sure on this one, but maybe some form of city state civics slowly turning into a repbulic of various city states that engage in jolly cooperation to dire back stabbing or outright warfare?
          Step 3; Soul based magic system that is bodily dragged out of you with inherent power reflecting a core aspect of the person, these can change just a person does.

          How bad did I do?

  18. 5 months ago

    Scott Bakker has the best worldbuilding and he follows chad to a tee:
    Step 1: violent congress
    Step 2: tyrannical feudalism, human selective breeding
    Step 3: think one thing, say another, linguistic magic where meaning matters more than the specific words
    Step 4: all characters are inversions of stereotypes, thoroughly unlikeable all around
    Step 5: A race of lovers...

    • 5 months ago

      >Step 3: think one thing, say another, linguistic magic where meaning matters more than the specific words
      The Talmud is peak gnosis.

  19. 5 months ago

    Kamidere/yandere girls fighting evil
    Ascension style magic

    Haven't done all three in one before, but it wouldn't be too hard. Don't think there's a huge market for it though.

  20. 5 months ago

    >nightwatch state without internet or dense population centers
    >alchemy involving handcrafted contraptions
    I dunno, elements seem like they'd clash

  21. 5 months ago

    >barbarian futa tribes raping and pillaging each other for magic cards

  22. 5 months ago

    >Sadomasochism (literal rather than fetish wear)
    >Guild system
    >Mainline magic drug to do magic, magic drug slowly transforms you into more magic drug
    So I guess we're just TURNIP28/Fairy Meat now.

  23. 5 months ago

    World building is an excellent way to put off writing your story.

  24. 5 months ago

    >bdsm M/f (obviously)
    >Mage guild is an actual guild, the medieval crony capitalist kind.

    I built it for OSR so I still need to make some effort to make the magic system sufficiently esoteric. I am thinking something to do with starlight a la TES.

  25. 5 months ago

    >skintight outfits, depersonalization, forceful transformation, corruption, redemption
    >ecofascism, posadism, radical theocracy, technoprogressive corporatism
    >life essence is magical, and is a limited, finite resource

    In the world there are unstable zones of wild magic (grown around wrecks of advanced alien spaceships, to make it homeage to classic your-fantasy-world-is-scifi trope) called Faelands that the adventurers from the stable world parts travel to bring artifacts of immense power or hunt for magical creatures, whose body parts can then be used to brew potions and cast powerful spells. The problem is that regular consumption leads to mutations, which some city states percieve as a threat and ban any consumption of bodily parts of magical creatures, in other parts of the world some minor side-effects were accepted as normal and maybe the mutated folks with scales, horns, tales or shiny skin aren't even seen as second class citizens, while there are also those that see the magic properties as an opportunity and either craft magical items from the wild beasts, or breed their own abominations and monsters with unique magical properties. Perception of the unstable magical zones is devided too. There are cults that worship them and the fair folk with mirror faces, the almighty beings that rule the wilderness from their argent towers. There are nations that seek to erase the chaos and unstability from the face of the world. And there are those that believe the zones are a gift, and should be properly exploited.

    Obviously to stay true to the original trope, all political believes were carefully weaved into the human psyche by the fair folks, that rule all the countries from shadows.

  26. 5 months ago

    I don’t know how you turn tomboys into a core setting element but eco-feudalism and weird soul manipulation magic are big parts of my setting and it’s been working so far. The number of female warriors in the setting is kinda important I guess.

    • 5 months ago

      >Tomboys, Eco-feudalism and soul manipulating magic

      Wood elves, anon.
      You're describing wood elves.
      Have fun.

  27. 5 months ago

    >Dominant women
    >Paleo-libertarian republic with limited suffrage
    >Magitech, but with life force or ki as a "battery" for various cybernetic enhancements
    >Society of socially conservative gentlemen (good guys), ruthless megacorp CEO boss lady (morally questionable initial antagonist whose actions are eventually revealed to be part of her 300 IQ keikaku against the real villains), a band of people conforming to political and moral ideologies I personally dislike (the real villains, footsoldiers), corrupt government elements that enable them (the real villains, leaders), the foreign powers that bankroll the aforementioned two (the real villains, puppetmasters)
    Rate my worldbuilding using OPs methods with constructive criticism.

    • 5 months ago

      >cyberpunk but the corporations are the good guys

    • 5 months ago

      Ayn Rand/10.

    • 5 months ago

      Final Fantasy VI/VII out of 10

  28. 5 months ago

    >Harem Girls
    >Theocratic monarchy
    >Astrology/Alchemy based magic

    Checks out for mine just being vague Arabian nights with """benevolent""" star gods

  29. 5 months ago

    >Rape and subjugation
    >Liberal democracy
    >HP esque soft magic system
    >I'll see to that later

    Nah, not sure if that even works. Liberal democracy doesn't go along well with hierarchal sexual dynamics or rape.

  30. 5 months ago

    I put some thought into it and the right is basically 100% my setting. Is it really that obvious?

    • 5 months ago

      Post your steps, anon.

  31. 5 months ago

    >Harems with dominant males
    >Meritocratic liberal oligarchy
    >Thought controlled magitek with specific purposes and finite energy that's mined from another world
    >A bunch of goofy tomboys and their humorless genius husband who is legally mandated to impregnate them.

    Hey, this actually works.

  32. 5 months ago

    >Monstergirls and boys, masked/faceless women, big boobs and asses
    >I don't care about this bit
    >Basic fantasy magic system with a few esoteric items and trinkets since im unoriginal
    >Masked Fighter, Monstergirl thief, Human Mage, Monster goatboy with a gun
    That's it basically

    • 5 months ago

      >monster boys

      • 5 months ago

        I'm sorry but they need to copulate somehow and in their lore they were isolated from the rest of world for a long ass time

  33. 5 months ago

    >Pregnancy and impregnation
    >Anarcho-democratic communism
    >Magic schools based around psychology (neurosises, personality types, etc.)

    I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea how working my kink in would do anything for the setting. I mean, it's weird enough for /d/ but given how fundamental it is in nature I can't really work it in further without going just full porn setting with stuff like "pregnancy/impregnating gives you strength!"

    • 5 months ago

      >the means of reproduction are seized and equally divided
      >all men get an equal opportunity to impregnate all women
      >if the demand for one single woman is too great, lots are drawn to give every man an equal chance
      >female consent is optional

      • 5 months ago

        that's is just a hentai plot

  34. 5 months ago

    1. Rehabilitative slavery, light BDSM, harem, romantic
    2. Theocratic fascist empire, with literal demigods as leaders, and numerous lesser factions or states fighting it and each other
    3. Dark Sun-esque defiler and preserver magic, alchemy and arcane science, psionics
    4. Human-centric, with human mutants and offshoots, big-tittied dark skinned elves, albino and grey dwarves led by transhumanists. Bug people, bird people, and lizard people optional.

  35. 5 months ago

    >Futa, femboy
    >Collective unconscious psionics
    >Humans, transhumanists, AIs, aliens
    Nah, this doesn't work.

  36. 5 months ago

    >1. giant gentle dommy muscle mommies
    >2. citizen service
    >3. shamanism and ritual painting/tattoos.
    >4. Obscure real life historical figures reworked to fit into the setting.
    I don't think it would work.

    • 5 months ago

      So, Fate, but with giant ladies fighting for their respective countries?

    • 5 months ago

      That would work really well for amazon Orc tribes, or just straight amazon tribes being the focus of the story.

  37. 5 months ago

    >macrophilia (specifically shrunken male scenarios)
    >fascist dictatorship led by a respected philosopher king
    >magic is a spectrum ranging from alchemy to occult rituals (ancient evil book has dark secrets sort of vibe, but more common than that implies)
    >characters are generally selfish and miserable

    How obvious would my magical realm be if governments/other bodies had dedicated spy corps who specialized in using magic to shrink down to infiltrate secure locations?

  38. 5 months ago

    What if my kinks contradict my politics?

    >1. Muscle girls, maledom/femsub BDSM
    >2. Egalitarian non-commercial republic
    >3. People are given divine "gifts" at random from birth. These are immensely powerful, but often result in a "price". Could be anything from a missing limb to not being able to remember what happened from 1-3PM each day.
    >standard orc amazon with a huge ass

    • 5 months ago

      My political power fantasy involves me being an absolute ruler but my sexual fantasy involves me being some beautiful woman's property, even less than a slave.
      It's not possible to keep to the spirit of both. Depressing.

      • 5 months ago

        Ruler on the streets, b***h in the sheets. Nothing wrong with that.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah but the sexual fantasy loses some of its appeal when I'm not actually her property and am merely pretending.

  39. 5 months ago

    Animal ears,tomboys,OLs
    actually functional and competent Republican system
    Ancestor passed blood based self modification
    Competent yet moral Government agents fighting ancestor super mummies. Also the women are cute OLs and Tomboys of varying -mimi types.

  40. 5 months ago

    In this grimdark fantasy, the world is ruled by competing theocracies, each ruled by the female oracles of mother gods who each seek to bring all the world into their rule and seeking The Womb, the cradle of divinity where one can be reborn, who fight devastating wars using runic magic drawn from blood.

    Most people are born soulless, harvested from the fetus trees and baptised in the baby lakes, and must take orders from oracles, choosing one of least evils in order to be inundicated against the others. They rapidly grow into adulthood and fight an eternal war over a prize that may not even exist.

    But you, players, are true births, born naturally by a mother, an outsider to the system of oracles with the same powers they have.

  41. 5 months ago

    >Masked/helmed characters and elaborate outfits
    >semi-nomadic tribes and city-states
    >a leyline network channeled through arcane digital servers and fueled by the essence of the creator-god
    >too many NPCs to count, all varying types of Central Asian/Mongoloid

    It all adds up, the method works.

  42. 5 months ago

    >Vore, Giantess, Corruption, and who knows what else
    >Unknown, raised among only sisters and ate Barbara Walker's neopagan bs book
    >Mishmash of classic rpg mechanics and the system of whatever was the latest vidya he played
    >Edgy OCs and characters meant to be historical/mythological figures (half of the time the only thing they have in common is the name)
    Good Lord, it's true!

  43. 5 months ago

    Step 1: impreg, ahegao, pheromone scenting, interracial/monstergirl, teasing, edging, height difference,tomboys, milfs, affection, bad ends, competition, fighting, nonconsensual, consensual, psuedo-rape, role reversal, romance, dirty talk, corruption, gender transformation, body part transformation, breeding, heat/rut, risk of pregnancy
    Step 2; Not sure on this one, but maybe some form of city state civics slowly turning into a repbulic of various city states that engage in jolly cooperation to dire back stabbing or outright warfare?
    Step 3; Soul based magic system that is bodily dragged out of you with inherent power reflecting a core aspect of the person, these can change just a person does.

    How bad did I do?

    • 5 months ago

      Honestly pretty based. You could do a lot with the kinks and magic system here, like fundamentally changing someone to be more masculine/feminine or more fertile.

      • 5 months ago

        Ah shit really? Awesome, I'm not quite certain on all the bits and bobs, but maybe there is something along the lines that each city state has their ideal form that they cherish and form covenents around those forms. Of course the rivarly between say Milfacropolis and Tombacropolis is near legendary as those two are often at odds at one another. However if any other city state tries anything the two band together to kick the interloper out while stealing additional converts to their ideal form along the way.

        Could even have there be some form of barbaric horde types that tend to roam around forcing the city states to slowly form as those lost to the raiding barbara herds are rarely seen again and those that are recovered have had their souls changed from the touch of the beastkin.

    • 5 months ago

      Hm, come to think of it, maybe there are a few city states that are trying to incorporate the barbara tribes into their own city states and trying to civilize them, however other city states would turn their nose up at the rough and tumble city of Teraopolis though they do find a friend in Tombacrobpolis who finds the barbara citizens to be rather cute and aren't as stuck up as those weirdos in Afrodíti, those crazy people keep saying the strangest things about their favorite ships, they live on a mountain and only have a single port!

  44. 5 months ago

    1. Shota, e-girl, milf, muscle girl/femboy, dick girl, feminization, fem/tomboy, tan lines, excessive cum, hyper genitals, hairy armpits/pussy/balls, anthros/monsters/androids, tentacles, group sex, rimjob, nipple penetration, dvp/dap.
    2. Techno-theocracy
    3. Symbol magic powered by faith
    4. I dunno

    Great, I got a more degenerate admech.

  45. 5 months ago

    >e-girls, incest, ryona, guro
    >Anarcho-fascist warrior-gangs
    >Magical girls using emotions as energy
    Anyone game?

  46. 5 months ago

    1. muscle mommys
    2. post apocalypse anarchy
    3. blood magic monster summoning
    4. the cast of scooby do

  47. 5 months ago

    >Enlightened Absolutists
    >Manipulating the Platonic forms
    >Elves vs Humans

  48. 5 months ago

    >mind breaking confident, badass girls into submissive sex slaves
    >democratic stratocracy
    >techno empathy
    >A random low ranking mook who accidentally bonds with the most powerful Mecha in human history, a cold female prodigy, and an evil wannabe dictator who's the latter's father and the former's abusive superior

    This is actually helping me. What are the odds?

  49. 5 months ago

    Weird. My fetish is stuff like bondage, misogyny, harems, slavery, rape, mind control, and maledom sex. But my political utopia will be a peaceful democracy where we are all equal, like Scandinavia.

    It's impossible to make them go together. I wonder what that says about me?

    • 5 months ago

      Simple, Scandinavia is at war with Rapeland.

      • 5 months ago

        Wasn’t he describing any Muslim country?

        • 5 months ago

          ...no? My political utopia would be Scandinavia sans MENA immigrants. Or at least the bad ones.

    • 5 months ago

      >I wonder what that says about me?
      That you have mental problems.

      >corruption/transformation/mind control
      >removal and obstruction of all political parties
      >subconscious/dream magic
      >corrupt government agents

      There's been some kind of bad virus that's reduced the population dramatically but amazingly nobody blew up every other nation in a war. People are working to keep infrastructure and agriculture barely functional, some good changes are happening with almost all of the old political class dead, but there's still some remnants clinging on. Also all the dying people basically punched a hole in the collective consciousness and allowed some lucky dudes the ability to shape reality with their mind while lucid dreaming.
      The government basically has hired dream wizards sitting around ready to be drugged to sleep on command so they'll go fight malevolent other wizards, blow their consciousness to pieces in the process, and then reform them from the ground up.

      Honestly might use this at some point...

      and obstruction of all political parties
      That's your political utopia?! At least dream big.

      Yeah but the sexual fantasy loses some of its appeal when I'm not actually her property and am merely pretending.

      Let those women be the secret cabal that controls the dictator through sex.

      • 5 months ago

        Just how vanilla do you think I am?

        • 5 months ago

          Bro, it's a sexual kink.

      • 5 months ago

        >Let those women be the secret cabal that controls the dictator through sex.
        But then the political powerfantasy is negated since I'm not really the one in charge. Do you see the problem?

        • 5 months ago

          You're the guy being controlled, mate. By the sexy women who have you eating out of the palms of their hands.

  50. 5 months ago

    >corruption/transformation/mind control
    >removal and obstruction of all political parties
    >subconscious/dream magic
    >corrupt government agents

    There's been some kind of bad virus that's reduced the population dramatically but amazingly nobody blew up every other nation in a war. People are working to keep infrastructure and agriculture barely functional, some good changes are happening with almost all of the old political class dead, but there's still some remnants clinging on. Also all the dying people basically punched a hole in the collective consciousness and allowed some lucky dudes the ability to shape reality with their mind while lucid dreaming.
    The government basically has hired dream wizards sitting around ready to be drugged to sleep on command so they'll go fight malevolent other wizards, blow their consciousness to pieces in the process, and then reform them from the ground up.

    Honestly might use this at some point...

  51. 5 months ago

    >Gender bender
    >State Capitalism with welfare
    >Rambo like military heroes get turned into tomboyish girls and plan to get revenge on the scientists who did this to them

    Goes together like peas and carrots.

  52. 5 months ago

    Uh frick, okay!
    >Forced Transformation
    >Universally-Armed Ecologically-Sustainable Ethno-Anarchism
    >Magic is creatures from another plane that live in your head and make you schizophrenic. They explode on contact with reality in cool ways when you convince them to get out
    >Definitely going to be some gender ambiguous anthro spotted hyena people

  53. 5 months ago

    >Your Kink
    >Your Political Powerfantasy
    Starship Troopers (Book)
    >Esoteric Magic System
    Magic is just misunderstood high technology from a lost age
    >Characters (optional)
    Idk, I have an unhealthy obsession with the Vietnam war so maybe a bunch of Vietnam vet cliches?

    After thinking about it, I think I basically just described 40k.

  54. 5 months ago

    >HMoFA, monogamy, handholding
    >Chud revolution against a progressive consumerist dystopia

    I'd need to think on this one. Any ideas, bros?

    • 5 months ago

      >I'd need to think on this one. Any ideas, bros?
      Go seek a therapist.

      • 5 months ago

        Slay sister

      • 5 months ago

        Therapy is a scam. Go to church, hit the gym, start a business, get married, and reproduce.

  55. 5 months ago

    >Mind control, transformation, robot or machines
    >Absolute monarchy
    >The magic system is based on what people thought. If they think something can be real or possible, it will be.

  56. 5 months ago

    Oh look, now this stupid wojak image is being spammed on tw*tter.

    • 5 months ago

      >Wah wah wah elon bad wah wah
      Palworld is a great game btw and it'd be an interesting ttrpg setting for the games you don't play.

      • 5 months ago

        what the frick are you talking about

  57. 5 months ago

    >Harems of femboys and tomboys
    >Oriental Despotism, as long as I'm the despot
    >Psychic powers

  58. 5 months ago

    >supreme dictatorship
    >logic-based rune magic
    >characters TBD
    Writing this shit down has made me feel like more of a loser than I already felt I was.

    • 5 months ago

      Welcome to Ganker. Leave your dignity at the door.


      >Forgotten Realms
      >Star Wars
      >STAR TREK

      It's true, isn't it?

      >Tomboy slave harem
      >Unconstitutional monarchy
      >Summoning monsters to do your bidding

  59. 5 months ago

    >Stepfordization of liberal/LGBT women
    >Total Monarchy
    >Mages 'die' and go to the afterlife the second they cast a spell, but are immediately replaced by a reflection of themselves that retains the dead mages memories. The only people aware of this are schizophrenics and nobody believes them.

  60. 5 months ago

    >Political Power Fantasy
    Totalitarian Transhumanism
    >"Esoteric Magic System"
    Psykers aren't far off from being "esoteric", I suppose.
    No idea. Need better parameters.

    So yeah, just 40k but humans aren't as backwards.

  61. 5 months ago

    Mind Control
    Masonic Ritual

    Oh no... I did a Crowley....

  62. 5 months ago

    Good settings are built around a message or theme rather than what seems realistic, from that things are made to fit that theme. Look at for example Lord of the Rings.

  63. 5 months ago

    >Size, power play (especially with role reversal / dominated becoming the dominant), smoking (especially those long japanese pipes)
    >Oligarchy & Classical / Renaissance style Republic
    >Resonance / Truth based magic - magic is either wielded by conforming oneself to reality and truth or by diving off the lovecraftian edge into complete madness
    >Society based on old Anatolian / Caucasus peoples (Hittites, Luwians, Karians, Colchis, etc. mixed with some Seljuk Turks, some Saxon England, and a tiny bit of Feudal Japan
    >Characters are average people pushed to do reckless / heroic things to help their community, deal with corruption / crime, and sometimes the dangers of magic / monsters / war. Civilized shitters are sometimes scarier than monsters in the wilderness.
    Ultimately the setting is a mix of Conan, spaghetti westerns /samurai movies, iron age Saxon / Norse adventurism, and bronze age epics. Plus S.T.A.L.K.E.R., since I have a haunted ass cedar forest and run the group with Symbaroum.
    Yes, I have sexy 12 foot tall satyr girls in the spooky woods. Honestly size is very fricky there in general - sort of like that Bramble game that came out recently.

    • 5 months ago

      Lots of Sheep/Ram/Golden Fleece/ Shub-Niggurath symbolism in the setting (not just the sexy faun girls) simply because I really like the idea of Qohor from ASOIAF and wish:
      >it was less obviously just ‘satan town’ lol spooky sorcerors xd lmao.
      >places like that got to be the ‘main’ setting more often rather than just an exotic pinpoint on a map.
      Pic somewhat related. Stupid sexy satyrs are decently common cause of death for adventurers and idiots who live near the forest.

      • 5 months ago

        >idiots who live near the forest
        But how else am I going to get a satyr wife if I live in a town? Life in a nature is the best for druid hermits.

        • 5 months ago

          >Size, power play (especially with role reversal / dominated becoming the dominant), smoking (especially those long japanese pipes)
          >Oligarchy & Classical / Renaissance style Republic
          >Resonance / Truth based magic - magic is either wielded by conforming oneself to reality and truth or by diving off the lovecraftian edge into complete madness
          >Society based on old Anatolian / Caucasus peoples (Hittites, Luwians, Karians, Colchis, etc. mixed with some Seljuk Turks, some Saxon England, and a tiny bit of Feudal Japan
          >Characters are average people pushed to do reckless / heroic things to help their community, deal with corruption / crime, and sometimes the dangers of magic / monsters / war. Civilized shitters are sometimes scarier than monsters in the wilderness.
          Ultimately the setting is a mix of Conan, spaghetti westerns /samurai movies, iron age Saxon / Norse adventurism, and bronze age epics. Plus S.T.A.L.K.E.R., since I have a haunted ass cedar forest and run the group with Symbaroum.
          Yes, I have sexy 12 foot tall satyr girls in the spooky woods. Honestly size is very fricky there in general - sort of like that Bramble game that came out recently.

          Satyrs are by definition male. Saying shit like satyr wife and satyr girls is like saying bull wife and bull girls. Get your mythology straight.

          • 5 months ago

            Cow girls with beeeeg teats that need a steady hand to be milking is kinda based tho

          • 5 months ago

            I want to use a word other than ‘faun’ sometimes. Sue me.
            Other than the superficial appearance of goat/human hybrid they’re more close to nymphs / dryads anyway. Or even how Djinn work in arab stories.
            Regardless, I’ll still use words that make my players think of ‘goatperson with connections to nature’ just like how you can call an oni an ogre. I’m not telling greek myths here anyway, it’s just linguistic convenience.

            >idiots who live near the forest
            But how else am I going to get a satyr wife if I live in a town? Life in a nature is the best for druid hermits.

            Just don’t make any wishes or shake hands with your faun waifu. Great way to get your identity stolen. (In the ‘no one can see you, hear you, or remembers anything about you except you and her’ sort of way).

            • 5 months ago

              >no one can see you, hear you, or remembers anything about you except you and her
              yandere faun waifu wants you all to herself but you have to agree is a god-tier dynamic tbqh senpai

              • 5 months ago

                Thank you! It’s a part of the setting I’m quite fond of.
                To me agreeing to be spirited away is a kind of suicide - give up the highs and lows of human life to return to monke and live in the Grove with your pretty giant goat yandere.
                One of my players suggested they could ‘choose’ people they found interesting like valkyries as well.
                Like imagine you’re bleeding out against a tree rolling not to die and suddenly this dryad appears and reaches out her hand to you. Do you take it? Do you risk rejecting her and living as a cripple or having to learn what’s beyond death?
                >Meanwhile the rest of the party just thinks you’re talking to the air because they can’t see her

                I’m tempted to try it. Reminds me of the Avatar of Thanatos from Caverns of Thracia.

            • 5 months ago

              >except you and her
              That sounds kind of romantic to me.

            • 5 months ago

              >linguistic convenience
              It isn't because the way you use it is self-contradictory but whatever suits you cracker.

            • 5 months ago

              Oh the other fun one is where she asks for your attention and you say sure and then she ghosts you for a hot minute while you go looking for her in a wild game of hide and seek that leaves you buck naked, in a cave, there is a fire pit nearby and faun wife is laying back waiting on your arrival with the smuggest grin on her face

              • 5 months ago

                Exactly the spirit I’m going for. That folkloric “what what the frick just happened” feeling.

                I'm down bad for sheep gals, maybe they could be one of them tribes that roam the wilds that the city states have to be weary of if they ever united in all their numbers.

                Like in this setting
                You reckon that the your sheep tribes would have items and rituals to induct people into the tribe with new fluffy coats or would it be more a spiritual corruption as the trappings of civilization are forgotten in the scrum of the wild?

                In my setting they’re something like Warhammer’s chaos daemons but for the spooky woods themselves. The Grove is the spirit of the wood, and the fauns are the daughters / senses / immune system of it. They grow larger and more powerful like trees over time, up to a proposed max height of 15-20 feet. Fauns are masters of illusion though, so there’s speculation that much larger , ancient fauns might exists and are just imperceptible to our puny mortal brains. (Not unlike that movie the Troll Hunter)
                Since The Grove is pure viridity / fertility / potentiality, it needs humans to create more avatars fauns (by way of our fulfilled potential / mortality). So fauns are compelled to bond with humans of either gender. Regardless of what lewd shit such a couple gets up to, reproduction doesn’t happen until the pair are sufficiently resonant with each other (my magic system’s base principle as mentioned above).
                At this point some of the human’s ‘realness’ is stolen and the faun becomes ‘pregnant’. After a seemingly random amount of time she’ll birth a baby faun - after which the mortal parent can only visit the material plane for brief periods. The rest of the time they are limited to the plane that is The Grove.

                All that to say, mine aren’t really common enough for that to work, but I really like the idea. Could be fun to have the same dynamic with Harps/Harpies and other demihumans as well.
                I really think the ‘getting inducted into the tribe’ part is very neat. Maybe just reverting to barbarism leads to more apelike qualities like frazetta men whereas rituals and amulets lead to demihumans like satyrs / centaurs / etc?

              • 5 months ago

                >In my setting they’re something like Warhammer’s chaos daemons but for the spooky woods themselves.

                2spooky4me scoobs, but thats a nice feature, sorta like kitsune with the illusions, but its the western vibes instead of east. I dig it.

                >Since The Grove is pure viridity / fertility / potentiality, it needs humans to create more avatars fauns (by way of our fulfilled potential / mortality).

                This part is cool with the two folks resonating until the magic happens, that could tie in with my magic system since the human's soul is the one getting harmonized with so you can have more faun babbies, very compatible it seems.

                >Could be fun to have the same dynamic with Harps/Harpies and other demihumans as well.
                Yeah that works, one thing to do would be having like those one monstergals whose origin creature they are made of be the numerous numbers types, but I'd rather like to avoid rats as those ones tend to be bigger, meaner and just all around not pleasent. Mice however...hm, potential maybe, that or its a case of like mice are the standard, but the roided out big lads are the rats and they aren't really useful for much when their souls get dyed in endless war. Harpies would be fun for flock shenagins, one idea is mating raids where they swoop ya as most harpies are born female so they need to suppliment the rare boyhawks that occur. The sad thing is that harpies have a gender swapping item, issue is that humans are easier to adapt to various things than harpies.

                >Rituals vs Monke
                Could be both, depending on what flavor of tribe you're wanting to play around with honesty, I can super see the holstaur/minotaurs having a big emphasis on the making of the milk and only the milk, you can have udders the size of a watermelon but if the milk you make is literal water it's useless. Which can lead to rather funny situations where a b cup mino is more popular than the double J cup.

                Wish I could use this whole thing as a setting...

              • 5 months ago

                Neither here nor there, but one thing I’ve grown fond of for reasons of arbitrary taste is having male Harpies (I call them demiharps) being flightless and having thumbs. So their whole job in society is to deal with groundlings and do shit that requires fine manipulation.
                I’m trying to find a specific piece of concept art that I have tucked away for them but it’s hiding from me atm…

              • 5 months ago

                gender dymorphism is a neat thing to play around with, though oddly its always the females that look similair while the guys are usually uggo. I was going to just have there different tribes of birb based on the speicies involved, from soaring thermal flight to darting about like some coked out humming bird types, just kinda depends on what folks want honestly.

    • 5 months ago

      Lots of Sheep/Ram/Golden Fleece/ Shub-Niggurath symbolism in the setting (not just the sexy faun girls) simply because I really like the idea of Qohor from ASOIAF and wish:
      >it was less obviously just ‘satan town’ lol spooky sorcerors xd lmao.
      >places like that got to be the ‘main’ setting more often rather than just an exotic pinpoint on a map.
      Pic somewhat related. Stupid sexy satyrs are decently common cause of death for adventurers and idiots who live near the forest.

      I'm down bad for sheep gals, maybe they could be one of them tribes that roam the wilds that the city states have to be weary of if they ever united in all their numbers.

      Like in this setting

      Hm, come to think of it, maybe there are a few city states that are trying to incorporate the barbara tribes into their own city states and trying to civilize them, however other city states would turn their nose up at the rough and tumble city of Teraopolis though they do find a friend in Tombacrobpolis who finds the barbara citizens to be rather cute and aren't as stuck up as those weirdos in Afrodíti, those crazy people keep saying the strangest things about their favorite ships, they live on a mountain and only have a single port!

      Step 1: impreg, ahegao, pheromone scenting, interracial/monstergirl, teasing, edging, height difference,tomboys, milfs, affection, bad ends, competition, fighting, nonconsensual, consensual, psuedo-rape, role reversal, romance, dirty talk, corruption, gender transformation, body part transformation, breeding, heat/rut, risk of pregnancy
      Step 2; Not sure on this one, but maybe some form of city state civics slowly turning into a repbulic of various city states that engage in jolly cooperation to dire back stabbing or outright warfare?
      Step 3; Soul based magic system that is bodily dragged out of you with inherent power reflecting a core aspect of the person, these can change just a person does.

      How bad did I do?

      You reckon that the your sheep tribes would have items and rituals to induct people into the tribe with new fluffy coats or would it be more a spiritual corruption as the trappings of civilization are forgotten in the scrum of the wild?

  64. 5 months ago

    >Slave harems in Arabian clothing and Gender transformation
    >Highly decentralized democratic city states
    >Underground israeli blood magic

    • 5 months ago

      Ancient Athens style city states where slavery and polygamy are common, with slave girls often wearing skimpy clothes and lots of israeliteelry both showing their masters’ wealth and status. Due to the higher value of female slaves young male slaves are often forcibly transformed into women so they can serve in the harems using ritualistic blood magic. Slaves can be born slaves or come from prisoners taken in battles between city states, and enemy commanders and sons of enemy rulers are highly prized additions to a harem.

    • 5 months ago

      That’s literally just real life middle eastern history

  65. 5 months ago

    Eh, you got it right
    Frick it also the case for my homebrew too

  66. 5 months ago

    If this thread taught me anything is that most people here have no idea what "esoteric" means.

  67. 5 months ago

    >tfw my setting doesn't have an overarching universal fetish
    Individual countries/regions have themes, but the whole thing has nothing
    This is why I will never be a good writer

  68. 5 months ago

    You joke, but some of my greatest ideas originated from kink and broadened out from there. The spark of motivation is all I need to get rolling, and what is more motivating than being horny?

  69. 5 months ago

    If nothing else, it gives me motivation to write out the setting when I run out of ideas.

  70. 5 months ago

    Evil Women
    Powerlevel enforced aristocracy
    Magic is ghosts, maybe even your own
    Witches with no sense of right or wrong

  71. 5 months ago

    >Various forms of rape or non-consent (forced orgasm/impreg, ryona, choking, drugging, etc.)
    >There is a single supernatural source of true, black-hearted, unrepentant evil, and it is doomed to be devoured in a vague cosmic way we would recognize as horrible beyond imagining. Same for any willing servants, who are infected by the force kind of like zombies or (occasionally, in extremely early stages) the demonically possessed (meaning the effect can be excised and they can be saved). Sometimes the “vague cosmic way” the supernatural evil is excised looks a lot like badass violence or eternally escalating torture, although it isn’t necessarily that in reality. Real life politics of all kinds are avoided completely and it’s subtly designed to piss off people who identify or idolize truly evil people in a meta way, but not overtly… so they get really invested in the setting and end up pissed off unable to really enjoy it.
    >A bunch of deliberately contradictory magic systems that co-exist in the setting. With an in-universe justification that each group of magic users has a different explanation for how supernatural stuff works, accounting for all the contradictory shit in different ways.
    Wait a second is this just World of Darkness

  72. 5 months ago

    I just inserted the wh chaos gods into my setting and make up stuff as i go along with the campaign.

  73. 5 months ago

    Another clearly magical realm part of my setting this thread made me think of, gratefully reserved to internal myth background shit players never care about.
    >setting is mostly monotheistic, but the culture switched over only a few centuries ago
    >some elements of the Old Rites still linger, albeit syncretized
    >the old faith was very pessimistic, with the great creator god being betrayed Osiris style and usurped.
    >said creator had two creations he prized over all others - The Sisters - deities of sea and storms.
    >the former manifests as a jormugandr-scale mermaid, the latter as a nidhogg sized harpy.
    >he spoiled them rotten, and never held them accountable to their duties - hence why the ocean and weather are so chaotic and dangerous.
    >given nothing to do all day but be spoiled brats, the sisters spent their days feuding over petty bullshit, briefly taking fascination with mortals and kingdoms before losing interest and abandoning them, catfights causing typhoons and hurricanes.
    >the usurpers, and indeed the whole war in heaven, is in part over resentment for the special treatment of the sisters
    Important note: in this faith’s understanding of godhood, all the gods tap into a part of the creator’s soul that he gave them at their making, dark souls style. More gods = weaker individual gods.
    >The usurper stages his coup against the creator during a council meeting on (not) Olympus, who himself refuses to fight his children.
    >the Sisters, who haven’t worked a day in their lives, are absent as always
    >as each god dies, the creator tries to save their souls, ultimately comes down to the usurper and creator being the last standing
    >just before he is cut down, the creator gives up all of his essence to the sisters, making them both nearly omnipotent
    >dismayed, the usurper tracks them down and tries to slay them but is effortlessly struck down as mankind watches
    >the sisters then steal his accrued essence and between the two of them have all of omnipotence

    • 5 months ago

      >being objectively the stupidest of the gods and the laziest (and the least humane) the sisters don’t mourn the slaughter of the pantheon, they immediately revel in their increased power
      >humanity now is forced to desperately avoid being crushed by the negligence of these uncaring gods as they quarrel constantly.
      >they have abandoned the underworld as ‘boring and gross’, so one’s options of the afterlife are to either be kept in their private collections of ‘neat mortals’ or to be confined to a neglected joyless shithole realm of aimless dead
      >religious tradition was built around walking on eggshells not to offend them
      but without any hope of salvation. The sisters picked their favored mortals arbitrarily
      So yeah, easy to see why these people converted to a new faith when they encountered it, but the old faith was very much just a mythos of the whole universe being in the hand of the cosmic equivalent of shitty bratty mean girls who didn’t deserve it. Glad I’ve never had to have a straight face and explain that lore to the homies at the table.

      Once had a collaborator describe it as ‘lovecraft but his dick was hard’.

      • 5 months ago

        >Once had a collaborator describe it as ‘lovecraft but his dick was hard’.
        This collaborator must have never even seen a lovercraft, much less ride in one.

  74. 5 months ago

    >Weight Gain (aka fat b***hes)
    >Arcane Meritocracy, GRRM esque Feudalism with nobles houses with long and compliated histories and political relations, autocratic monarchy where the world swings wildly in relation to the ruler
    >Schizophrenic /x/ tier Tulpamancy, Tarot Divination, Magic Spec Bio
    I dunno what this looks like but I'm digging it

  75. 5 months ago

    My favorite kind of worldbuilding is the kind of anti-GRRM small worldbuilding style where instead of defining the entire world you just focus on making a very small setting within that is detailed and internally consistent, and the audience will then extrapolate that consistency and authenticity to the rest of the world which can be glimpsed and hinted at.
    A good example is making some kind of trading city or outpost that has visitors from all over who only can only give a subjective, second-hand account of what the world beyond what the characters know is like.

  76. 5 months ago

    >divine right
    >mythic resonance, the more closely you resemble a mythopoetic archetype or how how clever or "logical" your magical symbolism/metaphor/allegory, the more power you can draw upon from the collective unconscious

    Oh yeah. It's worldbuilding time.

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