He is right you know

He is right you know

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Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    Thank you weeb homosexuals

    • 1 week ago

      I don't understand how you think weebs are the problem when a lot of devs these days are actually mimicking sports game monetization.

  2. 1 week ago

    I fail to see correlation between diversity and corporate greed. Unless this is irony, but I am too autistic to get it.

    • 1 week ago

      The big redpill is that corporations today DON’T care about money. They are willing to burn billions of dollars purely to stick their finger in white dude’s eye and scream “Haha, we made your favorite franchise gay and lame!”. It’s hard to fathom because we think of corporations as something that exist purely to generate profit, but the new corporate rulers actually care about wokeness more than making money.

      Look at the new Star Wars TV series, it’s going to cost Disney hundreds of millions of dollars down the drain but they don’t care as long it pushes their feminist agenda.

      • 1 week ago

        >The big redpill is that corporations today DON’T care about money.
        It's always about money. We might not get the bigger scheme behind it. If Disney will go bankrupt then we might discuss it as it SURELY will would be taken by non-pozzed company

      • 1 week ago

        i imagine this progressive shit gets your company diversity grants and art endowments and higher esg ratings which factor into how fat of a credit line institutions will lend you.

      • 1 week ago

        their hatred for you is stronger than their love for money

        • 1 week ago

          Jews summed up

      • 1 week ago

        The money making branch is BlackRock and other investment firms. Entertainment corpos like Disney and EA are for propaganda.

      • 1 week ago

        Problem is, you still think about money.
        When a corpo is big enough it entrenches itself to become "too big to fail" and starts trying to blackmail everyone with the whole "but think about the lost jobs". We're there right now.
        Both woke and non-woke corpos do this.
        Gaming is a bubble and a lot of people are willing to drop a ton of money since they assume people WILL end up buying and the line will eventually go up.
        Its not supposed to make sense: its a "whatever I will, happens" mentality that happens on people when they are rich.

      • 1 week ago

        Fake redpill. Anyone who really looked at the state of the game industry beyond what they hear on Ganker or Discord servers realizes that it really is about money. "It's all about spite" comes with the implication that the shareholders are competent rather than extremely out of touch with the idea of videogames. Pretty much all they do is for what they think brings more personal profit, Microsoft closing down decent game studios was long-term sabotage for short-term gains. Some of Nintendo's shareholder meetings had individual shareholders wish Nintendo prioritized profits over game quality. Their economic incentives for shoving diversity into games mostly boil down to how their share value is going to increase and that's why you mostly see it in compromised-by-shareholders companies like Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft and so on. Is Activision-Blizzard not a big enough proof of it? The executives treated the long-time employees like disposable cogs in the machine while giving themselves the lion's share of the profits and filling most of their games with overpriced microtransactions.

    • 1 week ago

      diversity is the result of corporate greed, at least with media

  3. 1 week ago

    anon, stop. don't aggravate them, their haven't taken their autism meds yet today, it's only 9AM on the east coast. their victim complexes aren't ready for your shitpost.

  4. 1 week ago

    So which employees are getting laid off?

  5. 1 week ago

    i was ready to book a trip to canada and frick schreier in the ass because that's how big of a fanboy i was, but now that he admits to defending DEI i have officially refused to do that. he is no longer my friend or my sex slave. his loss not mine, though i must admit his receding hairline is one of a kind. i would love to lick all the salts off of it.

    • 1 week ago

      imagine looking at the OP and thinking that the point of it is "defending DEI" and not "we have bigger fricking problems than DEI".

      meds. now.

      • 1 week ago

        Those problems stem from DEI. Companies forgot what their purpose is.

  6. 1 week ago

    If twitter OP homosexuals died this very instant, what sector of society would suffer?

    • 1 week ago

      twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay!

      Show some fricking respect chuds

  7. 1 week ago

    twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay! twitter post yay!

  8. 1 week ago

    Well if you don't want another vector of attack then alright.

  9. 1 week ago

    >It's not happening
    >It is but it doesn't affect anything
    >Ok maybe it is affecting things but it's only part of the problem
    >It's a good thing that it is
    >You're the bad guy for pointing it out
    Typical israelite

    • 1 week ago

      Who are you quoting?

  10. 1 week ago

    nice edit

  11. 1 week ago


  12. 1 week ago

    >industry layoffs
    That come from missing sales targets. They are a symptom, not the underlying problem.
    That's because video game developement has become a regular job instead of a passion project.
    >abusive microtransactions
    Gamers have cried about this for years and journos defended it because "developers deserve to be paid for their 200 recolor armors in every game".
    >prioritization of short-term profits
    Part of the EGS mantra. People are BEGGING devs to stop searching for these new audiences that don't exist and instead focus on making things the way they used to as a long term strategy.
    >risk aversion
    Goes back to games as a job instead of passion projects.

    People have given up on the AAA industry and this homosexual is crying that the reasons that made gamers quit finally show ripples in the industry. Frick off, c**t. Make a good game, people will buy it.

  13. 1 week ago

    Yep. Diversity hires do not produce decent content and that is all that's left at these companies. People who prioritize diversity also have awful taste in video games and dislike ideas such as but not limited to competition,doing anything for profit,distrusting the goverment and the list goes on. It's a symptom of a bigger problem with letting ultra progressives run anything creative. They turn everything into a circle jerk for the most fringe of the disenfranchised minority groups.

  14. 1 week ago

    "Diversity" isnt the problem. There was plenty of diversity in vidya before now. Last time I checked everyone loved Sgt Johnson from Halo and Cole Train from Gears. People openly played games with Fem protags like Metroid. Fighting games had people of all races. If you really want to get into it, JRPGs are almost inherently "diverse" because a lot of them are set in in japan with japanese characters, or standard mideval european setting with heavy Japanese influence. Nobody gave a shit as long as they were good characters. The problem is diversity hires and the preachy bullshit they peddle. Corporations hiring on skin color and sex rather than by merit is inherently racist and sexist. Then these subpar employees produce slop that doesnt even try to disguise itself from being the shitty diversity hire's soapbox, because they have as much nuance as a brick wall. This naturally turns people away, then rather than confront the fact that they did a bad job, they say its because of "toxic gamers" even though the supposed non-toxic gamers didnt buy their shit either. Almost as if the majority of gamers are these "toxic" people you refuse to cater to.

    I dont give a frick if a character is black or or female or whatever the frick if theyre good characters. Nobody does. But any character that revolves around some political ideology is shit. Period. You could make Sgt Johnson be white, hispanic, etc and it would have changed nothing. If you change ultra woke charactrrs to be another race or gender it usually falls apart because their entire identity is to be a mouthpiece for the shitty diversity hire with a chip on their shoulder. I could 100% agree with what you preach, but if you are executing poorly or shoving it in my face, I dont want to look at it. I dont give a frick about your hang ups, go get counciling. Give me a good character.

    Also learn2argue, being against diversity hires and being against all the other corporate homosexualry isnt mutually exclusive.

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