>hate real life jobs. >love video game jobs

>hate real life jobs
>love video game jobs
explain this Ganker

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  1. 7 months ago


  2. 7 months ago

    because clicking a button in a comfortable, temperature controlled room is a lot easier than manual labor

  3. 7 months ago

    I dont like interacting with other homosexual sapiens

  4. 7 months ago

    You don't do video game jobs for 40 hours every week, at least I hope you don't.

  5. 7 months ago

    most jobs are fun
    it's everything else surrounding them that makes them suck ass. it's never the work itself.

    • 7 months ago

      This. The forced socialization, the bureaucracy, the unwanted drama and the """personalities""" of customers and bosses are what drag it down.
      When you just get to do what you're paid for 99% of the stress of working just goes away.

  6. 7 months ago

    >just get a job lmao
    ok fine let’s stop being a neet and get an office 9-5
    >just deal with zero documentation
    >just deal managers and team leaders who keep every process or tiny bit of info in their head because of a false sense of job security, so you need to chase them down or message them on Teams
    >just deal with moronic customers bro
    >just deal with decade outdated broken software and systems bro
    >just do all of that for well over half of your waking hours every day, 5 days a week, month in month out. oh and try not to piss away too many of your annual leave days when catching a cold because you get about 20 days for the entire year. oh and try justifying doing that for just barely more than minimum wage.
    get a job.

    • 7 months ago

      Lmao this pussy thinks office jobs are the only jobs! How about you just be a man and stop crying like a punk ass b***h

      • 7 months ago

        Death to you and your kin, twitter tourist
        Woe to you, who is also a Black person

        • 7 months ago

          Been here since 07 and i'm lily white. Get a job you fricking loser. You're an embarrassment.

    • 7 months ago

      My mind is of a broken slave race
      I'd put up with all of that happily if I didn't have to see women or worse treat women as an authority (abominable)

    • 7 months ago

      I wish I could have a job like that for 9-5.
      Every job I've had never keeps a consistent schedule and you never know when you have to work over time/extra days, so maintaining a schedule outside of work is impossible

    • 7 months ago

      >about 20 days for the entire year. oh and try justifying doing that for just barely more than minimum wage.
      yeah i get it its shit but you should really try to train out of that position.

    • 7 months ago

      What a whiny little b***h

    • 7 months ago

      ok fine let's be a neet
      >collect government checks of varying amounts monthly
      >live in an uncontrolled rent environment with repairs infrequent or "your responsibility"
      >have no savings for emergencies
      >poor to little coverage for insurance
      >get to live month to month wondering if you're finally gonna be homeless
      >society as a whole looks down on you

      I'd rather security to live my life how I want than the looming fear of having it all upended. You can also work around your 9-5 desk job if you're smart enough:
      >spend time writing documentation; allowing you to generally frick off while being seen as doing a good deed
      >spend time holding people accountable for documenting their knowledge citing successful async companies like gitlab (https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/) in public leadership forums; build the pressure for them to improve in front of their bosses
      >similar to driving school train of though, work around everyone defensively. do your due diligence and leave nothing unsaid. overwhelming people with walls of text helps more than it should
      >report bugs, find workarounds, apply to help fix them (if you have the skill set) or suggest different products. the secret tho is that all software is shit.
      >sad reality of life but try to find companies with FTO or good benefits. if you sign up for some predatory shit hole, that's on you. you can make it work if you get it in good with your manager and maybe work later than usual on "pressing issues" but you're better off working within the rules the company has so as not to get fricked over
      So, yea. Get a job.

  7. 7 months ago

    most jobs would be decently entertaining if you could do them for an hour a day without any filler and with all the ability to walk out any time you want without any consequences

  8. 7 months ago

    You can stop doing video game jobs at any time with no consequences.

  9. 7 months ago

    Unless you're playing some farming simulator type shit, vidya jobs are usually intentionally not mind numbingly boring and don't force you to work 6+ hours a day.

  10. 7 months ago

    Getting eaten alive by a giant leech is better than what actually happens in most first world employment.

  11. 7 months ago

    One is voluntary, the other is not
    You have an actual goal in mind for one, the other one you feel forced to do in order to survive
    One is freedom, the other is not

  12. 7 months ago

    guaranteed success in vidya jobs

  13. 7 months ago

    I will gladly take a job that allows me to work in location far away from humans, like a fuel station in the mountains of antarctic, or a deep space automated mining station, a hydrogen mining base at the bottom of the ocean.

    • 7 months ago

      Unless you want to join a welder's union and gamble your life on it, probably easier to get a job in software. WFH culture has become some companys' entire culture. I've worked in Puerto Rico on a relatively remote beach for 2 months and was actively encouraged to do so.

      • 7 months ago

        you still have to interact with humans, I want a job with zero human contact.
        >who will give you orders ?
        The computer, I just want to follow orders, I don't want to interact with people, even WFH you still need have some levels of socialization, I just want something direct and cold.
        >here is the list of features for the week
        >if you have any question, send an email
        I didn't graduate in compsci for human interaction, goddamn I hate humans.

        • 7 months ago

          Oh so you're a moronic guy? i get it now

          • 7 months ago

            You are my superior or coworker, you are not my friend or my family, I don't care about your feelings, or what happened in your weekend, or if you cat died, or if you parents died, I just want to my fricking job, I don't want to be your fricking friend.

            • 7 months ago

              Do you even have friends?

        • 7 months ago

          You're screwed. You either:
          >Work for a company that involves multiple people coordinating an effort between building features based on soft requirements that you WILL question or be questioned on
          >Work for yourself doing all of that legwork yourself and hoping to either win the GH lottery by developing something people will pay you for or spend the rest of your life answering pull requests and abused by massive companies while you complain about it on your blog (see: Moq)

          Especially with AI, software is far from a solitary job now. Developers' time are too much of a commodity to waste on half realized requirements or missed "visions" that product had. They want it right and they want it "agile" which means: standups, retros, burndowns, poker, demos, MVPs, refinements, and all sorts of stupid ceremonies filled with people asking about your weekend before ruining your month.

          Find a job in underwater welding. Live on a rig for a year.

  14. 7 months ago

    Simple, if you frick up your vidya job you don't get penalized for shit
    Big fricking whoop I'll just savescum lmao

  15. 7 months ago

    video games are designed to be fun and engaging, irl jobs are designed to make money for the israelites.

  16. 7 months ago

    idk I like playing with this thing plus there's that interesting feeling of knowing that you technically could murder someone with it pretty easily

  17. 7 months ago

    i dont have to wake up at 6:30 and spend 2 hours driving for play videogame jobs

    • 7 months ago

      Move closer to your job. Play the game or go die in the woods like Christopher McCandless.

  18. 7 months ago

    Because real jobs gut your earnings and hand off a sizable amount to malicious entities through taxation.
    Your own blood, sweat and tears are used to fund your own demise, the demise of your people and their history.

  19. 7 months ago

    You dont fear fricking up as much within video game, and the jobs are exciting.

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