Good RPG for average humans completely BTFOing archmages, gods, and legendary monsters using modern military hardware, because all these supernatural ...

Good RPG for average humans completely BTFOing archmages, gods, and legendary monsters using modern military hardware, because all these supernatural "badasses" keep on underestimating the firepower of modern weapons?

Like basically Dresden Files, Fate/Zero, etc.

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  1. 2 years ago

    just google images of handguns and jerk off, that sounds like what you'd rather be doing

  2. 2 years ago

    >humans completely BTFOing archmages
    Archmages are often human. Dumb HFY gay.

    • 2 years ago

      Glad you cut out the word "average" bud, otherwise your post would have been totally moronic.

  3. 2 years ago

    Hunter the Vigil 2e at where you're a part of Task Force: VALKYRIE. That's basically their entire thing. Pull extra Advanced Armory options from 1e books, as few of them need much tweaking, and you're good to go.

  4. 2 years ago

    Nah, thats boring because its so one-sided.

    What I want to see is a matchup where the modern military hardware cuts through most problems in the fantasy world like a hot knife through butter, but there exist high level threats like wizards, gods, and especially powerful monsters which we literally CANNOT hurt without magical assistance, if at all. This doesn't mean we cannot DEFEAT them, but defeating them becomes a matter of cleverness and settling for the victory that you can manage because no amount of boom is ever going to do anything more than knock them over and piss them off.

    If a wizard can just snap their fingers and turn every bullet in the world into a man-eating spider, no amount of guns you bring to the fight helps you. What you are asking for OP only works if everything fantastical is kept intentionally at such a low level of power as to be designed to hand the modern military the win, which makes the victory worthless.

  5. 2 years ago

    cringed irl

  6. 2 years ago

    Oh yea, average human Emiya Kiritsugu, with human abilities like "time magic" and "was trained by a professional magic assassin" and "has the scabbard of king Arthur shoved up his ass so hard he doesn't count as an anal virgin"

    Not to mention all those mythical heroes he beat like.... Or that time he triumphed over the "Angra Mainiyu" inside the grail! Wait...

    • 2 years ago

      I swear, Kiritsugu blows up one hotel, and everyone jerks off to him for the rest of time.

    • 2 years ago

      Kiritsugu is one of the weakest mages in the whole series.

      • 2 years ago

        And still on an entirely different level to normal people.

        If you want an example of humans fighting the supernatural, then Kuzuki Souichiro or Aoko's boyfriend from Mahoyo are better examples, and the latter still largely relies on magic from one of the greatest mages of all time who in her myth is largely renowned for her ability to make normal schmucks godlike.

        • 2 years ago

          >and the latter
          The former*

        • 2 years ago

          Aoko's boyfriend is still almost a supernatural creature at the beginning of Mahoyo for how badly out of step he is with the modern world from having been raised in almost total isolation in the mountains. Nasu explicitly refers to him as his strongest protagonist at the beginning of Mahoyo, but as more and more of the modern world influences him, he gradually becomes weaker until everything special about him is gone.

  7. 2 years ago

    In the Dresden Files, there's a frost giant who dueled and defeated Thor. Like, the god Thor.

    He gets unceremoniously one-shotted by an M72 LAW from a normal human.

    Why aren't more games like this? How do you capture this feel of HFY of regular mundane humans using military hardware to triumph against almighty gods and monsters?

    • 2 years ago

      >She was standing next to her Harley, and the box labeled CAMPING SUPPLIES was wide open.

      >I watched her draw out a round tube with a couple of grip points and a control pad, painted olive drab. She extended the tube, flipped up some kind of little doohickey on it, lifted it to her freaking shoulder, and settled her fingers lightly on the control pad.

      >“You fight like a woman, seidrmadr,” Svangar snarled.

      >“Hey, drittsekk!” Murphy shouted.

      >Svangar turned his head toward her, his expression furious.

      >One corner of her mouth crooked up in a smile and her blue eyes were cold. “Me, too.”

      >And she fired the weapon.

      >I don’t know a lot about military hardware. But if you’re going to fight a Jotun, it seems to me a bazooka is about the right caliber.

      >I didn’t really see the rocket fly. That’s not how those things work. They move at about the speed of a handgun bullet. There was simply an explosion followed almost instantaneously by another explosion in the hollow of Svangar’s throat. CrackBOOM.

      >Resisting fire was a nifty trick, but in the end, again, Sir Isaac will always weigh in on matters. Fire is an absolute, a collection point of energy, and it can always get hotter. Eventually, as with any defense, there’s a limit to what it can do, a point of catastrophic failure—and Murphy’s rocket found that limit.

      >Ever see a watermelon get smashed with a sledgehammer?

      >It was sort of like that.

      >Flesh and blood exploded from the Jotun in a cloud of aerial chum. I could see Svangar’s cracked and blackened collarbone and his freaking spine through the hole in his neck. The Jotun staggered, his shoulder smashing into a building, raised his axe one last time—and fell as it dropped from his suddenly nerveless fingers.

      >The giant’s body crushed two cars and knocked over a streetlight as it came down. One outflung hand landed not three feet from my toes.

      >And suddenly the street was silent and very still.
      A cop kills her.

    • 2 years ago

      Norse Gods barely count as gods. Thor can't even use his signature hammer without two pieces of magical gear, his gauntlets and his belt.

      If your 'gods' rely on regularly taking an external source of immortality or they will grow old and die, they are just humans with cool toys. Out of all of the mythology where a mortal with a modern weapon can frick them up, Norse mythology makes the most sense.

    • 2 years ago

      shut the frick up and stop posting this, you stupid homosexual
      he didn’t even win against thor, he just fought him once

  8. 2 years ago

    Why is this being repeatedly spammed? We've even given good suggestions.

    • 2 years ago

      Regurgitating copy/pasted OPs is easily 90% of /tg/ threads these days. Sorry you had to find out this way.

  9. 2 years ago

    Modern military equipment is barely capable of taking on human opposition.
    How the hell you expect it to realistically take on the supernatural?
    It's like a caveman thinking just because he can use a leaf to keep his head dry he can fight the rain.

    • 2 years ago

      A Javelin can one-shot an M1A2 Abrams.

  10. 2 years ago

    >average humans completely BTFOing archmages, gods, and legendary monsters using modern military hardware, because all these supernatural "badasses" keep on underestimating the firepower of modern weapons?
    You just watched the clip with the hotel explosion online once and thats all you've seen, didn't you?

  11. 2 years ago

    >the novel wherein the wizard with modern military hardware beats the superwizard using magic because normal guns don't work on him
    >they also don't work on any of the fantasy superheroes blowing up half the city
    >they also don't work on the kung-fu wizard who becomes the final boss
    Did you even read it? Kiritsugu only fought two people who mattered, beat one with magic and basically lost to the other, in spite of using magic. Also, the magic side of the Nasuverse is all about how magic shit from 5000 years ago is superior in every way to anything humans now can invent. Or did you miss the part where a bunch of fighter jets lost to butthole!Superman with an ancient Babylonian aircraft and Guy-literally-too-angry-to-die?

    • 2 years ago

      Personally my favorite part of F/Z is how Lancelot seamlessly works modern tech into his fighting style. Like, normal human tech is worthless against servants because they're spirits, but with magic bullshit backing it up it can not only threaten them but also has incredible anti-mundane firepower.

      • 2 years ago

        Berserk Lancelot with his power to make anything he touches a weapon that works on servants is extremely based.

      • 2 years ago

        Berserker lancelot specifically makes anything he touches a noble phantasm tier weapon.

  12. 2 years ago

    Armageddon (and Witchcraft to a lesser extent) is exactly about this.

  13. 2 years ago

    well, just play the Dresden files game if it's your example...

  14. 2 years ago

    Is there anything that's the exact opposite of what OP wants where modern technology and weaponry is completely useless against the supernatural?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      How completely useless? Like "You better come up with something special to even have a chance" or "Only magic, nothing else"?

  15. 2 years ago

    This is what happens when modern military fights fantasy, every single time.


  16. 2 years ago

    Why would archmages, gods, and monsters not use military hardware themselves?

    • 2 years ago

      Have you ever watched Harry Potter? They're too arrogant to use modern tech.

      • 2 years ago

        Why would they be too arrogant? They created humanity with the capacity to develop new tech and use it, and they created a universe where new tech is capable of being developed and working. If anything they should be more advanced technologically than humans.

      • 2 years ago

        >all stories are Harry Potter

  17. 2 years ago

    Firepower only works on squishy human mages in Fate/Zero, it's entirely useless against servants. Which is why it's interesting and not just techwank since it becomes a game of trying to occupy enemy servants with your own servant while you go after the squishy human mage with your tacticool shit.

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