>game is actually worse with friends

>game is actually worse with friends

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >want to build nice houses
      >teammates rush and ruin the comfy experience
      >play on Mediumcore
      >your teammates keep dying, so they have to go back to collect gear
      >you all die in one place
      >have to sort out the gear every time
      I'm not playing casual-core, thank you.

      • 7 months ago

        >grrrr this game sucks the mode I specifically chose to punish me harder keeps punishing me harder!!!
        I know you're only complaining about multiplayer since your friends are obviously less skilled than you, but come on bro

        • 7 months ago

          It's bad when I frick up too.
          >team plays on Softcore characters
          >I pick Mediumcore
          >we all go left to explore
          >Corruption biome
          >I fall down into a pit
          >the team has to make a long trip to retrieve my items
          Expert is particularly hard with Mediumcore, since every death can potentially add 2+ hours to the gameplay. Softcore is just less enjoyable.
          And crafting/rushing doesn't depend on difficulty or skill level.

      • 7 months ago

        frick off, do your build autism on your own time, I want to play the fricking game

        • 7 months ago

          If everyone just spent one session making a nice house for an npc we'd be done in two or three sessions. Making a nice house for everyone takes too long solo and is why I never beat it because I reject the brown square.

      • 7 months ago

        It's bad when I frick up too.
        >team plays on Softcore characters
        >I pick Mediumcore
        >we all go left to explore
        >Corruption biome
        >I fall down into a pit
        >the team has to make a long trip to retrieve my items
        Expert is particularly hard with Mediumcore, since every death can potentially add 2+ hours to the gameplay. Softcore is just less enjoyable.
        And crafting/rushing doesn't depend on difficulty or skill level.

        >mediumcore instead of hardcore
        What a pleb

    • 7 months ago

      This is true, until you have completed the game by yourself. This feels ineffably true for garbage mods like Calamity.

  2. 7 months ago

    >"hey bro lets play [tactical/milsim game]"
    >oh ok
    >proceeds to play it like COD/BF
    >hey maybe lets play objective and try to win
    >"lol chill, I'm just having fun lol"

    • 7 months ago

      What else were you expecting. Don't drag your friends into a new game and expect pro level gameplay.

      >wtf how are you losing to these 800 hour play time no life's who know all the tricks and have all of the map knowledge wow you suck! Good thing I'm on you're team or we could have lost!

      • 7 months ago

        completely missed the point
        1.he dragged me into it
        2.he didn't/doesn't play the game like its meant to be played

        Don't even know how you came up with the shit you wrote from the things I've said. Didn't even mention skill/ability once.

        • 7 months ago

          nta what game was it and how did he play

    • 7 months ago

      This is why co-op stealth doesn't work. You can never find a player who has the basics of competence when it comes to staying undetected.
      And PvP stealth... well. That doesn't exist at all because you fail your primary goal before the match even starts. Do not let the enemy know you're there. When the enemy are real players, they know you're there.

      • 7 months ago

        I remember a splintercell game i played with my friends with stealth pvp and it was kino.

        • 7 months ago

          If it's not just possible, but expected for a stealth infiltrator team to complete their mission after the opposing force has detected their presence, then it's not hard enough. The whole reason stealth is used is that you need the element of surprise so that you can avoid an engagement with a vastly superior force.

          • 7 months ago

            You're wrong because Spies vs Mercs existed and was one of the best multiplayer concepts ever created. Your team-mate getting caught is an opportunity for you to do some egregious nonsense and get away with it because the blodothirsty Mercs are going to be distracted trying to put a bullet in your friend.

            • 7 months ago

              Why wouldn't they lock down the objective? And if the answer is that they're spread out too thin, why wouldn't they have a force large enough to properly guard the objective?
              Again. Stealth only exists because you can't survive agaisnt a superior force. You need the stealth. And if you break stealth, you need to disengage, not attempt to force a futile victory. When you have to change something about the enemy's strength in PvE in order to arrive at the balance of PvP, you've fricked up.
              They should just make the AI realistically perceptive, and only give human players control over an AI-controlled guard after they actually detect someone.

              • 7 months ago

                I have no idea what point this post is trying to make

      • 7 months ago

        Stealth games fricking SUCK.
        >sit watching guards patrol back and forth for 10 minutes, waiting for a patrol cycles that allows for a 3 second window of time where it's safe to move.
        >Just as soon as you notice the window, it's already closed.
        >Have to either A: wait another 10 minutes for another openings. Or B: Gun it
        >Gun it.
        >Alarm goes off
        >Begin useless run away sequence.
        >Enemies are too fast, so you can barely shake them.
        >You think you finally lost their notice and try to hide, but NOPE, they know where you are!
        >The hiding spot puts you in a corner, so you have to fight your way out.
        >None of your combat skills are any good, so you die and have to restart, waiting another 10 minutes for that window again.

        • 7 months ago

          no u suck

      • 7 months ago

        >This is why co-op stealth doesn't work. You can never find a player who has the basics of competence when it comes to staying undetected.
        Literally what makes it funny. I like seething at my dumbass brothers when they're caught.

      • 7 months ago

        idk I quite like MGO3 for a while, the maps were big and people spread out fairly often so i could go undetected for a while

      • 7 months ago

        >AAnd PvP stealth... well. That doesn't exist at all because you fail your primary goal before the match even starts. Do not let the enemy know you're there. When the enemy are real players, they know you're there.
        Ahahahaahaha, are you serious? Ahahahaha
        You are so noob baka

      • 7 months ago

        >Co-op Stealth
        I'm reminded that unless you are all terminally autistic in your group, Payday 2 is a fast way to lose friends.

    • 7 months ago

      >"lol chill, I'm just having fun lol"
      had this happen a lot. i'm glad that Black person is having fun but it's dragging down the game for the rest of us

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >Playing fighting games with friend
      >explain them how the game works and how to do specials
      >They just mash
      >Tell them that the game would be much more fun if they tried using the mechanics
      >Nah bro, I'm not some tryhard
      >Proceed to mash until they get bored of watching the characters flail around
      >Still get mad when they lose

      >Play same with RTS games
      >Tell them to use some hotkeys that would make their game shitloads easier
      >nah bro, I'm here to play, not to learn
      Proceed to just manually click on everything and instantly shit the bed whenever the game requires a bit of micromanagement

      The worst is that they spent hundreds of hours minmaxing their competitive 40k knowledge, but when I tell them to spend like 15 minutes on memorizing mechanics in a game that we play a lot, to make their gameplay a lot more fun, they act like I'm some fricking nerd.

      • 7 months ago

        the RTS struggle is real, i'm not good at RTS by any means but my friend never used hotkeys at all, not even building ones to make units and shit
        eventually i got him doing that stuff, but that was like over a couple months

      • 7 months ago

        This is why so many games aimed at adults are pick-up-&-play, with a very simple premise.

      • 7 months ago

        >nah bro, I'm here to play, not to learn
        this right here is a valid reason for people going 'invisible' on steam

      • 7 months ago

        >nah bro, I'm here to play, not to learn
        had a friend actually be like this when we used to play LoL until he got his gf into the game group and not only was she a glorified cannon minion, she hit him with the same quote everytime she died 5 times in a row. It made him so mad he actually sat down and learned how to play and build his OTP, shit was hilarious

      • 7 months ago

        >explain them how the game works and how to do specials
        delusional fighting game player thinks the mechanics are intuitive and an explanation is enough to stop a person from mashing. it's natural, especially since you're definitely beating their ass so hard anything they learned in the tutorial is out the window. it takes hours of deliberate practice to stop mashing,

        • 7 months ago

          Frick off Chris, it doesn't take that much mental willpower to tell yourself not to roll your face over all the buttons instead of pressing punch when you think you can land a punch.

          • 7 months ago

            cope. fighting games aren't co-op games, they're pvp games.
            the less skilled player is always going to have less fun than the more skilled player if both players aren't already fighting game autists. you should at least understand this.
            don't bring random people into fighting game autism and expect them to play the way you want them to play automatically.

        • 7 months ago

          Does not compute. I regularly escaped something like mashing in a day or two with SF2 - SFex+a, Tekken 3-TTT, and SC2-5. These were the fighting games I played the most over the years.

          • 7 months ago

            Probably because you're an autist that actually likes fighting games. Imagine if some moron tried to force you to play something you hated but you were still obligated to try it.
            You'd do your best to act moronic and never play it again also.

          • 7 months ago

            >I regularly escaped something like mashing in a day or two
            I rest my case.

        • 7 months ago

          >mechanics are intuitive
          They are. You didn't learn to do a hadouken by yourself when you were playing fightan as a toddler?

          • 7 months ago

            doing a hadouken is intuitive. knowing what you're supposed to do in neutral or when getting up from a knockdown is not intuitive. blocking with no idea whats going on will get you thrown or mixed up. mashing with no idea whats going on will get you punished. of course 99.9% of new players end up mashing.

      • 7 months ago

        >Tell them to use some hotkeys that would make their game shitloads easier
        Learning hot key chains is a lot harder than you think if they've never touched that mechanic in an rts, or even rts at all before.
        You're introducing a noskill to a game and then telling them to learn the mid tier mechanics without learning baseline fundamentals. Specials are not the entry point for learning fighting games nor is hotkeys for an RTS.
        No wonder they're bouncing off, you're terrible at teaching them.

        • 7 months ago

          That's horseshit. My eleven year old self knew how to attack command in starcraft without clicking the fricking button.
          If that anons friends were playing ANY modern RTS with them then all the hotkeys are probably stated directly on the icons by highlighting the proper hotkey.

          I just played AoE2 with my friend the other day and when he said "Man I have so many idle villagers" I told him to hit period to select them. Instead of sperging out like a moron he used his brain and went "oh neat" and proceeded to stop having idling villagers for the rest of the n night.

          • 7 months ago

            >One single hot key
            >Missing the entire point
            You are either a disingenuous homosexual or an actual moron, which is it?

        • 7 months ago

          I've been casually playing RTS with them since I was a kid, they are familiar with the basics, they just don't seem to believe me when I say that these games get a lot more fun if you become more familiar with how to play them. (same with fighting games)

          I'm also not talking about criptic hardcore tricks, just basic tips like "put your main main unit production buildings into one control group, and when you want to make those units just hit that number and Q" instead of manually clicking to your base, clicking on the building, clicking on the unit icons, then clicking back to your army

          this shit doesn't take that much time, it's literally a few minutes of practice, but they just don't believe that if they learn this the game becomes a lot easier to play

      • 7 months ago

        Opposite for me. Friend was showing me MvC2 and kicking my ass, as soon as I started mashing buttons not giving a shit he couldn't win a single match. I guess MvC2 is just a shit fightan or something.

    • 7 months ago

      >"hey, let's play [whatever the frick]"
      >"this server seems nice, hop in, join on me"
      >dude, wait... the server is full
      >"sucks, I'm gonna play in the meantime"
      >why didn't you just pick one with less people so we call all join the same server?
      >"bro just wait, damn, there's only like 4000 tickets left, maybe when we switch maps after the game is over some people will leave"
      Anyone else used to have autistic/narcissist friends?

      • 7 months ago

        Holy shit what a c**t. Sorry bro but there's probably strangers somewhere who are more cordial towards each other.

      • 7 months ago

        >"sucks, I'm gonna play in the meantime"
        that's when you got 'aight" then go play a completely different game while you wait. homierdry begets homierdry

        >friend buys me Diablo III
        >says it's time to powerlevel me
        >I'm no allowed to explore at all
        >"If you wander off I'm kicking you"
        >I just sit there doing nothing while he kills everything because I'll get one shotted
        >he snaps at me when I accidentally get killed
        >never play diablo or any games with him ever again
        He's normally a nice guy too. Must be some kind of MMO thing.

        sounds like he stopped having fun with the game 3000 hours ago but wants to get you up to speed so you can grind shit with him. so yeah definitely an MMO thing

        • 7 months ago

          > then go play a completely different game while you wait

          You mean you play a different game and don't come back to teach him a lesson. Why the frick would you enable such autism?

          • 7 months ago

            that's not autism, that's homierdly behavior.

      • 7 months ago

        That's the kind of person that cries and wonders why nobody wants to play with them.

        • 7 months ago

          I had a friend like that.
          I told him "no" too many times after a while, I guess, and then I got an angry skype message (like 10 words or less), and I haven't heard from him since.
          I knew this guy since we were fricking 10.
          I guess I could've been more honest about it and told him why no one wanted to play with him, instead of just saying pass and/or ignoring, but also who cares.

          • 7 months ago

            the "friends" who send you one last angry skype/discord message before blocking you over something moronic and insignificant are not real friends and are not worth your attention

            • 7 months ago

              >one last message
              What about friends that blow up your inbox on email, steam, text and knock on your door at odd times and drive by the house often?

      • 7 months ago

        >"sucks, I'm gonna play in the meantime"
        had a friend who did this to me once and he went fricking ballistic when i just said ok and closed the game and started up papa's freezeria instead and ignored him for the rest of the night. never did it to me again since then.

        • 7 months ago

          What really bothers me about that shit is that they DO NOT understand why.
          >bro, why are you being a dick about it?
          When all you do is give an appropriate response and show that you have boundaries.
          And they will NEVER admit fault, it's either: Never talk again, or just ignore it and hope you'll play with them next time.
          It's the "do you really have to be the winner of the argument?" bullshit.
          Well no, no I don't, but can the person who is wrong think the same thing for once?

          • 7 months ago

            typically people who act like that in the first place are so narcissistic that i don't expect an apology or admission of fault anyway. they can either learn to accept boundaries or find someone else to play with.

      • 7 months ago

        The frick's wrong with your guy's friend groups? I taught my zoomer brother how to play Fate and my sister Outward, and they're morons. We still had fun and beat the game together (well, by Fate I meant the tabletop game and I was the GM, so my brother didn't beat it. Still he had a fun quest with his robot dog and going to ~~*Canada*~~, so what more can you ask?)
        And then I read posts like and waiting for 4K tickets and I'm just shocked. How can your friends be such buttholes?

        • 7 months ago

          >How can your friends be such buttholes?
          No one has ever set any boundaries with them, so they just continue to be spoiled brats in every other aspect of their life as well.
          I would never wait for something like that, it was just an example, but I have known people who definitely wouldn't give a frick.
          I mean, there was one kid me and two other friends knew, and we played 4-player split-screen multiplayer on Halo, and this kid was very good.
          I was not. He killed all of us many times. One of my other friend was also good and won mostly, but I digress. I this other kid ONCE in a match and said something like "hey, look at that", and his reaction was "YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME?!".
          Some people just suck.
          But no one I know NOW does this shit, obviously.

        • 7 months ago

          >The frick's wrong with your guy's friend groups?
          we're actual friends who don't let minor grievances rip us apart

          • 7 months ago

            If not the minor grievances it's the single woman.

            • 7 months ago

              i would not tolerate a woman being in my inner circle. it would rot it from the inside out as has happened every time

      • 7 months ago

        That's the kind of person that cries and wonders why nobody wants to play with them.

        >"sucks, I'm gonna play in the meantime"
        had a friend who did this to me once and he went fricking ballistic when i just said ok and closed the game and started up papa's freezeria instead and ignored him for the rest of the night. never did it to me again since then.

        What really bothers me about that shit is that they DO NOT understand why.
        >bro, why are you being a dick about it?
        When all you do is give an appropriate response and show that you have boundaries.
        And they will NEVER admit fault, it's either: Never talk again, or just ignore it and hope you'll play with them next time.
        It's the "do you really have to be the winner of the argument?" bullshit.
        Well no, no I don't, but can the person who is wrong think the same thing for once?

        It's called only child syndrome. Never become friends with an only child, the thoughts and feelings of others will never ever cross their mind.

        • 7 months ago

          This. It's just not natural to only have one kid. You need to replace yourselves, so you need to have at least two or you'll suffer the unnatural consequences.
          Kids need siblings.

        • 7 months ago

          Frick, you're right. My former best bud is an only child and did shit like this all the time.

        • 7 months ago

          This. It's just not natural to only have one kid. You need to replace yourselves, so you need to have at least two or you'll suffer the unnatural consequences.
          Kids need siblings.

          Is this why China is so fricked up when it comes to empathy and personal responsibility?

          • 7 months ago

            no that stems from completely different factors

            • 7 months ago

              scarcity mindset, generational trauma.

              • 7 months ago

                >generational trauma
                Not that israelite shit where holocaust flashbacks are genetic, is it?

          • 7 months ago

            To an extent maybe. There’s definitely a phenomenon I’ve heard of before but can’t remember where Chinese families will spoil their only son and he ends up all effeminate and rude as a result

        • 7 months ago

          Not all only children are awful, but dudes who are awful were usually only children (or only had female siblings). Even worse were only children with divorced parents.

        • 7 months ago

          >only child syndrome
          I work with young/small children and I do see this a lot, but not just on "only-children", so I'm 100% sure it's the parents just fricking them up.
          There's 3 kids where I work, same parents, they all behave in the exact same way
          >"I want [toy]"
          >well, that toy is busy, so you'll have to wait
          >"but i want it"
          >indeed, can't though
          >"I hear you, but make with the toy, gimme"
          With those kids particularly I think it's:
          Kid says to parent: I want what my sibling has
          Parents say: well then we'll buy one for you too
          So when they come to pre-school and get fricking nothing if something they want us busy, they just can't even fathom the concept.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah, but only children tend to be spoiled and they get all their parents attention.
            When you have multiple kids, you have to split your attention and monetary funds between them, or better, once you have 3+ kids, you just give all your attention, time and money to the first and last and leave the others to rot so you can pretend you only have 2 kids.

            • 7 months ago

              First children tend to be treated harshly with great expectations.
              Middle children tend to be neglected.
              Youngest children tend to be pampered and given everything.

              • 7 months ago

                >tfw middle son of 3 and neglected
                >tfw mommy didn't love me enough and instead chose to work all day
                >tfw mommy issues to this day

              • 7 months ago

                We'll be okay. I'll be your friend at least. From one neglected son to another

              • 7 months ago

                we're gonna make it

      • 7 months ago

        honestly the main reason Squad/Hell Let Loose are shit
        there's only 4-5 servers with players in and they're always 100/100 with a 45min+ wait time to get in (unless you donate $20/month to the server host for premium)

    • 7 months ago

      only morons like you give a shit about the objective in those games
      kills are the only thing that matter because it's how I have fun
      sitting in some cap circle is something a literal monkey(perfect for your level of intellect) could do and it's boring

      • 7 months ago

        Literally nobody gives a shit what some spastic dopamine junkie, COD tard like you thinks. Play your ADHD-slop and shut the frick up.

    • 7 months ago

      same thing with my friend except with a stealth game
      >"hey lets play this [stealth game]"
      >proceeds to try run in guns blazing everytime and keeps failing
      >hey maybe lets try using these stealth tools and play it slowly
      >"but that's not fun, it's more fun to shoot things"
      >are you having fun?
      >"no this game sucks"

    • 7 months ago

      >hey, anyone wants to play [name a beat'em up] on very merry hard? i cleared it on normalgay tier already but want to now on that difficulty
      >sure, but i never played it before
      >wow anon, that was an acceptable run, maybe if you pick [item] more times or [special move] in the corner we can reach midgame on the next
      >yeah, i'll practice it
      >hey [requestor], i still have some lives there, want to reset the game?
      >mmm, we are getting farther! i think that i like this game!
      >uh, still got lives, wanna reset?
      >yeah, but i'll be calling the quits soon
      >no prob we can try again tomorrow
      >yeah, maybe
      Bought that new game because you said you wanted to try next, has been months already
      Hope you are having a good life anon, thought we were forming a friendship there

    • 7 months ago

      It's probably the way you made the suggestion, not the suggestion itself.

      You probably went all like:
      >*deep sigh*
      >maybe if we focused on the objective we could actually start winning >_>

    • 7 months ago

      For me it goes more like...
      >Hey bro, let's play [multiplayer RPG].
      >proceeds to get mad if I don't have every perfect move memorized for the most optimal wiki build
      >tell him to chill because we're not even in threat of losing
      >Yeah but if you did XYZ you'd get an extra 0.05 damage per second, you can't just not do that it isn't optimal!!!

    • 7 months ago

      >Play fighting game with friend
      >Choose a character with a ranged attack
      >Spam ranged attack
      >Friend can't even get close because I spam non stop
      >Gets pissed
      >Doesn't want to play anymore

      • 7 months ago

        Fighting games well and truly have to be one of the great filters for friends. I’ve had friends who love fighting games that will play FT50 where they lose the majority of the sets and vice versa, where I get my shit kicked in but we both still have good times. Other friends play and get angry when they lose too much or become passive aggressive. Like, frick off if you don’t like the game then.

  3. 7 months ago

    path of exile
    at least when i played it it felt like grinding levels took longer
    also competing for loot

    • 7 months ago

      I would agree with this too. When I introduced one of my friends to the game we tried to coop. Friend stole the build I wanted to use, which would let me manage drops easier and faster. He wanted to use the "easy build". So he just stood around next to me the entire way doing absolutely nothing. I haven't played a game with him since.


      >game is actually worse with friends

      I tried cooping E.Y.E. with another friend and it just didn't work out. It was way too involved to play with somebody who doesn't care about what's going on. Also Magicka with that same friend was a nightmare. We never got anything done because he would just kill me every 2 seconds because he can't aim and panics when there's stuff on screen.

      Contrasting to that, RE5 was a lot of fun with that same friend. Probably one of my most memorable coop games.

  4. 7 months ago

    Wait, that's not a hair on my screen?

    • 7 months ago

      im fricking pissed

    • 7 months ago

      I knew it wasn't because I scrolled the page and saw it move but I still tried to wipe it off. I concede defeat.

      • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      I knew it wasn't because I scrolled the page and saw it move but I still tried to wipe it off. I concede defeat.

      im fricking pissed

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago
          • 7 months ago

            >I said get that shit OUT
            >OF MY FACE b***h

        • 7 months ago
          • 7 months ago

            i've come a long way that barely scared me, thanks desensitivity bro

          • 7 months ago

            Black person

        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            How does this actually happen? Are there really people who get so upset at video games they literally destroy their own expensive electronics? Absolutely deranged.

            • 7 months ago

              Not him but my 4K Samsung TV somehow fell onto my fist during a NY Giants game in which they played like shit, so absolutely yes I can see someone doing this over a video game.

              • 7 months ago

                You unironically need help

              • 7 months ago

                Black men tackling other black men is serious business anon, especially back then when Tom Coughlin was coach.

              • 7 months ago

                Hapless moron

            • 7 months ago

              >Are there really people who get so upset at video games they literally destroy their own expensive electronics?

            • 7 months ago

              Some children never learned to control their temper.

              • 7 months ago

                That's what drugs are for

            • 7 months ago

              I did a few times when I was going through puberty, mainly controllers.

        • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Fricker got me too

  5. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      So true.

    • 7 months ago

      BG3 and DoS2


      Shut up and let me play the fricking game

      • 7 months ago

        Holy shit this
        >Bro, why did you talk to that NPC?? I was doing their quest, I wanted to hear
        I don't give a frick, dude, there's a hundred spiels to hear. I didn't know you 'reserved' that questline

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, I'm not sure how people manage to make multiplayer in those games not end up in a huge clusterfrick.
        At least my friend group couldn't make it work with everyone having their own idea of what we should do.

    • 7 months ago

      >friend gets pissy unless he’s playing the most broken fighter build and we all have to support him
      Frick off

    • 7 months ago

      anyone who says this has shitty friends
      my friends and i played through the game twice and had a blast. we also played dos2 too

      it's a different experience than solo for sure, you can't expect to become fully immersed in the story while playing with the boys. just do a solo playthrough for that

    • 7 months ago

      Friend issue.
      It is a RPG. If my friend somehow gets us into a fight from dialogue I didn't listen to I roll with it.
      Too many people have control issues nowadays because they took away all the control in one's life, so you have people trying to gain control in other meaningless aspect of life.

    • 7 months ago

      You need friends who make you interested in how they respond to the game, and those same friends should also be interested in how you respond.
      A person who drags you along to give themselves MC energy is not a friend.

    • 7 months ago

      Fricking shitty friends issue.

      Cut the cord already.

    • 7 months ago

      only if you play with people that wanna treat it like skyrim or some shit instead of people that would at least try to play it like a regular tabletop campaign

    • 7 months ago

      You gotta play DOS and BG alone first, its inevitable to lose context on a lot of conversations with npcs because people go around and talk to them first.

    • 7 months ago

      Common complaint I hear. Don't believe these people telling you it's a friend issue it's a dnd issue.

    • 7 months ago

      All of my friends dont even know what a crpg is so i dont have this problem

    • 7 months ago

      Played DOS2 with my brother and we both loved it. I expect it will be the same for BG3.

    • 7 months ago

      It's a problem with the game, honestly. I never had a single issue with Wasteland 3. It's because characters are never treated as a unit. Multiplayer feels very obviously tacked-on.

  6. 7 months ago

    Any Dokapon Kingdom game
    League of Legends
    Rayman Origins/Legends (homies stop trying to speedrun the level)

    • 7 months ago

      Dungeon Defenders for me. The early maps limit you so much in terms of mana that if someone waste it on one or two towers that could literally cost you the whole run. Later maps require you to basically be in three places at once on wave 1 so if even a single member doesn't do their job the whole run is frick. The game is straight up not fun with more players "just looking for a good time", either you already know how to play or should frick off to single player so you can learn how to play. At least people wanting to be carried online have enough common sense to collect and drop mana for the best player so they can focus on building. When you are more of fricking dead weight than a leech then you know you are bad.

      >Dokapon Kingdom
      People act like Monopoly or Mario Party is a friendship test. Simply finding someone to show up for the next session of Dokapon Kingdom (bonus points if they were losing) is a true friendship test. If you ever find someone who willing to finish the story mode with you then they are a friend for life.

      • 7 months ago

        >Dungeon Defenders for me.
        That's assuming you are not equally geared. If you start from the beginning, instead of hopping on different characters, you just make your party members build the correct towers.

        • 7 months ago

          That what we try to do and it did not work out. A friend spam fricking barricades not understanding it is useless with anything with range then b***h at me when I didn't build with the mana that he already wasted. He is the type who think he is smarter than everyone else when clearly he isn't.

          • 7 months ago

            Oh well that sucks, but I hope he understood after 1-2 wipes.

            I have an actual assburger friend who comes up with his own stupid rules for certain games, like in Zelda BOTW when you die you should go back to the start of the game, delete all items and start over, or in some Metroidvania game you're not allowed to use weapon X, Y, or Z and he would impose these moronic as frick rules to everyone else too and get pissy if they didn't.

            I am one of the people who hate putting torches everywhere in Terraria. This is one of the reasons I don't play with other people. When Redigit made the torch luck thing, I was like "wtf he is just like me??"

            Any of you guys ever played with anyone who had the opposite of this, but equally as debilitating?
            I knew this guy, used to play with him who got incredibly paranoid that others were using the wiki, and he would get really fricked up about it, like we had to restart the world 3 separate times because he got pissy with someone when he suspected them of using a wiki/cheats.
            He stopped speaking with a decade+ friend because he was using a wiki to play elden ring.

            I personally dont use wikis when I play a game but I really dont give a frick what other people do

            He just wants to extract more fun out of the game, honestly I side with this guy

      • 7 months ago

        >Dokapon Kingdom
        My friend's ex girlfriend scratched the frick out of me in rage when I last minute fricked her over last minute after a 5 game session

    • 7 months ago

      >League of Legends
      I had to stop playing with one of my friends because the moment anything went wrong for him he would start screaming and blaming Riot, even in fricking ARAM and Nexus Blitz. I never heard anybody call for full AP Sion nerfs before, but he kept b***hing about it because he kept dying to it.

      • 7 months ago

        >bitching about AP Sion
        I'm afraid your friend is unironically mentally ill.

        • 7 months ago

          AP Sion was OP though

    • 7 months ago

      playing with friends is the only thing that makes league tolerable doe

  7. 7 months ago

    I guess it depends on the friends, but mine always treat every game like we're back playing WoW
    >look up online guides
    >trace the optimal path
    >rush to go kill boss
    With Valheim that made it so much worse because the fun parts of the game are the exploration and the atmosphere, while the combat is so dogshit that the combat heavy last expansion made me quit the game

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        I do, but that's besides the point.
        I literally quit playing games with them because of it. Valheim was just the latest example. They did the same on the Forest, you know the atmospheric horror survival game. Ruined the whole thing.
        And the annoying part is that they don't want to play a game like Vermintide, which is made to rush and constantly get into combat, it's goddamn maddening

        • 7 months ago

          looking for guides on the forest top kek that sounds too funny to be true

          • 7 months ago

            Swear to God. i don't necessarily oppose looking for guides. Sometimes you really are stuck, and stubbornly refusing to look things up is just hampering the fun, but at least fricking try, otherwise you're robbing yourself of the joy of discovering things
            They had played for 4 days before inviting me and we played for 3 more before they decided to look up a full playthrough to follow

    • 7 months ago

      had a buddy who was a massive MOBA homosexual and he played Valheim like that as well, really unplayable with people like that.
      >"lol why do we need bronze armour? we can kite/cheese the deer boss with this stone spear and shitty arrows!"

      • 7 months ago

        >had a buddy who was a massive MOBA
        Yeah, they all play DOTA
        Everyone played WoW too, but I quit way back during burning crusade they stayed on off until Battle for Azeroth

    • 7 months ago

      I do this in Valheim but it's only because they don't give me all the tools to build my autism fortress from the start. Feels like shit starting a new world and being limited when you're used to having stone and better to work with.

      • 7 months ago

        I think the Viking building simulator clashes with the survivor/action game. Like, you want to build the cool stuff, and it's not cool not being able to and having to wait or grind for it, at the same time the slow progress towards tiers and environments is very neat and a great motivator
        I honestly don't know how one would fix that besides just having two modes (which I think is what Minecraft does?). Like, of this survival you really shouldn't be building sumptuous palaces with bathtubs and decorations, it's not very thematically consistent

        • 7 months ago

          I would just say let you build the frame of a structure from the start and then the later upgrades replace it with other material. For example, putting down a wooden wall and then upgrading it to stone when you get the tools for it.

          For something like MC, even if you can't find the stuff you actually want to build with, everything's a cube anyway, build the shape of what you want and come back and replace it. But in Valheim, structure parts have different shapes and sizes so you can't really do that, so you have to go back and tear down what you've built to upgrade it or start over again somewhere else.

          • 7 months ago

            Oh shit, yeah that's a good idea.
            It also would mean that the basic building structures could be standardized so, it's a less of headache for the devs and you
            Valheim is fun, but when playing it I really got the feeling they only planned it until the Swamp, after that they started just seeing what it sticks and the game gets less and less fun each biome you progress

    • 7 months ago

      been playing this recently with friends and i told the one guy not to rush or look stuff up.

      he immediately starts rushing and looking stuff up.

    • 7 months ago

      My friends are very based and we usually have a "no-wiki until after the final boss" agreement. Valheim was a great experience because of it.

      • 7 months ago

        Any of you guys ever played with anyone who had the opposite of this, but equally as debilitating?
        I knew this guy, used to play with him who got incredibly paranoid that others were using the wiki, and he would get really fricked up about it, like we had to restart the world 3 separate times because he got pissy with someone when he suspected them of using a wiki/cheats.
        He stopped speaking with a decade+ friend because he was using a wiki to play elden ring.

        I personally dont use wikis when I play a game but I really dont give a frick what other people do

        • 7 months ago

          I hope this is a fake story. Otherwise, your 'friend' is actually mentally ill.

        • 7 months ago

          It kinda bothers me. I can understand why it triggered his autism but to me the friendships are the more important thing, the games will come and go. I’ve played many games I don’t like and tolerated friends wiki min/maxing everything like gays because I still like them as friends regardless of in-game bullshit.

        • 7 months ago

          I have an actual assburger friend who comes up with his own stupid rules for certain games, like in Zelda BOTW when you die you should go back to the start of the game, delete all items and start over, or in some Metroidvania game you're not allowed to use weapon X, Y, or Z and he would impose these moronic as frick rules to everyone else too and get pissy if they didn't.

          • 7 months ago

            Can you think of an example in Metroid where you can just not use the weapon and beat the game? Don’t you need them to open doors and stuff?

            • 7 months ago

              Not at the moment, but his whole mentality was/is that if something makes the game too easy in his opinion, no one should ever use that method. It was hilarious and insane.

              • 7 months ago

                He sounds like he makes >didn’t beat the game threads here

            • 7 months ago

              You don't need all of the different beam types in Metroid 2 to complete the game, you can only have one beam type at a time either way though there's a room right before the end with pickups for all of them

        • 7 months ago

          >He stopped speaking with a decade+ friend because he was using a wiki to play elden ring.
          that has to be autism
          isn't elden ring a mostly solo experience too?

        • 7 months ago

          The only two times I ever b***hed at a friend for using a guide was when he used guides to blitz through both Outer Wilds and Disco Elysium.

    • 7 months ago

      My best friend and I learned it years ago.
      Since then we just stopped looking at guides or anything at all when we start a coop game together.
      We both go in blind, and nobody is gonna ruin it.
      If you have a friend that's disciplined to not be a dick about it then the comfiness of these games will stay intact.

    • 7 months ago

      With mine, we had a rule that we can't look up anything. It was overall great, but we also found there is some obscure bullshit like the taming system if you don't look it up. The boar stone telling you how to tame boars has literally nothing to do with what you actually need to do.

      • 7 months ago

        >The boar stone telling you how to tame boars has literally nothing to do with what you actually need to do.
        >Look also to the wild boar who roam these lands. They fear fire and the hand of man but they can be taught to obey it. Go quietly to them and let them eat of your stock. Roots of the ground are their pleasure.

        • 7 months ago

          Right, and that has nothing to do with the taming process, which is
          >go aggro a boar
          >lure the hostile boar to an enclosed pen you built
          >lock the boar in the pen
          >physically leave the area so that the boar loses track of you
          >return to the pen
          >throw berries (and only berries) into the enclosure without being noticed
          >must stay in the area, out of sight, for the boar to earn taming hearts
          Any process that starts with you sneaking up to a wild boar ("Step 1: Go quietly to them.") will never work.

    • 7 months ago

      this, we agreed to not search anything online about the game and it was great

    • 7 months ago

      its just tryhard wowgays that are genuinely mentally fricked because it turns them into insufferable homosexuals to play with

      >play elden ring seamless co-op
      >just get told to follow them because its a waste of time exploring and going into useless dungeons
      >they spend more time looking at the wiki map looking for shit than actually playing
      >falling asleep riding around for hours picking up upgrade materials because apparently we needed maxed out weapons and estus flask before actually killing anything
      >they end up just going in and killing the boss in 5 secs before i can even do anything
      and they wonder why i think elden ring is actual dogshit

      • 7 months ago

        damn bro, that sucks, elden ring was made for doing all that shit side by side and then dying to ridiculous scaling
        >blocking your friend so he gets squished by spike ceilings, chariots, blocking gaps so he falls to his death
        >he does the same to me
        >he can't dodge melania, we couldn't find lord placidsnaxx and just went to finish the game instead
        honestly one of the greatest experiences until the snowy areas, it wasn't as fun at that point but we still pushed through

      • 7 months ago

        damn bro, that sucks, elden ring was made for doing all that shit side by side and then dying to ridiculous scaling
        >blocking your friend so he gets squished by spike ceilings, chariots, blocking gaps so he falls to his death
        >he does the same to me
        >he can't dodge melania, we couldn't find lord placidsnaxx and just went to finish the game instead
        honestly one of the greatest experiences until the snowy areas, it wasn't as fun at that point but we still pushed through

        I'm currently playing Elden Ring co-op with a friend that never played it and I just told him "go in any direction you like and I'll follow". And even though I've done it all before, having him experience things at his own pace with me supporting has been the most fun I've had with the game since my first run through.

    • 7 months ago

      Sounds horrible man

      • 7 months ago

        Meme aside, It's really is just so tiresome.
        You want spend some time hanging around having fun and everyone is doing shit at a super fast pace because god forbid we think for ourselves

    • 7 months ago

      >friends build ugly bases
      >doesn't even properly sort things in designated chests
      Yeah, I can't play base-build games with the creatively bankrupt.

    • 7 months ago

      Same game but the other end of the spectrum
      >No one else bothers gathering materials for food or weapons & armor
      >Get mad when we go fight a boss and they instantly die because they have fricking basic berries as food buffs

    • 7 months ago

      I can only imagine how grindy of an experience it was to not look up anything after Swamps

    • 7 months ago

      Our group did it completely blindly, we didn't have blue lights to travel around mistlands and it was absolutely terrible

    • 7 months ago

      WoW does terrible things to a homie.
      My condolences to people still playing that shit. Ganker cries about pissing your life away on games but WoW is the epitome of that. For 20 years now these guys have been glued to the screen getting fatter and fatter.

    • 7 months ago

      Valheim seems like the litmus test for whether or not someone is too much of a Gankerirgin and will optimize the fun out of the game

    • 7 months ago

      This with Terraria too.
      >make friend group server
      >one autistic Black person triggering hardmode while everyone else is fricking around in base metals
      >"no dude we GOTTA play with Calamity its so cool"

    • 7 months ago

      >Friend group 7 strong starting out
      >One gets left behind in gear, and he quits because shit friend group wouldn't help him
      >I tried but if I stayed back, the rushing remainder would've left my ass behind too
      >I got left behind next due to having financial obligation.
      >They died and lost everything sailing to the next island and haven't touched that shit since
      I personally got a steam refund but they still seethe when Valheim is bought up, lmao

      • 7 months ago

        Never utter the name of the Swedish Game, it is bad luck.

      • 7 months ago

        >>They died and lost everything
        Can't they just use the console to retrieve the things?

  8. 7 months ago

    >left click on hair
    >it gets bigger

  9. 7 months ago

    Risk of Rain

    • 7 months ago

      This, I can easily beat Providence's ass on my own, but keep shitting the bed when I try multi.

  10. 7 months ago


  11. 7 months ago

    >play csgo with friends to avoid toxic randoms
    >friends end up being more toxic then the randoms teammates

  12. 7 months ago

    Sonic Superstars

    • 7 months ago

      That I concede. I tried that and it was a mess. Sonic is too exploratory to really permit that without splitting the screen (plus everyone runs at different speeds).

      • 7 months ago

        >Sonic Team dev 1: Hey, you know that half-assed co-op feature in Sonic 2 & 3 we included as an afterthought so big brothers could shut their little brothers up? How about we take that same half assed co-op, make it 4 players and build a game around it?"
        >Sonic Team dev 2: Sounds good to me!
        The best design decision Sonic Team has ever made in the past 10 years was letting someone else make their game.

  13. 7 months ago

    who the frick left their hair on my screen.

    • 7 months ago

      Sory it's my wiener hair

  14. 7 months ago


    >expects me to carry his ass every raid
    >expects me to guide him to his objectives every raid
    >doesnt memorize anything
    >expects me to build him his guns because he can't bother to look what attachments do
    >refuses to play solo so he could learn some basics
    >only plays it because it has quests (???)

    • 7 months ago

      Thats just because you have shit friends, or you just hate him
      Tarkov really needs a revive mechanic though, something like "Use defibrillator on your friend to allow him to limp back to extract with 1% max health"

      • 7 months ago

        What is that picture?

        • 7 months ago

          inspired by real life guy who killed his kids rapist or whatever. happened on live tv I think

        • 7 months ago
          • 7 months ago

            Absolute legend.
            >Didn't serve jail time
            Fricking based.

      • 7 months ago
        Arnulf of Zagreb

        If that girl was there irl would he still have shot him?

    • 7 months ago

      don't forget also
      >waiting 10 minutes to hop into a raid because he takes 10 minutes to organize his inventory after every raid
      >forgets to buy shit so you have to share nades, food, drinks with him
      >goes off on his own without warning, does not wait for you
      >knows you have objectives to do certain things but steals everything from you (scav kills, items, etc)
      >won't shut the frick up even when you ask him to
      this is obviously a social skill issue, if i had other friends who had the game it would probably be a better experience

      • 7 months ago

        >has played for 500+ hours
        >stil gets himself lost in maps if he loses the sight of you
        >if he dies he insists on you to grab his shit and run out asap
        >if you die he waddles around for a minute or two, decides he's not gonna find the person who killed me and runs away
        I'm glad I have another amazing duo partner who I can pull great plays with. It's just this one friend who's clearly not cut out for these types of games. We've tried to teach him but the progress is just painfully slow.

  15. 7 months ago

    I honestly believe it wasn't balanced around two players at all, it's so much easier by yourself.

    • 7 months ago

      Like Resident Evil 5. People shit on that game's friendly AI but they're just shitters who are incompetent themselves. The actual friendly AI of the game is in fact badly programmed, but it's badly programmed in a way that makes it lack all human weakness. It auto-solves all QTEs on frame 1 and does perfect sniper headshots at long range while standing on a moving platform. And then you try to play the game in co-op and wonder why everything is harder. Why is the other character healing herself instead of both of us? Why isn't she bringing me ammo for my gun? Why is she spraying bullets all over the place and not hitting every shot?

      • 7 months ago

        who cares coop is fun

        • 7 months ago

          If you're a chicken.

          • 7 months ago

            you don't like fun? well i do do so guess im a chicken yeah. tard

            • 7 months ago

              that joke really went over your head

              • 7 months ago

                Suck my wiener

      • 7 months ago

        >RE 5 AI companion actually useful
        it's almst like Capcom actually listened to how Ashley's segments almost ruined RE 4

        • 7 months ago

          She's also cuter and a much better character
          >muh breasts
          Yeah, I miss the fat breasts too, but it's am overall improvement

          • 7 months ago

            Chocolate breasts > mouse ears

      • 7 months ago

        RE5's AI is fine as long as you keep them on cover mode at all times and make sure they have plenty of handgun ammo and herbs. Also compliment their headshots and thank them for herbs because they have a hidden friendship meter and won't heal you unless you beg for it if you've been blowing them up with grenades.

      • 7 months ago

        >people talked shit about Sheva being a brainlet
        >had her set to ATTACK mode
        Sheva did nothing wrong.

        • 7 months ago

          Sheva's default is cover and her AI is still braindead.

  16. 7 months ago

    Super Mario Wonder

  17. 7 months ago

    Frick you

  18. 7 months ago

    is this the friend hate thread

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, only nerds without friends are always crying that they need to get some. Friends are annoying most of the time and most of them lack any teamwork skills. I keep them around because occasionally I have fun with them.

      • 7 months ago

        based. friends are only useful to keep the devouring void away, but i already have jesus for that

      • 7 months ago

        It's the same thing with women tbh.
        Obviously there's tender moments, sex is great and the companionship is nice, but it's so much fricking work and so expensive
        Women start collapsing as individual if they're not going out every other day and I just can't be bothered to go on social places this many times in a week

        • 7 months ago

          Tell me about it man, I recently broke up with my "ex" gf because I felt like she didn't try anymore and also was not marriage material for me. Many people think I am insane, but why should I continue a relationship if I can't imagine starting a family with her? Let's see who I meet, dying alone is always an option too.

          • 7 months ago

            >dying alone is always an option, too
            My only option I think...

  19. 7 months ago

    made me check

  20. 7 months ago

    This was Divinity Original Sin for me. Playing it the first time I didn't mind the combat at all. But with a friend for the second time it took forever given analysis paralysis.

    The opposite would be Valheim where I mooched off my friend's iron the few times I would hop on, which made things a pain for them. I should have pulled my own weight there more.

  21. 7 months ago

    Path of Exile

    • 7 months ago

      For me it was more in combat
      >why did you use ability X when you could have used Z and C meaning I could have comboed it with A and B in the next turn
      Bro I'm not psychic I can't read your mind nor do I know what goddamn abilities your character even has.

      • 7 months ago

        meant for

        Holy shit this
        >Bro, why did you talk to that NPC?? I was doing their quest, I wanted to hear
        I don't give a frick, dude, there's a hundred spiels to hear. I didn't know you 'reserved' that questline

  22. 7 months ago

    Left 4 Dead
    Resident Evil 5

    • 7 months ago

      >speedrun L4D in versus mode
      >all my teammates get downed and i wait until they all die while i wait at the safehouse
      >get voted out
      I hate slowpokes

  23. 7 months ago

    Risk of Rain 1/2 are so shittily designed for multiplayer it turns into this:
    >Feed your friend or yourself items to carry the game while you scrape by barely surviving stages
    But even horseshit multiplayer games are good if you are playing with a good friend so it doesnt matter

  24. 7 months ago

    >all these Path of Exile answers
    Aw man. I tried Path with a friend and thought that the online component clashed with the story, so I never gave it a shot despite playing Diablo 2 so much at the time my parents thought of doing an intervention, you mean I could have just play it as single player game?

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, but the story is rather short. Mapping and builds are the things that make the game great.
      A lot of people play SSF - self-imposed challenge that means they can't trade or party with other players.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, it's more of a SP game than anything. Honestly multiplayer in Diabe-girlkes has always been shit since nothing really changes if there's another player present. I never found it to be particularly enjoyable.

  25. 7 months ago

    me yesterday with project zombie.
    >both pick it up because we wanted a new zombie survival game to play
    >constant b***hing about why there's so many zombies and where the weapons are
    >yelling how they hear and see him when he's just running down the middle of the road
    >keeps saying he's going to get a refund but keeps playing anyway.
    thankfully I have someone else to play with and he enjoyed the learning experience with me.

    • 7 months ago

      >Play hardcore zombie game that's made with the prepper mindset in mind
      >Plays it like CoD Zombies
      >Gets mad
      Your friend is moronic.
      My buds love zomboid but 2/3 of them just wanna kill zombies, the other is okay. I on the other hand find joy in austisticly sorting our shit at base into proper boxes.
      I will also tell you that you should look at the modding scene PZ lives by it.

    • 7 months ago

      >got into zomboid during covid with the boys
      >we learn and play the game together
      >we're all able to kill hundreds of zombies and loot easy
      >some other friends want to join
      >newcomers don't want to bother learning how to play the since we cleared out a large area around our base
      >they die constantly to starvation and running into zombie hordes
      >they say they just want to kill zombies
      >most of them quit within a week
      >we lost so much gear and supplies to death runs because of them

      It took us a bit to get our supplies back but it was way more fun without them. some games require a bit of autism to enjoy and if you're friends don't want have it, you're not gonna have a good time. its the reason why I never play create modpacks with my friends in minecraft. Create is gay and time consuming and easily outclassed by vanilla farms until you grind your balls off to make your create machines better so frick that.

  26. 7 months ago


  27. 7 months ago

    pretty much every looter shooter or survival game. i hate nothing more than being a meta slave. looking up guides, with a wiki on the other monitor, rushing through content. i hate that. but all the people i know that would play those kinds of games are like that. on the other hand i love taking my time. i love to explore and figure stuff out on my own and i don't care if that's efficient.

  28. 7 months ago


  29. 7 months ago

    >have a game that's enjoyed between you and a single friend
    >talk about it in passing
    >other friends jump on it and say they want to play
    >sure, why not
    >they just use it as background noise to talk about their boring lives at you and your friend you originally played the game with
    >either they lose all interest and stop playing after you both make it obvious you are there for the game and not them OR they continue to play with minimal interest to blog at you

    I fricking hate this shit so much and it happens with almost every genre I play. FPS, RTS, racing, tacsim, fighting games, what the frick. Just don't play the fricking game then. It gets to the point where the friend(s) that originally enjoyed the game with you don't even want to play anymore.

    • 7 months ago

      story time

      • 7 months ago

        What do you mean story time, that's the entire fricking story right there.

        • 7 months ago

          i too used to have a friend that talked all the time about stupid shit, and its not that im autistic (i am) and dont like talking about cool life stuff. but damn this guy was like a woman

          • 7 months ago

            Basement dwellers tend to be emotional and get butthurt like women. Probably from spending too much time around their single mothers.

    • 7 months ago

      Which one of you keeps bringing in other players?

      • 7 months ago

        It's not always the same friend that plays each game. I have different friends that enjoy each genre and since I'm a no life loser, I play all of them. Everyone ends up bringing everyone else in, always to the detriment of myself and the person I originally played it with. Fighting games are probably the worst example since people are entertained watching it and try to play but then either give up immediately, get mad when they lose or refuse to change their tactics even when they're not working, then take 10 minutes between rounds to talk about whatever else.

        • 7 months ago

          sounds chill. I think you have autism or some crippling social anxiety.

    • 7 months ago

      This describes how my group that I used to play RO with across several servers for years fell apart. Everything was fine and we had amazing experiences until somebody someday decided that group voice chat needed to happen and I resisted for ages, but I eventually said "oh hell, why not?". Huge mistake. Turns out, having three Canadians as prominent guild members is fine until you have to listen to them talk amongst themselves about shit that has nothing to do with the game.

      • 7 months ago

        I hate voice chat unless if it's with my actual IRL friends I've known for life.
        I just can concentrate playing while listening to everyone talking and trying to remember which one talking is who and it just kills all my enjoyment.
        Stresses me out too much.

        And it doesn't help I have a thick Swedish accent that sounds awful.

      • 7 months ago

        >three Canadians
        Damn, is it just a problem with us? I'm a leaf too.

        • 7 months ago

          I wouldn't say that is HAS to be, but here's the gist of it: people bickering about Trump vs. Trudeau (I finally left the group in 2019), being preachy about everything, literally siding with people they didn't know against guildmates because "they understand where the other person is coming from" despite them being rude, obnoxious, and aggressive (not kidding, one example is a random guy that joins the guild and proceeds to start cursing at people because they weren't doing what he was barking out at highly competent people that have cleared nearly everything before), and talking about Canada-woke shit. Before voice chat, you discuss what's going on in the game or things that are directly related to the person but not the laundry list of everything. You understand.

    • 7 months ago

      i've stopped introducing games to my friend group precisely because they drag the mood down for myself and the one other friend that actually want to play the game. and it's especially infuriating when they skip playing the tutorial of a game, only to get lost and get frustrated with trying to play 15 minutes in

      so now i've got a list of games to play with my one friend that's actually interested and another list to play when everyone else is involved. it shouldn't have to be this way but the old adage is true: "if you want to preserve something good, don't tell anyone about it"

      • 7 months ago

        of a similar vein of the getting lost
        >we all agree to play a game on X day/time
        >day comes
        >nearly all of them "oh I gotta clear the tutorial still" that most games come with to the point you should expect it and get it out of the way ahead of time
        >one of them hasn't even fricking downloaded the game.

      • 7 months ago

        >skip playing the tutorial of a game, only to get lost and get frustrated with trying to play 15 minutes in
        Absolutely insufferable, especially when they'll then start asking you how to play.

        • 7 months ago

          oh and then they quit playing when you tell them to do the tutorial and go back to a game they already know how to play, then keep inviting you to play that instead while your other friends are trying to be neutral about the whole situation. like frick Black person, i just wanted to try something different.

          so now i don't do that anymore when everyone's involved

          • 7 months ago

            and by them being neutral i mean "aww cmon man we can play this later, we all just wanna game tonight" which is all well and good but i'm still fricking mad

          • 7 months ago

            this happened to my group when we tried to play Magicka. one friend got his shit pushed in constantly and he just refused to learn any spell combos meanwhile me and another bud enjoyed throwing shit thoroughly. the shitter friend who refused to learn just disconnects all of a sudden claiming the game sucks and is not fun. then 5 minutes later tries to get us to play some generic as frick grindy mmo he has played for thousand hours already.

            • 7 months ago

              >then 5 minutes later tries to get us to play some generic as frick grindy mmo he has played for thousand hours already.
              for us it's returning to the same 3 or so games we've already played to death a thousand times over, which don't get me wrong i'd play to death a thousand times more, i just want to add some other games to that rotation.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah same, but the problem is this one friend is a little dickish in this regard. He may try some new games, decides he hates em while the rest of us enjoy them, and then proceed to try to get us back to those old games. Like dude, we're enjoying trying new shit, if you're not, tough shit.

              • 7 months ago

                >He may try some new games, decides he hates em while the rest of us enjoy them, and then proceed to try to get us back to those old games.
                yep, that is exactly how mine is. so now either they come around to playing the games i like or i just don't bring them up unless they're very similar to what we already play

              • 7 months ago

                My "friend" will only play counterstrike, Diablo 3/4, Lol and Wow.

                All 20 plus years old.

                All fricking boring.

                Has multiple thousands of hours in each one. Still won't play anything else.

              • 7 months ago

                sounds like my group. its constant 100% OJ and Tower Unite. and "playing" on those would be used very loosely. all I want to do is add another option to the table, maybe something with some genuine stimulating play here and there. But every single one has gone so terrible I've largely given up, its been 8 years of failed attempts, I'm fricking tired.

      • 7 months ago

        my roomate was a close friend growing up and he just played and was on voice chat with his cousin like 90% of the time, I played with them a few times and either they would argue, or he would just drop the game mid playthrough because he wasn't feeling it. Frick that, I just play single player games.

    • 7 months ago

      Oh god people who trauma dump or ramble about their lives to past time are the worst

  30. 7 months ago

    Omega strikers
    >friends refuse to learn how to position themselves
    >they refuse to read the abilities and just pick whatever
    >i have to deal with being the goalie while they're unable to something as basic as pass the ball to the each other

    • 7 months ago

      >omega strikers
      It's for the better, that game is fricking dogshit.

      • 7 months ago

        sadly it was the only multiplayer game i cared about in years

        • 7 months ago


          >hear about the game
          >look it up
          >it's a fricking top-down game
          What the frick is even the point of the cute girls then?

          • 7 months ago

            Menu/lobby screen.
            Character select screen.
            Loading screens.
            Zoom in after goal.
            VN they did for Summer event.
            Anime opening.

            • 7 months ago

              just look up porn of them instead

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          Not for long since the game is dying lmfao

    • 7 months ago

      goalie is pain in that game
      theres always one guy spamming PASS! while in a completely unpassable to spot and just being afk while you get 2v1d

  31. 7 months ago

    I haven't played with friends in years but I remember being unable to enjoy Morrowind multiplayer with them, but to be fair the game was not designed for singleplayer.

    • 7 months ago

      *the game was not designed for multiplayer.
      The game was designed for singleplayer only, multiplayer is a mod.
      frick I'm tired

  32. 7 months ago

    While I never played with them, I had two friends stop talking to one another for months after they played league of legends together for a week straight.

    • 7 months ago

      I played with an internet “friend” for like 3-4 years, always had fun with games like Arma, M&B, L4D, Rust (legacy), BF, Gmod, etc… Basically all games where you can good around.
      I played a single game of Dota 2 with him and he was a completely different person.
      Competitive games just don’t mix so well with fun overall.

  33. 7 months ago


  34. 7 months ago

    literally came here just to say BG3

    holy frick this game was not designed for multiplayer. Why isn't there a command prompt for when a player starts a conversation? Also multiplayer turn based for big battles is fricking hell, takes 20 mins for it to be your turn and by then you don't even care/know what's happening anymore. A lot of it's on Larian for just not even attempting to make the multiplayer experience seamless

    • 7 months ago

      >takes 20 mins for it to be your turn and by then you don't even care/know what's happening anymore.

      Wow its just like playing D&d for real

  35. 7 months ago

    Playing Borderlands 2 with friends was one of the worst gaming experiences of my life.

    • 7 months ago

      story time

    • 7 months ago

      Borderlands 2 as a game doesn't work in coop since you need to save and exit and reenter the game to farm. I don't know what they were thinking

  36. 7 months ago

    I don't have friends so I don't really have any opinion on this matter, thanks for the pikachu pic tho

    • 7 months ago

      yes but tell about the time when you still had friends

      • 7 months ago

        I never had friends, at most colleagues who never kept in contact with me after I left school, I'm the extreme opposite of charismatic so people don't have any reason to come to me besides something work-related, I just mind my own business and do what my boss tells me to do.

        • 7 months ago

          maybe its time to befriend jesus

  37. 7 months ago

    >Bro stop screenhopping
    How the frick can I not look at your screen, it's right fricking there

  38. 7 months ago

    >Can't tell wtf is going on because with more people the visual clutter off the fricking charts
    >Rushing in all the time never adapting to your pace

    Then again, there's THAT ONE FRIEND with the ability to ruin any game:

    >The Hunter Call of the Wild
    >Alone: relaxing, almost therapeuting experience

    >Assetto Corsa
    >Alone: Drop into any lobby and waste hours hotlapping on either the Nurburgring or Mt.Akina. Tons of enjoyment without even doing a single actual race.

    • 7 months ago

      You’re describing playing these games for the first time with a nooblet who sounds like he won’t be back for a second time. Both those games are greatly enhanced by having a non-gay companion.

    • 7 months ago

      I have that one friend. He insists on playing stuff with me and sometimes our other friend, but he gets bored so fast that he is either fricking with me by shooting or running me over or distracted watching Tiktok.

      • 7 months ago

        You’re describing playing these games for the first time with a nooblet who sounds like he won’t be back for a second time. Both those games are greatly enhanced by having a non-gay companion.

        Motherfricker is a good lad but has the span of attention of a goddamn hamster and a stoner and CANNOT STAY PUT FOR 5 GODDAMN SECONDS
        >Come back from work tired as shit
        >Drop into the private discord for a chat and maybe some background noise
        >He joins in and instantly begins to nag to play something anything literally because he has a 4:59 min window before his dinner is ready where GOD FORBID he might have nothing to do
        Ian for the love of god find Christ
        end of blog

  39. 7 months ago

    Guys... I have an idea. Instead of playing with these shitty friends, why don't we just play with each other haha??

    • 7 months ago

      I'd rather play with a team composed of a brazilian, a russian, a pajeet and a turk than with anyone from Ganker

      • 7 months ago

        >I'd rather play with a team composed of a brazilian, a russian, a pajeet and a turk
        Looks like Ganker to me

      • 7 months ago

        That's literally Ganker. I guess you were implying that.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >join Ganker chat on ps3
      >one guy is a pajeet giggling awkwardly and saying nothing
      >other is extreme close up of fat hairy dudes groin as he pleasures himself
      Great idea.

    • 7 months ago

      Im fairly certain that I am the shitty friend

    • 7 months ago

      Because then we'd become friends and we would do the things described in this thread therefore perpetuating the cycle of hurt

    • 7 months ago

      only time i did this was when i was in university and played pic related. just jumped into a thread and people were looking for players and honestly it was a good time, it just didn't last very long and i never kept in touch with anyone i played with.

      • 7 months ago

        Im sad that i missed out on this, I heard it was very fun to play with others.

        • 7 months ago

          It was pretty good yeah. Not balanced at all but you know, just dumb fun with some random people.

          • 7 months ago

            >just dumb fun with random people
            Playing Warframe with absolute randoms has been some of the most fun I've had online, no joke. I have a long friend list because people shoot invites because we have fun while actually accomplishing objectives and they pop in and out at will.

    • 7 months ago

      >Playing with Ganker
      I hope none of you guys do that

      • 7 months ago

        >erratic and disruptive
        >constant meme spouting
        Oh no, it's just any online session on a popular game ever

      • 7 months ago

        Deathmatch and Arms Race have to be the absolute shittiest environments to communicate with other players or your friends. There's nothing attenuated to the game at that point because you play those game modes mindlessly.

      • 7 months ago

        damn that's SOVL

      • 7 months ago

        >damn girl get off my dick please cuz I don't like girls

      • 7 months ago

        absolute soul. this is peak multiplayer experience.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah this is so horrible! I'd much rather listen a pack of troons trying to groom 12 year olds in TF2, that's so h*ckin wholesum and safe.

      • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Every single time that I've added someone from here, we'll play a few games/rounds/sets of whatever we're both interested in and then we never ever speak to each other again. This has been the case without fail dozens of times.

    • 7 months ago

      Playing with other Ganker users is actually the absolute worst experience you can have with gaming, but sometimes it's like a trainwreck and becomes entertaining. see; TF2 Mario Kart servers and the forbidden server

    • 7 months ago

      >play with Ganker or join a Ganker chat channel
      >people instantly start spewing the Ganker memes over voice without fail every single time
      It's like a contest to see who can outcringe who.

  40. 7 months ago

    >having friends who actually play games you suggest
    nah i don't buy it, this entire thread is a larp

    • 7 months ago

      this whole board is pozzed with normies, they do this shit

  41. 7 months ago

    Every 2D platformer minus Kirby Super Star

  42. 7 months ago

    >game gets harder the more you learn

    • 7 months ago

      Though that was the last boss ? Better watch 2 hour long videos on how to jump worlds in Noita and find the true ending hidden behind hidden Finnish runes and aligned QPUs

      • 7 months ago

        I love that game. But I'll never to the cryptic challenges because it's just too much work

  43. 7 months ago

    Mario Wonder is unbeatable if the other players just want to have fun fooling around instead of beating the levels

  44. 7 months ago

    Runescape, at least there used to be barely any content that was worth doing with friends besides occasionally meeting up to go to a dangerous zone underleveled.

  45. 7 months ago

    FFXIV enough to make me quit the game. When it feels like I'm grinding through morons, even at a static level, and not grinding through the game because the content/bosses are hard, it becomes a huge fricking headache. I don't know how it has a popular raid scene, just feels like I'm waiting for everyone else to figure shit out that I understood 50 pulls ago. Not to mention flakey homosexuals everywhere, nobody knows the definition of a farm or a group, it fricking sucks and I hate it. I'd have a better time if I was just able to control 8 people myself, probably would've 100% the game by now. Plus it never feels like teamwork so I don't feel satisfied when things get completed, the game shuts off any attempt to do anything unless everyone does their Simon says correctly, homosexual ass shit.

    • 7 months ago

      I blame social media for ruining people's ability to pay attention during a raid

  46. 7 months ago

    Monster Hunter. Becomes boringly easy with other people.

    • 7 months ago

      >Becomes boringly easy with other people.
      Hahahaha. I wish I was you.
      My “hardcore gamer” friends cart like it’s their job. They suck at MonHun and make my hunts take longer despite the 5th gen player scaling.

  47. 7 months ago

    Frick you

  48. 7 months ago


  49. 7 months ago

    Tales of Vesperia. Until that point I'd played every tales game with friends, but literally every character in that game knocks the enemy out of the other characters' combos. They have anti-synergy.

  50. 7 months ago

    Made me blow on my screen

  51. 7 months ago

    It's not a good game to begin with but not giving you a spliscreen for two-player mode made this unplayable outside of single-player. Having to stop dead in your tracks and decide on who gets to scroll the edge of the screen via walking is beyond moronic.

  52. 7 months ago

    Any turn based RPG.
    I played through the Larian games with a friend and we also did some other shit that supported it but there really is no point. There are no multiplayer interactions. You cannot really go off on your own and do shit in parallel. You just end up waiting for the other player to think which can be infuriating at times.
    I really don't understand why no one bothers to implement some actual MP mechanics into this shit. DOS1 at least had that RPS system when you disagreed on something (I think) which was kinda neat but for some reason they never thought of implementing anything similar ever again.

    • 7 months ago

      I played DOS with my ex gf. It was fun at times, but I basically played the game by myself, because I made all the builds and told her what to do all the time. It was mostly more tedious than playing alone.

  53. 7 months ago

    Probably Sonic Superstars

  54. 7 months ago

    Mario Wonder, which is strange to think about when that wasn't the case with NSMBs and their chaotic fun. There's just not a lot of ways to interact outside of the 'lead' player fricking over the others by scrolling the screen inconveniently, or getting stuck on a Yoshi player's back.

  55. 7 months ago

    I just don't have as much fun playing MH with friends. It becomes too easy. It's fun, but I play solo way more often.

    • 7 months ago

      Monsters are just not designed to handle 4 people attacking them at once, they should have more "raid boss" mechanics imo. The game should be more difficult with a full party.

  56. 7 months ago

    >>game is actually worse with friends
    Multiplayer almost ruined Tropical Freeze for me.
    Fricking garbage multiplayer design. And I wish the game didn't even have it.

    If you play co-op there are tons of secrets and paths you can't take unless one of you are playing the correct character. But unlike when you're playing by yourself, you can't course correct for this within the stage itself. And it's a complete crapshoot if you are to just guess before entering an unknown stage for the first time.

  57. 7 months ago

    >friends say let's play this arpg
    >we start to play
    >one wants to zoom zoom through everything
    >one keeps getting lost or going afk for 1-3 minutes often
    >I just want to walk and play what used to be normal

    • 7 months ago

      Are you and your friends in their thirties
      Sounds like it

      • 7 months ago

        yes we're all late 30s

        • 7 months ago

          the one who goes afk often either has a small child or horny to the point he cant focus straight

          • 7 months ago

            naw I know why he leaves it's just annoying in certain games. He's a smoker but does it outside and he takes care of his bedridden grandma

  58. 7 months ago

    any factory building game

    • 7 months ago

      maybe i'm lucky, but this hasn't been my experience at all. Factorio and the like are great for multiplayer because it's so flexible. Drop-in, drop-out is easy, players with varying skill levels can play together, can support any number of players.

  59. 7 months ago

    I've been saying this for years about pretty much every game. "Better with friends" is mostly bullshit. Especially if you have homosexual friends that hop on and immediately look up the most efficient way to do shit on youtube or something. I have friiends that treat gaming like work and just speed through the game. My good memories are from like two decades ago and playing games like ffxi where it was all new and we explored and learned together. Plus it's hard to even group up now always waiting on people. Nobody wants to just play tdm anymore or versus. It's always some game co-op or homosexual dead by daylight

    • 7 months ago

      dear lord this is my friend also. I don't get it why they hate thinking for themselves these days. fricking lazy ass ngigers

    • 7 months ago

      friends who pick up a new game and immediate look up the “meta” are fricking awful to play with.
      I can sort of it get it with PvP games but come on man… what’s the point of co-op if you’re just going to look up the solution??

  60. 7 months ago

    I don't play multiplats because I'm a terrible video game player, and it isn't fun to keep killing me, for neither of us (me and my friend).

    Once some dude invited me to play COD in an arcade (public X-360s on rent, mexican thing) and he kept kicking my ass. Same thing happened when I was a kid and playing with my friends from school in any multiplayer shooter.

  61. 7 months ago

    Monster Hunter

  62. 7 months ago

    pretty much every game I've played since the internet era.... to the point its almost killed my passion for games. I've grown so tired of miserable experiences just for the pretense of "hanging out" and maintaining friendships. I tried so desperately this sale to find something I wanted to play with friends this steam sale and every single one I was able to play out the scenario in my head how shit each one would have gone with my "friends" that my shopping cart is 100% single player games.

  63. 7 months ago

    >Want to play CoD with friends
    >I do pretty well so SBMM ensures Im in the sweat lobbies
    >My friends dont have fun as a result
    We just do zombies which I don't mind at all, but it sucks that PvP is no fun allowed for them if they're with me.

  64. 7 months ago

    >try playing Resident Evil 5 with my ex
    >she's somehow stupider than Sheva's AI is
    >"we can run past these guys to the elevator"
    >"no I like to shoot them :)"
    I both simultaneously hate and love women so much its unreal

  65. 7 months ago

    >start coop playthrough
    >one guy has already played before
    >that one guy who looks shit up

    goddamn homosexuals

    • 7 months ago

      >that one guy who looks shit up
      This pisses me off
      >Solving a puzzle/mystery steadily making progress and trying things out
      >Friend just looks it up and yells the answer plus the reward for doing it

    • 7 months ago

      don't forget this gem
      >start coop level based game
      >have great first session we all have fun and break for the day
      >next time we play at least one of them kept playing on their own is anywhere 10-40 levels above everyone else.

      pretty much every game I've played since the internet era.... to the point its almost killed my passion for games. I've grown so tired of miserable experiences just for the pretense of "hanging out" and maintaining friendships. I tried so desperately this sale to find something I wanted to play with friends this steam sale and every single one I was able to play out the scenario in my head how shit each one would have gone with my "friends" that my shopping cart is 100% single player games.

      to add I've been the absolute dipshit before and even bought friends the game I hoped we'd play, it was a hard lesson but never do this. It absolutely sets yourself up for disappointment and I really should have known better.

    • 7 months ago

      >that one guy who looks shit up
      This pisses me off
      >Solving a puzzle/mystery steadily making progress and trying things out
      >Friend just looks it up and yells the answer plus the reward for doing it

      Bought Lethal Company the other day becaues it looks like a good time with buddies.
      Started playing it with my gaming group, within 15 minutes someone in the group was already googling how to play the game properly and tips and tricks and how to metaminmax the game and then spent the next 3 hours telling us how to play the game. The game that he has played the exact same amount of time as us but because he googled it he has all the answers.
      I cannot fricking stand it. You wanna do that a few days into our playthrough, sure fine whatever.
      Either way me and my other 2 buddies playing it were having a blast and he would just sit in the ship trying to direct us over the walkie talkie and would get all pissy when we wouldn't do what he said.

      • 7 months ago

        kek sounds like me when my friends invited me to phasmo
        i said i really didnt wanna play the game because i've already spoiled it and know all the ins and outs and they just persisted
        eventually i budge and buy the game, we play two maps and they're bored i immediately knew how to find the spoopy ghosts
        and they always say i am unconvincing, like shit their brains must be broken at this point

  66. 7 months ago

    Divinity original sin 2

  67. 7 months ago

    stardew valley

  68. 7 months ago

    haha you rascal good one

  69. 7 months ago

    Coop you are now
    >rushing, skipping all dialog, lore, atmosphere
    >talking over the OST and SFX
    >game now has zero difficulty, like Halo. AA game with no difficulty automatically becomes a chore, despite what "comfy" gays try to say. Vaccuming the floor is not difficult, it's just a chore.
    >any horror game is now automatically not scary
    >splitscreen coop makes the game an eyesore
    >lootgrinders like Warshame have you constantly redoing (easy, pointless chore) missions to get your friend caught up
    >games designed for coop are almost all shallow as a flash game while charging money for it
    >causes what I call "coop brain" where morons desperately beg for coop in every fricking video game even ones clearly not designed for it, like Stalker or Morrowind. You know it's not designed for it because these mods die in one week but coop brain doesn't learn his lesson so then they go and beg for coop in Dragon's Dogma (which defeats the point of the game)
    I legitimately hate coop. Most fans of that shit are drug addicts too

    • 7 months ago

      Why are no good online co op games with good matchmaking?

      • 7 months ago

        because matchmaking by design is not good, it is addicting

    • 7 months ago

      Co op is best in platformers, puzzle games and sim styled fps games like swat 4.

      Other genres are better solo.

    • 7 months ago

      co-op games don't fricking exist so you are literally shouting about one of the most minor portions of any games
      >go look for co-op games
      >Black person developers label literally anything as co-op, even PVP games where it's just team deathmatch but your on a team so it's co-op lol
      >Black person developers putting co-op on MMO's
      >Black person developers putting co-op on DLC
      co-op games are fricking trash, nothing good has come out recently

    • 7 months ago

      >any horror game is now automatically not scary
      Play better horror games.

  70. 7 months ago

    after that update they did that stopped bots suffocating while wearing a mask cause they sometimes forgot to change oxygen, Barotrauma
    I get so much more done now with me and one bot bodyguard than a team of 6 people even friends

  71. 7 months ago

    >"hey, you up for some L4D?"
    >runs around like it's an rpg looking for loot
    >takes fricking forver to advance
    >thinks it's all about kills
    >LEAST amount of FF and also best accuracy: me
    >no one understands that there's a director fricking with you if you move too slow
    >yeah, I'm not playing this with you guys anymore
    >"duuuuuuuuuuurrrr, why?"
    Same people
    >"hey, want to play Generation Zero?"
    >sure, looks fun
    >this should be right up their alley, since I know what they play like
    >they RUSH through everything
    >never stops to loot all the buildings in the towns
    >activates story and then just fricks off
    >yo, could you guy's hold up, there's a lot more story to hear?
    >"nah, also look, I found this sweet weapon in a stash with 3 more like it"
    >and where was this and why didn't you tell us?
    The same people keep hounding me to buy and play a bunch of survival games that I know they will play just as moronic.
    >"bro, why don't you want to play this early access Jungle/Forest/Island/Boat Survival Game 3: Six Years Since Release?"

  72. 7 months ago

    >friend goes offline on steam after he sees you're online

  73. 7 months ago

    borderlands 2 and prequel

  74. 7 months ago

    Last time I played with my friends they all quit after I yelled a gamer word.

    • 7 months ago

      are they really your friends then?

    • 7 months ago

      >talk with friends from high school
      >some guy starts glaking about people that don't take car eof their kids and shit
      >I say "don't expect anything from a Black person"
      >realize what I said
      >friends start laughing, even two black dudes
      I kinda miss those dudes, we are so busy with work and uni.

  75. 7 months ago

    >friend buys you game
    >it's a genre you've told him you have no interest in
    >acts like you're now obligated to VC and play because he spent money on you
    >gets butthurt when you don't play

    • 7 months ago

      Thank god none of my friends are lame enough to do this shit lmao

      • 7 months ago

        I worry about his mental health. That's downright female behavior.

    • 7 months ago

      Had this happen to me very recently. At this point, I would be okay with them removing me from their friends list.

  76. 7 months ago

    Total Warhammer 3, every manual battle is a chore for the other player. Terrible system

  77. 7 months ago

    >friends pretty much only grind LoL at this point
    >they’re mad over half the time the play
    >it’s only between the hours of 12 to 3am
    >they’re late 20s wagies that have to get up at 630

    What possesses some people

    • 7 months ago

      >they’re late 20s wagies that have to get up at 630
      this, they get home at 10 pm and spend 2 hours between housekeeping and dinner/shower, mfers have no time to live

  78. 7 months ago

    >stop crouching, they know where you are
    >stop running in straight lines, move your head
    >stealth is important, but if you have to fire then fir- no, not at the fricking immolator!
    >how did TWO dogs kill you?!
    >he's coming around the corner, you haven't reloaded, charge your melee... no charge it... charge it... jesus christ, charge your fricking m- you're dead
    >I'm pinned, you have to choke [teammate]... any fricking time... ["I'm burnt out"]... perfect
    >chainpistol? you don't have fanning
    >ok, we got a perfect opportunity to advance, [teammate 1] perfect, line up with me and cover left, [teammate 2] go north and- ... WHY ARE YOU SO FAR AWAY FROM US?!
    I have never played a round of Hunt where if I go down first, we still make it.

  79. 7 months ago

    >I always play medic, especially in BC2 since I loved the Saw
    >everyone knows their shit, I'm not the best fps player but I'm a damn good medic, always in the top despite low kills
    >we usually played 4-6 people
    >we're a perfect squad
    >one guy almost always went Air (picrel) and fricking dominated while we pushed on the ground
    Almost all other games I agree with you, but not them.
    Oh and Mass Effect 3 MP was fricking fun, as well.

    • 7 months ago

      good aircraft players honestly ruined the games for me
      >can't get kills because lmao jet player is a god
      >no one on enemy team can shoot him down with AA guns because they don't know how to lead a target
      >some games i ended up just sitting on the AA gun shooting aircraft because otherwise they'd just roll all over
      i feel like some players don't even know you can use those turrets and think they're automatic or something

      • 7 months ago

        Even when my friend didn't play jet or helicopter, I've never had any bad gameplay because someone was just too good with that shit on the opposite team.
        I'm not saying you haven't, just appreciating that I've apparently been lucky.

        • 7 months ago

          well my friends say i'm really unlucky but i don't think about that shit because i have confirmation bias but i also believe them because i've rolled a 1 on a d20 5 times in a row
          >enter TF2 match
          >enemy team has sniper who literally kills anyone who decides to step out of base
          >supposedly not hacking but might as well be, enemy team won't kick them unless they're pissed from not getting to play(i've seen this actually happen)
          >enter another TF2 match
          >a 'trolldier' which flies through the air at mach 1 slapping people on the heyd with a shovel and disappearing around a corner within seconds
          >entire team dies to this and i switch to heavy to attempt and hitscan him to death
          >he's too good at strafing and i'm too bad at tracking
          >enter another match
          >jetpack pyro, not a problem for me, literally dab on him as sniper with SMG
          >entire team falls for it every time and dies, even if they are heavies
          obviously those don't happen all the time and i blame confirmation bias making me only remember the bullshit

          • 7 months ago

            Well, then you also have to account for the people who do nothing else but play MP all day, and stick to 3 games, if even that many, and just become extreme good.
            That's why I personally can't stand watching streamers.
            My friends keep sending me CS and various other multiplayer clips. "Look how good he is", yeah but... it looks so shit, so... not fun.
            >immediatly runs to a corner
            >switch weapons 6 times
            >starts firing 0.05 seconds before someone peaks
            >reload/switch weapons 8 times
            >throw grande randomly
            >nope, not random, just a regular spot across the mad where 2/10 times someone will sit
            I get that there is skill involved, but just play the fricking game.

            • 7 months ago

              CS is bad for that because a lot of the skill is map knowledge and where people stand, etc, i got really good at that game despite not knowing a single thing about economy or how to callout locations or what locations people were even calling out
              i got gold master nova or whatever by the way

            • 7 months ago

              I've always thought it was tragic that people who watch those guys are mesmerized by the random actions you're talking about. All that weapon switching, etc. that you mention is literally "keep watching, oooh moving object"-tier shit that serves no actual in-game purpose. Nobody did that shit back when no one was watching unless they were a very fidgety person.

  80. 7 months ago

    >friend buys me Diablo III
    >says it's time to powerlevel me
    >I'm no allowed to explore at all
    >"If you wander off I'm kicking you"
    >I just sit there doing nothing while he kills everything because I'll get one shotted
    >he snaps at me when I accidentally get killed
    >never play diablo or any games with him ever again
    He's normally a nice guy too. Must be some kind of MMO thing.

    • 7 months ago

      Honestly, this was my friend too, except it was Vermintide. He had like every single possible thing unlocked for his characters and wanted to boost my ass, but it wasn't fun at all for me. Used to play GTA5 online (lol) with him too and he was exactly the same over there. Eventually he kinda grew bored of games and switched over to tabletops and steered that minmax autism to his work. Good guy to hang around with nowadays.

  81. 7 months ago


  82. 7 months ago

    >play with friends every sunday
    >we spend 15 minutes arguing about what to play
    >we could play A
    >best friend 1 doesn't feel like it
    >we could play B
    >best friend 2 doesn't feel like it
    Apart from that annoyance i love those frickers to death, we play a lot of different games together and we will decide what to pick up to play together this sale.

  83. 7 months ago

    >play RE5 co-op with what I think is a Chinese girl
    >find his youtube channel
    >it's a sweaty pajeet
    >he treats me like a girl since I play as Sheva and he plays as Chris
    >sends me a valentine's day card every year

    • 7 months ago

      Wholesome 🙂

  84. 7 months ago

    The few times I played Diablo 3 with someone they just rushed through everything like it was a race. A good series to play if you want to zen out but with other people it seems to be the complete opposite.

    • 7 months ago

      I played exactly twice with randoms on D3 and never did again. Completely soloed everything after that.

  85. 7 months ago

    Sacred 2...

    • 7 months ago


      Get your dick split.

      • 7 months ago

        Fricking hell she got an anime didn't she. It's always morons when my favorite characters are used with Black person memes

  86. 7 months ago

    >have friend who is into fighting games
    >lots of smoking weed and drinking at his house
    >he gradually gets into harder drugs and I don't
    >he starts getting really mean and tries to start fights over the game
    >random people show up at his house to buy drugs
    >I peace out because this is no longer game night with the guys and I'm starting to see that he's just a homosexual
    >other friends stay in contact with him
    >apparently he started smoking meth and lost all his teeth
    And that kids is how I made the choice to stay away from drugs.

  87. 7 months ago

    >friends play FPS with each other in voice chat
    >I don't play but they let me chill in VC with them
    >we're playing funny local and nostalgic commercials like the Sears air conditioning one
    >friend has anger issues
    >something goes wrong in the game and he snaps at one of the other guys
    >awkward silence while "JG Wentworth 877 cash now" plays in the background

    • 7 months ago

      that literally made me laugh out loud

  88. 7 months ago

    for me it's minecraft because I'm the only one who actually likes building
    they just want to rush gear and kill the dragon and quit
    seriously why the frick would you play minecraft if you didn't want to build?

  89. 7 months ago

    >be me with a group of friends playing a long adventure game (like the forest , BG3 or minecraft)

    >one is looking up everything on a wiki the day after we start the game, ruining the surprise for everybody with a "WAIT GUYS THERE'S A BOSS HERE LETS COME BACK WITH OUR HL STUFF" transforming every tough fight into a cheese one

    >the other one doesn't enjoy the game one bit but for some reason keep coming back making the voice chat awkward

    >the last one randomly decide to become a fricking food critique by nit picking every fricking texture of the game or when he die says the game has stupid mecanics, literally the "unplayable" meme but real

    i'm the only fricking one who's "normal" FRICK MY FRIENDS

    • 7 months ago

      at least they're playing the game with you
      >desperately try and get any of my friends to play BG3 with me
      >buy two of them copies
      >one of them actually plays with me but then gets bored because it's too slow(he has spent hours just fricking around doing nothing in inventory or other shit that takes forever that i don't understand)
      >he stops right as we finish killing ketheric
      >other friend takes a billion years with inventory but also is a notorious homosexual for stealing everything not nailed down
      >constantly have to reload saves because he gets caught
      >tells me he doesn't have the time to set aside a non interupted game session for BG3
      >proceeds to invite me to paly CoD Zombies for the billionth time but now on the most recent cod zombies, for 6 hours straight uninterrupted
      >i told him i don't like zombies but i accept the fact he won't fricking play anything else besides zombies and shit ass early access survival crafting games that barely function in multiplayer

      • 7 months ago

        >desperately try and get any of my friends to play BG3 with me
        >buy two of them copies
        if you were already struggling to make them play they will not being interested even if you buy them the game.
        i had a friend that used to do this and buy me his shit pre alpha games on steam because i had no intention to pay for expensive stuff i didnt even like.
        i hated it because it made me feel like i owe him something. i tried to play his games several times, but we always had a bad time because he wants to tryhard and im giving it a try out of feeling bad for him

        • 7 months ago

          I told my friend once: "There are some games that I won't play even if you gift them. There are some games that I wouldn't even play even if you gifted them AND gave me money. For me, some games could have a negative price and I still wouldn't play them."

          And he understood. Sometimes you don't want to play something. It's that simple

          • 7 months ago

            your friend is sane.
            when i got accustomed to this thing of his to buy games i warned him, i sweared i wouldnt play it, even that i find it annoying to have him waste money on stuff he called "presents", and he still gift me some after some time forgetting what i said.
            looking back im glad we cut ties because he started to become this insisting on other real life matters.
            also kek if i told him i wouldnt play even if he paid me, he would have took it as a suggestion

  90. 7 months ago

    Monster hunter sometimes
    >Want to have fun with bros
    >That one friend who always fricking gets triple carted and gets stressed out and no fun to play with anymore
    it's me, I'm that friend. I hate myself and when I triple cart I know everyone hates me too so I stopped playing with friends

  91. 7 months ago

    >any multiplayer game
    >"hold on bros"
    >gurgle gurgle gurgle
    >eww ewww ewww
    >aiiight we good
    >proceeds to forget what they're doing every 8 seconds
    >distracted by stupid shit
    >walking into a wall half the match

    • 7 months ago

      God I fricking hate this. Every single game night with my high school bros, one of them has to smoke a bong the whole time and we end up having to end less than an hour after we started because he gets too high.

  92. 7 months ago

    kirby and the amazing mirror

  93. 7 months ago

    >find fun $5 co-op game
    >play with best friend and enjoy it
    >invite others to play with us
    >they would rather play League of Legends

    >play co-op game with friend
    >he immediately looks up all the best strategies
    >barks at us when we do anything non-optimal

    >play survival-crafting game or MMO with friends
    >inevitably SOMEONE progresses faster than everyone else by dumping hours into it
    >everything gets awkward because we’re all at different stages now

    >play FotM multiplayer game
    >good times
    >except all my friends want to start playing at like 10:30 PM (we’re in our late 20’s - come on guys)

    >try to play new multiplayer fame with friends
    >schedule time to play
    >nobody is ready to play at scheduled time

    >relent and play League of Legends
    >ask people if they wanna play
    >3 people say “ping me if I’m the fifth”

    It’s all so tiresome

    • 7 months ago

      >except all my friends want to start playing at like 10:30 PM (we’re in our late 20’s - come on guys)
      This. I go to bed at 10:00 because I have to be up by 6:00, but without fail my friends will say, lets play a game tonight (on a weekday) and then an 8:00 start becomes a 10:00 start without fail every time and they go until like 1:00 at the earliest. I don't know how they do it, but some people can just work on 5hrs of sleep.

      • 7 months ago

        people CAN work with as little as 5 hours of sleep, functional sleeping times vary from person to person as well as the hours in which you go to sleep, it depends to what your body is used to, hell my parents run on 5-6 hours of sleep and their in they're nearing their 60s

        • 7 months ago

          I believe you need less sleep as you get older. But some people are just built different. My friend always wakes up at 8 AM, even if we were up gaming until 4am, my ex could only ever sleep for 4 hours at a time. I've tried and I can't do either of those things.

          • 7 months ago

            yeah it comes down to routine, if you keep a consistent sleep schedule, your body adapts to it

    • 7 months ago

      Third scenario happened to us with Eureka.

  94. 7 months ago

    you guys have friends?

    • 7 months ago

      Post the soulless version

    • 7 months ago

      Of courshe

      • 7 months ago

        is that the same girl?

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah she posted it on her Insta (which I do not have) after the original went viral.

          • 7 months ago

            shame, she hit the wall hard.

    • 7 months ago


      Of courshe

      Yeah she posted it on her Insta (which I do not have) after the original went viral.


    • 7 months ago

      all gamers are my friends!

      • 7 months ago

        but you're not my friend, buddy

    • 7 months ago

      Spent my teens wishing to meet a girl like that.

      • 7 months ago

        sorry anon, you were born too early

    • 7 months ago

      My baby sis is my friend and while she doesn't have the autism needed to enjoy city builders or war games we still enjoy shit like valheim and XIV together.

      • 7 months ago

        I got my little sister into games, but now all she plays are shitty horror games and doesn't wanna play anything else.

    • 7 months ago

      I have one friend I know from childhood who lives in another state.

  95. 7 months ago

    brawl club

  96. 7 months ago

    Baldur's Gate 3
    Enjoyed the Div games with my buddy just fine, for some reason BG3 was super annoying with another person.

    • 7 months ago

      BG3 coop is a god awful experience. Also more bugs than playing alone.

      • 7 months ago

        Not if you play with your gf.

        • 7 months ago

          play tales coop with your gf instead of bg3

  97. 7 months ago

    > Buy all the co-op games for my 3 friends so we can all play co-op games together
    >They seem to have a good time playing games when we all play together
    >I am the one who always has to organize and ask everyone if they are up to play or else play-session never happen
    >No one else takes the initiative to ask me to play for a change
    It is becoming so tiresome that I am always the one who has to ask everyone and organize play sessions all the time, why can't someone else ask me to play, for a change..

    • 7 months ago

      Some people are active and others are reactive.
      Me, I tend to assume nobody wants anything to do with whatever I'm playing unless directly told otherwise.

  98. 7 months ago

    >buy game for sister
    >give spare computer to her boyfriend so he can play with us
    >we play the game
    >they really like it
    >grind their asses off while I'm at work/offline
    >they're too high level for me to join them
    >they refuse to make alternate characters to play with me or help me with stuff
    >stop playing
    >it becomes their game
    >so soured by this I never touch the game again

    • 7 months ago

      what game

      • 7 months ago

        Diablo IV

        • 7 months ago

          Deserved for playing slop.

          • 7 months ago

            >Diablo past II
            if anything they did you a favor

            I enjoyed 2 & 3. I wanted to check out 4. I don't expect you to understand, D2 was before your time.

            • 7 months ago

              spoken like a true crack addict

            • 7 months ago

              Diablo IV is the most boring shit I've ever played. I don't know how they managed to frick it up so badly. I even liked launch Diablo 3 more.

        • 7 months ago

          >Diablo past II
          if anything they did you a favor

        • 7 months ago

          Well deserved, fricking homosexual.

    • 7 months ago

      The answer is rape

    • 7 months ago

      >grind their asses off while I'm at work/offline
      hate this about my friends too

      >every 2-3 years, someone suggests setting up a Minecraft server
      >pick a good modpack that everyone agrees on
      >we all start the same night, have a good time playing 3-4 hours
      >busy with work or RL for a day or two
      >come back 2 days later
      >they've all already sunk 72 hours into the game
      >they're all completely burnt out on the game
      >they all quit playing
      >a week later I'm still the only person logging in 1-2h every day or two to do some comfy mining or farming
      why the frick cant people just chill?
      every fricking game they're like this and need to grind 48h in the first day.

  99. 7 months ago

    Oh thank goodness I thought I had a scratch on my screen.

  100. 7 months ago

    Modern EBMM games are the worst. One player is great, another is middling and the third sucks ass. Then matchmaker makes you play against decent players mids struggle against, top can't carry against and third doesn't have any fun

  101. 7 months ago

    I value a sense of atmosphere and setting in my games so this applies to pretty much every video game that I actually love. Inter-personal conversations and interactions inherently clutter up that aspect, it's like if a bunch of people were talking very loudly in your ear while you're trying to watch a sunset.

  102. 7 months ago

    Man, these posts make me appreciate my best friend even more. I just wish he had more free time, we only get to game like once every 2 weeks.

  103. 7 months ago

    I don't have friends to play with. But mom likes Harvest Moon and Metroid and falls asleep on the couch while I play.

  104. 7 months ago

    I don't play games with my friends that often since I usually put my time into more niche shit like fighting, action and offline games, meanwhile they mostly play the usual stuff like Diablo, Destiny, CoD, etc. Only game we used to consistently play together was TF2, but we stopped a few years ago.
    I do however enjoy getting my friends to pick up a game that I'm playing at that moment. My crowning achievement so far has been turning a couple of them into JRPGgays a couple years back when none of them had ever played a game in the genre, thanks Persona 5 for being such a nice gateway drug.

    btw those 2D Mario games are absolute dogshit with more than 2 people. It's chaotic dogshit that can be funny sometimes, but I'd still rather play those games alone or with my brother.

    • 7 months ago

      >It's chaotic dogshit that can be funny sometimes, but I'd still rather play those games alone or with my brother.
      If we say chaotic doghsit is bad, Magicka.
      >be brother
      >kill me
      >refuses to revive me
      >I killed him
      >he restarts
      >starts up a cold war where neither of us play
      It was pretty funny so I let it slide.

  105. 7 months ago

    >invite friend over for video games
    >we have gay sex instead

    • 7 months ago

      Happens every time...

      • 7 months ago

        >invite friend over for video games
        >we have gay sex instead


  106. 7 months ago

    >be moderately decent to goodish in game that a friend and I play
    >friend always hops in and out of the game for periods of time but we usually have fun together despite me being leagues ahead of him in skill
    >he sucks absolute shit at the game but I still try and help him do harder activities to the best of my ability because there's no way in hell I'd actually let him tag along with me when I do them
    >he decides to bring in his other friend, one that I'm only fleetingly acquainted with, that also sucks shit and is an obnoxious DUDE WEED trailer park trash
    I'm all for dicking around and having a good time but when you're wanting to do harder content, especially for their skill levels, at least fricking try instead of just wasting mine, and your, time over stuff that isn't even hard if you're capabale of critical thinking.

  107. 7 months ago

    I have a friend that refuses to play games that "look ugly" or "weird"
    Then he goes and plays porn games instead

    • 7 months ago

      Total War Shogun 2 is a porn game?

      • 7 months ago

        It is with the rightmods

      • 7 months ago

        >he doesn't know about the rape of Opmomcus, 1998

  108. 7 months ago

    >Massively Single Player Online RPG

  109. 7 months ago

    Baldur's Gate 3
    My friends keep begging me to play the co-op and I don't like how it plays

  110. 7 months ago

    Thought I had a hair on my screen you fricking homosexual

  111. 7 months ago

    >all these phone posters getting exposed

  112. 7 months ago

    Fricking got me to blow god damn it.

    • 7 months ago

      lol gay

      • 7 months ago
  113. 7 months ago

    dont have friends

  114. 7 months ago

    Dude your pic has a hair in it. You might want to clean your SSD.

  115. 7 months ago

    >Baldur's Gate 3
    >Terraria due to loot thieves
    >Risk of Rain 2 vanilla
    >Fighting games due to hurt feelings and a major skill gap one way or another
    Frick vidya with friends in most cases, I guess. PSO2 pre New Genesis was peak fun.

    • 7 months ago

      RoR2 desperately needs a catch-up mechanic to keep games from turning into singleplayer-with-chat.

  116. 7 months ago

    >friend starts getting ass hurt the when someone surpasses him in "his thing" while playing a mod pack
    >"i was going to do it" 2 months passed since he said he was going to do it and now its a problem to out progress
    Im going to delete the chunks his base takes up if he does something like this again.

    • 7 months ago

      >anything [favorite mod(s)] do is fine and balanced
      >anything [other mods] do that their mods don't is OP and should be removed/avoided

      • 7 months ago

        god this reminds me a friend who was so up their own ass schizo that they went through several phases of crazy
        >doesn't like mods cause they soil the "creators original vision" like wtf
        then awhile later
        >doesn't like mods cause they are sketch and he believes half of them are viruses
        >will use mods but only things they deem are good
        >example game starbound, I had to accept every single fricking inane cosmetic mod even if it only did one thing to complete their dream look of a character while we MP'd but if I wanted any fricking mod to give us more actual things to actually fricking do I went through hell convincing them to add it, and if I convinced them to install it
        >sit their complaining they are bored, using none of the new features it added and fawn over their character.
        can't believe I actually missed playing with this prick for a period.

        • 7 months ago

          >anything [favorite mod(s)] do is fine and balanced
          >anything [other mods] do that their mods don't is OP and should be removed/avoided

          Just say NO!
          >this mod sucks ass
          "Heavy's voice" NO!
          >anon this mod has a virus
          "Heavy's voice" NO!
          With dumbasses like this you gotta be a c**t to get them to bend

          • 7 months ago

            I already said no, we're not friends anymore, and its so much better not to be.

  117. 7 months ago

    >friend only wants to play trans positive games
    >she ends up playing insurgency coop all day again

    • 7 months ago

      is it sandstorm

    • 7 months ago

      good bait
      have a have a nice day troony

      • 7 months ago

        Trans rights are human rights, thoughever.

  118. 7 months ago

    Pokemon Violet and Scarlet raids are nearly impossible with other people

  119. 7 months ago


  120. 7 months ago

    Factorio and Satisfactory

  121. 7 months ago

    Me with every fricking multiplayer game, other people annoy the living shit out of me, I give up on multiplayer. It doesn't help each time I try I'm either so good I'm basically guiding them or it's the extreme opposite where I'm so bad I'm a third wheel.

    • 7 months ago

      >it's more fun being the idiot of the group than being the guy who knows what to do

  122. 7 months ago

    >Monster Hunter
    monsties becomes trivial
    >Turn based game
    friend takes 50minn per turn
    >Portal 2
    friend is so moronic, he cant understand simple puzzles and rages

  123. 7 months ago

    >that friend that starts trolling spamming pause and pulling plugs when he loses

  124. 7 months ago

    >Thumbnail has a line that makes me think I scratched my screen

  125. 7 months ago

    I clicked on this thread because of that picture, eat shit.

  126. 7 months ago

    Was a nice thread up until the end.

    • 7 months ago

      >implying this was a nice thread

      • 7 months ago

        It lacked the naked e-girl dicky, but still good.

    • 7 months ago

      >implying this was a nice thread

      It was a good “airing of grievances” type thread.
      I hope you all have a good day

      • 7 months ago

        It lacked the naked e-girl dicky, but still good.

        >implying I thought it was a shit thread
        >implying I wasn't just fishing for your complaints on the thread

        • 7 months ago

          It's okay, anon. I'll give you free (you)'s anytime!

  127. 7 months ago

    the only games i think i've ever really had more fun with friends than alone in are mario party and world of warcraft. most games just don't implement coop/multiplayer very well if they're not specifically designed as a multiplayer game

  128. 7 months ago

    >Friend havers blaming the friend
    Like poetry pottery stanky potty

  129. 7 months ago

    >the powergaming sperg who demands everybody to play the meta
    >the gay who immediately googles the solution to everything in the game

    name a worse combo to play with. especially the kids who IMMEDIATELY do this in Tarkov when the whole game is MEANT for you to discover things by yourself.

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