Frick off

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    >Literally Starcraft 3 in everything but name
    Brand loyalty is a disease.

    • 1 week ago

      have you tried stormgate? it's not good at all

      • 1 week ago

        Ah yes, the ol' 'Y (new IP) is shit compared to X (dead IP)'. Y'know, that's how arena shooters died out.

        • 1 week ago

          >just glorp the shit down, you don't want your genre to die, do you?

          • 1 week ago

            If I glorp that shit down, would you die?

            • 1 week ago

              Buddy you don't have to glorp shit to kill people

        • 1 week ago

          what the frick, are you a bot? Is this all just bots posting random shit at each other? Fricking ex-blizzard chinkoid scammers

      • 1 week ago

        So it really is just like Starcraft then

        • 1 week ago

          And people have to stop pretending otherwise

    • 1 week ago

      if its literally starcraft and starcraft is free then why play it

    • 1 week ago

      Because stormgate is terrible and plays like garbage. Has nothing to do with brand loyalty

    • 1 week ago

      It's StarCraft 2 the sequel, ie. not StarCraft

    • 1 week ago

      >Literally Starcraft 3
      It plays like a hybrid of Warcraft 3 and SC2 with how slow units die and how everything bunches up into a ball of units mashing against each other until one ball dies or retreats.

      • 1 week ago

        >a hybrid of Warcraft 3 and SC2 with how slow units die
        This actually sounds great, I always preferred combat in WC3 over SC.

    • 1 week ago

      >brand loyalty homosexualry when the crux of the issue is that the game is not good
      I haven't even played Stormgate and I already know what OP's issue with the game is. How can you be this stupid on purpose and not feel pangs of guilt and cringe?

    • 1 week ago

      You don't understand.

      • 1 week ago

        He's 41 years old and streams exclusively for Ganker posters.
        The fact that he's also the face of an entire genre is just unbelievable. There's no saving RTS.

      • 1 week ago

        I like how his chat is like 50% Mario erotica

    • 1 week ago

      It's just a cheapass copy

    • 1 week ago

      It's not, it's Starcraft 2 2

    • 1 week ago

      it looks like a mobile game
      it plays like a wet turd
      given Blizz's recent track record, I suppose it could be SC3

    • 1 week ago

      Good, let the asiatics frick off to that ininspired piece of shit game and leave SC2 to its devices.

    • 1 week ago

      have you tried stormgate? it's not good at all

      it's literally starcraft 3, which is a bad thing
      i wanted to support it, age of mythology retold has taken my interest away from it

      • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        Is there a campaign? Ive only played Starcraft 2 and war3 for campaign and custom maps lol.

    • 1 week ago

      it looks like shit, the people who played starcraft are in their 30's 40's, that screenshot

      looks like fricking fortnite version of starcraft, starcraft had a serious tone to it, the image I get from looking at that screenshot makes me believe it is a joke. how can a developer actually make that and be proud of it? in no way does it make me, a OG starcraft player, want to play it cause it looks like you're jumping into fortnite or some zoomer shit

    • 1 week ago

      going by the graphics its more like Starcraft 1.5

      • 1 week ago

        >going by the graphics its more like Starcraft 1.5
        I fricking wish. Starcraft 1 is actually gorgeous. SC2 looks like shit, but it plays well enough.

        Stormgate somehow looks worse than SC2 yet plays worse than SC1.
        Again: Stormgate is just WC3 without heroes, and that is fricking horrifying.

    • 1 week ago


  2. 1 week ago

    Why does it look so shit then?

    • 1 week ago

      >graphic is not everything

      • 1 week ago

        Art style is everything. And this one looks trash , let's be real. Like some mobile game garbage

      • 1 week ago

        if no graphics, then artstyle, and this has none
        looks blander than fortnite

      • 1 week ago

        even red alert 2 looks way better than that mobile shit in OP's pic

        • 1 week ago

          >even red alert 2
          I don't like the way you said this, RA2 looks great.

          • 1 week ago

            >RA2 looks great.
            yes it does, i was referring to the fact that a game that's almost 25 years old looks better than this shit

            • 1 week ago

              I don't know why people try to attribute art style to age.
              Super mario world looks fantastic despite it's age. It doesn't really have a 'time line' on when it will look bad, because they nailed the art style.
              Tib sun, RA2 - they have timeless art styles and will always look amazing. Age doesn't make them worse.

              • 1 week ago

                i only brought up age because Westwood accomplished something great with much less resources available than what modern devs have access to these days, and the latter still manage to humiliate themselves 99.9% of the time
                but otherwise i agree with you
                the only times i call a game old is because of their age, not because i consider them outdated
                chess 1500 years ago is still chess today

              • 1 week ago

                I still cum to the SFX in Generals, C&C3, World in Conflict and COH1.
                You can't buy talent, that shit is cultivated and modern publishers and devs are just in this industry for a quick paycheck.

              • 1 week ago

                >i only brought up age because Westwood accomplished something great with much less resources available than what modern devs have access to these days
                That is not entirely true though, and reminds me of people who complain that modern day Indie games aren't as impressive as 25 years old AAA titles.
                Westwood had obscene amount of resources to their disposal. They didn't splurge on celebrity holywood actors out of pocket change.
                The amount of funding that the RTS genre was getting back in the day was proportional to the investments studios make into AAA games today. Those were incredibly expensive, top-of-the line games.
                Nobody is going to invest comparable sums of money into RTS games today - they work with far, far more limited resources. RTS are by definition, extremely challenging and expensive to develop. Back in Westwoods heyday, publishers were willing to spend that money.

                This is one of the things that people need to realize about RTS games today - they just don't get the budgets that would allow them the same tech and testing classic RTS games were getting. They are a niche genre and get niche-genre budget - except RTS games don't work when they are cheaply made, they are more sensitive to production values than ANY other genre in the world, actually.

                I'm not saying this to justify shit like Stormgate, but it's always good to be conscious of the factual limitations and realities of the industry. It's why oldschool fans keep getting disappointed. Why Grey Goo failed, Why Act of War failed. Why BAR is struggling as such a niche product. Why that GGG-promoted RTS game looks barely better than Stormgate does, at least in terms of production values.

    • 1 week ago

      because it looks like starcraft 2

      • 1 week ago

        It looks like Starcraft 2 if they outsourced the project to Malaysia.

        • 1 week ago

          >Diablo's Angel vs Demons
          >Overwatch mecha skins
          >Starcraft units
          >Warcraft maps
          This is the laziest dev team in existence baiting nostalgiagays every way they can.

          Bet $10 they'll be selling plushies of not-zerglings too

          • 1 week ago

            after the 90s coming up with an art style that is new and creative is hard. at this rate just get the rehash of 90s style and be happy. Just remember that if all style made by humans in a rehash, those same humans have no right to complain about AI, which will 100% replace them.

            • 1 week ago

              its not that, there is no art direction whatsoever and just seems they randomly fumbled something together
              everything just feels off, the maps look like wc3, some units diablo, some units starcraft and as a whole just weird

              • 1 week ago

                its hard to come up with original art. and they did not even try. but had they tried maybe they could have made something somewhat less derivative. or maybe they wanted the sc2 audience, like me, but ... unless they have extensive custom maps support, i see 0 chance i will play it.

              • 1 week ago

                >no art direction whatsoever
                This seems by design

                >The maturity level and tone is intended to be similar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe
                What a quirky chungus of a game setting.

                , they don't want to feel "constrained" when designing units

      • 1 week ago

        And somehow runs much worse than a 14 year old game that also did things like pathfinding and the like significally better

        • 1 week ago

          pathfinding? oh you mean the thing that people hate about starcraft 2 because it enables deathballing?

          • 1 week ago

            Yes, it somehow feels even worse, it's that bad

      • 1 week ago

        No it doesn't. You c**ts have never played SC2 in your life if you think this game plays like it.

      • 1 week ago

        >try the beta
        >it looks and plays like a F2P mobile game

        It looks like Starcarft 2 if it was made in India

    • 1 week ago

      The art director only makes the sloppiest slop. Literally licensed children's video games and nu-blizz. Plus pronouns in bio.

      He actually thinks generic mobile trash is a legitimate aesthetic.

  3. 1 week ago

    stormgate is what you get when you have 0 art direction

  4. 1 week ago

    I keep telling you guys that this game is an obvious grift made up by RTS boomers who want to collect on some more easy esports casting cheques.
    There's zero interest in this game from normies or people who have never played an RTS before. It's exclusively retired or washed up pros.

    • 1 week ago

      Even among RTS junkies it's getting shockingly little hype and it's easy to see why. The fortnite art style and generic Warcraft maps make watching matches an absolute slog. I doze every single time.

      • 1 week ago

        >fortnite art style
        I don't know why this shit became a thing in everything. I refuse to play a video game the moment I see art like this because I know it will either be outsourced to south east asians or targeted to broccoli hair zoomers

      • 1 week ago

        "rts junkies" dont get hyped for anything. they cant. the color has left their eyes.

      • 1 week ago

        I don't think Fortnite artstyle is to blame considering BAR also has these ugly cartoon models and I hear people talk about it often, at least in RTS circles

        • 1 week ago

          >considering BAR also has these ugly cartoon models
          Does it though? I haven't played it but this screenshot looks absolutely nothing like Stormgate or Fortnite to me.

          • 1 week ago

            yes. they look cartoony almost like legos.

            • 1 week ago

              Can't see it, it looks nothing like Stormgate. Like 1 structure there has as much detail in it as an entire Stormgate scene, the materials look nothing alike and neither does the terrain.

            • 1 week ago

              >considering BAR also has these ugly cartoon models
              Does it though? I haven't played it but this screenshot looks absolutely nothing like Stormgate or Fortnite to me.

              I don't think Fortnite artstyle is to blame considering BAR also has these ugly cartoon models and I hear people talk about it often, at least in RTS circles

              BAR looks amazing ingame, it's artillery porn
              Also there's quite a lot of playstyles that you can try because it's a sandbox RTS

              • 1 week ago

                I still prefer supcom's looks.

        • 1 week ago

          BAR looks great in action. You might think what you are saying that when the units are isolated, closeup and jammed into your face, but at the normal perspective that things are played with units on the maps, BAR is a fantastic looking game and is quite energetic with all the explosions and lasers flying around and units exploding into scrap.

      • 1 week ago

        What the frick is this? WC3 came out in the early 2000s and looked way better than this. It looks like a cheap mobile knockoff from SEA.

        • 1 week ago

          i feel like ive played this already, 20 years ago

        • 1 week ago

          It's a rts with every ounce of soul sucked out of it and turned into a primo esports warfare game. I wish things were not so shit.

        • 1 week ago

          >What the frick is this?
          I have a suspicion that besides just having very restrictive budget and all, they are also utterly obsessively systems focused, meaning that things like art direction is entirely based on formal analysis grounds: it's designed around function before any aesthetic consideration.

          There is no story or thought behind how things look other than "it needs to have a clear sillouete that communicates tier but also can't be confused with others" etc...
          Which would be fine, but the problem is that there really isn't ANYTHING else than these guidelines. Normally, you make consideration to these gameplay concerns, but then you STILL ADD SOME FRICKING FLAVOR to the thing. Which is what they didn't bother to do, in fact I think they deliberately fear doing that.

          That is my theory of why the game looks so terrible - they actively worry that making things look good would be a "gameplay problem" that would distract people, make things harder to read etc...

    • 1 week ago

      >There's zero interest in this game from normies or people who have never played an RTS before. It's exclusively retired or washed up pros.
      This sadly. Who other then the old SC2 pros and casters talk about it?

    • 1 week ago

      There would be way more interest if the game looked cool, sc1 looked cool, sc2 was a bit more blocky and cartoony but still overall looked cool
      This looks like a student project

    • 1 week ago

      As an RTS lover, having played this garbage, I have no interest in it either. It's genuinely bad.

      • 1 week ago

        Mister rts lover, there are tons of new rts comming, tell us which one are you looking forward to?
        Or you just want to play the old rts you know?

        • 1 week ago

          Currently interested in Sins of a Solar Empire 2, Empire of the Ants, Tempest Rising, and D.O.R.F. All of them look a lot better than this ended up being. Hell, even Homeworld 3 was better. Stormgate is the worst I've ever played, hands down. I have absolutely nothing nice to say about it.

          • 1 week ago

            >Empire of the Ants
            that's more like pikmin than an RTS game.

            • 1 week ago

              Maybe so, but it looks awesome and is something fresh. Besides, Pikmin is a great and majorly underrated series.

          • 1 week ago

            have to say i'm excited for tempest rising as well

            • 1 week ago

              >white male team
              what about the person on the very right?

            • 1 week ago

              are you moronic? do you even know how bad slipgate Ironworks are?

          • 1 week ago

            Have you tried Godsworn? It seems pretty interesting to me, and looks very close to Warcraft
            Also what'd'ya think of Dust Front?

            • 1 week ago

              Never even heard of Godsworn, but I've never liked Warcraft so I can't say it's for me. Also haven't played Dust Front but it looks cool.

              • 1 week ago

                Yeah I don't think Dust Front has released Demo or anything like it, dunno when he will either

              • 1 week ago

                sadly, the guy is russian and a single man dev. he could possibly end up dead.

            • 1 week ago

              This game actually looks really good.

    • 1 week ago

      It just looks shit, visually. It looks so bad, so bland i don't even want to play it.
      How the frick a 20+ year old game looks visually more appealing than this crap? Why does every unit looks like some cheap plastic toy?

    • 1 week ago

      The majority of rts players turtle vs. bots and have no interest in competitive multiplayer. The most popular SC2 gamemode is coop.

      Stormgate will flop hard.

  5. 1 week ago

    So whats the lore of Stormgate?
    for all the shit we call on Starcrafts kerrigan bullshittery, the setting itself is a coherent universe.

    is there more to it than just "You will be humiliated when my knock-off Starcraft units collide against your knockoff starcraft units."

    • 1 week ago

      It looks like they wanted to go for some humans vs angels vs demons theme but lost their nerve about half-way through and decided to go with knockoff StarCraft factions instead that only slightly lean on the human/heaven/hell aesthetic.

      • 1 week ago

        >The maturity level and tone is intended to be similar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe
        What a quirky chungus of a game setting.

        • 1 week ago

          instant nope for me.

        • 1 week ago

          >They were particularly inspired by the MCU, in that its setting allowed all kinds of characters and stories. The devs chose to create a setting, where the devs and writers had creative freedom to explore all kinds of unit designs and stories without feeling constrained
          This is a bigger issue than the tone of the story imo, story can be ignored just like people ignore SC2 Kerrigan wank, but this just sounds like they don't want to settle on an aesthetic for the game.
          MCU biggest problem was having all sorts of stories with wildly different powerlevels, even during the first Avenger movie people were shitting on Hawkeye for being a guy with a bow and this only gotten worse, this justification just makes the writers/devs sound like morons

        • 1 week ago

          Why is it so hard for them just to ape the old tone of WC3 and add a better map editor? Samwise isn't even at Blizz anymore so they could also hire him.

          • 1 week ago

            I think the 'better map editor' is on the docket. But UGC editors are tough, because when you release something TOO powerful with poor documentation, it is offputting. See, sc2. It's editor is strictly an upgrade to wc3, but it's a bit more difficult to use naturally.
            I also think upping the amount of declarative stuff you can do - and moving away from JASS / code solutions as a whole is also key to enabling UGC. That's again one thing that wc3 did well for it's time, you could just mess with the numbers alone and use a lot of the pregen'd content - how many versions of the 'naga' faction did you get to try in wc3 over the years? From 100 different people with clearly bad rts experience? Of course it wasn't great, but it was awesome they enabled that. I have high hopes for the editor in stormgate, which is why most of this 'i don't love the art!!!' stuff doesn't matter to me, because i'm only going to open the game to open the editor. And if it isn't a robust but fairly easy to understand editor, it'll be DOA to me and i'll be back on sc2.

      • 1 week ago

        it will just look like diablo

        • 1 week ago

          Better than what they made.

    • 1 week ago

      >There are ancient S̶t̶a̶r̶g̶a̶t̶e̶s̶ Stormgates that enable interstellar teleportation.
      >Dumb humans dig too deep and activate the Stormgate for science
      >Infernal Host (Aliens that look like demons) invade Earth through the Stormgate
      >Celestial Armada (Aliens that look like angels) invade Earth because they are enemies of Infernal Host
      >Game is set in post apocalypse earth after human civilisation has been devastated by invasion

      • 1 week ago

        It is a STORM GATE
        From the makers of Stormdepence day and Stormcraft

        • 1 week ago

          hmm sounds like something the dutch would say

      • 1 week ago

        >interstellar travel
        >everything is just on the earth
        yeah nah I'll pass

      • 1 week ago

        How much do you wanna bet that it's just going to be another "angels/seemingly good guys" are actually le bad and "demons/seemingly bad guys" are actually super good
        The angels probably invade all the worlds and the demons wanna do it first to stop their tyrannical rule or some shit

        • 1 week ago

          the demons are just "survival of the fittest" in their ethos
          angels will probably be either austere and no fun allowed like the ones in Diablo or have chauvinistic disregard lower lifeforms like Protoss / Eldar

      • 1 week ago

        Reminds me of universe at war where Earth gets fricked by 2 factions that hate each other

        • 1 week ago

          3 factions. the ancient superpowerful atlantis faction also awaken to frick up earth iirc.

          • 1 week ago

            Oh yeah now I remember them waking up to the absolute state of Earth and is pissed at everyone

      • 1 week ago


  6. 1 week ago

    It looks like shit from that screenshot

  7. 1 week ago

    >but worse in every category
    Who is the target audience for this?

    • 1 week ago

      Absolute morons like the people in here who think spiritual successors can still be done well

    • 1 week ago

      >in every category
      have you played it?

    • 1 week ago

      >Who is the target audience for this?
      Everyone who looks like that LoL streamer midget with twig-arms who gets posted in asiaticclick threads as a meme.

  8. 1 week ago

    Nobody is waiting for Starcraft 3

  9. 1 week ago

    no pylon no buy

  10. 1 week ago

    But I'm waiting for Warcraft 4

    • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        But I'm waiting for Warcraft 4

        >WCIV comes out
        >troony dragons
        >recolored elves as far as the eye can see
        >humans have a bunch of monsters now
        >orcs have uwu foxpeople building
        yeah I'm good. unless they are starting with an alternate timeline from where wow started, I don't see the point

        • 1 week ago

          Don't forget-
          >Demons all have spaceships
          >Draenei have spaceships
          >Alliance, by proxy, has spaceships
          Name a more spit on and decimated lore than Warcraft, you cannot

          • 1 week ago

            Halo, Fallout and C&C
            Most modern franchises really

    • 1 week ago

      hopefully it will be standard RTS not a hero wank and a platform for moba gays

  11. 1 week ago

    Will it even attract normalgays or autist who just enjoys compstomp+buildsim?

    • 1 week ago

      If there's coop like SC2 maybe. Plenty of people play that without touching ladder at all.

      I've seen some master 200+ that only plays at casual difficulty there too

  12. 1 week ago

    I played the alpha or beta or whatever in october 2023. It was shit.

  13. 1 week ago

    >by the makers of..
    it's gonna be shit, like all the others
    you gays already forgot b4b huh

  14. 1 week ago

    >bunch of ex starcraft 2 devs and esportsgays come together to make the ultimate asiaticclicker
    >its complete shit and soulless
    wonder how they will make their money back

  15. 1 week ago

    StarCraft 2 basically killed StarCraft and RTS forever for me though.

  16. 1 week ago

    looks too bright and bland

  17. 1 week ago

    >More asiaticclick shit

  18. 1 week ago


    >graphic is not everything

    >graphic is not everything
    Love it when someone expose duality of gamers

    • 1 week ago

      You are a 70iq moron anon, truly. People's issue with the MGS3 remake is the lack of stylization in a game that was oozing with style. What they did to Boss really exemplifies this, she went from a larger than life legend which her original model reflected really well to a tired looking wine aunt. It's just boring to look at. Stormgate is just boring in how much style it lacks in a different way.

  19. 1 week ago

    I completely gave up on this when

    1) I saw them advertise that they preferentially interview non whites / homosexuals / women
    2) I saw them virtue signal about the right to abortion after Roe v Wade ended
    3) I found a hysterical man hating leftist woman on twitter who claimed to be a producer at Frostgiant

    Frick this game to death. I want it to fail

    • 1 week ago

      You are a social media addict and your brain is mush. I gave up on this game because it looks, sounds and feels like an inferior version of StarCraft.

      • 1 week ago

        I used those three points to infer that the people, being evil, do not have God on their side, and so cannot produce anything with soul.

  20. 1 week ago

    >You've been waiting for
    >...and it's everything
    > it's what we need right now

    Even sites that used to be quality are doing it now; do they just teach clickbait titles in high school now? There would've been red ink all over bullshit like that back in junior high if I had tried it. At least they could be creative, not just worthless copy/pasters. No wonder AI is going to make them all dodos

    • 1 week ago

      Its Millenial writing. Everyone of that generation grew up on Steve Jobs hype for next widget and now is brainrotted by it when trying to market stuff.

  21. 1 week ago

    >talking how innovative the 3rd race is
    >its just protos
    I was honestly laughing. I dont even mind that its a copy of starcraft, but those graphics absolutely kill any desire i have for this game. Whoever is their art direct should be fired on the spot

  22. 1 week ago

    >battle aces
    how are these two different games? they look exactly the same

  23. 1 week ago

    Im not a doomer for new games, or remasters.

    Stormgate has so much marketed false hype behind it while being a very shitty alpha, very undeserved spotlight.
    Zerospace looks inifinitely better right now.

  24. 1 week ago

    >he still plays asiaticclickers in 2024
    just grow up man

  25. 1 week ago

    lol, no it isn't. The demo and betas earlier this year are the shittiest RTS I've ever played. It's total trash.

  26. 1 week ago

    doesn't it look worse than sc2?

    • 1 week ago

      Textures might be higher res but that's it, overall SC2 has a superior aesthetic to it that doesn't just look like a "WC3 mobile ripoff" game.
      And dear lord for some reason it also runs pretty bad on older hardware even on low details that DEFINITELY look worse than SC2.

      • 1 week ago

        The power of unreal baby!!
        And it's because the textures in sc2 aren't weird cartoony painted shit they're bashed together in photoshop so there's still some grit and noise to them

  27. 1 week ago

    did any of you try that battle aces game? is it any good? I probably won't switch off aoe2 but it would be fun to try something new in the genre

    • 1 week ago

      It looks better, that's for sure.

  28. 1 week ago

    EVEN IF it as hood as StarCraft should be, that art direction is killing all interest for me. Everything looks generic, units blend with the background and it all looks generic and simplistic as frick and much too cartoony. It's just uninspired, like they told AI to the job for then. StarCraft 1 units have more details and shape variety, for frick's sake.

    • 1 week ago

      I came here to post this, every single piece of art in the game looks like placeholders before they get actually cool models, and the cartoony textures are a joke, even sc2 wasn't this bad

    • 1 week ago

      I came here to post this, every single piece of art in the game looks like placeholders before they get actually cool models, and the cartoony textures are a joke, even sc2 wasn't this bad

      There would be way more interest if the game looked cool, sc1 looked cool, sc2 was a bit more blocky and cartoony but still overall looked cool
      This looks like a student project

      The power of unreal baby!!
      And it's because the textures in sc2 aren't weird cartoony painted shit they're bashed together in photoshop so there's still some grit and noise to them

      Every moron like asmondgold who grew up on WoW thinks the cartoon shit looks better than SC2.

  29. 1 week ago

    Why does it look so shit?

  30. 1 week ago

    why do the units look like shit

  31. 1 week ago

    man I do not like the art direction
    why it looks so bland and generic if it was made old starcraft staff?
    shame honestly

  32. 1 week ago

    Doesn't the crazy spec requirements contradict the free to play nature of this game? Sounds like I can't run it on anything but low settings.

    • 1 week ago

      I had 100% GPU load with FPS drops on low-medium settings on a 1070 during the last playtest. Now granted that thing is old as shit and I'll jump 4 generations up once that shit's out but the game definitely doesn't look anywhere near that demanding. At all.

  33. 1 week ago

    >looks objectively worse than a 15 year old game
    Can't make this shit up.

    • 1 week ago

      Wow, a finish game looks better than the game that still have tons of incomplete assets and tons of units with out animations?

      • 1 week ago

        Rhat implies there are some finished assets in there, except you can't tell because everything looks like placeholder shit
        If they ship with this garbage art direction it's unironically over for them

      • 1 week ago

        It looks so generic though, and I don't think this will change for the release.
        And it seems kind of "basic", nothing really innovative between a 15 years old game and this.

      • 1 week ago

        imagine thinking there will be any significant art changes between now and launch

      • 1 week ago

        Then they should make a model or at least concept art of some unit they envision to be the final version so we know what to except

      • 1 week ago

        If they were a year or so from release, I could believe that they are just using alpha/beta graphics for testing and that when the game is released that it will look better.

        The problem is that they are only 6-8 weeks from release and the still looks awful.

  34. 1 week ago

    >trans protoss

  35. 1 week ago

    Much like WC3, StarCraft was liked for the custom games.

  36. 1 week ago

    Stormgaters, we are so back

    >celestial armada town hall is literally a UFO that makes auto mining structures instead of workers

    • 1 week ago

      >makes auto mining structures instead of workers
      So 90% of the S rank players will be celestials since it removes part of the macro?

      • 1 week ago

        Can't confirm this, but when autominming does not mine at the same speed...
        But probably yes

  37. 1 week ago

    That's a bold statement. Anyone caught lying about that must surely be severely punished

  38. 1 week ago

    are there ANY games out there that have distinct art direction? all i see is either
    >look at how quirky and cool we are with this cartoony disneyslop style
    >graphics is srs bzns, 16k fingernail textures or frick off

    • 1 week ago

      Dust Front

  39. 1 week ago

    they remade warcraft three. theres no other changes.

  40. 1 week ago

    The parallels of medivh opening the dark portal and the old scientist guy opening the stormgate are certified kino

  41. 1 week ago

    Why would anybody want to play starcraft in the 2024 year of our lord when AOE2 is more alive than ever?

  42. 1 week ago

    >lets be our entire livelihoods on the worst and most hatred genre on the planet

    I'm sure the 500 koreans still sucking the fun out of RTS games will love this slop.

  43. 1 week ago

    it looks like a mobile game

  44. 1 week ago

    >*blocks your path*

    • 1 week ago

      if people hate how SG looks, battle aces probably fall into the same.
      also people here will hate it even more because "we want to be the heartstone of rts"
      which I think was the same quote the tooth and tail developers were saying

  45. 1 week ago

    it IS awful, and ive even tried it
    on the humans you have both a blatant ripoff tanky orc grunt unit and the terran marine
    on the infernals there is this big unit that spawns extra units but only if you press the spell for it, and the way the faction itself makes its army

    tldr they dont even know what theyre doing balance-wise, people need to stop fellating these ex-starcraft devs as the gods of rts design, theyre fricking clueless

  46. 1 week ago

    why does the art style look like league?

  47. 1 week ago

    Saw Battle Aces on the SGF

    Might beat stormgate to the punch

    • 1 week ago

      if people hate how SG looks, battle aces probably fall into the same.
      also people here will hate it even more because "we want to be the heartstone of rts"
      which I think was the same quote the tooth and tail developers were saying

      I literally thought Stormgate and Battle Aces were the same game until this moment.

  48. 1 week ago

    I can't understand why anyone would try to make an RTS.
    The fandom is 90% of the time insufferable, doesn't actually play anything, and the ones that actually do only play 20 year old titles.
    There's no point in developing a new RTS instead of just remastering the old shit ad infinitum.

    • 1 week ago

      I personally don't play new RTS games because they are mostly the SAME FRICKING GAME I've already played (SC and C&C clones), in some cases even downgrades (homeworld 3). I am really interested to try pic related as it looks like a breath of fresh air but it will probably die due to the lack of public interest.

      • 1 week ago

        >RTS based on Agony
        not sure how to feel about this, but at least it has an actual artstyle

      • 1 week ago

        wait? Agony is making a Dungeon keeper clone?
        ok that is a use for that franchise

        • 1 week ago

          it's not a DK clone. it is marketed as an RTS game where several factions of hell fight with each other to become the ruler of hell (due to power vacuum left by the events of Agony). the factions are based on hells of different mythologies.

          • 1 week ago

            okay, and is already several years old....

            gotta see what comes out of it

      • 1 week ago

        >vegana logo
        I'm out.

        • 1 week ago

          >dark souls vegana - "oh my god, that's so cool"
          >other game vegana - "eww gross"
          mental illness.

          • 1 week ago

            I don't play Souls games, either. Not sure why you'd assume I do.

      • 1 week ago

        that looks cool

      • 1 week ago

        You will say you want new shit, and then not play new shit when it releases. I've heard this same song and dance for almost a decade now.

        • 1 week ago

          I literally gave you an example of new shit I'm waiting for. I even played grey goo and deserts of kharak, etc.

      • 1 week ago

        based non derivative RTS enjoyer. frick the nostalgia blinded rehashes/cash grabs.

        • 1 week ago

          That looks interesting. Very... Meaty?

        • 1 week ago

          Its lke everything has been drenched in oil and that fricking pencil outliner is shitting things up.
          Can do to hell and stay there.

          Does AoMR also look like shit with horrible graphiics?

          Nice visual clarity.

          >considering BAR also has these ugly cartoon models
          Does it though? I haven't played it but this screenshot looks absolutely nothing like Stormgate or Fortnite to me.

          Its shit.

          • 1 week ago

            >bohoo I hate everything
            Joyless homosexual

        • 1 week ago

          This actually looks really good. Thanks. Name is Dust Front RTS btw.

      • 1 week ago

        based non derivative RTS enjoyer. frick the nostalgia blinded rehashes/cash grabs.

        looks fantastic damn

    • 1 week ago

      >only play 20 year old titles
      I know it sounds weird but the genre really just peaked 20 years ago
      it's not the fault of a "stubborn fanbase" that they would rather play old 9/10 games than modern 6-7/10 ones

      RTS is a complex genre and there are a lot of things that can make or break a good RTS, a lot more than in other games. Something like the new Warhammer AoS RTS might look cool at first but gameplaywise it just lacks so much shit that something like warcraft3 or age of mythology or the first Dawn of War had that made their gameplay engaging

    • 1 week ago

      It really is because the old games are better, I've tried a few modern RTS over time and they just are not anywhere near the same level.
      Except BAR. BAR is new and fricking great. Love it.
      Oh and I really liked Steel Division but it died really quickly and the other Wargames do not do what I like that it did, included Steel Division 2. Tragic.

      • 1 week ago

        >only play 20 year old titles
        I know it sounds weird but the genre really just peaked 20 years ago
        it's not the fault of a "stubborn fanbase" that they would rather play old 9/10 games than modern 6-7/10 ones

        RTS is a complex genre and there are a lot of things that can make or break a good RTS, a lot more than in other games. Something like the new Warhammer AoS RTS might look cool at first but gameplaywise it just lacks so much shit that something like warcraft3 or age of mythology or the first Dawn of War had that made their gameplay engaging

        See what I mean? There are multiple genres where the supposed peak of the genre is shit that's decades old. People that like those genres still play new releases.
        You search for excuses to not play games.

  49. 1 week ago

    misters hate cartoons, what do you think of Immortals Gates of pyre artstyle?
    Is it better or worst?
    It even have an "angels from space" faction

    probably "shit" as well for it being alpha, and even having teacup units as place holders

  50. 1 week ago

    you give people cartoony they cry, you give them realistic its even worst.
    what does people want?
    For RTS games to have Dad of War graphical phidelity?

    • 1 week ago

      ever heard of a loaded question, homosexual?. you are being completely disingenuous about the real problems of WC3 reforged.

      • 1 week ago

        would the hots look be the fix for the art then?
        or people dislike that one as well?

        • 1 week ago

          >would the hots look be the fix for the art then?
          Yes just because it still had Samwise on it. Of course he'd know how to translate his own designs to the modern age while keeping what's important about them

    • 1 week ago

      all you have to do is add more polygons, higher resolution textures, and an appropriate look for the material which can be better illustrated by the higher resolution

      that's all any remaster has to be and should be
      that's all people had to do for the past 30 years
      but Black person devs literally cannot help themselves from putting their own gay soulless spin on everything and only a small handful of true remasters exist

  51. 1 week ago


  52. 1 week ago

    What would it take for a casual 'party' rts to work?

    I think something like z, or myth, that takes a lot of the economic decision making out of the game.

    Maybe something like tooth and tail or airmech, where you have less direct control of the units.
    But neither of those games really got the goofy party game feel.

    • 1 week ago

      >What would it take for a casual 'party' rts to work?
      to have a high IQ playerbase which has become a very unprofitable and small niche now.

  53. 1 week ago

    Does AoMR also look like shit with horrible graphiics?

    • 1 week ago

      too much post-processing effects and bad art direction.

    • 1 week ago

      It looks fine. But it has always been kind of a meh game to me. I much preferred AoE2 and 3 over it.

    • 1 week ago

      this looks okay, it doesn't suffer from riot artstyle

    • 1 week ago

      here's some leaked beta gameplay, game doesn't look bad but by god, the UI and placeholder(supposedly) voices are obnoxious.

    • 1 week ago

      Looks fine to me.

    • 1 week ago

      It's mostly fine but alot of the other game art is awful, the changes and new god art is mostly terrible, so awful people think it's AI genned even despite devs saying they weren't.

    • 1 week ago

      >having hope for that scam
      they will keep milking new god dlc packs till that game is dead and abandoned.

  54. 1 week ago

    Starcraft, but bright and happy =) 😀
    Please for the love of god no

    • 1 week ago

      you know the funny thing is that the game is set in post apocalyptic earth.

      • 1 week ago

        post apocalyptic but after all the horror and terrible stuff, so they are okay again

        • 1 week ago

          >clearly show how the demons can pollute and corrupt the landmass they are on like zergs
          >somehow earth post-demonic invasion is perfectly fine
          eh I don't buy it.

          • 1 week ago

            dont think the first apocalyps was because the demons... or at least not how I remember it

  55. 1 week ago

    Why does EVERY new game have the EXACT same plasticslop artstyle these days?
    What the frick is happening?
    Am I going insane?

  56. 1 week ago

    It's impressive how 1:1 this one is in copying Starcraft, but with cheap graphics and sluggish gameplay

  57. 1 week ago

    it looks terrible

  58. 1 week ago

    NuRTS died 10 years ago, I have no interest in playing highly compettitive adderall esports.
    Ill stick to Rise of Nations on Easy as I carpet bomb undeveloped indians

  59. 1 week ago

    look i'm sure it's fun but i just don't have enough willpower to learn RTS games. Any time a video game requires studying I just can't do it.

    • 1 week ago

      It doesn't require studying, it requires playing.

      • 1 week ago

        ok. i can't play RTS on multiplayer because I don't like losing and it being all my fault.

        there I said it. I like AoE2 but I have never played an online game becuz it gives me anxiety. great. you got me.
        piece of shit.

  60. 1 week ago

    I haven't been waiting for a starcraft 3 I've been waiting for a good video game, something that can make this shrunken, shriveled black heart beat in my chest and make me feel something other than the oncoming embrace of the void

    • 1 week ago

      >I've been waiting for a good video game
      Those times are over sadly

  61. 1 week ago

    They really need to be congratulated for how utterly unappealing they have managed to make the game look.
    Let's be honest, with the exception of Homeworld, pretty much all RTS look like absolute shit in 3D. Going 3D has been a fundamental error of the genre and it's baffling that the industry has not noticed this, even though you can track the decline of the genre directly to the point where this became the norm.

    But given that most RTS look like shit by default, somehow making Stormgate look INCREDIBLY DISTINCTIVELY SHIT is an achievement worth celebrating.

    And it really isn't just the hideous art direction. Somehow every single attempt to sell the game to the public also has managed to make the game look dull even from the gameplay side of things. Awful showcase matches in which game devs "square" against few SC2 competetive matches while being so awful at their own fricking game they get wiped 4 minutes in, showcases that make the early game as fricking sluggish and drawned out as humanly possible, betas in which only the weakest early game units are featured to draw as much attention to how awkward everything feels... I don't remember any studio working this hard to make their game look bad since maybe like DA2.

    I have no fricking clue what these people are doing, but I am pretty sure it's some kind of very theatrical and very drawned out professional suicide. This is exactly and perfectly the embodiment of what people DON'T want from an RTS, be it singleplayer or competitive.

    • 1 week ago

      Warcraft 3 is one of the most beloved RTS games of all time and its look went on to be borrowed by some of the most popular games that are still going strong to this day. Generals is also really good, as is Supreme Commander. 3D is not the problem.

      ok. i can't play RTS on multiplayer because I don't like losing and it being all my fault.

      there I said it. I like AoE2 but I have never played an online game becuz it gives me anxiety. great. you got me.
      piece of shit.

      Yeah, a lot of people feel that way. It feels good when you improve though.

      • 1 week ago

        >Warcraft 3 is one of the most beloved RTS games of all time
        WC3 is trash, it what killed RTS and the foundation for the abortion that is WoW. Not a good example to bring up when we talk about death of RTS. Supreme Commander is mechanically passable but absolutely souless, Generals heralded the dead of Westwood legacy. All games that are at best held down by their shitty looks, at worst literal embodiments of everything going wrong with the genre.
        No, 3D is the problem, or at least the most immediately obvious part of the problem.

        • 1 week ago

          You just have dumpster taste, all of those games are excellent RTS and the proof that the look has never been the problem nor the solution is the fact that shit like DotA took off into the stratosphere despite the same look, if not worse.

          if ur gnna make a RTS game u really need to add some kind of hero characters and make it so u can diffuse the blame by making it a team game lol
          but hey thats just me. if ur gnna do it you have to have a rlly fun and cool for fun mode. perferably heaps of them that will make cool utube videos and peeps actually wanna play.

          Team RTS is weird and gets more and more unbalanced the bigger the teams get. When it's a 1v1 you can balance offensive and defensive options such that different races and play styles are fairly evenly matched, but you can't really do that anymore if it's a team game and some dude gets 6v1'd and taken out immediately or something, not to mention that having shitloads of players on the enemy team throws the whole strategic bit of thinking up counters to your opponent's unit composition and actions on the map out of whack since the enemy team is going to have "everything" and the game just devolves into a chaotic A-move fest with little strategy to speak of. 2v2s can still be pretty good and strategic but the more players you throw in the more the game degenerates.

          • 1 week ago

            >You just have dumpster taste, all of those games are excellent RTS
            Two fundamentally awful one, and one shitty trash singleplayer mmoRPG cosplaying as an RTS? Yeah, real cream of the crop you have there.
            Fricking DOTA is the most memorable and important spawn for Warcraft 3 you god damn morons. Nah, I'm not the one with bad taste, you fellate the worst fricking games ever produced in the medium because muh Blizzard slurp slurp slurp.

  62. 1 week ago

    Everyone is waiting for a new RTS that is good and whatnot, when this exists for free
    This game is incredible and should cost money, and puts to shame any other project done in years just because it's made by people who actually play their fricking games and community

    • 1 week ago

      not today BAR shill, not today.

      • 1 week ago

        There are dozens of us! Hundreds maybe!

        Someone desperately wanted to be Supreme Commander eh

        It's Total Annihilation and Supreme commander. That's the entire point.

        • 1 week ago

          >That's the entire point.
          That's a shit point then, FAF exists and works just fine

          • 1 week ago

            Yeah but you see BAR is really fun and I'm shilling it so you should play it.

            >There are dozens of us! Hundreds maybe!
            I know that /vst/ is full of them and they used to pop up in every thread.

            I don't visit /vst/ so I wouldn't know. But considering it's literally the only new cool RTS and is free, it's not a big surprise

            • 1 week ago

              >Game lets you draw dicks

              • 1 week ago

                I like the team communication tools alot and whiteboard drawing is great. One of the few games where you play with a team and there are real people there and people chat and draw shit. Comfy.

                It can work in AoE2 because a certain civ gets infinite resources over time.

                Yeah you can certainly setup for it, but it's still usually something you don't want to make too good.

          • 1 week ago

            >FAF exists and works just fine
            >he doesn’t know

            • 1 week ago

              Probably not, too busy actually playing it to care about your reddit drama

              • 1 week ago

                are you perhaps russian?

              • 1 week ago

                No, sorry, still don't care about your reddit drama

              • 1 week ago

                tbh I haven’t played FAF in years just heard russians have been acting up and ddosing it to hell recently
                was trying to meme about that but I guess it is either not true or you are lying about playing FAF

          • 1 week ago

            comparing Supcom to spring engine games like BAR or Zero-K is like comparing C&C or WC to SC
            basics are mostly same but thats it, otherwise totally different
            so fricking bored of these absolute brainless shit opinions in every RTS related discussions, clueless morons every time

          • 1 week ago

            >FAF exists and works just fine
            I loved SupCom but come on
            The engine doesn't work. It doesn't work on multithread CPUs, which means doesn't work since 2004

            And the balance and meta is stale already, because it's an old ass game. When you play a Spring engine game with simulated proyectiles you understand what you're missing.

            I love SupCom once again, and its pacing as well, but it's just old and outdated.

        • 1 week ago

          >There are dozens of us! Hundreds maybe!
          I know that /vst/ is full of them and they used to pop up in every thread.

    • 1 week ago

      Someone desperately wanted to be Supreme Commander eh

      • 1 week ago

        It started as a direct Total Annihilation remake, but it's been in development for like 10 years, renamed Beyond All Reason and became its own thing

        People can say whatever, but once you try it you'll see how stupid every other studio is, and hate how they try to reinvent the wheel and fail so fricking hard. I want someone to pour as much heart and QoL for Age of Empires remake as BAR has, or CoH, or whatever.

        • 1 week ago

          >it's been in development for like 10 years
          >still maybe a few dozen players
          can't be that good if nobody likes it

          • 1 week ago

            It's got a very health player base, you'll get full 8v8 games all day.
            The real problem is it has no matchmaking for 1v1s which makes finding games a complete pain.

            • 1 week ago

              That's an entire 16 players at least! Waow!!

              • 1 week ago

                It's pretty good. But more Euros play it than Americans I think.

          • 1 week ago

            It started as a direct Total Annihilation remake, but it's been in development for like 10 years, renamed Beyond All Reason and became its own thing

            People can say whatever, but once you try it you'll see how stupid every other studio is, and hate how they try to reinvent the wheel and fail so fricking hard. I want someone to pour as much heart and QoL for Age of Empires remake as BAR has, or CoH, or whatever.

            great game however we kind of forgot about it within a month.

            its missing some soul, has a tiny community that plays one game mode (8v8), its been in development for 10 years so it will never release, its not on steam,

            Someone desperately wanted to be Supreme Commander eh

            I still prefer supcom's looks.

            I remember playing it 3 years ago and it was mid. Then about a year ago I got the notification of a big patch and engine upgrade. Tried it again and blew me away. It's easily the most fun i've had with an RTS in vs and against the AI in a long long time

            Since then they started taking donations again and the development went to the roof. It's really polished and plays incredible even in 8v8. I just wish it really was on Steam already but they want to do some backend things first.

            • 1 week ago

              >they want to do some backend things first
              That's just cope talk for we stole a bunch of assets that we have no rights to and a broader marketplace would put it under scrutiny and frick us

              • 1 week ago


              • 1 week ago

                You'll understand when you're older

              • 1 week ago

                No the game doesn't have matchmaking or the single player campaign that they want for launch.
                The entire game is fine and them getting donations up was a legal process in itself that basically invalidates what you are claiming.

              • 1 week ago

                >them getting donations up
                homie everyone can just post a paypal link or make a patreon account or similar

              • 1 week ago

                Not for an actual business + product. They didn't have donations up for a longtime because of legal reasons, you could only buy merch.

        • 1 week ago

          I don't like total annihilation as every match/mission takes substantially more time than most RTS games.

    • 1 week ago

      great game however we kind of forgot about it within a month.

      its missing some soul, has a tiny community that plays one game mode (8v8), its been in development for 10 years so it will never release, its not on steam,

    • 1 week ago

      BAR is the only RTS that I actually have hope of succeeding once they bring the game to steam.

      My only concern isnt about the game itself as they did the best job ive ever seen in an RTS with the shortcuts/unit control options and such they added to it.
      But my concern lies in the fact that it's a community project that is moving at a snail's pace.

      It's been years and they are still nowhere even remotely close to hitting the target list of things they want to finish before releasing on steam, on one hand I agree with them that rushing a steam release could easily kill the game as the initial reviews make or break any game release.
      On the other hand this means the game wont be out for what seems like another 3-5 years at this pace. if even that.

      • 1 week ago

        1v1 REALLY needs matchmaking. It's awful to try and play currently.
        A singleplayer campaign is usually the recipe for a really successful RTS and I am always up for a good rts campaign.

        Other than that... I really don't care. I think the 3rd faction is completely unnecessary as well, so it worries me that they may get stuck trying to polish them up for even longer.

        • 1 week ago

          I 100% agree on the 3rd faction being over ambitious and honestly not a good time for it with so much that needs to be done.
          I also agree that they need to add matchmaking, I personally dont like 1v1 in BAR but I do hope they give it a matchmake, BAR's 8v8 managed to really impress me because team games in RTS games has been god awful in virtually every other RTS but in BAR it actually feels really good and really amazing as the fight's pace and scale goes up into massive sieges and front lines and all the intricate plays that happen.

          I just wonder how they will handle balancing the game, their tournaments are 2v2 and I think 1v1 formats but most players play 8v8 so I'm curious if they'll allow ranked for all 3 modes when the game comes out. problem with that is that you split your playerbase and balance decisions across 3 modes. and obviously the lobby system is just in place for now due to the small playerbase.

          • 1 week ago

            I've been pretty impressed with their balancing so far. Everything from 1v1 to 8v8 and in between is fun.
            And yeah 8v8s are great. I would like to play more 1v1 since it's very different, but I love 8v8s so it's not a huge loss.
            They've done bigger tourneys now, like 3v3 and they even did some 4v4 and bigger I think? Anyway it's clear they think all the game sizes matter and are fun which is natural and healthy, but sometimes devs get dumb about this stuff.
            And they just split skill ranking into 1v1, 2v2 - 5v5, and 6v6 through 8v8, so they are keeping up the support for the different game sizes.

            No matter what when the game releases, 8v8 will be the most popular so I'm not too worried, it's only a question if other game sizes will get love and consistent players.

          • 1 week ago

            1v1 REALLY needs matchmaking. It's awful to try and play currently.
            A singleplayer campaign is usually the recipe for a really successful RTS and I am always up for a good rts campaign.

            Other than that... I really don't care. I think the 3rd faction is completely unnecessary as well, so it worries me that they may get stuck trying to polish them up for even longer.

            Been trying Legion and feels fine, i think they know what they're doing right now and feels pretty much done

            As far as gameplay formats, I agree. It's cool that BAR is such a good sandbox that 1v1, 4v4 and 8v8 feels so distinct, yet it's using the same unit pool, no special rules.

            8v8 is a party mode, methinks, but it depends heavily on the map. up to 4v4 is really intense and you can use the niche and big units quite well, like infiltration ones and such, and make a good impact with it.

            • 1 week ago

              8v8 is 100% party mode on ''all that glitters'' but that map is also really great for new players due to its simplicity and ''lanes''.

              On other maps it plays out a lot more differently and gets a lot more interesting.

  63. 1 week ago

    Reminds me of this image. Game developers get this idea that the background should be as flat as possible so that the units stand out more but it just looks like crap.

  64. 1 week ago

    if ur gnna make a RTS game u really need to add some kind of hero characters and make it so u can diffuse the blame by making it a team game lol
    but hey thats just me. if ur gnna do it you have to have a rlly fun and cool for fun mode. perferably heaps of them that will make cool utube videos and peeps actually wanna play.

    • 1 week ago

      >if you're gonna make an RTS game you really need to make it an ASShomosexualS instead

      • 1 week ago

        it's the only way if u want to make a big game that peeps actually like lol. and u can add onto these other game modes the "real" mode wich is 1v1.

  65. 1 week ago

    for me it's AoE2:DE

  66. 1 week ago

    >[GAME] is the [GAME] you've been wait for
    red flag

  67. 1 week ago

    Made this montage awhile ago for BAR
    I love the game so much

    • 1 week ago

      Yeah this is a much better way to see what the game actually looks like.

      • 1 week ago

        You have no idea how orgasmic it is to break a siege, go for a generator, and chain reaction the other player spamming shit on you
        Or hunting down Commanders, or just raining artillery on the enemy base and getting a distant big pop, knowing you hit an important thing

        3rd faction is on the way as well

        • 1 week ago

          >You have no idea how orgasmic it is to break a siege, go for a generator, and chain reaction the other player spamming shit on you
          Oh yes I do, I know it well.
          I've haven't been playing for a bit because keeping up with an RTS is definitely a timesink, but I've put alot of time into BAR.

          Still haven't developed a settled opinion on the 3rd faction. It doesn't seem bad, but there is already alot going on with just 2 factions. Guess we'll just see.

          • 1 week ago

            Been trying Legion lately and they nailed a distinct playstyle. Their units are CHEAP and spammable, but the economy has a 1.5 tier to make up for it. You can spam or you can roll with high quality units. Cortex is all about big guns and sturdy units and Armada is about being a cheapass and use snipers and Tachyon rays.

            I think they're nailing the gameplay and unit design. They just need to fill in the borrowed units and it's good

        • 1 week ago

          Whats the third faction? Scavengers?

          • 1 week ago

            Their core is cheap spam, machine guns/gattling guns and napalm. Green.

          • 1 week ago

            Legion, has heavy cheap spam and expensive multipurpose units. Napalm, AoE denial tools, drones and gatlings. Cool super weapon mech and a cool giant centipede with turrets on top.

  68. 1 week ago

    I don't want an RTS like Starcraft. I want a new Supreme Commander.

    • 1 week ago

      >not wanting a completely new title which isn't a clone of something
      you are the reason why RTS games are dead.

    • 1 week ago

      I don't want a new Supreme Commander. I want an RTS like MechCommander.

    • 1 week ago

      Made this montage awhile ago for BAR
      I love the game so much

      Also there's Sanctuary Shattered Sun coming up ****soon****

      • 1 week ago

        >Also there's Sanctuary Shattered Sun coming up ****soon****
        What's this.

        • 1 week ago

          Another supreme commander clone. Looks good but time will tell if it actually is.

          • 1 week ago

            another? what else was there other than PA?

    • 1 week ago

      This is the BAR shill thread now so go play BAR

      See what I mean? There are multiple genres where the supposed peak of the genre is shit that's decades old. People that like those genres still play new releases.
      You search for excuses to not play games.

      My post literally says I play new games, please become literate.

  69. 1 week ago

    >Starcraft but your units shoot and move at a third the speed (litteraly)
    Only Warcraft 3 braindead morons think reskinning their 25 years old game to "appeal" to other RTS fans is interesting to anyone else.

    • 1 week ago

      >rts needs to play like my twitch shooter!
      Let me know how that goes for you.

      • 1 week ago

        Is that before or after I tell you that Starcraft 2 is more popular and competitive than every other RTS combined? Or that some of the most popular games ever (dota2/LOL) were based around Warcraft 3 mods, but faster and more APM heavy ? Cope lmao

        • 1 week ago

          >the most polished and balanced RTS is the most popular
          I'm so surprised right now. Battle Aces is going to replace it because it's easy to get into and easy to see what's going on, and that has like 8 units and automining.

          • 1 week ago

            >Battle Aces is going to replace it
            haha in your dreams, dev. I'm sorry but your game is just a uninspired copy of other popular RTS games and it will be forgotten within a week of its release.

          • 1 week ago

            >Urgh, fast-paced RTS, let me know how that goes for you
            >N-no, you can't show me examples of extremely successful games that are faster than WC3 reee

            • 1 week ago

              >extremely successful
              In South Korea maybe.

          • 1 week ago

            >Battle Aces is going to replace it
            haha in your dreams, dev. I'm sorry but your game is just a uninspired copy of other popular RTS games and it will be forgotten within a week of its release.

            Battle Aces has a chance to succeed in its own niche because they have removed a big chunk of RTS mechanics and focused on streamlining one specific aspect of mid-lategame Starcraft matches. That's an interesting idea and can probably survive against competing games because it's different. Stormgate, on the other hand, is exactly like Starcraft except shittier in every way.

            • 1 week ago

              >because they have removed a big chunk of RTS mechanics

              • 1 week ago

                That's exactly what mobas did to Warcraft 3, and they blew up because they weren't targeting RTS players.

              • 1 week ago

                then battle aces isn't primarily an RTS game and it can frick off from this discussion.

              • 1 week ago

                >Noooo you can't talk about real time tactics games developed by SC2 devs in my thread it's making me MAD
                You're a homo

              • 1 week ago

                you are a moron for shilling a non RTS game in a RTS game thread.

  70. 1 week ago

    I have trouble fathoming how anyone who worked on Starcraft could be making this game and think "...yeah, this is good."
    It's so sterile, clunky, and boring.

    • 1 week ago

      its made by has-been boomers 20 years past their peak with California brain rot

    • 1 week ago

      So exactly like starcraft?

  71. 1 week ago

    But Starcraft is the worst type of RTS in existence, why would I want a third Starcraft?
    Age of Empire 2, 3 and 4 do it way better.

    And Battleforge is the perfect RTS with absolutely no flaws.

    • 1 week ago

      >Age of Empire 2, 3 and 4 do it way better.
      0/10 bait, AoE3 released almost two decades ago and there's yet to be a sighting of someone who enjoyed AoE2 AND 3

      • 1 week ago

        AoE4 is pretty good

        • 1 week ago

          AoE4 is a actual reskin of AoE2, the two games are identical down to minute details

      • 1 week ago

        I liked 2 and 3. 3 had really good graphics for that time, the physics and tiny details were impeccable. even 4 isn't as good at these as 3 was.

    • 1 week ago

      >Starcraft is the worst type of RTS
      you are clueless zoomer and a homosexual, its impossible to describe how popular broodwar was in early 00's, aoe2 or any other RTS werent even in the same universe
      World Cyber Games was like video game Olympics back then.

      • 1 week ago

        Nobody asked homosexual normie
        shove your multiplayer up your ass

        • 1 week ago

          why are u Black folk always invade threads of games you are not interested in, go back to playing your mobile tower defense or whatever gatcha garbage you like and frick off

      • 1 week ago

        Starcraft is boring as frick, always the same resource gathering spots, forced to build around specific spots, 3 factions, always the same fricking tactics
        The player agency and variety of games like Age of Empires and Dawn of War is what makes them so good.

        • 1 week ago

          Chess must have no strategic depth. Always the same pieces with the same layout. Always forced to move a pawn first when I just want to get my rooks out.

          • 1 week ago

            seeing as modern chess is so focused on rote memorization and fischer-random chess exists this isn't a good point at all
            i mean i swear they just played a chess tournament based on historical positions because the meta is so fricking stale

          • 1 week ago

            This but unironically, even sub 1000 shitters these days have at least a couple openings memorized

            • 1 week ago

              yea maybe if you count first 2 moves as "memorized" lmao

          • 1 week ago

            Chess fricking sucks, it's even more flowchart memorization than StarCraft.

        • 1 week ago

          >3 factions
          more than aoe 1 faction aoe reskined 30 times you moron
          >balanced maps bad
          they get changed a lot but you know frick all about any of it
          besides aoe2 gays constantly complain about shitty rng and constantly improve the gen script to make balanced maps
          >always the same fricking tactics
          so like every RTS ever
          i dont know why i even bother you clearly have a nail stuck in a brain

    • 1 week ago

      Battleforge was so fun, severely underrated game.

      • 1 week ago

        It's still out, under the name of Skylords Reborn

        • 1 week ago

          I'm aware, I've played. But with a small player base and without receiving new content it's essentially dead.

          • 1 week ago

            They've added plenty of new cards, 3 new cards currently in the making, within a month or two they'll be adding new story missions, fully voice acted and all.
            There are times when it can get quiet, but there are also times when there's plethora of active game

    • 1 week ago

      I hate what EA did to this game, this game was genuinely the most impressive RTS game at the time it came out. but EA's moronic fricking management and greedy and moronic monetization really just stunted it.

      It was obvious they never thought this game will succeed so they tried to just milk it for cash. what a fricking shame, no other RTS game has even come remotely close to the co-op feeling and amazing campaign this game had.

    • 1 week ago

      Absolutely based but it was dead in the crib due to being a unique concept and being run by EA. Skylords reborn has done a good job unfricking things, but the severe limitations they operate under really hold them back

      It would be cool if someone tried this formula again

      Back to OPs point I like how nobody has actually leveraged a real criticism against stormgate that isn't
      >I don't like X
      I agree it looks like a knockoff StarCraft, but my subjective opinion of a games art style is not an objective criticism. Either draw compelling comparisons or make your argument more specific and tangible

      • 1 week ago

        Stormgate is going to be THIS type of RTS, and I despise them.
        One global resource and you only build bases around these predetermined clusters. In AoE, resources are more random, contesting them near your homebase or in the enemy territory is exhilarating.
        If you've played Dawn of War 3, it has the StarCraft health bars on units and buildings, which IMO have shit readability and are visually ugly.
        SC is also visually incredibly bland in comparison to WC3, DoW/2, BF etc.

        • 1 week ago

          >StarCraft health bars on units
          which you can turn off, i always knew Dawn of War homosexuals are turbo morons and should be ignored.

        • 1 week ago

          forcing itself into being an e-sport candidate Blizzard and its kin lead to designs like
          >zero rng
          >perfectly mirrored maps
          >bad or no ai at all
          >maximum responsiveness leading to endless hit&run kiting
          >planned unbalance (leave room for constant changes)
          >low risk design and balancing fun out of the game

    • 1 week ago

      You just suck but im sure its not only a rts thing

      • 1 week ago

        Starcraft fricking sucks

    • 1 week ago

      >perfect rts
      >uses a deck with enlightnement and amii monument

  72. 1 week ago

    Looks like fricking shit.

  73. 1 week ago


    >Successful businesses don't innovate, they IMPROVE.
    That is actually true.
    So why is Stormgate worse than previous RTS games in every respect?
    Dude, I never wanted anything more than a SC1 with decent pathfinding and unlimited control groups.
    This... is worse than SC1.

    There is innovation, there is iteration. Both extremely important, though when it comes to RTS I do genuinely prefer to the latter.
    But this is neither. This is just deflation.

    Also, ever heard Act of Aggression?

  74. 1 week ago

    Stormgate's entire business strategy is fricking moronic. They claimed they were trying to broaden the appeal of RTS, but in fact just copy-pasted StarCraft with more sluggish combat, shittier graphics, and worse art direction. Normies aren't going to play that game for the same reason they don't play Starcraft, and Starcraft players won't play it because it's just a shittier version of the game they already have. Who is this game for?

    • 1 week ago

      >Who is this game for?
      RTS "pros" who are looking to make money betting on this game's esports scene.

      • 1 week ago

        You didn't answe the question.

        • 1 week ago

          you have no idea how many SC2 veterans are desperate for a new revenue stream

          • 1 week ago

            There won't be any revenue in Stormgate. The studio is out of money and the product will not be profitable. Studio will fold before the end of the year.

      • 1 week ago

        RTS pros are going to drop this game immediately because the studio has no money left to spend on esports and there will be no organic scene, on account of how bad the game is.

        • 1 week ago

          honestly I hope it just dies. games like these don't do any good whatsoever for the genre.

      • 1 week ago

        "rts pros" are just regular players who play the game obsessively they get super good at it, if theres no such people it means game is shit

    • 1 week ago

      >Who is this game for?
      RTS "pros" who are looking to make money betting on this game's esports scene.

      The developers are having coop content for casuals to play with friends, or a campaign for people that want to play solo.
      And they made the map editor really powerful for people that like to fun.

      And because it is Unreal 5, I bet importing assets and 3d models will be easier.

  75. 1 week ago

    RTS bros I guess we're just getting fricked this year.

    • 1 week ago

      Just like every year!

  76. 1 week ago

    This game looks as slow as Wc3 but without any of the RPG elements that justify Wc3's slower gameplay. I don't mind the graphics but shit just looks horribly uninspired and washed out, like its trying to have striking colors while still pushing modern dev bs of washing all the colors out to a blurry mess.

  77. 1 week ago

    Why can't RTS games ever make turtling a viable strategy? Defensive structures are always super shit and can get overwhelmed by like 5 infantry units.

    • 1 week ago

      because nobody likes being stuck in game for 2h with a homosexual who sat on ass and did nothing but turrets and defense

      • 1 week ago

        but that's most fun
        and that's why RTS is a dead genre

        • 1 week ago

          >but that's most fun
          Not it's not
          It's fun doing that with your buddies vs. AI though.

        • 1 week ago

          >but that's most fun
          For you, but usually not for the other player. Turtling is disencouraged by most RTS games simply because it's extremely annoying to people who prefer more action-oriented gameplay, and because it rewards relative player passivity in general. It results in fights that are only fun for one player while the other is bored or frustrated for majority of it, and has no tools to speed up the process.

          I entirely understand turtle mentality, I tend to slide towards it myself, but it's pretty obvious why this is generally very unpopular with the majority of the player base.
          If you want to turtle, pretty much all singleplayer and A.I. bot matches will still accommodate you.

          • 1 week ago

            I know anon
            and as I said, that's why RTS genre is dead
            because to be balanced it can't be any fun, but a specific brand of fun, but that brand of fun only appeals to a specific niche audience of competitive types, and there's much better competitive games and genres out there now

            • 1 week ago

              Turtling has never been an encouraged playstyle in player vs. player in good rts games. Turtling has been a thing in singleplayer RTS forever and most rts games you can think of, it works vs. the AI. I don't know what you mean at all.

    • 1 week ago

      Because most RTS is about resources and if you let the enemy control the map they get more resources.
      Turtling only works in AI matches/ AI tailored centric gameplay, or if the rest of the map somehow doesn't has as much value as your corner of it, which is extremely unlikley in any sort of normal RTS.
      You could certainly set one up where that's true, but now you have a very sluggish game where whoever is attacking is probably wasting their time and resources, so now both sides just turtle up and do nothing.

      Turtling works best for fun in vs. AI modes.

      • 1 week ago

        It can work in AoE2 because a certain civ gets infinite resources over time.

  78. 1 week ago

    >From the makers of SC2
    >Actually it's just two devs and they were hired late in SC2 and only worked on co-op dlc
    >Had nothing to do with the engine, unit design or core gameplay of sc2 at all
    >Scammed a 2.3 million kickstarter on this lie
    >Proceed to produce the most generic, uninspiring mobile trash RTS I've ever seen

    Disaster project.

    • 1 week ago

      Wait, what the frick? Frost Siant's "about" page is actually insanely misleading. The more you look into it, the worse it gets.
      That does definitely explain a lot though. The game looks and sounds like utter garbage. Screenshots really don't convey how terrible the animations and SFX are.

      • 1 week ago

        Not only that, but their offering statement filed with the SEC cites StarCraft 2 Wings of Liberty as "our prior product" to justify and insane valuation (150 million USD)

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah there was a reddit post on the official reddit a few months back that went on a deep dive behind the developers and it exposed just how little they had to do with SC2. The main guys also come from another company which had a bunch of failed/canceled games. These people have literally never made a good game but they convinced a lot of people that Frost Giant is a company of Blizzard RTS veterans.

        • 1 week ago

          To be completely fair: people are morons constantly drawing parallels to SC2 when Stormgate is very OBVIOUSLY based on WH3 first and foremost.
          And Tim Campbell is actually an industry veteran and one of the people most heavily responsible for WH3's singleplayer. He wasn't on SC2 at all though.
          The other "big blizzard name" they have is a literal who though, a guy who was a producer supervising I believe only the Legacy of the Void production - he's a fricking suit, he had no actual involvement in the creative aspect of it at all, and the rest of them are mostly fresh hires with maybe some secondary staff that worked at blizzard in a completely irrelevant capacity for few months.

          • 1 week ago

            you obviously meant warcraft 3 right? anyway i dont really think its fair crediting all work to 1 guy for effort of dozens of people, its not like during doom1 era where 3 guys in a basement wrote code and made everything. For what we know he could be some idea guy and without telented coders hes a nobody.

            • 1 week ago

              >anyway i dont really think its fair crediting all work to 1 guy for effort of dozens of people
              Yeah, I meant WC3.
              And my point is not to give all the credit to him (especially since I despise WC3 for being such a pile of pure garbage). My point is that the guy is actually very experienced, and perhaps more importantly, to point out the game's core "DNA" lies with WC3 and not with SC2.

              "Warcraft 3 without heroes and with only 3 factions" is probably the worst sales pitch I could imagine, so it's understandable that people prefer to draw some parallels to SC2.
              But sure, the campaign might be fun. I suppose it is unfortunate that the only real industry is responsible for the part which you can't judge based on previews.

              Warcraft 3 is just a terrible pitch sale in general, but that isn't the point. I'm not defending anything here, merely clarifying some needless misconceptions. Stormgate looks like absolute trash, we all know this. It's just that when people talk about it, for some god damn reason they insist on it's connection to SC2 when really, there never was one - not in the team history, not in their gameplay design, not in the art style.
              Everything about it s just WC3: from the experience of it's most widely recognized designer, to the abhorent art dirction awful sluggish pace of combat and attrocious animations: All of it is taken more-or-less directly from WC3, with the only aspects even remotely resembling SC2 are the resources and the fact that you don't have control group limitations.

              It even has the exact same fricking creep camps and destructable forests for frick sake.

              It just baffles me that people don't fricking realize this.

              • 1 week ago

                >It's just that when people talk about it, for some god damn reason they insist on it's connection to SC2
                Yeah it's just because it's the biggest most recent rts and trying to market on WC3 to newer folk doesn't mean much. But I understand what you are saying.

              • 1 week ago

                >with the only aspects even remotely resembling SC2 are the resources and the fact that you don't have control group limitations.
                I mean just looking at it and the way the armies move it just screams SC2. It even has Terran,Protoss and creep.

              • 1 week ago

                >It even has Terran,Protoss and creep.
                It has human knights, the fricking blight (this isn't fricking creep, fricking look at it you idiot, it's Blight, exactly directly copied from the undead, like almost everything else about the god damn Host is), the "protoss" are still half elves.
                And while the pathfinding is trying to be not shit (e.g. morel like sc2 and less like wc3), the fricking second the armies collide it's the exact same fricking pathetic melee-focused brain-dead pillow fight that defines WC3's tempo.
                And again: biggest mechanical gimmicks? you can cut down trees with artillery. Like in WC3. You can farm neutral keep camps. Like in WC3. There is a fricking catapult you can escort. Like in fricking WC3.

                This is WC3 with some basic common-sense modern fixes that were introduced in less shitty RTS since, namely uncapped control groups and pathfinding that tries to not make you pull your hair out.

              • 1 week ago

                >It has human knights
                Looks like Terran (intentional)
                >the fricking blight
                Also creep
                >the "protoss" are still half elves.
                Looks like Protoss (intentional)
                >you can cut down trees with artillery.
                whoop de doo
                >You can farm neutral keep camps.
                no xp, no heroes, no items
                >There is a fricking catapult you can escort. Like in fricking WC3.

                This game is so much closer to SC2 it's not funny it just has a few poorly thought out map features from wc3 that will probably get phased out over time because they suck and that's only if this develops a esport which I doubt because the game is pure garbage.

              • 1 week ago

                >Looks like Terran (intentional)
                No, they ABSOLUTELY do not. Dude, just admit that you have actually never played WC3, it's more dignified and I certainly won't blame you for it.

              • 1 week ago

                I bought WC3 day 1 and grew up on SC1 and AoE. I'm not saying wc3 knights look like Terran I'm saying that horribly boring human race in shitgate looks like Terran.

              • 1 week ago

                >. I'm not saying wc3 knights look like Terran I'm saying that horribly boring human race in shitgate looks like Terran.
                The guys from Stormgate. The guys in full medieval armor wielding fricking swords and spears, look like the fricking literal space-suit wearing dudes with machine guys in your opinion?

                HOW. BLIND. ARE YOU?!

              • 1 week ago

                >The guys from Stormgate. The guys in full medieval armor wielding fricking swords and spears, look like the fricking literal space-suit wearing dudes with machine guys in your opinion?


              • 1 week ago

                i enjoyed playing wc3 but i really dont think its a rts, the focus on heroes who can solo armies,very low population limit and fact your get penalized the higher your pop is really against a RTS philosophy. Wish we got standard continuation to warcraft 2, sc2 very polished engine with well designed units in fantasy world could be fun.

              • 1 week ago

                Your hatred of Wc3 aside: People remember and like that game for everything but the RTS component, most people have never watched competitive Wc3 because the singleplayer and custom map scene were the game most remember fondly. Stormgate's advertising leans in heavily into what Sc2 is most known for: esports and 1v1 multiplayer and the fact its a Scifi game with 3 factions doesn't help it much when drawing the comparisons. Its not surprising people draw those conclusions about the game from surface information and then go and watch it only to find it being as slow as Wc3 without any of the elements that made Wc3 interesting (Heroes leveling up, creeping, item drops, shops, mercs, etc). Basically they took one fricking element of Wc3's map design and put in none of the reason that element exists in the first place.

              • 1 week ago

                >Its not surprising people draw those conclusions about the game from surface information
                It's not surprising, but it's still dumb. People who don't even remember WC3 probably should not try to pass judgements on RTS games in the first place.
                It's like if I started talking about how Doom Eternal is just Halo 4 because I have never even heard of games like Painkiller or fricking Shadow Warrior 2. If you don't know anything about the genre, it's generally best to not draw conclusions in the first place.

            • 1 week ago

              Yeah no way WC3 campaign was one guy that took a ton of work. It's like the Turtle Rock Left 4 Dead situation where without Valve all they make is shit games.

          • 1 week ago

            "Warcraft 3 without heroes and with only 3 factions" is probably the worst sales pitch I could imagine, so it's understandable that people prefer to draw some parallels to SC2.
            But sure, the campaign might be fun. I suppose it is unfortunate that the only real industry is responsible for the part which you can't judge based on previews.

          • 1 week ago

            Yeah Tim Campbell is the only legit guy they have but looking at the results he either can't get much done with all the hacks he works with or he has lost all the magic and WC3 is just a dim memory.

  79. 1 week ago

    Kill competitive players. Behead competitive players. Roundhouse kick a competitive player into granite. Slam dunk a competitive player into the trashcan. Crucify filthy multiplayer Black folk. Defecate in a competitive players food. Launch competitive players into the sun. Stir fry competitive players in a wok. Toss competitive players into active volcanoes. Urinate into a competitive player's mouth. Judo throw competitive players into a mineral grinder. Twist competitive players heads off. SWAT competitive players. Karate chop competitive players in half. Curb stomp competitive players. Trap competitive players in quicksand. Crush competitive players with a rock. Liquefy competitive players in corrosive sludge. Eat competitive players. Dissect competitive players. Exterminate competitive players in the gas chamber. Push needles under competitive player fingertips. Cremate competitive players in the oven. Lobotomize competitive players. Mandatory abortions for competitive players. Grind competitive players in the garbage disposal. Drown competitive players. Vaporize competitive players with a wave cooker. Kick old competitive players down mine shafts. Feed competitive players to dogs.

  80. 1 week ago

    the future of RTS games is so bleak. the playerbase is already hyper casualized and segmented into tower defense games, mobas, mobile shit like northgard and those stuck replaying 20 year olds. It's just awful.

  81. 1 week ago

    I saw a bunch of the old StarCraft guys shilling this game and some other new shitty rts called like battle aces or something? the whole genre is looking pretty dire

  82. 1 week ago

    I liked StarCraft for the campaign and story

    all this new shit is multiplayer based

    • 1 week ago

      sc2 has 3 long campaigns and plethora of custom maps made by users, i doubt you even played 1/10th of all available content.

    • 1 week ago

      But there are a lot of single player RTS? MUH COMPETITIVE BAD! gays are so obnoxious.

      Aoe2 is constantly releasing single player expansions and AOE4 also has a good campaign.
      AOM is getting a great remake.
      Total warhammer exists.

      you Black folk are the whiniest biggest snowflakes on Ganker.

    • 1 week ago

      >all this new shit is multiplayer based
      no it's not

  83. 1 week ago

    Is better selling expansions than selling 20 dollar skins

  84. 1 week ago

    >not released on a Mac
    Into the trash it goes

  85. 1 week ago

    Battle Aces is an RTS dumbed down enough for the average Gankerer to enjoy.

    • 1 week ago

      it looks like mobile game, wouldnt even be surprised if Gankertards will love it

  86. 1 week ago

    I want to survey gamers and ask them questions like, do you think an indie game in 2024 can look better than a AAA game that employs people that are actually good at their craft. I would assume the responses would be like 99% yes when in reality indie games can never be good. Its impossible.

  87. 1 week ago

    >WC3 WC3 WC3 WC3 WC3
    Shut up you stupid Black folk, you can't even play heroes in 1v1 in stormgate. It is nothing like WC3 in the slightest, enjoy yet another deathball RTS while I wait for the return of kino.

    • 1 week ago

      >while I wait for the return of kino.
      Dude, the moba genre has been around for two decades now. Your "kino" has not only returned, but managed to die a second time.

      • 1 week ago

        >warcraft 3 except 95% of the elements removed
        Yeah, no.

        • 1 week ago

          You literally just cried that you don't get to play a fricking braindead RPG pathetically masquerading as an RTS, so clearly, MOBA is exactly what you want. That, or WoW. The entire fricking industry has been catering to braindead cretins like you for the last three decades, your cancer has been the biggest success in history of gaming industry.

          • 1 week ago

            The industry has been catering to 1v1 RTS with 4 races and micro focused gameplay over macro based? I would be glad if you recommended a few, thanks.

            • 1 week ago

              The industry has been catering to morons. Mobas and WoW clones exist in literal thousands of variations. Take your pick.

              • 1 week ago

                Neither of those are the parameters I posted.

              • 1 week ago

                Actually, the only condition you require that these games don't offer, is 1v1, because while they are brain-dead, they try to alleviate that shit at least a little by requiring you to be aware of other people.
                But I have no doubt these games will offer you a sparing opportunities against a single player, they already coddle morons pretty hard so you should be accomodated.

              • 1 week ago

                It's entertaining to see you stretch the argument at least, mobas only share a single thing in common with WC3, namely the hero. MMORPGs such as world of warcraft share absolutely nothing in common other than the world itself. If there were tons of WC3 games already you wouldn't hear a peep from its fans.

              • 1 week ago

                >If there were tons of WC3 games already you wouldn't hear a peep from its fans.
                Actually, you are the first person I've seen in literal 8 years of discussing RTS here to pine for the trasheap that was WC3.
                Again, because every cretin that enjoyed it can have the exact same experience of smashing three hero skills over and over while braindead creeps wonder around in fricking mobas, and if it's "buildorder" that you want, MMORPGs provide the exact same level of engagement (smashing those fricking hero skills and memorizing item drops) too.

                Clearly, both of these shitshows passed you because again: both of those genres do require you to deal with more than one enemy at the same time, which clearly is also outside of your competences... which is sad, but then again it's your problem. Anyone else who enjoys this slop was entirely satiated by moba and wowcancer, it's just that it was too hardcore for you somehow.

              • 1 week ago

                I tried again to make sense of this argument but it's a bit like equating checkers to chess since they both have the same game board.
                Clearly if WC3 had no fans it would not have made such a shitfest on both this board and the internet as a whole when reforged was released.

              • 1 week ago

                The absolute insaneity of comparing WC3 to fricking chess is great, thanks for that.

                With that said, I never suggested that WC3 didn't have many fans. It was extremely popular, especially with people like you, who can't actually play actual RTS games, because it's a moronic casual shitfest, very accessible to idiots who just want their funny superhero fantasy and can't remember more than 3 keybinds.

                What I'm saying is that all of those fans eventually moved to the logical evolution of WC3: Mobas and WoW-style MMORPG's. These entirely and fully satisfied the need to play shit games for pretty much all WC3 fans.

                It is hilarious that this incredibly straight forward argument is incomprehensible to you, but then again: You got filtered by fricking Moba's, the idiot-proof degeneration of RTS designed that even russians can play it, so, it's clear I'm not dealing with human gold here.

              • 1 week ago

                >It was extremely popular, especially with people like you, who can't actually play actual RTS games, because it's a moronic casual shitfest, very accessible to idiots who just want their funny superhero fantasy and can't remember more than 3 keybinds.
                Are you crazy? Hate WC3 if you want but it had, and still has, a very hardcore competitive scene. Having heroes does not substitute having a standing army or economy, on the contrary, it adds another layer of complexity and management. You still build up your economy, your army, harras enemy player, but you also need to level up your hero, choose 1 hero vs. a combination of heroes, etc.

              • 1 week ago

                >very hardcore competitive scene
                Yeah, I've heard that LoL has that too. It's pretty hard to judge either considering it was never played by anyone but absolute idiots, who aren't exactly great judges of these things.

              • 1 week ago

                >it was never played by anyone but absolute idiots
                It was played by plenty of Starcraft pros, actually. They don't dominate, too.

                Again, hero system is a level of complexity which does NOT replace all those other systems inherited from Starcraft. You will lose 10 times out of 10 if you overfocus on your hero and your economy or army are neglected.

              • 1 week ago

                >It was played by plenty of Starcraft pros, actually.
                For one week.
                Remind me. Which of the two games has a massive, still booming competetive scene, and which one ended up forcing people to denounce all rights of mods because a literal modder could come up with a better game than they did?

              • 1 week ago

                sc2 comp scene is pretty good. wc3 still had some of the best years of an RTS ever purely because of custom games. If you didn't play some peak custom wc3 games you just had a bad time from 2005-2013, imo. You missed out, and I feel bad for you.
                if you're lucky, stormgate will have another renaissance period through it's custom games. But i suspect that era of modding and custom shit is dead and gone, sadly. The passion just isn't there to do shit for free anymore, especially when you can be doing it for free in a game engine that might actually result in a paycheck some day, like unreal or unity or w/e.

              • 1 week ago

                >Diablo is peak dungeon crawling RPG
                Diablo is a pale imitation of real roguelikes like Angband and DCSS. It has peak art for its time and amazing music, presentation is something Blizzard was great at. But the gameplay is trash.

                Broodwar... Actually I like it primarily because of art, cinematics, story. It's so good, stylish, hard sci-fi. I love every Zerg unit. They're ugly, cute and amazing. Love spreading creep, simple as. I don't actually care about RTS gameplay.

                It was huge in 2004, 2005 etc. But it's unironically too complex.

                SC1 pro scene only survived because of Korea.

                Again, one is still one of the most popular competetive games currently existing.
                The other died because a fricking amateur could make a better game than they did.

                >RTS ever purely because of custom games
                I get that silly gimmicks comparable to dangling keys in front of your face is enough for some people, and I absolutely do recognize that making the modding tools accessible to their core audience (e.g. ABSOLUTELY IDIOTPROOF) was a genuinely good business strategy, and I can see how idiots were satisfied with that for a while.
                It's still a shit RTS though.

              • 1 week ago

                >I get that silly gimmicks comparable to dangling keys in front of your face is enough for some people
                it's weird to say this as if the modding scene of wc3 didn't create entire genre's that exist all over today - but you are right that modding tools are big on success. Personally, i think it's part of whats kept RTS from being 'big' again. Fortnite and roblox and minecraft are some of the biggest games on the planet right now, and despite being made for literal babies, the modding scenes for those games is MASSIVE and (as far as i'm aware) the modding scene for roblox even pays the mod creators quite a bit, there is several people working full time 'mod' jobs. which is fascintating.

                Rts needs to reclaim that crown as the place to be for modded experiences.

              • 1 week ago

                >it's weird to say this as if the modding scene of wc3 didn't create entire genre's that exist all over today
                Yeah, Dota, we have been over that. If you consider that a positive thing - that kinda furthers my point honestly.
                And as someone smart enough to wrap his head around SC1's editor back in the day, the modding tools of WC3 were kinda a moot point to me. The game played like shit, looked like shit and I could achieve the same things with other, less trash games.
                Again: I guess that if you were too dumb to use SC's editor, WC3 was really impressive. And I fully recognize: millions of people got into "RTS" through WC3 and it's incredible accessibilty on both gameplay and modding side.

                But my point is that those millions of people... they were never actually fans of RTS. That is why WoW and Dota instantly canibalized that player-base. Why so many SC2 people cut their teeth on SC1 but never touched SC2, and why I always knew SC2 won't be as popular on release as WC3 was.

                I am entirely on board with editors and accessible modding tools, by the way. I just do not want them shackled to absolute pieces of shit like WC3. I'd prefer an actually competent RTS game as the basis. And frankly: we got that. The modding scene for SC2 in the long run produced a TON of great things. It wasn't as idiot-appealing as WC3 but in the long run, surpassed it in quality anyway.

              • 1 week ago

                >i could achieve the same things with other, less trash games
                What game in 2003 were you creating Dota, Element TD, Founders of the north, Mafia, Strike games, TKOK, castle wars on?
                starcraft was only capable of some of that, and it never had a proper hero system beyond 'upgrade damage and armor to 99' and no item system. Wc3 was the first to do it, as far as i'm aware.

              • 1 week ago

                >What game in 2003 were you creating Dota, Element TD, Founders of the north, Mafia, Strike games, TKOK, castle wars on?
                "what other RTS allowed you to do everything except an RTS"?
                True, you could not create DoTA in SC1. But nobody fricking sane would WANT that garbage, that is the fricking point.

              • 1 week ago

                i don't know what point you're making. Wc3 had modding tools that grew the game hugely. Just because they wanted to use it to enable other, new genres (including the ones you don't like) doesn't make wc3 a worse game for it. And for what it enabled, it did well. Enabling the moba market, hero maps, Tower defenses, etc isn't a bad thing. You just think it is because you don't like those games lol

              • 1 week ago

                >Wc3 had modding tools that grew the game hugely.
                I never disputed that. I'm merely pointing out that it's really fitting that people would rather do anything else with WC3, than to play WC3. That the game died because an amateur figured out how make a better game with their engine than they did. Why the game itself is less than a footnote while literal mods of it became absolute milestones of the industry.

                I don't want to shit on WC3's modding tools and community efforts, they were genuinely good and I wish more games did this. I'm entirely fine with saying that.
                I'm just saying that WC3 itself, was trash. And that people who "liked" it didn't actually want to play RTS games at all, as the history of it's modding illustrates. And that if there is one, ONE thing that RTS games should never ever try: it's being like WC3.

                Which leads us to the answer to the very original question posed in this thread: "Why is Stormgate so fricking bad"?

              • 1 week ago

                i understand now, sorry, it is sometimes difficult to understand intent across several responses on this board sometimes, especially with the never ending shit posting that encompasses most responses here. I agree with you entirely.

              • 1 week ago

                it still has an active competitive scene

              • 1 week ago

                >if there is one, ONE thing that RTS games should never ever try: it's being like WC3.
                I don't understand why you think there isn't a niche to fill, there absolutely is. Just because the devs that created that experience in the first place used it as a jumping off point to make different things, doesn't mean that WCIII is inherently flawed. It is beloved by many people to this day, as this thread illustrates.

              • 1 week ago

                >I don't understand why you think there isn't a niche to fill,
                Because people trying to fill that "niche" end up causing continuous harm to the industry and the genre.
                Why do you think SC2's campaigns are so universally hated? Especially HotS? may it perhaps, just perhaps, have something to do with the fact that the moment an RTS starts to pushing idiotic RPG elements, it immediately becomes garbage? Because that is exactly the problem here.

                this genre is a niche. It does not need cancerous games futher strangling it's already very, very weak lifesigns.
                The "niche" you want is actually not a niche. It's one of THE biggest industry segments in the world. It is entirely covered. It's called Mobas and WoW-style MMORPG's. We DO NOT NEED MORE OF THAT SHIT. There is enough. Your needs are catered for. You need to stop fricking infecting other genres now.

              • 1 week ago

                You sound mad. I'll wait it out for WCIV. RTS are boring bugslop without heroes.

              • 1 week ago

                >You sound mad.
                You don't fricking say. When people see idiots ruin their favorite genre, it tends to piss you off. It wasn't fun seeing console trash nearly kill FPS games. It wasn't fun WC3 kill RTSs either. When I see Halo tards demanding that Doom Eternal plays more like Halo: it pisses me off.
                When I see you demanding more RTS play like WC3, it pisses me off.
                I would be INSANE if that didn't piss me off.

              • 1 week ago

                >Why do you think SC2's campaigns are so universally hated?
                Because of the moronic writing.
                RTS campaigns have been doing rpg style and progression things forever.
                Wings of Liberty is a fantastic RTS campaign. People didn't like HotS because it went way to far and it hurt the gameplay. It was poorly executed, the idea wasn't the problem.
                Just like how it wasn't a problem in the WC3 campaign because it was done well.

              • 1 week ago

                i just replayed all 3 campaigns - and while I think LOTV was my favorite overall, I very much enjoyed all 3. I actually think HOTS is the worst BECAUSE of how blatantly over powered of a 'hero' unit kerrigan was. you can solo like 80% of the missions on brutal with just kerrigan. At worst, it slows down a bit as you wait for her to heal. but she's just that broken.
                LOTV moving a lot of the 'progression' back to units and unit choices created a much cooler, dynamic campaign. WOL probably did it best, tbh - i just like protoss the most, so getting to try different styles of protoss units and mix and match armies appealed the most to me.

              • 1 week ago

                Based and correct opinion.
                I think the WoL campaign is better than LotV because it's a little with the upgrades and such. And honestly, Terran is just a better race for campaign missions.

              • 1 week ago

                >Because of the moronic writing.
                moronic writing being directly taken from WC3 to be exact.
                But no, that is absolutely not the full story, in fact that is a very superficial side of it. Yeah, we all laughed at how trademark post WC3 Blizzard AWFUL the storytelling in SC2 was (again, thanks to the "succes" of WC3), but most of us like to also play games. As great as SC1 was in terms of atmosphere and CGI, the story itself wasn't amazing, and wasn't what we loved.

                The fact that you can fricking finish entirety of HotS without building a unit (aside from the two missions that take Sarah away) was the real fricking KILLER though, that is what made it objectively just not fun to play, at least not without entirely restricting yourself from half of the tools the game gave you.

                HotS is only playable if you just lock kerrigen away, and that is a TERRIBLE thing, awful design, and it is PURE WC3 bullshit, except at least SC2 has decent units and controls.

                Every single thing that was wrong with SC2, is just a lingering WC3 legacy. MINDFRICKINGLY STUPID WRITING?

              • 1 week ago

                >I don't understand why you think there isn't a niche to fill,
                Because people trying to fill that "niche" end up causing continuous harm to the industry and the genre.
                Why do you think SC2's campaigns are so universally hated? Especially HotS? may it perhaps, just perhaps, have something to do with the fact that the moment an RTS starts to pushing idiotic RPG elements, it immediately becomes garbage? Because that is exactly the problem here.

                this genre is a niche. It does not need cancerous games futher strangling it's already very, very weak lifesigns.
                The "niche" you want is actually not a niche. It's one of THE biggest industry segments in the world. It is entirely covered. It's called Mobas and WoW-style MMORPG's. We DO NOT NEED MORE OF THAT SHIT. There is enough. Your needs are catered for. You need to stop fricking infecting other genres now.

                >It's a niche genre
                >Makes game like Starcraft
                >Everybody just plays Starcraft

                God Almighty, please just fricking smithe these homosexuals from existence.

              • 1 week ago

                What in the goddamn are you even talking about? Are you a dev trying to get people to talk about Flopgate or something? Ask fans what they want next time, no one asked for this.

              • 1 week ago

                >Are you a dev trying to get people to talk about Flopgate or something?
                No, I think everybody who tries to make a game like Starcraft needs to be flayed alive.
                Make something new and unique you fricking queers.

                Starcraft Black folk will just go back to Starcraft and your game will die.
                They don't care.

              • 1 week ago

                >i could achieve the same things with other, less trash games
                What game in 2003 were you creating Dota, Element TD, Founders of the north, Mafia, Strike games, TKOK, castle wars on?
                starcraft was only capable of some of that, and it never had a proper hero system beyond 'upgrade damage and armor to 99' and no item system. Wc3 was the first to do it, as far as i'm aware.

                fwiw, i agree on sc2. But even some of my favorite custom games on that were just copies of wc3 custom games. And we never got certain specific mods i was particularly fond of, such as kodo tag. I did recreate rabbits vs sheep in sc2, and it was okay, but still not perfect - the fluid movement of sc2 made 'horde' games play somewhat worse.
                Sc2's impossible bosses, micro battles, strikes, remade campaigns, etc. were fantastic. The hero based games, when done well, were more enjoyable imo too. I still prefer sc2's trolls v elves (or probes v zealot) and kobold tribes more than wc3s.

              • 1 week ago

                You do know worldedit (and staredit) are the exact tools blizzard used to do all their maps and campaigns, right? They were not modding tools specifically crafted for consumers, and it discloses as much when launching the program.

              • 1 week ago


              • 1 week ago


              • 1 week ago

                Answer: StarCraft

              • 1 week ago

                The frick is wrong with you anon, did WC3 murder you mother? Baffling rage and moronation on display.

              • 1 week ago

                >very hardcore competitive scene
                Yeah, I've heard that LoL has that too. It's pretty hard to judge either considering it was never played by anyone but absolute idiots, who aren't exactly great judges of these things.

                Calm down homie, it's ok if you don't like hero rts games, no need to seethe about it.

              • 1 week ago

                When people start demanding that more games are killed by the same shit design, despite the fact that their cancer already fricking killed the genre once: it starts being worth seething about.

                Again. You fricks are catered for. People who actually like RTS games are not. You could at least shut the frick up and play your trash item memorization exercises without causing more harm.

              • 1 week ago

                >The absolute insaneity of comparing WC3 to fricking chess is great, thanks for that.
                The point was equating two vastly different games simply because they share a single core element is a strange argument to make, not whatever your comprehension was.
                >With that said, I never suggested that WC3 didn't have many fans. It was extremely popular, especially with people like you, who can't actually play actual RTS games, because it's a moronic casual shitfest, very accessible to idiots who just want their funny superhero fantasy and can't remember more than 3 keybinds
                I don't recall mentioning in my posts that WC3 is the only RTS I play, and is a bit presumptuous.
                >What I'm saying is that all of those fans eventually moved to the logical evolution of WC3: Mobas and WoW-style MMORPG's. These entirely and fully satisfied the need to play shit games for pretty much all WC3 fans.
                I'm curious about your proof or if this is just another assumption, most of us just played SC2 obviously, but I personally didn't like it as much.
                >It is hilarious that this incredibly straight forward argument is incomprehensible to you, but then again: You got filtered by fricking Moba's, the idiot-proof degeneration of RTS designed that even russians can play it, so, it's clear I'm not dealing with human gold here.
                If by "filtered" you mean I don't like a genre that is exclusively team based and nothing like WC3, then you would be correct.

              • 1 week ago

                It was a terrible release the heroes ruined the balance of the factions and turned it from an RTS to a MMO.

              • 1 week ago

                My favorite staple of the MMO genre, a 1v1 game with a character that resets after each match.

              • 1 week ago

                >from an RTS to a MMO.
                RPG, why do people in this thread keep pushing this angle that if you want to play Wc3 go play an MMO? Wc3 was initially advertised as a Strategy RPG and the games campaign design reinforces that angle with it having main quests and side quests and bonus objectives with loot and shit. If you want to argue that you don't like it as an RTS because of its slower nature you are welcome to do that but acting like playing WoW gets the same experience as a micro focused strategy game is fricking moronic.

              • 1 week ago

                WC3 is more like Diablo mixed with older Warcraft entries and it makes sense too since that's the experience Blizzard was drawing on.

          • 1 week ago

            >You literally just cried that you don't get to play a fricking braindead RPG
            >t. 50apm and lost every single 1v1 and cried about it

    • 1 week ago

      This. I was interested until I learned it's more rock/paper/scissors starcraftslop. Art design is fricking G R I M too. Frick man I had hope too because it was the old guard

  88. 1 week ago

    >its starcraft 2, but shittier in every way
    whoa thanks

  89. 1 week ago

    i dont like sc2 anymore, the way they balance it is frustrating and unit design is shit but i cant play any other RTS anymore cause sc2 spoiled me with the UI/pathing/Quality of life/hotkey schemes etc, no other rts is even close to it maybe besides BAR but im not into it cause that game is 4v4 wankfest with barely any micro

    • 1 week ago

      >BAR but im not into it cause that game is 4v4 wankfest with barely any micro
      You mean an 8v8 wankfest. The micro is fine.

      • 1 week ago

        then even worse, i enjoyed playing TeamvTeam from time but relying on randoms to win match is not something i want to play anymore, i already waste years of my life playing cancer mobas

        • 1 week ago

          Yeah I'm just clarifying. One day they'll have 1v1 matchmaking. One day...
          But till then it's mostly a team game.

    • 1 week ago

      Micro in BAR feels pretty good. 8v8 is a party mode in All That Glitters, but in 4v4 and less, the micro is really intensive and fun

  90. 1 week ago

    Why does it have "indie game from 2007" graphics?

    • 1 week ago

      What indie games from 2007 were you playing that had 3D graphics? Are we calling AA games Indie now? Because most "indie" stuff back then was 2D Flash stuff and very very early mobile games.

  91. 1 week ago

    I prefer Starcraft Remastered

  92. 1 week ago

    >humans, angels, demons

    high iq
    >humans, aliens who look like angels, aliens who look like demons

    En Taro Jesus. Remember to purge the unclean and do not spare the alien,

  93. 1 week ago

    Battle Aces and Stormgate both look like terrible games.
    They just desperately want the esports scene of sc2, and are shaving away all of the soul that was left on sc2 from broodwar.

    Luckily AoE2 and Broodwar will never die.
    Battlecry and red alert will always have their niche communities.

  94. 1 week ago

    >Launching right before Age of Mythology Retold
    What in the frick? Are they stupid?

    • 1 week ago

      Enjoy your AI assets saar

      • 1 week ago

        this is a real AI assets game misster.

        • 1 week ago

          lol wtf, you weren't kidding. that doesn't change the fact that AoE remake was caught red handed legitimately using AI assets (than lying about it boldfaced) btw

          • 1 week ago

            I meant mythology obviously

    • 1 week ago

      Age of Mythology itself chose the absolute worst launch day possible and guaranteed that I wait for a sale. Same week as STALKER 2, also within a week of Star Wars Outlaws, Gundam Breaker 4, and Space Marine 2.

  95. 1 week ago

    Starcraft fricking sucks
    40K for kids

    • 1 week ago

      But 40k is for kids too anon. Both games are for kids ages 6 to 117

      • 1 week ago

        >tfw to old to play stankcraft

        • 1 week ago

          Chud Show

      • 1 week ago

        C&C, Dawn of War and Homeworld are for big boys, like me!
        Blizzard sucks shit, Diablo 1 and 2 were their only good output.

        That and Lost Vikings

        • 1 week ago

          Diablo is proto-MMO garbage and Broodwar is the best RTS ever made.

          • 1 week ago

            Diablo is peak dungeon crawling RPG and Broodwar is asiaticclicking that focuses on APM over actual strategy.
            >best RTS ever made
            Total Annihilation or Supreme Commander, certainly not Blizzards garbage.

            • 1 week ago

              if you are a sup com fan you should be playing zero-k or BAR. I prefer BAR, it's still in active development, great game.
              it's also free so it's and has a lot of modern QOL, so it's easy to get non-rts friends into it. low barrier of entry.

              • 1 week ago

                Knew about Zero K, didn't know about BAR, thanks anon.
                Is Sanctuary Shattered Sun any good?

              • 1 week ago

                Didn't know about it, i just wishlisted myself now. I love these stupid games.

                BAR = beyond all reason if you didn't know the acronym.

              • 1 week ago

                >didn't know about BAR,
                BAR is great

              • 1 week ago

                Yeah I know 🙂

              • 1 week ago

                That's a nice BAR

            • 1 week ago

              >Diablo is peak dungeon crawling RPG
              Diablo is a pale imitation of real roguelikes like Angband and DCSS. It has peak art for its time and amazing music, presentation is something Blizzard was great at. But the gameplay is trash.

              Broodwar... Actually I like it primarily because of art, cinematics, story. It's so good, stylish, hard sci-fi. I love every Zerg unit. They're ugly, cute and amazing. Love spreading creep, simple as. I don't actually care about RTS gameplay.

              >It was played by plenty of Starcraft pros, actually.
              For one week.
              Remind me. Which of the two games has a massive, still booming competetive scene, and which one ended up forcing people to denounce all rights of mods because a literal modder could come up with a better game than they did?

              It was huge in 2004, 2005 etc. But it's unironically too complex.

              SC1 pro scene only survived because of Korea.

            • 1 week ago

              >Diablo is peak dungeon crawling RPG

      • 1 week ago

        >for kids ages 6 to 117

  96. 1 week ago

    I'd love to play some new rts like wc3 campaign. But I doubt there will be any ever.

    • 1 week ago

      personally, i don't mind the graphics on stormgate, they are fine. and for me, i only care about the editor and custom games anyways, which will include custom models, so all these complaints are just babbies who don't play rts games and don't care about the golden age of custom games anyways, so frick all yall.
      besides that, BAR is the greatest RTS in the last decade and if you aren't playing it every night in inhouse lobbies with your friends, my only question is why don't you have any friends?

      northgard has a fun campaign, i'd recommend it actually as far as rts campaigns go.

      • 1 week ago

        >i only care about the editor and custom games anyways, which will include custom models, so all these complaints are just babbies who don't play rts games and don't care about the golden age of custom games anyways,
        You need a compelling game 1st before any of that matters. I don't see anything about this game that makes me excited.

        • 1 week ago

          maybe, but it isn't like people loved the compelling parts of wc3. I have half a dozen friends that i still do lan parties with and i think only one of them has even bothered to finish wc3 campaign. Custom games and lan parties were huge for that, even if it was mostly driven by dota.

        • 1 week ago

          BAR is great my dude, you gotta play it to understand
          Gameplay/special effects and units, all 10/10

          • 1 week ago

            I'm talking about Stormgate. I've been shilling BAR 0.01$ per post.

            • 1 week ago

              Stormgate seems legit shit. I was on the demo and it's the most generic shit ever seen

  97. 1 week ago

    nobody gives a frick about competitive RTS
    make a game where it's fun to tech up for 40 minutes and stomp bots and you will capture 90% of the rts fanbase

    • 1 week ago

      Seriously, everyone just wants big fricking set pieces, fricking 3 or 4 way battles, ruined cities, defending against waves of enemies, stomping/capturing several bases.

      Frick compgays, they ruined FPS and they ruined RTS.
      Braindead pieces of shit should stick to Fightans and Sportsball homosexualry where they belong.

  98. 1 week ago

    Why is it that bugs absolutely lose their minds when you introduce the slightest element of variety in their RTS, but if you tell them to spend their families life savings on a 0.00001% chance to pick up a jpeg of an anime girl on their phone they start jumping up and down for joy?

    • 1 week ago

      They are genetically more likely to be gambling addicts

    • 1 week ago

      Because their societies tell them to lose all independent though once they leave highschool.
      At least they avoid an American situation, but goddamn, they cannot branch out to new things.

      It's not exclusive to bugs either, all Blizzard homosexuals are like that
      >Why doesn't this play like my extremely streamlined addictive piece of shit?

  99. 1 week ago

    This trash will never be as good as sc2, mobile game tier.
    Did china buy the studio?

  100. 1 week ago

    No it really isn't. It's like a suspiciously similar phone game.

    • 1 week ago

      Unironically there are generic money milking phone RTS with better graphics nowadays.

  101. 1 week ago

    Using ai art would be an improvement because the human devs for this game clearly have no talent.

  102. 1 week ago

    starcraft killed the RTS genre
    debate me on that

    • 1 week ago

      I can't
      Blizzard is a fricking black hole of unfun, live service patching fun out, marketing and shit for brains fanbase,

    • 1 week ago

      Doesn't MOBAs present a stronger argument. There were still tons of cool RTS coming out after Stracraft came out. It's not like everything was suddenly an SC clone.

      >RA2 looks great.
      yes it does, i was referring to the fact that a game that's almost 25 years old looks better than this shit

      Okay good.

    • 1 week ago

      e-sports killed RTS, and many other genres

  103. 1 week ago

    Lets talk about our favorite RTS styles (or games if it's the only one of it's style) and be judged for it.
    >Blizz RTS games, starcraft 1-2, wc3
    S tier to me.
    >Supcom games, total annihilation, Beyond all reason, zero-k
    S tier to me. However, planetary annihilation is a solid B.
    >age of X games
    B to A tier. They're okay.
    >C&C games
    B tier, but i'd put tib sun in A tier.
    >Psuedo RTS/4x games, like sins of a solar empire
    C tier.
    >Northgard/Dune/ Shiro RTS
    B tier
    >Halo wars / console RTS games
    C tier.

    • 1 week ago

      Shit taste

      Doesn't MOBAs present a stronger argument. There were still tons of cool RTS coming out after Stracraft came out. It's not like everything was suddenly an SC clone.

      Okay good.

      Blizzards shit compgay focused products, late 2000s console focus due to marketing and Microsoft fricking over the PC ecosystem and MOBAs.

      The perfect shitstorm

      • 1 week ago

        >Company of heroes, dawn of war games
        I forgot that genre. I'd also put them between A to S tier, depending on the game.
        But, lets see your list.

  104. 1 week ago

    >bronze league scrub complaining because heroes are too hard for him

  105. 1 week ago

    I was a Warparty enjoyer, even if I know the variety was bland and not great.
    Do you have a problem with that?

  106. 1 week ago

    Nope sorry
    playing Dawn of War from 2004 and being happy with it

  107. 1 week ago

    I play vs ai in BAR every single day with my IRL friends. We usually have 3-5 of us, depending on the day. I think last friday we hit our peak with 7 of us vs ai.
    That shit is fun. I don't really even like playing any other RTS now. BAR is just it. And it scales so well. Very few RTS is as fun in a 8v8 as it is a 2v2, but somehow BAR manages to be. Mix that with challenging, non-cheating AI and you have a great time.

    • 1 week ago

      We defeated the Raptors with a 3 man group once. Shit was fun. Tried vs Scavengers. That's a NOPE.

      • 1 week ago

        yeah, the raptors and scavengers are something else. I actually don't love playing vs them, ironically - we mostly just play vs normal AI. We don't hate scavengers and raptors, but we dislike that they are basically t3 stat checks. You win if you have X stat checked t3 units or a meme D gun. Otherwise, you lose. We've tried both twice and made it to the end 'boss' twice, lost all 4 times to him, and no one has wanted to try since, since it is just a firm matter of t3 stat checks.
        maybe you can get enough t2 static defenses up to win , too - but we certainly didn't, i guess.

  108. 1 week ago

    Reminds me of a certain blatant mobileshit SC2 clone that Gameloft once did like 12 years ago.


    Your studio will dissolve within 5 years after failing to gain any traction, just like Flagship did after farting-out Hellgate London in hopes of killing WoW.

    • 1 week ago

      >autocorrect changed "us" to "he"
      I hate being a mobilegay, but I'm still banned from posting from my PC until tomorrow.

  109. 1 week ago

    Are their any rts that have unreliable units and physics interactions like myth?

  110. 1 week ago

    The art style is absolutly hideous.

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