Games Workshop Pricing

GW pricing makes NO SENSE and it pisses me off. It is so stupidly expensive too. £40 for 5 fricking models in a game where you need like 40+ models?!

Okay yet fantastic fantasy era hard plastic is 35 for 20!!!!

then FAILCAST scorpions are £40 too! fricking hell they are midgets made of resin

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    it's because they mostly base pricing on preceived individual demand not actual value
    if it's something a player will probably only buy once, it's going to be higher priced, if it's something they want people to buy many times, it will be cheaper. That's the only explanation I can see making sense in the face of items like this
    >take two-edition-old snapfit monopose model from a starter kit
    >sell it for almost a fourth of the cost of the entire original box

    • 2 years ago

      >model from a starter kit
      It wasnt. The exalted champion was released alongside dark vengeance in 6th but wasnt actually a part of the box unless the box was later changed.

      But you are otherwise correct, characters are more expensive because you only need one (well, presumably theres more work in an individual character model, but that hardly justifies the cost differential) while mass infantry is better value because you need lots of them

      • 2 years ago

        I was gonna say he was literally on the box art since I have it but he actually isn't. He's still in the box tho

        • 2 years ago

          Not originally he wasnt (bought the box and was upset by that)

          • 2 years ago

            You certain about it?
            Was there a 2nd edition of that box, where he was included then? They never did something like that ever i believe.

            I'm asking because when this box was fairly "fresh", people obviously would sell the contents for cheap on ebay, and i bought squads of Chosen, the Terminators, the Helbrute and also the Lord and that Champion for pennies back then. I had like 20 Champions at some point, (resold all of them later ofc.)

            This would not have been possible if all those people had bought him as an individual mini, instead having him as part of the "unwanted" chaos half of that box.

            • 2 years ago

              There was, for 7th edition. I got the 6th edition DV when it launched and was really annoyed when they released it again, later, with a new character at the same price. Especially since DA still got the better half of the box (arguably, those marine sculpts are so abhorrently bad tho).

              • 2 years ago

                (Same poster) I still loved the frick out of that box tho, my first models I ever owned. I played crimson slaughter for a long time, sad to see them not in the new book but if we're lucky maybe they'll get their own codex supplement again (doubtful)

            • 2 years ago

              >You certain about it?
              Yup, 100% the 6e version of that box did not have him at launch.

            • 2 years ago

              My guy there were three versions of that fricking box. Normie, Special- and V2- that box is v2.
              How do I know this? I've got the original box. It's not white, and the box art is nothing like that- in fact, it's literally just the 40k logo with Dark Vengeance written underneath it.

              The only special thing about the special edition was that it came with a box-exclusive chaplain who's not been rereleased since.

            • 2 years ago

              I still have the 6ed box, its dark green. The special edition of the 6ed box came with a bonus chaplain. In the 7ed box added the aspiring champion.

        • 2 years ago

          Thats the 7ed starter set, not the 6ed one.

          He was added to the 7ed starter during the reprint.

      • 2 years ago

        >(well, presumably theres more work in an individual character model, but that hardly justifies the cost differential)

        GW does charge huge premiums but part of that is based on tooling costs and that mooks sell more than heroes. If a mould costs $1000 per model regardless for hero or mook:
        cost for hero mould: $1000
        cost for 10 mook moulds for box set: $10 000

        Just to recoup that cost:
        sell 10 hero boxes: $100/hero box
        sell 500 mook boxes: $20/mook box

        • 2 years ago

          >cost for hero mould: $1000
          >cost for 10 mook moulds for box set: $10 000

          Your logic is completely flawed because why would a tool for a 10man squad cost 10 times the tool for a single character?

          Have you noticed that GW sprues are usually the same sizes?
          They have the small ones for single characters, they have the mid-sized ones. two of those usually make up a 10 man squad, and they have the "full size" sprues.
          The mid sized sprues do not cost 10 times the money of a individual sprue.

          • 2 years ago

            He's just pulling numbers out of a hat to show how the economics work, 10 mooks is probably not actually 10x the cost of 1 hero, It's probably more, but not 10x

          • 2 years ago

            Your logic is completely flawed since you don't know what completely flawed means and you can't read the word "if" and you're just wrong. Thankfully,

            He's just pulling numbers out of a hat to show how the economics work, 10 mooks is probably not actually 10x the cost of 1 hero, It's probably more, but not 10x

            is smart enough to understand the principle and was also nice enough to explain it to you.

            You should also have queried are they going 50x as many mooks as any particular hero, but I guess you were only smart enough to hold 1 idea in your head at time and once triggered there was no hope for you seeing the other glaring numerical problem, even though that 1 idea you had wasn't as devastating as you thought it would be.

            BTW congratulations on having an idea!

            It might not have been a good one but let's not expect too much for a first time.

            • 2 years ago

              t butthurt gw drone

              • 2 years ago

                lol The only butthurt here is you for shafting yourself. Now do try to keep on topic youngling.

            • 2 years ago

              The flaw lies within the assumption that Character models need to be more expensive, because they sell less of them to the average player, who needs several tactical squads, but only one captain.
              Production cost is next to identical, and GW does not give a shit if they sell 1, 10 or 1000 SM Captains, because the money for that specific mold was made already in advance by the big sellers like tactical squads.
              The flaw lies lies furthermore within the assumption that each GW kit needs to amortize itself over the span of time X, when in reality profits from AoS might get used to fund the next TOP SELLING Salamander character, and profits from HH will be used to finance some big AoS monster etc.

              Therefore, drawing conclusions from initial cost to final sales price is just wrong, especially since sales prices follow no logic anyway as can be seen in this picture

              This is true, but even there you can find moronic price differences between various elite units, vehicles etc and especially character models.

              See pic related (ignore krautsprech):

              All of these are kinda the same.. Character models in power armor. Some newer, some older.
              Some prices make sense, others none at all.
              For example, the Nurgle DP is Failcast, so its 5€ cheaper than the plastic DP (which has more options etc). Makes sense to me.

              This makes no sense:
              Chaos Sorcerer (Metal) 23€
              Chaos Sorcerer Plastic: 23€
              Primaris Librarians (both): 27€

              "Expensive" Characters cost 31,50€, but Voldus only flat 30€.
              Fabius is 34 (granted, its 2 minis). Then again, Dark Apostle (3 minis) is "only" 31,50.

              • 2 years ago

                One of your flaws is stating that GW does not care if it doesn't sell more captains. GW wants to sell as many of everything that it can in its regular lines.

                Another flaw is talking about amortisation costs over time, when it's amortising costs over units produced.

                Another flaw is assuming that character models are not more expensive to produce than basic models even thought they take more time to sculpt and require more material to manufacture than a regular single troop model.

                Another flaw is your failure to understand general principles and to try to use a photo of arbitrarily overpriced models to demonstrate that things that cost more to make don't cost more to make. GW's price bands are over 20 years old and if you can't follow their logic of charging more for premium models that people want in smaller quantities and need to round out army charts, poor you.

              • 2 years ago

                >and require more material to manufacture than a regular single troop model.

                Single troop models dont get produced individually, sprues get produced. And production cost for sprues is identical, if sprue size is similar, no matter what is inside them.

              • 2 years ago

                Kek. Your squeals are music to israelitedubs ears, you know that right?
                For the cost of one (1) gw character model I can buy a knight sized mech kit from Bandai. I can buy a couple of 1/35 panzer 2's, or a box of 20 sci-fi or fantasy minis with tons of spare parts and options. I can buy 40 or 60 incredibly detailed Historicals that blow anything gw create out of the water.
                Gw overprices everything. Characters should not be more than a tenner unless they are massive kits. Most should be £7.50 - £8.50.

              • 2 years ago

                One of your flaws is stating that GW does not care if it doesn't sell more captains. GW wants to sell as many of everything that it can in its regular lines.

                Another flaw is talking about amortisation costs over time, when it's amortising costs over units produced.

                Another flaw is assuming that character models are not more expensive to produce than basic models even thought they take more time to sculpt and require more material to manufacture than a regular single troop model.

                Another flaw is your failure to understand general principles and to try to use a photo of arbitrarily overpriced models to demonstrate that things that cost more to make don't cost more to make. GW's price bands are over 20 years old and if you can't follow their logic of charging more for premium models that people want in smaller quantities and need to round out army charts, poor you.

                You are forgetting the packaging, distribution, warehouse, and shelf space costs, which almost sure are way more than the plastic itself

                Kek. Your squeals are music to israelitedubs ears, you know that right?
                For the cost of one (1) gw character model I can buy a knight sized mech kit from Bandai. I can buy a couple of 1/35 panzer 2's, or a box of 20 sci-fi or fantasy minis with tons of spare parts and options. I can buy 40 or 60 incredibly detailed Historicals that blow anything gw create out of the water.
                Gw overprices everything. Characters should not be more than a tenner unless they are massive kits. Most should be £7.50 - £8.50.

                None of those are GW minis from their universes, which is the main attraction point for customers. Nobody buys SW Legion for the quality of their minis either.
                >incredibly detailed Historicals that blow anything gw create out of the water.
                We aren't in the 90s anymore. GW plastics quality is second to none in the industry if you compare proper more recent kits. They unironically also limit details on purpose for aesthetic reasons or to make minis easier to paint.
                You're not wrong about being overpriced to hell, though.

              • 2 years ago

                >gws plastic is the bestest111
                it's all the same plastic

              • 2 years ago

                >None of those are GW minis from their universes, which is the main attraction point for customers.
                I will never get this blind devotion to a single line or retailer
                >We aren't in the 90s anymore. GW plastics quality is second to none in the industry if you compare proper more recent kits.
                Their most recent kits struggle to stand up to the Perry War of the Roses stuff that is over a decade old at this point. They are at best comparable to Frostgrave and Stargrave kits that are still 5+ years old.
                >They unironically also limit details on purpose for aesthetic reasons or to make minis easier to paint.
                No, they just cover the kits in greebles. Every kit has icons, emblems, bits of greeble, you name it, stuck everywhere as though they are worried about leaving a blank space.

              • 2 years ago

                >and Stargrave kits that are still 5+ years old.

                Stargrave kits are fairly weak tbh, however none of those is older than 2 years.

              • 2 years ago

                This is the dumbest financial post ever, yes previous successes are what pays for the current development of products. But if the products they are funding aren't just as successful, than that reduces what you can produce in the future. Businesses have to grow to survive, not stagnate.

              • 2 years ago

                >But if the products they are funding aren't just as successful, than that reduces what you can produce in the future. Businesses have to grow to survive, not stagnate.

                You realize they keep releasing (rarely) Xenos models, right?
                Following your logic, they would make exclusively Space Marines.
                However, to keep their game alive, it is necessary to release a few "unpopular" models here and there too, despite the knowledge that a Farseer or whatever Eldar they release will never sell as well as any random Character in Primaris gear they could come up with.

                And of course they use Space Marine profits to finance the other stuff, but the Xenos are needed to keep the game and Universe alive, so they have to do it, despite it being, strictly financial speaking, a bad decision.

    • 2 years ago

      This is true, but even there you can find moronic price differences between various elite units, vehicles etc and especially character models.

      See pic related (ignore krautsprech):

      All of these are kinda the same.. Character models in power armor. Some newer, some older.
      Some prices make sense, others none at all.
      For example, the Nurgle DP is Failcast, so its 5€ cheaper than the plastic DP (which has more options etc). Makes sense to me.

      This makes no sense:
      Chaos Sorcerer (Metal) 23€
      Chaos Sorcerer Plastic: 23€
      Primaris Librarians (both): 27€

      "Expensive" Characters cost 31,50€, but Voldus only flat 30€.
      Fabius is 34 (granted, its 2 minis). Then again, Dark Apostle (3 minis) is "only" 31,50.

      • 2 years ago

        Also for some reason, some names are in German in the webstore, others in English. I didn't even notice before.
        So the money we pay is not flowing into the proper webstore translation at least.

        • 2 years ago

          The same in spanish, since 6th when they changed all the names that couldnt be copyrighted reading the webstore descriptions has become extremely unpleasant. It feels like a late night home shopping channel with the constant repeating of the trademarked names, its already jarring in spanish I dont even want to thing how out of place must be in german.

      • 2 years ago

        most powerful character there, at least in lore, is also the cheapest

    • 2 years ago

      I saw a video comparing kit prices to points cost when fully assembled, and there's a loose correlation.

    • 2 years ago

      LMAO I have severe money-wasting tendencies and I'm still noping the frick out of this shit. And on top of this there's terrain, paints, and other shit I'm not aware of. Shame because painting minis seems fun.

      • 2 years ago

        just dont do GW. If you dont like chinese that doesnt mean you wont like bbq

      • 2 years ago

        Blood Bowl is a great alternative, 80% of the martket for it is 3rd party options, the full LRB6 rules are a free pdf that was refined over the years by the original designer as a passion project and there is even a videogame port that is a 100% faithful adaptation of that same rule system in Blood Bowl 2. Then there is the pitch: no terrain and no measuring, it's a grid, you use a roll up mat or go full hobby and build yourself an actual 3d football pitch and stadium , your choice.
        And besides all of that you have ORCS playing FOOTBALL! How can you not love that?

      • 2 years ago

        >Shame because painting minis seems fun.
        I would recommend you check out /hwg/ and /awg/ for better alternatives to anything GW
        there's also infinity if you're into a slightly different kind of autism

        personally, I took the scale model pill and regret nothing, far comfier hobby than this pile of trash

        • 2 years ago

          The few scale models I've built for Gaslands were a b***h to put together and not a pleasant experience. I get why people do them, but it's quite a different discipline.

    • 2 years ago

      Case in point: Old Blood Knights were 125$(CAN) for 5 cavalry models. Just because they were the best heavy cavalry in the game at that point.

      • 2 years ago

        you can get over twice the amount of knights with much cooler historical designs for a fraction of that. Just paint em up as chaos/empire/vampires

        • 2 years ago

          That's not even the point. The blood knights were just terrible in both pricing and looks. Gamezone made cooler and a little cheaper alternatives even back ik the day.

          • 2 years ago

            it is the point you contrarian homosexual. Theres no reason to buy GW unless you are a moron.
            Anyway the reason they were so expensive is they were a metal kit and GW was using the logic of an all metal cav model being the same price as a character blister then x5

          • 2 years ago

            the pewter blood knights looked great. that doesn't excuse the price but what crack are you smoking?

  2. 2 years ago

    Elves are the biggest paypigs in the hobby. It is know. This is also the reason where there are four elven armies in AoS.

    • 2 years ago

      Theres a meme in 40k that Eldar players never buy anything which is why GW never gives the army models. Every eldar player has a dozen OOP models instead of the modern ones lol

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Except for the wraith guard the old models are better.

        They rereleased plastic guardians which already had a decent set and still leave things like scorpions and spiders in failcast. I’m lucky enough to have atleast 20 of each aspect in metal so the scorpions woild have to be really good but the spiders are easy to make a better sculpt

  3. 2 years ago

    Same reason why F2P games develope more predatory microtransactions when they lose players.
    I'm not sure if it's just my schizo tendencies but it really feels like people are leaving the core games and moving to specialised games.

    • 2 years ago

      >people are leaving the core games and moving to specialised games
      you mean like kill team or warcry?

  4. 2 years ago

    their entire price calculation is "do we think you're dumb enough to pay it"

    • 2 years ago

      Please explain what you think the price determining mechanism is. And this isn't a defense of gw, you're just stupid.

      This basically; the sweet spot where you capture people who value the product most without being too high.

      Victrix makes plastic miniatures of at the very least comparable quality to GW at a fraction of the price.
      Infinity has generally better sculpting and detail than GW. And then there's Mierce and Dark Sword that are just leagues ahead. Although I admit that comparing metals and resins to plastic is a little unfair, but then again, nobody forced GW to abandon metals and get rid of their best sculptors.
      It is however true that no company exists as a competitor to GW by having an alive and played game system of any popularity *and* high-quality miniatures for fantasy or sci-fi mass combat.

      They are a monopoly that will probably only die once they completely kill the setting/fluff, similar to capeshit or star wars.

      • 2 years ago

        There is none. Its random as frick.

        • 2 years ago

          It's the collective value judgments of the warhammer market which is influenced by all sorts of things.

          Value isn't derived from the labor and materials used to create a product, It's created by the perception of the one who buys it.

          This, each person adds a weight and a range is achieved where some people are priced out and the ones who value it the most pay.

          It's based on mold tooling.

          Every sprue costs about 50k-100k to tool. If they expect to sell tons and tons of the sprue (like in a starter kit) they can afford to sell it at a low price, since they'll cover the tooling costs no problem. A troops kit everyone will buy 2-3 of can be cheaper too. A character you only buy one of? That needs to be expensive, since not everyone will buy it and those who do will only buy one. That's why characters used to be metal or resin and relatively cheap, they have comparatively minimal start up cost.

          Also primaris pigs pay more.

          That is the cost. Simple molds aren't so expensive but plastic miniatures are on the higher complexity end of plastic injection molding and those easily reach 100k, although GW has probably optimized that to some extent considering how many they make.

          That is why most smaller companies can not afford to make plastic minis. You have to be confident you can move at least a few thousand units to even break even.

          None of these things have anything to do with the price they can charge, nobody who buys anything thinks about the overhead and production costs unless their coping with what they just spent; a post hoc rationalization when really they just wanted it because reasons. The prices reflect how much people subjectively value stuff.

      • 2 years ago

        Won't even need to wait that long; 3rd party sculpts and 3d printing are going to force their hand sooner.

      • 2 years ago

        >Poster talks about how pricing makes no sense to him.
        >You come in, ask him to explain pricing when he already says he doesn't understand, then you call him stupid without explaining the pricing.
        Please be normal

  5. 2 years ago

    Daily reminder you can get tons of minis for dirt cheap from smaller companies like the following, many of which have oldschool sculpts STUFFED with soul.
    -Forlorn Hope Games
    -Battlezone minis
    -Mirliton (all 4 of the above and many others carry the old grenadier minis. The first three are cheaper but Mirliton has most of the range.)
    -Reaper Bones
    -Turnkey minis
    -The Viking Forge (contain lead)
    -Essex Miniatures (contain lead)
    -Irregular Minis (shop is on the bottom banner of the site)
    -Dark Alliance (1:72/20mm scale)
    -Caesar Miniatures (1:72/20 scale)
    -Midlam Minis
    -Perry miniatures
    -Crusader Miniatures
    -Pulp Figures
    -The Assault Group
    -Crusader Miniatures
    -Fenris Games
    -Impact Minis (carry a lot of ranges that would otherwise be lost)
    -Old Glory
    -Ral Partha Europe
    -Denizen Miniatures
    -Iron Wind Metals
    -Ral Partha Legacy
    -North Star Military Figures
    -Black Tree Design/EOE Orbis (prices vary wildly - extremely unreliable shipping)
    -Mantic (army packs are around 3.50 per mini, still a bit expensive)
    -Scotia Grendel
    -Wargames Atlantic
    -Gripping Beast (the plastics especially)
    -Diehard minis
    -Prince August (Carries the old Warzone figures)
    -Ramshackle Games
    -Cobblestone Castings
    -Emperors Choice Miniatures
    -Alternative Armies (mostly 15mm, has some 28mm)
    -Northumbrian Tin Soldier
    -Mageknight (these and the next 6 entries are all available via ebay)
    -D&D boardgame pieces (legend of drizzt, ravenloft, wrath of ashardalon, elemental evil, etc.)
    -Battle Master
    -Crossbows And Catapults
    -Battle Masters
    -CP Models (VERY unfortunate name)

    Support small mini makers. Frick paying 40 bucks for two guys.

    • 2 years ago

      A single primaris character cost $35.
      Absolutely bullshit.

      • 2 years ago

        Fricking hell. You can over 100 EM4 orcs or dwarves for the same price. Which would give you a better gaming experience?

    • 2 years ago

      Which one of these have bulk miniature deals like EM4 and their plastic fantasy miniatures?
      Great fodder for paint practicing I tell ya.

      • 2 years ago

        EM4 is pretty much your only choice for paint practice fodder.
        The alternatives are those plastic toy soldiers which aren't very well detailed.

      • 2 years ago

        Warlord games bought old molds from wargames factory and have the cheapest bulk orcs/undead.

    • 2 years ago

      >Cobblestone Castings
      It's Copplestone, as in Mark Copplestone you ignorant barbarian

      • 2 years ago

        Mark Cobblestone?

    • 2 years ago

      Link to CP models? I don't really feel like getting on a watchlist by looking.

      • 2 years ago

        The government is no where near obsessive enough to get on you for that. They can't use it to justify anything, especially when your history immediately shows that you entered a site about wargames rather than cheese pizza and if they are so stupid as to not understand the difference between wargames and cheese pizza, they'd still put you on a watch list anyway if you were sent by a link. With that being said, you can just search up CP miniatures if you're that worried. Now please type in the site so I can justify a future no knock raid.

  6. 2 years ago


    reminder everytime you support them its giving other manufactures a signal to copy them

    • 2 years ago

      I havent bought from gw or their partners for years. I only buy from ebay and troll trader.

  7. 2 years ago

    I have long ago given up on GW, which si a shame, cause I love their universes and their minis used to be, and still are, after all, the best on the market.
    Good thing is, I got this vast collection from back in the 90s and I don't play in stores or clubs, so I never have to buy a new GW product ever again.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm basically no games by now though, the occasional game with the wife and a few futile attempts to get a few normie friends into WarhammerQuest excepted.

      • 2 years ago

        I have long ago given up on GW, which si a shame, cause I love their universes and their minis used to be, and still are, after all, the best on the market.
        Good thing is, I got this vast collection from back in the 90s and I don't play in stores or clubs, so I never have to buy a new GW product ever again.

        jesus christ, paint your fricking models. even a semidecent paintjob might get a few normie friends interested in playing with you.

      • 2 years ago

        Paint your models and remodel your basement. This is why no one wants to play with you. People want to play something visually appealing at the very least, not play with ugly bare plastic tokens in some dusty crawl space next to boxes of junk.

        • 2 years ago

          PAINT your FRICKING models, you posted this like a year ago and if you'd painted any then you'd have posted that instead

          jesus christ, paint your fricking models. even a semidecent paintjob might get a few normie friends interested in playing with you.

          These pics are from 09, I'll never paint it all.
          Also I no longer live like that.
          All of this has nothing to do with me not playing much though.

          Also I lol at gays comparing realistic historicals to heroic scale fantasy stuff.

          • 2 years ago

            Why are you posting pics from over a decade ago? And although thats a large amount of minis, even if you only had one hour a day to paint, you'd still be able to complete them all within 13 years.

            • 2 years ago

              They are the only pics of the whole collection I got.
              I don't want to paint everything, I paint what I like most and what I currently need fro the games I play(Oldmunda and OG WarhammerQuest).

              • 2 years ago

                If you don't plan on painting half of them, why are you keeping them? They're just taking up room at that point and its not very impressive that you bought a bunch of boxes only to never touch them. It would do you well to sell them on ebay, if those are oldhammer figures you could make a good amount of money especially because they are unpainted and don't require stripping. You should also take a new picture with the ones you've painted and take a few close up shots.

      • 2 years ago

        nice collection. take care of yourself

    • 2 years ago

      > their minis used to be, and still are, after all, the best on the market.

      After seeing very nice paint jobs on marvel and Harry Potter miniatures, that part is dubious as well. I’ve painted a few crisis protocol miniatures for comisions and when I came back to painting GW I found the models overly detailed with millions of small nonsensical bits. The quality of their sprues is better as well, they need little to no cleaning and they fit very nicely

      • 2 years ago

        MCP's stuff made me excited to paint again, really love their miniatures, last time I was that excited to paint stuff was Retribution models for Warmachine.
        Some of the earlier MCP stuff isn't that great, but everything past first year of release has been solid.

        • 2 years ago

          Some of the old ones are still good, although a bit static. Magneto might be my favorite, but whoever designed malekith deserves a raise

          • 2 years ago

            Oh don't get me wrong, some of the release day stuff is still amongst my favourite sculpts (like MODOK and Ultron) but there are some of the worst (Hulk, released at same time) or kinda lacking (Iron Man).

      • 2 years ago

        I've never seen the harry potter miniatures, but if its anything like the batman miniatures, the quality is very, very low and it takes 10x as long to work with the material as trying to remove any mold lines causes weird little hair like wisps to pop up, whilst quality assurance issues are rampant.

        • 2 years ago

          Got the kickstarter set and the quality is immaculate. The game itself is pretty boring tho

    • 2 years ago

      >their minis used to be, and still are, after all, the best on the market.

    • 2 years ago

      They never have been the best. In the 90s confrontation mugged them off. In the early 2000s loads of companies matched them.

      In the now period they might be the best quality, all the competition is gone

      • 2 years ago

        Victrix makes plastic miniatures of at the very least comparable quality to GW at a fraction of the price.
        Infinity has generally better sculpting and detail than GW. And then there's Mierce and Dark Sword that are just leagues ahead. Although I admit that comparing metals and resins to plastic is a little unfair, but then again, nobody forced GW to abandon metals and get rid of their best sculptors.
        It is however true that no company exists as a competitor to GW by having an alive and played game system of any popularity *and* high-quality miniatures for fantasy or sci-fi mass combat.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm basically no games by now though, the occasional game with the wife and a few futile attempts to get a few normie friends into WarhammerQuest excepted.

      PAINT your FRICKING models, you posted this like a year ago and if you'd painted any then you'd have posted that instead

  8. 2 years ago

    GW pricing are insane, but the reasoning behind this is usualy simple.
    Initial production cost are a factor in this. Things like paying the sculptor and the mold.
    If you have 100 player and everyone need 2xInfantry Kit you know you will sell 200, but a Hero you will sell only 1x player so you need a bigger margin on the single kit.

    • 2 years ago

      its got nothing to do with costs

    • 2 years ago

      That’s not even remotely how it works. Even if you need to pay the design team (GW is famous for underpaying) the cost of the whole process, from designing to packaging is amortized once they sell a low number of boxes. After that, everything they earn is profit and they don’t even adjust their prices to their initial expenses, they do it depending on the demand of a certain product, molds, designers and packaging and storing costs have nothing to do with their prices.

      I’ve been working in the plastic industry for years and I can tell you even cheap companies like warlord are overpriced as frick compared to the costs in the industry. I can tell you GW could lower the prices about a 20% and still make a huge lot of money.

      It’s not even plastic anymore. How many 100 page books have you seen being sold for $35? Some childrens books have the same quality and need original designs and are usually $17 or $20. That’s almost half of what a codex costs.

      >yeah but they need to pay play testers and designers
      Wrong, GW is getting rid of more and more play testers, keeping only a handful and about 50% of the designs that appear on codex are recycled from older editions.

      People can argue all they want and get as mad as they wish, that won’t change the fact all I’ve said is real

      • 2 years ago

        I think the non stop river of errata blorting from GWHQ proves that their playtesters are frickwits

      • 2 years ago

        >GW is famous for underpaying
        The design team should be paid less.

      • 2 years ago

        >How many 100 page books have you seen being sold for $35? Some childrens books have the same quality and need original designs and are usually $17 or $20. That’s almost half of what a codex costs.

        It's the books that really get me, tbh.
        At least the minis I get a pile of time spent dealing with them, and can keep them forever without it getting outdated (beyond maybe weapon outfits).
        But rules get rapidly outdated, and they want $120 dollarydoos for each of the Heresy Libers and the same for the core rulebook. $360 just for the rules, that will get errata'd and nullified at the drop of a hat.

      • 2 years ago

        How much does a single mold for a sprue cost? Then factor in renting a machine for a couple weeks(person pulling said sprue from mold is factored in) cost of transport to a main wharehouse, cost to ship to a store to sell, cost to store for profit per item.
        Oh right communist drivel as not a single fricking one of you understands a god damn thing on how much shit costs. Eat your fricking mcdouble and shut your fricking stupid cake holes.

        • 2 years ago

          instead of going on some insane/assmad coperant about mcdonalds and commies you could simply explain to the rest of us how vertically integrated GW's in house production costs are higher than some small independent sculptor relying on contract mouldmakers and manufacturers like Renedra or Wargames Atlantic has lower costs

          • 2 years ago

            oops, should have read that properly before I added to that sentence
            to be fair at least I'm deep in my cups

        • 2 years ago

          >How much does a single mold for a sprue cost?

          About GBP 3-5k at the most, depending on complexity. The days of using a manual pantograph to reduce hand-modelled three-ups into a die ended 20 years ago. Modern dies are literally cut by machines after virtual 3D models are made. The process is no longer labor and skill intensive with multiple points of failure.

          Manual pantographic-cut dies are as anachronistic as a wind-up starter on a car, because they are expensive, hard to get right, and have shitty levels of waste (a single human error will destroy a die instantly). Modern CAD/CAM panto eliminates 90% of what made die cutting expensive until the late noughties.

          >Then factor in renting a machine for a couple weeks
          GW plays it smart. They own these machines themselves. If they make a profit (they always do), great. If they make a loss, GW’s insulated by business asset depreciation tax breaks.

          >person pulling said sprue from mold is factored in
          Probably the cheapest part of the process, given that dies auto-eject and have done for fifty fricking years. Look up ‘injection moulding ejector pin marks’ if you need more of a schoolin’.

          Dude, GW plastic is quite possibly the most overpriced commodity in human history. Deal with it.

          cost of transport to a main wharehouse, cost to ship to a store to sell, cost to store for profit per item.

          • 2 years ago

            Hello Macca.

          • 2 years ago

            This, you damn corporate wienersucker. It’s people like you who mislead and misinform and cause people to go ‘yeah, it’s a luxury item, what else can you do aside from spending even more cash on them?’ Just repeating after some random YouTuber who makes more than you’ll ever will by pretending GW is a fair company and getting free stuff. Do some research about the matter man, everything is easily findable on google.

            Also thanks for assuming I’m burger, English isn’t even my first language, good to know my money was well invested.

            So much this.
            If the whole "hurr the tools are so expensive durr"-argument would be true, then for each box with 3 sprues inside that GW sells for 50, all competitors (which are smaller, have less/no own machines, less logistic, smaller purchasing amounts of raw material i.e. worse prices etc) should a box with similar content for 60-100 to make up for their initial investment (and less sales, compared to GW sales of each units).

            But for some reason, even some boxes of the most obscure historical minis, like fricking Afghan Warriors of the 18th century or some ancient Dacians costs less than some individual character models from GW.
            So if a tool would really cost these absurd amounts of money as people claim, those obscure plastic sets would not re-finance themselves within decades, and yet they are sold for less than GW stuff. By companies not even a fraction of GWs size.
            How strange.

            Or maybe GW is just milking the shit out of their paypigs, and they would be moronic to sell their stuff cheaper because it works.

            • 2 years ago

              GW is absolutely milking paypigs, they're trying to make GW minis into this elite premium line, the same company that fricks up their paint mixes and gave us the worst resin models possible

        • 2 years ago

          >How much does a single mold for a sprue cost?

          About GBP 3-5k at the most, depending on complexity. The days of using a manual pantograph to reduce hand-modelled three-ups into a die ended 20 years ago. Modern dies are literally cut by machines after virtual 3D models are made. The process is no longer labor and skill intensive with multiple points of failure.

          Manual pantographic-cut dies are as anachronistic as a wind-up starter on a car, because they are expensive, hard to get right, and have shitty levels of waste (a single human error will destroy a die instantly). Modern CAD/CAM panto eliminates 90% of what made die cutting expensive until the late noughties.

          >Then factor in renting a machine for a couple weeks
          GW plays it smart. They own these machines themselves. If they make a profit (they always do), great. If they make a loss, GW’s insulated by business asset depreciation tax breaks.

          >person pulling said sprue from mold is factored in
          Probably the cheapest part of the process, given that dies auto-eject and have done for fifty fricking years. Look up ‘injection moulding ejector pin marks’ if you need more of a schoolin’.

          Dude, GW plastic is quite possibly the most overpriced commodity in human history. Deal with it.

          cost of transport to a main wharehouse, cost to ship to a store to sell, cost to store for profit per item.

          This, you damn corporate wienersucker. It’s people like you who mislead and misinform and cause people to go ‘yeah, it’s a luxury item, what else can you do aside from spending even more cash on them?’ Just repeating after some random YouTuber who makes more than you’ll ever will by pretending GW is a fair company and getting free stuff. Do some research about the matter man, everything is easily findable on google.

          Also thanks for assuming I’m burger, English isn’t even my first language, good to know my money was well invested.

          • 2 years ago

            Are you Dutch?

      • 2 years ago

        It's crazy. The scupt quality is lower to be sure but I've been buying Tamiya 1/48 scale WW2 soldiers for painting practise. Get 10-14 of them for less than $10.

    • 2 years ago

      You've got no idea what you're talking about, you should be embarrassed by this post

  9. 2 years ago

    Remember when we halved the number of Dire Avengers in the Dire Avengers kit but kept the same price tag, just around the time we released a new codex that made them the must-have line infantry?

    Welcome to Games Workshop. Run away now or whip out your wallet.

    • 2 years ago

      I have spent more on dire avengers than I have my whole 1.5k ultramarine army lol

    • 2 years ago

      i worked for them at the time they did this. it was infuriating having to explain this shit to people

      • 2 years ago

        >it was infuriating having to explain this shit to people

        Did they pay a bonus to their customer service and storefront employees after that? (or similar decisions that hurt the customer)

        • 2 years ago

          No, GW treats its employees worse than customers

          • 2 years ago

            A lot of the former FW sculptors have expressed this sentiment, the pay was good but the job was misery. Basically they are totally beholden to the whims of corporate and at any time their current project can be cancelled, this destroyed their motivation. Most of them went freelance, some historicals, I think one guy makes film props. But to be honest most current GW staff are gays and pink haired mentally ill so they deserve it. The guys writing your shitty rules are pathetic, sniveling onions men who get paid $30k a year

  10. 2 years ago

    What the frick is an orruk?

    • 2 years ago

      looks like ork, sounds like Uruk. GW HAPPY

    • 2 years ago

      Cousin of orc and ork, but with noticibly less hunched over head and upper teeth more visible

    • 2 years ago

      legally distinct GW orc. Like come on, the names are dumb but it's been 7 years now, it's really not a surprise anymore.

  11. 2 years ago

    I'm still amazed paypigs keep paying on these shit products instead of turning alternatives but I guess sunk cost fallacy is too big.

    • 2 years ago

      Dunno why people are still buying their shit after so many scandals such as purge of fan animations, warhammer plus etc.

      • 2 years ago

        Same reason people still get stuff from apple after airpods, charger without adapter, etc

        • 2 years ago

          Because they're either stereotypical consooooomers or want to show off?

      • 2 years ago

        >such as purge of fan animations
        that's actually based, frick "fan" parasitism, make your own shit.

        • 2 years ago

          Lol, lmao even.
          Projects like Astartes, Death of Hope..and whacky TTS brought more people to the hobby than any gw crap.

  12. 2 years ago

    I still remember those sweet 20 Cadian box for 25€...

  13. 2 years ago

    Reminder that Primaris were only created to drive more sales because even the Space Marine playerbase wasnt buying anything. Ever wonder why Primaris marines didnt just replace tactical marines so you could just run your old manlet marines as primaris? Well to force you to buy the new range of course!

    Frick em, I have shoplifted so many times from warhammer stores here in the UK and I dont even fricking care anymore I am not paying that shit

    • 2 years ago

      >Ever wonder why Primaris marines didnt just replace tactical marines so you could just run your old manlet marines as primaris? Well to force you to buy the new range of course!
      This would have happened anyway with just true scale marines that would have mogged the older models just like the new chaos marines do without invalidating them. Instead they destroyed their own setting

  14. 2 years ago

    You know how in Japan a certain shows gets a "Super exclusive one-time-only BD release" and only a handful (let's say hundreds, thousands at most) of "loyal customers" (smelly otakus) buy it, even though it's horrendously overpriced just for the reason that the producers KNOW that at least SOMEONE will buy it?

    GW operates on a similar level.

  15. 2 years ago

    I'm shocked the new beakies are a good deal, they will israelite us later down to 10 man boxes like the cadian shock troops surely

    • 2 years ago

      >$50 for ten GUARD
      >But we finally have diversity like pic related in the box.

      • 2 years ago

        Man even 10 metal cast old guard isn't $50

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      lol this is just your stockholm syndrome talking

      I think you live in cuucuu land man.
      Which 20 model box is comparable? And everyone knows comparing historical with fantasy and sci fi isn't fair really.
      When I did the prices I didn't include the 20% discount at retailers btw

      you are a shill stfu

      • 2 years ago

        I'm a shill? I'm literally a huge gw hater.

        • 2 years ago

          Ok, not-a-shill

          • 2 years ago

            I'm op anon

          • 2 years ago

            How about respond to either of the arguments/questions presented to you instead of trying to figure out what insults to hurl at strangers?

            • 2 years ago

              I lose respect for posters that pre-empt replies by saying "find me an example of X, excluding X"
              it's like pre-emptive goal post moving. Top it off with a weaselly well that doesn't count thats an unfair comparison.
              Don't get surprised people tell you to frick off and call you an idiot.

              • 2 years ago

                You're talking with multiple people right now, shit-for-brains.
                I asked you a very simple question: Are these numbers you pulled out of your ass quantities of clones, or quantities of unique individual sculpts?!

              • 2 years ago

                you're fricking moronic kiddo. Learn to be silent.
                GW isn't going to suck your dick no matter how hard you bat for them idiot.

              • 2 years ago

                Answer the fricking question moron, you don't even have a fricking clue what I am leading at which has FRICK ALL to do with GW.
                You ginormous flappy pus leaking TWAT.

              • 2 years ago

                what question? you made a moronic statement, that there is no alternative to GW?
                Thats moronic you are a shill you ACTUAL TWAT

              • 2 years ago

                Calm. The. Frick. Down. And. Read.
                I have asked you TWICE an incredibly simple, elementary even, question.
                The numbers you posted. (this is the subject of the question)
                Are they for CLONES (of which you buy 20+ etc... to fill out troops) or are they UNIQUES (one offs, models you do NOT want duplicates of SPECIFICALLY)
                Is that clear enough for you Mr.I-need-to-be-told-thrice?

              • 2 years ago

                hey anon guess what, i'm a different anon.
                I didn't post numbers.
                I'm simply replying to YOUR post. Which is bullshit lying, you are a liar. You schizo tard.

              • 2 years ago

                the STATEMENTS in this chain belong to OP as he stated.
                >Oh look at me I'm so fricking brilliant I'm going to jump into a chain of confusion about anons to point fingers and not clearly say that I am a 4th party!
                You deserve every bit of ass-chewing you get, fricknuts.

              • 2 years ago

                you aren't smart kid. No one can take this GW shill shit seriously anymore.
                Theres loads of better priced alternatives now.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                contrarianism has rotted your brain. You are an idiot.

              • 2 years ago

                From the re-re drooler who can't answer a simple question.
                I had no problem with what you were saying (until you proved yourself to be a Black person) I was just curious about the details of the minis you were talking about and maybe even in the fricking seller!
                But NOOOOOOO Black folk gotta nig! right?! Can't just have a goddamned conversation now, that might fricking be productive! Instead you have to respond to EVERY reply aggressively with insults because Ganker is just one big incel wypipo blob to a fricking Black person!

              • 2 years ago

                no one cares GW shill, just seethe while everyone in the room laughs at your moronic posts.

                I'll be the first to shill for alternate companies like WGA and Northstar since I like sculpts but no one is even close to GW in terms of quality tbh.

                thats a lie.

              • 2 years ago

                >still can't answer the simplest of questions!
                Where are you getting this shill crap from? I ASKED YOU A QUESTION ABOUT MINIS (YOU) ARE TALKING ABOUT
                I have not said anything about GW fricking minis, so what the frick is (Your) goddamned problem?

                You know what your problem is? you're here to argue, you don't have any goddamned minis and couldn't post a source if your life fricking depended on it.

              • 2 years ago

                I convert shit with WGA all the time, and the quality is simply not the same. I love the sculpts but pretending frostgrave minis are comparable to GW in quality is just cope.

              • 2 years ago

                Why does your anti shilling feel like pro gw deflection

              • 2 years ago

                >advocating other miniatures
                You gw shills are getting glowie

              • 2 years ago

                You haven't advocated any minis. You have made up some numbers that feel nice that are totally unrealistic.
                The cost of metal, inflation etc.
                Models for 1-2 quid a model is good value now. £3 is poorer but the quality is also a factor.

                Em4 dwarfs do not match up with overlords in quality

              • 2 years ago

                you pretending to be unaware of alternatives or moving the goalposts around to exclude alternatives isnt an argument you deranged mentally ill shill dunce.

              • 2 years ago

                >open mouth
                >insert foot
                Multiple. Anons.

                moronic GW shill samegay

            • 2 years ago

              also i'll point out you insulted first.

              • 2 years ago

                >open mouth
                >insert foot
                Multiple. Anons.

    • 2 years ago
      Sieg heil

      Never played 30k, can you use beakies in both 30k and 40k might be a good way to save money

      • 2 years ago

        yes, mkvi armour is still in use in 40k (the tactical squad kit even comes with one mkvi dude)

    • 2 years ago

      This. You better stock up on Beakies as long as they are available for 20€ per 10-man-squad on ebay.

      Once that initial supply from all the starter boxes is gone, you can expect them to reappear in GW stores for 62€ (for 20), like the MK3 and MK4 marines for HH.

  16. 2 years ago

    If I may ask how would you prefer pricing be fixed?
    I've been looking into starting a Tabletop skirmish game where 10 miniatures is probably the most miniatures you're going to be fielding.

    • 2 years ago

      Consistently. £30 for 10 dudes is high but acceptable. £28.50 for 5 elite guys, fine.
      £12-15 for characters, okay.
      Tanks can be £30.

      There. Make everything follow that. Nothing annoys me more than how cheap some elites are compared to others. Like those striking scorpions. Way too high and other armies get similar in plastic for way less

      • 2 years ago

        >£30 for 10 dudes is high but acceptable.
        No it is fricking not. £22 will get me 40 finely detailed plastic minis with a metric buttfrickton of optional parts from just about any historical manufacturer, and even the skirmish games companies will sell me 20 bodies and enough gear, weapons, optional arms, and heads, to fill my bitsbox in one go with leftover parts.
        For £20 - 22.
        For £30 I want 40 to 50 bodies, and plenty of gear and options, at least enough to cover all given loadout choices and some extra greebles. But gw give me 10 guardsmen and maybe an upgrade spruce, if I buy the 20 year old box.
        Basic infantry should be £18 - 20 for 20 with options
        Characters no more than £8, most coming in at £6.50
        Vehicles vary, but a Russ should be £24 at the most.

        • 2 years ago

          That depends, are you talking unique sculpts and pose per body, or are your figures for clones?

          • 2 years ago

            I think you live in cuucuu land man.
            Which 20 model box is comparable? And everyone knows comparing historical with fantasy and sci fi isn't fair really.
            When I did the prices I didn't include the 20% discount at retailers btw

            Any Perry miniatures infantry box, especially the medieval ones, any Victrix pack, or any Stargrave or Frostgrave set. And that's not me looking hard, that's me thinking off if the top of my head whilst eating breakfast.
            All are superior sculpts too.

            I'll be the first to shill for alternate companies like WGA and Northstar since I like sculpts but no one is even close to GW in terms of quality tbh.

            That's just an outright lie.

        • 2 years ago

          I think you live in cuucuu land man.
          Which 20 model box is comparable? And everyone knows comparing historical with fantasy and sci fi isn't fair really.
          When I did the prices I didn't include the 20% discount at retailers btw

          • 2 years ago

            >And everyone knows comparing historical with fantasy and sci fi isn't fair really
            >costs more to design historicals using independent sculptors instead of a stable being paid minimum wage
            >costs more to produce them due to much smaller scale
            >costs more to distribute them
            >yet quality is better and prices are a fraction of GW
            Yeah it's not fair to compare them at all you absolute moron

            • 2 years ago

              more to design historicals using independent sculptors instead of a stable being paid minimum wage
              more to produce them due to much smaller scale
              this is fanfiction anon

        • 2 years ago

          I'll be the first to shill for alternate companies like WGA and Northstar since I like sculpts but no one is even close to GW in terms of quality tbh.

      • 2 years ago

        What a fricking moron. Ladies and gentleman, the paypig!

  17. 2 years ago

    One thing I like about Infinity is the fact that models are priced according to the material. Two infantry models of about the same size will cost the same, being made by about the same quantity of pewter, even if their in-game cost wildly differs.

  18. 2 years ago

    Value isn't derived from the labor and materials used to create a product, It's created by the perception of the one who buys it.

  19. 2 years ago

    Check out Antimatter games, Deeps Wars and Shadow Sea. Miniatures are through Dark Sword Miniatures either resin/metal or STL.

    These miniatures shit all over GW.

    Or, how about Burrows and Badgers by Oathsworn? Want to get your girlfriend or wife into gaming? This will hook them.

    • 2 years ago

      >Want to get your girlfriend or wife into gaming?

      Your what?

    • 2 years ago

      >sold out and never being restocked because the company had a bad year
      nice one

  20. 2 years ago

    There are eight threads about this shit up. Is this a coordinated raid or are you all genuinely this stupid that you're surprised the scam company is still scamming and none of you can use the catalog?

    • 2 years ago

      link the threads bro they are cathartic to read

  21. 2 years ago

    Just print your own minis.

    • 2 years ago

      3d printer go brrrrrrrrr.

      • 2 years ago

        if you are going to print a shitload of minis, yes, 3d printing is the way to go.

        • 2 years ago

          > a shitload

          Tbh, with prices like 2-300€ for a decent printer, you dont have too print all that much to get more out of the printer than GW would have given you for that money.

          • 2 years ago

            plus, i've seen the kind of shit you can pull off with them. there's a regular poster in /btg/ whose done things like print an ASSLOAD of Urbies all of different versions and customs. dude has entire fricking battalions of mechs all new models and sculpts too. with different weapons and such for all the different variations of chassis

  22. 2 years ago

    kinda relevant to the topic, a letter from the sales director from Wargames Atlantic, a fairly new company that makes plastic miniatures, mainly to fill gaps in the ranges of other manufacturers.

    >Globally the price of fuel has skyrocketed, which in this business means there has been an increase to the cost of raw materials (namely the plastic - which is up over 60% per pound!) Because of this, the production cost of a typical box has now increased by roughly $0.12.

    • 2 years ago

      based 12 cent increase

      • 2 years ago

        Yet they dont increase the price. Kinda nice.

        Considering GW is a much larger company, they should (in theory) have way better purchasing departments, resulting in lower costs for raw material, since they buy larger quantities.
        So technically, GW raised their prices by 10+%, despite having probably less than 20ct of cost increase per kit.

  23. 2 years ago

    It's based on how many of them you're going to need, if you only need one box they're going to charge more than say run of the mill troops you have to buy many more of

  24. 2 years ago

    Just curious, what are people who abandoned GW entirely playing at your lgs?

    • 2 years ago

      Infinity, Battletech (kino), X-Wing/SW Legion. Not too surprising tbh.

      • 2 years ago

        i wish people played battletech in my area.

    • 2 years ago

      Infinity and Bolt Action

    • 2 years ago

      Most people just play stuff like OPR with their GW minis here.

  25. 2 years ago

    Buy 3D printer and enjoy cheap models.

  26. 2 years ago

    i dont mind the high prices. im not a poorgay and this prices the poor sweaty peasants out of my hobby

    • 2 years ago

      for all the shitposts like this one sees online I've still only met one (1) genuinely financially successful person that mains 40k— and he treats wheeling and dealing on buy/swap/sell pages as a kind of hobby in and of itself, while the guys in the club I played at in my youth that spent big on GW collections funded it by taking money from other parts of their life, they lived in pretty miserable housing

      In the main, the personally successful or intergenerationally wealthy types I've come across all play historicals, sometimes with a side of one of the better community run GW specialist games if they played 40k or WFB in their youth. makes a lot of sense, 40k is a shit game but one needs to build or tap into networks to play stuff that isn't pick up games of poorly written normshit. I don't have time to keep pace with quarterly balance patches but the broader social scene is still built around tournaments with very few narrative and casual events like there are with historicals conventions

  27. 2 years ago

    E B A Y

  28. 2 years ago

    i like how mad this gw shill has become after pointing out his weaselly
    >ughh ashkully those alternatives priced affordably with more minis in the box, they don't count!

  29. 2 years ago

    It's based on mold tooling.

    Every sprue costs about 50k-100k to tool. If they expect to sell tons and tons of the sprue (like in a starter kit) they can afford to sell it at a low price, since they'll cover the tooling costs no problem. A troops kit everyone will buy 2-3 of can be cheaper too. A character you only buy one of? That needs to be expensive, since not everyone will buy it and those who do will only buy one. That's why characters used to be metal or resin and relatively cheap, they have comparatively minimal start up cost.

    Also primaris pigs pay more.

    • 2 years ago

      >Every sprue costs about 50k-100k to tool
      Surely not, how did they ever start? Gw wasn't always huge. Even in their multi pose glory days... that was their financial dark ages

      Also other companies can do it cheaper

      • 2 years ago

        That is the cost. Simple molds aren't so expensive but plastic miniatures are on the higher complexity end of plastic injection molding and those easily reach 100k, although GW has probably optimized that to some extent considering how many they make.

        That is why most smaller companies can not afford to make plastic minis. You have to be confident you can move at least a few thousand units to even break even.

        • 2 years ago

          Bullshit, see

          That hasn’t been even remotely true for decades. How many different sprues does GW make, conservatively? Let’s say 150. Given that they may need say 10 sprue dies on average per model, per year, to ensure throughput and replace worn dies, that’s 150 million GBP per year.
          Now have a look at pic related and admit you’re a fricking moron parroting a line of bullshit that has never been accurate or relevant.

          you dumbass.

          • 2 years ago
            Sieg heil

            I'm a Machinist, that's about right for a machines mold from a mold maker, especially if you're doing . 5-axis work...but once you pay for one we got the NC for it all you have to pay for is tooling, labor and materials and the labor goes wayyyyy down because once we have the NC and setup down we just have some $15/hr operator run them not a trained machinist

            That 100k includes engineering, programmer, tool and die maker or mold maker salary. All very specialized fields.

            Once all that is ironed out, you make a repeat order price goes wayyyyy down. Like hundreds of dollars per mold

            • 2 years ago

              The claim has historically been that the dies themselves are 100kGBP and everything else is on top of that, which is clearly bullshit.
              The point is that with automated die cutting the cost to make a die isn’t anywhere near 100k and if you average them out, multiple dies for the same sprue work out to maybe 5k on average.
              GW also has all those specialised fields ‘in house’ which brings those costs down hugely.

              • 2 years ago

                They don't cut their dies in house. They get them done by some German company.

            • 2 years ago

              Why didn’t you follow your Dad into working for Nintendo?

    • 2 years ago

      its bullshit. Its purely just price gouging.

      • 2 years ago

        You can't price gouge a fricking plastic toy luxury good for man children you dumb fricking poor gay.

        • 2 years ago

          Lol, lmao even.
          Consumerism has warped people.

          • 2 years ago

            No, It's just the term for this type of good, goods are either necessities or luxuries.

            "In economics, a luxury good is a good for which demand increases more than what is proportional as income rises, so that expenditures on the good become a greater proportion of overall spending. Luxury goods are in contrast to necessity goods, where demand increases proportionally less than income."

          • 2 years ago

            Are you saying miniatures are necessities? Luxury doesn't just mean of high quality, it can also just mean superfluous.

        • 2 years ago

          yes you can what do you think GW is doing when they charge a 100 bucks for 50 cents worth of plastic?
          Are you a literal 14 year old?

          • 2 years ago

            I'm thinking you are if you're this upset the toys you want cost money.

            • 2 years ago

              >toys i want
              I don't want GW. You lose shill.

            • 2 years ago

              Post your non gw well priced minis anon.

              • 2 years ago

                >still can't answer the simplest of questions!
                Where are you getting this shill crap from? I ASKED YOU A QUESTION ABOUT MINIS (YOU) ARE TALKING ABOUT
                I have not said anything about GW fricking minis, so what the frick is (Your) goddamned problem?

                You know what your problem is? you're here to argue, you don't have any goddamned minis and couldn't post a source if your life fricking depended on it.

                I convert shit with WGA all the time, and the quality is simply not the same. I love the sculpts but pretending frostgrave minis are comparable to GW in quality is just cope.

                shills going full schizo lmao.

                Maybe you lgs gays should diversify instead of hawking GWs crap

              • 2 years ago

                Give me a link for
                > £22 will get me 40 finely detailed plastic minis with a metric buttfrickton of optional parts

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Here's an old picture from my chaos army. It includes parts from over 15 companies, including Reaper, Wargames Factory, Spartan, Privateer press, Russian Alternative, Wizkids, Northstar, Mantic, Ral partha and a bunch of shit I do not remember. I extensively use recasters, 3d printers, 3ed parties, and literal trash. I am as far from a GW purist as you can fricking get.

                GW plastic is still the best on the fantasy/sci fi market and anyone who claims differently is just seething.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh god John Blanche ejaculated on your minis anon

              • 2 years ago

                >the plastic
                its all the same shit anon, you can buy minis made of the exact same plastic gw uses, using the same casting technique and even made by the same sculptors.
                You have to be 14 pr mentally 14.

              • 2 years ago

                Nta. I hate gw. I like other companies models a lot. But nowadays is there anyone doing comparative plastic?
                Gw had more competition in the past

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                You are clearly a fricking no models. I buy kits from all these different companies. I love 3ed party kits. By comparison to GW, the detail is soft, the plastic is oily, and the sculpts are lower detail. Those are just facts. Stop coping.

              • 2 years ago

                pure bullshit in your mind.
                >plastic oily
                kek you mean it has a sheen? You are a stupid dumb ass shill.

              • 2 years ago

                You have terminal GW Derangement Syndrome dude. Stop being a queer.

              • 2 years ago

                you are a moronic lying schizo GW shill

              • 2 years ago

                Do you not see that every single model in that photo is half 3ed party? Lmao.

              • 2 years ago

                yet you are saying GW is the "bestest". Funny that. You are still a shill dumb kid.

              • 2 years ago

                Name one specific plastic kit that you own with detail comparable to a modern GW kit.

              • 2 years ago

                jfc you are going full shill. homosexual GW doesn't even put a lot of spare parts on their kits because they are cheapskates.
                Disgusting GW shill moron.

              • 2 years ago

                Answer the question no models.

              • 2 years ago

                have a shower paypig

              • 2 years ago

                Not him (he's a moron), but I'd say Perry comes close. The different style means there's much less sculpted detail, but the detail the minis have is about as crisp as GW.

                But broadly you're right: GW plastics are higher quality than the competition. They're just shit artistically, which is what keeps me buying metals.

                (also, fricking nice chaos. got any fully painted regiments?)

              • 2 years ago

                Some marauders, warriors, and hounds, but it was my first hobby project since getting back into as an adult and my attention drifted away to 40k orks and recently 40k chaos. I'll have to rotate back to it eventually.

                I haven't handled perry stuff but it looks really nice. Been tempted to Buy some for SLUDGE modeling.

              • 2 years ago

                Those look absolutely amazing, and well worth the time it must have taken.

                I'd definitely recommend some Perry: I use them for Mordheim, but have been meaning to pick up some more for Turnip28 (or maybe SLUDGE?). Really cheap, really tight sculpts, really crisp detail - I'm not really into historicals myself, but if there was a fantasy/SF equivalent of Perry they'd have a lot of my money. Otherwise it's all metals for me.

              • 2 years ago

                me with the hand head

              • 2 years ago

                No you are the moron. Of course Perry is close its the exact same sculptors using the same technique.
                >gw plastics higher quality
                pure stupidity and gw shilling.

              • 2 years ago

                Non-GW plastics (except Perry) are shit and I simply don't buy them. That doesn't mean I've bought any GW in the past decade: it's non-GW or recast metals and resins all day, every day.

              • 2 years ago
                Sieg heil

                W2c 40k recasts done in metal?

              • 2 years ago

                Loads of places, lurk moar

              • 2 years ago

                well then you are noob and an idiot to the hobby. People have known about high quality alternatives to GW for years.

              • 2 years ago

                post some good 3rd-party plastics then. put up or shut up.

              • 2 years ago

                how about you go to school you little shit

              • 2 years ago

                Not him, but there is some insanely good WW2 stuff from places like Dragon and Master Box in plastic

              • 2 years ago

                I've experienced what the anon is talking about. I think its a copious amount of mold release thats on he model, just needs to be scrubbed with soap and water. Could also be resin, resin sweats some times and its a b***h when it does.

                T. moron
                other companies are using the exact same plastic, techniques and have the exact same level of detail.

                Your argument is basically what you prefer, you prefer GWs designs. A little honesty goes a long way.

                >other companies are using the exact same plastic, techniques and have the exact same level of detail.

                But not all of them.The worst plastic minis i have ever bought were warmahordes stuff. Something about those plastics made cleaning mold lines a never ending task. Burs would form from scraping them clean, scraping burs made more burs, sanding them made huge ugly rash marks. I stuck to either resin or metal kits as much as I could after that.

              • 2 years ago

                The privateer pvc is some of the worst shit out there. Doesn't sand or cut easily, all of their plastic was outsourced to china I believe. They even made some semi soft plastic miniatures, like reaper bones type stuff, price was on par with GW and people paid it; they just wanted to slap it down on the table and get playing. This is why selling to tournament gays who churn and burn armies is genius, trick is to keep the game alive long enough before it crashes. GW can simultaneously sell shit to competitive players until they're fed up, then survive on fluff bunnies and hobbyists for years until they roll out a new edition and do it all again.

              • 2 years ago

                T. moron
                other companies are using the exact same plastic, techniques and have the exact same level of detail.

                Your argument is basically what you prefer, you prefer GWs designs. A little honesty goes a long way.

              • 2 years ago

                I disagree
                The only company that comes close to GW is wyrd games and even then, their detail is kind of soft
                The majority of companies just aren't capable of committing to the complexity of their sprues which proper 3 dimensional detail requires

              • 2 years ago

                >He doesn’t know about Warlord Games, Wargames Atlantic, Rubicon or Perry
                Kind of sad that you think your opinions are something to be aired in public kiddo

              • 2 years ago

                Nah, there are lots of companies with same or better detail. GW usually gets away with over crowding their models to infinity so that you think the sculpts are better. Check out Kensei, it’s a good example of a simple design with high level of detail

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, GW also makes their sprues look pretty complex with few straight lines. Half the reason for that is probably marketing.

              • 2 years ago

                PLEASE finish paintin that army.

              • 2 years ago

                Any of these.

          • 2 years ago

            Jackson pollock would like a word

        • 2 years ago

          Ahem. Reminder this lump of poorly painted plastic can sell for hundreds

          • 2 years ago

            >consume product and then get excited for new product
            I hope all those ugly plastic toys burn down in a fire and this s.o.i moron with it.

    • 2 years ago

      Bullshit. 100k for a Tool. Lmao. Not even 20 years ago. Tools, especially small ones, Like for single Charts, cost Like 10k at Most.

      • 2 years ago

        For some simple industrial part sure, for complex highly detailed sprues, no.

        • 2 years ago

          That hasn’t been even remotely true for decades. How many different sprues does GW make, conservatively? Let’s say 150. Given that they may need say 10 sprue dies on average per model, per year, to ensure throughput and replace worn dies, that’s 150 million GBP per year.
          Now have a look at pic related and admit you’re a fricking moron parroting a line of bullshit that has never been accurate or relevant.

    • 2 years ago

      Not true, refer to my previous post:

      That’s not even remotely how it works. Even if you need to pay the design team (GW is famous for underpaying) the cost of the whole process, from designing to packaging is amortized once they sell a low number of boxes. After that, everything they earn is profit and they don’t even adjust their prices to their initial expenses, they do it depending on the demand of a certain product, molds, designers and packaging and storing costs have nothing to do with their prices.

      I’ve been working in the plastic industry for years and I can tell you even cheap companies like warlord are overpriced as frick compared to the costs in the industry. I can tell you GW could lower the prices about a 20% and still make a huge lot of money.

      It’s not even plastic anymore. How many 100 page books have you seen being sold for $35? Some childrens books have the same quality and need original designs and are usually $17 or $20. That’s almost half of what a codex costs.

      >yeah but they need to pay play testers and designers
      Wrong, GW is getting rid of more and more play testers, keeping only a handful and about 50% of the designs that appear on codex are recycled from older editions.

      People can argue all they want and get as mad as they wish, that won’t change the fact all I’ve said is real

    • 2 years ago

      >It's based on mold tooling.
      No it's based on what paypigs will pay, if t was based on mould making then guardsmen whose moulds were paid off nearly twenty years ago would cost a penny each

    • 2 years ago

      The same moronic argument over and over again, plastic dies are cheap and their durability is superb. You morons saw a quote once on history channel for some dies for steel stamping or casting iron and pretend its the baseline. The imperial guard dies were amortized before finishing their fist quarter in the market, pretending otherwise is a delusion.

  30. 2 years ago

    >people actually think GW makes their minis out of speshul plastic.

    • 2 years ago

      No one thinks that.
      What people are talking about is design quality. The new vottan I don't like but they blow mantic squats away in quality

      • 2 years ago

        There it is i rest my case, its subjective. You prefer their designs, ok. This doesn't equate to superior plastic, casting or affordability.

  31. 2 years ago

    You do realize that's $40 right?

  32. 2 years ago

    GW prices are based. Why not ream the paypigs for every dollar you can? Every single person who shells out for GW miniatures, or wants to, deserves to pay what they ask.

  33. 2 years ago

    Everything wrong with GWs prices can be summed up with the fact that they've ever gone down. They've only risen and not always in line with inflation. They've said they've *had* to raise prices before, but you'll never see them lower it because of how good they're doing.

    • 2 years ago

      Can you point to a company that makes a similar product (or any "luxury" product) that has ever done that? I just genuinely can't think of any.

      • 2 years ago

        Lego comes to mind because the price rise for them has been gradual over a period of ten years. Hasbro has been really bad with Transformers though with prices skyrocketing with inferior products right at the start of 2011

  34. 2 years ago

    paypigs disgust me

  35. 2 years ago

    buy a army of whatever < buy a resin printer
    easiest choice ever

  36. 2 years ago

    3ed party is just as good as GW bro

    3d printers are a viable alternative to GW for every army and aren't massive time sinks bro

    Kits are free to make and GW only charges money for them because they're evil bro

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Nice Trans Pride flag colour scheme, Anon.

    • 2 years ago

      I concur

    • 2 years ago

      try harder lel

      • 2 years ago

        That model is a tenner.

        • 2 years ago

          kay then here's some of the infantry you can get for under $/£1 a mini

      • 2 years ago

        new abysal dwarf form mantic are awesomem, shame that bulls are so shit

  37. 2 years ago

    itt poorgay cope

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >buy models i like
        >dont care about how much they cost
        >poorgays seethe

        • 2 years ago

          No one cares that you buy models piggy

        • 2 years ago

          The mindset of a lootbox whale.

  38. 2 years ago

    >anons claiming GW is better because they're more detailed as though every kit isn't overdesigned to frick and back

    • 2 years ago

      There are still some pretty good kits within GWs range. Sure, expensive as frick, but still.

      Examples are:
      >Deathwing Terminators
      >Chaos Space Marines
      >MK VI Marines
      >Genestealer Cultists
      >Skaven Plaguemonks

      And several others. These kits still provide a lot of freedom about how to assemble them, with various options, and many leftover bits for future use/conversions and kitbashes. (all of this is what, at least for me, makes a good plastic set).

      Other sets are just garbage 100% monopose miniatures without any options, zero variation and maybe, but only maybe, they give you the option between a helmeted and bare head.
      All there crispness and all their details are completely worthless if they are just monopose shit.

      • 2 years ago

        >muh poseability


        • 2 years ago

          Better than Monopose models like pic related, that end up in every army, making everything look the same.
          Its even worse if they come on some sort of elaborate display base.

          • 2 years ago

            If everyone is bring the same models, the game has bigger problems than poses

            • 2 years ago


  39. 2 years ago

    I bought a box of Squig Herd recently and I'll be buying another, after my FLGS reduction they're about 24 quid a box, 2 quid a model. I really like the designs that went into it, the squig with the gobbo in its mouth is downright 6th/7th edition kino. Also if you want to see a legitimately good price for a miniature then GW sells Night Gobbos for not much more than a pound a model and that includes multiple weapon and optional loadouts (Bows, Handweapons, Spears, Command, Nets). Ultimately GW does sell some models for a good price, they just know they can gouge the frick out of 40ktards, especially mouthbreathing SM players, because you are all stupid c**ts.

  40. 2 years ago

    It makes perfect sense. They want money, and have yet to reach the point of diminishing returns when it comes to squeezing sweaty FOMO paypigs.

  41. 2 years ago

    would trad physical sculpts still use manual pantos or would they be digitally scanned?

    • 2 years ago

      huh thought I replied to

      >How much does a single mold for a sprue cost?

      About GBP 3-5k at the most, depending on complexity. The days of using a manual pantograph to reduce hand-modelled three-ups into a die ended 20 years ago. Modern dies are literally cut by machines after virtual 3D models are made. The process is no longer labor and skill intensive with multiple points of failure.

      Manual pantographic-cut dies are as anachronistic as a wind-up starter on a car, because they are expensive, hard to get right, and have shitty levels of waste (a single human error will destroy a die instantly). Modern CAD/CAM panto eliminates 90% of what made die cutting expensive until the late noughties.

      >Then factor in renting a machine for a couple weeks
      GW plays it smart. They own these machines themselves. If they make a profit (they always do), great. If they make a loss, GW’s insulated by business asset depreciation tax breaks.

      >person pulling said sprue from mold is factored in
      Probably the cheapest part of the process, given that dies auto-eject and have done for fifty fricking years. Look up ‘injection moulding ejector pin marks’ if you need more of a schoolin’.

      Dude, GW plastic is quite possibly the most overpriced commodity in human history. Deal with it.

      cost of transport to a main wharehouse, cost to ship to a store to sell, cost to store for profit per item.

      guess not

      • 2 years ago

        Not the poster you asked but I would be surprised I you can even find an old school diemaker still into the craft. The entire field is going the way of the dodo, and rightly so. Of all the fields of machining I´d say this one shows the biggest gap between the worth of manual and computerized work. Easier to scan the physical sculpt and fix whatever has not been digitized correctly in CAD than the alternative and as a plus that CAD file will be a much safer backup compared to storing the original sculpt wherever and infinitely easier to replicate if you need more dies.

    • 2 years ago

      Who's still doing trad sculpted plastics? Metals and resin casts, sure, but does anyone do analogue plastics these days?

      • 2 years ago

        Perry do I'm pretty sure

        Not the poster you asked but I would be surprised I you can even find an old school diemaker still into the craft. The entire field is going the way of the dodo, and rightly so. Of all the fields of machining I´d say this one shows the biggest gap between the worth of manual and computerized work. Easier to scan the physical sculpt and fix whatever has not been digitized correctly in CAD than the alternative and as a plus that CAD file will be a much safer backup compared to storing the original sculpt wherever and infinitely easier to replicate if you need more dies.


    • 2 years ago

      Small-scale metals are still cast by making a two-piece mold off a 1:1 master.
      I doubt anyone has run a manual panto off a 1:1 model ever (pantos are designed to ‘step down’ 3:1 to 1:1). The last manual panto I know of was the ‘new’ land raider kit in the early to mid noughties because WD had an article on it, including photos of the panto operator.
      He’s out of a job now.

      • 2 years ago

        teach me, sensei
        where does one learn these secrets?

      • 2 years ago

        I remember watching this "How is it made" episode nearly a decade ago about miniatures, that showed how Perry miniatures were first sculpted and then pantographed manually. I was under impression Renedra bought the old machinery.

  42. 2 years ago

    I always thought the models were overpriced given that its you know, plastic, and printing more is ridiculously cheap.

    But all the other models I buy are either inconsistent, false advertising (looking at you DnD shit tier models) or lack the most important part of the models which is a good lore and setting. You just cant beat the feeling of painting a proper space marine or ork, even if its competition is space marine lite, because you know its official and supported with a great setting.

  43. 2 years ago

    >GW pricing makes NO SENSE and it pisses me off
    Oh, but it does if you're GW. People keep paying those prices with no end in sight.

  44. 2 years ago

    My favourite part of this entire seethe fest is that the people trying to throw shade won't acknowledge there's a MILLION SUBS for whitedwarf.

    literally 1 million people who want and enjoy paying £6.99 for a toy advert and lore retcon each month PLUS all of the people (prob another million worldwide) that buy it and dont subscribe.

    All the dumb fricks in this thread thinking that expensive plastic or 'overpriced' core books keep GW shareholders happy, or thinking GW gives a frick about 3d printers making meme quality models out of recycled mountain dew bottles.

  45. 2 years ago

    >All these posters talking about "plastic quality" and shit
    >No one mentions bandai will sell you an imperial knight equivalent for like $30
    >the $20 star wars kits have more detail than almost $200 GW vehicles

    • 2 years ago

      >the $20 star wars kits have more detail than almost $200 GW vehicles
      then actually include a pic of a $20 kit, not a $200 SW model your dishonest frick.

      • 2 years ago

        The 1/144 Falcon is $50.
        I’ve seen the Trench Run kit at $25.
        $20 gunpla has tolerances tight enough to snap fit and have full articulation. It’s not close.

        • 2 years ago

          All these prices you're talking about a resell prices they don' really sell any star wars stuff anymore.

      • 2 years ago

        Have you even looked?

        Bandai stuff is notoriously cheap, and this TIe Fighter will have better detail than any Flyer GW ever made.

        • 2 years ago

          Are you dumb, that's not the original price of the kit, someone's just reselling it for cheap on ebay. The price for that thing online is anywhere between that and $100

          • 2 years ago


            A japanese store.
            Huh, where would you buy your japanese toys instead? Walmart?

            Its like saying prices from Wayland, or other online distributors with 20% discount arent valid because they are "someone who sells GW stuff".

      • 2 years ago

        C O P E
        S E E T H E

        you ever notice how GWdrones literally have no fricking clue how much models cost in the real world because they're eternally cucked by israelite dubs?

        • 2 years ago

          Thats what happens when people think what they do is the "Warhammer"-Hobby, and not just scale modelling, but limited to one single overpriced brand.

          Kinda sad really, but its understandable since they dont ever come in touch with anything else.

          I grew up in late 80s-early 90s West-Germany, and in my local toy store, the owner carried only Revell scale models. So for me as a child, it never even occured that there might be other companies doing more/other/better model kits.
          I learned about Tamiya, Dragon and GW when Internet slowly became a thing..

          People who only buy GW live in kinda a mental state of pre-internet dark age.

          • 2 years ago

            >People who only buy GW live in kinda a mental state of pre-internet dark age.

            It's not a model range, it's a gaming system. When you play Mechwarrior do you use proxy robots from other systems? When you play civil war tabletop reanactment games can use some Napoleonic minutes painted as confederates? Are the people that are collecting models for their hobby cool with you trying to join them with low effort half assed commitment?

            It's pretty simple. The constant threads about GW on this board aren't legit complaints. They're simply haters, misfits and the poor, venting.

            • 2 years ago

              >with low effort half assed commitment?

              Like those countless unpainted snapfit armies you see in GWs these days?

              • 2 years ago

                Want to cherry pick? OK, so will I.

                I play against armies that are completely painted, becuase the clubs and competitions I attend have standards. Some armies are plastic, but my minis are lead.

                Now frick off nogame nomodels.

              • 2 years ago

                >Now frick off nogame nomodels.

                Nice picture of your elite lead minis you have shown there to prove your point.

            • 2 years ago

              >When you play Mechwarrior do you use proxy robots from other systems?

              Idk, i dont play it. But i have seen plenty of STLs for Mechwarrior, so i guess they are cool with proxy stuff.

              >When you play civil war tabletop reanactment games can use some Napoleonic minutes painted as confederates?

              People are often cool with proxy models, but technically, the correct comparison would have been to say
              >When you play civil war tabletop reanactment games with Perry Miniatures, can you use some "company xy" civil war miniatures instead?

              And yes, you fricking can. Because outside of GW, nobody gives a frick about the model range you pick your models from.

              • 2 years ago

                The analogy IS correct tho, becuase reddit is full of hipsters trying to be quirky, perry minitures with lasguns claiming to be imperial guardsmen.

                You just earth yourself a new title. Noclub. It's obvious you play with an extremely small group of friends that have no standards and don't have to endure the criticism that anyclub would give, wether it by playing GW, mechwarrior or civil war tabletop.

              • 2 years ago

                >becuase reddit is

                How about you frick off back there?

              • 2 years ago

                How about you pivot to one of the other troony posts you make each day now that this thread has hit the limit? It's obvious your dedicated to your crusade against anyone who enjoys their hobby.

                What will it be?
                >is 9th ed the worst edition of 40k yet?
                >share a story about GW not being cool.
                >Why is warhammer expensive, it's just plastic right?

                Or will you just have another go at your weekly...
                >Why are there no female space marines, does GW know its pride month??!

              • 2 years ago

                Criticism doesn't mean peer pressure. How much of a mollycoddled gen z crybaby are you to avoid clubs and try to fit in? People read these threads to laugh at you.

                take your pills samegay

              • 2 years ago

                >take your pills

                2018 called. They want their pasta back

              • 2 years ago

                So with other words, its peer pressure that makes you buy overpriced GW stuff and you seethe that others dont fall for it?

              • 2 years ago

                Criticism doesn't mean peer pressure. How much of a mollycoddled gen z crybaby are you to avoid clubs and try to fit in? People read these threads to laugh at you.

              • 2 years ago

                please learn how to write

            • 2 years ago

              >Are the people that are collecting models for their hobby cool with you trying to join them with low effort half assed commitment?

              How to trigger 4chins.

      • 2 years ago

        actually i second are full of shit. i bought some fricktardedly cheap SW mini kits. and they're bandai, the same rediculous quality and detail as gunpla kits. they're fricking AWESOME, and require NO glue. and have multiple poses and such.

      • 2 years ago

        i have that EXACT millenium falcon, that exact x wing kit, a couple star destroyers, an executor class and an Imperator class. and one mini kit was TIE advanced/avenger and a TIE/ln in one box.

        the great big fricking millenium falcon cost me frick all. about 1/4 of a battle box. AND its rediculously assemble-able. you can build it with the pads down and ramp down 'landed' OR flying.

        AND you can spring for a lighting unit to light it up

  46. 2 years ago

    GW is a joke. Avoid their shit at all costs. If you have to take out a second mortgage just to play a game, it ain't worth it. Find a different hobby.

    • 2 years ago

      people that think think they're entitled to tell me what to do with my money? my time? my thoughts?

      You're a fascist, and eventually you'll get a helicopter ride.

    • 2 years ago

      >take out a second mortgage

      If you think Warhammer is expensive, go talk to the gun guys on /k/ and ask how expensive their collections are

      people that think think they're entitled to tell me what to do with my money? my time? my thoughts?

      You're a fascist, and eventually you'll get a helicopter ride.

  47. 2 years ago

    Have you tried NOT playing games workshop games?

    you DO know BattleTech is not only cheaper, by FAR, but the minis are ALMOST as good, and the game is FAR far better. with insane granularity to dial in any aspect of the game to your groups preferred level.

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