gf dumped me last week, what VR games should I buy

gf dumped me last week, what VR games should I buy

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  1. 1 week ago

    Omg shut the frick up no one cares
    Your gf dumped you because you're a dark poison cloud who ruins the mood

    • 1 week ago

      Didn't answer my question

    • 1 week ago

      ^ he's right OP you're kind of a buzzkill

      • 1 week ago

        it still didn't answer my question

    • 1 week ago

      fippy bippy

    • 1 week ago

      OP certified gay try installing grindr ya dirty beatnik

  2. 1 week ago

    blade and sorcery
    set all enemies to female

  3. 1 week ago

    • 1 week ago

      solid replacement

  4. 1 week ago

    Since when did VR have games?

    • 1 week ago

      when bethesda remade skyrim for the nth time, vr version isn't that bad

  5. 1 week ago

    Just get a new gf. She didn't think you were worth the time so she's not worth yours either.

    • 1 week ago

      Any tips?

      • 1 week ago

        Go to emerald chat, chitchat, etc., and use the tag "philippines" and get a LDR qt poor filipina who's dazzled by foreigners.

        • 1 week ago

          Can't be that easy right? If it was wouldn't all Gankerners be lined up to snatch tanned flappers

          • 1 week ago

            It really is that easy. I think most incels are too depressed to actively search for girlfriends.

            • 1 week ago

              Tell me about it, got a friend who had a girl basically begging to be with him but he said no because he thought she was messing about

              • 1 week ago

                Go to emerald chat, chitchat, etc., and use the tag "philippines" and get a LDR qt poor filipina who's dazzled by foreigners.

                They just want a green card to get out of their third world shithole, morons

              • 1 week ago

                >implying these thirdie girls are that into 4d chess
                They just want someone who'll love them and treat them relatively okay. They also have pretty modest values compared to Western girls. And they all speak English, because the Philippines was a U.S. colony for a few decades.

              • 1 week ago

                Vietchongs will scam you for the green card but Pinoys are more loyal.

          • 1 week ago

            Brown girls are unattractive

            • 1 week ago

              Aren't Filipino girls yellow/tanned

  6. 1 week ago

    join vrchat and become a gay femboy
    obviously women aren't working for you

    • 1 week ago

      Got the voice of a Ghoul, can't do that cutesy voice the VR femboys can do

  7. 1 week ago

    Is VR technologically at a place where it feels real and is ready to shell out like $1,000? I don't want to deal with bullshit. I want to be immersed.

    • 1 week ago

      HTC pro is currently on sale
      On sale - Yes
      Not on sale - Nah not really
      I just like to move about and not sit in a chair

    • 1 week ago

      dont buy one of the $1k headsets none of them are worth it compared to a Quest or slightly older used headset

    • 1 week ago

      >feels real
      Hard to say.
      Do I feel like I'm in a different space when I wear the headset, yes. Taking off the headset feels like suddenly being transported back into my room from somewhere else.
      Do those virtual spaces feel real enough for me to completely forget that I'm wearing a headset, generally not on their own. It's usually the game mechanics that push my immersion past that hurdle but not every game is constantly engaging enough to overcome things like physical discomfort or real world distractions.
      It's also only realistic in an audio and video sense. The moment you expect to feel or smell something the illusion fades a little.
      >I want to be immersed
      That's probably a good sign. Some people will never be immersed because they won't let themselves be, if they spend the entire time thinking 'I'm standing in my room and I must look stupid with this thing on my head' then they're not going to get immersed into anything regardless of the tech.

      If you can immerse yourself into flat videogames, especially ones that aren't carried by realistic graphics, then you likely have the capability to do so in VR. But take

      dont buy one of the $1k headsets none of them are worth it compared to a Quest or slightly older used headset

      advice and don't fall for the idea that spending more money gets you a substantially better experience. The gameplay drives immersion and the gameplay is the same on every headset. Spend more to get better visuals and convenience features like the ability to play wirelessly.

    • 1 week ago

      Yes and no (depending on hardware) for chilling in vr environments doing flat stuff 100% yes but only Quest 3 or better. (Only one better right now I'd consider is the sooner to release Sonomium or something that's like 3k$ avp quality expected but for pc and maybe pumax crystal but you need top of the line gpu ti drive it) and also only with pc because vr devs are morons who don't make games for gamers. Everything good in vr is a vr mod. That said its impossible for me to go back to flat games for anything other than top down pixel shit and old games feel brand new in vr. Look up vids of the uevr mod. That's where 80% of the vr action will be this year. Also select just got a vr mod (experimental phase) git hub got posted on Twitter so its not paywalled yet (team beef likely working on it)

  8. 1 week ago

    galgun series

    • 1 week ago

      Played it on ps4 ages ago, it was alright.

    • 1 week ago

      i spent the entire game getting stepped on and not making any progress

  9. 1 week ago

    Anyone notice the term 'spacial reality' popping up lately? Think it's after Apple tried to coin 'spatial computing'. It's all the same shit but maybe that'll be easier for normies to visualize than virtual, augmented, or mixed.

    • 1 week ago

      Can't say I've noticed, haven't really looked into VR after buying my headset

    • 1 week ago

      Apple tried to kill off the vr keyword and it worked but spatial didn't take off so all vr related key words are dead algo wise (thanks apple...)

      • 1 week ago

        You're giving them too much credit. They're not trying to kill off other terms, they're using a different term for something to make their idiot followers think they invented it. Like how it's not a "magic eraser," it's whatever stupid term Apple came up with for their magic eraser. Or how it's a "Mac" and not a "personal computer," even though it absolutely fricking is a personal computer.

  10. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      you know what I mean, I sail the 7 seas as much as the next person

  11. 1 week ago

    Blade and Sorcery
    Set the bandit spawn slider to 100% female

    • 1 week ago

      Literally the 2nd response lmao

      • 1 week ago

        Ohfuk, lmao
        Well, it's a good suggestion

        • 1 week ago

          Already got the game, might as well kill some chicks

  12. 1 week ago

    cuckold simulator

  13. 1 week ago

    Sillent hill two vr

  14. 1 week ago

    >wojakBlack person
    Yeah, I would have dumped you too.

  15. 1 week ago


  16. 1 week ago

    Mechwarrior 5 and souslinger in ign bundle for 15$. Aliens fireteam 8$ on steam insurgency firestorm 8$ all UEVR. Kill it with fire and guardians frontline 50% off on quest store assassins creed vr already on sale

    • 1 week ago

      New Mechwarrior 5 DLC is about to drop. Perfect time to get into the game.

      • 1 week ago

        Huh? Arena DLC came out already and they're teasing for MH5 Clans but that's much later this year and it's gonna take weeks for the VR mod to be made.

        • 1 week ago

          >gonna take weeks for the VR mod to be made
          Not really? It is probably the same engine and even if it is bumped up to 5 current mod already uses the universal injector.

  17. 1 week ago

    thank me later. (VR is in the beta)

  18. 1 week ago

    VR chat. Hang out with all the other lonely people and realize how much better you have it. It helps. Lotta positive folks too. I got into VR Chat when I was at my lowest and in about a month I was done with gaming for 6 months and in the gym religiously kickboxing for 2 hours a day. Got super fit and got a new girl.

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      VRChat isn't fun anymore, too many kids and nigs. And if you happen to escape this and find other people, they're usually trannies.

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