>Glad you could make it Uther

>Glad you could make it Uther
>There's something about the plague you should know...
>What? Why? Surely this is entirely barbaric and there's some way to save them
>Uther I see you are a b***h ass homie, and I now consider you a traitor

Why the frick didn't he finish explaining himself? He literally cuts himself off when he notices the citizens ate the infected, but never provides the very obvious reason why they are 100% doomed, and instead just hopes Uther is ok with murdering everyone, not even explaining the presence of the guy who is literally turning people into undead right there.

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  1. 3 years ago

    Uther was in the wrong.

    • 3 years ago

      I do think they should have helped, but he could have finished explaining why there's no turning back the plague and at least his demands would come across as more reasonable.

    • 3 years ago

      >The skeletal frostlich was a better friend to Arthas than Uther ever was

    • 3 years ago

      >doesn't want to purge undead

    • 3 years ago

      Jaina was the most in the wrong, she was Arthas's anchor to remaining stable and should have realized he would need her support more than ever after performing such a hefty task. Instead, he was left to stew in his vengeance and become prey to the Lich King's corruptive influence

      • 3 years ago

        >Jaina was the most in the wrong
        She's a woman. It's not her fault

      • 3 years ago

        Uther is the leader of the local super cops who were specifically founded to fight evil. He could have investigated, he could have at kicked Arthas's ass and dragged him back to the king, instead he sulked off and cried about it.

  2. 3 years ago

    The real victims of this drama were the trolls and ogres who helped him sink the ships. What the frick was his problem?

  3. 3 years ago

    Plot contrivance for the sake of having a conflict. Blizzard was well into planning on Arthas becoming undead, but they just winged a story as they made the game.

    • 3 years ago

      You make it sound like it was "shit writing" in any kind of way.

      WC3 story stands above 99% of ANYTHING made by game devs today

      • 3 years ago

        Why do you sound so personally offended? He isn't wrong, he isn't even attacking the entire story, Arthas knew exactly why the citizens couldn't be saved but didn't bother to finish his sentence and explain himself. It's just contrived for the sake of generation the conflict that pushes Arthas into going full Lich king.

        • 3 years ago

          even if its poorly executed the story is fine and makes sense

          Its like sw ep 3 where anakin ends up saying from my point of view the jedis are evil when in fact the jedis attempted to kill the chancellor of the senate which is clearly against the law

          • 3 years ago

            Sure, Arthas was bratty, but he sorta shifts into "You should just follow what I say" gear and gets mad at him for it. I wouldn't mind it if he hadn't attempted to explain the situation before he stopped, since it showed he was aware he had to give some justification on what was going on.

  4. 3 years ago

    i can't believe WC3 is dead bros...

    • 3 years ago

      Blame all the homosexuals making their monkey paw wish for Blizzard to release WC4 or remaster WC3, what we got was a horrendous abomination that destroyed everything. Even that stupid agreement that they own all private games created, all I wanted to do was play custom games and relax.

      • 3 years ago

        >all I wanted to do was play custom games and relax.
        What happened to Dota2 custom games?

        Did it ever get better/good?

        I only remember the hype and then...nothing.

    • 3 years ago

      its *actually* dead too. not just old and forgotten, they went out of their way to make sure nobody would want to play that shit again. they took a good game and fricked it up

    • 3 years ago

      Reforged finished it off. Custom games are a pain in the ass to get working, if they work. W3 Champions is a good ladder / ELO system since Blizzard removed ladder / levela etc.
      Goodnight sweet prince.

      • 3 years ago

        what a fricking trainwreck
        >most custom maps don't work with reforged since they are old and developement on them was stopped a long time ago therefore there's nobody around to update them, this is literally the current situation for 99% of maps
        >those that still work are filled with Disconnections and bugs wich reforged introduced aplenty
        >the WE improvements were nice but nowhere near the amount of improvements that fanmade third party plugins for it did throught the years, and now there's barely any active mapmaker to use fully use of said improvements anyways, a little to late, and the game being dead doesn't help either
        >the new EULA terms scare any future map making from developing something big and unique
        >custom campaings are still unplayable
        >they introduced a phletora of bugs to the original campaing thanks to the constant patches and they never bothered to fix them
        >bugs that played the reforged """""beta""""" are still currently plaguing the game
        >Removed ladders and player profiles for no fricking reason, made a statement on how they were gonna implement them back alongside player profiles in the future, this was on august last year, no word or any update on this ever since
        >you couldn't pause your fricking singleplayer matches at launch
        >artstyle is all over the place, some models kinda fit but most are the complete opposite, the new graphics are completely garbage and is the only real thing you are paying for when you buy reforged, since everything else is shoved down your throat and downloaded into your PC whenever you want or not, absolutely no one that still plays this game uses the reforged graphics
        >they completely neutered the voice acting in everyother language other than english
        its baffling how they managed to screw up so badly and how little they cared that it was WC3 the game they were going to put 3 feet under by doing this, this is the equivalent of murdering your child and then shitting down their grave just to rub it in

  5. 3 years ago

    Glad you could fake it Uther your fake fricking reaction for social clout well done truly a paladin of reddit

  6. 3 years ago

    How did Uther die anyways?

    • 3 years ago

      he gets killed in the second mission of the undead campaing by DK Arthas since he was holding the urn of king therenas ashes, and he needed it to transport Keltuzad remains to take them to the high elves Sunwell and use its energies to reform him

      • 3 years ago

        I always thought it's dumb that you kill him so fast. He was the leader of the paladins but you kill him with a bunch of ghouls.

  7. 3 years ago

    Warcraft 3 is the last time Blizzard was good. Frick what a great game.

  8. 3 years ago

    What made it memorable was the player had no choice, sure you could turn it off but story wise it was a massacre

  9. 3 years ago
  10. 3 years ago

    Uther didn't refuse because he didn't understand what was going on, he did it because he was a pussy who didn't have what it takes to go all the way, same with Jaina. He wants to look for "another way", even when it's clear there isn't one.

    Arthas, on the other hand, is a person who is willing to take extreme actions and het his hands dirty to get what he wants, which is why he ultimately takes up Frostmourne. It's his strong will and dedication to his home and people that, in a twist of fate, made him a perfect champion for the Lich King. Why is this so hard to understand?

  11. 3 years ago

    Arthas did nothing wrong.

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