Hades 2

The first game was alright. I played it when it was in early access, eventually dropped it (before Demeter got added, whenever that was) and then picked it up when 1.0 launched. Got all the achievements, then dropped it again. I'll probably do the same thing with the sequel.

What do you think will be done differently gameplay wise in 2? I trust SuperGiant to make a good game, but I don't trust them to make something new enough to suprise me. I know the story will be good, they nailed that with the first one (although the "plot twists" were a little obvious if you knew enough about Greek mythology already).

Also, what other roguelites have you been playing recently guys? It doesn't have to be something new by the way. I'm playing Loop Hero at the moment, working on beating the final boss. Also picked up Cobalt Core because I saw NL pick it up.

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  1. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Fippy bippy

    • 7 months ago

      Literally hot

    • 7 months ago

      Big Hecate feet

  2. 7 months ago

    Hoping that the biggest difference will simply be more variety. More bosses, biomes, power combos, etc.

    Supergiant always held off on sequels in the past in favor of doing something new, and yeah, Hades making more money than God is what really ended that streak, but I'd still like to think that they'll take the opportunity to flesh out the original concept in some creative ways.

    • 7 months ago

      >Hades & Persephone got fricking right away and had another kid
      >Zagreus is probably still off fricking Thanatos and Megara constantly
      God damn, people in Hades are horny. If we hear from Aphrodite again, I hope she brings up how she knows there's so much getting it on going on down there.

      • 7 months ago

        >God damn, people in Hades are horny.
        That's just the Greek pantheon in general

      • 7 months ago

        Literally every character in the game is stupidily frickable anon, it'd be a sin for them not too.
        Yes even the Boulder.

      • 7 months ago

        They are from the Greek Pantheon. The difference is that they just happen to be slightly functional people.

    • 7 months ago

      >Hades & Persephone got fricking right away and had another kid
      >Zagreus is probably still off fricking Thanatos and Megara constantly
      God damn, people in Hades are horny. If we hear from Aphrodite again, I hope she brings up how she knows there's so much getting it on going on down there.

      I want a version of this with Hades saying it to Zagreus.

    • 7 months ago

      >and yeah, Hades making more money than God is what really ended that streak
      and pyre making less than a sweatshop labourer

      • 7 months ago

        I liked Pyre but they should have commited to the Oregon trail aspect instead pussy footing around it. They fool you into thinking that travel is big aspect of the game but it's all superficial.

        • 7 months ago

          I liked the idea of it, but imagine having finite resources was a whole slew of other things to balance around on top of the sports game dynamic. So they ironed it out and focused on the journey just being part of the story.

      • 7 months ago

        IIRC they deliberately went with a more experimental game because Transistor was a success, so I think they were prepared for a failure to some extent
        Well I'd expect them to repeat this pattern and go wilder now that Hades is even bigger success but guess not. What a shame

        • 7 months ago

          I think Pyre was a harsh lesson for them because creativity and effort doesn't always pay off. Your studio can be an indie darling recognized for multiple classics, but it still might just boil down to luck and marketing that makes or breaks your next project.

          I can't fault them for striking the iron while it's hot on that Hades money knowing that its initial success is probably what kept the studio's lights on.

          • 7 months ago

            >I think Pyre was a harsh lesson for them because creativity and effort doesn't always pay off.

            They never do really at least not on their own. Originality in particular is massively overrated by idiots that don't understand how "creative" things are made and think that the first time they experienced something is the moment that thing came into existence when in reality it has been influenced by a tons of other ideas that came first.

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      What the frick is going on here?
      This game seems like prequel, it is said in trailer that Cronus is an active power in the world, which implies it happens during Titanomachy, which is before Hades was even established as the god of the underworld.

      IIRC there is also a dialogue in first game when Hades is asked if he has any other children, and he just ignores the question, so 2nd game MC, no idea who it is, should be older than Zagreus.

      • 7 months ago

        Pretty sure it's been clarified to be a direct sequel. Supposedly after Chronos escapes or reforms in Tartarus.

        The timeskip could be a year or ten thousand years.

        • 7 months ago

          >Chronos escapes
          Well, it can make sense as a setup.

      • 7 months ago

        The previous game literally had you indirectly reassembling the Titans, one drop of blood at a time. This is the result.

  3. 7 months ago

    What an ugly woman

    • 7 months ago

      I‘m sorry she doesn‘t look like the anime bimbos you‘re used to

      • 7 months ago

        its ok, I just won't buy the game
        have fun with your flop of a game, and my condolences for when they must shut down the company

    • 7 months ago

      >female protagonist
      >isn't even attractive
      Already less interested than I was in the first game, neverminding that I expect it to be more of the same which means it is less interesting.


    • 7 months ago

      >square jaw = ugly
      I love anime but whats up with these kinds of coomer weebs?

      • 7 months ago

        It’s the combo of square jaw, giraffe neck, gaunt resting b***h face, no hips, no breasts. Any one or two them would be ok but the whole thing adds up to a woman zero feminine appeal.

  4. 7 months ago

    Hopefully they make some actual good weapons this time. Everything but the bows sucked in hades

    • 7 months ago

      I feel like the bow was my least used weapon

      • 7 months ago

        For me, Gun was easily the hardest weapon to do well with. In every situation, I wish I was using Bow instead.

        • 7 months ago

          I disliked every version of the gun except for the Lucifer variant. I thought that was a lot of dumb fun.

          • 7 months ago

            For me

  5. 7 months ago

    Them chasing the money from Hades with a sequel will be the start of their end.

    • 7 months ago

      Hard to blame them. I think Pyre sold twenty copies total. And that was my favorite Supergiant game.

      • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          Still my favorite character that Supergiant has written

      • 7 months ago

        i got filtered so hard, loved the music, characters the way winning and losing would have an impact on how the rest of the game plays out but why did it have to be a sport game it just broke me.

        • 7 months ago

          I feel ya, but despite not having any interest in sports games I got the hang of it the more I stuck with it and eventually started to genuinely appreciate how the different characters play differently. (It helps that the last character you unlock can pretty much solo the whole rest of the game)

          And there are options to make it easier if all you care about is wrapping up matches quickly.

      • 7 months ago

        I was one of those 20! Still haven't played it though.

        • 7 months ago

          You should!

          I'm lonely

      • 7 months ago

        I stopped playing two battles after the ocean knight bro joined me. Not for any particular reason, I was having fun. I guess just no amount of sovl can make basketball hold my attention.

      • 7 months ago

        I bought it. Still haven't touched it though, looks like ass.

      • 7 months ago

        i loved pyre

      • 7 months ago

        >and yeah, Hades making more money than God is what really ended that streak
        and pyre making less than a sweatshop labourer

        Man, I really liked Pyre, probably my favorite game by them.
        Traveling with the Nightwings, bonding with them and then having to let them go one by one for their own good really got me.
        OST is up there with Hades as their best imo

        • 7 months ago

          I'd really like to see Supergiant explore more group dynamics like Pyre.

          Beyond the world-building and NBA Jam I just remember being really enthralled by the moment-to-moment interactions of the journey itself. Like ascending the mountain for the final rite, and choosing who to walk up with every time, hearing how each of your party deals with the hope and anxiety of having freedom dangled in front of them. They'd argue, they'd make sacrifices for each other, and they'd play knowing that winning might mean saying goodbye forever.

      • 7 months ago

        21, i got it at somepoint but i have never played it. Should i?

        • 7 months ago

          I will always recommend it to everyone unsure about it, so yes. People were put off by it essentially being a VN with a weird sports game thrown in for good measure. So it might not be their best "game" in a sense, but If you can stomach that, you absolutely will not regret it. The writing and characters are absolutely fantastic and the way your decisions influence how the game progresses ties it all together really well. Amazing OST as usual. Prepare for some feels.

          • 7 months ago

            Aight thanks. Il give it a try

        • 7 months ago

          I’ll say this, few games have actually tied choices made in story to gameplay consequences as this game has, and that makes it pretty unique in my book. Ultimately though it hinges on your interest in playing magic basketball. I found it super fun, and the game is short enough that I didn’t get tired of the gimmick.

      • 7 months ago

        >bought on release
        >dropped after the first ascension
        >dropped after the first ascension 2 more times
        >a week ago started once again
        >the first fricking ascension
        I want to play it, I already love it. I probably should force myself to coninue after that cursed point. Bastion is their best game

        • 7 months ago

          Just change the enemy ai to reduced and coast through the rites if you wanna see the game through

      • 7 months ago

        For me it's Pyre > Hades > Bastion > Transistor

        • 7 months ago

          I enjoyed them all, but think they excel in different areas.

          Probably agree that Transistor is their weakest though. I love the music and visuals, but think the combat is rough in its experimental nature, and the story is too ambiguous for me to care about what actually happens in the end.

          • 7 months ago

            I just think Transistor is ironically too empty despie that being the thing it was going for.
            Why should i care about some JPEGs lore if that character doesn't even exist in the world anymore?

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah, it feels like they were going for a dystopian world where you're supposed to engage the mystery of it with speculation and theory-crafting. But even dying settings like Hollow Knight and Dark Souls still had their handful of survivors to chat with to get a feel for what the world's like and how it used to be.

              The only really memorable tidbit of Transistor's setting I remember was how you could find public computer consoles where citizens did things like vote on the weather. And because you're the only one left you win the vote by default.

      • 7 months ago

        >Fall in love with her immediately
        >She obviously loves the other big horn
        >Tells her I like her
        >She flatout says no
        >Decide to send her up while leaving her boyfriend below

    • 7 months ago

      I doubt it.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, honestly.
      These roguelite games that have you run through randomized rooms already make development massively easier and at the same time it sold better than any of their other games

    • 7 months ago

      I would only start to be worried if we ever see a Hades 3
      then we'll know Supergiant has fallen

    • 7 months ago

      They also forgot that "sequel with a female protagonist" has been financial poison for over 30 years. They think Twitter opinions matter and it means it's all downhill from here.

    • 7 months ago

      Hey man, churning out four or five really good, unique indie games and then grabbing a bag on the way out doesn’t sound so bad. It was a good run, just ignore whatever the inevitable corporate slop that comes out after all the original Supergiant members leave.

  6. 7 months ago

    I'm tempering expectations due to sn early access release. But I anticipate more biomes, weapons, and God-tier synergies that Supergiant is known to put in their games. I don't anticipate this to be a longer game, either.

    • 7 months ago

      All roguelikes release in early access, whether officially or not. It‘s impossible to balance them unless you have thousands of playtesters playing constantly

  7. 7 months ago

    >female protagonist
    >isn't even attractive
    Already less interested than I was in the first game, neverminding that I expect it to be more of the same which means it is less interesting.

  8. 7 months ago

    I hope my first choice doesn't reject me again

    • 7 months ago

      man I really hope that shit doesn't happen again. The whole Dusa thing really annoyed me.

    • 7 months ago

      man I really hope that shit doesn't happen again. The whole Dusa thing really annoyed me.

      You don't truly love Dusa if you're upset with her rejection. If you truly love her, you should be willing to accept that she doesn't love you back. Respect your waifu's feelings.

      • 7 months ago

        I think the friendship ending is cute, but I still think it's odd that they had her blatantly attracted to Zag early on (complete with her having literal hearts floating above her head every time she saw him) to acting like you were the one being overbearing for trying to reciprocate.

        • 7 months ago

          You've never fricked up by being too eager before anon? She liked the mysterious bad boy she didn't know.

          • 7 months ago

            I cut out the middle man by not wanting to risk bothering anyone ever

          • 7 months ago

            And now no one will get interest from me at all

          • 7 months ago

            >You've never fricked up by being too eager before anon?
            No. Can't frick up if you never try in the first place.

            • 7 months ago

              My man

        • 7 months ago

          IIRC the VA refused to do any actual romance lines after throwing a tantrum about power dynamics or some shit

          • 7 months ago

            I've seen that rumor posted her but never saw any confirmation.

            It'd be kind of an inconsistent point to make anywho, considering that Meg works for Zag's family too.

            • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                I wish that Alecto and Tisiphone got to hang out in the House of Hades too

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, that would've been great. What the hell do they do on their off time?

              • 7 months ago

                Alecto's married to her work

          • 7 months ago

            I would fire any c**t that pulled this and find a new VA. What a fricking pathetic dev team. This franchise is fricking doomed. You will see modern political bullshit overtake it's themes completely before the series ends.

          • 7 months ago

            Fricking what? How is this possible? Even actors who did some insane thighs don't complain because it's their job

      • 7 months ago

        I would if I felt like she gave an honest one. It just felt like politics from Nyx trying to push her brats on me when I'd rather she take Dusa's place if she's gonna be like that. As such I maxed out the precious snake ball and made her children watch while I petted her.

      • 7 months ago

        >Calling someone who doesn't love you your waifu
        Okay, cuck.

      • 7 months ago

        Well yeah I just wanted some floating head what’s the issue here

        No joke the final couple of scenes where dusa essentially looks directly at the camera and launches this tirade about power dynamics is literally the most homosexual thing I’ve ever seen in a video game and including having sex with your step bro in the same game

    • 7 months ago

      >nooooo she can't reject her I gave her so much nectar
      I bet you do that irl too

      • 7 months ago

        I told her to keep the nectar

      • 7 months ago

        Nah, after I give them nectar they cant quite reject me lol

  9. 7 months ago

    I wonder what's gonna be "that weapon" for this game? I beat heat 32 with Zeus shield, and anons told me "it didn't count" because it was actually the broken weapon in the game. I genuinely didn't know that all the near max heat run clears involved that weapon...

    • 7 months ago

      they dont. its the beowulf shield.

  10. 7 months ago

    Does anyone really play this shit after the brainless grind that was the first one? Lmao.

  11. 7 months ago

    Normally don't care but I'm less interested due to the female protagonist. Sucks because I really liked the original

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago


        Are you all moronic? Like, do you genuinely have brain damage? Or is this the same guy spamming this thread over and over?

        I don't want to play as a woman in a videogame. Frick off homosexuals

  12. 7 months ago

    >I know the story will be good
    Lol no, game will likely be more pozzed than Hades 1.

    • 7 months ago

      Hades already had plenty of homosexuals and blackwashed characters. It can‘t get much more pozzed than that unless they start inserting trannies which makes no sense

      • 7 months ago

        >homosexuals and blackwashed
        homosexuals Ian accurate to the mythology. And they just had weird skin tones and hair colors, none of them had African facial features or hair qualities. And you obviously don't know shit about Greek mythology, because hermaphrodite is a term literally derived from a Greek myth. They could absolutely add a trans or non-binary character using that.

        • 7 months ago

          >Defending israeli propaganda

    • 7 months ago

      >more pozzed
      You mean accurate to how Greeks portrayed their homosexual gods? I don't have a problem with that. The skin tones on some gods were odd, Athena especially, but other than that, I didn't care. It's not like they had human hair colors half the time either, they're gods. If the characters are sensible but they take some artist liberties on appearance, I don't have a problem with it. If you do, you're just moronic.

  13. 7 months ago

    I know the sequel is going to be very woman focused, but do you think we could get another bromance this good?

    • 7 months ago

      I just want to see Apollo and the Titans. We all know Kronos is the big bad this time.

  14. 7 months ago


    I will miss Zagreus, I wonder what happened to him?

  15. 7 months ago

    I hope there's an endless grind mode or something once you beat the game
    my biggest complaint with hades after like 100 hours is that it often feels like a build only comes together by styx, at which point the game is basically over

  16. 7 months ago

    Hades was fricking boring

    • 7 months ago

      >unironic chud thinking we care
      go away loser.

  17. 7 months ago

    I haven't played a supergiant game since transistor
    why should I play this

    • 7 months ago

      >"Uhhhh why should I play a cool roguelite game that is actually creative?"
      Trolls are so pathetic.

  18. 7 months ago

    I hope they can find more creative ways to shake up the game's story progression.
    I appreciate that as a rogue-lite they keep the core formula of runs the same no matter what side-quests and endings are wrapped up, but I still wish there was some sense of change outside of a bit more extra dialogue with the person you helped as they continue to remain in the same spot doing the same thing they did before.

  19. 7 months ago

    Zagreus had better be an optional boss who uses all of his weapons.

    • 7 months ago

      He's part of underworld security now. I'd be disappointed if he wasn't a boss.

      • 7 months ago

        That or he takes a more supportive role as your boss, sending you out to wreak havoc, for professional shits and giggles.

      • 7 months ago

        Imagine the incest

        • 7 months ago

          they're greek gods, they do that all the time

      • 7 months ago

        >randomly shows up
        >fricks everything in the room, including his sister

    • 7 months ago

      He's part of underworld security now. I'd be disappointed if he wasn't a boss.

      Him and Hades are going to be frozen in time and have to be rescued

  20. 7 months ago

    A crossover with GoW or Shuumatsu

  21. 7 months ago

    The story falls completely apart if you don't suck at the game when you start playing.
    It literally breaks if you win too early

    • 7 months ago

      I unironically think the game's story flows better if you played it while still in Early Access. You could see all that was available to see regarding important backstory and character interactions, and then wait for the next update where progress is made.

      Playing the final release it feels like you can skip through a lot just by getting lucky or being too good too early.

      • 7 months ago

        Yes that's exactly what it feels like.
        Like it was made in chunks to make early access players happy every other month

        • 7 months ago

          I appreciated that they kept up consistent updates that didn't roll back saves at least. They even had some lines of voiced dialogue acknowledging that there wasn't more to see yet.

          It ironically fit the theme early on, where escape was just straight up impossible no matter how many times you got to the edge of the surface.

    • 7 months ago

      Won’t be a problem for me.

  22. 7 months ago

    No clue but I’m excited as hell to finally get Hecate, always felt like she should’ve been included in the first one.

    I’m just more interested in how/why the gods are suddenly helping this new nobody from the underworld AGAIN. $30 it’ll end up being some “timeline”/multiverse shit. But I digress.

    • 7 months ago

      The titans are fricking shit up in Hades. The gods probably like the idea of the problem being dealt with before it actually reaches them.

  23. 7 months ago

    I hope the story is structured a bit better than first game. Compared to all of Supergiant's past games, you could really feel the early access in Hades' pacing. Sometimes you will have scenes that appear to be out of order too; like you'll resolve a plot thread with a character but then you talk to them again and they act like the issue still ongoing. In fact, you get punished for being good at the game because parts of the story requires you to die and be "bad" at the game.
    Finally, at least for me, the true ending really came out of nowhere and it didn't feel like I "earned" it at all. Supergiant's games always have a pretty string finale, even Pyre, but Hades really kinda fell flat at the climax.

    • 7 months ago

      You have to do a lot work for that epilogue too. I just stopped playing a few runs after the credits rolled

  24. 7 months ago

    I've been replaying recently on hell mode and with the Olympus extra mod.
    Overall I still think it's fantastic, one if the best roguelikes.
    In terms of improvements I'd like a little more variety for the bosses. There's 3 Furies, a few "forms" for Lernie and then the Champs and Hades are both the same every time barring Theseus' call and the RNG on Hades' phase 1 summons. Add some more possible shit for bosses.
    For boons and weapons I like them but it looks like Mellinoe is going to have new weapons and the new gods they've shown may mean new boons too. I'm sure her cast will be very different from Zagreus so I'm really interested in what they do with that given that she uses magic and studied under Hecate.
    Also some new trinkets would be cool. Beyond the god ones you could use to subvert the RNG there were some cool options. More shit like the Plume or Sigil as opposed to just + max hp

  25. 7 months ago

    I'm not buying the game for the simple fact that it has a female protagonist. I loved Hades and wanted Zagreus to be the protagonist in the sequel. If not him, then at least some Castlevania route with his son being it or something.

    Shills and the developers who I know anonymously post here will call people like me a "schizo chud" or something. But I simply hate when it seems compulsory to keep changing established shit.

    If I want to play a Batman game, I want to play as Batman (they can add characters but he is the protagonist). If I want to play an Iron Man game, I don't want Iron Heart to be the protagonist in the sequel. If I want to play a He-Man game I don't want She-Ra stealing the show. I'm not going to play a Witcher game with Ciri, despite her being a good character because I want to play as Geralt. If I want to play Tomb Raider I don't want some unknown male protagonist taking over. If I play a Metroid game I expect to play as Samus, not some new male protagonist.

    Therefore, if I want to play a Hades game I don't want some new unknown fricking female protagonist. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Stop fricking doing this shit. Have some executive on your developer meetings setting you straight so you don't let all the crazy brain storming ideas come to fruition. People used to put the brakes on stuff so things didn't get out of hand

    • 7 months ago

      it's called hades not zagreus, schizo

    • 7 months ago

      You're not a schizo chud but you do have autism, it's a video game and the character is 2 inches tall on your screen, calm the frick down

    • 7 months ago

      it's okay for you to care, but I don't

    • 7 months ago

      >I'm not buying the game for the simple fact that it has a female protagonist.
      >rest of the post

  26. 7 months ago


  27. 7 months ago

    Problem with Hades to me is that the run-to-run variety is incredibly shallow. After you played about twenty runs and once on each weapon, that's it, that's the game. There is a reason Hades is one of the only roguelites to not have a gang of content creators who play it every day like Binding of Isaac or Slay the Spire.

    • 7 months ago

      I liked Isaac and Slay the Spire well enough but honestly lasted on Hades longer. Just had more fun with the moment to moment combat and liked how there was always a sense of story/item progression no matter how badly a run went.

      Plenty of other rogue-likes have more to see, but I actually wanted to see all that Hades had to offer.

    • 7 months ago

      >Slay the Spire
      I found both it and Hades were lacking in the "unlock something to spice up gameplay every run department". Once you beat the heart that's it unless you wanna bother with 20 ascensions or build meme decks around a certain card. Once you escape hades that's it, now do it 10 more times plus however many waifu routes you want to complete.

      I also didn't like how you face the same bosses in variations (furies, hydra, t+m, hades) every run. Unlike Necrodancer or Binding of Isaac where you always know what you'll get. Those and FTL kept me coming back because of their large variety of gameplay styles available but Hades just felt shallow ironically. I feel like the weapons in Bastion felt much more distinct and powerful at their own specialty.

  28. 7 months ago

    according to trannies on resetera you are a troony if you're a man who plays as a female character
    therefore everyone who plays this is a troony. if you aren't a troony, you can't buy or play the game

  29. 7 months ago

    >got all the achie-
    Didn't beat the game, gay. You need to get all the statues. Get back in there!!

  30. 7 months ago

    this game gonna be hot dogshit innit

    • 7 months ago

      I don't see why it wouldn't be better

    • 7 months ago

      Hades gets very repetitive quickly and only made it because of the VN part

  31. 7 months ago

    The problem with the original game is the sheer lack of enemy variety. It was fatal. I couldn't play the game for more than a few hours because I got tired of fighting the same 10 enemy types over and over.

  32. 7 months ago

    Hades got really old really fast. There's like roughly 5 hours of unique combat related content that gets stretched and repeated ad nauseam. I don't think the roguelite format worked well for it. They should've just made it a proper ARPG like Bastion.

  33. 7 months ago

    >woman protagonist
    For sure that's gonna be a success.

  34. 7 months ago

    Eh, I'd rather have another game with 'greus, one where he actually fights Herakles.
    I'd be actually disappointed if the new protag gets to fight him whilst our boy doesn't.

    • 7 months ago

      I was disappointed he never showed up. Thought he'd be a secret fight you could unlock.

  35. 7 months ago

    >dash dash dash dash
    >attack attack
    >dash dash
    >attack attack attack
    >dash dash dash dash
    >oh shit a big enemy pattern
    >dash dash dash dash dash dash dash

    nice gameplay

    • 7 months ago

      yeah it kicked ass

  36. 7 months ago

    >came back to Hades to start climbing the heat levels
    >currently got most of the weapons sitting around the mid 20s or so
    >except the sword
    Why is the sword so fricking shit? Even the spear has achilles and the charged+artemis special build for Guan Yu. Nothing the sword does feels useful at higher heats. It's just so damn weak.

    • 7 months ago

      just do the standard sword builds for dmg

    • 7 months ago

      Cast build with Poseidon aspect is strong and fun

    • 7 months ago

      I LIKE Aspect of Arthur

  37. 7 months ago

    I love Hade's art style and im not sorry

    • 7 months ago

      It really is a nice look for the gods.

    • 7 months ago

      Most people do. The ones who don't are mostly contrarian anyway.

  38. 7 months ago

    >don't trust them to make something new enough to suprise me
    Were you around when the studio made Transistor and their next game was fricking Pyre?? Seemingly not because their third game was a fantasy basketball rpg visual novel, after making a slightly run of the mill scifi action rpg. They can definitely make surprising, strange games.

  39. 7 months ago

    >woman on cover
    Never gonna play it

    • 7 months ago

      >woman protagonist
      For sure that's gonna be a success.

      I'm not buying the game for the simple fact that it has a female protagonist. I loved Hades and wanted Zagreus to be the protagonist in the sequel. If not him, then at least some Castlevania route with his son being it or something.

      Shills and the developers who I know anonymously post here will call people like me a "schizo chud" or something. But I simply hate when it seems compulsory to keep changing established shit.

      If I want to play a Batman game, I want to play as Batman (they can add characters but he is the protagonist). If I want to play an Iron Man game, I don't want Iron Heart to be the protagonist in the sequel. If I want to play a He-Man game I don't want She-Ra stealing the show. I'm not going to play a Witcher game with Ciri, despite her being a good character because I want to play as Geralt. If I want to play Tomb Raider I don't want some unknown male protagonist taking over. If I play a Metroid game I expect to play as Samus, not some new male protagonist.

      Therefore, if I want to play a Hades game I don't want some new unknown fricking female protagonist. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Stop fricking doing this shit. Have some executive on your developer meetings setting you straight so you don't let all the crazy brain storming ideas come to fruition. People used to put the brakes on stuff so things didn't get out of hand

      Normally don't care but I'm less interested due to the female protagonist. Sucks because I really liked the original

      >female protagonist
      >isn't even attractive
      Already less interested than I was in the first game, neverminding that I expect it to be more of the same which means it is less interesting.

      What an ugly woman

      Are you all moronic? Like, do you genuinely have brain damage? Or is this the same guy spamming this thread over and over?

      • 7 months ago

        >you are not allowed to have an opinion on Ganker

        • 7 months ago

          You can have an opinion, but I can also say your opinion is moronic, because that's my opinion.

          • 7 months ago

            And I can also say your opinion is moronic, because that's my opinion.

  40. 7 months ago

    >start a fresh save file
    >it's a total slog
    They seriously need to tone down the meta progression, although the narrative and character interactions sort of hangs off of that

  41. 7 months ago

    Supergiant had a good run

  42. 7 months ago

    >i played the game and then dropped it
    Believe it or not, that just called "stopped playing" and you don't have to either play the game forver or "drop" it.

  43. 7 months ago

    I'm sure Hades 2 will be good, but I can't really get excited about it because I fear that it'll just be more of the same without enough things to make it actually different. The fact that story took a backseat in the form of shitty formulaic roguelite progression always irked me too because I always felt that providing good and compact storytelling with nice atmosphere was one of Supergiant's strong suits.
    I really would have preferred if they made something entirely new again and not just a sequel.

    • 7 months ago

      You can just say you are a chud that hates strong beautiful women and leaved it at that.

      • 7 months ago

        No, atalker, these are your delusions speaking

      • 7 months ago

        Stop projecting.

  44. 7 months ago

    I’m concerned that the protagonist won’t be able to match Zag’s smug levels

  45. 7 months ago

    I played the first game a week ago and found out you had to beat the game 10 times to see the actual ending
    While the game is good I got very bored after the 8th escape
    Way too little variety

  46. 7 months ago

    I have already reached the epilogue in Hades 1, seen the cutscene, but I wonder if there's more to the story

    Does the story of any important character continues after that point?

    • 7 months ago

      Iirc then you can fight super Hades.

      • 7 months ago

        If you mean EM4, that's from achieving the ending, so beating Hades 10 times, not the epilogue.

      • 7 months ago

        I already fought Pact of Punishment super Hades, just to see if there was something new

        I'm talking about the stories of the characters. There seemed to be a thing of two about Zagreus visiting Olympus and the surface instead of dying and Persephone having to stay with her mother some time of the year

    • 7 months ago

      I already fought Pact of Punishment super Hades, just to see if there was something new

      I'm talking about the stories of the characters. There seemed to be a thing of two about Zagreus visiting Olympus and the surface instead of dying and Persephone having to stay with her mother some time of the year

      As far as I’m aware there’s nothing of major substance, just a bit more dialogue. Which is still cool in itself though, so much dialogue and so many different requirements to unlock it (weapon aspects, quests, unique shit like boonless)

  47. 7 months ago

    >What do you think will be done differently gameplay wise in 2?
    i really hope they add some semblance of level and boss variety. thats the one singular thing the first game was missing

  48. 7 months ago

    I would rather they make Hades but with Transistor's setting and combat and better bosses

  49. 7 months ago

    I'm playing it for the first time, but was wondering, if I play this game, will it be hard to play Transistor and Bastion after? Should I start with those first?

    • 7 months ago

      Hades is much smoother in comparison, Bastion felt clunky and slow to me after I played Hades.

    • 7 months ago

      Hades is much smoother in comparison, Bastion felt clunky and slow to me after I played Hades.

      I think they all have aspects that make them worth seeing, but Hades is easily their best gameplay-wise. It feels like the natural evolution of taking what they learned from Bastion and Transistor's combat and creating a space that rewards experimenting with it.

      Bastion is held up more by its narration, and Transistor by its art design and music.

      • 7 months ago

        >but Hades is easily their best gameplay-wise
        That's transistor you gigapleb

        • 7 months ago

          I liked what Transistor was going for, but feel like it doesn't make the most of its own ideas.

          It's not very long, and making death punish you with stacked handicaps and lost powers until you finally just reload the game really made me not want to experiment. The only reason I ever stopped using the damaging flashstep move I made early on was because lore tidbits are hidden behind using other moves too.

          The final boss was neat though.

          • 7 months ago

            What if Bastion 2 but with improvements and flow from Hades?

            • 7 months ago

              I liked Bastion a lot but don't know what you'd do with it going forward.

              The entire gimmick is learning about a broken world through narration that turns out to be a recap of the story told to Zia leading up to that final choice.

              The characters were good for what they were, but I feel like their story is told.

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, there's an argument for gameplay - but at the same time, art and animation is derivative, not dictative. They made an active choice to focus on summoning circles and runes, rather than specific wand-poses or throwing a herb in a dish to create an explosion with the same visual effect. They could extremely easily have changed the dagger + sickle (dagger being another Wicca magical tool) for a sharpened wand-rapier + sickle, or something. Anything.
                All that, and the near-obsession to referring to the MC as Witch is something you just get used recognising as a red flag when dealing with them. It's exciting to them. Like some kind of fricking fetish. It'd be like reading Lord of the Rings, and everyone obsessing over Gandalf not because he's Gandalf, but because he's a wizard (personality optional, aside from kickass wizard stereotypes). It was a description, not a role.

                Note: I don't really care all too much about /x/ shit and occultism, it's just that I know my classical mythology, and this is a topical offshoot of it.

                Oh, and Chronos (Primordial of Time, either one of Nyx's kids or a Chaos-tier Primoridial) wasn't a Titan. Cronus (Titan of Harvest, one of Ouranos & Gaia's kids) was a Titan. Shit's as dumb as equating Charon (Ferryman of the Styx) and Chiron (The Centaur-teacher) because they sound the same. Further objective evidence the devs are just fricking moron mythologylets.

                Pal, I'm gonna give this to you raw and uncensored and you might not like it, but seriously, hang you'reself and your dumb b***h yuppie frickmeat in a tragically unavoidable double-suicide.
                My ancestors smile upon me, simp. Can you say the same?

              • 7 months ago

                Frick, meant for

                But mate where else am I gonna find me a b***h I can impress with basic knowledge of gnostic/protoceltic cosmology and cult tactics and who'll be willing to do mushrooms and weed with me?
                >wicca 'mythology' is as much mythology as a troony saying it's a woman
                >oldschool witchcraft was mostly a bullshit excuse that christianity pushed
                I know, doesn't mean I can't pork her after she plays around with her tarot deck and rocks. She can write all the blogposts to mother moon she wants, IDC.

                , not

                I liked Bastion a lot but don't know what you'd do with it going forward.

                The entire gimmick is learning about a broken world through narration that turns out to be a recap of the story told to Zia leading up to that final choice.

                The characters were good for what they were, but I feel like their story is told.

        • 7 months ago

          Transistor was my fav Supergiant game until playing Hades
          The worst thing about Transistor is it's way too easy and barely challenges you at all. I was so fricking hyped when doing the final boss the first time only to be disappointed how easy and quick the fight was
          Even when you play with all Limiters enabled it barely makes a difference to the difficulty and NG+ isn't harder too which was a bummer.
          Transistor still has the best: art design, soundtrack, MC, and story though.

  50. 7 months ago

    I will never trust the devs that pulled the rug on the Dusa route again.

    • 7 months ago

      I didnt even like Dusa and this shit offended me.
      Devs are gays.

    • 7 months ago

      And now beta males who came in after everything was done think it was totally normal and scream chud to anyone who complains.

    • 7 months ago

      The devs are troons, what did you expect?

    • 7 months ago

      why do you want to frick a head bro?

      • 7 months ago

        Because she was cute and the best romance option. She could be a floating circle for all it matters.

  51. 7 months ago

    What did you name her?

    • 7 months ago

      I liked Fae

      She made me think of fair folk

    • 7 months ago
  52. 7 months ago

    I will be playing it when there are porn mods. Not because I'm a coomer, but because it's silly that all these greek mythological characters are clothed and aren't historically accurate.

  53. 7 months ago

    Since I haven't seen anybody mention it, do you guys think coop could ever be a thing?
    The maps in the first game are pretty big and it's easy to get around (aside from the last one) that I feel like coop could be fun
    damage isn't a big problem too when you get the hang of how to play and how the weapons work

    • 7 months ago

      Sibling teamwork sounds like a fun concept but I have no idea how they'd balance around it without designing everything with co-op in mind from the get-go.

  54. 7 months ago

    Hades 1 was bad and delving into sequelshit confirms Supergiant is just dead and gone.



  55. 7 months ago

    the first game was fun but the story mode dragged on fricking forever and it really took long to exhaust all the dialogue

  56. 7 months ago

    I'm concerned the femMC will not be as charming as Zagman and I'm not doing any romances as a chick.

    • 7 months ago

      She seems to be a lot more serious than Zag. I bet Zag will try to get her to lighten up; a lot like Meg from the first game.

    • 7 months ago

      She seems to be a lot more serious than Zag. I bet Zag will try to get her to lighten up; a lot like Meg from the first game.

      I liked Zag but kind of like the idea of her being the opposite of him. Whereas he was flippant and casually good-natured I imagine she might be awkwardly formal.

  57. 7 months ago
  58. 7 months ago

    I hope in the sequel, that you meet Meg and her sisters. And the green sister call the FeMC Zagreus.

  59. 7 months ago

    It's a standard RNG Progression game/gambling game
    The term roguelite is a buzzword used by shills/bad devs who have no idea of game design

    Don't mistake my logic, it is a fun game. These RNG Progression games are FUN games. But you need to be aware of when to reset if the RNG is fricking you over.
    Of course, you should only ever pirate these games because lol @ giving scammers money

    I will applaud this scam as Hades actually tried to do the 'we have a story so ummm haha it's more than just sheer restart till you get a good rurn like every other shit game that's a scam'

    • 7 months ago

      Of all the absolute dogshit business practices there are in this industry it's funny to act like Supergiant's singleplayer games with no microtransactions, DLC, or shitty preorder bonuses is one of them.

      • 7 months ago

        why did you give a (you) to such low effort bait

        • 7 months ago

          she's tired

      • 7 months ago

        Anon, when your game is literally based on RNG to succeed and you claim it's really 'skill' then you are a hack
        You are no different to EA with its lootboxes

        >b-b-b-buttttt ummm haha you d-d-don't pay
        No, that's because you already got scammed when you bought it

        I get it, ok? You were scammed and are in denial. It's ok. Just don't continue to shill for the scam

        • 7 months ago

          You can literally beat the game from a fresh save file, first run. Hades is 99% skill based. Get good scrub.

          • 7 months ago

            If the RNG is right

            I know, Anon
            I beat it my second time
            With the bow because the bow is OP and the game was kind enough to drop it for me

            RNG Based Progression games rely on the gambling meta to encourage playing

  60. 7 months ago

    Truth is that I don't really give a shit about this game, because as an advanced mythology dweebnerdhomosexual, I have an existential 'tiredness' wash over me whenever I recognise anything to do with Wicca in settings it does not fricking belong.

    i hate nu-age witchcraft so fricking much bros.
    i hate american devs so fricking much bros.
    i could live with the misleading "oops you're a homosexual because you chose an unclear line" shit just fine.
    i could live with dusa not being romanceable because the VA was some lardbeast c**t who didn't want to do the lines.
    i could even live with the entire game being 3 areas + rats.
    i could live with an ugly feMC.
    i could live with a lot of things.
    but wicca and tumblrwitches?
    i leave.

    hecate is not wicca.
    grecoroman sorcery is not wicca.
    i hate nu-age witchcraft.
    i hat e it i hate it ihateithateithaihateitihate i hate it.

    i've been down that rabbithole, and bros, take it from a mothahomie that's been there, seen it, done it; avoid that shit more than BPD and schizo combined. you have to avoid it. for your own sake. don't make the same mistake i did.

    • 7 months ago

      I like pointy hats

      • 7 months ago

        there's a difference between pointy-hat sorcery witches that are just fantasy magicwomen, and nu-age tumblrwitches.
        take it from a mothahomie that's been there, seen it, done it; avoid that shit more than BPD and schizo combined.
        you have to avoid it.

        >went on a date with a chick who was into "Occultism & Mythology"
        >initially show some enthusiasm, rare you find somebody irl that actually knows what they're talking about, the kind that can separate your herodontus's from your hesiod's
        >then listen to the dumb c**t open her dumb c**t mouth
        >after about 5 minutes, genuinely had to start biting my fist in restraint
        >in the middle of a public park, so I couldn't just 'escape'
        it wasn't the last time either.
        i will put fricking money on hecate hades 2 claiming she's also marzanna and the morrigan
        i value my computer screen and the wellbeing of my fist above some shitty roguelike

        mark my words
        heed this warning
        you're not getting anything in regards to nekyia or teiresias in this game about greek necromancy and occultism
        you're getting a theofluid genderfem libreboot hanging a twig up on her wall, drawing a pentagram with some cooking rosemary in sprinkled in the middle, and calling herself a regional expert on occult matters, who is now also the lead girlboss concept artist or some shit she doesn't deserve.
        you have been warned.

        • 7 months ago

          I like when they double the toil and trouble.

        • 7 months ago

          the dev team clearly does their research in regards to the mythology, given the main character is some obscure as frick god that's actually from greek mythology. i doubt they will frick up the ancient greek occultism anon.

          • 7 months ago

            >the dev team clearly does their research in regards to the mythology
            , so much,

            >obscure as frick god
            melinoe really isn't that obscure, especially when you consider she's a common triplicate of persephone and leucophryne in nu-age religion (when they're not incorrectly cross-corellating persephone, kore and hecate outright)
            an equivalent would be saying that ecco the dolphin is obscure because 99% of morons who mostly only know FIFA NBA[current year] and GTA V don't know it

          • 7 months ago

            You being moronic and not knowing anything, doesnt make them smart and researched.

    • 7 months ago

      Did she do anything wicca that we've seen? She just used generic energy blasts like the witches in 1 and then a big sigil on the ground that exploded

  61. 7 months ago

    just been chilling with Against the Storm whilst waiting to chill with Balatro whilst waiting for Go Mecha Ball.

    Might get Super Bullet Break idk, i liked the demo but it's just cute anime deck builder and that genre sucks.

  62. 7 months ago

    >be moron japanese devs
    >make some cute romanceable girl
    >stick around, even if the franchise goes to shit

    >be moronwestern devs
    >make some cute romanceable girl
    no she just wants to be friends just like irl! waste of time LOL! we know she's super popular and could print us money, but her VA is a super strong and empowered, so we went along with her attempted-blackmail bullshit! also she does nothing as a friend! and your only romance options is abusive mannish c**t and gay c**tish man!
    >don't make the same mistake twice

    If I want a roguelike for the gameplay, I'll stick to Isaac. If I want playable Gods, I'll stick to SMITE. Turns out when you go out of your way to sour your playerbase, they actually stay soured, who would have guessed?

    • 7 months ago

      You forgot to add how the canon option is to be in bisexual polygamous relationship with the two worst characters in the game.
      But yes the fact that the devs baited us with Dusa was such a middle finger there is no way I'll be playing Hades 2 either.

      • 7 months ago

        >your only romance options is abusive mannish c**t and gay c**tish man
        Oh, I didn't forget.

    • 7 months ago

      >her attempted-blackmail bullshit!
      Quick rundown?

      • 7 months ago

        People have just been coming up with weird rumors about Dusa's VA since early access.

    • 7 months ago

      I was aiming to romance Dusa too but the romance in general is such a small part of the game it's pretty inconsequential to linger on or get bitter over.

      Pyre didn't have a huge romance arc either but I thought that what it did have was infinitely stronger than the fade-to-black fooling around with Meg and/or your step-bro.

      • 7 months ago

        Yet I will be bitter over being deceived.

  63. 7 months ago

    I mainly played it just to hear all the dialog each time you came back to life. That and I liked customizing Zags room. They better let me frick afrodite this time around.

  64. 7 months ago

    >having a great max heat run nuking everything
    >get to theseus and asterius
    >fighting both at the same time by bouncing between them doing big damage and kill asterius
    >theseus rolls demeter

  65. 7 months ago

    >forced female protagonist
    Pass, I'm not a troony.

  66. 7 months ago

    If i can't play as my boy im not buying that shit

  67. 7 months ago

    The game is too repetitive without variety in map layouts and enemies/bosses. I need to beat it 3 more time for true ending but I tired

  68. 7 months ago

    >first game was woke as frick
    >second game is even woker
    b a s e d

  69. 7 months ago

    All romancegays must fricking die

  70. 7 months ago

    >first game already had incest, throuples, gays, bis, and multi-gendered eldritch beings
    >BG3 showed sex and nudity everywhere is A OK
    >Coffin of Andy and Leyley showed leaning hard into incest is fine
    Hades 2 needs to go full degeneracy

    • 7 months ago

      Unironically, yes. I want to see this board melt down when it has more degeneracy but it's actually a great, award winning game. The seething would power a whole city. You can start to see some of it already, with all the gays b***hing about the playable character being a woman this time.

      • 7 months ago


  71. 7 months ago

    It will come out right after Silksong.

    • 7 months ago
  72. 7 months ago

    >witchcraft schizo

    • 7 months ago

      let me rephrase in a way you might better understand, you low-attention-span, low-effort, low-investment, low-intellect underageb& moron
      wicca 'mythology' is as much mythology as a troony saying it's a woman
      it's a recent development, it's accepted by a lot of bandwagoners who make large grandstands on how things they don't understand work, and it'll never be the case

      oldschool witchcraft was mostly a bullshit excuse that christianity pushed to justify them for killing anything that didn't agree with them, and rarely existed, if that
      nu-age witchcraft on the other hand does exist, and really does need the stake coming back to be dealt with appropriately. it's a desecration of classical culture via permiss misunderstanding.

      • 7 months ago

        Actually the christian church strongly denied the existence of witches and witchcraft because doctrine stated that only God has magical powers. But local communities were paranoid and stupid and believed in witchcraft anyway, especially when some chud published that hammer book.

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        I like Kiki

      • 7 months ago

        what part of what we've seen of Hades 2 suggests that Hecate is going the route of wicca?

        • 7 months ago

          There's an innumerable amount of minor nods to it, but a key / obvious one I can point out for you is related.
          In Wicca, related is the symbol of Hecate's Wheel (with extra bonus bullshit runic symbols surrounding it), which in reality is a bullshit pattern-design of a straphalos that was barely attested to to begin with, but more closeley associated with Aphrodite, and literally just as a pretty pattern. However, when Wicca was artificially manufactured, it was taken forth as a symbological 'big deal', because they wanted their 'in' on their bullshit Triplicate Goddess for the OG Goddess of Sorcery / Witchcraft for the Greeks (Hecate). On the topic of Aphrodite and for a comparison you might know, similar to how the Venus of Willendorf has been confused in modern times, to appeal to modern convenience.
          There's similar faux-Wicca-symbolism for other World Pantheons (eg Isis is the Egyptian Goddess of Magic, so of course they bastardised her), but the Wheel of Hecate is one immediately recognisable as Wicca, simply because it's near-incorrect to be associated with her otherwise.

          The overall aesthetic is staunchly Celtic, with shit like rampant magic circles and runes, brambled woods, calling it Magick rather than Magoi / Magi and branch-y unhewn staves (instead of finely crafted wands, the Greeks being the progenitors of the modern idea of straight wands, after the Egytptians used curved tusk-wands). It's a shame too, since Greek sorcery was it's own unique beast entirely that doesn't have much in terms of modern depiction, and was about as far removed in thematics to Celtic (from which Wicca is foundationed) as Chinese sorcery is. If it were based on Greek Sorcery, you'd be right out with that magic circle crap; and instead be throwing miscellaneous talismans, scattering herbs, referencing astronomy, using bronze tabulii spellbooks and curse-tabulets, use of dish-invocation and most notably of all, USING A FRICKING WAND YOU DUMB b***h.

      • 7 months ago

        Truth is that I don't really give a shit about this game, because as an advanced mythology dweebnerdhomosexual, I have an existential 'tiredness' wash over me whenever I recognise anything to do with Wicca in settings it does not fricking belong.

        i hate nu-age witchcraft so fricking much bros.
        i hate american devs so fricking much bros.
        i could live with the misleading "oops you're a homosexual because you chose an unclear line" shit just fine.
        i could live with dusa not being romanceable because the VA was some lardbeast c**t who didn't want to do the lines.
        i could even live with the entire game being 3 areas + rats.
        i could live with an ugly feMC.
        i could live with a lot of things.
        but wicca and tumblrwitches?
        i leave.

        hecate is not wicca.
        grecoroman sorcery is not wicca.
        i hate nu-age witchcraft.
        i hat e it i hate it ihateithateithaihateitihate i hate it.

        i've been down that rabbithole, and bros, take it from a mothahomie that's been there, seen it, done it; avoid that shit more than BPD and schizo combined. you have to avoid it. for your own sake. don't make the same mistake i did.

        there's a difference between pointy-hat sorcery witches that are just fantasy magicwomen, and nu-age tumblrwitches.
        take it from a mothahomie that's been there, seen it, done it; avoid that shit more than BPD and schizo combined.
        you have to avoid it.

        >went on a date with a chick who was into "Occultism & Mythology"
        >initially show some enthusiasm, rare you find somebody irl that actually knows what they're talking about, the kind that can separate your herodontus's from your hesiod's
        >then listen to the dumb c**t open her dumb c**t mouth
        >after about 5 minutes, genuinely had to start biting my fist in restraint
        >in the middle of a public park, so I couldn't just 'escape'
        it wasn't the last time either.
        i will put fricking money on hecate hades 2 claiming she's also marzanna and the morrigan
        i value my computer screen and the wellbeing of my fist above some shitty roguelike

        mark my words
        heed this warning
        you're not getting anything in regards to nekyia or teiresias in this game about greek necromancy and occultism
        you're getting a theofluid genderfem libreboot hanging a twig up on her wall, drawing a pentagram with some cooking rosemary in sprinkled in the middle, and calling herself a regional expert on occult matters, who is now also the lead girlboss concept artist or some shit she doesn't deserve.
        you have been warned.

        But mate where else am I gonna find me a b***h I can impress with basic knowledge of gnostic/protoceltic cosmology and cult tactics and who'll be willing to do mushrooms and weed with me?
        >wicca 'mythology' is as much mythology as a troony saying it's a woman
        >oldschool witchcraft was mostly a bullshit excuse that christianity pushed
        I know, doesn't mean I can't pork her after she plays around with her tarot deck and rocks. She can write all the blogposts to mother moon she wants, IDC.

  73. 7 months ago

    I'll not be picking it up until it's fully released, can be doing with playing a game while it's in early access.

  74. 7 months ago

    First one still on gamepass?

  75. 7 months ago

    Kind of fricked up how the first game got away with only having 3 level types. Like, the original SMB had 4. Really hope they make a proper game this time.

  76. 7 months ago

    I enjoyed my time with the first one but buying essentially the same shit? Why would i do that?
    Supergiant's strength was always in the diversity of their projects.

    • 7 months ago

      to meet new Dusa

      • 7 months ago

        Even if they didn't frick the Dusa route up this time it'd still be gay and thus bad.

    • 7 months ago


  77. 7 months ago

    Zagreus should be a romantic interest as well as some secret superboss who fights you for shits and giggles.
    It's the only way to sway Ganker in favour of the game.

  78. 7 months ago

    >end of runs in Hades 2 will likely just be a time warp
    >no more kino death scenes

    • 7 months ago

      The first time you meet your mother then start dying and say you'll be back actually got me feeling emotional, family stuff always gets to me

    • 7 months ago

      Gotta let Chronos frick around somehow

  79. 7 months ago

    this game is full of gay homosexuals and trannies that tries to pass for women, just look at aphrodite disgusting fricking man face holy shit what a pozzed game

  80. 7 months ago

    Can he be replaced?

    • 7 months ago

      yes, by the real champ Heracles

  81. 7 months ago

    I just don't think that gooed storytelling and roguelites goes well together, so I'm not too excited about Hades 2 honestly as I already found that aspect to be quite lacking in the first one, especially compared to their other games. I can't really blame them for choosing the money route over some new experiment like Pyre, which I absolutely adored, but it's still sad to see.

  82. 7 months ago

    >got all the achievements
    >then dropped it
    so you beat the game and moved on like a normal person?
    Why do you feel the need to have one single game you play eternally? What's the appeal?

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