>half the people saying its awesome. >half the people saying its dogshit

>half the people saying its awesome
>half the people saying its dogshit
which is it? is it fun?

CRIME Shirt $21.68

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  1. 3 months ago

    People who can run it say it's awesome
    People who can't run it seethe about it 24/7

    • 3 months ago

      >people have different opinions about something
      >this is somehow not possible in the minds of people that frequent this site
      Have you ever considered trying the game yourself to see if you enjoy it?

      It's less fun than the original while being as close to a copy as it can be without being a remake.

      /v/tards who are having a blast are the same ones who shilled the mid 1st game here
      /v/tards who hate it are the ones who fell for the hype and wasted $70 on it but are not moronic enough to like it.


      Pretty much this. The only thing left to say it´s in a lot of ways simplified compared to the first.
      No real deviation in quests except a few times the outcome and the rewards but also nothing spectecular.
      Less skills and buttons to assign them to available.
      No real new voaction, the MK is now MS without a shield and elemental magic.
      MK can also be a warfarer, which by itself is clearly a last second band aid (one the 4 available skillslots have to be assigned with your weapon skill unless you want to pause your game before every encounter to put the weapon you want to use as the first, 3 weaponskill slots available for 8 different weapons because skills cannot be tied to a distinct weapon) and I don´t know if they made it so shit by choice or unwillingly.
      Also enemy variety is pathethic, even less monsters than in the first game.
      I don´t count a cyclops with 3 different armor variants as 3 different monsters. Same for the 2-3 reskins of every other enemy.

      The physics are nice though.

      they hated him because he spoke truth

    • 3 months ago

      >People who can run it say it's awesome
      >People who can't run it seethe about it 24/7

    • 3 months ago

      Show me footage of the game running
      No, sub 160FPS is NOT acceptable you dumbfrick br

    • 3 months ago

      But also the game has an anti-shill campaign being run against it because the game rejected SB (or similar) consulting

      • 3 months ago

        I wonder how much truth there is to this. The israelites are extremely relentlessly subhuman goblin creatures who would do such a thing.

      • 3 months ago

        >the game rejected SB (or similar) consulting
        Are you telling me all the blacks and Manish women were part of itsunos vision?

    • 3 months ago

      I'm salty as frick about it still working like shit on my machine.
      I believed that 3090ti/5950x with 64 gigs of ram should be able to run it without issues, but, sor some ungodly reason, it seems that I was wrong. Even when I dropped res to 1440p and cut most settings with DLSS on performance it was barely 60 and unstable as frick, with framedrops and even a few crashes. Dropped it when FPS
      I'll wait for more patches before I try playing again.

      Oh, and female faces are crap - I spent 3 hours making a passable one and ironing away asymmetry and imperfections. Lack of long hair options was also shit. Male CC was better.

      • 3 months ago

        lower shadows

        • 3 months ago

          Shadows are already at low.
          My last attempt after the first TU ended when the game suddenly started chugging at 10 fps in some random cave and then suddenly crashed.

          • 3 months ago

            I can run around 60fps @ 4k with a 3090 and 10900x with DLSS. It's not the best experience but it's playable. I can't say I've put a lot of time in to it with that PC as it's not my main one.

    • 3 months ago

      runs fine for me but the game is still awful

    • 3 months ago

      This. /thread

      • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          You can't play the game and so you must cope. Sad. Just admit you don't have the specs to play the game and move on with your life. That is a much healthier attitude than seething about things out of your reach.

          • 3 months ago

            >Be me
            >Prob owns one of most powerful PC in thread and near 100 hours in game and enjoying it.
            >You're coping

            • 3 months ago

              now you're just projecting

              >n-no I played it!
              Ok copers.

              • 3 months ago

                >calls people poor.
                >takes 1080p screeny

          • 3 months ago

            now you're just projecting

  2. 3 months ago

    sounds exactly like the first game

  3. 3 months ago

    It's a lot like 1

  4. 3 months ago

    why don't you make up your own mind

  5. 3 months ago

    >which is it?
    >is it fun?

  6. 3 months ago

    >people have different opinions about something
    >this is somehow not possible in the minds of people that frequent this site
    Have you ever considered trying the game yourself to see if you enjoy it?

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        >$70 is my life savings. I'll be homeless if I spent it and it wasn't perfect
        I have about 300 steam games with under 10 hours on them. I spent more time in the DD2 character creator than them.

        • 3 months ago

          Nice for you, a goy and his money are soon parted.

          • 3 months ago

            yeah, I suppose you tend to care more about money when you're broke as frick and don't know where you next meal is coming from.

    • 3 months ago

      Yes when the torrent is available

  7. 3 months ago

    It's less fun than the original while being as close to a copy as it can be without being a remake.

    • 3 months ago

      Pretty much this. The only thing left to say it´s in a lot of ways simplified compared to the first.
      No real deviation in quests except a few times the outcome and the rewards but also nothing spectecular.
      Less skills and buttons to assign them to available.
      No real new voaction, the MK is now MS without a shield and elemental magic.
      MK can also be a warfarer, which by itself is clearly a last second band aid (one the 4 available skillslots have to be assigned with your weapon skill unless you want to pause your game before every encounter to put the weapon you want to use as the first, 3 weaponskill slots available for 8 different weapons because skills cannot be tied to a distinct weapon) and I don´t know if they made it so shit by choice or unwillingly.
      Also enemy variety is pathethic, even less monsters than in the first game.
      I don´t count a cyclops with 3 different armor variants as 3 different monsters. Same for the 2-3 reskins of every other enemy.

      The physics are nice though.

      • 3 months ago

        These are mostly surface level complaints. The old vocations are better off now. The new ones though are kinda weird.

        • 3 months ago

          >surface level complaints
          Because the whole game is shallow as frick. There are no "deep" complaints, the game just doesn´t reach the same level the old did.
          Go back clubbing the same enemies again and again, zoomer because that´s all you used to.
          >The old vocations are better off now
          they are simplified and gutted apart, like your primary sexual organs.
          >The new ones though are kinda weird.
          There´s only one new and it´s trickster which is by itself uselss because they didn´t bother to make the AI better. Pawns also became more of a nuisance becuase of: More repetive lines, they also talk like modern iditos while try it to do in ye ol ´nglish.
          Game is a utter dissapointment.

          • 3 months ago

            >immediately resorts to ad hominem when challenged
            Anyway. Warrior is better, fighter is better, mage is better, spearhand is better than MK etc etc.

            • 3 months ago

              >Mage is better
              No it fricking isn't

              • 3 months ago

                Nope. It's better. Distinct identity rather than a shitty Sorc you play for 10 levels that's only stand out feature was abusing Grapnel.

              • 3 months ago

                >distinct identity
                why blud sound like hes talking about nonbinary shit

              • 3 months ago

                New age wiggers are so sad.

              • 3 months ago

                >why blud
                It really is a bunch of thirdies shitposting because they can't run it.

              • 3 months ago

                But the mage still is a shitty sorc... that's why the only worthwhile "build" of a mage is to just slap the shield, speed, cleansing and silence spell on it, that's it... so much for being distinct when it's literally only one worthwhile set of skills and anything else is just useless
                both mage and sorcerer heavily suffer from having fewer skills to use, their secondary core ability or whatever is fricking useless on both

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, they're a support vocation. In 1 their healing was too slow to be worth a damn, and Sorcerers could bring the relevant weapon buffs. Now their healing is a lot more effective (despite healing caps), they've got the stamina buffs, and palladium.
                They do suffer from being a bit homogeneous, but there's actually a reason to bring them now.

            • 3 months ago

              Agree on everything except MS being better then mk
              Most of its skills are useless or very situational and the two that are actually worthwhile are quite broken

          • 3 months ago

            You didn’t play either game. have a nice day.

            • 3 months ago

              I didn´t finished it, trans-shill kun.

      • 3 months ago

        >Chimera means "She-Goat"

      • 3 months ago


        Dragon's Dogma 1.5 is the proper description. Im having fun, but Im also just monumentally disappointed with what we got.

        • 3 months ago

          Not him but I've always disagreed with the 1.5 label because that implies that it adds half a game's value on top of DD1. This game feels more like Dragon's Dogma Redux or some bizarro multiverse version of the game where it doesn't have more or less content or polish then the first game, just "different" content and "different" levels of polish

          • 3 months ago

            There´s no polish in this game kurwa. I´d also call it Dragons Dogma 2 (0.75)

      • 3 months ago

        >it´s in a lot of ways simplified compared to the first
        The one thing I've seen nobody call out yet is the reduction in armor slots. Fashion's Dogma is at an all-time low, now that we're down to only 4 outfit slots from previously 7.

      • 3 months ago

        >Same for the 2-3 reskins of every other enemy.
        Goblins, choppers and knackers have different body sizes and shapes, use different weapons, and fight differently. There's no metric by which you could call them a reskin. Learn what reskin actually means.

  8. 3 months ago

    Fun is subjective. Decide for yourself. This is a forum, not a substitute for thinking.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah, it's weird that the title doesn't have a 2 in it until you get to the unmoored world. Like they knew it was just the first one again.

  9. 3 months ago

    Discovering side quests very naturally and without many indications mid quests of what to do is cool but when they're missable from early points of no return I'm going to use a list of side quests online with guides and you can't stop me

    • 3 months ago

      I think only Melve side quests can be missed if you do the main nig knight missions, and he even tells you to go to Melve before completing them. Those so far are the only ones.

  10. 3 months ago

    If you have a PC which was sent to you via a charity donation package to your mud hut then it's shit
    If you have a PC which was built in the last 12 months which can handle 4k then it's great

  11. 3 months ago

    It always baffles me how there are "people" out there who are incapable of knowing if they like something or not. Even animals possess that ability. You're a proper NPC bugman.

  12. 3 months ago

    /v/tards who are having a blast are the same ones who shilled the mid 1st game here
    /v/tards who hate it are the ones who fell for the hype and wasted $70 on it but are not moronic enough to like it.

    • 3 months ago

      it's always some huge loss of $70 , like you lost your life savings or something
      It must suck being this broke. lol

    • 3 months ago

      $70 is not that much money, I'm convinced like 90% of this board is literal children.

  13. 3 months ago

    It has the potential to be awesome, but the lack of content makes it shit.

  14. 3 months ago

    It’s a niche game that got popular attention.
    If you like combat gameplay, experimentation, party-based fantasy adventuring and progression, you will like it.
    If you like complex story or compelling characters, various roleplaying options in quests, tons of variables and outcomes, you won’t like it.

  15. 3 months ago

    its both.

  16. 3 months ago

    dragons dogma has always filtered people.

  17. 3 months ago

    I like how it woke people up to crapcom's shit

  18. 3 months ago

    Anons still thinking it's a Ganker-core series pretend to like it. Most people who played the first game are disappointed even though they enjoyed it. E-celebgays like it to fit in but don't realize that it's too late.

  19. 3 months ago

    I'm having a blast

  20. 3 months ago

    Its no masterpiece

    • 3 months ago

      'tis a masterwork thoughever

  21. 3 months ago

    I enjoyed my time with it, glad I got it on PS5 so I could sell my physical disc once I had my fill

    its just hollow atm with no true endgame, zero difficulty and not much to do with whats there. a true one-and-done experience, which is fine but I was hoping for a repeatable dungeon or two with endless scaling on NG+. if and when they add that I’ll be back, but I’m waiting till the expansion has been out at least a couple weeks to make sure the depth is there. combat is really nice though, should have delayed at least a year to give it more meat

    • 3 months ago

      >I was hoping for a skinner box
      endgamegays ruined entire genres

      • 3 months ago

        >wanting a challenge and fun repeatable encounters that are against deadly enemies is a skinnerbox

        the absolute state of homeschooling, I hope you get conscripted to the frontline first, sweety

        • 3 months ago

          >wanting a [skinnerbox] is a skinnerbox
          yes? the game can be made challenging without being made into a mindless foreverslop simulator

  22. 3 months ago

    it's pretty good. I was hoping it was better, though
    calling it dogshit just means you haven't played it

  23. 3 months ago

    I don't know, I can't run it

  24. 3 months ago

    It's ok, I rate it slightly worse than the original one.

  25. 3 months ago

    It's fun but feels kind of "empty" to me like the first one, and objectively has less content. The quests and story are legitimately awful but the pawn system and animations/physics keep me interested

    • 3 months ago

      >objectively has less content
      What are people smoking dude why am I in bizarro land on this game? I dont care im not some fanboy but dd1 had the saddest little loneliest map where you pray for a griffin to spawn because theres nothing else to do. Dd2 not having new common mobs or more new bosses in the open world is dogshit though.

      • 3 months ago

        fair enough but in my mind more encounters does not equal more content, I was more speaking to the lack of variety which is a fair criticism of the game

  26. 3 months ago

    >fighting Drake on volcanic isle
    >getting it down to the last two health bars
    >starts flying around a lot of casting meteors and shit yo
    >pretty annoying, but I can manage
    >suddenly three fire rock lizards out of nowhere
    >get in the way when there is a chance to attack drake
    >get in the way when I try to dodge drake's attacks
    >get in the way when I try to revive pawns
    >get in the way when I try to kill one of them
    >get completely shut down by lizard drake tag team
    >reload from last save
    >it happens again
    It's shit, I say. SHIT!

    • 3 months ago

      The game spawns enemies behind you and sometimes right on top of you. It happens frequently and it sucks dick. Had a bunch of goblins spawn mid fight with a dullahan clobbering me . I couldnt ress anyone with him teleporting around the place while goblins tag teamed my butthole

      • 3 months ago

        I've put 60 hours into this game and I sitll have never encountered one, and I travel at night a lot.

        • 3 months ago

          iirc quest tied to show up after quest completed. Not sure myself as I have seen two counting the quest one.

          I played DD1 quite a bit, and while I do like DD2, it's delusional to claim the game isn't incomplete and cut down even from DD1 in places. People in here claim BBI doesn't count, but a sequel that comes years later should absolutely incorporate elements from its DLC, even if it's just enemies and items. Sequels are supposed to be an improved version of their predecessors at their best, not introduce new and worse shortcomings.

          >People in here claim BBI doesn't count
          That just blows my mind. It tells me they are so conditioned to being abused by cut content that they think it should be the norm. That any new game should just hold content back and not be as big, more so as you said a game like this that has more than a ten year gap between games.

          • 3 months ago

            BBI is DLC. Getting mad about the game having less the the Dark Arisen expansion is like saying the next Mariokart is obliged to have 70 tracks or whatever the frick MK8 Deluxe has after all the DLC.

            • 3 months ago

              For starters you are talking about a racing game to an adventure/RPG. Love or hate it most adventure/RPG get bigger and introduce new things. Until Starfield Lying Todd boy's core games got bigger than the last game with it's DLC each time.

              Now that said, the real question is why do you defend being nickle and dime like this with games?

              • 3 months ago

                >For starters you are talking about a racing game to an adventure/RPG.
                Doesn't matter. You're implying base game products need to surpass expanded game products or else they're dishonest, lazy dogshit.
                >how do you defend
                Anon, this time we'll simply get a DLC. To play BBI and Dark Arisen you had to fricking rebuy the game at full price. We'll be getting a better treatment this time.

              • 3 months ago

                > or else they're dishonest, lazy dogshit.
                Never said that, what I said is it's mind boggling people accept such poor treatment of themselves, like what you are doing to yourself right now.

                >We'll be getting a better treatment this time.
                Yes your husband Capcom only smacked you for burning the roast this time rather than punch you, clearly that's worth defending them over it.

              • 3 months ago

                >Never said that
                It's been repeated ITT a ton. Maybe it wasn't you but your buddies are on and on about how this game has less content than DD:DA as if DD:DA isn't an expanded edition.
                >Yes your husband Capcom only smacked you
                lmao, offering my content to expand a game I like is spousal abuse? Hilarious.

                Boots weren't their own slot, they were part of bottom armor.

                >No no no, don't move the goalpost
                I'm not? My whole point is that debilitiations are both
                a) not as viable/possible to build around on the offensive side due to being almost entirely class restricted unlike before, where they were available on numerous weapons that mattered all the way to the endgame, and
                b) a lot less relevant on the defensive due to there being far fewer of them, with many of the more impactful ones being removed outright (torpor, blind, reduced offensive/defensive stats, curse, skill stifled, possession - now limited to a rare skill used by drakes).
                As you agree, debilitations are now limited to specific vocational skills, and even then really to one specific vocation, namely archer. Previously having a fighter with a rusted shield/dragon's den and a rusted/gilded weapon was a viable way to build your endgame frontliner, and it doesn't exist anymore due to the debilitations and equipment options being cut.
                >Literally any status works, you're moronic. There's weapon buffs that mage has you stupid homosexual
                Outside of archer laden with consumable arrows, only frostbite and burn are somewhat reasonably accessible through mage buffs.

                >a) not as viable/possible to build around on the offensive side due to being almost entirely class restricted unlike before
                Yes, previously the design was legitimately bad. Debilitations were far too widely available and were actually widley known to ruin the game. Tar Weapon pawns were a bit of meme in the DD community where we'd mock you for wanting to use something quite so OP.
                >(torpor, blind, reduced offensive/defensive stats, curse, skill stifled, possession - now limited to a rare skill used by drakes).
                I don't want to get schizo on you but with how the vocations look, I think we're gonna simply get7 a dark mage/warlock type vocation in the DLC and that's gonna be where all that shit was relegated to. I don't like how they handed vocations in this with regards to things like Trickster being a "hybrid" with no parents but I bet in the DLC we get dark/holy focused vocations that have lots of these debuffs and status effects that are gone for now.
                > only frostbite and burn are somewhat reasonably accessible through mage buffs.
                Nah, I stunn guys all the time and don't forget that "one fire" is a status too.

                I really don't wanna say "THE DLC WILL FIX IT" but to me, some of these complaints just highlight how they appear to have ehld back some very specific things that just so happen to algebraically imply that there's gonna be holy/dark vocations in the DLC.

              • 3 months ago

                >but your buddies
                You need to take a break

                >is spousal abuse?

                I see you can't into what the metaphor was getting at, but I get it, you are too far gone.

              • 3 months ago

                >offering me a product for a price
                >the same as hitting a woman who loves you

              • 3 months ago

                >Never said that
                It's been repeated ITT a ton. Maybe it wasn't you but your buddies are on and on about how this game has less content than DD:DA as if DD:DA isn't an expanded edition.
                >Yes your husband Capcom only smacked you
                lmao, offering my content to expand a game I like is spousal abuse? Hilarious.

                >a) not as viable/possible to build around on the offensive side due to being almost entirely class restricted unlike before
                Yes, previously the design was legitimately bad. Debilitations were far too widely available and were actually widley known to ruin the game. Tar Weapon pawns were a bit of meme in the DD community where we'd mock you for wanting to use something quite so OP.
                >(torpor, blind, reduced offensive/defensive stats, curse, skill stifled, possession - now limited to a rare skill used by drakes).
                I don't want to get schizo on you but with how the vocations look, I think we're gonna simply get7 a dark mage/warlock type vocation in the DLC and that's gonna be where all that shit was relegated to. I don't like how they handed vocations in this with regards to things like Trickster being a "hybrid" with no parents but I bet in the DLC we get dark/holy focused vocations that have lots of these debuffs and status effects that are gone for now.
                > only frostbite and burn are somewhat reasonably accessible through mage buffs.
                Nah, I stunn guys all the time and don't forget that "one fire" is a status too.

                I really don't wanna say "THE DLC WILL FIX IT" but to me, some of these complaints just highlight how they appear to have ehld back some very specific things that just so happen to algebraically imply that there's gonna be holy/dark vocations in the DLC.

                I'm sorry, would you rather we use food allegories?

              • 3 months ago

                >Yes, previously the design was legitimately bad. Debilitations were far too widely available and were actually widley known to ruin the game
                Again, this is where a sequel should come in and improve on a system rather than cut it out entirely. As it stands, debilitations are a complete non-issue in DD2. They cut out every single one that mattered, to the point where the equally harshly limited armor options don't matter either, because there's nothing worth building resistance against. Even when I maxed out mage and sorcerer, I didn't get silenced a single time. I couldn't even tell you which enemy is supposed to inflict the status at all.
                The only debilitations currently worth a shit are stunned (technically not even a debilitation) and frozen, and they mostly serve as an annoyance to the player, and an easy instant win button on enemies. Yeah, using tarred and gilded weapons was extremely powerful, but I'd expect a decade of time to be enough to come up with a way to make debilitations dangerous enough to want to build defenses against, and to want to use offensively, even at the cost of damage, but not so overpowered as to make the game a cakewalk.

              • 3 months ago

                >They cut out every single one that mattered
                Completely untrue. Drakes specifically silence me whenever I try to use Sorc against them.
                >Yeah, using tarred and gilded weapons was extremely powerful, but I'd expect a decade of time to be enough to come up with a way to make debilitations dangerous enough to want to build defenses against
                Anon, getting put to sleep and then hurled off a cliff is as/more devastating as getting petrified [you have to climb back up]. Getting tarred and then ignited is worse than being poisoned.

                The game has plenty of that shit. Call me again if the DLC doesn't bring that other shit back. I get the impression they're intending the expansion for this as a sort of "Advanced D&D" type thing compared to the base game's Core D&D kind of setup. It would make sense to have more of a focus on those more hardcore things like status effects and resisting them in a DLC dungeon crawl type experience. If they don't flesh that shit out in the DLC then I have nothing to say, it was a concrete step back in some ways.

                Not as bad as what you're saying though. Literally.

              • 3 months ago

                AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Get a load of this fricking moron.

    • 3 months ago

      This is Itsuno's vision. I wish the game was like this.

    • 3 months ago

      >fighting drake
      >all my pawns are dead and gone
      >main pawn literally faded from the timeline on my shoulder while trying to carry them to a safe spot
      >continue fighting drake alone
      >almost out of curatives
      >out of wakestones
      >fight for so long it starts getting dark
      >fricking ghosts start orbiting me

      all this bullshit aside, I love the concept of fighting a dragon literally all fricking day, because it just takes that much fricking killin'.

  27. 3 months ago

    does it still run like trash?

  28. 3 months ago

    It's alright, a solid 7.5. Cryptic and hostile but intriguing mechanics, interesting gameplay, at times creative but eurojank-worthy quest design, has severe performance issues no matter what housefire parts you throw at it (though at the very least they're mostly contained to NPC heavy areas like towns), the beastren region and people are unfinished with little presence or reason to exist. Another factor for poor reception is zoomers are mad the game is oriented for replays and the story is very anticlimactic and short, with particularly bad final acts. If I hadn't bought it for $50 I'd be slightly disappointed, as it is I had fun.

    • 3 months ago

      Most of the way through the game but can tell i liked dd1 more and believe it will be remembered more fondly than 2. World is much larger yes but the quests still dont make proper use of the locations. Movement is overall worse, has witcher 3 sluggish controls, cant jump as high, cant climb as well. Combat is still good despite it but definitely carries the game in its appeal. Story wise there are practically no characters. Dd1 had the jester, mercedes, the nights champion, that tiny evil sorceror shit disturber, etc. While there performances were somewhat cartoonish they at least added flavor to what would be a generic medeival fantasy setting. Dd2 just has everyone do the same restrained generic medeival peasant/noble voice and thats it. Questlines are also shorter too so if you do like a certain character their story ends pretty much right after it starts. If dd1 was a 7/10 dd2 is a solid 6/10. Fans of the first game will have a good time returning to most of the gameplay while new players wont understand why this series had so much hype

      It's half baked fun, too much missing content to say it's better than DD1/DA.


      • 3 months ago

        Look master, a queer!

        • 3 months ago

          >i'm not same gayging. but it was me and my boyfriend who made these posts.

          • 3 months ago

            My left hand did make one of those posts, true enough.

            People expected something close to that old presentation itsuno made with worlds on top of each other and 12 year old mmo tier of content where hitting level 100 gets you to mid game or something.
            They just got a slightly bigger dragons dogma with many of the original problems unadressed, poor performance, and gameplay influenced by microtansactions that make you speed up the progression.
            It's a lukewarm adaptation, wait for a goty edition with hopefully a dark arisen tier of endgame otherwise game's really mid like vanilla dogma 1.

            >and gameplay influenced by microtansactions that make you speed up the progression.
            Not true at all.

            • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                That was original. I call you out calling you a homosexual for samegayging , so you call me a homosexual. You got me.

              • 3 months ago

                I am a bystander, I am only shitposting, I am innocent

              • 3 months ago

                It's funny because you're wrong again.

              • 3 months ago

                wtf is this autism?

              • 3 months ago


  29. 3 months ago

    Most of the way through the game but can tell i liked dd1 more and believe it will be remembered more fondly than 2. World is much larger yes but the quests still dont make proper use of the locations. Movement is overall worse, has witcher 3 sluggish controls, cant jump as high, cant climb as well. Combat is still good despite it but definitely carries the game in its appeal. Story wise there are practically no characters. Dd1 had the jester, mercedes, the nights champion, that tiny evil sorceror shit disturber, etc. While there performances were somewhat cartoonish they at least added flavor to what would be a generic medeival fantasy setting. Dd2 just has everyone do the same restrained generic medeival peasant/noble voice and thats it. Questlines are also shorter too so if you do like a certain character their story ends pretty much right after it starts. If dd1 was a 7/10 dd2 is a solid 6/10. Fans of the first game will have a good time returning to most of the gameplay while new players wont understand why this series had so much hype

    • 3 months ago

      >Story wise there are practically no characters. Dd1 had the jester, mercedes, the nights champion, that tiny evil sorceror shit disturber, etc. While there performances were somewhat cartoonish they at least added flavor to what would be a generic medeival fantasy setting.
      Peak nostalgia moment.

  30. 3 months ago

    It's half baked fun, too much missing content to say it's better than DD1/DA.

  31. 3 months ago

    gameplay, world, pawns, sidequests
    story, main quests pacing

  32. 3 months ago

    It's pretty good.

  33. 3 months ago

    People expected something close to that old presentation itsuno made with worlds on top of each other and 12 year old mmo tier of content where hitting level 100 gets you to mid game or something.
    They just got a slightly bigger dragons dogma with many of the original problems unadressed, poor performance, and gameplay influenced by microtansactions that make you speed up the progression.
    It's a lukewarm adaptation, wait for a goty edition with hopefully a dark arisen tier of endgame otherwise game's really mid like vanilla dogma 1.

    • 3 months ago

      >gameplay influenced by microtansactions that make you speed up the progression
      the frick are you talking about?

  34. 3 months ago

    The gameplay hasn't really evolved. It's jankier than ever, and now there are Black folk everywhere. Medieval Black folk, nothing is more immersion breaking.

  35. 3 months ago

    I really liked DDDA, so I'm enjoying it a lot even if it feels like less of a leap forward and more of an incremental change over the original. I do wish there were more enemies and classes, and maybe a few more open areas as opposed to all the dense forests and mountain passes in Vermund. Maybe Battahl is more like that, but I haven't gotten there yet.

  36. 3 months ago

    Keep in mind that there are people that praise gacha games here

  37. 3 months ago

    >hours and hours of footage of gameplay cycle
    >cant judge for self

    >BuT I'lL gET sPoiLd
    bruh it aint a vn

  38. 3 months ago

    It's simply not as fun as DA.

  39. 3 months ago

    >game is not free
    I will not play your game

  40. 3 months ago

    I haven't played it or the first one but its shit

  41. 3 months ago

    It's mid, like the first game.

  42. 3 months ago

    I don't care, crack when?

  43. 3 months ago

    I played this game already 12 years ago. I won't pay 70 bucks to experience fighting Dullahans with the new spear vocation.

  44. 3 months ago

    Runs fine for me except some lag in town. I hope this game doesnt make you lose affinity for knocking into people like the first game because they tend to spawn right in front of me and get run into. Probably my only real complaint so far. That and I feel the pawns are even more chatty this time and its getting a bit much. For people who complain about the game itself unrelated to perfomance I assume they just didnt know what type of game Dragons Dogma is and havent played the first game. Its not Elden Ring or Skyrim. This is pretty much just the first game with better graphics which I think is fine.

  45. 3 months ago

    i hit 100 hours today, loving it, warrior is great, gear variety sucks tho and it could use some harder content so hoping for a good dlc (enchanted longsword pls)

  46. 3 months ago

    There's the camp that did not play DD1 and thinks the novelty is neat
    There's the camp that did not play DD1 and is frustrated by the jank/lack of handholding
    There's the camp that played DD1 and enjoys the improvements on DD1s flaws
    There's the camp that played DD1 and think the sequel didn't bring enough new to the table

    Me? I'm in the last camp. Because DD1 was fun due to its new systems it brought to the contemporary action RPG.
    This sense of wonder and "I can do THAT?" moments is pretty much completely lost on me in DD2.
    I see a Cyclops and immediately know what to do. Same with Ogres, Gryphons, Golems, Wolves, Goblins, Skeletons, Harpies etc.
    I have already fought all of them 10 years ago and they did not change at all. It just feels like a chore.
    Coop was only saving grace for me to get any enjoyment out of this but alas, they dropped the ball with that.

    • 3 months ago

      >I don't like the sequal because I do similar stuff I did in the original game
      you sound utterly moronic.

    • 3 months ago

      >Coop was only saving grace for me
      nice try fake dd1 fan

    • 3 months ago

      >There's the camp that did not play DD1 and thinks the novelty is neat
      >There's the camp that did not play DD1 and is frustrated by the jank/lack of handholding
      >There's the camp that played DD1 and enjoys the improvements on DD1s flaws
      >There's the camp that played DD1 and think the sequel didn't bring enough new to the table

      There's also the camp who can't run the game. Those who have watched all the pre-release promo videos and got themselves all excited for the launch. Then when the game releases it's running at 15fps for them. They're heart broken. There's no fix in sight. All they can do is vent their anger on the game by lying about it and circumventing all the happy players discourse. They're broken. You're one of them.

      • 3 months ago

        yeah because some morons think dd2 would run on the same hardware that could run a 12 year old game

    • 3 months ago

      I'm in the "Spent $1000 on DDON and I will sit this one out" camp

  47. 3 months ago

    They still haven't released an optimization patch. At this point It's either gonna be a big ass patch fixing everything or Capcom can't figure out how to get NPC's to not tank cities without altering the game completely.

  48. 3 months ago

    So I’m at the quest where I have to choose fighting the dragon or letting the Black person die and leaving. Is this the last quest or is there endgame after this like the first game? I wanna know since if it is the end then I wanna finish the sphinx riddles since that’s all I have left, did all the other quests I believe and went to the volcano island early.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        you meet the dragon and it gives you the same same choice in DD1 if you kill the dragon you end in a credits scene but the ghost dude is in then talk to him a bunch of times and he will send you back to the dragons back climb to the dragons heart and commit sudoku with the godsbane and you access the endgame there

  49. 3 months ago

    let me just say that capcom has the most shills on this site

    • 3 months ago

      Yup. Capcom and SE do the most Ganker marketing by a large margin.

  50. 3 months ago

    They should have just removed the vocation system and let players use any weapon.
    1 weapon for 1 vocation is an absolutely mongoloid moron system

  51. 3 months ago

    it's fun but also unfinished
    I would say it's a solid 7/10 game, better than most releases nowadays

  52. 3 months ago

    I bought a PS5 exclusively for DD2 and I am disappointed, and I played over 400 hours on PS4 for DA. Not counting the PS3 hours.

  53. 3 months ago

    It's GOTY

  54. 3 months ago

    It's kinda both, not unlike the first one. In fact, it's a lot like the first one in general.
    The combat and the pawn system are both awesome. The story, quests and enemy variety are still poor. They did improve on the exploration side of things I think, but on the other hand they fricked up with the game performance and the soundtrack.
    if you liked the first one, you'll like this
    if you expected this to improve on the first one, you'll be disappointed

    • 3 months ago

      >They did improve on the exploration side of things
      I disagree, DD1 had more distinct landmarks while having a smaller map.
      >The Cyclops canyon
      >The misty forest where Selene lived
      >The burnt down dead forest with the church that seemed to have cut content cause nothing happened there but was a cool discovery regardless
      >The windy ass canyons that threw your ass around if you were too light
      >Moonlight Tower with the griffon fight
      >The feminist bandit encampment
      >Cassardis was a better starter location, shits on Melve and Harve
      >Watergod Altar wasn't just 3 hallways leading to a dead end
      >The dragonforged living on hillfigure knoll with a giant person carving on the hill
      >The greatwall encampment which had a way better lead-up to the final battle
      >The valley where the dickass bandits frick your butt early game that became a meme

      • 3 months ago

        and most of those on the list had near nothing to do in them.

        • 3 months ago

          They have at least chests that respawn with randomized loot, which 2 doesnt have.
          Speaking of dungeons, 2 has frickall compared to the first game.

          • 3 months ago

            thanks for letting me know. keep me posted.

            • 3 months ago

              I will. Hell even i didn´t invest this much time into the game, how is this possible? Do you play a new game every 3 years?

              • 3 months ago

                the short version is a made mods and done a lot of play testing for them

          • 3 months ago

            >They have at least chests that respawn with randomized loot
            This was always a bad thing.

            • 3 months ago

              Do you prefer to this having fixed loot, not respawnable with having a chance of 25% being a wakestone shard, 25% being a ferrystone, 49% it being a useless material/potion and 1% being it a equippable item (with a 50% being dogshit because you already bought a better in the next region).

              Generally I agree with you but the alternative DD2 gives is the worse IMO.

              • 3 months ago

                >Do you prefer to this having fixed loot, not respawnable
                Yes. Always yes. That makes them feel like things you find on an adventure and makes them feel like part of the world. Respawning randomized loot is a mechanic that makes it feel like an MMO or gachashit designed around grinding and farming the same things over and over again which leads to design choices like the BBI gacha, which was the only flaw with BBI.

              • 3 months ago

                >Yes. Always yes.
                You see, I´d generally agree with you but when the 1000th chest gives you another useless potion you start to doubt that if it´s really so much better than the old system of reusing chests.

                I hate DD2 motivation to chest hunt.

              • 3 months ago

                As opposed to what, backtracking to old chests like a fricking daily loot route to pick up a twohander that got outclassed 20 hours ago? The potions in DD2 aren't useless, they're actually very useful in post game. Every panacea and allheal really counts, as do wakestones.

              • 3 months ago

                >Every panacea and allheal really counts
                For what, a handicap yourself run?
                >as do wakestones
                When you didn´t bother with the sphinx, other than that they are pebbles chilling in your inventory.

              • 3 months ago

                >the only reliable methods to heal yourself in the post game don't matter
                Okay, moron.

              • 3 months ago

                >>the only reliable methods to heal yourself in the post game don't matter
                >not stacking up at Ibrahim
                truly, moronic.

              • 3 months ago

                >standing around and waiting for time to pass for one item at a time is more fun than finding them yourself in the world
                Truly moronic indeed.

              • 3 months ago

                Having 10x griffin armour chestplates in storage is always a good thing

  55. 3 months ago

    Maybe it's fun but it has no excuse having only 9 vocations

  56. 3 months ago

    I'm really enjoying it. The story is bland as a monster hunter game but the world and the organic way it behaves feels like its pulled off what the witcher 3 tried and failed to do.

    I can swap vocation and just frick off into the woods to level it up and end up running into some like a minotaur or griffon and have a fun boss fight and then maybe a town i saved from lizardmen is now under attack or destroyed or conversely rebuilt and now theres new quests that end up sending me across the map on a long jaunt where i notice a side path i missed last time that leads me through some mines to a whole new area where i find some cool weapons but also along the way as a different class can do shit like make ice platforms or float or whatever to reach what i couldnt as a thief.

    Its definitely not casual friendly but if you were one of those autists that would play oblivion and not use fast travel to enjoy the journey around its that but the world actually changes more dramatically.

    Id say its elements of the witcher, monster hunter, the elder scrolls and a bit of dark souls 2 all mixed together and thats a niche product but one i am enjoying very much.

    • 3 months ago

      My thoughts exactly. I dont even care that there is a main story. It could have just not been there and my opinion would have been the same. I even installed a mod to increase difficulty and lower both vocation xp as well as regular xp just so I can so it longer.
      Then I'll go into ng+ and do it all again.

  57. 3 months ago

    core combat is fun, but with little depth and combat is worse the more enemies there are due to getting flinched by everything, compounded by pawn ai being moronic makes combat feel clunky.
    there's really nothing else good about the game;
    quests are mostly boring with their only redeeming quality is some have different outcomes
    story and main quests are laughably bad
    99% of npcs are not interactive at all
    comically bad npc reactiveness to the world; you can carry around royalty, run through guards in restricted areas, in the rare chance you agro guards moving 1ft out of their zone and back they don't care, can murder people and nobody cares
    basically only 2 and a half biomes
    low monster variety
    gear upgrading is linear
    skills balanced poorly
    equipment/inventory management is extremely cumbersome (no deposit materials button, can't equip from storage, cant interact with storage at shops, "load outs" per vocation only work if you are carrying the equipment on your person)
    lots of useless consumables
    abundant instant use consumables trivialize combat with infinite hp, stamina, and wakestone revives
    Pawn ai is snake oil, they randomly use skills with no reasoning, mobility skills like springboard only usable at scripted locations, they don't get better general ai throughout the game, repetitive voice lines, seldom give any helpful advice on enemies, no ai customization past their initial inclination, some inclinations just work poorly on certain vocations, their voice is tied to inclination so if you like a certain party composition most hired pawns will sound the same
    The game is clearly under baked, could have used at least a year more, leading to cdpr style broken promises like two starting areas and over hyping npc relations

    • 3 months ago

      >Pawn ai is snake oil
      I loved the part when my Pawn used a unique one time spawn per new game Grimmoir that I needed for a Meister quest

    • 3 months ago

      Each one of these threads is fans of the originals providing a long and detailed list of shit this game gets wrong and/or does worse than the original like
      vs mongoloids whose only argument is "u mad u prolly can't run it >:)"

      • 3 months ago

        These threads are full of people who are angry they can't run the game just here to shit the place up.
        People who are enjoying the game have realised that there is no point having any discussion with these people as they just lie and move goalposts in order to push their shit everywhere.

        Nobody has mentioned or argued anything of the sort towards the post you linked to , proving you're just another lying homosexual here shit over the game and the people who are enjoying it.

  58. 3 months ago

    >12+ years for Itsuno to just think about the problems of the first game and come up with ideas on how to fix
    >5 Years of development to implement these fixes
    >They don't bother, Itsuno came up with nothing
    It's shit. Sequels are supposed to be better, not just "LOOK MORE SPACE FOR YOU TO PLAY"

  59. 3 months ago

    I hired a cat man from the rift and got a tutorial pop up telling me about dragonsplague, 45 hours into my playthrough. I threw everyone into the brine, even the pawn that was questioning another about them potentially disobeying. No one was spared. I hope I'm safe now.

  60. 3 months ago

    hoes mad, works on my machine, gg, etc

  61. 3 months ago

    It's just Dragon's Dogma but with ""better"" graphics and downgraded everything else.
    Usually, Game 2 being slightly worse then the original isn't that big of a deal, but Dragon's Dogma to this day is fricking only like 40% finished. It's straight up not acceptable that the sequel is again at roughly equal or slightly lower quality then the OG.
    It paints the picture that Capcom views Dogma 1 as finished and intentionally made the sequel the same because of some misguided "well that's part of the series' identity warts and all" mindset

    • 3 months ago

      >Dragon's Dogma to this day is fricking only like 40% finished
      how so?

      • 3 months ago

        It's just Dragon's Dogma but with ""better"" graphics and downgraded everything else.
        Usually, Game 2 being slightly worse then the original isn't that big of a deal, but Dragon's Dogma to this day is fricking only like 40% finished. It's straight up not acceptable that the sequel is again at roughly equal or slightly lower quality then the OG.
        It paints the picture that Capcom views Dogma 1 as finished and intentionally made the sequel the same because of some misguided "well that's part of the series' identity warts and all" mindset

        Compared to the pitch? Yes.
        But as it turns out once we got BBI, there wasn't a lot of enemy types missing.

        tl:dr for the pitch, if you bother to youtube it:
        DD was made because they managed to cobble together a system where models scaled to size without any animation quirks.
        But as usual 3D tools for level editing and rigging up monsters take a lot of time, And finishing a product is far more important than spending another decade on it.

        The real tl:dr that this image do not post is that basegame would include:
        A few more areas for the main quest, with a few more enemy reskins. I.e what is later refactored into bbi
        Moon for Grigori, which is fricking whatever
        Endless tower for the endgame, a 10x level dungeon to reach the level cap and reach the Seneschal. Instead some of the idea is just recycled into removing the Fire Gods Alter, and making that into something similar to the Void tower's entryway.

  62. 3 months ago

    They stripped off what made the Strider class fun:
    >dodge rolling and double jumping

    • 3 months ago

      Fricking THIS. And being able to seamlessly swap to the bow, and the funnest abilities (ensnaring multiple goblins at once, Toss & Trigger)
      Theif and Archer feel like DOGSHIT (especially archer)

      >They did improve on the exploration side of things
      I disagree, DD1 had more distinct landmarks while having a smaller map.
      >The Cyclops canyon
      >The misty forest where Selene lived
      >The burnt down dead forest with the church that seemed to have cut content cause nothing happened there but was a cool discovery regardless
      >The windy ass canyons that threw your ass around if you were too light
      >Moonlight Tower with the griffon fight
      >The feminist bandit encampment
      >Cassardis was a better starter location, shits on Melve and Harve
      >Watergod Altar wasn't just 3 hallways leading to a dead end
      >The dragonforged living on hillfigure knoll with a giant person carving on the hill
      >The greatwall encampment which had a way better lead-up to the final battle
      >The valley where the dickass bandits frick your butt early game that became a meme

      Almost everything you listed is either boring as frick and lifeless, or you are very explicitly directed there in main quests / obvious side quests. No one "discovers" Blue Moon tower through organic exploring.

  63. 3 months ago

    I'm blasting my ass right now

  64. 3 months ago

    The same thing happened with the first game, only difference is more people are exposed to 2 online because of streamers and youtubers
    >series theme is about cycles repeating
    >games come out and are immediately compared to immensely popular rpgs of previous years (Skyrim, Elden Ring)
    >this causes the ire of normalgays expecting the next big hit causing them to dump the weird japjank rpg
    >handful of loyal autists are treated to one of the best adventure kino of their respective generations, just like the first time
    K I N O

    • 3 months ago

      >Describe your kino game being worse than the competition
      uhh good for you... I guess...

  65. 3 months ago

    Why did he do it, bros ....?

    • 3 months ago

      >This is the "kino" combat that DD2 gays defend

    • 3 months ago

      >here's a video showing something which doesn't happen often
      >all fights with ogres end like this
      I guess you would have to play the game to know though

      • 3 months ago

        >this doesn´t happen often
        It happened in 40 hrs time 4 times for me. 2 griffons, 1 ogre, 1 minotaur.
        >b-b-but the AI is better this time, pinky promise

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah just replace the ogre with pawns and then you have this exact encounter 100% of the time because the AI in this game is fricking dogshit

        • 3 months ago

          Not really. It must be dependant on you having a shit CPU doing the ai then. I think I've lost 2 pawns to the brine in 100 hours.

          • 3 months ago

            >Random reddit tier theory crafting spew to justify how garbage the AI is
            How about you stop avoiding any of the rivers/coasts and cliff edges and maybe you'll understand just how shit this AI is
            It wasn't as noticable in the first game because the verticality was nowhere near this level, but now that every single fricking step you take changes your verticality, the pawn AI has no idea what to do and just stumbles around like a moronic toddler

            • 3 months ago

              You appear to be hellbent in telling me how my game should be running. I've just told you I don't lose pawns to brine. I've had one ogre jump in the brine and that was done on purpose on a broken bridge.
              You have problems, like I said it's possibly down to you having some dogshit PC struggling to do the ai.

              • 3 months ago

                That's literally not how programs run, stop running your moronic mouth thinking you know how anything works if you're this much of an idiot to assume the AI runs differently depending on the user's CPU
                Jesus christ I have literally never read anything so stupid in like 13+ years of this website

              • 3 months ago

                Your game is running different to mine. You're either lying or it's something related to your PC.
                My guess is that you have some absolute dogshit 10 year old i5 CPU with a third world GTX card and you're just crying because it runs shit like the insufferable screeching troony you are.

              • 3 months ago

                I have a 3070 and a 12700k but seriously you should stop sniffing your own farts and come to terms with how stupid you really are, this is not how programs run, there are thousands of factors why people have different fricking playthroughs, not "well your cpu different so urhhm you game bad" you fricking caveman

              • 3 months ago

                yeah, so you have a dogshit PC which barely runs the game and you're venting. Figures
                Stupid fricking troony,

              • 3 months ago

                >Spends more hours trolling about the game on Ganker than actually playing it
                DD shills in a nutshell, no wonder Capcom hates this fricking franchise

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah? So you start by telling me how my game runs and now it's on how much I play it?
                It's funny watching you mouthbreathers realise your mid-range PC is shit.
                >b-b-but it can run cyberpunk ok?

              • 3 months ago

                So 70% of the playerbase on consoles must have the same problem as me while only 98% of players such as yourself with your amazing CPUs have godlike mysterious magical pawn AI that somehow elevates to the year 2050 in terms of technology?
                Shut the frick up you seething moron, go jerk off in a Starfield thread or some shit, this is getting boring
                Also I have 100 hours so technically I know more than you

              • 3 months ago

                >stop pointing out my lies, I want to seethe about a game I can't run in peace
                Take your own advice and frick off and play something more suitable to your shit rig pc

              • 3 months ago

                Intel runs like shit on DD2, amd master race and zero stutters.

    • 3 months ago

      He wanted to go for a quick swim but forgot the water had a moronic monster that eats everything in it. Other animals also have this issue.

      • 3 months ago

        >when you commit to an uncancellable action

      • 3 months ago

        i don't know if i should love the brine or hate it

  66. 3 months ago

    Neutering the vocations is what did it for me all they had to do was keep the vocations from the 1st game and just add the new ones in the 2nd game and the story is pretty subpar good lore just not delivered well in story telling the shit with phaesus makes no fricking logical sense and a bunch of other shit and the fact godsbane doesn't just kill you and your pawn ends up in your body

  67. 3 months ago

    Dragon's Dogma 1 was always a bunch of cool ideas that somehow blended well together but the game never took advantage to do anything meaningful with them. It was still fun to mess around in for many hours and everyone hoped for a sequel to satisfy their "what if" fantasy of taking the formula and actually making a robust game out of it. Dragon's Dogma 2 is again the same story. Not the robust game that everyone wanted out of Dragon's Dogma 1's cult-like success. The first game was liked despite its obvious flaws because it was the first to do many things right. I'm not sure the second one will get the same kind treatment.

  68. 3 months ago

    could have been fun but it's ruined by microtransactions

    • 3 months ago

      It's not though you don't even need it what ruined it is the mediocre story and taking out old hybrid vocations

  69. 3 months ago

    The wind is le pushing memeeeeessss

    Holy fricking cringe. Fans of this series are homosexualS.

  70. 3 months ago

    It is fun.

  71. 3 months ago

    >half the people saying its awesome
    People who actually play it have been loving it.
    >half the people saying its dogshit
    These are a combination of third worlders and shitposting trannies

    • 3 months ago

      >half the people saying its awesome
      People who actually play it & love to suck dicks and zoomers.
      >half the people saying its dogshit
      These are a combination of people who have a shitty PC and people who are dissapointed with a dumbed down dogma.

      • 3 months ago

        lol, it's not dumbed down and zoomers don't have the attentionspan for adventure ludokino like DD2

        • 3 months ago

          >it's not dumbed down
          > the attentionspan for adventure ludokino like DD2
          Zoomer please, stfu.
          It´s reduced in its functions compared to the first therefor it´s dumbed down.
          AI is more moronic.
          Armor is restricted to class unless you´re the memefarer, less armorslots than the first.

          It´s the definiton of dumbing down a complex system to make it approchable for midwits and top tier morons.
          Judging by your favourite buzzwords, you´re a midwit zoomer yourself.
          If you´d only know what it really means stupid goy.

          • 3 months ago

            >It´s reduced in its functions compared to the first therefor it´s dumbed down.
            But it isn't
            >Armor is restricted to class
            Just like before
            > less armorslots than the first.
            Irrelevant and minor point
            >It´s the definiton of dumbing down a complex system to make it approchable for midwits and top tier morons.

            I logged 600+ hours in DD1 and DD2 is a great sequel that expands and improves on everything.

            • 3 months ago

              >But it isn't
              why you lying stupid b***h, I gave the game 8/10 but this is just straight up lying. You had SOOOO much more combinations of active skills you could use.

              • 3 months ago

                >You had SOOOO much more combinations of active skills you could use
                Nah, you're just a lying troony. The amount of things that became core skills completely neuters that pathetic attempt at an argument.

              • 3 months ago

                You are trolling on purpose, go have a nice day discord moron

              • 3 months ago

                >The amount of things that became core skills
                is pathetic. Most of them recycled out of the first, the other practically useless.

                Bet you creamed your pants after you unlocked every "hold square for charged light attack" core skill.

            • 3 months ago

              Great argument
              >expands and improves on everything.
              Removing hydra and other monsters, limiting the skills and weapons and barely adding anything new to compensate improves everything?
              Holy shit, never make anything ever

              • 3 months ago

                >It removes that monster that you don't even have to fight at the start
                how dare they

              • 3 months ago

                Sounds like you hate player choice

              • 3 months ago

                >Removing hydra
                Adding Medusa
                > limiting the skills
                Not true
                >barely adding anything new

                You are trolling on purpose, go have a nice day discord moron

                I always know I'm on target when the discord trannies start accusing me of being one of them.

                I'm not gonna play this game, you're a dishonest moron.

              • 3 months ago

                Mixed reviews and active players are mogged by BG3 after just 2 weeks

              • 3 months ago

                >Not true
                you didn't play the first game

              • 3 months ago

                >adding Medusa
                Removed different subtypes of drake and cursed dragons, removed wieneratrice, removed evil eye, removed gorecyclops, removed metal golems.

              • 3 months ago

                >Removed different subtypes of drake and cursed dragons
                lmao, the ice and lightning guys lived in one spot and didn't improve or expand the game at all.
                >removed wieneratrice
                >removed evil eye
                Agreed. Not cool. They added Wargs though. Those used to be BBI only. Minotaurs are entirely new too.
                > removed gorecyclops
                DLC monsters don't count and there's a cyclops variant with the Gorecyclops style spiked armor.
                > metal golems
                Objectively one of the biggest design flaws of the OG. Good luck if you didn't bring a bow user.

                >The amount of things that became core skills
                is pathetic. Most of them recycled out of the first, the other practically useless.

                Bet you creamed your pants after you unlocked every "hold square for charged light attack" core skill.

                >Most of them recycled out of the first
                I'm sorry I thought content from the first game being in the second was desirable. Are you gonna go and say it's actually bad they brought Griffons back?

                >"they didn't restrict the armor system"
                >"yes they did, and here's how"
                >"I don't care, though"
                Great argument, homosexual. Why are you even still in this thread?

                It's not a restriction, it's a change. They removed the outer layer option and that's all it is. The old game was already heavily limited by vocations for armor

                >the daggers AND bows more throughly and enjoyably implemented.

                ooo im standing and shooting a bow, oooooooooooo, loook at me I am standing and shoooting oooooooooh such nice gameplay oooooooooooophhhhhh standing and shooooooooting aaaaaaaahhhhhh hohhhhhhhhhhhhhh

                lmao, shut the frick up homosexual, you know I'm right. Now the archery gameplay is superior and more nuanced and the dagger gameplay is more focused and powerful. Splitting strider was objectively intelligent.

              • 3 months ago

                >more nuanced
                xD It's fun to engage with bad faith actors but it's kinda sad that someone will read it and believe them

              • 3 months ago

                >DLC monsters don't count
                but they count when it's Wargs? kys

              • 3 months ago

                Yes because this is DD2 without DLC so we need to compare it to DD1 without DLC.

                >DD1 without DLC didn't have Wargs.
                >DD2 without DLC does.
                This makes DD2 look good

                >DD1 without DLC didn't have Gorecyclops
                >DD2 without DLC doesn't either [though it does have a Gorecyclops inspired Cyclops variant]
                So who cares?

              • 3 months ago

                >lmao, the ice and lightning guys lived in one spot and didn't improve or expand the game at all
                They were still removed.
                >DLC monsters don't count
                Why not? Why would you not expect a sequel a decade later to incorporate elements from the DLC of its predecessor?
                >Objectively one of the biggest design flaws of the OG
                So you're saying a sequel is the perfect time to reiterate on a previously failed concept and improve on it, rather than just cutting content again?

                >It's not a restriction, it's a change

                >Irrelevant and minor point
                The armor system was immensely streamlined and dumbed down. Fewer slots, cloaks can't even be upgraded anymore, resistances are generally so minor that you can't even build around certain immunities anymore like you could in DD1, where minmaxing underclothes and cloaks could often be the difference to make your pawn immune to some of the more brutal debilitations.
                But thankfully that kind of build consideration isn't needed anymore, because they also dumbed down the combat system. There's also fewer debilitations in total that are barely available as options anymore/heavily restricted to specific vocation skills. No more building your pawn around inflicting debuffs, it's all damage all the time now.

                Removing tactical depth is neither irrelevant nor minor.

                . How is heavily limiting options on both fronts not a restriction? That's generally what the removal of options comes down to.

              • 3 months ago

                >So you're saying a sequel is the perfect time to reiterate on a previously failed concept and improve on it
                There's no way to improve it. It's a shit concept that belongs in the trash.

                >Irrelevant and minor point
                The armor system was immensely streamlined and dumbed down. Fewer slots, cloaks can't even be upgraded anymore, resistances are generally so minor that you can't even build around certain immunities anymore like you could in DD1, where minmaxing underclothes and cloaks could often be the difference to make your pawn immune to some of the more brutal debilitations.
                But thankfully that kind of build consideration isn't needed anymore, because they also dumbed down the combat system. There's also fewer debilitations in total that are barely available as options anymore/heavily restricted to specific vocation skills. No more building your pawn around inflicting debuffs, it's all damage all the time now.

                Removing tactical depth is neither irrelevant nor minor.

                >The armor system was immensely streamlined and dumbed down
                >Fewer slots
                One less slot.
                >Cloaks can't even be upgraded anymore
                Good, there's enough upgrading autism in these games and it sucks to feel like you can't swap your cloak because you haven't max upgraded the new one you found
                >, resistances are generally so minor that you can't even build around certain immunities anymore like you could in DD1
                lmao, nobody ever did that. Nobody was going into BBI with anti-petrification gear or whatever.
                > to make your pawn immune
                Anon, there are rings for this now.
                >No more building your pawn around inflicting debuffs
                Not even true but ok.

                This is all you've got anti-shill trannies? Pathetic.

              • 3 months ago

                I liked DD2, but you're that moronic homosexual who shitposts about dwarven smithing being bad and who posts wikipedia quotes and pretends to know anything about machine learning. You should have a nice day.

              • 3 months ago

                LMAO imagine being this stupid and bitter



              • 3 months ago

                but they told me my 2010 nokia uses advanced ai for text messages?

              • 3 months ago

                have a nice day, moron. You don't understand what learning means, and you've never touched machine learning in your life.

              • 3 months ago

                >One less slot
                Can't you count?
                DD1 had: Shirt, Pants, Armor (top), Armor (bottom), Gloves, Cloak, Helmet
                DD2 has: Armor (top), Armor (bottom), Cloak, Helmet
                Some quick maths tells us that's a difference of three slots.
                >Nobody was going into BBI with anti-petrification gear or whatever
                Why lie? If you entered BBI for the first time, it was always considered a good idea to give at least your pawns good possession and petrification resistance, because fighting a wieneratrice in the small arenas was a bad fricking time.
                >Anon, there are rings for this now
                Yes, and there were rings in DD1, and they were actually relevant there, because there were more resistances and more brutal debilitations to worry about that were scrapped
                >Not even true but ok
                The only debuff anyone inflicts with their pawns at the endgame level is frost, and that's only because the ice daggers are strong enough to matter damage-wise. No gold, tarred, or rusted weapons/shields for utility debuffs.
                >Good, there's enough upgrading autism in these games and it sucks to feel like you can't swap your cloak because you haven't max upgraded the new one you found
                Now you never swap your cloak, and always swap your armor to the same ones everyone at your level is wearing, because no value other than raw defense matters. Removing complexity removes options and streamlines the process, and that's exactly what happened with DD2.

              • 3 months ago

                DD1 also had boots. Really DD2 has less slots than Skyrim.

              • 3 months ago

                Boots weren't their own slot, they were part of bottom armor.

                >Some quick maths tells us that's a difference of three slots.
                Yeah I guess that's fair.
                >Why lie? If you entered BBI for the first time, it was always considered a good idea to give at least your pawns good possession and petrification resistance, because fighting a wieneratrice in the small arenas was a bad fricking time.
                Nobody did that. It's not worth it. You just go to a riftstone and resummon them if they get got. Or keep them well stocked for anti-petrifying curatives.
                >Yes, and there were rings in DD1, and they were actually relevant there
                No no no, don't move the goalpost, we now have rings that grant immunity to sleep or tar and other things.
                > No gold, tarred, or rusted weapons/shields for utility debuffs.
                Yeah instead you need to use appropriate skills. Archer is literally KING of debuffs.
                > that's only because the ice daggers are strong
                Literally any status works, you're moronic. There's weapon buffs that mage has you stupid homosexual. Archer has a skill for several debilitations too.

                lmao, stay moronic shit-for-brains. Imagine seeing the wikipedia definition of how ANNs are trained and saying
                >THAT ISN'T TRUE!!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I TOOK COMP SCI ONCE!!!!!
                You're a hilarious amount of stupid and stubborn.

                >No no no, don't move the goalpost
                I'm not? My whole point is that debilitiations are both
                a) not as viable/possible to build around on the offensive side due to being almost entirely class restricted unlike before, where they were available on numerous weapons that mattered all the way to the endgame, and
                b) a lot less relevant on the defensive due to there being far fewer of them, with many of the more impactful ones being removed outright (torpor, blind, reduced offensive/defensive stats, curse, skill stifled, possession - now limited to a rare skill used by drakes).
                As you agree, debilitations are now limited to specific vocational skills, and even then really to one specific vocation, namely archer. Previously having a fighter with a rusted shield/dragon's den and a rusted/gilded weapon was a viable way to build your endgame frontliner, and it doesn't exist anymore due to the debilitations and equipment options being cut.
                >Literally any status works, you're moronic. There's weapon buffs that mage has you stupid homosexual
                Outside of archer laden with consumable arrows, only frostbite and burn are somewhat reasonably accessible through mage buffs.

              • 3 months ago

                >Boots weren't their own slot
                It's understandable why he got confused because a lot of lower armor was just boots, the lower cloth slot was many times pants.

              • 3 months ago

                There's also the chest slot armors that were just WWE championship belts and/or loincloths, which certainly doesn't help things

              • 3 months ago

                >Some quick maths tells us that's a difference of three slots.
                Yeah I guess that's fair.
                >Why lie? If you entered BBI for the first time, it was always considered a good idea to give at least your pawns good possession and petrification resistance, because fighting a wieneratrice in the small arenas was a bad fricking time.
                Nobody did that. It's not worth it. You just go to a riftstone and resummon them if they get got. Or keep them well stocked for anti-petrifying curatives.
                >Yes, and there were rings in DD1, and they were actually relevant there
                No no no, don't move the goalpost, we now have rings that grant immunity to sleep or tar and other things.
                > No gold, tarred, or rusted weapons/shields for utility debuffs.
                Yeah instead you need to use appropriate skills. Archer is literally KING of debuffs.
                > that's only because the ice daggers are strong
                Literally any status works, you're moronic. There's weapon buffs that mage has you stupid homosexual. Archer has a skill for several debilitations too.

                have a nice day, moron. You don't understand what learning means, and you've never touched machine learning in your life.

                lmao, stay moronic shit-for-brains. Imagine seeing the wikipedia definition of how ANNs are trained and saying
                >THAT ISN'T TRUE!!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I TOOK COMP SCI ONCE!!!!!
                You're a hilarious amount of stupid and stubborn.

              • 3 months ago

                >and always swap your armor to the same ones everyone at your level is wearing, because no value other than raw defense matters.
                Before release shills would constantly post the interview where Shitsuno said they were aiming for the opposite of this in response to removing armor slots.

              • 3 months ago

                That really tells you everything you need to know about this defense force.

              • 3 months ago

                2 added face masks though. i guess

              • 3 months ago

                If BBI enemies dont count then old DD enemies like goblins and ogres dont count as enemies in DD2.
                DD2 has only like 2 enemies then

              • 3 months ago

                That's shitskin third world dog eating logic.

                >lmao, the ice and lightning guys lived in one spot and didn't improve or expand the game at all
                They were still removed.
                >DLC monsters don't count
                Why not? Why would you not expect a sequel a decade later to incorporate elements from the DLC of its predecessor?
                >Objectively one of the biggest design flaws of the OG
                So you're saying a sequel is the perfect time to reiterate on a previously failed concept and improve on it, rather than just cutting content again?

                >It's not a restriction, it's a change
                See [...]. How is heavily limiting options on both fronts not a restriction? That's generally what the removal of options comes down to.

                >They were still removed.
                Yes and they were still utterly meaningless in the grand scheme. Drake but casts ice magic isn't that special.
                >Why not? Why would you not expect a sequel a decade later to incorporate elements from the DLC of its predecessor?
                Because what's fair to compare non-DLC versions to non-DLC versions. When DD2 gets it's DLC, then you can complain about the ways it possibly falls short of the BBI content.

              • 3 months ago

                DD2 isnt special, nothing would change if it didnt exist
                >dude DD1 but less stuff

              • 3 months ago

                You won't get anywhere with shills bro.
                >Hydra is gone
                Who cares
                >Medusa is in
                NEW ENEMY
                They even defend the removal of layered clothing at this point. They will eat any shit up.

              • 3 months ago

                >They even defend the removal of layered clothing at this point
                That's what made me put on the clown nose and honk at people here. At best they are just other clowns, at worse there are some really stupid people that deserve to be honked at in these threads.

              • 3 months ago

                You should unironically be forced to wear an ugly set if you're a metagayging Black person. They should never put a hide helmet option while we're at it.

              • 3 months ago

                Is that the only reason you can think of why people take issue with the cut?

                Do you prefer to this having fixed loot, not respawnable with having a chance of 25% being a wakestone shard, 25% being a ferrystone, 49% it being a useless material/potion and 1% being it a equippable item (with a 50% being dogshit because you already bought a better in the next region).

                Generally I agree with you but the alternative DD2 gives is the worse IMO.

                I do think some reactions of exaggerated but I fully understand why people are unhappy for how often DD2 does things worse than DD1 and what little "better" there is isn't enough to make up the failings.

              • 3 months ago

                There isn't any other reason why people want layered armor. The core of the issue is that people are angry that they can't play dress up while metagayging their stats. Frick you Black person, transmog is the tranniest garbage ever created. If you want heavy armor stats, you should look like you're in a heavy armor. Not in your AGP bikini garbage.

              • 3 months ago

                >There isn't any other reason why people want layered armor.
                Do you even understand how it worked in DD1?

              • 3 months ago

                The core issue is fashion combinations. Who cares about stats you double Black person? Dragon's Dogma 3 will not have a character creator and you people are gonna be praising it i swear

              • 3 months ago

                I hope they get rid of Pawns too.

              • 3 months ago

                >There isn't any other reason why people want layered armor.
                Do you even understand how it worked in DD1?

                >the issue isn't that I'm a troony playing dress up, it's that I'm a troony playing dress up
                Thank you very much for confirming troony

              • 3 months ago

                Are you implying the only reason you ever want to design something is if you were trans?
                Also you still haven't address the other two reasons why it was important.

              • 3 months ago

                >The core issue is fashion combinations.
                yet people dressed their pawns up in the same gear, doesn't matter what level.
                Thank frick they got rid of the jesters, pink dresses and all in one armour sets

              • 3 months ago

                At least the creative ones had the option not to. But sure, remove that too. Everyone just wears the corset in DD2 anyway.

              • 3 months ago

                layered armor in DD context is not transmog shill-chan.

              • 3 months ago

                i just wear the agp bikini armor and upgrade it because the game is piss easy anyway
                >t-the dlc will-
                no, it'll be piss easy as well, hell i still wore dragonforged silk lingerie in my bbi run because weapon damage is the only thing that really matters and i'm not even good at the game, you cannot stop me

                Open chests let you know you've been there before. If they closed again you'd just be doing the same dungeons over and over wondering if you've found everything

                is the wakestone shart chest in ulrika's house the only one in the entire game that respawns? why are there so many fricking wakestone shards anyway, half of them should have been ferrystones

              • 3 months ago

                >is the wakestone shart chest in ulrika's house the only one in the entire game that respawns?
                Didn't know that, only went there once.

              • 3 months ago

                It's even worse because the medusa is barely in the game. It's in a single, specific cave and respawns every 14 days. Unless you know where she lives, or actively farm her for her fricking bones, which is a pointless endeavour when you can just duplicate them at the scrap shop, there's a pretty good chance you'll never fight her more than once during the average playthrough. If you fight her at all.

              • 3 months ago

                >Most of them recycled out of the first
                >I'm sorry I thought content from the first game being in the second was desirable. Are you gonna go and say it's actually bad they brought Griffons back?

                You seem to struggel because of your midwit fails to grasp on the word "expanding" or "reducing".
                We didn´t wanted only the Griffon back, with the skills and the classes, we wanted more of it. New Griffonlike monster, 3 different Griffon subs and a Griffon hybrid, whatever. Not the same enemies but less.
                Like for example having more than one skill unlocking per vocation lv up, or more levels than 10. More vocations, especially new ones or at least recycled from DDO for thoose who didn´t play it, and not reducement of all of it.

              • 3 months ago

                >We didn´t wanted only the Griffon back
                Shut the frick up paco, your third world broken english that you spew is disgusting and pointless.

                Go back to fighting streetdogs for stale bread.

              • 3 months ago

                por favour saar

            • 3 months ago

              >Irrelevant and minor point
              The armor system was immensely streamlined and dumbed down. Fewer slots, cloaks can't even be upgraded anymore, resistances are generally so minor that you can't even build around certain immunities anymore like you could in DD1, where minmaxing underclothes and cloaks could often be the difference to make your pawn immune to some of the more brutal debilitations.
              But thankfully that kind of build consideration isn't needed anymore, because they also dumbed down the combat system. There's also fewer debilitations in total that are barely available as options anymore/heavily restricted to specific vocation skills. No more building your pawn around inflicting debuffs, it's all damage all the time now.

              Removing tactical depth is neither irrelevant nor minor.

            • 3 months ago

              >But it isn't
              ah ok, so 4 skills are more than 5. Splitting one vocation into 2 is not padding, it´s expanding right? Having different outcomes of a quest is bad and having new and more monsters would be to confusing for you, right?
              >Just like before
              I could dress my warrior with a robe if I wanted to, why are the no robes for warriors?
              Why are there no leather helmets for warriors?
              It´s more restricted than the first was and you simply can´t refute it.
              >Irrelevant and minor point
              because it isn´t simplyfied, right.
              please give me your definition of dumbing down.

              >I logged 600+ hours in DD1 and DD2 is a great sequel that expands and improves on everything.
              lying homosexual, as expected from a shill.

              • 3 months ago

                >Splitting one vocation into 2 is not padding, it´s expanding right?
                Yes. Strider was too versatile and now they made the daggers AND bows more throughly and enjoyably implemented.
                >I could dress my warrior with a robe if I wanted to, why are the no robes for warriors?
                Who fricking cares?
                >It´s more restricted than the first was and you simply can´t refute it.
                I don't care though. Robes are Warriors is fricking stupid and you've made a non-argument based on subjective things like dressing your pawn in a moronic manner.

                >Not true
                you didn't play the first game

                No, it's simply unture you filthy fricking troon.

                Mchave a nice day.

              • 3 months ago

                >"they didn't restrict the armor system"
                >"yes they did, and here's how"
                >"I don't care, though"
                Great argument, homosexual. Why are you even still in this thread?

              • 3 months ago

                Not your screen, have a nice day shill

              • 3 months ago

                >the daggers AND bows more throughly and enjoyably implemented.

                ooo im standing and shooting a bow, oooooooooooo, loook at me I am standing and shoooting oooooooooh such nice gameplay oooooooooooophhhhhh standing and shooooooooting aaaaaaaahhhhhh hohhhhhhhhhhhhhh

              • 3 months ago

                >Yes. Strider was too versatile and now they made the daggers AND bows more throughly and enjoyably implemented.
                >Nooooo you can´t have fun in a singleplayer game, it has to be same boring shit for everyone.
                They fricking neutralized them both and took out the fun.
                >I don't care though.
                that´s all what coming from you, shill shit at all costs.

                I cared about the game, I hoped it will be better than the first. It isn´t and that´s why I care and try to tell other anons to watch out for greed shills who lie trough the teeth just to sell this unfinished product.

              • 3 months ago

                >They fricking neutralized them both and took out the fun.
                Anon, Archer and Thief are the two strongest classes after Sorcerer. They're also widely considerted to be most fun, Thief especially.

              • 3 months ago

                >Archer and Thief are the two strongest classes
                >after Sorcerer
                >They're also widely considerted to be most fun
                Anon, not a single sane person would consider Archer the "most fun" vocation. Kicking goblins is fun for a bit, sure, but its skill set is so fricking one-note, it's easily the most brain numbing vocation of them all, more so than fricking Warrior.
                Also, in what universe are archer and thief anywhere near each other in the power ranking, and what are you smoking to rank thief below sorcerer? Sorcerer is certainly decent, but thief completely blows it out of the water, as do other vocations, like magick archer and warfarer.

              • 3 months ago

                Playing either Archer or Fighter remove the "easy" mode from the game.

              • 3 months ago

                >nuking bosses with big dick headshots and bomb arrows
                >brain numbing
                Oh wait a second. "Brain numbing".... You're ESL too.

                AHAHAHAHA fricking anti-shills are all bitter shitskins with bad PCs who were big fans of DD1.

  72. 3 months ago

    It’s mid exactly like the first one. A great core with tons of problems.

  73. 3 months ago

    It is a 9/10 for me. I'm about 55 hours in. It gives a feeling of adventure as no other game has, including DD1.

    But it has some major faults even still. The lack of a BBI dungeon being the biggest one. The story sucks. The characters aren't memorable (save for the sphinx). The difficulty in general drops off too early, though drakes still give me trouble.

    But with a solid DLC (or two) this could be my favorite game of all time.

    • 3 months ago

      At the 56th hour the adventure novelty will end and you'll start hating the game, happened to me

  74. 3 months ago

    I've had fun running around the map and killing stuff. The story seems boring and filled with black people though so I don't know if I'll do it.

  75. 3 months ago

    it's unironically a masterpiece that is maybe a bit too short. feels about half the length of elden ring with about 1/4th enemy variety but whats there is all top quality.

    • 3 months ago

      The only thing stopping me from trying the game are the performance concerns. As soon as they fix a couple of things I'll come on board.

  76. 3 months ago

    >shills are saying its aswesome
    >people with logic its saying its shit

    • 3 months ago

      lol silly anti-shill nobody is actually shilling, we're just having fun.

  77. 3 months ago

    Unironically just play the original, it's the same shit but with more classes and a memorable antagonist

    • 3 months ago

      >and a memorable antagonist
      The main antagonist in DD2 is a straight up ripoff of the mid-game antagonist in DD1, well there was two mid-game antagonists in DD1 I'm talking about the wizard you fight at Bluemoon Tower not the hooded geezer.

  78. 3 months ago

    Myself at least it’s the former

    • 3 months ago

      Why did they bait us with this DnD artwork and then remove the DnD staple enemies like evil eyes?

      • 3 months ago

        because DLC BABY

  79. 3 months ago

    All the forced Black person characters ruined it.

    The game went from what was almost a 9/10 for me to a 7/10 when that fricking sellsword Black person with THAT haircut that keeps appearing in literally fricking everything showed up.

    His character look was cringe enough, but the voice acting for that character in particular is so fricking horrific it took 2 entire points off my score.

    Webm related, it's me killing this fricking Black person after I killed him earlier in the cutscene then rez'd him and had him escort approach me so I can kill him again. This character right here is absolute proof of some woke homosexuals meddling. He's almost identical to that new Prince of Persia character design too, entirely by coincidence of them forcing this homosexual haricut into every 3rd character.

    • 3 months ago

      >All the forced Black person characters ruined it
      There's like one that's somewhat relevant to the story. Are you surprised that the southern desert nation is populated by browns and blacks?

      • 3 months ago

        blacks didn't exist until we discovered them around 1950

      • 3 months ago

        >Are you surprised that the southern desert nation is populated by browns and blacks?
        The middle eastern nation is populated by cats and african Blacks, not brown arabs and semites. Why are there so many Blacks? I think I counted 2 asians and that was it for other races. DD1 had meds and arabs everywhere that fit the setting, 2 did not.

  80. 3 months ago

    I enjoyed it for at least 60 hours. But I happen to enjoy both the setting and the gameplay

  81. 3 months ago

    Final verdict: It's dogshit.

    • 3 months ago

      Forgot screenshot

  82. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      I still love the contrast between the ingame/English and Japanese versions of the song, particularly how the former bemoans the cycle’s existence while the latter encourages the Arisen to seek its end. Simple but clever

  83. 3 months ago

    a capcom game fun? maybe in the past. not now

  84. 3 months ago

    It's weird. Not an upgrade, not exactly a downgrade either. Not the same game as the first, but it's not very different. It feels unfinished and unpolished, but so did the original. It's an okay game, but if you felt any hype or considered yourself a fan of DD/DA then you're going to be disappointed and constantly comparing the two. My biggest complaint is that some things are either missing (layers) or changed in an unsatisfying way (vocations and character creation). There's the unpleasant human aesthetics too but bringing that up always incites sperging. Overall, the game's in a weird spot where technically there's not much wrong with it, but it's just not the polished and satisfying sequel that people anticipated. Maybe the rumoured DLC will fix the gripes that people have with it? Personally I regret buying it in its current form because it not living up to the hype has completely discoloured the experience for me. I'm sure the game would've been more enjoyable if I went in expecting very little and hadn't replayed Dark Arisen a couple months ago.

  85. 3 months ago

    The most objective take you will see on this board:
    I liked the game, it's a solid 8/10. 10/10 in first 30 hours even.

    Why people hate the game?

    Because it's not DD1, it has nothing to do with DD1, DD1 was an arcade fast game where you had a lot of interaction with gameplay systems, you could run around jump like a maniac and dribble around mobs. You can't do that in DD2. In DD2 you stand and you shoot, or you stand and you swing your big iron. DD1 to DD2 is what Call Of Duty is to Escape from Tarkov. DD2 is low fantasy setting were you slowly pave your way through, the quests are much more basic, much less heroic. DD1 is much much much FASTER than DD2 ever could be and also it's much more "grandieur". This is why people hate DD2, because it literally has nothing in common with Dragons Dogma 1 except Pawn System and vocations.

    The good things:
    It looks amazing
    It has a great vibe
    It feels nice to explore the world for the first time
    There is a sense of discovery around every corner

    The bad things:
    Mob variety is terrible
    The story is terrible, the wrap-up anticlimatic
    You can 95% of gear in shops (why?)
    The difficulty scaling is piss poor, if you comb through Vernworth for too long and hit level 30'ish before you enter Battahl you will one shot everything and will have to resort to Custom Difficulty mod to have any real semblence of challenge at that point even if you switch to different Vocations to level them up.
    The classes are boring, only 4 active skills SUCKS dick and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's just terrible.

    why are you moronic Black folk saying that it's a "side-step" or it's "less than dragon dogma 1" when it literally has nothing to do with DD1??????????????????????

    • 3 months ago

      Why are you giving it an 8/10 when you listed more bad things than good things and 3/4 of your good things are basically the same points?
      People are comparing it to DD1 because it's literally called Dragons Dogma 2. You fight the same dragon, you fight the same enemies, you use the same abilities... and there are parts of the game that are worse than the first, how is that hard to understand?

      • 3 months ago

        Because I enjoyed it, I like low fantasy and I like to slowly pave my way through hordes of mobs. Also after entering Battahl I used 0.5 damage taken by enemies/bosses and 2.0 damage dealt by enemies.

        >You fight the same dragon, you fight the same enemies, you use the same abilities...
        Who the frick cares, I fought the same enemies and dragons in Skyrim therefore should I call it TES6? It's just some elements that are common in this medium. What I mean is that in terms of game-design there is no connection between DD1 and DD2 other than the Pawn System, the core essence of the gameplay: how you move, how you attack, is so far apart in their design philosophy it's hardly a continuation or a variation of the first game. It's something completely different as in CoD/Tarkov.

        Why do I give it 8/10? Frick, I really liked the first part of the game. The climbing of the enemies is fun, the vocation variety is good enough for the first half of the game. I wouldn't buy armors and weapons from shops rather used what I found, et cetra. A lot of self-imposed video game cuckoldry made this actually a very enjoyable experience for me. It could've been so much more. Also you can tell that they ran out of time and had to kind of throw out what they had to wrap it up and be done with it. Or perhaps they cut content for the DLC on purpouse, who knows.

        • 3 months ago

          Your shit taste in FPS games makes me think you have shit taste in dogma games

          • 3 months ago

            Anon-kun... It's like a food metaphor.... but using video games.... not an opinion of....

        • 3 months ago

          I'm not that FPS anon who replied to you but as to your point of
          >Why do I give it 8/10? Frick, I really liked the first part of the game.
          I actually agree. I enjoyed it for a solid 40 hours or something, but then it felt like reality kicked in and I realised I'm just doing the exact same gameplay loop until it gets boring, which it did. I'm not knocking your opinion of the game or anything I was just curious why you rated it so high, but if you got your moneys worth then that's fair enough
          For me, waiting 12 years for this game simply was not worth it. Did I enjoy a good chunk of the game? Yep. Do I wish there was more to it than just "Remember DD1 but prettier?" Yep

          • 3 months ago

            dragon's dogma third times the charm here we come

  86. 3 months ago

    its hard mid, if you don't play any other recent or A+ games its good. if you've played anything in the last 5-7 years it feels old and lacking
    so much padding in such a shite way

  87. 3 months ago

    Where's the music? I loved 1 so much because it had some great music in the right moments.
    I don't remember ANY music from the second game and I finished it two days ago. I still remember THE WIND IS PUSHING ME!!!!!!

    • 3 months ago

      >Where's the music?

  88. 3 months ago

    How come I had 6 portcrystals and when I went to new game plus I only have 4?

  89. 3 months ago

    it's a 6/10 just like the first one, the only difference is that people out of the circlejerk and trying it so you are hearing negative opinions

  90. 3 months ago

    7 hours in, the performance is turning me off. i guess its fun so far

  91. 3 months ago


  92. 3 months ago

    Shame that there is no demo to try before you buy but I guess that's by design. I'm skipping it until it's dirt-cheap, pirateable, or free on PSPlus. Too many red flags.

  93. 3 months ago

    Why are so many people saying they dislike the game, but then are spending their time posting in threads about the game?

    • 3 months ago

      Likely the same reason people that say they like the game are spending their time posting in threads about the game

      Why the frick would you or anyone think it takes any energy or time to follow threads when almost all tech around lets them post here. I waiting for test samples in a lab to finish up and I am posting here to pass the time, it's that's not that hard to share options anymore.

      • 3 months ago

        I like the game so enjoy talking about it.
        I don't enjoy talking about things I don't enjoy. For eg. I don't enjoy sports. I don't spend my time on sports forums discussing football.
        Do you understand how fricking weird it is. It's clearly a shill campaign from thirdy poorgays.

        • 3 months ago

          >I don't enjoy talking about things I don't enjoy.

          we both know that isn't true

        • 3 months ago

          anon you are wasting time right now over people saying they don't enjoy the game. You didn't think your stance through at all.

    • 3 months ago

      if the game is so much fun why even come here to defended it?

      • 3 months ago

        >Why do you like to talk about things you enjoy?
        are you moronic?

        • 3 months ago

          You don't enjoy it that much as all you are doing is wasting time about people complaining. You are talking about the game itself but you are wasting time talking about people that didn't like it.

          You call others moronic not seeing you are the biggest idiot in the room.

          • 3 months ago

            >you are the biggest idiot in the room.
            You're here because you have a dogshit PC which barely runs the game, and that eats you up inside and it's glorious to watch.

            • 3 months ago

              >people are breaking down missing features and bad gameplay more so when compared to the first game
              >no one is talking about performance or even the cash shop
              >the defenders don't even know how the game works and keeps fricking up with what is actually in either game
              >but it's the critics that can't play it
              What a weird ass cope. I was just joking before but perhaps you are that dumb.

              • 3 months ago

                lmao amazing how you trannies operate, you work like israelites
                you lie through your teeth and paint the other side as the liar
                literally the israelite cries out in pain as he strikes you

              • 3 months ago

                Anon Trannies are loving DD2 and are defending it on social media quite aggressively. if they come here, I don't think they be posting hate about it.

              • 3 months ago

                Black person the mascot of the discord troony group is literally some agp homosexual avatargayging as a tranime character, try again troon

              • 3 months ago

                You have no name or sources. Why? Because it's made up in your head.

              • 3 months ago

                Post the link or youre full of shit shill

              • 3 months ago

                I wasn't discussing those features with you. I was pointing out that you're a lying c**t with a shit PC who struggles to run the game.
                >b-b-but I was joking when I was moron
                No, you don't have to pretend.
                Did you actually put 100 hours into the game running at 25fps ? fricking lol

              • 3 months ago

                The rabid fanboys of this game are pointless to argue with, like that guy who's talking about PC specs and shit thinking AI acts differently depending on a user's CPU for frick sake. I've seen people saying "I prefer 30 fps to 60 fps" even, and defending the absolute barebones Dragonsplague mechanic saying it's super interesting and exciting when it's just a "lol town nuked for 7 days enjoy homosexual" system implemented and forgotten about
                You can't argue with these people, they have attached themselves emotionally to this video game, they can't be reasoned with

              • 3 months ago

                You're mentally ill

              • 3 months ago

                Original post anon! Keep refreshing the page to call anyone who has a problem with the game either a troony or a mentally ill person, I'm sure your welfare cheque will be worth the hours you spend trolling on moronic chinese imageboards

              • 3 months ago

                You are factually correct.

    • 3 months ago

      It's posts like this

      >Splitting one vocation into 2 is not padding, it´s expanding right?
      Yes. Strider was too versatile and now they made the daggers AND bows more throughly and enjoyably implemented.
      >I could dress my warrior with a robe if I wanted to, why are the no robes for warriors?
      Who fricking cares?
      >It´s more restricted than the first was and you simply can´t refute it.
      I don't care though. Robes are Warriors is fricking stupid and you've made a non-argument based on subjective things like dressing your pawn in a moronic manner.

      No, it's simply unture you filthy fricking troon.

      Mchave a nice day.

      the damage control the fans are having is pretty entertaining

      Hint: don't post tranime if you want people to engage with your post.

      you've been giving (You)s to all of this dumbass.

  94. 3 months ago

    Did you play and like DD1

    you will more likely see it is dogshit

    you will more likely say you are having a blast

    • 3 months ago

      So the opposite of what you said is true? Sounds about right.

      • 3 months ago

        >calling a 2005 meme Tranime
        >doesn't even get how it relates to the thread

        • 3 months ago

          Hint: don't post tranime if you want people to engage with your post.

  95. 3 months ago

    It is awesome, but I genuinely expected more than awesome so it's still disappointing in a lot of ways. The ones saying it's dogshit haven't/can't play it.

  96. 3 months ago

    Game is great, the fact that it filters normalgays just means it's the anti-goyslop.

  97. 3 months ago


  98. 3 months ago

    It's settled science, the majority of Ganker is low-end hardware users living vicariously through these game threads. It's why a thread can have (in the past) 100+ unique IPs but only 8 people actually playing the game.

    alt-Ganker boards are better because it's basically the equivalent of a silent voice chat where 100% of the people in there play the game, or are at work thinking about playing the game when they get home.

    when a game is out almost no one is posting in earnest. They post memes then alt-tab (or second monitor). People who don't play get the scraps of webms and shitpost left by the rest.

  99. 3 months ago

    its a fantastic game. had so much of a blast I piss n shid my pants. now I can finally start in rise of ronin for good

  100. 3 months ago

    The aggresive shills who just make shit up
    >AI is fine, your CPU is bad
    >You didn't play the game (even though they showed their hours and even have webms from the game they played)
    >Any critisicm off-handedly brushed away as "surface level" or "who cares" (literally everyone btw, the game is like 60 dollars)
    Makes me pass
    If shills need to try this hard the game must be fricking awful

    • 3 months ago

      >the game won't run on my toaster
      >the game has game breaking microtransactions ruining the game
      >the game is smaller than DD1
      >the ai just kills itself at every moment. So much that you can't go 10m away from a rift stone because they just die, everywhere, none stop
      >I can't take risks on games because I'm a broke poorgay with a thirdy PC
      >I don't like the game so want to spend my entire day lying to people about it

      • 3 months ago

        See what I mean? No actual argument to defend the game beyond making things up.

        • 3 months ago

          Your arguments are all made up doe

        • 3 months ago

          People made several arguments that you ignored because you are a pathological liar.


          >Removed different subtypes of drake and cursed dragons
          lmao, the ice and lightning guys lived in one spot and didn't improve or expand the game at all.
          >removed wieneratrice
          >removed evil eye
          Agreed. Not cool. They added Wargs though. Those used to be BBI only. Minotaurs are entirely new too.
          > removed gorecyclops
          DLC monsters don't count and there's a cyclops variant with the Gorecyclops style spiked armor.
          > metal golems
          Objectively one of the biggest design flaws of the OG. Good luck if you didn't bring a bow user.

          >Most of them recycled out of the first
          I'm sorry I thought content from the first game being in the second was desirable. Are you gonna go and say it's actually bad they brought Griffons back?

          It's not a restriction, it's a change. They removed the outer layer option and that's all it is. The old game was already heavily limited by vocations for armor

          lmao, shut the frick up homosexual, you know I'm right. Now the archery gameplay is superior and more nuanced and the dagger gameplay is more focused and powerful. Splitting strider was objectively intelligent.

          • 3 months ago

            No they didn't.
            They said they agree X is bad or disregarded things as "not mattering" arbitarily
            Not an argument

  101. 3 months ago

    it's fun in the same way DD1 was, i.e. the core gameplay is fun and everything else is shitty and unfinished.

    Since they presented it as "DD1 but finished" a lot of people myself included are underwhelmed while still enjoying the game.

  102. 3 months ago

    Can I search pawns by name? I don't have its ID.

  103. 3 months ago

    Reminder that the troony doomposters had no idea how the MTX items even worked. Now they're pretending to be le OG fans xD lmfao.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Good morning sirs, do not redeem the dragons dogma.

    • 3 months ago

      morning sir

  104. 3 months ago

    >dude ratchet and clank would be more enjoyable if you could only use one gun through the entire game
    This is what the shills justifying the gutting of dogma combat think

    • 3 months ago

      I'm still not convinced it's people who played DD1 to any real measure.

  105. 3 months ago

    Got over 90 hours in it before finishing the game. I haven’t enjoyed a single player game this much in years. The story was bad and sometimes incomprehensible but there was so little of it that I enjoyed not being forced into on rails sections, that have become common in gaming. There was a lot of time spent doing what I wanted and it would have been even better with less story.

    I think the game dropped off badly when you reach the volcanic island because it was so empty and there were less enemies about, there was nothing to really explore there, but it got better again once you reach the Unmoored World.

    So, great character creator, fun combat, mostly fun exploration, bad story, poor performance in some areas, not enough enemy and boss variety, but I enjoyed 95% of my time playing.

    I still wonder if they had to cut some content because it feels unfinished in places.

    • 3 months ago

      This is where I'm at.

      If DLC adds in another continent and/or a BBI style repeatable dungeon then this game is gold to me.

      Patch in more enemy types, NG+ being hugely difficult for high level arisens, and some new armor/weapons over time.

  106. 3 months ago

    Why is all the supporters of the game making the exact defense that Starfield, SF6, RE4 remake,Exoprimal, etc had?

    it's really fricking weird.

  107. 3 months ago

    How is the rpg balance stuff in DD2? A big problem in DD1 was how crude the attack - defense formula was that made the window where you werent either oneshotting or hitting for a pixel of damage too narrow

    • 3 months ago

      Same shit. All challenge ends near level 30 because you've fought 99% of the enemies you're gonna see for the rest of the hours you put in. Maybe even sooner if you're competent at action games.

    • 3 months ago

      Same shit. All challenge ends near level 30 because you've fought 99% of the enemies you're gonna see for the rest of the hours you put in. Maybe even sooner if you're competent at action games.

      After beating DD2 I went back to DA to try the classes I never really bothered with before at 6 x exp needed to level and its pretty nice, more fun than 2. Could have gone for a higher penalty but 6x seems alright so far.
      Made me notice Mercedes is actually a fairly good fighter if you're so weak she actually factors in at all
      Have to actually care about stamina because its so low, have to care about taking damage because attacks chunk so much of your healing bar, etc

  108. 3 months ago

    Combat is stellar still
    Old vocations play even better, especially the fighter where assigned skills from the first game are context sensitive attacks
    Enemy density is increased so the world feels less empty (a little too crowded though)
    Locations to explore are dramatically increased
    Game is at its best when you just frick off and explore while ignoring quests entirely

    Completely forgettable NPCs
    The dragon is much less prominent and fighting it is far less impressive
    The quests are terrible across the board
    You get overpowered far too early considering the level cap is supposedly 999.
    There are basically the same amount of enemy types as the first base game, but they removed some from the first game making it feel like less.
    Sometimes performance gets wonky.

    I like it for the same reasons I liked the first game. They got rid of some flaws and introduced some brand new ones. All things considered, much like the first game, it's a fun time to play but has a lot of flaws so I can understand others not liking it at all.

    • 3 months ago

      games a blast
      no game is perfect

      • 3 months ago

        I like you

    • 3 months ago

      I dunno the warrior feels like mixed bag you now deal decent damage but your attacks have way to much end lag, harpies are way more annoying to fight since they nerfed the jump attack and the new parry move is nowhere as fun as exodus slash also the new armor choices suck compared to DD1 where it shared the armors with fighter

  109. 3 months ago

    We could be chat bots for all you know.

  110. 3 months ago

    It’s the same as the first game, for better and worse: if you love the first game you’ll probably like this one if you just want more dogma combat. You’ll be as disappointed in it not being a finished product just like the first. Personally I’m loving it, I’m having as much fun as I did playing Elden ring.

    • 3 months ago

      >if you love the first game you’ll probably like this one if you just want more dogma combat.
      All the experiences I'm seeing(myself included) it's the flip. People that didn't play much or DD1 at all seems to really like DD2 and people that played DD1 a large amount are really not liking DD2.

      • 3 months ago

        That's what i've noticed too. It's just DD1 again but more accessible to normies.

      • 3 months ago

        I played DD1 quite a bit, and while I do like DD2, it's delusional to claim the game isn't incomplete and cut down even from DD1 in places. People in here claim BBI doesn't count, but a sequel that comes years later should absolutely incorporate elements from its DLC, even if it's just enemies and items. Sequels are supposed to be an improved version of their predecessors at their best, not introduce new and worse shortcomings.

  111. 3 months ago

    aggressively mid, which is fine in isolation but Ganker spent the last 2 years hyping it up as ITSUNO'S TRVE VISION FINNALLY REALIZED when it's just as mediocre, janky and flawed as the first

  112. 3 months ago

    It's kind of fun because the core of Dragon's Dogma is still there, but the barebones core is all it is. It does some things better and some things worse, but overall it feels like an unfinished sidegrade to Dragons Dogma 1 and is ultimately disappointing. DLC isn't going to fix it either. You would need to overhaul the entire game for that. At best it will provide some BBI style time waster but will leave the main game to rot just like Dark Arisen did.

  113. 3 months ago

    It's awesome and dogshit at the same time. Kinda like a girl who stinks, but stinks good.

  114. 3 months ago

    What fricking spell keeps making a ting noise? I'm not even in combat and I keep hearing a ting.

    • 3 months ago

      Detection augment detecting wakestone shards and seeker's tokens.

  115. 3 months ago

    Best 7/10 I’ve played since DD1

    • 3 months ago

      Best moronic meme I've seen in years.

  116. 3 months ago

    >Warfarer is weapon swapping instead of freeform skill use (where it makes sense)

    Fake and gay

  117. 3 months ago

    Vendors just selling everything is crazy, insane crazy, dd1 is all about hey im at blue moon now I can reload and get the griffin set for my warrior. In the ogre cave that connects the map you go for the flaming two hander as warrior and thats where the guts merchant sets up back in the day

    • 3 months ago

      DD1 was like that too. You could find better gear sooner if you knew where to look but vendors always caught up as the main quest progressed.

      • 3 months ago

        No, not at all. Dd1's are all quest, time gated like you said. Dd2 vendors, for example the volcano isle vendor, sells their shit at the start and you can go run and get it in 15 minutes, not fighting a single thing or doing a single quest anon. Whats interesting too is I dont believe there are weapon levels either. And the volcano isle stuff is like 46k per

  118. 3 months ago

    >people are actually arguing with the moronic knockdown/neural net poster
    That's how you know the people arguing are shitposters who didn't play the game. They weren't actually in the threads discussing the game.

    • 3 months ago

      >it's better to bully ragdolls with weaker weapons instead of killing them outright
      Did the Dwarven smith frick your earsocket and brain or something? Dwarven smithing isn't obectively superior to other types except for armor.

  119. 3 months ago

    it's fun
    but not for everyone

  120. 3 months ago

    Open chests let you know you've been there before. If they closed again you'd just be doing the same dungeons over and over wondering if you've found everything

    • 3 months ago

      the map inside the dungeon will be mapped. you would know this if you played the game. not that you beed to play a game to have an opinion on it, but stop pretending that you did play it

      • 3 months ago

        >everyone plays with the baby map/hints/gui/button commands on
        no they don't, homosexual

  121. 3 months ago

    I just took the water way shortcut to the desert area at level 15.
    On emerging and climbing down the cliff I was attacked by a Dragon, Griffin, 2x Ogres, lizard men, wolves and bandits.
    Anyone who claims DD1 is better than this game is a lying homosexual.

    • 3 months ago

      Oh so you got attacked by 70% of what the game has to offer. Amazing. Hope you enjoy the Medusa fight if you stumble upon it.
      She respawns at the place you find her every 2 weeks, you will not find her anywhere else in the overworld.

    • 3 months ago

      >It's better because the game tosses random shit at you at a shorter interval
      That's the problem, homosexual. The game has no meaningful encounters because you just stumble onto the same Cyclops, Ogres, Griffons and Drakes every 5 minutes. In DD1 it was special when you encountered an Ogre or a Chimera and they were general in places where they proved a unique challenge like in a claustrophobic cave or on tight mountain path. The encounters were memorable but in DD2 I go from Vermund to the Border Checkpoint and I fight 4 Cyclops, 2 Ogres, a Griffon, a Drake and 2 Minotaurs. The only fight I actually remember is the Drake, everything else was just random encounters in the forest and none of them posed an actual threat.

      • 3 months ago

        The game is definitely way too easy. I'm not a soulsgay who NEEDS it to be HARD, but even just playing normally and buying better items at shops as they become available, it's way too easy to outpace everything you meet. Drakes are briefly an actual challenge when you first start facing them, but even they become chumps fairly quickly. And nothing else measures up to them.

  122. 3 months ago

    It's super fun, 9/10

  123. 3 months ago

    Just like the original, it's both.

  124. 3 months ago

    >only 22 IPs

    • 3 months ago

      >all me

  125. 3 months ago

    Its fun but not worth full price.

    • 3 months ago

      any answer that is not this is just coping over something. It's no where near as enjoyable as the first but it's not so awful that you should avoid it. Just wait for a half off sale.

  126. 3 months ago

    The sense of adventure is stroking me off daily.

  127. 3 months ago

    Somewhere in between. Exploring is fun and the world and dungeons are a big improvement over the first but the performance is ass, the vocations are worse, the game tosses trash enemies at you every 5 steps and the music and atmosphere are a straight downgrade from the first
    If you never played DD1 it will probably blow your mind, otherwise it's a good game that should've been better.

    • 3 months ago

      >If you never played DD1 it will probably blow your mind
      That's all that is happening here. Same shit happen with the last three Elder Scroll games where everyone that loved Oblivion never played Morrowind, and everyone that loved Skyrim never played either previous title.

      This place has the same energy where it's anons defending all the cut shit and not really understanding how things worked in the first game because they just googled it to defend DD2.

  128. 3 months ago

    doesn't matter if it's fun. at the end of the day it's still censored and if you buy censored games you're what's wrong with gaming

  129. 3 months ago

    I'm surprised there's no large underworld to this game seeing Skyrim and E:R had them.
    A huge underground crypt maze filled with ghosts, skellies and undead.

    • 3 months ago

      cut them some slack they barely managed to manufacture 2 decent dungeons out of over 50
      thats the best they can muster

  130. 3 months ago

    Its a game not for everyone marketed for everyone.

  131. 3 months ago

    >locked out of ulrika romance
    >locked out of willhelmina romance
    was having fun until i realized this now i lost all motivation to keep playing

    • 3 months ago

      You realize that you can gift them items for the same effect, right?

      • 3 months ago

        only ulrika but wilhelmina lock out doesn't even allow you to gift anymore

        • 3 months ago

          She's a prostitute anyways, but I believe I went back after a certain point and was able to gift her stuff

    • 3 months ago

      Your only motivation to play was romancing the shit girls in the shit romance system?

  132. 3 months ago

    Simple, anon. The same as I figured happened. Everyone loved the first few hours and then they realized that once you’re doing with the game there’s nothing else to do.

    All that open world, just to shit on it with the same lazy backtracking quests when they could’ve just done another BBI dungeon crawling because that was the best part of DD1.

  133. 3 months ago

    Dragon's Dogma is a very beloved game on Ganker and the announcement of its sequel existing was cause for excitement.
    Regardless of the game's actual quality, it was always going to be a shitpost magnet for people desperate for a new TORtanic, especially one that had a real fanbase on this board.

    • 3 months ago

      Explain Unicorn Overlord. Vanillaware has been loved by Ganker since 2007 and yet they don't get this kind of shit going on around it even though it's keeping up as many threads here as Dragon's Dogma 2.

      • 3 months ago

        Too niche. Half the shitposters and election tourists have never heard of vanillaware

        • 3 months ago

          >wow what's the meaningful difference in scale for Unicorn Overlord, a game where selling half a million is something worth writing about, and a AAA RPG from one of the largest publishers in Japan

          Read over both again.

          Dragon's Dogma is a very beloved game on Ganker and the announcement of its sequel existing was cause for excitement.
          Regardless of the game's actual quality, it was always going to be a shitpost magnet for people desperate for a new TORtanic, especially one that had a real fanbase on this board.

          Explain Unicorn Overlord. Vanillaware has been loved by Ganker since 2007 and yet they don't get this kind of shit going on around it even though it's keeping up as many threads here as Dragon's Dogma 2.

          Anon's claim was that it would get shitted on here because Ganker was into it no matter what because they want a "flop" yet a game they could easily mock like that, they don't. It's not niche here on Ganker, at times it's held more threads than DD2.

          • 3 months ago

            Because they've never heard of it

            • 3 months ago

              So you are saying all the posters shitting on this one thread because they visit v and see anon likes it but never follows any of the other threads v likes? There was close to a 100 threads for UO demo and launch week.

      • 3 months ago

        >wow what's the meaningful difference in scale for Unicorn Overlord, a game where selling half a million is something worth writing about, and a AAA RPG from one of the largest publishers in Japan

      • 3 months ago

        DD2 is a mainstream AAA game following the current trend of open world RPGs. UO is a niche spiritual successor to an N64 srpg.

        • 3 months ago

          >niche spiritual successor to an N64 srpg
          little older than that mate.

      • 3 months ago

        When a niche but liked Japanese studio tries to make a Tactics Ogre or FFT style game with good production values and gameplay, then people will start taking notice.

      • 3 months ago

        Unicorn Overlord is a smaller production and the biggest difference is that it's actually just a really good game, whereas Dragons Dogma 2 is a promising sequel with pretty obvious flaws

  134. 3 months ago

    I won't buy it based off of their awful predatory micro transactions.
    The fact that they left them out specifically for review copies is disgusting and disingenuous.

    I vote with my dollars.

    • 3 months ago

      t. bandwagoning homosexual

      • 3 months ago

        That's both sides of this. I'm not boycotting it, but I ain't defending bad practices either. Don't be any kind of simp.

  135. 3 months ago

    >people who actually played the game
    >zoomers parroting streamer opinions

  136. 3 months ago

    I love it. Its the kind of game where the core: Picking a vocation, pick a direction, knock a goblin off a cliff, find loot. Is enough to keep me going.

    It's one of those rare games where I find myself doing every single side activity or quest, just learn more off the world. And thats while I actively hate things like crafting or fetch quests in games. This is the game I hoped Elden Ring or Breath of the Wild would be.

    • 3 months ago

      It is a true action adventure game. I've got a hundred complaints but holy frick, I'm genuinely loving it.

      I can see why others hate it though.

  137. 3 months ago

    As it should be. It means it isn't slop.

  138. 3 months ago

    OP it's not like there was anything good to play since elden ring came out besides couple of niche stuff last year like bear fricker 3 and fires of rubicon. dd2 hits that sweet spot by having mainstream appeal but still being challenging and fun in a good way.

    • 3 months ago

      >but still being challenging

      In the same way Skyrim is sure

  139. 3 months ago

    game was a blast

    my only real complaint is that there are too many fricking birds
    especially in battahl region, like what the frick calm down
    also Augural flare is way too frickin strong

    • 3 months ago

      augural flare was op in the first game too, albeit i didn't play sorcerer in dd1 so my memory is fuzzy at best. as for your other complaint i 100% agree with, enemy camps aren't really spaced out, so as soon as you're done killing a bunch that aggro'd on you you're already being aggro'd by another. or you're fighting a big monster, then three groups of entirely separate enemies come to fight you

  140. 3 months ago


    game of vastly unused potential

  141. 3 months ago

    It's fun to play but very, VERY disappointing
    >t.At postgame at 60hr mark
    The game falls apart after the first country. Battahl and Volcano Island may as well not exist as far as the main quest is concerned having maybe a combine four main quests to Vermond's 10+, and everything about the main quest in general is beyond poorly done. Enemy variety is extremely poor too with the new bosses being so rare they may as well not exist so you end up fighting constant Cyclops and Griffins as the speedbumps in a sea of goblins and reskinned saurians. Each new zone you're granted with the same big bosses with two more healthbars to feel like progression. I'd call Grigori squandered, but he'd actually have to be in the game for more than five minutes or a real character to begin with for that to mean anything since he's just wallpaper to lure in old fans. The bronze giant/Talos/Gigantos you see in the trailer isn't even a real boss, it's just a punching bag that walks forward without fighting back that dies even if you don't do anything to him. New classes range from fun too mostly disappointing like Trickster(Useless, can't even do Looney Tunes) and Warfarer(3skills for all the weapons bravo Itsuno) being fricking garbage. The postgame being timed fricking sucks too

    This feels like a low effort game that could have been shit out in a year or two, and if the assets were lower quality, it'd even make more sense as a giant DD1 mod than """new""" game.

    • 3 months ago

      Warfarer is my NG+ fashion class. I just use one weapon and deal with the nerf. It's early game, I'm still one-shotting goblins and not really feeling the sting. I've even ditched the two hirees, me and my main pawn are getting by with no healer, just foraging draughts in the wilderness.

      • 3 months ago

        >I just use one weapon and deal with the nerf
        As a fellow Warfarer fashion enjoyer, the nerf is barely there at all. Much like DD1, the majority of your stats comes from your gear, the difference in stats between the focused spread of a class vs. the more even spread of Warfarer is negligible. The ~50 extra points of magick I get from switching to MA over being a WF with all MA skills don't mean dick.

        • 3 months ago

          warrior's definitely got a class-specific knockdown resistance boost that isn't there for warfarer, so you are playing hardmode if you're swinging a greatsword, but it's still not too bad.

  142. 3 months ago

    i've been duped
    the exploration is quite terrible actually, there are barely any good dungeons or interesting landmarks to come across while ADVENTURING™
    this is legitimately worse than the already shitty first game

    • 3 months ago

      >Didn't like first game
      >That means I'll buy the 2nd game which is supposed to be pretty similar
      lol @ moron

  143. 3 months ago

    It's fun

  144. 3 months ago

    fellas, Im using Warfarer with Augural Flare & Skull splitter, but i can decide which 3rd skill to use. Options?

    • 3 months ago

      Thief’s rope is probably the least hassle and most return for your build

    • 3 months ago

      I run the flame arrow from MA. clears trash better than anything, and you can always spam MA arrows for more hits to pop augural

  145. 3 months ago

    anyone who criticises dd2 by bringing up bbi is mentally moronic

    • 3 months ago

      Including well-received features from a DLC in the base version of the sequel is a pretty standard practice, anon.

    • 3 months ago

      anon, they had 12 years for this shit.
      even DDO is better than DD2

      • 3 months ago

        did you think they began development on the game exactly 12 years ago as soon as the first came out

        • 3 months ago

          no, but they had 12 years time to contemplate about what to put in DD2.
          actually, itsuno already had his vision planned out with this

          Compared to the pitch? Yes.
          But as it turns out once we got BBI, there wasn't a lot of enemy types missing.

          tl:dr for the pitch, if you bother to youtube it:
          DD was made because they managed to cobble together a system where models scaled to size without any animation quirks.
          But as usual 3D tools for level editing and rigging up monsters take a lot of time, And finishing a product is far more important than spending another decade on it.

          The real tl:dr that this image do not post is that basegame would include:
          A few more areas for the main quest, with a few more enemy reskins. I.e what is later refactored into bbi
          Moon for Grigori, which is fricking whatever
          Endless tower for the endgame, a 10x level dungeon to reach the level cap and reach the Seneschal. Instead some of the idea is just recycled into removing the Fire Gods Alter, and making that into something similar to the Void tower's entryway.

          all he had to do was figure out how to implement it in DD2

          • 3 months ago

            Do you think the same bunch of people worked on both versions?

        • 3 months ago

          On some level, development of the sequel starts near the end of development of the original game, as you take stock of what you've done, what worked the way you wanted it to, what didn't work quite as well as you'd hoped it would, what you would've liked to polish more, or included in addition to what's there, but lacked the time or budget for, etc. A good dev takes all these notes, plus experiences post-launch and observations of how players actually engaged with the game and its systems, and uses them to inform the actual development of a sequel once it starts in earnest.

    • 3 months ago

      I think developers should release finished games. DD2 was/is obviously undercooked considering it was missing a fricking NEW GAME button.
      I don't even hate the game but it feels like all the good shit is in the first half of the game.

      • 3 months ago

        >it feels like all the good shit is in the first half of the game
        The comparison of the quality curves between DD1 and DD2 is pretty interesting. DD1 had a strong start, then meandered for a good long while with the obviously undercooked fetch quests and largely empty open world, had a huge spike with bluemoon tower, another spike with the Grigori encounter, then some everfall meandering as you farm your wakestones, then a final spike with the Seneschal and roll credits. DD2 doesn't ever quite hit the same lows, but also misses the highs. It's a mostly flat curve that always hovers somewhere around the 40-50% mark of DD1's greatest highs, but never equals them. The dragon is barely even in the game, the main story keeps puttering about with shit that doesn't matter (who the frick cares whether or not you're the real king? We're here to fight the apocalypse dragon that nobody seems to be too worried about), and then gets too far up its own ass with the cycles shit, trying to raise the stakes compared to DD1, and completely fumbling it in trying to be too complex.

        • 3 months ago

          This was a better high than Everfall ever could fall to be.

          • 3 months ago

            It was certainly cute, but it in no way came close to the exchanges with Grigori, or the Seneschal hyping me up during our fight. DD2 misses these "emotional" moments that pull you into the narrative. There was a much greater investment in facing the dragon that's completely absent in DD2.

            I wonder what someone who didn't ever play or hear anything about DD1 would say DD2 is about. The dragon has such little presence, is never brought up during the main story, doesn't seem to have any effect on the world, I wonder if such a DD2 player would even know what being Arisen means and why they'll have to fight the dragon. If they even knew that they'd have to fight the dragon at all.

            • 3 months ago

              In 1 becoming ruler of the land was just a bonus, but in 2 it seems like you aren't really doing what you're doing because its your job to kill the dragon, its just to get back your throne. DD1 didn't have as many characters trying to fight for screen presence, like the fake sovran, sven, disa, nadinia, phaesus, etc. The story just felt really tacked on, which is weird because DD1's story was better by virtue of just being straightforward.

        • 3 months ago

          Nah, it's the opposite. DD2 had higher highs and lower lows. Even without the setpieces DD2 just had better topography and large scale fights.

  146. 3 months ago

    People who eat shit say yes, morons and bigbrains say no.

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      please Saar dont show indias best sold gaymes.

  147. 3 months ago

    Filter steam reviews from people that only played it less than 5 hours. The only complaints left then are performance (doesnt affect you if your rig is good) and monster variety/replayability (people just want more of the game because it's fun). If the only real negatives of the game is that it ends, then it's a 10/10. But yeah, replayability, variation, overleveling, main quest making little sense are real complaints. They only kick in after dozens of hours in game though, and you can always start a new game.

  148. 3 months ago

    Niche game attempting to sell to lowest common denominator.

  149. 3 months ago

    Its fun if you can just enjoy it for what it is and not a MAJOR upgrade to Dark Arisen

    It is a 100% half finished sequel at its core and I say that while I DID enjoy the game.
    The bigger map is fantastic,exploring its a joy that mogs the overall experience I had with DD1s and while it is still an easy game there are more challenging parts to it and things that will kill you if you just derp out. However its main sins are
    >Not nearly enough new Vocations while most people were looking at DDO with what to expect. Instead we get Trickster(which no one plays its just not a good addition) and Warfarer

    >The game is WAY less cinematic. The Grigori fight in DD1 just 9000% mogs the Dragon fight in DD2. Nor do Griffons get a hype introduction moment like they had with Bluemoon Tower

    >Sometimes the world isnt big ENOUGH and has low monster varaity. Instead of Goblins,tit Harpies and Saurians all the time itd be nice to see some Centaurs, man eating plants, and insects

    There will more than likely be DLC to take fix up 1 and 3 though in its defense. Some people b***h about the story/characters but to that I say they didnt play the game enough. Theres enough closure and details for both that youll only get if you dont speedrun shit and seek out their relevant quests or pay attention to what the villagers are saying.

    • 3 months ago

      i could have done with actual new weak monsters instead of more goblin, harpy and saurian reskins tbh. the new big monsters are good at least, i like the minotaur, but ive only ever seen the one medusa

      • 3 months ago

        >but ive only ever seen the one medusa
        There's only the one medusa in the game, and it's on such a long respawn timer that you can be forgiven for forgetting she exists entirely by the time she naturally respawns.

        • 3 months ago

          minotaurs started spawning naturally after a period of time so idk why medusas didnt work the same, maybe ng+?

          • 3 months ago

            I'm fairly deep NG+, and they don't spawn there naturally either. They also don't spawn naturally in the postgame, just the singular medusa in the one cave is replaced with a stronger variant. That entire enemy design just doesn't exist outside of that one spot. I guess they artificially tried to inflate medusa encounters by making you grind her bones if you want to dwarven upgrade your endgame armor, but you could just as well duplicate her bones with Ibrahim and never bother.

          • 3 months ago

            Funnily enough, NG+ changes literally nothing.

  150. 3 months ago

    50 hours in and I still haven’t started the main quest I’m having a blast!

    • 3 months ago

      >he's going to get the ultra super duper bad ending because the main quest has a timer
      uh oh anon

  151. 3 months ago

    I have not seen a real person say anything except it's not much of a sequel and it's unfinished. It somehow has less of everything than the first game.

    I will wait for the DLC/patches that finish the game.

  152. 3 months ago

    I love the game yet hate it all the same just like the first.
    It's bittersweet.

  153. 3 months ago

    The people saying it's pure dogshit, haven't played it.
    The people saying it's very good, but has some glaring issues, have played it.
    The people saying it's extremely good and perfect, haven't played it.

  154. 3 months ago

    It's awesome. all the people claiming dogshit only b***h about the same 2 hollow things. Pointless MTX and performance on PC.

  155. 3 months ago

    If you say it's dogshit you're either a contrarian shitposter or mentally moronic.

  156. 3 months ago

    tldr: it's shit and dlc won't save it

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        >that man you were speaking with
        >he's of the wu tang clan

    • 3 months ago

      nah its great. elden ring on the other hand is shit.

      • 3 months ago

        why not both?

      • 3 months ago

        weird defensive mechanism you got there

      • 3 months ago

        back to /vp/

  157. 3 months ago

    There's just too many Black folk in it for me to even consider to play.

    • 3 months ago

      >says game has too many ethnic minority gentle persons
      >has images of those same ethnic minority gentle persons saved on pc
      Why did you come here?

      • 3 months ago

        to make you piss and shit yourself

      • 3 months ago

        >ethnic minority gentle persons
        Good morning sirs

        • 3 months ago

          Good Morning Sirs.

    • 3 months ago

      There aren't that many in the game. Plus most of the characters and many of the NPCs are beautiful. This line of logic reeks of cope.

      • 3 months ago

        >There aren't that many in the game.
        Anon come on, I loved the game but it's pretty clear that whatever homosexual localization offices there are at Capcom made them add body type shit to the CC, limit the heights, and add lots of black characters instead of Mediterranean diversity like the first game had. DD1 to DD2 went from swarthy meds and arabs to literal Blacks everywhere.

        • 3 months ago

          There aren't that many in the game. You are coping.

          • 3 months ago

            A ton of knights are black. Brandt is black. The dragon hunter Sigurd is black. The "middle eastern" shopkeep is black. The "middle eastern" mercenary is black. The dwarven blacksmith apprentice is black. Not dark, not swarthy, just Blacks. The first game had actual meds. This one was a step down in that department. Don't fricking pretend that one character like Mason from a foreign country is somehow comparable when the setting was filled with appropriate diversity like this and was then nowhere to be seen in 2.

            • 3 months ago

              There are blacks in the game, there just aren't that many in the game. You can name all 6 of them, it doesn't change what I said.

              >calls people poor.
              >takes 1080p screeny

              Why are you unable to play it in 1080p?

              • 3 months ago

                >You can name all 6 of them, it doesn't change what I said.
                No, I named a bunch of prominent ones that shouldn't have been black off the top of my head. I didn't name all of them. you've also completely ignored how I brought up DD1 and it's better portrayal of people from that region. Stop being such a fricking moron.

              • 3 months ago

                You didn't play the game. There aren't that many of them. Yes, there are blacks in the game, but it's not that many, and you are using this as a cope.

              • 3 months ago

                >You didn't play the game.
                I'm willing to bet my game time's higher than yours. And if this is you

                >n-no I played it!
                Ok copers.

                I also played at higher settings and not as a female arisen, which automatically makes my opinion worth more.

                >and you are using this as a cope.
                As a cope for what? I love the game, I'm just not a moron who feels the need to blindly defend every facet of it even when it does something wrong.

              • 3 months ago

                You probably never played the game, you're most likely nothing but a seething third worlder.

                You are also probably an ugly and undesirable male which is why you can't bring yourself to play a female character and simply admire the ASS.

                Go cope somewhere else, seething ugly third worlder.

              • 3 months ago

                You're a gay who types and argues like a redditor who plays on a poverty rig and as a female. You're also objectively wrong about the game. Nothing you say matters.
                Only actual third worlders say this.

              • 3 months ago

                >only third worlder copers tell people to cope
                hahaha, ok coper. Also you are most likely an ugly dude. It is ugly guys who usually cannot bring themselves to pick a female character.

              • 3 months ago

                >It is ugly guys who usually cannot bring themselves to pick a female character.
                No, it's ugly and weak dudes who can't get into the mindset of roleplaying as a heroic man. You're not a real man, and you never will be.

              • 3 months ago

                Ask me how I know you're indian

              • 3 months ago

                Ugly men tend to pick the heroic man in RPGs. The irl heroic man tends to pick the cute girl. You pick what you want. The ugly man desires to be chad. The chad picks the woman. That's the psychology behind it.

              • 3 months ago

                I pick women in games because it's an achievement if they do anything other than clean the dishes

              • 3 months ago

                You're a gay who types and argues like a redditor who plays on a poverty rig and as a female. You're also objectively wrong about the game. Nothing you say matters.
                Only actual third worlders say this.

                Oh and here's my game time, dumb gay.

              • 3 months ago

                It's not yours.

                >telling everyone to cope
                >is himself coping

                coping does not involve me enjoying a game and laughing at third worlders who can't play it and are seething about it kek

              • 3 months ago

                >It's not yours.
                You're mentally ill, which makes sense given that you play as a female.

                Ask me how I know you're indian

                White as snow, dumb gay.

              • 3 months ago

                >telling everyone to cope
                >is himself coping

              • 3 months ago

                >Why are you unable to play it in 1080p?
                come again?

              • 3 months ago

                It's not your screenshot, copey.

                You must be new, monhun fans have been fighting since tri.

                MHW is the one that third worlders screeched about because it was more advanced than previous entries and was out of reach for thirdies.

              • 3 months ago

                >wait... I just called someone poor who runs the game at 4x the resolution I can run it and he gets better fps too. I should pretend I doubt him

              • 3 months ago

                You cannot even play the game at all and you are talking about specs and resolution. Sad.

              • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        >posts a man-jawed troony to illustrate the lack of trannies

        • 3 months ago

          >posts a man-jawed troony to illustrate the lack of trannies
          That's not a picture of your mom, anon.

  158. 3 months ago

    Fighting is better than the first. Graphics are better.
    Every other aspect of the game is worse.
    -Less interesting quests
    -No good replayable endgame(obviously held back in order to sell a Dark Arisen styled DLC)
    -Item variety sucks
    -Monsters everywhere. Feels less like an adventure, and more like a fighting simulator
    -Only attempt to make interesting encounters was to put Eagles everywhere
    -Enemy variety is trash
    -No memorable npcs(muh half-beastren prostitute waifu isn't a good character cumbrains. Her arc is literally I want to kill a guy, cool we killed him, end of story.)
    -World is extremely generic(dwarves have literally no lore, elves are just elf village that doesnt speak your language, beast/human rivalry has no interesting interactions)

    The game is so much worse than Dark Arisen.

    • 3 months ago

      >elves are just elf village that doesnt speak your language,
      thanks for confirming you rushed and didn’t pay attention to anything

      • 3 months ago

        Thanks for confirming you played with a guide.

        • 3 months ago

          >2/3rds of the pawns that talk to you on the road are flexing their proficiency in elvish

  159. 3 months ago

    It's fun game if you can run it. It's not GOTY but not anywhere as bad as so many claims.

  160. 3 months ago

    Zoomzooms are mad because the infinite i-frame dodges are locked to specific vocations and there's no bossfights against armored Zanzibarts

  161. 3 months ago

    It's as good as DD1 before Dark Arisen and will be better than DA once it gets its expansion. Any other explanation is cope.

    • 3 months ago

      Your post reeks of cope.
      Game, base, compared to 1st base, is mid at best. Many aspects simplyfied.
      It´s dogma but trying to hard to appeal to normies.

      • 3 months ago

        DD2 > DD1

  162. 3 months ago

    the first one was better
    as a fan of the first one i will play this because its new and different

  163. 3 months ago

    In summary

    People who think its good are still in the early game, people who know its bad finished it

    The games second half onwards is a travesty and a literal scam. Its not finished, and its so clearly they rushed it.

  164. 3 months ago

    Not as good as Dark Arisen and i'll never forgive it for killing DDON's development.

  165. 3 months ago

    all the people who've played dark arisen think its shit
    anyone who hasn't thinks its awesome

    • 3 months ago

      yeah I put 300 hours into a shit game it's terrible

  166. 3 months ago

    Sure do love seeing fans of the same series tear themselves apart, first it was monster hunter now it's dragon's dogma.

    • 3 months ago

      >if you play games you must suck each others dick

      • 3 months ago

        yes now open up bro

    • 3 months ago

      Monster Hunter World was another case of a game being too advanced for third world poopers and so they seethed about it.

      • 3 months ago

        You must be new, monhun fans have been fighting since tri.

  167. 3 months ago

    >half the people say it's awesome
    >half the people are newbies who don't know the inside joke

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