Frick all localizers.

Frick all localizers.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    >frick all localizers
    >but also you cant learn sunrise land language
    What am I meant to do then?

    • 2 weeks ago

      stop caring about twitter topics on Ganker

      • 2 weeks ago

        localizer hating is Ganker culture

        • 2 weeks ago

          >twitter is Ganker culture
          technically true but also you're a homosexual

    • 2 weeks ago

      Give me a Life Stone and I'll tell you.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The localizers don't know Japanese either though

  2. 2 weeks ago

    I'm finding learning moon runes isn't actually too bad. Yes, you'll find the symbols that are similar to each other and weird grammar exceptions, but if you learned English's shitty rules you can learn to read jap speak. I still can't purely listen though. Jesus christ they speak really quickly. That's why I find visual novels with voiced dialogue is helping.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Understanding the spoken language is the easiest part of learning japanese and it can and has been done under a year by military contractors. The bulk of the problem is kanji is gay and moronic and all the dekinais insist you HAVE to master the written part of the language and grasp the language itself as a consequence

      • 2 weeks ago

        Fair enough, I just find the written stuff more interesting and I can read that. I think it might be due to a lack of proper listening immersion that got me since I hit the books.

        How good could I get in 5 months?

        What's your study plan?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >What's your study plan?
          Duolingo for maybe a half hour a day and subbed anime 6 hours a week

          • 2 weeks ago

            You'll be able to say half a dozen sentences or so in, oh, give or take six years.

            Duolingo and anime isn't learning.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Not the worst start but you will find eventually that it loses value quickly. It's very repetitive, you'll learn half a dozen phrases and go insane. I did find it helped with me with the kanas though so that's something.
            I'd start adding in some sort of reading practice into it. Mine characters, start recognizing certain sentence patterns and words.

      • 2 weeks ago

        the bulk of the problem is you morons keep whining about kanji

    • 2 weeks ago

      How good could I get in 5 months?

      • 2 weeks ago

        It depends on how fricking stupid/mediocre you are. Just learn at your pace, but do it right; otherwise, why bother?
        Spend your time and "money" on something else...

        • 2 weeks ago

          I'm planning my honeymoon in Japan sometime between November and March. It would be helpful to have a modest grasp of the language.

    • 2 weeks ago

      the main problem with Japanese is getting the immersion. I have plenty of Japanese friends I practice with but even then I feel like I won't learn the language unless I live in Japan for an extended period. I haven't met a single person who learned Japanese to a conversational level without doing that. If you actually want to learn the language and can spend a year in Japan then do it

  3. 2 weeks ago

    >Imagine knowing only 2 languages, let alone just one.
    >Imagine knowing only the latin alphabet.

    LMAOOOOO brainlets get what they deserve.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >claims to know 3+ languages
      >still types like a moron

      • 2 weeks ago

        Give him a break. Indians have to learn from ESL pajeets doing the needful after mastering their 15000 local poolects

        • 2 weeks ago

          v/ermin surely loves poo, it seems that there is no other topic in this shit hole.
          BTW, I'm still better than (you) and your homeschool schizo parenting/"education"

        • 2 weeks ago

          God I fricking hate poojeets... but I love their motorcycles, what's up with that?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Seething much?

        • 2 weeks ago
  4. 2 weeks ago

    There are an enormous amount of tools for learning Japanese in 2024. Every time you think of a sentence in your native language, you have the ability to learn how to say it in Japanese with proper grammar and syntax. It’s called DeepL and ChatGPT, a computer can effectively coach you, not to mention the 1,000,000 others resources available freely online. Duolingo is SHIT, avoid. Use Pimsleur if you must.

    Weebs can’t learn Japanese for the same reason they can’t succeed at anything else in life: they’re lazy underachievers.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Eh... ChatGPT's Japanese learning set must have something wrong with it because I got some absolutely dogshit responses from it.
      That said, for a quick reference it's not bad, but like anything AI make sure you ALWAYS double check it to make sure it isn't hallucinating.

      the main problem with Japanese is getting the immersion. I have plenty of Japanese friends I practice with but even then I feel like I won't learn the language unless I live in Japan for an extended period. I haven't met a single person who learned Japanese to a conversational level without doing that. If you actually want to learn the language and can spend a year in Japan then do it

      The hardest part is getting there at the moment, but I am definitely going to do it at some point. I just have to be happy with the surprisingly high number of first generation japanese people in my city for now... hope that what I have worked up so far will at least give me a chance to have a good conversation.

      I'm planning my honeymoon in Japan sometime between November and March. It would be helpful to have a modest grasp of the language.

      Congrats Anon, are you going to continue learning after you come back home?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >are you going to continue learning after you come back home?
        it would certainly make watching anime easier

    • 2 weeks ago

      ignore all shit advice from beginners, i.e. every post in this thread so far

      this is all you need

      Another thread, another slew of malicious advice

  5. 2 weeks ago

    ignore all shit advice from beginners, i.e. every post in this thread so far

    this is all you need

  6. 2 weeks ago

    >they changed the sexualized 13 year old into being age 18 in the US dub! I am being oppressed! My penis is small because israelites exist

    George Washington would erase the first amendment if he could see into modern times.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Language anons: Once Japanese is learned, how far is the jump to also learn Korean and Chinese? I know Korean for example has now gotten rid of their equivalent of Kanji.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Kanji knowledge definitely helps with Chinese, but it's still a totally different language. I guess it will feel more like going from English to French though because the familiarity. I didn't get far with it but I know a lot of people that learned Chinese after Japanese

      As for Korean, no idea because it's a pointless language to learn

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