Fromsoftware next game leaked - Spellbound

>The city in which the game takes place in is called either "Kenraith" or "Genraith". The city has a very 18th century European imperial capital vibe to it as the poster has suggested. The city is just filled with palaces, towers, castles it feels like it's the capital of a flourishing empire and it is in no way a decrepit abandoned place. It does not have that post apocalyptic vibe that a lot of From Software games do.

>The city itself is by the sea and it is divided into circular wards that are separated by water channels.

>The lantern/gas lamp the player character is holding has some sort of gameplay mechanic where it shows hidden items or areas/illusionary walls however I am not yet clear on how it exactly works and what other uses it has but it does seem like a major gameplay mechanic.

>Spells do not require staves or wands to cast. The player character just equips spells and casts spells with their hands.

>Spells can be dual wielded, and you can wield a melee weapon with your right hand and spell with the left hand. When you dual wield a spell its moveset changes and it becomes more powerful. I do not know if you can dual wield melee weapons however, I am inclined to believe that you can.

>The melee weapon types I have seen are: Swords, Greatswords, Axes, Scythes, Maces, Halberds, Spears.

>Almost all of the weapons I have seen had a second moveset where they transformed and had magical attacks.

>Customising your clothing is very in depth. You can change the fabric color and pattern.

>You can also add gameplay changing customisations to your clothing. One prominent example is that you can make yourself hover above the air slightly by customising your clothing. This also changes how you dodge. Another one makes you clothing emit water making you immune to any fire damage. Another one makes you emit a purplish blue smoke however I do not know what this does.

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  1. 11 months ago

    >More Fromslop
    I couldn't care less

    • 11 months ago

      It's "I could care less" idiot.

      • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        Here's the picture.


        Ganker made this shit up and people are slopping it up

        >everything on Ganker has to be fake

        Call of duty is 1 ip, moron. It also changes more than fromslop.

        >call of duty games are more different than from software games
        I refuse to believe anyone this delusional exists.

        Automatic bomb. It’s bloodborn for warlocks. Sorceries were already OP in Dark Souls Prepare to Dir edition, and they only grew even more easy mode with each iteration of the game.
        I would only be impressed if they made a first person shooter with black power guns and rifles, got rid of sorceries altogether, and Miyazaki came out of the closet confession style and admitted magic is gay and they want to be more like doom and give us what we wanted. Which was, basing it off Elden ring, you need doom and quake map makers designing place everywhere in your open world so that it doesn’t feel like the elder scrolls copy and pasted dungeons everywhere like in Elden ring (it was their mistake, we are just trying to help them not make it again).

        >Automatic bomb.

        >another game where there is no interaction with the world, the npcs speak like schizo morons, and there is no actual narrative for your character to follow

        But the itens descriptions buddy, you need to read the itens descriptions and watch 40 mins videos of headcanon

        I prefer those npcs to bg3 shit, thanks. Now you have your gay game, go play that instead of trying to change mine, homosexual.

        • 11 months ago

          you haven't played BG3 or played any rpg at all if you prefer the dull lifeless shit that is a fromsoftware NPC

          • 11 months ago

            >every game should be the same


            • 11 months ago

              every fromsoft game is the same, that's for sure

              • 11 months ago

                >every fromsoft game is the same
                that's a good thing.

          • 11 months ago

            NPC moment

            • 11 months ago

              bro you slurp up miyazacki dick kinda hypocritical to criticize anyone of being an NPC

              >every game should be the same


              >an rpg having actual character interactions
              kinda a staple of the genre homosexual

              • 11 months ago

                >kinda a staple of the genre
                nope and i love CRPGs

          • 11 months ago

            I don't play that shit exactly because the writing is consistently horrible.
            It feels like 2023 New York instead of fantasy.
            Frick you and frick your shit ass games. Long live From Software.

            • 11 months ago

              fromsoftware games writing quite literally confirmed by miyahacki himself to just throw shit on the board and see what sticks and sounds mysterious/disjointed. Id rather play the game where the creators actually gave a shit to try to write something

              >kinda a staple of the genre
              nope and i love CRPGs

              you want an action hack n slash not an rpg

              • 11 months ago

                >you want an action hack n slash
                souls games are still RPG. You don't make the rule. sowwy

              • 11 months ago

                From Software writes things in detail and then removes parts to make the narrative experience more interesting, they don't do what you ignorantly accuse them of doing.
                I am sorry you are too stupid to be able to enjoy good things. Now go enjoy your 2023 New York fantasy like the plebeian you are.

              • 11 months ago

                >too stupid
                this homie think he an intellectual for enoying vaati videos. Buddy Elden Ring was in the exact same spot BG3 is in right now, over hyped by normies who never gave a shit about the genre/games before. btw homosexual I enjoyed Dark souls 1-3, sekiro, and demon souls have a nice day

              • 11 months ago

                No one mentioned Vaati. You're getting desperate, I see.
                The writing in From Software games is good, the writing in BG3 is garbage. Deal with it.

              • 11 months ago

                and you're a moron who unironically thinks hes smart for enjoying random tidbit lore descriptions thats difference here. I never acted like BG3 is some masterpiece but there is actual effort. You can barely consider what fromsoftware does as writing. Now if you would stop huffing your own farts and unironically play more video games you would open your mind you elden ring newbie

              • 11 months ago

                I don't think I am smart, mr projector. I think From Software games are well written.
                Go play your 2023 New York fantasy, shitter.

              • 11 months ago

                >From Software writes things in detail
                literally zero reason to believe this considering how mutually-contradictory and wobbly the timelines have been in every fromsoft game since Ds1, not to mention the superabundant cut content evidencing that they've just been stitching shit together as they went along

              • 11 months ago

                >Id rather play the game where the creators actually gave a shit to try to write something
                By all means frickface

              • 11 months ago

                fromsoft is your personality we get it

              • 11 months ago

                bro you slurp up miyazacki dick kinda hypocritical to criticize anyone of being an NPC
                >an rpg having actual character interactions
                kinda a staple of the genre homosexual

                you haven't played BG3 or played any rpg at all if you prefer the dull lifeless shit that is a fromsoftware NPC

                souls games are action rpgs, similar to diablo
                Roleplaying is not the focus. They don't really need character interactions.

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        No it’s not moron , it’s I couldn’t care less

      • 11 months ago

        >could care less = you care
        >couldn't care less = you don't care
        Stupid mutt.

      • 11 months ago

        Reminder that this was posted during peak amerimutt hours

      • 11 months ago

        If you could care less then that means you still care at least a little bit, are you actually moronic?

      • 11 months ago

        It's a doggy dog world

    • 11 months ago

      It's "I could care less" idiot.

      couldn't care less is actually more grammatically correct because "could care less" requires sarcasm to make sense.

      • 11 months ago

        you can always "care less" by not caring at all

        you stupid fricking ape

        • 11 months ago

          You can't care less than 0. There's no such thing as negative caring.

          • 11 months ago



            • 11 months ago

              I really don't care about my neighbor's toilet. But I'm commenting on it and now you're thinking about it. Why do you care about my neighbor's toilet, anon? That's kind of weird.

              • 11 months ago

                >I really don't care about my neighbor's toilet.

                you clearly do because you're commenting on it

                you fricking stupid ape

    • 11 months ago

      Git Gud homosexual

      • 11 months ago

        Git Gud taste homosexual

        • 11 months ago

          Name five(5) good fantasy action games

    • 11 months ago

      Jealous diablo 4 bawd

  2. 11 months ago

    >The lantern/gas lamp the player character is holding has some sort of gameplay mechanic where it shows hidden items or areas/illusionary walls
    already copying Lords of the Fallen?

    oh no no no no

    • 11 months ago

      There was a torch in elden ring that did that already

    • 11 months ago

      Already existed in ER, bro. You can be 100% sure they're not looking at Lords of the Fallen for tips.

      • 11 months ago

        try DS1

    • 11 months ago

      Why are Ganker so ignorant?

  3. 11 months ago

    I swear if the towns are fricking dead I'm quitting gaming

  4. 11 months ago

    >new ip
    >same as the last ip

    • 11 months ago

      this is like saying
      >a new call of duty
      >it has shooting? same as last call of duty
      from combat is a core mechanic I don't know why you morons can't see that

      • 11 months ago

        Call of duty is 1 ip, moron. It also changes more than fromslop.

        • 11 months ago

          modern warfare is 2, black ops is 3 and guess what, warzone is 4 you colossal dipshit

      • 11 months ago

        Yes, exactly.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, truly embarrassing

      • 11 months ago

        >doesn't even try to defend it
        >just immediately attacks another company
        hahaha the state of video games

  5. 11 months ago

    It looks like Bloodborne 2

  6. 11 months ago

    Roll souls if he harry potter

    • 11 months ago

      Haggerslop if he muggle

  7. 11 months ago

    I'm guessing this is the PS5 exclusive that was mentioned ages ago?

    • 11 months ago

      PS5 owners can now roll a dice to decide what game to play

      • 11 months ago

        How does a two sided die work?

        • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      "mentioned" only in snoy fanfiction. From never said anything about making a new PS exclusive, and it's very unlikely they will considering ER sold better on PC than consoles and Sony canned Japan Studio

      • 11 months ago

        >ER sold better on PC than consoles
        kek more PCisraelite lies

        • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        It sold better in Europe and even then, the percentages were very close with console

      • 11 months ago

        Anon we know for a fact there was a 3 game exclusivity deal signed after DeS. Even if Deracine counts as one, they're doing 1 more Playstation exclusive.

        • 11 months ago

          >Anon we know for a fact there was a 3 game exclusivity deal signed after DeS
          Black person what?
          There's no record of this anywhere.
          When did snoys fanfiction together this crap?

          It laughably moronic too, cause it means they signed a 3 game deal 10 years ago, and haven't fulfilled it in a decade.
          lol, lmao

          • 11 months ago

            Was multiple rumors about it a couple years ago too, that it had just started being worked on. We'll see, Sony has that business alliance with Kadokawa and owns a small part of From, denying it outright is a bit ludicrous.

            • 11 months ago

              we went from
              >we know for a FACT
              >Was multiple RUMORS about it a couple years ago
              lmao, the backpedaling from the sonyger
              your entire cope is based on wishful thinking of a desperate snoy based on nothing
              > denying it outright is a bit ludicrous.
              nah, denying tales from your ass is what rational people do, sBlack person

              • 11 months ago

                These are different things anon. That 3 game deal is a fact, I'm saying there's more evidence pointing towards it.

              • 11 months ago

                >That 3 game deal is a fact,
                Of which there's 0 evidence of.
                Lmao. Maybe you could've desperately coped this was true 8 years ago, sonyger, but you're well past the point to pretend this horseshit was ever true.
                > I'm saying there's more evidence pointing towards it.
                Wishful thinking is evidence of your stunted mental capacity, you dumb frick.
                You haven't provided anything besides flimsy conjecture.
                Fricking smell the roses, snoy.

              • 11 months ago

                >That 3 game deal is a fact,
                Of which there's 0 evidence of.
                Lmao. Maybe you could've desperately coped this was true 8 years ago, sonyger, but you're well past the point to pretend this horseshit was ever true.
                > I'm saying there's more evidence pointing towards it.
                Wishful thinking is evidence of your stunted mental capacity, you dumb frick.
                You haven't provided anything besides flimsy conjecture.
                Fricking smell the roses, snoy.

                What the frick is up with people wanting so badly for Fromsoft games to be exclusives? I don't see why Fromsoft would do it anyway, considering Elden Ring sold like 20 million, Sony would need to pay them a shitton of money to make it exclusive and worth their while.

                Bloodborne sold like 3 million, I doubt working with Sony is worth it for Fromsoft anymore.

              • 11 months ago

                >considering Elden Ring sold like 20 million
                well bamco must be happy about that
                but from software didnt get any of that money

              • 11 months ago

                yes, because making a snoy exclusive would get them money by the same token
                lmao, Snoys are mentally ill

              • 11 months ago

                >but from software didnt get any of that money

                Huh? Do you think publishers just take all the money in sales from a game?

              • 11 months ago

                He most likely means they weren't paid per the success of the game aka made revenue. They were paid a lump sum to make the game and that's it. At least I think that's what he's saying.

              • 11 months ago

                Is there any game dev that would even take that deal? Don't they always get a percentage of the revenue as well?

              • 11 months ago

                Not always how it works. You can pay someone in many different ways. They could be contracted for a certain amount of money. The pay can be based on time or some measurable amount of labor. They could have been paid a lump sum to make the game and then only made revenue from collectors edition etc. I have no idea what went on behind closed doors.

              • 11 months ago

                From Software actually stopped working with Namco for a while so I doubt this is true. Sekiro was part of a brief stint with Activision, done after the DS3 release completed their three-game contract.

                If Bamco wanted them back it was probably with a contract that was favourable to From, which means residuals or bonuses. If not, From are morons.

      • 11 months ago

        you said the same thing about bloodborne

        • 11 months ago

          i am sure From software will be like
          >let's make a new PS5 exclusive like Bloodborne who will sell 2 million in 1 year, instead of making one that will sale 10-20 million on all platforms
          the deal of the century

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah it would be like making a third Dark Souls, what a stupid move (BB sold better than DS1 or 2 within its first year).

            • 11 months ago

              troonyborne still got raped

              • 11 months ago

                You are moronic if you think BB sales stopped at 2M. It probably sold around 5-10M total.

              • 11 months ago

                Whoever made that graph should be shot, why the frick do the games have symbols inside the lines

              • 11 months ago

                Your pic suggests otherwise.

      • 11 months ago

        Elden Ring sold most on the PS ecosystem in the long run. PC second, Xbox third.

    • 11 months ago

      I hope it is because Ganker would explode from seething. Would be hilarious the moment Fromsoft makes another Bloodborne-like game and makes it another PS exclusive. I don't even care about BB or Fromshit games anymore but seethe alone would be delicious to watch.

      • 11 months ago

        This place would be consumed with rage for literal years until it released. And after even longer if it was bloodborne tier. Oh it would be glorious

    • 11 months ago

      Can Sony give them enough money to make up for losing pc and xbox sales? I doubt it with how big Elden Ring was

  8. 11 months ago

    if i was making a game i'd put sneed in graffiti on a wall somewhere somewhat out of place, big enough to be noticeable but not overly so

  9. 11 months ago

    there are already several games called "spellbound"
    couldnt do 2 seconds of research on steam before making shit up
    apply yourself Black person

    • 11 months ago

      It's the project name you dumbfrick

  10. 11 months ago

    boundsoulsborne like

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago


  11. 11 months ago

    >30 seconds into the video
    >this is based on a leak from Ganker
    stop shilling this channel here

    • 11 months ago

      Ganker has been right and has had legitimate leaks more than enough times to be taken seriously, also, this is separate from the Ganker leak.

      • 11 months ago

        Ganker has been wrong and has had countless fake leaks to a point where you can't take any of them seriously until after the fact when you look back and go "huh I guess that one leaker post out of the thousands i saw was legit".

        • 11 months ago

          The amount of leaks that were posted here first as opposed to other places makes this, when compared to other places, a more reliable source.

          • 11 months ago

            The amount of fake leaks that are posted here makes this, when compared to other places, a less reliable source by sheer volume.

            • 11 months ago

              Anyone have some fake leaks? I am in the mood for some fanfiction.

    • 11 months ago

      Remember Project Beast?

      • 11 months ago

        the guy leaking that posted the trailer for it

  12. 11 months ago

    >no open world slop
    >Trick weapons are back
    >In depth magic
    >No generic medieval high fantasy
    >No grimdark setting filled with undead

    Sounds too good to be true

    • 11 months ago

      What are 'trick weapons'?
      I played Demon's Souls oks Drk Sls 123 and Sekiro, and I don't have a clue what the frick that is.

      • 11 months ago

        it's 1 weapon with 2 different forms so your rapier can become a whip with the hit of a button, even mid swing. you really need to play bloodborne, you're missing out.

      • 11 months ago

        They're weapons that can turn into another weapon with a different moveset.
        Remember how the Aquamarine Dagger in DS3 can turn into a pseudo rapier if you hold R2? That's what a trick weapon is, except in BB you don't need to hold a button, the switch is a state.

      • 11 months ago

        Weapon with two forms
        >L1 when neutral merely transforms you
        >L1 during combo is an attack WHILE transforming
        Most weapons go from short and spammy to slow and strong but there's variety like a dagger that splits into twin daggers or a rapier that becomes a bayonetted pistol

      • 11 months ago

        Gimmick where two different weapons get glued together in a sort of steampunk victorian style. Matters a lot less than most people think mechanically, aside from the flashy transformation attacks it's mechanically identical to simply holding a weapon in your left hand and a different weapon in your right.

        It represents Fromsoft's more action oriented tendencies that they strayed towards in BB, DS3 and Sekiro before returning to having more options and build variety in Elden Ring.

  13. 11 months ago

    No I'm pretty sure it's Armored Core 6

  14. 11 months ago

    I am HYPED

  15. 11 months ago

    >New From Software game leaked you guize!
    >It's Demon Soulsbourne of the Ring

    Atleast they dared to try something a bit different with Sekiro. Now it's shoveling the same safe slop ad nauseam.

  16. 11 months ago

    Automatic bomb. It’s bloodborn for warlocks. Sorceries were already OP in Dark Souls Prepare to Dir edition, and they only grew even more easy mode with each iteration of the game.
    I would only be impressed if they made a first person shooter with black power guns and rifles, got rid of sorceries altogether, and Miyazaki came out of the closet confession style and admitted magic is gay and they want to be more like doom and give us what we wanted. Which was, basing it off Elden ring, you need doom and quake map makers designing place everywhere in your open world so that it doesn’t feel like the elder scrolls copy and pasted dungeons everywhere like in Elden ring (it was their mistake, we are just trying to help them not make it again).

    • 11 months ago

      ERs legacy dungeons are superb tho

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      >It’s bloodborn for warlocks.

      Sounds fricking incredible.

  17. 11 months ago

    >Sekiro is dark souls(katana)
    >this game is dark souls(magic)
    I have high expectations. I really enjoyed sekiro because it was built around having a single weapon type. I hope they do something similar and make spellcasting just as engaging.

  18. 11 months ago

    Automatic bomb. It’s bloodborn for warlocks. Sorceries were already OP in Dark Souls Prepare to Dir edition, and they only grew even more easy mode with each iteration of the game.
    I would only be impressed if they made a first person shooter with black power guns and rifles, got rid of sorceries altogether, and Miyazaki came out of the closet confession style and admitted magic is gay and they want to be more like doom and give us what we wanted. Which was, basing it off Elden ring, you need doom and quake map makers designing place everywhere in your open world so that it doesn’t feel like the elder scrolls copy and pasted dungeons everywhere like in Elden ring (it was their mistake, we are just trying to help them not make it again).

  19. 11 months ago

    fake leak

  20. 11 months ago

    fake and gay

  21. 11 months ago

    >another game where there is no interaction with the world, the npcs speak like schizo morons, and there is no actual narrative for your character to follow

    • 11 months ago

      But the itens descriptions buddy, you need to read the itens descriptions and watch 40 mins videos of headcanon

    • 11 months ago

      Wow I can't wait for another game about rolling and swinging a great sword then doing some more rolling (magic edition)

      Also this

      • 11 months ago

        Yes, you would rather have one button mash combat instead, lol
        >ignores blocking, weapon arts and parrying

    • 11 months ago

      It's funny to see the contrarian schizoid mainstream Ganker opinion shift from moviegames being bad, cancerous and for normies to the exact opposite. Where's le epic story in my doom game? Why are there no living cities with NPCs in my quake game? Wow, another ace combat game where you're fighting a war in fighter jets instead of doing joint training exercises with friendly nations?

      Just goes to show that contrarians are still sheep just following a different Shepherd.

      • 11 months ago

        no one is saying all that. Why play a fantasy rpg with all this epic lore if the game does nothing with it? thats the problem. No one is going into an ace combat thread to whine about all the epic wasted story.

        • 11 months ago

          >no one is saying all that

          That is literally what you are saying

          >reee why isn't there an epic cinematic story in my fromsoft game

          >Why play a fantasy rpg with all this epic lore if the game does nothing with it?

          What are you even talking about? Is your brain leaking out your ears? The lore of Fromsoft games is always tied to the setting, the location, the bosses, enemies, etc. Why are you so braindead? Do you think the only way to engage in a setting is to have shit spoonfed to you through dialogue and exposition?

          • 11 months ago

            every single without fail. When people say this it means they want something else to do in the world that isn't just killing, some form of interaction with the lore.

            • 11 months ago

              >When people say this it means they want something else to do in the world that isn't just killing, some form of interaction with the lore.

              Elden Ring has 36 NPC questlines. The fact that the only thing you "people" can do is waffle vaguely about "interaction" without actually specifying what you want to see changed is very telling. You don't actually play these games, and you don't actually have any intention of doing anything other than complaining for the sake of it.

              • 11 months ago

                You dont understand they need to pace back and forth from vender to vender skipping dialogue to rifle through menus if they want to understand the lore

        • 11 months ago

          there is no problem, you play the game for the gameplay.

      • 11 months ago

        Times change, and particular concepts and ideas can be overdone.

        I'd argue that the dichotomy is false, and you can have games with more narrative focus that aren't railroads like Uncharted, nor dead wastelands with shallow NPCs like ER.

      • 11 months ago

        Imagine being such a massive moron that you cant imagine a middle ground between two different genres. No wonder the industry is the way it is with homosexuals like around.

    • 11 months ago

      Thats based. Gameplay is king.
      Keep that gay story shit to other games.
      Fromsoft games are about combat and exploring dungeons.

      • 11 months ago

        >Gameplay is king.
        ah yes the brilliant gameplay of "kill every zombie on the map, listen to npcs laugh at you for no reason then roll for 10 minutes under a boss foot waiting for their anime combo to finish and then poke it with a stick" brilliant design

        • 11 months ago

          Having to actually time your dodges is better than the minsldess one button mash combat of many western ARPGs.
          Blocking also works just as good as rolling for most enemies.
          >10 minutes
          More like 10 seconds, and you can attack without waiting if you are using a summon or if you used ranged weapon arts.
          The bosses in this game are unique and distinctive, much better than trash like skyrim
          The criticism of this game is always either hyperbolic or reductive
          Souls games are still better than most western ARPGs in terms of gameplay.

    • 11 months ago

      Why would anyone give a frick about that shit in video games?
      Gameplay > atmosphere > art/graphics > story
      Every Black person that says shit like this cites some homosexual ass emo turnbased jrpg bullshit as an example of having some deep rich narrative, youre the exact same as marvel reddit aspies that thought the avengers was some cinematic masterpiece.

    • 11 months ago

      >gaming then
      wow holy shit i pressed A and did a sick stab
      >gaming now

      have a nice day homosexual homosexual

      • 11 months ago

        Damn, call the security services, BG3 mindbroke this chud

        • 11 months ago

          yes, which is why he wants "story" (meant for womens romance novels and not games)

          • 11 months ago

            no one talked about story though? it's about world building. exploring a living and breathing world with actual people in it is something that can only be done in a video game. it's a gameplay thing.

    • 11 months ago

      Play Dark Souls 2

    • 11 months ago

      wow I wonder what the deal is with the ruins of this lost kingdom. Guess I'll read this pair of boots to find out

  22. 11 months ago

    >cast spell
    >Slow as frick and often needs you to stand still
    Souls spell casting is still shit

  23. 11 months ago

    So Bloodborne with magic but without ayy lmaos i am going insae niggggger man save me ?
    >the leak its form Ganker
    i mean from 100 leaks here, 90 are fake, can be real, but i doubt it.

  24. 11 months ago

    Ganker made this shit up and people are slopping it up

    • 11 months ago

      Ganker leaked a lot of games, game events, etc over the years, i still remember the project beast leak (Bloodborne), E3 leaks, nintendo direct leaks, etc. But there are a lot of fakes, so you need to filter them

  25. 11 months ago

    >It does not have that post apocalyptic vibe that a lot of From Software games do.
    Hardest part to believe.

    • 11 months ago

      Sekiro isn't post apocalyptic really.

  26. 11 months ago

    >int build: THE GAME!

  27. 11 months ago

    Why do autostic Black folk make up intricate "leaks" and bullet points of made up shit?

  28. 11 months ago

    If this is true I will fricking cum all over my keyboard right now.

  29. 11 months ago

    >Zero mention of multiplayer mechanics which are paramount in Miyazaki games
    >We already know Miyazaki next fantasy game won't even be an ARPG

    • 11 months ago

      After seeing how they handled it in Elden Ring I wouldn't be surprised if they just scrapped it completely.

      • 11 months ago

        Elden Ring multiplayer was the part that received the most support. They literally remade the game balance around it

        • 11 months ago

          >No cool covenants like in any of the previous games
          >Invasion mechanics sucked (Had to summon/taunt to be invaded)
          >Constant disconnects because of shitty implementation of EAC
          >Still had cheaters despite EAC
          Only redeeming factor Elden Ring multiplayer had was the seamless coop mod.

          • 11 months ago

            >>No cool covenants
            Covenants are garbage
            mechanics sucked (Had to summon/taunt to be invaded)
            Skill issue
            disconnects because of shitty implementation of EAC
            Works on my machine
            had cheaters despite EAC
            No it didn't

            • 11 months ago

              >No it didn't
              It did, trust me. I was one of them.

            • 11 months ago

              >Covenants are garbage

              Covenants were great in Dark Souls 2, and trash in all the others.

    • 11 months ago

      was this homie molested in a ruins or something

      • 11 months ago

        >that time Miyazaki went hunting with his uncle
        >in a swamp...

    • 11 months ago

      It's a leak you moron not a full blown announcement. Multiplayer isn't confirmed, nor disconfirmed.

    • 11 months ago

      >I want to make Soul Reaver like game
      Holy frick he has good taste.

  30. 11 months ago

    This is old news.

    Another Magic reference?
    >You can also add gameplay changing customisations to your clothing. One prominent example is that you can make yourself hover above the air slightly by customising your clothing. This also changes how you dodge. Another one makes you clothing emit water making you immune to any fire damage. Another one makes you emit a purplish blue smoke however I do not know what this does.
    Sounds cool.

    I am hype.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm gonna be honest, I'm one of those who didn't like Elden Ring that much because I'm really tired with the endless repetition of the same dark fantasy medieval setting that we've seen over and over again in Souls games.

      But if even half of the things in this picture are true, mainly the magic-focused gameplay with spells being used just like weapons, and the 18th century / Imperial aesthetics... Then frick it, I'm hyped as frick.

      Please, for the love of god, I want this leak to be true.

      • 11 months ago

        I didn't like the open world but I thought the ashes of war made the gameplay more interesting compared to the previous iterations.

    • 11 months ago

      >Another Magic reference?
      What's the first one?

      • 11 months ago

        There are many. Bloodborne is based on a lot of things from Innistrad. There was a video where you could see a Reflecting Pool on Miyazaki's table, he's known to enjoy Magic.

        • 11 months ago

          >Bloodborne is based on a lot of things from Innistrad

          ...Isn't Innistrad just based on a lot of shit from classic gothic horror / Lovecraft?

          • 11 months ago

            >Another Magic reference?
            What's the first one?

            This is old news.

            Another Magic reference?
            >You can also add gameplay changing customisations to your clothing. One prominent example is that you can make yourself hover above the air slightly by customising your clothing. This also changes how you dodge. Another one makes you clothing emit water making you immune to any fire damage. Another one makes you emit a purplish blue smoke however I do not know what this does.
            Sounds cool.

            I am hype.

            There are many. Bloodborne is based on a lot of things from Innistrad. There was a video where you could see a Reflecting Pool on Miyazaki's table, he's known to enjoy Magic.


            • 11 months ago

              If you know that Miyazaki love MTG you can go back and find all sorts of shit. Like the hooked sickle undeads un DaS2 are exactly like another card

              >Bloodborne is based on a lot of things from Innistrad

              ...Isn't Innistrad just based on a lot of shit from classic gothic horror / Lovecraft?

              These are the two bladesmiths from Demon's Souls.

              • 11 months ago

                those aren't even passingly resembling them, you dumb frick
                it's like you need to rip off a card to come up with the mythical concept of a

              • 11 months ago

                They are, idiot.

              • 11 months ago

                maybe know wtf you're talking about, moronBlack person

              • 11 months ago

                They look very similar to me. They are based on the card in my opinion. Now seethe all you want.

              • 11 months ago

                >They look very similar to me.
                Which is just proof of your extreme mental moronation, because the two look literally nothing alike, non even vaguely.
                Kek, way to go homosexual. You're free to go back to dilating.

              • 11 months ago

                When I saw that card back then I immediately thought of Demon's Souls. Maybe you lack imagination. Do you even understand the concept of inspiration?

              • 11 months ago

                >When I saw that card back then I immediately thought of Demon's Souls.
                More proof of you being a moron. Thx, kek.
                >Maybe you lack imagination.
                You lack eyesight, Black person, go see(kek) an optician.
                > Do you even understand the concept of inspiration?
                Yes, having BLACKSMITHS IN A VIDEO GAME
                could only possibly have come from your shitty card that doesn't resemble the characters in question.
                You seem to have an extreme lack of basic imagination, Black person. Kek.

              • 11 months ago

                Try not to let the butthurt get to you too much, brother.

              • 11 months ago

                >autist projecting
                imagine being emotionally invested in sth everyone can see is completely wrong

              • 11 months ago

                You have been crying that a card is not the inspiration of a character for quite some time now for now to mock the supposed emotional investment of the other part lol.

              • 11 months ago

                >n-no U!!!!!
                jilted autist is seething, kek
                you are such a stupid motherfricker lmao

              • 11 months ago

                maybe know wtf you're talking about, moronBlack person

                >corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture
                >it's the same picture

            • 11 months ago

              Nice find

            • 11 months ago

              I'm honestly embarrassed for you.

          • 11 months ago

            Here's the Watchdog of the Old Lords.

            If you know that Miyazaki love MTG you can go back and find all sorts of shit. Like the hooked sickle undeads un DaS2 are exactly like another card


        • 11 months ago

          >Another Magic reference?
          What's the first one?

          If you know that Miyazaki love MTG you can go back and find all sorts of shit. Like the hooked sickle undeads un DaS2 are exactly like another card

    • 11 months ago

      give me that shit
      im sick and tired of troony posters with shit crpgs

    • 11 months ago

      >Open world slop

    • 11 months ago

      >city is 2-3 times larger than all of elden rings dungeons combined
      >open world 2 to 3 times as large as elden ring overall
      >total game size slightly smaller than elden ring

  31. 11 months ago

    fake. next game is sekiro 2

    • 11 months ago

      never ever L1troony

  32. 11 months ago


  33. 11 months ago

    Unless they add an actual living world to explore im not interested in playing this. Elden Ring bored me from the core souls formula and Im not paying $60 to fight shitty bosses again

    • 11 months ago

      >No new IP

      • 11 months ago

        >No new IP

        >No new IP

        That's the point, it's just rebranded souls again :^)

  34. 11 months ago

    >More fantasy slop
    Joy. Do they know there’s other interesting settings?

    • 11 months ago

      that's like complaining that shooters are mostly set in the modern era.
      if anything you should complain about the obscure plot which funds vaati, their moronic quest design where you need to guess where and when to advance it and ALWAYS having a dying world which you, the hero, save(to sit at the throne), by some lords.

      • 11 months ago

        >that's like complaining that shooters are mostly set in the modern era.
        Shooters can be WW1-2, modern era or futuristic. There are more options for fantasy settings to go or take inspirations from simply because swords existed since bronze age. Spears and daggers existed thousands year before swords.

  35. 11 months ago

    >Magic Roll the return of Zamzibart

    • 11 months ago

      >No new IP

  36. 11 months ago

    I got bored of Souls games around DS3, which I dropped halfway. I played Demons Souls on PS3. I anticipate most people will get bored of Souls games in approximately ~2 more games, since most normalsharts started with either DS3 or Elden Ring.

    • 11 months ago

      >No new IP

    • 11 months ago

      >Started with DS2
      >Got bored halfway through Elden Ring and stopped playing
      I think your theory may have merit anon

  37. 11 months ago

    >we want the harry potter audience
    finna cringe

  38. 11 months ago

    >openworld slop
    >most likely rollslop
    I sleep.
    with elden shit hackazaki showed he doesn't know what good combat is. now the burden of proof is on him.

  39. 11 months ago

    fake and gay
    lies of p soon

  40. 11 months ago

    gay as frick name

  41. 11 months ago

    I have never read items descriptions or lore from demons and BB, should I play DS1-2 or can I just play 3 right away?

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      >I have never read items descriptions or lore from demons and BB
      You should play Forklift Simulator instead.

    • 11 months ago

      you're the average souls player.
      play ds1,3, drop 2 after you try and realize how shit it is.

  42. 11 months ago

    so it's bloodbourne with magic instead of a gun

    • 11 months ago

      I'm down for it, honestly. As long as it's not another game in a dark medieval setting.

  43. 11 months ago

    Josh you sound like a monotone git

  44. 11 months ago

    Hopefully the spells are more interesting
    Where did cool shit like undead rapport go?

  45. 11 months ago

    >magic focus game

    I really hope this is true but I'm scared that fromsoft will take too much of the system from previous games. Cause if it'll be just a little slightly polished same shit as in Elden Ring then I can't say I'm too excited for this game

  46. 11 months ago

    one fake leak and they're already malding to the point of suicide
    how does FROM keep doing it?

  47. 11 months ago

    I call bullshit, someone generated an AI image and fabricated a game around it.

  48. 11 months ago

    >The lantern/gas lamp the player character is holding has some sort of gameplay mechanic where it shows hidden items or areas/illusionary walls however I am not yet clear on how it exactly works and what other uses it has but it does seem like a major gameplay mechanic.

    Ripping off new Lords of the Fallen lol

    • 11 months ago


      There was a torch in elden ring that did that already

  49. 11 months ago

    >Bloodborne 2 but with a new setting

  50. 11 months ago

    Everyone in this thread is giant gullible moron.
    The "leak" is the fakest shit ever.

  51. 11 months ago

    This is like the 2nd time I've heard something about a "spellbound" game from different companies.
    And I will always think of the noita mod because you're a homosexual.

  52. 11 months ago

    Lemme guess, lonely and slow as molasses mc against anime mobs and bosses ?

  53. 11 months ago

    Steath bloodborne sequel? Sign me up.

  54. 11 months ago

    While another From game is cool, why THE FRICK do they keep giving us the souls bullshit of a frick ton of copy pasted weapons instead of doing what people loved in Sekiro and Bloodborne, that being developing a smaller quality amount of weapons with more work and personality? I don't need 7 different straight swords with half being straight up worse and the others having 1 unique move or something. Give me THE [x] or THE [y]. Not [x] but with slightly longer reach and slower attack speed or [y] but if you hold the charge your character does 2 stomps and hits a little harder when they swing. yes, that's a fricking thing. in Elden Ring the Fire Monk's flame mace does just that. this shit is boring and tired. make new movesets.

    • 11 months ago

      Bloodborne and sekiro have the lowest moveset variety of any fromsoft game

      • 11 months ago

        Bloodborne also has the biggest movesets per weapon of any game. No game since has had all the moves BB had. Why the frick can't backstep R1 be a unique attack in Elden Ring? Because no game is on BB's level yet.

        • 11 months ago

          >Bloodborne also has the biggest movesets per weapon of any game.

          Lol no it doesn't. The game tricks you into thinking it does, because each weapon is two weapons glued together, but the actual variety of movesets per weapon is lower than in DS2.

          In DS2, you can access

          >1h moveset
          >2h moveset
          >dual wield moveset

          And that's all freely accessible, you can use any weapon in any hand you want, you can 1h, 2h freely, etc. Bloodborne only lets you use weapons in your right hand, you can't freely 1h or 2h or dual wield, it's all tied to specific weapons/transformations.

          It's variety for brainlets who get fooled by the flashy visuals, in terms of actual variety of movesets Bloodborne is the very lowest of any souls game, even below demon's souls.

          • 11 months ago

            oh wow, Bloodborne made the stinkditch DS2troony bleed from their festering wound
            how fitting

            • 11 months ago

              >fails to counter any of the claims
              >gives up and resort to muh troony nuchan speak

              Typical nuchanner response. Trying REAL hard to fit in, aren't you? I'm not even defending DS2 here, but despite that game's many flaws it does objectively have the greatest moveset variety.

              Elden Ring has by far the largest number of unique animations, but the powerstancing works different, so you miss out on powerstanced strong attacks, or left hand strong attacks. Objectively that leaves DS2 as being the souls game that has the most different animations available to you at any given time. Doesn't make it good, but if we're talking pure numbers those are the facts.

              Though in typical nuchan fashion, facts and numbers matter nothing, it's all about following the cool trends to fit in.

              • 11 months ago

                >DS2troony thinks I was the other anon
                you're talking to more than 1 person, schizo

          • 11 months ago

            >Lol no it doesn't. The game tricks you into thinking it does, because each weapon is two weapons glued together, but the actual variety of movesets per weapon is lower than in DS2.
            Each weapon has double the moves but that actual moveste and any single form of a weapon is ALSO bigger than any other Fromsoft game. Until games bring back:
            >Backstep R1
            >Backstep R2
            >Transform attack and Transform Followup
            >Unique L2s [one could argue ashes/arts are this though]
            Bloodborne still reigns supreme anon. Each weapon has all all those additions and advantages AND THEN gets to transform and use an entire other moveset that's just as superior.
            This is true but also untrue since most powerstance movesets were very very limited. It was essentially just a new string of attacks, not that disimilar from the L2 strings many weapons in Bloodborne have.

            • 11 months ago

              >Backstep R1
              >Backstep R2

              Have you even played any souls game other than bloodborne? Backstep attacks have always been a thing.

              >Bloodborne still reigns supreme anon

              It doesn't though, DS2 does. And you can actually mix and match weapons, the game doesn't force you to use a hammer and a great sword glued together. If you use one of the weapons that has a unique L2 when 2h and when powerstanced, this is your total moveset

              >L1, L2
              >R1, R2
              >Rolling R1
              >Rolling R2
              >Running R1
              >Running R2 (Jump attack)
              >Backstep R1
              >Backstep R2
              >2h R1
              >2h R2
              >2h L2
              >2h backstep R1
              >2h backsstep R2
              >2h running R1
              >2h running R2
              >2h rolling R1
              >2h rolling R2
              >Powerstance R1
              >Powerstance R2
              >Powerstance L2

              You can go and count actual unique animations and DS2 comes out on top as well.

        • 11 months ago

          > Why the frick can't backstep R1 be a unique attack in Elden Ring?

          It is.

          In DeS, DaS1/2/3 backstep R1 was just a running R1, but BB and ER backstep R1 is a unique animation. ER also added running R2’s which wernt present in any prior game except BB.

        • 11 months ago

          >Bloodborne also has the biggest movesets per weapon of any game.
          What are you talking about? Elden Ring does
          >Why the frick can't backstep R1 be a unique attack in Elden Ring?
          Backstep R1 is a unique attack in Elden Ring (also the Quickstep attack)
          Backstep R2 is also a unique attack
          Elden Ring has also weapon swapping for 2 hands with relative ashes of war, 2 jumping attacks, 2 running attacks, block context sensitive pokes and block context sensitive counters, ashes of war that alter weapon movesets into buffed, different attacks and ashes of war with actually useful and unique attacks with special properties
          Did you even play it?

          • 11 months ago

            >Backstep R1 is a unique attack
            No it isn't. It's a unique animation that's only a slight variation on usually just the running R1.

            Its true, some weapons dont have two movesets and instead buffs as well, like the tonitrus.

            That's a single exception he's too dumb to even know. Don't spoonfeed the moron.

            • 11 months ago

              >No it isn't. It's a unique animation
              So it's a unique attack
              >that's only a slight variation on usually just the running R1.
              Performing the running r1 on neutral after baiting an attack is exactly the point.
              If this is the bar to call attacks the same than all Bloodborne weapons have running r2/r1 identical to backstep attacks.
              That's escluding completely different new attacks like crouch attacks and the variation of actually useful jumping attacks, or the far superior ashes of wars/unique skills that feel actually useful and combo into spells alongside melee attacks.
              There's no comparison, Elden Ring wins easily

              • 11 months ago

                >e animation
                >So it's a unique attack
                no because it doesn't have notably worthwile properties or value compared to the non backstep version. Kind of like the Kirkhammer Transform attack ?R1 followup which is a unique animation but just another classic R1 swipe with no unique elements like reach, speed or strength beyond the animation being new

                >That's a single exception he's too dumb to even know.
                Not the BB hating dude but isnt Boomhammer the same? Never bothered using it.

                Boomhammer's "Trick" moveset is limited because it's just a single "fire buffed" attack each time but those moves are all different in animation, reach, speed, hitbox size and attack elements. Toni just gets more damage and element. Boom is like Toni done right.

                Tonitrus and Boomhammer are both the weapons with the smallest movesets. Reiterpallasch comes in a close third.

                >usually just the running R1.
                just like Bloodborne


              • 11 months ago

                Okay so I'm confused. You said all that, but the moveset is just the same except the weapon is on fire now?

                How is this any different from just buffing a weapon in any other souls game?

              • 11 months ago

                >but the moveset is just the same except the weapon is on fire now?
                No because the move also explodes and hits harder so it'sd a bigger hitbox too.
                >How is this any different from just buffing a weapon in any other souls game?
                Buffs don't alter moveset properties. Boomhammer's trick function does. You do know BB has weapon buffs too right?

                >Chikage wants you to onshot the enemy with one epic iaido attack.

                Is that why it uses the same katana animations and sounds as DS1?

                >implying there was even a single iaido attack in Dark Souls 1

              • 11 months ago

                there was even a single iaido attack in Dark Souls 1
                You're moronic

              • 11 months ago

                What's funny is that there's actually a ton of Bloodborne weapons that straight up re-use animations from DS1, but bloodborne Black folk act like it's some revolutionary concept to re-use animations and then glue 2 weapons together

              • 11 months ago

                I replied to you once, so no idea what this autism is.

              • 11 months ago

                >Chikage wants you to onshot the enemy with one epic iaido attack.

                Is that why it uses the same katana animations and sounds as DS1?

                Oh never mind, there wasexactly two Iaido attacks now that I think about it. Still not the same animation though, just the same martial art.

              • 11 months ago

                >no because it doesn't have notably worthwile properties or value compared to the non backstep version.
                Yes it does, it's a considerably quicker attack from neutral. What's the property Bloodborne backstep attacks have over running attacks? Nothing, it's the same attack, also usually with the same exact animation between Running r1 and backstep r2

                Talking functions, as I said, Elden Ring obliterates Bloodborne.
                Fast low poise damage crouch attacks, light attacks, charged attacks, heavy attacks, jumping light attacks, jumping heavy attacks, guard counters, roll light attacks, roll heavy attacks, backstep light attacks, backstep heavy attacks, running light attacks, running heavy attacks, multi-phases true combos and ashes of war, several type of parries, blocking and dodges including dedicated backstep fishers, backstep faints attacks,..

              • 11 months ago

                >posts webm with no proof of increased speed or utility on a backstep attack
                Yeah I'm gonna go frick my wife now. Seeya.

              • 11 months ago

                >reaction gif
                >I'm going to go frick my wife

                People who say this (especially when paired with a reaction gif) invariably are not going to go frick their wife.

              • 11 months ago

                webm with no proof of increased speed or utility on a backstep attack
                Are you moronic?

                >No it isn't. It's a unique animation
                So it's a unique attack
                >that's only a slight variation on usually just the running R1.
                Performing the running r1 on neutral after baiting an attack is exactly the point.
                If this is the bar to call attacks the same than all Bloodborne weapons have running r2/r1 identical to backstep attacks.
                That's escluding completely different new attacks like crouch attacks and the variation of actually useful jumping attacks, or the far superior ashes of wars/unique skills that feel actually useful and combo into spells alongside melee attacks.
                There's no comparison, Elden Ring wins easily

                Point me the Bloodborne weapon where backstep and running attacks aren't the same

              • 11 months ago

                he can't because pvp basically didn't exist in bloodborne, and when it did it was just two Black folk spamming gunparries at each other LMAO because for all their screeching about muh best weapons, NOBODY FRICKING PLAYED BLOODBORNE PVP

              • 11 months ago

                Not him, but I played a shit ton of BB PvP. It was a lot of fun once augur started to parry and BS.

              • 11 months ago

                NTA, but found I used about the same amount of attacks in both game, which is more than I used throughout all the earlier games except DEStoc, since it mogs all these weapons in both games. ER I think did a pretty great job and so did BB, but ER felt refined Dark Souls to the absolute limit and BB felt still conceptual. It's a shame there will never be a sequel to BB, because I'd like to see it pushed to its limit.

            • 11 months ago

              >That's a single exception he's too dumb to even know.
              Not the BB hating dude but isnt Boomhammer the same? Never bothered using it.

            • 11 months ago

              >usually just the running R1.
              just like Bloodborne

  55. 11 months ago

    Seems like a cool setting, and it'd be nice to have a magic game like that. Hoping it's real

  56. 11 months ago

    proofs? none? okay. tongue my anus.

  57. 11 months ago

    What happened to that Aztec Kung Fu thing from years ago?
    It was fake? Cancelled?

  58. 11 months ago

    Ngl, sounds boring.

  59. 11 months ago

    >anon makes a thread on Ganker with a video link to back up his claims
    >the video is of a guy talking about a leak he saw on Ganker
    very fricking funny

    • 11 months ago

      No you dumb frick, he referenced a PREVIOUS leak that was on here, this is a new one from reddit.

  60. 11 months ago

    /v/eddit Shazam trannies already mindbroken by rumors kek

  61. 11 months ago

    I was excited till I saw it was just more melee combat. Would be nice to see a soulslike that is a shooter but has Froms worldbuilding/designs. Remnant is neat but it lacks those things that make it truely memorable.

  62. 11 months ago

    >Dark Souls 6

  63. 11 months ago


  64. 11 months ago

    The moment it said it wasn’t an apocalyptic setting and it featured flourishing towns it was obvious it’s fake as frick.

  65. 11 months ago

    Wow, if this info is true then just from the leaks it already sounds like a proper evolution of the Souls formula unlike Elden Ring (Dark Souls 4 with horse)

  66. 11 months ago


    >Backstep attacks have always been a thing.
    Not unique ones with special utility. Have you ever played Bloodborne?
    >You can go and count actual unique animations
    Dishonest trash since many of those are just one move from one weapon that shares 90% of it's moves with 20 others.
    >If you use one of the weapons that has a unique L2 when 2h and when powerstanced
    IF. List the number of weapons that fit that list you dishonest frickstain. Bloodborne Trick weapons are far and away the king and only insecure console warrior morons would disagree.

    >Dash R1
    >Dash R2
    >Charged R2
    >Charged R2 Followup
    >L1 followup [Not all weapons]
    >Running R1
    >Backstep R1
    >Running R2
    >Backstep R2
    >Jump attack
    >Trick R1
    >Dash Trick R1
    >Trick R2
    >Dash Trick R2
    >Trick L1
    >Trick L1 Followup [Not all weapons]
    >Trick L2
    >Running Trick R1
    >Running Trick R2
    >Charged Trick R2
    >Charged Trick R2 Followup

    Not to mention the raw variety. Not to mention if we play your gay game of including powerstance, I can just equip TWO trick weapons and have TWO weapons with this many attacks. Stop making DaS2chads looks so FRICKING stupid anon. LEt's also not forget how wrong and dishonest you are, because backstep R1 and R2 just make other moves come out after backsteps, they aren't unique moves. Reposting because I found mistakes in my previous movelist. I forgot to include Dash attacks for most things but also wrong sais Dash L1 is unique when it isn't. Dash is just a way to shortcut your way into a "combo" so you can attack the L1 transform move.

    > Why the frick can't backstep R1 be a unique attack in Elden Ring?

    It is.

    In DeS, DaS1/2/3 backstep R1 was just a running R1, but BB and ER backstep R1 is a unique animation. ER also added running R2’s which wernt present in any prior game except BB.

    Unique animation eh? I don't doubt that but they no long make it a wholly new move with it's own utility. Backstep R1 on Rifle Spear is a huge overhand slam with more vertical reach than the entire Rifle Spear moveset by a huge margin.

    • 11 months ago

      >I don't doubt that but they no long make it a wholly new move with it's own utility

      minor spelling mistake, ouch

      >Backstep R1 on Rifle Spear is a huge overhand slam with more vertical reach than the entire Rifle Spear moveset by a huge margin.

      This isn't new, DS1 had a unique swipe/backflip animation for scimitars that replaced the kick animation. And rifle spear is literally just a spear that's also a gun. Functionally it's no different from say, a spellsword in DS2, execept in DS2 you can 2h the spellsword, use it in your right or left hand, powerstance it, and choose what kind of spell you want to equip to it.

    • 11 months ago

      >Not to mention if we play your gay game of including powerstance, I can just equip TWO trick weapons and have TWO weapons with this many attacks

      My number is the total amount of unique movesets the player can have available without switching the weapon held in your hand.

      If you want to play the total amount available to the player, in DS2 you can have three weapons in each hand for a total of six weapons. So DS2 would win in that scenario as well.

      • 11 months ago

        >My number is the total amount of unique movesets the player can have available without switching the weapon held in your hand.
        Yeah but you're including a left hand which is dishonest horseshit. ill yourself brainlet. Trick Weapons have the best moveset size AND variety.

        • 11 months ago

          >Yeah but you're including a left hand which is dishonest horseshit

          That's my entire point. Bloodborne's trick weapons/gun parrying inherently restricts the player. Your weapon transformation decides whether it is 1h, 2h or dual wield.

          The weapons themselves play tighter, but you have less options overall. You can prefer the tighter action focus over the RPG focus, but you can't deny that a trade-off is occurring. Just like in Sekiro, where you really only have one weapon, but the entire game is designed at a very high level of quality around that single weapon.

    • 11 months ago

      >Backstep R1
      >Backstep R2

      Have you even played any souls game other than bloodborne? Backstep attacks have always been a thing.

      >Bloodborne still reigns supreme anon

      It doesn't though, DS2 does. And you can actually mix and match weapons, the game doesn't force you to use a hammer and a great sword glued together. If you use one of the weapons that has a unique L2 when 2h and when powerstanced, this is your total moveset

      >L1, L2
      >R1, R2
      >Rolling R1
      >Rolling R2
      >Running R1
      >Running R2 (Jump attack)
      >Backstep R1
      >Backstep R2
      >2h R1
      >2h R2
      >2h L2
      >2h backstep R1
      >2h backsstep R2
      >2h running R1
      >2h running R2
      >2h rolling R1
      >2h rolling R2
      >Powerstance R1
      >Powerstance R2
      >Powerstance L2

      You can go and count actual unique animations and DS2 comes out on top as well.

      None of that shit matters as long as R1 spam stills stands as the best option in any of the Fromsoft games. Even in Elden Ring unless you want to use jump R2s which is more like a cheese than anything. From games aren't J-Action games thus moveset variety doesn't really matter besides visual flair.

      • 11 months ago

        Even in J-action games moveset variety doesn't matter much, they're all used to kill enemies so in the end it's really all the same.

        There is in fact no game with any moveset variety

        • 11 months ago

          >Even in J-action games moveset variety doesn't matter much
          Wrong, all the good J-Action games has some kind of stinger, launcher, a quick ranged option and aerial combat these base abilities provide more for the game than what majority thinks and rest of the moveset are usually fluff. NG has them, DMC has them, Bayo has them. No one thinks for example MGR is greatest J-Action for example because player moveset is too limiting.

          • 11 months ago

            >Wrong, all the good J-Action games has some kind of stinger, launcher, a quick ranged option and aerial combat

            And? All of these options ultimately don't matter beyond visual flair because the game doesn't have an option to solve confrontations without violence. All of the options result in the same thing: you kill your enemy. How is that variety? Why can't I have an option to talk the demons down in DMC? Or maybe even show them that a human can be more than an enemy, by wining and dining them and then taking them back to my place for some fun after?

            • 11 months ago

              >All of the options result in the same thing: you kill your enemy. How is that variety?
              2 different J-Action players plays very different than each other. Kind of like imsims. Despite 2 players achieving the same goal their methods and means were different than each other.
              >Why can't I have an option to talk the demons down in DMC? Or maybe even show them that a human can be more than an enemy, by wining and dining them and then taking them back to my place for some fun after?
              Just say you want to frick demons anon...

              • 11 months ago

                >2 different J-Action players plays very different than each other

                And? The goal is completion of the game anyway. So really, there are no "different games" unlike what some anons claim. All games have the same outcome in the end: you finish the game. Even a game where you bring a demon back to your place, you finish in that as well.

                There's actually no difference mechanically between any video game, as the end goal/end state is the same (finishing the game) the only differences are visual. How is that variety? Why can't I have an option for a game that progresses me backwards through levels in reverse from the boss to the start, like a video game version of memento?

              • 11 months ago

                >Why can't I have an option for a game that progresses me backwards through levels in reverse from the boss to the start, like a video game version of memento?
                People enjoy getting better at the games compared to their starting point. It would be anti game to make a game like that. Imagine if Mario became easier as you progressed and his moveset became more limited leaving you with only just a jump at the end.

              • 11 months ago

                >It would be anti game to make a game like that. Imagine if Mario became easier as you progressed and his moveset became more limited leaving you with only just a jump at the end.

                Why do you want all video games to be the same?

              • 11 months ago

                Because it would pretentious. Many games become easier as you progress but more because your abilities becomes too good and devs haven't figured out a way to balance it at that point because they were busy with some other parts. But actively taking away player's options and abilities as you progress the game would be pretentious. Even games like Sifu gives you different options with it's aging mechanic which makes it better for some playstyles to play as an ojisan compared to a young man.

    • 11 months ago

      NTA, but the biggest thing these morons miss and what makes BB have more immediate variety, is a mid-swing stance change means you are one button away from accessing those additional moves and aren't required to cancel offense and futz about switching stances. There is no reason why this shouldn't have been a feature going forward. In BB, I have all my moves without dropping offense, not to mention certain moves, most notably charged R2s, have a lot of incentive to use situationally.
      In Dark Souls 1/2 and Demon's, you funnel to one stance and 1-2 moves, usually a poke and R1 spam. In BB I routinely used 6 moves when using a weapon (trick, light, and charged R2). It's just crazy how much better the system works to incentivize you to use moves while the earlier games funnel you to 1-2 moves. It wouldn't matter if Dark Souls 2 weapons had 10 stances, all the moves are either poke or damage spam, and you're going to use 1-2 moves.

      • 11 months ago

        >there is no reason why this shouldn't have been a feature going forward

        It takes one button press to move between 1h, 2h and powerstance. It would be cool to have unique attacks to transition, I guess?

        >It doesn't matter in DS2 has more weapon moves because I never used them

        Sounds like a skill issue on your part rather than a problem with the game.

        • 11 months ago

          You still have to drop offense to do it. It's literally just a straight upgrade of gameplay that encourages experimentation while one funnels.
          >Sounds like a skill issue on your part rather than a problem with the game.
          I'm a 2009 DESChad. Don't come at me with these petty insults or give up the Steam for ER/DS2/3 PvP match.

          • 11 months ago

            >You still have to drop offense

            Irrelevant considering DS2's combat isn't built around unrelenting aggression like Bloodborne

            >It's literally just a straight upgrade of gameplay that encourages experimentation while one funnels.

            homie, it's literally one attack as you move between movesets with a single button press what the frick are you talking about

            • 11 months ago

              Bloodborne's combat devolves into Dark Souls as you progress because rallying doesn't really give more HP as you level up. It becomes more beneficial to stand back and heal rather than trying to take back your hp.

              • 11 months ago

                I’ve only found that to be true in chalice dungeons where my health is halfed and going in for rally is just too risky

              • 11 months ago

                It's true even for fresh saves. Not sure how rallying is calculated but it's flat damage I think. So if you were getting 100 hp per hit with 1K hp bar it seems good but getting 100 hp per hit with 2K hp bar seems unnecessary.

              • 11 months ago

                Blunt weapons like the axe give you x4 more rally per hit, and there's a few gems with 15% extra rally including a guaranteed rop in YarHar
                You can make it work very well at least vs small mobs that you can stun, to get back all your HP during risky trades with 4+ enemies.

            • 11 months ago

              >Irrelevant considering DS2's combat isn't built around unrelenting aggression like Bloodborne
              More flow and more move access is always better. I've no idea why you're fighting this. You are probably one of the homosexuals making a stink about the "amount of moves" a weapon has, and this is a way to essentially smoothly swap into the other set.
              >homie, it's literally one attack as you move between movesets with a single button press what the frick are you talking about.
              You're not going to stand in front of an enemy and switch stances, but I use trickswap all the time. I don't see why you can't recognize the utility of this. I don't know what motivates someone to fight kicking and screaming over an objective upgrade to combat that I would consider major.

  67. 11 months ago


    >Not unique ones with special utility

    That's literally always been a thing, in DS1 scimitars have a unique backwards flip attack instead of a kick

    >Dishonest trash since many of those are just one move from one weapon that shares 90% of it's moves with 20 others.

    Do you understand what "unique animations" means?

    >List the number of weapons that fit that list you dishonest frickstain

    Off the top of my head, the puzzle stone sword, the smelter swords, the drumstick hammer, the bone fists, warped sword, Majestic sword, Ivory Straight sword, Nil Greatsword, Spitfire Spear and Helix Halberd? The variety is different, I think only the majestic has unique moves specifically in the left hand (Artorias's sword and he was left handed) this is just all the ones that have a unique L2 when dual wielded

    There's also cool interactions like dual wielding the different color smelter swords making a unique explosion, or the ivory straight sword's lightblade extension applying to the majestic greatsword's unique powerstanced L2

    Oh, and the game has spellswords as well that let you cast whatever spell you want on L2

    >Not to mention the raw variety

    On release Bloodborne had less weapons than DS2 had weapon categories, and there's even several weapons that re-use animations like the saw cleaver, the saw spear, the rifle spear, etc

    • 11 months ago

      >That's literally always been a thing, in DS1 scimitars have a unique backwards flip attack instead of a kick
      Yes but in BB all weapons are that.
      >Do you understand what "unique animations" means?
      Do you know what equip load is?
      >he puzzle stone sword, the smelter swords, the drumstick hammer, the bone fists, warped sword, Majestic sword, Ivory Straight sword, Nil Greatsword, Spitfire Spear and Helix Halberd?
      So mosty DLC shit and still a smaller list than the BB trick weapons list?
      >On release Bloodborne had less weapons
      Anon, your dishonest comparison of TH R1 to Trick R1 is already a fricking farce. Light spear thrust and lkight spear thrust but heavier and better reach is a far fricking cry from something like Light Can Bash and Light Whiplash
      >This isn't new, DS1 had a unique swipe/backflip animation for scimitars that replaced the kick animation.
      Not relevant.
      >And rifle spear is literally just a spear that's also a gun. Functionally it's no different from say, a spellsword in DS2, execept in DS2 you can 2h the spellsword, use it in your right or left hand, powerstance it, and choose what kind of spell you want to equip to it.
      Cope console warrior. BB's weapons stunt on ALL fromsoft weapons.

      • 11 months ago

        >Yes but in BB all weapons are that.

        All weapons? Every single one? Come on anon, there are several weapons in bloodborne that use the same moveset. Don't go lying to me now.

        >Do you know what equip load is?

        Something that's irrelevant to the number of unique animations a player can access at any given time.

        >So mosty DLC shit and still a smaller list than the BB trick weapons list?
        Is that supposed to be an own? If we want to talk DLC, on release Bloodborne had less trick weapons than DS2 had total weapon categories. And Bloodborne even has several trick weapons that re-use movesets or have very simple ones, lol.

        >Anon, your dishonest comparison

        You're the one pretending that a spear with a gun attached has some sort of incredibly insane amazing unique moveset. It's a spear with a gun.

        >Not relevant.


        >Cope console warrior

        I play on PC lmfao

        >BB's weapons stunt on ALL fromsoft weapons.

        In terms of visual style? Sure.

        • 11 months ago

          >All weapons? Every single one?
          Yes. They all have a unique attack on the backstep.

          I'm done discussing this with a shiteater who can't even afford a used PS4 he could resell at a $20 loss after he beats BB. Didn't read more.

          • 11 months ago

            Saw Spear backstep into R1


            Identical to Saw Cleaver backstep into R1


            Rifle spear backstep to R1


            Identical to transformed sawspear backstep into R1


            I wonder what else you've been lying about?

            • 11 months ago

              >Cleaver and Spear weapons share moves
              nta but you're gonna try to defend DS2 with that mindset? lol

              • 11 months ago

                I'm just responding to his specific claim that every weapon in bloodborne had a unique backstep R1 and R2

                If you want to get into the nitty gritty bones of it, you can go and count every single unique animation in either game and DS2 comes out on top. (I did this many many years ago when BB released and I don't care to repeat it)

              • 11 months ago

                >count every single unique animation
                But that's usually one unique animation per weapon instead of a dozen so.....

              • 11 months ago

                I am talking about total unique animations across all weapons. Not about animations that are unique to any specific weapon, but the total pool of unique animations the player can access across the entire game.

              • 11 months ago

                That's a fake goalpost. The argument was about moveset size and unique animation per weapon. I wasted my life reading it.

              • 11 months ago

                No, the argument was about the number of unique animations available to the player at any given time.

                IE: You have a weapon in your right hand, a weapon in your left hand. Without swapping weapons, how many unique animations do you have access to?

                DS2 wins this

                And if the goalposts shift to

                >total unique animations (weapon swapping allowed)

                DS2 also wins, because you can equip three weapons in each hand for a total of 6 weapons.

                And if they want to goalpost move again, DS2 also has in total- more unique animations total than bloodborne does.

                There is no metric where DS2 doesn't win in terms of moveset variety. What bloodborne excels at is style, which it has in spades.

              • 11 months ago

                >the argument was about the number of unique animations available to the player at any given time.
                Nope. Original fella here, you're just a moron. Stop posting. I was the original guy the whole time. It's hilarious:
                >not even able to track the discussion
                >didn't even play BB
                >doesn't realize that console warriors are platforms warriors and you've been engaging in platform warrior behavior
                You're so fricking stupid it's hilarious. Get fricked moron. Wrong wrong wrong and from the start too. Kill. Your. Self.

              • 11 months ago

                >Bloodborne also has the biggest movesets per weapon of any game.

                Lol no it doesn't. The game tricks you into thinking it does, because each weapon is two weapons glued together, but the actual variety of movesets per weapon is lower than in DS2.

                In DS2, you can access

                >1h moveset
                >2h moveset
                >dual wield moveset

                And that's all freely accessible, you can use any weapon in any hand you want, you can 1h, 2h freely, etc. Bloodborne only lets you use weapons in your right hand, you can't freely 1h or 2h or dual wield, it's all tied to specific weapons/transformations.

                It's variety for brainlets who get fooled by the flashy visuals, in terms of actual variety of movesets Bloodborne is the very lowest of any souls game, even below demon's souls.

              • 11 months ago

                >each weapon is two weapons glued together
                You're right, each weapon has double the movest of any other. The rest is you being a pathetic copelord. Eat shit and die.

              • 11 months ago

                also has the biggest movesets per weapon of any game.
                >Lol no it doesn't. The game tricks you into thinking it does, because each weapon is two weapons glued together, but the actual variety of movesets per weapon is lower than in DS2.
                >In DS2, you can access
                >>1h moveset
                >>2h moveset
                >>dual wield moveset
                >And that's all freely accessible, you can use any weapon in any hand you want, you can 1h, 2h freely, etc. Bloodborne only lets you use weapons in your right hand, you can't freely 1h or 2h or dual wield, it's all tied to specific weapons/transformations.
                >It's variety for brainlets who get fooled by the flashy visuals, in terms of actual variety of movesets Bloodborne is the very lowest of any souls game, even below demon's souls.

              • 11 months ago

                Anon, using two of a weapon is a cope. Using a weapon and another one at the same time is a cope. Two hand movesets do not even come close to the level of variation trick movesets have.

                You are wrong and a huge homosexual who should probably just play Bloodborne so you can truly feel how wrong you are. You won't though, you'll just seethe and cope by posting lies and disinfo online. Like when you spent hours in a copestorm trying to prove Dark Souls 2 had more animations than Bloodborne because you felt so fricked over by it being excluisve that you had to invent copes.

              • 11 months ago

                >normal weapon moveset
                >transformed moveset
                >not even every weapon has a totally unique transformed movset, many of them just transform into range weapons or receive a buff

                Meanwhile in DS2
                >L1 moveset
                >R1 Movest
                >L1 2h moveset
                >R1 2h moveset
                >powerstance moveset

                The facts and numebers are clear on this one. Bloodborne has style in spades, and not much else.

              • 11 months ago

                >normal weapon moveset
                Bigger than any Fromsoft ARPG before or since [charged attacks, backstep attacks, trick attacks etc]
                >transformed moveset
                Bigger than any Fromsoft ARPG before or since [charged attacks, backstep attacks, trick attacks etc]
                >>not even every weapon has a totally unique transformed movset, many of them just transform into range weapons or receive a buff
                lmao, because both the spear weapons and cleaver weapons have one move in overlap you think you can say this? When defending a game where almost all weapons share MOST animations?

                Mc-FRICKING-have a nice day amigo.

              • 11 months ago

                >Bigger than any Fromsoft ARPG
                Bloodborne isn't an ARPG (missing the RPG element)

                >lmao, because both the spear weapons and cleaver weapons have one move in overlap you think you can say this?

                There are indeed weapons that share animations (sawspear, sawcleaver, rifle spear), but you have other weapons like the reiterpallasch, riflespear, simon's bowblade that have a ranged weapon their transformation- meaning they don't actually have two full weapon's worth of movesets aside from unique transformation attacks. And then you have the Tonitrus that merely buffs the weapon without changing the moveset aside from the transformation attack, the stake driver which again, aside from the unique aspect of the transformation attack has the same animations in both states, just less range in the retracted state.

                You even have the Chikage, which is literally just the same katana animation Fromsoft has re-used in all of their souls games, with it's transformation allowing you to 2h it (again, same animations as 2h a katana in previous souls games with the exception of the transformation attack)

                Dunno why you guys are always so dishonest about this stuff.

        • 11 months ago

          >play on PC lmfao
          Yeah. Console warrior. You chose the console that's obviously best and also most expensive but you're being one anyways because you haven't even taken time out to play BB even when you could stream it to a PC through a Sony service.

          I know I said I wouldn't read more but I caught that tidbit. Closing the thread now. Enjoy being stupid and trying/failing to argue with somebody who played both games while you only played one.

          >Yeah but you're including a left hand which is dishonest horseshit

          That's my entire point. Bloodborne's trick weapons/gun parrying inherently restricts the player. Your weapon transformation decides whether it is 1h, 2h or dual wield.

          The weapons themselves play tighter, but you have less options overall. You can prefer the tighter action focus over the RPG focus, but you can't deny that a trade-off is occurring. Just like in Sekiro, where you really only have one weapon, but the entire game is designed at a very high level of quality around that single weapon.

          Stop replying anon. I'm gonna spend the effort. What I accidentally skimmed from your post is equally moronic copium. have a nice day.

          • 11 months ago

            Saw Spear backstep into R1


            Identical to Saw Cleaver backstep into R1


            Rifle spear backstep to R1


            Identical to transformed sawspear backstep into R1


            I wonder what else you've been lying about?

            Bloodboringsisters... Our response?

  68. 11 months ago

    Id love a souls game with non shit ranged combat

  69. 11 months ago

    >the leaks were right
    holy frick

  70. 11 months ago

    I wish I could get into soulsgames. They are just too grindy and hard for me. And having to dodgeroll all the time because everything kills you in 2-3 hits is frustrating.
    Also PvP isn't my thing outside of games like TF2 so I dunno. Fun to watch speedruns tho

    • 11 months ago

      >too grindy
      What? You grind in a souls game?

      • 11 months ago

        Well I mean trial and error. Feels so frustrating to fight same enemies and encounters over and over again where one mistake against enemy is instant death. Estus rarely helps when you die so easily.
        After getting to blighttown I just gave up. Avoiding poison was basically impossible. I never got to try PvP in DS2 so I am missing the core appeal of the games.
        It just ain't for me. The games are good but not for me.

        • 11 months ago

          dilate and have a nice day homosexual

        • 11 months ago

          The game has so many different options. You likely listened to these gays and felt you HAD to play it a certain way. Using every option in the game is fine. You could have just been using a build not made for you, or a shitty build in general. Or you didn't explore enough to find your playstyle. I find that if the difficulty is the reason someone is complaining, there's probably something else that is wrong because the game is really not that hard.

          • 11 months ago

            I did ask from soulsfans some pointers on how to avoid some broken stuff as I heard from here how broken DS1 is. It was several years back tho so I don't remember the details. I remember that shields, leveling HP, using magic and using 2h was basically cheating at least. I like playing tanky and mage stuff so it sucked honestly.
            >Using every option in the game is fine
            Of course, but I wouldn't do telekinesis run first in DoS2 for example. Or Lone Wolf ungabunga. Or abuse smithing/enchanting/alchemy from start in Skyrim.
            I don't want to cheat or use completely broken abuses and glitches in vidya when playing for first time.
            But yeah. Not the biggest fan of PvP either so I wouldn't enjoy the core experience anyway.

        • 11 months ago

          I "cheesed" the game with Rock Sling and Mimic and still had 90 hours of fun. I also consider myself a casual but then again I didn't really have any problems with Hollow Knight but some people swore on their mother's grave that HK was a hard game.

          • 11 months ago

            Fair fair...
            I just have spoiled myself on them by watching speedruns and other videos on them.
            I was a bit curious about ER co-op. My friend was too but we lost interest when we learned there are invasions etc. Neither of us like PvP.
            Yeah co-op mod exists, but I don't want to cheat. Summoning in general has been always a broken thing so...
            Not much different than that journo modding Sekiro etc. I don't wanna do stuff like that. Been spoiled on ER already so don't feel like playing it.
            But, can't be fan of all games. Ill enjoy seeing others have fun I guess.

        • 11 months ago

          >Well I mean trial and error. Feels so frustrating to fight same enemies and encounters over and over again where one mistake against enemy is instant death
          Get a greatshield and a spear or do a magic build, both of those will let you 1 try bosses, but i cant promise you will have fun.

    • 11 months ago

      no asked you troony

    • 11 months ago

      Nothing kills you in 2 hits except endgame bosses, and you have 10+ heals.
      Also there's little to no grinding, unless you're looking for a specific weapon with 10% drop.

    • 11 months ago

      Just block instead then anon

  71. 11 months ago

    It will probably come out 2025. So who cares. And when it does it will be heavily, marketed same way Elden Ring was. UFC PPV had tons of advertisements.

    I beat Demon Souls1 and Remake, Bloodborne, DS3. Dark Souls 1/2 I didn’t like and Sekiro, Elden Ring either and i bought them all. Elden Ring is so stupid. Whats the point of an Open World Game if it doesn’t have an easy objective marker of where to fricking go and how to get stuff. I don’t want to look up guides. Or at least general dialogue where to fricking go.

    Bloodborne and DS3 are my favorite games. Demon Souls is pretty great besides a few shit bosses.

    Excited for Lords of the Fallen 2023. Looks like more DS3 in HD. Lies of P looks fantastic. And Armored Core 6.

    But a harry potter game? Not excited at all. And

    • 11 months ago

      >Whats the point of an Open World Game if it doesn’t have an easy objective marker of where to fricking go and how to get stuff. I don’t want to look up guides.
      You can't be serious

      • 11 months ago

        not him but the vast majority of the souls fanbase use guides even in their first playthrough, those who play the games blind are a minority

        • 11 months ago

          I don't want to believe that

          • 11 months ago

            the number of people who achieved the secret Ranni ending at launch was higher than those who achieved any other ending, those questline/bosses/weapon/etc guides on youtube also had millions of views in the first week, the numbers don't lie anon

            • 11 months ago

              Thats side quest related, not open world related
              You can get through the main quest without using guides just fine

          • 11 months ago

            It's likely true, but that's not a souls problem, there is likely no game now that gets played blind. In fact, souls games may have the most blind players specifically because souls fans seek that kind of experience.

    • 11 months ago

      >Whats the point of an Open World Game if it doesn’t have an easy objective marker of where to fricking go and how to get stuff

    • 11 months ago

      >Lies of P looks fantastic
      Frick off moron

      • 11 months ago

        It does look fantastic, for a soulslike it feels extremely polished.

        • 11 months ago

          >shitty UE5, jank ass animation and shit ass no weight no feedback combat
          >look fantastic

    • 11 months ago

      >Whats the point of an Open World Game if it doesn’t have an easy objective marker of where to fricking go and how to get stuff.
      The point is exploring an uncharted world

  72. 11 months ago

    >"screenshot" is a hilariously obvious AI generated image
    >this is what makes the rounds among fromdrones
    From fans are not human

  73. 11 months ago

    >Not Dark Spells

  74. 11 months ago

    I lost all my faith in FromSoft after Elden Ring.

  75. 11 months ago

    >Ganker already saying the game is bad despite it not even existing yet
    And you guys think you're smarter than an AI? An AI could generate all these posts in one second. Zero, zero originality.

    • 11 months ago

      >discord already saying the game is bad despite it not even existing yet
      Fixed that for you.
      You shouldn't be surprised, it's always been like this with From Software.

  76. 11 months ago


  77. 11 months ago

    >bloodborne but gay

    • 11 months ago

      You mean straight

  78. 11 months ago

    God fricking damn it
    It's the same fricking game again.
    Why not just make DLC for fricking Elden Ring instead you hacks

  79. 11 months ago

    I don't believe this Frombros... Why would they make a game based around the worst part of souls combat instead of building on the combat framework of Sekiro? Surely they wouldn't, right? Someone tell me they wouldn't

  80. 11 months ago

    Oooh european setting! I hope from software goes woke and puts Black folk everywhere!

    • 11 months ago

      I'm American btw! I LOVE Black folk! Black folk ARE OUR GODS!!!!!

  81. 11 months ago

    >I hope it is because Ganker would explode from seething. Would be hilarious the moment Fromsoft makes another Bloodborne-like game and makes it another PS exclusive. I don't even care about BB or Fromshit games anymore but seethe alone would be delicious to watch.

  82. 11 months ago

    Bloodborne was such a popular game. Surprised it took them this long to attempt a sequel or at least a game with a similar setting/vibe. Lies of P isn't really a "bloodborne successor," even though it occurs in a gothic Victorian setting.

    • 11 months ago

      It really wasn't, barely broke 3 million sales over it's lifetime before going free on PS+

  83. 11 months ago

    250 replies for a fake leak. Genuinely embarrassing

    • 11 months ago

      There's nothing else to look forward too these days. I'm willing to buy into this just to give me a reason to live.

    • 11 months ago

      Fake leaks have always made some of the most fun threads over the years. The fact that they've turned out to be legitimate a couple times makes it even more fun. Go be an intellectual somewhere else

  84. 11 months ago

    It's already ludo kino and better than most of goyslop of today.

  85. 11 months ago

    I'm still going to play Little Witch Nobeta for my spells action game with stamina dodge rolling. Fromsoft can't design good combat to save their lives.

    Besides, didn't they already make this with that ring game they did?

  86. 11 months ago

    but can you make a female character that's not shaped like box with a tiny head?

  87. 11 months ago


  88. 11 months ago
  89. 11 months ago

    >gish bloodborne with visual novel eroquests
    Do it Miyazaki, okama b***h

  90. 11 months ago

    >magic focus

    • 11 months ago

      >not using strength magic
      >not being a philosopher berserker

  91. 11 months ago

    >more fantasyshit
    come on. please. FROM please. you can make interesting, non-fantasy worlds. fricking PLEASE

  92. 11 months ago

    One-trick pony

  93. 11 months ago

    >Ganker is already seething at GOTY 2025

  94. 11 months ago

    sounds fun

  95. 11 months ago

    >(missing the RPG element)

    • 11 months ago

      >look mom I'm
      >doing the nuchan classic
      >quote post without replying to it (don't want to give him a (you)
      >doing the nuchan classic
      >Ignore his entire post to focus on an irrelevant detail
      >d-doing the nuchan classic

  96. 11 months ago

    >Reiterpallasch and Rifle Spear don't have two movesets because they get a gunshot on L2

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Its true, some weapons dont have two movesets and instead buffs as well, like the tonitrus.

  97. 11 months ago

    It's all you deserve shit-for-brains.
    >Stakedriver R1 is the same in both forms

    • 11 months ago

      please educate yourself on the game you have (supposedly) played

  98. 11 months ago

    > still no Bloodbourne on PC

  99. 11 months ago

    >getting a gunshot on one of your buttons means your moveset didn't change


    • 11 months ago

      You mean the one that's identical to the sawspear's transformed moveset? Nice "unique moveset" bro

      >Backstep R1 is a unique attack
      No it isn't. It's a unique animation that's only a slight variation on usually just the running R1.

      That's a single exception he's too dumb to even know. Don't spoonfeed the moron.

      >That's a single exception he's too dumb to even know

      ctrl+f "tonitrus"

      There's also the Katana which literally is just a transformation from a regular 1h Katana to a 2h Katana. Or the various weapons that re-use movesets.

      • 11 months ago

        >There's also the Katana which literally is just a transformation from a regular 1h Katana to a 2h Katana.
        R2s are vastly different.

  100. 11 months ago

    Lol, this "leak" is old, like a year or two old.

    • 11 months ago

      This is not the same leak, there's more information and the OP pic is supposed to be of/from the game.

      • 11 months ago

        >OP pic
        Its AI my friend

  101. 11 months ago

    Anon, if you can't tell a punch from a swipe/slash you can't be helped. Imagine thinking Those animations are the same lol

  102. 11 months ago

    Wait I’m confused in this thread. By how some anons are talking. Do some of them legitimately not know Armored Core 6 is coming out right around the corner and it’s Fromsoftware? People here are taking like Elden Ring was the last thing announced or released

    • 11 months ago

      Nobody gives a shit about Armored Core. It will flop and be forgotten very quickly.

  103. 11 months ago

    I'm pretty hype cause I actually play video games.

  104. 11 months ago

    So another dark souls but with different name?

  105. 11 months ago

    Pirate theme = Barefeet Wenches!!!

  106. 11 months ago

    That is obviously an AI generated image

  107. 11 months ago

    >saw spear and rifle spear are the same moveset!
    >chikage changing it's damage type entirely and doing lifeleech to the wielder is irrelevant!

    • 11 months ago

      >>saw spear and rifle spear are the same moveset!

      They share the same movesets, yes (and the saw spear also shares movesets with the sawcleaver)

      >chikage changing it's damage type entirely and doing lifeleech to the wielder is irrelevant!

      You can achieve the same thing with the chaos blade in DS2, which can also be buffed, and also does damage to the user. You can even change the damage type by infusing it.

  108. 11 months ago

    >Dark Souls 6
    Don't care.

  109. 11 months ago

    Will it let me magically turn into a bear to frick a man with my beardick? Preferably gaping his butthole. Then adding piss as a garnish.

  110. 11 months ago

    It will maybe be the first fromsoft game i will actually love
    I hated dark souls and i kinda liked Elden Ring but i found that there were a lot of stupid design choices in this game
    They literally fixed everything i hated in elden ring
    >trash fashion and almost no customization possible
    >forced to wield a staff or seal to cast spells
    >i wanted to play as a badass eldritch knight but it was scuffed, the new game will fix it by having melee weapons capable of performing ranged magical attacks
    >tiring grim post apocalyptic edgy vibe
    >stupid roll animation
    The only thing i would like different is the setting, i'd prefer a traditional high fantasy setting like Dragon's Dogma

    I currently hate Fromsoftware and made hate threads about them, but if this is game ends up good and fixes the problems listed above, they will earn my eternal respect and i will never insult them again

  111. 11 months ago

    your clothing is very in depth. You can change the fabric color and pattern.

    • 11 months ago

      There's an entire portion of the player base that are so into how their character looks they dub it "Fashion Souls".

  112. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      >able to switch between 1h and 2h moveset
      >can wield whatever in your left hand
      >customizable L2
      >actual magic

      this confuses and terrifies the Bloodboner

  113. 11 months ago

    No. Saw Spear and Cleaver share a move. Saw Spear and Rifle Spare share a move. Not the same. Beyond that, not only is Chikage's lifeleech COMPLETELY differrent, Chaos Blade wasn't focused on a high risk super high damage playstyle like Chikage. Chikage wants you to onshot the enemy with one epic iaido attack. Literally hardly similar at all.

    Stop making Dark Souls 2 chads look stupid anon. It's really embarassing the kind of copium you're huffing.

    • 11 months ago

      >Chikage wants you to onshot the enemy with one epic iaido attack.

      Is that why it uses the same katana animations and sounds as DS1?

  114. 11 months ago

    >People believe this gay leak

    • 11 months ago

      I believe the og Ganker one, this reddit one feels like its trying to piggieback it.

      • 11 months ago

        >I believe the og Ganker one
        >bro like the map is a huge city, and its 3 times all Elden Ring dungeons, my uncle works at Nintendo and they specifically said in a meeting "guys, let's make a city that is 3 times Elden Ring dungeons" and they designed the game around this arbitrary point of reference from Elden Ring
        nah, it's fake asf and written by some Mexican kid

        • 11 months ago

          >reading comprehension

          the leak explicitly says the open world portion is the size of 2-3 elden ring regions. So think Caelid, Liurnia and Limgrave combined. And it explicitly says that it's actually smaller than ER in total, despite the legacy dungeon size being 2x the size of ER's legacy dungeons. Which literally just means that Fromsoft focused more on legacy dungeons, and less on the open world.

          • 11 months ago

            The "leak" is bullshit because leaks don't work like that. Leaks aren't lists of overly specific details about game size and type of content to hype a crowd, but rather the concepts for it and maybe info on the general gameplay ideas.
            We also have Miyazaki saying he won't make ARPGs for a while as he would rather update and expand Elden Ring while also working on minor projects, the next of which is completely detatched from Souls format

            • 11 months ago

              yes anon, all leaks are the same

            • 11 months ago

              One of the more recent leaks for Nintendo was nothing but some text describing the game and some features. You're fricking moronic.

            • 11 months ago

              NTA but the leak literally reads like a brief list of things they'd tell to investors in many places

            • 11 months ago

              The leak for
              >project rune
              Had no images and was conceptual

            • 11 months ago

              Most leaks that I saw and that ended up being confirmed true were like OP's leak, a bunch of infos about the game.

            • 11 months ago

              A leak is a leak you fricking moron.

            • 11 months ago

              Back in 2011, I was on a survey-taking website responding to the ones I was interested in. I received a survey asking about interest in "a game about scientists fighting back mushroom-based zombies". Many of the questions were about what would make them interesting to fight. They give hints towards things in games, but never specifics.

            • 11 months ago

              This isn't the first mention of this leak. This is the same leak as like 6 months ago but with slightly more info

            • 11 months ago

              >as he would rather update and expand Elden Ring
              Yeah, about that.

              • 11 months ago

                Your entire discord is going to collectively commit suicide when the dlc comes out
                >b-b-but it's not out YET, DEAD GAME DEAD GAME

  115. 11 months ago

    >Spells do not require staves or wands to cast. The player character just equips spells and casts spells with their hands.
    >Spells can be dual wielded, and you can wield a melee weapon with your right hand and spell with the left hand. When you dual wield a spell its moveset changes and it becomes more powerful.
    Truly this is the dark souls of Skyrim.
    >One prominent example is that you can make yourself hover above the air slightly by customising your clothing.
    Okay that's cool as frick, I wanted to play as a hovering mage ever since I saw some homosexuals in KoA floating when I couldn't, even though I could nuke groups of them with one spell.

    Still probably going to pass, I'm sure it's just another souls reskin.

  116. 11 months ago

    AI "artwork" lmao

    • 11 months ago

      Honestly I can't see any indicators of AI in the image. I thought the same thing at first, but...

      >hands are fine- the lower hand is even gripping the lamp (AI usually has problems with this)
      >lighting from lampo is consistent on face/arm/coat
      >face isn't screwed up
      >dark side of the face isn't screwed up
      >perspective isn't fricked
      >coat is consistent on both sides

      The background looks potentially sus, but you can tell the character was just dropped in front of what is probably a stock background

  117. 11 months ago

    Why is it always ds2 fans? I mean, I like the game, even more than ds3 but I'm not going to pretend it has better/more satisfying combat than fricking Bloodborne

  118. 11 months ago

    They leaked this because they know AC6 is gonna flop hard.

    • 11 months ago

      You're moronic, bro. Literally screencapping

      • 11 months ago

        cope, melty.

  119. 11 months ago

    >What’s up everybody!
    How fricking dare you make me hear that loser

  120. 11 months ago

    I'd rather have them re-visit their first person dungeon crawler games.

    • 11 months ago

      >first person

    • 11 months ago

      I'd cut off my arm for a fifth King's Field or even a successor series but I don't know if any of the current From talent could do it real justice

      • 11 months ago

        What would a modern day king's field look like to you?

        • 11 months ago

          I'm not sure honestly, 4 was pretty much the peak of the formula and from there you can only go bigger and more bloated. I think I might be fine with just more of the same but From seems to enjoy going bigger and more epic anime fight scene with each game so I don't imagine they're interested in something as low key as a King's Field

      • 11 months ago

        I kinda want to see it just for the fact that an Ultima-like first person dungeon crawler game treated as a AAA game ain't exactly found everywhere these days.

        • 11 months ago

          You really only see that sort of thing in the Indie space anymore, and even then it's hard to find something that scratches the itch for me. I enjoyed the demo for Monomyth but that's been about it

  121. 11 months ago

    Yes! Time for more
    >characters with no mouth animations
    >completely empty soulless worlds passed off as intentional design
    >jank passed off as intentional mechanics
    >incomprehensible japslop storyline which borrows randomly from western mythologies to give the illusion of coherence

  122. 11 months ago


    Fromgods, how do we feel?

    • 11 months ago

      Im thinking... based!

      • 11 months ago

        Ring ring ring ring ring!!!

  123. 11 months ago

    >channel has less than 2.5K subscribers

    Ah, I see. So OP (who no doubt is the guy who owns the channel he linked to) is in dire need of views and subscribers. So he makes a thread here about a Fromslop rumor (knowing full well Ganker is Fromslop central) to get more clicks and attention.
    Well, it worked. 390+ posts to speculate about a made-up rumor.

  124. 11 months ago

    >use ai art program
    >make fake ass "leak"

    • 11 months ago

      >hands aren't fricked up
      >face isn't a mess

      it's real

      • 11 months ago

        Real leaks aren't low res or blurry images. They are mostly crystal clear.

        • 11 months ago

          It's a screenshot from the video itself

      • 11 months ago

        not hard to do..

  125. 11 months ago

    Reminder that when ER leaked, the leaks about gameplay were not real, all the bullshit about arms that you waste and get replacement arms and all that.

  126. 11 months ago

    wow I don't give a shit. ER ruined it all, I have no interest in their shit anymore

    • 11 months ago

      So their best game ruined it for you? Your life seems horrible.

  127. 11 months ago

    >>You can also add gameplay changing customisations to your clothing. One prominent example is that you can make yourself hover above the air slightly by customising your clothing. This also changes how you dodge. Another one makes you clothing emit water making you immune to any fire damage. Another one makes you emit a purplish blue smoke however I do not know what this does.
    More shit to change in menus during PvP hecking based

    • 11 months ago

      found your problem. PvP is only fun for the first 3 months when everybody is playing semi-blind and online is more than 100 autists who think Dark Souls is a fighting game

  128. 11 months ago

    If the leak was from here, where is this archive link?

    • 11 months ago

      Okay so no archive link. It's fake

  129. 11 months ago

    >brand new
    >medieval fantasy

  130. 11 months ago

    >From Soft will never actually make the movement controls really good and always rely on lock on
    >they'll never add a proper multiple skill and spell system
    These games feel too limited by what could pass just fine in the first few games, but they refuse to break away and do something new and different with their souls games, wack.

    • 11 months ago

      oh and the ranged aiming is still some some ps1 tier shit, insane

    • 11 months ago

      oh and the ranged aiming is still some some ps1 tier shit, insane

      Go play different games then moron

      • 11 months ago

        nah, the games were fine before, but now they've recycled it to death, I don't want to see good devs become stale and fall out of relevancy because they refuse to evolve and improve.

        • 11 months ago

          Let me introduce you to a little game called elden ring

  131. 11 months ago

    so was that knight with the 3 magic gates posted here a leak or fake

    • 11 months ago

      It's from some guy's ArtStation I recall.

  132. 11 months ago

    >more Elden Shit
    No thanks. Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me.

  133. 11 months ago


  134. 11 months ago

    false & homosexual

  135. 11 months ago

    >The city itself is by the sea and it is divided into circular wards that are separated by water channels
    Vivec coty? :toddface:

  136. 11 months ago

    if the world is yet again dead with no npcs, towns or ecosystem to speak of I'm not buying it. after playing and buying every single fromsoft game it's enough

  137. 11 months ago

    if you genuinely want another lifeless npcless storyless game with the exact same gameplay for the 6th time you're genuinely a drone. yes, Fromsoftware games are good. but it's getting to CoD levels of bullshit recycling. I'm going to play armored core but if this game does not have a significantly different feel to it than the other souls games I won't bother.

  138. 11 months ago

    >anti-From contrarians are actually begging for more cinematic movie stories in their games
    Holy moly the contrarian brainrot is real

  139. 11 months ago

    OMG ELDER RING 2 BUT NEW NAME?? BROS WERE SO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  140. 11 months ago

    Not watching your video but as a fromsoft hater the text makes this sound kind of cool, big if true

  141. 11 months ago


    Can't wait to have a soulless and dying city/world with just enemies all the way Through it and 6 friendly NPC that talk in a cryptic way and collect (not) humanity and have to reach some machguffin with little explanation why!!!!!

  142. 11 months ago

    >all these morons seething about gigasaki making nothing but 10/10 games non stop
    go back to your mandatory bear fricker 3 threads

  143. 11 months ago

    >That AI looking art
    But true if big.

  144. 11 months ago

    it's actually pretty strange living in a time, that you can fairly doubt about any kind of artwork out of the sheer advances on AI generated imagery

    Truth has become a luxury

  145. 11 months ago

    I found the original leak
    >The open world segment of the game is as big as two to three open world areas of Elden Ring.
    My ass.

    • 11 months ago

      god that sounds awful

      • 11 months ago

        And you just fricking know the kid who wrote it thinks that one hub is still good enough

      • 11 months ago

        I found the original leak
        >The open world segment of the game is as big as two to three open world areas of Elden Ring.
        My ass.

        And you just fricking know the kid who wrote it thinks that one hub is still good enough

        Do you guys get what he wrote? It essentially says that the whole open world is only 3 segments of the ER world, so imagine just Limgave, Caelid and Liurnia is the whole open world, no Altus, undeground, Mountaintops or Snowlands, and the rest of the map is a giant city dungeon bigger than the ER main dungeons (stormveil, raya lucaria, leyndell, etc...) combined, times2 or 3.

        Sounds pretty good to me considering people were saying the legacy dungeons were the best content of the game.

  146. 11 months ago

    I am now, officially, tired of FromSoft. They need to take a 10 year break and disappear.

  147. 11 months ago

    >no gameplay footage
    This isn't a leak, it's a fricking rumor.

  148. 11 months ago


  149. 11 months ago

    Its fascinating how the words "From Software" can instantly derail just about any thread into a full blown shitpost war where people post slop at least 50 times in any given hour

  150. 11 months ago

    >literal "source: anonymous" clickbait garbage
    >thread hits bump limit anyway

  151. 11 months ago

    >nu Ganker falling for a shitpost leak on youtube which quotes this shithole

    Why isnt the captcha intelligence based?

  152. 11 months ago

    it's gonna be rollslop again anyways.

  153. 11 months ago

    >ctrl+f "slop"
    >18 results

  154. 11 months ago

    >AC6 this month
    >Elden Ring DLC after that
    >Now this
    Sounds great but god damn do these dudes ever sleep. What kind of cocaine is From snorting, they're literally unable to stop.

    • 11 months ago

      Elden Ring sold more than every other Souls game combined

    • 11 months ago

      They always develop multiple games at any given time since 2000s, there's no reason for them to stop now now that they have like 400+ employees working.

    • 11 months ago

      Actually they increased the size of the company recently to put out more titles and
      >das3 16
      >sekiro 19
      >ER 22
      3 years is a pretty long time between title.

      >The lantern/gas lamp the player character is holding has some sort of gameplay mechanic where it shows hidden items or areas/illusionary walls however I am not yet clear on how it exactly works and what other uses it has but it does seem like a major gameplay mechanic.

      Its going to be pretty fun if it turns out to be real.

      • 11 months ago

        >Actually they increased the size of the company recently to put out more titles
        They're also aiming for self-publishing venture in the near future. I fully expect them to slowly become Capcom 2.0.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah no, while i love From they will never get to be capcom, the latter had the chance to live through the earlier vidya era and amass loads of ips with different genres. From unfortunately is pidgeon holed into action/rpg and their past works arent strong nor varied enough in both genre and setting to compare.

  155. 11 months ago

    >The lantern/gas lamp the player character is holding has some sort of gameplay mechanic where it shows hidden items or areas/illusionary walls however I am not yet clear on how it exactly works and what other uses it has but it does seem like a major gameplay mechanic.

  156. 11 months ago

    >500+ posts about a fake leak by some youtube troony
    It's over for this board.

  157. 11 months ago

    >another game where you spend hours being told epic crazy shit was happening and you missed it all, welcome to the after party, exploring leftovers and fighting broken shadows of bosses former glory
    God damn it

    • 11 months ago

      Play Deracine.

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