Hoi4 Modding Thread

Discuss Mods, modding, teasers and other Hearts of Iron 4 related topics

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I think I will release another mod tomorrow

  2. 2 years ago

    >those borders
    >Nazis still take over despite germany winning WW1 because reasons
    >SS get's reformed by Wilhelm because reasons
    >National Socialism gets reformed instead of just replaced
    >Germany is called Prussia for no reason
    1/10, will be abandoned anyway

    • 2 years ago

      you took the bait

      also, the game

      • 2 years ago

        Frick you oldgay

  3. 2 years ago

    reminder that the mod based on a cartoon for little kids has a better depiction of genocide and extreme authoritarianism than vanilla and most mods

    • 2 years ago

      >Fictional characters can pacify ghetto better than actual nazis

    • 2 years ago

      >human anime portaits
      Holy shit taste

    • 2 years ago

      this is literally just tno with ponies

      • 2 years ago

        Other way round.
        EaW came first. A lot of that team help other mods and KR's own code is based off EaW's.

      • 2 years ago

        every modding team on the left

        • 2 years ago

          Пpикoвaнныe к тoнyщих тpeдoв кpace, мы вклaдки зaкpыть пoзaбыли...

      • 2 years ago

        That's an insult to EaW.

      • 1 year ago

        At least you can wage war in it

      • 1 year ago

        >runs like a snail
        >wants you to choose the heckin wholsome reddit commie/liberal democracy leaders
        >your country will fall apart if you want to have fun with dictators
        >devs are teenagers and groomers who all have a diffrent opinion how the mod should be developed
        >content outside warlord russia is either boring or utterly non-sensical

        >runs faster than most mods
        >can easily conquer your entire continent
        >has ancaps/slave traders/crusaders/feudalism/genocidal fanatics/child murderers/all kinds of totalitarianism
        >your country won't fall apart for choosing any of the aboth mentioned paths
        >devs have an actual plan
        >even the minor nations have fun and interesting paths
        >you will see new interesting stuff in every playthrough

        • 1 year ago

          >mod is called Equestria at war
          >all of the content related to Equestria's wars is shit

          • 1 year ago

            It's about time someone called that part out. Equestria is barebones and severely lacking compared to the other continents. I went into the mod playing as the titular country and I feel like I got cheated, the other continents are the ones that are packed to the brim with content, Equestria feels like it was left behind.

            • 1 year ago

              Well yeah it was the first part of the mod made, and the reworks only touched on changeling victory. Hopefully they'll finally rework it with zebras out now.

          • 1 year ago

            >mod is called Kaissereich, where Germany wins WW1
            >Germany's content is barebone and its puppets exist only to infuriate you and remove gameplay from the main German tag

            • 1 year ago

              >mod is called Kaiserreich
              >it's actually about the US and Syndicalism Communism
              >also, south america shitters

          • 1 year ago

            well, the recent dev diary already stated that they going to update/rework the equus countries starting from stalliongrad.

            • 1 year ago

              What Equus really needs is a complete overhaul, not just more content.

        • 1 year ago

          stop shilling EaW
          none of the factions are fleshed out. none of them have a cool post war tree. if EaW was so based how come there's no tree for occupying the river and lake confederation (or whatever they're called) as the order or the empire?
          how come the only fleshed out factions are the fricking ponies?

          • 1 year ago

            >none of them have a cool postwar tree

        • 1 year ago

          >even the minor nations have fun and interesting paths
          then why Griffonstone doesn't have any content and focus tree?

        • 1 year ago

          >>has ancaps/slave traders/crusaders/feudalism/genocidal fanatics/child murderers/all kinds of totalitarianism
          Who are the natsoc/nazi's in this mod? Also, checked those digits.

          • 1 year ago

            >Who are the natsoc/nazi's in this mod?
            The subversive, aggressive mimicry-employing, parasite race.
            No, that's not a joke.

            • 1 year ago

              Oh WEW LAD

            • 1 year ago

              Changelings aren't Nazis, they're just absolute fricking kaiserboos.
              The real Nazis are the Reformisten of Hellquill and Longsword.

              • 1 year ago

                Reformisten are funny burgundy and taboritsky reference. Real nazis are supposed to be griffonian republicans.

              • 1 year ago

                No, the Tabby reference WAS Angriver. Reformisten are just straight up Nazis with an IRL Himmler style path.

              • 1 year ago

                Reformisten are clearly burgsys and not nazis.
                >Border with ancient enemy
                >Untermensch majority
                >comically evil weapons
                >partially royalty (josiaz, tabby)
                >Instead of reclaiming your homeland they expand into enemy territory to further humiliate them and kill more untermensch
                Nazis aren't doing any of that. Instead they
                >came to power in a weak democracy
                >hate monarchy
                >despite hating monarchists allied with them to overthrow their shared enemy
                >have corporativist economic system (and not a funny slave feudalism like in hellquill or burgundy)
                >plan on reuniting imperial territories but under republic
                >have a dominant nationality that oppresses other nationalities (herzlander/prussian)

              • 1 year ago

                >Changelings aren't Nazis
                You could've fooled me.

              • 1 year ago

                They are aggresively not nazis

              • 1 year ago

                Either way pic related still applies.

          • 1 year ago

            Griffonian Republic nationalists

            • 1 year ago

              Changelings aren't Nazis, they're just absolute fricking kaiserboos.
              The real Nazis are the Reformisten of Hellquill and Longsword.


              • 1 year ago

                Imperium of Europa larp but in EAW?

                >that quartet of two-pair dubs
                >Imperium of Europa
                Kek, HRE when?

              • 1 year ago

                no I mean Ulick Varange’s Neo-Spenglerian Imperium not HRE

          • 1 year ago

            >Who are the natsoc/nazi's in this mod?
            The subversive, aggressive mimicry-employing, parasite race.
            No, that's not a joke.

            Changelings aren't Nazis, they're just absolute fricking kaiserboos.
            The real Nazis are the Reformisten of Hellquill and Longsword.

            Griffonian Republic nationalists

            Reformisten are funny burgundy and taboritsky reference. Real nazis are supposed to be griffonian republicans.

            Imperium of Europa larp but in EAW?

      • 1 year ago

        You take that back.

      • 1 year ago

        Theres a little bit for everyone in EAW

  4. 2 years ago

    what music or anime would we have on while cuddling and modding?

  5. 2 years ago

    the last thread was on page 6. it has a few days left in the catalog, at least.


  6. 2 years ago

    The picture in OP is bait, just to not waste any (you)s.
    PDX modding feels pretty dead nowadays. Victoria 3 being shit to both play and mod doesn't help.

    • 2 years ago

      The guy who made that miao ying daemon impreg mod for total war warhammer has started making ck3 mods. Pdx mods aren't gonna die anytime soon.

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >and mod
      Wait, so it's terrible in that regard too? Lmao

    • 1 year ago

      How many KKV's and Killstations you got in orbit there? Looking bretty good.

  7. 2 years ago

    thoughts on subideology autism?

    • 2 years ago

      I fell asleep 12 words in

    • 2 years ago

      I'd rather read Doki Doki Literature Club than this shit.

    • 1 year ago

      do people actually read these things

      • 1 year ago

        I do

  8. 2 years ago

    reminder that God is a PAWG

  9. 2 years ago

    How does TNO's toolbox work exactly?

    • 2 years ago

      It's purely theoretical you understand

  10. 2 years ago
    Red Flood Judgment Day

    "If I had not been born Perón, I would have liked to be Perón."
    - Juan Domingo Perón

  11. 2 years ago
    Red Flood Judgment Day

    Black Belt Republic Lore and all path leaders!

    • 2 years ago

      Literally copy-pasted from the black belt revolution submod from KRX

    • 2 years ago

      I can tell you that the leader of this mod is a genuine skitzo wignat so If you like that stuff it's the mod for you.

  12. 2 years ago
    Twilight of the Anthropocene

    Contrary to popular belief, the last hope for native values or an indigenous world-view is not the good hearted people of civilized society.... It is patience. As I was told time and time again as a child "The reason that I sit here and drink is because I am waiting for the white man to finish his business. And when he is done we will return." - Aragorn!

  13. 2 years ago
    Twilight of the Anthropocene


  14. 2 years ago
    Twilight of the Anthropocene


  15. 2 years ago
    Twilight of the Anthropocene

    From left to right
    Ye, Fuentes and Milo

    • 2 years ago



      Contrary to popular belief, the last hope for native values or an indigenous world-view is not the good hearted people of civilized society.... It is patience. As I was told time and time again as a child "The reason that I sit here and drink is because I am waiting for the white man to finish his business. And when he is done we will return." - Aragorn!

      this mod is the worst i've seen in the history of modding

  16. 2 years ago
    Twilight of the Anthropocene

    Mike's death.

  17. 2 years ago
    Twilight of the Anthropocene

    Hoxha AI runs albania.

  18. 2 years ago
    The Black Shining

    Sieg Heil! Großgermanisches Reich Teaser in 1972!

    • 2 years ago

      Why is Remer führer and speer still alive (and not führer) lol

  19. 2 years ago
    Red Spectre

    After unifying Iberia under socialist government of portuguese origin,the new federation will be faced with rebellions and discontent from various groups across the country, ¡Arriba España

    • 2 years ago

      this is the first time I've seen Norberto Pico in a hoi4 mod
      Makes me wonder what his path will be like

  20. 2 years ago

    The Fourth Republic of Portugal! The country is in ruins but Portugal shall rise from the ashes and strike back against our enemies!

  21. 2 years ago
    Eternal Golden Dawn

    It's morning again in America.

    the Eternal Golden Dawn presents; United States of America in 1980 at the game start

  22. 2 years ago
    TNO: Brave New World

    Pre-2WRW Foreign Policy Tree (Shukshin)

  23. 2 years ago
    TNO: The New Order - A New Millenium

    New Chōsen Keizaitokku teaser. We upgraded the old teaser and replaced Hyundai with Samsung. In the game, of course, it'll be called Mitsuboshi, Samsung's early Japanese name. Also, we still leaked quite a few new things, all of which are in this teaser.

    We must never think we are the champions. We must always be the challengers.
    -Kunio Nakamura

  24. 2 years ago


  25. 2 years ago

    Looks like one autist actualy can ruin a thread, completly inorganic shilling

    • 2 years ago

      we r/hoi4modding now

      • 2 years ago

        so true

  26. 2 years ago
    Death of Honor: Legacy of Wall Street Crash

    White Russia Starting Focus Tree

    • 2 years ago

      Why is this mod even posted. It's an incoherent construction of a Polish 13 year old with not a single original idea and reddit meme icons.

  27. 2 years ago

    Any tips on how to win in 2ACW as CAR in kaiserredux?
    I can't fricking penetrate these syndies on the north goddamn.

    • 2 years ago

      edit the militia templates so when you spawn them it gives you OP divisions

      • 2 years ago

        wait seriously?
        alright I will try also merry christmas anon!

  28. 2 years ago


    how is the army killing Peron a 10th grade communist's wet dream?

    • 2 years ago

      >The Radical Civic Union (Spanish: Unión Cívica Radical, UCR) is a centrist and social-liberal political party in Argentina.[4] It has been ideologically heterogeneous, ranging from social liberalism to social democracy.[23][6] The UCR is a member of the Socialist International.[24]
      >The UCR is a member of the Socialist International.[24]
      Are you playing dumb? Are you going to defend 10 Mosley death events in kaiserreich next time?

      • 2 years ago

        >some social liberals taking power is the wet dream of an underage communist
        are you hearing yourself? also the UCR joined the socialist international in the 90s, way after whenever this event is taking place lol

        • 2 years ago

          >social liberal
          If they were social liberals the leader background would have been yellow, if it's red then it means the party ideology is socialist. Not that it really matters anyway, it's just different shades of the same leftist garbage.

          • 2 years ago

            homie you literally described it as social liberal

            • 2 years ago

              But devs didn't

              • 2 years ago

                you still haven't answered how is the army killing Peron and the UCR taking power a fricking communist wet dream

              • 2 years ago

                >Evil dictator getting gruesomely killed
                >Wholesome socialist democracy taking over
                Are you a RF dev or just a discord-troony? The amount of dishonesty people like you have is surprising.

              • 2 years ago

                >evil dictator
                Peron is loved among leftists tho

          • 2 years ago

            he he me hate leftest too !! soros funded troony puppets make me mad !!!

            • 2 years ago

              Why does people simply disliking leftists trigger spergs like you so badly?

              • 2 years ago

                why do leftists trigger spergs like you so badly?

              • 2 years ago

                You don't get to NO U after making that embarrassing post.
                But, for me, it's the fact they're destroying my nation and the main force against them just adopts their platform from five years ago.

  29. 2 years ago

    >tfw everyone is so afraid of being Germanophilic they avoid kino like OP's fake mod idea
    This is why the hoi4 mod community has died, no one wanted to embrace the HAM

    • 2 years ago

      >he thinks it's fake

    • 2 years ago

      >everyone is so afraid of being Germanophilic
      Could it be because most people here are /gsg/ refugees and posting pro-German stuff on /gsg/ would result in chinlet spam,
      >quoting your entire post
      and everything else?

  30. 2 years ago

    Thanks to the anon who recommended EYWOR. One of the few vanilla mods that improves the experience.

  31. 2 years ago

    Thousand Week Reich just got updated recently btw

    • 2 years ago

      Did they fix all the random crashes?

  32. 2 years ago

    Quick tell me your most avaited mod, and why do you wait for it

    • 2 years ago

      The Fire Rise because I want to play good 2ACW mod and also there's not a lot of narrative/gaemplay mod these days so yeah.

    • 2 years ago

      Don't have one anymore, the mods I was looking forward to all came out. I was disappointed with most of them but I check back on a handful from time to time to see if anything changed for the better.

    • 2 years ago

      > people mod a game that involves world wars heavily directed by the focus trees and events a nation has
      > mod comes out
      > there are no focus trees or events so there are no wars to fight as well
      This has been going on for six years now, i'm not waiting for shit.

    • 2 years ago

      The Fire Rises looks like it knows what a fun mod is supposed to be like, all toozers so far have looked good conceptually and aesthetically, and the v1.0 is actually gonna come out relatively soon.
      but if I could snap my fingers and complete the development of one entire mod in an instant, I'd much rather go for Long and Happy Life.

    • 1 year ago

      Roar of the Gryphon and TFR

  33. 2 years ago

    Red World is the best mod because the dev faked his own death like 3PAC.

  34. 2 years ago

    Darkest Hour soon (tm)

    • 2 years ago

      it's up

    • 2 years ago

      it's up

      Good on them, tweet the deets and tell us if it's fun or not

      • 2 years ago

        it's shit, literally a worse UUMC

        • 2 years ago

          wow, so it's literally just the Beta... but without bugs? I dunno, I expect more from 0.25 -> 1.0

          It's all the same archaic 70 day focuses interlaced with some 10 or 7 day focuses, both of which ultimately change nothing from base game.

          What did you expect after seeing those dogshit icons and portraits?

          • 2 years ago

            Dunno they made big promsies and the BETA which released a year ago looked good enough. I thought essentially all of the focuses were placeholder to gauge interest and playability. As is, it's worse than The Storm and that is made by one guy. Doesn't help that it runs like absolute ASS in 1936. It literally runs worse than fricking TNO. The focuses trees are absolutely laughable for 2022. Muh reduction to the most necessary. Through some magic they made replaying Germany once! after the beta the most tedious thing. Germany in HOI4, the most replayable and easy going brain off tag in any GSG. And instead of adding something to warrant this complexity, I know where I'm at with the autism of BlackICE or UMC, they added nothing: no decisions added, no times adjusted, the same placeholders for alternative paths. I unironically thought they would include the Wehrmacht and the SS routes because I read something baout rescheduling and releasing "everything" for Europe at 1.0
            1.0 feels worse than EK2 did for CK3, and CK3 is an infinitely worse game to HOI4.

            New Soviet war tree my ass. Not even a dozen focuses, all 70 days. I've modded. Apart from the sprite work I could do those in a day, two MAX. The icons would take a buddy of mine less than a week. The Darkest Hour Discord has thousands of members. All of this is almost worse than vanilla, and vanilla is only worse because of paranoid Stalin and how unbalanced the Eastern War has become since they either made the Soviets super weak or extremely strong depending on RNG.

            • 2 years ago

              It's been how many years since hoi4 has been released and they are still doing 70 day focus trees when even vanilla is slowly dialing them back? I get it if something is going to take multiple months (for me a 70 day focus that would be worth it would be something like fortifying the entire sino-russian border + Mongolia) but the most basic of things take that long? Why would they think they are ready to release if they have not added anything to fix problems from the beta? This has to be. Joke on their end.

            • 2 years ago

              Bro what promises, the roadmap has been stable since this summer, they've been pretty transparent

      • 2 years ago

        Only played italy so far, quite underwhelming experience. I did nothing but build factories and deal with the economy system until 1936, it kinda works like this:
        >all military and civilian factories working
        Money go down
        >some military/civilian factiores are not being used
        Money go down
        Ethiopian war decisions showed up really late, like mid 1936, and the game crashed soon after, when I took a decision to provoke the ethiopians

        • 2 years ago

          Meant to say

          >some military/civilian factiores are not being used
          Money go up

    • 2 years ago

      it's up

      wow, so it's literally just the Beta... but without bugs? I dunno, I expect more from 0.25 -> 1.0

      It's all the same archaic 70 day focuses interlaced with some 10 or 7 day focuses, both of which ultimately change nothing from base game.

    • 1 year ago

      It seems broken. I played as Germany and Hindenburg is somehow still alive in late 1935 despite the fact he died in 1934. This is a problem because Hindenburg needs to die for vitally important national focuses to become available. This is extremely disappointing considering this is the 1.0 release and not the beta.

  35. 2 years ago

    >try the DH mod
    >pick France
    >you can only go with the Front Populaire like OTL or go with the fricking Liberal Conservative party
    where the frick are my far right leagues ? shit is more boring than vanilla

  36. 2 years ago

    Are there any good mods that are just "vanilla, but better" like World Ablaze? Base game is too easy and basic, I'd like something more intricate and maybe darker in tone. Kaissereich and GWR are fun, I didn't like thousand week reich since it just felt like a TNO spinoff without the charm, and TNO itself is just a visual novel at this point so it's not very fun.

    • 2 years ago

      Have you try WWZ yet?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Is it though? What mod would you say has soul if not the likes of WWZ?

          • 2 years ago

            mods that don't use vanilla operative portraits as country leaders.

    • 2 years ago

      Eight Year War for east asia.

    • 1 year ago

      >mods that are just "vanilla, but better" like World Ablaze
      Got me to play it as grossgermaniums. Dropped it in winter 42 when I noticed the soviet AI was still getting massive amounts of free fully equipped divisions. Tagged around and saw AI germany get 100 free fully equipped divisions and 60000 trucks lmao and noticed the comical production cheats on AI majors in general. Also tagged to the soviets and did operation bagration in 42 by selecting every division and doing a manual attack order to minsk lmao, their army bonuses are obscene when they aren't wasted by the battleplan AI being braindead.

      But I liked many of the new gameplay systems and the flow of the campaign in general, though I'm not going to spend an irl day per year knocking out 100+ soviet clone divisions with free equipment while the winter attrition makes my AT guns and artillery disappear every year.

  37. 2 years ago

    darkest hour

    • 2 years ago

      truly we are living in hoi4 modding darkest hour fr fr no cap.

    • 1 year ago

      dankest hour

  38. 2 years ago

    Twilight of the Anthropocene vs Egodeath of the Hegemon

    • 2 years ago

      what’s that's

      • 2 years ago


  39. 2 years ago

    Darkest Hour for hoi4. Is Magna Mundi for eu4 next? Could Ubik handle having his intellectual property stolen yet again?

  40. 2 years ago


  41. 2 years ago

    Choose your ideology.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      National Europeanism by far

    • 2 years ago

      >those icons

      • 2 years ago

        Some look okay but going from left to right the quality just drops off a cliff, the conservative and liberal icons looks exceptionally phoned in, samey, and just plain bad to look at.

    • 2 years ago

      at least half of these could be cut for being redundant nonsense

  42. 2 years ago

    >interesting mod
    >this mod is balanced for multiplayer
    And into the trash.

  43. 2 years ago

    Mod: 'In depth politics of Croatia'.

    Server Size: 6339 members

    >Head developer
    Head dev is a male of age 19 working as a tower equipment installer from India and has kept their identity secret except for last name.
    1)Status of head dev post: Current head dev is 3rd. Previous head dev disappeared because of irl issues.
    2)Ideology of head dev: Absolute monarchism.
    3)Current mental state of Head dev: Extreme Stalin levels of paranoid of the team and all server members.

    >Info about team
    Other chief developers: Are from a variety of geographic regions from all corners of the world.

    Team politics: Recently a large numbers of devs have left the mod because of certain arguements but this has been a boon for head dev who now has no dissidents inside the mod.

    Moderation: Server administration can be described as 'Harsh but fair enforcements of rules'.

    Amount of coders: Only 1(Many left or head dev did most of it personally).
    Amount of artists: Only 1(Many left or head dev did most of it personally).
    Amount of loc writers: Numerous.
    Amount of idea people: Very few.

    >Mod information
    Design outlook: Extreme historical accuracy to the point that fun is going to be ZERO.

    Until now the mod has content for: Only Croatia.

    Mod reviews: This mod is absolutely beloved by its players atleast for the content it delivers.

    Major controversies: One of the moderators is secretly planning to delete or sabotage the server a day before release, Head dev is using the mod to indoctrinate people to their political ideology.

    Minor Controversies: Head of PR team abuses people who dislike their art on voice chat.

    Notable non developers:
    1)A person that literally does all the artist work for the mod without taking credit. They are a female of age 26 working as a law teacher from UK and has kept their identity secret except for last name.

    • 2 years ago

      Is this an AI generated post?

    • 2 years ago

      would play ngl

    • 2 years ago

      Tony Pro please get the frick out of /vst/!

      Is this an AI generated post?

      would play ngl


      • 1 year ago

        he mod is based on the idea 'India has completely dominated the world with the ideology of Evolanism'.

        Server Size: 1874 members(Apart from devs)

        Head developer

        Head dev is a male of age 23 working as a instructor from Scotland and has kept their identity secret except for first name.
        1)Status of head dev post: Current head dev is the first and only head dev. There have been no coups or leadership changes ever.
        2)Ideology of head dev: Anarcho Syndicalism.
        3)Current mental state of Head dev: Seriously delusional.

        Info about team

        Other chief developers: Are mostly from either America or the 'North American region.

        Team politics: Neither the head dev nor the team really care about the mod or the server.

        Moderation: Server administration can be described as 'Non existant anarchy, nobody cares lmao'.

        Amount of coders: Enough for the mod.
        Amount of artists: Huge crowdful.
        Amount of loc writers: Very few.
        Amount of idea people: Average.

        Mod information

        Design outlook: Focused on promoting head dev's ideology through propagandized alt history.

        Planned release date content: Full content for all major nations in the world.
        Demo: No demo planned.

        Major controversies: None.

        Minor Controversies: None.

        Notable non developers:
        1)A person who constantly begs server members for money on paypal. They are a male of age 21 working as a student from Austria and has declared their full identity in public.

      • 1 year ago

        This released mod is based on the idea 'Russia wins WW1'.

        Server Size: 9993 members(Apart from devs)

        Head developer

        Head dev is a female(Beauty: Literal Goddess) of age 26 working as a environmental scientist from Ukraine and has revealed their identity to an extent.
        1)Status of head dev post: Current head dev is the first and only head dev. There have been no coups or leadership changes ever.
        2)Ideology of head dev: Theocratic.
        3)Current mental state of Head dev: Has very heavy mood swings. Happy one moment and angry the other.

        Info about team

        Other chief developers: Are from a variety of geographic regions with 'Western European' being the dominant one.

        Team politics: Most of the team is apathetic about the mod and is only here because the head dev invited them to work on the mod.

        Moderation: Server administration can be described as 'Literally 1984'.

        Amount of coders: Average.
        Amount of artists: Lower than needed.
        Amount of loc writers: Lower than needed.
        Amount of idea people: Very few.

        Design outlook: The entire mod revolves around hero-worship of one historical figure who is the leader of No.1 power in the mod's world. However this means that all nation's content is tailormade for them to be b***hes of that hero.

        Until now the mod has content for: All major Western European nations.

        Mod reviews: This mod is absolutely beloved by its players atleast for the content it delivers.

        Major controversies: None.
        Notable non developers:
        1)A person who claims to be autistic when they are not. They are a male of age 16 working as a student from India and keeps their identity secret.
        2)A person who is frequently drunk and behaves like a horny child. They are a male of age 23 working as a singer from Bulgaria and has revealed their identity to an extent.
        3)A person who is a pedo. They are a male of age 27 working as a social service assistant from Dixie(USA) and has revealed their identity to an extent.

    • 1 year ago

      amazing discord summary, would love more of these

    • 1 year ago

      >Head dev is a male of age 19 working as a tower equipment installer from India and has kept their identity secret except for last name
      >They are a female of age 26 working as a law teacher from UK and has kept their identity secret except for last name
      Imagine being able to reveal your last name and still keep your identity secret

      • 1 year ago

        To be fair, a last name doesn't really mean much.
        How many Johnsons are there in the world?

        • 1 year ago

          That depends on the surname, as demonstrated by the attached image.

  44. 2 years ago

    This released mod is based on the idea 'In depth politics of Greece but with content for other nation's too'.

    Server Size: 1495 members(Apart from devs)

    Head developer

    Head dev is a male of age 19 working as a metal-refining furnace operator from Palestine and has declared their full identity in public.
    1)Status of head dev post: Current head dev is 5th. Previous head dev died by natural causes because of server controversey.
    2)Ideology of head dev: Strasserism.
    3)Current mental state of Head dev: Very low IQ(but enough to play HOI4 and like history) but a good person nevertheless

    >Previous head dev died by natural causes because of server controversey.
    Is server controversy really a natural cause of death?

  45. 2 years ago

    >A person who claims to be a Fascist but photos of them cross-dressing have been made public by another dev. They are a male of age 21 working as a planning clerk from South Africa and has declared their full identity in public.

    • 2 years ago

      They would be dead within a week.

      • 2 years ago

        kek in my home cantrey it lgbt free zone no one single homosexual !!!! soros magicery banished !!!

        • 2 years ago

          have a nice day poleposter you aren't funny
          i don't even like poles but i hate you even more

  46. 2 years ago

    look like negger or trannie mebbe is seeth and cope !!!

    • 2 years ago

      go back to /gsg/ you fricking spacker

  47. 2 years ago

    I think it's dead but always thought this mod looked interesting because it's like /x/ the mod.

    It has Hyperborea, Shamballa, Grand Tatary (wich collapsed and got conquered by China, and Arghata

    • 2 years ago

      yeah it's dead.
      join in a while ago in their discord and then they start spaming Santa Maria memes for some reasons? That was when I decide to leave.

      Also Ash of Libertard is out for any South Americangay here

  48. 2 years ago

    Still no sign of any TNO content updates.

    Over two years and counting.

    • 2 years ago

      it just got updated 2 months ago tho

  49. 2 years ago

    Does fricking anyone have that god damn meme focus tree for Snow miser and Heat miser?

    I know that it god damn exists. I saw it before I even knew what either of these characters were called. I can't for the life of me find it anywhere online, and I feel like I am going nuts.

    • 2 years ago

      Kaiserredux christmas event

      • 2 years ago

        Thank you, I knew I wasn't fricking imagining it.

  50. 2 years ago

    darkest hour plane tech
    >fighter bombers can't bomb
    >tech names are literally just arbitrarily picked light fighters like the fw190
    >stats are a bad average of heavy and light fighters except they have worse range than both
    darkest hour tank tech
    >tanks are super fast
    >so trucks are the speed bottleneck
    and mechanized are useless
    >old system where you research an AT/AA/ART variant for each tank, aka a complete waste of research time
    >forced into using light tanks prewar because of obscene tungsten costs
    >medium tank techs are tightly packed in wartime so you're going to be constantly researching one due to the huge stat buffs between models
    What were they thinking?

    • 2 years ago

      Balanced for multiplayer.

      • 2 years ago

        who fricking play hoi4 for multiplayer?

        • 2 years ago

          I play just to troll people as Austria or Norway

          • 1 year ago

            I play as USA, build nothing except 40W inf and camp at home while the rest of the allies seethe.

    • 2 years ago

      >medium tank techs are tightly packed in wartime so you're going to be constantly researching one due to the huge stat buffs between models
      That sounds pretty good actually, you have to pick between the newest model or keeping your production efficiency and keep pumping out tanks to fill the frontline divisions

  51. 2 years ago

    wew lad

    • 2 years ago
    • 1 year ago

      The comments perfectly reflect why the troon stuff is in the mod

    • 1 year ago

      >this item doesn’t exist or removed by the author
      but I was gonna download and play it…

    • 1 year ago

      Says a lot that this is the most innovative mod on the workshop. Honestly suprising what you can do with hoi4

    • 1 year ago

      Holy kino, bfoing tno at their own game

    • 1 year ago

      >trans pride flag
      >titty sprinkles bottle
      >rope for tying a noose

    • 1 year ago

      This image is pure schizocore.
      >troony flag/pills but hitler funko pop, rope and message to kys

    • 1 year ago

      Fricking gold

    • 1 year ago

      Someone is NOT HAPPY at this mod

      • 1 year ago

        kek mein bruder we are making the troonoids seethe and cope

        • 1 year ago

          passive aggressive sarcastic posts like this reveal just how angry you are

          • 1 year ago

            you ok bro

        • 1 year ago

          Praise kek, I will kek at a troon or two every day if that’s what it takes to purge this board of Soros and his daemonic spawn

          >xe's been seething since a week
          Holy troon meltdown

          • 1 year ago

            Actually false flagger leftist, I think you’ll find that it is you who is coping, seething, and dilating - and me who is top kekking ;D

            • 1 year ago

              Stop embarrassing yourself bunkertard

              • 1 year ago

                *reports mean posts again and closes thread until the mean troony leftist moloch spawn have been banned by daddy janny*

              • 1 year ago

                Writing like a passive-aggressive woman won't make you one, troony

              • 1 year ago

                every time I hear “passive aggressive” from this one eternally agitated nerd I know he’s punched another hole in his drywall

              • 1 year ago

                Sure you do, now shut the frick up, stop derailing the thread and crawl back to the leftoid echo chamber shithole you vermin came from

              • 1 year ago

                lmaooo white boy melting down live in the hoi4 modding thread

              • 1 year ago

                Do you moron really believe that larping as a shitskin will make people more inclined to side with you?

              • 1 year ago

                Ask your parents to monitor your internet usage. Jesus Christ I am embarrassed for you

              • 1 year ago

                lmao says the basement dwelling loser who has been monitoring this thread since at least a week

              • 1 year ago

                That isn’t what passive-aggressive means you low IQ moron lol stick to reporting people like the little homosexual you are

              • 1 year ago

                Where does this "reporting" accusation come from? Are you mentally challenged bunkercuck projecting? I haven't reported any post here.

              • 1 year ago

                >Are you mentally challenged bunkercuck projecting?
                lol this one raged so hard at pixels he turned into an esl

              • 1 year ago

                Nothing wrong with that sentence you moron

              • 1 year ago

                Do you have dyslexia as well as being an ESL lmao

              • 1 year ago

                lmao you moronic subhuman still can't tell me what's wrong with my sentence.

              • 1 year ago

                Can’t really call me a moronic subhuman when you’re an ESL

              • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                you are esl

    • 1 year ago

      Funny purple clock man guy behind the slaughter confirmed?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

    • 1 year ago

      Funny purple clock man guy behind the slaughter confirmed?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?


    • 1 year ago

      >fading troon flag
      >troony shark
      >troony pills
      >hitler funko pop
      Kek based, I bet 90% of all trannoids are too moronic to realize they are being mocked

      • 1 year ago

        Is the troony in the room with us right now?

        • 1 year ago

          Kek, you are seething so much right now troony. Have never seen this much coping and seething before even from a bloody troony. Top Fricking Kek.

        • 1 year ago

          Nope, but they're in the steam workshop comments

        • 1 year ago

          It's a tno modding thread and there are 139 IPs so it's safe to assume that at least 20 posters are trannies

          • 1 year ago

            Kek, there are only a few trannies on this board after we all kekked at them mercilessly and caused them to rope.

        • 1 year ago

          How moronic are you troony? There's literally a troony flag in that pic

          • 1 year ago

            top kek mein bruder . satanist globo homosexual trenny think he welcome here i say of different !!!

            • 1 year ago

              praise fricking kek

              • 1 year ago

                *posts redditjak, reports mean posts, closes thread and never looks in again until the horrible trolls are gone*

              • 1 year ago

                But enough about you.

              • 1 year ago

                *reports mean posts again and closes thread until the mean troony leftist moloch spawn have been banned by daddy janny*

                That isn’t what passive-aggressive means you low IQ moron lol stick to reporting people like the little homosexual you are

                Okay? Why do you want people to report you so badly? Do you get some kind of weird kick from it? You fricking freak.

              • 1 year ago

                absolute fricking meltdown lmfao

              • 1 year ago

                >y-y-you're absolutely melting down
                He says, tears dripping down onto the screen of the several generations out of date iPhone he bought from a pawn shop using his welfare check

              • 1 year ago

                >still being mad about being unable to afford an iPhone

              • 1 year ago

                I can afford one, but why would I want to be unable to change the filenames of my pictures? Why would I want to pay more for less features?
                Oh right, I'm talking to a consoomer who unironically thinks Vicky 3 is good.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah well in another thread he basically admitted that he is just "trolling". So don't worry about that guy. I also put several of his texts in the gender analyzer and found out he is as masquline as it gets. So no he couldn't be a troony because he is more manly than hulk hogan.

              • 1 year ago

                Praise kek, I will kek at a troon or two every day if that’s what it takes to purge this board of Soros and his daemonic spawn

      • 1 year ago

        praise fricking kek

  52. 1 year ago

    patch note up

  53. 1 year ago

    >darkest hour 1.0 released
    >most ahistorical focus tree paths are empty

  54. 1 year ago

    When did he start being such a homosexual?

    • 1 year ago

      Always has been.

    • 1 year ago

      Always was. Happens to every poorgay when they get a little bit of money, turn into greedy israelites that sellout.

    • 1 year ago

      >When did he start being such a homosexual?
      He's a German. I've never met a German that wasn't a piss weak centrist neoliberal with basic b***h opinions on pretty much everything.

      • 1 year ago

        When did he start being such a homosexual?

        Probably got a visit by our FEDs and was asked to tune it down.

  55. 1 year ago

    I don't even know the demo for this mod is released

  56. 1 year ago

    That mod stealing the name Darkest Hour just makes the real Darkest Hour more obscure, which makes it even better.

  57. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      A Naruto mod about the 3rd great ninja war would be epic.

  58. 1 year ago

    gooning and hoi4 is a goated combo

    • 1 year ago

      especially with eaw
      at first i did it as a challenge but now i think i might actually be becoming attracted to pony stuff after forcing myself to spend so many hours gooning to it
      maybe i just need a detox of no eaw for a while

  59. 1 year ago

    this thread is now GOONER TERRITORY. Fap your paws out!

    • 1 year ago

      Are there any HoI4 furry mods? HoIFurry mods, if you will.

      • 1 year ago

        Lead dev of Twilight of the Anthropocene is a gay neo liberal furry if that count.
        atleast he's not a commie

        • 1 year ago

          I respect commies more than neolibs.

  60. 1 year ago

    What was that mod with Moldbug and Peter Thiel ruling California?

  61. 1 year ago

    Touch grass. NOW!

  62. 1 year ago

    How come this community never actually releases mods, but just markets vaporware that does not actually release and circlejerk about discord cliques?

    • 1 year ago

      Everyone's an Idea Guy that devolves into narcissists when their audience starts circle jerking them.

    • 1 year ago

      The best time for a hoi4 modding community is before the mod actually releases... by the time the mod is out, jannies have taken over all the fun and modding becomes SERIOUS BUSINESS.

      • 1 year ago

        Speak of the Devil


    • 1 year ago

      It's better this way, I like looking at toozers and reading through devlogs and worldbuilding but hate actually playing Goy 4.

    • 1 year ago

      Laziness. Also most of the devs are literal children who go to middle/high school (I joined one of them so I can say for sure).

  63. 1 year ago

    Happy new year gentlemen.

    • 1 year ago

      Taboritsky was unironically the one who got me into hoi4 modding and TNO in the first place. I remember came across this one video with russian snow ambient about Taboritsky’s russia and someone mention him in the youtube comment and I found my way from there. Needless to say he is probably the most iconic hoi4 mod character ever.

    • 1 year ago
  64. 1 year ago

    How come the Soviets, USA and China get massive focus trees in TWR but Japan and Germany are almost entirely left out?
    Why make an alt hist setting just to recreate real life or jerk off some super obscure wholesome path. Why cuck the new actors so much?

    • 1 year ago

      Soviets are like 5 different countries and are a proactive nation, USA has a big tree but what you see is what you get. Japan gets new trees based on revolutions, Germany gets new trees based on new leaders. Himmler's Aryan Empire was fun and a guilty pleasure of mine.

      • 1 year ago

        The trees are super short however. The SS Tree (Himmler Tree) is pretty short and I think it's a shared tree, like Goebbels-Speer. You also don't get a second tree. Feel like all you do is reunite Europe which puts you in the shoes of vanilla Germany 1942-43 when you're done with Eurasia and your only enemies are lag, the US, Japan and more lag. In TWR there is less lag but the shallowness is still there. Ah, cool, puppet them or annex them and that's it.

        • 1 year ago

          TWR is a snooze fest no matter what you play. Nothing you do feels unique or meaningful especially as germany. (2 exceptions Goebbels ultra war, himmler empire). Japan just sucks as does the US should germany not have a civil war removing any chance of you ever fighting a war. Russia is marginally better although a lot of it still feels samey.

          Its TNO without any of the whacky paths or any of the events that make sitting around doing nothing atleast acceptable

          • 1 year ago

            >nothing feels meaningful
            doesn't help that nothing works. this mod is made for you to mess around until the US decides to nuke you into oblivion come 1958-61.

    • 1 year ago

      >Why make an alt hist setting just to recreate real life or jerk off some super obscure wholesome path
      Because devs are comically biased towards their ideology and have no motivation to do anything else other than their power fantasies. In order to make a nazi path you need to be invested in nazis. And that makes YOU a nazi!

      • 1 year ago

        can you not be gay for one second

        • 1 year ago

          Only if you stop taking hormones

        • 1 year ago

          >calls out hoi4 modders for being cartoonishly committed to an ideology
          >u-ur gay

  65. 1 year ago

    Why do people dislike TNO? It's fun...

    • 1 year ago

      I don’t want to read 1,000+ long ass about gay lesbians fanfic, no thank you.

    • 1 year ago

      It insists upon itself.

    • 1 year ago

      I love TNO, I have followed TNO for many years, that's why I hate trannies who ruined it.

    • 1 year ago

      its everything wrong with modding (trannies making their own versions of goyslop)

    • 1 year ago

      Popular = Bad.

    • 1 year ago

      I like it

    • 1 year ago

      astroturfing before it released was annoying. especially since it paid off.

    • 1 year ago

      There a host of things to dislike about the mod, I personally find it to be well made mechanically but the current trend is concerning.
      >ui has legibility and readability issues (reports of eye strain)
      >the mod (until recently) had a historical determinist mindset, there was no way to lose as the usa unless you were moronic
      >the overall gameplay is lacking, not enough fighting or mechanics for repeated playthroughs
      >hypes itself for a sequel that is admitted to be vaporware
      >restrictive game design for the purposes of story (in contrast in vanilla hoi4, you were free to trigger civil wars and make allies almost anywhere)
      >numerous countries where virtually nothing happens (Ireland, Brazil, Iberia, China)
      >markets itself as a three way battle but the USA vs Germany angle is dominant, Japan (the third player) is undercooked, buggy, and lacking in substantive content
      >Italy is a broken mess that is horribly buggy, abandoned, and not worth looking at (rework never but this is good frick Italy)
      >massive disconnect between gameplay and reality (events about how bad the yasuda crisis is when you can solve it yourself in the course of a few months, or about how bad the South African war is when you won it months ago and already pulled out)
      >massive changes to the world, a reason that some people may have liked the setting may be gone
      >massive list of outright lies (multiple trees, events, nations, leaders, russian unifiers) have been shown before release and then just discarded (I hope you were not looking forward to Josias' indiana jones antics, Heydrich's helicopter rides, or Krasnoyarsk)
      >the writing is hardly consistent in quality, I hope the people who did taboritsky get recognized for their efforts and whoever wrote England doesn't quit their day job
      >any attempt at deviation from the script shows how railroaded the mod is (sympathize with an irrelevant african state and help them out, game breaks, it would break anyway you just did it faster)

      • 1 year ago

        >until recently
        Recently it got only worse. Turns out Panzer was holding real morons back. Now they are running loose and whitewashing Hall and adding socialist revolutions into every country for no reason

        • 1 year ago

          Pretty sure Hall said something bad about gay people.

          • 1 year ago

            Yea, nothing wrong with his policies, he is cursed because he said homosexual once.

      • 1 year ago

        But you just described vanilla HOI4.

        • 1 year ago

          >t. disingenuous frick

      • 1 year ago

        >or about how bad the South African war is when you won it months ago and already pulled out)
        this was the worst part for me. as america, you have to purposefully not help in south africa and literally just sit there during the guyana crisis if you want to play as the npp. the south africa war is so easy you just have to send a few helicopters or tanks as volunteers and you can end the war before nixon resigns.

    • 1 year ago

      homie it's a shitty boring visual novel

  66. 1 year ago

    This is a pretty odd idea but so are most alt-history HOI4 mods so, has any modder thought of or created an alt-history mod where the terrorists (Islamists) won or at the very least were more successful during The War on Terrorism?

    • 1 year ago

      They won in real life, if you want alt history it would be "what if the global war on terror was successful"

      • 1 year ago

        I think what he means is what if an Islamic state was formed from a large part of the Arab world.

        • 1 year ago

          There would still be sectarian violence, people would still be pissed, and most people would be upset that their government is spending money on giving aid to the families of suicide bombers than repairing infrastructure. Iran would go from being the root of all evil, to being a bulwark against (the wrong kind of) extremism, Pakistan and Indonesia are going to be gone and India will be validated for any of their anti-muslim stances. It wouldn't effect the western world as much though, more refugees certainly but depending on how and when this muslim living in a french ghetto's fantasy occurred, the US and Russia may be out for blood or they may not want anything to do with them anymore.

        • 1 year ago

          Generally yes. Some ideas I realistically had in mind was:
          >Syria and Iraq with maybe another country or region of another country formed into the Islamic State
          >2021 Afghanistan happens a decade or two earlier
          >Islamism more popular in Islamic countries in general
          If you want context on how I think it could happen, maybe The War on Terrorism is something exclusively the US carries out alone and fails.

  67. 1 year ago

    It's been a while since we showed our work on /vst/, but here is brand new Belgium focus tree from our upcoming steam demo

    • 1 year ago

      >upcoming steam demo
      Will German and Soviet war trees and alt-histories for round 2 be in it?
      I remember reading here that you had Tukhachevsky's Pagan Communists, Red Alert Soviet Scientists, SS Occult State and Bond Villain Burgundy planned.

      • 1 year ago

        My sincerest apologies but if by round 2 you mean the actual mod and not more marketing data and seeing if we can get away with this stuff on steam then, yes. Tukhachevsky's paganism will stay, you will make sacrifices to perun, you will attack Germany, you will dismantle Christianity, you will play as either Kane from the brotherhood of Nod (red alert 1) or comrade Yuri (Yuri's revenge), no globe trotting adventures as the SS that is for later sorry, you will be the dumbest villain ever, you will tell me to touch grass, you will call us trannies, you will call us esls, you will call us right wing chuds, and you will be happy.

    • 1 year ago

      >those icons

    • 1 year ago

      I agree with

      >those icons

      the icons look so simlar and small. 80% of them are circle 20% of them are triangle. Repetitive asset like golden leaf and red scarf. I also suggest you guy to move around some of the focus tree on the left and right side instead of linear scroll up/down. I know you guy are forcusing more gameplay aspect but I also want you to know that this alone won't make your mod popular/sucessful, people enjoy looking at toozer/focus tree because it look amazing and interesting, it can be use as tool for attraction/marketing for you mod too so please keep that in mind.

      Is belgium not part of the reich?

      • 1 year ago

        We will take that into account. Yes Belgium is part of the Reich, and you will see things from Degrelle's perspective later.

      • 1 year ago

        >Is belgium not part of the reich?
        Yes, but this is for Belgium in Exile in Congo

    • 1 year ago

      My sincerest apologies but if by round 2 you mean the actual mod and not more marketing data and seeing if we can get away with this stuff on steam then, yes. Tukhachevsky's paganism will stay, you will make sacrifices to perun, you will attack Germany, you will dismantle Christianity, you will play as either Kane from the brotherhood of Nod (red alert 1) or comrade Yuri (Yuri's revenge), no globe trotting adventures as the SS that is for later sorry, you will be the dumbest villain ever, you will tell me to touch grass, you will call us trannies, you will call us esls, you will call us right wing chuds, and you will be happy.

      We will take that into account. Yes Belgium is part of the Reich, and you will see things from Degrelle's perspective later.

      Marc Augier “Saint Point” SS pagan-celtic pans-european path?

      • 1 year ago

        *Saint Loup

      • 1 year ago

        *Saint Loup

        My apologies, both France's are all booked up on leaders from every ideological position and sub-ideologies. We cannot add him in without stepping on the toes of Doriot in terms of Germanophilia, and his other ideas are better suited for a game focusing on sociology rather than a war game.

        • 1 year ago

          who are all the possible leaders for france?

          • 1 year ago

            There are portraits missing at the moment, and no content made for any of them. You will have to settle for a list that may or may not change. I personally find lists of leaders without context, baseless and borderline juvenile wish fulfillment.
            >Joseph Darnand
            >Charles de Gaulle
            >Pierre Poujade
            >Emile Musselier
            >Raoul Salan
            >Jean Bedel Bokassa
            >Jean Moulin
            >Louis Napoleon
            >Henri Orleans
            >Edmond Jouhaud
            >Guy Mollet
            >Jacques Doriot
            >Pierre Brossolette
            >Louis-Ferdinand Céline
            Threw in the Free French leaders in there, as I said a list of leaders without context or anything to really show for it is worthless in my opinion.

  68. 1 year ago

    Anyone know a mod which expands on the Himmler SS recruitment in vanilla?

    or just something adding more names to regular motorized and grenadier divisions, and a mod which makes the SS divisions editable?

  69. 1 year ago

    Darkest Hour mod is kind of meh.

  70. 1 year ago

    Darkest Hour the game is kind of mid. Overrated by boomers, like the Morrowind of strategy games.

  71. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Just don't take ANY focus

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah why would anyone take any of these unless they are forced by decisions? This should be a series of events and decisions, not a focus tree.

        • 1 year ago

          Focus trees were a mistake.

          • 1 year ago

            Nothing is stopping you from playing hoi3 or giving DH another go. There are still plenty of really good mods for both games, both in the historical, fantastical, and the alternative history type.

            • 1 year ago

              With HOI4 I can draw a line and let the ai micromanage the armies to fulfill my fantasies. HOI3 is broken.

              • 1 year ago

                You do know you can let the just as broken hoi3 ai take over theaters of war.

            • 1 year ago

              Such as? I believe you i just don't know any but would like too.

              • 1 year ago

                Fallout's Doomsday for DH and ShinRa for HOI3 at least.

              • 1 year ago

                Thx unfortunatly i already know fallout doomsday. Is there anything else for dh?

          • 1 year ago

            Focus trees were not a mistake, it's how you use them. As the anon before correctly said, a focus tree is supposed to show the focus of your country. It is neither deterministic nor an immediate decision. You take a focus before you can take the decision to act and after the action is done. Focuses are inbetween yet central knots (of coalescing action) along a timeline of (possible) events.

            • 1 year ago

              Agreed. When Paradox and/or Modders have a dozen 70 day mandatory focuses that do absolutely jack shit nothing but unlock a focus that actually does something, they are ruining the idea of a political research tree. It'd be like having tech that does nothing but unlock another tech.

    • 1 year ago

      what mod is this? extremis ultimis?

      • 1 year ago

        The Fire Rise toozer for China

    • 1 year ago

      Any estimate to a release? Back in October that Rooskie on his stream said it would release in early 2023.

  72. 1 year ago

    was bored and seeing as warlockracy decided to shoutout tno in his latest video for some ungodly reason, i made a bingo card for the inevitable video that he'll make for this piece of shit mod
    do whatever you want it idgaf

    • 1 year ago

      Seeing as you are referencing literally who eceleb, i will call you shill and esl homosexual

    • 1 year ago

      After watching his STALKER video I feel like he’s weirdly anti-russian but at least never state it directly so I just wanna know if he actually have has it or not. I like his russian/ukraine politic commentary and culture so that’s a plus for me.

      • 1 year ago

        The entire story deserves a full-blown 10k essay, but it's gonna be read by like 2,7 people so I don't really care.
        Basically, this channel is a third iteration of a guy trying to either shill Russian "culture" to clueless westerners or shill Western "culture" to clueless Russians. At first, he belonged to a group that called themselves "intellectual Russian nationalists" (later IRN): Russian nationalists claiming to be different from Neo-Stalinist nationalists ("some guy in a hospital was found out to be corrupt, BILLIONS MUST DIE" people) and Neo-Nazi nationalists (wiggas whose entire personality was aping American Neo-Nazi groups and doing violence against Central Asians and other Neo-Nazis, were the most popular opposition group but got annihilated by the State the moment they started giving a shit about the opposition). They are characterized by pursuing "nationalist democracy", calling Putin a literal Bolshevik and praising every culture other than Russian for their efforts in building a nationalist state. He emerged under the aliases "R.O.G. PR" and "Kirill Nesterov", making high-quality videos about Putin being a literal Bolshevik who wants to race mix everyone, planning to cement Russian world dominance by blowing up the methane pumps in Siberia and accelerating global warming tenfold, some weird shit about conceptualizing Morrowind and trying to introduce Third Wave Feminism jargon into Russian nationalism, later on turning IRN into right-wing Victim Olympics ("some Tajik migrant assaulted a guy shortly before getting expelled out the state, WHAT'S NEXT ARE THEY GOING TO GENOCIDE RUSSIAN CITIES AND PUTIN WILL JERK OFF IN THE CORNER WHILE THEY RAPE MY SISTER"-tier circlejerk) until like 2022. He later got a spot in the main IRN magazine "Sputnik & Pogrom", making videos for them with approximately the same themes as Nesterov and Yegor Prosvirnin, the informal head of the IRN, shared somewhat the same views.

        • 1 year ago

          Then, the World Cup 2018 happened, stationing in Russia. While many Russian nationals were making fun of the Russian team for fricking it up again, Russian nationalists were restless in discussing whether Russian girls are allowed to lust after foreigners or not, with many going into ALL MUST DIE mode yet again. It compounded with civil vs ethnic nationalism talk and other shit, and some IRN renegades highjacked the entire S&P network to shill Vendee, a new channel for "real" IRN talk, being somewhat more radical and even more West-aping, with many articles consisting of translating right-wing Twitter micros at the time like Kantbot or Spandell. Yet, a year or two later, Vendee fell victim to the 2018 thotgate AGAIN and self-dissolved in shame. (Right now they're more known as Russians with Attitude)
          While the gate was happening, Nesterov and Prosvirnin started to lose it. Nesterov got invited to S&P streams to play EU4 or CIV6 and participate IRL. Nesterov was showing some real autism on stream, which got made fun of by the renegades, and started going hysterical on him and some other e-celeb for not listening to him talking while he was playing CIV6. The boiling point was reached when Nesterov got doxx'd and an entire IRN bingo was collected: somewhat not really Russian (not Kirill Nesterov, but Kirill Kazimirko, which is distinctly West Slavic), lived in a Moscow flat that he inherited from a higher-ranking CPSU official, the only worse thing that could happen to him is if he was found out to be israeli. He deleted all his ROG PR videos and IMMEDIATELY flipped to be a West-leaning antifa liberal (not the first time that happened too) who made videos only in English about dem chuds for the Western audience, but only IRN nostalgia-havers watched him anyway and commented in Russian, so he abandoned that project as well. Right now he's on his way to atone for his IRN sins by masquerading as an oldgay gaming channel.

          • 1 year ago

            > if he actually have has it or not.
            I don't think he's the person to have any strong opinions about things as long as he plays it safe for the majority of the niche he's got right now (as of third iteration, non-Russian youngsters who examine Eastern Europeans as if they were a quaint Chinese lady who smokes opium). In an event that Russia gets taken over by fascists, I'm sure that he'll flip back and starts peddling another global cataclysm to make Russia great again. If you're enjoying his commentary — good for you (I personally despise that let's play-masquerading-as-a-retrospective style that's been plaguing a lot of channels), but have that in mind when he starts going off on another rant about hecking Russians doing an imperialism or some other shit.

        • 1 year ago

          Then, the World Cup 2018 happened, stationing in Russia. While many Russian nationals were making fun of the Russian team for fricking it up again, Russian nationalists were restless in discussing whether Russian girls are allowed to lust after foreigners or not, with many going into ALL MUST DIE mode yet again. It compounded with civil vs ethnic nationalism talk and other shit, and some IRN renegades highjacked the entire S&P network to shill Vendee, a new channel for "real" IRN talk, being somewhat more radical and even more West-aping, with many articles consisting of translating right-wing Twitter micros at the time like Kantbot or Spandell. Yet, a year or two later, Vendee fell victim to the 2018 thotgate AGAIN and self-dissolved in shame. (Right now they're more known as Russians with Attitude)
          While the gate was happening, Nesterov and Prosvirnin started to lose it. Nesterov got invited to S&P streams to play EU4 or CIV6 and participate IRL. Nesterov was showing some real autism on stream, which got made fun of by the renegades, and started going hysterical on him and some other e-celeb for not listening to him talking while he was playing CIV6. The boiling point was reached when Nesterov got doxx'd and an entire IRN bingo was collected: somewhat not really Russian (not Kirill Nesterov, but Kirill Kazimirko, which is distinctly West Slavic), lived in a Moscow flat that he inherited from a higher-ranking CPSU official, the only worse thing that could happen to him is if he was found out to be israeli. He deleted all his ROG PR videos and IMMEDIATELY flipped to be a West-leaning antifa liberal (not the first time that happened too) who made videos only in English about dem chuds for the Western audience, but only IRN nostalgia-havers watched him anyway and commented in Russian, so he abandoned that project as well. Right now he's on his way to atone for his IRN sins by masquerading as an oldgay gaming channel.

          > if he actually have has it or not.
          I don't think he's the person to have any strong opinions about things as long as he plays it safe for the majority of the niche he's got right now (as of third iteration, non-Russian youngsters who examine Eastern Europeans as if they were a quaint Chinese lady who smokes opium). In an event that Russia gets taken over by fascists, I'm sure that he'll flip back and starts peddling another global cataclysm to make Russia great again. If you're enjoying his commentary — good for you (I personally despise that let's play-masquerading-as-a-retrospective style that's been plaguing a lot of channels), but have that in mind when he starts going off on another rant about hecking Russians doing an imperialism or some other shit.

          >come to /vst/ hoi4 mod thread
          >some anon make warlockracy TNO chart
          >ask him about warlockracy and why he act like he’s russophobic
          >get info dump about some literally who russian hyper nationalist groups, their member, events and autism
          I didn’t come here to know about random eceleb backstory but I appreciate it. This just feel more like I’m playing Deus Ex while talking to NPC redpilling me.

          • 1 year ago

            >This just feel more like I’m playing Deus Ex while talking to NPC redpilling me.
            ikr lol

          • 1 year ago

            >This just feel more like I’m playing Deus Ex while talking to NPC redpilling me.
            Now shoot him in the face with the taser kek

        • 1 year ago

          Then, the World Cup 2018 happened, stationing in Russia. While many Russian nationals were making fun of the Russian team for fricking it up again, Russian nationalists were restless in discussing whether Russian girls are allowed to lust after foreigners or not, with many going into ALL MUST DIE mode yet again. It compounded with civil vs ethnic nationalism talk and other shit, and some IRN renegades highjacked the entire S&P network to shill Vendee, a new channel for "real" IRN talk, being somewhat more radical and even more West-aping, with many articles consisting of translating right-wing Twitter micros at the time like Kantbot or Spandell. Yet, a year or two later, Vendee fell victim to the 2018 thotgate AGAIN and self-dissolved in shame. (Right now they're more known as Russians with Attitude)
          While the gate was happening, Nesterov and Prosvirnin started to lose it. Nesterov got invited to S&P streams to play EU4 or CIV6 and participate IRL. Nesterov was showing some real autism on stream, which got made fun of by the renegades, and started going hysterical on him and some other e-celeb for not listening to him talking while he was playing CIV6. The boiling point was reached when Nesterov got doxx'd and an entire IRN bingo was collected: somewhat not really Russian (not Kirill Nesterov, but Kirill Kazimirko, which is distinctly West Slavic), lived in a Moscow flat that he inherited from a higher-ranking CPSU official, the only worse thing that could happen to him is if he was found out to be israeli. He deleted all his ROG PR videos and IMMEDIATELY flipped to be a West-leaning antifa liberal (not the first time that happened too) who made videos only in English about dem chuds for the Western audience, but only IRN nostalgia-havers watched him anyway and commented in Russian, so he abandoned that project as well. Right now he's on his way to atone for his IRN sins by masquerading as an oldgay gaming channel.

          > if he actually have has it or not.
          I don't think he's the person to have any strong opinions about things as long as he plays it safe for the majority of the niche he's got right now (as of third iteration, non-Russian youngsters who examine Eastern Europeans as if they were a quaint Chinese lady who smokes opium). In an event that Russia gets taken over by fascists, I'm sure that he'll flip back and starts peddling another global cataclysm to make Russia great again. If you're enjoying his commentary — good for you (I personally despise that let's play-masquerading-as-a-retrospective style that's been plaguing a lot of channels), but have that in mind when he starts going off on another rant about hecking Russians doing an imperialism or some other shit.

          what the frick.

        • 1 year ago

          Bullshit, the guy is a classic liberaha not some secret Russian nationalist

          • 1 year ago

            Assuming that you're Russian: come on homie, "national liberalism" was an entirely valid stance before Navalny got jailed and the whole "non-system opposition" thing got turned into SIS/CIA interservice rivalry. Russian libertarians pushed the "Putin actually oppresses the REAL Russians!" thing the hardest (until IRN dregs published info everywhere about the Russian Libertarian Party being a legit, hebe-dating and prepubescent-fapping pedo who fantasizes about being a little girl while jerking off and keeps a puppy corpse in a jar), Navalny became a moderate when he hit it big after participating in Russian far-right marches back in the 2000's, even now there's a grift for Russian liberals that consists of courses on how to make Russia into a great trading empire while utilizing Imperial aesthetics. With that guy, some of his videos about building the Russian National State are still out in the open on the S&P channel and you can watch them yourself. https://youtu.be/Gb-XRUgumEA Even the whole ROG thing stands for Russian Occupied Government. It's just that when for him the whole "national" thing got out of the way due to IRN autism reaching critical levels, only liberalism remained and now it's just on somewhat the same tracks, just in another direction.

            • 1 year ago

              >even now there's a grift for Russian liberals that consists of courses on how to make Russia into a great trading empire while utilizing Imperial aesthetics.
              Hold on you are talking about Zhirinovsky's Russian Liberal Party? I heard that from the fire rise.

              • 1 year ago

                Nah, the Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia has the same gimmick as the Japanese one: because they're not Communist, they're automatically liberal and can do whatever they want. If they had their way, they'd restore the monarchy in an instant. The grift comes from a bunch of grifters not usually affiliated with any party or movement but still moronic enough to get into the "get us money and Russia will become whatever you like" business.

                So in conclusion you are saying he is based if i got it right?

                He's "unbased" as in he doesn't have any base to stand on. Whether he's cringe depends on your own views.

        • 1 year ago

          Then, the World Cup 2018 happened, stationing in Russia. While many Russian nationals were making fun of the Russian team for fricking it up again, Russian nationalists were restless in discussing whether Russian girls are allowed to lust after foreigners or not, with many going into ALL MUST DIE mode yet again. It compounded with civil vs ethnic nationalism talk and other shit, and some IRN renegades highjacked the entire S&P network to shill Vendee, a new channel for "real" IRN talk, being somewhat more radical and even more West-aping, with many articles consisting of translating right-wing Twitter micros at the time like Kantbot or Spandell. Yet, a year or two later, Vendee fell victim to the 2018 thotgate AGAIN and self-dissolved in shame. (Right now they're more known as Russians with Attitude)
          While the gate was happening, Nesterov and Prosvirnin started to lose it. Nesterov got invited to S&P streams to play EU4 or CIV6 and participate IRL. Nesterov was showing some real autism on stream, which got made fun of by the renegades, and started going hysterical on him and some other e-celeb for not listening to him talking while he was playing CIV6. The boiling point was reached when Nesterov got doxx'd and an entire IRN bingo was collected: somewhat not really Russian (not Kirill Nesterov, but Kirill Kazimirko, which is distinctly West Slavic), lived in a Moscow flat that he inherited from a higher-ranking CPSU official, the only worse thing that could happen to him is if he was found out to be israeli. He deleted all his ROG PR videos and IMMEDIATELY flipped to be a West-leaning antifa liberal (not the first time that happened too) who made videos only in English about dem chuds for the Western audience, but only IRN nostalgia-havers watched him anyway and commented in Russian, so he abandoned that project as well. Right now he's on his way to atone for his IRN sins by masquerading as an oldgay gaming channel.

          > if he actually have has it or not.
          I don't think he's the person to have any strong opinions about things as long as he plays it safe for the majority of the niche he's got right now (as of third iteration, non-Russian youngsters who examine Eastern Europeans as if they were a quaint Chinese lady who smokes opium). In an event that Russia gets taken over by fascists, I'm sure that he'll flip back and starts peddling another global cataclysm to make Russia great again. If you're enjoying his commentary — good for you (I personally despise that let's play-masquerading-as-a-retrospective style that's been plaguing a lot of channels), but have that in mind when he starts going off on another rant about hecking Russians doing an imperialism or some other shit.

          Assuming that you're Russian: come on homie, "national liberalism" was an entirely valid stance before Navalny got jailed and the whole "non-system opposition" thing got turned into SIS/CIA interservice rivalry. Russian libertarians pushed the "Putin actually oppresses the REAL Russians!" thing the hardest (until IRN dregs published info everywhere about the Russian Libertarian Party being a legit, hebe-dating and prepubescent-fapping pedo who fantasizes about being a little girl while jerking off and keeps a puppy corpse in a jar), Navalny became a moderate when he hit it big after participating in Russian far-right marches back in the 2000's, even now there's a grift for Russian liberals that consists of courses on how to make Russia into a great trading empire while utilizing Imperial aesthetics. With that guy, some of his videos about building the Russian National State are still out in the open on the S&P channel and you can watch them yourself. https://youtu.be/Gb-XRUgumEA Even the whole ROG thing stands for Russian Occupied Government. It's just that when for him the whole "national" thing got out of the way due to IRN autism reaching critical levels, only liberalism remained and now it's just on somewhat the same tracks, just in another direction.

          Entire Russian Centrist/Liberal/Free Market Right non-system opposition and their leaders deserve all bad things happening to them after they sided with Government and backstabbed everyone else during Bolotnaya protests and neutered the entire thing just so that they could get some gibs and shake hands with officials. Every other major political figure and their middle level stuff both Left and Right got jailed while they walked free with some cash after partying with officials.

        • 1 year ago

          Then, the World Cup 2018 happened, stationing in Russia. While many Russian nationals were making fun of the Russian team for fricking it up again, Russian nationalists were restless in discussing whether Russian girls are allowed to lust after foreigners or not, with many going into ALL MUST DIE mode yet again. It compounded with civil vs ethnic nationalism talk and other shit, and some IRN renegades highjacked the entire S&P network to shill Vendee, a new channel for "real" IRN talk, being somewhat more radical and even more West-aping, with many articles consisting of translating right-wing Twitter micros at the time like Kantbot or Spandell. Yet, a year or two later, Vendee fell victim to the 2018 thotgate AGAIN and self-dissolved in shame. (Right now they're more known as Russians with Attitude)
          While the gate was happening, Nesterov and Prosvirnin started to lose it. Nesterov got invited to S&P streams to play EU4 or CIV6 and participate IRL. Nesterov was showing some real autism on stream, which got made fun of by the renegades, and started going hysterical on him and some other e-celeb for not listening to him talking while he was playing CIV6. The boiling point was reached when Nesterov got doxx'd and an entire IRN bingo was collected: somewhat not really Russian (not Kirill Nesterov, but Kirill Kazimirko, which is distinctly West Slavic), lived in a Moscow flat that he inherited from a higher-ranking CPSU official, the only worse thing that could happen to him is if he was found out to be israeli. He deleted all his ROG PR videos and IMMEDIATELY flipped to be a West-leaning antifa liberal (not the first time that happened too) who made videos only in English about dem chuds for the Western audience, but only IRN nostalgia-havers watched him anyway and commented in Russian, so he abandoned that project as well. Right now he's on his way to atone for his IRN sins by masquerading as an oldgay gaming channel.

          > if he actually have has it or not.
          I don't think he's the person to have any strong opinions about things as long as he plays it safe for the majority of the niche he's got right now (as of third iteration, non-Russian youngsters who examine Eastern Europeans as if they were a quaint Chinese lady who smokes opium). In an event that Russia gets taken over by fascists, I'm sure that he'll flip back and starts peddling another global cataclysm to make Russia great again. If you're enjoying his commentary — good for you (I personally despise that let's play-masquerading-as-a-retrospective style that's been plaguing a lot of channels), but have that in mind when he starts going off on another rant about hecking Russians doing an imperialism or some other shit.

          So in conclusion you are saying he is based if i got it right?

        • 1 year ago

          Then, the World Cup 2018 happened, stationing in Russia. While many Russian nationals were making fun of the Russian team for fricking it up again, Russian nationalists were restless in discussing whether Russian girls are allowed to lust after foreigners or not, with many going into ALL MUST DIE mode yet again. It compounded with civil vs ethnic nationalism talk and other shit, and some IRN renegades highjacked the entire S&P network to shill Vendee, a new channel for "real" IRN talk, being somewhat more radical and even more West-aping, with many articles consisting of translating right-wing Twitter micros at the time like Kantbot or Spandell. Yet, a year or two later, Vendee fell victim to the 2018 thotgate AGAIN and self-dissolved in shame. (Right now they're more known as Russians with Attitude)
          While the gate was happening, Nesterov and Prosvirnin started to lose it. Nesterov got invited to S&P streams to play EU4 or CIV6 and participate IRL. Nesterov was showing some real autism on stream, which got made fun of by the renegades, and started going hysterical on him and some other e-celeb for not listening to him talking while he was playing CIV6. The boiling point was reached when Nesterov got doxx'd and an entire IRN bingo was collected: somewhat not really Russian (not Kirill Nesterov, but Kirill Kazimirko, which is distinctly West Slavic), lived in a Moscow flat that he inherited from a higher-ranking CPSU official, the only worse thing that could happen to him is if he was found out to be israeli. He deleted all his ROG PR videos and IMMEDIATELY flipped to be a West-leaning antifa liberal (not the first time that happened too) who made videos only in English about dem chuds for the Western audience, but only IRN nostalgia-havers watched him anyway and commented in Russian, so he abandoned that project as well. Right now he's on his way to atone for his IRN sins by masquerading as an oldgay gaming channel.

          > if he actually have has it or not.
          I don't think he's the person to have any strong opinions about things as long as he plays it safe for the majority of the niche he's got right now (as of third iteration, non-Russian youngsters who examine Eastern Europeans as if they were a quaint Chinese lady who smokes opium). In an event that Russia gets taken over by fascists, I'm sure that he'll flip back and starts peddling another global cataclysm to make Russia great again. If you're enjoying his commentary — good for you (I personally despise that let's play-masquerading-as-a-retrospective style that's been plaguing a lot of channels), but have that in mind when he starts going off on another rant about hecking Russians doing an imperialism or some other shit.

          now this is the shit i'm here for

        • 1 year ago

          Then, the World Cup 2018 happened, stationing in Russia. While many Russian nationals were making fun of the Russian team for fricking it up again, Russian nationalists were restless in discussing whether Russian girls are allowed to lust after foreigners or not, with many going into ALL MUST DIE mode yet again. It compounded with civil vs ethnic nationalism talk and other shit, and some IRN renegades highjacked the entire S&P network to shill Vendee, a new channel for "real" IRN talk, being somewhat more radical and even more West-aping, with many articles consisting of translating right-wing Twitter micros at the time like Kantbot or Spandell. Yet, a year or two later, Vendee fell victim to the 2018 thotgate AGAIN and self-dissolved in shame. (Right now they're more known as Russians with Attitude)
          While the gate was happening, Nesterov and Prosvirnin started to lose it. Nesterov got invited to S&P streams to play EU4 or CIV6 and participate IRL. Nesterov was showing some real autism on stream, which got made fun of by the renegades, and started going hysterical on him and some other e-celeb for not listening to him talking while he was playing CIV6. The boiling point was reached when Nesterov got doxx'd and an entire IRN bingo was collected: somewhat not really Russian (not Kirill Nesterov, but Kirill Kazimirko, which is distinctly West Slavic), lived in a Moscow flat that he inherited from a higher-ranking CPSU official, the only worse thing that could happen to him is if he was found out to be israeli. He deleted all his ROG PR videos and IMMEDIATELY flipped to be a West-leaning antifa liberal (not the first time that happened too) who made videos only in English about dem chuds for the Western audience, but only IRN nostalgia-havers watched him anyway and commented in Russian, so he abandoned that project as well. Right now he's on his way to atone for his IRN sins by masquerading as an oldgay gaming channel.

          > if he actually have has it or not.
          I don't think he's the person to have any strong opinions about things as long as he plays it safe for the majority of the niche he's got right now (as of third iteration, non-Russian youngsters who examine Eastern Europeans as if they were a quaint Chinese lady who smokes opium). In an event that Russia gets taken over by fascists, I'm sure that he'll flip back and starts peddling another global cataclysm to make Russia great again. If you're enjoying his commentary — good for you (I personally despise that let's play-masquerading-as-a-retrospective style that's been plaguing a lot of channels), but have that in mind when he starts going off on another rant about hecking Russians doing an imperialism or some other shit.

        • 1 year ago

          Then, the World Cup 2018 happened, stationing in Russia. While many Russian nationals were making fun of the Russian team for fricking it up again, Russian nationalists were restless in discussing whether Russian girls are allowed to lust after foreigners or not, with many going into ALL MUST DIE mode yet again. It compounded with civil vs ethnic nationalism talk and other shit, and some IRN renegades highjacked the entire S&P network to shill Vendee, a new channel for "real" IRN talk, being somewhat more radical and even more West-aping, with many articles consisting of translating right-wing Twitter micros at the time like Kantbot or Spandell. Yet, a year or two later, Vendee fell victim to the 2018 thotgate AGAIN and self-dissolved in shame. (Right now they're more known as Russians with Attitude)
          While the gate was happening, Nesterov and Prosvirnin started to lose it. Nesterov got invited to S&P streams to play EU4 or CIV6 and participate IRL. Nesterov was showing some real autism on stream, which got made fun of by the renegades, and started going hysterical on him and some other e-celeb for not listening to him talking while he was playing CIV6. The boiling point was reached when Nesterov got doxx'd and an entire IRN bingo was collected: somewhat not really Russian (not Kirill Nesterov, but Kirill Kazimirko, which is distinctly West Slavic), lived in a Moscow flat that he inherited from a higher-ranking CPSU official, the only worse thing that could happen to him is if he was found out to be israeli. He deleted all his ROG PR videos and IMMEDIATELY flipped to be a West-leaning antifa liberal (not the first time that happened too) who made videos only in English about dem chuds for the Western audience, but only IRN nostalgia-havers watched him anyway and commented in Russian, so he abandoned that project as well. Right now he's on his way to atone for his IRN sins by masquerading as an oldgay gaming channel.

          > if he actually have has it or not.
          I don't think he's the person to have any strong opinions about things as long as he plays it safe for the majority of the niche he's got right now (as of third iteration, non-Russian youngsters who examine Eastern Europeans as if they were a quaint Chinese lady who smokes opium). In an event that Russia gets taken over by fascists, I'm sure that he'll flip back and starts peddling another global cataclysm to make Russia great again. If you're enjoying his commentary — good for you (I personally despise that let's play-masquerading-as-a-retrospective style that's been plaguing a lot of channels), but have that in mind when he starts going off on another rant about hecking Russians doing an imperialism or some other shit.

          Jesus thank you for this
          I'd liked Warlockocracy video but his newest especially with the NAFO dog keyed me bugged me but I just thought he was random liberashka

        • 1 year ago

          Then, the World Cup 2018 happened, stationing in Russia. While many Russian nationals were making fun of the Russian team for fricking it up again, Russian nationalists were restless in discussing whether Russian girls are allowed to lust after foreigners or not, with many going into ALL MUST DIE mode yet again. It compounded with civil vs ethnic nationalism talk and other shit, and some IRN renegades highjacked the entire S&P network to shill Vendee, a new channel for "real" IRN talk, being somewhat more radical and even more West-aping, with many articles consisting of translating right-wing Twitter micros at the time like Kantbot or Spandell. Yet, a year or two later, Vendee fell victim to the 2018 thotgate AGAIN and self-dissolved in shame. (Right now they're more known as Russians with Attitude)
          While the gate was happening, Nesterov and Prosvirnin started to lose it. Nesterov got invited to S&P streams to play EU4 or CIV6 and participate IRL. Nesterov was showing some real autism on stream, which got made fun of by the renegades, and started going hysterical on him and some other e-celeb for not listening to him talking while he was playing CIV6. The boiling point was reached when Nesterov got doxx'd and an entire IRN bingo was collected: somewhat not really Russian (not Kirill Nesterov, but Kirill Kazimirko, which is distinctly West Slavic), lived in a Moscow flat that he inherited from a higher-ranking CPSU official, the only worse thing that could happen to him is if he was found out to be israeli. He deleted all his ROG PR videos and IMMEDIATELY flipped to be a West-leaning antifa liberal (not the first time that happened too) who made videos only in English about dem chuds for the Western audience, but only IRN nostalgia-havers watched him anyway and commented in Russian, so he abandoned that project as well. Right now he's on his way to atone for his IRN sins by masquerading as an oldgay gaming channel.

          > if he actually have has it or not.
          I don't think he's the person to have any strong opinions about things as long as he plays it safe for the majority of the niche he's got right now (as of third iteration, non-Russian youngsters who examine Eastern Europeans as if they were a quaint Chinese lady who smokes opium). In an event that Russia gets taken over by fascists, I'm sure that he'll flip back and starts peddling another global cataclysm to make Russia great again. If you're enjoying his commentary — good for you (I personally despise that let's play-masquerading-as-a-retrospective style that's been plaguing a lot of channels), but have that in mind when he starts going off on another rant about hecking Russians doing an imperialism or some other shit.

          Slavs be like

  73. 1 year ago

    TNO Adhemar de Barros tooser

    • 1 year ago

      Commie Ukraine tree

  74. 1 year ago

    Are they not drafting special people?

    • 1 year ago

      Only special people get drafted for special military operation.

    • 1 year ago

      Heard on KF, pretty sure people were talking about warlockracy, that if you have autism you're exempt from the draft.

  75. 1 year ago

    how do I run TNO? wanted to try out Codetalker but the piece of shit keeps crashing

    • 1 year ago

      Open the localization file and read the event texts. Same experience.

  76. 1 year ago

    EaW is so far above any other mod for this game it's not even fair to compare them.

    • 1 year ago

      Frick you leftist

      • 1 year ago

        you will never be a real chud

    • 1 year ago

      The sad part is that EaW belongs more in a game like Vicky 2. EaW in HoI4 is like fitting a square peg into a round hole, and yet it still manages to be better despite that. I don't know whether that says more about the EaW team or the rest of the modding community.

      • 1 year ago

        I hate to be reductionist, but how? EaW is about cartoon horses fighting each other. Not the growth and change of a nation over generations. There would be no need to simulate pop dynamics or markets into it because the mod is less focused on the social-political-economic dynamics of equestria (and friends) and the established worldbuilding and more on, again, cartoon horses shooting each other.

        • 1 year ago

          EaW is like that because it's a HoI4 mod. Its setting lends itself much more to a game like Vicky 2 than HoI4. It should be focused more on the general aspects of countries rather than pure warfare.
          I'm not saying Vicky 2 is exactly what EaW needed, just that it's much closer to what would be best for EaW.

          • 1 year ago

            In an ideal world, EvW would have been released and we would have had as good of a synthesis between hoi combat (based on 3) with some victorian economic elements. But this is not an ideal world, and I do find it hard to transplant the setting of a children's cartoon show about sharing into a game about simulating economics, demographics and imperialism.

            • 1 year ago

              >I do find it hard to transplant the setting of a children's cartoon show about sharing into a game about simulating economics, demographics and imperialism.
              But not a game about war, conquest, and combat?

              • 1 year ago

                If you are overly reductionist, yes. It's not like the modders paid more than lip service to the source material.

              • 1 year ago

                >It's not like the modders paid more than lip service to the source material.
                Please, loremaster, tell us the ways in which the mod deviates from the source material.

              • 1 year ago

                They got the arms the wrong colour, they're not blue

      • 1 year ago

        TNO was going to be a Vicky 2 mod as well.

        • 1 year ago

          But then how would you get that little dopamine hit when the portrait of your leader changes?

        • 1 year ago

          TNO should have been a Vicky2 mod.
          Imagine living in that timeline where that fricking piece of shit mod didn’t ruined hoi4 forever, ugh what could have been…

          • 1 year ago

            The Vicky 2 community would tear it to pieces.

            • 1 year ago

              Hey it’s their problem not ours

  77. 1 year ago

    i'm trans

    • 1 year ago

      sorry i forget to finish my sentence.

  78. 1 year ago

    Creative writing should be in a tabletop game or something better than a poorly optimized map or broken AI game.

  79. 1 year ago


  80. 1 year ago

    I'm eating chocolate right now. Had KFC for dinner.
    I can eat what I want without gaining so much as a gram of fat.

    • 1 year ago

      How? I love KFC myself.

  81. 1 year ago

    Any thoughts on them?

    • 1 year ago

      Every day i'm reminded of the fact that /misc/tards can't mod and all we have left are ancom power fantasies.

      • 1 year ago

        Roter Morgen is not ancom tho

        • 1 year ago

          I overgeneralize you because you are all the same to me. If you call everyone a fascist/reactionary then I will call you commie, ancom, etc. You are a scumbag either way

          • 1 year ago

            No one overgeneralized you here, though

          • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      I was too competent as Speer and failed to get communists in power in Roter Morgen submod for TNO.
      Didn't play Red Liberty but it looks like less interesting Kaiserreich.

  82. 1 year ago

    RF Judgement Day new france civil war.

    I wonder what they will do with Skorzeny.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Cringe af. Whattcha doing Otto Skorzeny in fricking France? Did you even read any book about France istory?

  83. 1 year ago

    alos have a look at Far Eastern Republic, Seem like they will go to war with Japan.

  84. 1 year ago

    Dear aspiring mod devs, graphic designers, lead devs of new mods,

    Shut the frick up about TNO.

    Everyone's obsession with TNO style is fricking insane and god damn annoying. Yes, it looks cool, it takes skill, it has a cool vibe, but god damnit it doesn't belong in every single new mod coming out. Some times, vanilla style or maybe your own new made up style works ten times better. Make your own god damn vibe, not every mod needs to be dark and edgy and all retro and shit, especially if your time period doesn't match with it. To all you new lead devs on a mod that has started out or some random fan member who would love to support the mod, stop fricking entering the discord servers and suggesting the icons and style be "TNO" style. Shut. The. Frick. Up. This plague of art cool art style now ruined by every fricking fanboy of HOI4 visual novel simulator which would have been a absoutly great Vicky 3 mod has literally taken over or been suggested numerous times in every new mod I've joined or taken interest in. Just shut the frick up. Stop it. Get a creative fricking idea for once that doesn't contridict your own mods style. Stop trying to be edgy and dark and brooding, just shut the frick up.


    A fed up graphic designer who likes TNO, but is sick and tired of you fanboys who can't muster a single creative idea and keep fricking asking me "oh but can u do muh TNO style instead"

    • 1 year ago

      You have to go back

  85. 1 year ago

    >been playing nothing but road to 56 recently
    >most fun i've had in 'vanilla' hoi4
    I wish I'd played it sooner tee bee haich.

    • 1 year ago

      56 has too much bloat. Especially that special research tech tree.

  86. 1 year ago

    Spartatroons released a fat load of shit after 5 years of "development" and toozers. Hilarity ensues!

    • 1 year ago

      quick rundown?
      only saw from some guy on other hoi4 server show spartakus error logs keep rising as the game progress.

      • 1 year ago

        >Spartakus began 5 years ago as a mod
        >Constantly makes political statements in announcements
        >Teasers are horrible and biased, along with being few and far between
        >Release public git in Dec 31st
        >The mod is broken and unplayable
        >5 Y E A R S O F D E V E L O P M E N T

        • 1 year ago

          another RW chud W victory!!!

          Any updates on the FNaF mod?

          it just came out slow down my man.

          • 1 year ago

            they're left wing chuds doe

            • 1 year ago

              I mean as in “our RW chud victory” not them.

    • 1 year ago

      Didn't this dev try to sue Paradox for using his flag for communist Germany?

    • 1 year ago

      It's not hard to comment out incomplete trees or to localize. What the hell were they doing with those five years?

      • 1 year ago

        fallout the frontier

    • 1 year ago

      >Albert Fredrich Soeer’s Germania in Flame
      Kek I remember this shitshow once it came out.

    • 1 year ago

      I remember hearing them say that national bolshevism was a meme
      who's laughing now

  87. 1 year ago

    Any updates on the FNaF mod?

  88. 1 year ago

    >lost sight in his left eye
    its is RIGHT eye you fricking hack, do you know how pictures work

    • 1 year ago

      I am glad someone noticed

  89. 1 year ago

    Did you know that HoI4's variables range from -2 147 483.648 to 2 147 483.647, with any values beyond resulting in overflow? t. WWZ dev trying to make nukes kill state population

    • 1 year ago

      How do they store populations higher than 2 million, 147 thousand, 483 per state? You might want to try using the manpower_k variable instead.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm not a 100% on this but I believe all states that have more than 1000 population start using state_manpower_k, aka manpower in the thousand, to avoid that overflow problem. Even that would eventually overflow but never seen a mod with state population high enough to do that.

        • 1 year ago

          That's what I mean - you're trying to remove state population, right? Just use the _k value - or am I missing something here?

          • 1 year ago

            The reason I multiply the value by 1000 is that I want to remove 10% of the pops from the state, which results in an overflow.

  90. 1 year ago

    how do I get into modding?
    what are some jobs do I need to know.

    • 1 year ago

      You get into it by first asking yourself "Do I really want to do this?" If the answer is no, then you walk away a happier more content man. If you said yes, then good luck. There are a few main jobs but it boils down to three, scripting (focus trees, decisions, events, anything you interact with) portraits (the characters you see), and gfx work (the pretty icons). Iron workshop on youtube has a plethora of videos to help out a brand new scripter. He will eventually repeat himself as you do more and more videos so eventually you will have to go onto the wiki and check things yourself. For gfx, and portraits there are plenty of guides out there to help you make them. The bare minimum you need is notepad++ (anyone who says you need more is not lying to you and it is helpful, but that is just the bare minimum) some image manipulation software like photoshop or paint.net, and that is it. I can link you some free to use assets if you desire.

      • 1 year ago

        I personally just want to try out coding, doing portrait and gfx phoshop work not to make a grand hoi4 mod or anything but to experience and learn for being a useful tool in the future in case I want to do something about these skills. I had at least tried making a portrait but the result came out pretty badly because I don’t know how to shading beside that I don’t really know anything about GFX and Code that much. GFX sound interesting enough but Coding while being the primary function of the mod sound like a nightmare to work with, How the frick do people remember many line of code and learn how to make particle effect, GUI, etc. that shit sound like a nightmare.
        I also want to try experiment with focus tree layout too. Most focus tree tend to be just straight down as you progress but I want to know if it’s possible for focus tree to be progress from left to right, down to up etc.

        • 1 year ago

          Coding is tedious but I find it fun.
          Here are some gfx resources
          I personally see it more like playing with legos than any artistic talent. Now as for a focus tree going up or side to side, nah, it looks all messed up.

          Here is the iron workshop to get you started. If anything happens just ask.

        • 1 year ago

          >I also want to try experiment with focus tree layout too. Most focus tree tend to be just straight down as you progress but I want to know if it’s possible for focus tree to be progress from left to right, down to up etc.
          Not doable natively, but if you learn GUI modding it should be possible. Well, I say not doable natively, but there are certain ways of making it happen, though those wont look like a normal focus tree.

          Also if you're looking to learn coding, don't worry about remembering lines of code, just use the wiki, and remember that aping vanilla code can rarely go wrong.

    • 1 year ago

      Try learning shit in this order:
      > Events
      > Event chains
      > Localization
      > National Spirits
      > Focus Trees
      > Scripted Effects
      > Scripted Triggers
      > Scripted Localization
      > On_action
      > Technology Tree (+ Equipment)
      > Scripted GUI
      > Advanced Scripting (Arrays, Variables, Lists)
      > Basic GFX (Event Images, National Spirit Icons)
      > Advanced GFX (Portraits, Interface)
      > Sound
      > Basic 3D (Basic Objects, Texture Swap)
      > Advanced 3D (Model Swaps, Custom Buildings)
      You will have to do all of this at some point because no one is going to help you. Good luck.

  91. 1 year ago

    >his entire personality is seething about trannies and spamming kek

    • 1 year ago

      You b***h are still crying?

      • 1 year ago

        >You b***h still crying?

  92. 1 year ago
  93. 1 year ago

    praise kek

    • 1 year ago

      >troony freak is still seething
      Touch grass.

      • 1 year ago

        top kek mein bruder the trannies are surely seething coping and sneeding as they say

  94. 1 year ago

    >the bunkertard is now completely mindbroken

  95. 1 year ago


  96. 1 year ago

    I hope the anon who said he enjoyed R56 was joking.

  97. 1 year ago

    post your portrait!!!

    • 1 year ago

      The absolute meltdown history gays tend to have is the answer to why the modding scene for hoi giga sucks, the creepy right or the creepy left they all have one thing in common they are unstable creeps

    • 1 year ago

      This is one I made some time ago, I think it looks nice

      • 1 year ago

        really nice!
        also what is your opinion on the placement of the character should I make the character on the center but the ponytail got a little obscure or should I make them all visible like pic related?

        • 1 year ago

          I would say, go for your gut feeling and do what you think is right, I have never done an anime style portrait so getting the more outrageous hair styles may be restrictive. The general rule is a little bit of space between the top of the head and the top of the portrait space, that includes hats but some people like to include the entire hat. For Recette, I would zoom the character out to keep her ponytail within the frame, the example in question can't be easily centered without bringing in too much of the body. Either example you posted would be acceptable framing. Experiment with a gassian blur underneath the character or an outline to make the composition seem less flat.

    • 1 year ago

      I tried.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm very proud of this one.

      • 1 year ago

        U-um... (blushes) what mod will that be for?

        • 1 year ago

          Iron Grip™, same as Big Bazza here.

          • 1 year ago

            I have a thing for portraits high in details. General suit or uniform is fine, but there is just something special about more complex clothes

            I'm very proud of this one.

            can you guy implement Spengler’s high culture civilizations philosophy into your mod?

    • 1 year ago

      I have a thing for portraits high in details. General suit or uniform is fine, but there is just something special about more complex clothes

  98. 1 year ago

    Are there any good cold war mods?

    • 1 year ago

      Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Divided

    • 1 year ago

      TNO is the best one, the rest are shit

      • 1 year ago

        I heard that it's just a visual novel though

        • 1 year ago

          those who say tha have never played a visual novel in their lives

          • 1 year ago

            troony obsessed esls just say stupid shit like this all the time. note how they call everything a mobile game despite the fact they can’t afford mobiles and wouldn’t know what a mobile game looked like

            • 1 year ago

              OBSESSED. You clearly want to be an ESL

            • 1 year ago

              Even Polish NEETs can afford smartphones nowadays, gramps. It isn't 2008 anymore.

              those who say tha have never played a visual novel in their lives

              Does Suzerain count?

              • 1 year ago

                Suzerain is not a visual novel, it's a text-heavy political simulation game. At most you could call it a CYOA

      • 1 year ago

        Least delusional tnobabby

        • 1 year ago

          He's right tho, the rest of CW mods suck ass. TNO at least has some degree of quality

    • 1 year ago

      No and there never will be bc hoi4 sucks at simulating cw politics economics and proxy wars

      • 1 year ago

        >simulating cw politics economics and proxy wars
        But isn't that what TNO does?

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah but TNO is shit. And i mean complete garbage. Even if one could say it's "good" compared to the rest of absoloute dogshit hoi4 modding has to offer it's still complete dogshit. My only advice is to deinstall Hoi4 and play good games instead.

  99. 1 year ago

    UUMC got updated

  100. 1 year ago

    Why does HoI4 invariably start lagging in the late game?

    • 1 year ago

      I heard it's something to do with the AI making lots of small armies.

    • 1 year ago

      Severe lack of superior pony software engineering

  101. 1 year ago

    Worst game in the series.
    Only underages will disagree.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah but TNO is shit. And i mean complete garbage. Even if one could say it's "good" compared to the rest of absoloute dogshit hoi4 modding has to offer it's still complete dogshit. My only advice is to deinstall Hoi4 and play good games instead.

      The same gay

      • 1 year ago

        Yes, i made a general statement and then saw that guys post and responded to him.

      • 1 year ago

        Idk what tno is tbh.. I guess the same run of the mill generic expansion for HUI4

        • 1 year ago

          TNO is anything but generic

  102. 1 year ago

    Any mods that make defending rivers actually work? Attacking over a river just effects the attack, it doesn't aid the defending units defence.

    • 1 year ago

      >Attacking over a river just effects the attack, it doesn't aid the defending units defence.
      That's how it should be, defending units shouldn't have better defence against all attacking units just because one of them crossed over a river.

    • 1 year ago

      >-60% attack crossing a major river isn't a large enough penalty
      You serious bro?

  103. 1 year ago

    People talk about how they love EaW because it's gameplay-oriented and whatnot, but is the real appeal its fantasy setting? There is no Germany, France, or Russia, just completely unfamiliar nations that tickle the right dopamine receptors in the HOI4 player's brain. Should there be more fantasy mods?

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      It's the Anbennar of hoi4.

    • 1 year ago

      Pussy anon fantasy is not 100% the appeal for outsiders, it is in fact a combination of many things, Eaw just has waaaay too many things going for it, waaaaaaaaaay too many.
      You can writte good historic fanfiction with humans and people will love it, and the very same people that love history fiction will love fantasy too, genre will not be a barrier most of the time
      As a matter of fact, the appeal of the mod itself is expanding the world of mlp and role playing as a character from the show, and after thats done enjoy the world building that uses canon and headcanon, bronies have 100% political stability wich allows them to get shit done.

      TLDR: In modern times any attempt to portray humanity will be hijacked by unstable creepazoids and the current state of the english speaking world means that the indoctrination will kick-in and that creepazoid will be taken seriously by the brain washed developers

      • 1 year ago

        >TLDR: In modern times any attempt to portray humanity will be hijacked by unstable creepazoids and the current state of the english speaking world means that the indoctrination will kick-in and that creepazoid will be taken seriously by the brain washed developers
        but I still can’t self-insert as animal…

    • 1 year ago

      >There is no Germany

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago


  104. 1 year ago

    opinion on Red Flood?

    • 1 year ago

      I don't like it

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          Not a fan of the gameplay, wars seem too disconnected and there is no big global conflict.

          • 1 year ago

            the “global conflict” mostly center around France and their colonies, Fiume, Ireland vs Germany + Allies and Yugoslavia. There’s also Russian unification, Japan and esst asia, India unification (late game though) lastly Technocrat US can also intervene in Asia too. I personally like the disconnected global conflict more than just WW2 all over again. You can do whatever you want in your corner while watching other do their stuff are my kind of thing but I understand why someone wouldn’t like it.

        • 1 year ago

          they removed Prussia

          • 1 year ago

            Oh my swarth

          • 1 year ago

            I puked

          • 1 year ago

            I bet someone will defend those icons

            • 1 year ago

              they look good

  105. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      I get it. It's a meta commentary on bronies invading HoI4 threads.

  106. 1 year ago

    >all the mods got removed from my playlists
    what the frick happened and why?

  107. 1 year ago

    What are Darkest Hour's population mechanics like?

  108. 1 year ago

    Praise kek and god emperor Trump what a based mod!!!! I can't wait to play based Kaiser tbh. This mod seems far more based than TNO or should i say troony NO GO Kek

    • 1 year ago

      Why are you people incapable of moving on from 2016 and trump?

      • 1 year ago

        Seethe cope and dialate while i play my based Großgermanium Imperium mods and sculpt myself into a gigachad through Bone Smashing.

        • 1 year ago

          Speak English instead of buzzwords, you cur.

          • 1 year ago

            I only wish you knew about it before you trooned out, mabye you would be a gigachad instead now Kek

            • 1 year ago

              kek you rekt that fricking globohomosexual troony. based slavsquat chad

              • 1 year ago

                Thanks my kamerad. Fricking based anon. I fricked up this Nato nazi globohomosexual troony big time Kek. Soon the troons will be even more jealous after i archive gigachad looks. I bonesmash my temporal bone , zygomatic bone, mental protuberance (chin((mandible)) and supraorbital ridge (frontal bone) i stopped bonesmashing my nasal bones.

    • 1 year ago

      Seethe cope and dialate while i play my based Großgermanium Imperium mods and sculpt myself into a gigachad through Bone Smashing.

      I only wish you knew about it before you trooned out, mabye you would be a gigachad instead now Kek

      kek you rekt that fricking globohomosexual troony. based slavsquat chad

      Thanks my kamerad. Fricking based anon. I fricked up this Nato nazi globohomosexual troony big time Kek. Soon the troons will be even more jealous after i archive gigachad looks. I bonesmash my temporal bone , zygomatic bone, mental protuberance (chin((mandible)) and supraorbital ridge (frontal bone) i stopped bonesmashing my nasal bones.

      Ariel and Oza please go back developing your mod instead of shitposting.

      • 1 year ago

        >please go back developing your mod
        Make me. Suck a giga dick you giga homosexual

      • 1 year ago

        Trenny is of sneethe & dialate !!!!!! The keks keep coming lads !!!!! My sides is hurting in orbits !!!! Globotroony reeeeeekkkkktttt !!!!!!

        • 1 year ago

          Fricking based anon. Hail Trump and Kek. Those nato nazis don't know what's coming for them. Say my fellow kekistan chad. Do you agree that MLP mod for Goy4 kek is fricking based? Kek

          • 1 year ago

            Kek I want have fun pleasure with based auth right traditional pony !!! Very lonely based e-girl christian pony wife make less stress !!! just want clop with doodle it too much ask ?!?!?!

  109. 1 year ago

    Shhh, nobody interrupt, the schizos are talking to each other.
    Turns out the ESL boogeyman isn't real, so you have to make awful posts like this to create the impression of ESLs being a significant demographic on this fricking dead board. Shameful shit.

    • 1 year ago

      kek based schizo more like . yuo of probably atheist and believe in science troony kek

      • 1 year ago

        I have nothing to gain from talking to you. Please take 4 more boosters and hopefully coincidentally suffer commotio cordis.

        • 1 year ago

          kek mein bruder i simply top kek at marxist globotroony so called ~~*vaccines*~~ probably made by atheist science professors kek

          • 1 year ago

            >atheist science professors
            You're not a real ESL, a real ESL would have mentioned the israelites.

            • 1 year ago


              kek mein bruder i simply top kek at marxist globotroony so called ~~*vaccines*~~ probably made by atheist science professors kek


  110. 1 year ago

    I want to have sex with _________

    • 1 year ago

      >9 letters
      Roosevelt? You're really fricking weird, anon. Also you should just call him FDR to avoid confusion over him or the good Roosevelt.

      • 1 year ago

        I didn’t meant for historical person.
        I was referring to hoi4 dev with 9 letters.

        • 1 year ago

          >knowing mod devs as anything other than "the [mod] guy(s)"

          • 1 year ago

            I’m speed running taking every single devs virginity in order to stop them from developing hoi4 mods. (Yes included the trannies).

            • 1 year ago

              And how many of them have you fricked? Zero?

              • 1 year ago

                A lot already (ERPing sex)

            • 1 year ago

              Stop grooming children Pacifica!

  111. 1 year ago

    Anyone try the Balbo path for Red Flood? There's a funny focus that has someone in a roman helmet.

    • 1 year ago

      >musolini failed and he run away
      >balbo is trying to keep the fascist dream alive by undermining italian libs from the inside
      >italian supremacist
      Yet another have fun being the bad guy

      • 1 year ago

        My ESL kicked in sorry
        >sorry for bad english

      • 1 year ago

        wdym? rf fricking love balbo anon.
        he even can reform the Roman Empire!

  112. 1 year ago

    That colthage war criminal zebra has a very sexy and yandere face

  113. 1 year ago

    Make a new thread already jesus.

    • 1 year ago

      don't look at me, I made this one and the guy before me didn't want to do it


  114. 1 year ago

    don't look at me, I made this one and the guy before me didn't want to do it

  115. 1 year ago

    no one will see this

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

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