Have any of your PCs ever been raped?

Have any of your PCs ever been raped?

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago


  3. 5 months ago

    Female PC got captured by Scum in Pathfinder, so yes.

    • 5 months ago

      Does it count if the player says yes, but the character says no?


      • 5 months ago

        The group made the mistake of letting the fujoshi GM. The party failed all their saves on a sleeping gas trap because the rogue wouldn't spring for MW thieves tools. Orc band captured party and my sorcerer had the highest CHA. I remember the discussion went along the lines of whether the sorcerer would have any lasting penalties if the group didn't immediately rush their captors. GM was like, well no *physical* scars, so I told the players to wait for a better opportunity and the sorcerer literally took one (or however many) for the team. We were worried one of the players was going to hurt himself laughing at all the overheard in-character dialogue. We didn't all die to orcs and that's the important part.

        • 5 months ago

          >fujoshi GM
          That's your mistake. Fujos, not even once.

      • 5 months ago

        We played Ruins of Azlant (Pathfinder AP) and got defeated by the Scum in the tower at the end of the first module.
        We had three female and one male character in our party. The guy died by a crit, while the women were merely unconcious and stable.

        Well, the Scum did what Scum do in their lore: They raped the women a few days until another group of Scum came with supplies. The plan was that the supply party take the women to the Scum village and make them into breeding slaves. That did not happen though, because the boss of the Scum (an Aboleth) got informed of the captives and decided that it would be better to order his minions to abandon the tower, destroy all possible clues that would lead to him and drop the captives of in the vicinity of their own village. That was because one of the women was from a rich family with powerful connections. The Aboleth feared that her disappearence would lead to a search party and possibly even high level divination magic that would blow his own cover.

        So the three women survived after a few days of imprisonment and rape.

        • 5 months ago

          did they enjoy it?

          • 5 months ago

            Not at all.
            The Scum and Aboleth payed for it in the end though.

            • 5 months ago

              but the aboleth saved their lives

              • 5 months ago

                The pirates who captured Julius Caesar didn't kill him either and still got crucified, what is your point?

              • 5 months ago

                it's ungrateful and they should have fricked the aboleth instead

  4. 5 months ago

    Does it count if the player says yes, but the character says no?

  5. 5 months ago

    You first, story beggar.

  6. 5 months ago

    In the 00's I played with a girl who claimed to be a lesbian but all her characters were vehicles for hetero rape fantasies.

    Never change, ca/tg/irls.

    • 5 months ago

      That is more often a cathartic way to process their neurotic fear of it happening to them rather than an actual fantasy.
      Women obsessing about true crime is the most common form of it.

  7. 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago

    It was part of the backstory of one female cleric whose convent had been raided by an orc warband, but nothing rapey ever came up in the game.

  9. 5 months ago

    >two stories about being raped by orcs, both probably posted by OP
    That's no unimaginative. If you want to talk about your fantasy rape fantasies, you might as well go big.

    • 5 months ago

      You are correct they are posted by OP, but OP always makes threads like this begging for people to just tell him stories.

  10. 5 months ago


  11. 5 months ago


  12. 5 months ago

    >female DM who often inflicted such events on female PCs. Not all these are mine and memory is getting fuzzy a decade later, but a pretty solid list of notable ones include:
    Inquisitor lady raped by lizardmen
    Ninja girl kidnapped as pirate sex slave
    Druiddess electro-raped by aberration entity
    Rogue girl tentacle raped by mimic
    Cleric girl raped by werewolves
    Paladin lady raped by dragon
    Sorceress girl raped by yuan-ti abomination
    Wizard girl gangraped by ghouls
    Tomboy ranger chained in a noble's kennels for his dogs
    Different ranger raped by evil unicorn
    Alchemist girl raped by minotaur
    Bard lady raped by undead fungal orcs
    Fighter lady raped by illithid
    Monk girl raped by gnolls
    Barbarian girl raped by displacer beasts

    • 5 months ago

      >Druiddess electro-raped by aberration entity
      what does that even mean

      • 5 months ago

        Wil-O-Wisps in PF are aberrations, floating malevolent glow clouds that lead people into swamps and can use an electric shock in close combat. Party encountered a swamp cult that worshipped one and bad rolls meant we ended up fleeing to regroup, plan and get reinforcements. Druid lady was captured and the wisp kept her to rape by electrostim. Literally cooked her pussy as revenge for the rescue party arriving and beating the cult that time.

        good girl

        Maybe if the DM didnt flake on us several times for the chance to get wrecked herself.


        Some were morr graphic than others, but this is a blue board and its been a long while. Mainly see the wil-o-wisp bit above, but I also recall the rogue and mimic was played almost for laughs as she kept failing her escape attempts and got pregnant with mimic eggs that looked like treasure; wizard and ghouls was going on while the rest of the party explored the crypt and would cut back to them sometimes with wizard being paralyzed by constant tongue attacks; alchemist was taken very publicly by the minotaur, the maze was open up top with an arena around it to watch victims being thrown in; fungal orcs on the bard got lots of putrid description and detail; and the displacer beast had some good descriptions about appearing to be beside her, including the kits she had later.

        >Fighter lady raped by illithid

        I've noticed Mindflayers are copping a feel in tons of 'eating female brains' art.

        Yeah, mind control, tentacles and peril are a good mix.

        Maybe x-cards aren't such a bad thing after all

        I mean we kept playing with her and people still made female PCs

        • 5 months ago

          you know what I regret asking

          • 5 months ago


            Were the other players all male? How did they feel about the DM describing these rape scenes?

            Three male players, one female, plus the DM. Guys played as male or female depending on concept and at worst worried about if it would cause penalties later; the girl in our group was the sort to push for bad things happening to her PC.

            Tell us more about these, in detail, particularly 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13 and 14 thanks.

            Games tended to be big hexcrawls, so who knows what you may run into while exploring.
            1. Inquisitor of Erastil, party found a village facing lizardman raids and agreed to help. Going off to scout the inquisitor got caught in a trap and captured. Dragged her back to their camp and used her as stress relief for the two weeks the party took to find them.
            2. Bad rolls while attempting to rescue another kidnapped girl got the PC captured. It was player's last session and he said she can sail off as their plaything since he was moving away.
            4. Mentioned earlier, she got nabbed by a mimic and lost all her escape attempts as it stuffed her with 'treasure' that later hatched into more mimics.
            5. Cleric of Desna, her turn on nightwatch, heard something and tried to investigate alone, found a pack of horny werewolves. Lycanthropy is an std.
            7. Party was fighting snake cultists and she stepped into a pit trap that dropped her to the lower dungeon levels where the abomination had his way with her.
            8. Party was split up, investigating a necropolis during the day, but nerdy wizard girl saw something and went inside a crypt to check. Got a paralyzing lick for her trouble followed by a trio of ghouls, all horrible perverts and sadists in life, had fun with her until the party stumbled across the crypt. PC was cured of the resulting ghoil fever but still retired at level 3 due to 'mind break'

            • 5 months ago

              Was the DM and the other female player hot or not?

              • 5 months ago

                DM was trashy hot, other player was a girl next door type.

                Wait I can't believe I didn't ask about the evil unicorn, I need to know about that one. Why is every nonhuman species in your game down to bang human girls?

                Someone had gotten a circlet of reverse alignment on the unicorn, turning it to a LE forest tyrant. And well, univorns and virgins, let alone an evil one that sees the party as trespassing...
                As for everything banging human, elf, halfling etc women, it's pretty classic pulp plus DM and player kink.

              • 5 months ago

                >DM was trashy hot, other player was a girl next door type.
                you should had invested in a monster costume and got some three-player sessions with them

              • 5 months ago

                Would have been fun but both had relationships outside the game. DM was dating a guy she trusted with how she wanted to get hurt and other player had a boyfriend we all swore had to be her brother but could never prove it.

                Hot. Can you tell us about the others too? 2, 6, 10, 11, 12

                2. Already covered, eastern ninja rogue girl, attempted to rescue an npc the pirates had for ransom and ended up their permanent slave.
                6. Not much detail to this one, paladin lady challenged a dragon to fight her so he smacked her down and mounted her in front of the town.
                10. Partly covered, unicorn had been turned evil by an item. He'd gathered some evil fey as minions and had them harass and break up the party with illusikns and mind effects, then hunted down the ranger while she was scared and alone to kick her around until she submitted.
                11. We'd ended up clear in the next big kingdom over and mistakenly picked a fight with actual toll road guards thinking they were bandits. They had trial by combat, criminals are thrown into a labyrinth with a minotaur and either find the escape (innocent) or get eaten. Usually. First one in was alchemist girl and she attempted to use an attraction potion or something to make him friendly. Ended up too friendly and she was forced to ride the bull in front of a huge audience.
                12. Exploring a big cave system, party stumbled on a cult of some fungal demon lord, including a bunch of orcs they'd tricked and turned into hosts for a parasitic demon fungus. A rockfall trap split the party up, with bard and a male monk on the wrong side of things. He got killed, she got the affection of several fungal orcs, with descriptions of how badly consumed they were, with infectious tendrils pushing out in place of flesh, their insides being turned to spore filled fluid, that sort of thing. Maybe it would have better for her to fail the save vs the lust spores, at least then she'd have thought she liked it.

            • 5 months ago

              Wait I can't believe I didn't ask about the evil unicorn, I need to know about that one. Why is every nonhuman species in your game down to bang human girls?

            • 5 months ago

              9. Ranger had a deal with a nobleman from our starting town to acquire a winter wolf for his canine menagerie. She managed it and tried to collect during downtime but he stiffed her on payment, leading to an argument, weapkns drawn, and her capture by his guards and surprise hellhounds. She got kept as breeding stock when the party realized the nobleman was a disguised devil and well out of their league until much later.
              13. Fencing halfling fighter lady, tripped a teleport trap and got seperated from the party. She was badly outmatched by the illithid she encountered, especially regarding Will saves, and ended up as his eager puppet.
              14. Monk girl was supposed to distract a gnoll raiding party while we evacuated a town, then flee with her 60 ft move speed, but ended up overwhelmed by sheer numbers and provided a longer distraction then she meant. Party realized she was missing and ran back to save her from getting eaten but she was in extreme ryona territory even then.

              That's a lot of bestiality.

              DM (and some players) knew what they wanted.

              • 5 months ago

                Hot. Can you tell us about the others too? 2, 6, 10, 11, 12

              • 5 months ago


                Three male players, one female, plus the DM. Guys played as male or female depending on concept and at worst worried about if it would cause penalties later; the girl in our group was the sort to push for bad things happening to her PC.

                Games tended to be big hexcrawls, so who knows what you may run into while exploring.
                1. Inquisitor of Erastil, party found a village facing lizardman raids and agreed to help. Going off to scout the inquisitor got caught in a trap and captured. Dragged her back to their camp and used her as stress relief for the two weeks the party took to find them.
                2. Bad rolls while attempting to rescue another kidnapped girl got the PC captured. It was player's last session and he said she can sail off as their plaything since he was moving away.
                4. Mentioned earlier, she got nabbed by a mimic and lost all her escape attempts as it stuffed her with 'treasure' that later hatched into more mimics.
                5. Cleric of Desna, her turn on nightwatch, heard something and tried to investigate alone, found a pack of horny werewolves. Lycanthropy is an std.
                7. Party was fighting snake cultists and she stepped into a pit trap that dropped her to the lower dungeon levels where the abomination had his way with her.
                8. Party was split up, investigating a necropolis during the day, but nerdy wizard girl saw something and went inside a crypt to check. Got a paralyzing lick for her trouble followed by a trio of ghouls, all horrible perverts and sadists in life, had fun with her until the party stumbled across the crypt. PC was cured of the resulting ghoil fever but still retired at level 3 due to 'mind break'

                >female DM who often inflicted such events on female PCs. Not all these are mine and memory is getting fuzzy a decade later, but a pretty solid list of notable ones include:
                Inquisitor lady raped by lizardmen
                Ninja girl kidnapped as pirate sex slave
                Druiddess electro-raped by aberration entity
                Rogue girl tentacle raped by mimic
                Cleric girl raped by werewolves
                Paladin lady raped by dragon
                Sorceress girl raped by yuan-ti abomination
                Wizard girl gangraped by ghouls
                Tomboy ranger chained in a noble's kennels for his dogs
                Different ranger raped by evil unicorn
                Alchemist girl raped by minotaur
                Bard lady raped by undead fungal orcs
                Fighter lady raped by illithid
                Monk girl raped by gnolls
                Barbarian girl raped by displacer beasts

                Hey! Megan here from Neckbeardia. Just wondering if you'd give us permission to use this story in one of our upcoming videos? We'd really appreciate it. Also check out our website at www.neckbeardia.co.uk where you can find lots of great prices on 3D printed models for all your tabletop needs!

              • 5 months ago

                have a nice day

              • 5 months ago

                ...I will choose to believe this is a joke, to preserve my sanity.

              • 5 months ago

                Of course is a joke, real neckbeardia does not ask for permission, they just recycle the story.

              • 5 months ago

                >Fricking co.uk

              • 5 months ago

                They're micks, not scots.

              • 5 months ago

                >14. Monk girl was supposed to distract a gnoll raiding party while we evacuated a town, then flee with her 60 ft move speed, but ended up overwhelmed by sheer numbers and provided a longer distraction then she meant. Party realized she was missing and ran back to save her from getting eaten but she was in extreme ryona territory even then.
                There's nothing hotter than woman's bruised and mangled body still held together by unbroke spirit.

        • 5 months ago

          Were the other players all male? How did they feel about the DM describing these rape scenes?

        • 5 months ago

          >Maybe if the DM didnt flake on us several times for the chance to get wrecked herself.
          What? Did you suggest the gaming group gangbang her?

          • 5 months ago

            Sometimes she missed sessions and later we'd find ouy it was because she got hurt from rough sex. Like a broken arm or having pulled her stitches from a previous session she got stabbed in. Being into borderline guro is fine, hot even, but she kept ending up in the hospital right around session time.

            • 5 months ago

              >from a previous session she got stabbed in
              Wait what?

              • 5 months ago

                One time she missed game and we learned after it was from a week before she had her boyfriend stab her breast, and he patched her up after but then just before game they'd gotten too rough with some groping and torn the stitches. The guy had enough medical knowledge to know how to not kill her while indulging the worse of her fantasies but he lacked the will to really say no when she wanted to take it too far. SSC was more of a faint suggestion to those two than a hard rule.

              • 5 months ago

                any reason why you didnt rape her bro?

            • 5 months ago

              should have just raped her anon sounds like she would have loved it

              • 5 months ago

                Maybe but I didn't want to get that involved, don't stick your dick in crazy and all.

            • 5 months ago

              One time she missed game and we learned after it was from a week before she had her boyfriend stab her breast, and he patched her up after but then just before game they'd gotten too rough with some groping and torn the stitches. The guy had enough medical knowledge to know how to not kill her while indulging the worse of her fantasies but he lacked the will to really say no when she wanted to take it too far. SSC was more of a faint suggestion to those two than a hard rule.

              >'rough sex'
              >breaks her arm and stabs her
              jesus Fricking Christ, she doesn't need the D, she needs a psychiatrist

              • 5 months ago

                Pretty much

                any reason why you didnt rape her bro?

                Because she was nuts and I know better than to risk being the one around when something goes wrong, there are plenty of other kinky but still sane chicks out there.

              • 5 months ago

                You could have beat her up and raped her then blamed it on her boyfriend

              • 5 months ago

                this. what a crazy b***h. bet she accused her bf of rape or some shit later on when they broke up

    • 5 months ago

      good girl

    • 5 months ago

      >Fighter lady raped by illithid

      I've noticed Mindflayers are copping a feel in tons of 'eating female brains' art.

    • 5 months ago

      Maybe x-cards aren't such a bad thing after all

      • 5 months ago

        I'm not familiar with that term. TL;DR on 'x-cards'?

        • 5 months ago




          • 5 months ago

            This can't be real. Does any group, beyond moronic performative convention bullshit, actually use these things? Can you bring a +card instead and use it to get more of certain content?

            • 5 months ago

              You know, maybe I'm just delusional from the wear and tear of culture war bullshit infecting my hobbies, but I swear to GOD I am having a fever dream remembering that someone might have unironically tried that with no hint of sarcasm at some point.

            • 5 months ago

              I've definitely heard of real groups doing these. One of my regular players is a guy who'd allow it and uses veils, too. Different strokes for different folks, but don't bring it to my table.

              Both of the last two games I was in (as a GM, and as a player) involved rape (via sex trafficking of innocent people) as a plot point. The leaders of these operations met grisly fates.

              • 5 months ago

                >and uses veils
                Wait, they wear veils? Like bridal and funeral veils? How does that even work?

            • 5 months ago

              It's for convention play. The people who are proponents of this kind of thing are so incompetent at social interactions they make the average fa/tg/uy look welladjusted

      • 5 months ago

        It's still a fictional game.

    • 5 months ago

      Tell us more about these, in detail, particularly 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13 and 14 thanks.

    • 5 months ago

      That's a lot of bestiality.

    • 5 months ago

      >Tomboy ranger chained in a noble's kennels for his dogs
      I would’ve married the DM if she was this much of a freak.

      • 5 months ago

        Ruined by the dogs being hellhounds and the noble being a devil IMO.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm sure her boyfriend did

        Ruined by the dogs being hellhounds and the noble being a devil IMO.

        Eh, she said it was always planned, we just weren't supposed to poke into such matters until much later after finding clues out hexcrawling. And the setting ended up with tiefling dog-girls.

      • 5 months ago

        Honestly fr

    • 5 months ago

      >Druiddess electro-raped by aberration entity
      Lol I was writing a story of a Fem druid getting raped by another druid. The guy turned into an electric eel, went into her and started shocking her

    • 5 months ago

      moronic DM is moronic.

    • 5 months ago

      Wil-O-Wisps in PF are aberrations, floating malevolent glow clouds that lead people into swamps and can use an electric shock in close combat. Party encountered a swamp cult that worshipped one and bad rolls meant we ended up fleeing to regroup, plan and get reinforcements. Druid lady was captured and the wisp kept her to rape by electrostim. Literally cooked her pussy as revenge for the rescue party arriving and beating the cult that time.

      Maybe if the DM didnt flake on us several times for the chance to get wrecked herself.

      Some were morr graphic than others, but this is a blue board and its been a long while. Mainly see the wil-o-wisp bit above, but I also recall the rogue and mimic was played almost for laughs as she kept failing her escape attempts and got pregnant with mimic eggs that looked like treasure; wizard and ghouls was going on while the rest of the party explored the crypt and would cut back to them sometimes with wizard being paralyzed by constant tongue attacks; alchemist was taken very publicly by the minotaur, the maze was open up top with an arena around it to watch victims being thrown in; fungal orcs on the bard got lots of putrid description and detail; and the displacer beast had some good descriptions about appearing to be beside her, including the kits she had later.

      Yeah, mind control, tentacles and peril are a good mix.

      I mean we kept playing with her and people still made female PCs


      Three male players, one female, plus the DM. Guys played as male or female depending on concept and at worst worried about if it would cause penalties later; the girl in our group was the sort to push for bad things happening to her PC.

      Games tended to be big hexcrawls, so who knows what you may run into while exploring.
      1. Inquisitor of Erastil, party found a village facing lizardman raids and agreed to help. Going off to scout the inquisitor got caught in a trap and captured. Dragged her back to their camp and used her as stress relief for the two weeks the party took to find them.
      2. Bad rolls while attempting to rescue another kidnapped girl got the PC captured. It was player's last session and he said she can sail off as their plaything since he was moving away.
      4. Mentioned earlier, she got nabbed by a mimic and lost all her escape attempts as it stuffed her with 'treasure' that later hatched into more mimics.
      5. Cleric of Desna, her turn on nightwatch, heard something and tried to investigate alone, found a pack of horny werewolves. Lycanthropy is an std.
      7. Party was fighting snake cultists and she stepped into a pit trap that dropped her to the lower dungeon levels where the abomination had his way with her.
      8. Party was split up, investigating a necropolis during the day, but nerdy wizard girl saw something and went inside a crypt to check. Got a paralyzing lick for her trouble followed by a trio of ghouls, all horrible perverts and sadists in life, had fun with her until the party stumbled across the crypt. PC was cured of the resulting ghoil fever but still retired at level 3 due to 'mind break'

      9. Ranger had a deal with a nobleman from our starting town to acquire a winter wolf for his canine menagerie. She managed it and tried to collect during downtime but he stiffed her on payment, leading to an argument, weapkns drawn, and her capture by his guards and surprise hellhounds. She got kept as breeding stock when the party realized the nobleman was a disguised devil and well out of their league until much later.
      13. Fencing halfling fighter lady, tripped a teleport trap and got seperated from the party. She was badly outmatched by the illithid she encountered, especially regarding Will saves, and ended up as his eager puppet.
      14. Monk girl was supposed to distract a gnoll raiding party while we evacuated a town, then flee with her 60 ft move speed, but ended up overwhelmed by sheer numbers and provided a longer distraction then she meant. Party realized she was missing and ran back to save her from getting eaten but she was in extreme ryona territory even then.

      DM (and some players) knew what they wanted.

      DM was trashy hot, other player was a girl next door type.

      Someone had gotten a circlet of reverse alignment on the unicorn, turning it to a LE forest tyrant. And well, univorns and virgins, let alone an evil one that sees the party as trespassing...
      As for everything banging human, elf, halfling etc women, it's pretty classic pulp plus DM and player kink.

      Would have been fun but both had relationships outside the game. DM was dating a guy she trusted with how she wanted to get hurt and other player had a boyfriend we all swore had to be her brother but could never prove it.

      2. Already covered, eastern ninja rogue girl, attempted to rescue an npc the pirates had for ransom and ended up their permanent slave.
      6. Not much detail to this one, paladin lady challenged a dragon to fight her so he smacked her down and mounted her in front of the town.
      10. Partly covered, unicorn had been turned evil by an item. He'd gathered some evil fey as minions and had them harass and break up the party with illusikns and mind effects, then hunted down the ranger while she was scared and alone to kick her around until she submitted.
      11. We'd ended up clear in the next big kingdom over and mistakenly picked a fight with actual toll road guards thinking they were bandits. They had trial by combat, criminals are thrown into a labyrinth with a minotaur and either find the escape (innocent) or get eaten. Usually. First one in was alchemist girl and she attempted to use an attraction potion or something to make him friendly. Ended up too friendly and she was forced to ride the bull in front of a huge audience.
      12. Exploring a big cave system, party stumbled on a cult of some fungal demon lord, including a bunch of orcs they'd tricked and turned into hosts for a parasitic demon fungus. A rockfall trap split the party up, with bard and a male monk on the wrong side of things. He got killed, she got the affection of several fungal orcs, with descriptions of how badly consumed they were, with infectious tendrils pushing out in place of flesh, their insides being turned to spore filled fluid, that sort of thing. Maybe it would have better for her to fail the save vs the lust spores, at least then she'd have thought she liked it.

      I'm uncomfortably hard right now. I long to play in a game this degenerate yet this functional.

      • 5 months ago

        I think it helped keep things moving that the DM would just dictate what happened, it wasn't erp unless someone wanted to do that between the actual seasions. It was just known that frmale PCs getting captured suffered pervy fates.

        • 5 months ago

          Fricking typos, don't type before coffee.

        • 5 months ago

          >it wasn't erp unless someone wanted to do that between the actual seasions
          Wait...is this implying that if you had asked, she'd roleplay it out with you privately?

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah sometimes people had more in-depth scenes between sessions, not often but once in awhile she'd say what happened and the player of the unfortunate PC might be into it enough to make time during the week. The other girl was the most likely one, but not alone in the occasional extended scene.

            • 5 months ago

              ...so she was just basically fantasy sexting the people at her table?

              • 5 months ago

                Basically yeah. The other girl actually went over to the DMs place once or twice to work out some sort of writing collab but I don't know if it ever got past some notes on ideas and kinks.

              • 5 months ago

                ...bruh. They absolutely fricked.

                Also, followup question: Did YOU ever sext her with these?

              • 5 months ago

                >They absolutely fricked.
                God I hope so. They both denied it but I need the image of that nice, sweet looking girl getting wrecked by our DM, dressed like a trailer park prostitute. And yes, I had two midweek chats about the fates of my PCs fates, the rogue and mimic scene and the bard with infected orcs.

              • 5 months ago

                >And yes, I had two midweek chats about the fates of my PCs fates, the rogue and mimic scene and the bard with infected orcs.
                Do you think your DM diddled herself to that?

              • 5 months ago

                Mimic maybe, orcs definitely

              • 5 months ago

                If she went into gruesome detail she might be a goregay. Undead fungal rape? Fricked up.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, she liked guro and pozz stuff, you always wanted a cleric on hand with Remove Disease, the orcs just took it to another level. It was so fricked up it was kinda hot

    • 5 months ago

      wtf you guys playing

      • 5 months ago

        Was an old Pathfinder 1e hexcrawl game. With a lewd DM.

        it was like bad end when they were defeated or you could save them later?

        Most could be saved later, but a few were true bad ends, whether from the player moving away, feeling it was time to retire the PC, or death by ryona/enemy too strong to rescue her from/fungal infestation or whatever else.

        >14. Monk girl was supposed to distract a gnoll raiding party while we evacuated a town, then flee with her 60 ft move speed, but ended up overwhelmed by sheer numbers and provided a longer distraction then she meant. Party realized she was missing and ran back to save her from getting eaten but she was in extreme ryona territory even then.
        There's nothing hotter than woman's bruised and mangled body still held together by unbroke spirit.

        Yeah, we got her some magic prosthetics until someone could cast Regenerate. Magitech cyber-monk.

    • 5 months ago

      it was like bad end when they were defeated or you could save them later?

    • 5 months ago

      The DM was female, but were the players male who had female PCs or were they also women who played as women characters?

      • 5 months ago



        Three male players, one female, plus the DM. Guys played as male or female depending on concept and at worst worried about if it would cause penalties later; the girl in our group was the sort to push for bad things happening to her PC.

        Games tended to be big hexcrawls, so who knows what you may run into while exploring.
        1. Inquisitor of Erastil, party found a village facing lizardman raids and agreed to help. Going off to scout the inquisitor got caught in a trap and captured. Dragged her back to their camp and used her as stress relief for the two weeks the party took to find them.
        2. Bad rolls while attempting to rescue another kidnapped girl got the PC captured. It was player's last session and he said she can sail off as their plaything since he was moving away.
        4. Mentioned earlier, she got nabbed by a mimic and lost all her escape attempts as it stuffed her with 'treasure' that later hatched into more mimics.
        5. Cleric of Desna, her turn on nightwatch, heard something and tried to investigate alone, found a pack of horny werewolves. Lycanthropy is an std.
        7. Party was fighting snake cultists and she stepped into a pit trap that dropped her to the lower dungeon levels where the abomination had his way with her.
        8. Party was split up, investigating a necropolis during the day, but nerdy wizard girl saw something and went inside a crypt to check. Got a paralyzing lick for her trouble followed by a trio of ghouls, all horrible perverts and sadists in life, had fun with her until the party stumbled across the crypt. PC was cured of the resulting ghoil fever but still retired at level 3 due to 'mind break'

        we had the DM, one female player (always played female PCs) and three male players including myself (PCs varied by concept)

    • 5 months ago

      >Different ranger raped by evil unicorn
      Was this the one where semen gave people bigger breasts, and the druid and unicorn were running an extortion racket on the ranger or is that a different story?

      • 5 months ago

        Different story but it sounds amusing. In the case of my party we went in knowing someone had used a cursed crown/circlet to turn the unicorn evil but were not aware of him having gathered minions since. So when we got ambushed by fey with a plan, the group fell for it and started fighting a bunch of illusions, getting hit by fear and confusion and charm and our ranger got run off by herself to where the unicorn caught her and roughed her up before offering to spare the party if she gave him her virginity. She refused, got beat more and told worse things the fey could do to her friends until she gave in. Knocked her up and she'd occasionally get an emergency healing or remove poison spell from it.

        • 5 months ago

          Impregnated by a feral monster? Impressive. I wonder what became of the monstrous spawn.

          • 5 months ago

            Half-unicorn girl, grew up good, was a Unicorn bloodline sorceress. I'm sure if the game had gone on to a 'next generation' she'd have been around to get raped by monsters sooner or later.

        • 5 months ago

          Here it is in case anyone's curious

          • 5 months ago

            God that is fricking incredible. Thank you. Wish there was more of this.

            • 5 months ago

              There is

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                You got massive problems my homie

              • 5 months ago

                It's not my story

              • 5 months ago

                Honestly, it's just pretty standard objectification play.

              • 5 months ago

                Thank you very much. You've made me very happy.

          • 5 months ago

            Switching to a new character that keeps your old character around as a fricktoy is surprisingly elegant way to go about it.

    • 5 months ago

      Can I join your group?

      • 5 months ago

        If you live in PA and can time travel to ten years ago, sure. As for my current group I'm running a lewd space-fantasy campaign and already have a solid group of good players.

        • 5 months ago

          Ah damn.
          How goes the lewd space game anyway? More to the point where do you find the players? I solo my lewd games, can't imagine my players wanting to be involved in them.

          • 5 months ago

            Space game has been stuck on a Halloween themed mission since the party got split up and attempting diplomacy/seduction instead of rushing through the monsters. Hopefully going to get them back together this week and hammer things out so they can leave the space mall and get back to uncovering the Precursor tech to reignite the stars.
            As for finding players, I just got lucky. Not sure what to tell you there, maybe try some red boards? The lewd cyoas get threads on /trash/ at least. Or try other lewd rp sites, all I can think of is fchan there.
            Current party is:
            >playboy sorcerer and owner of a pleasure planet review website
            >a not bright bombshell with mecha-musume henshin
            >girl born from a collapsing star, shining and charismatic as the night sky, but enslaved by the owners of the star who planned to build a dyson swarm around it and forced to stream her life 24/7 until she pays off an entire star
            >girl born to host the data logs of a Precursor computer in her mind, wields the party's ship as easily as her own body, loves heavy weapons
            >a prinny with tentacles in a mechsuit

          • 5 months ago

            Not that anon, but I literally just advertise my games online with friends over discord (or whatever else you prefer) in servers that are comfortable with adult stuff.

  13. 5 months ago

    Why do you feel the need to come to /tg/ to beg for fap material?

    • 5 months ago

      Shut up, newbie.

  14. 5 months ago

    yeah by your mom's tight pussy

  15. 5 months ago


    I don't mean porn, i've seen old black and white D&D art where he's squeezing a boob while he eats her brain.

  16. 5 months ago

    He technically hasn't, but only because you can't rape the willing.

  17. 5 months ago

    Yes, and when I say "No bards, or I will rape you on the gaming table" I mean it

  18. 5 months ago

    Only in lewd games and almost always with Orcs and Goblins.

    • 5 months ago

      stop raping greenskins, they have rights too

  19. 5 months ago

    I'm sure it's possible, but it's very hard for me to imagine a way for this to occur that:

    -Improves the game
    -Doesn't piss anyone off

  20. 5 months ago

    retroactively yeah, somehow forgot that her sister raped her. Like I know locking out memories out of trauma is something that can happen but that was weird.
    Campaign fizzled out a bit after, it was still pretty good, but that really came out from nowhere (the gm apparently interpretent my backstory that way, which was dumb, but she definitely has an incest fetish or some shit like that

  21. 5 months ago

    Genestealers are rapists. Slaaneshis are rapists. Beastmen are rapists. Norscans are rapists. Arabyans might be rapists if they are anything like IRL jihadists. Dark Elves are rapists. Dark Eldar are rapists. Fimir are rapists, or at least they were in older lore. Warhammer is chock full of rape!

    • 5 months ago

      >Dark Elves are rapists. Dark Eldar are rapists.
      aren't dark elves and dark eldar the same thing?

      • 5 months ago

        No, 40k and Warhammer Fantasy are separate settings.

        Genestealers are rapists. Slaaneshis are rapists. Beastmen are rapists. Norscans are rapists. Arabyans might be rapists if they are anything like IRL jihadists. Dark Elves are rapists. Dark Eldar are rapists. Fimir are rapists, or at least they were in older lore. Warhammer is chock full of rape!

        Arabyan corsairs are definitely rapists. You could argue vampires are rapist, insofar as vampiric feeding has been coded as sex (and, specifically, rape) since Stoker.

  22. 5 months ago

    No, but one of my players is a former-TSA robot that sodomizes corpses.

  23. 5 months ago

    No, but I did attempt to rape another PC after I defeated their character in battle. They had a meltdown and the game disintegrated after that.

  24. 5 months ago

    No, but one of mine got sexually harassed and another almost got their soul sucked out by a hungry succ that they later enslaved.

  25. 5 months ago

    >the rules state that Sex Appeal talent can be used as a saving throw against being killed by an enemy of opposite sex, changing character death into enslavement
    This should be more common.

    • 5 months ago

      MERP adventure module Pirates of Pelargir did something similar, specifically stating that the pirates want to take especially blonde and redheaded female party members alive.

  26. 5 months ago

    Actually yeah. She was a witch swashbuckler, in the skull and shackles campaign.
    For some reasons, GM thought it would be a fun idea to introduce her in the campaign as a prisoner in a ship, who had been raped by the crew.
    I'm a dude, but this still felt a bit distasteful.
    The character was supposed to be an old hag, too, so this was a bit uncalled for and could have been easily avoided even in fiction.

    • 5 months ago

      Sounds hot tbqh. Can just imagine them stretching that GILF pussy. Your DM is a man of good taste. Did you tell him you felt it was distasteful?

      • 5 months ago

        I described her as "looking like Susan Sarandon now". I didn't picture that in a sexual way but... yeah... I can imagine he would think of it this way.
        My GM was wayyyy too unsubtle a guy to understand that it was a dumb plot to pull, especially without leaving me any possibilities to influence it, but in the end my PC ended up grabbing her main rapist by the balls and casting Frostbite, so it was all cheeky fun.

  27. 5 months ago

    death by snu snu probably is my gm's fetish at this point

  28. 5 months ago

    No, but in the first campaign I ever played, one of my party members raped a wolf

  29. 5 months ago

    Nah, he's only ever been the one doing the raping.

  30. 5 months ago

    During an offscreen time skip. I wasn't really all that bothered, another PC in the same campaign had it happen fade to black but mid session. Great DM except that he included a lot of rape. I don't think it was a fetish thing for him, I think it was just his default every time he wanted the campaign to feel gritty, could've stood to have less rape

  31. 5 months ago

    kind of?
    played a girl with two souls one good one bad. The bad one wanted dick from another character and got it. The good soul doesn't know it happened.

  32. 5 months ago

    I might never be able to incorporate it into my games because it might greatly offend someone. Maybe it might be okay in a dark fantasy game though.

  33. 5 months ago

    The /tg/ 'Player' Sexually Assaults / RAPES DM and then DM comes to the Board to b***h about Being Raped by a Player: Exclaiming : (DM) "Have you Ever Been Raped By a Player?" "See, I think that's What HELL Is Like" "Constantly being Raped by PLAYERS"

    • 5 months ago


  34. 5 months ago

    I don't play games unfortunately, but I run them, I run a lot of lewd games; so there's quite a bit of rape. Both of PCs and NPCs. I also wrote a module with a good bit of implied rape in the form of trafficking.

    • 5 months ago

      Depends on if you consider "might as well enjoy myself, better than dying" to be equivalent.

      Hot, story?

      I don't wanna listen to my ugly (male) friends describe their female character getting plowed while jerking under the table.

      Why not? It's hot bro.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm the forever GM guy, uhhh I don't have a ton of stories that stick out.
        But I did recently run a scenario where the party's feral wolf girl got kidnapped by ninjas chained to a tree and got fricked by two pretty boy fox twins for three hours, the two splitting their attention between her and the incompetent underling they were "punishing".

      • 5 months ago

        Played a female warlock in a lewd RP. Party was defeated by a group of religious zealots ordered to hunt them down, and their plan was to gangrape my character before torturing and murdering her for witchcraft. DM's plan was for the rest of the party to escape and rescue her. Instead, she first bluffed the zealots that murdering her would just reunite her soul with her patron and empower them both, and then happily let them pass her around the camp for a lengthy private RP session. The rest of the party flubbed enough rolls that escaping was taking too long, so she waited until enough captors were asleep that she could sneak off and, stark naked and dripping with cum, unlock their cells doors so they could fight the rest of the way out (her still naked the entire time).

        At first the rest of the party were horrified because, lewd RP, game over rape, everyone was expecting that, but she described it as the most fun she's had in years and basically became the camp bicycle for the rest of the campaign. Sadly, this also meant the DM excluded her from later attempted rapes, because to him it wasn't as fun if she liked it. Campaign ended with her being able to summon her patron into the mortal world and lovingly birthing his half-devil spawn, who would later become the ruling dynasty of an infernal kingdom in a later non-lewd game.

        • 5 months ago

          that's pretty damn hot man

          I'm the forever GM guy, uhhh I don't have a ton of stories that stick out.
          But I did recently run a scenario where the party's feral wolf girl got kidnapped by ninjas chained to a tree and got fricked by two pretty boy fox twins for three hours, the two splitting their attention between her and the incompetent underling they were "punishing".

          how did your players react?

          • 5 months ago

            >how did your players react?
            Since this was an explicitly lewd game. It's exactly what they were looking for. So everyone involved was pretty happy.

            Well, the character wasn't happy; but consent was optional in the first place.

  35. 5 months ago


    It was close once, but I managed to dodge it by killing my character through suicide before it could happen, and then leaving the game.

    • 5 months ago

      why wouldn't you just sit back and enjoy it like this good anon?

      Depends on if you consider "might as well enjoy myself, better than dying" to be equivalent.

      • 5 months ago

        Because I'm not a cumbrained moron, and I operate under the axiom of "no game is better than bad game". I'm not going to stick around just for the potentiality of an inconceivably unlikely good rape scene.

        • 5 months ago

          >Left an entire game because "potentially"
          ?? Are you just cringe?

          • 5 months ago

            Are you illiterate?

            • 5 months ago

              Are you???

              • 5 months ago

                No, as evidenced by my ability to read and write, moron.

  36. 5 months ago

    Depends on if you consider "might as well enjoy myself, better than dying" to be equivalent.

  37. 5 months ago

    I don't wanna listen to my ugly (male) friends describe their female character getting plowed while jerking under the table.

  38. 5 months ago

    It wasn't one of mine, and technically she wasn't, but it was kind of close.
    >Female player, female PC, thief type character
    She had previously escaped with a relic from an old fort belonging to the setting's villain faction. After handing it off to the client, and celebrating at the tavern, she was abducted on her way back to the inn by a group of men.
    The villain's had come for their relic. She refused to co-operate.
    The lead interrogator had his men restrain her, while he allowed a tentacled spider to crawl, from his palm, onto her bare abdomen. She struggled in vain as it burrowed bloodlessly into her body through her navel.

    She awoke in her bed thrashing about in terror, but her stomach was fine. It was implied it was a bad dream.

  39. 5 months ago

    Yup. Loads of times.
    You miss a session, your character was abducted by orcs during the rest and is currently being raped. When you come back you had to roll on the fantasy STD table. Your character stumbled back and half movement speed during the session they returned too.

  40. 5 months ago

    >settings where early evil races/half-evil races are the result of rape
    >slowly being phased out for more marketable lore
    >orc tribal intermarriage being the default explanation instead of raids/abductions
    Isn't that like historical revisionism? Are WOTC and company implying they forgive rape? Why not have these cultures answer for their ways via lore developments and what not?

    • 5 months ago

      they didn't want every horc player to be stamped with the 'rape-baby' stamp
      now we have half-drow taking that mantle

    • 5 months ago

      Because they’re not actually real cultures and they can just change the lore if they feel it’s gotten stale or tone-deaf. That’s the beauty of working with fiction as opposed to history.

  41. 5 months ago

    Only once. We played D&D 3.5 in a very long-running desert campaign using the Sandstorm supplement, we even got into epic levels near the end. Was based on the Mummy, Deserts of Kharak, 1001 Nights, Dark Sun, John Carter series, Egyptian mythology, etc. I ran a female desert elf ranger/shadowdancer combo. Picture Shantae with copper skin, very thick, raven black hair, and blue eyes like the Fremen in Dune. Had cute, perky C-Cup breasts and a thick, round bubble ass, with a slender, very toned body. Usually I don't care much for lewd campaigns but we were in college and from the get-go decided it would be fun to have some erotic moments here and there. Little did we know what shenanigans awaited us.

    A few highlights from my elf's adventures at that time:

    - Forced to jerk off after succumbing to a boss Chekryan's psionic powers.
    - Critfailing in a card game and having a threesome between her, the burly Goliath fighter in the party, and her sexy redhead half-djinn bard friend, resulting in a sizeable cumbath.
    - Captured along with her party near the end of the campaign by a Great Wyrm Blue Dragon and given the slave leia treatment.
    - Used as a sex toy by an Efreeti after being caught trying to steal a magic item from him.
    - Captured by a swashbuckling pirate/raider lord and brought onto his fleet of sandships to be used as a sex slave until she escaped on a lifeboat in the dead of night, almost mindbroken.
    - Fellating a Mercane in his tent in exchange for discounts
    - Very nearly tentacle raped (and infected with mummy rot) by a Crawling Apocalypse; only a very high DEX modifier and twin magic scimitars saved her. Very nail-biting fight.
    - One night stand with a fellow elf prince after the two got high on alien bug pheromones
    - Fricked by a gang of gnolls after getting split up in a maze dungeon.
    - Giving a lapdance to visiting dwarven delegates from the cold north in a middle eastern themed magical techno nightclub.

    • 5 months ago


      - Almost impregnated by a Slaad as the two struggled in a grapple. Monster was near orgasm when the party helped her and she carved him up.
      - Had her clothes shredded by some quick blasts of sand from an angry sand or dust mephit or whatever it was

      Had a few encounters with horny goblins and bandits too but she never was overpowered by them, unlike the redhead bard. I think the bard also got fricked by some minotaur thing at one point. Party consisted of:

      - My elf ranger
      - Female half-djinn bard
      - Huge but dim-witted Goliath fighter, who got into more sex scenes by accident until he got enough coin to start buying prostitutes because "make me feel good."
      - Human nice guy Paladin/Templar type who was the goody two-shoes of the party. He actually ended up becoming a sex toy for a hedonistic blonde desert elf princess dominatrix at one point and had to get rescued by my elf and the others.
      - Evil Aarawienerra Sorcerer; hated sex and was hilariously, psychotically obsessed with furthering his power. Dude looked like a giant vulture with robes and a staff. Whenever the party got captured he would end up with some stupid but funny fate, like reading bedtime stories and performing magic tricks for elf children, which to him was considered torturous.
      - Male Bhuka Druid who was basically Gollum but with magic plant and sand powers.

      We also had an cool guy Illumian Sorcerer for a bit, strong silent type, but he was only temporary. There was also a female human cleric girl but I think she died pretty earlier I don't remember much about her.

  42. 5 months ago

    Yes, but in a different sense of the word. In our variant Wod Hunters game, focusing largely around the intrigues of various demon-hunter clans, my PC with high Breeding found that - To her horror and surprise - she was NOT engaged to another PC, but rather to his stepfather due to a clan dispute.
    I made it work, though, by pointing out that the whole purpose of this was to continue the bloodline and one was as good as another. In the epilogue, my character bore him three sons and one daughter.

    • 5 months ago

      Honestly that sounds kind of depressing

      • 5 months ago

        Well I mean the sex was pretty good
        Also I may have kind of rubbed it in the faces of the others

  43. 5 months ago

    Nope, and I find the concept offensive and wouldn't tolerate it.

    • 5 months ago

      >just say yes
      >fat ugly bastard can't rape you with your consent

    • 5 months ago

      >rapes you anyway

    • 5 months ago

      That's good. You're getting into character.

  44. 5 months ago


  45. 5 months ago

    there were one or two whose parents or loved ones got raped but it was all off camera and often player provided information. even consensual sex and romance seemed to make players uncomfortable. comedic seduction attempts were the most of it

  46. 5 months ago

    gf at the time rolled up a half-elf ranger that was very obviously an idealized self-insert for herself. She then handed the sheet to me to play while she rolled up a beefy human fighter for herself. The fighter treated her like garbage, publicly backhanded her whenever she spoke out of line, and once in a while on MSN we'd RP him beating and raping her until she was mentally broken. Was actually kinda fun for a while RPing a meek and submissive woman since I was normally the party face. Eventually when we got bored of that we retired the character by having her get knocked up and sent to his home to be a dutiful housewife.

  47. 5 months ago

    Eh, Maybe? My first DM would punish me if I was late or didn't show by having my PC frick the buff/big women. It started when my nose-in-the-air holier-than-you Cleric would be a dick to other clerics, the first cleric this happened to was a BUFF orc woman, I got a nat 20 in something, and she just so happened to be into and forcibly dragged my PC to her bed, and he faded to black. My PC "woke" up the next morning with a point of exhaustion, and all my healing word spells were gone for the day. After that, he would auto Pilot my PC into nearby Buff/Big Women when I was not there.

    There were quite a few of them because I was busy at that time, and right before the Climax of the Campaign, that son of a b***h had them all get together to hash it out with my still very much alive Cleirc. They all had my kid and were demanding I marry one of them. I said, "Frick it, I'm gonna lay them all one last time before the battle and use everything I have to do it." He laughed, fated to black, then asked me to roll a frick load of times and to get rid of spell after spell after spell, and I prayed to my god to support me. My PC knocked them all up again and was dead tired before the final battle.

    During the whole Final Battle, my PC had the biggest shit-eating smile you have ever seen, was VERY HURT and had NO spells left.

    • 5 months ago

      Questionable, but your DM was certainly fricking you with the "no spells" thing.

      • 5 months ago

        lol yeah. He wanted to spice things up, so he gave us all story related debuffs of some kind for it. It was an extremely laid-back campaign, and none of us really feared losing our PC.

    • 5 months ago

      Well dont keep me waiting. Did he survive the final battle and go back to claim his harem?

      • 5 months ago

        Well, yeah. His god felt terrible for him and saved his ass one more time during the fight.
        The End Log was pretty much he didn't really get a harem, and he had to work extra hard to help support each of his families, but each one of them loved him, and his huge ass family got even bigger because his wives wanted more kids.

  48. 5 months ago

    No but I've written smut of them getting raped.

    I have a haughty "asian" Torrent hellknight who is utterly devoted to her job, to the point of ignoring real relationships. She also has a disdain for things she considers degenerate and overall 'gross' like drugs and such. She is short, with small breasts, golden-tan skin, sharp gold eyes and a naive, virginal approach to sex. I have a rape fetish already so it is hot to fantasize about breaking her in.

    I also had a villainous npc in my l5r campaign who was basically a serial killer. He focused his crimes primarily on beautiful young women who had long term illnesses making them frail and weak, and actually had as a next target my player who played a Shosuro, who was female with the incurable illness disadvantage. There was *some* creeping but sadly they never actually talked to him in person, just busted down his door after getting enough circumstantial evidence for his arrest. I understand why but it was kind of sad that I didn't get to rant in character about why frail women who died young and beautiful were the best or anything.

  49. 5 months ago

    Frick no! I run a PG campaign and that shit is not gonna fly. I won’t pull that shit and if you wanna try it then expect to be immediately dragged outside and made to explain yourself if you ever want to be allowed back to the table.

  50. 5 months ago

    you all are weird

  51. 5 months ago


  52. 5 months ago

    Can male player characters be raped? What if you had a PC who was slender and androgynous, like a half-elf ranger or sorcerer, who got captured by bandits or humanoids or enemy soldiers?

    What would they do to a straight but graceful character like that? I'm asking for a friend.

    • 5 months ago

      Take him through the "it's not gay if he's dressed like a girl" loophole.

    • 5 months ago

      Only females can be raped. Males simply get lucky and should shut their ungrateful prostitute mouths if they know what's good for them.

    • 5 months ago

      Take him through the "it's not gay if he's dressed like a girl" loophole.

      I catch myself thinking the same thing. In one of my games I'm currently playing a five foot something smug 8str type elf caster who I always have considered to be male but the art I picked for them is extremely androgynous because elf. I usually play very physically competent characters so it's never been a problem but I am now occasionally imagining questionably gay loss scenarios and hoping my table never goes there because unfortunately I'm into it. I'd never pull the trigger myself though because despite having an infinite tolerance for other's degeneracy I will never be the guy who brings that kind of stuff to a table. Still catch myself thinking about it when we're negotiating with bandits and stuff though.

    • 5 months ago

      this reminds me of the story I've read somewhere on /tg/ in which the resident cleric of Lolth rapes the other (male) drow
      >he gets the last laugh
      >lolth turns both into those spider monsters and he keeps the cleric to breed more spider monsters

      I catch myself thinking the same thing. In one of my games I'm currently playing a five foot something smug 8str type elf caster who I always have considered to be male but the art I picked for them is extremely androgynous because elf. I usually play very physically competent characters so it's never been a problem but I am now occasionally imagining questionably gay loss scenarios and hoping my table never goes there because unfortunately I'm into it. I'd never pull the trigger myself though because despite having an infinite tolerance for other's degeneracy I will never be the guy who brings that kind of stuff to a table. Still catch myself thinking about it when we're negotiating with bandits and stuff though.

      Take him through the "it's not gay if he's dressed like a girl" loophole.

      >"It isn't gay when it's an elf"

    • 5 months ago

      there is no point in raping men for monsters cause boys can't get pregante
      so it's either wiener hungry monster girls or insects monsters and imprEGGnation

  53. 5 months ago

    I played a female guardsman who was mute. Only one other party member understood sign language, and he hated her guts, as they'd often bicker and disagree on things, and she had a snarky, dismissive way of handling him. One time she took her comments too far so he took the opportunity to rape her silly while the rest of the squad was getting some R&R. Being mute, she couldn't call for help.

    Later on, she went to their commissar and complained, using writing to communicate, but the entire rest of the squad vouched against her since she a) wasn't very good friends with any of them on account of her muteness and b) her rapist was the party's medic. She got twenty lashes as a result, and her rapist was the one to patch her up, subtly rubbing it into her face all the while.

    He'd keep taking her thereafter, using his position as medic to leverage her obedience. Every night, balls deep in her mouth and ass since they couldn't risk pregnancy while out on the frontlines. The rest of the squad knew. Some of them even took advantage.

    Most of the actual rape was outside of session time, though, given this was an Only War campaign and a lot of our attention was on the wargame part of things. Smut was mostly an out of session activity.

    • 5 months ago

      did you feel gay in any way

      • 5 months ago

        Can't say I did. I probably should've, but any notions of shame have long since left my soul.

    • 5 months ago

      Did she end up enjoying it?

      • 5 months ago

        Well, she didn't say no...

      • 5 months ago

        No. She hated him the whole way through. He might have gotten her to cum once or twice, but she was seething the whole time through. She never felt anything resembling affection or lust for him, finding him revolting. However, over time (and considering the repeated rapes she suffered) her will to fight back got crushed bit by bit. There came a point where he didn't need to wrestle or fight with her to get her to spread her legs. Because what's the point in resisting when the inevitable is going to happen regardless? She considered filling his head with lead a few times. But a few things stopped her. First, if she got found out, she would probably be executed. Second, much as she loathed him, she couldn't deny his usefulness as a medic.

        Well, she didn't say no...

        Does shaking her head or crying count? Anyhow, they both survived to the end of the campaign, and while their ultimate fates were ambiguous, I like to think he got far less careful about fricking her pussy when the current war ended...

        • 5 months ago

          >shaking her head
          That means "yes" in Bulgaria.
          >or crying
          Eh, women are always emotional, for all you know those could be tears of joy.

          • 5 months ago

            In a way, becoming her squad's cumdump improved her combat effectiveness because she was so full of piss and fury all the time, wanting but not being able to kill her rapists. So she took out her frustrations on the enemies instead, fantasizing that they were her tormentors. But... her fantasies would be short lived. After all, that damned medic loved to tease and torment her.

            • 5 months ago

              >wanting but not being able to kill her rapists
              In the heat of battle one accidental casualty of friendly fire could easily go unnoticed.

              • 5 months ago

                I can imagine a few reasons for it. The primary one being that the rest of the group was fairly tight knit (they shared her, after all) so her killing one would place a certain amount of suspicion on her, and make the survivors use her even more roughly (if they don't take matters into their own hands and have her killed).

                Outside of that, it could be she'd lost her nerve due to the trauma of it. Fantasizing is one thing, but actually acting on it would get her hands shaking. Or, and this is the strongest reason: I thought it was hotter if they continued to get their way with her.

              • 5 months ago

                >I thought it was hotter if they continued to get their way with her.
                I can't argue with that.

    • 5 months ago

      this is pretty hot if she had a respectable aura to people who never new what she was actually saying to the guy; either way him being the one who has to put up with 100% of her shit and then violently hatefricking is pretty high tier

  54. 5 months ago

    No, I don't play with weirdos.

  55. 5 months ago

    one time a scoundrel of mine tried to pose as a male prostitute to get some rich beast woman alone to rob her of something in a game way back as a teenager. He went to their private room only to discover she had a friend (or maybe a sister? I don't remember) who was also interested. And he was an incredibly incredibly weak character that relied on picking unfair fights to get anything done so buckled almost immediately to the thought of their being another witness if his crimes got too hot. Long story short he couldn't formulate a reasonable escape and to cover from his attempted grand larceny just ended up sleeping with both of them (when he absolutely positively did not want to, I don't remember what flavor of beast person they were but think closer to a Gnoll than something more humanlike). He grouped back up with the party with a stunned expression and the only thing he would speak on the matter is that he didn't manage to steal the thing they wanted and had to bail out. They did pay him though.

  56. 5 months ago

    Cyberpunk game
    Once had all my chrome jacked after being led on by an NPC. Not exactly rape but it was petty traumatic for my chrome addict. Luckily I didn't lose my important skills because chipware is for suckers

  57. 5 months ago

    Maybe. Female player sold her PCs body to a villain, then cried "rape" when I described the aftermath of him torturing her for 24 hours for his own amusement. There was no sex, but the player still called it rape.

    I pointed out that this was per the contract terms she herself had signed, 24 hour use of her body in exchange for information and that he was a mage that syphons his power from inflicting pain, but she still cried rape and said that she expected her PC to make the dude walk funny for comedic effect or something, not a vivid description of missing fingernails, cuts and blank stare.

  58. 5 months ago

    No I really dont like sex in my games also all my players are guys

  59. 5 months ago

    I wish I had groups like these. Or a place to read these stories.

    My current GMs are squeaky clean and I don't have the heart to force them into entertaining my filthy fantasies.

  60. 5 months ago

    Yes. When I was a teenager my first group's GM, Glenn, would always rape PCs, literally any session would end up with the PCs getting defeated and raped. Male or female, didn't matter, they were getting raped. We tried to talk to him about it, he'd say he'd stop doing it, just to go back to raping PCs.

    Halfway through the 3rd week we kicked him out and formed our own "No Glenns" group in the school's gaming club. He complained to the teachers that we were bullying him and myself and another player in the group got suspended for bullying (even after we explained the rape stuff) because Glenn had autism. We still didn't let him back in. Don't know what he's doing now.

    This may sound weird, but considering how fricking awful it was to game with Glenn the group that formed from the "No Glenns" thing actually ended up being awesome. Supportive with rpgs and tabletop, running long term Necromunda and Mordheim campaigns, it was just the best. Got an early lesson in "that guy" and that shaped us refusing to deal with "Those guys" in general and gatekeeping hard who we gamed with and who we didn't. I

    t is also why I am no-games at the moment because whatever group I start with now has 1 or more complete and utter piece of shit I wont game. No games is better than bad games. I want to enjoy my down time.

    • 5 months ago

      I hope you find a good group again. Glenn sounds like an awkward c**t who couldn't read the room.

    • 5 months ago

      Glenn sounds like the guy that would want to play superheroes, and his power would be to steal powers from other superheroes.
      I don't see the appeal of raping the characters, and I'm far from a prude. I just don't get it- you're a bunch of dudes sitting around a table, are you... jerking off to this? Or is it just a way to shit on your players' characters?
      The closest to this I've ever seen is in our Crimefighter/Vigilante campaign, we found a 'human livestock farm'. None of the PC's got raped but it was clearly there- however, the GM was pretty careful about it- no explicit details, just enough for you to realize what the facility was being used for.
      Funny how that day my character stopped being the only one willing to execute criminals.

      • 5 months ago

        No, we weren't jerking off. But in hindsight Glenn was kinda getting off. Literally every session involved sexual assault in some form or another on every single PC. It was awkward, and just kept getting more hostile as we were pissed that 1. Our characters kept getting raped. And 2. We weren't adventuring or having fun, we'd lose, and then get raped, and any cool gear or things we had would get stolen by the people raping us. It was 3 and a half weeks of this where conversations kept getting increasingly tense and hostile.

        One thing he did do was he'd game with young kids in the gaming club when we were a bit older and he insister because he was "GM' he had to hold the copies of the books and bullied the younger players into handing over their own shit to him which he intended on keeping. Another person in the group who was a year older went around to his house, broke in and gave all the books back to the people Glenn had stolen from. Nobody got in trouble for that because none of us talked.

        Glenn had an overly permissive and protective mother. It was her b***hing that got me and my friend suspended. Despite the autism the guy was a complete fricking douche canoe, and I think a lot of it had to do with he'd cry and claim he was being bullied when anyone would call him on his shit. He was (probably still is) an insufferable and socially awkward prick who tries to bully those who he thinks are weaker or less knowledgeable than him, plus he had that whole rape fetish thing going on. I could be pissed but dealing with that type of "that guy" early on ended up forming a pretty good group.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm impressed you guys stuck around after the first rape. But I guess with it being a school club or whatever leaving wasn't as simple as it might've been otherwise.

          As for the thread question, I played in a very brief-lived Corruption of Champions themed game. More than half the party were murderhobos so whenever the GM tried to introduce some kinky scenario we wound up killing it with rocks. There were mermaids who tried to rape us/mesmerize us: killed with rocks. We rolled a really BIG rock into some kind of lizardman tribe cave, smashing many of them to bits. One of the few players willing to engage with the core premise did let herself be captured and raped by the surviving lizardmen. We left her behind and the game crashed and burned soon after.

    • 5 months ago

      >He complained to the teachers that we were bullying him and myself and another player in the group got suspended for bullying (even after we explained the rape stuff) because Glenn had autism.
      Should've beat the shit out of him. At that point you may as well.

  61. 5 months ago

    I had a female player who went out of her way to get sexed by a lycanthrope, solely so she could get the curse and become one. She seemed very disappointed when I told her that it just needed to be a bite, and not sexual. "That's lame like a vampire" was what she said, but she got to be a lycanthrope anyway, so she didn't complain too much.

    • 5 months ago

      >woman desires to be raped by a subhuman monster
      Many such cases!

      • 5 months ago

        See? There's still hope for you to reproduce.

  62. 5 months ago

    Not during proper table time but outside, yes. Myself and the lone girl at the table are heavy note takers. I lost a chunk of my notes from a bit earlier in the campaign and asked if she could send me hers. She didn't check what she was sending because I ended up with the notes of that time period interspersed with two sex scenes and a rape scene of her character.

    I "subtly" brought it up to her at a hangout a week or two later and we've been passing smut of our characters back and forth ever since.

    • 5 months ago

      What sorta context was it in? What caused the character to be fricked either way? Was it things that happened while the character was part of the party, or did it happen as part of their backstory? Or during the campaign, but off-screen?

      • 5 months ago

        First scene was the resident DMPC and their spouse. The spouse ran an inn so the party was staying in a room while the DMPC and the spouse slept in their own. The scene she added was of them fricking. It was rather mundane, wholesome, and quick so I chalked it up to her liking romance and it making logical sense for the situation and characters.

        The second came off more like late night softcore porn. There was an NPC the party was mildly suspicious of, my character moreso. At night I went to spy on him and found he had a spouse that was polymorphing to hide from notice, they talked about people snooping around (us) and other plot stuff. According to this girl's writing they then followed this up with a bunch of fricking. The fricking was a bit more lewd than the first scene was but the main difference was the dirty talk. She damn near wrote "a cat is fine too".

        The third scene, the rape of her character, had her straight up retconning events and changing scenes, which cascaded into her altering other scenes to line the stories back up. A lot of effort to get her rocks off.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm impressed by the effort she put into it. Hope to one day reach that level of powerful degeneracy.

          • 5 months ago

            That was my biggest takeaway, honesty. Post-nut anyway. The effort of making sure that when she did screw with events that she fixed any timeline errors or other issues. The original scene that the rape replaced was of that DMPC being kidnapped and roughed up, like a mob thing. The DMPC lost some limbs in the ordeal before we saved them.

            So she replaced the DMPC with herself, got gangbanged by skaven, then got saved.

            However, even now, nearly three years later, this DMPC and their missing limb factor into the plot. So she had to tweak a number of things to get that character to suffer all the same mental and physical trauma by the time it started being heavily referenced.

            • 5 months ago

              The funny thing is that the skaven are one of the monster men least likely to rape you, because they have a race revulsion for non-skaven.

  63. 5 months ago

    Porn rape or rape rape?

    • 5 months ago

      Either or, though I'm curious about the distinction.

      • 5 months ago

        Rape rape is dark & tragic.

        Porn rape is surprise sex that the victim didn't know he or she wanted, causing them to fall in love with the rapist at the end.

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