How does one come up with the idea of this weapon?

How does one come up with the idea of this weapon?
I'm not talking about playing it and how hard/easy it is, but just the concept and mechanics around it
A sword and shield that charges when you attack with it and you can store that charge in the shield and then on the sword but only after the shield has been charged and you can fuse them together and you can also release elemental power if you keep on charging it

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  1. 2 years ago

    creativity, being smart when it comes to mechanical details, and having enough of a good idea that the physical impossibilities can be handwaved by overall coolness. this is what people look forward to from japanese games and why western devs will never be able to capture the same level of ingenuity with their projects

  2. 2 years ago

    Too bad the game it was introduced in was shit
    kinda cool weapon, but 3ds babs killed this franchise

  3. 2 years ago

    It shouldn't have been in monster hunter. Switch Axe and Gun Lance were already too anime for the series.

    • 2 years ago

      Out of context it's extremely hard to explain, but it's basically just
      >so what if switch axe
      >but also sword and shield?
      I'm more interested in what they were smoking when they were making a glaive and said "yeah let's just include a big-ass bug, that makes sense".

      >too anime for the series
      So increasing your power level by dramatically sheathing your katana and charging up to kaio-ken x10 before hitting something with a big frick-off sword is all good, but transforming weapons are too much?

      • 2 years ago

        those moves with the katana werent in before Wold, maybe GenU but no one gives a shit about GenU
        only roundslash was in Tri
        and the Crutch Blade was introduced in 4U

        • 2 years ago

          >only roundslash was in Tri
          That is the move where you dramatically sheathe your katana, yes. There's also the ninja swords that you naruto run with when you aren't doing dumbshit spinning attacks in "demon mode", or the big ridiculous golf swings and charging uppercuts you can do with a hammer that by all rights should probably weigh at least half a ton, or the big moronic greatbow that shoots multiple umbrella sized arrows at once, and let's not forget the actual fricking (bow)guns that can shoot various shells that all do some wildly different shit. These were all in FU or Tri/3U at the latest depending on how well memory serves.

          The weapons have always been pretty fricking zany, you're using dumbass big fantasy weapons to hunt dumbass big fantasy wyverns. Acting like a weapon is "too anime" for the series means you're either a dour c**t who can't appreciate anything fantastical, or a homosexual who wants to gain internet cred by saying the game was better back in those early games he never actually fricking played.

          • 2 years ago

            They have always been zany yes
            Charge Blade is just another level of weebiness and troony shit

    • 2 years ago

      even if i don't mind "anime" shit, i'll give you switch axe because the phials (what the frick is a "phial" even? what's in it?) don't make a lot of sense
      gunlance however is basically just a big rifle with a bayonet, the only nonsense thing about it is the way you reload it, in a world where gunpowder, cannons and giant swords are a thing it's not actually that farfetched at all
      it only got anime when they turned it into a rocket engine that lets you fly around but at that point most weapons went crazy anyway

  4. 2 years ago

    >How does one come up with the idea of this weapon?
    Be Japanese

  5. 2 years ago

    Monster Hunter stopped being fun when the actual monster hunting took up over 25% of the playtime.
    The controls in MH1 were the best in the series. PSP babies killed the franchise.

    • 2 years ago

      PSP babies killed the franchise
      Tri babs tried to revive it
      3ds babs made it a rotting zombie
      World fetuses and Rise sperms brought in the meta gays

      • 2 years ago

        Tribaby detected.
        You guys are just as worthless.
        MH1 is the best game in the series and I regularly replay it.

        • 2 years ago

          Congrats, dude
          I prefer Dos, tho
          Underwater was kino, and 4U had the worst maps in the series.

  6. 2 years ago

    Start with the idea of a sword and shield and think about how to give it a unique gimmick and make it more interesting.
    >The shield is also a weapon but that would just dilute the basic sword game play and make the shield less effective
    So you make it so the shield is not always a weapon and allow the player to choose when it is.
    >The sword can go into the shield and become a slow axe but allowing the player to do that anytime makes it essentially just 2 weapons in one.
    So you add the charging mechanic to tie the two different weapons together and maximize their strengths. Give the sword and shield more benefit from being fast and blocking by getting energy that makes the axe stronger so the player wants to use both.

  7. 2 years ago

    conceptually seems close to tokusatsu autism

  8. 2 years ago

    The shield builds up energy trough movement and transfers it to the sword, like a charged conductor for a time.Maybe it's headcannon, but that's just vidya logic.

  9. 2 years ago

    >how about a sword and shield where you build up energy until you discharge it by turning it into an axe.
    and then they added the details from there and added shit in subsequent games

  10. 2 years ago

    SWaxe and CB are weapons who change type like a troon changes gender, literally troony weapons

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