How can Square make Final Fantasy popular again?

How can Square make Final Fantasy popular again?

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  1. 2 months ago

    Big boobs, skimpy outfits. Constant missions to the beach and hot springs

    • 2 months ago

      Based anon and sexy e-girls, jiggle, destructible clothes, feminine females and slap fights that make boobs jiggle while slapping each others. Also no Black folk and add edgy stuff and mini games. Top down world travel with well crafted areas, secret stuff, secret boss, camera focuses on sexy female parts on cut scenes and attack animation.

    • 2 months ago

      this, and release on more platforms: Xbox.
      still theres no way theyll backtrack on that ESG money. art is ruined and cencored beyond repair.

  2. 2 months ago

    go back to being anime and turn-based

    stop with the ugly realism and mashy action shit

    • 2 months ago

      I truly believe a new turn-based FF would outsell all the previous ones if they just marketed it with the same budget the newer ones get.

    • 2 months ago

      moronic take. Not even remotely close to being the biggest problem or even a problem with their games.

      • 2 months ago

        Every mainline game since XV (including Remake/Rebirth) has been button-mashing shit and has tried to go for realism that is absolutely hideous, robbing the franchise of its FANTASY elements. What, exactly, would you say is the biggest thing that those games can be faulted with if not for either of those things?

        • 2 months ago

          >button-mashing shit
          Like every turn based game?

        • 2 months ago

          >turn based is fantasy but action somehow isn't
          nevermind only ff1, 2, 3 and 10 are turn based, the frick are you talking about moron

          wow it looks just like the real italy when i go and started flying and fighting the giant sea serpent living underneath!

          • 2 months ago

            that webm looks cool but nothing is actually happening
            you're just holding circle

      • 2 months ago

        shut the frick you navigationally challenged normalgroid

      • 2 months ago

        I actually think the realism is a problem, but it has more to do with the number of choreographed, voices cutscenes. The amount of story compressed into in PSX era Square games was insane. All that dialogue in a modern FF game would be voiced and enacted ala FFXIII or Remake. They simply can't make games with as large a scope anymore because of that commitment to realism.

        So not in the artstyle necessarily, but an anime aesthetic might make text box dialogue more acceptable.

        • 2 months ago

          That's actually the biggest reason why Kitase thinks VI Remake isn't feasible. He wants it made with a commitment to realism, I think he and Wada also commissioned Crystal Tools too because of that. Sprites can't tell a story you can take seriously anymore he thinks.

          • 2 months ago

            You know what, I dont blame him, the sole, main reason I want an FFVI remake its because I want that game to have actual voice acting, otherwise, Im perfectly fine with the game as is.
            That being said, is it really that dificult to just make a small stylized game with voice acting similar to a Bravely Default?

      • 2 months ago

        Except it literally is.

    • 2 months ago

      simple as. works for pokemon and persona. don't fix what's broken. in trying to chase a new audience, they alienated the old audience.

      • 2 months ago

        >works for pokemon

        • 2 months ago

          Pokemon still sells ridiculously well. In a thread about overall franchise popularity, its a completely relevant example

          • 2 months ago

            It sells for the monster catching, not the turn based combat
            See: Pokemon Go

    • 2 months ago

      kek, came into the thread to see what moron would honestly propose this would make it "popular" again
      only took the 2nd post

    • 2 months ago

      everyone says this but it doesn't seem feasible. The big names for FF don't do turn based combat (Nomura, Yoshida, Kitase) with the exception of toriyama who went full moron with the 13 games

      • 2 months ago

        So get new talent or hire old talent you alienated. These developers are trash anyway.

        • 2 months ago

          >hire old talent
          Hironobu Sakaguchi doesn't want to work on AAA games anymore
          Yasumi Matsuno didn't do turn based either aside from tactics
          Tetsuya Takahashi would laugh his ass off if Square offered him a job
          Hajime Tabata didn't do turn based (and also lol)

      • 2 months ago

        and every mainline FF game suffers for it. Why not return to Turn-Base?

        >I will share that Yoshida is a mason(duh)
        the symbolism is hard in Lightning Returns. And it's huge in XV in the art deco capital building that was the final dungeon. I do wonder if Nomura includes it because he's in on it, or to point it out. He definitely knows about the Nephilim theory.

        You can't really get that success without it. In the music industry it is a common theory blood sacrifice is needed and it puts into question Sian Blake's murder in conjunction to Shadowbringer's big release.

        • 2 months ago

          That is true. I'm going through all the games now, and I'm trying to decipher the hidden plot in them. I got through XIII early on just to get it out of the way, and honestly there's so much there that it might be the most important one. The entire structure with Bhunivelze, Caius, Yuel, Etro. I'm just trying to figure out if it's ultimately morally good, or evil. And if it's good, who's influencing the story to make it that way despite all the "forces" in control of it.? Because from my notes on Strangers of Paradise, it directly called out "them" as the Lufenians to my understanding.

          • 2 months ago

            Final Fantasy themes aren't as deep as I offered for 14 because 14 has A LOT OF SHIT in it. The detail you are going to find will start from maybe 6 when the visual and references to greek, zoro, kabala, etc was beginning to turn beyond just bahamut go angry or Asura is in FF4.

            FF13 is a title I skipped because it fricking sucks. The story requires supplementary material, a legend, and sticky notes for the stupid nomenclature the reader is required define. 14 came to me based on actively playing it. I'm not saying you aren't on the right track due to such a bloated story.

            • 2 months ago

              I think all the supplemental stuff started with XV, because everything in XIII is contained in the games even if they're datalogs. And the nomenclature I find interesting, but I haven't tried to decipher the etymology on anything yet beyond what I already know off-hand.

              • 2 months ago

                To that extent that I stand correctly. I do wish you luck I'm not doing that.

            • 2 months ago

              xv is better

              • 2 months ago

                13 has a better combat system, story and even flashier setpieces than 15 baby Bar-Bar

      • 2 months ago

        >The big names for FF
        are all washed up, out of touch homosexuals. Final Fantasy will never be cool or relevant again as long as it's in the hands of those morons.

        • 2 months ago

          you are not wrong but what's the solution?

      • 2 months ago

        >turn based isn't feasible
        thank god you'll never have an important role in your entire life

    • 2 months ago

      Based take. Persona is massive, FF keeps failing. Larry lost.

      • 2 months ago

        Persona isn't successful because it's turn-based. It's successful because people love the style, the school-based characters and drama, exceptionally good presentation in music/UI/artstyle, etc. Also relationship stuff is always big, as much as some people try to deny that it's a big factor in people enjoying a game.

        The main takeaway is that turn-based doesn't prevent a game from being loved.

        If you made a lot of the modern FFs turn-based, it doesn't actually solve the issues with modern FF.

        • 2 months ago

          I don't know old Final Fantasies were loved and turned based..

          • 2 months ago

            Correct, because the stories, characters, music, etc were very well loved first.
            The earliests non-story based ones weren't particularly big, but are loved from the more diehard older FF fans.

            • 2 months ago

              or perhaps turn based is part of the whole and DnD's influence is a tried and true method that can easily be updated. The idea of "a modern audience" is meaningless. People will buy what they like regardless of generation, and alienating the old base that got them there is what is hurting their sales.

              • 2 months ago

                This is exactly the point. Turn-based is NOT a deal breaker. You can make good turn-based games.
                But turn-based will not sell the game itself. You need everything else to be top-notch.
                Again, if you took any of the modern FFs and made any of them turn-based, they will still have the same issues. They'd just be turn-based as well.
                Stuff like BG3 drew in people who never played turn-based, because of choice, relationships, presentation, and music.
                Square's got the music down, and they can do gorgeous visuals.

        • 2 months ago

          Look, I don't disagree at all, and I think Persona combat is kinda on the shit side of turn based games. But this correlation between music, characters and pleasing aesthetics can't just be a coincidence. It keeps repeating itself over and over and over.

          I think there's something about turn based games that makes the OST more memorable and unique in itself. I can't explain why.

          • 2 months ago

            >I think there's something about turn based games that makes the OST more memorable and unique in itself. I can't explain why.
            You know what? Now that you mention that, maybe. There is something about the nature of how turn-based combat games play out where the overall presentation of the music and everything else is able to be more easily enjoyed than in a lot of other types of games.

            I didn't actually consider this angle, maybe it could actually be a major factor at playing to Square's strengths again.

            I concede I possibly didn't give turn-based enough credit.

            • 2 months ago

              Look, I don't disagree at all, and I think Persona combat is kinda on the shit side of turn based games. But this correlation between music, characters and pleasing aesthetics can't just be a coincidence. It keeps repeating itself over and over and over.

              I think there's something about turn based games that makes the OST more memorable and unique in itself. I can't explain why.

              You have to actually make music compelling to distract the play from pressing x and arrows to pick animation sequences and numbers going up. Nobou may have plagiarized like no one else but he was unrivaled for accentuating the fight or scene.

              >VIII you're a nobody mercenary,
              Said mercenaries were being trained to fight the big bad though

              Trained? Cloud was some nobody who was ashamed of who he was because he was a nobody. He just didn't know he could still kick somebody's ass. No one did.

              • 2 months ago

                >Trained? Cloud was some nobody who was ashamed of who he was because he was a nobody. He just didn't know he could still kick somebody's ass. No one did.
                You said VIII, not VII. This misunderstanding is on you

              • 2 months ago

                Oh right my apologies.

            • 2 months ago

              >You know what? Now that you mention that, maybe. There is something about the nature of how turn-based combat games play out where the overall presentation of the music and everything else is able to be more easily enjoyed than in a lot of other types of games.
              Maybe it 's the structure of the dungeons, or the transition from the map music to the dungeon music to the battle music to the boss musics (Octopath Traveler lives on it's transitions to boss themes, these are so fricking good).
              Maybe the battle effects are less intrusive because they don't serve as cues for enemy behavior to prime dodges. Maybe the fact you can just not do anything and just listen to the battle theme, or the dungeon theme.
              I really can't articulate it, but there's something there. Most games with an OST I can't forget are turn based.

              • 2 months ago

                There's truth to it, but it's also possible to have excellent memorable music that works in every part of the game, be it battle or exploration, music that sticks in your head for years, while not being turn-based THOUGH.
                But sovl is needed first. Maybe SE should start from there. They can, sometimes, NEO TWEWY is a testament to that.

            • 2 months ago

              This tracks because the only non-turn based songs from games that actually play during gameplay I constantly recall are the Halo Theme Mjolnir Mix, O&S and Gwyn's themes from Dark Souls, and The Other Promise from KH2

    • 2 months ago

      >ugly realism

      • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Either this or unironically tone down on the pseudo-realism weebshit. The entire main cast in the FF7 remakes (sans maybe Barret) is uncanny as frick because of it. FF16's approach was the right direction but then they fricked it up with a dumb plot and excessive talking.

    • 2 months ago

      Would I prefer turn based?
      Would it sell 10 times less?
      Unless they make it God tier turn based in which case it will sell only half of action based

    • 2 months ago

      >go back to being anime...
      >stop with the ugly realism...

      >...and turn-based
      >...and mashy action shit

    • 2 months ago

      RealismBlack folk need to justify the bloated price of their shitty ugly games.

    • 2 months ago

      Can't believe we've gone from Fhomosexuals shitting on Kingdom Hearts to now wanting their games to look like Kingdom Hearts.

      • 2 months ago

        I mean considering basically every bestselling FF title already looked like Kingdom Hearts we've been living in that reality for like nearly 30 years and you are just slow on the uptake.

        • 2 months ago

          XV, the second best selling FF looks like Kingdom Hearts? I think you might be the slow one here

          • 2 months ago

            >XV, the second best selling FF looks like Kingdom Hearts?

            • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          >every bestselling FF title already looked like Kingdom Hearts
          Which FF in specific?

  3. 2 months ago

    Make a dragon quest game and rebrand it as final fantasy.

    • 2 months ago

      OP wants to save Final Fantasy, not kill it.

  4. 2 months ago

    The problem is that FF has had no real brand identity since 7 (9 being a very conscious attempt to reverse this). All the FF name means is that it is Square's biggest budget game of the period. So the real question is, what could they bring forward from the previous era that they're not already doing? Many of their gachas try to play like traditional (NES/SNES era) FFs, and you have Bravely/Octopath for the turn based purists.
    That just doesn't leave them much space to move into with the main series. The last few games have been them flailing. 13 was an attempt to lay a new groundwork but that was largely rejected by the public and abandoned by Square (remember, it was to be the basis of 15's setting as well at first), and 16 is pretty much them admitting they have no idea what a Final Fantasy even is. Sure it superficially takes tonal elements from Matsuno, but FFT has always been "FF in name only" already.
    TLDR: nothing unless they make a good game

    • 2 months ago

      >The problem is that FF has had no real brand identity since 7 (9 being a very conscious attempt to reverse this).
      Not true, the FF identity has always been strong until 10 included.
      It's only after becoming SquareEnix that everthing immediately started falling apart.

      • 2 months ago

        >Square's last FF before merging with Enix was FFX-2
        there were already symptoms

      • 2 months ago

        >the FF identity has always been strong until 10 included.
        XII is more Final Fantasy than X is Final Fantasy

  5. 2 months ago

    make it turn based again for starters.

    • 2 months ago

      This, but not ATB. ATB isn't real turn based.

      • 2 months ago

        It depends. If when your bar is full and it's your turn the enemy can't act then it's basically turn based.

  6. 2 months ago

    Final Fantasy died with me after IX.

  7. 2 months ago

    Who cares? They should worry about making FF actually good again. The remakes are a decent start but the character designs of FF7 really don't fit so well with unrestrained actionslop

  8. 2 months ago

    By taking a learning course at Monolith Soft.

  9. 2 months ago

    Make a good video game.

  10. 2 months ago

    1. ditch the UE "realistic" style
    2. do not outsource to Pajeets
    3. return to TBC / ATB
    4. release FULL games right off the bat again.

    • 2 months ago

      What you're suggesting requires patience, dedication and passion. Things that current SE could only dream of.

      • 2 months ago

        They made Octopath Traveler and it's sequel, it's possible.

        • 2 months ago

          You see, one thing is Octopath Traveler, a small game, and another is the next big FF game, a big game.

    • 2 months ago

      The problem is that FF has had no real brand identity since 7 (9 being a very conscious attempt to reverse this). All the FF name means is that it is Square's biggest budget game of the period. So the real question is, what could they bring forward from the previous era that they're not already doing? Many of their gachas try to play like traditional (NES/SNES era) FFs, and you have Bravely/Octopath for the turn based purists.
      That just doesn't leave them much space to move into with the main series. The last few games have been them flailing. 13 was an attempt to lay a new groundwork but that was largely rejected by the public and abandoned by Square (remember, it was to be the basis of 15's setting as well at first), and 16 is pretty much them admitting they have no idea what a Final Fantasy even is. Sure it superficially takes tonal elements from Matsuno, but FFT has always been "FF in name only" already.
      TLDR: nothing unless they make a good game

      As much as I like 8, hiding the FF elements and adding more realistic ones were a mistake

  11. 2 months ago

    Final Fantasy 10 was the last true Final Fantasy, and the battle music was so boring and uninspired it made grinding battles more tedious than they already were.

  12. 2 months ago

    They need to learn how to create new characters, stories, worlds, music, and gameplay that are actually compelling.
    FF has had an identity crisis for years and can only find moderate success in remaking or rereleasing the classics because SE forgot how to make good video games.
    It would help if they quit with their moronic obsession over the most realistic graphics they can muster.

    • 2 months ago

      Someone in Square clearly still remembers how to create a classic FF-style world, so they just fricking need to stop chasing all the weird trends of focusing on completely uninteresting character studies at the complete expense of actually making the world feel like a character the way they did somewhere between XIII and XV.
      Classic FF always, always was about some highly colorful new setting with equally colorful characters you worked with to fight off colorful villains in some high energy story so you could save the world from destruction. New games instead are full of deer-in-the-headlights style characters like Lightning or Noctis and the stories are always fricking limping along in worlds that are sad and depressed and fricking miserable. Where's the fricking high adventure gone off to? The cast members that are larger than life and colorful? The gloating villain with a cool distinct personality and memorable lines or speech patterns? You fricking find these things, and you find FF again.

      • 2 months ago

        >The gloating villain with a cool distinct personality and memorable lines or speech patterns?
        15 did that with Ardyn.

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah it did and Ardyn was good, of what I've seen of him, but the game's storytelling torpedo'd itself in so many other ways that it couldn't help but drag even that positive down into the fricking mire.
          But he was a fricking highlight compared to Bhunivelze, or Caius, or Barthandelus, or any of the villainous figures in XII which might at least have been interesting but weren't the least bit fricking charismatic either [even if Cid gave it a good try].

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah, Im inclined to agree, I love 15 but it was so flawed and deserved so much more, I can get why people think its a bad game.

          • 2 months ago

            it literally ends with him getting what he wanted and the protag having to kill his just to kill ardyn

          • 2 months ago

            no it didn't
            xv has better storytelling than any other ff
            everything that matters happens to noctis
            all dlc is bonus material that is still good quality better than anything midhiro yoshitpiss and ishitkawa can write

            • 2 months ago

              >xv has better storytelling than any other ff
              >all dlc is bonus material

      • 2 months ago

        >Where's the fricking high adventure gone off to? The cast members that are larger than life and colorful? The gloating villain with a cool distinct personality and memorable lines or speech patterns?

        Inside Final Fantasy FFXIV

        • 2 months ago

          >Final Trantasy XIV

        • 2 months ago

          I'm gonna say that an even better example of a classic FF villain than Emet-Selch, is Vauthry.
          Emet has the stronger writing, but Vauthry is built to be the kind of villain people joke about because of how fricking insane he is, people make reaction images out of Exdeath, they joke about Garland knocking you down, etc. etc. and Vauthry is that same breed of hammy evil character for you to fight against.
          But yeah, that's what I meant by "somebody at square clearly still knows how to make FF-styel worlds", because Shadowbringers was exactly it.

        • 2 months ago

          >a MMO whose only input was to divide even more the fanbase

        • 2 months ago

          >troon mmo
          frick off
          14 is not ff its justice a theme park with the most generic nothing's characters that ff14troons felate because they have fricking nothing

          • 2 months ago

            >Emet is trash
            >Because he does the exact same things over FF villains do

          • 2 months ago

            This ones funny and true. The games story is hot trash with deus ex machinas everywhere.

      • 2 months ago

        just say you never played xv

        • 2 months ago

          >turn based is fantasy but action somehow isn't
          nevermind only ff1, 2, 3 and 10 are turn based, the frick are you talking about moron

          wow it looks just like the real italy when i go and started flying and fighting the giant sea serpent living underneath!

          >you're not out there saving the galaxy or whatever, going to space to fight a big evil alien god.
          oh so you didn't play ff7 or even pay attention to who jenova or sephiroth are or who aerith is and what her power is or what the Lifestream is

          it literally ends with him getting what he wanted and the protag having to kill his just to kill ardyn

          i'm gay btw

          • 2 months ago

            HKmoron on suicide watch because xv has higher user reception than ff16

            • 2 months ago

              >muh FF15 dogshit.
              Final homosexualry 15 needed Dr. Dre, (Black person) Vivian Hollywood, (c**t) and over 66 gorrillion moneybucks, and it still was an incomplete mess on release day. You litterally needed to have watched some tie-in CGI-shit fest of a movie to even comprehend the full story.
              Get rekt Barry.

  13. 2 months ago

    Final Fantasy Xtreme Beach Volleyball

  14. 2 months ago

    Make an offline single player game with character creation so people can self insert, and add romance mechanics to it

    • 2 months ago

      so, turn it into something that is not final fantasy? you are a fricking moron

      • 2 months ago

        nta, but I'm honestly surprised they didn't try to go that route with FF16. FF14 is basically built like a create-a-character single-player game (without romance), with the occasional MMO battle with a party (that you can now play with npc party members if you want) here and there.

        Seems kind of natural to go a similar route for FF16 since it's from the same team.

        • 2 months ago

          It's just not common for JRPGs to offer you the chance to create a player avatar, that's just not how the genre is built. Only recently has it started becoming slightly more common to let it be a thing, I think.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm guessing you never heard of Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

  15. 2 months ago

    The quality needs to be high and maintained but more than that I believe the key is output.

    If they can find a way to release a AAA FF every 3 years (maximum) with a new story/cast (no XIII trilogy or FFVII remake trilogy situation). The reason why is that you get new high-quality games in relatively short succession so that if you don't like one you can possibly like another. When you start a trilogy people will decide if they like it or not based on the first entry and ignore the sequels. Essentially you can't convert that customer for like +7 years instead of +3 years. The FF brand, in the past, have locked down resources for extensive times. First the XIII Trilogy, then XV and now FFVII Remake trilogy. That's a lot of manpower that you aren't using for quality new FFs.

  16. 2 months ago

    Turn it into a dating sim.

  17. 2 months ago

    black female protagonist

  18. 2 months ago

    Make a good one, also dont make it a console exclusive if you're going to b***h about it not reaching a ton of people.

  19. 2 months ago

    They need to make Final Fantasy ballsy again.
    You wanna know why people remember FF7? Cause that's a video game unlike any other, you're not out there saving the galaxy or whatever, going to space to fight a big evil alien god.
    Your party is barely a speckle in the overall twinkle of that game's universe, it ends with so many unanswered questions because so much of that game is about undermining the belief that you're the most important person around just because you're the player character.
    That's a trapping that nearly every Final Fantasy before and since fell into, and it's what makes VII stand out so much in comparison - so if they wanna reach that level of popularity again maybe they should try making another game that's not just a tropey bog standard JRPG story again.

    • 2 months ago

      >Your party is barely a speckle in the overall twinkle of that game's universe
      this statement came out kind of moronic but whatever you get what i mean

    • 2 months ago

      I really wish they didn't increase the number of troopers for this scene in Remake. It was way more dramatic and intimate for it to be just a couple of guys.

      • 2 months ago

        That's cause Remake (and really the whole compilation of FF7) does fall into the trappings I'm talking about.
        In the original game Zack is just some dude who happened to be with Cloud at the wrong place and wrong time to kick the plot into gear.
        But then you play games like Crisis Core and Rebirth and suddenly Zack is like the most special chosen one dude who had connections with pretty much every single major player in the FF7 mythos, including ones made up specifically to make him even more special like Genesis and Angeal.
        So of course now that he's the most important character in the entire universe he has to go out like he's a fricking Spartan fighting the Covenant at the end of Halo Reach.

        • 2 months ago

          I think what the post-FFVII games fail to understand is that SOLDIER was implied to be mostly propaganda. Every SOLDIER we see gets ass fricked by a random ass trooper. The mythos was mostly manufactured because in the end they were little more than Hojo's lab rats. They kind of missed that point and turned them into quasi-DBZ characters.

        • 2 months ago

          nope, you have literally no idea what the plot even is

        • 2 months ago

          I never played Crisis Core, neither Rebirth but in the original game Zack isn't as random as you may said, Cloud involountary stole his identity and of course his class rank, so yeah he was certainly 1st class.

          Long time i didn't play the original, maybe i'm wrong.

          • 2 months ago

            Zack is important to Cloud specifically, but he doesn't come off as important to the rest of the world.
            It could have literally been any SOLDIER there that day and Cloud would have probably turned out the same.

            • 2 months ago

              Cloud is the main character, his perspective is what matters in the story. Zack was everything Cloud wanted to be. He was the hero, the Warrior of Light, that Cloud, who was a loser, wanted to be. So in the narrative, Zack does in fact mean a lot to the plot.

              • 2 months ago

                You're right in the sense that the story is about Cloud, but that's ultimately what I'm trying to say here.
                A lot of FF7 is about drilling into both you and Cloud how much bigger all of this is than him.
                He's not the chosen one, he's not the Warrior of Light, and even if Zack seemed like he was all of those things to Cloud he was still gunned down in the desert like a dog without being able to accomplish much of anything.
                Compare this to FF16, where its protagonist is the biggest most important man alive punching god in the face because humanity is better than him and "this is OUR Final Fantasy".
                It's utter trite.

              • 2 months ago

                Cloud is the Warrior of Light though, because he killed Chaos. I get you're probably new to trying to wrap your head around the plot, but there is no functional difference between the characterization of Clive and Cloud. All the Final Fantasy games tell the same story with different names.

              • 2 months ago

                >He's not the chosen one, he's not the Warrior of Light, and even if Zack seemed like he was all of those things to Cloud he was still gunned down in the desert like a dog without being able to accomplish much of anything.
                Consider that the opposing force of the game isn't some kind of grand force of destiny that needs a chosen one and ancient prophecies to be fought, either.
                It's been discussed in multiple threads at this point, but Sephiroth is kind of a b***h as far as sheer power levels go, he's some random chump who got the magical equivalent of the nuclear codes and initiated a countdown with them.
                Hell, it could be argued that a good chunk of FF games aren't really that centered on the idea of chosen ones. FFII you're just a bunch of orphans, V you're mostly a bunch of nobodies who rise to the occasion and who just happen to be there to be the last hope for restoring the crystals as they are progressively destroyed one by one, VIII you're a nobody mercenary, X you have a connection to what's going wrong in the world but ultimately are really just another nothing special nobody whose main contributing ability to the story is "being able to think outside the box and challenge established beliefs".
                Hell even VI, while you do have someone that could be characterized as special and unique, you don't even need them there to finish the game.

              • 2 months ago

                The chosen one is primarily a FF14 talking point. It outs who just started with the series when they bring up the Warrior of Light.

              • 2 months ago

                I get where you're coming from but XIV is funny in that it doesn't have a chosen one either, at the end of the day once it's explained what the mechanics of being the "Warrior of Light" actually mean

              • 2 months ago

                No it's functionally a prophetic story of Abraham (you) destroying all other idols(primals) for God(El, YHWH, etc) to introduce a globohomosexual institution of sanctioned atheism after the ((Ascians)) failed the rejoining(tikkum olam).

                in the story itself venat was foretold of you.. by you and assured you, the 2nd coming, would do whatever she want and also you were the super God Azem who can do whatever anyway. It's a literal linear chosen one story. Absolute shit.

              • 2 months ago

                put your trip back on

              • 2 months ago

                You know this guy? Is he saying Final Fantasy is about preserving religion or something?

              • 2 months ago

                That's a good interpretation of it. I think he brought up a good point, even if it's seemingly bizarre.

              • 2 months ago

                Image related kind of.. not really

              • 2 months ago

                I see. What's his thesis with Emet? Is it related to his religious conception of Final Fantasy?

              • 2 months ago

                This is based. He's on /vg/? I might have to visit that shithole sometime to find and copy his notes.

                This is beyond me out of millions of shitpost from 14 threads of shitty dancing lalas and barries that I manage to even come across this awhile ago is a miracle of itself. The other israeli theorycraft I cooked up myself based on themes I have seen a lot in anime especially Final Fantasy. Essentially, you'll have to dig. I wouldn't recommend it.

              • 2 months ago

                That reminds me of a small note I made for Spirits Within. Might as well share it here.
                >Thor was the giant laser cannon satellite orbiting above the Leonid Meteor. Thor is the god of lighting, his lifeforce which sustains the life of the world. His hammer, Mjolnir, is the heartbeat, which powers him. Thor in the legends tries to surpass the serpent Jormungandr, but is just never able to. Because Jormungandr is the boundary of the universe, that which gives it form. If Thor kills Jormungandr, then the universe collapses, so Thor is powerful, but he is never able to surpass the limitations of reality. The Thor laser cannon was powerful, so powerful that it was close to destroying the goddess(lifestream/the universe/Jormungandr) in Hynes attempts to destroy the phantoms (Chaos) with the laser (which is Mjolnir itself). But it fails before it can fully do the deed. Just like the Thor in legends (the force of life) who comes close but never quite surpasses the power of Jormungandr (the order of the universe).

              • 2 months ago

                Interesting, but I never liked Spirits Within. I don't think anyone did when anticipating that film back in the day. I will share that Yoshida is a mason(duh) and most of those kinds usually only write the same story repeatedly in different works. You might even see symbolism like checked floors or vesica piscis (Garlean emblem) to signal to his buddies or us the "great work" to which is to shed light on the unenlightened ones.

                So I wouldn't be surprised to find parallels between israeli/christian/khazarian beliefs in modern works from a company compelled by ESG/DEI policies.

                The consistent throughline across all the games is that they're about how humanity as a collective can come together to defeat a greater evil.
                The specifics of it get muddled with each game but you're always going to find something like that in there.
                That's why the games aren't about one guy killing a big bad, they're about four guys killing a big bad.
                The gameplay mechanics feed into the narrative in small ways like that.

                The best way to summarize it.

              • 2 months ago

                >I will share that Yoshida is a mason(duh)
                the symbolism is hard in Lightning Returns. And it's huge in XV in the art deco capital building that was the final dungeon. I do wonder if Nomura includes it because he's in on it, or to point it out. He definitely knows about the Nephilim theory.

              • 2 months ago

                This is based. He's on /vg/? I might have to visit that shithole sometime to find and copy his notes.

              • 2 months ago

                In V, Bartz is the son of Dorgann and Krile was the granddaughter of Galuf, who both sealed Exdeath with the other Warriors of Dawn 30 years before the plot of V started. Faris and Leena are also royalty. Not exactly "nobodies".

              • 2 months ago

                Also it's heavily implies at the end of V that all 4 of them are reincarnations of the Warriors of Light that fought Enuo a 1000 years ago, and that they will reincarnate in another 1000 years to fight the next Warlock tree spirit that the Crystals create and the Guardian Tree spits out.

              • 2 months ago

                Indeed, Galuf is the one with the best claim for being a chosen one since he's actually part of the legendary heroes from another world who fought evil before and won... and he fricking fails this time around. You're the son of a hero, and as far as I can see it that makes your father the "chosen" one, not you. It's not like you get even anointed into a savior the way Cecil does in IV at Mt. Ordeals either [which had its own magic prophecy to go along with it], you're literally just minding your business and nobody tells you to get involved, you just do out of good nature and wanting to help some girl you found.
                Leena and Faris are indeed princess but does being royalty mean you're a chosen one automatically in some kind of cosmic destiny sense?

              • 2 months ago

                I think you're being a bit pedantic.
                Even before the rug gets pulled out from under him Cloud is only a "chosen one" in the sense that he's (supposedly) part of an elite group of super soldiers that puts him far above the level of the average person and he has personal history with the big bad.
                The twist is that he ends up being a literal nobody that never made it past being a rookie troop and who Sephiroth couldn't care less about, he has absolutely no business being involved in any of this.
                Butz still has "heroic blood" flowing through him, he's directly related to someone who once helped save the world and you could argue that gives him the responsibility to pick up where his dad left off.
                Cloud is just an actual nobody.

              • 2 months ago

                Alright, fair, I'm mostly just trying to think in terms of literal fate/prophecy/cosmic forces pushing somebody onto a given role, I'll admit there is a difference between a nobody who just happens to be walking by and gets involved in the plot, and a nobody who happens to be the son/etc. of someone actually important and connected to the powers that be.

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah I think Butz is kind of an apt example because his story in 5 is the exact opposite of Cloud's in 7.
                He's initially presented as a well meaning everyman in over his head before it's revealed that oh he's a descendant of a Dawn Warrior who once dealt with the threat he's currently facing now so it's like his destiny or something.
                Cloud starts off like that and then gets stripped back down to the well meaning everyman in over his head.

              • 2 months ago

                Thematically, royalty means holding a divine bloodline. And this isn't a tongue and cheek "they were blessed with success", it means they possess a link with the gods because they are direct descendants of them; Nephilim, if you will. And in terms of Shinto and general pagan theology, that also leaves open interpretations of them being reincarnations of the gods. So yes, characters being of royal descent designate a special purpose thematically.

              • 2 months ago

                Well yeah ultimately the real "big bad" as far as the big picture is concerned is Jenova, but we don't really get anything out of her she's just kind of an unknowable entity because the story isn't about Cloud stopping Jenova it's about Cloud trying and maybe succeeding in stopping Sephiroth (which is, again, kind of ambiguous in the original game - especially with how much it punches down against the characters in its second half)
                And while it's true that some FF's don't have traditional chosen one storylines they still have a way of making sure the protagonist is special and important - in 5 and 8 you're the descendant of the heroes that saved the world, in 10 not only is that also still the case but you're what all the spirits of that world are relying on to save them and in 6 yeah Terra isn't really that decisive but she's still the main driving force of the story for a lot of the game, it's not like there's much to the main story in the WoR anyway.
                And that's of course ignoring games like 1, 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 15 and 16 where the protagonists are overtly prophecized chosen ones or recognized by some kind of higher power.

              • 2 months ago

                The old narratives of Final Fantasy wasn't about being a chosen one. It was that your main character was "unique enough" to perhaps overcome the odds. VI especially wasn't a chosen one narrative as Terra was not foretold nor came with any revelation. She was a union of love between espers and man such as Kefka is a manufactured union of man, technology, and esper insanity. No one in the game knew the events will turn out as it is.

                7 and 9 isn't any better. 9 is only a case of Zidana/Kuja but not Necron and Memoria. Tidus only had a hand in the fact his dad had some ambiguous agency for sin to finish a job his generation started.

                put your trip back on

                >you are somebody I know
                Let me guess? Barry? Larry? Harry? Isn't that the 3 boy villains from V and VI?

              • 2 months ago

                >VIII you're a nobody mercenary,
                Said mercenaries were being trained to fight the big bad though

              • 2 months ago

                >X you have a connection to what's going wrong in the world but ultimately are really just another nothing special nobody
                I mean he's special in that he's one of the two Aeon dream people (the other being Jecht) to wind up in the real world

              • 2 months ago

                until cloud remembered it wasn't Zack who defeated Sephiroth and became whole with who he really was. The entire plot was about realization to actualization of self instead of the lie. Zack was only influential to a degree.

            • 2 months ago

              Eh, even in OG FF&, Zack was written as a pluck good guy. I don't think Cloud would have turned out the same with just any other SOLIDER, because the rest of them we see as the series goes along are all weirdos who act like aliens.

    • 2 months ago

      >Cause that's a video game unlike any other, you're not out there saving the galaxy or whatever, going to space to fight a big evil alien god.
      you didn't even play the game, spic

      • 2 months ago

        Maybe it was a bad example to use because on a textual level yes, that is what you are doing in Final Fantasy VII - my point was more that the game spends a lot of time drilling into you how hopeless the whole situation is and how powerless your party is to stop it because you're just a bunch of randos.
        Yes you do fight an alien, but it's not like you go to Jenova's planet and fight a big alien leader as the final boss who has some super overcomplicated motivation for why they're going around destroying planets.
        That's the kind of thing other Final Fantasy games would do, but FFVII is content with not giving you the bigger picture because ultimately the characters aren't really important enough for that - they try their best and in the end we don't even really get to know whether or not it was all for nothing.

        • 2 months ago

          Read your statement carefully - do you think any company would have the balls to do that these days? Everything made these days, AAA or otherwise, will flat out tell you player what is happening in the ending and would never give you a 5 minutes ending scene of just music and action, culminating in a prologue where it's left ambiguous if your hero's lived or died, or even succeeded in their mission. Even back in it's day, the ending pissed a lot of people off.

          • 2 months ago

            >Read your statement carefully - do you think any company would have the balls to do that these days? Everything made these days, AAA or otherwise, will flat out tell you player what is happening in the ending and would never give you a 5 minutes ending scene of just music and action, culminating in a prologue where it's left ambiguous if your hero's lived or died, or even succeeded in their mission.
            So FF XVI?

          • 2 months ago

            You just described XVI

    • 2 months ago

      the frick are you talking about? FF7 is about saving the world from a big evil alien god.

      7 isn't ballsy at all, if you want ballsy go for xenogears or vagrant story

    • 2 months ago

      >you're not out there saving the galaxy or whatever, going to space to fight a big evil alien god.
      oh so you didn't play ff7 or even pay attention to who jenova or sephiroth are or who aerith is and what her power is or what the Lifestream is

  20. 2 months ago

    stop being playstation exclusive

  21. 2 months ago

    How do you determine popular?

  22. 2 months ago

    their issue is their big advantage over everyone was huge production values and story. Now multiple studios do this. What made FF special is gone and all that reminds is the remaining nostalgia for the brand name. Unless they make a AAAA super game which would bankrupt them, FF will remain at this same popularity level.

    • 2 months ago

      >Unless they make a AAAA super game which would bankrupt them, FF will remain at this same popularity level.
      tabata has funding and saudi clout
      se will never have his level of financial backing

  23. 2 months ago

    The brand and gaming marketplace are diluted compared to the late 90s/early 2000s.
    The thing is, Final Fantasy isn't this huge grand RPG experience anymore - there are a lot of those out there now for every itch that people want to scratch. And what do most people want to do? Play battle royale games, GTA5, or Skyrim. FF was even niche for its day, but it was a unique and kind of blockbuster experience back then. Now it's competing with every other AAA RPG that offers whatever environment you can think up. How do you break out of that mold? I'm not sure - I loved Rebirth and thought it was fantastic; it's not flawless, but it was a great game. That being said, the last Square game I played since Remake/Rebirth was FF9, so I really can't speak to what they've been up to the last 20 years.

    • 2 months ago

      >And what do most people want to do? Play battle royale games, GTA5, or Skyrim.
      In other words, to be as popular as Fortnite, Square has to get rid of the story and simplify combat even further. Something like Tabata XV meets a nu-Zelda game. I can see that working but Square makes games for producers to express themselves, not players though.

      • 2 months ago

        There's talks of a battle royal FF7 Remake game though.

  24. 2 months ago

    >stop with the FF7 wank
    >stop tying to make a mini franchise out of a new entry
    >get some Sakaguchi level ideas guy who can come up with a creative setting
    >they can use anime style or just something less graphically demanding so the games don't take a decade to come out
    I dont really care about arguing turn based or real time combat, I think they should just alternate between the two

    • 2 months ago

      >make it tranime slop
      great input.

      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago

          it's okay, keep seething.

      • 2 months ago

        >make it tranime slop
        >as if ff was never anime
        >as if ff 2-16 was not always anime
        >as if with each release up until the disaster that was 15 the franchise was not anime
        Way to out yourself as a zoomer.

        • 2 months ago

          every other ff is a disaster compared to xv and xv is anime af you tard

      • 2 months ago

        final fantasy has always been anime you mongoloid

      • 2 months ago

        FF got popular because it was anime

    • 2 months ago

      >>stop with the FF7 wank

      I was happy for VII Remake if only so Squenix could get it out of it's system and move on. But apparently it's going to be 4 years until the last of Remake's trilogy. Can you fricking imagine the if the original VII released like this? Waiting 8 years for ONE story to complete? FFVII launched in 1997. I would have ended in 2005. Completely different era. Games like VII seemed like they were already relics by that time.

  25. 2 months ago

    maje a good one (they won't)

  26. 2 months ago

    Go back to turn-based and hire writers that can actually write a coherent story.

  27. 2 months ago

    Doesn't it kinda boring doomerposting about Final Fantasy? I know some of you homies are boomers who've been doing this since XIII released.

  28. 2 months ago

    It won't happen. They are terminally terrible, the last game with soul was FFX, their terrible streak is old enough to drink. You don't come back from that.

  29. 2 months ago

    make ffxi but with ffxvi graphics

  30. 2 months ago

    by adding REAL TIME SEX

    • 2 months ago

      tifa paizuri minigame

  31. 2 months ago

    I feel like a lot of what made FF such a revolutionary series became old hat. It's kind of like Street Fighter in that regard. You'll never get another Street Fighter as monumental as Street Fighter II. They can still make good games but you're not going to get the same response where the whole gaming world freezes and stares in awe.

  32. 2 months ago

    By making another SOP

  33. 2 months ago

    Make an even WORSE game. It seems all shitty games sell the best so just keep making them worse, if they can.

  34. 2 months ago

    They had a chance at creating a decent amount of hype by letting people finally save Aerith, they chose poorly.

  35. 2 months ago

    Who is even the target demographic for the series now

    • 2 months ago

      gigachads yearning for more Nomura kino

    • 2 months ago

      the producer

    • 2 months ago

      30-40 year old boomers still chasing the high they got playing VII-X as 9 year olds

      • 2 months ago

        That's largely why so many are claiming simply making it turn-based will make FF popular again. They're completely out-of-touch, even more-so than Square Enix themselves.

      • 2 months ago

        Honestly that wouldn't be so bad if they actually tried that.

      • 2 months ago

        we wish.

  36. 2 months ago

    Less focus on graphics and cinematic experiences and more focus on content. I'd rather have a FF game that uses non-realistic art style but is full of content and stuff to do, like how they did with the star ocean 2 remake or something. They don't need to use sprites +high def backgrounds, but they could definitely play around wit modernized pre-rendered backgrounds and non realistic models or something. Anything. I guarantee it would do very well if they pair it up with some good combat mechanics. But that won't happen, shit is dead.

    • 2 months ago

      >Less focus on graphics and cinematic
      My dude, FF has been doing that since fricking FFVI, youre insane and delusional if you think they are going to stop NOW.

    • 2 months ago

      RPGs have been doing anime art style+an absolute fricking assload of content since the PS2 era. It's not only possible, it's what we all want, but it's more profitable to shit out a hyper realistic turd than something good.

  37. 2 months ago

    Why did you turn cloud orange?

  38. 2 months ago

    >How can Square make Final Fantasy popular again?

    • 2 months ago

      if you put on an event just for FF2 the same amount of people would show up

  39. 2 months ago

    zoomers and gaming newbies only knowing the Final Fantasy name from a fricking MMO legitimately makes me sad

    • 2 months ago

      why would you expect any different when the only other FF games available to them are trash or nostalgiawank aimed at boomers?

      • 2 months ago

        How can it be aimed at boomers when those games are nothing like the original. At this point no one knows what any of the Remakes are for, except consumers.

    • 2 months ago

      awww boo hooo let me play on the world's smallest violin, fricking b***h ass homie

  40. 2 months ago

    First of all, what the hell is a Final Fantasy story?
    I keep seeing politics, self-determination, transcendent morals and inherited traditions, fun with crystals, sex with crystals or whatever but I can't argue for any side unless I actually see someone explain it.

    • 2 months ago

      crystals, an evil empire, a guy named cid shows up to build an airship, kill a god at the end, etc.

      • 2 months ago

        ultimecia is not a goddess THOUGH

    • 2 months ago

      It's when the Warrior of Light (the good guy) kills Chaos (the reason why everything sux). Chaos is empowered by the goddess, and the Warrior of Light is blessed by the crystals. But sometimes these elements shift in understanding.

    • 2 months ago

      >Final Fantasy is a series by Squaresoft (now Square Enix) best described as a ragtag group of unlikely heroes learning about their world and their place in it. Personal growth stories. Crystals also play a role in these stories as small as in FFII with the Crystal Rod, or as large as FFXV and FFXIII where crystals define what characters can and can't do. Though not every unlikely hero is playable, their growth takes center stage in both gameplay and story, which is why you have Jobs, character classes, and changes in ability acquisition systems every entry or so. Combat systems also tend to differ from entry to entry. Games also use physical appearance to show that strong changes in character have taken place for certain characters, like Kain in IV and The After Years, Garnet in FFIX, and the l'Cie brand system in FFXIII. No matter what the worlds look like, there is always a mix of magic and technology influencing the setting.

      >Now, there are two 'main' strands of Final Fantasy games.

      >Games by Kitase and his people (Nomura, Toriyama) strongly focus on interactions within the player party, and by seeing characters develop, you learn more about the world and the events that go on in it. Characters tend to drive the plot as a result and by uncovering themselves do story events move forward leading to many plot twists and turns. as is the case in the XIII 'Lightning Saga' trilogy. These give these games strong emotional impact, which is what X is especially known for.

      >Games by Matsuno and his people (Yoshida, Maehiro) instead focus more on warring factions affecting the player party, and characters develop separately from lore. In these games, characters act in response to political intrigue with long in-game history, which what drives the plot. You also get some commentary here too, like with the Yugoslav Wars and Square company culture as in Tactics, or even some nation building in response to migrant diasporas in XIV.

      • 2 months ago

        Fricking finally

      • 2 months ago

        That writing style... Why does it...

        • 2 months ago

          Oh, you do know. I see.

          It's thorough but
          I through V isn't here.

          The author was playing through the entire FF series to in an effort to understand it. I'm assuming they (?) played them by now...

          • 2 months ago

            That writing style... Why does it...

            Ok who wrote this then??

          • 2 months ago

            >The author was playing through the entire FF series to in an effort to understand it.
            He doesn't necessarily play games for story but for interaction systems. He will get really into it if the story's good though. I read what he wrote on a Fire Emblem game and how the story was portrayed through game mechanics. Wasn't proofread at all but I liked it anyway

            Ok who wrote this then??

            Nta but he did nothing wrong.

            • 2 months ago

              Oh, you do know. I see.

              The author was playing through the entire FF series to in an effort to understand it. I'm assuming they (?) played them by now...

              >the author
              I said fricking WHO IS THE FRICKING AUTHOR

              • 2 months ago

                Triggered. It's always so fun to play with newbies.

              • 2 months ago

                You don't know who Stellagay is?

              • 2 months ago

                Ok a name. That gives me a good lead.

              • 2 months ago

                Before some autists (I'm also one but I'm hiding power levels) come in and unnecessarily ruin the thread, I will tell you who he is since you appear to be asking in good faith.

                Stellagay is a new fan of Final Fantasy, who was a fan of Fire Emblem, Xeno, Sonic and assorted SEGA games, and a fan of Gen Urobuchi, Clamp manga and shows like Kamen Rider. Xenogears is his favorite game, but then he discovered The World Ends With You and then got hooked on everything Square. He watched the 2011 Versus 13 trailer and picked Dragoon in FF14 because of Aranea poledancing in it, and then played Type-0.

                Stellagay did notice that something was off with 15 discussion and tried to chronicle 'what happened to Nomura' in the form of two big writeups, describing how changes in Square and bigger changes the video game market rejected his "fantasy based on reality" that was Versus 13, in favor of 15 directed by Tabata to the praise of journalists and other people who don't play RPGs very often which was short lived. Sometimes he would join in time and again, making hype threads for 16 because it was a chu2 version of 12, his favorite FF game.

                Stellagay judges a game's merits based on its battle system but will consider it a great game if the story's good, which is why his favorite FF games are 12, 7, the 7 Remake trilogy, Bravely Default (which I found surprising), SoP, 5 and 6. Last I checked he was playing the other FF games so he can develop a stronger opinion on the rest of the franchise starting with FF1, but then said that he was also going to play The Last Remnant, Legend of Mana and Unlimited Saga next because Hiroshi Takai worked on them and they have strange systems. He also played all three 13 games to completion despite hating them very much.

              • 2 months ago

                >The Last Remnant, Legend of Mana and Unlimited Saga
                They all suck though

              • 2 months ago

                As opposed to?

              • 2 months ago

                If Barry were here I would have posted everything else along with Stellagay Writeup Side Green and Side Black just to shut him down. That's my duty as a Whisper! Call me Thoughts-anon.

              • 2 months ago

                >He also played all three 13 games to completion despite hating them very much
                Kek he also hated 10 too

              • 2 months ago

                And yet he never played any Kingdom Hearts game after 1 Final Mix. Stellagay is hardly a fan of Nomura by any stretch of the imagination. Why worship a fake Nomuragay?

              • 2 months ago

                >worshipping Stellagay
                It's not worship I just agree with him lol. I never would have learned that Bravely Default was by the Steins;Gate guy until I discovered the writer was the same. Nomura, Urobuchi, Hayashi are all chu2. He just likes that kind of story I guess

              • 2 months ago

                >12, his favorite FF game
                Terrible taste
                >Calls himself Stellagay
                Terrible taste again

            • 2 months ago

              >I read what he wrote on a Fire Emblem game
              Holy shit, that was him?

      • 2 months ago

        It's thorough but
        I through V isn't here.

      • 2 months ago

        by Kitase and his people (Nomura, Toriyama) strongly focus on interactions within the player party, and by seeing characters develop, you learn more about the world and the events that go on in it. Characters tend to drive the plot as a result and by uncovering themselves do story events move forward leading to many plot twists and turns. as is the case in the XIII 'Lightning Saga' trilogy. These give these games strong emotional impact, which is what X is especially known for.
        ff royalty
        except for toriyama he's a hack
        change kitase to tabata
        demote nomura to background texture designer
        promote nakazawa
        supreme ff
        by Matsuno and his people (Yoshida, Maehiro) instead focus more on warring factions affecting the player party, and characters develop separately from lore. In these games, characters act in response to political intrigue with long in-game history, which what drives the plot. You also get some commentary here too, like with the Yugoslav Wars and Square company culture as in Tactics, or even some nation building in response to migrant diasporas in XIV.
        no romance
        no adventure
        no camaraderie
        no fun
        all just pointless arguments and debates on rerousces or some shit no one gives a crap about
        matsuno maehiro minagawa arent even from square anyway
        not ff

        • 2 months ago

          >demote nomura to background texture designer
          What the frick Bazza

    • 2 months ago

      The consistent throughline across all the games is that they're about how humanity as a collective can come together to defeat a greater evil.
      The specifics of it get muddled with each game but you're always going to find something like that in there.
      That's why the games aren't about one guy killing a big bad, they're about four guys killing a big bad.
      The gameplay mechanics feed into the narrative in small ways like that.

      • 2 months ago

        What do you think about the Warriors of Light in I being condensed to a single person, and I guess Strangers of Paradise too as an extenstion?

        • 2 months ago

          For FF1 it ultimately still works since that messaging mostly comes across with the way it's structured around gaining favor with a bunch of locals who then help you get further in your journey.
          A solo Warrior of Light may be the one going around killing all the monsters but the people in Cornelia are the ones who had to build him a bridge so he could keep going.

    • 2 months ago

      >I keep seeing politics, self-determination, transcendent morals and inherited traditions, fun with crystals, sex with crystals
      >sex with crystals
      More surprisingly cowboys. Someone said all the best Final Fantasy games felt like cowboy movies and spaghetti westerns but I forget exactly what their argument was. I'm not even sure if they explained it...

  41. 2 months ago

    Making enjoyable games would be a good start.

  42. 2 months ago

    All they have to do is have the designs be created by nomura, written by taro and directed by Kojima. Simple as

  43. 2 months ago

    make a crpg

    • 2 months ago

      The c stands for crappy

  44. 2 months ago

    I know it.
    You know it.
    They know it.

    • 2 months ago

      Hah. He also liked Xeno very much. Xeno, Fire Emblem, Sonic the Hedgehog, Shenmue, and then Final Fantasy. SaGa and Mana are next on his list apparently.

  45. 2 months ago

    I think they were going in the right direction with 15 until all the bullshit started happening. I never been so hyped for a FF game after seeing the first trailers.

  46. 2 months ago

    I pray every fricking day that Tanaka gets to make another MMO

  47. 2 months ago

    Drop the Gackt fashion once and for all.

  48. 2 months ago

    >make 2 great real time action battle systems that everybody loves for spinoffs
    >hmmm we want to make FF games with real time battle systems now should we use these?
    >no lets keep trying to make new ones that nobody likes

    • 2 months ago

      mitsunori takahashi is a hack
      takeo kujiraoka is a hack
      yuji abe is a hack
      masanori sato is only good for vehicular interactions
      kanemori should work only with yuji kanbayashi and nakazawa to make accessible and intitive combat growth systems
      gambits and paradigms all suck

      • 2 months ago

        Okay, you asked for it.
        >TL;DR for Stellagay Writeup, Side Green (Part 1)
        >The green image AKA Stellagay writeup Part 1 (picrel) talks about the events in Square Enix that caused Versus XIII to turn into XV. Crystal Tools and mismanagement turned XIII and XIV raging dumpster fires that almost killed the company under Wada, forcing the Versus team to be split across any and all Crystal Tools games to make development easier.

        >It mentions the Crystal Tools graphics engine and how it affected development. It also talks about how trying to get mass-market appeal affected gameplay (changing from a more complex KH2 like battle system to the simpler one we see in FFXV).

        >Nomura's team was constantly taken away to finish XIII, then XIV and then help again with ARR. His game was never in constant development like some morons think it was, because more than half of the time he didnt even have a team. With no team or deadline he thought of new ideas like any director would in that time to keep the ball rolling. Square restructured like 3 times during that period and in an effort to fast track production; they told Nomura to start working on both Kingdom hearts 3 and FF7 Remake. All the production work done thus far was given to Tabata with Nomura overseeing the transfer. Tabata who unfortunately was a layman of a director and a mediocre one at that.

        >Tokyo Team anon's comments
        >I'm surprised Stellagay didn't pick up on this but other KH2FM/Versus team devs worked on XIV or under Yoshi P during Endwalker apart from Ohdachi and how many other KH2FM devs that weren't former FFXI team members also worked on Parasite Eve 2 when all of them were known as Square's Osaka Team. Yes, even the guy who (note, no longer) works at DeNA for Pokémon Masters after wasting his battle design talent in XV after KH2FM and early Versus is from Osaka, everyone's former favorite battle director Yuichi Kanemori

        • 2 months ago

          >TL;DR for Stellagay Writeup, Side Black (Part 2)
          >The black image AKA Stellagay writeup Part 2 talks about why changes were made to pander/appeal to the Western (North US American) market and how they ensured success and the longevity of the FF brand along with how Nomura felt about these changes.

          >Nomura was incredibly pissed that the original, dark and chuuni as frick Versus 13 was dumped for making a product with mass market appeal thanks to changing sensibilities in the western market, as such, he included links to the corporate politics that led to it in Kingdom Hearts 3 via Verum Rex, an in-universe video game. Stellagay speculates the next game will be Verum Rex and it'll be a retelling of how the internal corporate politics of square that led to the downfall of his baby (Versus).

          >Stellagay says that Versus 13 was decringed into 15 to save the Final Fantasy brand at the cost of removing everything Nomura wanted to put in it in terms of story and gameplay like the Kingdom Hearts combat and all the dark shit you saw in 2000s anime which became cringe in 2010 so it could sell outside of Japan and save the Final Fantasy brand. It made Japanese games semi okay because it saved Square financially but Forspoken is now the fruit of Nomura's pain and suffering.

          >XIII turned off a lot of consumers, it was expected to be a BIG success and a lot of money went into the trilogy. Nomura wanted Versus to be a more "serious" story about contemporary modern day problems [compare: FF12, Vagrant Story, 14, 16, Code Geass, Gundam, Death Note] but SE felt this was too risky, would cut out certain markets like China and risk being another failure. XV was made readily appealing to FF fans and fans in general and overall it separated itself from XIII. But the sales were not good enough and consumers didn't stick around while long time fans felt the game was lacking. Elements of Versus got recycled into KH3 and Nomura took cancellation of the project hard.

          • 2 months ago

            >Nomura wanted Versus to be a more "serious" story about contemporary modern day problems [compare: FF12, Vagrant Story, 14, 16, Code Geass, Gundam, Death Note] but SE felt this was too risky, would cut out certain markets like China and risk being another failure
            that's why nobody cared about versus
            it was boring old political crap and muh edge and muh violence
            tabata's story of the four heroes of light on a road trip was better

            • 2 months ago

              >that's why nobody cared about versus
              >it was boring old political crap and muh edge and muh violence
              >tabata's story of the four heroes of light on a road trip was better
              This is the word criticism of Nomura's vision I've ever seen.

  49. 2 months ago

    I'm about to start FFIX after my discs got stolen 24 years ago. What should I expect?

    • 2 months ago

      >"wtf are you talking about its not been that lo-"
      oh man...

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >What should I expect?
      The epitome of everything that defines a *REAL* Final Fantasy.
      Nothing more, nothing less.

  50. 2 months ago

    This thread has already veered into the usual FF thread fate so I'll say my piece and dip since it'll follow the same formula as all the other anyway. You wanna know what's really killing FF? Playstation exclusivity. Simple as that. Say what you want about muh turn based. Muh RPG elements. Muh story changes. The fact of the matter is, is that FF is doomed to stagnation so long as they shackle themselves to the ball and chain that is PS exclusivity contracts. It doesn't matter how many 90 and 100 review scores they get it doesn't matter. I bet you if Rebirth was PC, Xbox, PS5 and maybe PS4 if it was possible, it would 1000% be one of the highest selling FFs in recent memory imo. If a 92 MC and 9.0 user score isn't enough going back to turn based absolutely won't be enough. Don't let anyone on Ganker trick you into believing people actually give that much of shit about changing the core formula. Yakuza fans can attest to that fact. Now don't get me wrong I'd love to see a turn based FF again with XVI tier production values because it would be interesting but I'm not some tard who genuinely believes returning to that is FFs only shot at stardom again like some anons will unironically claim. Move away from exclusivity keep the quality at or around the 87-92 MC/OP range for most titles and you'll see FF start looking like the average Capcom release again.

    • 2 months ago

      >thread fate

      If Barry were here I would have posted everything else along with Stellagay Writeup Side Green and Side Black just to shut him down. That's my duty as a Whisper! Call me Thoughts-anon.

      Why did I read this in Axel's voice

  51. 2 months ago

    Go back to this artstyle and aesthetic. No more hyper realism shit that looks uncanny. Final Fantasy looks weird these days. It isn't full blown realism so it can look very strange to look at. The fantasy part of FF has been sorely lacking for a long time.

  52. 2 months ago

    First of all, they need to stop chasing american audience

  53. 2 months ago

    >Remove boring mmo side quest
    >Hard mode from start
    >Fun party members like old ff games
    >Antagonist need more love the ffxvi main antagonist sucked
    >Release a full game

  54. 2 months ago

    stop chasing western normies. Final Fantasy will never put up the numbers it used to. It's best to cater to its old fans as much as possible. That means:
    >turn based
    >world maps
    >sense of adventure
    >focus on linearity and storytelling
    >romance a critical part of character interactions
    >anime-lite asethetics and no modern anime tropes (that's persona's job)
    >most importantly budget planning. No massive bloated projects that need 6-7 years to complete. Focus on pumping out games every 2-3 years but also remember not to underbudget and overuse chibi/pixel slop.

    I don't think Square has the talent anymore. They have the technlogy but not the personnel.

    • 2 months ago

      I would play things with these features

    • 2 months ago

      your franchise will just die. you can't rely on old fans. they're old.

      • 2 months ago

        zoom zooms play games and even watch movies on their cellphones
        If you want to make PC and console games, you have to make them for old people

  55. 2 months ago

    >turn-based meme
    >Black folk think making FF turn-based will magically make its pacing and progression systems not dogshit
    why tho? what makes you think they wouldnt frick up a turn based experience? Octopath 1 was a fun experiment. OT2 was a boring and uninspired 'sequel' that learned nothing from OT1

  56. 2 months ago

    >turn based
    Play dragon quest morons

  57. 2 months ago

    >le turn-based.
    Get the frick outta here. Rebirth's combat is literally the best FF combat ever conceived, and in the top 3 of JRPG combat. I will not be gaslighted nor brainwashed into pretending FF7 OGs combat, or any other FF's combat is better. As someone who's played FF7 OG and other FF's I can attest to that. Anyone who's saying so is only doing so for nostalgia reasons, and not because turn-based combat is actually better and should happen.

  58. 2 months ago

    If I want good turn-based games I just play Trails now. Final Fantasy doesn't cater to me as an audience anymore. The only thing left from them that I enjoy is Final Fantasy XI, but now it's on official maintenance mode because of Yoshitpiss.

  59. 2 months ago

    Hire someone with an actual vision instead of a dude that only knows how to chase current trends.

  60. 2 months ago

    I stopped caring about FF when it stopped being turn based. I got plenty of action games I can play, but good turn based JRPGs are few and far between.

  61. 2 months ago

    every turn based game devolves into
    >1 healer
    >1 buffer
    >1 deuffer
    >1 nuker
    >buff your guys
    >debuff their guys
    >stack everything on your 1 homie who can nuke
    >finish fights after 1-3 attacks, after 1-5minutes of setup
    >spam X to effectively auto attack to victory
    yes, i have played 57 turn based games

    • 2 months ago

      Ff turn based games
      >Spam your strongest attack

    • 2 months ago

      >if you follow the flowchart on how to play a genre well, you do well
      Huge if true

  62. 2 months ago

    needs to stop trend-chasing and return to form. DQXI S proved people still play RPGs
    also stop pozzing up games.

  63. 2 months ago

    >4 homies in a row
    >turn based
    >forget EVERYTHING you know and think you know and want to know about action combat
    there, the past 20 years of FF flops entirely forgotten

  64. 2 months ago

    No stagger bar, please.

  65. 2 months ago

    what evidence is there that people will buy a turn-based AAA rpg more so than an action one

    • 2 months ago

      They keep harping on about personal without going into the benefits turn based has for the presentation which caries the series as finally discussed earlier on in the thread for like the first time.

  66. 2 months ago

    Just iterate on j-action kino oh and multiplat launch

  67. 2 months ago

    guess that ship sailed bro

  68. 2 months ago

    Remake should have been anime style.

  69. 2 months ago

    Get Matsuno to make another Ivalice title

    • 2 months ago

      matsuno is a hack
      all he writes about are boring politics in boring rooms
      ff is about adventure not about who gets peas and who gets corn

      • 2 months ago

        >t. filthy corn eater

        • 2 months ago

          what about salt tho

          frick off stellagay
          xv is better than game of thrones ivalice
          noctis does kingly things
          and the story matters because HE EXPERIENCES THE POLITICS FIRST HAND

          • 2 months ago

            kings eat their vegetables you filthly corn eater

            • 2 months ago

              clive died a kissless virgin

      • 2 months ago

        what about salt tho

  70. 2 months ago

    Make FFXV-2

    • 2 months ago

      they weren't even able to finish the first game lol

  71. 2 months ago

    More fishing.

  72. 2 months ago

    Tifa Strife

    • 2 months ago

      >that black shirt
      frick censorship

  73. 2 months ago

    sell more than 2.2m for starter

  74. 2 months ago

    by following in FFXV's footsteps

  75. 2 months ago

    Post the writeups Thoughts-anon

  76. 2 months ago

    Stop trying to appeal to people who don't like jrpgs.

  77. 2 months ago

    thread complete

  78. 2 months ago
  79. 2 months ago

    I wouldn't mind another shot at 13's Frutiger Aero aesthetic.

  80. 2 months ago

    Zoomer here, why are millennials so obsessed with popularity and numbers?

    • 2 months ago

      Because FF used to be within the relatively smaller pond of gaming, a institution that if you had any awareness of things outside your own sphere you at least recognized Cloud.
      The only way to try and convey that these days with the death of the mono culture is via numbers.

    • 2 months ago

      >says the generation obsessed with youtube views and steam player counts

    • 2 months ago

      Because the series I liked and weren't popular don't exist anymore, something you never experienced as you were born yesterday.

  81. 2 months ago

    Thanks Barry for coming in right at the end and spamming the thread really obviously. Now I can just use this in the future when people doubt you exist.

    • 2 months ago

      go back to gamefaqs stellagay

  82. 2 months ago

    I don't know if turn based is the answer but I think the series simply hasn't felt exciting in a long time. Too reliant on its past ideas, the same summons, the same enemies, boring worlds.

  83. 2 months ago
  84. 2 months ago

    Hear me out. I hate Ivalice. Everything is muddy brown, combat sucks, and muh politics. XII is second worst only to XV.

    • 2 months ago

      Bitch, XV is a fricking joke. I finally got a chance to play XII and I'm legitimately blown away by how much better they handle everything. The war story, the politics, the context behind everything, the background for the world, the characters, the atmosphere, the presence of the military and how the world reacts to it, the charm... this is Final Fantasy.

      I went in with such low expectations after years of people shitting on it, and just being depressed after XV and thinking SE couldn't make a good FF to save their life after X, but holy shit. what a ride it's been so far. The pace is impeccable, seriously. It moves fast, but you're never lost. Thing are explained clearly to you--I'm genuinely surprised how much I've absorbed and understand about the world, considering all it's complexities and how I've never been familiar with Ivalice before.

      Seriously frick XV! Playing XII now confirms how dogshit XV is. Also, the combat system is fun and I'm enjoying playing around with gambit system. At least here I can follow what's going on and encounters can be challenging. I'm excited for what this team brought to XVI.
      t. never played the MMO

      • 2 months ago

        This is exactly how I feel about XII, I wouldn't say it IS Final Fantasy because what it is is a large budget Matsuno game and Matsuno always did its own thing with his own Ogre series before his company was bought and incorporated into Square to work into FFT, but holy frick the world has such a lovely level of detail paid to fricking every single part of it down to the bestiary entries that you unlock and make the world even more interesting by giving you more lore on -everything-.

        • 2 months ago

          nothing matters in the world of xii
          vaan and penelo have no control over shit
          ashe is a total cuck who lost her country
          everyone bows to noctis, ignis, gladio and prompto
          frick off already stellagay

          • 2 months ago

            >ashe is a total cuck who lost her country
            Black person are you moronic? That's like the most common storytelling trope, a prince or princess off to reclaim their kingdom. But to you it's now a cuck. Holy shit your porn addiction melted your brain.

  85. 2 months ago

    SGUARE should had just made "vs. XIII" instead they ruined all good faith in order to become the FF14 company

    • 2 months ago

      Should I describe to you what Nomura's endgame is?

      • 2 months ago

        Yes. Unironically.

        • 2 months ago

          >What is Nomura's endgame?
          >There is an effort by Square to forget that XV under Tabata ever existed.

          >Tabata already gave FF the status it used to have in America so he pretty much did what the suits asked him to do even if Tokyo Team anon is furious they made the writing MCU tier. This allowed Nomura to come back onto the spotlight with 7R even if it was essentially assigned to him against his will.

          >But moment they found out XV's momentum was flagging and Project Athia wounded profits in 2018, they kicked him out. Considering that new fans kept associating Tabata with XV since 2016, they probably thought it would be in bad taste to let it continue so they cut him off and dropped him just before Episode Ardyn. They're probably only letting Forspoken out on the open world so Luminous Productions wipes their hands off the project that Tabata kept on talking about for years after XV's release.

          >At the same time though everyone suddenly asked Square Enix about Versus in those surveys and Nomura suddenly added the Verum Rex trailer in KH3. With him suddenly leading multiple projects in supervisory positions and even getting promoted internally things seem to be looking up for him, and in the FF11 interview between Nomura and the producer that got released today no mention of XV is made in any form whatsoever even if he was credited as creator.

          >Forspoken looks underwhelming, I'm surprised that S-E didn't cancel it. Unless they're trying to recoup the costs that were spent on Luminous engine and the formation of Luminous productions.

          >I think that's exactly what they're doing. It's squarely aimed at the XV demographic, but unfortunately the entire reason why Forspoken exists is the same reason why NEO TWEWY and 7R didn't do as well as Square Enix expected: because serious anime plots with lots of meaning and good and substantiated political commentary is cringe, and vidya like MCU movies exist for spectacles and nothing else.

          • 2 months ago

            >I thought about something similar before. Assigning a mobile/handheld developer on a AAA project with already troubled development was moronic. But having Tabata be a scapegoat for it's failure totally makes sense.

            >It's just weird to me Tabata went into FFXV with the mindset "even if we fail it's OK" when he started changing it into a Westernized open world kusoge as if it's some indie project he's experimenting with. There is also that insane marketing campaign that practically shoved FFXV down everyone's throats. S-E is really run by a bunch of monkeys.

            >Did you hear about the theory with the legacy of Tabata's XV being actively covered up?
            >I mean, Tabata left SE and took some people with him. I would be surprised if anyone would want to defend his legacy as the opportunity he got to direct a mainline FF game was a huge honor. That he would just leave and take some talented people with him, no doubt hurt SE, even if it was an amicable parting. I personally don't believe the talk that he was fired, but I do think that the way the FFXV DLC was canned after he left meant SE was ditching whatever direction Tabata was taking his team and sending it in another direction. And with Nomura still a powerful force at SE, I'm sure he'll be very happy to help everyone forget about that time so he can redo things the way he always wanted to.

            >Kujiraoka: This costume was actually from Versus XIII's costume...
            >Nomura: Wait are we allowed to say that name?
            >Kujiraoka: Yeah, it's ok.
            >Nomura: Because before it was not allowed...
            >Hazama: Uh, it's complicated.... but it's ok now.


            >This memory holing is even [happening] likely because Nomura has been getting so much power and pull within the company, [so Stellagay says] NEO and SoP getting his final sign off on every aspect are indicators of influence and more likely making a team being set up for bigger things.

            • 2 months ago

              >What is Nomura's endgame? (Blocked by Suits)
              >Why is Nomura so unlucky? hasn't he done enough for square? hasn't he given them kingdom hearts? hasn't he created an iconic jrpg style? hasn't he contributed to ff7 significantly?

              >Because people want the opposite of what he makes. They want simple handholdy stories with simple handholdy combat systems. The Tokyo Team battle system was scrapped to praise from Tabata, journalists and zoomers alike. And the original Nomura-authored political conflict was taken out and 15 was successful because it was 'made less anime'. SoP and Days were shat on for making people experience negative emotions and drama that got in the way of their gameplay.
              >Note: You can argue that 16 still hasn't captured the elusive American/European mainstream market for this reason (aka breaking 5 mil like 15 did). This market calls the above KH nonsense.

              >Edgy and dark still really isn't cool enough for the mainstream. I saw someone on Twitter say that RPG fans will only play Final Fantasy games if it had the combat system and writing of Borderlands and the aesthetics and quips of a Marvel movie. Even Zelda has too much plot for people who don't play Japanese games. Square will do anything to become as big as Ubisoft even if they shouldn't.

              >People don't want a good RPG; they want a lame power fantasy with fancy presentation. All hype, no substance.
              >That's why Versus XIII was retooled into XV.

              • 2 months ago

                >What is Nomura's endgame? Re:located
                >Square Enix will relocate its main office to a new building currently under construction in the East Side Square of Tokyo's Shinjuku ward. Construction is expected to be completed in April.

                >Nikkei BP says the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest developer/publisher will move from its current headquarters in another part of Shinjuku to the new building some time in summer.

                >Square Enix was previously based in Tokyo's Meguro ward, but the company moved to Shinjuku in 2004. Famed composer and former employee Nobuo Uematsu previously claimed the move was spurred by a fortune teller's prediction.

                >"[Square Enix CEO and president Yoichi] Wada took a couple of locations to a fortune teller named Pao," said Uematsu. "Pao said the Meguro space was not going to bring any fortune to the company, and pointed to Shinjuku. That's why he decided to move it there. I heard this directly from Wada."

                >Reminder that XVI also features an emperor who is himself ruled entirely by fortune tellers. Ask an old Square Enix employee and they will know what Yoshi-P meant by that.

                >Nomura knows this too.

              • 2 months ago

                NEW WRITEUP
                >What is Nomura's endgame? (Dividing Good Hires/2 Teams Or More In Their Early Days)
                >There are theories that Nomura is making use of a power vacuum at Square ever since the 2 CEOs + Tabata left. Koichi Ishii [of Mana] told him to cement or maintain SquareSOFT's old culture for a new generation before he put up Grezzo.
                That's why Nomura stayed.
                >Nomura has big plans for Square in and out of KH. He plans to take control of it and make it a safe haven for younger devs like what he did with KH1, Dissidia, TWEWY and Versus each time. Even the 7R games are him just sending design documents his apprentices to work on.
                This happened with Kingdom Hearts, this happened with Dissidia, this happened with Versus and to some extent the Osaka Team is this too.
                >What he needs to do is to get his old KH team members stuck in CBU1 that only recently got senior positions (Mitsunori Takahashi and co), move them to CBU3, rehire Yuichi Kanemori and make Versus under Yoshi-P, Maehiro and Nojima clashing in the writers room for another trilogy.

                >Kingdom Hearts
                >Younger FF (7 and 8) devs who did some work for 9/10, Legend of Mana, Chrono Cross
                >Now I know why he's playing those games

                >Osaka Team
                >Younger KH devs /also/ mixed with people from Musashi 2 who wanted to please the boss by making 3D CoM

                >Younger KH devs who only worked on KH, a few from FF11

                >Versus 13
                >Nomura reportedly looked for people who worked on 7 and 8 but never got lead positions on purpose
                >KH but 2FM hire Masanori Sato was immediately promoted to Lead Battle Planner under Yuichi Kanemori (then unceremoniously moved to the Regalia when Nomura was removed)
                >Younger half of Dirge devs, some stayed on 13 but did not work on 13-2 including future SoP director Daisuke Inoue
                >A large crop of FF12/SaGa devs including Gambit system dev Takashi Isowaki
                >Some FF11 devs like Nobuyoshi Mihara
                >Devs from Team Gyromancer/Last Remnant lumped in with Kawazu devs like Masato Yagi

              • 2 months ago

                >Koichi Ishii [of Mana] told him to cement or maintain SquareSOFT's old culture for a new generation before he put up Grezzo.
                >That's why Nomura stayed.
                So the whole reason Nomura's stuck at a company blueballing him is because someone blueballing him told him to make things better?

              • 2 months ago

                >someone blueballed before told him to make things better?
                I need to revise that but I'm sure Ishii got removed from Mana for reasons similar to Nomura + Versus/15.

                >ashe is a total cuck who lost her country
                Black person are you moronic? That's like the most common storytelling trope, a prince or princess off to reclaim their kingdom. But to you it's now a cuck. Holy shit your porn addiction melted your brain.

                >porn addiction
                ...dare I ask

              • 2 months ago

                >What is Nomura's endgame? (Dreamgame Development Denied)
                >CEO asks you to direct KH3 and assign a guy who helped you make CCFF7 and T-0 to co-direct your other game
                >You cannot make a trilogy and have to compress the game into a single entry
                >You fight with the CEO since you worked your ass off and you really want to finish this passion project
                >He lets you work on the project a little bit more and tells you to watch E3
                >"Wow a fricking FF7R remake that's cool"
                >Directed by Tetsuya Nomura
                >You are removed from your 'weird' and 'dark' passion project to work on 'more lucrative' products
                >Be told Tabata will faithfully finish the project provided you can fit your vision into a single game
                >He doesn't
                >Develop KH3 with a shitty engine that barely fricking works only to delay it because of said shitty engine
                >Everyone blames you since no one has a fricking clue about how shitty Square management is
                >Meanwhile you are forced to direct FF7R
                >Outsourcing is so bad you take it upon yourself to develop 7R in-house due to the love for the game
                >15 releases and it's completely different from your vision. You hate is so much you make VERSUS references left and right in KH3
                >Meanwhile Disney fricks you over and over again with extremely heavy restrictions
                >KH3 releases but it's not what many expected thanks to mismanagement, restrictions and juggling development with another equally as huge AAA game
                >You are so angry about VERSUS you want to make another game which is kind of sort-of a reference to it but isn't as ambitious and dark as VERSUS would have been
                >Get news that FF7R has a new director to help you out

                >Tabata got fired. Luminous dissolved. Kitase is too busy with FF7 and Nomura has two directors on FF7R-2 to watch his office for signs of Kitase looking for him.
                >Nothing can stop Nomura. He's making a game about an angry man, one that's as angry as he is. Angry about Versus. Angry about Chaos.


              • 2 months ago

                >What is Nomura's endgame? (Part 3)
                >He's definitely fantastic at what he's good at, but I'd like to think by now he also recognizes both his shortcomings and the particular strengths the company has. From the things already said and done with how he's gotten the right writers and developers for the right projects and those comments about him trying to pull together a particular team, that very much seems like the case, and even reminds me of a certain recent SE protagonist with a knack for leadership. (This is Kanade Rindo from NEO The World Ends With You (TWEWY)).

                >The comments about how [Nomura is] trying to reform Tokyo Team as well as aiding on all these different projects not by managing them himself but by finding and placing the most talented people for them in that position and assisting them in getting to that path is not unlike the leadership style Rindo shows especially at the end of the game, where his awareness and understanding of the qualities and relations of each and every one of his allies and the capacity to connect them is what allows him to put in motion the plan that ultimately reawakens the city.

                >There's likely more parallels to draw from, after all the game prominently features people from Shinjuku encroaching upon Shibuya but settling their differences, and even Rindo himself from the start of the game is very adverse to taking responsibility and putting himself out there to make decisions out of choice paralysis and the fear of what could happen, instead just drifting along and passing on details that could be crucial.

                >After all, imagine you got the chance at a project that could be everything you want to make and have it taken from you due to all kinds of circumstances, while your other prized project is subject to all kinds of corporate meddling.

                >That sort of thing might make you never want to take such decisions again, at least for a while.

              • 2 months ago

                >What is Nomura's endgame? Limit(ed Filesize, So Two Games and Half My Team Got) Cut
                >When Versus XIII was cancelled, Nomura's heart found a home in CBU3 and suddenly took Naoki Yoshida twice during the production of Shadowbringers and Endwalker, which is why KH2 battle planners, programmers, designers, modelers and artists joined the FFXVI team. The Nomura Tetsuya we know at CBU1 is Xamuron Sexyutta, his angry Nobody.

                >And Versus was itself sundered into Shards:
                >Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin
                >Kingdom Hearts 3 and 4
                >Final Fantasy XV and Forspoken
                >Final Fantasy VII Remake, Rebirth and Regame 3
                >NEO The World Ends With You
                >Final Fantasy XVI
                >Verum Rex
                >Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers and Endwalker (webm and RPR job related)
                >All complement one another. When they reunite the market will remember and ask, "When is Versus XV?"

                >That means Nomura should join CBU3, the disciples of Yasumi Matsuno and have Maehiro and Akiyama work their magic at a political narrative with high octane Nitroplus drama. We will have our late night anime kino.
                >And Masanori Sato, Takeo Kujiraoka, Shuichi Sato, and Shigeyuki Ohno at their side. Nomura and Tokyo Team Full Control is imminent.

              • 2 months ago

                >Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers and Endwalker (webm and RPR job related)
                Weapons, Eden, gunblades I get but Reaper is Nomura too?

              • 2 months ago

                >What is Nomura's endgame? (Part 4)
                >Pay attention. The rule of good writing is to show, but not tell, and Nomura knows that.

                >It's not telling Jack that he'll remember the past, but that he will be *forced* to, and that that makes him a liability because he chose to ignore it and has immediately started feeling the effects.
                >The only "telling" part in terms of a narrator insert is how it echoes and reflects Nomura's thoughts on the Versus XIII situation.
                >The line in question which is before the "liability" remark is awful and stands out as a conversation the characters absolutely wouldn't have.

                >"Hey, Nomura-kun. We need to have a talk. Now that Kitase and Hashimoto can't protect us from Matsuda like what happened with Wada, Versus XIII is a liability. You depended on your tenure to keep it in development."
                >"In other words, you'll be forced to do your favorite thing: acquiesce."
                >"Uh-oh! Well, it was nice knowing you, Tetsu!"
                >"Shut up. [Laughs] I don't care about any of that crap."
                >"If it's not Versus XIII, making Versus XIII, or edgy and dark, who cares right?"
                >"Wrong. All of that's just background noise. All I care about is-"
                >"Finding something to replace that purpose you lost?"
                >"You got it. I need a game - something to create. I'm nothing without a story to tell."
                >"I wouldn't say that."
                >"It's a matter of principle, you wouldn't understand. [Laughs]"


                This is Nomura's story. There may be one more chance.

                Harness the burning anger.

              • 2 months ago

                NEW EPILOGUE
                >What is Nomura's endgame? ReMIND:er.
                Reminder that this is the heroine of XVI.
                The bottom is the heroine of Versus XIII.

                They know. Just a reminder to stay pissed.

            • 2 months ago

              >What is Nomura's endgame? Part 2
              Where's What is Nomura's engame? CoM or whatever wordplay you come up with

              reminds me of the whole Itsuno situation going on with DD2.

              It happened to DD2 too!? Itsuno at least stayed from the start didn't he

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                >What is Nomura's engame? 1, 2, 3 and 4
                >Dividing Good Hires/2 Teams Or More In Their Early Days
                >Blocked by Suits
                >Dreamgame Development Denied
                >Limit(ed Filesize, So Two Games and Half My Team Got) Cut
                You really don't recognize the references do you anon
                >come to think of it the mobile games along with CoM didn't get referenced too

          • 2 months ago

            >7R didn't do as well as Square Enix expected: because serious anime plots with lots of meaning and good and substantiated political commentary is cringe
            FFVIIR isn't serious anime plot with meaning and good substantiated political commentary.
            Even calling the OG that is already stretching it, and I love the OG.

            It did bad because it's not faithful to the OG and it's split in N parts while also being a timed exclusive.

  86. 2 months ago

    reminds me of the whole Itsuno situation going on with DD2.

  87. 2 months ago

    What's the point of this topic? Who in their right mind, with a >80IQ, cannot easily tell what was obviously wrong with FF15 ?

    People always trying to find excuses. They are less talented than before. FF isnt the problem, the problem is Square Enix. if the SE higherups were smarter they would have better vision, hire better devs, make a better worflow. They re just bad

  88. 2 months ago


    The whole experimental side of FF is interesting to think about. Arguably it used to work because new games came out regularly. You don't this game? Next year they'll try something else. But now with games taking so long to come out if you don't like this game you might just write off the next since it won't come for so long, why even bother give the series any attention.

  89. 2 months ago


    It's not the graphics that made FF7R suck, it's the multiverse bullshit and the false advertising.

    • 2 months ago

      pretty sure the graphics dont do it any favor either.

      • 2 months ago

        I know, but I don't think there would be any controversies if it was just about the graphics. Everybody knows that SquareEnix fricked up with that remake but everybody beats around the bush, turn based vs action rpg, realistic graphics vs "anime" style graphics, those that like the new sidequest and padded content vs those that don't, when the real problem was that they've advertised a remake and really sold a sequel with a moronic plot, now you have shills everywhere arguing in bad faith because they know SquareEnix has actually nuked a good chunk of their reputation over this.

  90. 2 months ago

    Just make Final Fantasy again. Not the video game equivalent of trannies trying to pass.

  91. 2 months ago

    everyone in this thread should commit suicide, you are all the most pathetic worms to ever have the misfortune of crawling this godforsaken earth

    • 2 months ago

      you go first

      • 2 months ago

        I'm not a scumsucking troglodyte moron like yourself so I have no reason to do so

    • 2 months ago

      Shut the frick up you c**t

      • 2 months ago

        no, have a nice day

        • 2 months ago

          keep crying b***h

          • 2 months ago

            won't make you any less of a shiteating SPED kid

            • 2 months ago

              cry me a river b***h

  92. 2 months ago

    By bringing Yasumi Matsuno back and/or releasing Tactics 2. The other guys have no fricking idea

    • 2 months ago

      They couldn't make another Ivalice game even close the the old titles anymore even if Matsuno came back. Basically everyone else is gone now.

    • 2 months ago

      >Tactics 2
      Bro tactics 1 wasnt even ported to pc, they couldnt do 2 even If they wanted

    • 2 months ago

      >Tactics 2 would make FF popular
      Unless it had waifu dating shit like FE or UO it would not be popular.

  93. 2 months ago

    >hire good writers
    >return to a real party system
    >keep the balance between action and RPG elements when you choose to do an Action RPG
    >don't make everything too easy, add some challenge
    >keep making great soundtracks
    >good graphics are welcome but not if the game doesn't run smoothly
    >release a complete game at launch

  94. 2 months ago

    >Barry vs. a Whisper of Stellagay again and it's Thoughts-anon
    This wasn't a fricking data battle. They're real...
    >captcha: RPGOP

  95. 2 months ago

    Make more PS1 and SNES era games again, you know the shit that followed up III's fame and put the series on the pedestal it had up until XIII and the films pushed it off. Stop appeasing non-fans basically and coast off low-cost titles, it's pretty fricking simple.

  96. 2 months ago

    Fire all the Kindom Hearts related hacks, cause people liked those games because of the Disney games and not because of the fricking moronic plot, and go back to making actual JRPGs with motherfricking turn based combat. There's a reason why Dragon Quest has been rising in popularity while FF has been declining hard instead.

    • 2 months ago

      I don't think we'll see them return to turn based. They probably think "if they want turn based we also have DQ or Octopath" while FF is the franchise that needs to take risks in the hope of striking gold.

    • 2 months ago

      >There's a reason why Dragon Quest has been rising in popularity while FF has been declining hard instead.
      Yeah Dragon Quest didn't have his own Lightning Returns Trilogy followed by a MMO and a dead spin off turned into a main tittle that ended being shit too and then a devil may cry game with a FF coat.

      • 2 months ago

        >then a devil may cry game with a FF coat.
        At least that was kino. The Versus influences certainly helped.

        • 2 months ago

          The point is that Dragon Quest went from 8 being an excellent game to 11 another excellent game, nobody played or cared about 9 and 10 was an Asia only MMO, imagine if instead of that we got a trilogy based of Nevan from Dragon Quest 6 followed by many other disasters.

  97. 2 months ago

    1. Don't make the protagonists early 2000s Emo band members
    2. make a good game

  98. 2 months ago

    Give Jack's game a sequel with the same cast and voice actors.

  99. 2 months ago


    >Nomura hired writers from Final Fantasy 13 to become the new head writers of Kingdom Hearts 4 onward.
    No he hired people from NEO TWEWY. Toriyama technically hired KH2 writers for FF13

  100. 2 months ago

    Cut about 90% of dialogue and cutscenes out, make it fun and light people are sick of melodramatic “political dramas” with real world issues superimposed, cute and pretty young cast of fun and witty characters, and some actual fricking color for once would be nice.

  101. 2 months ago

    Just keep making remake DLCS with ff7 chars
    Sure they will only sell 1M+ but they are easy to pump out

  102. 2 months ago


    >But I want Nomura's career to be hurt. He needs his ego to get a beating. Same to the other old guard staff.
    Let me guess, Tabata fan?

    • 2 months ago

      He has to be. Even Matsuno fans are gearing up to like KH now that XVI's out. They're learning about the Tokyo Team.

      Tabata fans have a strange hatred of Nomura.

      • 2 months ago

        It's odd. I remember Barry wanted Nomura and Yoshi-P to die while Tabata would replace them in a hostile JP Games-led takeover of Square.

  103. 2 months ago


    >They would need to hire talent with fresh ideas.

  104. 2 months ago

    >How can Square make Final Fantasy popular again?
    1) Take off Nomura from whatever he's doing right now and force him to make FFXIII Reboot on gunpoint.
    2) Eventually release a complete FF7R collection that completely removes any mention of time jannies and/or alternative timelines
    3) Scrap any plan for any remasters, remakes, reboots, prequels, sequels, spin-offs and DLCs, aside from the 2 aforementioned titles.
    4) Focus on the mainline series.
    5) Set FF7REBIRTH as the example to follow for every subsequent installment, in everything ASIDE for the story.
    6) Start focusing on style and atmosphere, rather than muh next-gen AAA uber-realistic HD graphics (or worse, on muh FPSs).
    7) Start releasing complete games.
    8) Stop pandering to casuals, westeners and normalgays.
    9) Focus on main story and disregard boring hunt-fetch quests.
    10) Bring back the controllable airship.

    • 2 months ago

      >FFXIII Reboot
      P.S.: I mean VERSUS Reboot of course

  105. 2 months ago


    >I'm glad Tabata is gone.
    Deflecting lmao you just want more hold O to win button mashing systems and shallower stories of muh friendship, at least Fukazawa's going to help Nomura set that against class divide and warring houses Heavensward style

    • 2 months ago

      >Fukazawa's going to help Nomura set that against class divide and warring houses Heavensward style
      Wait, Missing Link is KH HW? News doko

  106. 2 months ago


    > I hate the old guard of Squaresoft because they keep doing divisive things
    Divisive for whom?

  107. 2 months ago


    >I sincerely genuinely hope all of Square Enix's future projects fail. Don't care if it's spiteful, but I really genuinely hate FF7 Remake especially how they ruined characters like Barret.
    I know what you mean, and I hope the same too. I don't want them to be able to ruin another game they've made like they have done with this remake or what they're planing to do to Final Fantasy 10.

    • 2 months ago

      >I know what you mean, and I hope the same too
      Can you anon explain what he means? I don't really follow...

  108. 2 months ago

    Why so many deleted posts

  109. 2 months ago


    >Should I describe to you what Nomura's endgame is?
    I don't give a shit anymore because even if Nomura's "endgame" ever happens, it will be after I reach my *endlife*.
    He finally had the chance to make it. Nobody was stopping him anymore.
    But nope! To him it was more important to waste another 10 years on yet another CringedomFart slop.
    Even if I live long enough to see Versus XIII be released, and even if it turns out to be the best game ever made, i will PIRATE it and review-bomb it just out of spite of this fricking LIAR and TRAITOR.

    • 2 months ago

      If that were the case where the hell are the news about KH4? We still know nothing after 2 years...

      • 2 months ago

        kh4 marketing will start this summer (rumor sora is showing up in the movir inside out 2 as a cameo) there is also d23 in august

    • 2 months ago

      >versus XIII
      It released eight years ago, moron. It’s called XV. Get over it.

      • 2 months ago

        If we're being specific versus XIII never came out, and never will.

        • 2 months ago

          No it came out in 2016 but it was renamed XV. It’s all you’ll ever get of vXIII so just accept it and move on.

          • 2 months ago

            I don't care about versus XIII or XV, but it is a fact that versus XIII never came out.

            • 2 months ago

              It’s a fact that you’re wrong. It’s also a fact that versus XIII was renamed to XV and came out in 16.
              Let it go.

              • 2 months ago

                You are objectively wrong, but whatever lets you sleep at night, anon.

              • 2 months ago

                Enter final fantasy versus XIII into any search bar and you will be redirected to XV. Because that’s what it became. It’s over. Accept it.

  110. 2 months ago

    the reason ff isn't selling well any more is that the brand has 0 meaning to gen z
    its purely surviving on aged milennials buying the games

  111. 2 months ago

    They could stop making it look like a teenage girls fan fiction and perhaps go back to sprites.

    • 2 months ago

      >going back to sprites
      that would be a quick suicide

  112. 2 months ago

    Square is cooked. They have no idea what the frick they're doing anymore, hence resorting to the FF7 remakes. And they're doing a terrible job at that. At this point they're hoping people are the most mindless consumer of cattle and will just buy whatever they shit on their plate. And people do.

    This company literally released FFXV at full price and had no problems with that. Should that not speak volumes?

  113. 2 months ago


    There won't be a FF Versus XIII. What remained was used for FFXV and maybe something will be used for an improbable Verum Rex game.

  114. 2 months ago

    Black folk

  115. 2 months ago

    >How can Square make Final Fantasy popular again?
    The main, real, N°1 reason why FF has gone to shit is that they NEVER RELEASED A COMPLETE GAME after 10.
    It's that simple.

  116. 2 months ago

    make it sovlful again

  117. 2 months ago

    Final Fantasy is fricking doomed. SE cares too much about:

    >too many useless cutscenes where the characters don't say anything important

    Both of this shit costs money and doesn't usually lead to a fun game.

  118. 2 months ago

    >we want to appeal to a wider audience
    >despite turn based rpgs being much more casual friendly than action games
    were they really just mad that westerners were bullying them in the 2000's

  119. 2 months ago

    if they made it good instead of bad, that would be a step in the right direction. not sure how they haven't figured that one out yet.

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