>Glados turning herself into a potato and Black Mesa's entire top secret portal project being c...

>Glados turning herself into a potato and Black Mesa's entire top secret portal project being completely BTFO by an underdog corporation approaching bankruptcy headed by a senile Walt Disney? Sure. Makes perfect sense.
>Alyx asking Russel what a sandwich is? That's just too hecking far. The writers are hacks. Fricking Campo Santo. SOULLESS!!
Why was Ganker like this??

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  1. 3 years ago

    It does make sense that a company with no regards for ethics or staying solvent would get more results than a state run agency.

  2. 3 years ago

    >Glados turning herself into a Potato
    No, that was Wheatley who did that.

  3. 3 years ago

    Fine I'll bite
    A sandwich is such a basic thing that people would always find something to put on top of something else and eat it. Even if the combine fed them nothing but nutrient paste they'd put the thicker paste on the bottom and call it a sandwich.
    Aperture was a company relatively hidden from the public, desperate for money and led by a man with space aids and a burning need for pictures of Spiderman. They had magic space rocks and experimented on everything and everyone, basically mashing shit together. Black Mesa had to keep up appearances and needed to follow safety procedures except for that one time so they could work more slowly
    But the real reason is that Half Life is a story focused series where the story, by definition, has to make sense. Portal is just a fun little game where the story is totally bullshit because people only care about the unique gameplay and humor. It got tied into the half life universe just to wow people and was never intended to actually affect it. It's easier to forgive a silly game for having a massive plot hole than one with the supposedly most impactful story in video game history

    • 3 years ago

      >Portal is just a fun little game where the story is totally bullshit because people only care about the unique gameplay and humor
      Plot points established in Portal have been the main focus of HL2's episodes and will also be for HL3, presumably. Writing it off as a "silly game not to be taken seriously" is not being honest or telling the whole story whatsoever.

    • 3 years ago

      >implying that the nutrient paste won't mix with each other
      >implying that they'd call chunky stew paste as 'sandwiches'

    • 3 years ago

      Small detail, Alyx did not ask Russel what a sandwich is, she asked what a club sandwich is specifically.

    • 3 years ago

      >the supposedly most impactful story in video game history
      Half Life isn't that.

      • 3 years ago

        True, Half-Life's impact wasn't about the story itself (even Half-Life 2 beat it at that) but it executed the minimal story it had so splendidly and fused it near seamlessly with the gameplay that, compared to its contemporaries, it's almost revolutionary. The story is told by the world around you in an almost realistic, and even now you'd hardly find a game that has the same sort of atmosphere like half-life. It just feels different, and not even Half-Life 2 could replicate that feel.

    • 3 years ago

      In the game she asked what a CLUB sandwich was, like the shit inside it. she didn't ask what the concept of a sandwich was you dumbfrick

    • 3 years ago

      I thought OP was pretending to be moronic
      I had no idea people were actually pissed about the sandwich dialogue

  4. 3 years ago

    More importantly why was the Borealis a boat to begin with? Aperture labs is miles underground. But somehow they figured they needed to build a whole ship down there for their teleportation experiment.

    • 3 years ago

      Well, if you teleport a boat into the sea, it'll float.

      • 3 years ago

        But if you teleport it directly into the sea, all the inner parts of the boat will be filled with water and thus sink

        • 3 years ago

          What? Or course they would make a mass displacement device.

          • 3 years ago

            >Of course they would make a mass displacement device.
            >Thinking Aperture Science are this competent

            • 3 years ago

              They are when it comes to tech, they suck at commercializing it.

        • 3 years ago

          just aim into the air

    • 3 years ago

      Because it is a Philadelphia Experiment reference and nothing more. A meme one might say.

  5. 3 years ago

    I wonder if Valve still consider keeping developpement on VR games seing how nobody gives a flying frick about this technology for games still
    It's been years people keep saying that VR will completly explode this year and everybody in the World will have a VR headset at home playing 10 hours of VR games everyday while absolutely frick all has happened this HL Alyx which was the biggest boom of VR gaming which was barely a little finger snap in the whole gaming inustry

  6. 3 years ago

    >entire game is you checking wardrobe and drawers to find ammo, firing at extremely slow and moronic combines and solving the same shitty puzzle again and again
    Alyx was shit and frick valve for killing tf2 with the matchmaking update anyway.

    • 3 years ago

      Oh do tell how you would design a vr game

      • 3 years ago

        Why? Am I paid for that?
        no, so frick off.
        I'm here to buy the game if it's good or shit on it if it's bad and I'm currently busy taking a shit.

        • 3 years ago

          >Why? Am I paid for that?
          No, you would be better to explain your argument why those elements suck while engaging with them in VR, so you don't sound like bumbling idiot.

          • 3 years ago

            t.alyx dev
            If I have to explain in depth why fighting with moronic combines moving at a snail's pace instead of having fluid and dynamic encounters is bad then you're the homosexual with brain damage.
            >ib4 "but it's vr so it can't be more aggressive or faster, the normies would start vomitting!!!!"
            either you commit fully to your shitty vr gimmick and make a real game ( like wipeout hd collection in vr which doesn't care about s_0y gargling homosexual using a barf bag, the game goes fricking fast and fricks your brain and doesn't give a single FRICK) or just don't even try. There's not even any melee attacks in Alyx for frick sake, what a piece of garbage, a tech demo and nothing else.
            I wonder what HL3 is going to be, another tech demo like hl2 and alyx? Maybe it will be about ray shading hahaha, homosexual.

            • 3 years ago

              >the game must either be not fun or unplayable
              Knew a moron like you isn't worth sparing a brain cell for.

    • 3 years ago

      Actually, the game floods you with ammo even if you don’t check the drawers, scavenging is for finding resin.

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