Brehs I'm tempted...I need you guys to talk me out of it

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    >stumble through boring story
    >play auction house
    >do mythics and weekly raids for loot until you get bored and unsub for another year

  2. 11 months ago

    Warcraft will NEVER have the same feel you reminisce about.
    I had such a great time playing in Wrath and I long ago accepted it would never be as enjoyable not matter how much I wanted it to be so I never went back.
    Don't pretend its different for you.

  3. 11 months ago

    if you want to be pulled into a world of wonder and mystery and experience it with a bunch of other gamers then theres nothing there for you, itll never come back

    if you just want to play a coop action game the talent trees are unironically great, most specs are at or near their peak designs ever, the gearing system is incredibly fast and generous and this is easily the best version of post wrath wow ever

  4. 11 months ago

    It's probably the best the game has ever been by a QoL perspective. Can power through the campaign, hop right into endgame, no chores to get a legendary, or borrowed power level ups or whatever (eg conduits.) Can get your tier pieces by converting anything with high enough ilvl. Tonnes of catchup mechanics. Cross faction play makes getting groups together faster, can change talents in the fly and even import them.

    That being said dungeons/raids have been weaker than previous expansions. They have been recycling old dungeons to make it fresh every season, but Shadowlands had flatout better dungeons, all of them new, even if it lacked variety throughput the seasons. They also made KSH insanely imo.

    So tldr is might as well since the time commitment to get to fun content is 0. But the meat itself is a bit lacking.

  5. 11 months ago

    Does the only content being having to do the same dungeons and raids over and over sound fun to you? Than go ahead.

  6. 11 months ago

    When is it going to be on sale?

  7. 11 months ago

    The only way to make gold now is to be a scumfrick carry-seller or dedicate 20 hours a week to your professions (and shilling in Trade chat) so you can craft commissions

    The magic of getting an epic BoE to sell for gold or being a humble dungeon-spamming gold farmer is gone

    • 11 months ago

      i casually make 100k a week with dracothyst xmutes
      went weapon bs since day 1 of the expansion and i made 3 million gold in ~2 weeks during the first raid launch and 5 million gold in ~2 weeks during the second raid launch

      this is easiest gold making expansion since wod

      • 11 months ago

        >this is easiest gold making expansion since wod
        does the game make gold for me? im talking wod table efforts not farming anything regularly including the AH

        • 11 months ago

          Depends. If you have multiple profs maxed out with enough talents (you keep doing it every week and getting your points), youll passively get gold by randomly crafting shit for people which is 1 button click away from 5-10k gold.
          Scribe with staves is great passive income for example, JC is also often in demand.
          If you have enough time at your hand, you can invest into alch and craft pots or phials but you need all necessary points (its alot) to have every single % buff that you can get. This will net you a large profit in the long run.

  8. 11 months ago

    Not even the paid shills like it bro Don't waste your money

    • 11 months ago

      It'd have to be extremely ded for the game to be unplayable


    • 11 months ago

      Considering that Talihomosexual has slurped the balls of Bobby Kotick for over a decade, and even HE doesnt like the expansion should mean something.

      • 11 months ago

        Not even the paid shills like it bro Don't waste your money

        Why does everyone here defer to moronic lolcows like this guy and Asmon for the state of the game instead of actual players like JPC, Max, ImfiredUp, Gingi etc?
        Max routinely talks about it and is obviously much more of authority then these morons. It's like asking some random titty streamer about the state of Valorant or whatever the frick they play.

        • 11 months ago

          Because before asmongold was a matricidal millionaire. He was what peak mmo gamer was.

          • 11 months ago

            He wasn't though, thats what makes the whole neckbeard lolcow thing sad. At least Soda I have to admit was incredibly good at PVP at one point.

          • 11 months ago

            jesus fricking christ

            how did this trainwreck become a millionaire? he's not even interesting to listen to

            he's one in a billion of degenerates who can make it big, but still, i'm jealous

        • 11 months ago

          only kiwiBlack folk are moronic enough to still give blizzard money kek

  9. 11 months ago

    If you look deep down into your soul, you know very well that if you resub, you are just going to play for 1 day before you get bored and you will have wasted your money.

  10. 11 months ago

    If you enjoy every aspect of a game having a weekly lock, then I guess you'd like it?

  11. 11 months ago

    Your time is worthless anyways
    Go buy bobby a new yacht, goy

  12. 11 months ago

    Most people moved to turtle wow

    • 11 months ago

      no they didn't you private server shill
      they've quit WoW all together or jumped on the hardcore wow bandwagon

      • 11 months ago

        >jumped on the Hardcore bandwagon
        That shit is dead as frick due to the homosexual that is Kargoz and the scummy practices around that paid for addon that teleports you around the world. The hype for it is completely artificial at this point, especially after everyone finding out how HC Elite got death appeals for everything.

        • 11 months ago

          who the frick is kargoz bro? most people i know are hyped as frick for hardcore but will probably quit in like 1 week

          • 11 months ago

            >Who is Kargoz
            TL;DW: He is the one behind the community driven Hardcore mode that blew up a few months ago, also started an addon you can pay for to teleport you to safe places disguised as a leveling guide. If anyone is moronic enough to pay for a leveling guide at least pay for Joana's who has world records.

    • 11 months ago

      I've grown tired of vanilla, even if it adds some custom content

    • 11 months ago

      even everlook has more players than this my man. Stop shilling your shit server.

  13. 11 months ago

    FFXIV killed wow. I'm not even kidding. Only bots play this game. Th servers are empty and the queues eternal. Its literally impossible to do content nowdays unless you server transfer every 2 weeks. Diablo is also dead. Blizzard just shills their games and abondens them until next xpac. Just go play literally anything else

    • 11 months ago

      post the group finder for XIV right now

    • 11 months ago

      queues for what exactly?

    • 11 months ago

      >Th servers are empty and the queues eternal. Its literally impossible to do content nowdays unless you server transfer every 2 weeks. Diablo is also dead. Blizzard just shills their games and abondens them until next xpac.
      thought you were talking about ffxiv that whole time lol

  14. 11 months ago

    >Buy it on sale
    >Rush through the leveling zones because the story is even more shit than usual.
    >Get to level 70
    >Get lost between one hundred different systems and currencies.
    >Everything I hear about endgame PvE is dreadful.
    Don't make the same mistake as I did.

    • 11 months ago

      >Get lost between one hundred different systems and currencies.
      It's like the simplest the game has been in this regard for quite sometime...?

  15. 11 months ago

    I started playing DF precisely because so many people were shitting on it. The less normies playing the game the better.

    And to my surprise, it's absolutely kino.

  16. 11 months ago

    Gonna oust myself as a WoW player to save you OP, you'd better be fricking thankful.
    >Story doesn't exist due to a cross between Legion through Shadowlands going scorched earth on prior lore and characters so now the only ones doing anything of note are Wrathion and his cousins, which just reached its conclusion in the newest raid
    >Latter half of a bandaid patch means people have already scraped through all the content and have fricked off en masse, only shitters and hopeless addicts remain
    >Leveling is just a boring fricking mess nobody wants to deal with anymore. Quests everywhere are bugged, dungeon spam is polluted with the aforementioned shitters/addicts who votekick the instant you break from the speedrun
    >PvPers are subhuman filth and always will be so who cares for that neck of the woods
    Don't get me wrong the grindy expacs are still dogshit but the problem is that they took out the grind from Legion/BFA/SL without actually shifting their dev time or compensating with more shit to do overall. You're still on the same treadmill but the thing just stops five minutes into your workout session with someone telling you to come back in a week if you want more.

    • 11 months ago

      >(Story doesn't exist due to a cross between...) AND a strange discomfort not to go back to treaded ground that I haven't seen many people talk about ir even notice. homies would rather completely demystify Tyr and tell us every second of his life story or retcon an entire second aspect group into the lore than to show us how things are going in the rest of Azeroth

    • 11 months ago

      >You're still on the same treadmill but the thing just stops five minutes into your workout session with someone telling you to come back in a week if you want more.
      No that would be shitty old expacs like Wrath, where the only thing to do is raidlog
      You can always blast m+ in dragonflight

  17. 11 months ago

    If you’re tempted by what’s on offer then you may be moronic enough to enjoy it. If you have to talk someone out of eating shit then they must enjoy eating shit.

    • 11 months ago

      Talk me out of eating shit

      is it as bad as ~~*they*~~ say

  18. 11 months ago

    >needs other anons to tell him to stop eating shit
    you're an absolutely moronic Black person cattle
    you literally have no self control despite knowing whats good for you, this is even worse than if you were a clueless blizzdrone
    maybe you should have a nice day or donate your whole body in organs
    that way you'll do less damage than if you support the worst game company that does malicious business practices with your money

    you are quite literally not alive

  19. 11 months ago

    Yes bro go play with all the new homosexual and troony npcs in DF, you will love it

  20. 11 months ago

    I hate the new default ui

    • 11 months ago

      good thing you can use an addon to do whatever the frick you want with it. just change it back to the old one lol

      • 11 months ago

        Frick you
        Frick you
        Frick you
        Frick you
        You are the reason everything looks so ugky "lol just change it"
        How about you give me my default UI back? The one with the cool dragons and the cool fantasy art? Where the spellbook felt like a spellbook and the character portrait of an elite dragon felt like something menacing. Where's the fricking art mate? Where is it?
        It's trash, feels like trash, behaves like trash, and god forbid you try to "edit UI", you soon realize their editor is so fricking bad is laughable.
        I'll just say one thing about it while I laugh in your face
        >The group finder icon cannot be separated from the menu bar.
        That's all. It's like the old "indie company please understand" but taken to the extreme. It's like they hired a dozen indians to do their new flashy UI and a dozen of them were the ideas guys and zero of them were competent UI designers.

        Final words/TLDR: They took the RP away from the MMORPG. It feels like soulless corporate artstyle and it cannot be reverted, and the only addon for it reverts you back to the old, old classic UI (the one nobody even remembers).

        Frick you again

        • 11 months ago

          Just go play vanilla. The game has been basically unplayable with default UI most it's existence and has only gotten less garbage over time. Most WoW haters just tell on themselves for wanting to play an entirely different game.

  21. 11 months ago

    Im a hopeless wow addict
    Ressubbed a couple of days ago
    I regret it. The game feels, plays and looks awful. All of it is awful.

  22. 11 months ago

    If you're actually tempted, you deserve to go back.
    Nobody with a functional brain would.

  23. 11 months ago

    the saddest words of mice and men
    are alex was right once again

  24. 11 months ago

    >Resub into WoW
    >The first thing i see are 1000 warning messages that my addons are out of date and addons breaking my entire screen
    >Uninstall wow
    This game is unplayable. The fact that you need gorillion addons for pvp and pve and they break the game every tiny patch is unbearable.

    • 11 months ago

      1) it's a single warning messege, you can just click ignore and be fine 99.9% of the time
      2) you can just update with curseforge.

      • 11 months ago

        >ust update with curseforge.
        Installing some israeli bitcoin miner no thx

        • 11 months ago

          I used that, its pretty good.

          • 11 months ago

            >dont want to manage all this addon bullshit?
            >just use an addon to manage your addons
            >just make sure you get this addon for the addon use your addons
            genuinely what the FRICK is wrong with the people who still play this shit

          • 11 months ago

            Yo dawg, here's addon to manage your addon that manages your addons

            • 11 months ago

              >dont want to manage all this addon bullshit?
              >just use an addon to manage your addons
              >just make sure you get this addon for the addon use your addons
              genuinely what the FRICK is wrong with the people who still play this shit

              I just think its neat. I definitely prefer it over having to deal with nexus or downloading binaries from github and sticking them places.

  25. 11 months ago

    I just want a traditional western fantasy MMO. I'm not even asking for that much. I don't need the magical feeling of exploration and discovery. Just give me a nice looking world to smack things in and a good variety of classes and abilities that feel nice to use with responsive WASD controls. Surely there's more than just world of warcraft for that?

  26. 11 months ago

    troony just resub, you obviously lack any self-restraint or respect so just go back to your goyslop in the skin of the game you used to love

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