
Greetings /tg/. In this thread we shall get a glimpse of my board game, the Wizard's Tower, where Wizards decide who lives and dies in the war of Chess through numerology and cartomancy. I am working on a pastebin but it's not done.

Select your Wizard, and I shall select one in response. The battle shall begin at nightfall.

Shall you select the Black Wizard of Evil, with his overwhelming horde of 13 pawns, polygamist cult of 3 queens, and mastery of the dark arts with the power to sacrifice the souls of the living?

Or shall you select the Green Wizard of Logic, master of technology, atheism, and the defensive arts? His Knights are equipped with rifles, and his Scholars are much more powerful than the religious Bishops.

Or, shall you select the Red Wizard of Chaos, the masters of mana and good fortune? The grandmaster Capablanca was secretly a founder of this school of Chess magic. They also wield domain over the Dragons.

Or finally, shall you select the White Wizard of Holy, the masters of grace, immortality, and love? Their army flows through the battlefield like wind and their mastery of the Sword arts are unprecedented.

The first two anons to select a color, those Wizards shall do battle at nightfall, and this battle shall decide the fate of the Chess world as we know it.

CRIME Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I choose red magic and wield the dragon's flame

    • 2 years ago

      In this moment I am euphoric in my knowledge that the green wizard is superior

      I am preparing the battlefield.

  2. 2 years ago

    In this moment I am euphoric in my knowledge that the green wizard is superior

  3. 2 years ago

    Caught the last thread but only skimmed it. I am looking forward to this high strangeness.

  4. 2 years ago

    The armies have been summoned.

    For Red, in the front row, we have the Chancellor (Rook+Knight), Archbishop (Knight+Bishop), a Knight, and a Dragon (2x2 Box and moves like King every single turn. In the back row, we have the Lion (Two King moves), the Red Wizard, and his Queen. The numerology of Red is 777 and their early game is rigged.

    For Green, we have 8 Knight that are rumored to also be Nazi Stormtroopers. They have rifles and can attack from range if they so choose. The Scholars have studied the game so intensely they move like a Bishop twice in one turn. Finally, in the corner, we have the Maharaja, a legendary beast from India that moves like Queen+Knight. The numerology of Green is 88 and their cards are very high numbers overall throughout the whole game.

    Green gets first strike, and with the power of the Queen of Spades, they may skip the enemy turn. The Spades allow for casting of Haste, Promotion, and Ice Wall. The 7 of Hearts for Red allows for the casting of Summon, FIreball, and Tornado.

    On the Astral Plane Red has 7 Bishops and Green has a Scholar, 2 Bishops, and a Rook. In Valhalla awaits Mjollnir and the souls of more Dragons. In Outer Space, the soul of a Green Dragon and the Vorpal Blade rest.

    I still need to shuffle the decks and wait for it not be 100 degrees in my apartment before I can play.

    • 2 years ago

      >uses cards
      I’m intrigued

      • 2 years ago

        I've explained this somewhere but I'll explain it again

        The cards do two things. When you attack, the value of the card is your damage, and your movement type determines the damage bonus. Rook +1, Bishop +2, Knight +3. A "Royal Piece" like the Queen and Archbishop will get the type its using on offense and its weakest type on defense

        Then, the suit of the card is added as mana like a color in magic and the different suits enable different spells

        When your pieces die, they turn into souls that are colorless mana. Jokers are also colorless mana.

        The most critical spell is mystic missile (frick copyright) where you spend mana equal to how much your card lost by to trade blows evenly instead of just lose your piece. So you have to manage your resources carefully because if you spend like 7 to deal with a 3 vs 10 draw then you might not be able to kill anything later

  5. 2 years ago

    Before I go somewhere channeling the ice magic known as air conditions, I shall the incredible power of a Pawn in the hands of a Wizard.

    The Wizards taught the Kings a fancy trick where they could double move the Pawn. The Wizards take this power to godly limits. A pawn is a half move. They move directly forward or capture at an angle. You may move two pawns in any combination of this or move the same pawn twice.

    As for en passant? Ha ha ha ha! That only works against mortals. The redditors obsessed with googling this move are incompetent.

  6. 2 years ago

    There is one more piece of information, then your understanding of this battlefield should be clear.

    The aura of a Wizard is so powerful that any Pawm who enters his range is Promoted. So the Knight on C3, if he zerged by a Pawn, the Pawn can promoted to a Bishop on turn 1 and attempt to do battle with the Knight.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Wizard's Tower
    But is it going to be better than playing Wizard's staff?

  8. 2 years ago

    red here
    so, if green has first strike, do I just wait for the green player to make a move now?

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, I didn't know you wanted to make some moves. I was going to play both sides and let people trash me for missing obvious things.

      Here is the board after the opening moves for Green and Red. Green went with the zerg rush I was thinking about. The draw was Dragon vs Ace which is a tie, both 18, the damage cap.

      The response from Red was to advance the Dragon then move two pawns. The pawn on C5 is preventing Red from being in Check from a Knight hop followed by the Scholar zig zagging in after a turn skip.

      I have to AFK, and I will take any suggestion for what Green and Red should do next into consideration.

      • 2 years ago

        red will cast summon, in order to summon thor's hammer mjolnir.
        Wielding the ancestral power of the nordic god, red appeals to the nazi stormtroopers to make them switch sides. would they rather fight with thor or some green nerd?

        • 2 years ago

          Sorry, you don't have mana of the suit to cast Sword. Need a spade. Also, the game math works out that Red is the worst user of the Sword spell. The only legal target for sword is on E1 and if you look at his Knight's tour he's not in a good position to Check.

  9. 2 years ago

    neat idea but I really want to see the full set of rules

    • 2 years ago

      Are you sure about that?

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        frick yes

  10. 2 years ago

    Wait, I fricked up. I forgot I changed the Sword to be Diamonds and Promotion to be Spades to deal with a broken card combo.

    Here's the next set of moves. Green moved in a Knight to kill the Dragon. A Dragon draws 3 cards and the high card is the damage. The draw was A against 7 A K, so its a tie. Red's move was first to resummon the Dragon with the card, then do pawn shit. The draw was A vs A for the first pawn attacking C6 Knight so they trade. If he won I was going in for Check but he didn't. The pawn attacking E6 Scholar drew Q (10) vs 8+2=10 so they also trade.

    I am contemplating the next move. Sorry I made a rule error but it's a recent change.

  11. 2 years ago

    There is a window for Green to get lucky and deal damage, should they go for it? If it fails, they lose tempo really bad.

    The move is Scholar to A3, then Queen of Spades check into damage.

  12. 2 years ago

    I have to stress this move is astronomically low probability because Green top decked both aces in the Enlightenment Deck. There are lots of huge cards left in the Rigged Deck.

  13. 2 years ago

    Green chickened out and just advanced Pawns. Red on the other hand saw the plan with the Scholar and said frick this. First Advance Dragon, then Queencast a Lightning bolt for 9 mana. The extra turn from Queencast was used to advance Queen to block the opposing Queen. I slid over the Green deck a bit to reveal something I knew was there, an enchanted Ace of Spades.

  14. 2 years ago

    Shit, I've blundered.

    Green's move was to trade Queens, they both drew high card ace and blew each other up. I started tunnelling on that Maharaja and keeping it out but I blundered with my Dragon. Then I advanced a Lion to I attacked a Knight and now I've opened myself up to Check. Shit. I didn't see the A5 pawn. The next move is going to cast Promotion on it to a Bishop and frick Red in the ass like a little boy.

  15. 2 years ago

    The photo, right.

    I'm going to take another break and then when I come back we see blood get drawn.

  16. 2 years ago

    This round of turns was a bloodbath.

    Red got Checked. 1 damage, 13 mana lost, and if I was playing a timeclock, -5 minutes.

    However, their dragon was in position and the timing of green deck was weak so the Dragon rolled over all 3 knights and lived. High card was Dragon (18) vs 6+3, 4+3, 5+3, they all got rolled. This was also very good because Green's Astral Plane is capped and so 2 of the Knight souls are just lost.

  17. 2 years ago

    My bad, I thought I hit the file button.

  18. 2 years ago

    My phone battery is critical, but whatever, I have a lot of options for the next set of moves.

    Green finally broke out the RIfle to gib the Dragon that had them in Check. Red's respond was to advance the Archbishop into Check.

    Green has many options. They can strike the Archbishop with Lightning. They can Ice Wall and revive all their pawns. They can just strike the enemy Wizard for direct damage. They can block with a Knight. They can summon something to block.

    I have no idea what I do and I'm gonna decide while my phone charges.

  19. 2 years ago

    I forgot a detail. There's a subrule where if you have no room to summon the Dragon card, you must sacrifice pieces to make room. So I lost 2 pawns. Ouchies.

    This may look like it's over for Green but Red is about to hit the Misfortune Deck and then suits are all spades and their damage is shit.

    I'm also noticing the Lion is in positive to Check as well with Haste. Haste gives you extra half moves.

    Green decided to accept the damage and summon a Tornado. Jesus christ.

  20. 2 years ago

    Here's the board state, and now I have to take a break my phone is at 1%.

    The Tornado costs 15 in Heart and moves one rook space in the direction of caster's chosing on both player turns. It killed the Lion and forced the Dragon to retreat. And when I went in for damage they only lost 4 mana total, not bad. This is winnable for either side.

  21. 2 years ago

    Green summone their Dragon and used the Maharajah to Check. Red summoned a Bishop to defend, but I think from this position it's a loss for Red. We shall see.

  22. 2 years ago

    I decided to play it out and yeah Red most likely lost. There was this cascade where Red summoned to defend and the Rook took it out and then there was no way to deal with the Maharaja and Rook at once. Now there is no way to deal with the Dragon and Queen of Spades Rook unless Red gets lucky. The cards will determine if they can get out of Checkmate here.

  23. 2 years ago

    Red couldn't defend. Deathblow Checkmate.

    Which Wizard should redeem Red's honor, Black or White? I'll take a nap while my phone charges and be back in 3-5 hours, maybe less if I can't sleep

    • 2 years ago

      I am intrigued and wish to know more. Black calls to me from the cult leader vibes it's giving off.

      • 2 years ago

        Good morning anon. I have set up the board you requested. However after trying to brainstorm a strategy for Black, i realized the fairy Alibaba piece is flawed in my game, and I am brainstorming ideas and looking at alternate fairy pieces. One idea I have is to give the Alibaba trample and let them attack both the piece they jump over and land on.

        I am also considering reworking the game so every single army can be accomplished in exactly 3 chess sets. I have come up with ways to get it down to 4. This costs $80 USD at the House of Staunton and there's Amazon storefronts that cost less. People who want to play cheaply can use tiles.

  24. 2 years ago

    Nobody cares about your dumb game.

    • 2 years ago

      Nobody cares about your dumb flame.

      I took a picture of White and Black set up halfway on each side so people can more clearly decide.

      The pawns with little Rooks on their head. Those are called Alibabas. They are leapers and checkers. They move 2 spaces Ortho or Diag and need to land on an empty square. They attack the thing they jump over. They're gonna be pretty fun I think.

  25. 2 years ago

    I thought my thread was dead but it looks like Ganker is read only

    Let's see if this post falls in a black hole or not

  26. 2 years ago

    I feel like you posted about this when it was in a very rough testing phase a year+ ago. If yes, interesting to see it develop. If no, also still interesting.

    • 2 years ago

      I didn't post it on /tg/ but I did post in several Ganker affiliated discords. Here is an extremely old photo I found in cloud storage where the game was a draw for the very first time because the deck state was schrodinger's box where it was a pure 50/50 coinflip on whoever attacked so the game was stuck in an infinite loop

      I came up with a rule called treaty where if you announce it you can't attack at all anymore and if the enemy doesn't man up in 7 turns the tiebreak is who has less cards in their deck followed by who went second

  27. 2 years ago

    If you guys didn't know, Ganker is fricking up today. My file fell into a black hole and so have several of my posts on various boards, and now I'm having trouble getting captcha to work again

  28. 2 years ago

    One of the neat things I changed about my game compared to how Chess is set up is that instead of sit across the table from your opponent, you now sit next to each other and the player who counterpicked the first player's color plays upsidedown.

    Unfortunately, with the price of gas in the US, none of my IRL friends want to come visit lately. I had two fellow alumni and an ex come visit me to play my variant and then other Chess stuff earlier in the year and then nothing once gas hit $5USD

  29. 2 years ago

    I am going to start a new game soon, but I am not going shot by shot. The reason why is I'm going to play in debug mode where I do two things

    1) If the probability of what happened is less than 1%, the first thing is to see if there's some other move that would have been fine, if not, then reshuffle
    2) If after 1-3 moves I seriously regret my decisions I'll takeback and reshuffle as well. Sometimes I'll try like 4 things and it turns out nope, fricked no matter what, then move on

    The reason why I'm doing this is as Green's new revision gets playtested I may have overbuffed it, and with Black, I have made so many drastic changes I can't evaluate their strength at all

    I think playing like this can be productive but if you guys don't agree let me know

    • 2 years ago

      Give us the rules wizardanon

      • 2 years ago

        It was in progress while Ganker was down, but right now it looks more like halfway between a design document and a rulebook where some things aren't decided

        The next time I repost this thread, I will have something. I have been thinking about it and this the perfect project for Anonymous. Chess was not invented by one creator, but rather consensus of people who no-lifed it.

        I never got to sit down and play my test game because something came up. But I've been brainstorming while I'm busy on what I can do to cut down the number of pieces required to set it up without compromising the gameplay, and I've come up with a lot.

  30. 2 years ago

    I have to go deal with IRL but I'll show you what progress I did make while I was dealing with blahblahblah

    I redesigned the fairy chess pieces to get it under 4 half sets per army and increase clarity on what they do. The Dragon is now a really big King, roar, very scary, don't mess with it. The Maharajah is a double Queen to get it to 8 knights total. I had to use yellow for the new Princesses because I ran out of white. Using a Rook+Bishop makes sense cause that's what it does. I want to get like some ribbon or a small bow and make it look feminine. Then finally, whatever the hell Black ends up with for their unique piece I decided to make out of a Bishop with a pawn hat because it's going to be colorbound. They had 6 bishops and it didn't make sense for lore or gameplay reasons, so I have been researching various pieces from antiquity to use

    When I get back I'm not going to play, I'm going to summon a succubus to cuddle and watch hentai then pound her like a dog. I tried to explain to the thirsty virgins in /x/ how to summon one and they didn't think it made any sense so no wonder they'll figure it out

  31. 2 years ago

    How do you make the special pieces? Why do they need to be so tall? Why do some cards have hand written numbers on them, like the 10's? Are you a europoor? Looks like a super cramped room you're in, and that is a tiny ass table.

    • 2 years ago

      The table is the last thing from when I first started living by myself that needs to be replaced. It was handmade by my dad and he gave it to me. The problem isn't money it's that I can't find anything I like.

      As for why the pieces are so big, I think it looks cool, that's all.

  32. 2 years ago

    See, the other side of the room looks fine. I had to keep the computer desk out of frame because there's stuff that could dox me everywhere. The paint job is getting fixed in a renovation project in a year or two where I'm gonna have to move out for a week. The apartments that have been completed look really nice. The couch being small was a deliberate and manipulative decision to accelerate the netflix and chill thing with women and the carpet is getting old but that's low prio

    The bedroom is very well decorated in anime breasts so it's too nsfw to post it

    • 2 years ago

      >The couch being small was a deliberate and manipulative decision to accelerate the netflix and chill thing with women
      Anon…has a woman ever even been in your apartment…?

      • 2 years ago

        Since covid no but I haven't been looking, and I'm like 40 so I don't want to deal with women my age anymore

        • 2 years ago

          See, the other side of the room looks fine. I had to keep the computer desk out of frame because there's stuff that could dox me everywhere. The paint job is getting fixed in a renovation project in a year or two where I'm gonna have to move out for a week. The apartments that have been completed look really nice. The couch being small was a deliberate and manipulative decision to accelerate the netflix and chill thing with women and the carpet is getting old but that's low prio

          The bedroom is very well decorated in anime breasts so it's too nsfw to post it

          >The bedroom is very well decorated in anime breasts so it's too nsfw to post it
          >I'm like 40 so I don't want to deal with women my age anymore
          based AF

          Anyway, when I wake up 3-4 am EST because that's my life now, I'm gonna work on the pastebin until its good enough to post it, and if two of you actually want to play this shit, cool, i just want to get this idea out there at this point and don't care if i get credit for it anymore.

          What i think is balanced, two fide masters won't, so I'm clearly out of my league.

          >i just want to get this idea out there at this point and don't care if i get credit for it anymore.

          See, the other side of the room looks fine. I had to keep the computer desk out of frame because there's stuff that could dox me everywhere. The paint job is getting fixed in a renovation project in a year or two where I'm gonna have to move out for a week. The apartments that have been completed look really nice. The couch being small was a deliberate and manipulative decision to accelerate the netflix and chill thing with women and the carpet is getting old but that's low prio

          The bedroom is very well decorated in anime breasts so it's too nsfw to post it

          >there's stuff that could dox me everywhere.
          Anon, you have to pick one. You can't eat your cake and still have it. Either you Publish with a provable identity to retain artistic ownership, or you publish as creative commons just to get it out there. Notably one of the more popular game designers these days, Cole Wherle, does his personal game files under Creative Commons. He just makes money knowing how to operate the physical production end of the game design industry. As a side effect there's a fan-made reskin of Pax Pamir as The Expanse.

          Actual combinations of mechanics, EG "Fairy Chess pieces with a semi-random card deck for additional effects and the King is stationary with Hit Points" can't be trademarked or patented even with a legal team at your disposal. Artwork can.

          Case in point: What if I want to make a TTS mod with full credits to the actual game's creator? Who do I credit? I'd need your steam account at the least to say "Hey it's this guys game I'm just uploading it on TTS for playtesting". Tripcodes on Ganker are shite for retaining a proven identity, a Reddit or twitter account is better even if it's still anonymous. "That Yuji Sakai Shitposter Guy" isn't a great Pen Name.

          Good morning anon. I have set up the board you requested. However after trying to brainstorm a strategy for Black, i realized the fairy Alibaba piece is flawed in my game, and I am brainstorming ideas and looking at alternate fairy pieces. One idea I have is to give the Alibaba trample and let them attack both the piece they jump over and land on.

          I am also considering reworking the game so every single army can be accomplished in exactly 3 chess sets. I have come up with ways to get it down to 4. This costs $80 USD at the House of Staunton and there's Amazon storefronts that cost less. People who want to play cheaply can use tiles.

          >This costs $80 USD
          You're buying some high quality shit for playtesting. Final production you might be able to 3D model custom pieces, and custom cards with graphic design. Those could be legally protected at least.

          • 2 years ago
            Yuji Sakai

            Are you suggesting the people who are like "just post rules" are trying to bait me

            When I first started posting about the game, I wanted to get it published myself, but when I talked to my country's govt about this program to get off disability by starting a business, they shot the plan down saying that publishing a board game is too volitaile, i could make zillions, i could make nothing, and they suggested i make it a free to play hobby project somehow. if i don't make any money, i don't lose my autism bux

            there's all this shit out there i've gone uncredited for like hmm...writing the Ganker ban code for example. i think they still use it and have improved on it to make it even bigger pain in the ass to evade than my programming already did

            other cool things I've done are the halo map Greenhouse and while I didn't work on DOTA directly, they used a lot of the stuff i did in free use scripting tutorials

            I was kind of wondering if creative commons could be used and I'll look into slappping the license in the pastebin

            As for sleep, I've neurodegenerated so badly I guess I'm not allowed to do that anymore. Looks like I was only out for about 2 hours.

            Regarding the cost of things, I originally started by buying an extra two chess sets (I already had a cheap walmart one and got more) and then november I got the 4 color army idea and decided I wanted it to look cool as frick

            In like March, I was hellbent on starting a business, but first my shithead Millionaire brother said no, he didn't want to help me get off disability because he's a meathead who only plays dudebro corridor singleplayer bullshit, and then after I talked to social security about the idea, started reading on Android app dev but haven't gotten far and have been laser focused on polishing the game

            Only White stayed more or less the same, and the other 3 colors got drastic overhauls since May

            • 2 years ago

              >Are you suggesting the people who are like "just post rules" are trying to bait me
              No, because you can't get the playtesting you need without rules and you still don't have a viable product that can be "stolen".
              Yes, because if you think having nothing but a Ganker tripcode to prove you're the original author, you'll probably be up shit creek trying to prove it. Firstly it's not 100% reliable to pull up archived post images from the few dedicated automated post archiving sites. Second, tripcodes have been faked and stolen in the past. At least use Reddit or Twitter with it's feature to post on your own account like it's a subforum, which would be easier to centralize feedback and development in addition to providing a firmer "original author" identity. Keep posting here either way for feedback if you want, but keeping things strictly on an inherently anonymous image board is just bad if you're worried about holding proof of being the original author.

              You code? Even putting rules on GitHub with an unfinished start to coding an app could cement ownership.

              >As for sleep
              If you can't get a prescription sleep aid, Doxylamine Succinate (An antihistimine) is a potent OTC sleep aid and should be available most places. The weaker common one is Diphenhydramine. Try and find some Doxyl antihistamine tablets, even Amazon carries it as a sleep aid in 25mg tablets. Blood levels peak in 3 hours after taking it, and it will last ~12 hours, so take an hour before bed.

              >if i don't make any money, i don't lose my autism bux
              lmao, just do commission work under the table, anything Art to Code

              >to get off disability
              Meds first if you don't already

              >It's very possible the progress of this game could
              >there's all this shit out there i've gone uncredited for
              >i could make zillions, i could make nothing
              Nobody cares. It looks cool and interesting, curious to playtest it, but that's it. It might flop, but at best might be of interest to some. Good to have hobbies either way.

  33. 2 years ago

    What the frick did I just read?
    This is the Temple OS of tabletop

    • 2 years ago

      Apt comparison. Mechanics seem as arcane as the subject matter but the man seems to be having fun. You go, anon.

  34. 2 years ago

    Anyway, when I wake up 3-4 am EST because that's my life now, I'm gonna work on the pastebin until its good enough to post it, and if two of you actually want to play this shit, cool, i just want to get this idea out there at this point and don't care if i get credit for it anymore.

    What i think is balanced, two fide masters won't, so I'm clearly out of my league.

    • 2 years ago

      If someone archives this as /tg/‘a Terry Davis, you’ll be internet famous.

      • 2 years ago
        Yuji Sakai

        That would be like the 5th time I've done something epic on Ganker so that's fine, it's what I do

        • 2 years ago

          >Yuji Sakai
          Dare I ask?

          • 2 years ago
            Yuji Sakai

            I am not the image guy, I am the loremaster of yosho and spikeman and it should be evident from my writing style

            I got bored of the gimmick and did nothing but play League of Legends and Halo MCC for a few years

  35. 2 years ago

    An ex came over but I didn't put my dick in her, we just smoked a ton of weed, so I don't think that's what you meant. We broke up over distance and the condom issue and stayed friends.

  36. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    I'll explain one more concept in my game and then I have to bail because I've been on /tg/ for like 72 consecutive hours now

    The entire concept of the Wizard being unable to move was the original concept when this was just a small chess variant. The idea was based on the Nexus in league where it's a fixed point on the map that you need to throw all your bodies at to defend at all costs. One of the first things I did was change it to an HP counter instead of a card draw to win.

    The way the deck is set up is specifically designed to emulate the concept of a Starcraft timing attack or League item power spike where the Enchanted cards are always the same place so it's like hey at this point in the game the board is my b***h and if you think otherwise you better have a really good plan around it. Red is like Draven or a 4pool. Black is like Vayne or a Nexus First. It's not happening often in my test games but if you don't cripple Black early then they will be completely unstoppable in the endgame, and with Red it happens to me all the time where it's like oh no, I'm out of gas, I can't kill things anymore. The theme of White as the extra turn class is working really well and Green's identity as the defensive high damage class is getting somewhere too

    To the random anon that was wondering why I marked a 2 and 10, I needed 11 and 12 for damage to get them balanced. My clubs for White are also turned into Holy Crosses

  37. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    It's very possible the progress of this game could end up like DOTA, where it starts with a wide variety of forks and then Zileas looks at it and says hmm, I'm going to solve this math problem for good and then boom we have LOL and it pops off

    I've come to the conclusion I've stacked so many math problems with no solution together you can only balance this game off your gut. Combining the MTG muticolor mana draw problem with the Tetris math problem with the Chess math problem, what the frick have I done to myself, no wonder I can't sleep at night trying to figure this out

    The main reason this game went from being something for fun for just me to something I want to get out there is that it's unsolvable. The /chess/ brainlets didn't understand why, probably because they can't use the Ruy Lopez

  38. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    I've gone through all the meds over the past 8 years and I'm stable on depression but sleep, not really. A poorly trained psychiatrist thinks I'm manic bipolar but the better ones realize I'm just very very autistic. Ever since they got rid of Aspergers a lot of doctors are confused by how they changed it to Autism/Bipolar just to clarify I'm the bouncy no social barriers type not the introvert

    Can't take risperidone anymore, exploded my dick with priaprism. Can't take thorzaine, kept falling over and broke my foot. Not any good options beyond that. For sleep, your shit won't work, it's circadian rhythm disorder. I take melatonin but when you take it every day for 5 years it doesn't help you sleep, it helps you fall asleep the same time every night. I took Lorazepam for a year and quit when I hit the tolerance wall but I got a year of good sleep when I had it and that's one of the heaviest last ditch effort meds there is

    I don't want to get in a place where I'm not making enough to get by and I actually do end up on the street this time. Also, in the US, if you try to work under the table on American disability and get caught, they will skullfrick you and claw back everything they ever gave you and kick you off. That's not an option.

    Things you are suggesting would make sense if I lived in Sweden where the benefits system makes sense and they don't cut you off for making like $12k a year. That can't even cover rent now.

    There are deeper complexitites in that my desktop is dead and there's a chip shortage, so I've lost gimp and a lot of stuff in openoffice

    Thanks for your advice, I'll do stuff with it

  39. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    Back on the topic of the game. Evil vs Logic. One worships Satan, the other denies his existence.

    One of the powers of Black is they are such collossal dickheads they don't just go first, they go first twice. So my opening strat was to gobble up all the pawns. This is tilting to look at. I have no idea how to counter with Green from here.

    • 2 years ago

      >One of the powers of Black is they are such collossal dickheads they don't just go first, they go first twice.
      I can barely follow what is going on here in this thread, but things like this bring a smile to my face.

  40. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    Ganker is going insane again and sent my reply to a thread I've never looked at before, they are going to lost as shit

    Here's where my game is at. Big spells were traded. Black with Meditation to draw cards into a Lightning Bolt to zap the high value Mahajarah that had him in check, and Green reacted with an ice wall to revive all their pawns. Then the combat draw was 2+3 vs 0+3 (a Joker is worth 0 for damage) and that's actually doable for Black to use Mystic Missile to trade deaths

    This game looks like it's going to conquest. No one has gotten hit.

  41. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    Green just got pounded by a fireball

    Look in the corner how many cards they lost. Kings are worth 3 mana. This hurts. They weren't in the center of the explosion so they don't take damage but they have to discard.

  42. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    Damage was traded evenly. I sort of blundered, took a Queen for no good reason, and that gave Black the extra mana to Lightning me in the face in a position they couldn't block a double Queen attack. The heart of the cards is going to decide whether or not that Dragon wins the game.

  43. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    Oh, I forgot my own rules. The 666 card. It's one of the bullshit Black things

    It trumps Aces
    When it's top deck, enemy pawns can't attack
    If you Check damage someone while it's top deck, it's instant win
    And while it can't be used to cast anything, when you're hit, it counts as discarding 6 mana

    That Dragon is beyond dead he got fricked by the Unholy Light. Now Black is in Lategame and oh no. Now the Deck of Unholy Light has been unleashed Green is kinda fricked

    This is on par with in Starcraft where Terran gets the sci vessels online and mutalisks are now as useful as fruit flies

  44. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    This game got super intense. Green exhausted their deck. Unlike MTG where it's like oh well you lost, you get god powers in this one. You get to move two different pieces per turn and your damage is now 1/2 of everything dead in your army

    Meanwhile Black used their own ice wall and now basically have a ton of cracklings I can't deal with. I managed to sneak some damage in from Green due to poor positioning from Black, but I don't think Green can close this out.

  45. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    Checkmate. I underestimated the power of the double move. When I was designing this concept, I had 3 words in mind - CARRIER HAS ARRIVED. You zoomers probably aren't aware of how terrifying it is when 6 of things show up out of fog and you know it's over and from the other end you just laugh about how big a power trip you're on

    So I'm gonna make a BLT except I don't have any lettuce or tomato. Then maybe I'll set up Green vs White later. I wonder if it's gonna be a 3:0 sweep in the initial testing

  46. 2 years ago

    I've been away from tg for a while. Does this loser post this dumbass game every day despite zero interest in it?

    • 2 years ago

      The chad does, and it's glorious.

    • 2 years ago
      Yuji Sakai

      Only for the past few days, and it looks like less interest than I think because I type 150 wpm and basically samefig without samefigging

      When this thread goes

    • 2 years ago
      Yuji Sakai

      Also, I'm not a loser, I'm a fricking legend who roleplayed an unmedicated schizophrenic for years until people were convinced I actually was when I'm actually a medication happy autistic

      Also, how many uncredited .swfs do you have on Youtube with 3 digit million views

      Also, how many hours did you put in working for an esport company as an analyst for games

      Also, how many Anonymous hacking rings with Guy Fawkes masks were you a founding member of in the 00s

      I may have the hobbies of a basement dwelling autistic but at least I'm the alpha male of autism, I'm the sort of guy who used to go cosplay cons until I found the character I wanted to bang and seduce them but now that the gap between me and a hot cosplayer is like 20 years thats hard

      The bottom line regarding game dev is that I was a grandmaster in RTS in my physical prime when I could 200+ apm so I might know a thing or two about what makes a dueling game tick

  47. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    I fell asleep at the keyboard

    When this thread goes bye bye I'm probably going to keep quiet until I have a playable rulebook

    I'm trying to figure out the best way to push it out there based on what Helpfulanon said

  48. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    Oh, I immediately broke ranks with my fellow master hackers when they escalated beyond Scientology to fricking directly with foreign govts> I was in it for the lulz and whitehat shit, not revenge against blackhat hackers like Anon usually does now

  49. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    Anyway, enough old man ranting and back on topic of the game

    The battlefield for Green vs White has been prepared. Here's a shot of the scoresheet I've been keeping for this version. I'm playing like it's a Street Fighter arcade where the loser gets in line. All four decks are shuffled together and I need to separate them for the next rotation.

    I'm gonna play one more game on /tg/ then I have to deal with reality and then I'm going to grind games until I have a decent enough sample size to determine my new rule changes are okay

  50. 2 years ago

    Damn, this looks interesting and reminds me of an old anime called Blood Blockade Battlefront (or Kekkai Sensen) where there is an episode around a very complex chess-like game played by outterworldly beings. It has many new and different pieces, progression/level up of said pieces and extra boards that are added into the game as it evolves. It's episode 3, according to the wiki, in case you wanna look for it.

    • 2 years ago

      Did something like that where I tried to make it 3d chess and people were like frick no please don't make it this complicated then I learned that Dragonchess by Gygax was a flop for the same reason

  51. 2 years ago

    I was actually done bumping this for a while, but I had a thought I wanted to get some input on from other anons

    The Green Wizard of Logic. It just hit me guys like Newton who would be part of this school of magic tended to be turbovirgins. Why do they even have a Queen? With Black having 3 Queens, my stepmom immediately got the joke and started calling them baby mamas when we were playing my game

    • 2 years ago

      As fascinating as you are, not a single person understands your game or how it works, friend.

      • 2 years ago

        But this has frick all to do with the game mechanics, it's a thematic question I posed on a board full of DMs and fantasy nerds, so I figure someone can provide input

        Logic is just a word how do you not know what it means. I'm thinking it would be a funny joke if the Green Wizards couldn't get any ass

        • 2 years ago

          >board full of DMs and fantasy nerds
          How do you think we play games?

  52. 2 years ago

    hey anon will you ever upload the rules for this? me and my friends enjoy playing weird chess-based games, some of which we make ourselves. would be willing to give some feedback on it

    • 2 years ago

      The anon who suggested I posted it somewhere with registration and use creative commons is making a lot of sense to me

      I'm probably gonna do pastebin+reddit and say hey reddit sucks so whatever

      Using a google doc on Ganker like I do with my friends, not really sure about that

  53. 2 years ago

    I stopped going to reddit entirely recently

    My take it on for years was the the comments and community are worthless compared to Ganker but it's useful as a news and boobs aggregator but the news is all shills and all the boobs went to onlyfans and expect money instead of upvotes, so that's too bad

    Maybe I could use some cheapo website creator and just pay for hosting and reactivate my .com

  54. 2 years ago

    I have a non-game-related question
    Why do you use this thread like a diary?

    • 2 years ago

      Two reasons
      Discord went to shit over the international political problems causing everyone to argue nonstop and security issues out the ass so I'm done with that app forever

      Second, long term historically when I come to Ganker and act like the internet culture version of Cranky Kong, people are fascinated. I am doing something I've done since the golden era of /b/

      I've added /tg/ to the rotation of places on Ganker I go to cause I'm sick of vidya and the stuff here is looking a lot more appealing

  55. 2 years ago

    Also I've been suffering from chronic insomnia due to a 110 degree heat wave and I'm looking back at some of the things I wrote and one hand people are saying I'm based but on the other hand I'm like why am I talking about this

  56. 2 years ago

    Basically to go Cranky King again around 20 years ago I ragequit IRC saying all you fricks are completely insane and here we are today and I did the same thing to discord

    Some day there will likely be a third wave of a proper chat room program but I think Discord is dying out as anything but voice calls for team games

  57. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    You guys have kind of made me realize I should go do my thing in [s4s]. Maybe I'll just go rant about my board game there and come back here when it's more polished

  58. 2 years ago
    Yuji Sakai

    Yeah, I'll go home. I'll be hanging out in your other threads but eh this is gonna be more fun

    New thread


  59. 2 years ago

    blessed thread

  60. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      that was on the itinerary

      i was going to get her a new pair of succubus horns (they broke) before i started playing against her

      the thread is pretty good if you would like to know all the posts the mods deleted for going off topic when i got banned from /tg/ for trolling the chess general

  61. 2 years ago

    Isn't this just /r/AnarchyChess?

    • 2 years ago

      Absolutely not, there's no en passant in my game

  62. 2 years ago

    So are you going to make a YouTube video explaining how to play this game?

    • 2 years ago

      No, I decided I'm just going to shitpost on s4s until it's more polished and I have a computer that has image software and I can make an infographic or pdf properly later in the year

      • 2 years ago

        Just make a video if you want people to try this. Most can’t be assed to read.

        • 2 years ago

          People who don't have the intellect to read are subhumans to me and I have not catered to them at any point in my internet career

          • 2 years ago

            If reading was as effective at communicating information as teaching and demonstration, universities would not exist

  63. 2 years ago

    Anyway you guys thought I was going to be terry davis of /tg/ but i'm already the terry davis of [s4s] and they all seem to realize who i am and that i'm back from a multi year hiatus from their board

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