Have you ever been banned from any games?


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  1. 5 months ago

    Not by a developer but community servers.
    Shitters whinge I was too good / cheating.

  2. 5 months ago

    I got permabanned from LoL back in 2016 for raging at an intentionally feeding Chinaman. Best thing that happened in my gaming life.

    • 5 months ago

      I got banned in League of Legends years ago. I bullied the shit out of a top lane Nocturne who started running his mouth in general, so I told him off for being a dipshit who didn't know how to play his champ. He and his friends mass reported me for harassment and so I got slapped with a week ban, even though he started it. I dropped the game shortly after that.

      I played AP Teemo back in 2013 and said "gg ez" in chat. Was enough to ban me apparently. They were so tilted.

      • 5 months ago

        I knew that things were changing when people would talk shit, get butthurt, and then tattle. Like mother fricker, if your ass can't handle bants, then go play with autistic rejects who play exclusively bot lobbies. People really have gotten too soft

    • 5 months ago

      Same story, guy griefs game and shit talks me, I shit talk back, get permabanned for using low tier nono words like homosexual, but it was just as they were starting to roll in gay anti toxicity campaign instead of anti griefing ones. I think that was 2014. From my friends who still play, they have still not dealt with griefers.

      Id rather get called a moronic Black person and be unable to mute the guy than be unable to say anything back. Im glad they banned me, I hated the game and only liked liked that I was good at it.

    • 5 months ago

      half of the fun of league was testing out how much you can be toxic without being banned.
      Honestly the better you perform the less likely of getting reported. The key is not triggering the autoflags.
      However, eventually Riot put "chink" as a pick up word to trigger suspenions and bans and had enough. Unironically around the same time "Stop Asian Hate" was circulating around. Before that, almost everyone in NA would be talking shit to chinks feeding and being worthless bugmen.

  3. 5 months ago

    I got banned from WoW for talking about Hitler in trade chat

    • 5 months ago

      At least you know what you were banned for.
      If you don't already know you were being a bit cheeky Blizzard won't tell you what bad thing you said, even if you ask them to clarify.
      I switched to private servers when they banned me for a few days without even stating what I did wrong. If they can steal from me (and their preggo coworkers), I can "steal" from them.

    • 5 months ago

      Lel. I got a "warning" because I was talking about the israelites in chat only that I replaced israelites with goblins. They couldn't ban me but they catched up pretty fast. That was around 2009 or so

  4. 5 months ago

    Saying homosexual when it was transitioning into a forbidden word.

    • 5 months ago

      who was responsible for pushing this? moron, homosexual, and gay all used to be super common phrases for insulting one another but now you get banned from everything for even uttering it regardless of intent.

      • 5 months ago

        Riot started it when everyone and their mother was whining about how mean ASShomosexual players are.

    • 5 months ago

      who was responsible for pushing this? moron, homosexual, and gay all used to be super common phrases for insulting one another but now you get banned from everything for even uttering it regardless of intent.

      It's so weird because people will dig up each other's old posts on twitter or wherever and act like they're satan for saying homosexual in 2009, when it wasn't considered a problem then. Hell you used to be able to say it on tv with no problems. I almost wonder if we'll get to the point where words like that will only be seen as shortcuts to saying something awful without really caring, lose their meaning, and then go back around to not mattering much anymore.

      • 5 months ago

        And they'll cry and scream sowwy when 15 years from now someone digs up a now-relatively benign word they've said and uses it to ruin their reputation and livelihood, and never learn the lesson why this is all moronic and a very bad thing to run a society on.

    • 5 months ago

      who was responsible for pushing this? moron, homosexual, and gay all used to be super common phrases for insulting one another but now you get banned from everything for even uttering it regardless of intent.

      It's so weird because people will dig up each other's old posts on twitter or wherever and act like they're satan for saying homosexual in 2009, when it wasn't considered a problem then. Hell you used to be able to say it on tv with no problems. I almost wonder if we'll get to the point where words like that will only be seen as shortcuts to saying something awful without really caring, lose their meaning, and then go back around to not mattering much anymore.

      The issue is games are no longer hosted by communities. Corporations have full control. The golden era for me was the major ISPs in my country all ran their own community gaming servers. Any game you wanted to play there would be 200+ servers all at 5-10ms latency due to the connection being you - ISP datacenter
      Shit was cash.

      • 5 months ago

        The FGC is the last bastion of this and they are slowly losing it

      • 5 months ago

        Saying homosexual when it was transitioning into a forbidden word.

        who was responsible for pushing this? moron, homosexual, and gay all used to be super common phrases for insulting one another but now you get banned from everything for even uttering it regardless of intent.

        on one hand, i've seen young people go back to using words like moron and gay
        on the other, everyone is self-censoring the worlds "kill" and "dead" because they are bad for social media companies and advertisers

  5. 5 months ago

    red orchestra 2, was in a great lobby for a few matches on the soviets and some guy was using a russian filter teamkilling and calling in strikes on areas with more of our guys than theirs. last match started up and suddenly I was way beyond the max level , movement was totally fricked, and had germany weaponry. vac ban came in about a minute later

  6. 5 months ago

    I got banned in League of Legends years ago. I bullied the shit out of a top lane Nocturne who started running his mouth in general, so I told him off for being a dipshit who didn't know how to play his champ. He and his friends mass reported me for harassment and so I got slapped with a week ban, even though he started it. I dropped the game shortly after that.

    • 5 months ago

      Same happened to me. Kids crying all game, then I go top for the freest kill with my Fiddlesticks and the kid was probably picking his nose. Flamed them a few times, and farmed the rest of the game until they ffd. Got banned the morning bc of 4x report.

      • 5 months ago

        Also per a banned from RuneScape in like 2006 for staff impersonation. I was able to predict random events bc they happened every time I teleported out of chaos druids with a full inventory. Tried to joke with someone and said “watch. Im a mod. I can summon a random event.” Also had like 20 mutes before that….

      • 5 months ago

        That's the main reason I stopped playing years ago. People were so quick to DC and false report. God forbid you told some brain dead frickrat to "GIT GUD" in All Chat. Banter isn't harassment.

    • 5 months ago

      you called him a Black person didn't u

    • 5 months ago

      That Coraline's mom is really super hot, man...

  7. 5 months ago

    Got banned for leaving a QP game in Overwatch2
    Unstalled, never been back. No wonder it is losing players

    • 5 months ago

      You can get banned in OW2 for playing a character people don't like. Playing off meta is considered griefing.

      • 5 months ago

        Sounds like a miserable game to play.

      • 5 months ago

        Sounds like a miserable game to play.


      • 5 months ago

        >play homosexual game with homosexual rules
        It's dumb but well you can only blame yourself.

      • 5 months ago

        I’ve never seen a game get so terrible in such a slow mindless down spiral, every update just a small chisel slowly whittling anything of quality until the hand slips, a huge chunk of what it was and what it could be removed under the guise of ‘improvement’
        >only one of each character per team because meme strategies like 6 monkeys aren’t serious enough
        >force roles because no one is player healers because it’s unfun to just hug someone’s ass while they get to actually play the game
        >tweak and redesign every characters gameplay whenever someone does anything interesting with them so they’re incredibly bland and don’t ruin the SBM’s 50% win rate if you’re particularly good with that one character
        >genuinely good anti-cheat removed/stopped being updated when the game went F2P
        >went completely moron by listening to ‘pro’ players for balance suggestions, resulting in sweeping kneecaps across the board by clearly biased people
        >just generally bullied by the fanbase to make any changes, scream loud enough and they’ll nerf/buff/remove it, this of course also makes the game significantly worse
        >show off how they design new characters (thinking people would like it) and it’s probably the most racist soulless thing ever, literal score graphs based on race, country of origin, disability, age, gender. Instead of the very simple design philosophy of ‘wouldn’t this be cool’
        Blizzard shouldn’t exist in this modern world

  8. 5 months ago

    I got a temporary ban for using the Rampage exploit in vanilla WoW to solo part of Molten Core. I think that's the only time

  9. 5 months ago

    A TF2 server for having "e-girlcon" in my name.
    Coincidentally I was also top of the score board and dominating one of the admins

  10. 5 months ago

    I've never been banned from a game, I've only been banned from ign message boards when I was 13/14 for calling a dude a homosexual. They told me I should come here. I'm 34 now.

  11. 5 months ago

    Got a steam game ban for not letting people leave in Phasmophobia. I would sit outside the truck once the game started and go afk.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      That's hilarious and I might buy the game myself just to do that a few times.
      I used to have a great laugh griefing teammates on cs 1.6 by blocking doors so they couldn't leave rooms or blocking them in the vents on cs_assault so they couldn't escape when the enemies started shooting them.

      • 5 months ago

        The stubborn headbutting and trying to get my attention was fricking funny. Would just sit in call with friends or leave and do house work while some guy tried to act tough in front of his egirlfriend.

        • 5 months ago

          Lmao I used to block homosexual camping teammates on mw2 as well sometimes if they were in a corner you could just stand in front of them and they couldn't get out. It was too funny having them shout duuuuuude fricking moooove over the mic as I popped shots off into the air to attract enemies to our position. Didn't give a frick that I died too.

          Also again on cs I'd find servers that kicked and banned you for team killing and I'd annoy team mates just chasing them around and shooting them every now and then but not killing them until they got pissed off and killed me lmao buh bye.

      • 5 months ago

        I remember binding a suicide key and killing myself repeteadly on top of bhop squares to cause them to glitch out and go up and down in CS 1.6
        I'd sit and laugh my ass off for hours hearing everyone get mad as shit that the map was unplayable and start launching accusations at each other.
        Good times

        • 5 months ago

          Were bhop squares some custom thing? Never heard of them. I pretty much solely played assault.
          Which reminds me if you stood on a teammates head at a certain point on top of the building next to the ct van and you both kept jumping up and down you could start "climbing" the wall and then run around in the sky loool (and still shoot down). Didn't get banned for that.

          Also if I was last alive with one opponent left I'd try to get them to knife fight me then at the last moment I'd pull out my ak and blow them away loooool. Did get banned for that one.

      • 5 months ago

        Genuine dicksucker

        • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          Cry more

  12. 5 months ago

    I'm banned from Overwatch, because on the forums I constantly called the developers incompetent for the various changes they were making to the game, and specifically for calling Kaplan a literal moron and a hack that ruined games as a player, and continued that as a developer.

    And I'd do it again.

    • 5 months ago

      Based but also cringe for playing OW in the first place.

      • 5 months ago

        My friends wanted to play it, and it looked like it was dumb enough fun. We basically treated it as a smaller Team Fortress and just did loads of dumb shit, like convincing our team to all go the same character, or do Pharah Harems, shit like that. Honestly the most fun I'd had in the game was when we had convinced our team to all go winston, then the match started and the other team was also all winston and it was just a big monkey party.
        Putting in character pick limits was the moment I started my shitposting. I'm more pissed that Sombra is stuck in their shitty fricking game. I loved playing as her when she came out.

  13. 5 months ago

    I said 'shit' on club penguin when I was 8 and when I got banned I thought the police were gonna come after me

  14. 5 months ago

    Yes. moron moderator on his first (and last) day was like "This guy knows how to play the game really well and has a built in notification that he's staff. Better ban him for cheating!"

    • 5 months ago

      what gayme?

      • 5 months ago

        >dox yourself
        No. I still work there.

  15. 5 months ago

    I never got banned but I'm surprised I never did
    >botted most of my 99's in RuneScape with random 4-12 hour sessions all day every day for over a year

  16. 5 months ago

    I've been banned from multiple Battlefield 3/4 player servers for roadkilling people with UAVs.

  17. 5 months ago

    Mostly from names.
    In Origin/Battlefield I went through the following names and got reported for each and had to change.

    and most recently:

    I am now:

    Bonus Points for back in Vanilla WoW:
    SchiftyFive (RP Server reported changed to ShiftyFour)

    • 5 months ago

      I reported somebody in MW1 for having an anti semitic xbox gamertag.

      • 5 months ago

        You reported FairWages4immagrants?

    • 5 months ago

      I first picked up monster hunter world when things first started to get wild again in Gaza and named my palico Hamas, amazingly nobody has complained and one guy even said peace to Hamas

  18. 5 months ago

    No, because I'm not a child/adult with BPD

  19. 5 months ago

    My switch is banned because I modded it. Splatoon 2's online sucked so I didn't want to pay for it anyway so I missed out on nothing.
    I played on a tf2 community server with one of those absurdly massive maps. At one point there was a big button. I hit it with my melee weapon and some voice shouted out "Black folk" and then an admin was mad at me for pressing the button and banned me. I didn't even know it would happen.

    • 5 months ago

      Making my own exploits to crash entire lobbies for everyone apparently causes infinite butthurt.

      >My switch is banned because I modded it.
      Skill issue, can be easily avoided by proper exosphere settings.

      I always report toxic players

      Try to play the game instead

  20. 5 months ago

    Banned for saying "Black person" on mic.

  21. 5 months ago

    I used cheats to kill another cheater who was ruining a dm game in a mta sa server and got caught, was perma banned from that server.
    The only other time I used cheats was to make my car fly in freeroam servers, which when caught admins simply told me to stop.

    • 5 months ago

      This was like 14 years ago, and was the only time I ever got banned or suspended from a game.

  22. 5 months ago
  23. 5 months ago

    Never been banned from a game. Been kicked from private servers or guilds, though

  24. 5 months ago

    >Day of Defeat
    >Go prone
    >Start killing dudes
    >Get banned for going prone
    This was almost 20 years ago but it stuck with me because of how bizarre it was.

  25. 5 months ago

    I played BFV with my little brother after quitting my job at Amazon once, and at like 1AM I got permabanned from the game. I think I called an admin a gay or something and figured it was just a server ban at first, but the main menu bugged out for a bit before defaulting to looking like a brand new profile. EA refused to give me a reason for the ban when asked and as it turns out there was some sort of connection/attempting login log on EA's site, and sure enough like 30 different countries popped up. Strange part is that I didn't notice any sort of new unlocks or anything so I have no idea if the guy actually got in and cheated or what.

  26. 5 months ago

    got permabanned from Rainbow Six Siege for toxic behavior

    • 5 months ago

      I always report toxic players

  27. 5 months ago

    over 9000 times

    i hate woke morons more than my wish to remain unbanned

  28. 5 months ago


  29. 5 months ago

    Apparently I'm banned from apex legends, I assume after I stopped playing somebody got into my account and did something

  30. 5 months ago

    Rust, Garry's Mod, Battlefield 4. .
    Not whole games, but definitely A LOT of servers.

    • 5 months ago

      Raiding cinema servers on Gmod was always funny as frick. It was always homosexuals watching brony shit as well.

  31. 5 months ago

    i got banned from runescape for having the offensive name
    >Wtf A Robot
    its funny, i took that name because the previous user was banned (and the name somehow became available)

  32. 5 months ago

    Constantly when I actively played urban terror and tf2.
    t. used to be on the national esport team for both games

  33. 5 months ago

    because I don't cheat like 57% of homosexuals who play online multiplayer games

  34. 5 months ago

    I got banned for auto farming with a macro, like who wants to spend hours doing the same repetitive shit? I've also been banned for cursing at the mods and developers in a kids game, I've also been banned for gambling and buying items off the blackmarket, I've been banned multiple times for running hacks which then turned into full blown proxies where I modified the packets sent by the server side of the game.

  35. 5 months ago

    For some reason I got a 15 to 20 ping rate for a week when they were redoing phonelines in my neighbourhood. Its usually like 40 to 70 or worse.

    I got a 29 kill game in Warzone ( I usually get between say 3 and 10 kills), and got shadowbanned. Combination of great ping, bad lobby, early use of what turned out to be a broken gun etc. Then like 2 days later of getting no lobbies, the morons finally got around to realise I'm playing on console and I started getting lobbies again.

  36. 5 months ago

    Got banned in LoL for 2 weeks for saying "go away,gayots" at some guys invading my jungle

  37. 5 months ago

    >guild wars factions
    >back in the day
    >Halloween event
    >the Mad King appears to give us activities and loot
    >call him a Hitler on the chat
    >get banned for a couple of days
    It was worth it.

  38. 5 months ago

    I got banned from most of my favorite TF2 servers because the admin is a little b***h who can't handle banter and other players stomping him

  39. 5 months ago

    CoD MW2, I didn't care about it anymore as it was at the end of its "cycle", I got matchmade into a hacked server that automatically thrust you to max level and max prestige
    Valve banned players that got hit with that but as a compensation, I got L4D2 for free so that's nice

  40. 5 months ago

    I’m banned from pretty much every corner of the internet except Ganker. I’m simply too based

  41. 5 months ago

    Not an entire game but I got perma banned from a server for repeatedly telling players to kill themselves, hope their family members get cancer, celebrate people’s dead pets, etc.
    To clarify, none of it was really my fault though. I exclusively did to players on the server who were Giga-pussies so all of them deserved the harassment.

    • 5 months ago

      Get some help

  42. 5 months ago

    Banned in Vanilla (mighta been BC or Wrath) for suggesting everyone needs to get to high ground in the Barrens so they don’t drown in Hurricane Katrina.

  43. 5 months ago

    >battlefield 2142
    >commander lying prone on the titan deck
    >go prone and start pushing him towards the edge
    >he's busy in the map menu
    >push him over the edge and kill him
    >teamchat blows up with people asking what happened
    >try doing it again but get spotted and reported

    • 5 months ago

      Although funny i don't believe you got banned for one team kill. Kys

  44. 5 months ago

    I got banned from battlefront 2 (the original) because I let mu moronic friend play the game & he spammed R2 with darth maul after getting killed & respawning because he thought everyone was an enemy so he spawn killed his allies over & over until I was banned.
    He was literally moronic but meant well & was fun to hang out with which is the only reason anybody tolerated him but that really pissed me off.

  45. 5 months ago

    I got banned from several Facebook tier browser games for cheating. Nothing beats taking the leaderboard position from paypiggies by hacking in the best gear they paid hundreds of dilla for.

    • 5 months ago

      Nowadays we have anti cheat bullshit and the only way to bypass is to modify the kernel which is always detected as a virus.

      • 5 months ago

        Kernel-level anti-cheat is unnecessarily intrusive and if a game has it, I automatically won't ever play it
        >hell yeah, random company, there you go have the highest possible elevated access to my computer!

      • 5 months ago

        Try 2015, that's when browser games got their shit together (simply by 90% of them dying off and big boys getting enough money to patch the easy holes"
        Used to hack people's Farmville and boost their crops/give them paid items shit for cash (cheaper than the store), surprisingly 0 bans.

  46. 5 months ago

    Got banned from Path of Exile.
    Something about the shitty trade system just makes me go crazy and start shitting on global chat.

  47. 5 months ago

    I got banned from a gmod server for having too dark of a voice
    Then I made my own server and the admin that banned me begged me to make him admin there
    My friend decided to have fun with him and put him through trials to test him, like making him win knife duels with other players and random shit

  48. 5 months ago

    Got banned for saying Black person despite having an n word pass

  49. 5 months ago

    Yes, a game on BYOND that was hosted by some guy who was incredibly asspained that random anime games were more popular than his shitty DQ/FF knockoff. It was called NEStalgia, I think it's still on steam even, he was raging ingame, incredibly hard that some naruto game that had just launched was 10x his playerbase all time peak, and I told him I thought his game was fun but it was tough to enjoy when he was constantly using announce all to all live servers to whine about how no one "liked his games".
    Instantly banned, then he went and found my steam account and banned me from the game's steam forums (not that I had it on there in the first place).
    It was a weird experience.

    • 5 months ago

      I suppose if those count, I'm also banned from the Goonstation SS13 server

    • 5 months ago

      I have fond memories of NEStalgia. Nice to see another old BYONDgay in the wild. Check out Verdict on steam, a lot of former BYOND players are there. Mostly folks from Eternia RP/Spires of Agartha, for better or worse.

      • 5 months ago

        I used to ERP with roomy (the guy who owns it)'s girlfriend. I'm not interested. It's just as bad as eternia always was.
        I only play NDL games, or the first week or two of finale rips when there's 100 people and you can actually experience a living, breathing world for a bit.

        • 5 months ago

          actually I just went and looked, shit got shut down in december

        • 5 months ago

          I feel like a large portion of Eternia/Spires problems came from their terrible management and ownership. Roomy's a pretty good and diligent guy, so I've got quite a bit more faith in Verdict. But I don't blame you. Have fun out there anon.

          • 5 months ago

            Nothing wrong with him, he's not a pedophile like nigel/chance so I don't mind, I just can't look at a guy seriously when he asks me to ERP with his girlfriend, and I never really liked eternia anyway, spires was the only one I really went whole hog on, and only RIGHT at launch (which was how I met roomy anyway). I was a lauded player but the bullshit in regards to the enablement that certain people got because they were long-standing without putting in the work completely soured my perception so I offed my character and haven't looked back.
            Again, those shitty finale rips, as bad as they CAN be, and usually do get, have the most lively, zealous, and passionate writers I've EVER had the joy of roleplaying with. It's fricking crazy that some homie in the hood in florida writes better than a phd whipped cream wizard on spires ever did because he cares about the material and it isn't just the means to a power trip or ERP (although that happens too, lesbians lmao)

            • 5 months ago

              Chance is a massive homosexual, and the driving force behind why I left. What character(s) did you play? We might've ran into each other at some point.

              • 5 months ago

                I played a bald fricker named axton brock, I was part of the valmasia landing crew, I used blood/water/umbretarn (and steam at the very end before I died, cause they nerfed blood and umbre by like 80% of their damage when I was winning every fight by outsustain and chainstun)
                When spires FIRST first launched, before the proper launch there was like a 12 hour uptime where I played one of the tribal people I can't remember the name of, got into a fight with one of the clique's characters (who was a starter), and there were like 40 people boxing us in as we fought. An incredibly intense, amazing experience.
                Then the server went down for like 2 weeks and the character got lost, that's when I made axton.

              • 5 months ago

                That name sure sounds familiar, but I think I came along after you'd left, or not long before. I joined in shortly before Valmasia fell. I played Cassius Hallow, founded the first church of Kraus in Agartha. (Bottom left corner in picrel)

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, I played about a month after launch, valmasia lasted about another month after I left from what I understand, before chance made his literal angel bullshit character and jianghu took over everything and they did all that demon/witches shit (lmao).
                I had people asking me to come back throughout the entirety of spires, and then when eternia 3 launched, but I just had 0 interest cause any time I asked if shit changed, it was either no, or yes (for the worse).
                Everything was designed around appealing to the people who suck the main cast's dick, and the same handful of people get all the power, on repeat, it stops being fun when you know they won't be on or won't roleplay with you because you're not "relevant" to them. I couldn't manage to get any new players to stick around due to it, and it's no surprise valmasia lost (besides the fact they were always going to because of chance wanting to distance from eternia 1, which he didn't tell anyone and lied about it being a fair shot)
                just horseshit, bad gamerunners, bad stories, lots of bad players, and it was certainly not the height of my roleplay either.
                Hope you have fun with whatever you're playing now if anything.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah thanks for reminiscing with me anon. Take care.

    • 5 months ago

      The first time I got banned in vidya was from trying to crash/lag random BYOND games by spamming the chat with a couple friends. Naruto GO was the shit though

  50. 5 months ago

    >banned for saying the japanese were all mongoloids
    >banned for saying "crap" in a tf2 trade server
    >muted for a week from a discord server over a gigachad meme "because you could see the outline where his penis starts" (pic related was basically the meme in question)
    MODS ARE gayS

    • 5 months ago

      >because you could see the outline where his penis starts
      Some mod had to look VERY closely, I wonder why.

      • 5 months ago

        I called him out for it later and he started making excuses

  51. 5 months ago

    I got banned from TOTM in Getting Over It because I said the n word
    To be fair, I only did it in the first place because the swear word filter is shit and for some reason lets random swears through if you say them on their own.
    It's even worse than that because while it kicked me immediately, the ban didn't come into effect for like 3 days afterwards so I was able to get back pretty easily 5 or 6 times before I got banned.

  52. 5 months ago

    Yes. 109 times. It wasn't me they were just beimg pricks and kicked me

  53. 5 months ago

    From league of legends.
    I have like 20 banned accounts or something for varius diffrent reasons.
    I just keep buying a lvl 30 account so i can go to ranked right away for 2$ whenever i get banned but i guess with Vanguard anti ban evading kernel acces protection thats no longer going to be possible huh.
    Originally i was banned for hatespeed.
    Nowadays i usually get banned either for botting or for inting if i dont make the trolling subtle enought or sometimes also for toxicity because these subhumans say the dumbest shit i just have to respond

  54. 5 months ago

    Only once. I used to a turbo autistic toxic top laner in league around season 2 and Accidentally said Black person a few too many times one game. Never been banned or even silenced outside of that in other games

  55. 5 months ago

    got banned from roblox from a week for a message that got automatically tagged
    also got banned from some troon's mc server for saying he's a man

  56. 5 months ago

    I got bored with that one space game where people spend years on end and thousands of real dollars and killed a randomly ejected person costing him all of his expensive implants then made a joke about being a moderator that nobody who wasn't moronic would think was serious.

  57. 5 months ago

    Halo 2
    No idea why.

  58. 5 months ago

    I'm on a 15 year Steam community ban as well as having lost access to any community function including friendslist or chats and I'm not allowed to connect to any VAC servers or competitive modes anywhere till I email Steam about it

    Never cheated btw, this is all over bullying some german troons on cs_office and getting false flagged by them out of pure seethium lmfao

  59. 5 months ago

    Got banned from League back in 2014 or something for playing Teemo and drawing swastikas with my shrooms. My team was filled with no-fun-allowed israelites.

  60. 5 months ago

    just once for maphacking in diablo 2

  61. 5 months ago

    I'm banned on every bf4 server that has hammerhead in rotation because me and my friends found that you can go under the map on it

    • 5 months ago

      The ban is actually not permanent, it lasts 6 years.
      If you haven't played since then, you might be unbanned.
      t. serial glitcher on metro

  62. 5 months ago

    automated reports from shitters for telling them to stop fricking up.
    worst part is how they lie through their teeth that "if you got banned you deserve it" and how shitters defend e-jannies.
    pisses me off to no end.

  63. 5 months ago


  64. 5 months ago

    I got my account permabanned from all mobage run games for feuding with some lady and her husband and calling them israelites in Fantasica

  65. 5 months ago

    I got perma banned from CSGO when it first came out.
    I neither griefed or cheated. The support person I talked to said they would look into it and just unbanned me with no explanation like 2 days later lol.
    Did anyone else have this happen?

    • 5 months ago

      I had that happen a couple times, My expectation was either my network was too strange, too wild of ping swings, or assmad complaints triggering autobans, cause no matter how much they claim otherwise, it does happen.

  66. 5 months ago

    I only get banned from Ganker. Because the jannies here are unfunny homosexuals.

  67. 5 months ago

    I once got banned for botting in Diablo 3 back when it still had the real money auction house. I got the game for "free" from having an active WoW subscription though, so not much was lost.

  68. 5 months ago

    Yes I used to get temp bans all the time for rage quitting back when I still played smash bros. Not my fault dlc characters are unbalanced broken and I felt compelled to revoke my consent to the match

  69. 5 months ago

    Pokémon Go, i live in bumfrick nowhere spoofed the GPS to see how the game is in actual cities back when it was new, difference is between night and day for the record.

    That is pretty much it though.

  70. 5 months ago

    I've been chat banned, temporarily banned and permanently banned on almost every multiplayer game I've played. The reasons are what you would expect, and even more. "Toxic" behavior in chat, mass reported due to offensive names, mass reports for picking off-meta characters, killing or attacking streamers in pvp games. I don't care, I won't change. If you act like a moron, I will call you a moron. If the game doesn't let me call you a moron, you bet your ass I will find a way to call you a moron.

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago
  71. 5 months ago

    Only got banned for a few days in overwatch, it happened instantly after I ironically typed "cyka blyat" in chat.
    The only other things I did in that game is backset shit teams, throw when I got uncooperative players that just wanted to mindlessly play damage and got into an argument with a tumblrite that called me a racist for using the word "homie" when talking to my friend so he tried to focus me and failed miserably which at the end of the game I told him to go get himself lynched

  72. 5 months ago

    I got banned from a furry RP server by welder bombing

  73. 5 months ago

    Not always from actual games but
    >Banned from the official The Finals discord because of my pfp. Never let me appeal it despite changing it within the hour
    >Unjustly banned from a Gmod RP server. Reported the admins who banned me, got cleared of all charges
    >Got banned from another Gmod RP server. This time I was legit trolling but the admin was a total butthole
    >got banned from a few other discord for shitposting
    >got banned from the official r/cuckolding discord because I pretended to be a 50 year old ex-navy seal bull that insulted every woman in the chat.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm banned from the dwarf fortress forums, officially I think for talking about MLP (and what I did say could barely be called talking about MLP, the MLP part was pretty tangential) but really it was because when I was younger (early 20s) my spelling and grammar were a bit shit and this made some long time posters exceedingly upset, this also has me negative karma from the tiny handful of times I was ever dumb enough to post on Reddit and caused significant drama in the /cyoa/ general on /mlp/

    • 5 months ago

      from the official The Finals discord because of my pfp. Never let me appeal it despite changing it within the hour
      banned from a Gmod RP server. Reported the admins who banned me, got cleared of all charges
      stupid goy, you deserve all those bans. the system is just and fair and the admins never err. it is your fault that you got banned

      • 5 months ago

        I got banned because I said "we got Verdun'd" during a mission where we got gassed by the enemy. Apparently one mod was german and threw a litteral temper tantrum. Thankfully, i recorded the sit and reported his ass. Not long after, he was removed as a moderator.

        as for The Finals, i litterally sent emails and support tickets but they kept shutting them down despite changing the pfp and asking forgiveness.

        • 5 months ago

          no you don't get it. you were supposed to get all pissed off and call me a Black or something for defending greedy transnational corporations with overly broad ToS and unappealable automated bans.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm not surprised to hear that with the finals, I'm usually the one telling people to stop shitting up threads complaining about body types but everything about the way character creation is in that game with how it doesn't want you to play a white male screams giga woke

          • 5 months ago

            it's more about the fact that litterally every cosmetic option is ass AND overpriced as frick

  74. 5 months ago

    got banned for cheating in wow
    multiple times
    im still playing

  75. 5 months ago

    Buy an adslot you broke frickin loser.

  76. 5 months ago

    I named my imperial in ESO Verginius Maximus. No warning. First offence. fricking c**t of a CS. Renamed to Sextus Furius once able to log back in and quit.

  77. 5 months ago

    When I was 16-17, I played Quake 3 at at competitive level. I did okay in comps, landed in the top 10 often in online comps, usually top 5 at minimum at local LAN tourney's. Sadly, in those times and in my country is was near impossible to get sponsored.

    During those years I joined a local server hosted by an isp in my country to warm myself up for a few hours before my match. They had 3 servers and I got banned, consecutively, from each one.
    Server admins seemed to think I was cheating because "you move faster than possible" and other aimbotting and wallhack nonsense. It was a good day, made me proud I got banned for no reason other than completely dominating noobs.
    I still get all warm and fuzzy thinking about it. Best of all, I beat the absolute shit out of my opponent in that match that followed.

    Got kicked from other servers for similar reasons but not banned again. Never cheated online once in my life.

  78. 5 months ago

    never. although years ago I met a guy who claimed to be a steam admin. I called bullshit and he frick VAC banned me just to prove it. this was over a decade ago, early days of gmod. I got the vac ban message and couldn't log into steam for like 10 minutes, it scared the shit out of me. for a minute I thought he'd left me banned.

  79. 5 months ago

    >Have you ever been banned from any games?
    Going against TOS by saying forbidden words and ddosing.

  80. 5 months ago

    >get banned/muted for the slightest missteps
    >hurr why is no one talking in chat/voice anymore???
    I hate nu-vidya so much holy frick you might as well be playing with bots.

  81. 5 months ago

    I never got banned in Ganker but i can't post more than 3 days without getting banned in other boards
    Based Ganker mods

    • 5 months ago

      if you never get banned from Ganker you're a homosexual and probably a discord troony

  82. 5 months ago

    was probably banned like 200 times on Ganker. does that count?

  83. 5 months ago

    I've been banned from overwatch several times for wanting to win and expecting that my teammates want the same thing. I no longer play the game

  84. 5 months ago

    >enter game
    >someone is spamming music on mic
    >mute them
    >"hey guys how are we doing this evening?"
    >'STOP USING MIC homosexual!'

    I get kicked/banned from servers all the time. Mostly for being friendly on a server full of autists. But I've never been banned for being toxic or cheating. Wtf is wrong with your generation?

  85. 5 months ago

    >How 'bout I take my muthafrickin' god damn covenant, chase you down in the middle of the muthafrickin' snow

  86. 5 months ago

    A couple of times from butthurt homosexuals in CS:Source or HLDM2 servers who don't like when people play too well or because you're from a certain country. (western europe)

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