>go to sewer. >cursed and sent back to bonfire. >go to flooded cave

>go to sewer
>cursed and sent back to bonfire
>go to flooded cave
>ghosts come up from floor and sides at the same time and rape me
>grind 6000 souls to undo curse
>run out of transient curse items to keep trying the ghosts
>go to dark roots
>gay butterfly zaps me to death
>go back to sewers to try gaping dragon again
>cursed and sent back to bonfire
dno bros not having fun anymore

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  1. 7 months ago

    >grind 6000 souls to undo curse
    >run out of transient curse items to keep trying the ghosts
    Why, though?
    You can kill the ghosts while cursed.

    • 7 months ago

      fighting them with full health is hard enough for me

      How the frick do you lose to the Moonlight Butterfly?

      it just shoots at me and i cant figure out how to dodge most of the attacks

      How do you keep getting cursed just avoid the stupid frogs

      i tried

      • 7 months ago
        Trooth Bombz from /asp/

        I hate to say "git gud" because DS is a great series and you shouldn't be gatekept from it but you are literally losing to a Sonic Adventure boss battle.

    • 7 months ago

      Cute gay!!


      >go to sewer
      >cursed and sent back to bonfire
      >go to flooded cave
      >ghosts come up from floor and sides at the same time and rape me
      >grind 6000 souls to undo curse
      >run out of transient curse items to keep trying the ghosts
      >go to dark roots
      >gay butterfly zaps me to death
      >go back to sewers to try gaping dragon again
      >cursed and sent back to bonfire
      dno bros not having fun anymore

      Just go kill the buttlerfly, it's attacks are very telegraphed and it sits still letting you whack it for a ton of time
      The ghosts are super annoying yeah, as for the sewers just be prepared to deal with curses/losing a ton of souls in there, just deathrun from place to place so you can know where you're going

      • 7 months ago

        >Cute gay!!
        Isn't he so?

    • 7 months ago

      this is how I knew op was a gay following a guide

  2. 7 months ago

    How the frick do you lose to the Moonlight Butterfly?

    • 7 months ago

      I dont know how people consistently dodge its needle attack. Like yes, I know how to do it, but it absolutely does NOT work 100% of the time

    • 7 months ago

      I got killed the first time I fought it because I was impatient & greedy & it blew up in my face instakilling me, that was the first time it landed. Didn't fall for it again after that but god damn that was a slow fight.

  3. 7 months ago

    How do you keep getting cursed just avoid the stupid frogs

  4. 7 months ago

    It's perfect .

  5. 7 months ago

    Switch is the worst version you could be playing

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        because IT JUST IS, OKAY???

      • 7 months ago

        It has audio compression issues and doesn't run at 60fps.

    • 7 months ago

      Its actually the best version since Steam, Sony, and Microsoft stopped selling the original copy and only sell the Demastered Version. Meanwhile, the switch "Remaster" is just the superior base version of the game

      • 7 months ago

        They still edited the placement and use of the Dried Finger. The code is also slightly different because an enemy I consistently got to go one way in original goes a different path now even on switch. Also Items don't automatically get put into the item bar if you pick up something new.

        However, the switch has the superior bonfire fire effects and the lighting isn't as bad. Although it is only 30 fps.


        >go to sewer
        >cursed and sent back to bonfire
        >go to flooded cave
        >ghosts come up from floor and sides at the same time and rape me
        >grind 6000 souls to undo curse
        >run out of transient curse items to keep trying the ghosts
        >go to dark roots
        >gay butterfly zaps me to death
        >go back to sewers to try gaping dragon again
        >cursed and sent back to bonfire
        dno bros not having fun anymore

        Would you like help? I actually have the Switch version as well. I've been playing since the 360 era and have tons of hours on both PC versions.
        If not then you just need to get better or you're doing something massively wrong. Watch someone good play on youtube.

        • 7 months ago

          >Would you like help?
          personally i feel quite strongly about how using summons is kinda gay but thanks for the offer
          guess ill check out some vids and care less about spoilers if it means not qutting the game

          Do not, this are not worth restarting your game for. You will get plenty of these. Also, "plenty of souls" but you are in early game so you are oerestimating the amount of souls you lost. Play the Depths nice and slow, do not rush it, and kill the Gaping Dragon. Yes, it is slow, but it's not hard to kill him. I took 15 minutes into the boss fight to beat him but I did. Capra Demon was alot harder and you already killed him. Then, you should go to Blightown like me, this is where I am right now.
          Also, if you are stuck in a boss fight or something try summoning someone. I'm not sure how many people are playing this on Switch buit I summoned to beat 2 bosses already (Steam)
          -anon who is on the first playthough also

          aight ill try dragon again

          • 7 months ago

            >i feel quite strongly about how using summons is kinda gay
            How the frick do you have this opinion if you know nothing about the game and are struggling? Why do you have this opinion?
            Why would you rather quit than to get help? You can play the game again when you have better motor skills and knowledge of the game.

            • 7 months ago

              i think its pretty obvious

              this is how I knew op was a gay following a guide

              nah i literally did not
              i had watched in depth reviews of the game many years ago and barely knew anything about it going in
              the only things i had looked up were what humanity does and if others found the dogs as gay as i did

          • 7 months ago

            i have the switch version call me up if u need help

          • 7 months ago
            Trooth Bombz from /asp/

            Using npc summons isn't cheating. Using online summons only kind of is. The bosses take less damage, so if your buddy dies early you're basically fricked. The Gargoyles and O&S are easier solo because you can take one down faster doing more damage.
            There's actually story elements tied to NPC summons. The sun man, the onion knight and the dude you let out of prison are basically traveling through the game at the same time as you and if you do a bunch of wacky shit you can even take Sunbro into the final battle, which is practically the hardcore gamer way of finishing the game.
            The NPC summons aren't always in obvious spots either, so you have to look for them while in human form which risks wasting a humanity. Summoning is balanced in a lot of ways.

            • 7 months ago

              Npcs are definitely cheating but he's a switch player who hates level design and thinks the depths are hard so he really should just let the npcs beat the game for him anyway

            • 7 months ago

              >that solaire summon for O&S
              you gotta clear out that room or else he just ain't coming in and you're fighting a buffed O&S

  6. 7 months ago

    A wise man once said:
    >git gud

    • 7 months ago

      so the game sucks on first playthrough?

      • 7 months ago

        Yes, actually.

        • 7 months ago

          in that case why is it recommended that you play it blind?

          • 7 months ago

            That's the game bro. It being shitty is part of the experience, and you're free to think if that's good or bad

  7. 7 months ago


    Based Miyazaki

    >From a marketing perspective, Demon’s Souls is a project that should have never been initiated. But I have a feeling now that if you’re solid in your ideas, design and process... you can succeed. I hope that Demon’s Souls has become evidence that an original title, one with a very different approach to the norm, can receive recognition and success. I want to believe this game

    >For game director Hidetaka Miyazaki, the interest was shared. “I’d worked exclusively on Armored Core titles in my role at FROM Software”, he explains. “But I’d always wanted to make a dark fantasy game that drew on the Fighting Fantasy series of books. The Demon’s Souls project was that opening that I’d always been waiting for”. But while Demon’s Souls is heavily influenced by fantasy clichés, in play it appears

    >Miyazaki: When designing the bosses, I made sure that they would be varied and exciting. I prepared different gameplay and strategies for each one so that players didn’t get tired of the same fight every time. We wanted to surprise players and encourage them to figure out different tactics, to think on their feet.

    >Miyazaki-san explained that such an approach to level design has always been his preference, and he prefers players to “climb” into areas and experience a form of verticality when moving from area to area. And, the lack of loading screens certainly helps by keeping the player immersed.

    >Miyazaki: I’m just an employee of the development company, so I can’t directly answer whether there’ll be a sequel to Demon’s Souls. With that said, my personal opinion is that we learned a lot during the development of Demon’s Souls, and there were a lot of things that we couldn’t do this first time, so I’d welcome the chance to create an even better game in the same style if the opportunity arises.

  8. 7 months ago
  9. 7 months ago

    Why are you using transient curses when you're already cursed?

    • 7 months ago

      because i want full health for the ghosts
      maybe im just underleveled, i have lost loads of souls just being bad ngl

  10. 7 months ago

    Be grateful you aren't playing 1.0. THAT shit truly sucked.

  11. 7 months ago

    I'm playing for my first time this week and had no problems on Depths. The toads are easy to dodge and not get cursed. The Gaping Dragon is not hard, you got plenty of space to figure him out. The Capra Demon on the other hand was ridiculous for me
    I've not seen all of this. I'm on Blightown, where the hell are you??

    • 7 months ago

      thinking about restarting and playing better this time
      i wasted an estus reinforcement and plenty of souls lol

      • 7 months ago

        Do not, this are not worth restarting your game for. You will get plenty of these. Also, "plenty of souls" but you are in early game so you are oerestimating the amount of souls you lost. Play the Depths nice and slow, do not rush it, and kill the Gaping Dragon. Yes, it is slow, but it's not hard to kill him. I took 15 minutes into the boss fight to beat him but I did. Capra Demon was alot harder and you already killed him. Then, you should go to Blightown like me, this is where I am right now.
        Also, if you are stuck in a boss fight or something try summoning someone. I'm not sure how many people are playing this on Switch buit I summoned to beat 2 bosses already (Steam)
        -anon who is on the first playthough also

        • 7 months ago

          How do you guys even remember the mechanics in these games? All the levels and bosses and items all blend together for me. Even when I play the game again some levels seems completely new to me. I’m in my 40s so maybe I have dementia or something. I would never be able to recall details and tell someone how to progress in these games or give any tips whatsoever.

  12. 7 months ago

    Wait til you finish Elden Ring and try to come back to these earlier titles. These games are stupidly easy by comparison, and I think the whole "DARK SOULS IS LE DIFFICULT" meme is vastly over-stated because of marketing. The game itself is very fair if you just learn how to play and approach it on its own terms. There are even ways to abuse or exploit the game.

    • 7 months ago

      I think they are difficult because it’s impossible to know where to go next or how certain things work. Like “go talk to random NPC and find le secret item to open door” is just bad design. The fighting is fun but the “exploration” and problem solving doesn’t exist because every player needs to look up how things work in the wiki to even get a certain weapon or find the DLC levels. Even when I’m watching streamers that have played the games dozens of times they have to check the wiki for info because even the chat doesn’t know quite often.

      • 7 months ago

        Holy frick I hate you

        • 7 months ago

          All I stated were facts. You hate the game design, not me. All those times you’ve had to look up what to do next on your playthroughs.

          • 7 months ago

            I haven't done that, it ruins the point

  13. 7 months ago

    Why the flying frick would you play Dark Souls on the Switch of all consoles?

    • 7 months ago

      is honestly not that bad

    • 7 months ago

      Why the flying frick would anyone play the Demaster?

    • 7 months ago

      Why the frick would you log onto the fricking internet and post a cartoon frog?

  14. 7 months ago

    You paid for psychological torture.

  15. 7 months ago

    you dont need transient curse to fight ghosts if you are cursed already so fake story gay homosexual op didnt even play the game many such cases.

    • 7 months ago

      i said i grinded 6k souls to rid the curse bro
      i did this because otherwise the ghosts can basically one shot me

      • 7 months ago
        Trooth Bombz from /asp/

        If any ghost ever dropped a Jagged Ghost Dagger then you can hurt ghosts with it without being cursed.
        You don't have shit to do in ghost town yet. You aren't going to unlock a new path or get a cool item. You should only go there because it allows sequence breaking in NG+.
        You're better off going into the Catacombs and dealing with skeletons. You can't kill them with your weapon but you can still kick them off ledges to their death. The wheel skeletons towards the end will make you quit the game but if you get past them you fight the easiest boss in the game and gain the power to increase your estus uses. You have to walk your ass back out of there though.
        Keep fighting the butterfly. It's in your head but it isn't really that hard. After you beat it you can upgrade your weapons more.
        Also, upgrading a weapon does more for you damage output than upgrading your stats ever will. The people who beat the game at level one are usually doing so with a fully upgraded weapon.
        If anything, a max level but zero weapon upgrades run would be more impressive.

  16. 7 months ago

    once you beat gaping dragon the area after is actually a lot easier. keep going, you're almost at the best part of the game.
    about curses
    >guy on top of the parish (who spawned after the gargoyles died) sells an item to get rid of it
    >just buy some from him instead of going through new londo
    Remember: After gaping dragon, often considered to be the apex of the game's difficulty for a newbie, the following challenge will be a lot easier.

  17. 7 months ago

    It is not possible to be that bad at the game.

  18. 7 months ago

    >Didn't play the unpatched version where curses stacked
    Getting out of the depths with 1/4 heath was awful.

  19. 7 months ago

    About what I expect from a switch player
    Go play Mario Wonder

  20. 7 months ago

    How bad is the audio?

    • 7 months ago

      its aight but definitely not great

  21. 7 months ago

    People falling for this obvious bait.

    OP's game is sealed. 🙂

  22. 7 months ago

    >shitch version

  23. 7 months ago

    Being cursed and being trapped in the depths, men don't know fear until then.

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