How do you feel about killing off a player's character?

How do you feel about killing off a player's character?

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  1. 1 month ago

    If character death is a part of the game, then I have no problem with it when it comes up in gameplay.

    • 1 month ago

      This, but there's no reason why OP would actually acknowledge it.

  2. 1 month ago

    Don't like it, but it is essential for running the kind of game that breeds cautious and cunning players. I try to avoid it, and I have to stop myself from pulling my punches. But in the end the threat of death keeps them engaged and prevents them from playing stupid. One of the more memorable sessions we had was when the players realised that "they aren't walking away from this one", and both IC and OOC steeling themselves for death. It was a good session, couldn't have had it if the threat wasn't real.

    • 1 month ago


  3. 1 month ago

    feels bad man but ive steeled myself for it with all the other reprehensible stuff ive done

  4. 1 month ago

    Indifferent. I don't seek it out, but I'm trying to run games where the risk of character death is a real threat. When it happens, it happens.

  5. 1 month ago


    Any, you contentious crybaby

    • 1 month ago

      not an answer, moron. some games expect character death/permanent retirement like CoC. Others are more heroic and character death is an extreme outcome of a situation gone horribly wrong. the system defines the context of your disingenuous question. so what is it?

      • 1 month ago

        I run like 20+ systems and I recommend being lethal when you have to be in all of them. Please complain more, homosexual

        • 1 month ago

          nobody asked you how many games you run, you question dodging rat b***h. I asked you what system should this question be framed around.

          • 1 month ago

            Your insufferable attitude is going to get you nowhere with me

        • 1 month ago

          And "lethal when you have to be" is a sliding scale depending on the system, moron.

  6. 1 month ago

    Cruel but necessary.

  7. 1 month ago

    Depends on the cause of death. If they get killed because of bad rolls, I feel kinda bad. If they get killed because they fricked around and found out, I feel mildly amused.

  8. 1 month ago

    It can feel like a gut-punch sometimes, but it's a memorable event and builds respectability for your setting and characters. I've never had any real issues with my characters dying, even opting to auto-fail a resurrection roll at one point because I felt like narratively, his job was complete. Without meaningful consequence hanging over your party's head, it can become too easy to coast and make a joke of the whole thing. I wouldn't want to play with anyone who is overtly attached to a singular character, my table is always coveting new character concepts as backups in case something happens to their current one.

  9. 1 month ago

    It's cool to see players handle a death well. Not just for PCs but NPCs. My group had a friendly Ulrican traveling with them who fell helping lift an attack by the undead on a small town, and they not only made sure to cremate him (this being Kislev), but saw to it his remains were brought to a proper Ulrican temple so he could receive proper rites and burial in a Garden of Morr.

  10. 1 month ago


    The one you play you dense motherfricker, why would he ask about how you feel playing a system you don't actually use?
    Then pick one, homosexual, or talk about all of them. The way you come in every thread with your shitty one liners is worse than a shit thread, at least that can be salvaged into some sort of discussion, but your posts are a waste of space forever.

    As of now I'm playing L5R and I'm open to killing off characters if it comes to it, after all being prepared for death is half of the point. In cyberpunk I killed off a dude who just barged into a gang hideout, took an SMG burst in the chest. He asked for it so no concessions and no pity. Another one in the same campaign was brought to the brink of death but the player had to go, so I just took his char out of the fight and left it at that.

  11. 1 month ago

    depends on what snacks they brought

  12. 1 month ago

    It's a combination of funny and tragic when it happens, but it can and does happen if they make bad decisions or aren't lucky.

  13. 1 month ago

    I've been on the receiving end of making a character, fleshing out his backstory, and having plot beats you want to touch on only to die in the first encounter of the campaign. After that I sat through the rest of the session and came back next week with a meme character.

    • 1 month ago

      That's the thing, there's an inverse relationship between lethality of a system and roleplay focus, which a good GM should keep in mind. With that in mind, anyone can get unlucky. I'm not playing dnd, but i'm coming up on four years of playing the same character, and in retrospect dying in the first session would have been a huge disappointment in retrospect. And there's still character plots/beats that are left to touch on

      I've done the same with meme characters in OSR style campaigns once I lost a character three sessions in a row, on the other hand.

  14. 1 month ago


    >Question that doesn't pertain to one specific system because it's not system related
    >Be a moron and ask what system

    Nice way to out yourself as a nogaming homosexual, homosexual

    • 1 month ago

      have a nice day you homosexual tourist frick

    • 1 month ago

      If you're not discussing a specific game, your post does not belong on this board.

  15. 1 month ago

    I have my own rule of not killing characters during first session of their presentation, but since I'm becoming more and more a slow GM, I might apply this to their first combat (if it's not an important combat).
    Last time I saved two characters from certian death, one player got salty and demanded open rolls. I abide, but now I shall not care anymore for their safety and I hope they do something stupid and die.

  16. 1 month ago

    A game needs to be a game. Sometimes that's just how the dice roll. I think one of the biggest problems is people getting TOO attached to their characters anyways.

  17. 1 month ago


    I guess morons take another sensible thing to ask too far to the point it makes no sense.

    As for the topic question itself, I mainly play games where it's very hard for the PCs to die purely of bad luck, which suits me. If a player does something stupid and gets got, that's the natural consequences of their actions and I see nothing wrong with that. I do, however, hate that most games that keep death as a possibility also go "You always need to have that ever so slight chance that you just have to sit out the game for however long because of a string of dice rolls going against you, regardless of how smart you played otherwise."

    I've been on the receiving end of making a character, fleshing out his backstory, and having plot beats you want to touch on only to die in the first encounter of the campaign. After that I sat through the rest of the session and came back next week with a meme character.

    Yeah, too few games actually give you any recourse in the event of a single bad dice roll that your enjoyment for the evening is based on "hope the enemy doesn't roll a crit."

  18. 1 month ago

    Seems to depend on how many bad choices they made to get there.
    >bad gameplay, rash decisions, otherwise stupid player actions resulting in death
    >unfortunate rolls at critical moments, luck pushed just too far, otherwise playing the game well but taking risks and having adventure
    Also good but a different kind of good.
    >sheer dumb bad luck repeatedly spiralling
    Bad, probably worth assessing if I'm messing up as a DM somewhere.

  19. 1 month ago

    After playing an actual superhero system for a while, I have gained more fondness for consequences for losing that are more than just getting eaten by wolves or zombies.
    Playing a game where the characters more often just get captured or deal with the fallout of letting the villain escape does help encourage the players to actually take chances.

    Having death as the main failure state often means players either gravitate towards min-maxed characters to avoid dying at all costs, or they gravitate towards meme characters so they don't have to care when their character dies. Not always, but it is a clear trend, and I think games could really benefit from having other consequences and setbacks.

  20. 1 month ago

    I think if it's clear that a PC is about to die in a way that is unsatisfactory and unfun to everyone, including the DM, that it would be better to maybe dismember them in a way that gives them a permanent penalty. Keeps things interesting and doesn't make everyone feel like they are wasting time and the player is needlessly remaking a character.

  21. 1 month ago

    it is necessary as a believable consequence of PCs actions.
    >what happens if I get stuck in this remote and inhospitable cave system?
    >what happens if I get caught while sneaking into an enemy base with hundreds of them?
    both DM and Players should be aware and ok with death, because in reality is the only coin of change you have for creating tension, unless you have players who are genuinely invested in the setting and its inhabitants (99.99% of players arent). In which case you have far more ways to create tension:
    >preserving the life/well-being/freedom of npcs they care about
    >status quo

  22. 1 month ago

    Like all things that are not system specific, depends on the system and tone of the game.

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