>ghost of Tsushima

>ghost of Tsushima
Ok, does this game ACTUALLY feel like a Kurosawa movie or are people just being moronic?

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    People are moronic, it's just ubislop

    • 3 weeks ago

      it's actually both.
      It's derivative slop but still manages to evoke kurasawa at times

  2. 3 weeks ago

    It’s good
    No Black folk and the only homosexual is an evil pedophile
    Just take the W

    • 3 weeks ago

      moron half the cast is gay. You meet a gay man who tells you his gay sex life and his gay husband and the MC literally says some bullshit like ohhhh don't worry gay sama, I understand, you won't be judged by me 🙂

  3. 3 weeks ago

    Not just Kurosawa

  4. 3 weeks ago

    it feels like a movie thats for sure. Hope you watch thousands of hours of unskippable cutscenes and repeat animations

  5. 3 weeks ago

    i can't get over his manlet build. They nailed the "you really FEEL like you're playing as a 4 ft 11 japanese man"

  6. 3 weeks ago

    You tell me.

    • 3 weeks ago

      people are just being moronic

  7. 3 weeks ago

    i don't know i quit during the intro cause it switched form " enemies literally cant hit you" to " if you don't block and perry you WILL die and die fast" should have made me block from the start

  8. 3 weeks ago

    i dont know, never watched kurosawa movie. Are they overly long, boring, poorly directed with nothing happening 99% of the time except people standing still and speaking to each other?

    • 3 weeks ago

      >never watched kurosawa movie

    • 3 weeks ago

      No, it's too fast and forgiving for that.

      If you don't know who Kurosawa is you have no business calling any director bad lol

      • 3 weeks ago

        >If you don't know who Kurosawa is you have no business calling any director bad lol
        It was a joke you fricking moron kys

        • 3 weeks ago

          >i was merely pretend to be moronic

          • 3 weeks ago

            I was not pretending to be moronic its a clear facetious joke at the expense of the game being horrible. You are just a dimwit

  9. 3 weeks ago

    >Japanese Audio
    It’s pretty kino. You’ll miss some visual cues in combat though.

  10. 3 weeks ago

    >are people just being moronic
    Yes. It has some nice views occasionally, but it's basically just another ac clone.

  11. 3 weeks ago

    It’s just a prettier Ubisoft game

  12. 3 weeks ago

    It feels like a movie in that the combat and gameplay in general are shit and blatantly inferior to Sekiro or Nioh but it looks very pretty.

  13. 3 weeks ago

    Its a Ubisoft game with somehow even more dumbed down and automated gameplay.

  14. 3 weeks ago

    It has absolutely nothing to do with actual samurai or japanese samurai fiction.

  15. 3 weeks ago

    No. The writing and directing range from bad to mediocre.

  16. 3 weeks ago

    The only japanese like thing about this game was having okay characters (at least I was okay with them) carrying an absolute trainwreck plot.
    Reminded me of a massively worse Yakuza.

  17. 3 weeks ago

    Obviously not.
    The writing is typical modern game studio slop, don't expect anything more than a good open world game with controls that feel good and try not to take it seriously. Change the language to Japanese and turn subtitles off and just make up your own story in your head, it's probably better than what's there.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >watching 20 minutes of a still unskippable cutscenes where two people are standing in front of each other and talking and you can't even understand them

      • 3 weeks ago

        It's a better alternative to understanding the dialogue

        • 3 weeks ago

          even steven king would have 5 strokes trying to come up with his own story each time the game stops to a halt and unskippable yapping start

          • 3 weeks ago

            Maybe the characters shouldn't be talking for a combined 35 hours.
            Yojimbo says like 100 words in the entire movie.

            • 3 weeks ago

              i wished they made it for a combined 200 hours just to have sony morons suffering even worse and then making mental gymnastics why it's good to have unskippable cutscenes in a game

            • 3 weeks ago

              bro like its a story based game why are you so ADHD if you don't enjoy story based games then this is not a game for you

              • 3 weeks ago

                That's my point, it's the weakest part of the game by far and it feels like you spend the most time listening to one-dimensional side characters vomit out their irrelevant fan-fiction tier backstory.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm not even one of these homosexual incels who hates gay characters but the old lady samurai "finally being able to find herself" was fricking insufferable, 1300 Japan did not have 21st century American ideas about gays

          • 3 weeks ago

            This was one of my biggest problems with the game. I don't know why they think they can write a story comparable to a Kurosawa movie (implied by how many fricking direct references there are to them) if the characters stop to blabber about shit that either you already know or doesn't matter.
            not to mention the characters talk like 30 year old millennial women.

            • 3 weeks ago

              You can screencap this when 5 years from now it becomes public but I am 100% certain that some miner or AI is farming your electricity or something while you play PS5 so the system must stay on for as many hours as possible and the game must be "played" for as many hours as possible. There's absolutely no other logical explanation why wouldn't they allow you to at LEAST fast forward the dialog. The game needs to be played so some malicious software can do it's thing in the background.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >There's absolutely no other logical explanation why wouldn't they allow you to at LEAST fast forward the dialog.
                Fricking lmao, implying a hack creative wouldn't take every opportunity to create a captive audience.
                >hurr look at how good my animations are
                >durr look at how smart my quips are
                >what do you mean you wanna skip them?
                >you'll watch that shit and you'll enjoy it
                It's the same shit with end credits.
                I'm not even saying that your theory is wrong (if they ask permission to receive data you can be sure some data is getting sent regardless), just that it's silly to think ego is not reason enough to stop you from skipping cutscenes.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >>hurr look at how good my animations are
                >>durr look at how smart my quips are
                No director would shit on his game that 500 people spent 3 years to make unless its being ordered from a higher-up. Imagine the playtesting for this piece of shit. Imagine the director himself playing the game just to see how the mission plays out.

                I remember back in the day hideo kojima single handedly designed every single virtual mission in mgs and playtested them kek

              • 3 weeks ago

                There are far worse egos in gaming that are quite outspoken. Not even M. Night Shalaman would make this decision out of spite. Even if the guy who directed or produced this wanted to spite Sony and sabotage the game, he would just get replaced and they would patch in the ability to fast-forward the talking or skip cutscenes. The fact that this isn't possible 5 years since the game was made, suggests some foul practice. You will see.

                >they would patch in the ability to fast-forward the talking or skip cutscenes
                But that shit CAN be done in ng+. You can also skip the whole tutorial section as well.
                For some reason, the devs stop caring about wasting your time after you've "enjoyed" the game once.

                >create a captive audience
                >by pissing them off
                bravo moron

                Being held captive pisses you off inherently, yet people try to trap their audience all the fricking time anyway.
                Because they don't have to care about your feelings if you can't escape anon.
                After all, their work is so good you'll be thankful for having seen it afterwards. Right? Right.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Because they don't have to care about your feelings if you can't escape anon.
                what else are you gonna do? Play another game on ps5? ack ack ack

              • 3 weeks ago

                >For some reason, the devs stop caring about wasting your time after you've "enjoyed" the game once.
                Because by that time, the Software did its thing.

              • 3 weeks ago

                There are far worse egos in gaming that are quite outspoken. Not even M. Night Shalaman would make this decision out of spite. Even if the guy who directed or produced this wanted to spite Sony and sabotage the game, he would just get replaced and they would patch in the ability to fast-forward the talking or skip cutscenes. The fact that this isn't possible 5 years since the game was made, suggests some foul practice. You will see.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >create a captive audience
                >by pissing them off
                bravo moron

          • 3 weeks ago

            >even steven king would have 5 strokes trying to come up with his own story

  18. 3 weeks ago

    It's not like any video game ever made has good writing anyway

    • 3 weeks ago

      This has been the case for almost 2 decades, the quality of writing in videogames has dropped sharply and it's getting way worse.

    • 3 weeks ago

      you have no idea what good writing means moron

  19. 3 weeks ago

    Start good and they slowly start to crank up the woke nonsense in the second third of the game. Totally dropped in the second half, but i genuinely enjoyed the first couple hours. Its a shame. It could have been a good game, the combat is kinda cool, but even that couldn't save it for me.

  20. 3 weeks ago

    Not being able to kill tenzo brought the game down to 5/10 to 7-8/10. The story became complete shit.

  21. 3 weeks ago

    visually maybe
    but the story is utterly moronic

  22. 3 weeks ago

    game would be way, way better without the assassins creed outposts

    >infiltrate enemy base and kill all 50 of them
    >now do it 80 times more lmao

    its boring. also combat is poorly designed/balance, fatsos for instance will eat a good 8 slashes to the bare chest/arms before going down but instakill you with any attack, even with health upgrades in lethal. also arrow headshots sometimes dont kill enemies, even if they dont have helmets

    • 3 weeks ago

      Just throw concussion grenade and press the auto kill skill button. That skill even works on bosses. People praised this games combat but it's just mindless hack and slash with a stance changer so you have to change to mindless hack and slash before succeeding. Boring after like 6 hours, even on Lethal. Open world games have shit combat.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >oh you followed a fox and found a fox shrine?
      >great! now do it for 50 more times

      >oh you found this cool place on your own and there's a scroll there?
      >oh well you didnt' start the quest for it so you cant actually pick up the scroll or whatever

      >oh you found that healing spring and watched jins ass entering it?
      >great! now do it for 50 more times

  23. 3 weeks ago

    It doesn't. It has "Kurosawa" photo mode to make screenshots.

  24. 3 weeks ago

    I played it and it felt like a typical open world game. Sekiro felt like a souls type game. I’m still waiting for a good samurai game.

  25. 3 weeks ago

    Idk. pretty early on the game is pretty great and looks really good also it just feels cool to do the parry dodge and killing mongols and then throwing the blood off the katana and sheathing it. But yeah behind all that it is really just ubislop formula. It's probably a better AC: Japan than the one they're making now will ever be

    • 2 weeks ago

      Its got all the secondary stuff done right. But the core is flawed.

      I played it and it felt like a typical open world game. Sekiro felt like a souls type game. I’m still waiting for a good samurai game.

      >good samurai game.
      A samurai slice of life rpg/immersive sim, where you do normal peacetime work and samurai obligations.
      Like morning training with wooden sticks in the dojo. Afternoon going around the rice field to supervise peasants.
      Doing the boring paperwork in the evening.
      Going to daimyo when summoned to report on mundane shit.
      Maybe doing a trial of some bandit or peasant stealing or stuff like that.
      Going on a skirmish against rival clan.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    for me, its samurai rebellion

  27. 2 weeks ago

    It's western slop

  28. 2 weeks ago

    No. there's no time-wasting bullshit in any of Kurosawa's samurai films or other classics like Harakiri since they're stories first rather than mere samurai wankfests for weebs

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