Hearts of Iron IV

How the frick do you play this? I've never played a grand strategy game before.

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  1. 1 year ago

    build artillery
    play fascist sweden
    form kalmar union

    • 1 year ago

      Shouldn't the Kalmar Union be formed by Denmark?

  2. 1 year ago

    You just need to know what division stats mean in practice.

    Short version is that you want soft attack, armour and breakthrough in that order of importance. Org should be around 25-30 for tanks. Combat width should be either 22 or 42 for armoured divisions and 21 for line holders (usually 9 inf 1arty battalions)
    Planes reduce your stats if you don't have AA, or reduce the enemy's if you have more. Air attack and air defence is king for fighters and ground attack for CAS. Oh, and use radar for air detection.

    Navy literally doesn't matter, if you can get superiority, invade them, if you can't, use naval bombers/build ships until you can.

    • 1 year ago

      unironically I learned to play this game with cheats. Basically I did about 5 playthroughs and at the end i already knew what i had to do and how many divisions i was supposed to have.

      A tip if you play Germany, until 1940 try to have a full army group of 8/1 infantry divisions (8 infantry battalions and 1 artillery) and a few tank divisions (9 light tanks, 6 Motorized). For support companies put engineers, recon, artillery, anti-tank and anti-air.

      also produce a lot of fighters and Close air support.

      Don't produce ships, if you want to make an amphibious invasion produce Naval Bombers and put divisions to guard ports.

      lmao you don't need to know any of this shit, just google the meta and ignore any nerd that says "uhm ackshually there is no best division template since width and terrain change frequently" as if anyone is going to design a special fricking div purely for taking cities or forests in base hoi 4.

      Modifiers in this game are fricked, I mean look at this shit for example. Ignoring the two encirclements, there are very few examples in all of history where equally sized armies face off and one just obliterates the other with literally no casualties. Yet in Hoi4 it's constant. I should be winning but there's absolutely no reason I should be able to roll over Poland, France, and the low countries while taking only 10k casualties unless I was doing some really shitty cheese build, but I'm not I'm playing it completely normal and the way it's intended.

      How the frick do you play this? I've never played a grand strategy game before.

      OP here's what you do:
      Go through each tab at the top one by one to set up how you want to run your country.
      The advisors and policies and stuff just add bonuses and modifiers.
      Build civilian factories for like 2 years to make more buildings faster, then switch to building military factories and other stuff
      The tutorial recommends playing Italy but you should play Germany instead, they're one of the more powerful countries and dictate the pace of the war (ie it doesn't really start until you want it to, or the USSR attacks Poland but even then you're uninvolved)
      Assign divisions to a general, generals to an army, and then use the different orders at the bottom. Play around with them
      Div templates are typically
      - 21 width inf with 9inf 1art and engineers/logistics/AntiAir in support companies
      - 40+ width half medium tank half mechanized with logistics/engineers/maintenance/Anti air support companies
      Use tank divs to attack, inf divs to fill in along the line

      • 1 year ago

        Also I made a little chart for supply

  3. 1 year ago

    unironically I learned to play this game with cheats. Basically I did about 5 playthroughs and at the end i already knew what i had to do and how many divisions i was supposed to have.

    A tip if you play Germany, until 1940 try to have a full army group of 8/1 infantry divisions (8 infantry battalions and 1 artillery) and a few tank divisions (9 light tanks, 6 Motorized). For support companies put engineers, recon, artillery, anti-tank and anti-air.

    also produce a lot of fighters and Close air support.

    Don't produce ships, if you want to make an amphibious invasion produce Naval Bombers and put divisions to guard ports.

  4. 1 year ago

    Testo iron

  5. 1 year ago

    it's not as complicated as it looks OP and if you keep playing eventually you'll think it's way too simple in a lot of areas, except Navy, frick Navy

    • 1 year ago

      >lust provoking image

  6. 1 year ago

    >grand strategy
    >he fell for parawieners marketing term
    its neither grand no strategy

  7. 1 year ago

    Paradox needlessly overcomplicated it, it sucks now

  8. 1 year ago

    just build light tanks.
    >get the NSB dlc because it allows you to create custom tanks
    >create a light tank design with a top speed of only 4km/h
    >pump up the armor as much as possible, but be sure to keep it above 4km/h
    >use light tanks as scouting companies in every infantry division
    congratulations, anon, you have created the single most impenetrable army on Earth. The AI is completely unable to penetrate your divisions until late game, allowing you to roll over the entirety of the Soviet Union in 1937

    • 1 year ago

      >>get the NSB dlc
      >not pirating all paradox DLC since 2012

      • 1 year ago

        no thanks, I make good money and I'm white.

        • 1 year ago

          good job proving your whiteness buy funding homosexual swedish communists.
          dumb c**t

      • 1 year ago

        I tried pirating and my isp sent me an email telling me to stop or they'll cut my service so I stopped pirating since then?

        • 1 year ago

          what country and why not use a VPN?

          • 1 year ago

            US. Don't know how to get a vpn and probably can't afford one.

            Kek I got one of those from Optus maybe 10 years ago coz I taught my dad how to download movies via torrents so he used to sit there and autistically download music and movies and filling up hard drives thinking everything was all good
            Long story short nothing happens, if you're concerned change isp

            Can't change isp. I'm grandfathered into a good deal and if I have to change then i'll get charged triple the price and times right now are exceptionally tough.

            • 1 year ago

              Well that sucks anon, but they're basically empty threats if you're really bothered use a VPN when you steal people's work next time

        • 1 year ago

          Ignore it. If they start throttling you, get a VPN.

        • 1 year ago

          Kek I got one of those from Optus maybe 10 years ago coz I taught my dad how to download movies via torrents so he used to sit there and autistically download music and movies and filling up hard drives thinking everything was all good
          Long story short nothing happens, if you're concerned change isp

  9. 1 year ago

    Delete and play Stellaris

  10. 1 year ago

    Feel the same way anon, spent an entire two days watching tutorials trying to learn but there is just too much micromanagement and autism.

  11. 1 year ago

    It's relatively straight forward believe it or not, most paradox games while they look complicated really aren't
    Once you set stuff up a bit you leave it on max speed until something happens
    They are more geared towards people who like setting up a library of roms and emulators rather than playing them aka moronic AUTISTS
    Once the gameplay starts you don't really do anything, it's more a way to create fun stories like making a right wing Australia and trying to help Germany win the war but then betraying them or something like that

    • 1 year ago

      >it's more a way to create fun stories like making a right wing Australia and trying to help Germany win the war but then betraying them or something like that
      This is true and has only gotten more true ever since Death & Dishonor.

      • 1 year ago

        One of my favorites is playing as Vichy France really interesting or some loser country like Indonesia and starting random wars

  12. 1 year ago

    Play a wargame instead of that slop

  13. 1 year ago

    How do I play Japan in this?

    • 1 year ago

      where are you going wrong?

    • 1 year ago

      Create a (preferably max level) Collab government in China
      That's it, unless you need to know how naval combat works.

    • 1 year ago

      Just pick Japan
      Or better yet pick china and make them right wing
      Both yellow

  14. 1 year ago

    Apparently it's for autists, but as one it looks way too overwhelming.

  15. 1 year ago


    For anyone brave enough, here is a download link for the HOI4 latest update and all dlcs
    Enjoy, it’s a great game… and a hollow one at the same time. Just never let yourself play more than 3 hours at a time

    • 1 year ago

      if anyone actually uses this link you're fricking stupid

      • 1 year ago


        It does work. I just don’t want to link the host website out of fear of normie’s discovering it and ruining the secret. However, I feel for people that want to play this game but simply cannot justify a $100 purchase for an autism sim they may not even enjoy

    • 1 year ago

      By Blood Alone is so bad that it genuinely makes the game worse from being enabled

  16. 1 year ago

    Watch about 3 hours of videos and you'll be good. Play on easy with the mindset you'll frick it all up.

  17. 1 year ago

    In order to play this game you either needs to be a trans nonbinary communist, a brownskinned mutt larping as an aryan nazi or a 300 pound tradcath monarchist.

    Every single Hoi4 player falls into one of these categories since they are the only ones with enough autism to play this game for 2000 hours.

  18. 1 year ago

    just shit out as many 40 width infantry divisions with aa and artillery and you win every time

  19. 1 year ago

    You'll understand it after 1000 or so hours. Not even joking.

    • 1 year ago

      and then as soon as you understand it the game feels beat and its no fun anymore

  20. 1 year ago

    HOI 2 > HOI 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HOI 4

  21. 1 year ago

    this game is MKULTRA for politics-addicted zoomers

  22. 1 year ago

    HOI4 is dogshit, forced to make stupid divisional compositions or not be able to put things any fricking bog standard shitty division had in it because everything for whatever reason is centered around MP balance. Want to make a decently historical sized tank division? Sorry it's going to have shit org, soft attack etc make sure you pump it with a bunch of stupid meme shit. Even a slightly modded HOI3 like with the HPP mod is infinitely better than HOI4, the only thing I like about HOI4 is the production and the tank designer a bit.

    • 1 year ago

      >tank designer
      Why though? It suffers the same problem, you go on to make the exact same type of medium tank every time unless it's a meme light tank

      • 1 year ago

        Well I like it to build a tank I think is interesting/suited for the time period. Not some gay meta tank that has 300 pen and goes 80kmh and is a light tank like all these metabetas. Why Paradox focused so much on MP balance in this game I have no idea, what fricking % of people play MP? Then break that down with how many people play MP against other players where balance really matters and not just a co-op game with friends. Why balance matters in a fricking game that 95% of people play SP or at most co-op in is moronic, oh you make something OP and ruin your own game experience who cares.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah honestly I agree. I know it's not meta but I like the StugIII so I still build and mix them into my divs, along with other specialized tank types

  23. 1 year ago

    I have a love hate relationship with this game due to it being fun but when I touch it all of a sudden it’s 3 am.

  24. 1 year ago

    What I miss most about hoi3 honestly is just the order of battle and actual command depth
    Having competent staff officers is worth way more than people give it credit for, but unless you're a big name like rommel or guderian people don't seem to care

  25. 1 year ago

    Italy used to be the perfect starter nation but then they gave it some Russian tier autism tree and flooded it with shitty mechanics like balance of power and forced militia.

    • 1 year ago

      That's because everyone plays Germany as their starter nation, Italy is only better in the respect that it has a small scale war in ethiopia which you can just get by volunteering in spain anyways and having an actual navy which no one really cares about besides submarine blockades

      • 1 year ago

        Germany is responsible for setting the pace of the entire campaign and if you don't know that much about WW2 it can be pretty overwhelming. Italy can just follow their lead and as a player its impossible to preform worse than the AI even as a day 1 ultra noob

  26. 1 year ago

    Victoria 3 won

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