Guys what the frick, you didn't tell me how fun this game was.

Guys what the frick, you didn't tell me how fun this game was.

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  1. 3 years ago

    There are semi regular Saga threads that are among the best this board has. If you want a Saga thread, then be forthright. If you're actually complaining then frick off. Being fake or real ignorant makes this world worse.

    • 3 years ago


  2. 3 years ago

    The game is fun but my god, that UI.

    • 3 years ago

      The original Vita UI was so much better.

      • 3 years ago

        The game is fun but my god, that UI.

        You can switch between UIs in the Switch version, but the handheld/mobile option is pretty garish, and ironically the TV mode UI is a pain to read.

        • 3 years ago

          The mobile UI is the one that is more similar to the original UI, but neither are especially good, I can see why made a slicker UI for the console version and it's a good thing they also let you choose the layout you want, but the original is still by far the best.

  3. 3 years ago

    I've said it many times. SaGa Scarlet Grace has a great battle system.

  4. 3 years ago

    Multiple threads have discussed how greater this game was on this board.

  5. 3 years ago

    What do you like most about it Personally I was majorly excited for the game when it first came out, and while the combat system is pretty brilliant, I found it kind of wore out for me after a while. I always viewed the combat as sort of a puzzle, so while some battles made me feel like a tactical genius, more often than not I felt like I was brute forcing it. I really do appreciate what the devs were going for, though I don't know if I'd want this exact system to make a return.

    • 3 years ago

      Definitely the combat won me over.
      I've always enjoyed movement-based gameplay and the only other game I can think of that utilized this was Trillion: God of Destruction.
      I also enjoy a lot of the characters, even if there a lot of hilariously gimmicky ones like Lighthouse man who loves lighthouses and only thinks about lighthouses.

      • 3 years ago

        Queen making song references never stopped cracking me up

      • 3 years ago

        >like Lighthouse man who loves lighthouses and only thinks about lighthouses

        You got a problem with Lighthouses, boy?

      • 3 years ago

        >even if there a lot of hilariously gimmicky ones like Lighthouse man who loves lighthouses and only thinks about lighthouses.

  6. 3 years ago

    What do you like most about it? Personally I was majorly excited for the game when it first came out, and while the combat system is pretty brilliant, I found it kind of wore out for me after a while. I always viewed the combat as sort of a puzzle, so while some battles made me feel like a tactical genius, more often than not I felt like I was brute forcing it. I really do appreciate what the devs were going for, though I don't know if I'd want this exact system to make a return.

  7. 3 years ago

    its not

    • 3 years ago


  8. 3 years ago

    I have a lot of problems with this game and there are also a lot of things I like

    mainly the final boss is fricking kino enough to prop up the entire game if he had to

    • 3 years ago

      The game's just really well written so the final boss feels like a perfect climax to it all, especially if you've played the previous games.
      I just wish it had an actual budget, too many cut corners really drag down the game even in its best parts, it's infuriating because it's a good game but it could have been even better with more enemy and moveset variety.

      Definitely the combat won me over.
      I've always enjoyed movement-based gameplay and the only other game I can think of that utilized this was Trillion: God of Destruction.
      I also enjoy a lot of the characters, even if there a lot of hilariously gimmicky ones like Lighthouse man who loves lighthouses and only thinks about lighthouses.

      Lewis is based, cool design and cool character

      • 3 years ago

        >too many cut corners really drag down the game
        Does it though? I think by sticking to the bare essentials they made a game with no filler or the "walking around town etc" boredom that others JRPG suffer from

        • 3 years ago

          It does even though a lot of things are intentional, but those are good, I'm talking about the flaws within those good things.
          There's too few monsters and too many of those that are excessively reused, they downgraded arenas and even camera angles coming from the early alpha images and trailers, there's also too many recycled backgrounds that were clearly just reused due to lack of time or money, let's not talk about animations either, even bows don't flex properly during animations and there's a lot of jank here and there.
          As good as the game is on a lot of things it suffers tremendously from lack of budget in others, it's really not a coincidence that they reused a lot of Minstrel Song monster models, or the fact that the earth golems have a unique icon in the world map but the actual models are just pallette swaps of generic soldiers, as I said it's a great game but there's no denying that it has some crippling issues due to the lack of budget.

  9. 3 years ago

    Anyone got APK and obb for it? Pc version was broken for me so this is the only way to play it

  10. 3 years ago

    I should really stop visiting that place but shit like pic related always cracks me up. As the western SaGa community is pretty much non-existent, you see JRPG players in their natural habitat with them looking up every single thing and then even misinterpreting the wiki. It's even funnier to see people then fault the games for not telling them about hidden mechanics they don't even need to know about to beat the games. On the other hand, though, I fear these people might make up the SaGa community if it somehow gets a crazy popularity boost in the future. Well, as long as the team doesn't cater to them it's all good I guess.

  11. 3 years ago

    How do SaGagays feel about Octopath? I played an hour and it felt "superficially" like SaGa, but I have no idea why it's claimed to be a spiritual successor.

    • 3 years ago

      I like the combat system in Octopath, but everything else in the game is pretty bad.
      Its only similarity to SaGa is some out-of-battle skills, and that's it

    • 3 years ago

      Octopath being branded a "SaGalike" is a giant misnomer, and honestly it does the game and SaGa both a big disservice.

    • 3 years ago

      Who's claiming that? It has very little in common with SaGa outside of a couple of superficial differences.

    • 3 years ago

      It may have a few surface-level similarities at first but once you look deeper into it, the less of a SaGa game it really is. I think the confusion stems from the fact that it also seems to have multiple MCs and be non-linear, but it really isn't either. The MC you choose doesn't matter at all since you'll wind up playing through the others' scenarios anyhow and its non-linearity doesn't really exist outside of choosing which scenario to do next and exploration is heavily impeded by lacking a dynamic scaling system like battle rank.

      • 3 years ago

        you can actually visit all towns in the game like 2 hours in and rob them blind thanks to escape/reduced encounters passives. A honest to God rarity in modern JRPG

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