has anyone here tried hall effect control sticks?

has anyone here tried hall effect control sticks? everything i have read says they make analog control sticks look like shit and that they give you far better far more granular control than an analog stick ever could when will consoles adopt these sticks officially

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  1. 2 years ago

    i have tried a hall effect keyboard

  2. 2 years ago

    Do you replace the stick or the actual box

    • 2 years ago

      well the controller in my OP comes with them already installed but apparently, the Steam Deck can also be modified with them not sure about other controllers but the Xbox controller mod looks like more soldering than i want to do

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks for the info

        You replace the censor the sticks are attached to.

        Thanks. I was just confused about the wording and was wondering why replacing the sticks would do anything. I didn't realize the box would colloquially be referred to by stick

    • 2 years ago

      You replace the censor the sticks are attached to.

  3. 2 years ago

    Hall effect is not magic. It is limited by the quality & longevity of the mechanism it is attached to and that is the current weak point due to cost-cutting to save money and sell units.
    Try the thrustmaster t.1600. Use it for a year. The 10% play it now has in the mechanism is analogous to current console joysticks. This is a problem of people who have no business designing a physical component choosing to do so.

    You can replace the current console joysticks with superior all-metal ones that function perfectly for over a lifetime. This would add ~$10 to the cost of the controller, but you wouldn't need to buy several of them over the years.

    Console controllers are a scam.

    • 2 years ago

      im way less worrie3d about longevity and way more worried about being able to aim

      • 2 years ago

        They will perform no differently at all from regular analog sticks. The reason for this is that the response curve has a software curve to go through before it is fed to the driver. This means that m$/s(N)oy are not giving you the raw input from the stick anyway, so it stands to reason the curve of the hall effect stick would be brought into line with the analog sticks because that is what these companies think is the best.

        • 2 years ago

          but on a PC you can adjust this

          • 2 years ago

            Then adjust the analog ones, why do you need hall effect?

            Hall effect is only useful in such a small range for longevity, which as established is not something any manufacturer is interested in.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh, and by the way, you can't adjust that specifically, but you can apply your own curve after the controller's one in software. The curve in the controller's firmware is not adjustable. Even the elite controllers just apply a software curve in the OS and do not touch the firmware curve.

    • 2 years ago

      >You can replace the current console joysticks with superior all-metal ones that function perfectly for over a lifetime.
      Anywhere I can purchase one of these mythical metal sticks to put in any existing controller? Seriously, it annoys me to repair my controllers with replacement parts that have the same obvious fricking defects, and I can't find anything more durable.

      • 2 years ago

        This is all I can find. Unfortunately they're only for the worst controllers known to man.
        >The friction points aren't made out of chalky plastic that disintegrates in a month
        What a novel idea.

      • 2 years ago

        There is no point. It is cheaper and easier to replace the existing stick mechanism, it shouldn't take more than 5 mins if you've done it before.
        4 for $10aud. Better than one for $10usd which is probably more like $15usd now.
        I can't even find the place that sold them in 2018, I'm guessing they've gone under. Probably because given the price it's just not worth it.
        If you really want this product, you can get me a desktop mill and I will make however many you like and ship them to you.

  4. 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    Forgot pic

    • 2 years ago

      and how do you feel about them?

  6. 2 years ago

    Also best sticks?

    I'd would definitely say that. I've done testing with many programs and there's one called html controller test (you can just Google it , first link)

    And there's a margin of error test for sticks.

    If you have a controller right now you can test it.

    I've gone through many sticks pic related. And the Hal effect controller I have is the SECOND BEST at only 0.5% margin of error.

    Comparatively the Xbox and PS5 sticks are around 5%+ error.

    I wouldn't have recommended the Hal sensor controller before because it had a Dpad issue, but after the software update it had I definitely recommend it above both the new gen controllers if you are aware of one thing. The face buttons while good, you might get one that sticks. Return it and get another one. They don't unstick, you can't fix it I've tried, but if you get one that has good face buttons keep it.

    • 2 years ago

      >I've gone through many sticks pic related. And the Hal effect controller I have is the SECOND BEST at only 0.5% margin of error.
      What's the first best?

      • 2 years ago

        This nacon controller.

        Haven't done much research on it but as far as I'm aware it doesn't have hal sensor. It's a decent controller for the $60 I got it for. But it's wired.

  7. 2 years ago

    Buy HORI gear you clowns. They've been around for bloody decades and make great gear.

  8. 2 years ago

    Protip for zoomers

    You cause stick drift by pushing and clicking sticks too hard. They're electronic devices and you treat them like outdoor sports equipment

    t. 40 years old with zero drifting sticks in history

  9. 2 years ago

    >caring about aim accuracy on a controller
    Any game where aim actually matters everyone uses a mouse, obviously. Minimal weight fast glide is the meta.
    Stick extensions probably matter more than the sensor, but you're still always gonna be #2 to KBM chads it's picrel

    • 2 years ago

      >Minimal weight fast glide is the meta.

      LMAO your meta will matter if you ever play a non zoomer shooter

  10. 2 years ago

    I don't know shit about how they perform compared to a normal controller, I bought that one in particular because I heard the sticks on switch pro controllers were shit and it has more or less the same functionality. All I can say is that I really like that particular controller.

  11. 2 years ago

    It blows me away that zoomers on this board are nonstop looking to frick themselves by buying some moronic chink controller

    The Xbox series controller is the best general purpose controller ever made and I'm 40 and have owned basically every controller.

    Stop shooting yourself in the foot because muh evil corporations. Most of you are posting from fricking cell phones made by similarly huge corps to Microsoft. You don't run out to buy some bizarre chink cellphone

    • 2 years ago

      It's the best, but all have planned obsolescence in the stick mechanisms and always have.

      • 2 years ago

        False refer to above post about young people pushing too hard

        Fyi incorrect use of planned obsolescence you meant intentionally poor build quality. Something breaking doesn't mean it's obsolete

        I have still never experienced it once and thats not luck. I realized this recently when someone here linked a vid of a guy playing some game and he was trying to push the sticks through the fricking controller. These things are sensitive fragile electronic devices and people treat them like baseball cleats

        • 2 years ago

          Oh frick off man, your age doesn't make you an authority on anything. I should know.
          I am an electrical engineer. May not be a mechanical engineer, but I can see the design of the thumbs tick mechanism is deliberately designed to fail prematurely. The tabs which hold the stick retainers are deliberately made thin and flexy to encourage break/warpage over time. You could easily replace these with metal or even just proper solid ABS, but it isn't done because that doesn't sell controllers.

          Don't come in here holding your age out like a passport expecting your dime-a-dozen opinion based on nothing but your own USE experience to matter.

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