>game allows you to play however you want. >people online get very offended if you play however you want

>game allows you to play however you want
>people online get very offended if you play however you want

Just like the "I'M A FRIENDLY HOOVY!" in TF2, why are people like this with Elden Ring?

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  1. 2 years ago

    The answer is always autism.

  2. 2 years ago

    you didn't beat the game if is just a Mike matei meme you moron.

  3. 2 years ago

    tge people who complain about mimic tear and have some moronic honor code where you're only allowed to play with boring knight with sword+board while ignoring 90% of game content are the same people who cry about the game being unfair and too hard

    • 2 years ago

      Fromdrones are very fat without lives. This was always the case. So it's no coincidence why they'd have some ''code of honor'' with a mere videogame, a mediocre one at that. What they're suffering from is Stockholm Syndrome. They formed a cult personality, sort of like a schizo, around fromshit games where they consider objectively bad and outdated game design to be ''difficult''. When in reality it's just a developer making the same mistakes and refusing to adapt. Their games don't even have a pause button. The fromdrone even hates his own games, but unlike a normal person he refuses to admit they're objectively bad games. Again, just like a battered wife that has grown to love the beatings.

  4. 2 years ago

    >join tf2 server
    >see enemy heavy
    >heavy jumps
    >kill heavy

    Same shit different day, why are these people like this?

  5. 2 years ago

    My sense of self worth is based on pretending a mediocre souls sequel is extremely difficult and that beating it is some kind of rite of passage rather than just me suffering through a boring game

  6. 2 years ago

    You beat the game on easy baby mode if you used it, that's all. The problem is you getting mad when called a casual..

    • 2 years ago

      is summoning Solaire also being a casual player for Ornstein and Smough?

      • 2 years ago

        solaire doesn't make that fight easier usually so it's not really the same thing
        but i'm sure pedantic buttholes would say yes

        >people keep telling me how hard elden ring is
        >use ashes summons
        >kill most bosses in 1-2 tries
        >waaah anon this does not count
        >fine ill use xbow and bow with bleed/poison arrows
        >waaah anon range does not count
        >use magic
        >waaaah magic does not count either, it trivialized the game
        >use certain ashes of war, some allow for nearly permanent stunlock
        >waaah D O E S N O T C O U N T

        Honestly, i feel at this point you have to dodge most mechanics in the game to play it like the purists want. Not gonna lie, some places are still hard as frick, but mostly because the game seems to just break its own rules, like monsters with infinite poise, monsters recovering mid stagger to counter you, monsters cycling trough the same attack infinitely unless you move out of range to reset them, oh god the input reading, oh god its so bad its hillarious. Both ways, it fricks you over so many times, but so often you can just trigger the enemy AI to do dumb shit because it input reads.

        Still 9/10 game, if you know you can deal with some serious bullshit.

        purists are like christian whackos, they think they're opinion is important, but really no one cares

        • 2 years ago

          I'd rather listen to christgays than trannies, seethe harder israelite

  7. 2 years ago

    >beat the game using a literal movie mode (watching an AI beat the game for you)
    i dont give a frick what you do in the game
    >pretend that "the game forced me to do it its too cheap and hard!!!"
    now you are a coping shitter and i will make fun of you

    • 2 years ago

      English please

      • 2 years ago

        try graduating from middle school first then read it again

  8. 2 years ago

    >people keep telling me how hard elden ring is
    >use ashes summons
    >kill most bosses in 1-2 tries
    >waaah anon this does not count
    >fine ill use xbow and bow with bleed/poison arrows
    >waaah anon range does not count
    >use magic
    >waaaah magic does not count either, it trivialized the game
    >use certain ashes of war, some allow for nearly permanent stunlock
    >waaah D O E S N O T C O U N T

    Honestly, i feel at this point you have to dodge most mechanics in the game to play it like the purists want. Not gonna lie, some places are still hard as frick, but mostly because the game seems to just break its own rules, like monsters with infinite poise, monsters recovering mid stagger to counter you, monsters cycling trough the same attack infinitely unless you move out of range to reset them, oh god the input reading, oh god its so bad its hillarious. Both ways, it fricks you over so many times, but so often you can just trigger the enemy AI to do dumb shit because it input reads.

    Still 9/10 game, if you know you can deal with some serious bullshit.

    • 2 years ago

      protip - those purists are actually mexicans who are low iq and think not using what the game has is impressing white men.
      another protip - white men dont use Ganker anymore

      • 2 years ago

        only Mexicans and pollacks use Ganker now

        • 2 years ago

          To po kiego chuja ciągle gadamy po angielsku?

          • 2 years ago

            Not just Mexicans, Latin Americans in general.
            t. Mexican

            jaja gringos maman verga

            you guys should hang out

          • 2 years ago

            because I'm an American and frick you speak English. fricking Pollak

        • 2 years ago

          Not just Mexicans, Latin Americans in general.
          t. Mexican

        • 2 years ago

          jaja gringos maman verga

    • 2 years ago

      Elden Ring is the most casual Souls game

      • 2 years ago

        Why did you have to remind me of what we lost.

  9. 2 years ago

    >people online
    There aren't any though.

  10. 2 years ago

    >giving away one of the most powerful ashes in the most underwhelming way imaginable
    imagine if it was locked behind an easily missable questline like it was meant to originally. wonder how much seethe there would have been from casuals and tryhards alike

  11. 2 years ago

    >ds1 used pyromancy
    >ds2 used hexes
    >ds3 used miracles
    >elden ring used incantations

  12. 2 years ago

    My first playthrough was a STR build with zweihander, brick hammer and nightrider glaive. It was boring as sin.

  13. 2 years ago

    I kill all friendlies ESPECIALLY spycrabs and I've been doing it since way before Ganker realized what cancer they are. I also do my darndest to cap on hightower whenever I find myself on it. Valve servers are not "just for fricking around, no one caps on Valves". Community servers are for fricking around and only morons go on the default official servers and complain about people playing the objective. I will switch between engi, demo and scout and play out of my mind and try to get a few team members on board to sneak a cap. If a team full of gay market gardeners can't hit a stationary target the entire time I'm crouching on that slow ass elevator, and they can't figure out how to go on a community 24/7 hightower after all these years, then they fully deserve the map shuffle and will never improve anyways. If they're not trying to votekick me while spamming "community" mantras, I'm not capping hard enough. Frick ritualgays.

    • 2 years ago

      I fricking hate joining a casual match and these morons start votekicking people just because "I AM FRIENDLY" like come on, I want to play TF2 not the sims

      • 2 years ago

        that game was gay to begin with

  14. 2 years ago

    >umm I looked up all the meta builds before I even played the game and grinded myself to level 275 before getting out of limgrave why is this the most boring and laziest game in the series?
    why is there no inbetween?

    • 2 years ago

      This what summoning remindS me on souls it's optional tool you can use to make game easier, it's more of a clever easy mode.

    • 2 years ago

      >be dex player
      >get rivers of blood
      >Wow this is a cool weapon
      >strengthen it
      >online, even on le reddit XD, people are angry about it

      its all so tiring

  15. 2 years ago

    >Play INT god
    >Obtain comet azur
    >Clone myself
    >Take a sippy
    >Fire mah lazor
    >Boss melts
    love this game

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, yes, HOWEVER
      >boss moves to the left ever so slightly
      Nothin personell

  16. 2 years ago

    Why do cheesers always try to rationalize their cheesing? It's just a singleplayer game, if you want to use exploits then go ahead.

    • 2 years ago

      I thought cheesing was only in fighting games when you're vs another player. if it's single player it's called cheating, or exploiting

      • 2 years ago

        Cheesing = cheap strategy (how easy it is to execute compared to effectiveness)
        Cheating = inputting a code or breaking the rules (or any other kind of MODIFYING the game to do what you want)
        Exploiting = using unintended mechanics to gain an advantage

        • 2 years ago

          seems right to me. I always put cheesing in with fighting games though

        • 2 years ago

          I would say cheesing is the same thing as exploitation though in a single player game

          • 2 years ago

            Cheesing is something like using input reading to your advantage. It's and intended mechanic that the devs didn't expect the player to take Advantage of.

          • 2 years ago


            Cheesing is something like using input reading to your advantage. It's and intended mechanic that the devs didn't expect the player to take Advantage of.


            A comparison between cheese and exploit would be getting better gear before you are meant too.
            Cheesing would be running past a bunch of monsters into an area way too high level for you to snag an item that is placed there allowing you for an easy time.
            Exploiting would be clipping trough a wall to get an item that would otherwise be unavailible and then you procede to use it to stomp the game.

            Both results are the same, but one used what the devs put into the game intentionally, while the other uses mechanics or things the devs did not put in intentionally.

  17. 2 years ago

    Elden Ring is the single most casual-shit game in the entire franchise, and it's clear all the secondaries got really fricking offended when veterans thought it was kinda lame that the game can practically beat itself at times.
    Elden Ring's success is the worst thing that could have happened to the FromSoft format, because it opened the flood gates to all the normie shits, and it will proceed to cater to them in future.

  18. 2 years ago

    The actual moronation goes even further.
    >Game offers you tools.
    >Refuse to use tools for arbitrary reasons.
    >Complain that the game isn't build around your unintended playstyle.

    • 2 years ago

      >Use tools
      >Game plays itself
      I guess it's fine for people that like walking simulators, but why do they have to ruin every franchise?

      • 2 years ago

        This has always been how soulshit worked I have no idea why people pretend these games are hard.

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, because ER isn't the easiest from game.
          Don't (you) at me, I dislike disingenuous gays.

      • 2 years ago

        >game is built around the idea of jolly cooperation
        >whiners whine that people partake in jolly cooperation


  19. 2 years ago

    What's worse, Rivers of Blood or DS2 Estoc?

  20. 2 years ago

    Reminder if you used comet azur and stood in one spot until "Demigod Felled" flashed up on the screen, you played with training wheels. You selected easy mode. It's fine, you got through the game like everyone else, but be honest with yourself about your prowess at the game. Looking up a meta build online is cheating.

  21. 2 years ago

    The genius of Elden Ring's design is that it is accessible to low-skilled players who are new to the Souls-like games, while at the same time it is challenging to even the hardest Souls veterans.

    • 2 years ago

      you can literally do whatever the frick you want, and make up your own story and challenges

  22. 2 years ago

    And yet here you are complaining about other people complaining.

    • 2 years ago

      And now here you come in, complaining about the fact that he's here complaining about other people complaining. Makes my blood boil.

  23. 2 years ago

    I summon npcs if I see their sign
    I summon ashes if the boss has friends

    Simple as

  24. 2 years ago

    >Just like the "I'M A FRIENDLY HOOVY!" in TF2, why are people like this with Elden Ring?
    because they're a bunch of moronic Black person homosexuals. Play any game however you please, everyone else can cope, sneed, and dilate.

  25. 2 years ago

    Mimic Tear only works if your build doesn't suck in the first place.
    However, 'Friendlies' literally ruin the flow of a match. If half your team is being brain-dead deadweight, the only hope is for the other team to be equally saddled with those liabilities. Kill on sight.

  26. 2 years ago

    im scrolling through this thread and im not reading any of the posts can someone explain this to me in baseball terms

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine if half your guys in the field were obstructing the efforts to catch out the batters - and if you have the temerity to criticise them they get INCREDIBLY pissy.
      That's a 'Friendly'.

      • 2 years ago

        Not him but I dont fricking understand anything you re saying and I'm getting hungry. Give me the fast food version or I swear to God

        • 2 years ago

          Okay homosexual

          In Elden Ring there is something called the Mimic tear which clones your character and its build. You can summon mimic tear against bosses.

          In Team Fortress 2, there are homosexuals who go to the opposing team and gesture towards them, then writing in chat "I AM A FRIENDLY HOOVY DO NOT KILL ME!"

          People who use mimic tear in Elden Ring cause autists to get greatly offended and they begin sperging by saying "NOOOO YOU DIDN'T BEAT THE GAME IF YOU USED MIMIC TEAR!!"

          People who kill "FRIENDLY HOOVYS" in Team Fortress 2 cause the 'friendly heavys' to get very angry and that 'friendly' player will try to get the killer vote kicked. Most of the time the killer does get vote kicked.

          Two examples of autists ruining the fun for everyone else because they want EVERYONE to play the GAME the way THEY WANT.

          Even though everyone paid money for the game and can play it whatever fricking way they want.

          TLDR version:

          Use mimic tear in Elden Ring -> causes autists to get very offended at you for using it because it "makes the game easier"

          Kill friendly heavy in TF2 -> you get votekicked for doing this as the people on your team are gay for the "friendly heavy" on the other team

  27. 2 years ago

    I'll get offended if you choose to only play it in a way that gives you a reason to whine about how much the game sucks.

  28. 2 years ago

    >use cheats
    >people don't like cheaters

    • 2 years ago

      >don't like something
      >call it cheating
      Not how it works.

      • 2 years ago

        >use cheats
        >noo it's not cheating if we call it something else
        not how it works

        • 2 years ago

          >ingame item
          Ooook. Don't you have to dilate or go to a doctors appointment?

          • 2 years ago

            you do realize that cheat codes have been in games since forever

  29. 2 years ago

    For every person actually offended, there are 10 more talking about how "people online get very offended if you play however you want".
    Classic internet screaming at clouds.
    If you disengage with the hivemind, all of these problems disappear! Try thinking for yourself.

  30. 2 years ago

    Where can you fight the second mimic tear

    • 2 years ago

      You have to get into the third Eternal City, Kruella, and fight the Spotted Hound before dropping off a ledge that leads to the secret Second Mimic Tear fight.

  31. 2 years ago

    you CAN play anyway you want, but you did not beat the game

  32. 2 years ago

    It's called gatekeeping, newbie

  33. 2 years ago

    >Caveman only
    Game fun
    >Magic Swordsman
    Game fun
    >Dragon Knight
    Game fun
    Game fun
    >Black flame
    Game not fun, black flame kinda ass
    The trick is to have fun

  34. 2 years ago

    I don't care how you beat the game you beat the game period. But only under the condition that you didn't have help from the internet. You didn't look anything up and didn't get any tips.
    You beat the game all by yourself, yes?

    • 2 years ago

      I used the internet 🙁

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