Flamethrower Hulk is my waifu

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    what if they added a type of pvp where you can choose to play as a random bug or a bot against a group of 4

    • 3 months ago

      Kys l4d gay

      • 3 months ago

        >see obvious bait reposted from the previous thread
        >decide to reply to it anyway

        • 3 months ago

          you're probably that same anon samegayging but if you're not please shut the frick up, the ip count is gone, it's been gone for ages, stop acting like a dumb frick and not thinking its the same guy responding to himself, ignore him or you're part of the damn problem

    • 3 months ago

      I'm honestly holding onto hope that they'll do it. Heavies and elites only though not the grunts.
      I Would love to play for the other team and choose to frick up their day or give them a fighting chance.
      You could literally babysit the super samples if you want to be a dick. Funny thing is they'll always have the advantage with all those orbitals. I couldn't even say the enemy side of pvp would hold their ground.

  2. 3 months ago

    that's not a flamer hulk are you moron

    • 3 months ago


  3. 3 months ago

    thriving GOTY masterpiece

    • 3 months ago

      hello diver
      thank you for your service for Super Earth

  4. 3 months ago

    friendly reminder/FYI diving extinguishes fire if you are on fire

    • 3 months ago

      big if true

  5. 3 months ago

    why are there so many fricking bots on haz9 after the new patch
    every fricking game is just dropship after dropship with no downtime its fricking insane
    is this a bug or something? the second i activate the extraction terminal 4 dropships show up and drop 2 tanks directly on the evac zone
    it was never this bad before

    • 3 months ago

      I feel like the longer a mission goes on for the more dropships start coming in like i only usually see one in the first minute of getting one called in

    • 3 months ago

      The bots are on the offensive. It stands to reason that they would do everything they can to assure victory. To that end, the devs cranked up the spawn rates and sizes so we don't immediately push them out of existence again.
      I've had a run yesterday where we took out every outpost and every side objective, save one main where we had to drag the SSD across the ENTIRE map because the guy that was supposed to grab it crashed/left. On the way to the SSD, nothing. Just a barren wasteland. On the way back. 100 fricking patrols of hulks and devastators forcing me to actually prone behind tiny rocks for sometimes minutes until all the patrols passed by. There weren't any spawners left and we cleared the last bot drop. That's just how fricked the spawn rates are right now.

      • 3 months ago

        Menkent is the new Malevelon

        • 3 months ago

          Menkent takes the cake for the worst planet in the game. Oppressive fog, BLINDING light as if the sun is as close as a moon with massive bloom even with bloom turned off, high temperature so less stamina and slower energy recharge, and to top it all off, fricking FIRE TORNADOES. Quite possibly the worst environmental condition any video game has ever conceived. They wouldn't even be half as bad if they didn't last like 5 minutes and then only go away for like 2, before showing up for another 5 minutes. The worst part is its hard to fricking tell how long the ground is on fire after they pass. I can see the flames visually die down, but not disappear completely. I even wait an extra few seconds, but as soon as I stop forward, I get set on fire. I don't want to be stuck against a rock for 30 fricking seconds because a tornado decided to spawn right on top of me. There's no counter to avoid it besides just fricking waiting. I don't care if it doesn't make sense, let smoke grenades/stratagem put out ground fires. I don't know if a real smoke grenade can generate enough smoke to choke out a flame, but if it can that's even more of a reason.

          • 3 months ago

            >I don't know if a real smoke grenade can generate enough smoke to choke out a flame
            No. If anything the phosphorous just makes it burn more.

    • 3 months ago

      Never stop moving in haz 9 bots.

    • 3 months ago

      >play the game with a xone controller
      >controller breaks after cat knocks it down from my desk
      >play the game on keyboard and mouse
      >skill improves dramatically after i figure out the controls.

      How in the frick does a game made for third person control so well with kb-m.

      • 3 months ago

        Individual extremity dexterity, my dear anon!
        >can input Hellbomb strategem with my eyes closed now
        >even after remapping my strategem inputs to arrow keys, was still nailing them in at most 3 tries

        • 3 months ago

          >>even after remapping my strategem inputs to arrow keys
          This reminded me that one of the friends I play with went around almost 40 hours without remapping the default keys, we only noticed this when, for the first time in ages, he was the last one alive and he couldn't call us in because he was getting chased by several fire hulks and would need to stop moving in order to call us.

          • 3 months ago

            your friend is based and knows how to be immersive. But he also sucks because he can't input them and go back to running in 0.2 seconds

            • 3 months ago

              He's not good no but I do appreciate having him around because he doesn't take the game as seriously as everyone else and still laughs at our deaths and failures while everyone else in our server is already shifting into taking the game too seriously and being too invested in min/maxing. It's fun to have someone like this around.

          • 3 months ago

            >his friend can’t call in reinforce in 0.2secs by now
            I still haven’t remapped and never will. Memorize and practice your strats and dive right before you call them in. It gives you a little bit of movement and puts you prone for incoming bullets.

          • 3 months ago

            At this point I would be slower if I remapped. It takes longer to aim the throw than it does to dial it in.

            • 3 months ago

              >his friend can’t call in reinforce in 0.2secs by now
              I still haven’t remapped and never will. Memorize and practice your strats and dive right before you call them in. It gives you a little bit of movement and puts you prone for incoming bullets.

              Gigacope, you will never achieve maximum efficiency and you're intentionally stunting your potential. Wear your Ls with shame, peasants

          • 3 months ago

            >Keep default wasd movement + strategem inputs
            >Can do 5 input strategems while diving before I hit the ground
            >Can dive and auto drop reinforce strategems by ragdolling,
            My friends think it looks pretty dramatic if I do something like this while jump off a bot wall

            >Can do this and have a nice day with eagle strikes because you dove down on a slightly too big incline

      • 3 months ago

        It's always been easy with mouse and keyboard

      • 3 months ago

        What made you ever think that third person wouldn't work with keyboard and mouse

  6. 3 months ago

    Adjudicator is garbage. Can't hit shit. Does frick all for damage. Penetrates less than my short as frick dick.
    The only remotely useful marksman's weapon is the AMR because even though it's got the shitty sight, it hits like a fricking truck.

    • 3 months ago

      The only time the AMR's crooked sight matters is against hulks and you should be using stratagems to kill those anyway.

    • 3 months ago

      >Can't hit shit.
      Sounds like a (You) problem.

    • 3 months ago

      Nah, Eruptor is best marksman weapon because you don't need to hit a target for it to kill 6 basic b***h enemies and it kills anything except hulks with ease.

    • 3 months ago

      Adjudicator is alright, basically a space BAR. Solidly "ok". Really the main insult is that it's just a flat out better Liberator Penetrator and even still is only just acceptable, if that doesn't tell you just how shitty the lib pen is I dunno what will.

    • 3 months ago

      goddamnit i hate it

  7. 3 months ago

    Senator is best secondary.
    It teaches you good habits and saves your life in scenarios no other secondary could.
    Every bullet is a potential kill based on how accurate you are.

    Sure, automatic pistol shreds targets and has quicker reloads. You dump your magazines as you're being surrounded. It's a crutch to get you out of a scenario you shouldn't have needed to be in the first place.

    Senator is GOTY. I love doming devastators.

    • 3 months ago

      i hated it in the beginning but I've really come to love the gun, its so satisfying to use

    • 3 months ago

      >I love doming devastators.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Redeemer is not for spray and praying. It's for dropping trash bugs and hunters as a last resort on semi-auto mode.
      Senator is god-tier, though.

    • 3 months ago

      I like it but the reaload animation is bugged
      is fixed yet?

    • 3 months ago

      The game is unpredictable. Even the best players and squads need to adapt and react. There is no perfect play that will make it so having an extra 5 mags of pure on demand dps is a "crutch" that you shouldn't be using.

    • 3 months ago

      >saves your life in scenarios no other secondary could.
      You misspelled Redeemer, homie.

    • 3 months ago

      >It's a crutch to get you out of a scenario you shouldn't have needed to be in the first place.
      that's what a secondary weapon is for

    • 3 months ago

      What do you like pairing it with? I've been on a Breaker S&P x Autocannon kick latelyand I imagine the Senator would be a nice side arm there

      • 3 months ago

        If you're doing bots, it's excellent with everything. Stacking out as much medium armor penetration as possible on your loadout as you can will let you push back on devastator hordes with remarkable effectiveness before needing a reload.
        Often I bring AMR, Dominator and Senator with gun rover to keep lighter enemies under control.

    • 3 months ago

      troony weapon

      • 3 months ago

        have a nice day you fricking Black person

    • 3 months ago

      Sights are literally a window, it's better not to use them at this point.

      troony weapon

      have a nice day you devastator homosexual ass

  8. 3 months ago

    >last mission of a helldive op
    >solo queue
    >drop in
    >SOS beacon not available

  9. 3 months ago

    Isn't it great to know that Super Earth cares about (you), personally?

  10. 3 months ago

    so, what are good primaries other than breaker?

    • 3 months ago

      Scorcher overall. Against bugs, Fire Breaker is pretty good if you are host. Dom is nice against bot. SMG is solid against bots too. Punisher in underrated against bugs

    • 3 months ago

      eruptor, sickle, dominator, scorcher, incendiary breaker especially if your the host and punisher for stagger

    • 3 months ago

      Scorcher dominator eruptor

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Libpen is my weaponfu. If you can't land headshots though don't bother with it.

    • 3 months ago

      Punisher with any support weapon you can reasonably use against medium armor enemies as well as hitting weakpoints on the heavies. So autocannon, AMR, las canon, etc.

  11. 3 months ago

    >Fire tornadoes leave lingering invisible flames that kill you in a second flat
    There are no words strong enough to describe my hatred for Sw*des

  12. 3 months ago

    >Give all the precision weapons/weapons that need aim shitty scopes with misaligned sights.
    >Give the super inaccurate spray and pray AR the best sight in the game.
    What did they mean by this?

    • 3 months ago

      How to buff the Scythe-
      >Give it a decent optic
      Literally all it needs.

    • 3 months ago

      Anon the Sickle is clearly a laser LMG.

      Really though I hope they round out the laser weapons-
      >Support Weapons-
      >Light- Make a beefier Sickle with MG tier armor pen. Still lacks Stagger that the proper MGs have.
      >Medium- Laser Cannon, exists
      >Heavy- Quasar Cannon, exists

      >Primary Weapons-
      >Light- Sickle, exists
      >Medium- Scythe, Buff pls :(, I feel like the devs are massively overvaluing it being hitscan when balancing the weapon since that's the only explanation on why they made it do literally half the dps of the Sickle I can think of. Really all it needs is a better optic to click heads better.
      >Heavy- Quasar Rifle, shorter chargeup and cooldown time than Cannon but obviously less damage as well, basically an infinite ammo Eruptor-tier rate of fire and damage, but no (or Scorcher tier at most) splash damage
      Secondary Weapons-
      >Light- Laser Pistol already exists, it's not great but it does what I want from a laser pistol- infinite ammo and kills scavs or basic bots in a pinch
      >Medium- Sickle equivalent, basically make it like a shittier Redeemer, (which doesn't really mean it's got to be complete shit, even half a Redeemer would still be good)
      >Heavy- Quasar Hand-Cannon, basically a little babby Quasar Cannon that operates more like the Grenade Pistol than the Senator, for dispatching Chickens and Bug Holes but that's about it

    • 3 months ago

      that random shit is why I want Liberator and variants to get 3 more mags
      same sights on all of them including the suppressed version
      Lib Pen is fricked though

      • 3 months ago

        This is the only gun in the game that I would consider actually ugly.

        • 3 months ago

          It's basically the same as the incendiary breaker

          • 3 months ago

            Incendary Breaker at least has the excuse for being an automatic 12g for why it's so morbidly obese, and while the mystery soda can on the sides of that and the lib concussive are a bit of a ??? at least you can pretend it's a space age liquid cooling thing or something.
            That blue pile of shit is basically just
            >Take Liberator, which is a decent design for a generic blocky space bullpup
            >Put AR-ish stock on it because ??? frick length of pull I guess
            >Put P90 front grip on it because ??? P90 has it and P90 is stealthy allegedly so obviously it's a good idea, (also they made it hilariously tiny)
            >Paint it like a goddamn nerf gun, nothing says stealth like BRIGHT BLUE, the most naturally stealthy of colors
            >The suppressor itself looks fine though
            Not gonna comment on the stats though because I assume they're a placeholder since it has literally 0 recoil.

    • 3 months ago

      The sickle is basically an LMG in practice though. If its any more accurate it just completely outclasses the rifles in all regards, there is no reason to use the other weapons in that class if the sickle is more accurate than it already is. Long range accuracy is its one falloff. If anything I would say to give it a close range scope like the red dot so people dont think its suppose to snipe shit.

  13. 3 months ago

    >all of the laser weapons are almost dead accurate with no recoil, perfect for shooting weakspots
    >obnoxious third person crazy spinning sights
    >NO way to customize cross hair dot apart from like 4 colors and an outline
    >the only laser weapon with a good sight is the sickle that has built in spread so it doesn't even matter that much

  14. 3 months ago

    >get killed doing something stupid when the objectives are all nearly done, my mistake also nearly kills 1 other guy and wipes out everyone
    >chat just has a single "good job anon"
    >feel too ashamed to prompt for reinforcement
    >no one calls me back
    >just sitting there watching them mop up and head to extract feeling stupid
    they called me back in soon after but its funny how a game that let's you frick up so freely now has me so worried about fricking up in later missions when we're nearly finished

  15. 3 months ago

    Eruptor + Stalwart is a good combo

    • 3 months ago

      Stalwart is underrated but I never take it without a medium-penetration and/or explosive primary weapon

      • 3 months ago

        That's what the Eruptor is for. Then you can use your stratagems for taking care of heavies

  16. 3 months ago

    Since the first game apparently had a sword, how much do you guys actually want a melee weapon in 2? A whole catalogue too maybe

    • 3 months ago

      Let me use it with the ballistic shield and I'll be paladin larping all fricking day.

      • 3 months ago

        >use the ballistic shield
        That actually reminds me. Why in the frick can't we shield bash with the shield? Why would I pistol whip a robot with a tiny pistol when I have a 20lb slab of metal in my other fricking hand? You already drop your guard when you do the melee, so don't give me that bullshit. Give it maximum stagger force akin to a point blank Punisher while you're at it so you can stunlock medium enemies.
        While you're at it, FIX THE FRICKING BUG THAT MAKES YOU DROP YOUR SHIELD IF YOU PICK UP AN SSD AND HAVE AN SMG IN YOUR MAIN HAND. If have my support weapon equipped and the shield already on my back, I just put the support weapon away like normal and autoswap to the SMG anyways and the shield stays on my back. But if I have the shield out when I pick up the SSD, it drops it on the ground for no fricking reason at all. This only happens with the SMGs. You never drop the shield if you have any other primary equipped. You could also just give us the ability to stow the shield at will so I can precision aim with my one handed weapon without having to drop the damn shield to do so.

    • 3 months ago

      unless it gets its own dedicated slot. no one sane is going to use melee when they can get another gun.

      • 3 months ago

        I would take a sword over any of the existing secondaries if it did a lot of damage.

        • 3 months ago

          >no one sane
          you were already accounted for

          • 3 months ago

            If I could pull out a sword and melee pen the charger that I just dove past, I sure as frick would and it would be good too. Imagine breaking armor with your sword then backing up and shooting to finish it off.

      • 3 months ago

        a sword or laser sword that take place of your melee would be awesome

    • 3 months ago

      honestly, might not be bad as like a secondary on bug missions for hunters or something.

    • 3 months ago

      Extended melee range and increased damage would be pretty good for sneaking missions.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        i'm amazed that i immediately identified that 1993 Ice Plaent Lego set.


    • 3 months ago

      An officer's sword seems to me like a perfect fit for the general aesthetic of the game, and even if it's not able to kill Devastators something that can kill Scavengers in one slash would be all I'd need since I already find myself getting stuck in meleeing groups of them to death as I have the Grenade Pistol, Quasar, and Dominator, (which takes ages to reload) and heavy armor.

    • 3 months ago

      I only remember seeing this in the cover image but never saw any special melee weapons in HD. I wouldn't mind a beam blade of some sort

      • 3 months ago

        The Proving Grounds in HD1 can have a mission condition where you have to use that energy saber thing, but it's not available outside of that.

  17. 3 months ago

    Incendiary grenade launcher

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        well at least they fixed the super credit farming

        • 3 months ago

          Shit, they did?

    • 3 months ago

      this homosexual keeps using AI slop on thumbnails

      • 3 months ago


  18. 3 months ago

    whats good for the new primaries available?

    • 3 months ago

      eruptor and lascannon with supply pack and stun grenades is my new religion

      • 3 months ago

        Erupter/Quasar/Jump Pack is actually a so much fun. The high ground makes your exploding shots much more effective if you miss due to bullet time. It’s been my go-to for the past 2 days.

  19. 3 months ago


  20. 3 months ago

    Your wife is a bawd
    I always fill her holes with my BAC(Big Auto Cannon)

  21. 3 months ago

    what lvl were you when you realized the orbital airburst was GOATED

    • 3 months ago

      Its fine. I still use the strafing run, its a "delete everything that isnt armoured in a straight line" with tiny cooldown.

      • 3 months ago

        meh strafing is ok
        wish they'd fix fricking DOT so i could run based gas strike but i continue to get 30+ kill streaks with the airburst vs bugs

        • 3 months ago

          Or even just have it have some effect like "enemies affected take x2 damage" etc, its recharge is incredibly short, I dont know if I would like if it did big damage and kept that short recharge, if it just kills stuff and has a long recharge I can just use something else that does that.

          • 3 months ago

            it's not that the gas strike damage is poor (but could use a slight buff considering they've buffed fire damage how many fricking times) it's that DOT is bugged entirely so if you're not the host you do no DOT damage
            gas strike could use a larger area though

      • 3 months ago

        the cluster bomb is better than the strafing run.

    • 3 months ago

      The moment I unlocked it I've been using it in 90% of my missions.

    • 3 months ago

      it feels like it barely works against bots but it's obligatory on bugs

      • 3 months ago

        I quite like it vs bots, although it does seem to somehow fail to kill things it should occasionally. It's basically perfectly sized to pressure wash a base before you go in and mop up, can kill Cannon turrets, Hulks, and even Tanks if it hits the weak points, (not guaranteed), and has a decently short cooldown.

    • 3 months ago

      shill it to me and i'll give it a try

      • 3 months ago

        drop on a bug breach and get 30+ kills every time
        bring quasar/EATs for chargers/BTs and it's gg

    • 3 months ago

      It's alright. The low cooldown makes it pretty useful when you or someone else is bringing EMS strike/mortars.

    • 3 months ago

      shill it to me and i'll give it a try

      >120 seconds cooldown
      >massive AoE
      Since the game has a 2 minute cooldown between every bug breach/bot drop (lowest possible time on Helldive), it'll always be available when shit hits the fan.
      Add to that that the callsign is as simple as 'right, right, right', you can very quickly negate a good chunk of a bug breach. t's not as great on bot drops but clears fodder extremely well.

  22. 3 months ago

    If the Airburst Launcher stays as the leaks show it will 100% make the Recoilless obsolete in every single way.

  23. 3 months ago

    fix the fricking amr scope you swedish cucks

  24. 3 months ago

    >tfw you'll never have an amputee, tired and ptsd ridden helldiver gf
    Why even keep going?

    • 3 months ago

      have a nice day, troony.

    • 3 months ago

      please have sex asap

      • 3 months ago

        Ok, done. Now what?

      • 3 months ago

        I don't want just sex, I can have it with your mom and dad anytime.

        I just want to be loved

  25. 3 months ago

    >gunship fabs can spawn 2 side by side
    >playing a mission with Ganker and dropped in the corner of the map in between 4 fabs
    >spent 15 minutes getting raped by gunships and patrols before we managed to battle our way out the corner

    • 3 months ago

      I've taken out 2 with a single hellbomb before
      Whole team was screaming HELL YEAH into the mic when it worked

    • 3 months ago

      I was in that game. You kept talking about how your ass crack was crusty and itchy.

  26. 3 months ago

    finally finished the initial warbond which one should i get now? what's the pros and cons of each one?

    • 3 months ago

      Steeled Veterans - Has one great primary (Dominator), and one decent primary (Breaker Incendiary, fire damage obviously bugged if you're not the host).
      Cutting Edge - Has one amazing primary (Sickle), and the Stun Grenades.
      Democratic Detonation - Has one amazing primary (Eruptor) that allows for more varied loadouts that aren't AC / AMR dependant, and one amazing secondary (Grenade Pistol) that allows you to run Stun Grenades with no downside.
      Most people will say to grab the Sickle and Stun Grenades first, after that it's up to you whether you want the Dominator, or the Eruptor + Grenade Pistol first.

      • 3 months ago

        >fire damage obviously bugged if you're not the host


        • 3 months ago

          Fire damage-over-time (from the ground or burning status) only applies to enemies if you're the current network host.

        • 3 months ago

          homie where you been
          DOT been bugged for weeks
          drop a gas strike on a bug breach in someone else's mission and watch as you get no kills
          fire technically can still do direct damage but DOT doesn't work if you're not the host

    • 3 months ago

      >tfw have all warbonds and have to split all my medals between them
      so close to unlocking the JAR-5 (steeled vets) but been having tons of fun with the erupter (detonation) running with the laser canon (bots) or arc thrower (bugs)

  27. 3 months ago

    So when are we getting a stratagem that lets us mow down hoards of enemies from a helicopter?

    • 3 months ago

      I saw one cheating guy with a modified mech strat that just called in the Pelican to delete everything
      it was kinda funny

      • 3 months ago

        pelican strat would be cool

  28. 3 months ago

    >start a quickplay game
    >4 seconds after dropping the Pelican takes off
    >the end game screen informs me that ALL players failed to extract, not just me
    >ask in chat
    >they confirm it
    Goddamn fricking swedes how fricking moronic are they?

    • 3 months ago

      >do 40 minute mission with bros
      >goes great, barely any issue, about to extract with 10 commons and 7 rares
      >pelican-1 lands
      >all of us jump in
      >it doesn't take off
      >dumbshit discovered that doing an emote right before entering bricks it
      >pelican cant take off and we have 7 revives left
      >spend next three minutes pretending to oxameter from zeno clash as i run out of map limits in a straight line until I either get nuked or drown

  29. 3 months ago

    They really need to add an armor or a boost that reduces how much you flinch when getting hit.
    It's fricking moronic when you get ganked and stunlocked by 15 hunters or 3 heavy devastators because your teammates are too moronic to warn you you're getting flanked.

    • 3 months ago

      >head isnt on a swivel
      you should have never made it past boot

      • 3 months ago

        forgive me for not constantly spinning in circles while charging a quasar to kill a hulk (which then goes wide because of flinching)

  30. 3 months ago

    >Shortly after HD2s release arrowhead's ceo brags about their diversity hires
    >Every update since then has been plagued with shitty design choices, poor balancing, and bug upon bugs upon bugs.
    I used to be not racist and sexist yknow.

  31. 3 months ago

    my life for super earth

  32. 3 months ago

    reminder that it's ok to play at lower difficulties

    • 3 months ago

      as long as you're not dropping below 7 i agree

    • 3 months ago

      >buddy and I agreed that it was nice to have a game to play that was just fun and wasn't a metaprostitute sweat fest
      >mfw havn't played anything but helldives since unlocking Diff9

    • 3 months ago

      7 is literally the perfect difficulty in terms of gameplay balance & resources

    • 3 months ago

      I exclusively play on 5 unless I need super samples, the higher difficulties in this game just aren't fun, they're tedious

  33. 3 months ago

    >8 hunter come around a cliff
    >kill them then more appear
    >kill them and the 8 more and some smaller ones appear
    >force my way around the cliff
    >literal conga line of bugs wrapping around the cliff probably 50 meters long
    >no bug breach the whole time, before, during or after

    • 3 months ago

      >airburst strike
      >walk away
      >screenshot the 60+ kills
      I don't see the problem?

      • 3 months ago

        my only air support was railcanon. i was letting loose in crouch with the MG though. got up x43 before reload

  34. 3 months ago

    Im surprised they still haven't made heavy armor actually feel like heavy armor
    there should be atleast a 50% crit damage reduction

  35. 3 months ago

    Why is it impossible to have an internal dev build with all the unreleased stuff and patch it in when they're going out?

    • 3 months ago

      They want to surprise us, which is pretty cool in theory but ruined by data miners

  36. 3 months ago

    >bot major order eating shit
    >personal order relates to bugs

  37. 3 months ago

    I thought they didnt have souls.
    What is this?

    • 3 months ago

      >lanza el MBIC

  38. 3 months ago


  39. 3 months ago

    Crossbow any good?

    • 3 months ago

      Its a slower explosive liberator

      • 3 months ago

        Not nice then

    • 3 months ago

      Only for meme stealth because it's silent for some reason

    • 3 months ago

      It's niche, but usable. It kills light armor enemies effectively and knocks out striders, but that's about it.

  40. 3 months ago

    shill me on the eruptor, can it take down chargers and titans?

    • 3 months ago

      it's basically a really slow grenade launcher

    • 3 months ago

      >can it take down chargers and titans?
      >can it take down everything else?
      yes. absolutely.

      • 3 months ago

        i'd rather use a grenade launcher then. at higher difficulties it's the spewers that tend to frick groups up.

        • 3 months ago

          Then you'll have nothing good for heavies. Yes it's a slower grenade launcher, but it doesn't block you from taking things that can deal with heavy armor enemies.

        • 3 months ago

          Eruptor can one shot spewers and has a larger range + you can a support weapon

      • 3 months ago

        three shots does tend to break a charger's ass, it's not amazing but it works.

        • 3 months ago

          One of those cases of, "You're not supposed to. But you can."

    • 3 months ago

      great for bots, run with laser cannon or arc thrower
      also fun against bugs with arc thrower or quasar
      can destroy bug holes, fabricators, etc
      can do lots of damage to chargers/BTs if you heat a weak spot if you've blown open their armor but doesn't put them down like an EAT or queso

    • 3 months ago

      Does great damage to chargers in the arse, 2 shots seem to blow it out.
      It's helpful on titans but you definitely need more.

    • 3 months ago

      >can it take down chargers and titans?
      >can it take down everything else?
      yes. absolutely.

      It absolutely takes down Chargers, three shots to the ass does it, you can also shoot under them when they're charging at you and you can kill them in 4-5 shots
      Does absolutely nothing to Titans though, so you'll want some stratagems for that

    • 3 months ago

      The weapon's damage is very inconsistent, because it's a shrapnel explosion. Sometimes you oneshot an entire group, sometimes all the projectiles collide with invisible terrain and do no damage.

  41. 3 months ago

    This game is nice but if they add L4D styled campaigns and one of those has a moment on par with dark carnival finale then the game will easily be GOTD

    • 3 months ago

      Linear levels doesn't fit any of the design, they would have to radically change things to cram that in.
      As it is right now, until they at least kind of get on top of major bugs, I won't want them getting sidetracked that hard.
      Would be cool in the future as a major release though.

      • 3 months ago

        An enemy superfortress level with pre-placed points of interest and handmade defenses would be b***hing.

    • 3 months ago

      >if they add L4D styled campaigns and one of those ha
      What a humongous homosexual suggestion holy frick

    • 3 months ago

      dumb fricking Black person
      >game does unique stuff and is praised for how fun and fresh it is
      >hurr game should change that formula and copy some other game
      frick you Black person

      • 3 months ago

        >unique stuff

    • 3 months ago

      We just need some bosses. They were in HD 1

      • 3 months ago

        Give me Outpost Base But Not Boring and the game will be GOTYAY

        • 3 months ago

          We need a reverse of the missile defense mission. Map is just one giant multitiered fortress you have to take down in stages

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            which PS2 game is this?

            • 3 months ago

              EDF play it if you havent, it usually goes for cheap.

              6 is coming to PC soon but it fricking sucks btw, there is some changes they made to level structuring that makes it anti fun.

              • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            loose helldiver armors like the wing diver outfit when?

  42. 3 months ago

    Why are most players moronic against automatons?

    • 3 months ago

      Literally me
      They are still my favorite though, I like both but if you let me pick the mission it's bots every time. They're so damned fun.

    • 3 months ago

      Most players can't into tactics, which bots mandate. HD2 is the first one of these coop shooters to actually make me have to think about angles of fire and ambush tactics.

    • 3 months ago

      You get used to fighting bugs and forget what taking cover is
      t. moron

    • 3 months ago

      They require more thinking, honestly. You can't just run around like a fricking moron like you can with bugs.

  43. 3 months ago

    Just finished my first suicide order
    Frick why is it so fun, bros?

  44. 3 months ago

    How do I play with sniper? It feels like a bit weaker AC but with a backpack slot, but idk, nothing except jump pack feels good

    • 3 months ago

      Use the AMR and hit weakpoints on bots. It's kind of bad for bugs because they don't have exploitable weakpoints

    • 3 months ago

      I bring a supply pack so I can overdose on stims and throw piles of grenades while basically using the AMR as a primary.

      • 3 months ago

        >a supply pack so I can overdose on stims and throw piles of grenades
        based, i do the same. amr for bots, gl for bugs.

  45. 3 months ago

    I'm kinda tired with bots. Imo they overcooked it after 3 consecutive bot major orders to have 1 small bug one and the immediate 2 more bot major orders

    • 3 months ago

      no one's forcing you to do major orders.

      • 3 months ago

        That breaks immersion and doesn't feel like you are fighting a war

        • 3 months ago

          anon, bugs are far more important that bots. without the hard work of bugdivers, botfrickers won't have 710 to fuel their destroyers.

        • 3 months ago

          you're not fighting a war, the DM dictates the war

    • 3 months ago

      just ignore it, or play 1 bot operation before going back to bugs so you at least contribute a little bit

  46. 3 months ago

    Damn... chargers can get it.

    • 3 months ago

      Is this shit aimed at 5 year olds?

      • 3 months ago

        If you think TerminalMontage and Cas Van are also aimed at 5 year olds then yeah.

        • 3 months ago

          No idea what those are so i'll take your word for it

    • 3 months ago

      accurate and kino as usual

  47. 3 months ago

    >press v
    >visually stab myself
    >audibly stab myself
    >ummm, actually you didn't stab yourself cuz some bot you didn't see staggered you 🙂

    • 3 months ago

      >press R to reload
      this fricking game sometimes

    • 3 months ago

      >ummm actually you slipped off this 4 inch incline and you missed the vein 🙂

  48. 3 months ago

    >no fomo
    >pre-order armors
    >twitch armors

    • 3 months ago

      both are gay and anyone wearing them get tk'd

      • 3 months ago

        But the twitch armor is the only medic armor that doesn't look like shit

        • 3 months ago

          the first one in the free pass looks the best, the later one and the super credit one look like shit and the twitch one looks like plastic toy armor

    • 3 months ago

      i bet you buy fortnite skins too you fricking homosexual

      • 3 months ago

        i just want a medic armor that doesn't look like shit.

        • 3 months ago

          >exclusively run engineering kit light armor
          >tfw detonation warbond
          they need to fix the one the fricked up and accidentally added servo assisted to tho

          • 3 months ago

            how the frick does a passive that implies you have mechanically augmented arms not have reduced recoil?

            • 3 months ago

              Because recoil is shoulder and torso, not just the arm.

  49. 3 months ago

    I was gaslit into thinking the laser cannon is good. This thing is a piece of shit. The sway when firing, the low damage, and the cooldown are terrible. I found every time that I was overrun if I just had any of the limited ammo weapons then I could take control of the situation much quicker and give some breathing room for my team. Instead it lead into prolonged fights that just spawned more bot drops.
    >unlimited ammo
    It doesn't fricking matter, because the map is littered with ammo packs.
    The devs are painting themselves into a corner with this boring design for weapon balance. I don't know how you buff this without invalidating other options (see the qusar cannon). You'd have to do something unique like it melts the armor off so regular firearms do full damage or perhaps killing enemies with it causes them to explode for aoe clear.

  50. 3 months ago

    Has anyone been experiencing a backblast effect with the Eruptor? I went through three dives where I died multiple times after getting blown forward by the fricking gun into berserker rushes. Each time it was forward when I fired the thing, not backwards, and I had enough distance to not get caught in the impact explosion, so I don't know if its swedish physics at work or what else. Also the sporadic bot spawns are fricking atrocious now. I counted fifteen random grunts spawned next to a rock in my last dive, just sitting around waiting until some flag gets tripped to send them all homing towards my position at once. How the frick has the game been out for as long as it has and still remained so buggy?

    • 3 months ago

      it happens when you shoot at something too close to you.
      it's probably bugged.
      Like almost everything in the game.

    • 3 months ago

      That bug once grabbed me mid air during jetpack flight, fricking wild

  51. 3 months ago

    >man, I only have 6 shots in this gun, I sure hope the bot's head is somewhere in that triangle somewhere

    • 3 months ago

      yeah I hate the crosshairs, can't see dick

  52. 3 months ago

    What are the odds of a cyborg subfaction happening?

    • 3 months ago

      definitely possible if they want new unit types for the automatons, but as for anytime soon? not likely.

    • 3 months ago

      the automatons are cyborgs. they have flesh and guts when you crack em open.

    • 3 months ago

      Faux-toss and rebels seem to be the most likely things

  53. 3 months ago

    Bugs are so much less tedious than the automatons, no machine gun devastator giving you aim flinch every 5 seconds

    • 3 months ago

      skill issue

      • 3 months ago

        I'm clearing missions & getting samples at the speed of light on bugs, enjoy 20 minutes of "WARNING, YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY"

        • 3 months ago

          skill issue

          • 3 months ago


            He's right though, getting sniped by rockets or roasted by instakill flamethrowers is way more irritating than anything the bugs have, and the bug missions don't have obnoxious mechanics like ion storms and stratagem jammers.

            • 3 months ago


              skill issue

      • 3 months ago

        He's right though, getting sniped by rockets or roasted by instakill flamethrowers is way more irritating than anything the bugs have, and the bug missions don't have obnoxious mechanics like ion storms and stratagem jammers.

        • 3 months ago

          There are or rather were bug planets with ion storms, but honestly the bugs need MORE enemy tactical objectives. Compared to the bots they don't have as many.

          • 3 months ago

            >Compared to the bots they don't have as many.
            what else can you give them besides more special unit hives?

            • 3 months ago

              NTA but I wouldn’t mind more special hives. Bring on the ultralisk cave.

              • 3 months ago

                An Ultralisk enemy would be awesome if they did a frickton of damage to other bugs to make up for being fast, armored, and aggressive

            • 3 months ago

              More objectives that alter the battlefield, they have spore spewers which reduce visibility they should give them another structure with some other effect. Maybe like a clone of the detector tower that works off of vibration instead of LOS, causes bug breaches around you unless you move slowly when you're within range.
              Or a structure that buffs bugs in the area somehow, like maybe giving them all super-regen like what Shadows will have.
              Even just more hives would be okay as long as the enemy types are interesting enough.

              • 3 months ago

                they should have brain bugs

            • 3 months ago

              Side objective eggs maybe? Spore spewer with a jamming effect?

            • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            Tactics are fine, what's annoying as frick are stratagem jammers with hulks and tanks mixed in with the defenders so it's practically impossible to stealth it without calling in a bot drop while you're still stratagem-lessn and now you're in a world of hurt. Plus the way they eat your markers even if you throw them from outside the jamming range is gay.

            • 3 months ago

              Get the bots to bot drop away from the jammer then move into the jammer and raid it
              If you bring localization confuser you get like 1:30-2 mins where they can't call for reinforcements, more than enough time to assault a jammer base.
              Easier with 2 people to have the bot drop even further away but do able solo

    • 3 months ago

      I know how you feel
      Heavy devastators are a b***h to deal with because they make you flinch all the time while they themselves can keep their aim on you even when staggered and it's completely random how much they fire. Sometimes they only burst fire once or twice and you can fire back but then other times they go full auto with 100% accuracy and kill you on the spot
      Then there's rocket devastators spawning in packs and dumping enough damage into you to destroy your entire zip code
      And gunship towers have the rare chance of spawning 10+ ships at once which is just a game over

      In bug missions the worst you have to deal with is a bunch of bile spewers and titans spawning at the same time which is annoying but much more manageable

  54. 3 months ago

    I was having a lot of fun after buying it last night but after playing one online game today, I've been getting this problem. I've been troubleshooting for 2 hours and can't get an online game. I'm really disappointed.

    • 3 months ago

      have you turned off crossplay? i was having that issue until I turned it off

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, I've been trying all the fixes I can find with crossplay on and off for them.

    • 3 months ago

      Reinstall your wifi drivers, verify game files and reboot worked for me

  55. 3 months ago

    >40 minute slog on helldive
    >lots of samples
    >doing cool shit with a battle buddy on a similar brainwave without talking
    >host loses connection at the end

    there is no worse feeling

  56. 3 months ago

    Helldivers, if Super Earth is so great, why have England and Russia been reduced to radioactive ash?

    • 3 months ago

      thats what makes it so great

    • 3 months ago

      Sweden needed less competition for cuckolded whites.

  57. 3 months ago

    If you're not playing far back with the eruptor then what's the fricking point?

    • 3 months ago

      It's not that great as a sniper rifle, the Eruptor performs best at mid-range in my opinion

      • 3 months ago

        I think it's a fine sniper, it's best played far back where you're not going to be too threatened by incoming fire, yet closer than 100m. You can onetap even heavy devs if you just aim for the hip (It's pretty forgiving where you land the shot too, even the top of one of the legs works.).

        >misaligned scope
        im going in bro

        It's one of the weapons LEAST affected by the shit scope because the AOE on the explosion is so big, as long as you hit something in a group of enemies you'll frick up everything in a 10m radius from where the shot lands. You only need super precise aiming for sniping heavy dev hips and yeah you'll get some annoying misses, but you're still better off trying to kill a dev 100m out with a eruptor than anything else really. Also you can kill striders by just hitting the front plate directly.

    • 3 months ago

      >misaligned scope
      im going in bro

    • 3 months ago

      >The one gun that doesn't suffer from heavy damage drop off at long ranges.
      >Has a 200m scope
      >Has a hard 150m cap until the round auto-detonates for some reason.
      It's pure sniper kino up to that though.

      • 3 months ago

        Also yeah the auto-detonate is pretty damn annoying, let me snipe fabs from a 200m away please.

  58. 3 months ago

    Incendiary shotgun, better than the breaker and punisher for bugs? Frickhuge mag, decent semi rod and you often don't need to swat something more than once because the burn damage finishes it off.

  59. 3 months ago

    So, which level 4 upgrade for ship modules bros?

    • 3 months ago

      I did the Eagle one, because the others are either bugged or pointless (for me).

    • 3 months ago

      >no information about how anon plays

      • 3 months ago

        the sentry upgrade is objectively useless and only serves to drain your resources so you can farm more samples regardless of playstyle

        • 3 months ago

          I took the +firedmg one no ragrets

    • 3 months ago

      extra eagle bomb > supply more ammo for support weapons > less barrage spread > rest

    • 3 months ago

      the orbital cannon one is the only one that is both currently functional and good.
      the support weapon one and the eagle one might be good once they're actually fricking functional
      the arc thrower one and the sentry one are just stupid

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        >tries to give damage comparison

        • 3 months ago

          Even ignoring the damage comparison and just looking at the right it's still insane to basically nuke a charger's HP that fast.
          I wonder if it'd be even faster if you headshot it with the direct flames.

          • 3 months ago

            yeah it's crazy
            and no, you kill a charger with fire by hitting the leg.

      • 3 months ago

        >fire damage buffed like 3 times
        >gas gets no love
        >DOT still fricking broken anyway

      • 3 months ago

        only if you're host

        • 3 months ago

          Direct damage =/= DOT damage
          That's almost entirely direct damage, not dot damage.

        • 3 months ago

          Only the dot damage is affected by the bug. Direct flame damage is not. It's why the flamethrower isn't ENTIRELY useless even when you're not host because the direct damage is THAT strong.

  60. 3 months ago

    I'd love if they brought back auto-regen in the form of an armor perk, even if it was nerfed to something like
    >Auto-Regen Off below 25%

  61. 3 months ago

    >Grenade launcher
    >Arc thrower
    Which is the best Bile Spewer killer?

    • 3 months ago

      nade launcher

    • 3 months ago

      launcher by far

    • 3 months ago

      impact grenades with grenade armor and the supply backpack to make sure you never run out

    • 3 months ago

      Never used the launcher, only Autocannon as I can fricking hit fabs at frick you ranges. Also only take two shots to kill them. Never actually experienced fighting a Bile Titan as a guy just 500KG'd it.

    • 3 months ago

      GL by far. Arcthrower stunlocks them, but kills them fairly slowly. Autocannon kills them quickly, but it is much harder to get 2-3 shots to connect when compared to the GL.

  62. 3 months ago

    >explosive crossbow
    >a crossbow that shoots explosive bolts
    >explosive bolts with a sizable (if weak) explosion radius
    >can't close bug holes
    What even is the point of this weapon? I mean, it does frickall damage outside direct hits, and even then it seems to do does less damage than the dominator despite higher number. I know those numbers don't mean shit, but still.

  63. 3 months ago

    Is there any way to destroy those command bunker frick you turrets from a distance?

    • 3 months ago

      Orbital Laser or a Walking Barrage is my go-to for bunker busting.

    • 3 months ago

      Quasar, AC and any other AT

    • 3 months ago

      380, it's 100% consistent just fire and forget

    • 3 months ago


  64. 3 months ago

    Question, how does the eruptor handle turrets and tanks? Can it deal damage from the side like the scorcher can? How many shots does it take if you're hitting the vents directly?

    • 3 months ago

      I only tried it real fast once but I think it was 5-6 on a tank vent

    • 3 months ago

      it can't even kill a hulk to the eye slot, i doubt it does damage to tanks frontally

    • 3 months ago

      I’ve found the Eruptor’s explosion can actually hit the back of tanks if you hit the top. I’m constantly going on about jetpack/eruptor /here/ and this is one of the reasons why. If you get a good angle on them and hit near the back on the top, it will do near full damage. As for Hulks, nothing you can do. Take a railgun or Queso for those.

  65. 3 months ago

    Have we captured the fire planet yet?

    • 3 months ago

      almost, 82% with 0 decay rate, we should have it in about 7~ hours.

  66. 3 months ago
  67. 3 months ago

    I've been having some fun with the spear since the latest patch.
    It's fun using it as a fly swatter even if it's not the most effective with the lock on.

    • 3 months ago

      yeah, i loved using it as a stinger but with so few missiles you practically need a resupply to fight with it. i really wish the airburst rocket launcher was just a AA missile launcher.

      • 3 months ago

        a stinger or just an expanded ammo cap would do wonders for it.
        Just fun seeing the entire sky become free so quickly

  68. 3 months ago

    >Circuit expansion doesn't affect blitzer
    Come on, man

  69. 3 months ago

    >bro try the laser beam cannon against bots it's so fricking good holy shit
    >Try it
    >Rockets devastator shoots while I'm beaming him down in the face
    Yeah no. Any weapon that doesn't have stagger is SHIT against bots. It doesn't matter if I'm using the homosexual shield backpack when devastators 1 shot you anyways
    Back to the autocannon I go

  70. 3 months ago

    >playing online
    >give my friend a bonk on the skull
    >turns out I was doing this right as he was inputting an EAT drop, so the orb bounces off a nearby terminal and sticks to my head
    >get flattened by it
    kek talk about karma. Good thing I got it on video.

    • 3 months ago

      >Good thing I got it on video.

      well? we're waiting.

      • 3 months ago

        vp9 takes a bit to encode, gimme a sec.

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        Frick, anon! That's hilarious!

      • 3 months ago

        The panic run is what makes

      • 3 months ago

        Fricking kek. You would've lived if you kept running in a straight line

        • 3 months ago

          kinda went like a b***h, I'd have at least taken the other diver with me

        • 3 months ago

          Still would've dived, the weapon/ressuply stratagem straight up tracks you in real time even if you try to dodge it when it's landing, the only way to survive is to drop your shield backpack

          • 3 months ago

            It does but I've definitely survived it by just running straight. Maybe it was due to the angle it drops from the super destroyer

      • 3 months ago

        So, wait, they fixed that? Before, sticking stratagem would just cause them to land where it initially stuck instead of following the beacon. Like can I finally stick a 500kg beacon and guarantee a hit? Or is that just how turrets and such work?

        • 3 months ago

          No, it's always been like this: blue stratagems always follow the beacon while reds only target the original position of the beacon.

          • 3 months ago

            Thankfully that's in the "Known Issues" section, so we are actually supposed to be able to do that. I was hoping it was finally fixed and I just missed it, but its still there as of this patch, which sucks.

  71. 3 months ago

    What are some new stratagems you guys think they should add?
    >EMS Mines
    >Eagle Gas Strike
    >Flamethrower Turret
    >Guard Dog Hub (Basically a turret with drones instead of guns)

    • 3 months ago

      i want a big "frick you" orbital strike similar to how the eagles have their 500kg, like a big titanium kinetic rod fired from low orbit, theoretically they're supposed to have the same impact force of a nuke but with none of the fallout.

      • 3 months ago

        >big titanium kinetic rod
        stop, I can only get so hard
        also an ion cannon would be sick, but probably too strong

    • 3 months ago

      >not adding the Nuke from the first game


      • 3 months ago

        it's in the files, currently no animation but has a insta-kill radius of 20m and a blow away radius of 75m. Anything inside the 20m is 100% dead, which includes nests, factories and what not.

    • 3 months ago

      I'd like a Field Gun emplacement or something like that.

      • 3 months ago

        >new field gun stratagem
        >its just a crew served recoiless on two wooden cart wheels

        i love it, take my requisition slips.

        • 3 months ago

          >>its just a crew served recoiless on two wooden cart wheels
          I was actually kinda thinking recoilless except with frontal armor and without the long-ass reload, but with the tradeoff of being static, like the current Machinegun Emplacement

          • 3 months ago

            >Autocannon Emplacement
            >Gas Strike
            >Eagle Airstrike
            >Eagle Gun Run

            Frick it. We had Space Vietnam. Give me Space VERDUN.

            • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          Was also thinking about something like that excpet it's jsut an artillery emplacement, just like pic

    • 3 months ago

      A flak cannon. Basically an AC variant with HE proximity shells that can shit on flying enemies and also be used for horde clear.

    • 3 months ago

      a big electromagnet dropped down like a hellbomb that you have to arm to activate that creates a huge electromagnetic field pulling in bots within say a 50 m radius

    • 3 months ago

      >Satchel/breach charge
      High damage, high penetration explosive pack that has to be planted in person. Can take out fabricators or tanks from outside without hitting weakspots but you have to go there and arm it yourself, nice little high risk high reward stratagem.
      >Microwave cannon
      Continuous beam weapon that deals no direct HP damage but instead wears down the durability of the body part you shoot it at, i.e. shooting it at a charger from the side will build up a charge on his armor plate until it is fully worn down then the plate pops off and you can shoot the fleshy interior with a different weapon
      It's a support weapon that can weaken any strong target but finish none on its own.
      >Heater array
      A construct similar to the large shield generator but instead of a shield it projects heat into its surroundings. Deals a low DOT itself and sets enemies on fire which stacks with its DOT or lasts after enemies leave its area of effect.
      It clears hordes in an area, weak against big stuff, benefits from fire damage synergies.
      >Railcannon turret
      A sentry alternative to the autocannon turret but based on the railgun, duh. No explosive damage and lower firing rate but higher penetration. Better against big stuff but worse against hordes.

    • 3 months ago

      i'd love a EMS grenade launcher

    • 3 months ago

      >cloaking backpack
      >gain temporary invisibility until you take damage/fire weapon/throw grenade/stratagem/etc.
      >cooldown/regen on effect is twice what it is for the shield backpack

    • 3 months ago

      >Kinetic rod orbital, just drop a massive pylon that demolishes a base with kinetic energy alone.
      >Mounted Particle Canon. Like HMG turret but a giant railgun. Can take down dropships with a full unsafe charge. Long charge, if you're near it while the user charges you're slowed like EMS
      >Giant Lostplanet style shotgun stratagem
      >Just a wall. Drops a droppod that opens and unfolds a giant wall with a peek hole in it. Use as cover in an empty field until it's eventually blown away

      • 3 months ago

        The fourth one is kinda in the files already but instead of a wall it is more like waist high cover with a mounted grenade launcher.

    • 3 months ago

      orbital napalm barrage
      orbital arc thrower barrage
      orbital 500kg bomb barrage
      orbital autocannon barrage

    • 3 months ago

      EMS mines would be kino af, but I also want a stratagem that sends in a masssive AoE One-Shot Orbital Payload, in the spirit of the Diablo Strike from RoR2

      • 3 months ago

        There already is one. It's hellbomb. It has to be manually activated because of financial reasons.

        • 3 months ago

          >one ship module entirely dedicated to making it auto-detonate it
          Mark my words nigs. This'll cost the sample cap on all three types.

          • 3 months ago

            What if it also made it unlock as a stratagem, with a 300-ish seconds cooldown, then I'd be sold.

            • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      "Brace" backpack that massively reduces sway, recoil, and stagger from getting shot.

      • 3 months ago

        Also improves turn speed.

  72. 3 months ago

    >Being elitist over not-rebinding blatantly inferior controls.
    kek never change Ganker

    • 3 months ago

      I got used to it with wasd and I'm not changing now. It's never rlly affected me negatively so far

    • 3 months ago

      Sorry that it makes you feel inferior when I call in a perfectly aimed 500kg so fast that the running animation never even stopped.

      • 3 months ago

        >he can't call in Reinforcements in 1.2 seconds then dome 6 Devastators with his senator right after

      • 3 months ago

        I don't think needing to standing still to call in stratagems makes you any faster. I think you still call them in at the same speed as anyone else but you just end up dying more because you need to stand still. You're no Rock Lee lmao.

        • 3 months ago

          If you need to remove your hand from your mouse to call in the strategem, you can't aim your throw. The real ultimate move would be to rebind the strategem keys to extra keys on your mouse.
          The REAL real ultimate move would be to hook up a DDR mat and use that to input strategems with your feet.

    • 3 months ago

      I am not him, but I feel releasing the mouse to tap arrow keys and then move back to the mouse would be more disruptive than dive + WASD for any of the 3-5 length inputs, considering I can complete them all before I touch the ground.

      And during the few hundred milliseconds it would take to move my hand from the arrow keys to the mouse, I would be unable to aim the throw.

      I think the true meta controls would involve binding each direction to a mouse button, but I don't feel inclined to try this.

      • 3 months ago

        If you need to remove your hand from your mouse to call in the strategem, you can't aim your throw. The real ultimate move would be to rebind the strategem keys to extra keys on your mouse.
        The REAL real ultimate move would be to hook up a DDR mat and use that to input strategems with your feet.

        >I NEED the .8 seconds it takes to aim a stratagem ball!
        Sounds like cope so you can't admit that you're just too lazy to change it and get used to it.

        • 3 months ago

          nah sounds like your grapes are getting sour as shit because you cucked yourself with a cope rebind on account of your fatass fingers.

          • 3 months ago

            you got some post in your buzzword

          • 3 months ago

            I was aware of the arrow key rebind before I even bought the game.

            I chose my own path. I use ESDF for movement and strategems, because I am based and ESDF pilled.

            “Ackshully arrow keys are more efficient for stratagems” Black folk are almost as annoying as creekgays. I don’t want to move my hand from my mouse, especially in a high tension situation.

            >I NEED the .8 seconds it takes to aim a stratagem ball!
            Sounds like cope so you can't admit that you're just too lazy to change it and get used to it.

            I don't think needing to standing still to call in stratagems makes you any faster. I think you still call them in at the same speed as anyone else but you just end up dying more because you need to stand still. You're no Rock Lee lmao.

            >Being elitist over not-rebinding blatantly inferior controls.
            kek never change Ganker

            >Not rebinding it to HUJK and needing to actually move your hand all the way to mimic your helldiver tapping at his wrist.
            Black folk.

            • 3 months ago

              Based. I concede that you are more based than me.

              I know this is common knowledge by now, but I've confirmed that fire tornadoes definitely spawn near/follow you. I was doing an evacuation with all the fire tornados just hovering in the middle, making it impossible. I told 3 people to leave the area, and the firenados followed them out and despawned. So if you run into that, that's what you need to do.

              I think you can block them with the deployable shield but I have not tested this.

        • 3 months ago

          I was aware of the arrow key rebind before I even bought the game.

          I chose my own path. I use ESDF for movement and strategems, because I am based and ESDF pilled.

        • 3 months ago

          “Ackshully arrow keys are more efficient for stratagems” Black folk are almost as annoying as creekgays. I don’t want to move my hand from my mouse, especially in a high tension situation.

      • 3 months ago

        >use my usb numpad to call in stratagems for more immersion and to sprint while doing so
        >read posts like this
        Filthy casual.

  73. 3 months ago

    Someone mentioned that explosions got nerfed or something somehow, are the explosive resist armors still basically necessary to fight bots or can you get away without them now?

    • 3 months ago

      explosions were accidentally applying their damage multiple times over. now you only occasionally get one shotted by rocket devastators. i haven't been using explosive resist armor and it's been fine.

    • 3 months ago

      You only get oneshot by rocket headshots now or by getting ragdolled a long way

      • 3 months ago

        Will explosive resist save you from rocket headshots or do you just die no matter what?

        • 3 months ago

          no, it wont. headshots are an instant kill no matter what.

          • 3 months ago

            Wrong. I've survived medium armor headshots from rockets with the injury resistance booster.
            Didn't even have fortified.

          • 3 months ago

            Headshots are the stupidest fricking thing in this game.

        • 3 months ago

          No idea, I play with Democracy Protects

  74. 3 months ago

    The Scorcher is the greatest piece of shit the devs ever added to this game because I can take out towers from a distance with it.
    >AMR for heavies
    >Eagle for base clearing
    >Leggionaire for drip
    >Senator and Scorcher

    I don't waste shots.

    • 3 months ago

      Correct, if you hit your shots consistently, then it’s one of the best in the game. The only problems being low mag size and low mag count. You are going to need to scavenge ammo a bunch if you are shooting a lot.

      • 3 months ago

        Senator already taught me not to waste shots and I've become something of a crackshot. I've found ammo isn't a problem so I don't take Hellpod Space Optimization anymore.
        Stamina Boost is better all around when I'm running around and Radar Boost is for when I'm stealthing.

    • 3 months ago

      My favorite means of taking out towers is the quasar cannon + eruptor
      You charge the quasar against an unaware tower and right after firing swap to the eruptor for a single follow up shot. It destroys the tower from up to 150m range and does it faster than any enemies can react to your attack

  75. 3 months ago

    I think I'm going to do bug missions for a while and farm super samples. Bots are getting old, especially with rocket devastators

  76. 3 months ago

    Reminder Eruptor bros, waist shots are more effective than headshots at longer ranges on Devastators. As for Shield Devis, your first shot should be blowing off the gun arm.

    • 3 months ago

      >waist shots are more effective than headshots at longer ranges on Devastators
      same goes for berserkers, found that out today and had a blast (heh) watching torsos fly

    • 3 months ago

      So is it Eruptor, some type of support LMG, <insert preferred ordanance"?

      • 3 months ago

        It’s essentially a bolt action sniper rifle with a grenade attached to the end of the bullets

      • 3 months ago

        >So is it Eruptor, some type of support LMG, <insert preferred ordanance"?
        I prefer Laser Cannon over LMG, but that's what I roll with, yes.

      • 3 months ago

        >So is it Eruptor, some type of support LMG, <insert preferred ordanance"?
        I prefer Laser Cannon over LMG, but that's what I roll with, yes.

        Stop trying to make the LMGs work with the Eruptor. It's already good at killing crowds and medium armor.
        Have fun trying to deal with Hulks and Tanks.

        Still would've dived, the weapon/ressuply stratagem straight up tracks you in real time even if you try to dodge it when it's landing, the only way to survive is to drop your shield backpack

        Just dive.

        • 3 months ago

          >mfw that loadout

          • 3 months ago

            just aim for the waist and you'll bisect them faster than you can cry "MY LEG!"

          • 3 months ago

            >Casually glosses over the GL pistol, Stun nades, and eruptor.
            you realize the eruptor oneshots berserkers and 2 GL pistol shots can gib an entire group of them right? Not to mention the stun nades and the jump pack in emergencies.
            I'd rather be good at taking out the hulks and tanks than berserkers. I've died to a berserker ONCE in my entire life and it was because of a teammate knocking me down with an auto cannon right infront of one when I had no HP. I've died to Hulks and Tanks plenty of times on the other hand.

            • 3 months ago

              >the eruptor oneshots berserkers
              No, it doesn't. And if they close the gap or you get blindsided you're forced to awkwardly back-pedal and shoot the ground, praying you don't get randomly ragdolled from your own explosions.

          • 3 months ago

            >the eruptor oneshots berserkers
            No, it doesn't. And if they close the gap or you get blindsided you're forced to awkwardly back-pedal and shoot the ground, praying you don't get randomly ragdolled from your own explosions.

            they dont spawn nearly as often as hulks and tanks to be an issue on higher diffs anyways
            i just did a solo ICBM mission on 7 and i was literally counting how many berserkers spawned and i had 3 groups of berserkers spawn the entire mission as opposed to like 10 hulks and 6 tanks.

            • 3 months ago

              after 7 all the berserker spawns are replaced with various devastators

              • 3 months ago

                Great for eruptor mains everywhere.

              • 3 months ago

                what build do you run for eruptor bots? i want to like the eruptor but it feels pointless to have when i have an autocannon

              • 3 months ago

                Eruptor, Laser Cannon, 500KG, ||380mm||, ANTI-AIR DEFENSES : STRATAGEM SLOTS REDUCED BY ONE

              • 3 months ago

                Lascannon (LAS-98 beam) is good. Eruptor and the lascannon are both, in a sense, a diet autocannon, but in two different ways. Eruptor misses out on being able to kill hulks and tanks and turrets, while lascannon misses out on AOE and fabricator sniping. They cover each other's weaknesses. You're also free to take the backpack you like the most with them. Any of them is good.

              • 3 months ago


                Stop trying to make the LMGs work with the Eruptor. It's already good at killing crowds and medium armor.
                Have fun trying to deal with Hulks and Tanks.
                Just dive.

                Basically you want to stay back and abuse the jumppack to get to high ground as you play like a tf2 sniper on 2fort with explosive rounds.
                See a big ass group of trash bots? 1 or 2 Eruptor shots to the middle of the group clears them all out.
                Devestator of any kind? Shoot the hip/crotch with an eruptor to instantly kill them. (Alternatively you can shoot missile racks/gun arm to disable missile/heavy devs respectively)
                Berserker? Hip shot to instakill one, 2 grenades from your pistol should clear a crowd of them. Worst case you stun nade or jumppack to get away from them.
                Scout Striders? Hit the front/side plates. Avoid the crotch or you won't kill the driver.
                Hulks/Tanks? Use a EAT/Quasar.
                Stunnades are general emergency tool/multikill tool.
                Grenade pistol is just more shit to throw out to kill things.
                Range is your bread and butter, it lets you snipe shit, react to missile devs, bots are too inaccurate to hit you consistently, berserkers take forever to get to you, the only thing that poses a real threat are cannons and maybe tanks.
                I use airburst because I like throwing them + a stun nade at a patrol getting to close to the spot I'm perching up on.
                I use laser to take care of bot forts.

                This is NOT a close range solo build btw. You mostly just let your teammates draw fire away from you so you can help them with sniper support from decently far away..

              • 3 months ago

                Don't listen to the gays telling you to take the laser cannon, anything the laser cannon does your eruptor + whatever secondary you take does just fine.
                You basically want to take anything that does what the eruptor can't so anything that can kill hulks and tanks.

        • 3 months ago

          Carry Me: the Loadout

          • 3 months ago

            That's a guardian angel build on extreme cold planets unless the player is ass.

            • 3 months ago

              Whatever you say bud

          • 3 months ago

            I consistently get most or second most kills and least deaths and I play exclusively 7/8, and occasionally 9 for whatever faction the MO is on right now.

            >the eruptor oneshots berserkers
            No, it doesn't. And if they close the gap or you get blindsided you're forced to awkwardly back-pedal and shoot the ground, praying you don't get randomly ragdolled from your own explosions.

            >No, it doesn't.
            It literally does. Aim for the belly.
            >And if they close the gap or you get blindsided you're forced to awkwardly back-pedal and shoot the ground, praying you don't get randomly ragdolled from your own explosions.
            >IF they close the gap
            JUMP PACK
            STUN GRENADES
            >You get blindsided
            pic rel + read above
            You frickers completely underestimate how strong diving is. It's literally a free way to create space from you and something you don't want to be next to. It reduces explosive damage hardcore and you can spam it even when slowed/out of stamina.

            Is it any good? I usually only use grenades for like...closing holes. I heard stun is decent but I just unlocked thermite and now I want to melt steel beams.

            It's pretty good, it's a little wierd getting used to how it fires and killing fabs with it but it's nice.
            >I just unlocked thermite and now I want to melt steel beams.
            I wouldn't get excited. Not only is it broken, but even when it works it's very underwhelming.

        • 3 months ago

          >jetpacks on you
          >either I blow you up
          >or you blow yourself up shooting me

          your move, diver

  77. 3 months ago

    r8 my drip

    • 3 months ago

      >Dawn of Dawn
      I cuckled

    • 3 months ago

      Holy shit, are you the autist asking for ship names from the other thread? Did you actually take my recommendation for Dawn of Dawn? Kek

      >Dawn of Dawn
      I cuckled

      At least this cuckled guy likes it

    • 3 months ago

      I played with you recently like 1 or 2 days ago lol

  78. 3 months ago

    i love this game brehs
    >squad gets cornered with backs against the ocean on ice planet
    >running to evac
    >patrol spots us
    >entire squad hunkers down in crater and gets into a firefight with bots across lake
    >stream of constant red lasers, rockets and bullets coming from each side
    >stratagems are jammed so we're each taking turns popping out of cover to take down hulks or hit dropships
    >bots are inching closer to us and we're running low on ammo and stims
    >before we know it we're being swarmed from all sides
    >one by one we get corned and gunned down looking for a way out
    >mission accomplished

    • 3 months ago

      >Extraction available
      >11 reinforcements
      >17+ minutes remaining
      >Natural barrier between you and the enemy
      >4 tards sitting in a hole until they die instead of falling back to extract under fire.

      • 3 months ago

        the bots were between us and the extract, behind us was all ocean. the only way was through them, diving across the lake. we put up a good fight.

  79. 3 months ago


    if it's not super samples who the frick cares homie

    • 3 months ago

      I care.
      t. Greedy

    • 3 months ago

      Lmao who the frick cares about super samples, I've been capped on super samples since week 2. They have literally never bottlenecked me. Those 30 commons and rares hurt.

  80. 3 months ago

    I know this is common knowledge by now, but I've confirmed that fire tornadoes definitely spawn near/follow you. I was doing an evacuation with all the fire tornados just hovering in the middle, making it impossible. I told 3 people to leave the area, and the firenados followed them out and despawned. So if you run into that, that's what you need to do.

  81. 3 months ago


    That’s happened to me 3 times. Had to blow myself up with grenades to die and get revived.

  82. 3 months ago

    >it's a "moronic monkey team gets pinned down fighting every patrol they see and runs out of reinforcements at 1/3 objectives" episode

    • 3 months ago

      >the same two literal apes run to the same secondary objective losing 8 reinforcements in the first 5 minutes of the mission
      Total shitter death. Kill shitters. Behead shitters. Roundhouse kick a shitter into the concrete, etc. etc.

    • 3 months ago

      you don't understand they have to keep fighting those gunship spawners even though none of them have anything to kill gunships with also they keep trying to blow them up with airstrikes

      • 3 months ago

        Tbf the game is really inconsistent with what structures you can blow up through damage and what needs Hellbombs. Same with some explosive weapons destroying fabricators and some don't for no reason.

      • 3 months ago

        Somewhat unrelated but it is really stupid that you can't destroy the Gunship spawners with anything except the hellbomb. They should have at least one other weakpoint you can exploit.

        • 3 months ago

          I think all three of the barrages should be able to damage it i mean those three can destroy a heavy fortified command bunker so i don't see why it shouldn't be able to also damage a literal bot "airfield" that doesn't even have defensive measures really.

  83. 3 months ago


    If you want to bully like a pro then just shoot them while they sit helplessly in the Pelican. Shit is hilarious lol

  84. 3 months ago

    I had the Bot circlejerk dream again.

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        The one where me and my team get surrounded by a group of commissars, forced to drop our pants, form a circle, and jerk while they molest us from behind.

        • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          i need to go back

  85. 3 months ago

    >take a break for a week, come back after one of the patches
    >persistent glitch where I can't use consoles because using WASD for inputs makes my character move and cancels the sequence
    >looking all over the place, think it's a new bug the patch introduced
    >turns out the game's keyboard inputs break if you have a controller connected

    I mean, I get the "smol indie company uwu, didn't expect the player numbers!11" thing, but this is just awful.

    • 3 months ago

      that happens in a lot of games moron

  86. 3 months ago

    >30 minutes of getting our asses handed to us
    >out of respawns, but everyone's alive
    >finally finish mission and head to extract
    >extract is on the other side of a long, narrow ice bridge
    >walls of lasers gunning us down, but we make it to the other shore after burning through all our stims
    >set up in a crater and just bombard the bridge that is absolutely overrun with bots while one guy snipes from extraction
    Just a constant massive wave of bots that just seemed to never end. No bot drops, either. I think every bot on the map was just spawning on the other shore, so as soon as we killed a few, they'd immediately respawn just out of view and start shooting at us. Eventually enough Hulks managed to force their way through between stratagem that we had to fall back to extraction, but by that time, the ship was landing and even he got a couple dozen kills coming down.

  87. 3 months ago

    Rate my loadout
    Dynamo armor

    120 barrage

    • 3 months ago

      >120 Barrage
      That's a kick.

  88. 3 months ago

    Flame damage is completely fricked now, if you're not at full health you're dead before you even hit the ground

    • 3 months ago

      dive before you get hit
      barely take any damage

    • 3 months ago

      The instant you think your being burned just stim. You overheal through it and stay at full health. Ez

    • 3 months ago

      Spam stim, use the invul to run all the way through flame, then dive.

  89. 3 months ago

    Give helmets a perk whydon'tcha?

  90. 3 months ago

    >Medic armor(stims are NOT addictive, its a game issue that I can't play with anything else)
    >HE grenade
    >Sniper rifle
    >Jump pack
    >Eagle airstrike
    >Orbital laser
    This is THE BEST load out for bots, you can't change my mind

    • 3 months ago

      With that loadout I can see why you need the extra stims. lmao

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >HE Grenade
      >Airstrike AND Laser

      Does Grenade pistol have it's own set of ammo or is it your grenades?

      8+1 nades, 1 nade on ground ammo, 2 on resupply. If you have full ammo on respawn booster there's a glitch where you have 2 grenades in the chamber when you spawn/respawn. So 10 nades in total then.

      • 3 months ago

        Is it any good? I usually only use grenades for like...closing holes. I heard stun is decent but I just unlocked thermite and now I want to melt steel beams.

        • 3 months ago

          Thermite is unfortunately really shit, it will probably be fixed in the future. Stun grenades are good for almost any situation. Smokes are surprisingly useful for disengaging against bots.

          • 3 months ago

            >throws thermite on berserker running after fellow diver
            >diver's shriek gets cut off by death buzzer
            sorry homie

            • 3 months ago

              Apparently they're even more useless unless you're the host due to the DoT bug. But even if you're not, I've stuck like 3 to a hulk and they were still alive.

          • 3 months ago

            Oh i was really looking forward to them like having them eat through the armor of chargers and then it turns out they barely tickle the fat frickers, god damn why is everything they release so undertuned and weak.

            • 3 months ago

              Not to defend AH but Thermite seems to be not working due to the ongoing DoT bug. If it wasn't for that it might be okay? I don't know what their vision for it was supposed to be but it's clearly not working.

              • 3 months ago

                The DoT bug has been in for weeks now, what the frick are they doing and no at the time i was hosting and no matter where i threw those thermite nades they wouldn't do anything not strip armor and also not really damage them and i depleted all 6 of my grenades on one of them and i doubt it is intended that you use all 6 of your grenades for one charger, i quickly went back to the EAT to deal with anything armored. So far the only weapon that seems to work as intended is the GL pistol and the Explosive sniper.

            • 3 months ago

              Under promise then over deliver. The true way to adjust weapons. If they are good or "too good" when they come out and they are adjusted downward in any way well then everyone loses their minds!

            • 3 months ago

              >Make a problem
              >Sell you the solution
              >But guess which solution actually works
              This is the devs design theory

        • 3 months ago

          I wish i could see the look on your face the first time you try the thermite. Probably something like picrel

    • 3 months ago

      for me it's Eruptor, Senator, Stun Nades, AC, Eagle Airstrike, 120 Barrage, and Walking Barrage

  91. 3 months ago

    >Helldivers complain about fighting on fire tornado planet
    >don’t realize that SEAF has to then build and maintain orbital defenses on the planet afterwards
    Imagine having to build military structures capable of withstanding constant fire tornadoes for the foreseeable future.

  92. 3 months ago

    Sincerely hope they add a Gyrojet/Boler-like weapon into the game with overpen. It'd be a little too busted for a primary so support weapon with a backpack for the frickoff massive rounds.
    But just image...
    >set up killzone
    >hulk walks through
    >empty mag through it, the hulk behind it and the mass of chaff you would've wasted a grenade on

    So cool...

    • 3 months ago

      Just add the Darktide Boltgun. Straight up. Don't even hide what you're doing arrowhead, just do it.

  93. 3 months ago

    Does Grenade pistol have it's own set of ammo or is it your grenades?

    • 3 months ago

      It's a seperate set of ammo, basically like a single shot Grenade launcher stratagem. You get 9 grenades in total.

      It's kind of busted and I wonder if it's going to be changed at some point.

  94. 3 months ago

    >extract with a decent amount of samples on helldive for three people
    >a dozen hulks and close to fifty heavy/rocket devastators overwhelm us
    Got the medals at least.

  95. 3 months ago

    There should be a standard issue armor for every perk prove me wrong

    • 3 months ago

      Not really, game is balanced around standard warbond, there is no pressure for you to buy premium warbonds and you can buy them just by playing the game

  96. 3 months ago

    i just wasted medals on a cape instead of unlocking more weapons cause i like how it looked with an armor i'll probably never use. i don't know how to feel.

  97. 3 months ago

    new content when?

    • 3 months ago

      There's a lot of polished ilumiBlack person stuff in the files so it could be as early as next week
      Probably once this current robot campaign settles down

  98. 3 months ago

    >finish objectives
    >waste time getting them creds
    >timer runs out, shuttle is sent in
    >get to evac before shuttle arrives
    >5 hulks



    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          In the grim darkness of the far future, this is an expression of pain.

  99. 3 months ago

    >Hulks are now tanking point blank 500kg bombs
    >Hulks are now tanking point blank 500kg bombs
    >Hulks are now tanking point blank 500kg bombs

    • 3 months ago

      post the full picture

    • 3 months ago

      just facetanking surely?

      • 3 months ago

        even so, it's moronic that they can tank it at all

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      You probably just missed. the 500kg has a fricking horrible cone shaped hitbox

  100. 3 months ago

    >twitch medic armor
    >redeemer on semi
    >stun grenades
    >supply pack
    >rocket pods
    >orbital precision
    yep, it's bug hunting time

    • 3 months ago

      the only real problem are shriekers. god i hate those little shits.

      • 3 months ago


  101. 3 months ago

    >give 0 fricks about farming or doing the missions and just enjoy shooting bugs
    life is good

    • 3 months ago

      >run behind the dudes that know what to do and help kil
      i'm doing my part

  102. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      frick you eruptor going straight into a tier higher than everything else on my upcoming youtube vid so it gets nerfed.

    • 3 months ago

      you WILL feel my PAIN for the Railgun nerfs.

  103. 3 months ago

    if they're going to rebalance the eruptor, i hope it's just by lowering the extra mags. even if had half of what it currently has, i'll still use it cause it complements some support weapons really well.

    • 3 months ago

      The only change they should make to it is literally actually making it so you can shoot past 125m without the round auto detonating.

  104. 3 months ago

    >Using Revolver in first person
    >Get rocketed and sent flying
    >Hit a rock so hard my camera, still in first person, sends me under the world
    Guys can I get a super earth rescue team to save me?

  105. 3 months ago
  106. 3 months ago

    anybody hosting?

  107. 3 months ago

    i WILL frick the bugs and you CAN'T stop me

    • 3 months ago

      That doesn't even remotely resemble the bugs anymore at that point though. That looks more like some Palworld shit now.

    • 3 months ago

      Need more Helldivers anthro bug and robot anime girl (lewd) images
      Anyone got a link

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago


  108. 3 months ago

    is it just or like 2 days ago spewers weren't spawning at all even on max difficulty?

  109. 3 months ago

    Look upon our works, Poop Fruit, and despair

    • 3 months ago

      Sovl of War

      • 3 months ago

        Post ship names

        • 3 months ago

          >Titan of War

        • 3 months ago

          >SES Song of the People

        • 3 months ago

          >Elected Representative of the Constitution
          Like a good freedom loving patriot

        • 3 months ago

          >SES Prophet of Gold

        • 3 months ago

          >SES Fist of Family Values

        • 3 months ago

          >Sovereign of Dawn

        • 3 months ago

          >Herald of Midnight

        • 3 months ago

          >SES Elected Representative of Self Determination

  110. 3 months ago

    bug missions are absolute hell. at least bot missions let me strategize but bug missions will tell me to go frick myself after I've wiped a horde nearly 100 strong.

  111. 3 months ago

    is the smg good? I look at it and dont see it as a primary, what am I missing with this thing?

    • 3 months ago

      I like it. There's nothing special about it but it's one handed so I like to take it on missions where you need to carry data drives or if I want to use the ballistic shield.

    • 3 months ago

      Very good if you can land headshots

    • 3 months ago

      i have no idea what they were thinking with it. The smg is secretely a rifle while the rifles are smgs.

  112. 3 months ago

    PSchads gets all the good games this year. Yeah we won.

  113. 3 months ago



    • 3 months ago

      >robot arm and leg
      Huh? Kinda cool. Would be neat if it could be shot off

    • 3 months ago

      >cheaters ruining more cool shit
      frick cheaters, frick youtubers/streamers, frick dataminers and frick you Black person

      • 3 months ago

        I'm from the Super Earth Ministry of Attack. Please be nice to your superiors, Helldiver.

  114. 3 months ago

    Just did a Helldive on Hellmire with two randoms. Two stalker nests on the map but not a single stalker actually spawned. Extract with all objectives and side objectives done and 0 deaths. Today was a good day

  115. 3 months ago

    >is instantly destroyed if you get shot with a cannon turret or tank
    >is dropped if you roll down an incline
    >automatically put on your back if you stim
    >requires you to use 1handed weapons
    What about the Ballistic Shield should be adjusted to make it not completely outclassed by the bubble shield?

  116. 3 months ago

    >Get on Helldivers
    >Fans start to BRRRRRRRRRR
    >Music keeps cutting out
    >My character doesnt load in at first when dropping onto a planet, just the weapons
    >Fans BRRRRRRRR ever harder when I quit
    >Still no frame dips just weird bugs
    Yep love this game

  117. 3 months ago

    >the diver reading this doesnt drop samples at the extract point mid mission if possible
    I bet you only fight bugs too you scrub

    • 3 months ago

      LZ has a constant heat radius so I stay the frick away from it unless it's time for extraction

  118. 3 months ago

    Where is super earth hiding them

    • 3 months ago

      >im in super jail on super earth again for sneaking onto a bug farm and performing an act of "beastiality" on a bug
      my lawyer still hasnt shown up yet

      • 3 months ago

        Super Jail?

        • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          We need an uncle sam warden for super jail

  119. 3 months ago

    Apparently you can animation cancel the Eruptor by holding down fire and opening your strategems menu

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