>gaming in the Y2K era

>gaming in the Y2K era

What was it like, boomer anons?

Was it better than it is now?

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  1. 1 week ago

    >that reddit spacing

    • 1 week ago

      go back

    • 1 week ago


      "LE REDDIT"

      frick you homosexual

      • 1 week ago


        >gaming in the Y2K era

        What was it like, boomer anons?

        Was it better than it is now?

        go bac k to le ddit but in a format you can read


        was fun and less woke imagine the punisher being released now

  2. 1 week ago



  3. 1 week ago


    She's 41 year old now.
    NHK was originally written as an online novel in 2001 and she was 18 there.

    • 1 week ago

      did they censor it in the english TL? in the novel translated in my language she was 16 at the start of the story

      • 1 week ago

        >did they censor it in the english TL?
        >in the novel translated in my language she was 16 at the start of the story

        I have read the novel in Japanese and English and I can assure you t's not censored a bit, it's actually one of the most faithful translations for the light novel genre.

        As for her age, the both version say she looks 17 or 18 by appearance, has dropped out of high school, and entered a college later in the epilogue, only a few months away from the main arc IIRC.

      • 1 week ago

        she's 18 in the original. the anime adaption censored some things though that wouldn't be suitable to air on TV though.

        • 1 week ago

          It was fun, you'd open up the server browser and find your own server or servers to frequent and get to know the regulars.

          like the protagonists talking about e-girls

    • 1 week ago

      it all just slips away soo fast bros

      • 1 week ago

        oh frick take me back to 2006 please

        What price would you pay to have the good parts of your life looped into eternity?
        How much would you give?

    • 1 week ago

      oh frick take me back to 2006 please

    • 1 week ago

      I watched the anime in 2012 when she was already 30 so who cares

  4. 1 week ago

    It was shit. You watched in real time all your favorite games and franchised turn into casual slop to appeal to console homosexuals.
    You watched people defend DLC, MTX, and all other trash that still kills this industry. But back then if you said anything against it you were called a selfish homosexual because "devs deserve more money".

  5. 1 week ago

    games were so good and cutting edge then, it made you really hopeful for the future games
    10 year old me was really hopeful that in 10 or 15 years time there would be immersive life sims with all kind of vehicles, globe sized open world and full of stuff to do

    and then one day you find you're 30 and there hasn't been a good GTA game since IV

    • 1 week ago

      >games were so good and cutting edge then, it made you really hopeful for the future games
      You got nostalgia goggles so thick. It was the same trend chasing bullshit people are doing nowadays except the endless amount of shitty titles got buried with the passage of time.

  6. 1 week ago

    is this the manga about the shut in no life dude who suddenly gets an extremely persistent and empathetic cute girl thrown at him for no reason out of no where?

    • 1 week ago

      >for no reason

      • 1 week ago

        Literally for no reason.
        You could say that she had pity, but it literally is for no reason. He didn't do anything to get her.

        • 1 week ago

          you didn't read it

          • 1 week ago

            anon I want to read it but can you at least spoonfeed me the TINIEST reason for why she shows up and genuinely wants to get closer to him??? a fricking clue at least, ill check it out on my own time but I don't want to walk into some romcom fantasy, is there actual reason behind the chemistry

            • 1 week ago

              literally the only plot/twist in the whole story but fine she stalks him because he's a loser and she wants to fix him so she can feel better about herself because she's also a loser

              • 1 week ago

                .....that sounds super lazy tbh, unless the series ends with her going "ok you're not a loser anymore, jobs done bye bye" then thats hamfisted as frick, he got her by being a shut in loser kek

                is this the manga about the shut in no life dude who suddenly gets an extremely persistent and empathetic cute girl thrown at him for no reason out of no where?

                pretty much

              • 1 week ago

                i think it's severely overrated because there are no decent hikikomori stories out there, it's a pretty boring read past a certain point tbh
                don't remember but pretty sure the ending is just them going "we're both losers uaaaaaah let's live together and fix eachother buuaaaah" idfk i had lost most interest by that point

              • 1 week ago

                A story where characters don't progress or change based on the experiences they have with each other? Wow, that sounds super interesting.

              • 1 week ago

                which is fricking stupid.
                the 'theme' is literally just

                >girls have deeper thoughts/motivations than just wanting to be your mail-in bride waifu, and can be complicated fricked up people just like you

                wow i sure needed a midwit autistic NEET to tell me that. maybe if youre also a midwith autistic NEET that message will seem deep to you.
                this anime was such a waste of time. soundtrack slaps though.

  7. 1 week ago

    No, it was mostly shit. The 2000s were a shitshow for games because devs were struggling to make "next-gen" games on weak hardware without any matured dev tools for 3D games. Most 2000s games were "is that it?" disappointments, even if there were a few gems on each console.

    The 90s were the peak for games.

    • 1 week ago

      >experienced and talented veteran devs with actual interesting life experiences that they could draw inspiration from
      >technology was advanced enough to give those developers maximum possibilities to fully realize their artistic vision
      >devs had the freedom to experiment with new ideas and make games that had an incredibly strong sense of their own identity and style
      >constant experimentation with new concepts and genres coming out everywhere all the time
      >every single year you had a ton of things to be excited about. It felt like a new chapter for the entire industry and medium
      >new games that presented concepts that you had never seen before
      >new installments of legendary Frenchises that we're also introducing new groundbreaking concepts not only for their own series but for the medium and industry as a whole
      >completely new original Frenchises that became the new pillars and icons of the medium

      (You) are mentally autistic. 2000s was the the golden age for vidya. It was the best decade for video games and the years when the entire medium basically peaked. 90s were not bad but a lot of games from that decade aged like milk, meanwhile a lot of 00s games still feel amazing to play to this day

      • 1 week ago

        anon I was genuinely just trying to bait a discussion, sorry, appreciate the points though frick those are nice, I do want to go back

  8. 1 week ago

    had a good 6-years of pure heavenly optimism before getting hit with suspicions and reality checks as gaming fell from grace into a marketing psyop purgatory

  9. 1 week ago

    There’s a reason why the Gen-3 Pokemon intros still give me goosebumps. Games aren’t crafted experiences anymore, they’re amusement rides.

  10. 1 week ago

    The PS2 was a such a huge step up from the ps1 graphically, that was really neat to be around for
    PC gaming was finally becoming more accessible from a hardware standpoint
    Playing Halo 1 with a dozen of your buddies on friday nights with 3 or 4 TVs and linked consoles was awesome

  11. 1 week ago

    daily reminder that manga had the best ending and was written by the writer of the novel

    • 1 week ago

      >yes I'll wait here in this big city for you, while you leave to go back to your parents for an indeterminate amount of time
      >this is a good ending
      I thought actually getting together and banging was the good ending not whatever this is but alright

      • 1 week ago

        there are no good endings in real life
        even the author relapsed and is a fricking loser again

        • 1 week ago

          but who reads fiction to get real life blackpilled?? it makes no sense, who was that ending made for

      • 1 week ago

        they did bang tho

        • 1 week ago

          well shit I stand corrected

    • 1 week ago

      The only good ending is the real life of the author.

      >Create a work off of what you know best (being a fricking loser)
      >Hit it big
      >No more work

      You work to retire. He did. He won.
      I don't get people who think he's a loser even after this because he's not living like a college kid.

  12. 1 week ago

    ya no normies

  13. 1 week ago

    isn't there a nude version?

  14. 1 week ago

    Warcraft 3 custom map lan parties were the absolute pinnacle of gaming. So much stupid shit, so much fun.

  15. 1 week ago

    There were FRICKTONS of flash games on the internet and flash 'movies'. You went to the library where you met your friends from school and got on the candy land arcade or the macromedia shockwave arcade and played games together.
    Or your friend had halo and an Xbox and you played that, wow didn't come out until 2004 so most played star wars galaxies or lineage 2.

    • 1 week ago

      >so most played star wars galaxies or lineage 2
      patently false. people played wc3 sc and diablo 1/2 more than those two. in fact, even u:o and eq were contenders

      you were born in the late 90s werent you?

  16. 1 week ago
  17. 1 week ago

    Games were largely a complete product and experience, online was the absolute wild west and arcades weren't crazy expensive gambling machines. We definitely had less games to choice from so backlog fatigue wasn't an issue but we were also at the mercy of magazines as our only source of information about games if you couldn't rent the title to try it.
    Overall, yes it was better and more balanced than what we have now.

  18. 1 week ago

    There have always been good games and bad games. You don't remember the bad games that were at the top of the popularity charts so your selection bias thinks there were more good than bad.
    >games were more willing to try new things
    True but although big releases have slowed down, Indie games are pushing the innovation forward now.
    >but indies have some mechanic that is similar to another game
    Just like games did back then! They were just less blatant about it. Now it's a feature to rescue a good mechanic from a bad game.

  19. 1 week ago

    Is NHK still relevant?
    It's basically about the very early Shut-in/Hikikomori youth culture from the early/mid 00's, right?

    • 1 week ago

      And it's premise has been done to death now.
      It's basically
      >get out and touch grass incel
      >just be yourself

      • 1 week ago

        >The advice an incel would give an incel didn't work.

        He should make a new story about how you're supposed to use masturbation and drugs to create a work of fiction, hit it big and then hikki for life.

  20. 1 week ago

    Dunno I just played shareware games from PC gaming magazine CDs all day

    • 1 week ago

      90s was a good time to have a PC
      the amount of available shareware episodes for games was massive

  21. 1 week ago

    >short black haired
    >petite and small chested
    >feminine enough but not into fashion and luxury stuff

    Where can I find a gf like this?

    • 1 week ago

      japan? you know the same country NHK is set in?

  22. 1 week ago

    Mental illness

    • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        There really isn't a point tagging all those characters in the pic when they are just some scribbles, it's specially egregious in the case of the Asuka plushie.

  23. 1 week ago

    For me it’s the Lil Slugger in the background

  24. 1 week ago

    Why is this Misaki anime girl popular on Ganker?
    Her design is so bland that she can be any background character from any anime show like everyone but you and your friends has dark hair and dark eyes.

    • 1 week ago

      Ok, give me 5 other characters that look and act the same way as Misaki.

  25. 1 week ago
  26. 1 week ago

    good games

    gaming magazines

    gaming events you actually went to

    new games every month

    chuds werent around

  27. 1 week ago

    I don't think it was better but it was just different, at least when talking about PC gaming:
    Server lists were full and exciting as it felt like exploring trying to find a server that suited you, playerbase being almost exclusively first world in a lot of games/almost everyone speaking english, pace of development and optimism for future releases were all way better.
    But at the same time nowadays you don't have to deal with shitty patching systems, bizarre hardware problems, slower internet speeds, games are generally much cheaper too with steam sales, actual hardware is frankly much better and there so much more choice as well.

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