
>be dev
>let players build bunkers wherever they please but require that they supply them, better bunkers are more expensive
>players build concrete mega bunkers everywhere including the backlines that drain rmat fields and require a million supply runs a day to keep alive
>"How could the devs do this?"

>be dev
>let players build their own factories that make things in a matter of minutes, wherever they please, but require that they supply them
>players build do-everything mega facilities that cost a millions supply runs a day to keep alive
>"How could the devs do this?"

>be dev
>let players mass produce crates of tanks and stockpile them but make it so they cannot resubmit opened crates to stockpiles and makes unused vehicles decay so that it encourages their use
>players unpack all their crates and turn them into variants (5min wait as a factory does it for you), then park them in the open before not playing for days on end
>tanks all get stolen
>"How could the alts do this?"

>be dev
>let players build everything the war effort needs
>players rely on the public supply and never build their own things
>the public supply runs out
>"How could the devs do this?"

>be dev
>let players supply frontlines in eurotruck simulator 1944
>players dump all their flatbeds and container ships at the front and never return them
>"How could the devs do this?"

>be dev
>let players, if they work together, be able to afford equipment that requires multiple players to use
>players just lone wolf and complain that everyone else has tanks and field guns and they don't
>"Clan man BAD!!!"

>be player
>cum gets censored
>"How could the devs do this?!?!?!"
Holy shit the community is awful.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago

    Multiplayer games really don't warrant the same kind of freedom single player games do

  2. 1 year ago

    This is not a strategy game.

    • 1 year ago

      it is but only for a small subset of discord groomers

  3. 1 year ago

    Game was ruined by clans, metagaming, faction jumpers and the abysmal promotion system based on commendations. The game needed a heavy moderation team rather than the hands off it got. Shame, it's a great concept ruined by midwits.

    • 1 year ago

      >MMO game was ruined by clans
      >t. lone wolf idiot with no friends
      This game is one of the joys of having a Sinology degree and learning Spanish just to not be working on that degree - I can communicate with people that are playing in a group of 50 and coordinate them with another group of 20

      • 1 year ago

        how's communicating with CGC? always hard to get a read on them since barely any speak english but my interactions have always been positive despite their reputation

        • 1 year ago

          It's almost as if speaking someone's language and thus removing the language barriers allows you to communicate or something...

          Okay, enjoy your dead game as you grind mats for the 100th time with your 20 moronic Chinese friends.

          Stay mad

          • 1 year ago

            I asked how you like communicating with them not whether you're able to

      • 1 year ago

        Okay, enjoy your dead game as you grind mats for the 100th time with your 20 moronic Chinese friends.

  4. 1 year ago

    just add first person to trucks so the atutists enjoy it

  5. 1 year ago

    OP is a foxhole dev

  6. 1 year ago


    >Any dev lurking, feel free to steal the idea
    now just the $50 million for a barely working prototype I release as a full game under a big publisher please

  7. 1 year ago

    Too much bloat and now particle effects. I can’t run it on my pc any longer. Luckily for the devs i win’t leave a review because i don’t want to be associated with the playbase.

  8. 1 year ago

    This game has some truly twisted homosexuals addicted to it, imagine a game with 2000 players and 90% of them are child molesters, and the other 10% don't have a problem playing with that 90% because God isn't real or something

    • 1 year ago

      reddit must love this game

      • 1 year ago

        It seems to be more of a discord game (hence one faction being transgender weebs, the other being furries) and its subreddit is both underpopulated (for a video game subreddit) and only interested in talking about discord drama.

        i never played that game or know anything about it but its reviews are funny

        >but its reviews are funny
        Check out the playtime of the reviewers. Holy shit why do they keep playing this game they hate.

        None of this is a real problem except for the "CUM" situation but they had it coming, I'm surprised that it lasted as long as it did.
        >players build bunkers wherever
        I don't supply their moronic bunkers so clans waste their time supplying their own shit whilst not really putting a dent on frontline logi.
        >players build their own factories
        I don't supply any of this, the industry/traingays get all that stuff done for me since they have the highest interest in keeping shit running, see above point.
        >tanks all get stolen
        As God intended.
        >players rely on the public supply
        If it gets used up you just refine more salvage, there will be dips because sometimes you have to logi stuff urgently and can't go scrapping but this is usually not a problem since most logi people understand that if they don't supply the refineries they get no bmats to use.
        >players dump all their flatbeds and container ships at the front and never return them
        Nothing a wrenching never fixed, plus flatbeds, containers and craned are useful on the frontline for artillery and other heavy emplacements.
        >players just lone wolf and complain that everyone else has tanks and field guns and they don't
        You can solo vehicles but it leaves you exposed, if you wanted to you could easily bring something to the front and have a couple of randoms crew it with you.
        >the community is awful
        I have heard horror stories about mass reporting and stuff like that and occasionally you do get the sweaty rule 2 screaming in chat for logi/complaining about players sucking/building autism but generally people are willing to teach you and are accommodating to new players.

        The only thing that genuinely tilts me is when I go to the frontline as a logi player and I find "Rambo" and his 3-13 ammo mags on his dead body. Enemy at the Gates was right.

        >don't supply their moronic bunkers so clans waste their time supplying their own shit
        Have you been to the subreddit?
        Autists openly admit to noticing abandoned concrete bases and bring them gsupps. It's mental.
        >and I find "Rambo" and his 3-13 ammo mags on his dead body.
        I'm almost always the only one who scavenges equipment to put in crates to then take back to the bunker.
        And almost always said crate is emptied out by Rambo no matter how much ammunition I grabbed. I can tell because there were no anti-tank missile launchers in the base and some rando just blew up a foot soldier with one before moving onto shooting up a pillbox with the rest.

        • 1 year ago

          >Have you been to the subreddit?
          Never, plus redittors doing reddit things is self-explanatory.

        • 1 year ago

          >Dumb redditor shows his true colors and power level
          And nobody was surprised

  9. 1 year ago

    i never played that game or know anything about it but its reviews are funny

    • 1 year ago

      back when I played, I made sure if I needed fuel to nick it from clan bases, thanks to my trusty wrench

  10. 1 year ago

    None of this is a real problem except for the "CUM" situation but they had it coming, I'm surprised that it lasted as long as it did.
    >players build bunkers wherever
    I don't supply their moronic bunkers so clans waste their time supplying their own shit whilst not really putting a dent on frontline logi.
    >players build their own factories
    I don't supply any of this, the industry/traingays get all that stuff done for me since they have the highest interest in keeping shit running, see above point.
    >tanks all get stolen
    As God intended.
    >players rely on the public supply
    If it gets used up you just refine more salvage, there will be dips because sometimes you have to logi stuff urgently and can't go scrapping but this is usually not a problem since most logi people understand that if they don't supply the refineries they get no bmats to use.
    >players dump all their flatbeds and container ships at the front and never return them
    Nothing a wrenching never fixed, plus flatbeds, containers and craned are useful on the frontline for artillery and other heavy emplacements.
    >players just lone wolf and complain that everyone else has tanks and field guns and they don't
    You can solo vehicles but it leaves you exposed, if you wanted to you could easily bring something to the front and have a couple of randoms crew it with you.
    >the community is awful
    I have heard horror stories about mass reporting and stuff like that and occasionally you do get the sweaty rule 2 screaming in chat for logi/complaining about players sucking/building autism but generally people are willing to teach you and are accommodating to new players.

    The only thing that genuinely tilts me is when I go to the frontline as a logi player and I find "Rambo" and his 3-13 ammo mags on his dead body. Enemy at the Gates was right.

    • 1 year ago

      >The only thing that genuinely tilts me is when I go to the frontline as a logi player and I find "Rambo" and his 3-13 ammo mags on his dead body.
      you can thank every FPS ever for teaching players not to care about ammo
      ammo is plentiful, bullets magically appear in mags in an instant, and its better to carry 6000 rounds instead of 30 because what if you get into an epic last stand against hordes of enemies and NEED those 6000 bullets? (this is what every zoomer expects from every game with shooting, it doesnt matter the game is explicitly about logistics and resource management)

      • 1 year ago

        im guilty of this with bandages once in a while, but it really feels as if there's always more people yo heal on the front

        • 1 year ago

          I forgive you healbawd

  11. 1 year ago

    Fun in theory but completely lacks coordination tools thus resulting in discord trannies ruining the fun for everyone.

  12. 1 year ago

    Clanmen ruined it. And its funny with all these mad kids dropping negative steam reviews with a 1,000+ hours. lmao.

    • 1 year ago

      Excuse me those are all men in their 40s that share an interest in um, "communicating" with teenage boys

  13. 1 year ago

    If the devs would stop adding 4 new tanks and 4 new guns each patch it would be better. Bring classes into the game in place of uniforms maybe. Choose a recon class at a base and get the recon outfit, only be able to equip X type of weapon with X class so you don't have the usual one guy running around with 2 rifles, a smg and a mmg on his shoulder with no ammo for any, and not even bringing them back to a nearby base. Removing clans would kill the game fast, but they're already killing the game with gatekeeping, seeing new players try to get into the game, they've not got much hope or help. I've got probably 200 hours, not much, but a decent rank, and because I've not got clan tags, clans get pissy when they see you do anything where they happen to be, claiming you're an alt. I've been supplying the frontlines and I get stopped and gunned down by my own team so they can take the truck back to their own base and submit it for their "big push", reporting does nothing, but I get reported for doing a scrap run because "this hex is under X clan control, you're not allowed to harvest or use our scrap fields" when it's an open field, no signs. Clans are the worst part of the game, but buddying up with a random low rank player who just wants to have fun is some of the most fun I've had.

    • 1 year ago

      >buddying up with a random low rank player who just wants to have fun is some of the most fun I've had.
      Thing is it's how the game is SUPPOSED to be played in the first place, natural organic cooperation, but because there are no tools for that and devs refuse to add any, instead relying on discord power trippers as a crutch to organize.

      Not /vst/, but it's like Project Reality vs Arma. In the former you can easily join a server, get into a squad and be very well organized and in the latter you need to have a group of discord transsexuals with you to begin with.

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