>Have a bunch of games on Steam. >Can't decide which one to play. >Ends up playing nothing

>Have a bunch of games on Steam
>Can't decide which one to play
>Ends up playing nothing

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    Man I'm going through that right now
    I just don't really feel like playing anything but at the same time I'm lazy and for someone reason I feel like I'm obligated to play video

  2. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        Give people 10 billion options and they're going to be stuck with choice paralysis and "I guess I'll go with this, it sounds good" vs. just jumping to 1 of 3 options without much deliberation.

  3. 1 week ago

    I've been having these strange headaches lately, i think i might be dying. Whenever I want to play a game i just get depressed thinking about it.

  4. 1 week ago

    Stop buying games on sale.

    • 1 week ago

      So you want me to buy full price games?

  5. 1 week ago

    Just pick one, install it, and set steam to only show your installed games.

  6. 1 week ago

    I'm just taking it slow these days and playing one thing at a time when I really want to, not because have to. I've played everything here except Arkham Knight. You don't have to buy vidya, you don't have to play vidya 🙂

    • 1 week ago

      There's something strangely comfy about a concise steam library. I'm almost jealous in a way.

      • 1 week ago

        Thanks. I didn't really go out of my way to make it clean other than hiding games that would have come in bundles. I have no interest in ever playing Bioshock 2 remastered or tf classic, so I just hide them.

  7. 1 week ago

    >have no game on steam
    >ponder which one should i buy
    >end up buying nothing

  8. 1 week ago

    digital storefronts ruined vidya
    the magic of buying vidya and bringing it home is lost because of it
    I wish there were still physical pc games in stores

    • 1 week ago

      i've already experienced that. it was cool, but now it's time for other experiences.

      • 1 week ago

        yeah now it's time for shittier experiences

    • 1 week ago

      >physical pc games in stores
      forget it, now you don't even get normal box for pc releases
      it's so over

  9. 1 week ago

    >spend 60 dollars plus tax on video game
    >just watch random YouTube videos and aimlessly browse Ganker on my phone instead of playing it
    please god help me

  10. 1 week ago

    i just play the ones im good at, simple as

  11. 1 week ago

    I have depression and anhedonia for 10 years already
    I just jacked off just to feel anything
    I want to play videogames, but why would I play them
    for what fricking reason

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      i know how you feel, wish my depression allowed me to enjoy video games at least. i remember being able to play 12+ hours and not even bat an eye on the clock.

  12. 1 week ago

    >pirate game
    >have a blast for a couple of hours
    >"alright frick i'll just buy"
    >buy it
    >never play it again.

  13. 1 week ago

    my doctor recommended me to a therapist
    what should I expect

    • 1 week ago

      they can save your fricking life
      lots of people go to a therapist expecting just blabbering they already know
      they realize they were wrong and therapy is really useful

      • 1 week ago

        I think he recommended me a girl therapist instead of a male one, is that something I should be concerned about?
        I literally don't know anything about therapy I just laid out my mental problems I've never had addressed when I first saw him and basically said I was clueless and wanted to be pointed in the right direction

        • 1 week ago

          >I think he recommended me a girl therapist instead of a male one, is that something I should be concerned about?
          not at all
          >I literally don't know anything about therapy I just laid out my mental problems I've never had addressed when I first saw him and basically said I was clueless and wanted to be pointed in the right direction
          they'll first ask questions about your life
          what do you do, how do you feel, stuff about your parents (this is usually super important and you will spend time talking about this)
          they also explain how the brain works (that's actually cool, for example when you face a situation, it goes through several filters in your brain. When it's something coming from your parents, your brain know it's coming from them and it bypasses every filter)
          also, you may not feel a connection to your therapist and you may need to find another one
          there are several types of therapy, and every therapist is different
          the first step is the hardest one and you just did it, congrats anon

          • 1 week ago

            living with and being dependent on my abusive parents is literally the main source of my problems
            they would have to drive me to my therapy appointments

            • 1 week ago

              then expect years of therapy
              don't be afraid of opening up, and also don't be afraid of not being able to open up at first
              just chill

              • 1 week ago

                How do you find a therapist that isn't crazy?

              • 1 week ago

                I don't know, I haven't heard about crazy therapists where I live
                did someone tell you something about crazy therapists?

                the last time they messaged me they said they could offer short term (12 sessions)
                I don't know what that means

                > they could offer short term
                >I don't know what that means
                who did you contact?
                usually you contact with a therapist and you go to their session as long as you need it (some people are so mindbroken they need to go there forever)
                if you're suicidal or in extreme suffering, they usually go for one session per week
                if you're just in need of help, I'd say twice per month
                if you're good and you're going to therapy just for "maintenance", one session a month or even less is okay

              • 1 week ago

                they messaged me through the doctor portal or whatever, it's all centralized
                that's literally just what they told me, that they could offer "short-term (12 sessions)"
                it might be because I'm on medicaid or something I don't fricking know
                maybe I was too conservative on my answers to the depression screening or whatever
                I asked for clarification and if my current insurance would cover that and they also said in the message I was responding to they could set up the appointment for me

              • 1 week ago

                I don't know how medical insurance works on america, but you could ask your therapist if you could extend your sessions if you feel like you need more
                if they aren't able to do that they may direct you to someone who might be able
                if you go twice per month, that's six months of therapy
                I'm p sure you will feel lots of improvements but look for more sessions if you feel like it
                therapy is like going to a physiotherapist (i don't know if that's the correct name), but for your brain

              • 1 week ago

                how do I actually get diagnosed with certain mental problems?

              • 1 week ago

                you go to a therapist and just start talking
                a psychiatrist will just feed you pills and that's fricking dangerous
                a therapist knows what the frick is going on on your head and how to treat it
                they're like magicians
                they see behaviours and other shit no one sees and know where that stuff comes from

                For example, last time I tried a new therapist, she asked me if I was an introvert, because I usually evaded looking at her eyes while I was talking.
                She told me there's a mental disorder that causes it (in the case I wasn't an introvert)

              • 1 week ago

                I'm aware and wary about drugs, and my primary doc even said it's not his intent to push any specific medication on me himself which made me like him a lot
                I guess I'll just see what happens, last thing I messaged was just asking for clarification about what short term meant and if those sessions or whatever would be covered under my insurance so I guess I'll see what she says

              • 1 week ago

                >I guess I'll just see what happens, last thing I messaged was just asking for clarification about what short term meant and if those sessions or whatever would be covered under my insurance so I guess I'll see what she says
                maybe you don't need more than 12 sessions
                in the case you need more, just ask for them, or look for them elsewhere
                mental health is extremely important
                it dictates how you feel everyday and how you perceive reality, both physically and emotionally

                >I'm aware and wary about drugs, and my primary doc even said it's not his intent to push any specific medication on me himself which made me like him a lot
                that's super important, drugs are just a temporal fix, usually an awful choice
                they must know the root of the problem first, then start working on the problem, and then, if needed, give some extra help with some medication

              • 1 week ago

                the last time they messaged me they said they could offer short term (12 sessions)
                I don't know what that means

        • 1 week ago

          >I think he recommended me a girl therapist instead of a male one, is that something I should be concerned about?

          Don't bother with females they have no clue what life is like for men and only see Chad as a human being, not you.

          • 1 week ago

            grow up

  14. 1 week ago

    >bundles, sales, and giveaways
    >tfw you'll probably die before finishing your backlog
    What should I play after Erdtree?

    • 1 week ago

      >tell myself to pick a game and stick with it until I finish it
      >never pick a game
      >tell myself I won't buy anymore games until I play some of what I have
      >buy a new game because it was $2
      >the backlog just grows
      Since getting into MMOs, I have developed terrible FOMO because I always feel like there's someone that could use some help or there's something else I should be grinding for

      And even when I do try to play something else, I end up getting decision paralysis from the hundreds of games to choose from. What do, bros?

  15. 1 week ago

    have like 6k worth of games
    play stupid cyberpunk game instead

  16. 1 week ago

    seeing as though this is *the* thread...
    any other frick ups here think that they're genuinely ADD? And not in the zoomer, watching tiktoks kind of way, but rather in the "I'll stay up until 4am trying to learn how FP arithmetic works, but never go anywhere with it because it looks too complicated for me so I'll just mindlessly browse Ganker" kind of way? No, just me?

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