How are electronics this fricking unreliable?

How are electronics this fricking unreliable?
How planned can an obsolescence be if any kind of touch, oxygen or fricking sight, renders a commercially sold item unusable after half a year?

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  1. 1 week ago

    >small rip that doesn't matter to anything at all and could be fixed super easy if want to

    • 1 week ago

      Welcome to the disposable age, filled with morons that think the slightest inconvenience means they're being targeted by some kind of conspiracy like

      Welcome to 2024 man. Controllers, headphones, and pretty much everything is designed to last just long enough for the company not to get sued and force you to go out and buy another one of their products.

      • 1 week ago

        Planned obsolescence isn't a conspiracy. It's a natural consequence of capitalism. Companies that lean into it profit from it, and companies that lean into it more profit from it more. The goal of these companies is to make money; not to increase the overall value of goods in the world.

        To help you understand, it's more than possible to create light bulbs that last for a hundred years by using 30% more material. But doing so would be market suicide. You, as a manufacturer, would make hundreds of times more money by playing ball with every other manufacturer and creating light bulbs that are extremely flimsy that burn out after what the public would consider an acceptable amount of time.

        • 1 week ago

          Thanks for proving my point.

          • 1 week ago

            You're too low IQ to consider what you would do in the hypothetical situation of owning a business.

        • 1 week ago

          the lightbulb conspiracy is a meme.
          the bulbs burned out because people wanted brighter bulbs and they were designed to cost less.
          there never was a conspiracy to design them to have a shorter lifespan. it was a meme story that's been debunked to shit at this point and you still believe it.
          just think about how stupid it is to spend money to design a worse product and how hard it would actually be to design a product that works up until a certain point.
          how would you design a pair of headphones that would sound good and work but then suddenly fail after 2 years of usage, for example? if you design a shit product it will be shit from the start and people will realize this and your brand image goes into the dumpster.

          • 1 week ago

            In the specific case of lightbulbs there's one inarguably true example of it happening: Philips "Dubai lamps", designed to be the then most efficient lightbulbs commercially manufactured, created at special request of the Sheikh of Dubai. They were only for release in Dubai, and Philips suppressed their spread outside of the country as much as possible for explicit reasons of jeopardizing their business model.

            • 1 week ago

              that just sounds like some moronic middle easterners trying to make their country sound more luxurious than it actually is or it was so uneconomical that only moronic oil prince money could pay for it's manufacture.
              light bulbs are like 5 dollars a piece, who cares if you only get 10 years out of one instead of it lasting your entire lifetime?

        • 1 week ago

          Thanks for proving my point.

          Thanks for proving my point.

          This is what a low IQ conversation on planned obsolescence looks like.
          The truth of the matter is that planned obsolescence is necessary for most products.
          Specifically in the electronics sphere, there's plenty of cost benefit analysis to be done for purchases over a long term - a 20k server that serves your usecase for 20 years is infinitely inferior to spending 1500 (real number is closer to 1000) a year over the next 20 years, mostly because you don't want a 10 year old system as new standards develop and old equipment becomes maintenance debt and underperforms new systems at equal cost past something like year 2.
          This also applies to things like lightbulbs (dust, heat wear), knives (handle wear), furniture (gathers debris), cars (only thing worth keeping becomes the aesthetics) and so on and so forth.
          The Japanese approach is called wabi-sabi. It's also basically COPE FOR BROKE ASS b***hES WHO CANT BUY NEW SHIT

      • 1 week ago

        I hope you're not implying this is a new development, because the idea of the "sony timer" is older than you are.

  2. 1 week ago


  3. 1 week ago

    It's just the ear pad, just replace it

    It gets soaked every day with your sweat, grease and bacteria on your skin, if you regularly used your couch without pants, it would look the same after a short time

  4. 1 week ago

    pleather ear pads. That's your issue.

  5. 1 week ago

    buy a headphone pad mesh cover from AliExpress and you're good

  6. 1 week ago

    Welcome to 2024 man. Controllers, headphones, and pretty much everything is designed to last just long enough for the company not to get sued and force you to go out and buy another one of their products.

    • 1 week ago

      The EU has adopted a right-to-repair that forces producers to repair for a reasonable price and supply spare parts, among other measures.

    • 1 week ago

      Planned obsolescence is not some grand scam conspiracy to fleece you of all you're worth, electronics that perform functions like they do genuinely cannot be built to last because the costs versus marketability make it a bleeding venture that does nothing but inspire copycats that will just do what you should have done to begin with.

      Are you the kind of moron who thinks a fridge from the 20s should still be the standard today? Are you the kind of moron parrot who hears old people gripe about some reasonable disappointments and resentments about corporate cutthroat penny pinching giving slightly inferior hardware and assumes it's just like that for everything, for the exact same reason, everywhere?

      • 1 week ago

        Is everything so black and white? Make the product good, and not shit, with atleast SOME build quality, so that it will last for a good amount of time, and don't fall apart just from basic use. How is that so hard? But no, everything is either 10000000 dollars premium or basically completely disposable dogshit that will break/die/etc within 6m-1yr and you're left having to get something else.

        • 1 week ago

          You know nothing of logistics and manufacturing, and you're just parroting shit without any understanding of it.

  7. 1 week ago

    >he fell for the headphones meme

  8. 1 week ago

    i've had the same pair of headphones for like 10 years now.
    the earpads are not meant to last a lifetime, just buy a pair of replacements you frickin dumbass.

    • 1 week ago

      This + buy a second pair of pads and wash one and keep it spare while you use the other, then swap+wash over time. Same with the band. This is something I know 99+% of people don't do and shit themselves when it bites them on the ass.

  9. 1 week ago

    Buy expensive shit, get expensive shit.

    I bought a $30 walmart headset and that shit has been around for a year and a half and still works great.

  10. 1 week ago

    Earpads are consumables, they're like $20 if you have a popular model of headphones.

  11. 1 week ago

    >buy cheap shit
    >it breaks
    Who the frick could've seen that coming.

  12. 1 week ago

    What OP doesn't tell you is that headset is 15+ years old and he expected it to last the rest of his life wearing it on his sweaty unwashed ears.

  13. 1 week ago

    Maybe buy something that's built to last, like a pair of DT770 PRO's instead of buying into gaymer shit like Corsair?

    • 1 week ago

      I have these and the earpads have both detached and the headband is flaking off after maybe five years

      • 1 week ago

        Which happens on every headphone ever but with Beyers they're trivial to replace, since it's a studio design from the 80's. It's rare to have a user replaceable headband, and Beyer offers those.

    • 1 week ago

      Nice, does this have a built in mic so I can voice chat in call of duty with my friends and not have one on the desk obstructing my view of the monitor?

      • 1 week ago

        Get a ModMic or a lavalier mic
        >"b-but muh convenience"
        If you want convenience, buy cheap and unreliable shit. If you want reliability, learn how to get creative.

        • 1 week ago

          I didn't know about these mics made for those headphones. What OHMS would you get for gaming, I don't really understand the explanation.

          • 1 week ago

            ModMic is a product that clips a regular ass headset like mic to the side of your good headphones. Lavaliers are mics that clip to the front of your shirt. Both SHOULD offer better quality over shitty gamer headsets mic which are basically decade olds tele-com spec shit while also being just as portable and unobstructive without breaking the bank worrying about a real mic/adc combo.

      • 1 week ago

        >built in mic
        God why won't this meme fricking die? A dedicated mic + headphones is way better. The only inconvenience is that I can't piss loudly while on voice chat.

    • 1 week ago

      Honestly I've had good luck with corsair, better than fricking razer. fricking piece of shit that was.

  14. 1 week ago

    You can buy replacement pads for like 5 bucks. Also consider purchasing something good that lasts.

  15. 1 week ago

    maybe don't buy headphones that use cheap shitty pleather, moron

  16. 1 week ago

    >buys cheap garbage
    >cheap garbage inevitably dies a day after the box is opened
    >gets online to complain about the unreliability of electronics
    Planned obsolescence is a thing, but you're just moronic. Spend the money on something good and you won't have these problems.

  17. 1 week ago

    Go to aliexpress and get replacements for 5 bucks anon.

  18. 1 week ago

    You bought cheap garbage

  19. 1 week ago

    Just get replacement ear pads wtf

  20. 1 week ago

    get real leather you fricking brainlet zoomer, is this your first pair of headphones or something

  21. 1 week ago

    how does this even happen?? you got fricking razor blades on your ears?

  22. 1 week ago

    Buy headphones that don't use pleather

  23. 1 week ago

    Worthless consumers. You're not customers. You just put up with being treated like paypigs. Literal slave mentality to even suggest that it's a good thing that you need to constantly replace the things that you buy. You've been living your entire life with a fricking yoke around your neck that the idea of taking it off terrifies you. Lower your eyes and tone when you talk to other people, slaves.

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