>Fromsoft hoping to have Elden Ring attract a bigger audience

>Fromsoft hoping to have Elden Ring attract a bigger audience
it's dead Jim, one of the last bastions of the industry, dead.

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  1. 3 years ago

    Threadly reminder they said sekiro would be easier and aiming for a wider audience.

    it resulted in half of Ganker being bootybothered about how hard sekiro was.

    • 3 years ago

      Sekiro was easier considering you had basically 3 attempts at every boss

      • 3 years ago

        And yet people still b***h and moaned about it being too hard

    • 3 years ago

      This lol, these zoomers just want to shitpost, they'll come crying not being able to git gud anyway.

    • 3 years ago

      Sekiro is technically easier in concept ,doesn't stop it from being challenging and intensely filtering homosexuals however.

    • 3 years ago

      Souls are mostly a knowledge check
      Sekiro is absolutely a skill check
      Most people playing souls games feel good about themselves for beating a """""""hard""""" game through knowledge checks
      Once they get skill checked they realize it was all a facade
      So many """"""Souls Veterans""""""

      • 3 years ago

        I love both, but how does "knowledge check" work exactly?

        • 3 years ago

          If you know how to use titanite, which stats are important, which gems to use then the game is easy
          Raw gems trivialize early game and by midgame you can upgrade your weapon a lot if you don't just go randomly upgrading everything, and by late game the scaling is absurd dmgwise
          You don't need a guide for this, if you played any DS game before you know how to do it already, only newcomers don't know it

    • 3 years ago

      >they said sekiro would be easier and aiming for a wider audience
      Where did they say that? As a massive fan of nearly all FromSoft games, I'm calling complete BS on this.

      Sekiro has no character creation. It has no fundamentally different alternative builds or gameplay styles (no shields, sorceries, ultraheavies, ranged, anything really). Prior to DLC's it had no visual customization. It has no PvP, nor co-op. There are few to no alternate methods to combat bosses to make them easier when the style required isn't something you're naturally good at, you must know exactly the ins and outs of its QTE combat style. And of course, there's no optional co-op or summon mechanic to help you either. If you're not good at memorizing dozens of movesets for each boss and doing them correctly with split-second timing, then you will not be able to play that game. There are no shields, no sorceries, no pyromancies, no heals, no cheap bleed builds to make a 15 minute fight into one that lasts 1 minute.

      It is by far the most restricted, narrow title in the series with the greatest default difficulty. Among the fanbase, everyone knows Sekiro as the truly difficult game that filtered all the trash who thought they were tough shit because they made their way through Dark Souls 1-3 spamming sorceries and using co-op and phantoms.

      • 3 years ago

        You clearly weren't here when people were shitposting sekiro to death for having no stamina and being able to revive during boss fights

      • 3 years ago

        >It is by far the most restricted, narrow title in the series with the greatest default difficulty. Among the fanbase, everyone knows Sekiro as the truly difficult game that filtered all the trash

        It isn't though. It is the easiest game in the series and it is designed to be linear with a digestible story for normies. They added shit like jumping and grappling hooks, along with protag, etc. to appeal to the mainstream audience.
        The only reason people got filtered is they were used to having a shield. The sword in Sekiro as a shield is gamebreakingly broken.
        Bloodborne is the hardest without a doubt.

        • 3 years ago

          If anyone doesn't think that BB is the hardest they just don't own a PS4. There's no competition.

    • 3 years ago

      Sekiro was easier considering you had basically 3 attempts at every boss

      Sekiro is insanely easy though, people just didn't understand how to parry properly. You just hold down block then release and press when you want to parry. Then whole game becomes easy mode once you sort that out.
      Sekiro plays like Arkham games. You are just remembering the timing and number of strikes then switching to jump or attack, etc to break up the inputs.

      Understanding how to properly play a game is the best part of picking them up. One of my most satisfying moments in gaming was in metal gear rising. I plowed through the game not knowing how to play until I got ass rammed by jetstream sam over and over until I almost quit. Then I realised that I wasn't playing the game properly at all, reassessed and after I defeated him, Armstrong was a joke but so were all the other fights during my play through in a funny way.

  2. 3 years ago

    I seriously doubt the game will be any easier.
    Maybe for veterans, but that's any from game since Dark Souls.

    • 3 years ago

      Hopefully it's as hard as Dark Souls 3 give or take

      • 3 years ago

        >Hopefully it's as hard as Dark Souls 3
        So nearly every boss beaten at first try?

        • 3 years ago

          Seriously, by far the easiest game in the series. I died more on my umpteenth playthrough of DeS than I did DaS3

        • 3 years ago

          Seriously, by far the easiest game in the series. I died more on my umpteenth playthrough of DeS than I did DaS3

          Seriously, just ooking at it makes me sad
          noob filter, easier than gascoigne or cleric beast
          fricking joke
          obvious gimmick
          the first challenging one, at fricking mid-game
          one move punchbag
          2nd challenging one
          Stuck on walls
          no health
          3rd hard one, but falls too hard on later playthroughs

          Its a sad state of affairs.

          • 3 years ago

            Same experience, I just had the same reaction through the entire game, even mobs were harder than some bosses because of attrition... My entire reaction to bosses in the game were some kind of
            >really? is that all?
            I had more fun playing yakuza kiwari 1 to be honest

          • 3 years ago

            Pontiff wasn't challenging tbh. He was a straight forward big guy where you dodge in/left/right/out. Given I play through as a Knight first go around in every game, and the long sword is so busted in this game I deleted the clone before it was really able to do anything, but that's not my fault.
            Dancer was cool and my favorite boss by far. Playing it on a fresh character is balls though due to the high health.
            Nameless King was the hardest boss only because the camera was an issue in that fight and required you to not die to the camera. The dragon getting too close and spinning you around, and then the King going too far and breaking the lockon in the second phase. It was just annoying rather than a fun challenge.
            Completely agree though.

    • 3 years ago

      exactly, i look forward to seeing what c**ty tricks they try to come up with but after playing any of these games you generally have a better understanding of what to expect and how to deal with butthole situations

  3. 3 years ago

    >get famous for being a good niche
    >throws niche away after using them as good word of mouth
    I hate this world so much, no loyalty what so ever, i wish covid was as deadly as media sells it as and wiped us all out.

    • 3 years ago

      Everything is about making as much money as possible in this world, soul has been lost

      • 3 years ago

        Survival of the fittest has always been the natural law, but we were supposed to rise above such basic instincts, not dwell on it and make it as efficient as possible.

        We dont deserve a future, we are not worthy of the stars, our horizon is oblivion in this tiny planet, a fitting end for a species with such enormous intellect and yet so little foresight.

    • 3 years ago

      Take ur med

    • 3 years ago

      This is the eternal cycle of the industry. The bigger/more expensive your next game is, the more steps you need to take to ensure you make that money back.

  4. 3 years ago

    >3 ppl dedicated to marketing
    >cant be arsed to upload a single clip of gameplay

    • 3 years ago

      Tomorrow anon, tomorrow

      • 3 years ago

        why tomorrow?

        • 3 years ago

          Friday is when they show something new on their twitter
          it might be gameplay since it just got rated today

          • 3 years ago

            I'll be kinda bummed if it's just fan art again

    • 3 years ago

      3 HOURS

  5. 3 years ago

    I've always had an issue with Bamco marketing Fromsoft games, especially DS3. remember "Slashy Souls"? remember when they had a reddit representative? remember when they sold out to Prima guides when the DS1, DS2, and Bloodborne guides had been made by a different company, and Prima decided to sell that shitty meme estus flask people post about all the time? don't forget they're to blame for the whole "prepare to die xD" slogan, too. Bloodborne and Sekiro had none of that nonsense bc Bamco wasn't publishing for those.

  6. 3 years ago

    i knew this game was going to be shit

  7. 3 years ago

    >westcuck writer
    >open-world meme

    immediate red flags

  8. 3 years ago

    Based. Gonna preorder it for my PS5.

    Keep seething OP 🙂

  9. 3 years ago

    literally every game company says this every time. it's all PR

  10. 3 years ago

    Ubisoft towers and fast travel from anywhere already confirmed it's gonna be trash. Next they're gonna reveal that it's gonna have a minimap.

    • 3 years ago

      we already know how it works. there's a world map and fast travel on the overworld. there's no map and fast travel in dungeons

  11. 3 years ago

    >3 marketing guys
    >elden ring should sell big
    >generic corporate meaning
    literal nothing

  12. 3 years ago

    cope, Mitsubishi has abandoned you

  13. 3 years ago

    Getting a larger audience implies getting 90% of the people, not the 10% woke crowd.

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