How autistic do you have to be to consider this a bad end?

How autistic do you have to be to consider this a bad end?

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  1. 8 months ago

    if you get a miracle high tech thingy that removes a virtual person from your head and the head tumor that came with it, you can find another one to fix your brain cells.

    • 8 months ago

      It wasn't just his brain cells, it was his entire nervous system.

      • 8 months ago

        You say that like there aren't any in universe technologies that could easily fix that, such as full body replacements or stem cell regeneration.

        • 8 months ago

          There are news reports in the game about how diseases that effect the nervous system like MS still aren't curable, although they can be managed with medication as off 2077.

        • 8 months ago

          >such as full body replacements
          That doesn't exist. Cloning tech in CP2020 was shitty and clones always broke down in tumors. Saburo hijacking Yorinobu instead of growing a full body replacement of himself suggests cloning is still shit by 2077.

          • 8 months ago

            I meant cyborg bodies, which do exist in lore and are sadly ignored in game. I think its fair to assume that significant portions of the nervous system are replaced if you go full body cyborg.

            • 8 months ago

              How is that gonna work with V when the issue with the surgery according to Viktor's scans is that his brain now has an absurdly low response rate to implants?

            • 8 months ago

              That makes me wonder, do you have to start taking vitamin D supplaments if you get like a full chrome skin set up? can synth skin actually process vitamin D? At what point of getting chromed out is your body no longer able to make enough vitamin D?

  2. 8 months ago

    I don't think it's a bad end. The devs clearly want you to though. They do so much moronic bullshit going out of their way to make you feel bad about.

    >for no reason whatsoever you can't use combat chrome but you can still have your body full of cybernetics
    >forgot how to use a gun
    >forgot how to use all those incredible perks and abilities that didn't need any chrome
    >All your friends and lovers abandon you if not straight up hate you
    >except for Vic so they can have this scene
    >V doesn't want to be a fixer even
    >Despite being super into being a glowie has no interest at staying at Langley

    • 8 months ago

      You can literally beat the game without any chrome and just a good gun and somehow they try so hard to humiliate and turn this around on V in this end. Ludo-narrative dissonance at its finest and for the first time I encounter it, insufferable in every way. The writing is so bad, makes no fricking sense and is the epitome of the awful story to begin with. Not even that, they force you to give up on the NUSA and being a Fixer? Why can't you be a mercenary without combat chrome? You could be one the whole game and you could be in the RPG as well.

      • 8 months ago

        you can't even sprint anymore in that ending, that's how fricked your body is

        • 8 months ago

          It makes no fricking sense from any perspective, buddy. It's literally just forced bad feels.

          • 8 months ago

            not being able to sprint after a 2 year coma makes a lot of sense,V shouldn't even be able to walk like that without a long period of physical therapy

    • 8 months ago

      >>V doesn't want to be a fixer even
      Wrong, one of the dialogue options when you talk to Misty has him mention how he could become a fixer now

    • 8 months ago

      it's not just being crippled, his brain literally cannot interface with any nanites at all
      he literally can't even transfer money wirelessly without a device

      • 8 months ago

        I don't see your point, go to a ripper and remove all your cyberware and you have the same experience. I assure you, the game will be just as easy as with cyberware.

        • 8 months ago

          you can't play the game without scanning, unfortunately, but otherwise i agree with you, it's just when you aren't a videogame, not having subdermal armor or other implants basically means you have the consistency of wet toilet paper and will die at the drop of a hate like every other civilian

          • 8 months ago

            When you aren't a video game I don't see how subdermal armour needs nanite interfaces to work as it doesn't need a brain link. It might as well be considered a medical implant which you are free to use.

    • 8 months ago

      If they wanted to go that route they could have given V brain damage so he forgets everything instead. Still a bitter sweet ending, but at least it'd make sense.

  3. 8 months ago

    >losing every single friend you have, your girlfriend, your apartment as well as your job and all your professional skills is bad????

  4. 8 months ago

    >everything you did amounts to nothing
    >you lost all your friends
    it's basically telling you nothing you did since the start of the game matters. how is that not a bad ending?

    • 8 months ago

      Not really, you still have your contacts.

      But I don't know why we're so hyperfocusing on Cyberpunk's endings, V won't be coming back for the sequel so it doesn't really matter, I doubt we will get an official closure on his/her story.

      • 8 months ago
        Fair-minded anon

        >But I don't know why we're so hyperfocusing on Cyberpunk's endings
        Great post, moron. Legitimately one of the dumbest posts I've ever read on Ganker. Congratulations.

        • 8 months ago

          They matter, but it shouldn't get make trannies obsess about it since there will be no true closure.

      • 8 months ago

        >Not really, you still have your contacts.

        Rogue tells you not to contact any mercs or fixers because they'll all see how weak you've become and to stay out of the Afterlife.

    • 8 months ago

      >everything you did amounts to nothing
      Moving from being about to die at 23 with no prospects for a cure to living to a ripe old age is quite the achievement.
      >you lost all your friends
      You'll make new ones.

      • 8 months ago

        >the entire setting is framed around live fast, die young, and be remembered as -somebody-
        >uhm actually let me just give up and go out with a whimper 🙂

        • 8 months ago

          Even from your moronic standpoint, V retiring after fricking single-handedly with every plot device in the RPG, killing smasher, killing a million Arasaka Ninjas, Goonclowns and being a fricking legend in the Afterlife is not much more than a death in storytelling. It amounts to the same.

          not being able to sprint after a 2 year coma makes a lot of sense,V shouldn't even be able to walk like that without a long period of physical therapy

          You can probably beat the game without sprinting as well.

          • 8 months ago

            That choice showed V lacked the character to become a true NC legend. Intention is all that matters for the choices in this game, then the world moves to accommodate them.

            • 8 months ago

              Showed that V is mature enough to enjoy a full life instead of committing ritual suicide for no reason.

              I could probably get to 20 body/reflex without sprinting once on very hard. Zero cyberware. It's such forced bullshit and makes no fricking sense gameplay or setting wise.

              100% agree.

              • 8 months ago

                >V is mature enough to enjoy a full life instead of committing ritual suicide for no reason
                And that right there, is not what legends are made of.

              • 8 months ago

                I respectfully don't care about your opinion but you are free to have it.

              • 8 months ago

                Imagine thinking taking zero accountability for your actions and being a coward is the mature path. You should consider this alternative

                >give Songbird to Reed
                >reject the cure to force those cringe losers to live with each other
                >accept Johnny has a point
                >solo Arasaka tower because you caused this mess with Jackie so you should finish it so no one dies
                >give Johnny your body and force him to get a job and contribute to society instead of being a shitty drug addict
                >become a literal cyber demon amd terrorize your allies

                Nah dude your ending is the joke the ending. You were dead as soon as you slotted the biochip in and you couldn't accept it. Arasaka probably has a bounty on cripple V

                It's not about min maxing. It's about a complete disconnect with the story. V spends the whole game trying to survive one way or another. This is a way he actually gets it and the devs try to cram it down your throat that you should feel bad for accomplishing your goals.

                The game gives you several opportunities to solve problems with your build, including conversations. V is an incredible individual and capable of a lot of feats without cyberware. There is ZERO reason why he couldn't go back to his old life with or without chrome. But the ending spits in the face of all that for no reason. It's like playing a game where my character has magic and uses magic to solve their problems all the time in gameplay and cutscenes then suddenly forgets how to use magic out of nowhere for no reason and the game tells me to feel stupid about it.

                No, it's fine. You just made your sensible, rational choice and now you get to live your sensible, rational life.

              • 8 months ago

                Bro stop projecting. Being a coward, killing Johnny with the "cure" and living a life of fear in hiding is exactly what the majority of people on earth would actually do. So of course as soon as it's an option you immediately pick it because that pic is actually you lmao.

              • 8 months ago

                >Being a coward, killing Johnny with the "cure" and living a life of fear in hiding is exactly what the majority of people on earth
                Do you get it now?

              • 8 months ago

                Did you read my original post? I said the best ending is to reject the cure, solo arasaka tower and give Johnny your body because 6 months of extra life is also a b***h move. Becoming a legend and a cyber demon like Alt is the fairest and most mature option.

              • 8 months ago

                >killing Johnny

                You can't kill a program.

              • 8 months ago

                It's some voodoo computer magic and it's basically some sentient rip of Johnny's will encoded onto a chip or something. It's not like killing an organic thing, and I don't remember if he dies or not because I didn't get that shitty ending, but Johnny has free will.

              • 8 months ago

                it's just magic, you shove a 4 inch chip into the side of your head and still have the ability to shove more data shards in on top, in such a position that they would definitely shift with the flesh and other bullshit while turning your head or simply talking

              • 8 months ago

                If it's magic then he's a cyber ghost and he's alive. So, you shouldn't murder the cyber ghost because you're a coward. Like greed, there are consequences for being a coward. The Phantom Liberty is the coward's ending and you're awarded as such. Only people who cannot accept death will struggle with it.

              • 8 months ago

                see, they don't show V dying in any of the endings except the suicide one so in my mind he lives in every single one because he's max level with max streetcred and a million bucks with dozens of cars, a handful of apartments and enough guns/clothing to start an uprising in africa

              • 8 months ago

                The Sun ending should've definitely been expanded on where you get some other way to survive after working for Blue Eyes

              • 8 months ago

                The ending is called the "tower" and the tarot card depicts a burning tower and two people jumping off of it to their deaths. In real life, the tarot resembles accomplishment, triumph, etc. but reversed, it represents fear of change and catastrophe. CD Projekt wrote that ending as a joke and probably as an experiment to see how many players feared death. The core theme and message of Cyberpunk is about how people will handle death and failure.

                Phantom Liberty is the joke ending because you are liberated at the cost of being a Phantom or a shell of yourself. As everyone else said, in cyberpunk's dead world you're easy pickings now. You won't last a year anyway. Did you even pay attention while playing? Money was easy to get if you were strong in that wicked world.

              • 8 months ago

                >muh head canon
                nah, i'll just believe my own rather than some other persons opinion on the internet, in that ending you just get a glowie job in langley

              • 8 months ago

                Thank you for proving my point. You fit the target audience of that ending well. I'm happy CD Projekt gave you and ending you hold close to your heart.

              • 8 months ago

                Nah, that's literally the ending that is just above suicide imo. Every other ending is much better because V keeps his skills and rep. Being a desk jockey isn't fun or cool, but it's peaceful.

              • 8 months ago

                I said earlier the Phantom Liberty ending is awful. My favorite ending soloing Arasaka Tower + Temperance. Are you ESL?

              • 8 months ago

                Are you? All I stated was that in my opinion and my own head canon is that V survives every ending except the one where you choose literal death.

              • 8 months ago

                Alt outright tells in the matrix you she used soul killer and that your body will decay in 6 months because it would reject you in favor of Johnny. The only ways to live longer than 6 months are to pick the DLC ending or to become a cyber demon with Alt. Basically if you go back into your body you become a terminally ill cancer patient.

              • 8 months ago

                Not a joke, that should be obvious from the tone it takes.
                It's there, it goes against the setting and it frames the other endings differently now that the option to just say "frick it" and bail exists.

              • 8 months ago

                And you are rewarded fairly for that decision in my opinion. Honestly, for the record, I thought it was a great ending. I just don't respect it and think it's the cowards choice. I wouldn't be able live with myself if I was that V.

              • 8 months ago

                >And you are rewarded fairly for that decision in my opinion. Honestly, for the record, I thought it was a great ending.
                Yes I agree. It is what it needs to be.

                >I just don't respect it and think it's the cowards choice. I wouldn't be able live with myself if I was that V.
                You can take Reeds' advice and stop thinking about it. Some alcohol to help you sleep at night too.

              • 8 months ago

                It's a great ending because it's what the majority of people on earth would do. But, I don't respect the ending. Most people would take the coward's choice, regret it and drink themselves to death. Have you ever considered that's why alcoholism is such a social problem globally?

              • 8 months ago

                It's not his consciousness. It's a digital copy of his personality. It's not a living being. It's no more real from V's perspective than it is to ours.

              • 8 months ago

                It has agency, free will and will become a living being. If you really want to go here, Johnny is basically the fetus you've decided to abort with magic cyber chemo in the DLC ending.

              • 8 months ago

                The real Johnny is dead. His perspective and consciousness didn't transfer with soul killer. It's not him. It's literally that one Whomp! Comic.

              • 8 months ago

                Imagine thinking taking zero accountability for your actions and being a coward is the mature path. You should consider this alternative

                >give Songbird to Reed
                >reject the cure to force those cringe losers to live with each other
                >accept Johnny has a point
                >solo Arasaka tower because you caused this mess with Jackie so you should finish it so no one dies
                >give Johnny your body and force him to get a job and contribute to society instead of being a shitty drug addict
                >become a literal cyber demon amd terrorize your allies

                Nah dude your ending is the joke the ending. You were dead as soon as you slotted the biochip in and you couldn't accept it. Arasaka probably has a bounty on cripple V

          • 8 months ago

            I could probably get to 20 body/reflex without sprinting once on very hard. Zero cyberware. It's such forced bullshit and makes no fricking sense gameplay or setting wise.

            • 8 months ago

              You could stop focusing so hard on trying to game the system to give your character the min-maxxed best possible outcome and just listen to what the story is trying to tell you.

              • 8 months ago

                The DLC story is shit, though. That's the issue. It is forcing the player's hand to create an inorganic sob ending.

              • 8 months ago

                >playing through the game again since new update and DLC
                >don't care if the DLC is gonna be shit because it lets me poop on more corpo plans
                >went netrunner/smart guns since i never did it before
                >run into a brand new bug that completely ruins my build
                >my quickhacks just randomly don't work sometimes

                When you aren't a video game I don't see how subdermal armour needs nanite interfaces to work as it doesn't need a brain link. It might as well be considered a medical implant which you are free to use.

                Look man, let's just skip right to the end and just come out and say it. Cyberpunk is just magic tech, there is no real basis and nanites aren't nanomachines but magic AI sauce that runs everything.

              • 8 months ago

                Look man, you started going by the "realistic" and "real" approach here. I'm arguing from the standpoint of what we know about the RPG, the game and what the narrative created by the gameplay tells us. The game tells us you can't use combat implants because your brain is fricked. Point. Well I don't need combat implants to be a fricking overpowered merc. Point.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, because it's a videogame, you can load and save when you die so it doesn't matter if you have parts or not because the player is already a god. There's a huge disconnect between the radio podcasts and gameplay too, they talk about how a single cop getting murdered makes all the cops angry but in gameplay you come across hundreds of cop corpses, all in a couple days. I wouldn't know how to handle the situation other than letting players eat their cake with a happy ending.

              • 8 months ago

                >I wouldn't know how to handle the situation other than letting players eat their cake with a happy ending.

                And there's nothing wrong with that. All the other endings are either torture porn, death, or both. The PL ending isn't made without sacrifices either. You have to betray a lot of people and kill a lot of people for no reason other than you decide you want to survive more than they deserve to live.

              • 8 months ago

                No, that anon is right.
                It isn't about gameplay only. The game's narrative during the main quest and really most of side quests give you options to solve things either through wits or normal guns. There's hardly any quest that forces you to use chrome.

                So the devs should have taken shit they've written years ago into account. You could still write the sob ending, but with another excuse.

              • 8 months ago

                But you do need kiroshi's to scan stuff, which is required in the main story. You HAVE to have chrome to continue the story. Otherwise yeah, gameplay wise it can all just be done with guns and grenades.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, the Kiroshi thing is a necessity by plot, but other than that everything else can be done without chrome.

                I just think they should have found another excuse as to how V gets fricked in the ass despite the fix he so wanted. The excuse chomeless excuse was some weak and forced shit.
                Hell, the prologue shows us that V was already creating all sorts of mayhem with Jackie before getting the kuroshi upgrade.

              • 8 months ago

                >Yeah, because it's a video game
                That was literally your or that anons point. It's le video game you can't apply real logic to it! And I agree, we have to go by what we know from the game itself and its source material - although that can differ from what is presented in the actual game. This crafts a narrative with limits, what you can do and what you can't do. You as a player have expectations and get a grasp of the logic this video game world should have. When the writer comes out of his cuckshed and throws all of that out the window you cause a disconnection between the logic you laid out in front of your player.

                Ipso facto you're ending feels illogical, bad and you are rightfully a bad writer since you couldn't introduce your desired shift in a way that makes sense in the framework of the world you are trying to portrait. Imagine if Tolkien just had Spaceship land and destroy the Ring.

              • 8 months ago

                The issue isn't even the magical tech bullshit.

                I get their reasoning. They created a DLC where you get to play spy for the government/corporations and there was no way to justify a scenario where V doesn't get to fix his issue by the end of such an adventure.
                So what could they do? Well, lets give V the fix but make it be a bad fix in some way.
                The problem is that they went at it in a very forced way that feels very inorganic given the story this far, the setting, and the lore of this world.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't listen to hack stories written by hack writers, sorry!

              • 8 months ago

                It's not about min maxing. It's about a complete disconnect with the story. V spends the whole game trying to survive one way or another. This is a way he actually gets it and the devs try to cram it down your throat that you should feel bad for accomplishing your goals.

                The game gives you several opportunities to solve problems with your build, including conversations. V is an incredible individual and capable of a lot of feats without cyberware. There is ZERO reason why he couldn't go back to his old life with or without chrome. But the ending spits in the face of all that for no reason. It's like playing a game where my character has magic and uses magic to solve their problems all the time in gameplay and cutscenes then suddenly forgets how to use magic out of nowhere for no reason and the game tells me to feel stupid about it.

              • 8 months ago

                this, i started croming after lvl 20 or so andwon the boxing championship with 3 strength

              • 8 months ago

                V's been in a coma for 2 years. His boy and reflexes are effectively -20 at the ending

        • 8 months ago

          Imo you're correct. Therefore the best ending is to merge with alt to become a cyber demon and then burn Johnny by guilt tripping him to be sober and getting a job. Bonus points for soloing Arasaka tower. Y'all just cling to life when immortality is right there like cucks.

        • 8 months ago

          >the entire setting is framed around live fast, die young, and be remembered as -somebody-
          And that's a moronic mentality.

        • 8 months ago

          >the entire setting is framed around live fast, die young, and be remembered as -somebody-
          Yeah being forced to play as a moron sucks

    • 8 months ago

      you did amounts to nothing
      The way I see it
      >You're a nobody
      >Bite more than you can chew
      >Now you're about to die
      >Instead of giving up, you fight for your life
      >Get contacts, work your ass, become famous
      >The N-USA hires you and promises a cure
      >Do your job, lose everything you have
      >Get cured.
      Everything you did in the game was so you wouldn't die. You trade all of that so you get to live. It's the best ending.

    • 8 months ago

      You have Eurodyne, Doc Vik, a lobotomized So Mi, and technically Reed but somehow it feels like NUSA deliberately crippled you so that you can be of service to them for 2 years then somehow miraculously after 2 years of service, they reactivate your chrome.

  5. 8 months ago

    NUSA intentionally crippled v and cut all his contacts cause he refused to frick myers and now with all his old friends gone and his lover abandoning him he has no choice but to frick the loose baggy hag vegana to continue living.

  6. 8 months ago

    They tried SO fricking hard to make the ending where V lives "le bad!" one that they completely forgot how invaluable our lives are.
    I would trade every single futuristic cybernetic combat shit and losing contact with everyone for 2 years as long as I get to live (reminder V is canonically 23).
    Everyone can start over again at 23 years old. But you can's start all over shit if you're fricking DEAD.
    Cure ending is a good one, no matter how CDcucks try to trick you into thinking its bad.

    • 8 months ago

      I personally think it's a good ending because you're right. Doesn't matter how hard CDPR tried to make me feel bad about getting to live. V survived and that's all that matters.

      Frick Reed
      Frick Myers
      Frick Songbird
      Frick Johnny
      Frick every single "friend" who calls you a bad person after waking up from the coma

    • 8 months ago

      You aren't playing a character you made really. V is canonically a piece of fricking shit. The moral of the story is you get what you deserve and can't escape karma.

      It was a really stupid way to approach the setting and probably the biggest reason why 2077 sucks fricking ass, despite having very solid gameplay. Would've easily been a classic for generations to come if the player was exposed to the setting as a schlub that didn't know anything, since the game is their first experience with the setting in most cases. They cucked players out of all the elements and experiences that would have earned it game of the year easily by listening to Kojimbo when they brought him on as an advisor.

  7. 8 months ago

    Why no Corp side where you can take people out with adam smasher

  8. 8 months ago

    It's not bad per se but it goes against the soul of the setting and everything it stands for.
    It's the hero rejecting the call to adventure for a mundane life so no wonder CDPR tries to frame it in a negative way.

    • 8 months ago

      >It's the hero rejecting the call to adventure for a mundane life
      That's just forced on you by the bad writing. There is no reason for it.

  9. 8 months ago

    The canon ending

  10. 8 months ago

    >head shaven
    >implants removed
    >weaker than a street bum
    >friends moved on and want nothing with you
    >night city legend who cant even show his face at the after life because people would see what you became
    V will be working at a junk food joint for the rest of his/her life.

    • 8 months ago

      V doesn't need to work, they're already fabulously wealthy.

  11. 8 months ago

    You're a walking corpse in a world where there's armed homicidal bum at every corner. You're likely to have a shorter life that if you kept Chungus in your head.

    • 8 months ago

      Nah, V will live in peace as Mr. Nobody and die ripe, old and smellin' slightly of urine.

  12. 8 months ago

    Star ending is the best ending and you can't convince me otherwise,

  13. 8 months ago

    whats that gigaisraelite symbol she wears?

  14. 8 months ago

    You tell me homosexual.

  15. 8 months ago

    Nah. Picrel is the good ending. Along with the Alcecaldos

    • 8 months ago

      nahhh, the Johnny V ending is clearly the good ending and the one that most aligns with the themes of the story. V accepts that they are mortal and that there is nothing they can really do about it anymore. They face death and they accept it, and save Johnny in the process. Johnny gets a second chance at life and it seems like this time he wants to be a better person.
      That's all your main themes of the game represented right there. There's no perfectly happy ending under corporule, death is inevitable and it's how you face death that matters, when you get a second chance you need to make it count, and even in the hellscape that is Night City friendship can make life worth living.

  16. 8 months ago

    DLC ending is shit get over yourself it's the cowards way out.

  17. 8 months ago

    I haven't played Phantom Liberty, how does the cure even work? What EXACTLY is preventing you from getting new chrome? Is it just like... a killswitch that they installed, or some bullshit "oh your body just can't handle it now due to unexplained mumbo jumbo," or what?

    • 8 months ago

      They basically give you magic cyber chemo that fries your neurons. There is an AI from beyond the black wall that can cure you by doing this spell.

      • 8 months ago

        You're brain can't interact with nanites or their signals anymore, your character wouldn't even be able to transfer eddies without a smartphone or smartwatch, you would need literal organic eye donors or low tech clone shit.

        >some random person made the trial phase of the chip
        >random experts paid tons of money make a new trial version of some dumb magic chip that can somehow meat mash a brain into a different one by straight up replacing the cells/structure(lol)
        yeah, and then V found and stole some other mcguffin trial tech that saves his life instead of killing him, easy pz, because he's max level, with max street cred and millions of dollars, dozens of cars, a handful of apartments and hundreds of guns and swords at his disposal.
        He finds a cure no problem because he's cool.
        He also goes into the past and beats up saburo with a dildo while t-posing

        Yeah, that sounds moronic. Anything that would fry your neurons to that degree would just fricking lobotomize you, and if the treatment is so specifically tailored to be able to not lobotomize you (or outright kill you, I guess) then it's laughable to think there wouldn't be something or someone out there that could reverse that damage.

        • 8 months ago

          No one paid attention to Songbird when she explained it. It's this rogue AI they release on you from the Blackwall that personally fries every neuron in your body once then deletes itself. Songbird wants to flee to the moon because she can use it at anytime but also wants to keep being a netrunner and buy time. This is why letting her escape prevents you from using this dumbass cure yourself because she keeps it.

    • 8 months ago

      You're brain can't interact with nanites or their signals anymore, your character wouldn't even be able to transfer eddies without a smartphone or smartwatch, you would need literal organic eye donors or low tech clone shit.

      Alt outright tells in the matrix you she used soul killer and that your body will decay in 6 months because it would reject you in favor of Johnny. The only ways to live longer than 6 months are to pick the DLC ending or to become a cyber demon with Alt. Basically if you go back into your body you become a terminally ill cancer patient.

      >some random person made the trial phase of the chip
      >random experts paid tons of money make a new trial version of some dumb magic chip that can somehow meat mash a brain into a different one by straight up replacing the cells/structure(lol)
      yeah, and then V found and stole some other mcguffin trial tech that saves his life instead of killing him, easy pz, because he's max level, with max street cred and millions of dollars, dozens of cars, a handful of apartments and hundreds of guns and swords at his disposal.
      He finds a cure no problem because he's cool.
      He also goes into the past and beats up saburo with a dildo while t-posing

      • 8 months ago

        Ok dude, I'm glad you liked your ending. Maybe he does this in 6 months, maybe he doesn't. It's whatever. At least we agree the DLC ending is shit.

        • 8 months ago

          The DLC ending is fricking great and I am extremely glad it exists.

          • 8 months ago

            I feel the same way too but its not as kino as sun ending. Although melancholic and ballsy to pull this off.

          • 8 months ago

            I don't hate the ending I just don't respect it. The ending is great and there should be a coward's choice in the game. So for me, it's a shitty ending but if I was V I would probably pick it too and regret it.

    • 8 months ago

      How cyberware works is already barely explained mumbo jumbo, it's not suddenly going to become coherent when they have to come up with a reason for why V isn't compatible with it anymore

      • 8 months ago

        The specific mumbo jumbo is that cyberware uses nanomachines to interface with the body's systems.

        • 8 months ago

          What I wanna know is how the frick can a ripper eviscerate someone in an unclean environment and there's no infections.

          • 8 months ago

            Please don't make me say it

            • 8 months ago

              Frickin Nanomachines didn't save Jackie.

              • 8 months ago

                He also wasn't at a ripper while he was bleeding out, was he?

            • 8 months ago

              they aren't nanomachines, if it was nanomachines V could just pay to fix his brain
              they're magical AI nanites

  18. 8 months ago

    As someone who doesn't care about spoilers what happens to the whole arasaka plot if you just choose to go to Reed/NUSA to get Johnny removed/fixed up instead of attacking arasaka?

    • 8 months ago

      Arasaka was on the way out because Yorinobu pooped all over it.

      • 8 months ago

        Yorinobu takes down Arasaka the gets offed himself, Hanako dies during the attempt to take over.

        So do any of the other corps move in?

        • 8 months ago

          Militech and the NUSA recapture Night City.

        • 8 months ago

          Obviously. Militech and Zetatech are the big winners.
          Peralez has NC rejoin the NUSA.

    • 8 months ago

      Yorinobu takes down Arasaka the gets offed himself, Hanako dies during the attempt to take over.

    • 8 months ago

      Arasaka exits NC, all of the other megacorp go into a free for all with militarized zones being established.

      • 8 months ago

        >all of the other megacorp go into a free for all with militarized zones being established.
        Sounds cool

    • 8 months ago

      Nothing really changes on that front, Arasaka is still fricked and another corporate war is on the horizon, Arasaka's collapse is 100% important for future ttrpg shit and the sequel cdpr has planned.
      I'm pretty sure the only ending that isn't canon is the one which has Saburo get Relic'd into Yorinobu's body, everything about V/Johnny's fate will be left ambiguous.

  19. 8 months ago

    >Saburo keeps a personal diary of his shennanigans and thoughts.
    >Including a time when he pondered about bombing a militech port but hesitated because of civilians only for him to go frick you, here's missiles for my fallen people.

    Also it's really weird how he considers Johnny Silverhand as his enemy.

    • 8 months ago

      >it's really weird how he considers Johnny Silverhand as his enemy.
      The way he words it "Even J.S" and after it seems clear that it's more of a "oh right, he was there too."

    • 8 months ago

      makes sense for him to be an enemy but also an almost completely forgotten enemy, like 'oh yeah him, alts boyfriend who nuked my tower' but he isn't that important because the woers fine and arasaka runs the world, just old man reminiscing

  20. 8 months ago

    >ending of the main game forces V to die if johnny is kicked out
    >ending of the main game makes johnny live again thorugh V's body and V is sent into the cyberspace
    >at no point is there an option to just let johnny take the body, drop V's brain into the biochip, and then let have the process undo itself
    i fail to see why this wasnt an option its pretty fricking simple even if johnny needs to take the wheel for a bit

    • 8 months ago

      Alt probably thought of that. I mean we know the blackwall AI can take over bodies, whose to say that you can't upload V's engram to a borged out body.

      • 8 months ago

        hell you could probably even make both minds exist in the same body without issue

      • 8 months ago

        >ending of the main game forces V to die if johnny is kicked out
        >ending of the main game makes johnny live again thorugh V's body and V is sent into the cyberspace
        >at no point is there an option to just let johnny take the body, drop V's brain into the biochip, and then let have the process undo itself
        i fail to see why this wasnt an option its pretty fricking simple even if johnny needs to take the wheel for a bit

        The problem there is getting another biochip. Remember the one Johnny is on is damaged already.
        A full borg body stop over might work, but V doesn't really get close to "full borg" in game. Presumably his empathy couldn't take going full borg instantly like that and he'd go psycho instantly.

        hell you could probably even make both minds exist in the same body without issue

        This is actually something that Pondsmith mentions for why V can use so much cyberware without needing to go to therapy or anything. Basically he's doubled up on his Empathy stat, so his body has Humanity out the wazoo.

        • 8 months ago

          >damaged biochip
          okay so just fix it the b***h can do anything she wants effortlessly

        • 8 months ago

          >This is actually something that Pondsmith mentions for why V can use so much cyberware without needing to go to therapy or anything. Basically he's doubled up on his Empathy stat, so his body has Humanity out the wazoo.
          No, what he said was that V's brain is home to two beings, one of which is pretty much cyberpsycho already. Essentially, Johnny is the one that takes the humanity hits.

          • 8 months ago

            V's humanity isn't as impacted because it goes through Johnny first. It's the same thing.

  21. 8 months ago

    >I'm going to life or death surgery, if disappear call this hospital or this guy
    What the frick CDPR

    • 8 months ago

      You are literally not allowed to disclose where you're going, it's a secret FIA op.

      • 8 months ago

        which i find stupid as all hell
        >secret stuff is all over, but for some reason V needs to have their surgery in complete secrecy

        • 8 months ago

          V can tell Vic he's going on "medical leave" and Vic figures out immediately he's having the Relic removed.
          But at that point nobody, not even the FIA, knew how long it would actually take.

          • 8 months ago

            >V doesn't tell a single living soul other than Vik what's going on
            >wtf guys I was in a coma, it's not my fault, you can't get mad at me for disappearing off the face of the earth with no warning

            • 8 months ago

              Vic tells everybody.

              • 8 months ago

                well then, what the frick is their problem? Especially Panam???

              • 8 months ago

                They couldn't get her voice actress to come back so they just didn't have her appear again

              • 8 months ago

                Everybody assumed V had just died, he left saying he's having medical work done and will be back in a couple weeks.
                If you look Panam was the last person to keep trying to call, like a year after, when even Viktor had given up.

  22. 8 months ago

    was misty ciri all along but with no memories? is that why she is going to poland?

  23. 8 months ago

    It IS a bad end. V's goal is to become a legend. The Sun is the canon ending. The Phantom Liberty ending doesn't even require you to progress the main story past the halfway point to achieve. It's just a bonus bad ending.

  24. 8 months ago

    God damn first time playing male V and holy shit his emotional voice feels forced and awkward.

    • 8 months ago

      He gets better at it in the DLC.

    • 8 months ago

      i feel the same about the female

  25. 8 months ago

    Did you jump into the abyss or walk away V?

    • 8 months ago

      In too deep to back out.

    • 8 months ago

      where is this

      • 8 months ago

        Simp detected.

      • 8 months ago

        It is where the hard choices happen.

  26. 8 months ago

    Formerly world-tier combat specialist merc loses all of their power, wakes up to find all but one of their friends have moved on or straight up hate them, and gets mugged by a literal street Black person who doesn't even have a weapon? It was bittersweet at minimum if not outright sad. Death is the easiest path to a "sad" ending. But loss of capability and identity is the much more poignant and sorrowful route.

    • 8 months ago

      Have you never had some ambition in your youth that you had to move past when you realized it was stupid or not realistic?

      • 8 months ago

        I have. But none that was so inextricably tied to my physical capability and who I was. If I were in some kind of accident tomorrow that robbed me of my ability to do physical activity forever, I'd be crushed.

  27. 8 months ago

    I feel that the ending would have worked better if the procedure could end up resulting in loss memory. V gets to live a normal life, but dies as a person anyway.

    • 8 months ago

      no that's stupid and you're stupid

    • 8 months ago

      You just wrote an infinitely better, more logical and bittersweet ending than whatever CDPR came up with. Congratulations!

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