How do you make this whole system just... Less meaningless? You don't really feel enough of a difference.

How do you make this whole system just... Less meaningless?
You don't really feel enough of a difference. Like if half of europe was following a branch of christianity that believes everyone must run around naked and have sex daily, there should be a more fundamental change happening in the world. Religions don't "react" to each other in a meaningful way beyond ghw, they literally just move around the map as countries conquer in and out, there's no solid place where you can say "this place is generally muslim" or "this place is generally christian", instead the ai is completely suicidal and gives 0 fricks about spreading or defending it's religion beyond holy warring it's neighbours and converting to random heresies

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  1. 1 year ago

    I dont think systems like religion should give you too much choice and let you do whatever they want, I think its fundamentally more satisfying if they instead take away choice and make you play in a specific and unique way

    • 1 year ago

      You underestimate both how well known "Ganker culture" is and how much sites like twitter, reddit and youtube influence zoomerspeak. Nobody watches tv anymore, the cool guys are youtubers now and kids try to emulate them

      • 1 year ago

        How in the frick
        This post was ment to be on Ganker

      • 1 year ago

        moron, but I'm saving this image so good on you

      • 1 year ago

        How in the frick
        This post was ment to be on Ganker

        >booru filename
        these things always go hand-in-hand

    • 1 year ago

      I agree
      It's like playing an rpg, it can be fun to go crazy but it's usually more fun to set character-relevant limitations (no stealing, no quests from opposed faiths or races etc.) to make you think outside the box.

  2. 1 year ago

    >the ai gives 0 fricks about spreading or defending it’s religion beyond holy warring it’s neighbours

    Oh hey just like real life.

    • 1 year ago

      >>the ai gives 0 fricks about spreading or defending it’s religion beyond holy warring it’s neighbours

      >Oh hey just like real life.

  3. 1 year ago

    Or the fact that like in CK2 all the religions were fundamentally different from one another and gave you or restricted access to specific things. In CK3 you can make a religion fundamentally identical to Islam as s catholic, nothing feels unique. I think it's moronic it's in the game at all for more formalized religions like catholic and Islam. Like sure, let people reforming pagan religions reform into whatever larp moron shit they want but Christianity and Islam should be more narrow. Also you only have access to 3 tenants, let people have more.

    Also why is it even in the game like no one ever "formed" their own religion in this period, sure there were herecies but they're all represented in-game so why even add in the ability to do this shit

    • 1 year ago

      Because Paradox is making games for redditors with no sincere interest in history beyond making memes to farm updotes with the community. The fandom has the maturity and tastes of a 13yo teenager, ever seeking the thrill of cheap events they can laugh at, not a simulation nor even epic historical fiction.
      Zoomers force their trashy humor into the center of everything, and we all suffer for that.

      • 1 year ago

        yeah its why they hate "railroading" so much, the "smarter" ones will complain about historical determinism

        • 1 year ago

          They miss that the enjoyment of these types of games, specially so CK2 and 3 where you are a defined character or dynasty, is to actually take part in history and those epic events you only read about in Wikipedia. Is fanfiction and even power fantasy, but still is one dependant on actual history and real world cultures and peoples.
          It was already hard in CK2, but in CK3 is even worse: You will see historical characters suddenly decide to embrace a nudist heresy, Europe with all its cultural momentum yield suddenly to some random nordic pagan (pagan religions never worked that way) and a hundred more of silly, absurd events that are completely separated from the context the games attempts to simulate.
          Yet this is what the community (at leas the vocal part of it) wants. A dumb sandbox with historical window dressings.

    • 1 year ago

      It's because the CK2 dlc Holy Fury let you mix and match doctrines when you reformed a pagan faith and people liked it. Then the devs thought "ok this is good let's make this mechanic accessible to all religions in the game," and now religion in the game is just a modular sludge all across the map.

  4. 1 year ago

    They went too far in with the sandbox meme that you customize everything but it also makes everything feel worthless

    • 1 year ago

      The system is good they just don't give you enough restrictions
      It's too easy to convert counties that follow a religion with different crime doctrines from your own. It'd be interesting if the crime doctrines all had acceptance mapmodes instead of being linked just to religion, but that's probably asking too much. Another way to do it could be to limit different religions out of having certain crime doctrines (i.e. no accepted of homosexuality for christianity), but I think the harsher conversion penalties idea would achieve the same thing without being insurmountably restrictive.

      They should also differentiate between male and female homosexuality, since a lot of religions did.

  5. 1 year ago

    Modifier stacking central.

  6. 1 year ago

    >same sex relations: accepted
    There is absolutely no way that even the most schizo christian medieval sect would have officially accepted such a thing.

    • 1 year ago

      out of all the shit they saw back then, what made sodomy so uniquely evil to them?

      • 1 year ago

        Apart from the very clear and (until relatively recently) universally accepted criticism of it in the christian scriptures, officially accepting such a thing would go against their promoted views on family.

        Sure, church prelates might have sometimes turned a blind eye when a powerful feudal lord had weird proclivities and enjoyed some favorite on the side, but it was always unofficial at best (and obviously still not seen in a good light to say the least) and the church would have still expected them to fulfill their marital obligations.

        • 1 year ago

          I would also add to your post that even germanics pagans had a very low view of it, some of them directly killing sodomites. The rejection of the practice on a moral level (and to a lesser extend, outright criminalization) is everywhere in the ancient world despite elites leaning into said vices from time to time.

          • 1 year ago

            Your add on was irrelevant to the issue at hand though, as I was only talking about the christian perspective to criticize the specific game mechanic seen in OP's picture (so absolutely weird to mention moral views of the ancient world or whatever)

            • 1 year ago

              It is relevant on the grounds that the majority of the core christian peoples in this time period were of germanic descent, thus, the capacity of freely add such a doctrine violates not only the religious perspective but also the cultural sensibilities of these nations.

              • 1 year ago

                I didn't criticize you on the germanic observation though. And one could argue that coptic and eastern roman christians were the true core of Christianity for at least the first half of the medieval period.

            • 1 year ago

              why you gotta act like a b***h dawg

            • 1 year ago

              t. sodomite

              • 1 year ago

                Nah, but such asinine comments more often than not become the catalyst for turning threads into something out of /p*l/.

              • 1 year ago

                There's definitely some homosexualry at work in your posts.

      • 1 year ago

        Because they didn't have real lubricant or condoms bro. Shit, they didn't even have great ways to clean your butthole. Imagine shoving your raw wiener up some dude's butthole in Caveman Times.
        The risk of infection for either person is simply too high to justify, so we evolved to have a strong disgust reflex to male homosexual relations.
        Things didn't initially get labeled "good" or "evil" at random, but generally by listening to our innate morality. Things like cannibalism or incest are gross, so they are "evil" too.

  7. 1 year ago

    >ai is gives 0 fricks about spreading or defending it's religion beyond holy warring it's neighbours and converting to random heresies's almost like the AI simulates self-interested feudal lords and not a hive of based and redpilled ideologues.

    • 1 year ago

      One needs to be an idiot to think that feudal lords were purely self-interested and worse, that they didn't actually believed their own religion. As greedy, cruel and ambitious as many of them were, even the most violent usually assumed the christian worldview as true, and would hear the mainstream priesthood regarding spiritual matters.
      Heresies being embraced without consequences is nothing short of stupid.

  8. 1 year ago

    The mana-ification of prestige and piety is one of CK3's biggest missteps

    • 1 year ago

      Weren't prestige and piety already mana in ck2?

      • 1 year ago

        Look at the CK2 wiki. There's things you could spend them on, but losing prestige/piety was mainly there as a form of punishment. Tribals an exception since they actually do use prestige as mana for things
        You also get bonuses from keeping it stored in the bank instead of how CK3 does it with you hitting upgrade tiers

      • 1 year ago

        Here's the difference:

        In CK2, prestige and piety acted mostly as a sort of "score." It was a representation of all the accomplishments and inheritance over the course of your life. When you gain prestige, it's because you hold a prestigious title, or do a prestigious deed. When you lose prestige, it's because you're doing something or something is done to you which is embarrasing, dishonorable, foolish, etc. and it shows through the opinion bonus mechanic. If you lose a little bit of prestige here and there by slipping on banana peels, it's not really going to take much away from the fact that you killed 30 people in single combat and crowned yourself King. But if you try to claim you're the descendant of Alexander the Great, then that +25 opinion it took you 30 years to reach is going to go down the drain. Your vassals will look at you more strangely as you throw the last bit of your clout away chasing a dream. If you view your prestige as clout, everything makes sense.

        In CK3 however, they disentangled the opinion bonus from the actual currency part. Now, nobody cares if you destroy 6 of your kingdom titles, since you have "fame" instead. Then, actual prestige itself behaves more like a currency than clout. Why does my ruler need to host a hunt for French people to develop a culinary culture? Why would my ruler declaring a war for a de jure county in Flanders prevent me from pressing a claim on the Kindom of Aragon until I host 8 feasts? It just doesn't make any sense.

  9. 1 year ago

    ck3 isn't a game. its a trashy sims medieval without all social interaction mechanics.

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