>guy murders a family in cold blood that tried to save his life because he woke up without his sword

>guy murders a family in cold blood that tried to save his life because he woke up without his sword
>when questioned if he feels guilty his only response is ''I panicked, it happens''
The frick is wrong with the Qunari?

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  1. 11 months ago

    i have literally never recruited this guy once in 3 playthroughs, i always leave him to rot in that cage lmao

    • 11 months ago

      I also let him die. I could never justify taking him with me.

      • 11 months ago

        what justification do you need? he is a warrior, and the blight is ongoing. He isnt a threat to people, and if you simply open his cage, he refuses to run away with you.

        • 11 months ago

          He's also proven to be incredibly unstable if misplacing his weapon causes him to go berserk on the nearest group of warm bodies. Unless you're metagaming you've got no proof that he wont flip his shit on you over some trivial detail later on.

          • 11 months ago

            its funny you would say that. He isn't unstable. He is quite the opposite. But he DOES in fact force you into a duel when you go search for The Ash of Andraste, if you take him with you there. Because in Qunari culture, he is allowed to challenge the leader if he thinks he is incompetent. And he beliefs what you are doing is a waste of time.
            If you win you can either tell him to go back in line, or kill him, or send him away.

            • 11 months ago

              >He isn't unstable
              He flat out admits he was completely unjustified in killing those people. Even his "I'm from a completely different culture and we do things differently" thing doesn't excuse murdering innocents in a moment of panic and lost honor, by his own goddamn admission.

              • 11 months ago

                I dont think hes unstable in the mental faculties just in obvious loyalty. His people are waging war against other nations during the events of DAO. They’re dangerous and want everything to be indoctrinated into their backward thinking. Granted thats not going to happen with a Blight going on but Sten hardly cares about it through most of the quest. To him charging a bunch of AIDS Orcs head on makes more sense.

      • 11 months ago

        Well if you leave him in the cage he ends up escaping anyway and becomes the new Arishok no matter what so.

    • 11 months ago

      I also let him die. I could never justify taking him with me.

      racists see a criminal, i see a lawyer, doctor, criminal and civil rights activist

  2. 11 months ago

    Losing your sword is the equivalent to losing your dick for Qunari

  3. 11 months ago

    what was the point and advantage of retconning the qunari into horned grey beings?

    • 11 months ago

      Just make their dunot steel race stand out more. What's worse is retconning their ideology to being pro trans, when Sten is pretty direct about saying they believe people should be what they are and know their place. His conversation about how women should never be warriors doesn't directly deal with anything trans, but it seems overwhelmingly likely that they should be hostile to the idea. Somehow the idea that a woman can be a warrior as long as she thinks she's a man seems like something Sten and the Qunari would of thought absurd.

      • 11 months ago

        My headcanon is that the qunari from inquisition is lying, which makes a frickload of sense when you think about it.

        • 11 months ago

          So Qunari are sending glowies to make everyone trans?

          • 11 months ago

            My headcannon is that some homosexuals at Bioware made it gay.

            No. In a DLC to Dragon Age 2, they have a stupid woman that constantly goes against the Qun. She kills some noble who has little girls in his bedroom. She somewhat represents Biowares "look at this brave human who is so rebellious" thing. They just didnt like the way the Qunari worked anymore, and wanted to make them less conservative.

            He is a spy in a foreign land, who is learning the language on the fly. Without his sword he cannot return to his homeland. He explicitely states a Quanri is not allowed to be seperated from his weapon ever. Going into a foreign land with the mindset of being a scout its understandable to be anxious. It also just emphasizes the different culture even further.

            sounds moronic if true. Then again, nothing Bioware did after Dragon Age 2 is canon to me

            The iron bull is canonically a liar and his real name literally means liar or something

        • 11 months ago

          My headcannon is that some homosexuals at Bioware made it gay.

        • 11 months ago

          Except he is supposed to be a spy trying to gain your favor and all yet gets extremely pissy if you disagree with him in this one matter

        • 11 months ago

          No. In a DLC to Dragon Age 2, they have a stupid woman that constantly goes against the Qun. She kills some noble who has little girls in his bedroom. She somewhat represents Biowares "look at this brave human who is so rebellious" thing. They just didnt like the way the Qunari worked anymore, and wanted to make them less conservative.

          >He isn't unstable
          He flat out admits he was completely unjustified in killing those people. Even his "I'm from a completely different culture and we do things differently" thing doesn't excuse murdering innocents in a moment of panic and lost honor, by his own goddamn admission.

          He is a spy in a foreign land, who is learning the language on the fly. Without his sword he cannot return to his homeland. He explicitely states a Quanri is not allowed to be seperated from his weapon ever. Going into a foreign land with the mindset of being a scout its understandable to be anxious. It also just emphasizes the different culture even further.

          Well if you leave him in the cage he ends up escaping anyway and becomes the new Arishok no matter what so.

          sounds moronic if true. Then again, nothing Bioware did after Dragon Age 2 is canon to me

      • 11 months ago

        >Somehow the idea that a woman can be a warrior as long as she thinks she's a man
        "You are a man."
        "No I'm a woman who fights."
        "There's no such thing."
        paraphrasing but that's Sten's input on being a female warden

      • 11 months ago

        >Somehow the idea that a woman can be a warrior as long as she thinks she's a man seems like something Sten and the Qunari would of thought absurd
        It's not absurd when you see some religious people fully embracing cognitive dissonance to preserve their ideology.

  4. 11 months ago

    Me as human male rogue, alistair, sten, morigan
    Simple as

  5. 11 months ago

    It's an attempt to make them seem like a truly weird and alien culture that stands out against the generic European fuedalism of Fereldan. And as a way of reinforcing how badly elves get it because they'd rather go and live with these absolutist giants who will sort them into non-negotiable castes than deal with humans and their descrimination.

  6. 11 months ago

    Nope. You can tell him that what he did was terrible and he agrees. Sten was born and chosen as a warrior from birth, he highly respects acts of honor and killing Innocents when his mission in Ferelden was to scout information in the region, plus losing his sword, brought great shame to him that he willingly gave himself to the templars, didn't deny what he did, and forfeited any idea to continue living. He makes you a promise of atonement for his misdeeds to fight the darkspawn and Archdemon despite the fact he is a stranger, foreigner in another land and zero reason to do so besides the promise of atonement.

    • 11 months ago

      Finally, someone who not only reads the darn dialogue but also comprehends it. That's rare.

    • 11 months ago

      I recruited him on my completionist playthrough, but in my roleplay playthrough I couldn't ever justify bringing him along.

  7. 11 months ago


  8. 11 months ago

    Sten is probably one of my favorite DAO companions, but it's incredibly hard to justify taking him along with you if you're playing a character with any sense.

  9. 11 months ago

    He panicked, it happens

  10. 11 months ago

    >muh sword
    >we wuz vikangz an sheit

  11. 11 months ago

    Feels fair that his punishment would be going to the frontline to fight darkspawn

  12. 11 months ago

    its why i left him in his cage to die.

  13. 11 months ago

    Don't forget that Morrigan goes from her b***hy frick everyone mentality to "look at this noble creature, we must help him." The writers worked overtime manipulating the player into taking this shithead with them and I'm guessing it's some kind of commentary on prisoners being able to be redeemed or something subversive like that.

  14. 11 months ago

    for the longest time, i thought the Qunari were just some sort of fantasy native american type of race for some reason until the second game came out.

  15. 11 months ago

    literally why is he even in the game when Oghren exists

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