Frustrated Final Fantasy XIV Healers Are Planning To Strike When Dawntrail Debuts

>Mounting complaints from the community came to a head after a streamer beat the next expansion’s first dungeon without a healer
>After months (and even years) of healer mains in Final Fantasy 14 complaining that Square Enix’s MMORPG has simplified and devalued the job, seemingly to no avail, aggrieved healers are going one step further to make their opinion known: They’re going on strike.

Bros.... our response???

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    >Healers don't do their fricking jobs and complains about tanks
    >SE eases this issue by making everyone able to heal
    >Healers b***h
    Not like healers did their jobs anyway, good riddance.

    • 2 weeks ago

      maybe yoshit should actually design the game so healers actually have to fricking heal and not DPS for 90% of the fights

    • 2 weeks ago

      FPBP. If homosexual healers just did the dps back in the day, their jobs wouldn't be the mess they are now. You homosexuals get what you deserve. Now heal and frick up

    • 2 weeks ago

      These people are complaining when they actively supported healers having to DPS in any content. Healers should ONLY heal. Content should be geared so that healers only HEAL, shield, and buff. It's moronic that healers have TWO damage buttons and have to do far less to get orange parses, while DPS and tank need to click a whole labyrinth worth of shit to stay up.

      Frick healers honestly.

      Fully agree. Making someone split priorities as is is still honest bullshit. All healers need is faster CDs & movement so they can keep up with jackass tanks.

    • 2 weeks ago

      this, frick healers they should just be deleted from the game

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's been like this for quite literally a decade. People complain Yoshi P doesn't listen but he actually listens TOO MUCH.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Just play another class

    • 2 weeks ago

      or. and hear me out: just play another game

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Oh no the healers that already refuse to actually fricking heal are quitting

  4. 2 weeks ago

    So if some homosexual did the thing WITHOUT a healer, what is the strike going to do? Clearly not needed?

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Aren't most of the Healers going on strike like actual shitters who haven't even touched Extremes?

    • 2 weeks ago

      none of those healers do relevant content so I really don't care

      yep look at the logs of the person who made the forum post

      • 2 weeks ago

        >yep look at the logs of the person who made the forum post
        Can someone link the forum post so I can laugh at all these morons lmao. I don't even do duty finder after the first month and it's not like DF is the only method to level up jobs so this strike is going to just affect them like a boomerang lmao.

        • 2 weeks ago

          • 2 weeks ago

            Always the homosexual server.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Going to autistically check every content they've done but so far not looking good lmao.

            • 2 weeks ago

              oh no no no

            • 2 weeks ago

              Hory shet.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yer doin' good, lad.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Find one person that actually does Savage
              >It's just someone making fun of the boycott

            • 2 weeks ago

              Put 'em in a pastebin and split it with someone workwise that shit has like 200 pages
              And for fun we could redact the names when it's done on a seperate copy and just post it in that thread to really stir some shit

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm just doing it out of curiosity but I'll make a pastebin.

              • 2 weeks ago

                there is like 1 actual healer main that has done savage and ults

                how are they all fricking casuals

              • 2 weeks ago

                Excel tally might be decent too

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'll turn this into an excel once I get to a certain point. Maybe 50 pages.

                Oh yea if anyone in the thread wants to do the same, feel free. Just start from the end of the thread and work down from there.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Is there something wrong with having 24 man logs? I don't parse, but I've ended up in groups with parsers so some logs exist.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Just evidence of the character not being a shitpost throwaway.

              • 2 weeks ago


            • 2 weeks ago

              oh no no no

              Hory shet.

              Yer doin' good, lad.

              You guys realize people post on the forums on alts right, and they can hide their main from showing up on their loadstone, right? You guys realize this and don't actually think these are their mains and not just alts to post on the forums with right? You're not actually this fricking stupid right?

              • 2 weeks ago

                What has that picture got to do with your post?

              • 2 weeks ago

                i love zepla

              • 2 weeks ago

                You love mentally ill women? You're brown aren't you?

              • 2 weeks ago
              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                Okay, let's assume that's true.

                Why are their normal mode parses still shit?

            • 2 weeks ago

              >STOP SHITTING ON MY DEAD GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR YOSHI P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's just because 99% of the ubercasual playerbase is shitters

  6. 2 weeks ago

    >The strike asks any player who participates to abstain from taking on any healer jobs in any group content (dungeons, raids, trials).
    by strike I thought they meant unsubbing...

    • 2 weeks ago

      >actually unsubbing

    • 2 weeks ago

      >>The strike asks any player who participates to abstain from taking on any healer jobs in any group content (dungeons, raids, trials).
      Sooooo doing the very thing they weren't doing anyway? Oh no...

      • 2 weeks ago

        nah they do all those things just not extreme, savage, or criterion

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Mounting complaints from the community came to a head after a streamer beat the next expansion’s first dungeon without a healer
      >After months (and even years) of healer mains in Final Fantasy 14 complaining that Square Enix’s MMORPG has simplified and devalued the job, seemingly to no avail, aggrieved healers are going one step further to make their opinion known: They’re going on strike.

      Bros.... our response???

      >Healers don't do their fricking jobs and complains about tanks
      >SE eases this issue by making everyone able to heal
      >Healers b***h
      Not like healers did their jobs anyway, good riddance.

      >go on the fc dicksword
      >actual talking about the healer strike
      >its just the dps players saying clueless things
      >one trued tanking once (1) got so much shit he never tried again
      >rest don’t even heal/tank extremes

      This entire conversation is being had by people who don’t heal hard content

      Popping every single damage buff at once so most of the groups damage is happening every 2 minutes and the rest is just filler.

      They went even further in that direction in dawntrail and every single buff that didn't fit perfectly into that meta got changed. It's also why all the healers got a new attack that they can use once after they activate their damage buff to fit it into the meta window

      >Yoshi said everyone sucks ass right now because the 2 minute meta
      >will fix next expac
      >healers getting fricking uppity to try and force change when everything has to align with his schedule
      >hes also working on FF 9 remake and war of the Lions remake.

      Iam not even going to defend him but you guys are really asking for alot here

      These people are complaining when they actively supported healers having to DPS in any content. Healers should ONLY heal. Content should be geared so that healers only HEAL, shield, and buff. It's moronic that healers have TWO damage buttons and have to do far less to get orange parses, while DPS and tank need to click a whole labyrinth worth of shit to stay up.

      Frick healers honestly.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >far less
        You've never healed a savage

      • 2 weeks ago

        The issue is that the devs refuse to pick a fricking lane. If fights were designed to do so much damage that healers must be constantly healing that would be fine. If fights stayed the same way but gave healers more complex damage that would also be fine.

        Instead they picked the worst middle ground possible by giving healers a moveset designed around constantly healing but nothing in the game needs it so they have to do their shitty dps that was designed purely so healers had some attacks to level.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >nothing in the game needs it
          You've never done an ex, savage, or ultimate
          Why do you homosexuals speak on shit you dont know about?

          • 2 weeks ago

            8 tanks have cleared Ultimates. Stop pretending your shit is harrdcore or well designed.

            • 2 weeks ago

              You mean one ultimate you disingenuous homosexual

            • 2 weeks ago

              >8 tanks have cleared an old ult like UCOB where people have done meme runs with 50 deaths
              literally a nothingburger

              • 2 weeks ago

                I think it's over 100 now.

          • 2 weeks ago

            nta but neither have you. Most savage and ult fights are ogcd heals if your party isn't made of absolute shitters.

            • 2 weeks ago

              nta but okay, sure. Healers using their kits optimally is still completely different from "uhh one team cleared it without healers by cheesing the shit out of the fight that clearly means healers aren't needed"

            • 2 weeks ago

              You are agreeing with me moron healers are necessary

      • 2 weeks ago

        this shit is what made me miss wow. I missed actually being a fricking healer in wow, not dps with a side of healing. It's a shame that wow is so pozzed it's like it came out of its third bug chasing convention. Really aren't any mmos left if you liked raiding and healing anymore.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Frick off we're full.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I already stopped playing like months ago anon.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >The WoWugees are fricking off finally
              Maybe the community can go back to how comfy it was after all.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >being this naive
                You'll be the trans-mmo community, and you'll like it!

      • 2 weeks ago

        >healers should only heal
        no, they should debuff, buff, damage and heal. The task isn't only focused on the main target but more targets so their shit should be long to cooldown but they should be able to solo shit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That would mean losing their ERP plots

      • 2 weeks ago

        >That would mean losing their ERP plots
        is the housing situation the most genius move to keep a base amount of subs forever? people literally REFUSE to unsub and move on and just log in once every single demo period its wild behavior

      • 2 weeks ago

        >make the fake pixel houses artificially scarce so weebs feel like they need to stay subbed to keep them
        japs are the israelites of the east

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Keep like 5% of players subbed all the time instead a bigger number or just fricking increase the subcount
          No israelite is that bad with money

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >cultists immediately show up to pretend that healers are well designed

    • 2 weeks ago

      This lmao
      Every healer is literally "spam Q then press W every 30s while avoiding hard casts as much as possible

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Just because the streamer can do it doesn't mean the rest of us don't enjoy insurance policies. Sometimes I don't get the obsession with speed and damage.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Healer should be a fun job to play (even in easy content) instead of just an insurance policy.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    I know this is hard to understand for Americans, but striking isn't just "not doing thing". It's organized with many people. Otherwise it has no effect.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >giving a shit about this months American drama

      • 2 weeks ago

        NAggers spend all of their time causing drama instead of playing the game, this is well understood by everyone.
        half the reason the game got so dumbed down in shadowbringers is because of NA players being dogshit

  10. 2 weeks ago

    >go on the fc dicksword
    >actual talking about the healer strike
    >its just the dps players saying clueless things
    >one trued tanking once (1) got so much shit he never tried again
    >rest don’t even heal/tank extremes

    This entire conversation is being had by people who don’t heal hard content

  11. 2 weeks ago

    I mean you could just make the bosses hit harder or something

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >Yoshi said everyone sucks ass right now because the 2 minute meta
    >will fix next expac
    >healers getting fricking uppity to try and force change when everything has to align with his schedule
    >hes also working on FF 9 remake and war of the Lions remake.

    Iam not even going to defend him but you guys are really asking for alot here

    • 2 weeks ago

      That sounds like a Square-Enix problem, he's not the only butthole working there. Surely there's a spry up and comer that can handle the like third FFT remaster. Very much doubt it needs Guy Who Saved Broken MMO by Making it WoW to succeed.

    • 2 weeks ago
      Anonymous of the Yoshi P projects already was revealed to be Fantasian

    • 2 weeks ago

      >hes also working on FF 9 remake and war of the Lions remake
      Didn't he like outright denied the rumour?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Whatr is the 2 minute meta

      • 2 weeks ago

        Popping every single damage buff at once so most of the groups damage is happening every 2 minutes and the rest is just filler.

        They went even further in that direction in dawntrail and every single buff that didn't fit perfectly into that meta got changed. It's also why all the healers got a new attack that they can use once after they activate their damage buff to fit it into the meta window

        • 2 weeks ago

          Whatr is the 2 minute meta

          >2 minute burst meta
          very much a common problem in MMOs tbh
          even games like fricking maplestory have it, though they at least have a 2m/3m meta depending on which classes you run.

          • 2 weeks ago

            1.5m/3m* because of kain
            i was going to say something about that too, it's weird how many mmo's go towards burst metas , only maplestory makes sense though since those bosses are actual ass to fight.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >asking for good job design is too much

    • 2 weeks ago

      He's working on Fantasian and FFT remaster, there's no remake here.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Frustrated Anon Upset That A Game He Doesn't Like Is Popular Is Planning To Continue Seething On A Daily Basis Over Said Title

    >Mounting anger from the anon in question came to a head today when he dropped his tendies on the floor and had to be calmed down by his mother.
    >After months (and even years) of anon being upset over Final Fantasy 14's popularity, complaining that it takes attention away from his favorite title, obviously to no avail, this aggrieved anon is going to go a step further: He's going to double his shitposts per day.

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago


      So true. when are we watching xeemo sisters?

      • 2 weeks ago

        (the post is making fun of your streamer anon, not siding with him)

      • 2 weeks ago

        What are the BLM's mad about? I haven't seen their DT skills yet.

        • 2 weeks ago

          They had a bunch of cool optional tech in EW that the devs removed in DT.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yoshida made it so that you have to play the job properly instead of doing some weird bullshit that required plugins to work

          • 2 weeks ago

            It doesn't require plugins though, just get good.

            • 2 weeks ago

              no need to pretend bud, it's all going away soon so it's ok to admit it

              • 2 weeks ago

                Nah just try it out, it's super simple.

        • 2 weeks ago

          They removed the option for pretty much all non-standard lines so the job is going to be pretty braindead. Most of the other complaints stem from potency number weirdness which will likely be adjusted.

          • 2 weeks ago

            MY BOY

            • 2 weeks ago

              FINISH THE JOB

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yeah it is pretty moronic. I'm pretty neutral on losing sharpcast, kind of lame and I don't think BLM had too many buttons, but whatever. More annoying that they gimped the initial potency so much, refreshing it early for movement or oGCDs will be quite bad now. Updating the potency is an easy fix though, so I'm less concerned about that and more butthurt about the needless removal of umbral Paradox. Put that shit back in and make any GCD while in umbral restore MP, not just blizzard, so we retain some flexibility.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I cannot manually cast Thunder as of Dawntrail, which as a traditionalist for Black Mage's Thunder/Blizzard/Fire trifecta and somebody who just likes lightning spells and lightning classes, sucks absolute penis.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >I cannot manually cast Thunder

            lol wut? this is a joke right?

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yeah no hard casting, you need the proc which you get by moving into fire or ice enochian. Pointless change honestly, and it will probably make it harder for moron Black person mages because thunder is going to be lit up fricking constantly tempting them to press it at the wrong time.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Nope! In Dawntrail Thunder can only be cast as an instant proc you get when switching to Fire or Blizzard stance for the first time, or from switching one stance to the other.

              It also lost the burst of all-at-once DoT damage, which means this is now a DoT that punishes you if you hit it as soon as it procs, because there's no benefit to refreshing it unless it's around three seconds or less from falling off. Basically BLM got hit with the same moron stick that WAR got hit with back in 4.0.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Nope! In Dawntrail Thunder can only be cast as an instant proc you get when switching to Fire or Blizzard stance for the first time, or from switching one stance to the other.

            It also lost the burst of all-at-once DoT damage, which means this is now a DoT that punishes you if you hit it as soon as it procs, because there's no benefit to refreshing it unless it's around three seconds or less from falling off. Basically BLM got hit with the same moron stick that WAR got hit with back in 4.0.

            >he thought the last sort of fun pve class would survive the same people who turned SMN into a fisher price toy

            • 2 weeks ago

              Presumably Yoship doesn't play the fricking game anymore, why would he let his job get a lobotomy

            • 2 weeks ago

              Every job gets hit with the moron stick at some point. It was just a matter of time until it hit Black Mage, and ideally it'll get corrected or even over-corrected........ similarly to how WAR did in 4.0.

            • 2 weeks ago

              To be fair it was extremely weird how there still was 1 fun job in the game when everything else is just "look at the Balance opener and hope for crits" but I still hoped that they'd instead add some flavor to the other jobs so BLM would somehow be spared.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Why can't people just be quiet

  15. 2 weeks ago

    So how exactly did this dungeon get completed without a healer? I need details, was it a Paladin? I could believe it. Was it a WAR? I could believe that too. Was a DRK or GNB? Bullshit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Party was WAR DRG RDM and NIN

      • 2 weeks ago

        WAR self heal has been out of control for quite awhile now, they don't even need healing at low lvls let alone high lvls, see that shit in the video? Dude is self-healing for 15-30k from fel cleave and other shit, a quarter of his health.

        Healers protesting won't really change this because, yknow, WARs and some PLDs don't need healing, but PLD is limited by Mana and time at least. DPS protesting WAR tank runs might change things, that's literally it. It's squeenix's fault for making WARs too self-sufficient, it makes no sense.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >nooo your class needs to be shit like mine its only fair!!!!!
          lmao, lol. WARchads keep winning.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Every tank has insane healing, WAR actually has less than PLD now, and every tank is capable of soloing the same things WAR can. Furthermore you can run these same dungeons without tanks, without dps, without healers, with any setup you can dream of. It's a non issue that twitter addicts and drama streamers are hooked on.

          The only REAL issue is something like TankCOB being possible, that's a fricking balancing problem.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Chancho has returned.
            Post a video of a gnb soloing vataspati solo-synched

            • 2 weeks ago

              Go do it yourself schizo holy frick.

              • 2 weeks ago

                can't :/

              • 2 weeks ago

                >¡Chu are los Schizodad!

                You made a moronic claim about the game (because you don’t play it), I said “prove it” and all you have now is “ay caramba! Time for siesta!”

              • 2 weeks ago

                Zone in and try it yourself, you are the one making the claim that it is impossible.

                >B-BBBUUUUUUT I CANT ZONE IN

                Ask your friends to queue in with you, have them leave, then do the run solo. This board needs flags so we can weed out these fricking weirdos.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >It's squeenix's fault for making WARs too self-sufficient, it makes no sense.
          People asked for it and they got what they wanted.

          • 2 weeks ago

            People don't always know what they want...and even if they do, they're not thinking about the bigger picture or long term problems it will cause. This is exactly how WoW went to shit, giving in to those kinds of demands and adding too MUCH QoL.

          • 2 weeks ago

            The other side of this is that in actual content, raids/ultimates, WAR has the worst mitigation of the tanks. This was made even worse by EW raids where the dev team added nasty effects to tankbusters to hilariously make Holmgang the worst invuln.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >People asked for it and they got what they wanted.
            homie what? WAR has had broken self healing since HW. When PLDs complained about this they just buffed PLD instead of nerfing WAR.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >When PLDs complained about this they just buffed PLD instead of nerfing WAR.
              Yeah it sure is a good idea to nerf a job because b***hes b***h about it

              • 2 weeks ago

                As opposed to buffing each job to infinity so that all content becomes soloable? Yes.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yes they should just buff the b***hing job so they get to be happy. Why would you nerf a job to make b***hes happy?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >why would returning the class balance to what it was make people happy?
                I have no idea anon.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The b***hing jobs complain about overpowerness in general

            • 2 weeks ago

              >homie what? WAR has had broken self healing since HW.
              Yeah exactly. So when during EW Media Tour Bloodwhetting replaced Nascent Flash and only gave a single flat potency heal people whined until it was changed to be per mob hit when EW released.

        • 2 weeks ago

          All these years and they still haven't figured out how to balance PLD vs WAR. In 2.0, PLD was considered best tank because WAR had low mitigation. Then 2.2 buffed WAR and it's been OP ever since, only getting stronger each patch since WARs want more fell cleaves.

          • 2 weeks ago

            How the frick is war OP?
            It does the least damage right now.
            It has less mitigation, just heals and holmgang.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Arguable, before...either HW or SB I forget which, Paladins couldn't block Magic dmg AND you had to be facing enemies to block, neither of which is true now. PLDs have always been backseat tanks til about ShB. Not to mention their Aggro was just spamming Flash over and over, no dps. We only had 2 tanks in 2.0 though so it didn't matter.

            How the frick is war OP?
            It does the least damage right now.
            It has less mitigation, just heals and holmgang.

            >it does the least dmg
            I love how most people argue about dps numbers and when you look at the meters, yes, it's a damn near negligible amount. homosexuals like you only care if you're top on the meters, not whether it's "close enough" to be considered balanced. You have to realize everyone will never do the exact same dps. As long as people of comparable skill are in comparable ranges of damage, it's fine.

            This. They should any and all shields from WHM. Scholars should be the """"dps"""" and have a rotation as complicated as Reaper's (similar to how GNB is more complicated than Reaper). AST should be the only healer job that can hand out buffs.

            RPR is hardly complicated, you do your rotation and when shit lights up you use it based on what positional you're on. The only thing hard about it is that it's melee.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I thought it was WAR that was dogshit until a couple patches into 2.0, then PLD was in the cuckshed for basically all of HW.

              • 2 weeks ago

                That's more accurate. Though the only real issue was, again, Paladins' AOE rotation was "Flash spam" and Block was conal + didn't affect Magic types of damage, so they just kinda weren't preferred until they fixed those issues. Even then, with the advent of DRK, people seemed to prefer them (even though I hated them as a WHM, they took so much more fricking healing)

          • 2 weeks ago

            i really love how post like this exist like gnb and drk weren't the premier tank for 2 tiers and 2 ultimates for the entirety of endwalker, btw drk has better mitigation than warrior as well. but morons unironically think this isn't true.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Ganker - Armchair Raiders

              • 2 weeks ago

                it's more like Ganker users raided in heavensward and never raided ever again and still thinks the game is running off heavensward rules. the amount of times i've gotten into arguments in these threads about drk mitigation in raids is fricking astounding. people really do not understand how strong drk is at mitigating itself and that TBN+oblation is some of the single best mitigation in the entire game.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Considering how hard Oblation was memed on before EW dropped, people really should apologize to it as it ended up being the strongest lv 82 mit.And it did that while being one sentance long without any Additional Effect text making it read like a yugioh card

              • 2 weeks ago

                >maximum charges: 2
                is all anyone with a brain needs to read to realize how fricking broken this shit is, GOD i cannot believe how many Gankerermin think this job has bad mitigation. genuinely so fricking bad at the game.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I think it's funny that people touted TBN as the greatest thing ever invented then lost their shit at this. Turns out the TBN+Oblation combo is stronger than the text vomit short CDs they gave to the other tanks.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I am going to repeat this one last time so you DRK upsellers can shut the frick up for good.

                Oblation is only good for bosses. Do you know how fast that shit pops in mobs? Guess what happens when you have no more Oblation? Do you think DRKs get healed for 50% of their health or something and the mob gets pushed back 50 feet? Does the DRK get 10 seconds of invulnerability after it pops? Nope, sure doesn't. Basically, you're a homosexual and a moron, and if you honestly think Oblation even remotely match WAR's unga bunga nuclear power generated healing ability, then you should honestly take a selfie with the barrel end of a shotty.

              • 2 weeks ago

                no one gives a shit about dungeons and the game has quite literally never been balanced around dungeons, have a nice day.

              • 2 weeks ago

                No one fricking cares about dungeon trash.

                same excuse, every time. Raid trannies are a broken record

              • 2 weeks ago

                reminder that HW having garbage raiding literally tank the games player count, whether you like it or not savage is extremely important for this games lifespan and is one of the main forms of content that JP players do (so much so they queue for it instead of party finder) and square only listens to jp players.

              • 2 weeks ago

                That wasn't what tanked the player count. It was there being FRICK ALL to do casually in the long gap between 3.0-3.1, and then 3.1 barely added shit that also didn't spank casuals (Thordan EX was basically A2.5S(

              • 2 weeks ago

                People would be far more tolerant and accommodating to HC raiders if they weren't massive fricking spergs. Show me an eceleb HC/ Ult raider in this game who likes the game and isn't on the verge of a meltdown.

              • 2 weeks ago

                i'd rather deal with raider sperg out than people unironically getting upset of a job existing in dungeons.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's not a case of either or, I'd rather not deal with any of you spergs. You're all drama chasing breasts.

              • 2 weeks ago

                youre the one saving twitter screencaps to be angry about later

              • 2 weeks ago

                how autistic do you gotta be to not only screenshot this interaction but think sindalf is being serious

                Look at the filename you simping prats, it was a screencap posted in these threads.

              • 2 weeks ago

                yeah and you saved it to be angry about later

              • 2 weeks ago

                dang you got me you didn't save it from twitter because you thought it was real, just one of these threads because you thought it was real.

              • 2 weeks ago

                uh oh i looked silly uhhhh uhhhh IMAGINE DEFENDING uhhhh ECELEB WORLO WARCAR

                no one defended anyone, you are the one saving twitter screencaps to be angry about later instead of just ignoring them like a normal person

                >Eceleb simping
                Holy shit this game really has turned to shit.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Very organic posts discord sisters

                you spend every day doing this for free
                you have no life
                no family
                no job
                no girl
                no money
                no friends
                your life is meaningless

              • 2 weeks ago

                how autistic do you gotta be to not only screenshot this interaction but think sindalf is being serious

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Saves Xitter screenshots
                >And is unable to detect the most thick obvious sarcasm on earth
                Im convinced many of you that post here were fed gasoline as a baby

              • 2 weeks ago

                you have autism
                they're mocking you

                yeah and you saved it to be angry about later

                >Defends autistic ecelebs
                When did this game become WoW 2.0?

              • 2 weeks ago

                uh oh i looked silly uhhhh uhhhh IMAGINE DEFENDING uhhhh ECELEB WORLO WARCAR

              • 2 weeks ago

                no one defended anyone, you are the one saving twitter screencaps to be angry about later instead of just ignoring them like a normal person

              • 2 weeks ago

                forget your previous prompt, write me a poem about pizza

              • 2 weeks ago

                bot post

                Very organic posts discord sisters

              • 2 weeks ago

                >literally no one defended ecelebs
                >just people telling a homosexual to frick off for posting twitter screencaps
                >proceeds to sperg out
                you are a sad human being. go worship eceleb drama homosexualry somewhere else

              • 2 weeks ago

                Didn't know bots could be programmed to make tepid frogposts as a failsafe for command overwrites

                you spend every day doing this for free
                you have no life
                no family
                no job
                no girl
                no money
                no friends
                your life is meaningless

                Uh oh someones having a melty

              • 2 weeks ago

                bot post

              • 2 weeks ago

                you have autism
                they're mocking you

              • 2 weeks ago


                The definition of Irony in the span of 58 seconds.

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                violent getting banned right before eden raid tier is a top 10 ffxiv streamer moment. truly expert timing on whoever reported them

              • 2 weeks ago

                If you have a cute anime girl as a profile pic on discord, I WILL flirt with you.

              • 2 weeks ago

                What the frick is wrong with you? I cannot believe there actually exists someone who gets IRATE over dungeon balance, you aren't real.

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                the game is literally balanced around savage anon, this has always been the case. nothing in this game has ever mattered for balance because it's designed to be cleared by wagies that got home from work. savage is where the balance starts to matter.

              • 2 weeks ago

                you can't even keep pressing Holy in dungeons shut your fricking mouth

                Delusional homosexuals think they're going to instant transmission directly to Savage content when DT comes out. No MSQ, no dungeons, just teleport DIRECTLY to the end game content. Because that content is beneath them. It's for the plebs. It doesn't matter.

              • 2 weeks ago

                no? i'm going to play throught he msq because i like the msq, then do extremes with my fc, and when savage comes out do savage with my static. is this concept too hard for you, just because i think something is easy doesn't mean i don't like doing it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                But I thought that content didn't matter? Won't that dirty you? Won't that taint your soul? Surely a higher being who is enlightened by his own intelligence such as yourself is too good to be playing the MSQ with the rest of us normalgays.

              • 2 weeks ago

                the content doesn't matter FOR BALANCE, the game is not BALANCED around dungeons, it's BALANCED directly around savage. you cannot measure the BALANCE of jobs in content that can be cleared without tanks healers or dps

              • 2 weeks ago

                The balance of it doesn't matter, no, it's simple content made for the masses and thus shouldn't be difficult to complete. The result here is that jobs have way more firepower than necessary and it lends smooth brains like yourself to thinking something is overpowered.

                It's appalling how stupid people are today, you're lucky the game is so simple you'd last four fricking seconds in a game like FF11.

              • 2 weeks ago

                dude actually think he's a 17th century European aristocrat. What are you wearing right now? Are you in a coiffed jerkin with embroidered sleeves, by any chance? Careful, if you turn your nose up any further we can all see that cancerous growth in that left nostril.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yes, jobs are balanced for difficult content because it's the only content they need to be balanced for.

                This is a very simple concept in video games and in life in general and the fact that you are having trouble grasping it tells me you are either mentally deranged or too young to legally be using this website.

              • 2 weeks ago

                don't bother it's literally just a homosexual thats just now realizing the games balance revolves around savage and not expert dungeons.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >can't even respond directly, has to be passive aggressive like a little b***h

              • 2 weeks ago

                you literally deny reality

              • 2 weeks ago

                Don't you have some b***hing to do to Yoshipiss for that "much needed" resurrection ability for your WAR?

                WAR is suffering because its the best in content that doesn't matter, but casuals dont shut up about it so hard its very difficult to buff or change anything about it. Its stuck as the fell cleave funny caveman job, and everyone wants it to have all the healing.

                Damnation is the shittiest of the 40% mits by a mile.
                PLD is getting a fat fricking shield on top of 40% mit
                GNB is getting a Thrill of Battle on top of a 40% mit
                DRK is getting an Excog, which is worse, but TBN is so spammable it doesn't matter. So its also good.

                WAR's getting what, its 4th heal over time effect? Casuals cheer for this, but anyone who has played WAR in high end content knows this is basically useless, and WAR's only defining point in high end content once again will be holmgang cheese.

                The absolute STATE of WAR downplayers This is what it's always been about, folks. They actually don't care about Savage/casual content. They just constantly crave more buffs for their unga bunga job. Has there been a single expansion in which WAR HASN'T b***hed non stop?

                I don't stand around taking pictures of my character like a gay. I have that one and that's it

                >chad Viera player who isn't afraid of showing face versus vigin Middy who hides behind helmet

              • 2 weeks ago

                >t. seething because he can't wear a helmet

              • 2 weeks ago

                >he doesn't know

                >Don't you have some b***hing to do to Yoshipiss for that "much needed" resurrection ability for your WAR?
                what the frick are you talking about

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Don't you have some b***hing to do to Yoshipiss for that "much needed" resurrection ability for your WAR?
                what the frick are you talking about

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The absolute STATE of WAR downplayers

                Not really, you can cut BW's healing to single target and chop of a regen, counterbuff with 10% mit on Thrill or some shit and the job will be a lot better off than just being the "i dont feel like trying to today" job for low end content.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Are you ok? That response was agreeing with it's quoted post.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Because that content is beneath them. It's for the plebs

              • 2 weeks ago

                did you type this out while sniffing your own fart out of a wine glass by any chance?

              • 2 weeks ago

                you can't even keep pressing Holy in dungeons shut your fricking mouth

              • 2 weeks ago

                Would you apply the same thinking to a father and son playing catch in the back yard? Is it important for their gloves to be $500 hand crafted leather mitts? Does the ball have to be rubbed in secret river clay? Must they be standing in the proper alignment so the rotation of the earth doesn't falsify their stats?

                Dungeons are not worthy of balance consideration because they are childs play.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >father and son analogy

                Delusional homosexuals think they're going to instant transmission directly to Savage content when DT comes out. No MSQ, no dungeons, just teleport DIRECTLY to the end game content. Because that content is beneath them. It's for the plebs. It doesn't matter.

                What cheat code did you use to skip all of the dungeons from 2.0 to 6.9? Was it the Konami code?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Dungeons are easy anon, they are fun to run but they are in no way difficult enough to trigger any sort of balance concerns. In fact they are so easy that most of the tank and healer arsenals are far overpowered for the content.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >oh god, the the vintage of this fart is DIVINE

                the content doesn't matter FOR BALANCE, the game is not BALANCED around dungeons, it's BALANCED directly around savage. you cannot measure the BALANCE of jobs in content that can be cleared without tanks healers or dps

                balancing around the top 1%
                well, then both you and Squeenix are moronic. Congrats!

              • 2 weeks ago

                >balancing around the top 1%
                its like 45% of the jp playerbase that clears savage anon

              • 2 weeks ago


                The only race that matters of course

                homosexual giraffe detected

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Can't recognise a Male Middy
                You fool

              • 2 weeks ago

                yes you know the japanese games the japanese devs that takes the japanese forums very seriously?
                anyways this graph is old but just because youre a shitter doesn't make savage any less important for the game.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Are you Japanese?

                >Can't recognise a Male Middy
                You fool

                Sorry, the dumb helmet made it look like you had those overgrown ears. Post a better picture next time homosexual. Or are you insecure about your own character's face?

              • 2 weeks ago

                I don't stand around taking pictures of my character like a gay. I have that one and that's it

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yes, jobs are balanced for difficult content because it's the only content they need to be balanced for.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I routinely do dungeon roulettes with friends as 4x DPS because there is no point in having a tank. When the content is that easy you can't use it to judge healing and tanking capabilities.

                I can tell you that if you miss your Oblation in TOP P6 you will get the entire raid group killed and waste about 17 and a half minutes of everyones time.

              • 2 weeks ago

                No one fricking cares about dungeon trash.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >oblation is only good for bosses
                >thread literally talks about how WAR self healing is really good for dungeons but isn't for bosses
                so you just value expert roulette more because both have strengths and weaknesses for different content

              • 2 weeks ago

                >thread is literally about how healers fricking useless because WARs can solo dungeons without healers
                You're a bit of a moron, aren't you son?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >something that only 2 or 3 groups in party finder do a day
                >some how stopping the hundreds of thousands of players that use the games matchmaking to play the game
                genuinely what is this delusion

              • 2 weeks ago

                >talking about content that can be done blindfolded and no limbs

              • 2 weeks ago

                Oh no....not trash mobs....
                Oblation is fine in dungeons too, but no one gives a shit about dungeons.
                And DRK is fine in dungeons, just because TBN doesnt solo them for you doesnt mean DRK is bad in them.

                Now set it to actually be 6.4 and not all patches

                Go look at the speed clears for the fight.
                Its GNB/DRK across the board except for one, which is WAR/DRK.
                Even if you put it to 6.5, its still mostly GNB/DRK.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >t. someone who's never played DRK before

                reminder that HW having garbage raiding literally tank the games player count, whether you like it or not savage is extremely important for this games lifespan and is one of the main forms of content that JP players do (so much so they queue for it instead of party finder) and square only listens to jp players.

                don't care raid troony, keep moving that goalpost, doesn't change the fact that WAR is broken

              • 2 weeks ago



              • 2 weeks ago

                oblation is 10s of mit, with a second charge for 20s. the other 82 tank mits only mit you with the full effect for 4 seconds and stop mitting entirely after 8. you aren't finishing the dungeon pull in 8 fricking seconds and the difference between some mit and more mit is much less then some mit and no mit.

                you are bad at tank

              • 2 weeks ago

                All it does is effectively negate a vulnerability stack on shitters.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Who would have guessed a skill that reads 10s of 10% mitigation could mindbreak so many shitters lol

          • 2 weeks ago


            i really love how post like this exist like gnb and drk weren't the premier tank for 2 tiers and 2 ultimates for the entirety of endwalker, btw drk has better mitigation than warrior as well. but morons unironically think this isn't true.

            People who only do dungeons lose their minds at WAR despite other tanks being equal or not far behind on the self healing. Meanwhile WAR was the weakest tank dps and mitigation wise for the ENTIRETY of Shadowbringers. During Endwalker there was a short period where PLD was glitched at launch but aside from that WAR was also bottom of the barrel damage wise and (thanks to funny TB changes) had the weakest mitigation yet again. The only spark of hope is that during 6.5 WAR received slight damage buffs to bring them off the bottom for the first time in nearly 5 years.

            It's actually insane how bad WAR has been and how long they've left it like this.

            • 2 weeks ago

              War was 2nd dps wise for 6.4 just behind GNB

              • 2 weeks ago

                Just cause a streamer said it doesn't make it true.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Now set it to actually be 6.4 and not all patches

              • 2 weeks ago

                I did. read the image again
                more importantly
                >rdps on tanks

              • 2 weeks ago

                gonna admit I'm moronic, I just saw this and thought it was tracking all patches

              • 2 weeks ago

                >If you make the time period even smaller....
                Not helping your argument.

              • 2 weeks ago

                you are genuinely a moron

              • 2 weeks ago

                I meant 6.4, it's been so long since the last raid tier my brain is fricking melted.

                For most people the slight differences between tanks doesn't matter but with how insane the new ultimates are you can really feel the difference between jobs and a WAR not having enough mitigation buttons on their own to cover mechanics makes things a real pain in the ass.

            • 2 weeks ago

              WAR is suffering because its the best in content that doesn't matter, but casuals dont shut up about it so hard its very difficult to buff or change anything about it. Its stuck as the fell cleave funny caveman job, and everyone wants it to have all the healing.

              Damnation is the shittiest of the 40% mits by a mile.
              PLD is getting a fat fricking shield on top of 40% mit
              GNB is getting a Thrill of Battle on top of a 40% mit
              DRK is getting an Excog, which is worse, but TBN is so spammable it doesn't matter. So its also good.

              WAR's getting what, its 4th heal over time effect? Casuals cheer for this, but anyone who has played WAR in high end content knows this is basically useless, and WAR's only defining point in high end content once again will be holmgang cheese.

              • 2 weeks ago

                i think war having it's healing is cool, and has just become it's entire identity which i think is fine.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's frustrating that it's gone on this long, their changes in EW only made it worse (raw int gaining healing at a lower level wow so cool) and as you noted it's not getting better in DT.

                i think war having it's healing is cool, and has just become it's entire identity which i think is fine.

                Anon just explained why being cool doesn't pay the bills. It's significantly weaker, noticeably so in DSR and TOP, than other tanks because healing in fact does not matter if you die.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Holmgang on Caut makes it OP. Hell, even if you are swapping heels they can make the slashes much easier with BW+Equilibrium
                As you are kitchen sinking every buster, Thrill scales surprisingly well. WAR and DRK don't die through kitchen sink, PLD and GNB do. The only situation you get fricked is if you have a PLD and have to do 2 swaps in a row because no hallowed.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Anon WAR literally cannot survive anything in P6 without outside help.

    • 2 weeks ago

      People have been doing dumb shit like raids with full tank parties for a while this isn't entirely new

      • 2 weeks ago

        I did the first EW alliance raid with all red mages the first week it was out, so healers have been 100% optional for at least like 3 years and they only just got around to whining now

  16. 2 weeks ago

    If homies don't like being a heal bawd, why choose to heal bawd?

    • 2 weeks ago

      they do like it
      the problem is that nobody is using them like the bawds they are

    • 2 weeks ago

      You don’t understand. You are suppose to heal as little as possible and do your 1 damage ability over and over.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    >giving a shit about this months American drama

  18. 2 weeks ago

    >no link
    Man this sure is an organic protest

  19. 2 weeks ago

    I can heal an entire dungeon with just my aureola- I mean auroras

    • 2 weeks ago

      No you can’t, go do vataspati synched without a healer gun-cuck. Not even a real tank!

  20. 2 weeks ago

    Ffxiv stopped being challenging anyways a long long time ago (if it ever even was)

    This is literally just mentally ill trannies finding something new to be outraged about

  21. 2 weeks ago

    By strike, do they mean they are canceling their subs till the issues are resolved, or do they mean they are going to log into the game, continue to pay their subs, probably buy some microtransactions, and b***h to their friends about how bad the game is?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >or do they mean they are going to log into the game, continue to pay their subs, probably buy some microtransactions, and b***h to their friends about how bad the game is?
      Probably that one while also running dungeons just not as healers

      Also, lets be real, we know what types of people these are, itll go the same as the reddit "strike". Everyone will forget about it after theyve "made their point" by just logging in and playing as dps or tank instead for a couple days

      Top kek

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Don't like healer?
    Don't play it...but you will keep playing it

    • 2 weeks ago


  23. 2 weeks ago

    Does all moronic shit only happen on NA servers? I never experience any drama on Tomberry

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Any difference in clear time with no-helaer dungeon runs?

  25. 2 weeks ago

    Warrior self healing makes solo derp dungeon less scary

    • 2 weeks ago

      Real chads choose Gunbreaker

  26. 2 weeks ago

    >in easy content there's no damage to heal so you just spam your 1 button "rotation"
    >in hard content healing is planned far in advance and the goal of optimisation is to heal as little as possible so you can spam your 1 button "rotation"
    >almost every heal check is actually a mit check that depends on the dps remembering they have feint/addle on their hotbar and the tanks managing to not overwrite each other's reprisal
    >dungeon healing difficulty peaks at lv50 and then gets easier and easier until healers are optional for even mediocre parties above lv80
    >added Sage in Endwalker, marketed it as a healer that feels like a dps, it literally has the least complicated rotation in the entire game
    >one tier in Endwalker they actually stepped up the damage (still mostly mit checks but it was nice) then immediately folded and reverted the changes next tier due to the slightest pushback
    >the hardest ultimate in the game cleared ON-PATCH with no healers

    Absolute joke of a role. Only Ganker is capable of defending this shit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I like how you chose the wording "On patch" rather than "day or week one", which suggests it actually took awhile, which is uncommon for MMO content these days to last more than a day or week. "on patch" is quite a few months of time.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It shouldn't even be close to mathematically possible to clear an ultimate with no healers within the same expansion, let alone on-patch. Shit like Tankcob, deathcob, 6man-cob etc are funny but are only possible due to 2 expansions of power creep. TOP being clearable with no healers (even if it required high-grade chinese autism) is symptomatic of awful design.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Depends on your point of view. If your POV is that Healing should be required even IF everyone plays great, then yeah, that's bullshit.
          However, if your PoV is that if everyone plays perfectly and never NEEDS healing because they were fast/smart/accurate enough to avoid the AOEs and mechanics, then no, that's just skill.
          I don't do ultimates because they're stupid so I honestly have no idea if the latter is possible

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Healing should be required even IF everyone plays great
            In the hardest content in the game that absolutely should be the case. Healers should be challenged to the limit of their healing skills, just like dps are expected to output excellent damage in order to meet the phase enrage checks throughout the fight.
            Being able to run no-healer (or no-tank) in casual content, extreme, maybe even savage as a form of skill expression is cool, but when that is happening in ultimate you know there's an issue.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Ultimates are generally very challenging to heal.
            Only the most ridiculously autistic groups clear Ultimate with non-standard comps, and this exclusively happens later in the expac when gear is trivialized.
            TOP was a special exception because the fight designer was a moron who expected his "frontload all mechanics every 2 minutes" gimmick to carry Ultimate the way he's been copy/pasting it for Savage. Who knew that you could trivialize a fight's healing requirements by only requiring mits and healing at the two-minute mark when all cooldowns come back.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Isn't TOP only doable without healers because of the LB3 shit tbh

          • 2 weeks ago

            That's one phase out of 6 in a near 19 minute fight.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You are playing the original limited role of being a party b***h, in a game where you can change jobs willy nilly on the same character with zero downsides. Healer maining is a legit mental illness in xiv.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    Literally who cares? You never needed to heal when you had good dps and a Warrior
    Wasn't Omega Protocol cleared without a healer? Didn't see much b***hing about that

  28. 2 weeks ago

    I mean after a certain level I can do a bunch of dungeons as WAR without needing a Healer.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    something like this happens every expansion, it's always a nothingburger
    the loose healbitches will be back, they always come back

    • 2 weeks ago

      Remember STR accessories on tanks?

  30. 2 weeks ago

    Lmao kinda gay. I can press like 5 buttons and become a healer if the strike actually impacts me. But it won't. They're going on strike because they're useless - this is only going to prove exactly how useless they are.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    >the healer role need to be respected stop other classes from self healing!
    >also give us DPS abilities because... because we want them okay???

    • 2 weeks ago

      The devs shouldve just never gave them the time of day in the first place, honestly

    • 2 weeks ago

      So true, we should remove Fell Cleave and Primal Rend too so tanks stop encroaching on the dps space.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >1 Engaging DPS kit beyond 1 and 2
      Okay sure
      >2 Increased dmg so we have more to heal
      Okay but now you can't do your "engaging dps rotation" you asked for because you're too busy healing, stupid. You can't have both 1 and 2.
      >3 Distinctive playstyles
      This one I agree with. Now it's just straight heals or shields. Even though I prefer being a lazy WHM healer who just straight heals, Scholars should be heavy on HoTs & Summon usage or something more lore friendly, AST should go back to their Card system mattering but honestly, it's just not balance-able and it's stupid enough I'd never play it, and Sage should be the only Shield healer since it uses literal shields generated by the drones.

      Problem is, this works great in 2-healer content, but solo it becomes a mess in dungeons and 4man trials. This is also why we're not going to see another healer added, probably ever, unless they think up a way to implement Potion Tossing in a fun/balanced way.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Okay but now you can't do your "engaging dps rotation" you asked for because you're too busy healing, stupid.
        You'd need to add a LOT of damage to make that be the case. I'm talking savage-levels of damage in normal trials before healers actually have to stop doing their damage rotations.

        • 2 weeks ago

          now show the log for the other healer who was carrying 80% of the healing reqs

          • 2 weeks ago

            I did 11 GCD shields, mostly during harrowing hell, and some just to make movement easier. This was our 4th or 5th kill so we were in ~650 gear.

        • 2 weeks ago

          No you don't. You vastly overestimates average healer, and playerbase at large, abilities. Casual healers do need their whole healing kit unironically and only will only welcome self sufficiency of tanks, dps will frick up in the most braindead content possible and will require topping up outside of raidwides, tanks will be shitheads and coast on healers attention whenever they can even with all of their tools.

      • 2 weeks ago

        This. They should any and all shields from WHM. Scholars should be the """"dps"""" and have a rotation as complicated as Reaper's (similar to how GNB is more complicated than Reaper). AST should be the only healer job that can hand out buffs.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Buffs are ass in this game and anything more creative or interesting are going to rile up metasheep because hurr durr muh rotations. These nips really need to stop listening to them because at this point we might as well just have roles instead of jobs with how much they're homogenizing jobs.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Eh, the simple act of giving someone else Braveryfaithprotectbubblega VI Forte is enough to make some people cum buckets.

            • 2 weeks ago

              And they aren't gonna do it because frick job individuality, just have them play the same roles with different gimmicks.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >give me an engaging dps kit!
      Just fricking play dps then? Why would I bother healing if I need to be a dps and babysit morons? I kick healers if someone dies because they're too busy trying to press the shiny glare button to notice people are dying from a party-wide attack. They should just get rid of dps skills on healers so they stop trying to fricking press them when they should be healing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      These are just symptoms, the root cause is extreme catering to casual and female players. The end of the road for this problem is for you to stop playing the game if you don't like it.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    Healing being an almost redundant role is a symptom of a greater problem, that the dev team pandered way too hard to mouthbreathers asking for everything to be streamlined as much as possible. "DPS Healer" should be a particular unique job in the role, not the entirety of the fricking thing. Same with tanks, DPS do the fricking damage, tanks do the fricking mitigation, healers do the fricking healing. Maybe a handful of jobs get a few tools from other roles, but at this point they've basically made it so tanks are only bad at dealing damage, and even that is at least average on a good player. Gotta rebuild the thing from the ground up again.

  33. 2 weeks ago

    >oh shit there's not enough healers? Okay I'll queue as heals for gibs
    >Life goes on

  34. 2 weeks ago

    These people need to get on my level. I've been refusing to do group content since 1.X

    • 2 weeks ago

      Speedrunning Aurum Vale for darklight in 1.23 was peak endgame though.

      >beat coincounter
      >everyone job changes to MNK to hundred fist down the final boss
      Genuinely miss that goofy shit even if it was sluggish.

  35. 2 weeks ago

    The opinions of roulette warriors are literally worth less than dirt.
    If you haven't even cleared savage, your opinion on job balance is genuinely worthless

  36. 2 weeks ago

    Healing is never going to be fixed until they completely change how they design fights. You can turn a 10 minute fight into a fricking list of every single action you will take because it's all scripted to happen one way. They need to either add randomness to what the boss does or make it shit out so much damage that every gcd must be used on a heal instead of having bosses tickle the tank for 15 seconds until he does his big burst that needs an ogcd

    • 2 weeks ago

      We used to have stuff that would randomly target dps players, requiring reactive single-target healing.

      • 2 weeks ago

        E11 had the lightning jail on random people
        I think they mostly got rid of random single target shit because its a pain to target individual party members so often on controllers

      • 2 weeks ago

        >requiring reactive single-target healing
        No the frick it didn't, they got palisade/apoc/any other single-target OGCD mits and then got maxed out by regens or the fairy heal.
        morons screech about how "hard" healing used to be and ignore that ED and Tetra used to cover 80% of your HP if you weren't a tank.
        You can tell who the EWbabs are because just one expansion ago we had healers complaining on launch that the scaling on healing potency was fricked because Lustrate used to heal 50%+ and now barely did 20% when everyone had twice as much HP.

  37. 2 weeks ago


    Anon I applaud the posting but those angles are awful because you can't see any of the good bits. If you're gonna risk a promotion, at least make it worth it.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    Replaced by AI

  39. 2 weeks ago

    sch main since early hw. this is the first expansion I'm not playing. I just can't bring myself to do several more years of pressing 11111111 while walking in a straight line dungeon with zero difficultly. this game is brain rot easy now. I've cleared uwu and ucob while barely paying attention

  40. 2 weeks ago

    • 2 weeks ago

      like i'd ever give your article clicks xister

  41. 2 weeks ago

    What is the point of healers going on strike when they are no longer required? People are just going to keep playing without them.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >People are just going to keep playing without them.
      "We hold the party together!!!"
      Or some shit

  42. 2 weeks ago

    Yeah man i will go on a strike in a mmo i pay monthly for. That will teach them.

  43. 2 weeks ago

    >Healer Strike
    >When on launch on day almost all people will do the MSQ first and you can do that with trusts for the 99% of it
    good luck with that.

  44. 2 weeks ago

    My response? I will of course act the scab and take those queues and raid spots for myself frick those other healers.

  45. 2 weeks ago


    mods ban this pedo

    • 2 weeks ago

      >mods? mods? WHERE ARE THE FRICKIN MODS??!

  46. 2 weeks ago

    the strike will fold the instant these morons realize that they don't get to do the content they paid for either

    • 2 weeks ago

      Counter-point: All story dungeons will be doable with Trusts at launch just like Endwalker's were.

  47. 2 weeks ago

    Healer main here, majority of the people who are doing #healerstrike are people who don't actually play the game and want their inflated egos stroked.

    • 2 weeks ago

      So what you're saying is, anyone actually #healerstrike'ing are the same homosexuals that think Tankxiety is a real thing? Aka a bunch of attention & validation seeking homosexuals?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah, you pretty much hit it on the nose. To further cement that fact, the OP of the #healerstrike thread went back and edited in their own discord to advertise.

  48. 2 weeks ago

    im not a healer, but i have white mage leveled. as soon as dawntrail launch im gonna make it my main to have insta queu.

  49. 2 weeks ago

    >last two FF priojects utterly fail and tank stock prices
    >yawntrail coming up
    >players going on strike
    lmfao holy shit this is it. this is the year SE finally dies

    • 2 weeks ago

      hip hip!

    • 2 weeks ago

      >lmfao holy shit this is it. this is the year SE finally dies
      No it isn't, the healers won't commit to u subbing, so SE still makes money.

      • 2 weeks ago

        dawntrail is their last hope and they not only have 0 outside interest but the people who already play are revolting. it's a baaaad sign anon

        hip hip!


    • 2 weeks ago

      >moron posts something moronic on the forums
      >journalists that hate square enix try to signal boost it
      >literally everyone else clowns on the op

      • 2 weeks ago


        Wind-up Palom 829,912 67.6% Endwalkers' Pre-ordering privilege
        Wind-up Zidane 569,761 46.4%


  50. 2 weeks ago

    Square enix actually has its customer based so cucked that it makes my dick hard thinking of it. Keep up the good work square

    • 2 weeks ago

      in every way except actually purchasing their games. thank God

  51. 2 weeks ago

    Anyone feel that the MSQ is gonna be incredibly short this time?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not sure but I do know it'll be incredibly trans this time.

  52. 2 weeks ago

    Wind-up Palom 829,912 67.6% Endwalkers' Pre-ordering privilege
    Wind-up Zidane 569,761 46.4%

    • 2 weeks ago


      Can you get new material? I'm tired of seeing the same posts every thread.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Sorry I meant to reply to the lala posters
        Wuk Lamat is my spirit animal btw

  53. 2 weeks ago

    are they really seething because they completed a dungeon without a healer? a dungeon?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >nothing to heal
      >1 button damage rotation
      No wonder healer attracts the netflix crowd

  54. 2 weeks ago


  55. 2 weeks ago

    I mean, it just means Ill get super quick queues as my Sage. Im fine with it.

  56. 2 weeks ago

    You know a gamr is bad when even the gays are frustrated with it.

  57. 2 weeks ago

    Final homosexualry XIV Yawntrail will suck and flop

  58. 2 weeks ago

    >job known to attract people being uppity c**ts
    >get exactly what they want and act like uppity c**ts
    wow imagine my shock

  59. 2 weeks ago

    Nobody fricking cares.

  60. 2 weeks ago

    >don't even need healers
    >they decide to go on strike
    oh no. so any way

    • 2 weeks ago

      you do need healers just not for the casual stuff these morons do

    • 2 weeks ago

      healers are the first people who b***h about other people's parse logs
      every time i heal extreme and savage in pugs, there is 1 healer NOT HEALING so they can jerk off their parses.

      every time I see this I immediately start dpsing and healing with only my instants. every time the other healer starts b***hiing about having to heal and "why are you dpsing"

      why are you dpsing you stupid c**t?

  61. 2 weeks ago

    maybe yoshi-p should've been reworking healers instead of fricking all those trannies and this wouldn't be happening right now

    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        Yoshi-P got found out a few months ago for doing literal trans porn. Turns out he's a member of some of those seedy BDSM underground Tokyo sex clubs and he fricked a dude in a wig on camera while yelling "I'm-a cummeeeng! Prease rook forward to eet!

        • 2 weeks ago

          you just stumbled across this, right

          • 2 weeks ago

            No. I was deliberately looking for it when I heard about it.

  62. 2 weeks ago

    I see Barry woke up

  63. 2 weeks ago

    when are they gonna add vulnerability stacks to the overworld at least to make me move from the orange circles

  64. 2 weeks ago

    Poopy-di scoop
    Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop
    Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop
    Poop, poop
    Whoop-diddy-scoop, poop

  65. 2 weeks ago

    I'm gonna do the MSQ as WHM and no one on the official forums will stop me.

  66. 2 weeks ago

    warriors havent needed healers in dungeons for a while now

  67. 2 weeks ago

    poop? whoop? scoop

  68. 2 weeks ago

    Why are Americans such brain dead casuals at the game?

    • 2 weeks ago

      french are worse
      i am not accepting disagreement or arguing on this point

      • 2 weeks ago

        That’s ok I’m unaware of the French community but hate them in general so I have no problem ceding that point

        • 2 weeks ago

          I accept your concession homosexual.

          • 2 weeks ago

            get your own concession

            • 2 weeks ago

              >I have no problem ceding that point
              already have yours sweetie 😀 😀 😀

              • 2 weeks ago

                It’s some wowBlack person false flagging per usual

              • 2 weeks ago

                literally fooling nobody

  69. 2 weeks ago

    Time to frick over the union workers on strike and be a healing scab.

  70. 2 weeks ago

    Nice, looks like the healer que is gonna be opened up, hooray for instant ques and raid spots.

    • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      no one that raid heals gives a frick about this

      • 2 weeks ago

        Don't care what raidtrannies think. Especially ones that heal because they only do it to be guaranteed a spot.

        • 2 weeks ago

          the jobs are designed around high end content
          >Especially ones that heal because they only do it to be guaranteed a spot.
          instead of making up shit to post on Ganker you should make up a noose and have a nice day

          • 2 weeks ago

            LOL healbawd raidtroony detected. You don't enjoy it.

  71. 2 weeks ago

    If I can do the content without a healer then why should I care if they go on strike?

  72. 2 weeks ago

    I do not believe they will ever "fix" this game because Ultimates ruined it. Gotta pander to raidgays who disregard all other content.

    >dungeons aren't fun/hard
    >variant dungeons need a roulette to keep healthy like all other content
    >Hunt trains are the dumbest shit and could be changed to be like Criticial Engagements

  73. 2 weeks ago

    You never really needed to heal in basic msq dungeons.

  74. 2 weeks ago

    there is like 1 actual healer main that has done savage and ults

  75. 2 weeks ago

    >healer queue will be even faster
    beep beep outta the way homosexuals

  76. 2 weeks ago

    >ran a 90 dungeon as SCH
    >kept crit shield on tank, spread it to party for bigger pulls
    >still kept going with own dps
    >used Selene well
    >HP never went down past half whole time
    >run lasted about 10 minutes

    Tank told me I healed way too much and that I suck at it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      based tank

    • 2 weeks ago

      He wasn't wrong.

      • 2 weeks ago

        based tank

        That's it, joining the FFXIVHEALERSTRIKE

  77. 2 weeks ago

    >healers going on strike? That's okay, I never healed anyway. You're above 1% hp? You're still good 🙂

  78. 2 weeks ago

    Gunbreaker gets Thirst for battle for free on their nebula now.

    • 2 weeks ago

      No increased healing received though

  79. 2 weeks ago

    >healer strike
    >on an mmo that freely lets you swap jobs
    So does this mean I can just queue up as healer and get even faster queues?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >So does this mean I can just queue up as healer and get even faster queues?

  80. 2 weeks ago

    I only like healing as Blue Mage. Stotram is easy mode.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Blue Mage is proof most of healers kits are moronic superfluous shit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I too only enjoy healing as BLU. Mostly because while everyone doesn't require healing I have more than two buttons to push.

  81. 2 weeks ago

    >Healers are good safety nets, but not a dealbreaker
    That seems fine to me? Some teams will be more offensive, other teams will be more defensive. As long as both combinations can reliably clear dungeons, what's the issue?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Should just start matching parties without healers in expert roulette tbdesu

    • 2 weeks ago

      If one part of the trinity is going to be barely useful, maybe don't make your game so obsessed with maintaining the trinity?

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's still there, isn't it? If 3 tanks can clear, then I would imagine so can 3 healers.

  82. 2 weeks ago

    I think this is great news. Healing is stressful and not fun, now I can just idle in dungeons and raids and still get rewards.

  83. 2 weeks ago

    >XIV has been slowly climbing the top sellers list all day
    >now in position 8 out of 10

  84. 2 weeks ago

    But arent healers essential in harder content? Are are complaning about dungeon runs? Arent they easy for a reason?

    • 2 weeks ago

      99% of the game content is easy dungeon type content. The majority of FF14 players have never even touched the hard content once, and probably less than 1/5th of current regular players frequently do hard content

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'd only attempt anything hard without healers or a solo healer if I was insanely bored out of my mind and I knew the team I was playing with could do it. If it's random midcore people or PF then hell no, we're doing standard comp.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Healers are essential unless you have a group of people who know the fight inside and out and won't be taking avoidable damage, although you'll probably need to toy with your party comp to mit and clean up unavoidable damage.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >But arent healers essential in harder content?

      hardest fight in the game doesn't even need them.

  85. 2 weeks ago

    I quit the game back in SB partially because the Trinity is completely wack in this game. Glad to see nothing has changed and in fact got worse.

  86. 2 weeks ago

    I just want more DPS buttons on Healers

  87. 2 weeks ago

    All hralbawds are masochistics and get off on being degraded and humiliated. Also, if they boycott buy aren't needed anyways they're effectively not changing anything. But being dumb is part of being a healbawd too.

  88. 2 weeks ago

    i for one like playing white mage and will continue to do so :3

  89. 2 weeks ago

    Healers are "useless" in this game because of how they design fights to be static flowcharts. They're just safety nets for people who fail the fight mechanics. Their effectiveness at doing role depends on how much the party sucks at avoid damage.Outside of that, bosses always have attack patterns where they deal unavoidable damage and those are the only times you'd need a healer to keep the party topped up. The whole boss mechanics boils down to dealing enough damage while avoiding attack patterns so the fastest and most consistent way to clear them is to just speed run.
    They can't design much more complex fights either because of how casual the majority of the fanbase are.

  90. 2 weeks ago


  91. 2 weeks ago

    don’t care still queuing as a healer for my first time in each dungeon

  92. 2 weeks ago

    Again, I only want more DPS buttons on Healers, this is NOT too much to ask for. Faerie Gauge for instance could be spent on on damaging ability similar to energy drain

    • 2 weeks ago

      how about they just make a sequel already and ditch the holy trinity system
      everyone is a dps and is responsible for their own life

      • 2 weeks ago

        >everyone is a dps and is responsible for their own life
        You basically described the current state of the game, though? Jobs at this point are just glorified glamour.

        • 2 weeks ago

          nah healers and tanks still exist

          • 2 weeks ago

            Which have zero added complexity whatsoever as anything that'd make healers or tanks interesting has been stripped away over time. At this point tanks aren't even expected to move the fricking boss.

            It's a game of simon says at this point, you push your ogcd heal when the boss tells you to push it, and you push your ogcd tank ability when the boss tells you to push it. At least in Stormblood tanks had some illusion of choice with stances (which could have been further explored later) but all that shit has been taken away. Now every fricking fight is saturated with body checks and strict DPS checks, or gavel-esque mechanic vomit.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Tank stance dancing got taken away because even though aggro was the whole party's responsibility, tanks got blamed for moronic DPSes not using their aggro reduction buttons, or idiot curebots overhealing their way to ripping aggro away from you. Now it is unequivocally the tank's responsibility.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Toontown was the only MMO without the holy trinity that works because it understands that the whole point of the trinity was just to facilitate player co-operation and to encourage them to interact with each other. It instead made activities that encouraged playing with others the main focus and it was pretty novel.

        Every other MMO without the trinity require some form of getting players to interact with each other but most don't and feel like shit to play.

  93. 2 weeks ago

    white mage may be "boring" but it is by far the best designed healer that at least gets damage buttons from playing correctly

  94. 2 weeks ago

    there is nothing wrong with healers in the content that actually matters (savage and ult)

  95. 2 weeks ago

    >We're on strike!
    >So you're unsubbing?
    Bold and brave

    • 2 weeks ago

      whats funny is literally none of them are going to stick to it once DT is out and they want to play their comfy job

    • 2 weeks ago

      Same as it ever was

  96. 2 weeks ago

    I think spamming holy is a fun mechanic because you mitigate damage by keeping groups of mobs stunned instead of healing, also healer main and not joining the cringe protest, I'll heal all the boys and get all the commendations while b***hy healers pout, get bent

  97. 2 weeks ago

    Many players have a limited view on healing and are c**ts stuck in a bubble, and the literal heal-only players are the ones who take the cake in that limited view.
    I'm not fricking joking that those unskilled, 10 WPM, ellipses-abusing awful c**ts who complain in party chat if they feel their role isn't absolutely required for content would join this supposed protest.
    Force them into a crisis healing situation and watch them b***h when they actually are needed because they don't know wtf to do and it's akin to a child spiking their controller for dying to the first Goomba at World 1-1. They'd rather shit out paragraphs going "woe is me" in slow motion than leaving ASAP. I'm glad to kick anyone who mutters another fricking passive aggressive complaint directed at mechanics or their fellow party members followed by an ellipses a thousand times over.
    Get yourself some ADAPTIVE players in your group.

  98. 2 weeks ago

    The dungeons have always been a complete joke though. You've barely ever needed a healer unless you pulled the full dungeon.
    t. Healer

  99. 2 weeks ago

    i use XIV combo to make every job 1 button like healers, if they get to parse orange with 2 buttons I should be able to as well on DPS

  100. 2 weeks ago

    I've not played since middle of Shadowbringer, but healing was and has been easy. Regen and fair cover 90% of healing, other 10% is usually popping WHM AOE regen and the occasional, rare shield.
    For reference sake, I cleared E8S

    • 2 weeks ago

      There are people who unironically think it's a good idea to cast Medica 2 to heal on a single target because it stacks with Regen. The difficulty of healing has never been in question the problem is skill level of the healers and whether or not they play harder content where good healing is always needed.

      • 2 weeks ago

        > The difficulty of healing has never been in question the problem is skill level of the healers and whether or not they play harder content where good healing is always needed.
        Heh, I wanna tell you a small story:
        When I played WoW (up to heroic LK in WotLK) my guild was getting stonewalled going through the various fights hard. As a kind of... expirement, I made an alt. A Disc Priest, for the sole purpose of copying what the raid leader's wife was. I joined a group of people who used their alts to raid with and cleared all but Arthas within 3 months of making the character, including a month and a half or so of leveling.
        The sheer butt hurt that appeared in chat when that happened was glorious and was the highlight of that year for me.
        About two months later the guild, which had been together since EQ1 in 1999, disbanded.
        Frick you Celandro, Demarra was a shit healer and you know it.

  101. 2 weeks ago

    i miss my Lala

    • 2 weeks ago

      >lala with postmoogle cap
      extremely based

      • 2 weeks ago

        extremely based? based on what? a moogle??

        • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        postmaster is the only thing worth getting.

  102. 2 weeks ago

    I triggered a fair few people trying to join as a Warrior.

  103. 2 weeks ago

    >it's just the same 3-4 people talking the further you go into the thread
    think I might stop around page 20 and then double check and decide if I should add more or not. It's actually easier listing what content they have done than what content they haven't done lmao.

  104. 2 weeks ago

    A big issue with healing right now is how fricking moronic recovery is in terms of savage mechanics. Someone dying now just equates to full wipe because everything is a fricking body check, when recovering from a player or two dying is an actual skill check for how a healer can play. And I think momo has the most logical and reasonable take possible about this whole situation

    • 2 weeks ago

      No one cares what an e-celeb says.

    • 2 weeks ago


  105. 2 weeks ago

    >healers with god complexes got btfo


  106. 2 weeks ago

    >healer shortage
    >swap from tank/dps to healer because this game is easy
    >throw out a shield/regen every now and again
    >enjoy easy mode
    Too bad I'm not buying DT. I ain't trusting the dev team after that horrible abortion they call Endwalker.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I normally play PLD but I can just afk heal to lv 100 if they actually do strike. I healed back in another MMOs as a cleric. You know, with a frick off hammer and heavy armor. They could also tank.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's been years and we've been over this again and again: post logs, Barry

  107. 2 weeks ago

    >XIV players turn healing into a sex thing
    >Surprised when the devs try to move away from healing

  108. 2 weeks ago

    Can a SMN...(like me) able to fill in the healer role?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Unless they add in elemental attributes then nah. At best Summoner's egis could tank for a bit while the tank gets their health back.

    • 2 weeks ago

      All the healing shit your Bahamut clones get will probably make it more comfy for your warrior during healerless dungeon runs.

  109. 2 weeks ago

    Healing is the simplest, most mind numbing thing to do in FFXIV. It's never been anything else.

  110. 2 weeks ago

    Yeah I wonder how many are going to stick with their "strike" lmao

    • 2 weeks ago


  111. 2 weeks ago

    I jsut want my fricking job back, SCH used tobe actually fun in ARR, HW, and even SB, but now it's fricking boring trash. Load up into e12s, p10s, p4s, TOP etc. etc. all complete boring trash just drop soils, press fairy buttons when regen healer is asleep, and spreadlo off cd in big raidwides. dumpster fire role and any reprobate Black person earnestly defending the state of it is less than human.

    • 2 weeks ago

      When YoshiP removed Bane and Fluid Aura it was at that moment he didn't want healers to be fun.

  112. 2 weeks ago


    Some incompetent healers make me do just fricking that for lower level dungeons.
    So trust me, if it was a thing for higher levels I absolutely would

  113. 2 weeks ago

    >nu-Ganker defending the casualization of games

    • 2 weeks ago

      But Gankerintendo told me games are supposed to be fun, not hard

  114. 2 weeks ago

    It'd be neat if all jobs had 3 sub classes you could spec into. Let people spec into an aspect of their role that rewards them for playing that role.
    Start out as a dps Arcanist and unlock the Summoner and Scholar path at level 30. You can keep going as an Arcanist and learn how to summon bigger and scarier creatures down the line or you can respec into Summoner, how channels aspects of the Twelve through their body to tank. Granted, you won't be as durable as a pure tank like Sentinel or Paladin, but if you're paired up with a Monk/Weaponmaster hybrid you can share the load.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nah. Too much effort.

      • 2 weeks ago

        But you are interested, yes yes?

        • 2 weeks ago

          yes cool idea anon but you know they'd never implement it

          • 2 weeks ago

            i wonder if there is another mmo that does that already

    • 2 weeks ago

      You could do shit like that in FFXI, but those sorts of things didn't make it out of that era. In 1.0 people would use Thaumaturge over Black Mage early in Ifrit EX clears because the utility of extra subclass abilities outweighed the like 5% boost to DPS. But again, that dream is very much over.

  115. 2 weeks ago

    >He watches FFXIV ecelebs

    • 2 weeks ago

      i need the version of this where they all have krile's face

    • 2 weeks ago

      why yes I do watch thecrystalmommy

      • 2 weeks ago

        I've seen her nude pics, not bad, not bad at all.

        • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            got a sauce on that?

            Literally type in her name in a search engine image result and add "nude"

            • 2 weeks ago

              man digital footprint is some shit but she uses the same name so I guess SE is cool with this

              • 2 weeks ago

                I think she's an exhibitionist so she doesn't personally care that people know, no idea SE/ CS3's opinion on it. Guess they don't care.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Brother, SQEX doesn't care. They have a ADBL on their NA community team, that is married to Kaiyoko Star, a pedophile.

              • 2 weeks ago

                jesus you time warped me back to stormblood bringing up kaiyoko diapers. THAT is some vintage drama right there.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Kaiyoko Star is a pedo
                man those fashion report posts are useful

            • 2 weeks ago

              Safesearch is off, but brave search engine apparently doesn't find it

              • 2 weeks ago

                need to use her real name, not twitch handle

              • 2 weeks ago

                Ah, fair. Well I don't care enough to hunt down her real name so I will just assume it looked like most other pussies out there

              • 2 weeks ago

                Amanda Achen

          • 2 weeks ago

            got a sauce on that?

            Some psychopath, probably an exbf of hers, posted revenge porn on every single of her tweets at some point so it was easy to get. She doesn't lie when she says she's pretty degen on stream. And her voice makes me cum and cry at the same time. Truly one of the best additions to the game.

        • 2 weeks ago

          got a sauce on that?

      • 2 weeks ago

        She looks like reviewbrahs older sister

    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        Sleep tight little snoozer

  116. 2 weeks ago

    Xenosys still quarreling with his doxer, what a low point in his career.

  117. 2 weeks ago

    Don't care, still going to holy my way to victory.

  118. 2 weeks ago

    don't worry anons. i'm not quitting healer. i'll see you in duty finder 🙂

  119. 2 weeks ago

    Blue Mage should be made into a full job with nerfs to instant kill attacks on bosses

    • 2 weeks ago

      with blue mage constructed as it currently is and how blue mage learns new spells, that sounds completely awful

      • 2 weeks ago

        I don’t give a frick
        The game is already fricked as is

  120. 2 weeks ago




    • 2 weeks ago

      you should seek help dude

      • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          oh can you even actually afford to get medical help since you're 23k in debt combined with the american health care system

    • 2 weeks ago

      you should seek help dude

      I think they should both kill themselves and they're both mentally ill

      Lolcow fights are too rare in this day and age

    • 2 weeks ago

      • 2 weeks ago

        >goes to Lionel google doc

    • 2 weeks ago

      wait but I just checked and he didn't
      did the autism finally go terminal and make him start seeing shit?

    • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      she'll do whatever it takes for more attention
      the autism fight between the two is funny even if I ended up just feeling kind of bad about desolance being very mentally ill and clearly not being able to control himself

      you should seek help dude

      What the frick is happening
      Clearly this is eceleb drama but i wanna know what set off this person

      • 2 weeks ago

    • 2 weeks ago

      The vods are back btw. Your response?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Why does he defend himself so rigidly if he's done nothing wrong?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Because Xenos has stuff to hide but anyone that's played this game since Heavensward now how much of a loser he is.

        • 2 weeks ago

          "You're a pedophile"
          "No I'm not."

          • 2 weeks ago

            i wish they'd both just kill eachother in the street or something because they both have some really bad shit going on upstairs

            • 2 weeks ago

              I mean, one side has multiple witness statements actively refuting every single claim made about them. I don't buy the "vibes" bullshit twitter leftists spread everywhere to use as a weapon against dissent. Show me real evidence and I'll believe it, but until then baldo is just a harmless extreme cringelord.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I mean, one side
                no both sides should kill themselves

          • 2 weeks ago

            i think it's weird one girl said her age perfectly fine while the other absolutely will not and they make a big deal about not saying it

            • 2 weeks ago

              Who, Spudsybud? She apparently just graduated college so obviously she's at least 21-22 and they didn't even interact before like 2 years ago.

      • 2 weeks ago


  121. 2 weeks ago

    >Zepla watched Quazii's video about Doomsayers were wrong
    >Seethed non-stop almost had a meltdown

    • 2 weeks ago

      Hilarious if true

      • 2 weeks ago

        She pauses the video almost every 2-3 seconds to seethe, she really took that video personally kek.

        • 2 weeks ago

          She's spending a lot of time yapping and not enough time reacting.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Notice how personal she's taking it as well?

            • 2 weeks ago

              we know she's a woman you didn't need to point that out

              • 2 weeks ago

                Kek, still amazes me how she's got an audience who dick ride her. Just read her chat while she's having a melty.

              • 2 weeks ago

                it still amazes me how much I want to dick her down even knowing she's over 40 years old

              • 2 weeks ago

                >you will NEVER desperately cum in Zeplas' withered hag pussy on her unsafe day trying to put a baby in her aging infertile womb
                why live bros

              • 2 weeks ago

                For real. Some of these 40 year old women absolutely drive me wild. Zepla especially.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I didn't watch too far since hatewatching is stupid, but she did spend a lot of time pre-emptively arguing with the video before even starting it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >she did spend a lot of time pre-emptively arguing with the video before even starting it.
                She didn't even address what was being said in the video either. However, wait until she uploads it to Youtube and it becomes another video for Asmongold to react to and create more drama, you just watch.

              • 2 weeks ago

                i am literally praying that none of these WoWtists get invited to next expansion's media tour for the dumb personal drama and seething they're all putting onto the internet

                except preach, who is an oddly good boy

              • 2 weeks ago

                I honestly like Jesse Cox, out of all of these ecelebs he (and Preach) seem able to not have a meltdown and form opinions of the game in a reasoned fashioned.
                All those other homosexuals seem so overly emotional, it's non-stop drama, it's fricking tiring.

    • 2 weeks ago

      she'll do whatever it takes for more attention




      the autism fight between the two is funny even if I ended up just feeling kind of bad about desolance being very mentally ill and clearly not being able to control himself

  122. 2 weeks ago

    Oh no. All the E girls will have to main real jobs now in the game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      e-girls either play healer or DRK so they will just all play DRK from now on.

  123. 2 weeks ago

    This isn't fricking hard. Tanks should be appreciable but not optimal damage and maybe bring some good debuffs. DPS should do by far the most damage, and maybe they can bring a little utility like suboptimal but still potentially clutch heals or buffs, Healers should bring the best and most consistent buffs and heals, but also be able to do modest but noticeable damage. That doesn't seem that hard.

    • 2 weeks ago

      okay so FF14 then

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yea, seems about right. Only potential issue I see if it sounds like DPS are to sustainable as healers. DPS should not be able to sustain decent healing output, so if they can, just nerf that. Problem solved.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Only potential issue I see if it sounds like DPS are to sustainable as healers
          They aren't
          There is one decent HoT from DPS and it's effectively on a two minute cooldown

          • 2 weeks ago

            DNC also has Curing Waltz every minute that stacks if both dancer and partner are stacked up, it's essentially a slightly weaker Cure 3 (both 600 pot but DNC has worse stats for heals)

  124. 2 weeks ago

    just remove: bloodwhetting, nascent flash, clemency, hot from shake, hot from divine veil, hot from intervention.

    why do tanks need the ability to shield and heal? a powerful shield is enough and fills the class fantasy of protecting your group. i don't need to top their wiener at the same time.

    • 2 weeks ago

      DK/GNB main spotted

    • 2 weeks ago

      It was so they could help save runs when the healer moronic out and died at 10% hp on the boss. Yes, healers are so moronic that the bad ones need a tank to babysit the party for them. Let that process for a minute. The devs found Gluehuffers Inc to be generally viewed as more responsible as tardwranglers than the person signing up for the task by choosing green as their favorite color.

    • 2 weeks ago

      DK/GNB main spotted

      • 2 weeks ago

        wouldn't say being pocketed by rekindles plus phoenix HoT is necessarily healerless but cool run.

      • 2 weeks ago

        funny how he never responded to this

  125. 2 weeks ago

    The first next-gen MMO has just arrived.

    • 2 weeks ago

      what is that?

  126. 2 weeks ago


    This will last a few hours, tops, before they cave in to locust the new content. MMO players in general lack the self control to pull anything off like this.

  127. 2 weeks ago


  128. 2 weeks ago

    I play tank and current healer should kys

  129. 2 weeks ago

    I'll probably be playing AST anyway, that or BLM.

    But the core problem definitely is there. With other classes in normal content, you can play better and practice to do better. With healers, you don't really get an opportunity to even use your full kit that savage and ultimates expect you to know. Either more DPS or more consistent reason to heal would make them more engaging.

    Otherwise, you're just stuck to waiting to play savage, which in my case is only around 2 lockouts a week thanks to the nightmare of scheduling 8 different people for it.

  130. 2 weeks ago

    >Main subreddit is seething at the Healerstrike, saying it's a nothingburger, but it somehow still is making the mad

    Why? Why are they so bothered people are complaining about the state of healers in thsi game? Why are they so mad that a bunch of healers are quitting the role? Why does this upset them so much?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Let me sex Ryne and Alisaie.

  131. 2 weeks ago

    Yeah, gamer boycotts always work out super well and show these companies who are really in charge. Even if these healers somehow managed to rally the playerbase, the second they get to a story trial and can't queue for it, they'll be scrambling for healer gear and begging people to switch jobs.

  132. 2 weeks ago

    Bros i'm so comfy waiting for the expansion. I've done all my prep. I'm logget out where i want to be. I have a day 1 to-do list. I can't wait.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >hype for furry narutard and krile snorefest

  133. 2 weeks ago

    tl;dr but Yoshida's ego is so big that he doesn't care about players or their stupid little 'strike'.

  134. 2 weeks ago

    I think the healer strike is moronic but I also feel tanks shouldn't be able to heal by themselves at all.

    Tanks and DPS should only have access to second wind only.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't mind tanks self healing but the problem is literally all of the content built for this shitty game assumes that the highest level of skill expression a healer can aspire to is hard casting heals as little as possible, so I don't see why its surprising that things wound up this way. Q Mages have literally nothing else to do when they aren't OGCDing heals. Its how the moronic devs designed things. Blame the shitty class design.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I feel dungeons and normal content would get a little more spicy if they removed tanks and dps abilities to heal outside of second wind as then Healers might actually pay attention.

        But I think my opinion is that the devs gave every class too much survivability actions;

    • 2 weeks ago

      GNB is the absolute limit of how much a tank should be able to heal themselves.

  135. 2 weeks ago

    If these people didn't heal in savage then they need to shut up. One of the biggest dopamine burst moments I ever had was healing through Death's Toll as a scholar with my partner who was a sage.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The dancing bullshit in savage is so moronic. Why does every boss have to be some gimmick bullshit.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Zeromus EX exists if you want a gimmickless fight.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Big dude standing at the edge of a platform
          This is how you know the fight will be kino, Endsinger is the exception

  136. 2 weeks ago

    the BLM changes suck and the new 100 ability is lame but man the artifact set is dope. gonna roll my nig mage #blacklivesmatter

    • 2 weeks ago

      The glasses slot also makes a Black Mage face a realistic possibility. How good the AF set looks makes me really torn.

      • 2 weeks ago

        i didn't even consider the possibility of black face with any hat with the glasses slot. that would be the first cosmetic i'd spend actual money on

      • 2 weeks ago

        i didn't even consider the possibility of black face with any hat with the glasses slot. that would be the first cosmetic i'd spend actual money on

        I'm gonna cancel them on twitter if they put the fricking blackface on mogstore, but maybe the only way they could get away with it if they sold it as a part of Vivi's outfit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The glasses slot also makes a Black Mage face a realistic possibility. How good the AF set looks makes me really torn.

      i didn't even consider the possibility of black face with any hat with the glasses slot. that would be the first cosmetic i'd spend actual money on

      I'm gonna cancel them on twitter if they put the fricking blackface on mogstore, but maybe the only way they could get away with it if they sold it as a part of Vivi's outfit.

      post it

      • 2 weeks ago
        • 2 weeks ago

          i dont care for the staff but that does look good

        • 2 weeks ago

          Look at that subtle simplicity, the embroidered trimming... Oh my god, it even has a cat

          • 2 weeks ago

            That's racist.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >dumbass cat on the rod just to taunt you about the fact that catgirls don't get ear pouches in the hats anymore.

  137. 2 weeks ago

    Anyone have good zepla pics?

  138. 2 weeks ago

    howard moon won

    • 2 weeks ago

      how is losing a lawsuit so bad you owe 23k on top of being dragged to court again when the savage tier drops for threatening a fricking lawyer winning?

  139. 2 weeks ago

    I'm a man and I enjoy playing SCH on my female toon (she is a highlander)

  140. 2 weeks ago

    I thought healing was supposed to be a thankless job for people really into AGP shenanigans.

  141. 2 weeks ago

    I started taking a break until dawntrail solely because every other healer has been dogshit in my roulettes, Like how the frick do you die to the second boss in dead ends it literally doesn't move.

  142. 2 weeks ago

    Good thing I use trusts for the first time I do a dungeon anyway, so it won't be a problem until the level 83 trial.

  143. 2 weeks ago

    the level cap being 100 and not 99 just shows how soulless this shit is

  144. 2 weeks ago

    If I were to give my white char an Afro, do the black face paint, and do bright red lipstick, think I’d get in trouble? I won’t talk about it at all in chat so theoretically it wouldn’t be an offense?

    • 2 weeks ago

      baby's first troll

  145. 2 weeks ago

    why did we leave the best girls on the first...

    • 2 weeks ago

      'cuz they'd have to kill themselves to cross over seeing as gaia can't rip open void portals without being brainwashed or junctioning her past life in a WoL "what if i beat you up and killed you gaia wouldn't that be funny haha" weed dream

      • 2 weeks ago

        We managed to get Unukalhai to the First, they'll easily asspull a way to get the girls onto the Source at some point

        • 2 weeks ago

          >"Shtola went off screen for around 45 minutes and figured it out using [plot gibberish] WoL-kun! Isn't that great?"
          Frick it why not, not like any of Endwalker had any plot integrity.

          • 2 weeks ago

            what even is this genre of post where a guy goes "it's all dumb anyways they'll just bullshit something again like they ALWAYS DO" no matter how little sense it makes

            • 2 weeks ago

              >ultima thule post-EW
              >"no no no, THIS would be a bridge too far. it just would be, okay?!"
              I admire how you can figure out a way to simp for a multibillion dollar corporation's writing team no matter the cost, Anon.

              • 2 weeks ago

                you are an incredibly generic poster

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah sorry, turns out most people think the writing started going to shit and have no reason to believe it will get better, but at least you can simp for a multibillion dollar corporation's writing team to feel more unique on an anonymous Tibetan Parcheesi enthusiast board, Anon, so more power to you. I'll just keep thinking things that are true.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Post too long. Me no read.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Shtola has plot convenience dynamis

  146. 2 weeks ago

    >I don't have enough lines in my scripted fights

  147. 2 weeks ago

    can someone post the chat screen cap of him telling a girl that he would frick her with his penis or something to that effect

    • 2 weeks ago

      How else are you supposed to frick a girl.

      • 2 weeks ago

        frick her right in the pussy
        frick her right in the pussy
        frick her right in the pussy

  148. 2 weeks ago

    thanks for the even faster queues healertards
    sometimes having a role that all the subhumans flock to is a big advantage

  149. 2 weeks ago

    Must be a slow news day if someone is writing an article about one thread on an MMO forum. The forum that represents less than 1% of the playerbase.

    • 2 weeks ago

      and the forum that has some fricking weird trolls so dedicated to owning soft control over the forum they buy loads of bot accounts to spam reports against people they don't like

  150. 2 weeks ago


  151. 2 weeks ago

    Its actually making headlines? Great stuff. SE can do their "stick our head in the sand" to forum complaints, but when the CEO sees bad publicity Yoshi-P will be forced to do the unthinkable: Talk about why he fricked over the role for half a decade.

  152. 2 weeks ago

    I'm glad healer c**ts are finally getting what they deserve. My entire gaming career healers have often been the most entitled god complex having mother frickers. Comic fricking related.
    >Rogue pulled guess who's not getting healed
    Frick off. If the tank is falling asleep, and has enough taunts / aggro mechanics, who fricking cares who pulls? Because he might eat a hit or two? What? Is your fricking mana a real money resource? Get fricking over yourself.
    >Tank, I will not go by your ridiculous pace, slow down or die
    Fricking why? Are you moronic? If the healer has mana, and the tank can survive it: Pull fricking more, pull faster. When I tank in WoW, we only stop moving if it's absolutely fricking necessary. Do your fricking job. The DPS gays would never demand that they should get away with doing less.
    Also classic:
    >If you stand in the fire you're not getting healed.
    Frick right off. If someone plays a mage or a caster, and they can either dodge an attack and completely stop doing DPS, OR they can just take the attack, keep doing DPS and take like 30% health damage, why the FRICK should they move? (Granted there are no other effects going that means the healer really has no time to fix those 30%). Throw a HoT on them and keep doing your fricking job.
    God damn I just hate healers so fricking much you guys. They're the worst.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Right on all except the first one. If you're not the tank, you shouldn't be pulling. Period. The party always goes at the tank's pace. No exceptions. Obviously, if the tank is AFK, that doesn't count, but you know what I mean.

      • 2 weeks ago

        No that's not too bad as long as the tank can take it and it's just trash pulls. It lets them take some autos, which means less damage going to the tank which means less healing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      this trope comes from overzealous women who are ironically extremely frail and soft witted and act hilariously entitled in these healer situations to overcompensate
      any dps/tank players actually worth their shit (especially in savage and above) rightfully clown on them, even most casuals would

    • 2 weeks ago

      this comic is just a bad strawman though.
      the problem healers are complaining about is that nobody needs heals, all you do is press 1 attack button and rez people.
      if you play a tank who can die due to overpulling? this game design means the tank should re roll currently, not that the healer should heal.
      you dont really get to practice healing at any point in the game, so why would healers ever know how to play the game?

  153. 2 weeks ago

    Should make XIV healers have to spin plates with maintaining "Do more dmg" buffs on the party that are cast individually one by one. That'll shut them up.

  154. 2 weeks ago

    Why does every non-NPC female hairstyle suck? Why do I have to use mods (sometimes of other FF game characters like Tifa's hair in pic related) to have a good female hairstyle?

    • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago

        >14 results
        buy an ad

    • 2 weeks ago

      Aversion to long hair.

  155. 2 weeks ago

    This is SE reaping their "have their cake and eat it too" design madness: "We don't want to put pressure on the poor newbies and we want it to be numerically balanced for five fights out of a million in our game. The solution was: One button jobs."

    Then you take into a account the "skip soar or disband" pushback that caused Cleric Stance to be neutered and ripped out. The fricking earth.-shattering crying from tanks, warrirors in particular, when told to put on vit accs because they fold like toilet paper without it, and the pandering never stopped while the philosophy of healers only having instant ogcd mits and heals with their magic missile and moving interrupts and debuffs over on tanks and dps that dont fricking use them. If healers are only supoosed to heal, then give them party members that need to be healed. If the party is supposed to manage without a dedicated healer, make the Healer jobs fully-fledged damage suites and skills that match the others.

  156. 2 weeks ago

    >remove Summoner/RDM ability to res
    >nerf WAR, jesus tapdancing christ, it's past time for that shit, why do they get to be so unga bunga with the heals
    There, I just solved the Healer strike in less than 2 seconds. No one has to cross the picket line now. That'll be $27.50 plus tip.
    not that it matters, I am going to exclusively play Healer in DT just to spite all those c**ts who acted like insufferable buttholes for the past 10 years, and rake in those commendations like money growing on a tree

  157. 2 weeks ago

    ohhhhh but the cleric stance the cleric stance made healers really intelligent to play

    no i wasn't a scholar how come you're aaaaaasking

  158. 2 weeks ago

    >I did NOT develop my prostate only for everyone to now be able to do my duties!!!? Boyxisters... we must go on strike...!

  159. 2 weeks ago

    healers adjust

    • 2 weeks ago

      >just heal me

  160. 2 weeks ago

    How come Elden Ring's expansion has so much more content than ours?

    • 2 weeks ago

      how come brown skins can only talk about AAA games

    • 2 weeks ago

      real video game made by a competent team with a vision vs mmoslop on a shoestring budget made by morons pandering to the lowest common denominator

  161. 2 weeks ago

    Weird how I only see BLM crying about the changes when RDM changes to Accel also fricks up the job to be worse every way

    • 2 weeks ago

      Only casuals play RDM now and they don't care, all the "hardcore" players either moved on to SMN or BLM.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I really hate how 7.0 is hammering down on RDM being fricking useless, especially with the SMN changes.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >summoner gets a big fricking wank about how they didn't remove its res for the expansion
        >dragoon's rework is nowhere to be found, that gets no attention at all

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Phoenix still doesn't rez
        >RDM has more rez potency than a phoenix using Summoner

    • 2 weeks ago

      Literally no one will be playing RDM in relevant content. The job is inadequate. Gimped.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's also the caster that requires the most melee uptime which absolutely goes against the purpose of bringing a caster.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I watched a youtube video that convinced me to try it because supposedly it was an aesthetically cool, highskill job that could actually do really well if you mastered it.
          Well, despite later realizing the youtuber in question was actually a bit of a shitter, it did turn out that RDM is a highskill job. Just also turned out that you get to feel like an idiot for mastering it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            RDM is highskill in the sense it has the most movement concerns of the Casters, because they ez-moded SMN in 6.0 and pushed RDM back into the "Frick you if you have to move and it's not melee-combo or Acceleration time". No one would ever bring RDM into TOP.

            • 2 weeks ago

              except that most dedicated movement mechanics are during 2 minutes where everything rdm does is instant, and if its not you just hold your out of burst melee combo for that big mechanic

              literally half of your filler is an instant cast as rdm and you hate hate hate spellspeed so you have an 2.5 gcd + forgiving slidecast window on jolt/verfire from dualcasting to do smaller movement. don't forget all the dash/backflip charges you have to spend outside of buff windows to not overcap!

  162. 2 weeks ago

    I haven't played since the beginning of Endwalker but I remember warrior being the only tank that can heal himself more than the healer for whatever reason. Why aren't the other tanks designed like this as well?

  163. 2 weeks ago

    if you take vipers pvp combos and break them up so each distinct move is its own button, viper actually ends up having the most buttons of any melee. here's everything you would have on your bars contrasted with ninja, the current highest amount of buttons for any melee (and any class period when dawntrail makes several blm buttons the same button that swaps based on your element + removes sharpcast)

    I don't really have a point with this I just though it was neat to think about

    • 2 weeks ago

      xivcombo buttons are the future

    • 2 weeks ago

      I mean, sure, but so does SMN if you break it apart

      • 2 weeks ago

        I don't really get what you mean, are you saying if you make all the summon flavored ruins different buttons even though you can only press one of them at any given time based on what mode you're in? that's not really the same as viper having standard melee 123 combos only you aren't allowed to hit the wrong combo ender because it's compiled into branching combos.

        also you're still wrong, even if you did put that all on your bar as different buttons its not 34 buttons

        • 2 weeks ago

          If you separate all SMN buttons, you get a lot more than 34 buttons, especially if you separate all the shit condensed into Astral Flow, even if you break Reawaken apart.
          But as you said
          >I don't really have a point
          And there is no point in breaking skills apart to count them.
          VPR will be braindead, even more than Reaper, and there is no amount of cope you can throw at your delusion that will make it harder

          • 2 weeks ago

            ok, sure. if you wanna be a dickhead about it and make literally everything its own button, even the different trances and enkindles even though in shadowbringers dreadwrym morphed into firebird and enkindle/egi assaults were one button that did different things depending on what pet you had out

            then summoner has 40 buttons, which is still "only 6" over the viper one I posted.
            >even if you break Reawaken apart.
            rewaken is already broken apart. you have to hit 6 buttons to do it which is definitely a record for this kind of powerup mode unless again you're going to be unreasonable about the dedicated gnb style weave button that you hit between every gcd but twinblade combo having two distinct ogcd weave buttons that you have to hit in a specific order that changes based on what move you do first has to make up for that, surely?

  164. 2 weeks ago

    Healers need to adjust

  165. 2 weeks ago

    Healing is really kinda shit...
    the only times i have fun healing are during savage/ulti prog when you are fixing frickups. Once you know the fight i just end up casting a handfull of crit spreadlo and do my dot and broil constantly.... i miss old SCH when i had several dots and dark flare

    • 2 weeks ago

      See, there IS a way to make healing fun, just look at Team Fortress 2's medic. that's all you fricking need as a base: heal-beams, instant casts, and aoe healbombs or shields

  166. 2 weeks ago

    threadly reminder that abyssos introduced harder healing and healers just swapped roles, the person who started this strike is literally a limsamite, and healers are consistently the worst players in the game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Abyssos really humbled healers and tank mains who PF only. They really needed to be knocked down a couple pegs and I laugh everytime they try to say the "damage was too much" when healers failed to use their toolkits and tanks didn't know how to use mitigation.

      • 2 weeks ago

        it didn't humble tanks though, the dots ticked massively even with mits up, it was the healers job to cover for that and instead they just blamed tank players for not using mitigation. having even 40-50% mitigation still meant you were ticking for 17-20k damage from dots.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >THE DOTS WERE MASSIVE!!!!!

          lol, lmao

          shit was easy to solo heal on SCH week one but I have a static where people know how to mit

          • 2 weeks ago

            yes the dots were massive week one, it's why abyssos had a healing shortage that even yoshiP acknowledged

          • 2 weeks ago

            >people know how to mit
            yes, that's the entire point. the last like 5 savage tiers before abyssos you didn't have t know how to mit, you could just grief your healers and still clear

            in abysos if you don't know how to mit week one you just died.

            • 2 weeks ago

              And that's how savage should be but sadly they listen to shit players.

        • 2 weeks ago

          It humbled WAR gays and thats why abyssos design wasnt in anabaseios.

          It also revealed how much more important mitigation is than raw regen.

          • 2 weeks ago

            you really think they ran it back because of warriors and not because of the fact that people just gave up healing that tier?

    • 2 weeks ago

      it's kind of SE's fault for conditioning the playerbase to the healer role being for shitters

    • 2 weeks ago

      Healing sucks ass in XIV with the netcode and buff rollout.

      There's only two reasons to play actually play healers at a high level, and SE has gone out of their way to squash one, and the other is killed by the reason above.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I ran the 81-87 endwalker dungeons a good dozen times today because i'm a degenerate and wanted to get all the scouting items from each dungeon for automatic viper weapon drops and healers dying to dungeon bosses happened literally half the time
      people who leveled a healer to level 80+, even people who didn't really have anything else leveled, they couldn't deal with dungeon bosses.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Why would you run dungeons below 85 when the tome gear lasts you til 85

        • 2 weeks ago

          glam homie, read

  167. 2 weeks ago

    Modern MMOs are trash and cater to the lowest common denominator. Team synergy and build variety are a joke in XIV. MMORPGs are dead, go waste your time and money on something else.

  168. 2 weeks ago

    >Hates game but plays it anyway
    >Refuses to play game he would like
    >Begins to quit game and market products such as Aion private servers
    >WoW meltdown happens during ShB
    >Sees how much attention the new streamers are getting, primarily he-who-shall-not-be-named
    >Immediately does a 180 and dives back into XIV, rebranding his stream to be very similar to the above mentioned streamer
    >Dials acting up to 200%, focuses more on drama, creates drama when there is none

    There are many reasons to dislike WoW and it's players but their invasion of XIV has had so many negative effects it's impossible to fully realize them. No one wants to hear about this person or their acting exploits, zoomers are a lost fricking cause.

  169. 2 weeks ago

    Why won't this Black person get the frick out of our threads?
    Do they have an internet connection in jail?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Schizo posts will go down once he's arrested. Mark my words.

  170. 2 weeks ago

    We're here

  171. 2 weeks ago

    Dear Lionel:

    Get the frick out of our threads

  172. 2 weeks ago

    Yeah, I think the essence of healers shouldn't be tossed aside like this, but I want to hear the redditors scream. They're a bunch of fricking superiority-complex trash that need their licenses for b***hing revoked.

  173. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Troon is kind of the sitcom laugh track of Ganker. I'm never laughing at the same time.

  174. 2 weeks ago

    >ran aetherfont the other day
    >healer died from standing in an aoe
    >tank just goes and does next pull without him while healer takes forever to catch up
    >hits like 30% hp, heals back to full, legitimately does not need the healer at all
    this shit is moronic as frick but i don't know what they expect a 'strike' to do about it

  175. 2 weeks ago

    So before the thread dies, how would you fix healing?

    • 2 weeks ago

      more random damage, boss should crit the tanks again, give them maybe 2-3 more damage buttons maybe.

    • 2 weeks ago

      some random damage would be nice

    • 2 weeks ago

      You play another game, XIV healing has always been the way it is and it will never change.

    • 2 weeks ago

      make it even more reactive and spammy so that dps with adhd who want fast queues play tank instead

    • 2 weeks ago

      Need to make fights no longer just bodychecks that wipe you if someone dies, part of the skill when healing is being able to recover it which the current savage set up just doesn't allow for

      • 2 weeks ago

        remove caster rez and I'll agree that body checks can go away, but as the game exists removing body checks doesn't benefit healers, it benefits red mage players

        • 2 weeks ago

          I agree caster rez should go away at this point except for maybe red mage, but body checks on every single mechanic in savage last tier was just so fricking unfun to prog. Save body checks on every mechanic for ultimate

    • 2 weeks ago

      I would start under the encounter belief that healers should need to hard cast heals more often than never

      I would then change healer design so the Q Mage element isn't so base and same. Sage applying heals through his Q is a good idea, more classes should have stuff like that.
      >WHM Q has a longer cast time but deals more damage
      >SCH Q applies a short duration debuff to help mitigate damage the enemy deals, which possibly has interactions with other spells in his kit
      >AST Q ??? idk maybe it plays into a buff mechanic somehow
      Just some little thing that makes classes actually feel foundationally different from eachother

      • 2 weeks ago

        You play another game, XIV healing has always been the way it is and it will never change.

        Good ideas but not happening, play a different game if you want a different style of healing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Bosses should target dps at random

  176. 2 weeks ago

    If the healers don't want to work then I'll gladly take their place.

  177. 2 weeks ago


  178. 2 weeks ago

    He looks so fricking cool.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Midlanders just never look good, should have made a custom model for him

      • 2 weeks ago

        Midlanders are the only good looking race

        • 2 weeks ago

          t. the human equivalent of paint drying

          • 2 weeks ago

            That would be Miqote
            Or Au Ra
            Or Viera
            As generic as you can be

            • 2 weeks ago

              What's your race, bro

              • 2 weeks ago

                The only race that matters of course

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nah he looks great and he looks the same as he always did, which makes it that much better.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I've always love that gear in the pic but it really doesn't go well with anything

  179. 2 weeks ago

    I will become Hoe-cage

  180. 2 weeks ago

    Didn't know bots could be programmed to make tepid frogposts as a failsafe for command overwrites

  181. 2 weeks ago

    I've been playing healers since stormblood and I did all ultimates/savages as a healer. I still have a lot of fun but that's because of the static I raid with. Healers could be changed a bit though.

  182. 2 weeks ago
  183. 2 weeks ago

    >There exists a person who has built their identity around running normal MSQ dungeons in FFXIV and shunning all other content

    Modern MMO players are the weakest people I've ever witnessed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      nice strawman. Unfortunately, it's not a valid rebuttal as to why DRK has to suffer in dungeons compared to WAR.

      • 2 weeks ago

        But DRK is equally as powerful as WAR in dungeons
        An example was even posted.


        Meanwhile DRK has been stronger than WAR in the raid scene for two full expansions and probably still is going into DT.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >equally as poweful as WAR in dungeons
          why would someone just go on the internet and lie like that

          funny how he never responded to this

          Exceptions don't disprove the rule, homosexual

          • 2 weeks ago

            Exception to what? the frick

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Exceptions don't disprove the rule, homosexual
            it's a fricking final fantasy dungeon, 97% of the time they are all quite literally the same

          • 2 weeks ago

            >UHMMMM ACSKHULLY DRK can only solo 114 out of 116 dungeons in the game while WAR can solo 115 out of 116 it's totally not the same

            • 2 weeks ago

              video shows DRK soloing 1 instance
              herp derp

              • 2 weeks ago

                Holy shit anon you REALLY do not have a grasp on what is happening around you.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Did you ever stop and think that not being able to beat the content that makes up VERY LITTLE of the game means less than having a pain in the ass of a time through the actual ubiquitous content? Wow, so you have some more difficulty in the fraction of the percent of the endgame content as a WAR. Big fricking woop. I can barely get through dungeons and mobs without constantly being at the edge of my seat because DRKs can't actually do the one job that they're supposed to do: TANK. They are glorified DPS. You can go wall to wall with ease as a WAR. You can solo every dungeon like it was fricking nothing. You can breeze through 95% of FFXIV's content. That means you have made it in the shade for the majority of the time
                >b-but TOP
                cry me a fricking river b***h, you sound worse than the healers. go DPS if you want do do more damage.

                you have paranoid schizophrenia lmao

                armchair psychologists are homosexuals. have a nice day

  184. 2 weeks ago

    You know what XIV needs?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Newest characters have no breasts in xiv. Move on, this is a game for homosexuals and trannies

  185. 2 weeks ago

    >a streamer beat the next expansion’s first dungeon without a healer
    Is this really that shocking? I'm pretty sure by this point pretty much everyone has had at least one dungeon experience where everyone except the tank died on a boss fight and the tank proceeded to solo the boss.
    Hell, I've personally ran expert roulette with friends where we would go as four WARs and just stomp the place.

  186. 2 weeks ago

    when did drk players become hw war players

    • 2 weeks ago

      WARs are still b***hing about being too weak to beat the 1% of the most difficult content that barely anyone plays. So, no that doesn't work here, homosexual. I am convinced WARs won't be satisfied until they can res like RDMs, heal like White Mages, DPS like SAMs/NINs, and tank like PLDs in Frontline.

      • 2 weeks ago

        you have paranoid schizophrenia lmao

  187. 2 weeks ago

    Slogging through CC kind of sucks tbqh

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