He lost his touch, didn't he?

He lost his touch, didn't he?

CRIME Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    he's a fraud

  2. 1 week ago

    he never had it.
    (but now he has a whole harem in real life he spends all his time on)

    • 1 week ago

      >(but now he has a whole harem in real life he spends all his time on)

  3. 1 week ago

    DLC is just more Elden Ring. I like it. Don't know why people are b***hing so much, I've beaten the lion, renalla, done some dungeons, started some quests, and have been taking my time. It's standard Souls stuff.

    • 1 week ago

      its too expensive for what is it

      • 1 week ago

        Then b***h at Namco. From doesn't have a say on their pricing

      • 1 week ago

        $40 for a 50+ hour game is not too expensive you failed abortion LOL I would have happily paid $60 and yet this dlc alone has more content than Sekiro

        • 1 week ago

          >I would have happily paid $60
          yes I know you would have you stupid paypig frick lmao

    • 1 week ago

      the fact that it's all reused assests and fails to explain literally anything about the main games storyline
      in fact it actually just creates even more unanswered questions, somehow

      • 1 week ago

        >it actually just creates even more unanswered questions
        So, like every From dlc then?

        • 1 week ago

          he DS1 DLC actually gave quite a few answers though

      • 1 week ago

        lmfao there is none, it's just zanzibart every fricking time

      • 1 week ago

        The only games that have an actual story are Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. Everything else is literally just random concept art strung together at the last minute. You were actually fricking insane if you expected plot from this DLC. The very premise of the whole thing doesn't even make sense. What the FRICK even is the Land of Shadows and why is there another tree?? If even the devs don't give a shit then you shouldn't either.

        • 1 week ago

          you're a homosexual shill
          Dark Souls 2 did DLCs perfectly and it had good lore

        • 1 week ago

          It's sad that DS2, DS3 and Elden ring are downgrades of Dark Souls 1.

        • 1 week ago

          Dark Souls 2 has a plot and is directly related to 1 with Manus's daughter being the Queen you fricking homosexual moron. What a surprise people on Ganker don't actually play video games just b***h about them.

          • 1 week ago

            >Manus's daughter
            Which makes absolutely no sense and is deviantart fanfiction-tier bullshit, just like all the other """lore""" in Dark Souls 2.

        • 1 week ago

          >You were actually fricking insane if you expected plot from this DLC

          No....no, he's not, stop making excuses for these fricking companies.

      • 1 week ago

        >all reused assets
        this is why we cant have honest dialog on this fricking board.

      • 1 week ago

        have a nice day Black person spammer, you didn't play the DLC

        • 1 week ago

          >you didn´t pay the DLC
          And with good reason

          • 1 week ago

            >didn't pay the dlc
            >uses a weird non standard accent mark instead of apostrophe
            Do not redeem saar

            • 1 week ago

              Take you meds and kys

              • 1 week ago

                I will once you learn English

      • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      >more Elden Ring
      That's the last thing elden ring needs. What a bloated stale game.

    • 1 week ago

      DLC is more Elden Ring in the same way lighting yourself on fire is getting more warm than putting on a sweater.

      • 1 week ago

        >DLC is more of the award winning game that people frothed over
        >This is now a bad thing
        You people are just miserable, to be fair. All the complaints of difficulty are overblown. It's no worse than base Elden Ring. People b***hed endlessly about Godrick in the beginning too.

        • 1 week ago

          No, they're right. The gameplay has degenerated. Go back and play DS1 and see how deliberate the movement is. Each single roll feels like a big deal. The enemies don't magically teleport to hit you and don't do moronic 15x combos. The game is flanderized

          • 1 week ago

            >each single roll
            the absolute state of fromdrones

          • 1 week ago

            To put this in perspective, in DS1 Artorias stuck out so much because of his raw speed. Now it feels like every boss gets to move around like he did.

            • 1 week ago

              I wish the fricks in ER moved as slow as Artorias.

              Artorias at least felt limited in the world he was in. He had to get into a stance and he had a somewhat limited angle the attack would come out of. ER just took that out the window by just saying "bones? what bones?" while replacing their ribcage with a V8 engine

              • 1 week ago

                That's because in ER you're fighting literal gods. I like that they're nigh unstoppable. Makes the lowly tarnished whupping their ass all the more satisfying. Besides, latest rumor was that their next title is with Sony and speedy spell based. So you'll probably have more grounded fights between magicians.

              • 1 week ago

                >Besides, latest rumor was that their next title is with Sony and speedy spell based.
                Here's hoping it's directed by Hamatani. If so it'll be a day one purchase. I've enjoyed ER but I'm staying the frick away from anything Tanimura touches from now on. Just completely sick of how he makes games.

              • 1 week ago

                homie THAT RUMOR WAS FAKE

          • 1 week ago

            Had they kept it at the same pace as Dark and Demon's then people would complain it had become too easy. Bloodborne and Sekiro were groundwork for ER, and the wealth of ashes/art of war/weapond/skills/etc. available mena you can tailor your build to any situation. The people who complain do so because they refuse to adapt or are incapable of learning and responding to patterns. ER isn't that hard. Neither is the DLC. The game gives you innumerable tools to fight with and the people b***hing refuse to use half of them.

            • 1 week ago

              Except that strict stat requirements means you can’t really a whole of different weapons

            • 1 week ago

              >Had they kept it at the same pace as Dark and Demon's then people would complain it had become too easy.
              They already did. One of the many (many) complaints about DS2 at launch was that it was too easy. Of course the people are moronic, on the on-going push for difficult at any cost has ruined this series.
              >Bloodborne and Sekiro were groundwork for ER
              Both games', but especially Sekiro's, design is so much superior than Elden Ring, and much better suited to 15 hit anime combo bosses.
              >The game gives you innumerable tools to fight with
              Because they're boring. This is part of the issue. Whereas BB and Sekiro had fun mechanics to balance out the bosses, ER gives you boring and tedious ones. So most players are left with an awkward decision, make the game boring by using said OP tools, or make the game frustrating by ignoring them. ER just has poor fundamentals, which is a shame because a lot of the other stuff is great.

              • 1 week ago

                >too easy
                More like too cheesy, putting ambushes at every corner and multiple gank squad phantoms
                Frick that game holy shit, its like every single area was lower undead burg
                Dont get me started on vanilla Shrine of Amana

            • 1 week ago

              >Had they kept it at the same pace as Dark and Demon's then people would complain it had become too easy.
              Not if they properly balanced stamina, hitboxes and resists for once in their fricking lives

          • 1 week ago

            To put this in perspective, in DS1 Artorias stuck out so much because of his raw speed. Now it feels like every boss gets to move around like he did.

            Have you considered that as we get more experience playing these games, we have naturally gotten much better at them?

            If every boss was the same difficulty as Artorias these games would be extremely easy. Elden Ring kinda needs to add long combos and delayed attacks to mix us up and force us to approach bosses with a different mindset. The anime ass visuals and moves are just a natural progression of needing to keep things fresh, makes sense that it doesn't work for everyone when earlier souls games feel more grounded and a lot of people prefered being able to see a boss slightly move its arm and immediately roll..

            Slave Knight Gael still hasn't been topped for me since he has the exact right amount of anime stuff and grounded attacks, but I still like a lot of Elden Rings bosses, especially Mesmer.

            • 1 week ago

              >Elden Ring kinda needs to add long combos and delayed attacks to mix us up and force us to approach bosses with a different mindset.
              But this pushes the players to be even more defensive, and there's even more waiting until it's (my) turn to finally attack. It creates a less interesting and more frustrating pace of gameplay. Sekiro side stepped this with defensive techniques building posture, so dealing with the anime wombocombo actually gave you a ton of boss progress. But ER has nothing like that. Stance breaking is meant to balance this out, but it seems most players aren't finding it to be the same dopamine hit that they got from older games when your turn to attack was more frequent.

              • 1 week ago

                they literally slapped poise from sekiro into the DS engine and just did frick all to really integrate it properly

            • 1 week ago

              other action games don't suffer from this problem
              for whatever reason these soulborne games have been upping the ante for the bosses while the player doesn't get to have any more fun
              it'd be like if devil may cry never improved your moveset beyond what you had in DMC1 but you still had to fight shit like DMC5 urizen or vergil

              • 1 week ago

                I think this is probably the biggest thing, we don't really have anything better to deal with this level of onslaught. I still enjoy the game of waiting for openings and some bosses in Elden Ring do offer ways to get hits in while they are swinging, but it's still the same roll and hit we've been doing since 2009.

                >Elden Ring kinda needs to add long combos and delayed attacks to mix us up and force us to approach bosses with a different mindset.
                But this pushes the players to be even more defensive, and there's even more waiting until it's (my) turn to finally attack. It creates a less interesting and more frustrating pace of gameplay. Sekiro side stepped this with defensive techniques building posture, so dealing with the anime wombocombo actually gave you a ton of boss progress. But ER has nothing like that. Stance breaking is meant to balance this out, but it seems most players aren't finding it to be the same dopamine hit that they got from older games when your turn to attack was more frequent.

                Yeah, I personally enjoy stance breaking, but the mechanics of how it works are esoteric and there's no bar to track your progress (probably because some bosses straight up break the posture system with hyperarmor (Melania)). I'll agree any day that Sekiro handled this sort of thing better than any other From game, still waiting for the Way of Tomoe DLC...

              • 1 week ago

                it feels like they are trying with the new weapons, they are a little more anime and quick compared to most of the old ones.

              • 1 week ago

                Thats because souls games main design concept was shifting larger options in the players moveset to having more interesting and diverse enemies, which was an absolute smash hit.
                The problem is when trying to scale that and up the ante this is where we end up, either you like the core design and its fine, or you never liked it and just enjoyed it because they were "simple".

                There is a reason DMC (since you used it as an example) enemies are so fricking boring and 1 note 99% of the time because the game is about you and your moveset and that never needed to change because it was up to the player to make use of the instead of requiring it, while souls games never let you get away with this and DEMANDED you deal with the enemies, they easily could have made enemies very low damage and low HP so you can ignore their movesets for the most part and continued without adding more and more absurd enemies but thats the difference in design philosophy between souls games and dmc, souls games want some level of challenge, while dmc is hilariously easy (outside of die in 1 hit difficulties, which aren't really hard, just tedious)

              • 1 week ago

                >(outside of die in 1 hit difficulties, which aren't really hard, just tedious)
                sounds like Elden Ring with low vigor lol

            • 1 week ago

              There are other ways to make the games harder than just turning bosses into anime fights whilst keeping the PC as Mr. Generic Knight.
              >Longer levels with hard encounters
              >Expanded more on durability and make it something you actually have to pay attention to
              >More esoteric level designs that puts players in precarious situations (Anor Londor archers were a good start)
              >More environmental hazards

              • 1 week ago

                It's clear from just don't have the talent to do any of this anymore.

              • 1 week ago

                I still believe they do, problem is that they're high on their farts and went all in on the prepare to die meme that started with DS1. It's like they design their games now to be difficult first and fun second.

              • 1 week ago

                Fricking implying you aren't just shit at the game when people are doing RL1 malenia.

              • 1 week ago

                But can you do RL1 malenia? if so please post it

              • 1 week ago

                They do, it's just that they keep pandering to the moronic fanbase which just wants to zoom through gauntlets for the next dopamine frying rollspam boss fight.

              • 1 week ago

                speed and damage is fine, just make it balanced with the hp. having a tank that can go 200mph isn't good design

                Malenia is actually a good design when you compare her to the DLC. Fragile, but heals when you get hit. So it keeps the hp low but still gives her an offensive way to not die in two hits. if you overpower it, then you kill the boss quicker than others.

              • 1 week ago

                Malenia is fine (outside of her fricked up stagger that is), but my main problem with the games is how fricking bland the PC is after a decade. And when we do get some AoW that replicates a boss' anime attack, it's almost fricking useless compared to jump R2/L2 spam or Bleed/Frost abuse, whilst also draining a lot of FP.

                Fricking implying you aren't just shit at the game when people are doing RL1 malenia.

                Maybe I am, but that doesn't change the fact that From went all in on boss encounters and threw everything else to the wayside.

              • 1 week ago

                > Game studio doesn't do the thing I like.
                > Game studio is still incredibly popular though.
                Are you sure it's not just a matter of taste, anon?

                But can you do RL1 malenia? if so please post it

                I haven't played in months lmao. I just know homosexualry when I see it.

              • 1 week ago

                Bringing up the accomplishments of others to own someone is very embarrassing, change your ways

              • 1 week ago

                If the shoe fits, homosexual. You don't have to insist so hard though.

              • 1 week ago

                Half and half probably. Yeah, ER is extremely popular, but it's also their most advertised game.

            • 1 week ago

              idk why people keep parroting this shit, it's like you homosexuals never understood what made Souls good
              The difficult of DeS and DS1 didn't come from the player's skill level, it came from understanding the game's systems
              They weren't trying to be le epic difficult action games, they were just extremely punishing so you had to play carefully and make sure you don't make mistakes. That's not a thing anymore, there are checkpoints every 10 steps and there aren't even boss runs, you start in front of the fog gate every time

              • 1 week ago

                Your punishment for fricking up and dying is that you have to start the boss fight from the beginning again, DS1s boss runs are a massive waste of time even if they do offer more punishment and the shorter the boss run is the better in my opinion. I get why you might like the increased punishement but to me it just feels like a complete waste of time.

                >The difficult of DeS and DS1 didn't come from the player's skill level, it came from understanding the game's systems

                The difficulty of literally every game in existence comes from the players skill level and understanding the games mechanics.

                There are other ways to make the games harder than just turning bosses into anime fights whilst keeping the PC as Mr. Generic Knight.
                >Longer levels with hard encounters
                >Expanded more on durability and make it something you actually have to pay attention to
                >More esoteric level designs that puts players in precarious situations (Anor Londor archers were a good start)
                >More environmental hazards

                I'd love to see a world where Fromsoft went in this direction, not sure about durability though, I think it's just not a fun mechanic for this sort of game.

                Anyone who says they didn't like moonlight butterfly or ceaseless discharge doesn't understand soulsborne combat.


              • 1 week ago

                You are a moronic Black person who never liked these games and people like you ruined the appeal of them. Go back to your shithole, you don't belong here.

              • 1 week ago

                You got me.

              • 1 week ago

                Boss runs are important to up the stakes. I still remember the old rage compilations of Dark Souls 1 deaths. It was fair and only modestly challenging, but still punishing at the same time. Now everyone just dies and gets to try again immediately. No progress loss, no time for the player to think what he can do better. Ofcourse, long runbacks wouldn't work well with overtuned Elden Ring bosses.

              • 1 week ago

                if i had to do a dark souls style runback only to eat an instakill snipe, lunge or grab i'd fricking break my keyboard

              • 1 week ago

                Agreed on all accounts, personally though, I just don't enjoy them. Besides, it's not like the game forces you to immediately refight the boss, you can still take time to think of what you can do better in the loading screen or if you just take a couple seconds to buff up or just wait. I think a 30 second run back to the boss is pretty good, but DS1 does take the piss sometimes, especially with Bed of Chaos and Seath.

              • 1 week ago

                >idk why people keep parroting this shit,
                Because it's fricking true. DS1 is too easy. Get the frick over it.

              • 1 week ago

                >muh difficulty
                who fricking cares dumb Black person

              • 1 week ago

                Because a game that's too easy is too boring. DS1's enemies and bosses are so anemic that it's just unengaging.

              • 1 week ago

                Boss runs were never a good idea, homosexual. Just tedious time wasters where once you learn how to dodge everything you waste 30s-3m of your life per death. Frick you and dumb homosexual morons that think like you, go find an MMO to mindlessly grind you timelost piece of trash.

              • 1 week ago

                Yeah souls games felt like a dark journey now it's sometimes a dark journey through a dungeon then you get hit by a Soulsism usually some meme ambush or enemy around the corner that chunks you but also circus bosses that get to fly around while you're still in the 1910 rollsmobile

              • 1 week ago

                >there aren't even boss runs, you start in front of the fog gate every time
                Which is a quality of life feature, anon. Runbacks were frustrating and a waste of time and you can't tell me it wasn't detrimental to the player's overall patience with the game. I'm persistent so I kept running back to fall down again in Bed of Chaos, as fricking terrible as it was.

              • 1 week ago

                "quality of life" is just a nice way of saying "streamlined for morons who don't like video games"

              • 1 week ago


              • 1 week ago

                Putting QoL features in a game that disrespects your time as much as Elden Ring does is funny

            • 1 week ago

              Anyone who says they didn't like moonlight butterfly or ceaseless discharge doesn't understand soulsborne combat.

              • 1 week ago

                Moonlight Butterfly is fine but Discharge was god fricking awful

            • 1 week ago

              From doesn't need to keep one upping the hardcore fans that memorise every boss move and beat the game without getting hit. Just make a game like Dark Souls 1 with a few new mechanics and interesting bosses with unique gimmicks. The player still needs to make a new build, explore the world and figure out the new level and boss design without stupidly high damage or ridiculous combos.

              • 1 week ago

                Well, there are 2 other Dark Souls games and Bloodborne which I think fit that memo decently well, but I'm not sure how similar you'd want it to be to DS1.

              • 1 week ago

                You're never going to get that. Normalgays love le hecking epic anime fights and hate the actual good parts of these games. People were constantly complaining about DeS and DS1's good parts so they got rid of them

            • 1 week ago

              How is it then that games like Monster Hunter do not have to do this stupid shit and monsters behave in the same way they always did and yet the games stay with same difficulty and experienced players don't have any issue when they beat the monster faster since they know their moveset from previous titles?

              Only FromShitware does this shit. They keep quadrupling down on absolutely moronic designs.

              • 1 week ago

                because Monster Hunter is a game about dancing back and forth between the Hunter and the Monster where instead of relying on abundant iframes to make up for sloppy hitboxes and hard to read enemy attacks, the developers instead emphasize tight hitboxes and a large but reasonable moveset for enemies.
                Monster Hunter feels like a very coordinated and elegant dialogue between player and monster where both are given ample opportunities to control the tempo of the fight. Elden Ring is the player trying to survive an onslaught of attacks while dealing damage where he can.

              • 1 week ago

                Have you played World or Rise? Unless being brought back from a previous game the monsters absolutely do not behave the same way, and yes obviously if you bring back the exact same monster people who have fought that monster will have an easier time beating it. World and Rise have teleporting dragons, Namielle and Valstrax. Even the weapons in modern MH have gone ballistic, you can literally fly on a gunlance in Rise.

    • 1 week ago

      >Don't know why people are b***hing so much,
      It's a handful of rampant samegay discord troony brownoids. They hate the game because they're shit at video games and it barely runs on their handmedown shitbox PCs.

    • 1 week ago

      There are three sets of complaints. First is the difficulty. Getting killed in two hits unless you waste your time looking for items is gay. It worked in the base game because you go out, kill other bosses and level up before facing Margit again

      Second is lore and story. This recycles a boss you've already fought as the final boss and does little to expand the lore

      Third is performance. Lots of people are having frame drops and crashes. This is not the kind of game you want to have inconsistent performance in. They're all valid complaints

      • 1 week ago

        >Getting killed in two hits unless you waste your time looking for items is gay.
        Then wear fricking armor
        >this recycles a boss you've already fought
        No, it recyles a CHARACTER we've already fought. It's a new boss, although admittedly not a fantastic one. More importantly, it's a small part of a fricking gigantic expansion with a dozen major story bosses and even more minor ones. The people harping on this do not even own elden ring, let alone have they played the DLC.
        >Third is performance.
        Performance is comparable to elden ring. Which is to say, moderately demanding, but manageable. If your frames are shit, swallow your pride and lower the visual effects.

        • 1 week ago

          Generate me a short story of a woman cooking apples.

          • 1 week ago

            Once upon a time your mother was baking me an apple pie after I fricked her. But I wasn't that hungry, and so I said, "I'd rather have cherry pie". So we fricked again despite that being a shit line, because she's in love with my huge wiener and my mastery of soulsborne videogames. The end.

      • 1 week ago

        Fourth is you'll do difficult bullshit whether boss or exploration and get rewarded with some pocket lint in the end

      • 1 week ago

        >Game is an open world

        • 1 week ago

          Don´t worry anon, the shitty leveling scale zone of the enemies did it for all of us, don´t worry about it.

        • 1 week ago

          >I love tedious padding
          I'm surprised you bothered to branch out from your beloved Ubislop

        • 1 week ago

          >base game tells you to explore
          >wander and find easier bosses, new equipment and some items to upgrade them

          >DLC tells you to explore
          >have to wander and find specific items
          >only obvious ones are ones by the (few) crosses
          >some locked behind bosses that you need the items to be able to even remotely stand a chance against in the first place
          One of these things is not like the other

          • 1 week ago

            The new level up mechanic is just awful

          • 1 week ago

            >some locked behind bosses that you need the items to be able to even remotely stand a chance against in the first place
            literally only main bosses have any semblance of difficulty

        • 1 week ago

          That's right, you shouldn't tell me what to do in an open world game.
          That's the beauty of them, I can do whatever the frick I want.

    • 1 week ago

      >ending is radhan
      >how is he back?
      >why him and not something else entirely?
      >frenzy flame ending has no answer who and why melina has that fricking eye
      >new frenzy flame characters introduced
      >more vague now what it actually is than before
      >still no answer to why miquella started a halig tree
      >still no answer why he abandoned the halig tree to come to shadow land
      >still no way to side with miquella and join him for a new ending
      >dlc has no effect on real game
      >not even a new ending or anything
      >still no idea why marika did what she did
      >still no idea who gloam eyed queen is
      >still no idea why Melina had torrent
      >still no idea why torrent serves us after our even before we kill miquella
      >still no idea what relation melina is to everyone
      >still no idea why unalloyed gold needle isn't used by miquella
      >why renalla have twin and why is the twin in a castle in shadow lands?
      >why is there no growth on the other outer gods like the blood queen mohg worshipped?
      >reused assets for like 40% of the game
      >ending cutscene is just miquella in a black void kneeling by a chair
      >no interaction between torrent and miquella
      >mogh isnt a pedo he just got tricked by miquella into worshipping a blood spider elder god so miquella could have a body for his gay lover radhan who he is also mind controlling.....
      >still no explanation why radagon is marika
      >no explanation why st trina is a separate person within miquella
      >no achievements for dlc AGAIN
      >fingers gy is pointless why is it in the shadow lands
      >why do the shadow lands exist?
      >why is mesmer abandoned? [besides devs just ran out of time]
      >no explanation on anything old or new
      >no explanation why everyones eyes are closed, miquellas, melinas one eye but then its blue in frenzy ending, rannis eye is closed. why!?!?
      >no godwyn despite him being miquellas favorite, this has more lore behind it than radhan being his consort

      • 1 week ago

        half the stuff you listed is answered though

      • 1 week ago

        Things like this are why Elden Ring, should be considered fundamentally an incomplete game.

        The game just screams "product" and not "passion" the story definitely matters in a game with a setting like this not unlike DMC the game where people play for gameplay above all else, and even then DMC still manages to have more comprehensible and complete lore than any souls game.

    • 1 week ago

      That's the thing. I don't want more open world slop.

  4. 1 week ago

    Have you considered, just maybe, that you lost your touch?

    • 1 week ago

      your mom had no complaints about my touch last night

  5. 1 week ago

    He's out of touch, is he out of time?

  6. 1 week ago

    Ever since the Game Awards debacle, he hasn't been the same.....

  7. 1 week ago

    He's running this company into the ground and should get fired. Kojima 2.0 but without the talent or interesting aspect that made Kojima great.

    • 1 week ago

      >He's running this company into the ground
      Is this bait, a bot, or are Gankerermin really this stupid?

      • 1 week ago

        gay detected

        • 1 week ago


  8. 1 week ago

    According to who?

  9. 1 week ago

    I agree somewhat, there just isn’t that energy the first dark souls had, I wish from did away from Michael Zakey for a game or two, I just want the king’s field people to do something other than Michael Zake games, I’m kinda bummed about AC6, it just doesn’t feel like the armored core I like, it just has too much Miyazaki in it

    • 1 week ago

      Miyazaki didn’t work on AC6 you fricking moron

      • 1 week ago

        He did, just not as director, imagine Miyamoto kinda thing but a bit more involved kinda thing going on, it rubs off on the final product you know?

  10. 1 week ago

    They went from Kings Field, to Demon's Souls (a fluke by their own admission) to this. I don't even know what's going on anymore.

  11. 1 week ago

    Nice and organic, morons.

  12. 1 week ago

    mitsubishi is a HACK

  13. 1 week ago

    Honestly, where do we go from here? We are fighting bosses for reasons nobody knows, and they get to do this crazy DBZ teleport into lighting bullshit while we get to roll roll roll and maybe do a poking attack at the cost of mana.
    Is this even fun anymore?

    • 1 week ago

      Just make every boss move an instakill nuke so all players have to do is this roll dance routine where a single touch from a boss on their little toe means game over.
      Twitch zommies and "hardcore" gamers are gonna love it.

    • 1 week ago

      this. waiting your fricking turn while boss does flashy anime attacks before you can go and poke them with a toothpick isn't satisfying.

  14. 1 week ago

    bro he stole all of berserk and now he has begun stealing naruto

  15. 1 week ago

    Why is it always bugs

    • 1 week ago

      >Why is it always bugs
      If you play or played FFXIV, practically all the plugins that let you cheat are from the Chinese. I'm not joking. I was in 2 different statics where there were chinese women and they both knew how to code just enough to make plugins to cheat. One of them knew more than the other and basically had the game play itself and having every cheat possible activated. Turns out, this is a very common thing within the chinese community on FFXIV.

    • 1 week ago

      chinese people literally just cheat in every game they play, i don't understand why they have such a culture like that

  16. 1 week ago


  17. 1 week ago

    He let the fat frick write the story of his game

  18. 1 week ago

    I don't think he ever had it in the first place. Dark Souls was a fluke.

  19. 1 week ago

    He never had it. He just had a good team. Every single good thing about Souls come from King's Field, he just slapped a shitty action system on top of it, combat was always the worst part of these games but normalgays loved it because they're moronic

  20. 1 week ago

    nah, the DLC is way fricking better than the base game

    • 1 week ago

      art team is carrying hard, because frick knows it's not because of the gameplay

  21. 1 week ago

    Wdym OP, all I see is the same seething and coping I see whenever a fromsoft game comes out. He's done what he always does, filter the shitlords.

  22. 1 week ago
  23. 1 week ago

    What the frick is Commander Gaius?
    Like really what the frick is this shit? Doesn't matter how you dodge you'll take damage regardless of equip load.
    You can't stagger the fricker on 90% of builds. You can't survive his initial rush on 90% of builds.
    If you summon a spirit ash you are going to take half your health in damage and then get fricked half the time by his followup.
    Where is the vantage where I can kill him with arrows without ever going into the fight?

  24. 1 week ago

    The Last Good Game he made was in 2009... Demon Souls. Dark souls is unfinished, Bloodborne is alright, but very repetitive, Dark Souls 3 is an ugly generic game... Elden Ring is gay-reddit-trash. The colors of the game are horrendous, bad in the eyes. The music is generic and bland. The Wolrd of the game is fantasy cancer. I see re-used Dark Souls 3 assets all over. The lore of theses games are for children really... gameplay is moronic... I can't understand how you guys are still playing souls games... gamers are really are low-iq-nerds?
    > t. Just remember that image of the 8x generics "i'm sorry steven..." lmao.

  25. 1 week ago

    >started falling for the meme that the game is popular because it's hard and thus decides to make his newer games harder
    >listens to fans that they want easier cooperative multiplayer and to make invasions more one sided favoring the host rather than the invader
    >fell for the open world meme
    >lets some fat western writer influence the storytelling in the game

    demon's souls was his purest game, having practically zero outside influence affecting the game's design.

    • 1 week ago

      Demon Souls was literally a commercial failure in Japan, it was only ever when it went international that people wanted to play more of FromSoft's latest medieval kusoge

      • 1 week ago

        >muh sales
        doesn't fricking matter, drone

  26. 1 week ago

    Kojima mogs this fraud

    • 1 week ago

      Kojima hasn't made a single good game in his entire 60 years on earth.

      • 1 week ago

        MGS1 is better than anything Hackizaki Suckawieneri ever made

        • 1 week ago

          mgs 1 is shit and worse than Dark Souls 2. I'd rather be playing the latter than suffer through boring gameplay and shit bloated story.

  27. 1 week ago

    he doesnt even work on dlcs they are all outsourced poo team

  28. 1 week ago

    He made wrong turns when designing the combat of DS3 and Elden Ring. Tried to mix it too much with Bloodborne. And he needs to get his fetishes out of his games, it's getting ridiculous.


  29. 1 week ago

    He's never had it
    The only good games that came from him were the games were someone else was looking over his shoulder and supervising him. Games where he had 100% creative control ended up shit or mediocre at best.
    The best souls games are DeS, BB and DS2.

  30. 1 week ago

    It all boils down to the fundamental conflict between action and adventure.

    If you go action, go full action like Sekiro. (or you know, AC)
    If you go adventure, go full adventure like Dark Souls 1. (or you know, KF)

    Now they're stuck trying to do both since DS3 and with ER. It's things like fast travel that ruin the essence, putting bonfires right in front of fog gates, the challenge being the boss rather than the level, turning gimmick puzzle bosses into combo spam fests, etc. DS3 being too linear while ER suffers from samey open world filler trash, whereas everyone acknowledged DS1 world structure was the ideal for exploration/adventure.

    The only way he will redeem himself as more than a one trick pony, genius at first but tiresome after 15 years of the same thing, is if ER is just a money maker used to fund his next proper game and it's legit more than another reskinned Souls. But at this point I simply doubt he remembers of cares why old fans still obsess over DS1, while ER is what's allowing the studio to print money.

    • 1 week ago

      >not understanding most of the stuff was an influence on his design philosophy
      >his design philosophy
      That's funny because that exact same storytelling style exists in KF and AC games too. Miyazaki didn't contribute shit

      • 1 week ago

        Yes that's an interesting realization. Everyone thinks he's the one responsible for the artsy, cryptic aspect of the games. And certainly he became a master of that aspect, but it didn't originate from him. But everyone will jerk off about storytelling narratives like oh he went into video games because Ueda so that's clearly his spiritual heir, because everyone knows Ueda but few know KF. When his real accomplishment, was taking KF (interesting but very rough because fundamentally it never evolved past early PS1 3D demo) and updating it, bringing it to better gameplay standards and giving it satisfying combat by duct tapping MonHun and Zelda third-person lock-on combat onto the cryptic dungeon crawler. His genius was making that synthesis, taking something flawed and perfecting it, but a lot assume he just wholly created it. And that's when it falls apart, because you realize that gradual lapse into action rather than adventure, was always at the root of his success as far back as DeS.

        • 1 week ago

          KF evolved with every single game though, they're all completely different other than the combat

          • 1 week ago

            I worded poorly then, I was talking specifically about the (unappealing for most) gameplay, yes. It's a very 3D primitive series, I mean it literally released as a PS1 tech demo and it kept that gameplay up until the PS2, at a time when conventions of 3D gameplay evolved extremely rapidly, it was always held back by the gameplay being judged as outdated even by the mid-life of PS1. It's what I meant. The genius of DeS was keeping what made KF interesting but re-designing the gameplay to align itself to modern 3D ARPG standards and competitors (3D Zelda/MonHun being the obvious defining influences).

            • 1 week ago

              >keeping what made KF interesting
              DeS is actually extremely streamlined compared to KF, the dungeon crawling is basically non-existent. It keeps the themes and atmospheric style of KF but everything else is simplified. A dungeon crawler with DeS' combat wouldn't have worked anyway.
              There's a reason why KF plays like it does, hell they even made 4 slower than the PS1 games. It's an intentional design choice, different genres need different styles of gameplay

        • 1 week ago

          DeS and DaS1 are the only ones that deliver on the "artsy, cryptic" aspects imo. They actually seem like living worlds that were carefully crafted and then the player is only given scarce few details, intentionally. The other games feel lazier, where you can tell things were added because they looked cool and then justified later. It's hard to put into words but you can really notice it as time goes on, especially with DS3 and Elden Ring.

          • 1 week ago

            I noticed the shift with DS2.

  31. 1 week ago

    so far im enjoying the dlc, i just wish they will come back to sekiro, for like a dlc or something, or just... like return to roots, a similar game to dark souls 1 would be fantastic, i absolutely love the shit out of dark souls 1, i dont hate miyazaki or anything, i think he can produce some kino yet but its definitely because the genre got super popular it sorta of lost its originality, hopefully he creates a new genre or something, or just return to sekiro, as i said...

  32. 1 week ago

    have a nice day homosexual op
    Just say you're bad at video game

  33. 1 week ago

    I hope he listens to player feedback and seriously reconsiders the design philosophy for his next game. The bosses are now as spammy and fast as Dante from Devil May Cry while you're playing as the juggle dummy trying to survive their SSS combos.

  34. 1 week ago

    One thing for sure is that
    This turd DLC single-handedly killed his reputation

    It's about time he got humbled

    • 1 week ago

      You should have said this since Dark Souls 3. That game is basically souls but worse.

  35. 1 week ago

    Actual comedy gold. Imagine playing a grimdark fantasy game, only to be forced to be an ass slave to some troony.

    • 1 week ago


  36. 1 week ago

    I don’t think he has per se,

    >Open world completely hamstrung his ability to make Elden Ring ‘feel’ good
    >Souls games had to keep getting faster and faster because souls players kept adjusting and becoming better players with the combat system.

    Despite the DLC he just released he‘s acutely aware of this second point. The hard part is designing a new combat system that goes back the philosophy of Dark Souls WITHOUT it being slow/easy/dated. If anyone can solve this problem it is Miyazaki because he’s unironically a genius.

  37. 1 week ago

    >Elden Ring
    >You can roll 50 times
    >You can heal 10 times
    >Enemies have a dozen massive anime moves with 5 consecutive 180 spins mid air and oneshot you
    Le organic, fair, and balanced difficulty coming through

    • 1 week ago

      >I'm bad and I refuse to get better and I refuse to even interact with two thirds of the game mechanics
      Yes we know

      • 1 week ago

        Please explain how two thirds of the game mechanics will stop the enemies from unleashing a giant anime move that oneshots you

        • 1 week ago

          Through armor, buffs, your flask, and fricking shields, you can avoid being one shot or even substantially damaged without even needing to dodge, for all but the strongest of attacks. But you refuse to use any of this, and insist on trying to dodge through everything while wearing a paper towel dress, assuming that you can just level up vigor to 60 and not have to worry about defense. This isn't fricking dark souls three, wear the fricking armor, use the fricking shield. Or else you will have to actually learn the bosses moves so you can actually dodge through them, something you clearly don't enjoy or have the patience for.

          • 1 week ago

            They still dont stop oneshot kills

            • 1 week ago

              Yes they do. When I fought Rellana, her attacks were tickles. Beat her after four tries. SL150, no summons. Not sure why people were crying about her attacks, they don't track very well, she's no more technically demanding than dancer of the boreal valley.

          • 1 week ago

            just stop dude, they don't want to play elden ring they think the game is ds3.

      • 1 week ago

        You've correctly described the entire nation of China. Millions filtered by this game, holy shit

  38. 1 week ago

    I miss story and gimmick boss battles.

    • 1 week ago

      this is what is lacking
      because he's in CEO position now, not game design head

  39. 1 week ago

    It's finally over isn't it?

  40. 1 week ago

    it's pretty sad Ganker now is full of redditors who's entire personality revolves around the products they consume
    I like Elden Ring but Shadow of the Erdtree is subpar
    endless combos, jumping around to fuk the camera and shit lore
    yes Lore matters

  41. 1 week ago

    What if he never took the le difficulty pill and just did an evolution of Demon's Souls instead? Will he fail to capture a larger audience and fade into obscurity or gain a nice niche fanbase that doesn't reach higher than 2 million?

  42. 1 week ago

    >this game isnt very fun
    why are you like this Ganker?

    • 1 week ago

      Fromsoft is their religion, and Miyazaki is their god
      you cannot speak ill of him else you will be subject to jihad

      • 1 week ago

        tree fragments were a terrible idea. i'm sorry. have a new weapon material if you must, but player power shouldnt be linked to RNG items.
        >weapon mats
        yeah those are in CAVES that are EASILY FOUND ON THE MAP.

        get a life

        get gud

      • 1 week ago

        I don't think it's Miyazaki making the shitty changes. I truly believe it's Tanimura being a weasel. Every game that Tanimura didn't touch has practically been fantastic. I don't know what his involvement with Sekiro was but I'm going to go ahead and assume it wasn't much or that was a one off thing where he touched it and it wasn't garbage. DaS2, 3, and ER have suffered though. Tanimura had no involvement in Bloodborne and it's still one of the best games they've made. DeS and DaS1 are still great.

  43. 1 week ago

    He gained back his SOVL with this DLC. seeing the casuals seethe has been hilarious

    • 1 week ago

      putting reused bosses and making poor decisions in game design isn't SOVL

      • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        >and making poor decisions in game design
        Get good.
        Actually, no, you don't deserve to get good. Stay bad.

  44. 1 week ago

    i miss the old DeS days bros... we were so lighthearted and carefree back then...
    >You have a heart of gold
    >Don't let them take it away from you

  45. 1 week ago

    Elden ring and fromsoft games were always low effort garbage
    They're just japanese Bethesda
    Too lazy and incompetent to even animate talking.
    Same formula in every game
    >Chosen undead person
    >NPCs die or go crazy throughout the story
    >Estus / bonfire
    >Ending is keeping the status quo or destroying everything
    And don't forget the le evil imprisoned npc you release to cause havoc

    And the DS2 guy is in charge now or co directing

    It's why Sony don't even care about porting Bloodborne or rereleasing it on newer consoles and would rather use games like Horizon as their mascot.

    Even when they tried to do something out of the box like sekiro they ended up making the same exact game but with a different skin
    Credit where credit is due though I think focusing on a single build and adding skill tree was good and it was implemented correctly In that game
    Shame it's just a rhythm game when you look closely.

    • 1 week ago

      This. I just realize that Elden Ring is worse than Horizon when I played it. The GOTY awards were bought out in favor of Fromsoft's trash. Same thing with Shitkiro when it was supposed to be DMCV winning over it since it's a better action game than simon says. I will never not be mad about Fromshitware but then again people gave awards to TLOU2 but that game at least was more entertaining than anything from that shit company.

      • 1 week ago

        It'll be hilarious to see shit like Redditbirth lose to a DLC.

      • 1 week ago

        I was about to respond seriously to this obvious falseflag

      • 1 week ago

        >I just realize that Elden Ring is worse than Horizon
        This bait is so bad I'm certain you're actually serious, you dumbfrick snoy

        • 1 week ago

          You have to understand, the chinks are unequivocally being filtered by this DLC. Best they can do is buy shit in gacha games

          • 1 week ago

            good morning saar

    • 1 week ago

      it's pretty sad Ganker now is full of redditors who's entire personality revolves around the products they consume
      I like Elden Ring but Shadow of the Erdtree is subpar
      endless combos, jumping around to fuk the camera and shit lore
      yes Lore matters

      get gud

      • 1 week ago

        >get gud
        But I did, how would I know about all this if I didn't get good at these games, also its git gud newbie

        • 1 week ago

          They run the risk of what happens to games like Mordhau that cater to the bleeding edge 1% of players. The risk is lower for ER because it's not purely PVP, but there is always a chance people just get fed up with Fromsoft games - they got tired of Halo, after all.

          I liked in the earlier games how bosses were different experiences. Moon butterfly was different from Smough and ORnstein, different from four lords, different from quelaag. Now everyone is the same fricking thing whether they are a humanoid or a giant monster
          >Jump around like a wuxia anime
          >Massive AOEs for even basic attacks
          >Both incredibly sturdy, incredibly fast, incredibly damaging in melee, incredibly powerful in spells
          I'm not fighting immersive bosses I'm just fighting some kind of a third person bullethell.

          Sure will gonna get gud bot, sure...

          get gud

  46. 1 week ago

    >"mad coz bad git gud"
    >"Okay, but how does arbitrarily increasing the game's difficulty make the game better?"
    >"lol shitter git gud"
    >"Yes, but what does that have to do with the quality of the game?"
    It's like arguing with a wall.

    • 1 week ago

      >"Okay, but how does arbitrarily increasing the game's difficulty make the game better?"
      Because it's boring if it's not a challenge

      • 1 week ago

        Why? There are innumerable interesting things in life that aren't a challenge

    • 1 week ago

      They're Indians. I'm not even joking. SotE had huge group of Indian teams working on it and they're also working double time to shill it as much as possible.
      They only hit Ganker because it's one of the most popular boards on this site. On /erg/ you can actually have a much better discussion, ironically enough. Next time you see "git gud", just remember it's the brownest, stinkiest jeet trying to feed his family.

      • 1 week ago

        ok, this fully explains all the bizarre replies ive seen in every thread. thanks.

      • 1 week ago

        Every FromSoft slop is made 90% by indians

        • 1 week ago

          so from just outsourced the 3d art and animations for cheap.

          The story, enemy tuning, level design and direction is still on them

        • 1 week ago


          • 1 week ago
          • 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      as the other guy said, they're actual indians
      most of this dlc was outsourced to indians

    • 1 week ago

      Make a post arguing about shifting design philosophy with actual talking points like fast travel or open world recycled assets and I'll join in and mostly agree with you.

      Make a post whining about difficulty and you'll only get "lol filterd git" replies.

      • 1 week ago

        Yes, but why does arbitrary increasing the game's difficulty make the game better?

        • 1 week ago

          He's not gonna respond, XD.

        • 1 week ago

          what you mean? I did have breakfast this morning

          The answer is "skill inflation". At the end of the day, we enjoy challenge. We've mastered previous challenges and thus want the next challenge to continue being raised to match our increasing levels. Adapting and overcoming a tough challenge is part of the thrill of beating the games.

          Therefore I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with increasing difficulty and skill ceiling to what may seem like absurd degree, depending on your experience with these games it can be tiresome or it can be a welcome way to keep challenge fresh.

          One issue is it's now like the sixth sequel in 15+ years so series oldgays have different expectations and perception than newbies.

          The smarter question is if they're achieving this in the best way possible? Are they achieving difficulty in a quality way or in an artificial way? Personally I have mixed feelings. And I could go on and on about what I perceive as flaws or issues with the newer games.

          But when I see morons getting upset because they got filtered? Then yes the answer is simply that they must git gud.

          • 1 week ago

            Nice spacing, now go back.

            • 1 week ago


              I won't.

              I'm fine here.

              who's we?

              me and the millions other players enjoying elden ring, making it ones of the best-selling video game releases of the decade and a major success for fromsoftware, numbers don't lie

              • 1 week ago

                >making it ones of the best-selling video game releases of the decade and a major success for fromsoftware, numbers don't lie
                That's not Palworld?

              • 1 week ago

                >normalgays loved it so it's good
                good morning saar

              • 1 week ago

                >ones (sic) of the best-selling video game releases of the decade
                What does that have to do with the quality of the game?

          • 1 week ago

            who's we?

          • 1 week ago

            Do you think there exists a point when the challenge becomes disproportionate with the reward and also begins interfering with the artistic vision behind the game? Or can the game's difficulty just be increased ad infinitum?

            • 1 week ago

              Next Soulslop game bosses will have all attacks be instakill?

              • 1 week ago

                They'd find a way to justify it

            • 1 week ago

              ER base game was perfectly fine for the most part but went too far in the endgame is my opinion, I think a boss like Malenia is where they jump the shark but at the same time it's an optional hidden boss in a game with 100 bosses, it's literally meant to be the final exam but it's not representative of the game and claiming it is is dishonest.

              I absolutely agree they went overboard in the endgame with things like AOE and input reading which to me go in the "tiresome artificial difficulty" category. My first impression of DLC is they went easier on those. Could be wrong later.

              But: I remember when I thought DS1 was hard. Artorias? It's a joke now. All relative.

              I'm not done with the DLC, taking my time but so far I find no issue with its difficulty and reactions seem overblown but perhaps final bosses do get to absurd degrees, it's possible. I've beaten a few of the first bosses that people complained about that, and they seemed fair to me. I don't consider myself a great player but it's subjective, depends on your build, tactics, etc. some may struggle with fast paced enemies but excel with big giant enemies, vice versa. It's all relative isn't it?

              It's impossible to answer because week 1 of release is always the same convos. We have morons who rush through the game like mongoloids and then get btfo, but as more time passes more reasonable views start to appear. Take your time and enjoy the game, morons.

              What is difficulty without context? People just whine about bosses, not field enemies or the level design. Bosses don't exist in a vacuum, there's a whole game world around them. Which is why I despite that level of conversation. Leveling up in DLC is literally designed around exploring to find upgrade items. But we see people rushing to dungeons without exploring and leveling up, complaining about difficulty. Exactly like those who rushed to Magrit without exploring limgrave/peninsula and then whined endlessly. It's a skill (IQ) issue.

              • 1 week ago

                get gud

              • 1 week ago

                get a life

              • 1 week ago

                Also I wanna say: I'm tired of everyone acting like the games must please everybody. The series appeal was built on unconventional design and bucking normie trends. Now it's the normiest it's ever been and shitters are complaining it's still not normified enough. I may not always enjoy AOE bullshit but frick I'm glad a AAA studio is daring to do something that's not entirely safe and braindead.

              • 1 week ago

                >frick I'm glad a AAA studio is daring to do something that's not entirely safe and braindead.
                They literally made a new IP that is just Dark Souls but open world.

              • 1 week ago

                >Pretends that Elder Ring is not a safe and braindead game

              • 1 week ago

                >elden ring is daring now
                what the frick
                if this game was called dark souls 4 no one would even bat an eyelash
                you make it sound like they invented a brand new genre

              • 1 week ago

                WAAAAAH it's too difficult every enemy just one shots me??? so unfair and overtuned

                being a sequel isn't daring, but souls dna remains daring by industry standards, case in point we're still seeing endless whining and journo seething, do i have to spell this shit out seriously

                I'm gonna keep it real with you my man. I just don't like exploring, in fact I've killed every single boss so far by just learning their moveset and attacking during the few openings I get. I don't summon either so this is some full on autistic "bash your head into the wall until it crumbles" behavior. I did the same thing base game too, went from Tree Sentinel to Margit and just kept fighting until I was hardly getting touched. Open world shit sucks, honestly, just give me a some compact dungeons and a boss at the end and I'll be happy.

                it's fair but if you play it like an arcade boss rush you have no right to whine about getting filtered
                how did you feel about lies of p if you played it? it's souls but very linear

                Okay, except I'm not level 1 and I have virtually as much health as possible and I still get killed in 2 shots until I explore the whole map. Not to mention your example is horrible, in Dark Souls 1 you can probably be the tankiest in the whole series if you build for it so you can frick right off with that.

                you're level 1 in the DLC since it's using its own alternative leveling up system and it's essentially a sequel as dlc, if you cant wrap your brain around such a simple concept no wonder you're struggling so hard (IQ issue)

              • 1 week ago

                Dude I fricking love Lies of P, hands down one of my favorite Soulslikes beside Nioh 2. Those two games are in my opinion the peak of the genre at least when it comes to gameplay, Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1 remain better in every other aspect.

              • 1 week ago

                I beat the DLC. It's not about getting filtered it's just shit.

              • 1 week ago

                Prepare to get 8000 "git gud" responses then anon.

              • 1 week ago

                get gud

                Well I beat it so there's not much to get gud for unfortunately.

              • 1 week ago

                The bosses and their repertoire of moves and attacks and so on evolved with the gamers who are already weathered.

                If the bosses are too "easy" then most veteran players would breeze through them like nothing. It's only by making them strong (artificially or otherwise) do they warrant their worth.

                In future games it's going to be even more like that and there's no way it can go back to the simplicity of previous games.

              • 1 week ago

                They run the risk of what happens to games like Mordhau that cater to the bleeding edge 1% of players. The risk is lower for ER because it's not purely PVP, but there is always a chance people just get fed up with Fromsoft games - they got tired of Halo, after all.

                idk why people keep parroting this shit, it's like you homosexuals never understood what made Souls good
                The difficult of DeS and DS1 didn't come from the player's skill level, it came from understanding the game's systems
                They weren't trying to be le epic difficult action games, they were just extremely punishing so you had to play carefully and make sure you don't make mistakes. That's not a thing anymore, there are checkpoints every 10 steps and there aren't even boss runs, you start in front of the fog gate every time

                I liked in the earlier games how bosses were different experiences. Moon butterfly was different from Smough and ORnstein, different from four lords, different from quelaag. Now everyone is the same fricking thing whether they are a humanoid or a giant monster
                >Jump around like a wuxia anime
                >Massive AOEs for even basic attacks
                >Both incredibly sturdy, incredibly fast, incredibly damaging in melee, incredibly powerful in spells
                I'm not fighting immersive bosses I'm just fighting some kind of a third person bullethell.

              • 1 week ago

                Like if fricking havel the rock was around today he'd be a big armored homie as before but he'd also do sheev-spins through the air, shove his sword into the ground and cause an AOE shockwave out of a final fantasy raid, periodically throw homing rocks at you, have a second phase where he becomes a giant boulder golem who throws his body parts at you and then has them wooosh back to reform his power-rangers-rock-mech so you better dodge them both times.

                The ridiculousness is what I described is entirely 100% plausible for a future fromsoft boss

              • 1 week ago

                get gud

              • 1 week ago


                really want to see more bosses like tibia mariner instead

              • 1 week ago

                Little too easy for me but at least there was some creativity. Radahn would have been creative too if he didn't suffer the lunacy of their current design.

                To me this DLC and ER in general feel like if Capcom made mainline mohun monsters into frontier monsters while still having the players movement be FU tier. It just doesn't match and that's not what the experience is about.

                If they made it sekiro style and you were nimble but so were they I'd dig it. Or if they made Elden ring into the magician game like sekiro is the dex game. But I am not a fan of this mudcore movement. It's why I liked nioh 2 a lot - they're fast but so are you. ER feels like this silly shit where the enemies are from DMC but you're from kingsfield or an old might and magic game.

              • 1 week ago

                I don't have a problem with the bosses really but it's hard to argue that the numbers aren't overtuned. Everything 2-shots you, even with 60 vigor, and everything takes a million fricking hits to kill, and it stays that way until you explore practically the entire map to get enough Scattree blessings. I have no doubt it's going to be patched in some way.

              • 1 week ago

                get gud

              • 1 week ago

                Everything 2 shots you at level 1 in Dark Souls 1. You already have like 15 flasks in SOTE and idk how many buff items, strong armors and shield... use them.

              • 1 week ago

                Okay, except I'm not level 1 and I have virtually as much health as possible and I still get killed in 2 shots until I explore the whole map. Not to mention your example is horrible, in Dark Souls 1 you can probably be the tankiest in the whole series if you build for it so you can frick right off with that.

              • 1 week ago

                I'm gonna keep it real with you my man. I just don't like exploring, in fact I've killed every single boss so far by just learning their moveset and attacking during the few openings I get. I don't summon either so this is some full on autistic "bash your head into the wall until it crumbles" behavior. I did the same thing base game too, went from Tree Sentinel to Margit and just kept fighting until I was hardly getting touched. Open world shit sucks, honestly, just give me a some compact dungeons and a boss at the end and I'll be happy.

    • 1 week ago

      You can literally never win with them. They are absolutely mindbroken, like battered wives.

      Their entire identity relies on playing MUH HARDCORE GAMES with MUH DEEP LORE so any time any criticism about the games appears, they treat it as personal insult.

  47. 1 week ago

    >tfw you lived long enough to see your heroes become villains

    • 1 week ago

      It happened thrice with me. I'm tired of this bullshit.

      • 1 week ago

        Let me guess. Kojina and Tim Burton

  48. 1 week ago

    >another tendie mald thread

    • 1 week ago

      good morning sir

      • 1 week ago

        Yes, I am aware that you're an Indian tendie. The two are synonymous with one another. Keep the mald up.

    • 1 week ago

      They know they're going to lose GOTY again. Funko pop Zelda's not gonna do it

      • 1 week ago

        GOTY is assured but it's another game.

        • 1 week ago

          And it's not even going to be close to close.

    • 1 week ago

      >Fromtroony projection because people are making fun of his favorite game, where Hackizacki rehashes the final boss and makes Miquella a troony who can literally turn your character into a fricking homosexual sex slave with the emasculating words HEART STOLEN
      Fromtrannies on suicide watch.

  49. 1 week ago

    He should just make a Berserk game and call it a day.

  50. 1 week ago

    Miyazaki can no longer plagiarize Miura because Berserk is pretty much dead

  51. 1 week ago

    He never recovered from this.

    • 1 week ago

      >Invaded by dark spirit

  52. 1 week ago

    people are crying over the bosses but for me it's the open world just being shit. it was bad enough in the latter half of elden ring when the realization kicks in that everything you loot will be useless trash. the design with shadow keep was actually great, with it serving as a terminal to reach various other zones. i think the content of the DLC would actually be a great package if they removed the bullshit 'exploration' element and did branching linearization around shadow keep, giving better attention to the aesthetic of each zone instead of plopping stuff in the middle of an empty field.

  53. 1 week ago

    yeah, a decade ago.

  54. 1 week ago

    Everyone does eventually

  55. 1 week ago

    In the end the lore matters more than that shallow combat. It's why DeS and BB has more staying power than something like DaS 3 and ER. They expanded it on dlc or made a complete experience with it. He clearly is afraid of stepping out from his comfort zone and catch up with every other developer out there. Bethesda makes better games since they have ambition and passion meanwhile souls struggles to create anything that is impressive or entertaining.

  56. 1 week ago

    Zanzibar... forgive me...

    • 1 week ago

      This was meant to be a slight jab but From ran with it thinking it was something people wanted more of.

      • 1 week ago

        Dumb nips

  57. 1 week ago

    You've been bamboozled from the beginning.

  58. 1 week ago

    +20 Scadutree Blessings
    99 Vigor
    Two shot by every Black person

  59. 1 week ago

    He didn't lose his touch, he jist needs to go outside of his comfort zone with core combat. Nothing ever feels like you're making an impact. I hope the rumor is true and he's going to.hire Kamiya to direct From's combat systems.

  60. 1 week ago

    Should've paid homage to the REAL king of fantasy

  61. 1 week ago

    making bosses "harder than Malenia" but unfun was a mistake. I think the B-team did the bosses.

  62. 1 week ago

    apologize RIGHT NOW.

    • 1 week ago

      what the absolute CHUD

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      when you play ds3 after bloodborne it is not a good game.

    • 1 week ago

      rollan rollan rollan

  63. 1 week ago

    He was just always overrated.

  64. 1 week ago

    Nope dlc is kino

  65. 1 week ago

    the bosses might be okay, if you had the dash from Bloodborne, along with the regain mechanic.

    • 1 week ago

      Malenia rune

    • 1 week ago

      you have the dash from bloodborne you moron

  66. 1 week ago

    Well that's it, I can safely say none of the DLC bosses were fun to fight. Phase 1 of the fire/magic sword one was okay, but still.


  67. 1 week ago

    Pretty crazy how we've circled all the way back around to "press x to not die"

  68. 1 week ago

    60 (sixty) vigor and +3 magic defense talisman:

    • 1 week ago

      g-git gud

    • 1 week ago

      yeah but what is your skadoodletree blessing at? it's literally the only thing that matters for surviving hits

      • 1 week ago

        ah, good thing being level 150 does nothing.

        • 1 week ago

          i really doesn't you basically have to think of the blessings as levels you use in the DLC only and you start at 1.

          What they should have did is have enemies/bosses drop like "shadow runes" you use to level up your skadoodle levels instead of making us hunt for the annoying things.

          And you better be skadoodle level 20 when you reach the final boss

          • 1 week ago

            yeah, runes earned in the DLC area can be used to level up your character's shadow level: and you get lots after a boss.

            why do I have to hunt for tree fragments?

            • 1 week ago

              I have no fricking idea, to annoy us? i was at skadoodle level 15 when i reached the final boss and then going back and getting to 20 made a massive difference, they are insanely important.

              The entire system actually makes me dread playing the DLC on a new character.

              • 1 week ago

                if bosses dropped multiple fragments, you'd have consistent power increases. with this system you have to win the lottery to find them all.

              • 1 week ago

                my advice, look up one of the guides for the fragments and grab them all from the zones you are in as you go, going back later and trying to remember which i already had was a huge pain.

              • 1 week ago

                yeah if I do another run i'm 100% using the interactive map to find all the fragments (the non cross ones which are very random)

                I got a spirit one off a random NPC holding a pot in a cave, HOW WOULD I FIND THIS RELIABLY?

              • 1 week ago

                the least they could do, is cut down the amount you need a lot by making each level only take 1, and then having all them in the open world with a something you can recognize on the map like the churches for the sacred tears. having the bosses be the only source of the upgrades makes perfect sense and it's moronic they didn't do it that way, and instead forced us to run around their map. That or just remove the entire system and make everyone start the DLC at shadow level 20.

                All the issues with the DLC i have are because the shadow levels are the most moronic system fromsoft has ever put in their games. you know what i hate? starting a new character and having to run around and grab upgrades every time, always takes about 40 minutes. and the DLC is that but much worse.

              • 1 week ago

                the DLC could be fixed by putting fragments on bosses, and also reducing their health and making them CALM DOWN a bit. Nonstop spam is not enjoyable. You have to abuse broken shit like rivers of blood or blasphemous blade + mimic to make some of them tolerable. The mimic especially, cause it gives you actual openings.

                Other ashes are bugged healthwise, tiche has like 1/10th the HP of the mimic, I dont think they scale from the spirit blessings properly.

              • 1 week ago

                a system were you could spend like 100k souls to buy one fragment would also be fine with me. and i noticed that, tried tiche for the final fight and she was killed in one combo.

          • 1 week ago

            >i really doesn't
            >What they should have did
            good morning sar

    • 1 week ago

      >mimic tear
      fricking deserved
      if you can't solo rellana then you don't deserve to win
      i found that levelling endurance enough to light-roll with carian armour really helps against her

      • 1 week ago

        I mimic or tiche any time a boss is bullshit, that boss was taking 80% of my health with one hit. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't attack as often, or had smaller health pools.
        >just find the tree stuff
        it's stupid to rely on a treasure hunt JUST to beat a boss in a fairer way. weapon upgrade mats are in caves that the map shows clearly.

  69. 1 week ago

    >random literally nameless enemy in a catacomb has machine gun lightning bolts and has a dash grab so fast it may as well be a teleport, and he full heals if it hits

  70. 1 week ago


  71. 1 week ago

    What is the progress route after rellana? Where should I go and what remembrance boss should you kill next?

  72. 1 week ago

    >tfw I beat the lion

  73. 1 week ago

    projecting. you're just too old for these games. witcher 3 might be more your speed.

  74. 1 week ago

    tree fragments were a terrible idea. i'm sorry. have a new weapon material if you must, but player power shouldnt be linked to RNG items.
    >weapon mats
    yeah those are in CAVES that are EASILY FOUND ON THE MAP.

  75. 1 week ago

    lost touch DEEZ NUTS

  76. 1 week ago

    >why you no rike rorrsrop

  77. 1 week ago

    I want to play Nioh.
    Why doesn't it ever go on sale?

    • 1 week ago

      Koei are israelites who are bad at making money.

    • 1 week ago

      games are free

    • 1 week ago

      It goes on sale all the time. Nioh 2 is better than 1. You can always pirate 1 as the pirated version works just fine. I'd say buy Nioh 2 though because 2 is a very good game. Don't let the diablo style loot steer you away, it's actually really easy to filter the stuff you want versus the stuff you don't.

  78. 1 week ago

    The ranking thus far :

    1. Bloodborne
    2. Sekiro
    3. Dark Souls
    4. Elden Ring
    5. ACVI
    6. Dark Souls 3
    7. Dark Souls 2

    • 1 week ago

      >1. Bloodborne
      >2. Sekiro
      >3. Dark Souls
      >4. ACVI
      >5. Dark Souls 3
      >6. Dark Souls 2
      >7. Elden Ring

    • 1 week ago

      >Number 1

      • 1 week ago

        Elden Sloppa is worse. At least BB lore made sense then throwing and copying Zanzibartooooo for the one millionth time.

    • 1 week ago

      My ranking:
      1. Dark Souls
      2. Bloodborne
      3. Demons' Souls
      4. Elden Ring
      5. Dark Souls 3
      6. Dark Souls 2

      I don't think Sekiro is a souls game, but I would put it equal to Demons' Souls or maybe slightly higher on the scale, but definitely below Bloodborne. Sad that all the Dark Soul 1 sequels, including Elden Ring, are poorer imitations, worse than even Demons' Souls which was the prototype version of Dark Souls 1, despite the fact that Dark Souls 1 was unfinished.

    • 1 week ago

      That's fair. I would place DS1 in 5, even though it was my first souls game. Replayed it 2 years ago and found it worse than I remembered, never went back to it again

  79. 1 week ago

    Elden ring is amazing. How are homosexuals against this game lmfao

    • 1 week ago

      >Base game has tons of cheese strats and exploitable bosses
      >Can go somewhere else and come back stronger if something is too hard
      >Tuned for solo melee players to have a good challenge, and new players to still be able to win
      >Gets popular in the mainstream
      >Sells 25 million copies(20 million are casuls)
      >2 years of hype for DLC and raving reviews upon release
      >Casuls expect to steamroll the DLC with their maxed builds and cheese strats
      >DLC is balanced around this
      >Bosses are hard even if you rely on summons
      >Millions of casuls have to actually play the game
      >Rage ensues
      Miyazaki pulled a great bait and switch here

      • 1 week ago

        >People still think that the shitty level system, the copy-paste enemies all around the game, and the boring open world map design are good in Elder Ring.

        • 1 week ago

          It has way more enemy variety than pretty much any other game. Without the DLC there are 146 unique enemies in ER(Not counting repeats or enemy NPCs). It only feels repetitive because the game drags on way too long with lots of filler content full of repeats and samey mini dungeons if you're trying to 100%.
          DLC level system is a pointless complaint, you're supposed to explore instead of just beelining for the dungeons. If you don't want to spend much time playing the game then just use mimic tear or summons and get it over with.
          Open world is much improved from the base game, but still the weakest part(8.5/10 instead of 10/10 like the rest)

          • 1 week ago

            so you have shit taste then

  80. 1 week ago

    Lol all his games are the same trash. He's a one-trick pony.

    • 1 week ago

      Okay, except I'm not level 1 and I have virtually as much health as possible and I still get killed in 2 shots until I explore the whole map. Not to mention your example is horrible, in Dark Souls 1 you can probably be the tankiest in the whole series if you build for it so you can frick right off with that.

      get gud

      • 1 week ago

        Sure will gonna get gud bot, sure...

  81. 1 week ago


    Ringed City > the rest

    • 1 week ago

      old hunters >>>>>>>>>>>>> shadow of tree

      the world exploration isnt even that bad in this, it's too bad the bosses diminish that.

      • 1 week ago

        the best thing old hunters did was made it really easy to rush in early and get weapons you wanted to use the rest of the main game. Shadows needing to kill mogh and radahn means you will probably be at the half way point by the time you can actually go in, at least for most people.

    • 1 week ago

      Dark Souls 3 is not even worth replaying it was such a let down coming from every other game even 2 which tried new things.

    • 1 week ago

      Ringed City had the exact same problems this DLC has

      • 1 week ago

        midir had lots of health but didnt spam 500 moves a second.

      • 1 week ago

        Midir is fricking easy. People just have a bad habit of thinking his ass and hind legs are the safe spot. The safe spot is right in front of his fricking face, if they didn't clue you in that hitting his head does double damage.

  82. 1 week ago

    asians always falls off hard when they're 50

  83. 1 week ago

    so there isnt a chance in hell game journos got past the first boss, how can they review it fairly?

    • 1 week ago

      Reviewers were sent guides, may have had an easy mode patched version too

  84. 1 week ago

    To me this DLC and ER in general feel like if Capcom made mainline mohun monsters into frontier monsters while still having the players movement be FU tier. It just doesn't match and that's not what the experience is about.

  85. 1 week ago

    Why do people insist on the difficulty being the core part of this series when it's never been the case? Man I fricking hate this whole git gud and how much that "prepare to die" meme hurt the franchise.

    • 1 week ago

      To me this DLC and ER in general feel like if Capcom made mainline mohun monsters into frontier monsters while still having the players movement be FU tier. It just doesn't match and that's not what the experience is about.

      so there isnt a chance in hell game journos got past the first boss, how can they review it fairly?

      I beat the DLC. It's not about getting filtered it's just shit.

      get gud

  86. 1 week ago

    I've been using marika's scarseal (lmao) and still haven't been getting filtered by any of the bosses, how are you Black folk so bad?

    • 1 week ago

      This is unironically the problem, people accepting shit design and having their ego flattered when they beat stupidly designed bosses or enemies, leading them to see any criticism as a personal attack to their achievement.
      "What you guys can't beat THAT"? Is the best fricking flex they can pull because they've drank the prepare to die PR Kool aid till the last drop.
      It's never about level design, lore, exploration, atmosphere, music, exploration, danger etc.. no, to them, it's all about boss rushes and epic fights. Essentially the entire philosophy behind the series has flown over their heads.

      • 1 week ago

        >It's never about level design, lore, exploration, atmosphere, music, exploration, danger etc.. no, to them, it's all about boss rushes and epic fights
        No homosexual, that's what every dumb moron is making it about. I have my own grievances with the DLC, but I come online and it's nothing but shitters crying about boss difficulty so naturally my response is some flavor of 'how are you getting filtered by this fight' or 'why are you bad'

        Get real criticism.

        • 1 week ago

          >Get real criticism
          LMAO you gays really take that much pride in beating your roll spam simulators with spastic bosses. You're the exact reason why elden ring exists and why it's dlc doubled down on its worst aspects while what made souls game great is slowly being removed. You have no idea what made these games great and it shows.

          • 1 week ago

            the bosses (even optional) are not fun to fight cause they have infinite stamina and attack 500 times before it's your turn.

            I saw a tree sentinel and I was like "oh! wow, a reasonable miniboss."

            This is exactly what I mean. There are things to be upset over but I see this shit and I'm never gonna take you seriously.

            • 1 week ago

              i'm bored of spamming the circle button over and over before I can get ONE hit in.

              • 1 week ago

                then get a weapon with more stance break

              • 1 week ago

                use your spirit bell summon to draw aggro
                the game is literally designed and balanced around that

              • 1 week ago

                yeah, im allowed to have fun only when an ash gets agro from the boss. that's not good design.

              • 1 week ago

                >use your spirit bell summon to completely break the boss and trivialize it
                >the game is literally designed and balanced around the boss getting distracted while I take off 90% of its health unopposed

                >im going to deliberately ignore core game mechanics to gimp myself and then be a little b***h about it instead
                why do you think the game gives you so many tree upgrades for your spirit you frickin mongs

              • 1 week ago

                >there's no problem with the boss design because the game gives you a "skip content" button

              • 1 week ago

                Oh nice, disingenuous troonyisms
                We're done here, I accept your concession

              • 1 week ago

                Says the fromdrone who completely ignores all actual arguments so he can misrepresent critics and delude himself into thinking he's just a better play than they are. While admitting his reliance on an easymode crutch like spirit summons.
                If you're so unassailably ethical in your arguments, why don't you take the time to tell me how spirit summons aren't essentially skipping content?

              • 1 week ago

                A troony AND a moron wow, what else does your mind come up with?
                go ahead, lets see what kind of babble you can spew

              • 1 week ago

                Still waiting for that stellar, not at all disingenuous argument. Doesn't seem like you're off to a good start.
                Maybe you need to git gud. I'll wait.

              • 1 week ago

                Sure buddy, you wait right there, I'm sure your handler will get you ready for bed soon anyway

              • 1 week ago

                >takes the same approach to discussion as he does to the game's content - flipping the table and claiming victory

              • 1 week ago

                You're not arguing in good faith yourself, so nobody—NOBODY—is obligated to humour you.

              • 1 week ago

                Deflecting all criticism by telling people to just use the broken skip content mechanic is definitely arguing in good faith, sure.

              • 1 week ago

                Surely you want to defend your position?
                Or are you too afraid to acknowledge you skipped all the hard content and have no idea what you're talking about as a result?

              • 1 week ago

                The excessive damage also reduces the amount of build variety. Getting one or two shot with a full cap vigor build means 50 of your levels are dedicated to a mandatory stat you must take in order to play the game.

                >the people crying about bosses being too hard are allergic to leveling vigor and sharttree upgrades

              • 1 week ago

                >it's completely fine for a build-autism game to railroad you into maxing vigor

              • 1 week ago

                Exactly. If the way you're "supposed" to deal with bosses is break their programming with extra targets, the devs failed miserably at game design.
                I don't understand how anyone can advocate for the use of summons and DARE tell anyone else they need to get good. They played on baby mode, they have absolutely no clue about the game's design.

              • 1 week ago

                get gud

              • 1 week ago

                >summonshitter embarrassing himself yet again

              • 1 week ago

                >use your spirit bell summon to completely break the boss and trivialize it
                >the game is literally designed and balanced around the boss getting distracted while I take off 90% of its health unopposed

            • 1 week ago

              Again you fail to see the problem, set your ego aside and try to understand.

              • 1 week ago

                >I spammed Mimic Tear and that makes me feel superior to everyone somehow

                I like how telling someone to git gud gets met with this much seethe and blind accusations. I don't use spirit ashes on first playthroughs, but there's no shame in it. If you need the help it's okay. Don't arbitrarily limit yourself and then complain about how your challenge run isn't fun. You still beat it, lil guy.

              • 1 week ago

                >I'm allowed to build straw men but you're not, okay???
                >The game has great difficulty design because you can completely turn off the difficulty, okay???

              • 1 week ago

                >telling someone to git gud
                That's the point you insufferable idiot, there is nothing getting good. You either cheese the bosses using mechanics which is telling of how bad the balancing is or simply get massacred by spastic bosses. There is no in-between. Having this conditioned by a poorly implemented exploration incentive mechanic like the fragments is just cherry on top.

              • 1 week ago

                >Theres nothing to get good
                >Say the anon who couldn't get good and had to play journalist story mode so he can pretend he beat the game

              • 1 week ago

                >Say the anon who couldn't get good and had to play journalist story mode so he can pretend he beat the game
                It's Fromdrones advocating for easymode spirit summoning and saying that absolves the game of criticism. Try to get your arguments straight.

              • 1 week ago

                >I don't use spirit ashes on first playthroughs
                Or player summons, right?

              • 1 week ago

                NPC summons only for unique dialogue, but if people want to use player summons that's fine. I can understand just wanting to clear the content as fast as possible so you can see the new shit.

              • 1 week ago

                It's fine to use player or NPC summons, but it's not fine to use them and then tell others they need to git gud

              • 1 week ago

                I disagree. I think everyone should tell others to git gud when they see anyone cry about boss difficulty, without exception. Even if you use the cheesiest shit in the game. That's just good gatekeeping.

              • 1 week ago

                >That's just good gatekeeping.
                I'll credit this as a valid argument, but it's still got nothing to do with the merits of the game itself.

              • 1 week ago

                btw bruh if you use broken shit like bleed or frost or spamming jump attacks it's the same as using spirit summons.

              • 1 week ago

                >Say the anon who couldn't get good and had to play journalist story mode so he can pretend he beat the game
                It's Fromdrones advocating for easymode spirit summoning and saying that absolves the game of criticism. Try to get your arguments straight.

                Deflecting all criticism by telling people to just use the broken skip content mechanic is definitely arguing in good faith, sure.

                get gud

            • 1 week ago

              >I spammed Mimic Tear and that makes me feel superior to everyone somehow

        • 1 week ago

          the bosses (even optional) are not fun to fight cause they have infinite stamina and attack 500 times before it's your turn.

          I saw a tree sentinel and I was like "oh! wow, a reasonable miniboss."

      • 1 week ago

        >It's never about level design, lore, exploration, atmosphere, music, exploration, danger etc
        These stopped being a thing after DS1

  87. 1 week ago

    I really don't understand how people can hate this game.

    • 1 week ago

      Because you don´t understand how is a really good game, thus you are a meaningless idiot cumsumer.

      • 1 week ago

        >how is really a good game
        Are you indian?

  88. 1 week ago

    >He lost his touch
    Somewhere around DaSIII yeah

  89. 1 week ago

    Literally done nothing wrong.
    This happens every fricking time, from releases new content troons b***h out that they not only didn't get a difficulty slider but the new content is "hard" (from gave plenty of tools to deal with content but they don't want to use them because the point is they dont wanna win with piss coloured stats and feel like a non pro gramer)

    The game is kino, the dlc is kino, only dev still not injecting mtx and battlepass and cancer into their titles and sold a rightful expansion for 40 dollars while nintendo sold ACTUAL rehash for 60.

    • 1 week ago

      good morning saar

    • 1 week ago

      >equates everything he doesn't like with trannies
      >conflates separate arguments from different people (difficulty slider gays vs people who want better difficulty design)
      >refuses to see a single flaw with Fromsoft design ethos
      >basically admits he only worships From because the bar is so low in the modern game industry, but has no self awareness about his lack of standards
      Fromdrones are a lost cause, huh?

    • 1 week ago

      >from gave plenty of tools to deal with content
      They gave us a "skip content" button in the form of summons

  90. 1 week ago

    Id like to be able to toggle off the level cap

  91. 1 week ago

    Yes, but worse, he sold out

  92. 1 week ago

    Literally beat the DLC at SL75 with no fragments or any bullshit and I only used a shield and longsword.

    Why are people such homosexuals?

    • 1 week ago

      No, you didn't.
      Citation: me

    • 1 week ago

      okay post your final boss fight, i am waiting.

      • 1 week ago

        I don't play on PC homosexual

        Literally Malenia is still the hardest boss in the game because she's still the only one with a autistic attack.

        You could make me fight 2 Bayles at once it wouldn't matter.

  93. 1 week ago

    He fell off fr

  94. 1 week ago

    It's confirmed elden ring haters are pajeet poorgays LMFAO

    • 1 week ago

      >It's confirmed that elden ring haters are the people who helped make the game

      • 1 week ago

        From shitters aren't handling the realization that the game was outsourced to pajeets (like any other slop game) well. A lot of these people are under the impression Miyazaki has meticulously handcrafted everything in these games.

        • 1 week ago

          Which is weird, since it's been known that ER was crafted by poo covered hands for 2yrs now

  95. 1 week ago

    Nope still a god amongst men in today's industry.

    • 1 week ago

      Wich considering how shit it is, is not saying much.

  96. 1 week ago

    Stop it western troony dev. Your jealousy is pathetic. His games are praised because your games are shit.

  97. 1 week ago

    if you like elden ring you basically like fortnite
    99% of the people who play it only did because of the massive marketing campaign and game of thrones
    there's a reason why the jar head got massively memed for just for beating bosses for people with a bleed katana

  98. 1 week ago

    >playing a pure int caster
    this DLC has been hell for me

  99. 1 week ago

    I actually love the DLC, i just think the shadow blessings were a horrible choice and only hurt it, just giving the bosses reasonable HP and damage instead of bloating the frick out of them and making us gather shit to fix it.

  100. 1 week ago

    Getting killed in 2 hits with 60 vigor and 8 shadow tree whatever level is pretty lame.

    • 1 week ago

      Why are you getting hit? Just dodge the attacks.

    • 1 week ago

      shadow level maxes out at 20, better get to it anon. if you aren't running a very cheesy build the final boss when he goes super saiyan is aids below 20.

    • 1 week ago

      The excessive damage also reduces the amount of build variety. Getting one or two shot with a full cap vigor build means 50 of your levels are dedicated to a mandatory stat you must take in order to play the game.

  101. 1 week ago

    This game really shows how bad Ganker is at video games

    • 1 week ago

      Being good at Elden ring doesn’t make you a good gamer.

      • 1 week ago

        But being bad at it makes you a moron tier gamer

        • 1 week ago

          Being good at Elden ring doesn’t make you a good gamer.

          using the word gamer unironically makes you gay

    • 1 week ago

      Very bad to bring the good old days of gaming indeed.

  102. 1 week ago

    >see their stats: even distribution across all, 25-30 in each
    >they're using random nonsense talismans
    >heavy roll or light roll with 0 defense
    >minimal skibidi trees
    >some actual dogshit weapon that has about a dozen way better alternatives
    every fricking time
    why do i even know these fricking people

    • 1 week ago

      >minimal skibidi trees
      this is actually the only thing that matters, my gf was getting destroyed in the dlc and then i looked up a guide for the fragments and had her go gather them and it completely changed things.

  103. 1 week ago

    It's unreal how dogshit these bosses are, they're so self indulgent with their overly flashy anime combos. And you just can't meaningfully engage with them at all. Just iframe until they're done jerking off I guess.

    • 1 week ago

      Being good at Elden ring doesn’t make you a good gamer.

      The excessive damage also reduces the amount of build variety. Getting one or two shot with a full cap vigor build means 50 of your levels are dedicated to a mandatory stat you must take in order to play the game.

      >see their stats: even distribution across all, 25-30 in each
      >they're using random nonsense talismans
      >heavy roll or light roll with 0 defense
      >minimal skibidi trees
      >some actual dogshit weapon that has about a dozen way better alternatives
      every fricking time
      why do i even know these fricking people

      i'm bored of spamming the circle button over and over before I can get ONE hit in.

      Getting killed in 2 hits with 60 vigor and 8 shadow tree whatever level is pretty lame.

      get gud

  104. 1 week ago

    Hitting 13 Scad fragment turnins unironically turns the DLC from a 4/10 to an 8/10
    If you don't want to abuse a meta build or abuse Ashes, you need to get your Scad turnins that high. Night and day difference, the fights turn from total slop to kino. Not nearly as good as DS3's peaks, but the DLC bosses at that turnin level mog the base game hard

    • 1 week ago

      From the second I saw the popup telling you what the fragments did I knew it was absolute moron-tier design. Miyazaki is officially a hack.

    • 1 week ago

      This is what i have been trying to tell my friends and other people, the shadow level is the most important thing in the dlc, they needed to make it MUCH clearer how important they were.

      • 1 week ago

        Why not simplu tie them to bosses? Seems like such a no brainer

        • 1 week ago

          >need skibidi to beat boss
          >cant get skibidi without beating boss
          that'd be extra dogshit

          • 1 week ago

            i imagine they could make it so just mainlining the main bosses you always have the minimum for the next boss, then have the side bosses drop extra if you want even more cushion if you are willing to go kill them.

        • 1 week ago

          most likely because they wanted to force you to explore, which i wouldn't mind if it was only gathering 12 fragments like sacred tears. just massively lowering the amount would be life changing.

      • 1 week ago

        Why they decided to shit on Dark Soul's instant classic level up mechanic for this garbage I'll never understand, it might be an anti moron feature for dlc scaling but these games made their mark by not unnecessarily hand holding the audience.

    • 1 week ago

      Without a clear indicator of where they are from a distance (the exception being the few at crosses), finding the fragments turns into an easter egg hunt in the middle of the Rockies.
      Sure there's the occasional chest with one, or one in an enemy camp, makes sense, but trying to scrape every corner in huge zones while finding low level materials gets old pretty fast. It made me realize just how empty some places are, mainly the southern section.
      Also the furnace golems are boring as hell.

    • 1 week ago

      You don't need more than 7-8 of them and I don't even have a maxed out weapon.
      Posture breaks really help a lot even if your damage is sub obtimal.

  105. 1 week ago


    Can we ban this bot please?

    • 1 week ago

      From the second I saw the popup telling you what the fragments did I knew it was absolute moron-tier design. Miyazaki is officially a hack.

      You first, summonbaby.

      get gud

      • 1 week ago

        Beat the game without summons yet? No? Don't give up, champ. You'll get there one day. Meanwhile, stop pretending you have a valid opinion and let the competent players discuss the game's design.

    • 1 week ago

      so discord tranies can use chatgpt bots to spam v and post

      but i can't use a dumb bot?

      get gud

  106. 1 week ago

    reminder the sekiro upgrade system only worked because it was LINEAR and you couldnt miss the items. you couldn't fight say, isshin with 0 beads.

  107. 1 week ago


    You first, summonbaby.

  108. 1 week ago

    So after the final boss. That is it? Nothing? Not even a single piece of fricking dialogue as they die even??

    • 1 week ago

      Dead people can't speak anon...

      • 1 week ago

        Yes but bosses can still say something while dying or be half dead on the ground or some shit like Morgott did.

  109. 1 week ago

    I'm not sure anymore what his contribution to the series even is. It's like how everyone credited the entire success of MGS to Kojima, but when you look closer you see the change in every game as different writers and designers stepped in and out. While having a good director can make or break a project, after losing interesting in Souls games ever since 2 I think he lucked out when he wrangled control over Sony's Elder Scrolls project and had some amazing level designers left over from King's Field and Shadow Tower, that later left. Which means the only constant is the increasingly unforgiving difficulty, less interesting bosses that more spastic and many more "gotcha!"-moments. Which none of them is why I loved DeS and DaS to being with.

  110. 1 week ago

    Am I going to have to reacquire all my scad frags each NG+ in the DLC?

  111. 1 week ago

    The level design is getting better, but the bosses are just awful to play against.
    Most people didn't beat Elden ring and only remember the easier bosses.

    • 1 week ago

      The level design is not getting better. From seems to think scattering key items throughout the world makes exploration rewarding, but it doesn't. This world is still designed like a theme park, where there are interesting nodes sprinkles here and there, but the bulk of the experience is still spent walking around. Fallout is an example of an open world done right. You're not just fighting enemies the entire time; you're looting, running into random events, finding new buildings constantly, there are plenty of questlines to engage with, you can run in any direction and find something to do within a minute. Elden Ring's strength lies in running through dungeons and fighting bosses - NOT exploration. So focus on what you're good at and cut the open world shit out.

      • 1 week ago

        getting to certain areas is also bullshit
        >find this ONE LITTLE DOOR OR CAVE to get access to an entire continent
        I almost tore my hair out to find one of the map fragments, but turns out you have to go to a specific spot to go around. This happens a LOT.

  112. 1 week ago

    The only true good thing about this DLC was them actually holding back from copy pasting dungeons, that's it. They are now okay, since there are only a few of them. The filler bosses are mostly trash and most of the story bosses are pretty underwhelming. The main antagonist is the best fight but it sucks that he is literally THAT girl's brother and she does frick all. Yes she doesn't know and that is why she should be here to find out.

  113. 1 week ago

    I unironically have $500 put back to donate to the first youtuber/streamer i see do a SL 1 no weapon upgrade no shadow blessing run of this DLC

  114. 1 week ago

    Weird how people were rightfully shitting on AC Odyssey for doing the "Explore the world and grind things to upgrade your power level or just eat shit and die" but when Miyazaki does it suddenly the justification is "It's an open world, you're MEANT to explore and power up."

  115. 1 week ago

    >now have a schizo with a bot
    this is why you people get games sent to the shadow realm known as /vg/

    • 1 week ago

      get gud

      if the discord trans set up a bot so can I

      • 1 week ago

        are they in the room with us right now?

        • 1 week ago

          >so afraid of opposing arguments, he has to pretend everyone is a bot
          No wonder you're terrified to actually engage with the content you're worshipping. This is just who you are.

          >DLC is so shit a guy admits he is a bot

          get gud

      • 1 week ago

        >so afraid of opposing arguments, he has to pretend everyone is a bot
        No wonder you're terrified to actually engage with the content you're worshipping. This is just who you are.

      • 1 week ago

        honestly do it so i stop seeing these insufferable trannies b***h about the game

        • 1 week ago

          buddy, i know this is gonna be a hard pill to swallow, but people are allowed to criticize things. you zoomers and your constant need for safe spaces blows my mind.

          • 1 week ago

            get good

          • 1 week ago

            you're in a safe space now moron and still getting triggered by a bot

          • 1 week ago

            Nowadays people cannot cope with the fact that others don't like their favorite video game or movie, they're like religious zealots being told their messiah is a fraud or something.

            • 1 week ago

              I like the DLC but it is FAR from free of issues, people sperging about the issues being brought up actually need to get a grip and go outside for a bit.

              • 1 week ago

                I'm in the same boat, the new weapons and spells are actually really fun, and the a lot of the environments are cool. But frick me the bosses are the most shambolic thing I've ever seen and the lore is fanfiction nonsense that isn't even compatible with the original game.

              • 1 week ago

                for me it's gathering fragments for shadow levels, i am at level 13 right now and at the final boss and his health bar barely even nudges when i hit him, and now i realize i need to get higher shadow levels and it's a nightmare trying to find which ones i haven't got even with a guide thanks to how vertical the map is.

                Shadow levels is the fricking worst system ever put into a souls game.

              • 1 week ago

                It's a moronic idea handled in the worst way possible. I can only assume the Dark Souls II team made this.

              • 1 week ago

                hey dark souls 2 added two of the best mechanics in the series, powerstancing and then the one they abandoned new shit in NG+

              • 1 week ago

                soul memory or tree fragments, which is worse?

              • 1 week ago

                tree fragments by far

              • 1 week ago

                >boot up map
                >collect fragments
                so this is worse than permanently being fricked for multiplayer

              • 1 week ago

                I play fighting games, i don't give a frick about garbage souls pvp.

              • 1 week ago

                i don't care what you play, soul memory is objectively the worse mechanic than
                >oh boo hoo, i gotta play the game 🙁

              • 1 week ago


              • 1 week ago

                I have complaints about a few things for the DLC but this alone makes me not want to ever replay it.

            • 1 week ago

              it's worse with fromdrones because they build their entire identity around the false idea of being better than everyone else, they can't abide anything that threatens their ego

              • 1 week ago

                This DLC is the definition of slop

                With Bloodborne and the Dark Souls games you always had THE BEST content of the game within the DLC and everything was relevant from a story perspective.
                Here meanwhile it's just most basic shit you can already find in the base game, lots of copy pasted assets, bosses and enemies and the plot/world building feels like bad fanfiction and is super disconnected from everything in the actual story.

                Feels like they didn't try to make it a worthwhile experience. Just Miyzaki going "give those losers something to do for another 50 hours - make a new area fill it with shit and be done i need to work on my next games already"

                >he's really this mad that he replies to every single person
                Says the dude so butthurt he's mass replying to everyone, deflecting desperately in the hopes he can prevent his ego from shattering at the mere sight of criticism

                I'm in the same boat, the new weapons and spells are actually really fun, and the a lot of the environments are cool. But frick me the bosses are the most shambolic thing I've ever seen and the lore is fanfiction nonsense that isn't even compatible with the original game.

                get gud

          • 1 week ago

            >I'm completely outclassed and have no valid defense for my beloved Fromslop so I'll just alternate between "get gud" and calling people trannies
            >Somehow, this advances my position

            Nowadays people cannot cope with the fact that others don't like their favorite video game or movie, they're like religious zealots being told their messiah is a fraud or something.

            get gud

        • 1 week ago

          >I'm completely outclassed and have no valid defense for my beloved Fromslop so I'll just alternate between "get gud" and calling people trannies
          >Somehow, this advances my position

          • 1 week ago

            >he's really this mad that he replies to every single person

            • 1 week ago

              >he's really this mad that he replies to every single person
              Says the dude so butthurt he's mass replying to everyone, deflecting desperately in the hopes he can prevent his ego from shattering at the mere sight of criticism

              • 1 week ago

                >he's so mad he doesn't even know who he's talking to now
                lmao keep going

              • 1 week ago

                >lol you didn't know I'm not the same person!
                It's an anonymous board, use "NTA" or STFU when you're misgendered or whatever the frick

              • 1 week ago

                stay mad homosexual

              • 1 week ago

                I'll stay correct, and secure in the knowledge that all the "git gud" people are ironically complete shitters

              • 1 week ago

                stay mad homosexual

                >some locked behind bosses that you need the items to be able to even remotely stand a chance against in the first place
                literally only main bosses have any semblance of difficulty

                for me it's gathering fragments for shadow levels, i am at level 13 right now and at the final boss and his health bar barely even nudges when i hit him, and now i realize i need to get higher shadow levels and it's a nightmare trying to find which ones i haven't got even with a guide thanks to how vertical the map is.

                Shadow levels is the fricking worst system ever put into a souls game.

                get gud

  116. 1 week ago

    >DLC is so shit a guy admits he is a bot

  117. 1 week ago

    >Kentaro Miura's been dead for 3 years.
    >Elden Ring DLC took 2 years to develop
    Yeah, I'm wondering why he lost his touch.

  118. 1 week ago

    It's gonna win GOTY and you troons will seethe again.

    • 1 week ago

      People still care about the shitty GOTY yearly system?

      • 1 week ago

        cucks do, i mean BG3 got the record now because 50 literal who blog websites opened up for business or unrelated to video game website/magazines now cover video games and just give it to who they think is the most popular lol, gaming should have been gate keeped more.

  119. 1 week ago

    I just jump attack with two greataxes with 80 strength and I just beat the big dragon in the eastern part of the map with 3 of the DLC buff blessings. There's no way I'm better than this many people at this stupid ass game.

  120. 1 week ago

    >St. Trina was a HUGE disappointment
    >nothing related to Godwynn (orher than shitty knights)
    >no lore on rot god, just some scorpion b***h (also no explanation)
    >no new Marika lore (other than the braid)
    >nothing on Renna or Malenia's teacher
    >only great rune is broken
    >no new endings or interactions with base game

    And worst of fricking all, the item descriptions don't thell you shit. But hey, demon of hatred is a sunflower now.

  121. 1 week ago

    Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne were amazing.
    Sekiro and Elden Ring sucked.

  122. 1 week ago

    This DLC is the definition of slop

    With Bloodborne and the Dark Souls games you always had THE BEST content of the game within the DLC and everything was relevant from a story perspective.
    Here meanwhile it's just most basic shit you can already find in the base game, lots of copy pasted assets, bosses and enemies and the plot/world building feels like bad fanfiction and is super disconnected from everything in the actual story.

    Feels like they didn't try to make it a worthwhile experience. Just Miyzaki going "give those losers something to do for another 50 hours - make a new area fill it with shit and be done i need to work on my next games already"

  123. 1 week ago

    >game clearly tuned around using all the mechanics afforded to the player
    >it's extremely tedious and frustrating as you'd expect from gimping yourself for a challenge run

    • 1 week ago

      >From included a skip content button and you're expected to use it, so if you don't do that you're not allowed to criticize
      >I, the player who skipped content, am uniquely placed to understand the inner workings of the game

      • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        >if i lack the skill to brute force every fight it's the games fault

        • 1 week ago

          I guarantee I'm better at Elden Ring than you are. And better at life, since I'm willing to criticize things and don't equate my self worth with a game

          • 1 week ago

            >I guarantee I'm better at Elden Ring than you are
            >don't equate my self worth with a game
            fricking lol

            • 1 week ago

              Oh, you really struggle with comprehension, don't you?
              Shutting down your "git gud" nonsense isn't the same as centering the game as a pillar of my self esteem like you do.

              • 1 week ago

                i never implied "git gud"
                the point of my post was you stubbornly smashing your head into bosses with your dogshit build isn't the games fault

              • 1 week ago

                >isn't the games fault that 99% of the items are useless

              • 1 week ago

                >99% of the items are useless
                the game literally hands you on a silver platter some of the most insanely broken shit

              • 1 week ago

                Yeah I'll just spam spirit summons and then crow about my unearned victory like you do.

              • 1 week ago

                >the game is bullshit
                >but what about *doing literally anything else

              • 1 week ago

                You skipped the content, you didn't beat the game.
                That's fine if that's what you want, but telling people who actually beat the game that they need to get better instead of criticizing it is fricking laughable. You are a caricature. The quintessential Fromdrone.

              • 1 week ago

                shitters really can't imagine someone can breeze through the game without spirits

              • 1 week ago

                You're the ones who answer all criticism with "just summon spirits bro, the game isn't bad bro, you can't criticize the game bro if you didn't summon spirits bro".
                Don't blame me when your constant, dishonest deflections undermine your credibility.

              • 1 week ago

                i have never mentioned spirits and never intend spirits when i say the game can be destroyed with ease
                the fact you're so fixated on spirits tells me all i need to know about your skill

              • 1 week ago

                You're replying to some moronic schizo
                Read the thread, he's replying to literally every single person with the exact same shit, whether its relevant or not

              • 1 week ago

                >I can't read
                Git gud

              • 1 week ago

                Fromdrones don't like their arguments being met with endless, irrelevant inanity?
                Huh, weird.

              • 1 week ago

                >the fact you're so fixated on spirits tells me all i need to know about your skill
                I don't use them, I'm just tired of shitters who went through the game on content-skip mode deflecting genuine criticism with the bizarrely incompatible combination of "git gud" and "stop gimping yourself", in an endless cycle

              • 1 week ago

                No, dear, your precious game-breaking summons are not the same as levelling up

                bleed/frost/rot and jump attacks are also cheese and means you didn't earn anything, you are an actual shit player if you use these.

              • 1 week ago

                >jump attacks are also cheese
                Wonderfully designed game you've got there.

              • 1 week ago

                they are, on top of that powerstanced jump attacks are actual built in easy mode

  124. 1 week ago

    Looks like you need to get good

  125. 1 week ago

    >kill lion boss
    >you get 6 fragments to get to level 3 or whatever
    >now you have enough to fight the next boss
    why cant they do this?

    • 1 week ago

      to bloat playtime

    • 1 week ago

      engage with the open world goy

      • 1 week ago

        yeah, I should get stronger by doing the main story/bosses, not theme park shit. exploring is fine but if you beeline the main quest, you are fricked.

        oh? spend 1 million souls to level up? doesn't matter, you need the tree stuff.

        • 1 week ago

          >yeah, I should get stronger by doing the main story/bosses, not theme park shit. exploring is fine but if you beeline the main quest, you are fricked.
          I guarantee they only did this to justify the price tag

  126. 1 week ago

    i find it ironic that people crying git gud are the exact normalgays that should have been gatekept when this series started to grow. these games were more than just le difficultly ya know

  127. 1 week ago

    >buddy has been losing his shit in discord about how tanky and hard hitting the bosses are
    >refuses to use shadow levels because they are for "shitters"
    ever just really fricking hate your friends sometimes.

    • 1 week ago

      exactly the same kind of morons in this thread

      • 1 week ago

        No, dear, your precious game-breaking summons are not the same as levelling up

        • 1 week ago

          What the frick are you even talking about you schizo ass moron?

          • 1 week ago

            Git gud:
            at reading comprehension.

            • 1 week ago

              have a nice day

              • 1 week ago

                No anon, I'm afraid your criticism isn't valid.
                No argument you make, no matter how well reasoned, will make any difference, because I've decided you're just bad at reading.
                You need to

    • 1 week ago

      He'd have a point if he was talking about summons, but it is indeed moronic to refuse to use the basic level up mechanic of the DLC

      • 1 week ago

        he just misunderstood the mechanic as the easy mode option and refuses to take it as other wise.

  128. 1 week ago

    Well depends who you ask. If you ask normal people yes. If you ask people with a fetish for getting kicked in the balls then no and you are a shitter for contesting that and you need to "git gud"

  129. 1 week ago

    >no, i will not try anything else and will continue to only use greatsword and roll

    • 1 week ago

      The problem is balance, the games balance is utterly fricked. Bosses are designed like shit but it's fine because you can summon your 2 friends to beat the boss for you while you jerk off in a corner, that's moronic.

      • 1 week ago

        >bosses are shit because i can't beat them without help

        • 1 week ago

          I can beat them without help, I did in fact. They're shit because they're badly designed.

          • 1 week ago

            why are they badly designed?
            it's funny everyone that calls them shit are quick to say "uh actually i one shotted those piss easy trash mobs but they're still bullshit"

            • 1 week ago

              Because they don't fit the combat system, anything larger than a cow breaks the camera so badly you're better off poking it and running away so it doesn't blindsight you. The stupid ass immersion breaking anime combos (That usually kill you in 2 hits so what's the point) go on for ages and are all flash with no substance, you can't meaningfully engage with them at all during this time. You just i frame through everything until it's your turn again. The game offers a variety of playstyles and renders so many of them completely unviable during these. Not to mention the tells are unintuitive, it should be reasonable to react to things your first time seeing them but enemies hop on one foot to catch you off guard, it's just goofy.

              • 1 week ago

                all of this is solved by proper placement during the fight

              • 1 week ago

                How is the boss going on a 20 second self indulgent anime combo where I can't do anything but wait for him to finish jerking off fixed by proper placement?

              • 1 week ago

                there's openings in every boss during these moments
                also unlocking your camera at times is very helpful

              • 1 week ago

                >also unlocking your camera at times is very helpful
                this is an unironic glitch, it's not intentional
                unlocking the camera breaks their scripting because they can't read your inputs properly anymore

  130. 1 week ago

    Why do all the shills disappear the moment the thread hits the bump limit?

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